FOR rent. Houses. v TO nVr FOR THE RENT. eleotXl-jrom .ho"-. with bath, toilet. ?iIIS. neatl,y -'nted walls; corner ? ?8(. per month .and deed you CSV P 'von.' th" nd f thB leae Jf nomr.Mv" Z'nt- taxe" a,ld insurance whP'ii. f""" Payments discounted tenant. rare cha,l,;,9 for a Kod . , , STRONG A CO., financial Agents. 605 Concord Bldg. Wfufnur?U MOVBS ,ou Uway - 1 KKW BUY AT NO-RUNT prices; the savins ed cost o( moving, saving eu nr-Se OUR OWN BUILDING; oC n-half; colsct rent on balance. MORUAN-ATCHL.ET FURXITURB CO. urand ave. and B. Stark, llione Bast StWOt FOR RENT, vj"' rooms and reception hall and modern except furnace; location right on cat-line; 2.: no-small children. ? 7",room modern. Including furnace, one block to car; flue home; $23. 1021 Hawthorne, cor. H. 34th; Tabor 518. MODERN house. ft rooms, furnace, elec tricity and gas. j:S0; also -room house, Clackamas and Williams ave.. $23. call at l Dekum bldg. . VERY desirable 0-room modern house $n3 jer rr- .nth; on Waverly carllne; 500 East 23d SI 1-lnJ key at 431 East 2;th. Correspond with owner. Mrs. J. J. Kenny. Leona. Or. BEAUTIFUL. 7-room home In Piedmont: fruit, flowers, trees and lawn; four bedrooms hot aJ cold water In two; only $40. 1210 Williams ave. WANTED Experienced girl for second work and to assist with care of two chil dren. 4 and 0 years old. Apply 715 North rup st.. cor. 22d. C-ROOM house, gas. electric light bath fruit. .Hi) East lid, near Halsey st.. Holla day Addition. FOR RENT 6-room Sunnyalde house. In good condition, close to carline. Vanduyn & W alton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT House. 789 Lovejoy st., full lot. 4 bedrooms, roses and fruit trees. In quire at 705 Lovejoy st., or 513 C. of C. 10-ROOM houwe. largo yard, good condition, modern Improvements. 344 E. 2d st N walking distance. Phone Woodlawn 713. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house at 30 East 11th St. North. Inquire at 78 East loth North. FOR RENT 7-room house. 20. or fur nished for $24. 400 Market st. Inquire Phone Main no2s. . FOR RENT 5-room cottage: electric light, bath, etc.; In minutes' walk-from Steel bridge. Inquire 435 E. 7th st. N. I-ROOM modern house, 104 East ISth st Phone East 2420. HOt SF. RENT for Summer free. See Greg ory. 418 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT 7-room cottage. 185 N. 21st st. furnished Houses. 8IX-ROOM flat, modern, new, completely furnished; reasonable to .reliable party J? rTnt 8 months begin May 1. 44 3dj ileal G A. 4g&X. EI.KUANTt.T furnished 9-room house, by;r,nt reasonable. Phone Seiiwood 103b. Three carllncs. 604 East 2Sd. A 9-ROOM modern house well furnished rent $30 per month. 012 Kelley st. Call Room 20, Mulkey bldn. NICELT furnished house, electric light, gas East s5thIt ii-iIn'0n aV8' South- Phone FOR RENT A B-room furnished cottage. corner, large lawn. 674 Washington st" MODERN furnished 6-room house. $25. Phone Woodlawn 1799. FOR RENT 8-room furnished house. 508 Broadway. Phone East 4872. m,?BL,T furnished 6-room house. Lath. gas. fine location. $24. 830 Fremont. FI VR-ROOM house, quarter block, frnlt. gar den, chicken-yard. Inquire 642 Morrison. Homes for Kent, Furniture lor Sale. - KS. 8-room house, bath, etc.. gas, fruit, chicken-house small barn, block from jar; nice neighborhood In Sunnyalde; rent !S. completely furnished; everything i'rVi .and re,8h:,E"od furniture; price 1275; terms If desired. F. J. RTEINMET2 & CO 193 Morrison St. AT SACRIFICE, furniture complete 7-room house; can rent houBe for $2f a month by taking furniture: 15 minutes- walk from postortioo: splendid view; by renting two rooms, can make rent clear. Call ru Cherry. Phone East U373. Take L car. SACRIFICE In new furniture 7-room flat close In: lease: extra rooms rented: strictly modem, clean and new; must sell quick. Phone Main 419 after 6:30 P M ".V) will .handle. . " T A LITTLE BEAUTY. 14 rooms, steam heat, clearing $no above expenses, reduced for two days from $14-00 to $1000: only $500 cash M RS. LENT. 430Vj Washington. f l.Tl'RB of 0-om' flat, very cheap. JI..0. new. rent $18. East Ankeny and I nion ave Owner. 705 Swetland bldg. Worth $400. Main 6944. MODERN 5-room house, $15: furniture for ule, all together or separately. OS Ruch tel ave. Phone. East 2172. WILL, trade S good lota for a furnished flat or rooming-house. See my attorney. 311 Com. merolal block. ROOMS, beautifully furnished; can make all expenses; central. Call Main 4S16. SNAP All or part furniture 5-room cot ' 274 Crosby. Rent only $4.50. ' Summer lie sorts. SEASIDE- bargain: brings good rental; will sell furnished cottage, fireplace. Mrs A T. Webb. E. 1619. B 1886. Stores. TO RENT for a period of 2 yvsara. base ment, second and third floors, with ele vator, brick building. 50 feet frontage centrally located on Front St.. suitable for warehouse or storage. Inquire at 14 and 16 Front st. FOR RENT Four storerooms In new three story brick, on Grand avenue, one block south of Morrison st. Rates reasonable Further particulars at Hirtman 4k Thompson. TO RENT or lease, new, modern building contains two flats ,and- two stores suitable for saloon or any business, corner E 6th and Belmont. Apply Colson, 425" Belmont. NICE, clean big store for rent, brick building 25x50, suitable for most any line of busi ness. Apply to Clemens & Keller, 7th and . GUsan sts. ' a STORE 23x84 on prominent street. West Side; new building; Sis. 824 Worcester bldg. STORE ROOM, rear of drugstore, corner 19th and Washington, basement and living-rooms, cheap rent; key at drugstore. A NICE store room, about 14x40 feef g-wd location. 872 Morrison, cor. West Park. OFFICE and half storeroom for rent' chean wholesale district. 44 2d St. FART of store to rent. 408 Washington St. Offices. FINE OFFICES FOR RENT t large, light front rooms In one of the best and most centrally located buildings In the city; rent Includes light, heat jani tor service, hot and cold water and is verv reasonable. AD 21, Oregoniar.. Furnished Offices. Desk Room. Suites. 303 Swetland Bldg., 5th and Wash. REAL, ESTATE OFFICE. Chamber Com merce, for sale; great sacrifice; large list low rent; must quit at once. B 40 Ore gonian. ' DESIRABLE offices for physician or dentist also physician desires dentist to share of fice. 201 Medical bldg. ""are or- OFF1CES. Buchanan block, 286 14 Washing toon, all modern appointments, best serv ices, low rents. DESK ROOM In furnished law office. 402 Commercial block. Second and Washington. GOOD desk room for rent to suitable nartv State business. L 47. Oregonla.n. DESK ROOM or office space reasonable convenient. 228 stark. Main 6338. FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bids' Apply Room 801. ' GROCERY STORE, corner, lease, rent al most nothing; good trade. 272 Starlc st. THREE- splendid large offices. Phoenix bldg., 8. W. cor. 5th and Oak sts. DESK ROOM witl phone for rent. 226 Allak-. " I . BIHSESS CHANCES. f BUSINESS PHvrv 1 . AT ONCE SPECIALS. 10 rooms, furnished nicely; rent $45: must go by the flrsl. as party Is leaving city; come quick; price $800; half cash. rooms, furnished; good; easily worth, iooo; rent $50; must go at once on ac count sickness; price $325; terms. 10 rooms, rent $35; will sell cheap or trade; price $70O; location is central to all, 10 minutes to 3d and Morrison sts SOS BOARD OF TRADE. Phone - Main 4453, A 1273. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD. S4 rooms, new. modern corner brick; ele vator, eteam heat, hot and cold running wai?r ? al.' J001- private baths and very r!eti1.yfrnishea: 6 lease; rent, in cluding heat and elevator services, only $400 $7500"" " W'" trade tor d fa-m. Price DIETZ-MTJELLER CO., 315-16-17 Ablngton Bldg. THIS IS A BEAUTY! 48 rooms, STEAM HEAT. ELEVATOR. u.y. modern In every way; PRIVATE 2?; ' LON'G LEASE and LOW KENT; tLKARS $250 per month-, THIS IS GOOD; W- ,t,ra.'io for gooa farm or city propeity or sell for cawh. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., S15-16-17 Ablngton Bldg. $2000 BUYS Best located confectionery store In Port land; will invoice and trade for income residence property, cash value; owner in ,nea,tl; $3500 secures swell grocery; win Invoice; tine location; doing fine; leav ing city; we have 12. 27. 40 and 100-room house, well located and making big money; let us convince you. Goldschmldt, 25314 Washington st. GROCERY STORE At station of St. John line. Very good lo cation and well established trade; 7 liv ing rooms with store; good stock and fix tures and 3 horses and 2 wagons: receipts ".1.about. 85 pcr day; wl11 invoice about .ooo; might consider selling half Inter A very good proposition, which will m'S? 'nvest'6ation. Kautfmann & Moore. 32a Lumber Exchange. GROCERY. WEST SIDE. Fine stock, up-to-date fixtures; large family trade, old established; cheap rent, r,Hied'S?-.?o nlce 1,,v,n om- lnBlJase price . $2,100; or will sell building and all S'TrlSWd0."' & Z'dW' 8" A.?R?iA.T SXA1? Furniture of 6-room mod "at: price onry $150; has gas and wood range. 4 beds, complete, dressers com modes, stands, dining-room set, dishes, etc. all complete; rent $25; near 14th and Columbia sts. : certainly a sacrifice H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 131 4ti St. LI?..,nanua.oturln8' business; this will !.e. fo,ySU " V?U Want to et lnto ness for yourself: only small amount of a. stan1!-'"; rfd:, a sood. clean buiin.s" hl P 8 a.rtlcle in "B demand; this will bear investigation and will soon go; don't delay If you want a business. Realty Brokerage Co., 918 Board of Trade. fS..;ALI' ON W- DUDLEY t CO.. mLKBRNS BLDG.. COR. 6TH AND MORRISON. MAIN 3039. . LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. 11-b iAo?t". Me1r5ntJ Agenoy (estab lished 1895) furnishes free information on opportunities in mercantile or manufacture inBllne"- elx-y or county. THB AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY 416 Ablngton Bldg. ; ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. Young, active partner wanted for half Interest in well-established business. $1500 will give trial before buying; will clear you 'r"m I'O td M0 per month. "oruss' & Zadow. 317 Board of Trade bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE SNAPS 16 rooms, clearing $80 per month, only 10 rooms, clearing $45, only $500; we hav others, all Bizes and price! F A Beard & Co. 326 H Washington st, room -la. M 4t29. A PRACTICAL INVENTION -sity. Every farmer, fruitgrower ?Jt.?,ainstlrmu9 uso Reliable men. familiar with their home county, call and J.'S'e!HTate- sure money-maker Mon- noc& Wilson. Room 66. 227 V4 Washington. NEED a bright young man to act as state BoemJhTa yend?S machine company .0 machines turned over at once- $66 cash handles this; very liberal commis sions. 811 Stearns bldg. PARTNER in a fine cash business that will make you a salary of $130 per montb Vvi VumhJ f1"" not 7essary.vcall room streets Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark r,irSJ"FLASS- Pmblng and tinning plant doing a fine business, town 15.000 population; Invoice from $3000 to $4000 part cash will handle; a snap if taken at once. AJ 38. Qregonian. TOU CAN GET action on all mlnina- and industrial stocks and bondi Tthrougb he'd guart?r?. " Ca"rn & Co.. suit. f. ChiSS: EANDT LITTLB APARTMENT-HOUSE. lOth and YS?;,0r the best corners near i; . n.VJfamhlll: no work, big Drotlts Price $2500; only $1500 cash Pronts. MRS. LENT. 430 H Washington. GREAT SNAP IN ROOMING-HOUSE .11 m-.r gnt,i" bulne district; rooms all full; clears $175 per month; good lease swings'Tt'' ROOm 8011 Wash- " ! 1000. A GOOD, reliable gentleman or ladv nnrt. SfrVv ,takS, naIf intest in my bJsins; TlTl.?Ud- , Write -all first lettesi This Is a good, clean proposition, makina big money. X 34. Oregor.lan. ra,u"n $1200 TAKES a transfer business that nets over $H)0 per month; norscs and wagons a one wortn more than that. 311 Stearns A SNAP Grocery stork, will jell at Invoice aV" ?ceS! on "2ck: 1000 if8 e5 800 Eer day; no a-nts; sales $40 per day cash, c 45. Oregonian. TVrns b'ett b.g!' n W- J- Thomp,onra4iy ? i r2al rtat man wants partner !e?W La"J?- eto v will pay energetic ma!? nirraW I5' month; very little money re qulred. Particulars 24814 Stark st. t PJ,lIL'11ION DOLLAR deal can be taiTed Wlt." ' few ,housand do"rs if taken up at once; handsome returns on Investment certain. AG 37. Oregonian. $25,000 WANTED In amounts from $1000 up. for Duylng and platting best ac'eaga tract in Portland; 200 per cent profit sured. AG 38. Oregonian pront as- MafnS C- 2S oV8phS; rRii ? 7TA fed "tor connected with all railroad lines entering Portland. Inquire t . H. Elston. owner. 374 Water St.. cor Montgomery. t WANTED To rent for hotel purposes "a cat?o5nUntl,?-nhed,i mu ?oi MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS .0U1elePFh.cehearndT0Jh b?d bind . . Aoingion. BARBER SHOP for sale; 3 chairs. 2 bath--ao.nap if taken at once. PRv?ill(nTER- W,,h money an equipment " :"2ro?04 ventlon. Promoter; BUTTER and egg business: fine location- i?.od rst-ar'rsr11 wiu - - BARBER -wants to buy country location on. shop town. Write particulars Adorera'Bs.r! ber. Gates block. The Dalles. Or. RELIABLE partner wanted, used to farm products; guarantee $H0 month salary also share profits. Call 24SH Stark st. HOTEL and saloon in small town with good payroll and no other saloon. Rent $20 Ad . dress Box 6. Reedvllle, Or. 18;?.?OM, rooming-house. down-town lo catlon. lowest low rent. 272 Stark st. GROCERY Several of the best proposition's in Portland at Invoice. 311 Stearns bldg 80Call2,ergta'rk".T.'"Ce: Yer " day "-. Bt..' aB, TITE MORNIXG OKEGONIAN, THURSDAY, - i . 19 rooms, elegant corner brick rooming bouse, choice West Side location; steam i?a.t'.ga8 Rnd alectric lights, best fur Til" house of its size in the city; every thing good as new; cheap rent, long lease; clears $150 a. month over all expenses. Price. $3650. - c- R ELLIS & CO., s-ats Washington St. Rooms 201-202. ROOMING-HOUSES. $ 650 17 rooms, low rent. $1000 Fine furniture, piano, etc. $2050 lo rooms, nets $100 monthly. $1900-20 rooms, housekeeping. $1800 Downtown, good income. W, H. DUDLEY & CO., 310-811 Stearns Bldg. , SPECIAL TODAY. Price reduced; must sell. I am going to Southern Oregon. Can't depend on hired help. Will sacrifice my nice steam i.?.aAed rooming-house of 22 rooms, worth . ;,)u- .Everything complete tor $1700; only 1000 cash. See my agent quick. MRS. LENT. 430H Washington. EXTRA GOOD. . BIG PROFIT. 42-rocirn corner brick rooming-house, actually clearing $300 monthly; books open for Investigation: other business calls 2wmr,r ot tne citv: S1500 cash will Jandle this. Price SS4500. MRS. LENT. 430H Washington. CARPENTER shop. very best location, encap rent, has more than $350 worth ot -w.a. made-up material: must sell; all Z., J?- '"eluding one-third Interest in valuable patent, for only $250: this is a nap. Call 613 chamber Commerce. FOR SALE Only first-class barber shop In town of 1500 inhabitants; 3 chairs 2 baths everything complete; owner has been in 'Sfyears- F.or "rt-e nd particulars M iso 8r Barber SuPply Co., loth and ED ai once- active partner to take charge and manage one of the best light manufacturing businesses in city- will guarantee $200 salary; $750 required If you mean business, call room 302 Swet land bldg.. 5th and Washington. PARTNER wanted to help manage lars-e ader"lnB Sfflce of "ri mu e sobe? good appearance; experience not necessary; it's a man I want, not his mg?on": AUSt'n- BU,to 1 to 362 wash- HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. loch" at leaat 40 on ur l's'. any location, any number of rooms; good clean n-y".at If850""01' Prices. Particulars see Trade Grenwood & Co., 721 Board of a RTkST,ORE A "ooa one- located on fn trt: two living-rooms nt L,ad,four rooms above store; low rent, with lease; stock will amount to HeaYjv iS5J W,M 8e11 at Invoice price Realty Brokerage Co.. 918 Board of Trade. WANTEB) A good factory site close In. bv ' ot""88 cprporatlon established and doing a fine business; present quarters too small: owner must take stock in company; prop- 5. "Y3T!dOraengdonfa00.1 lnereSt POOLROOMS AND CIGAR STANDS, in this Hnrii, " th0 market or anything ne let ua 'how you what we have RaIn.m0S"y Wl" handle; terms if desired: Trade Oreenwood Co., 721 Board of . SHOE BUSINESS, one of the best shoe businesses In a ao8nLlnf-.onnamette Valley town or10.00o' f .?ni00.lvPer year will Invoice $9U0O to $10,000; this will bear the closest in vestlgatlon. 627 Corbett bldg CIOSest lD- SNAP $475. 14?h ST B,,d rurnJture. rent $40. near 14th and Washington; clears $55 over all expenses. Call today. 1 J2- C- R- ELLIS A CO., 326H Washington St. Rooms 201-02. .f. h E 0-room hotel doing a good busl StTJ'.i.0 I'"8- cnap rent; will sell one half Interest or will sell whole on account D. Condon. St. John. Or. ROOMING-HOUSE. ?'Ilter or lty at a aorlflce; owner ont or town and cannot look after If if you want a bargain look this up. 809 Conoord bldg.. 2d and Stark. . ,9??. BT9 cas'; business paying handsome-iA-fJ?. e.mployed nights can add $50 month to income working 1H hours dav Impossible to lose. Investigate and sea wny. 250 H Alder. Room 7. GENERAL STORE. KPi- nar Portland good town, old established trade, $14,000; good briEht stock, fine trade, easy terms. L 48. Ore gonian. SS?.A,;L cash buslnesa Owner is retiring in'i' luarant?e buyer $25 week over Fo? BwV.e ,a" exP,en'a: $250 required. ExchngeC,, Ca" Koom 623 dumber LIGHT manufacturing Owner will take part ner, teach him the business and guarantee him at least $75 a month now; $300 re! aulred. run !AKii ow ro" wanht'I8 -oV'ma'ti nehede'l' 2h7U28s'farrk'sa" Tit63 Lumber E"aa F?lST.":CL'ASS hardware store In growing building locality. Sales over $100 dally ri info.'?4 c' investigation. Inquire at 1019 Board of Trade. 28-ROOM lodging-house on Washington st . doing good business, for sale at a sac rllice on account of sickness. Inquire New Occidental Hotel. 150 First st "lulro Isw WILL sacrifice my $800 restaurant for $300 will stand inspection; must be sold by Mv 1. account of sickness. Address AM 44 Oregonian. OI-r) established restaurant for sale in cen ter of city; a well paying proposition; low rent; good trade; lease; price $650: part payment If desired. A 47. Oregonian. SA.l-NTF,neco,rner- ror "ale or part trade; 2 years' lease: stock, all fixtures owner employed elsewhere. R 60. Ore- RESTAURANT at cost, $65- another A WIDOW w-ou!d like an honest, sober Dart ;o6.r OrVgonltn0" Paylng """ A POP.L ROOM- clar and confectionery! i;rtio'ow2r,?wwrx'.?.er th cioaeat - ABSTRACT business, cheap, best of bj opening; sickness the causa. G 46. orX gonlan. ur BA.RBER.,OP '?catra n downtown of fice building; will sell or trade; very cheap. 311 Stearns bldg. T HOME BAKERY, lunoh counter for .ale WoS5i:aw?tn0Sd.l.reaSOn 'eU,n- FJR-.5AL,B ea"y terms. Stennef. candy Bea. P lnulre at Sam ll HAVE services and $6000 to invest In a le gitimate business. What "hava you to 0fl fer7 T 48. Oregonian. 01 MKyI.NO"PICTURB theatr !n town of 4000- WATCP Iaftnr in old-established busi otgonn "aVT bWrt of references. X 41. PAnR,ThER ,27B- Proflta business, too n3rOreg0onianne: lnv'la- Oni. POOL ROOM One of the very best in Port land; low rent; long leasS; in a busll ness center; a great snap. 872 Stark st" HALF Interest Road Oiling Co. and as phaltum agency; stock ready for season7. work; money maker. 214 Couch bldg. RESTAURANT In ths busy part of town" steady trade; this Is a snap. 272 Stark! HOTEL of 30 rooms, furnished. & Son. Hoquiam. Wash. W- M. Lamb CIGAR STAND Choice location; nn. trade- long lease. 272 Stark st. trade. 12 FOR 1000 business cards; 100. SOc. Rosa City Printery. 192 H 3d t.. near Taylor! 82-ROOM house down town; good lease- $1600 Eastern Exchange. 226V, Morrison. BARBER SHOP, well located, for sale cheap. S 47, Oregonian. LEASE for sale of the very best stand In the new city market. -272 Stark it! TO Improve the value of your property, .end Bonv Ule' Western Monthly East. A GOOD corner saloon for sale cheap Port land Rrewirka- !,.,. i t- , . " ' ' . . .JO II l, I . FURNITURE of 8-room house for sale; fine location; lease. Sea owner. 80 W. Park st. RESIDENCE rooming-house for sale- no agents. 15 14th st. r "ale' no BIG MONEY-MAKER. ,rro1118- rt8ht ln tn hrt of the city. ngton st.; very low rent and well furnished; clears $250 per month over all expenses: can be handled on very easy terms: be sure and see this early, as It Is aa excellent buy: good for both transient and regular roomers. Price $2650 DIETZ-MUELLER Co'. 315-16-17 Ablngton .BUlg. HERE IS A BARGAIN. 16 rooms, near Morrison and Park sts.; well furnished: everything in fine condi tion, receipts from rooms $180; total ex penses. Including rent. $ino. Don't delay if you want it. Price $773 o,, ' C- R- ELLIS ft CO.. 32H Washington St. Rooms 2O1-202. - RESTAURANTS. TT have a number of paying proposi tions that can be had at right prices; wa can arrange to furnish terms and guaran tee to please you. Call today. Raines. Greenwood & Co.. 721 Board of Trad. A CHANCE to get Into the millinery busi ness; the present owner has more work than she can handle, and wants a part ner; $l,-0 per month is guaranteed; $500 cash. 311 Stearns bldg. OWNER of corner store can-t do the work alone, prefers partner to hired help; pay energetic man $125 month; $500 required Call 248H Stark st. LADY wishes lady partner in small res taurant and delicatessen. X 42, Ore gonian. PAYING Mfrs. Agency, at Invoice, w. W. Payne, rgio Williams ave. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. ANNUAL supplies for U. S. Marine Corps, headquarters U. 3. Marine Corps. Quar- - termateter's office, Washington, D. C., April 16. 1900. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 11 A. M May 25, 1909, and then be publicly opened for furnishing forage, fuel, rations and laundry service at San Francisco, Cal Mare Island, Cal., and Bremerton, Wash. Proposal blanks and other Information can be obtained upon application to this office, the depot Quartermaster. U. S. M. C 330 Jackson St., San Francisco. Cal., and' the commanding officer or post Quartermaster, Marine llarracks. at the tations named, i his office reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive Informalities therein. Bids from regular dualers only , will be considered. F. L. Denny. Colonel Quartermaster. PROPOSALS U. S. Department of Agricul '.UreA 0rEice of the Secretary. Washington. D. .., April 1, 1909. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the disbursing clerk until 2 P. M.. Friday. May 14 IStru for furnishing supplies for the use ot the forest Service during the fiscal year ending June 3o. 1010, as follows: Stationery and office supplies, furniture, instruments tel ephone wire and fixtures. Delivery to be made at the Forest Service Supply Depot at Ogden. Utah. Full Information furnished on application to the disbursing clerk Bids must be sealed and addressed to the Secre tary of Agriculture, in accordance with in structions given on scheduler. JAMES WILSON, Secretary SEALED bids will be received by the un dersigned, at his office at the County Courthouse, until 10 A. M. June 9th. 1909 for the sale of the Countv Poor Farm situated on the Canyon road, and adjoin ing the western boundary line of the City of Portland, containing 202 acres, about 177 acres lying north of the Canyon road ana about 25 acres lying south of the canyon road. Bids should state th price offered per acre, with the terms desired, and will be received for that portion lylna north and south of the Canyon road sep arately, or for the whole tract. The coun y, '5erve the right to reject any and all bids. F. S. Fields, County Clerk BIDS WANTED Board of Water Commis sioners of Oregon City will receive bids for construction of concrete building on or before Monday. May 3. 1909 at 1 o clock P. M. Plans and specifications may be seen at Superintendent's office at Oregon City. Right reserved to reject all T.anpy Uy order of Board. Jos. E. Hedges. Secretary. M lscellaneous. NOTICE The Benson Logging & Lumber Company employs no cruisers, and person, representing themselves as acting n .uch capacity are frauds. ARu'llrtSt-,':05traCtor- ."eineers. get Paclfl. Builder A Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade LOST AND rotrjfB. Lwii.OR, STRAYED Dark' brown pony, white stripe down nose; one white hind foot; scar on front left knee. Strayed ,om. Gr-Shm with saddle on Tuesday night. Suitable reward. Finder please notify owner. O. I. Neal. Gresham. Or ?J t.Ween Troy Sundry and 6th and ' J??o,?n "? envelope containing a check for $40.00 and other papers. Reward for return of same. Call Troy Laundry L rST" ?Mwl1"" watch charm, monogram J. F. S on back, bet. loth and Washing ton and 19th and Morrison. Return to Ore gonian office; reward. A BLACK purse between East Burnslde and Oregon street, on Grand ave.. con taining valuable paper, to owner. Re ward. "Woodlawn 1994. FOUND Where hair mattresses an reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front Factor?4' it SI&ST R?- C.aceK15erErUs? LovJrf n,ld "lC,kla?8: Reiu" !? Han- eo7dA47b6ay POn'- 119 M LESast-33rokb0k: nm ,n 0k- A- Bettne' LOST Monday evening, a coral pendant. Finder phone Woodlawn 642. Reward. LOST in Irvington Sunday a matrix clasn Pin. Phone C 1064 or East 1454 ' RewaTd? FOUND Lady's watch. 124 E. 2Sth North, rEUSONAh DRESS suits for rent, an sizes. $1.50 moats keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed buttons f?.?? on-T,r'P "weu- Prompt call, and de llvrie.. Unique Tailoring Co.. 8o Stark, ALFALFA Blossom, a very pleasant and effective remedy for female trouble. Lady physician. 506 Commonwealth bldg . tittt and Ankeny. FOUND Place where special attention Is given remodeling of hats by up-to-date trimmers. English Correct Millinery. 331 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. Alice Boothby Institute of Electrical Heal ing. All disease, of men, women and chll- dJo?t I?ate.d- Butte 15 tle Mllner bldg, JS0 hi Morrison st. Phone A 2578. ABOUT YOUR HAIR The star Hair Remedy . restore, gray hair to Its natural color, nro mor.e." ?," 5rOW.thaond '"Jdlcate. dandruff. --" rvavn. St., sole agent., Mm. Courtwrlght, skin and scalp treat ments, facial deformation corrected nlai tlc surgery. 225 Flledner bldg. M. 6042. LEOLA CHAMBERS, shampooing, manlcur ln, faolal massage, scalp treatment! T Mali, 4729. 407 Buchanan bldg.. 286 Wash ESM- BBUTHSN-Baauty parlors. No. 40 Merchants Trust Bldg.. Bth and Wash lngtun sts. Formerly with L. s. Frakos. WOMEN Whatever your aliment, call on Dr. Ketch um; prompt relief, confldentiaL 170, 3d st. Main S770. ""o.entiaL MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental scientist. 312- Alisky bldg. M 2835. Wednesday evening meeting at 8. ' DR. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of womea all irregularities corrected, drugless system' no exposure. Call or write 316 Alisky bldg" LOST powers restored y Or. irena- Nerv. Tonlo Tablet.. 25o bo. Kysseir. macy. 28 Morrison t-. bet. 4th anoTstaT SKXOID A marvellous cure for wealcnem In men; money returned If It falls- nr $1. T. J. Pierce. 316 Alisky bldg. P c USE Baetf. the Original Natlv. Herb, for rheumatism, constipation; 50 tahil,. for 25c. In black boxe. at all druggiti. MISS ALICE DUPUI3. alcohol ,.., Rnom 3 343U. Morrison MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair ramnva. Mra M. D H11L S3Q Flledner bldg. M STwt PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely mlawim Monla: clrnular 1 Or. i BALM OF FIGS for all female disease, nan GUsan st. Main 9215. Agent, wanted. LADIES barber shop now open at Ift-t Columbia St.. In. depot building. MARRIED women .end 2o .tamp. valusMe information free. Lock box $30. Portland HIGHEST pric. paid for combing, .nd cat hair. Portland Baaaar, 408 H Morrison APRIL, 29, 1909. I iiasjttAi. I RITsrvi.-Ke , COT.ITurnr t ,-tt . ....... Disease, of men, women aad children treated and cured. We make a specialty of surgery and diseases of women; ma ternity case, given special attention: eye. ear, boss and throat department. Raietga oldg., cor. 6th and Washington sts. DR. MARY LEWIS. Lata of the Chicago Woman". Hospital, treat, women and children exclusively; hospital accommodations; no charge for examination. Main 4047, A 2411 Sod Commonwealth bld3 6lh and Ankeny AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; bairdresslng, manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock ot hir goods in the West at cut prices. Parlors, Grand Leader. 6th and Alder. SWEDISH trained nurse. Helslngfore gradu- ' ate cure. rheumatism. stomach trouhl.. I and nervous disorders by hand rubbing; steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7 East 11th st.. one door from East Ankeny car. Phons East 2o, Home B lso3. MADAM A. A. LUCKEY. face and scalp treatments. Full line of electric treat ments, bath and massage; positive result, in mental healing. 401-2-3 Columbia bldg.. West Park and Washington. Main 2011. LAIES lA,k your druggists for Chichester. Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 year, known a. the best, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold oy druggist, everywhere. A YOUNG man with a fine horse and buggy would like the acquaintance of a respect able. Jolly young . lady who would enjoy a good time; object, matrimony. AH 44. Oregonian. ' V ; MISS GEORGTA LA PETITE and assist ants, tub and shower baths. massage, electric treatments. 3W!S Washington, suite 303. Main 6020. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children. No charge for consultation. Room 10. Grand heater bldg.. Washington and Park sts. DR).8Aw1RERSON CO- Sayln and Cotton ,2' iilla- mn remedy for delayed pe riods; $2 per box or-3 boxes for $5 T J Pierce, 31tt AlUky bldg.. 105 Morrison. 1INAMI1L. Money to 1.4-Hn. MONEY FOR EVERYliODV ON SHORT NOTICE. If you need ready cash and want to bor row privately without delay or red tape methods HERE IS THE PLACE to make a loan on your jewelry, diamonds pianos and furniture (.without removal) storage receipts, horses and wagons, and on ail valuable collaterals. WE BUY First and second mortgages and contracts. This company Is organised with Eastern capital for the purpose of loaning money at reasonable rates to those whom banks will not accommodate. You can arrange to repay In weekly or monthlv easy pay ments at the lowest and best rates In the business strictly confidential. Call or phone Main 2os4. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. Room 12 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d st. l$l HUTTON CREDIT CO. " 612 Dekum bldg. th only company in the city of Portland organized under the laws of the state of Oregon loaning money on furni ture pianos iwithout removal.), warehouse receipts, etc. Loans of $10 to $100." may be obtained rrom us on short notice and at a very small cost to the borrower on our new monthly installment plan. Payments to suit your convenience. Our equal payment plan includes all ex penses. No charges taken out in advance. our offices are equipped to handle a large clientage 'with strict privacy aad without embarrassment. HUTTON CREDIT CO., 612 Dekum bldg. ' M I I It U I I f I I I SALARX- LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES? $10 TO $100. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CALL. TELEPHONE. WRITE. STATE SECURITY CO.. 30S FAILING BLDG. LLL.S i i I I i I i i it i $25,000 TO loan on first mortgage security, ss a whole at 6 per cent on approved West w,prPferty-,J?r wi" loan Part on East or west Side residence property or for build ing purposes at 7 per cent. w. M. Conk- 'l7n47f Main gft 407 "d,. A M?.NiEY ,old on Installment plan; conBdn L.tem V""curi,y 5ut your aaliry; best J. 1 .for railroad, streetcar employes, mechanic and others. " w F. A. NEWTON, Buchanan Bldg.. 286 Washington St. . CHATTEL LOANS, installment loan, on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance pol icies, salaries and all kinds of seourltiea. NEW ERA LOAN & MTQ. CO., 41tt Ablngton Bldg. MONEY advanced salaried people and oth f.rS. uPn their own names without secur ity, cheapest rates, easiest payments- of Jinl" '"v.0 PrtnOPal cltie.;Vam youV.eU TOLMaH? ffi1 ray te,m ,irt- U 1UU1AN, oil Lumber Exchange Bldg. On Improved city property or for bulldlns purposes; 3 to 8 year.- time; T liberal re Eayi2Vnt Privileges; money advanced a. and Lnt5rkP.0t,'e!4e!, Tho Eul. TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security EDW. P. MALL CO. 80U-810 Ablngton Bldg. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 821 Ablngton bldg. Money on installment plan. M TO LOAN Large and .mall amounts on good real estate security at a low rate of ln-.S- i'fluser & Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. WE loan money on diamonds ana lewelr at reasonable interest for long or short Washington.?- lova"a- iw.ler 2o oa Improved city or farm property, building or wnall loan, at lowest rales large loans a fpeclalty. J. u McKinxIe Co.. 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg " "2?.'mS?J. 1Xa-?"t- lare na a .peolalty. building loan., lowest rates. W. u Beck! 812 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS at CURRENT RATES STRONG & CO.. ""lJ:'a FINANCIAL AGENTS. 60S Concord Bldg. LOANS on real estate and all kind, of per sonal security W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 3o2. WE BUY foreign money, gold dust. Title 0roe-ff.-?-r""t bank account nHWUKwa st- MONEY to loan on Improved city nrn.v erty or farms; mortsage. bouLht. 2l Pierce. 816 Alisky bldg. Mo.neyw ioan.' nr" and aacond mortgage. purchased. E. L. Devereaux. Fent"''id" MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. CKNT- State fund, loaned, per cent. W. is Thom tate agent. Multnomah Co., 400 C? a LOANS on. real, personal, chattel or collatar. al security. C. Kv. Pallett. 304 Fentol bldg! QUICK loans on all securities S. W Klni 46 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. MONEY to loan on Improved city nronertv Wm. MacMaster. 30a Worcester bfk. MONEY to loan, any amount, e to 8 tier cent. Frary A Beits. 182 6th, sc. WILL LOAN $5000 or less on real estate Farrington. 416 Commercial Club bldg. 375.1 TO loan at8 per cen' n improved city property. 8 40. Oregonian. MONEY to loan on Improved city property Lowenson Bros., 105 Sherlock bldg. . MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages of contracts. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock Pd A LOAN for the. asking, salary or chateL The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. ,:we, PRIVATE money loaned on real ..tut. mortgages. H Mlley. room 204. GerllngerT 'atM,: we loan money on diamond, and Jewelry. Marx A Bloch. 74 8d . Ixwan. Wanted. "WILL give ISO tor use of $20O 60 days- rl estate security." The above appeared o, - Oregonian of Oct. 25. 26. 27. m W?Sd llfi to correspond with any one loaning this party money. AC 46, Oregonian. WB WANT to borrow $1800 and $1000 best of real estate security. Henkle hi son. 511 Gerllnger bldg. "en18 Harri- WANT $SOOO. 8 to 5 years. 7 per cent- curity lOOxlOO, 3-story businisl brnMlT Equity invee Cf 6oe "inger 'bid!: Loans Wanted. WANTED MONEY. Will pay g per cent interest: Oregon and Washington fruit and garden land tendered as security; can use up to $50.ooO. in amounts of $.vxjo to $10,000; long time 2 to 10 years. If your money is not earning 9 per cent, write me. JNO. C. CHAPPELL, 617 Worcester Bids.. City. WANT $4500 building loan. -7 per cent, best security. Address D 30, Oregonian. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Aocordlou Platting. MISS O. GOULD. S35 Morrison, cor. 7th. Ac cordlon and knife pleating and pinking. Accountants. B. H. COLL1S A CO., ACCOUNTANTS, tommercial. County and Municipal. a-Ji lnve'aating and Systematizing. 24 Worcester Block. Phone Main 6507. Asoayers mid Analysts. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, cheiu lsts and aeeayers. 2o4t, Washington st. P"Cl" BAUMEL. assoyer and analyst. Gold . duat bought. 207 Alder st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison St. PiRoTVND ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. 680. Attorney. s.t Law. H- ,H- R1DDELL. atty-at-law, 789 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4764. A 3531. S. T. JEFFREYS,' 208 Fenton bldg . 15 years' practice in Oregjn. 8 years Alaska. EMMONS EMMONS have removed law oaice. to 0OU-B13 Board of Trade bldg. CLARENCE H. GILBERT. 205-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471 A 4544. Carpet (leaning; (Sanitary). J. Hunter & Co., mattresses and feathers ren ovated. carpets refitted, etc. M. 214, A 4415. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING CO.. blue wagon service." Phone Mats 5534. Carpet Weaving. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial f?5 J,.Ufc'" woven. Northwest Itug 'Works. lCvl t nlon ave. East 3580. B 12SO. Chiropody. DR. FLETCHER, the painless foot specialist treats all His of the feet without danger of Infection; lady assistant; up-to-date mani curing and shampooing and faecal and s--aln massage. 3t5 Alisky bldg. Main 8762. WM ESTELLE and Flossie Oevenv-. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors urllnger bklg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. Tllford bldg.. p.. 2o4. 10th aad Mor. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M D Hill room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 34731 MANICURING and chiropody parlors for merly 683 Wash. 3hfli Wash., room 14. Collection.. We collect everywhere; general law. Inter state Adjustment Co.. 601 Gerllnger bldg. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Court Reporter. GEORGE H. DUFUR, 08 Corbett bldg. Ottl clal reporter 11th Judicial Dlst. M. 3004. Curios. SUN SOON HUIE CO. silks, mattings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 6th. Educational. . LAUB-S Preparatory School of Pharmacy. 148 Jd St.. Portland, Or. Klectrlc Motor.. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO Motors for rent or sale. 21S 24 at, - Kwd Stores. ZIGLER A MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ce ment. shingles. 204 Grand avo. B 4S2. Murage, nnd Saddlery. KM phPR1C5 ,HA,RESS co- 31 Ankeny st. Phone Main 2402. Horse.. D"- E; w'- HAGYARD. graduate Ontario Jo1t.orlnry CollKe: office Exposition bids.. 10th and -Wash. Main 1077: Res. Main 1224. Leather and Findings. CHA.S. L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front, leather of every description, tans, mfrs. findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO F- tabllshed 1858. ISO Front s" Machinery. ICE machine. Complete 1 natal latlona. Arm ltods Machinery Co.. Spokane, Wash. Mevaeuf ers. tfJ 2M-SSENGK COu- 128 B,h- Main OJ, A 21o3. Johnnie on the spot. Musical. SATLRDAY U always our bargatn day and goods are sold very low; we have 1ut received, a large stock of fine violins which m?f S'k at i"3 ot reKUlar price; sheet 190 8d it. AnJoon Music EMIL THIEL.HORN. violin t-acher. pupil of Sevclk. A 4100. Pine 334. Main 3045. Mst CMfm"-inteaTVhe,r of plano- 4!i- Salmoa at. Main i340. Beginner, a specialty. Monument., Otto Schurmann. monumental and bulldlns work. 2Q4 Third st. Phone Main 2224. " Osteopathic Physicians DR. R. B. NORTH RI7P. 415-11-17 Dekum blilg Third and Washington s'ts Phone, office. Main 340. res E 103 ralt. Oil, and iln. F. E. BEACH A CO.. pioneer paint store glass and glazing. 1R5 1st st. Main 1334. RASMUSSEN- A CO.. Jobbers, paints. oil. glass, saah and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor! Painting send rsperhuncing. "i CHRISTEXSEN CO., wall paper, palnt Ing. tinting, decorating. 7th and Alder. Patent and Pension Attorneys. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic nnd foreign pat ents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. J. J. HIRSHEIMER. pension and patent at torney, rooms 20-21 Labbe bldg. Paving. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO at Portland. Office 402-3-4 -Worcester block. WARREN Construction Co.. street navlna-sidewalks- and crossing.. 314 Lumber Ex! Public Stenographer. D. S. Pl'PUR, 4f5 Ablngton bldg Phone Main 6037. A 63.10; residence. B 15S4. DOCJ,r- WILI.ITS. noo Swetland bldg 6th and Wash. Phone Main S148. Dlue- otn WORK called for. advertising and circular letters a specialty. Phone Main 8148 Rest asu ran ts. RICHARD S GRILL, latest New York styles of dainty dishes. 860 Alder, cor. Park? Safes. THE MOSLBR SAFE CO.. lOS 2d .t. Safe. at factory price.. Second-hand safes. l" DAVIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. Dlebold safe. W 3d t. Bargains In 2d-hknd safes. Showcase. Bank and Store Futures THB LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Or.J Raplde Showcase CO.. 6th and Hoyt R Lutke, Mgr. n THB Jame. I. Marshall Mfg. Co new mnit old showcases, cabinets, store ''and oBuS, fixtures. 28 Couch st. Main 2703 Kootinc. OLYMPIC Roofing Co.. 820 Cham of Com." damp-proofing and repairing. M. 8010, A 422 Sign a. FOSTER A KLEI3ER, SIGNS T!le .It1""", "in-makers in the" North west. 6th and Everett sts. Phone Private . exchange So. Home A 1165. Stoves. ST6USro?tnne0te'1 nd "P- Main llloT I - - I Rubber Mamps. ASl-,trade cn' k!' and all ortlee goods. P. D c- 31 Stark st. Both phones 1407. Storage and Transfer. C O PICK Tranrfe and Storage Co.. office and commodious four-story bri. k warehouse separate Iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. w. cor. 2d snj Pine sts. hfT", and '"rnt'ure moved and packed for shipping. Main 500, A IU96. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO General transferring and storage: safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for Tm!8m- ak at- bct pront and 1st. Telephone Main 647 or A 2247. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. AiiO??" ,? ?nd plano moving a specialty. 40-4- -d st. Phone A 19M. Main 161S. TurkisU Buths. Tl"riRiLIS oaths S.O Oreg,.nlsn bldg ; ladle, days, men nights. Main JS'.'is, A 1538 Typewriter. wri.R exchange for the largest type Til .TwtS"0' on ,nls l'ast: Investigate: "h.mSi-a11 fr'1"1- The Typewriter Ex change. 2S7H Washington st. ..Li1, pi,cJf: aI1 makes rented, sold, re palied. p. p. c. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Veterinary College. Bulletin San Francisco Veterinary College now ready: mailed. Dr. C. Keane. 1818 Market Wood and Coal. CORD WOOD. SHORT WOOD. SLAB WOOD. ,r"U .f1'" MEASURE and deliver fjrm'!y.a," era.ies of wood for fuel, any length sticks delivered In any quantity -,,Sh d Towltl nr. oak and ash; " second growths and other cheaper grade-' nevLSr CUt. a dry lo mill and ha. neer been water-oaked Knots ror furnace uae ,vSTJ2RNL I-LMBER & FUEL COMPANY East02.;arB a,V,.7 KUn M'rln St. Phone. Lumber yard at Montavllla. Tabor 16. BwLnrn cordwood; heavy live timber: Rer .?iv?jy- Vor prices phone Steel Brlfiire Fuel Co. B. 424, C 1773. An KS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK C,i'lwfiTH AND WASHINGTON ST ? rJ,78 , A GENEKAI, BANKJNi III SIN h-SS ; ISSUES DRAFTS WAIt ARI.H IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIFS OP THF. UNITED STATES AND EUROPE- 4 PER CENT INTEREST PA ID ON S 4 V VULTSACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1,500,000. No Interest psld on accounts. GRAND CENTRAL eTAXION.v Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger '"' California Express " San Francisco Express. .. West side Corvallls Passenger.... Sheridan Passenger.. .." Forest Grove Passenger....' Forest Grove Passenger iorest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passengerl '. '. '. '. Roseburg Passenger Portland Express " West Side Corvallls Passenger bheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger....!. orest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 8:15 a. m. 4:15 p. ra. 7.45 p. m 1:80 a- m. T:20a nv. 4:10 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 5:40 p. m. 71 X TY Ul:30 a. m. o:.iO p. nu 11:15 p. m. 6:20 D. m- 10:30 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 11:50 a. nu 4 '50 p. m. Oregon ltallroad & Navigation Co Leaving Portland Pendleton Passenger Chicago-Portland Special.. Spokane Flyer """ Kansas City A Chicago Express! 7:43 a- m. :15 a. m, 7 :X) p. m. o:oo p. m. Arriving Portland I Spokane Flyer , 8.00 cnj. Kan city A Portland Ex.. 7:20a.m. Cblcago-Portland Spaclal I 8:00 p rnt ,,u,pivu r-aasenger . 5:45 p. m. Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland Tacoma. and Seattle Express. . . North Coast & Chicago Limited. Overland Express Arriving Portland North Coast Limited Portland Express Overland Express 8:30 a. m. 2:O0 p. m. 11:45 p. m, 7:00 a. m. ' 4:15 p. in. 8:35 p. m. Astoria A Columbia River. Leaving Portland A.toria and Seaside Express Rainier Local 8.00 a. m- I 115 p.m. a passenger 0:00 p. ra. Ralnler Local 111:20 p. m. Arriving Portland - 1 Rainier a Portland Local 19:05 a.m. Sea-iUe & Portland Passenger. . .112:15 p. mT Rainier and Portland Local I 4:10 i m. beasiSe A Portland Express lo op p , Canadian 1-aciUo Railway Co. Leaving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Sopkane Via Seattle Arriving Portland 7 :O0 p. m 11:45 p. m- 9 00 a. m, 7:00 a. m C P. R. Short Line via Spokane, " aeaiiia. ................ JMTERSON-STRKET STATION. Southern l'acillo. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger............ Dallas Passenger. Arriving Portland- I 7:40 a. m,' 4 .15 p. m. Dallas Passenger 10:15 a. m, Dallas Passenger o:&0 p blAVJ'lU ANU llOii' 61 OUi bUUOi. bpokune, Portland A Seattle Railway. Leaving Portland Inlauu, Empire Kxprcss. ......... .9:15 x M. For Chicago. Su Paul. Omaha. Kansas City. BU Louis. Walla Walla. Pasco Roosevelt, Granddalles. Goldendale. White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver aud inteime Ulate points. North Bank Limited........... 640 P M. For Chicago, bu Paul Omaha. " Kansas City. St Louis. Spokane. Spiague, Rlta vllle. Lind. Pasco. Roosevelt.- Granddallea Whlte -salmon. Stevenson aud Vancouver. Arriving Portland North Hsknk Liuxited. ........... .7 :30 A. M. From t-hicago. si. Paul. Omaha, Kanaaa City, St. Louis, Spokane, biirague, Rita-, vllie, Llnd, Pasco, Roosevelt, Gianddalles. White salmon, ibieveusou and Vancouver. Inland Empire .xpress. ......... .6;-& P M- From Walla Walla. Pasco. Roosevelt? Granddallea, Goldendale, White Salmon! fclevenson, Vancouver and Interint-tUaie points. Time Card Dregon Electric Kail way Co, Leaving Portland for Salem and lut. Sta tions O.iO. e:oo. 11:oO A. M. ; 2:00. :4j, .-o. o:40 P. M.. Limited for Tualatin and balem s:15 A. M. Local for Wllsonvit and Int. stallon-a 5:0O p. M. Leaving Portland for Fore.t Grove ar.ft Int. Ola lions :oo. 8.06. lo:2i A- si; 1 Jo. 4:10. i:0 P. M Arriving Portland from Salem and Int. Slauons e:40, lo.ou A. Al. ; l:la, 3 40 AOOw b:20. lo:o P. M. Limited from bdlom and lualailn 4:45 P. M. Local from Wilson vine and lnu blationa O.Oi A. M. Arriving Portland irwa Forest Grove and Lut Slauous S:3o. lu:00 A. Al.; U:ig a ju. 6:00. I:i:o P. M. , Portland Railway. Light A Power Company Cars jLAMtve. Ticket Office- and Waiting Room. First and Alder sueeta, 1 CARS LLAVii. Oregcn City :oo. b;io A. M.. and every 30 minutes lo and including u p m .n-i 10:00. ll:oo P. M.; ia.t car midnight. Ores ll a in and intermediate foints at 7:4i. b:45. W:43. 10:44 A- M.. 12:45a"i2 8:4i. 4:4i. 5:40. 6:4i. 7:45. 11:10 y Vi""- Fairview and Tioutdaie 6:65. -7-4-ir".a-l i!S pm"- 3;' 2:55 8:4crido:45 A.Dvrrn:4ir:! For Vancouver Tlckot office and waiting-room Second and ashiugton streets. A. M. :li-. 6:iO. 7:25. 8:00. 8:85. O lO. :50. 10:30. 11:10. 11:50. -l, P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2::0. 8 10 S-lft 4.30. 5:10. 5:50. 8:30. 7:05. 7:40 8 1A l it 10:35"-. 11:46-"-. On Third Monday tn Every Month the last car leaves at 7:03 P. M """"a tne MoSai? "X"Dt 6unday- 4Dly -axeepA , H3 1 07.2