Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 29, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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,.., "a.i.k 2 excellent foil lota on
boulevard. Portsmouth, for repairs on
, . .
.. ,,, Aimna, or will sell on
terms. Address Guardian, AB 50,
FOR EXCHANGE Rooming-house. 23
room a. central location, lease, for resi
dence property, lota or (arms; reason
Jailing- health: the beat opportunity In thla
una In the city. Address AC 44. Oregonlan.
li'k trade for what you have. Gua Smith.
401 Buchanan bldg.
Horses. Vehicles mod Harness.
A CARLOAD of horaea Just arrived from
Gilliam County. Or. Now, where are your
mare buyera? We have 14 head of marea
In thla carload, from 1150 to 1450 lbs..
Including- 2 Fercheron mares, grays. 1350
and 1450 lbs.. 4 and 6 years old. heavy
In foal, bred by a black Percheron horse.
T e also have all-purpose horaea from
1100 to 16O0 lh.. Please give us a call.
Take L car, 005 Alblna ave. Brunzel's
Sale Stable.
T1I buy a second-hand vehicle when we
can aell you a new vehicle at about the
same price rs you would pay for an old
one? We are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagoa
ana farm wagons.
II. M. WADE & CO..
322 Hawthorne Ava.
GOOD delivery wagon for aale. $85; good
aide spring buggy, with top. $4o. Terma
or will trade Tor grocerlea or anything I
can use. Inquire 441 Glisan at.
TENT and fly 16x24, 8-foot wall, uaed only
2 months, perfect condition, cheap.
xin donkey engine, 4r,00 feet line an
complete logging outnt: $1000; a sacrifice.
310 Board of Trade Bldg.
FOR SALE Pair of handsome young Htm.
bletonlan geldings, brothers; thoroughly
broken to the city; as fine a pair of car
riage horses as you can nnd; weight about
1200 each; price for .he pair (1000. Can
be aeen any day at the Fashion Stables.
FOR SA1.E or rant 3 teams with goose
neck furniture wagons to rent by month
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
for business purposes, day, week or
month. Phonea East 72. B 1369. Haw
thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
IF you outside liverymen attend to this
next week's sale and are looking for good
aadd'.e horaea and drlvera, come and take
a look at my stock and drive behind them.
505 Albina ave. e
CARLOAD Shetland ponies, pony rigs and
harnesa to be sold at auction at Country
Club track. Friday, April 30. Ponies now
at Country Club.
FOR SALE Tranafer business, fine horses,
wagona. harness, first-class location, long
lease, cheap rent; sell all or part, or
lease. p 32, Oregonlan.
GOOD young team with harness, weight
3000; must sell, am going away. Inquire
at 488 E. 13th at. South.
JUST arrived at Union Stockyards, three car
loads Eastern Oregon horses: will be on
aale all this week. Ball & Knox.
A PAIR of small marea. well Hatched, good
workers. Will sll cheap- or exchange for
a large horse. 10SG Gladstone ave.
FOR SALE? One 2-horse 2-ton express and
one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel
mont and E. 6th.
HORSES, marea. rlga and ha mesa of all
kinda for aale. 294 Montgomery.
HUBERT A HALL, 3 SO Front, buy, aell, rent
horaea, vehiclea; low ratea on busineaa rlga.
ONE team. 3200. one 2830. one 2S00. four
single, all No. 1 horaea. 347 Eaat Stark.
FOR SALE Two poniea and colt. Phone Ta
bor 763.
A BARGAIN in a general borse and buggy.
Anderson Bros.. 2d and Jefferson sts.
WANTED Horaes. city broke, at the Em
pire Stables. 270 12th, cor. Jefferson.
HORSES and mares for aale. Rose city ena
bles, llth and JetTeraon. M 3300. .
A GOOD ranch mare for aale cheap; a good
worker. 185 Gladstone ave.
A PAIR of 2800-lb. draft horses. Call 825
Chapman St.
WANTED Cadillac runabout, either 1 or
4-cylintier. for cash: must be In good con
dition. AH 41, Oregonlan.
WANTED To purchase an automobile for
cash; write full particulars. AM 4, Ore-
At'TOMOBILF Will aell or trade; In good
running order; 2 or S can ride In it;
cheap. AM 40, Oregonlan.
A 1'TOMOBII.E Cadillac runabout tin good
order for sale. $350. 368 N. 20th St.
AUTOMOBILES. $130 and up, for sals or
trade w. Q. Hartman & Co., 48 2d sL
7-PAKSENGER auto, even exchange city
property, owner. 403 Couch bldg.
ALMOST new second-hand piano for sale:
terms; must sell. R 47. Oregonlan.
LAUNCH Bargain. 18 H. P., with 4-cylln-der
Palmer engine. 31 feet long, quarter
oak deck, brass trimmings, canopy top.
cushion seats, complete with boat house;
Llf1 t'iH?n- win "e" ,or 1250 this week.
Phone Tabor 431. B 2080.
SEWING MACHINES Second-hand ms
chinea, drop head and box top, of all
makea. at very low prlcea. White Sewing
Machine Store. 420 Washington st. H D
Jones, proprietor.
DO TOU want supplies or rent Dim? We are
l?.ae1Sn2.!Pt- ? not belong to the trust,
fani Or 303 Rothcnll1 bld- rt-
AUTOMOBILES washed and polished; also
the work: charge reasonable; will open
?noUrr,a,y- MavJ ? 0eorse E. Evans, 17ih
and Alder. Main 6260, A 2553.
TYru'n1iI?R8- 20 to 0. full,
guaranteed, est)- payments; rentals. 13
So5 sail Paclflc statlonV & p?r Ci.
GENUINE old English hall clocks are ra-e
these d.ays; I have several about 7 feet 8
i. vSii ;,,"m "'-l1 at rgaln. Tl.os.
t'e vail. Wallowa, Or.
HOMILTKLEfHONB bonds, for sale $100
to $400 wortv,. reasonable. Best offer Own
tr. 543H Washington at.
H.k'lS-EI?A.TVa rJm5, and kitchen, with
1T' C- N- Barker. Phone Bast
3211; office. Main 6466.
EGGS M. B. turkey. 10 for $2.25; B P R
chickens. 15 for $1.23. Plinny SheDard
son. castle Rock. Wash. t,Depar
MOVING PICTURE machine Sim. supplies,
etc.; lowest rat. s. Neuman, 526'4 Wash
ington. , "-"
CHANGE Film aervlce that wins, ster:
oi.tlcon slides, supplies. 165V4 4th st.
Kt.SALK- CHEAP 25-foot launch hull
with complete fittings except engine
price $75. Apply Exchange 4 or A 6101?
HANDSOME Angora goat. 8 weeks old for
"in .Vt"Nor7h "0naMe- S" F P"ker-
B?BKJIS A," T any ' t a 12-chair
;-o0.t'02OSev'.lnth,'h,taP- KM Fortland Sata
MOVING-PICTURE theater for sale; high
olass. profitable patronage. R 46, Ore-
FOR BALE Beat dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prlcea. Hoover. 313
Water st. Phons Main 7481; A 6445.
15. ooo lineal feet of riling for aale Flu
further particulars addreas J. A Horn
huckel. Anisvelle. Or. Horn
7. no rolltop desk and chair, only $25 00
3S0 E. Washington at. -a.uu.
TWO young, gentle cowa. fresh. H. M Ab
bott. S2rtj Washington St., room . 311.
Phone 2310.
8 DIAMOND rings, 1 diamond bracelet 1
diamond brooch. Full particulars, a 3087.
1-K. perfect white diamond, must sell aulck
for $125. AN 44. Oregonlan. '
PAIR of grubbing hooks, nearly new. in
47. Oregonlan.
GENUINE United Wireless; snao Drlces
IV O. liox 54!1. '
A good mik-li cow and .1 ersev calf for $50
cash. E. llth and Marion. Sellwood.
..A PORTABLE oven for ale, rood condition
; Main Tlttl.
a . . Z ' -' 1
.2!,. br04 th-plg. Mala
All seel lnnrous.
ANYTHING in the Iron or kindred lines. .
Eighth. Glisan and Hovt Sts.
The House of a Million Bargains.
WANTED Man. and wife, cooks, for small
camp. 176 up: cook for mill boarding
house. o0; hotel clerk. $40; dishwasher.
$2o. '
2 lumber-graders, fare advanced. $2.60:
2 carpenters, city. $3 to $4.
We have a large list of other work.
Main Office. 12 n. Second st.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert Instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges,
85 N. 4th st Portland. Or.
WANTED Experienced and steady restau
rant checker: state references and ad
dress at once to L 46, Oregonlan. (
W E help you secure a position as moving
picture operator; no -experience necessarv;
Kreat future predicted; earn $25 weeklV.
A-Y-P Booking Agency, room 31. 268
WA'.VTED Hgl.-gradu "red-Wooded" sr-.;es-man
wl'.tnt: to --go to it" six rtavs rsr
wenl: wiio HAS and CAN produce iesu.';:
position permanent; give phone number ejid
address. AD 61, Oregonlan.
WANTED Young man. between 16 and 18.
with wheel, for branch telegraph office
work; good chance to learn telegraphy.
Address R 42, Oregonlan.
WANTED Stenographer-bookkeeper; $100
per month for competent man. Commer
cial Abstract Co.. 408 Commercial Club
IF YOU want easy work, short hours, big
pay. learn to operate motion pictures.
Terms reasonable. Particulars 520
Washington st.
MAN with team and wagon to put iid adver
tising signs 30 miles around Portland on
country roads. Give ace and ealary. includ
lng team. X 48. Oreaonlan.
SENDING 300 men to Nome. Alaska, June;
ditch work; good wages; transportation
both ways; all employed invest $100. Ap
ply 615 Board of Trade.
WANTED By wholesale house 2 young
men. on as hill clerk and one for gen
eral office work. Apply in own handwrlt
'ng; referencea required. A 49, Oregonlan.
LMBRELLA repair man to take charge of
Lennon a repair department In San Fran
cisco For particulara apply Lennon'a 300
Morrison st.
MAN and wife (no children) to take care
of farm near city; must have experience
and good reference; Scotch or German
preferred. V43. Oregonlan.
WANTED Some one to put In a line of
shoes in a department store; splendid lo
cation; must be a person of responsibility.
R 40. Oregonlan.
WANTED A first-class watchmaker, must
have beat of referencea aa to ability and
muat be able to repair complicated
watches. Staples, the Jeweler.
AN engineer and draftsman capable of de
signing reinforced concrete work; must be
quick and accurate. Apply Norihwetrt
Bridge Works. Worcester bldg.
WANTED Reliable man to check goods
etc.. in light manufacturing, as partner:
owner guarantees you $75 month; $SO0
cash required. Particulara 248 Stark st.
WANTED First-class bushelman. steady
work. Must be able to write fair hand and
wait on trade. City Dye Works. Spokane
Vv ash.
HAVE fine opening for bright young man
experience unnecessary: small capital te
quireo: investigate. 326H Washington at.,
ro. 111 405.
WANTED A solicitor for A. B Cleaning &
Dye Works. 846 East Burnslde st. R 48
MAN (American) over 25. for special work
must be good talker. Call bet. 12 and 1
room 109. 282 H Second st.
YOUNG MAN with $100 and services In nice
.ea ofnce business; good education V
48. Oregonlan.
WANTED Neat, active young man with
lunch-room experience. Jersey Lunch
Room, 6th and Stark sts.
WANTED Boy 15 to 18 years of age be
fore and after school hours Apply 4S8
Waahlngton St., Commercial Hotel.
SEVERAL outside salesmen, experience not
necessary. Good Inducements. Great Amerl
can Importing Tea Co.. 406 Washington st.
WANTED Man to care for lawn and
horses. Apply 115 North Union ave. be
tween 10 and 12 A. M.
OLD gentleman for light chores; must be
??o I"llk.f'': Bma." waKe- SOd home.
1480 Macadam. Fulton car to Idaho st.
STEREOTYPER. $50 month start, board,
room, small town. Newspaper Brokerage.
Goodnough bldg.
NIGHT watchman for manufacturing plant
mist. 'um'ah references with application!
AD 44. Oregonian.
WANTED Mattress-makers and upholsterers
at Washington Mattress Company, Weat
ern and Pike sts., Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Real estate salesman; also
young men to learn business; good nay
from start. Apply 70S Swetland bldg.
FIRST-CLASS specialty salesman, city and
country work. Review of Reviews. 317
818 Flledner bldg. ' 4,14
SALESMEN, experienced, to handle on com
mission, staple, easy selling line. 78
National." Iowa City. Iowa.
BOYS wanted for messenger work. Applv
"janager- American District Tel. Co
76 3d St.
WANTED Young man to learn barber
JinV. reasonable. For particulars
call 841 Vi Mississippi ave.
WANTED A window-trimmer and card
writer: must know the dry goods business.
ASSISTANT glazier to run puttv. pack and
assist in general. Nlcolal-Neppach Co
227 Davis st.
WA?;JEt-T.ADp,"ei,t,ce for composing-room.
Kllham Stationery & Printing Co., 6th
and Oak sts. '
WANTED Good general blacksmith and
horseshoer for general repair and lob
ahop. Leonard & Jenks. Grants Pass, Or.
EXPERIENCED advertising solleito-s, three
publications, contracts cashed daily. Ben
edictine Press. Goodnough bldg.
WANTED Two upholsterers: steady work
Common Mfg. Co.. lsth and Upshur sts!
SHINGLE-MILL man to cut shingles by
thousand, at once. G 44. Oregonlan.
WANTED Men to smoke New York Bond
5c cigars.
WANTED Blacksmith, good steady lob Call
or write. C. E. Oeburn. Gresham. Or.
WANTED First-class milker. 23 cows.
steady Job. Box 137. Milwaukle. Or.
A FIRST-CLASS pork-packer wanted at
Jones' Market. 151 4th st.
WANTED Photograph . operator, muat re
touch. Cutberth Studto. 801 Dekum bldg.
PAPKRHANGEU wanted: good one only
need apply. 312 Tillamook at. y
Wo??KJi Coatmaker to n1" on coats.
2.y Washington st- Room 18.
WANTED A good Japanese waiter Alex
ander Court. 63 Ella st. t
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California wins
Depot. P. Loratl. 164 2d Main 0S00
WANTED One .flrst-clase blacksmith and
horseshoer. W. P. Morris. Albany, Or.
BoAIi',KEJT J?avr wanted at once. Apply
Portland Woolen Mills, St. John.
COLLECTOR 50 per month: must furnish
good references. P 46. Oregonlan.
MShVer1lockelLld'gal "at8 Dear "land. 83.
WANTED Experienced man to put ln cia
tern. P 41, Oregonlan. .
WXTED Bright boy aa helper In Rice
Kitchen; easy place. 27 Couch st.
E-PRN,rjED J,BJ,an6 R,tr who speaks
J WANTBD-Llv, a gent a , ,,u photo cotl-
-uuiiw uivra, ot wash, sjt
- A I. ESTATE firm nf thlt.h.H
sponsible position wants experienced and
successful manager for city real estate
department; will pay either straight sal
ary or guarantee and commission, or give
a, straight commission proposition to the
right party. Are willing and abks to pay
ror nrst-class man; no other need applv.
Address, giving full particulars, AC 41.
REPRESENTATIVE wanted to call on mer
chants for sales promoting corporation;
splendid opportunity for right party: ref
erences, call after 4 o'clock. 616 Cha-m-ber
of Commerce.
WANTED Men and boys at Loa Angeles;
P. ffPense to learn trade of plumbing,
bricklaying or electricity; practical work
on jobs half the time and study other
Sd- . Catalogue free. United Trade
School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles.
Thorougly experienced first-class man.
Must have at least 5 years" good experi
ence In ahoes.
WANTED An associate with timber and
fe? y I?an; profits shared; business es
tablished; out and inside employment; one
good at figures; don't bother unless you
fJCS ready for work; some cash required.
520 Lumber Exchange bldg.
BARBERS The State Board of Barbers'
.xaminera, will be In seeslon April 29-30
and May 1. at 167li 1st St.. for the pur
pose of Issuing annual renewal cards to
licensed barbers and apprentices. T. M.
Leabo, secretary.
Corporation Just organized desires the
services of well-appearing man with some
capital to take active interest: enormous
proms; references required. AD 43. Ore
gonlan. LAST CALL for railway mall clerks; en
trance examination May 15: join us and
quality; no applications after today. Civil
Service School, 710 Swetland bldg. Day
and evening.
Thoroughly experienced men on jackets
and gowns. Apply at once.
$S00 TO $1800 for railway mail clerks a
- nil, , A Jl 1 1 1 1 -
nat.on at Portland nnd Pendleton May 15;
free Information in regard to preparation.
Pacific States School, McKay bldg., city.
WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the
leading nurseries of the Northwest. Large
stock; choice territory: commission paid
weekly. If you are a hustler and can sell
write us. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or.
Employment Of nee Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1528.
Help free to employers.
NEED a bright young man to act as state
agent for a vending machine companv:
7o machines turned over at once; $000
cash handles this; very liberal commis
sions. 311 Stearns bldg.
WANTED Experienced hotel second cook.
-. - " , r j o-ii": mail uiiieut usea in
band or orchestra; $75 per month, with
board and room. 'Acrdross, Hot Lake
Sanatorium Company, Hot Lake, Or.
WANTED Salesman to represent one of the
leaumg oranas ot Dottled beer produced
on the Pacific Coast; only those with best
of references and acquainted with city
trade. Address AL 50. Oregonian.
WANTED Competent. experienced aalea-
man; one familiar with produce business
preferred; answer, giving particulars as
to experience and salary expected. AC 40,
WANTFD Chef for first-class hotel, $125;
mian and wife for country hotel, $100.
These are nrst-oJass places. See us at
or.ce. C. R. Hansen, Jr., Employment
Office. 26 North 2d st.
WANTED For Boise. Idaho, a young man
as bookkeeper, stenographer and general of
fice work; must be competent and have A-l
references. AG 45, Oregonian.
WANTED First-class coat-makers,
the Tailor. 108 3d st.
WANTED An all-around cook. 67 Russell st.
SPANISH lessons, experienced native teach
er, preparatory course for Government po
sitions, now in demand; reasonable terma
300 Commonwealth bldg.
good teachers for Sept. 514 Swetland bldg.
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. $1 per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
EXPERIENCED girls wanted to work In
paper box factory. F. C. Stettler, cor.
loth and Glisan.
A FIRST-CLASS cook: we keep a second
girl; family of two. Inquire at Apartment
No. 2, 362 Third St..
WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and
general housework; small family; good
wages. Apply 83 North 23d st.
WANTED Experienced saleslady lor mil
linery department. Apply at Le Palais
EXTRA good place for competent girl;
small family. Room 603 Fenton bldg., 84
Sixth st.
WANTED Experienced jacket hand for
alteration department, between 12 and 1
o'clock at Le Palais Royal.
WANTED Girl for general housework in
small family. 881 Mellnda ave, Phone
Main 6313.
GIRL for general housework, good plain
cook; small family adults. 651 Hoyt at.
Phone A 3738.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of three. In Summer home on Ore
gon City electric line. Call 132 8d St.
st. Main 2039. A 4272. Housekeepers
cooks, chambermaids, general workers.
WANTED Girl over 18 for outside work
among business offices down town. Ad
dress R 43, Oregonlan.
WANTED Working housekeeper to go to
Hood River; must be clean and strong
Apply 752 Flanders. References required
LADY to work in furnishing goods store
references required. 072 Union avenue
GIRL or woman for housework for family
of three adults. 673 Clackamas st.. corner
RELIABLE girl for housework; small fam
ily: good home. Apply 5o7 Beacon St., cor.
East 10th. Phone Sellwood 636.
GERMAN or American girl for general
housework, small family. 1022 Raleigh
near 29th.
WANTED Ladles, we bleach, renew, dye
and remodel hats, dye plumes at half
price. Model Millinery. 387 Yamhill.
843 Waahlngton at., cor. 7th. unatalrs
Phone Main 2692.
NEAT, experienced giri, cooking general
housework, family of four. Wages $22.50
595 E. Ash. corner J5th.
WANTED A cook: family of two. 130 North
19th. Call forenoon.
WANTED A body lroner.' New Process Laun
dry Co.. 26th and Upshur sts.
GIRL for general housework. Apply mornings
677 Schuyler st. Broadway car.
WANTED Experienced ironers. top wages.
State Laundry Co.. 395 Broadway.
WANTED A girl for general housework. 651
Irving st.
CASHIER Model Theater. Call bet. 1 and 3
P. M. 69 North 3d.
GIRL for general housework; must be good
cook. Apply 121 N. 23d, cor. Glisan.
WAITRESS for hotel dining-room: top
wages paid. 81 North 8th st.
GIRL wanted, general housework; no laun
dry work attached. 774 Hancock st.
BLANKET weavers wanted at once. Apply
Portland Woolen Mills. St. John.
WANTED A girl for general housework
Apply 582 Clifton St., Portland Heights.
EXPERIENCED waitress, private boarding
house; good wages. 735 Hoyt st.
WANTED First-class waist-makers. 606 Mar
quaxn bldg. '
HOUSEKEBPTNO girl for light bousewo:
raont w uuutttwu tjv.
Girls, 16 to 18 years of age, to work In
factory. Apply at once.
Fifth and Davis Sts.
First-class on Jackets, skirls and gowns,
wanted at once.
TAILORESS -If there is a good talloress In
Portland I csta employ her and will give
her good wages; no four-flushers need
apply. call London Tailors, Wells-Fargo
CASHIER Must write neat hand, have whole
sale house experience and be able to fur
nish bond; state experience fully and give
references. AN 43, Oregonlan.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work In small family, living in apartment
E?V Aply.10 to 11 A. M.. room 824
Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 53b7.
WAlNTED A girl to personally conduct
through Europe, from June to November,
tarty of .'!. Portland and Salem references
given. 1079 Chemeketa st.. Salem.
14$ H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 7632.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
GERMAN or Swedish girl for housework;
no washing, good home. $25 per month:
references required. Call at store. 420
Washington st. m
GIRL, for general housework and help with
baby; good home for the right person. Call
mornings. 454 East 13th st. North (Irving
ton). STENOGRAPHER. permanent position,
salary beginning. month; state ex
perience and typewriter accustomed to.
R 44, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl for genera
housework for family of two. Apply
Caevurts Bros., Union ave. and E. Burnsid
in morning.
STENOGRAPHER wanted; lady with some
experience, in law office ;.stato experience
and salary expected, and address AJ. Ore
gonian. .
Ladles' Department. 205 Morrison st.
Phones Main 1062. A 2064.
326 "A Waahlngton St.. Room 307.
Mala 8836 or A 3266.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and orsr
shlrts. Apply Ftandard Factory No. a.
Grand ave. and East Taylor at.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper. $40 per month; leferenci-a AC 47.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper. easy
work, short hours, $5 per week. AF 41.
WANTED Kenned, capable woman for re
"P0,",51,8, Pition. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Experienced girl for general house
work In small family. Phone East or B
1028 or call 607 East Taylor.
COM PETEN-t K,ri for general housework.
Apply 741 Irving st.
W.TiE? n B'.rl ,for enal housework.
small family. Apply 75 Ella st.
WAITRESS wanted today at 287 Alder st.
GIRL for general housowork. 742 Hoyt.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTEr By ambitious young man. po
sltlon as assistant bookkeeper In good of
nee. Inquire 202 Gerllnger bldg
S1C?RAi mor! smaU "ets of books de
sire?' fees very reasonable Y 50. Ore-
HARDWARE former commercial sales
man, acquainted with hardware business.
Sff. TZ? P08'"0". good country store, sober.
rars?G8?,OregCoenSianAddre8S Wlth part'CU-
JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants situa
tion In good family; has good references;
wages, $.Q and up. B 49. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position In private family by ex
perienced chauffeur and mechanic; refer
ences, s 48. Oregonlan.
EXPBRIBNCED cook, meats, pastry cleanlv
economical, good habits; references': cfty or
country. AD 49, Oregonian.
7"Sia?M foSPt,flat for rent, furniture and
piano for sale; snap If taken at once
Appply 601 Columbia st. Ken at onLe-
P(??.ITION by movIng-picture operator In
city or country; references. L 49 Ore
gonian. ' K
WA?TBD By young man position with
lir ln Chrigtlan fam-
WswiT.EDPoBltlon by middle-aged man.
Truf U k AarA co's an1 horses; flrst-cla.-w
milker. AD 42, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE, nice clean cook, wants position
nlan Christian family. AF 43, Orego-
GOOD Japanese boy wants situation to do
cooking and housework. Address F T
260 Everett St. "
NICE Japanese wants situation general
nl'an 8d famlly- AG S. 0Tee0.
EX.PE5"E?CEt "lMm,n produce and com
mlsslon business; references as to charac
ter and ability, c 47. Oregonlan.-
JAJ.BSE ,.boy wno na" " experience
wants position as porter or any kind of
work. Main 9361 A 1569.
JrNE.SE ,boy wa" position as domestic
fi hVaniriSatS 'amily; speaks good Eng
liHh. AG 46. Oregonian.
JAP,ANESE wants a position as een
OregonlaneW " ,n maU famlly- P .
YiUIJP Japanese wants to work 6 to 0
A. M. or after 2 p. m AC 45. Oregon?an
G??D-Japanese w'"he any kind of job ln
the morning. Onoda. 270 Davis st.
Y RU4? Oxonian"' "ke t0 ,earn tra-"
HOySBOLEANIN by day or hour; experl
enced man; city references. Main 303.
BY MAN and wife, camp cook. lona- ex
perience. AJ 42, Oregonian g
YOUNa man. ago 26. good character wants
steady employment. AH 45. OregonUin
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
WcV,LED 1 0S,t,l0n by rapld- "curate, edu
cated young lady atenographer; trained
pr vate aecretary; 7 years' experience aa
private aecretary and atenographer to
manager of manufacturing and commer
cial houae; atrictly moral in habits- best
references. AL 48. Oregonian.
POSITION by educated young lady of strict
ly moral habits aa
, clerk: yeara' experience ln office work
In position of truat; beat referencea at.
49, oregonlan. . .
T-i7 - iw r- copvist and bill
v.v.. n,nl. penman, desires a posi
tion; experienced and reliahle n jx
WANTED Position 'as cashier in moving
picture theater; references. s 48 Ore
gonlan. ' "re
YOUNG lady desires office work: have knowl
edge bookkeeping, shorthand and tvnewrlt
Ing. AD 41. Oregonlan. ipewrlt
COMPETENT young lady stenographer de
sires a position. AF 40. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants position
copy work preferred. Main 7440. '
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prlcea
Mra Angeles. 242 5th and Main.
F-MIY ew'ng: by the day. References. X
45. Oregonian.
POSITION by middle-aged lady as nurse
ai-d companion; no objection to some
housework. AJ 43. Oregonlan.
NURSE wishes more engagements; exten
sive experience: maternity a specialtv
Main 4632. A 1266. "peciauy.
WANTED By practical nurse, .few more
cases: city references. Phone East 4442.
XltTRSE. competent for all kinds of cases.
APRIL 29, lJO;.
SWEDISH woman, housekeeper, girl 13;
cooks, waitresses, second girls, general
workers. 245 tfr Wssh. Mstn 2039. A 4272.
WANTED Position as housekeeper; middle-aged
widow. AK 49. Oregonlan.
GOOD plain cook want, position as houae
keeper. AG 44, Oregonian.
COMPETENT GIRL with references wants
place ln small family, for general house-
wages so per week. AN 50, Ore
gonlan. LADY wishes to help with light work morn
ings and evenings for room and board. P
42. Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese girl wants situation to do
cooking and housework for small family,
an 11 r ...... 1
THREE girls want housework. 36S North
loth st.
JAPANESE girl wants housework In small
family; understands cooking. AG 43. Ore
gonian. LADT having her own horses and buggy
wishes light employment. Address R F
D. No. 1. Lents, p. O. Box 378.
MAN and wife want to take charge -if
lodging-house; best of references. Mrs
Hall. 508 Borthwlrk St.
LACE CURTAINS. beauttfullv laundered,
fine sun-drying, grass-bleaching facilities.
Tabor 1530.
EXPERIENCED operator wants position on
private switch board. Main 4879.
FIRST-CLASS waitress wants waiting In a
refined place. AH 49. Oregonlan.
LADY wants day work or hour. Phone
Main 2 1 72.
RELIABLE woman wants work by the day.
Main 4.DS.
15 , w?-k wanted by colored girl. Phone
Main 5o69.
WANTED Competent salesmen for best
fruit distrlcta of Oregon and Washington;
good opening for right kind of men. Ad
aresa Oregon Nuraery Co., Salem. Or.
WANTED A few solicitors on staple lines.
TIJ" wom"n. large commission. Call at
44 2d St.. from 10 to 12 A. M.
SW,E.I,11' l.'noto coupon otTer; best on Coast.
Cutberth studio. 801 Dekum bldif.
YOUNG LADY desires room and board with
in 10 minutes' walk from Oregonlan bldg..
in refined private home, where there are
People, piano, comforts and socia
bility of home life; state price. AG 42.
'hoIP TO RENT Small furnished
house. East Side, near carline; must be
modern and reasonable rent: referencea:
w ill rent fni- , .. .. , , - . . . '
j - - - ureKunian.
P1"- ,nlce'- furnlahed alngle
room, must be In walking distance of
21st and Flanders. Address at once, P 43
WANTED Furnished house or flat. 4 to "n
rooms East side: no children. AM 48
Oregonlan. -
frr'lEbT1 SL'E' 7 or 8 'oom modern un
Led houEe; one with lawn and
ahrubbery preferred. Telephone Main 213.
WANTED Furnished house or flat. 4 to 6
rooms. West Side; no children. AM 47
STn!?.Er.R?? containing not k?ss than 1600
square feet floor space. c 49. Orego-
ROOM and board, single man. must be rea
sonable; walking distance. AH 50, Orego
nlan. MODERN cottage with bath for young
couple. C 4S. Oreconlan young
7-ROOM modern houae. close In, West Side
by May 1. y 31, Oregonlan. '
roaster second-hand, in good condition,
cheap for cash. w. D. Albright. Salem!
, i w . . 1, AUV.11US LAJ.
. Pays the price" for second-band furni
ture. Eaat JS8. B 2311. 1
WANTED Store and office fixtures, show
sl' fl1,61'- ca"h register, etc
520 x Washington, phone Main 8458.
HI.H EJl'LRIC,ES Pa,s lr furniture. Phone
East 6204. 194 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor.
WANTED Diamond. 1 or 2-caret stone, set
or unset. AF 32. Oregonian.
WATE? A l.fot canoe; atate make
and price. Q 41. Oregonlan.
SP.T.Cm"!; "f ,d tor ?our furniture; prompt
attention always given, phone East 1067.
MANITOU. 261 13th. larpe rooms; hot and
cold water; 2 carlines; breakfasts.
Fnrnlsbea Hoot
Under new management, thoroughly ren
ovated In every way; rooms with private
baths, single or en suite; special rates to
permanent guests: tourists' trade solicited
One call means another. Mrs. John Gran
strom. Mgr.
NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat elec
trl6 lights, hot and cold water, elegant
bathroom, both nWiu. .
for persons wanting a first-class home for
- ' -rnnne a r2NO, M 5435
Call -The Hyland," 490 Morrison st.. com
partment 4.
...eXf'?th' Ankeny and Burnside.
brand new. homelike and
T.ASmf";bJe-i ,ats reasonable. Free bus
THE BARTON. 13th snd Alder; new ma
SSfSlf1! newly renovated throughout; 1
outside rooms; steam heat, electric light
etc.; rooms $10 month up: suites wit
. ..Tater' 22 0 to w: elegant
- . sea Datns free.
112 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
-Tliat ..nnn. , i
nlshed; all conveniences; rates reasonable
IH.BrtBHC?NC?rHAM- Vamh"l - 'PP. Port
-fc,,wvi ouiiutng: a;i mod
ern conveniences: special rates to perma
nent guesta. A II. Pracht. proprietor.
HOTKt. l!7-WM 1 I)L- .
Waahlngton and 17th. f.rst-class furnished
. ..... ji en suite; an modern con
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M. 5U47
For nicely furnished room In heart of city.
The Marquam. 6th and Alder.
BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms for one or
two gentlemen, with hot and cold water
k,V .rhe-.e,evator- The Westmlnsterl
6th and Madison.
NICE large unfurnished front room, with
wall bed and private bath. The Hanover.
lo King at., near Washington.
THE ESTES- -Good" rooms, reasonable- new
furniture, telephone and batha free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea.
THE REX. 18th and Washington Modern
rooms, also housekeeping: running watar
baths. A 1856. Main 4632.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms:
heat, bath: 00c U $1 day. $2 to $4 week.
THE ANGELUS, 6th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartmenta: both phones.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern conveniences:
' transient aollclted. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
Furnished Booms m Private Family.
NICELY furnished front room, best, light,
351 nAthnt bath" cIos n- 3 Per week!
213 13th st. Nicely furnished suite and
single rooms, modern conveniences, cen
trally located.
Nicely furnished room, line apartment
houae; every convenience; central. A 4970.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room for
small private family; fine home. 2.12 lltlu
VERY desirable room; large closet, hot. cold
(rater, jsorch. yard. 642 .Morrison,
aV2T.ED M?n" """-oft clothing an!
".iSh'.'.." a" buy household furnishings:
rfJi "t.opr.lSM pald Ca" at the "fair
ueai. 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272.
Furnished Room In Private Family. -
WANTED 6-room house within 30 minutes'
ride, value $2500: can pay $2.V down and
$25 monthly. See Goldschmldt's Agency,
2534 Washington st.
FURNISHED room In private family to 1 or
2 gentlemen; rent reasonable, walking dis
tance. 8 blocks from Steel bridge. 321
Wasco, corner East First. U carline.
TWO neatly furnished front rooms, with all
modern conveniences; one block to car.
7ia Hoyt st.. cor. 2 2d.
FURNISHED ROOM, with private porch,
view, walking distance, -modern conve
niences. 453 Hall St.
,0S F,r-AJiDE.RS ST. Bet. 14th and 13th.
neatly furnished room.
I rr.,R,S.HK1: rooms, hath and phone. 38 N.
I 21st St.; walking distance.
NsSKI'J.1Jur.nlst!'d room Ir month
811 Main st.. between 5th and 6th.
TWO furnished rooms; bath, gas, yard and
Miiwn.. reasonante. .y 2d st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
B ROOMS good for dressmaking establish
ment. 519 Morrison. Key upstaira?
Kooma With Board.
Modern In every respet; steam heat
electric lights, hot and cold water in
every room, elevator and bellbnv service
with excellent mejls a specialty. Cor
CronS and Hawthorne avea
THE MAGNOLIAS Walking distance. Kear-
. 1Jtn ana 20th.: elegantly
furnished apartments for married couples,
with board; also swell rooms for gentle
men. uh breakfast and dinner. $30 per
month; beautiful ground; all modern con-
si rooms ana best home
COOkina- in the cltv- mn Irt.t -.1.
e , , , - ' v"e
transients solicited: excellent table board'
Per month; single meals. 25 cents.
P ,hLND?rae Lnion. 21st year, room
"wV,"5 of se'ng room and II
t.rar SIO Flanders st.. Miss Frances N
Vm i- V ,. "".J"1 women a Exchange.
133 lOtn at. Mrs. M. E. Mretherton. aupt.
THE HAZEI Nice, cool rooms for the
Summer: hot and -o!d water In each
""Vrf nr?t-cla!"' able. Phone Main 7094
3d at., cor. Montgomery.
11", mC"T, fyo" wont a Irst-class room
Zn f, k5' T.r an conveniences,
iaM .bord- 'd home cook!
ing. call at Aster House. 7th and Madison
THE H.9LO,NIAU. corner 10th Morri
son: f.nest board and best rooms In Port
land: rates lowest: a comfortable home
T"E MORRISON. 333 Morrison at. family
hotel, modern, new manasemer.t; board
optional; beat table board : prlcea modera'e
-Xi -I' OHIO. Front and Madison Room
and board. $5 and up; also furnla-ied
housekeeping aultes and single room-
front rooms, flrst-clase boa'rd; modern rea
sonable: One walking distance.
ROOMS, single sfcd en suite, modern con
venlencea. 452 Morriaon. cor. 13th.
T1f', FI?R.-S Nicely furnished rooms, splen
did tabl board. 15,) llth t.
TIiE.?ARlC' 223 ' Lignt. airy rooms
with board, hot and cold water.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.'
GOOD room for 2; excellent board In cosy
homelike place: s minutes from Postoffice
Ideal place for the Summer; $20 per
month. 442 Jefferson.
NIrEu Y. frn,"np( omslrte room, with or
without breakfast: 20 minutes to P. O
Irvlngton. F' East 1171.
FOR RENT A furnished front room, with
good table board, walking distance; terma
reasonable. 210',3 14th st
NEAR Multnomah Club, on Heights, fine
front room with 2 closets, for 2 gentle
men. Main 4094.
VERY large, desirable front room for 2 with
board: pleasant home. Call 549 Johnson
t.. or phone A 4681.
NICELY furnished front room, suitable for
Si. ..m? coo'"", modern conveniences.
314 Mill st.
NICELY furnlahed room. desirable and
homelike; excellent table; modern: rea
sonable. B'Jl Couch.
ELEGANT room, stylish new house, fine
""19 ' waIk,nK distance; reasonable. Main
ROOMS and board, suitable for two gentle
men or man and wife. Phone Main 5983.
4l4t Jefferson.
NICE room wtth good home conking. In pri
vate family. 93 North 17th. Main 4220.
FURNISHED rooms with board, sleeping
porch. 355 llth st. A 1636.
BOARD and room, fine location. S21 West
Park. Main 0947.
ROOM snd board for 2: West Side. Phone
Main 3649. 248 N. 20th St.
SMALL room. $3: board. $20; for gentle
man; home cooking. 704 Glisan.
Large, pleasant room; for two. $4- Ideal
home. 470 Main st.
FRONT and side room with board. Home
cooking. 328 0th St. A 3022.
GOOR ,'ocatlon for two gentlemen desiring
wel'-fumished alcove room. 251 10th.
PLEASANT large room for 2 persons, with
board. 735 Hoyt st.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. I4th and Columbia
faay walking distance, new. brick buildings.
m 3. and 4-room family apartments;
private bath and reception hall, atearn
neat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan
itor aervlce. completely furnished ready for
housekeeping, from $3o to $50 month; soma
unfurnlehed from $22 up.
NEWLY finished, completely modern apart
ment house In northwest part of city; see
ub for 3-room unfurnished or furnished
apartments in this beautiful building;
apartments $4.1 to $50. Parriah, watklna
& Co.. 2oO Alder st.
COMPLETELY furnished 3-room apart
ments, with balcony and other conven
iences, first floor; references required. Ap
ply apartment 5. The Hanover. 165 King
st. phone A 1134. Main 8520.
and Madison, benutltul 4-room apart
ments, furnished or unfurnished, with hot
and cold water; private bath, steam heat,
elevator. Janitor service.
THE HARTFORD, N. W. cor. 21st and
Flandera Newly furnished suites of three
rooms, with ba,th, hot and cold water ln
every suite. Both phones. Apply to Jani
tor. THE IRVING. 21st and Irving sts. unfur
nlehed 4-room apartments, new. modern,
verandas: location finM -class: rrnt reason
able; references. Apply to Janitor.
THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room apartment.
21st and Flanders: Nob Hill; finest resl
lnce district; every convenience. Main
MODERN 3-room apartmenta. every con
venience. Morton Apartments, N. E King
and Washington, inquire Janitor or S
Morton Cohn. 107 6th at.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts..
unurntshed apartment, with bath; every
convenience: desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2506.
THE LUXOR, cor. 13th and Clay sts. fur
nished three-room .apartments. modern
HARRISON COURT. 5th and Harrison: un
: furnished apartment of two rooms and
bath. Phone Main 6148.
MODERN steam-heated apartmenta. 6B0
Iandera at.; 6 rooms. Apply to Janitor
or Wakefield. Frlea & Co.. 220 Stark at.
BUELL APARTMENTS, 14th and Salmon,
furnlahed 4-room apartment; very pleaa-
PARK HALL apartments. 421 W. Park st
4-room corner apartment; strictly up-to-date;
rent $35.
THE CHETOPA, 18 Flanders. 4-room mod
ern unfurnished, first door front.
THE DAYTON mo Flandera; 3 and 4-room
apartments: heat, hot water; $2i. $25.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4-roorn
modern apartments. nth and Columbia?
S42DE.?lNiroo,nJat- lnl"'re 225 Market.
Seville, bids, JPhoos) Mala 81S,
THE GLEN DOR A. loth and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite $10
Pi mon,,nwB.P.d up: Publl-' parlor, piano,
pool and billiard tables ri-.. , ....... '
Flat a.
Iv tr.I.m,0,d,!rn' nPlace. furnace, new-
Iy tinted: Glisan St.; 30
ti5n rooms. 22d and Kearney; fine loca-
EvereTtm'" and modern; 21st and
S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Sis
FLATS 5 rooms and bath each m anil
electricity, closet In every room.' amodl
en7raJncll np!et!,d- n carline separate
PXJff fnr tradespeople. $25. w - M.
Conklln si Co., inc.. 407 Wells-Fargo bldg.
UsERiJUt of 6 rooms and bath; all mod-
V .TkTv"1 larEO auic: '""lice.
.9th"'- N- Everett. Apply to
California Wine Hou.. 232 Waahlngton mZ
MporE-nHr10m upper fIat' wl,h leeplnit
h, f 'J1?" attl,': 1 bIock from West
cor' AmnllL01'001- 1I",Ul" 1IS lttth
Flrn1,nJhHE? 4"room apartment flat for 3
rT, .Phones, slam heat, very
rnd'"JCoiumb.a".ttsr""1 A"amenta, llth
I ., modern 5-room flat, caay walking
distance. Nob Hill; no children: must be
well recommended. Owner, AH 42. Ore
gonlan. '
MAY 1ST S-room fiat, on Park, near Jef
ferson : "replace, porch, all modern con
enlenccs. Apply Mrs. R. Stott. 26S Park.
NIckly furnished modern apartment In
Hawthorne Park Addition, close In. prt
ate entrance, balcony. Phone East 6o00.
Ri? . J furnlhed. steam-heated, lower flat
electrlc light, bath, walking distance 231
Flledner bklg. Main 5239. '
Pt urn H KH;HTS-561 Davenport st.;
Phone a iis6 rooms- n,ce Kround:
hw -"-om flat: choice location; 11
?irT? 'ioi P"': modern and newly'
tir.le... 404 clay st. Main 31.
3. 4 and 5-room modem flata West Side
rent reasonable. M. E. Lee. 41l"co?b
8'it0PiIiraV C'-'7 0v,r1: low rent. M. E
Lee. 411 Corbett bldg.
;"rM ,:at- """'y finished. CUf
ton. between 7th and Prk. A 3S2&!
RcLJiiTT,tErw,'!it riat- 409 Tsmhi-a
SI- -a" at b2 Marquam bldg.
NIi.'E1jY. '"m'shed modern 3-room flat
lower floor. 246 7th st.. near Main.
FURNISH Err 3 -room upper flat, alcove
suitable for 2 or 3. 124 North l!t.
V Phone'nMaVnatB'ni8Ch":a Nb "'" ,OCat,on-
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and iiarsnalt
clf, furnlshed for housei"p n in!
eluding gas ranges, eloctrlc lliht. vI
water baths, laundry, recert Ion-room, all
upe:.IfnUg?e'hbodsauPa'ren," li P month
US: '"i-'e housekeeping rooms $2 50 week
?n'c. ?r" .U,y fnr rnone, : .hort dis
is?h ..! m Union Depot. Take -a" or
lBth-st cars north, get off at Marshall at.
'0.?TA''--187 17th. near Yamhill (take
keenlnV i;,,"1 Khei1 2' 3 and -room hou!
V?Pfo.i ? by w'k or month. $5 and
t E ',,',""1 Up; hot and cold, .team
a- I' J? a,hf and Phones free: alngle rooms.
$ a month. Main.487. A 473a " .
st Z CSA-. Grand ave.. cor. East Stark
SLhJF dtrn b,ru'k. hulldlng. elegantly fur
nished housekeeping apartments. alngle
rooms; steam heat, elevator, baths, hot and
cold water in all room.. Phone Eaat 6465.
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington sts.
blegantly furnished 2-room housekeep
ing apartments; hot and cold water teie
pnone and all modern conveniences.
The new Wayuewood. 109 North ISth
St.. nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
good location, cheap rent
SUJTE ' furnished housekeeping rooms.
MorHson Cambrlds" bids . comer 3d and
l 3 nicely furnished rooms In cottage,
ff' ,rane' ball tall between 1 and 4
ttu 1st St.
FOR RENT Upstairs of rooms. N E
cor. Grand ave. and E. Morrison st.-"flne
place for office. Inquire I'aul Zimmerman.
1i,5.WEli,K up- 'ara. clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; parlor, laundry
bath. 1S4 Sherman. South Portland.
only $3.o0 per week; center of city. The
Marquam. Kth and Alder.
A NICELY furnished room for only $1 50
per week, at the Marquam. eth and Alder.
THE M1I-NER. 350 H Morrison, cor Park.
home apartments, all conveniences.
THE ELMS Furnished a snd S-room ipsrt
menta; heat, phonea. bath. 191 14th St.
2 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms.
Phone, bath. 4.12 Burnslde st.. near llth.
532 WILLIAMS AVE., lurnlahed. unfurnished
housekeeping rooms: also single rooms.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms mod
convenlencea. rent $1. Phone Main
i 1 3
HIGH-CLASS apartmenta. bath, piano, suit
able 3 adulta; modern residence. 52s Mor
rison. FOUR unfurnished rooms for housekeeping,
upstairs, private house, near 14th st. - rea
sonable rent. 502 Jefferson st
FOUR finely furnished housekeeping rooms,
modern, bath. gas. etc.: fine yard. 671
Glisan st. Phone Main 5527.
NICELY furnished housekeeping and sleep
ing rooms. modern conveniences. frsa
phone. raoi, n. 16th st. Main 419S.
WELL furnished connecting housekeeping
rooms, bath. gas. free phone, sewing ma
chine, large lard. $10. 421 I'd at.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod
ern: nice loi-atlon: no children. 234 East
ISth at., cor. Main.
TWO large rooms for housekeeping, with
2 beds. $16 per month. 311 Main st., be
tween 5th and tlth.
355 TAYLOR, c r. park, unfurnished or
partly furnished housekeeping rooms;
yard. gas.
FRONT housekeeping suite, with running
water. $18; single room for housekeeping.
$10; bath, phone. 20 Clay st.
SMALL sleeping room, housekeeping privi
lege. $soo month; modern residence. 523
Morrison st.
PRETTY den. electric lights, with kitchen
and bedroom: Tins location, strictly first
class. 67 20th st.
S NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
nice lawn, roses; $10 month. 610 Spencer
at.. Montavllla.
TWO " connecting housekeeping rooms,
ground floor, modern, reasonable. 314
Everett, cor. 15th.
2 OR 3 well-furnished housekeeping rooms
every convenience. 412 loth.
NICELY frunlshed housekeeping rooms; bath
gas ami phone. 348 Clay.
.At rvi, 1-.. naimsomeiy Turnisbcd alcove suite
fireplace and bath. 227 7th. '
SUITE of 2 nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms, good location. M5 Yamhill.
PART of clean furnished llat. including
kitchen. 147 21st st. N.
FOUR well furnished rooms, flrst floor 3
East 30th st. North.
THREE light furnished housekeeping rooms
modern, nice yard: reasonable, fiiii Front
5-ROOM bungalow, modem In every wav
with garden and fruit trees. 644' Cleve
land ave. Take U car. -ieve
HCITSE RENT for Summer free. See Grea
f.ev. 418 Corbett bldg. " reg-
MOI5ERN 4-room houae. Call A 61 after
IRVING-PON Modern 7-room house. Adults.
N. B. corner 15th and Tillamook sts.
HOUSI. RENT for Summer free. See Greg
ory. 418 Corbett bldg. S
HOUSE RENT for Summer free. see g-e-ory.
418 Corbett bld. us
?RS- 7T',0J,,rn. only $1. 4261, b. Mar.
ket at. Call phone Sellwood 0
6"?,r,.M cot,R?- Ju,rt renovated. Inaulre
; Corenoona nd ventugs. 50. tu art.
house& COr- 2"t Nicely furnished
watlr Vrs-n..J,00m": "a" range. hoc
-i ' ff" .Tath- free phone, both floora;
nice aultea from $12 up. '