V leW-m TWa-t m. ' I " . . Headquarters for the following high-grade prop erties. Riverwood Riverdale Abernathy Heights Palatine Hill Cove Orchards Gearhart Park on the Ocean Front. ALTA VISTA Portland Heights. , "We are the exclusive agents, CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. ThisWeekOnly ousjou, east of 19th, on Washing ton st., renting $180 per month, sso.ono 100x100 on 14th and Flanders st., comer at this price, $32,000 50x100 on Thurman st., improved, renting $113 per month, $15,000 50x100 on 15th, bet. Everett and r landers sts.; good cheap warehouse site, - $15,000 50x100 on 9th street, near Davis; cheapest buy on the West Side $16,500 oOxlOO on Tenth st., near Mom son, with 30-room house; hot and cold water in every room; can earn $350 per month easy. $30,000 Humason & Jef f ery M. 1189. 226 Stark St. A 3814. Ideal Farm for Sale 540 . acres choice land, 325 under high state of cultivation, 100 good timber, balance easily cleared; ideal for subdividing; only ten miles direct line from Portland, near United Rail ways line, in Washington County, six miles from new town of Burlington. Price $125 per acre. - ... E. W. Haines Forest Grove, Oregon. INVESTMENT Madison Street E S T M E Detween 1st and 2d. Old buildings bringing in $100 month. Lot 55x100. North side of street. Price $33,000 Terms. We Have Others. N CHAPIN 6 HERLOW jP 332 Chamber of Commerce. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY rsclnsive. Hose-in downtown resi dence district. Here all improvements are made and paid for, including asphalt street. Go and see the many choice resi dences now building. Lots sold on easy terms. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Big. . STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Agents on ground. THIS IS YOITR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY ACREAGE O.V THE SALEM LINK. k?0 W,J1 y this 30 acres with i ,and bar.n- to move right laMo-7 ."Vre8 ,n h,b state of cuftU vation. two acres in family orchard K ncre? n clover:- 2000 cord a of iood wood which will almost w tor'tht J. M. FREXCH A CO, OT Ca-.mrrci.l Bld: 2d and AVa.h. St.. NOB HILL BARGAIN pr,;'rdr0vr,on im- VANDUYN & WALTON 815 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON LOT Choicest location. East 21st p sur rounded by beautiful hornelL U-aoMrtxttar w Owner, . I 61 Ore. sonlan. .- TrW IOPAT- FOB SALE-REAL ESTATE. I " ' Hawthorne Snap $13,000 8 lots SOxlld. 8 lots 60x112, all In one tract, high and sightly, overlooking the city; a modern home, dining-room with nreplace. sittingr-room with fireplace ia.r.we ,ha11 r"nnlnS across the house V,.u l?Tgi, "rePlace. large bedroom with fireplace, two smaller bedrooms, bath and toilet, fine kitchen with tin pantry and a pass pantry, cement base ment with floor, cement walks, elec tr c lights, piped for gas; 6 of these lots are in nice lawn with shrubbery; barn with large tower, costing $3000. Jhow you"' toda- Let J. E. Rand ' ' 2-0 Swetland Bids. ALL GOOD GRAVY 3X5 Y,ul. !ot near Alameda Park. -00 1' ull lot near carllne "EUM ,loi- fine for bungalow. 2'2''V full lot. improvements paid. Ki?s2 f,ulJ !ot- improvements paid. otJ lmProvements paid. f 9Sul1 lot- ea8t front, imp. paid. SooO Corner, full lot. Imp. paidT Buy one of these and make some quick and easy money. Oh yes, hero's another one. $1050 Four lots, nice for bungalows. r-:uneJn and 111 show you how to make some good money on these. You dnt.tTeed to tak? 4 Per cent interest "atmoney you've got in the savings bank. Invest in these lots. WHY NOT? Butterworth Stephenson Co., Inc. Designers aud Builders of Artistic Homes. 35 Lafayette Bids., 6th and Wash. WEST SIDE A BEAITIFCL HOUSE ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Your choice of those new, modern six-room houses, N. W. cor. 27th and FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY (Owner) HOI Board of Trade Bldir. Phone Main 4-47". Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property A Current Rates. Building Loans. Installment loans. Wm. MacMaster 303 Worcester Block. . FOR SALE OR TRADE l&Ofl-ACrA ft-irr -stl-. i a fenced, all tillable, substantial Improve ments, in Douglas County; or will ex fn 5. .'OP Port'and Property or close- ... - - ajuiS uuiierence. . JACKSON t DEERING, Phone Main 45. ?4 .:t-- ,, MORTGAGE LOANS ct.l rate, and trnTZl loans on buk m. .. Koild" Loaned tor Private Inventor A. H. BIRRELL CO. ana McKay Bldic ,1 JL Mark. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F. Abraham. 306 Abington bldg. Main S2S Andrew..F.V. Co. M. 3349. 30 Hamilton 2"Bier,-A.,,fTea 1,5 Ablng'on bid. 5?!ck-..WIl"a? - 812 Falling bldg"" Blrrell. A. H. Co.. 202-3 McKlv h H. , .state, insurance, mortgage "oana, "eta Brubaker & Benedict. 602 McKay f. m 84 Coo'k,nB(iHrI?--8K?1? Chamber Commeroa cook. b. B. Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E. Co.. Board of Trad. bldg. J.nnlng. & Co.. Main 168. 208 Oregonlaa. L... M. B., room 411 Corb.tt bldg. P.rrl.h. Watkln. Co.. 250 Alder st. ' Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bldg. Tisu?t'ssifcR fsaa- sss&s? Whit., b. F.. 227H Wa.hlnaton V FOB 8ALE REAL ESTATE. E. BURNSIDE DISTRICT in ,h,l,bSrlot".UmbM f n'Ce hme fOT al . . H P PALMBR-JONES CO.. -13 Commercial Cluh Bids Main 8800; A 26T3. ' IF ymi are after a vacant lot and hav. th Monroe st.. Jiwt off Union ave.. ror 'oo Colnmearb'iog! Va'U6- See Nf-V .i""ro,"m ""dern houso. with eood fractional lot East Side, walking dist n e. I i t.'. ?' Idse and Imnriy to car i.t.MMi- 'er. BJJ Chamber or Commerce. FiR ?AIJK Verv desirable 7-room houne roxrDan"de?elSit!l: b.est -'Bhborhood?Uroi flOxlOO; fle view; C400o: terms. Ml ton mo.bAaT33'4-. MOhaW" lot Tn'J.fi 60X10P- wltl1 30-room house: d ld runntns water In 24 rooms: eran,'5 comP'e'e: -3 block, from Pc??: OregoaT1 Pric6 30-X. term.. " P 4nrareg-o'nrahea'- Add" O""". A B 128.000 The northeast quarter block t ib.i, ImpriJ" Tn10- s"r0'itie6ffh -t5J? " n"r car- nlce vlew. buiMlnir - . , vv owcuaiiQ Olds. ESYy lnpaVkT oC,n.l0tCoiumbbr barain tak.nmba,a SS A BJAUTTFUL home: hardwood floor, new and modern: overlooking Ladd'a AnHitCS ""- term.. 201 Fenton bldg Addition. NEW. mortem. 6-room house, nreplace- ! iTfJa "re,t-oa carlln'- IRVINGTOIST lot, .urrounded by beautlf.il SoSan. Ea8t 21"t: 2000- ' o! rTffc." 2"' AderCToor " N 20286"rOm home- nr Ldd Tract. East N208."rW"n hOU"' near LadflTtra'ctTaBt HOUSES for aale. 836 Eugene . cavier sis., near Forestry Park- e-as electricity, fireplaces. furnaces, full cement basements. Price $4250- 1400 down, 40 per month. ' THE MORNING o.fnl?.0-LNe "-room" bungalow, beamed fj ,11? B- flr'P'ace. modern plumbing: thi tti?e .apel,t buy ln the Sunnyside dis trict; 250 cash, ig per month. 2200 -Bungalow of' 5 rooms Just com pleted, fireplace, b.th. full concrete foun dation, beamed celling; $2--,0 cash, balance f 15 per month. . S-24. 2300 Corner bungalow. 5 room, and bath, etrlctly modern. street improve ment, all In and paid for. beamed ceil ings, gas and electricity. . ' S-30. 2oO0 2-story, 6-room houxe. 50-ft. lot. beamed celling, paneled walls, gas and electricity, street Improved, close to two 9arlines; S300 cash, balance to suit Irvington. 2-story, 7-room house, 2 ,ast r-tn st- N - near Thompson, lot oozioo, gas and electricity, strictly mod ern: easy terms. j g. $.-.000 Irvington bungalow o; 6 rooms. 3 months old. beamed ceiling. nreplace. Outch kitchen, cas and electric fixtures: ?neienoa '""Proved; this Is a bargain; lot W. M. CONK LIN & CO.. INC., 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. I 15. rvruH5?lSTJraBER co 520 lumber ri- 91T,B?-DG PHONE MAIN 578. CITT PROPERTY FOR SALE AT PORT . TOWNSEND. WASH. J2000. cash, 200x100. 7-room house, modern, under high cultivation, IB apple 3" fru,t trees' Prunes, peaches, cherries, pear, and quinces. 200 berry SK?,.": -.h. sol,: fruit and vegetable. Plenty; 10 minutes' walk to P. O.. Court an,d "cnol; ne view of moun 1 M : .va-"e. etc.. city water. If you ter?sted ln thl" proposition, call at fT tndvWe wm Klve you more Particu level !-acre chicken ranch, all to .el,? edV. p,enty ot water i. Vi mile o2r" V001 an' Btor. on Base Line, and nouses'. house and barn: also out- . SPECIAL, live r," acre' 74 acre ot farming land. County' Plenty of game, ln Crook - Jr-oo" ,?ed a?d tltle: cash required. X. cash- wl" by 120-acre dairy tSe W'Lh BOOi armhou.e and barn, oj Dlent. f .and "teamboat navigation; Sole and ater; ,0me nber:,good tilU EXCHHW?TTTIIMBER CO - 520 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG.. PHONE MAIN 67S. Flv.BSAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. Place f?mH bathl. ha- closets, flre- S:?- tfuUbi. bea.eec?r1cnt- li'geS- i" Sark?nlg.W',1ar 2??? wafkcurb ana' w'ide parxing , large 8-foot porch. oorcelaln foomb bSi,tP!aBtKer-tiled k?tchen " aUn ie;,n1b.,kca8e and coy corner; half blok ft Hcted .r'dence district and east- 1??X carIln: lot 50x100. facing IS J.?850 ash needed: balance at Bear, ? r 1-00 can De carried for WIU buy 7 per Cent- See tnla and you HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. DO YOC WANT TO BUILD 7 f rt. n,UT, archltect draw plan, for you fj f fv. cnarKs- Our building department authorUvrKon0fba Calfia who U m nuinority on bungalow structure Wa HHV- --rrVul .aveWyou mone" 'r OU- Thla ' W. M. CONKLIN & CO tvr 407 Wells-Fargo Btdg. A 174T.N m'. 2S59. B We" gWeHfh-GHb" WALNUT GROVES. Orecon tht li. buyer of walnut lands ln today m pr itc-,0p0',it'on on the market eachy clltI tract, of 6 and 10 acre. wr forallfraeSdfo!aerU8 yU ab0Ut U or RSXlVN& FIREBAUGH. 610-511-612 Swetland Bldgl feltMOwf,Lta,ke".;atI'n,ce; 18 acre.; 750 bullirnes- n house barn and oth?r out! oS the b'e.oh "warehouse and boathouse 25 chickens '.l? ,rowboat8- cw and calf, the place tOOU necesaary to farm MACKAT & BURR, Inc:. Olympia, Wash. onJ-fC-AN'T EUAL ITIN TOWN Poe'n't"8 th -WwalAnff .SUtMfin? THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO 248 Alder St. AsriIeNThe'noem,ent acrea6: w have for ? ' l0e best 100 acres In one body .un able fur subdividing, between here and Oregon City, cloee to electric line S". eoll living water and Jurt enough fall ?" onnakgVdderm"alna: li" "dled on good terms , and at a rrio thnt .-m enable you to tnore thanSS" u'r F- M- CRAWFORD & CO.. uui.a .u wetland Bldg. 7tu0n0nidne?WobeaoUrtneJrU ln ele'nleSe' th'a't "3. .- i".HPr? ta $sso- term on part- we confidently assert that this place u better fo, antMng else to be had for the price; prospective buyers will do well to see It. Call 513 Chamber Commerce Et; BU-NSIDE DISTRICT. on E Con3ra.hUSe- less than a J-oar 'd flreoface tn "fa a0tn: naa '"rnace upePtoU:dkte:"$5C5P00ne',t b"emt; everything H- P PALMER-JONES CO . . J13 Comiuernlal Club Bldg Main 6U9e; A 2653. ' H r.eato,st oflfer ever made In Irvington 6 choice lots. $1500 each, one-third cash balance 1, 2. 3 years, 6 per cent ii Z' provement. in and paid; come o?t see them at once. IrvlngtonTBroldwav cars, corner 15th and Halsey .ta F bq C 1993. Dolen & Herdman E' 896- N'RW mfiHn.n T Rronklvr. kk. near- view ,,ii I k i ,""""iui grounds ;JiiW . ,, V block, all street. imi ? '"bailments or takeP east roved; property as part payment. Henkle A Harrison, 511 Gerlinger bldg. flenKIe , NOB HILL. Two elegant flate on Hoyt nra. r $V0O: they are bringing in ,$70 "month buHdrng only one year old;ownPer Tiving BRONG-STBELE CO.. 110 Second St. APARTMENT OR FLAT SITFl' Fractional West Side corner, tn crime eaey walking distance to P. 6 a aef-Vriert snap; don't delay If you have s4 . handle balance term.. Vandu7n i Wal tn. 615 Chamber of Commerce Et,STtfrnt fu" lot- Hos City Park oe quick.'0 Car n'y 450- quired 250. Act S. T. WALKER. 604 Corbett Bldg. 6-ROOM : modern home In m , . ' section $4ZOo: Inciudlng furniture -ld?? cash, balance terms. Can be boS J??!' out furniture. Phone A 3ti8. Wlth term, to .ult. Owner.'" bungalow! "Soorabn5al0.w- East 10tn- Alberta -600, bargain; terms. Call 519 Swetland FOR, SASrrine 5-"oom, all modern coT-11?- w'th large attic; Wrictly high-claM and up to date; Sunnyside- b.. ciasa See owner. 307 Failing bldg. 1 f term- .,i , 9 LOTS, All cleared; water- 'nn , aendmSs:ta?kd bUy" 3f &22-r'Si..nS F?SAJiE:Moilei"n "-room house with fur- 650 J350 CASH. MT. TABOR 2 line lots, fruit and "Ita for good iSmVaLd77Sr Hawl thorn ve. Tabor G20. .aw- 6Na1.rcrVeOC1c,nrneTri,n.Nb F'-d; Lumber Exchange. ""' oJi-jj ACREAGE, close in; I will sell i .,,. oYdg.n e"-V. term"" "an'Io 'Fa'uin'S ".F,?1? and 15 per month will buy a neat little home. Call at 0a Tl or phone Sellwood 711. Tenlno ave. 80 ACRES on Base Line road vei- k. " LIND Sc HIGLEY. T32 Zil QREGOXlAx; THURSDAY. r . d-umul ESTATK. 1 .,. BARGAINS. N5B HILL HOMES, e.-; "room "ew and modern home; ,m mPnt'. fu"ace. nreplace and re-. conven'nces; full-.lze lot. 5ox .t . font: choice location. 22d quick barraln "nd mir. to go II??"-i"m. rno5rn house, strictly up f?,. 8 "reP'ace.. cement basement and tio iVx "'onal corner lot: good loca tion. 24th et.. south of Marahall. . 90r6-room modern home, well planned and convenient: concrete basement, fnr ,a5. an'i flreplace: choice location. .ura'c'e-n.tr.et.near 24th; "Uth front- hard" imit0-0?rft'r,oom new and modern dwell ISfii. cholc location, near 24th and Mar L: ,foncrte basement, furnace. fire Bux'inn VaJ"dWood.k 'J00, etc. ; full-.lx. lot. ooxlOO feet, north front. i?.'00-,0"room modern home, Just com- ani e:ielnaC "jcplacea. hardwood rEo?, comnle. a"1 chandeliers; one of the met Choi?. ,meS ,n the clty: '""-I lot, cnoice location: owner obliged to eell , JAMES J. FLYNN. 612 Chamber of Commerce. FAS-ir 2 f30 CASH. EASY WAY TO GET A BEAUTIFUL HOME. . RENTERS. GET BUSY. in8evlrn.9"r00m bouses, strictly modern L"read v Z L. Baa and electricity, furnaces tionarv i.Sme- cement foundation., .ta fuMva finihi tr,ays- a" ,,n,ed and beautl ldenc. h.1:.ele8ant location., m flne res- earla-nSeentpf' S DIETZ-MUELLBR CO.. S15-1B-17 Ablngton Bldg. 'to. . EVGLISH WALNUTS In Or5n xlVS" ow.nr and planter. " " Portar. t?act. JlSt-S1 .c,Vintry- Yamhill. 6-acr. Lumber Exchang. bldfc.. 24 aid itik .'ta. 4 veryLLniceZEitl0i8H BZd . S-IOOm h"" easy terms; this property will a?" 0 'e7a'Ue ,8rn: can b "rented iTow had.. 2?, .montn: "othing better to be Commerce! lnvestm"t. Call 613 Chamber SOMETHING NICE Si Piedmont, near nHih "SehAlfi"" Porch. French wlndow.'Paneled 'dliTnl! r?..ml, with fireplace, 'cabinet vIS rVWl , . y and Ba ,n house; piped for merciUi 1, cash- Owner. 1170 Com- 1 altIhougrnPalenrn? T, my nfw -Toom home. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. REAL ESTATE AND v.FIRK INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG MAIN 8699; A 2653. 1T-arom'hoPus0ePeo-c and 'Wtle-, for apartments. Address- AH 40. Orego- SEASIDE COTTAGE. n.sd8; nnreTOvmewCoVaoKceanCToPoIefeitVUr beach: lot 50x100; nie gVo0in yardr-Oa SOMETHING GOOD. 45xl,S 'Im001?. cottage, bungalow order, a "ception hall and closets 8-foot basement: on 'Alberta carllne itt n?!?. 'SSjiKS' ,8n fSSI TO PorThei a!?srt,nR d'f''"-r-m A beauUf home baercent: lot 40x12s! SPENCER & CO, 102 Second St. "cSf4 .o0.T,eoOTon0GbisIa,:.t,r0iet,. 80X,00: FOR SALE by owner, a new 7-ronm . wjbs"? ST - INCOME PROPERTY ON RUSSELL ST J- C. ST RUBLE. 32 Chamber of Commerce. . 12l SUBURBAN HOME anVtAiroom huse' .'JdTfoT" : Mount Scott carllne. very eisv terL11 2 cheap, call room g. 22riVaMorrf,'0In''.tnd Thi. 'OB HILL RESIDENCE CO.. no Second St. ' J2750 for 6-room REAL nnvir T'" "ktr cat i- rnJTm T r O'DonDell (owner.. taJLl-fi "il" E. . "au ui irade. fnhgeag,dbgy Wner: terma 'o "t?t'S07rFai1i! FOR SALE Strictly high-class 7 , T. modern hou In cn locffi'tv ?m' a," TnhgeaPldDgy WDer; l"m- mFali! $600 DOWN FOR 5 APR Ire hoSsT barn'. wfchtcenP'' ,-'- tare. Stlger, roomg'.00,1 C.atr FOR SALE High, slghtlv lot Woodstock; will . 11 y right -""Ve'd0-money. Owner. 616 Commercial kiE v.the Main 3953. v,oaimercial blk. Phone 6-ROOM houee, 60x100 lot. c,,--,,., ' reasonable: easy term. v!ndn'di Z'7 . ton. 515 Chamber f r- LT Lnuyn W.l- r wiumcrce. "&f0 -"tn INVESTORS Go to the 1 relation; buy a"rect oV7oner. aniT oommlsslon.. 205 Ablngton bfd" ' FceStoLcf,UyF1o- SSTSviS' fTi by owner; terms. 307 f-mi- "a,1i'chea' ",UR. SOME nice lot.. 1 block from car 1- v.. tavllla. $375; terms, "si ward? owner S-"r Meridian ave. phone Tabor 14647 '-"ea2 7t,hn.ta?iamentf. .d0 schmldf. Agency. 25314 Washington G.t!d' 6-ROOM house, full lot t?v., j fruit and garden: 1M bloe?I T" tor cash. Owner. 1238 Ivon. ' heap $600 CASH, balance easy term. i . a st. 1 RVINGTON lots for sale by owner on ,.." and 24th .t. Price for few dlys si2Ji terms: no agents 411 a Ai.rry?-, m. -..,, tun OlOg. FOR BALE A 3 -room cott.ee nn .1. Brooklyn carllne. $1300; p"?t dow? 5 terms easy. Pi,one evenings Main 7" 40 r vrv Ar.lKI MBNT HOUSF A beauty: 100x104. corner: a barrel tor cash. Owner. Tahn- m" oargain GEARHART PARK 7-room ruml.h. house and 2 lots. Inoulr. o? eUilh.e.l snaw. s Sherlock fcldg. AFRIT, 1909. YOITR OWN OFFER, fert frm. wefn HaU and Lincoln; 10 Dronertv u i106 .ft.et. deep- 120 back; this ne.f i,yv" 1catfld ln nne spot for busl ln" 15 J "have any anticipation of buy .uft mo .Tv" Sld.e Property, this will ' 1 My AnNbrHnEtRmlM "dbUy storeHaW.thPrDe ave- East Side. 75x100; 4 office.'- iarJfe- "P-to-date dance hall. 4 bulld?ng. OI 00 per month; new ALSO East ?",,f0irne,0i. coer Grand ave. and corner? onw ,5,x!K,.: a splendid buslne ntim,' ?. Y f w step rrm Burnside St.. making It an exceptionally good buy; any Sted hkJDf ird Tveatmen? will be bin 2h by 'ooh'ng into this. Call us up and get our prices. w fast1 1141 Open Sunday. EAST SIDE INVESTMENT COMPANY. . 37th and Hawthorne Ave. MJBEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, and ttlZ- .p';f0-dat- 6 larBe rooms, front aJ1" built-in linen closet rear roT- .bat5: medicine chest, with mir- h?HitPa net? dinlng-room; Dutch kitchen; SSI i china closet: tinted walla; dou mer.""",81 larBO at,ic- with three dor V?" ful' cement basement; cement Boor; furnace laundry trays; large corner lot Thi. i "Outh front; shades and fixtures. i-" Peach, come and see; $3250, lo00 cash, balance to suit. ' ln V. A REALTY CO JU-1 Hawthorne ave., cor. E 84 Phone Tabor 518. cor. AJfh OWNER NEEDS MONEY. "ere ' n exceptionally flne buy; a new J?m J10""' lot 5Oxl00. at 28th and Bel- -i- Cre 8turrounding.s: 8 minute, from h?.n?d Mrrleon ate.; reception hall, with ei. i "faJ"-..I"re livlng-room with book case, and built-in seat., tine dining-room, den, pantries. kitchen. four large b1roflH.,,baKth- 2 lavatbrlw. large at tic, finished basement, best furnace, sleep ing porch, room for garage, shades, llght-ljfrx.S,'- "cloth in pantrlee and kitchen; frl ?, 6o terms. Don't mi this if you are looking for a home. LOWKNSON BROS., ' 105 Sherlock Bldg: . . . A FEW BARGAINS. Alberata;4Vl0905m: bter5,a.,OW- Ea" "th i. A number of attractive resldenoes. Hol and Holladay Park Additions; all modern conveniences: prices right Choice lot. St. John. 500. te"ms. terms corner lot. Lovelelgh Add.. E- F. HITCHCOCK. 809-10 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, we have some very desirable homes and home sites, with beautiful view, on Port land Height., convenient to the car and r"o ho.?-e?e.lgnbo-rhood' ranging ln pile, from 2o00 to 25.00O. The owner of one or these properties will consider a trade tor a good farm. R- p- BRYAN. 605 Chamber of Commerce. A 1227, Main 1968. 1500 DOWN, BALANCE EASY .ieISm,.hoJ1.8ei ceme"t basement, furnace, nrovJn0 K1'Sh.tf; cement walk, rtreet im rendrpr 4SldBPu,chaCeadnf0bWhat amUnt- GU" Sm'tS- 0, NEW BUNGALOW from fS!?' and reception hall, one block ave. near Shaver; fireplace In parlor, cement basement and very large waTkJ ,S 'mproved; also cement kaK?r"und house; several fruit trees, chlrken yards, etc. Price $2700: half Exchange nn & Moore' 825 dumber 2 AhSm V.1 ,n cultivation, right on St. 8trhctivClHne' ,about 30 minutes out 8Ih y .mo.df ,rn 7-room house, good barn bearing tree3'"681 "chard, of out 75 .h Si, . ,, everything In ftrst-class fnP i ,ot5 "elllng at 450 to 5uo. mak PHceK S7Uood-a1-o.!oWOrih tne Plce "asked. S,o 00: -0O cas. A snap. Kauff man & Moore. 325 Lumber ExchanA' F(e?n Sho.ErBi' owner. new six-room mod walascnHni "".5" reception hall, panel ""'Jf' closet and beamed kitchfn nrt K,nnK"ro.om:. 'mltatlon In V ano bith- walls tinted, full b.ae cemenf a8.irt.dv e'ectrlc light.; good ?eet.. cement sidewalks. large pantrv wlih bJ1rt8"'.nd d.rawers. 27(,5. 300 cart. $20 and interest, call B 1972. ' 4A,R.QAINSLBARA1NS! BARGAINS' --Mrae8 ?ooraBeimnt- niar r. station. t'SO: 7 bouse, near Alberta, only .... FINE BUY. in nne hal L" cultivation, balance the eec?lc f.,,'mber:-only m,le 'm . electric station and one block fmm onltfiS., th'J ,s near ardenbHm.frand !f taken am'oncefrm Portla"d an acre BRONG-STRELE CO.. 110 Second St. 6-ROOM modern bungalow on Glenn near East Harrison stfrV cemln? base ment, cement floor, laundry trays in the nargaln. Phone owner. .Main 2500. $2850 for 6-room. new. Queen Ann. .tviT aw .fna1 r!f S'da flnl8h 't "oxA75."!n 'goo"d nrs.deaandrlo8u:nt0nTa b and $15 per month. This ! mi S & Herlow. 3.12 Chamber of 'cZStJz?1 ,6i00?1, whole block consisting of 8 lot. on E- c?tb. and division sts. Tlili . u " and see'lt 'i"8"5,8 at 5 S," out .no see it. our sign is on the place C tf aPnfdUKMrorr1,oM.r00m 14 li FIRST-STREET SNAP ine 8-room house, near 1st anri ;tnW at'U,Joool8tahnC,8. a8d "ddedHra1r: f," at 40; half cash, balance long SSaV'ojradrffa..0-' adow.Tl? Kw.u oIRVINTON$10.000. .hfnTetrfctTnmoaerr n Car"": evry H P PALMBR-JONES CO., 13 Commercial Club Bldg Main 8699; A 2853. BUSINESS man, good appearance .n ,., "mfe"' t.b4!nk, and 0,be?Prefrearenceasndhavfng Ittle time for social life, wishes to ZHS lady with clean record Tmuslcal T.' gonlan: n"tr'm0ny " "aAM . 0I 8-ROOM dwelling at a sacrifice Corner F m, "d1S'h. Lot 60x1(10. Strk,IymoE: SI"11 ' "rst-e'.ass condition. Price $6500 ?anr- 4 SS"' American Tru Con?: phSni Chamber of Commerce. Don't OI,B,RC5A.hWAT- between Union ave and o".T .oV0,31'0S cash or less. Culver '! . nair Commerce. -u'ver. 6.3 Chamber of fenced: $2000. ,iao,,y c.hTl liT'sot SPENCER & op.. 102 Second st HOUSES for sale ln air parts of the ei.T- watahftir hss siSsr ftJH-SsS dStamph.r. 63l-632 LumbExrt'ang. 800 5A?H will buy five-room cottage good condition. 98x100 lot- fruit tVL-. ooa vralk, near car; prfje 'JieV"- Cement WHITTEN & BRYANT. cbo Chamber of Commerce. Main 1459.. THIS WILL PLEASE YOU 38x100 and flne, new up-to-date' v,,,r... as si-Arp-as : dr.- - hux: W. O. WADDEL, 309 Lumber Exchang.. anoo" J5S5-. BARGAIN. - junin .., near 17th- front. cement sidewalk. Improved ' sewer, gas; price much below actu&i See owner. 309 Lumber ExThangl .outh .treet. value. NIlEJ?odern 8-room house within 1 2P?r Department, school, drug and two carllne.; very reasonable: East 66-aCCUnt f leav,n tate. ' block store must Fhon. Nm'odr-00S.,r?0US.9- 1H ,tor,': thoroughly nverP- o0 t.. near Hawthorne ave $300 down, balance $25 a month PORTL.ANO REALTY I ?RUST CO 106 Second St. ' OWNER must sell new. strtctly modern s room house; flne view of river and Tit?: ShaTerr"nable- 834 A,bambra "ave.foot . , 2l,75- COME QUICK.. B-room house, gas. bath .m.ii , . North Portland near car b! n'ffi cash. Call room 8. 221 H Morrison ?" 82x100. close In; Central East Portland flne location for apartments; p-lce iQw See owner. 309 T.nmher r- pi'ca low- "l """Ke. LOT 60x100 fully lmf,roVed near 17tr. . VSSS'- M0- Tna- -5i 5br S?i - T FOB 8AIX-REAL ESTATE. FOB 8AFARM. 0 lots, e.ch $.125. 6 lota, e.ch $::no. 1 lot, $4110. 1 lot, $.M0. 1 lot, corner, $.VW. 1 lot. corner, $t5n. 3 lot.; near Prescott, $125 .ZJ8 ,,ar bargain, and will sell quick; bid Howard-Behnke Co., 61 Swetland SrtITr?bst buy on the Eaet Side; 8-room modern house. on carllne; gas and elec trlclty. paneled dining-room, full cement beTf" rte1 plunibIn- even-thing Z t faction twL.1 ian prove to your atl cated for ,V tni" Property oannot be dupli oth '5? ,he money; on East Glisan near nut i.t.711 ,tr? to imagine what thi. Is. Ro. io! VL',ak you out and show you! Koss. 408 Gerlinger bldg. ELEGANT HOOD RIVER ORCHARD 1 U nflfelf8 r f highly-Improved orchard, i l..nll!,e, from town: 700 trees all in ?u't'vat'on. 7-room. 2-story hSuse fine lain .tWi: a" 'enced- hls is a bar! dea" will,St5.0k.Pe,';i,acre- For uict cash beft bldg 700 per acre- 27 Cor- om rnioob.unfa,ow''- ranging In prices n .T100 to small cash payments modern home for 4800; strictly modern ln every respect EAST SIDE INVESTMENT CO.. 3th and Hawthorne Ave. ACBEAGK. 8ErrroRAvJodwaCr tr"?ts of land- S mile, k bUr,L on the Mount Angel and Silverton branch of the S. P. R w 1 mile f.MUn.t, Angel- Ideal Tlace for .Sin 'a. ln and fruit raising; near fruit can- nf efmery and "ores; good school in Center- .ta".eV S- P" R" R- divide, tract w.fe?.H r: "witch and warehouse on plate; "a".ed by several .mall creeka The "t.,OUr Partle to see the land bought It ou'r o'e?,01- leeplat and Photograjh. TERMs" Immediately. All cash, 5 per cent discount J, cash 4 years. 6 per cent interest. n.vro.lf;8; b- bond 'or deed, semi-annual teVeSt ' 7 ear8' llmlt' 7 Per cent In- 6WEET-HEAD-LEMCKE 146 V, Fifth St. 10toAiE,Sri abSut 12 mUes from city, close i .r Ifctrlc line and railroad: all but ij loO i,r.riS Itlva,,on: orchard of more than !, b earlng trees. 125 more young Lam frillt C.hdrr'.er" V1. OUt: excellent folV for asi .oh XUnk farming; running water. ? K. . d weII: 7-room house, barn and putbmldings; horse and buggv. all f.'m nlfnre"??"8 .and Bome household fur--I)oo rLC, Uded prl';e- which is $5000: -)oo cash. a very fine place and verv ExcahPangeaU"mann & Moo?e- ah 1 A 20-ACRB SNAP. 2 A'1 cultivation, including a nice seven room house and good barn; three acres of apple trees, three acre, of strawberries one ?hi?ti1,?E.anta?dK0ne a0re of '--.berries VLH e r,"6?1 buy on the East Side and J&'S'Z' to tho electric carllne. BRONG-STEELE CO.. 110 Second St. .,A?,REi?; 3 mlle 'rom White Salmon by BanL0nronH8- mlle" rrom Vi"a on North f-nk road; be.t of soil and your own S.inHB .ater Ior. irrigating all 'the year River '.IVS ?' ?"hUe Sa'mon. Hood Kiver and Mosier in sight. This is a Sn.a5 n0P,r acre, and about half cash ?e .dod,m.';haptn Herlow. 33a Chamber 01 commerce. SUBURBAN HOME Only six milea out, on the electric car five acres are ln this tract and all In the finest of fruit and vegetables " a fine six! rmT whh- al5, a barn nd wlnS fsVllO ?r water, the whole five acres; i'ii If taken at once. BRONG-STEELE CO.. 110 Second St. 20 AND 30-ACRE tracts, all cleared .nd Sin"??; 9m" -outh-of'Wr.tlarnd: fin. oil for fruit, vegetable, or nuta, $100 m! acre, easy terms. Inquire of owner 03 rnmercial block, cor. WMhlngtoT and u-rT" and a haIf acrca- ail under cul .rm I n:,fln.eK plao" for country home and f. lhe city: rour blocks from car s'"6 : T,ie 1000; Pt cash, .balance easy. 2009 CbTrfAcno1ninenrce.TrU8t C"mPaay- A .?tracta- ,one n"le west of Burlington on the new Interurban line. Prices rani, from $73 to f.H per acre; $50 ciin $10 per 4n?,hfru't or berry lar,d EdwmP0 M0rD253indCA 2" Cmmerce bldg. Phone, TRUCK OR FRUIT RANCH, truck "ranT-h 'oT" gxTh.m.en'y3,2hM-c,e;any8b1dgty " SO A. CRE O " m flne'0aoiIf' ?,'U'n cultivation, close to city, sold for .'V- P,mare; "round adjoining and S?arMts. 09 Co"cord bldg.. Becond 40 ACRES Mosier Vallev land 4U. mn .outh of Mosier on county road; $750" acre; a. low as J750 down . per CHAPIN & HERLOW. si- Chamber of Commerce. 4 ACRES, 14 mile Powell Vallev road jTioa price 11", P" yearT there ?sdaiow price on this acreage for quick ba7 "MclVy BU8l" 2H OR 9 ACRES, all In cultivation, young trees and strawberries. Division and Rrtth' terms to suit. Tabor 1609 6,ith 10 190 I-aTk4."" 0t Vacouver. $800. "Porlfa 1,SM'a. .rjToS' rar.7ialem .IA'.1T'ratdr.:C" nTar P""lad WANTEP REAL ESTATE. 1 ir move. and I want to buy a good 6 or 6-room bungalow on the Ea.t 5ih.. must be modern; will look at the pla aj Oreegn8,anSlVe " fU" detal,a a'ITbV 1 oWAN5,",m"-h'"ap 1o" to build cottages WCUyT ParkVaMuA r bungalow. Ro Viny . Mut be near car. state loos- S,ationPrc:epoarn,dantrnU'- POBtoff'Ca V WANTED Six-room modern house 1 or " rerflVTo1 SV !i7T ow'nr nas'to 4th and MadH,n. Tennesce Hotel, cor. WminichanF a P"'ented timber claim lli g a ps"44, 'gr-aaa fd FnYnrptierihtVndrth,hT.a8Jt be bargain. V g. Qregonlan ' mUat 60x100 vacant corner Union .,. . . err.. etc.; owner, cnly. AD M. Oregomn Wrm?TS r ,:cmi"lb-- or ao ln P in n.;'"':. "i5iioornooa. clu ed'ca'tU-'re grV..G1 ctpl?.V?nVaT 4yaSrrgorn!anG-a' HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEADS fen iLyou want home for a few Merchant. Trust Bldg..0rt" OVERLOOKED. l.mlTOi..50m,eSU!ad''- "ne land- near Port land, fee $1 per acre. Inquire of PirVott room 4 Mulkey bldg., 2d a'nd Mo;rlon'rs: FOR RENT FARM 8. RENT A nice H-acre pi.c. from center of city, near Pnnrf.L1.1" tion and Oregon City carflne- JiJj 8ta" house and barn; "n "ear-' fdat00,m brr;rd'e8: crenF sr- Mulkey bldg.." 2d agd rMorr.io''n.,ROOm WANTED TIMBER LAXUH, ".wSSIT8 e. whttr,.rCU,5m7" Board of Trade. vnnur. 517 TIMBER land, want.d c J 304 McKay bldg. J Mnt.rack.a. TO LBAga GOLD MIXB equipped with Id-.. GREATEST SNAP iv rtn.-ji-.N.- Z"- . mll from town, tn Benton ?Mn,y:. h" "-Ooo.ono ft. fir timber, mw mlll being built close, R. R. being built byt the Place: has M0 acres In crop, .bout ilv.ra?"" ,irn Pasture and i- fenced In -eral Held., spring- In every one: never "T.. r:? UrK barn, house 6 rooma 4i JaliLk-. 60 g,1ata- tMm wagon. harne. tnreehing machine, power, binder, mower rake and other tools go. all for $17. SO per acre for quick sale; figure the timber, stock and machinery youreelf; leaves place free can you beat it? Family epllt up. must sell O-'ca. Room 801. 28 Wash. . OWNER DON'T KNOW THE VALUE. Take advantage of this lifetime opn-r-iSVI,"1 thls beautiful o-acre farm f.il.r Y"T,a out of Portland. In the Wll inufv.l Xal"y: ere- in high state of cii tUaBon and the whole plso. extia good DiV ln Pure and big timber; fin ccmvenienc. with R. F. D.. telephone So.T.e 0et0 town- railroad and school: 1?.' arn and outbuildings; price onlv value- don-7" U, aWty and don't know the value; don t misji thl -nap RALPH ACKLET. 8fi5 Corbett Bidg S2iACRES In upper Alsea, 12.000.000 feet o d-growth fir. stream runn ng throug" ritlf- county road extending through IheTo fndrarKe; 6 m,,es 0"are. cattfe. datfv -foM S at rane. permanent road. d,a,.y m,a"' 2 houses. 2 barns. 20 acres in goats atonhe2.dbea,r'nK rcbards. 75 he.3 Sr , head sheep. 12 head cattle. 1 mare- 1 wagon. 1 buckboard. and other mPe-em:nlhB i'f1 blacksmith' tools; good Zahn Barno.beA,r.ea!0Or2a an "" Add"" F?andSAEriT? arM TtZT bottom orchard ana. miles from Roseburg- 1:1 r Vpte-Md rne-ha'f ,n apples and pears; some cherries M.Kf. nine" rto8oral,m0ndSVBrnpe!' a"d LmaK trf s! nine-room house, bath, not and cold w.IeV windmill and 320o-Bal tank larce rf.r fruitpacking house, wagon shed creon a,nd other outbuHdineJf Over5 fZo Plceh- all Pfor',0,ooPr'iper,y so wl,h.he SoS. Ro'lburg. tor' torn"- Addl's Box nJS? HERB fOR BARGAIN, on". JS f-cro nUraiTn-d gh.' " ourOUchaance.'R'S,m 107V4 ACRES 10 mile, west ot Portland o Oregon Electric Railroad. midway h". tween Mortondale and Wuatoma Station!" r.rk.0rchard- house. b"7n" ock and ; S hln.f,, " the place. or wiifi timI, t"" acre; termw; no agents! Mngrec. route 2. Beaverton. agents. T . FARM LAND. " b!e hr' clTversmerTarng" SJod"S2n r'i" r,"'; and h.ndy ,0 nmrkft: wSid fk 4ViirRo,nchb,dUtb,,dhgm- W- SSS,'n.t,0l?.t? vue. tner. S S double ln 2 years, w. L. Morgan r a Preston. 503 and 506 Abington bldg A' SWEDISH LAND & COLONIZATION COMPANY. 311 Worcester Bldg. S0IAC,RS?r rlcn aady oam. running water fa-rdenPfrbeauetifu,"ehome JC? lamette near. Oregon Citv carllne i" dress E. Meldrum. Mllwaukle, Or Ad" 10.000-AORK STOCK RANGE (lose to Portland: the finest range for "er"'"" PurPose. In Western Oregon' ""corbe'bldV0 May-Holland Compa?.?; 40 ACRES, $1200. Shetland" blldgy '0t 1art W"tM?.l?U6,.l, wSLf "pple ,and r-r ale In the JVhlle f-almon district; large or mall tracts at low price if sold within 20 dT. Inquire 425 Abington bldg. "1Inln J da- FINE 40-acre fruit orchard. u. mile from Write F- aAUtR-m". ,rm Portland.' Or par,icuirr..A- Ba'rd- Uuada'Pe. Cal.! for . . t SPLE'SDID farnv 124 acre, all a . . building..: mil. totlon1.. ' .ajfor trad, for Portland property. ill ll&rSl 102T;,AC?K s,ock ranch, near Corrallls mile, from railroad. , exehangeToV '."prat Agency "53U TVP.TKP,t.r',y- oldsch n, id f, genc. Washington, corjier 3d. QS-'2.i,b,Vy: -?R0 acre- miles north of noUents. ."lclr.. .61 3d st- ?rrt,.f k . ur Jlst, ot Wlllamott. Valle ATZ? . blforo bny'ng; lands shown traZ Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. 182"tAR5 J."nch near Portland. Must be .old at once. Cheap for cash. L 30. Oregonl.n. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS .J"U New Orlean.. Seattla. 89 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. OREGON TIMBER CRUISING CO.. 1VC Pacific Coast timber bought and -old Turned11'1" CrUi"d and cemfiel" 817 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. ; Wr5p-CJ-' headquarter, tor timber and lorn, bcr enterprises o all kind. vin... Etampher, 531-82 I Jb.r hch., 90 ACRES yellow pine, w.n situated- low ST,lbVi ri.Kln" owners. Pacific Lu'mbet & Shingle Co.. 505 Chamber of Cora. ! FOR SALE Operating logging camn. .- timber l.nda tributaT-y Columbia Rive tie Cargar. Bate.. Lively. Falling bldg. MAKB T"f an offer for my patented tim-4brore,g?n,a:- m""n p'S-" TIMBER LANDS. $2 50 per acre; I locate" -Co.;b,..eR?v7;. V-iLO-reonfan.1" $3;inoe5 ' re- "" " I', ti. J..x 040. 5pKO0,BoxFfiST: CheaP; buy only! .nNDwHOMETEADnqu,.hm. ONE of the Columbia River. V 41. Oregonian m.i comj.iete shingle mills on TO EXCHANGE. SEtyENo?,harD.ko8.C',0nl,. StutsmTcon" f " Dakota, to trade for real estai. c?aIblS"r Port,and- "00m 3iae.ommer- STrIT.? Portland company to trade for residence worth the money. 309 JiScor" M2,oY"M.AC,I,, manufacturing plant for nlan. telephone bonds. AH 47. Ore lo- RBr.TlAUlANT on,e cash and some lots to trade for good lodging-house ?i sZ.i land bldg. Main tW44. '5 bwet" '.r. VMVn.ore' proPer,y. Im: Box 33. Aurora, Or t0re' .repal.r hP- W.oi? Prment'?ort';Su house and lot. s 43. Ore.oSian ,:0d thing of equal valu.hUp"no ISmS' " oyuIl?Tvarue.ontrxa.r-fS !l!l FOR SALE or trade 6-,cr. tr.-.. 7i gon City carlln? gii r-,ract" oa r- ' ii no. un Commercial bldg FOR SALE 15 acres, A No. 1- mostlv .11 choice fruits 'and berrieef house " 2 b.rns; 1 mile of Llnneman's station HI1Aeriad,re.cCr.bo siS: $4o,arfcsdM. s:r Colman bldg.. Seattle. Wash 105.2