1 TliC OKEGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28. 1909. . J3 . NBW TODAY. 1 FOB BALE REAL ESTATE. " 3FOR SALE REAL ESTATBL 1 x.aw, , . . - THE REASON Lots are selling so rapidly . is be cause the property is exceptionally wfcll located, is close in, -directly ON THE CARLINE and commands a superb view of city and mountains. V4 Of this new addition has been sold in the last two weeks and this has been , done with no splurgre, blare of trumpets or free automobile, rides. The people have bought the lots be cause of their intrinsic value, some to build homes on, others to hold for the rise in value that is inevitable. ( The view lots in. Windsor Heights cannot be surpassed anywhere in Fortland.- We are grading the streets to city grade and laying water mains to each lot at our own expense. Lots 50x100 $400 and Up 10 PER CENT DOWN $10 PER MONTH Come out and see the new houses that are going up and the improve ments .now under way. Tate Mount Scott car and. get off at Section Line road only 9 minutes' ride from corner Grand and Haw-' thorne aves. Brubaker&Benedict Offices on the grounds and 502 McKay Bldg:, 3rd Ttnd Stark. THINK OF THIS FOR A BUY? .. 10..acres in the highest state of cul tivation and only 10 miles from Port L. dVwlt,hin. mlle ot the electric and one block of steam road. Think of it! I Tf n A 11 r. .-1 v. . . . . ... - to --W i,R consisting or 60 apple trees, fine varieties; 10 prunes 10- peach plums. 20 Bartlett pears. 10 ivoyai Ann cherry trees. 25 Kncllsh walnut trees 20 years old; also 150 young. Royal. Ann anil Lambert Cherry trees almost ready to bear; 3 acres or strawberries, 2 acres of raspberries, one a.r0 Pf Plant, besides all kinds of small berries; nice 7-room house, fine Darn, (rood horse, wairnna nnri imi merits; also a fine stream of water on ....... nuiiu uittiiy aoiiars to any buyer S5250 will buy this If taken at once. Terms. Brong, Steele Co. HO Second St. SNAP Quarter Block 5th and Burnside Sts. Two hundred thirty-two acres wal nut land; 167 planted; terms easy R. C. CHISM 615 Couch Bldg. NOB HILL HOME . .!"If:rc 87000 n L. '0 aown, o0 per month. Eight rooms: so id stone fnnsin. every modern convenience. The most ...IB11""1 i 1 1 in i . FIDELITY TR1TST COMPANY (Owocr) - a - a Mtlf- JO 1 UK Phone Main 447. 2 ACRES ALL. IN CULTIVATION Right at station, with best of car serv Ice. A place to make a beantlful subur ban home; $1050 takes it, JJuO down, bal ance easy terms. THE DUNS-LAWRENCE COMPANY S48 Alder St. REAL ESTATE DEALEB8. F. Abraham, SOS Abington bids, -Main SI2 Andrews. F.V. & Co. M. S340. BO Hamilton bg. Baker. Alfred A., 113 Ablng'on bids-. Deck. William O. 312 Falling to. Blrrel!. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bids'. Real state, Insurance, mortgage loans, eta. Brubaker & Benedict. 603 McKay big. M 649 Chaplu A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerci Cook.-.B. 8. A Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E. A Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings A Co.. Mala 16S SOS Oregonian. Lee. M Si., room 411 Corbett bldg. Parriib. Watklna A Co., 230 Alder sL Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bldg. chalk.- Geo. D., 284 Stark st. Main or A Sharkey. J. F. A Co.. 122ft Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. Multnomah at (Holladay Addition.) and Waddel. W. O., 809 Lumber Exchange bldg. WAlyixr.n r. i.. nrneit Olng White n F.. Washington St. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 50 3Klt CASH. I t" ' - - i WINDSOR HEIGHTS KORTHWBST TIMBER CO.. 520 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG.. PHONE MAIN 5789. CITY PROPERTY FOR HALE AT PORT TOWN RENO, WASH. $2O00, v, cash. 200x100. 7-room house, modern, under high cultivation, 18 apple trees, 35 fruit trees, prunes, peaches, cherries, pears I and quinces. 200 berry Rushes, rich soil; fruit and vegetables plenty;. 10 minutes' walk to P. O., Court house and school; fine view of moun tains, valleys, etc' city water. It you are Interested In this proposition, call at orrice and we will give you more particu lars, as this must be sold. $1000 cash. 1-acre chicken ranch, all level, fenced plenty of water; mile to school and store, on Base Line, and car; s-room house and barn; also out nouses. SPECIAL. live ft,"' ?40. acres of 'arming land, f-nnntJr ? U plenty Same. In Crook s i" oft ded and "': ash required. cash.- wln bur 120-acre dairy ranch with good farmhouse and barn, on , "' ,and steamboat navigation; able and water om timber: good till- KORTHWEST TIUDUn - ' f.ACHANGE BLDG., PHONE MAIN 6789. 300 DOWN, Balance 115 per month, BRAND NEW o-room modern house with large ATTIC. rfiX!?'thln' up-to-date. , ELECTRIC UOHT AND GAS. FINE BATHROOM. Graveled streets, - Cement sidewalks. On 37th street, south of all paid 42200. ou can't beat It for 4.2500. ,,, MOORE A HALL, ou Abington Bldg. Phone Main 8"2' BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, m.... ,?m8' bath- hal- closets, flre-51-' "J1 ba8enent, laundry-room, ce rT ttuh,B- 'Iectrlc llBhts. street Im-S-rWh cem?nt curb and wide parKlng; large 8-foot porch norcelain Plumbing; plaster-tiled kUchen aSu bath room, built-in bookcase and cotv corner-, hii. 8-,rcstricted residence district and half block from carllne; lot 50x100. facing east: only J50 cash needed; balance at 5 a month or S 1200. can be carried for tme"uyat p'r cent- See thlB and i'ou HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? trh ,Urk arcnltc' ilraw plans for you f. ? LHh"Ke- ur building department L.nwraree of a Callfornian. who is an iHi. .y bungalow structure. We guarantee the qualty of our work to be ZL.l : Z h'8hest only. We refer you to your bank or to Dun or Bradstreet as to SoU.1inJF an1 blid on asy terms Tou don t have to hunt for what you want We will build H for you. This p?an wih save you money. W. M. CONKLIN A CO.. INC.. 407 "Wells-Fargo Bldg. A 1747. M. 2839 BETHEL HEIGHTS WALNUT GROVES.. Orr..8. lhe buycr of walnut lands in Sdav in pt H.PopoBMon on the market each '?-P,LANJTED trac, t and 10 acres rU. "freeotder11" taU yU bU' " DBVLIN A FIREBAUGH " ' ' 610-611-612 Swetland Bldg! ' ' , SNAP. ZO00 if taken at once; 16 acres; 730 feet water front, 4 dally boats; rural nlace: l?"- chbo1 an "tore adjoin . ",vlnB "Prlng. furnishing enough Ton , . '"'B81": 1.000 strawbe'ry plants. bundr..treeS- houae- barn and other out new warehouse and boathouse S? iti v ch-',? rowboats, cow and calf, the ia tools necessary to farm MACKAT A BURR, Inc.. Olympla, Wash. 4m,orhefibU5' on the EaBt Sla: 8-room trlclty, paneled dlnlng-rooVn. full cement boTeh' P,1U?blK' everything ta, faction .h-L.1'" P1"0" to y,lr tls Vktll ? ,. ,nl" Pfo"8"' cannot be dupli- Roth ?,r '.h. money; on East Gllsan near but let ml .trJ 'maBlne What thto is. RoWergVbidg0"' "hOW 'OU'. IRVINGTON LOT. son aBtt"Vrb-t.Wei"n TiIla"ook and Thomp son, east rront; Improvements all In-- here besaaiotPi?i0r,lU1nl!,y1 r you to secure the nest lot in thia district at a price cotisid rab,lyKless than Us real value, but Vlu must hurry, as the sacrifice 1b good fof best. Wee" hly: '""ounding. arIof the J. R. STIPE. 720 rhimk, r- - "miiierce. ,7L."ne."e..mo.a"n..-room man- ffSr r'l "loOeVery'thlng'Tn"." trfSj 1.1 iLmi,i nreplace. furnace. 2 toilets, fnt iTcTel basement. southeast front, one block from carline; the place must be sold at once: immediate posses ?nqu'Jof Co F' Pfuser & Co.rroom 1 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrleott sts SUMMER HOME Lovely river site contaln- v.. :r ' MBI o river Iront- age; beautifully wooded with dogwood, fir and maple; boating, and fishing; IB min utes walk to electric car, 10 minutes to railroad station: I want congenial neigh bore and will sell In one or two pieces. For hrlPA nn.4 .......... J . K aA " "' uroB it wregonian. THE greatest offer ever made ln Irvlngton. 5 choice lots. XICOO each n..tkl.d X.-i. balance 1. 2. 3 years, 6 per cent; all im provements in and paid; come out and see them at once. Irvlngton. Broadway cars, corner 15th and Halsey sts. E 890 C 1093. Dolen & Herdman. 7-ROOM new modern residence In Sunnv- Slne 1l1Kt ,-rT-.ir.lto.l . 1. u , . . . - - - -. , in a l iuriijftce, wiae porch, corner lot, entire inside of build ing is hand-polished, beautiful and costly gas and electric fixtures. It is seldom you see a prettier house; price is $:;S00 terms on part; would rent for $35 per month. Call S13 Chamber of Commerci. FOR SALE By owner, bungalow ln Irvlng ton; lust finished; contains six rooms, bath sleeping porch, pantry, fruitroom, paneled dining-room, polished floors, fireplace rooms all tinted; street Improvements ali In: everything- complete. AE 49, Oreao nlan. $3200. Seven-room house and lot BOxloO on Mt. Scott carline: now rented for $20 per month a beautiful place and an Ideal home. ... w SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE, M 6680 1484 Fifth St. A 6267 APARTMENT OR FLAT SITE. Fractional West Side comer, on carline easy walking distance to P. O.; a decided snap: don't delay if you have $3750 to handle, balance terms. Vanduyn A -Wni. ton. 818 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Fine 9-room modern house at ra?t,lv.e 'nterlor. complete, choice residence district. Irvlngton. lot 1 1-3: beautiful sur roundings; this can be handled on terms Owner. AN 48, Oregonian. . . VIEW LOT WEST SIDE. eiJl yo,i want a e'shtly lot on the West Side and surrounded by beautiful homes SSSThiSlbJ? Ctn7rce"00- - JafiOO Best 5-room bungalow in the city 100 feet from carline, 3-mlnute service 15 minutes' ride from 3d and Morrison ali, be your own terms. Palmer A Co., 204 Abington bldg. FOR 3 days only lots 60x100 on Weldler . street, near E. 29th. $050. terms; you can never buy at this price again; my contract expires April 30, then price advances. Purse, 818 Chamber of Commerce EK,iT,.,rmt fu" Roso C1y Park, one block to car, only $460, required $250. Act quick. S. T. WALKER, 604 Corbett Bldg. . ELEGANT NOB HILL HOME )WvHn-eto0mot0?.J0h,!f0n at- near 23d st.. for .xtr. to buy. See us at once. cu..v.-an,iiua kju.. no Second St. i?7ir, -ro. modern cot tage, with large attic; strictly high-class and up to date; Sunnystde; best of terms Bee owner. 807 Falling bldg. ".n. 0 LOTS Al! cleared; water;' $200 each; good ternfs; good buy. 309 Concord bldg 3d and Stark. ' FOR SALE Modern 7-room house with fur nace, $2700. email payment down, balance monthly. With or without furniture. Must sell. Phone Wood lawn 1799. SEE Gregory for his special free rent offer to lot buyers in GREGORY HEIGHTS 41 Corbett bldg. Don't phone. See ad en page 12. FOR SALE by owner. the handsomest bungalow in Irvlngton. Call and see it. 02-1 JOth St. N. ACREAGE, close In; I will sell in sizes to suit on easy terms. Call 410 Falling bidg. $200 CASH and $15 per month will buy a neat Utile home, fal) at 800 Tenlno ave. or phone Sellwood 711. CLOSE IN LOT. Lot on East 24th St.. $500; your own terms, i; 19 Swetland bldg BARGAINS. NOB HILL HOMES. s7.VXM-8-roorn new and modern home; cement - basement'. furnace. . fireplace and up-to-date conveniences; full-size lot,- 60x 1"0 tKti east front; choice, location, 22d st. This Is a bargain - and sure to go quick. $ifiO 8-room 'modern house, strictly up-to-date;- 3 -fireplace, cement basement and furnace; fractional corner lot; good loca tion, 24th et., south of Marshall. . $9000 9-rwm modern home,, well planned and convenient: concrete basement, fur nace and fireplaces; choice location, Johnson st.. near 24thj south front hard surface street. . . $10,0002 9-room new and modern" ' dwell ing, choice location, near 24th and Mar shall; concrete basement, furnace. fire place, hardwood floors, etc.; full-sire lot. 80x100 feet, north front. $14.000 10-room modern home, Just com pleted; furnace, fireplaces.- hardwood floors and elegant chandeliers; one of the most complete homes in the city :--full-size lot. choice location; owner obliged to sell JAMEB J. FLYNN, . 612 Chamber of Commerce. ,30 TO 300 CASH. EASY WAV TO GET A BEAUTIFUL RENTERS. GET BUST. 6. 7 and 9-ronm' houses, strictly modern in every way. gas and electricity, "furnaces already in im. cement foundations, sta irnrS "I115""' a11 "nted and beauti fully finished: elegant locations, in Una res idence districts; only 1 hlock from bast . carlines Why not let your rent aprily on the purchase prlre of a fine home? Come ;n early and see these snars. DIETZ-Ml'EU.BR CO.. 315-10-17 Abington Bldg. ENGLISH WALNUTS , are h largest owners and planters J.?.re,r0n;, We haye th my Planted ft t n t'1 market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill s-acr-e .UIIRCHILL. MATTHEWS CO. INC Lumber Exchange bldi.. 2d and fetark iu .Vi0 CASH DOWN, is homes from jnno to $2'rio: HI homes from $2iV) to $iXV fi homes from $W)oo to $400o! a ,,oms trom tWOO to r.(iW., you fr the home-TOeker. Let us show M Mfn 14t4 Fifth St. A 8287 AVOSTt1S0 '. flne dairv and grass raad:andrlehS. "1rle8 m .Portland: racf norV o "r ,wa? for another across tract, portion of land covered by water wiVelf JUne fl'"d of Columbia y ' Rive" feSs hhannie Jrotee,ed by dyking: price less than S 25 per sere, on quick sale. 819 Chamber of Commerce. t ..PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful quarter block. 2it st . one h.0-'0 ar: ' atl 'mrrovements, Including hard-eurface streets, sewer, cement side- Terms3 tonsurtd.vo.,Cl WS Can BRUBAKER A BENEDICT 602 McKay Bldg. 400 DOWN R. 34S Balance $20 per month. Brand new B-roorn bun.Kalow. all tinted: has porcelain bath erweJ9ClHc I?hts ard U conveniences" good. lawn, strawberry bed; only 1050 . M aaon SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKB, M 6fiQ , 146-4 Fifth St. A 6267 ' 81 Town.h.88 B" Ja2reS f Iand ln ect'on ?hL ? 1iiD2 no"11, range 1 west, near onTv -kted-R- suitable for platting; TPrLJ r ,aore H ,aken at' once; fine stream of water runs through land. C. F -LUKie.r & Co" roora 14- Mulkey bldg..' 2d and Morrison sts. u SOMETHING GOOD. 4--,?r r0m coi'aBe. bungalow order. i?i.Tt- rp"Ptlon hall and closets Zlil basement; on Alberta, carllne; $5) cash, terms-on-' balance; See steelsraith A Marshall. 6l4 Rosrd nr th. -Cii. ' ,ln - "10 Ai"bS 'V" ",ce "tt'e home, balance per month. Three-room cottage one-half block from car. Lot 40x100. This can be Tll beaLUtyVe" Salesman aS 5S?t phoneany- 200 Chamber ' Commerce. GLENN AVE. k !ot 6" 1 00. above grade; fine building .ite; 75; very eayBterm,; you will have to hurry to get this BRUBAKER A BENEDICT ' 5"2 McKay Bldg. A If.N' "J1"? INVESTMENT, atJn. .! J!! montnr bldTng lines. " on two car- BRONG-STEBLB CO.. 110 Second St. , ONE ACRE. 860 feet frontage, on Powell Valley fnt.A west or- aoti .. . . 1 i .-1 i i. - i. will riev you to look ir.tr. . v. i- . 1 Pay BRUBAKER A BENEDICT 602 McKay Bldg. " . 12;?SOM ,hm.e on Nob Hill; lot is 60X100- m.nuon on Gllsan street: a verv fine buv slthn. . i very nrloe nno ..i''f"f "r. '"vestment; 409 Falling bldg. a" n owner FOR SALE by owner, a new 7-room mod ern house; everything complete. Includ ing hardVood floors, two toilets, . eepYng ..w. .... i uuu a INCOME PROPERTY ON RUSSELL ST. . , C' STRUBLE. 432 ChamDer of Commerce. SrlPG ,b?aiLr' w. mod lng distance Absolutely a snap. Fo? oTIew , room 14V Mufkey b.dg., 2df any'gr.sgn & BNf;VT7acant. ,ot . in East Portland suitable tanaPartment-houe; 1 block from car $3100. Term See Salesman AmeVlcaS, T?usi phone , wt commerce. Don Fho,.S.AVnBTUp"t0"dale- a" modern 7-room ... t--uis uiBirict : Tor ho i, fbrng. Wn": termS t0 'Ult' ? Fail 60x100 on Derby st.. In heart of business r.v ouuamg. . Owner. FOR SALE Strictly high-class. 7-room all modern house ln nice i.,,...... cheap by owner; terms to suit. ' 307 Fall lng bldg. 1 NEW, well-built 6-room cottage comnlnta and modern: full lot - i .m1 ." mP'?l cation; $3500; easy terms. Owner, 7M Ma? quam bldg. Both phones. Main and A 1278. WI1 8acrI1ce a, nne piece of property on ilhx li,,0." J.nJ a'8? one on Larrabee ionlan. ' ' """" Ore 6-ROOM houee. 60x100 lot, Sunnyslde. verr reasonable: easy terms. Vanduyn A W w" " -....u. bummeree. 270O$100 cash. 25 monthly. beautiful bungalow. 61st st. near Hawthorne n,' Darling. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As. . social on: buy direct of owners and sara rv oax rmf '-room, an modern house rrice locality on Ewt Sid; for sale cheao bv nwnpr tArm n AT tj iii. w j ' " UIUR. 60MB nice lots. 1 bloclr frnm oar- i tavllla. S375; terms. Seward, owner. 227 - Jictiujau a. v w. f iioii3 1 a. D O T 1464. o-uuji 11 u use, djx iin, nead of Sheridan - v-wj, asy insiaiiments. Gold """ui yi waaningron at. 0-ROOM houee, full lot. Richmond- .mail fruit and garden; 1 blocks to car: chean for cash. Owner. 1238 . Iyon. , rjt Aur, a. o-room cottage, on tha Brooklyn carline, $1300; part down " and tc, . f.iuuo ovoiunga.jiiiain 7840. Mthf. sen - o-room house and 4 laree lots, ov nun ii ccjs, luia ui Derries; price IRim padt- form a Ct Aft nDn(- yuw FOR APARTMENT HOUSE. A beauty; 100x104, corner; a bargain tttfii, wmivi. J- a. Utr OlO. UMKHAHT PARK 7-room furnished nuuao biiu i iom. inquire oi Mr. Haber shew,' 33 Sherlock bids. IRVINGTON lot, surrounded by beautiful "'"- bi; s.uuu. v 47, Ore ' 1 I . I r rrw o.u, SMb Iffil AIlS. I FOB SALE FARMi 1 rri-in SAT a- v. xu. Balance 2S per month. ELEGANT 2-story modern house, JUST FINISHED. , . , Reception hall, parlor. Dining-room and large kitchen. MODEL PANTRY. 3 large, light bedrooms, with closet In each room; BATHROOM; Electric light and gas: FURNACE; Cement cellar and cement WALKS. In first-class neighborhood $3150 Will rent for more than the MONTHLY PAYMENTS. we only advertise extra good bargains. ,,, ... MOOR B A HALL. 512 Abington Bldg. Phone Main 802. . ROSE CITY SNAPS. Lot 8. block 25. T26. I-ot 4. block 2. tR75 Lot 11, block 47, IS50 Lot 9 block 30 (corner). TT5. Lot 8. block 46 (corner). Js7S. Improvemente all In and paid for. They Si.-" wl'hm 1 H blocks from car between -il K.and ,Blat m-"- No rocks or gravel. They are beauties and for sale at this price until . y J: onlyV Tne utentlon of H Portland ?f en attracted, by the ale of the Ladd r . Tnee lots are very close to this property. Don't wait. Come and see them. ai ofrer lot ,2- ot block 15. Elmhurst. th.i Inl c,ose-ln lot and la $125 less than price of adjoining lots k-i .. SXPY KOAD REALTY CO.. oa.st. and Sandy road. Take Rose City Park car. Phone C 2177. BEiLTIFUL BUNGALOW, ir. 2ern uP-to-date. 6 larRe rooms, front and back hall, built-in linen closet rear f', I "ne,b?th; medicine chest; with mlr h?,u. ! d'nlnK-room; Uutch kitchen; DUlIt-ln China closet- Itnl. ...II.. bl rn " , .,' ""'. wnn tnree dor- ', cement basement; cement floor; fur r - ' ' " J " . mrse corner loi; . - 1'viu, Bouoes ana nxtures. ioo PJ'ach. come and see; 32ol. $1300 cash, balance to suit io,, HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. 1021 Hawthorne ave., .cor. B. 4th st. Phone Tabor 516. .f8?... . 20 terms. DonVt be de U'VLLL .VV' ""y the swellest S-room ,,lwl'n aurornia uin.aii.i,- ra.ih only. ton $rf.. M rii wasnmK- A Pirnr t- a t- . .r. Albe'rta,4AT-bt,.,OW' 8Bth- ne i.fJ,U."J',aitrac"v'! reslaencos. Hol- m i mT.. a"ai.-r.K Additions; all r'?1' St' John. $500. te?ms. tera? corner lot. Lovelelgh Ada. E. F. HITCHCOCK, 809-10 Board of Trade BUig. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, roo'm. SS1.,1"1!, Thompson; 6 beamed c;nir;.r"'.p.:'l:.;"c"r'P'ace, iorr8heaV,v,vrovfrite r, "-. h"oo. near carllne;'.- smal, S'ffi balance mortgare st per cent. ill" W. M. CONKLIN CO.. Inc., 0i Wells Fargo Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS ?n r,hmem",Pr" living-room 17J i.",?1"?' dining-room, fireplace L.V.y rKe chambers, one fireplace. .; thL i. Re iront f01"011 w,th fireplace 1 1000. y de8,rlb,e nJ unique; pric. " ' " ZIMMERMAN. Board of Trade Bldg. 1ople",,'1 K-r""m house and' full lot Vx fV" cement basement, paneled ,. .; -. - nuy in a con enlent locality and only $4i M oaoo. BVVEET-HEAr-LEMCKH. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS' ..:.-';m.et, on Belmont, near fire station t-T.- : Vroorn house, hear Alberta, onlj AnT i-oA" jm n'nr Hawthorne only $oO0 down; fine home on Sacramento near Williams. $.1000; 8-room ho lots, ernon, only $1500. For terms anc Wt tJ!LX- aDove call at 10ia Boa rd fJDOi a .. . " hT.MH .k,J 2ucfment to Parties that will o..,' 5. l, ""r.a.cr tracts; they . . nine, only IB mil road: very liberal terms. 411 Corbett bldg. roort- ii k O",0""1 far. n macadamize E. Lee, room MASON-STREET HOUSE. $300. J.-, tri y -foom house, on Mason Voob 1 . lT"lon ave. and Williams ave ; K"ri;,b"n'',.,30Jier month; beat. S? i ""i. Grusst & Zadow, 317 Board - - ii.uk- beal" '.Ff!! .? -'. bar rioK.i. " ,ln Pntry a i. -.VV "u"1 "L--.il line; price i.';50 and Untr"- Ca" "eleCt COlr" for PKnB SPENCER CO.. 103 Second St. B'S?.AiNTw thcre ever waa one. S-room niiimh t- cement basement, best of Lot .xlT e'eKanVy "nlshed throughout. Lot 50xlo0. close, to car; $1700 $250 down !8?Som"3e ""nt- M W Washington IStn"13 iLU PLEASE YOU. Ir, . and flne' new P-to-date bunga PJ" of B - rooms, nicely situated In Holla- wy T prlce 33r,: tni. W. O. WADDEL, 30 Lumber Exchange o , ,.A gl'OSE-IN BARGAIN. SOxlOO. East Main st., near 17th; south front, cement sidewalk, Improved street eewer. gas; price much below actual value' See owner. .109 Lumber Exchange. va,UB' FOR SALE Very desirable 7-rocm house lxlO0; fine view; $4000; terms. Ml ton r980eAam3aS. 421 MhaWk bld' MalS Xn A goOD HOME CHEAP. $36,10 for an S-room mrdern house in rr? Z1M? Alatance. Save enougn car fare JaJi. larKe 'amily to pay for it F. FLTHS, 221 y, MorrlsoA StJeeil ISN'T THIS A SNAP7 Fm" six-room house on Irving st near Twenty-second st.. for $5500 if taken at once: cheap at $f00. taken at BRONQ-STEELB CO., 110 Second St HOOD-STREET HOUSE. poe9- .t"rawZ,k?7 disss?.. s.ir'sW SfTrar-bld""' Zad"' 3" Brd 39TH AxTr lvnv For saleLot. just 1 lot west of new oc,?- PS- FranUlTn Hot.J; after riciE -JT011 8-room house within 1 block of Fire Department, school, drug store and two carlines; very reasonable; S East5,6.-lCCOUnt f' leavln tat- Phone OWNER must sell new, strictly modern 8 room house: fine view of river and city terms reasonable. S34 Alhambra ave., foot tonaver st. KTPR C..nn. VI- . . . - . i . v ' . si'eciai tree rent offer r i... Ky,5 ln GREGORY HEIGHTS. 418 page 12. pnone. Bee ad on INVESTIGATE. e,,t2Xi1.?.2:.,Close,ln; Ccntra" East Portland; nne location for apartments; price low Bee owner, 309 Lumber Exchange I HiVF i , . . V . ... uni kuiiis in small houses on easy payments; some as low as 1100 down, rest 'nv- nn,t,i., T.. Z.K'.'?. J. Thompson: 411 Corbett bldT W,U DSy 4-room modern bungalow cheap: ,idown- . Bea Jaa. C. Logan. 326 V4 Washington st., room 404. "?aS e,r.,':..Sc?" " only $45 . TL T V. 1 if. """eining good ror ... ram, bio uoan. or Com. ;AaRE tract m .cultivation, on railroad $100 per acre; take work part nay bS? den, 410 Abington bldg P y ' ur lhe ,OWIier. 28-room house, lot 60x100 $ blocks from postofflce. with or with out furniture; cheap. H 60. Oregonian WALKING distance. East Side. S-room cot tage, bath, cement walks, only $1300 easy terms. Phone East Ills B 1437 A FINE apartment site. 10th st. close in splendid investment; place now brings, in over $300 monthly. AD 45. Oregonian. A H I.- A T-TIC-I-I . V. t . . --- - - - - - imiuwuiH rioors. new and modern; overlooking Ladd's Addition- essv term 2111 l?.nr.n Ku- LOT BOxioo fully improved, near S7th and B 2080 "- . r-none Tabor 431 FINE lot in Piedmont. $730. W W p.vn. 1210 Williams ave. r,5"e' SOME choice lote in beautiful Irvlngton and dua r-M. -I. n .. m ' . . - ij A-unp. x i . uregonian. FOR SA1E 5-Toom house, lot 00x100. 837 I I .riir," . cV.y- on Roso Park Vf.nl Ia.rse living-room. fireplace, rail r?,.. atr. paneled d'Hns-room plate InJ' ."i.kUcl;,en' fu" Porcelain plumb if' ofP16" walks, curbs, eraded street. fXIl UHIM. 1-iPI kv rtf (l .11 $SO0 DOWN, BALANCE EAST. -. 8-room house, cement basement, furnace, electric lights, cement walk, street im proved, beautiful view; rrettieet little place In Portland: price is $2oo and it cannot be duplicated for that amount. Gus Smith. 01 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE By owner, new six-room mod ern house, large reception hall, panel . . . i L miu u r .i iiri.i ceiling In dining-room: Imitation in kitchen and b-ith- walls tinted, full base ment, gas and eleotric lights; good streets, cement sidewalks. large pantry wHh bins and drawers. 2700, $300 cash, $20 and Interest. Call B 1072. MODERN COTTAGE. Glenn ave.. south Hawthorne; new, 8 rooms; best - wormanshlp: built for ths 2Wr,r..by day wor,: h" Is nothing to lot 60xloon th avenue for tha Pf'oe; $2600; BRUBAKER ; BENEDICT - - 502 McKay Bldg. $.1O0 CASH. R 124 Balance $18 per -month at per cent; 5 room bungalow, reception hall, parlor dining-room, kitchen, pantry. 2 bed rooms and ,,V: dining-room and parlor have beamed ceiling; an ideal little home for $2600 eno SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE, M6680 Fifth St. A 8267 5"ntr-.In,01rn ,buna'ow on Glenn ave.. ---- T iuii cement base ment, cement floor, laundry trays In the basement, piped for gas and wir.a trZ t fiw C'ty-.w 50lo 'ot: th's house was , ia okt ror a home' and is a bargain. Phone owner. Main 2"00. 8-ROOM dwelling at a sacrifice. Corner E. ."" x-"t ooxhmj. strictly mod ern and in first-class condition. Price $6500 terms. See salesman, American Trust Com pany. 2O0 Chamber of Commerce. Don't HOUSES for ..l. i .11 .. ISrW clo,e '" arms ln Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44g. Kinney Stampher. S31-632 Lumber Exchange $6O0 CASH will buy fK-e-room cottage, good i, r-oxuni iot; iruit trees, cement iirar car; price WHITTEN BRYANT, Cos Chamber of Commerce. Main 1459. suulks, a rooms, hall, bath, furnace a fireplaces, etc.. roses; sOxlOO; price, fsonn Vt cash, balance 1 and 2 years at per "it- Owner. 690 East Taylor st. Phone ENAP Nnn.iwH..I . - . sale of 21 lots ln Boston Addition next to . Rose City Park: price lew than $100 each, C ' Qoddard & Wiedrick, 110 Sec- 6EE Gregory for bis special free rent offer to lot ouyers In GRFXJORY HEIGHTS 418 rrbett bldg. Don't phone. See ad on BQT'ITV In four choice lots ln block 13. Unl- "...j Kfijuins t onimnta Park, on j-oss si.: Dargain if taken at once. 609 NEW. - modern A.,nn m v. - , . , - . ... . u , iirrpiacfl: 1 lota, Improved street, on carllne. Terms. M WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT some cheap lots to build cottages on. Don't answer unless you have some thing good at a real bargain. Have the ..vim. w. uregnman. -i ii lot pr bnngalpw. Rose . " "m. usi oe near car. state iocs u. ! '"i"1"1 ,erma- rostoffice Box IS, uibiwii v.. ruriiana. l wak r nice residence i. ,n t...i . Sunnyslde or Mount Tabor; must be In s ".u ii-nnuurnooa: owners only. G 30, vi rKuiiiau. ai KfcAi,E, sultahl.3 for subdividing. Beav- """'me aisirici preferred; prln clpals only. AJ 40. Oregonian. "t,"lns a patented timber claim. 1 tt million yellow pine, for equity ln good ' uiruinnn. - uullsliluw, win pay -'o cash, bal ance like rent; give exact location, price K T" Ii 1. . . , , ... . . - . - -" . uivbuiiiiiii. FROM owner. 1 or S lots north r.t w..ki- ton and between 4th and 7h sts.; must - "nftiiii. v uregonian. . k . " ' . ' atnall house, for - . i - rn, . ii i ' ii i answer unless you hav .... . .ii ii. .o, urenoniBa. . .. 50x100 vacant corner; Union ave.. between Y"i"ij nun. nroiaway; principals only. AJ 41, Oregonian. ... . i i t. pay 'rem S3oO0 to $4B0O tor a home in orm ruruana; .must be new and mod err., etc.: owners only. AD SO, Oregonian WANTED Full lot, inside 3-mile . limit; . . . 1. 1 . j -.ii, vmgoDian. WANTED Small farm or acreage for cood win. n rk. j. uregonian. GOOD Income property, acreage or houses ln exchange for farm. AN 41, Oregonian. CASH for lots in Irvlngton district. Give " '! iiH-auon. a 47, oregonian. IMPROVED farm near Forest Grove; prin cipals only. V 47, Oregonian. WAN.T to -buy. a lot ln Greenway. on terms K 31. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. Vs ACRES near Gladstone station, as first payment on about 20 acres, with some im- Poyements. close to car; 7-room house to exchange for from 15 to 20 acres, will pay difference; Hood River apple land to ex change for Portland property: 80 acres well improved, for Portland or Kt. John prouertv: Vi iim p. iu .1 tin n . . from Portland, to sell r !...." place; Improved, will sacrifice. What you? Yuung. 612 Gcrllnger. fine have OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to buy, sell or trade business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor! rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg SEVEN quarter sections In Stutsman Coun ty, North Dakota, to trade for real estate ,l.near Portland. Room 319 Commer cial bldg. WILL sell or swap 120x240 feet on Lake Washington. Seattle, for Portland realty vaiue $2ikx: make me an offer. Cou.-tois" 814 Gerlinger bldg. ' STOCK In Portland ' company to trade for residence or stock worth the money. 809 Concord bldg. LAUNCH I will trade some dividend-paving stock for a good launch. Phone A. 6753 or Main 7337. WILL exchange for Portland or good farm property complete shingle mfll near Port land. V 42, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade on city property Im plement and vehicle store, repair shoo Box 33, Aurora, Or. WILL exchange patented timber claim 114 -million yellow pme. for equity in good house and lot. S 43. Oregonian FOR SALE or trade, o-acre tracts on Ore gon City carllne. en Commercial bldg! & -ACRES fruit land 5 miles from Ashland. Or. Owner, 614 Swetland bldg. TOURING car or runabout for real estate or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonian. WILL trade for what jou have. Gu . 401 Buchanan bldg. ' Smith. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS OREGON, "WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY CO., Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle. 829 Chamber ot Oommeroe. Portland. OREGON -TIMBER CRUISING CO.. INC. Paclflo Coast timber bought and sold. . Timber lands cruised and certified, reports furnished 617 BOARD OF TRADES BLDG. FOR SALE cheap. 3000 acres of fine timber . ..uiiurm ni.iioiiiia, nr ana cedar; will cruise 40.000 feet to the acre; thle Is a snap. Addle? Box 4115. Portland. Or. WE re hiadouarien for HmK., .. . bcr enterprises of all kinds. Kinney Stampher, 331-?2 Lumber Exchange bid? 900 ACRES yellow pine, well situated- low price by original owners. Pacific Lumber & Shingle Co.. 505 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE Operating logging camps and timber lands, tributary Columbia River. Me Cargar. Bates. Lively. Falling bldg. ' MAKE me an offer for my patented tim ber claim. IV, million yellow pine. S 4o. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. J2.30 per acre: I locate you purchase; also some Government claims. 219 Worcester bldg. . TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments. ?7 mrrre- MT.firif, II i.ni UA UD. 120 acres, good creek and spring, 20 miles northesst of Portland; R. F.- D.. phone; good school near; $1300, $500 cash, terms on balance. . seres, unimproved, east of Washougal; SO0, $450 cash, terms -on balance. 40 acrea. al! tillable. 7 acres in cultiva tion; three-room tiouse. barn, gcid Springs the yes r round; 4 miles from railroad and river; $1600, cash. W acres 18 miles north of Portland; 1 seres cultivated, all fem-ed; Well, small nouse; ;io per acre; SIOOO cash, balance three years' time. 46 acres 3 miles from Forest Grove; 5 acres cleared, one million feet of timber Sim P ace' on main county roarf: dona bill pull to railroad; United Railroads eur $r0O0cashm" trm $"C:'3S per acre. nn. " "n thr R- R -Hi miles from u,,". 0,J Kod county road; rural free de- cilU . phon5 r1'"1 springs; seven acres cleared; $1600. $5iO cash. M 6680 146 5th St. A 1211. CHOICE STOCK RANCH, lln. T e-re"'.,1 m"es from Estacada ear i1" IX ,mJle from s-ood town on a good v.r2 i" i" e",entlay stock farm, and X ZZ,' toT farming. Within less than :Ln. 1 oni atore and poetofflce. To the rear of the place is & vu.l A . Law5 wh h etends Into the mountains, or J?.."nd5Cre of 'orage fnr thousands with i k Tne .p,aco narly all fenced with barbed wire and cedar posts; IrtO 1" cultivation: 7 acres of old or cnard: 6 acres of prunes; large barn. 64x . '. wth stanchions for 20 head of cattle Granary; good. new. comfortable bungalow; good frame woodshed. Person al property: From 40 to 50 head of cattle norses. wagon, self binder, hay rake, plow, harrow and other small tools. oonoraLVt" ,n Cover. RunnnK water; 2.000.000 feet of good flr saw timber; price . 0.BeJLace Including everything; $iMioo to $7000 will handle It, and 6 per cent on deferred payments. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO., 13.1 Vi FIRST ST. DAIRY FARMS, acres fine dairy farm In Polk t ounty. Oregon; best of roaiie. 5 acres tim bered, balance al! nne level black hiameoil; none better. The Dallas-ttalem line will nanj through the place: near fruit canneries and creameries; $10,000: terms can be arranged. 120 acres 4 miles north of Dallas: loo acres plow land; small spring through the Place; fenced In 10 fields; good seven-room house, good barn, granary, mllkhouse and other buildings, fine potato, clover or tim othy land; an Ideal dairy farm; $7.VW, one half cash. 6 years' time on balance. S3 acres in Yamhill County; 2S acres oul t rated, eignt acres good timber. 15 acres Washed snd seeded, balance pasture land; three houses, two bams, all kinds of fruit, numerous springs: 's mlle to school; 9 cowe, one bull, two horses, one colt. 40 bens 2 wagons. 1 hack. 1 road cart, plows, har rows, mowing machines, two sets of double harness, one single harness and numerous e-JJI iT,p-.1n"'nt": otne furniture: price $ioO0, $2100 cash, balance three years, x, ACA VBET-HEAD-LEMCKE, M 6fis 146 5th St. A-1211. " ",Cr,r,L,,lc "tn needed to make th-se flne profitable farms: lus acres, all renced. n In crop ( good soil; good roads, good locat on; springs of water, orchard and buildings: JTi.Mlo. 40 acres. 33 In crop, all good land, run ning water, orchard, hulldlngs: R F I nW elfPhone; V mile to good town on O. W. P. Ry.: $137.60 per acre, i, cash. Many others that are good: 6 and 10 acre tracts. Improved and unimproved, at various points on the O. W. p. carlines -i.vn.r-. LA.MI ill, w siting-Room, 1st and Alder Sts. YAMHILL COUNTY "FARM. 4.1 acres finest kind of land In Yamhilt County; 30 acres under cultivation; 18 acres red clay land, suitable for walnuts, and1 2-5 acres mostly bottom land. 12 acres of which are seeded to oats and vetch ana o acres ln clover: 1 acre planted to potatoes and other garden truck; 250O strawberry plants In prime condition; Im proved with good B-room house and other uuuuings. r-rice ror quick, sale. $3200. DEVLIN FIREBAUGH. 610-511-512 Swetland Bldg. 48n AORF.S in upper Alsen,- t2.00O.OO0 feet old-growth fir, stream running througn riace, county road extending through farm, outrange, 6 miles square, cattle. n.iri. mm iiim range, permanent road, dally ' mall, J houses. 2 barns. 20 acres in cultivation. 2 bearing orchards. 75 head goats. IO head sheep. 12 head cattle. 1 mare. 1 wagon, 1 buckboard. and other iJiemenis;. 1 set blacksmith tools: good '"If: fan be had for $23 an acre. Address - 11 11 x-irus.. Aisea, or. A PERFECT HOME FARM. acres within ave minutco' walk of electric carline. near Oregon City; S-room houee. barn, all fenced and crop; 10 arr-s ... ii.il uuuuni iana. acreei beautiful oak grove ln which are in.-at.it ..-.. . v, .. and chicken yards. On coumy road and near f1.5d achool. Ideal for small fruit and v..n.n uu so near to market. Price $35oi. CURRY A MATTHIEP, 37 Hamilton bldg., 131 3d st. FOR SALE 20 acres river bottom orchard land. 2 miles from Roseburg; 13 acres "" 'urn. uiio-nan in Dearlng. mostly Y " . 1 -. "iiiw cnerries. peaclies, - walnuts, almonds, rrm 1. a. .nH ...... 1 . . nine-room house, bath, not and cold water! windmill and H'Otl.rl i,.k 1.." fruitpacking house, wn.n .t..H ' house and other outbuildings; Over $600 worth of personal property goes with the 5 i?cei tor S50: terms. Address Box ., SPLENDID FARM BUY. .iu ror a nice l'.'-acro tract which will n. .111. 0 nome. (3,M)U for 1 full-bearing 20-acre orchard n.- -sr.n. forf V.a -bartaln. $6500 for a beautiful oO-acre farm onlv ft m in. . . house; land adjoining sells from $2O0 to lWh "i? aC.e.i ?thfl im on th" Hace goes i" .A1LKlnds and 8lie oC farms throughout the Northwest at bargain nrlces hv " FUCHS. 221V4 Morrison Street. LAST CHANCE FOR CHEAP FABvt 404 acres 150 level, balance rolling: good dairy and fruit ranch; 4 mllee. to tnwa on R. R.. most all fenced: 90. acres cultivation "" pamure; nouse 4 moms. 2 barns and other outbuildings, 50 apple trees 15 ac."; Pea3?; ha,s 2 'unn" ream; on place and good well at house; $15 rer acre 9s V.j.r . 100 01a 10 tarm. Room 301 DO YOU WANT TO BUY A FARM T ""umranra lor farm land and acreage in the following places: Anywhere 1? -uuni, oasion Corvallls. Halsey and many other points in th. wu. lametto Valley and also have some good buys in Clark County v..hri-. ' vJ,tAtr1,id"Fryr, Company. 519 Lumber "'"-. ruruano, ana Beaverton, K Hll) pu-p A 1 -1 - r.- tr.2,f.f. acres finest soil in the Willamette T.i : irom fortland; a 1 unde U.f.atin: W,';e and ra fences. goo good ' anu aooa wen; mi e fi attractive town; good shipping faclllt 10m les iuri nome; siihki rarh M DOW ELL & KLINE 422 Board of Trade Bldg. FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS LOOK HERE! -i.', ray. puts you in possession of umi-ciaas 1 o-acre farm, with ..tk- .-j machinery. A great moneymaker If run ' . ine balance of pur- r-ra 1 ce can be pald on lonK time i i7 . j . nusiier to make him inin;iiuriii. investigate. F. FUCH3..221V, Morrison Street. 1C7 XL irpwa 10 1 . - - ' - - - miioo wbbi ot r-omand oa Oregon Electric Railroad. midway be MrtGn,1al1. and uaoma stations; i;,l.'.v,i ' . oarn, stock and j uiii.H uii tne place, stock. $125 per acre; terms; Wlngren, route 2, Beaverton. or without no agents. FARM LAND. I have a few good tracts of land suit m.1?,.'01" dlTKr"!.fled 'arming; goca " improve ments and handy to market; would like to 4!1ii7ouRoi1Lh,,0dutbKihr- - WE- have splendid dairy farms. Improved and unimproved land; if you want to sell or buy. don-t fall to write at onoe or call SWEDISH LAND t COINIZATION COMPANY. 811 Worcester Bldg. 0.,AC?S.ap,p1"- 20 "cres Italian prunes, all A-l fruit in full bearing; a snap If ta.k'J?. soon : "end ,or our large printed list Ltan?,C,oamestat.eemY'li,rey FOR SALE 15 acres, A No. 1: mostly all set In choice fruits and berries; house barns; 1 mile of Llnneman's station" southwest of Gresham. Fred Rro.n. 11 East 61st st. ' HARRIMAN to build through Central Ore gon. I offer 160 acres in sec. 32 about miles east of Bend: under Deschutes ditch: only $4000. Charles M. Best. -'03 Colman bldg.. Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE Willamette Valley farm lands, large and small tracts, suitable for dalry io5 i r,aL9.Lns' 5?Idenln e'c: 'anl Buena Vtsts - ' - - Acuicaa j. 1 1 w nn Oregon. ri.-Ms. 4u-acre rnilt orchard. mtle from railroad, about 7' miles from Portlsnd, Or Write F. A. Balrd. Guadalupe, Cai.. for particulars. . . SPLENDID farm. 124 acres, all fenced: good buildings; 3i mile to station; for sale or trade for Portland property. $11 Stearns bldg. 160-ACRB ranch near Portland. Must be sold at once. Cheap for cash. L SO. Oregonian. ACBJSAUE. SEVERAL 20-acr tracts of land. 3 miles from woodburn on the Mount Angel and Sllverton branch of the s. P. R. P. , 1 mile from Mount Angel.' Ideal place for small farming and fruit raising? near fruit can .nery. creamery and . stores; good school V mile dii-taiice; s. P. R. R. divides tract in center; switch and warehouse on plate; watered by several small creeks. The first four parties to see the land bought on the snot. - See plat and photographs at our oiTiee. Call immediately. TERMS: All cash, 5 per cent discount. H cash, 4 years, per rent Interest. t - cash, bond for deed, semi-annual payments, 7 years' limit, 7 per cent in terest. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE, 140H Fifth St. SMALL FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCHES. we have a number of choice 5 and 1 O-acre tracts or sandy loam and gravel soli near Vancouver, -on carllne. suitable fur small fruit and poultry raising; $n per acre, one-third cash, balance terms to suit. Good farm and acreage In exchange for city property, either houees. good lots or income property. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE, M HS0 14i, 5th -St. A 1211. GRAND Bl.-Y. Five acres near Lents. In the lilgheet stats of cultivation: two acres of strawberries one acre of apples and pears, one acre of berries and one acre of pieplant: elegant six-room house and barn, also windmill; hot and cold water and hath In the house and only three blocks from carline BRONG-STEELB CO., 1 l.l Second St. SaAORE uiH0Od B,Ver ,and: r,rtce'' per ..... .....ur, limit, ano 101 or acre age near Portland, value $1-000. with cash on balance. '" ISO acres tast Hood River land: will consider some Portland real estate as part 7,Vi-p,lV-m'',nt: Pilcc 0 per aciv-. BAR LETT RKALTY COMPANY. 612 Commercial Bldg. $2700 10 acres close In on carllne, 2tn) ieei or station; small house; living water; a snap. s.nino 10 acres, Oregon City car; all cleared: 2 blocks from station; fine for onions or garden; adjoining land selling at $500 per acre. Palmer &. Co., 20. Ab ington bldg. :0 AND S0-ACRE tracts, all cleared and plowed. 29 miles south of Portland; fine soil for fruit, vegetables or nuts. $100 prr acre, easy terms. Inquire of owner. Sol commercial block, cor. Washington and sts. 6I"AP T and half acres, sll under cul- ' ,"""' , piace ror country h me anl still be In the city; four blocks from car line; price $1000. part cash, balance easy. - - - 1. niuriK-nn ATUSl Chamber of Commerce. Company. FOR SALE CHEAP 13 acres of good level unimproved land, near Tualarin and elec tric carllne. on county road; bet buy offered within 12 miles of city. -Hall-terms If desired. See owner. E. J Geiscr" 221 a Morrison st. -ACRr3 trsets. one mlle wtst of Niirlmirt.i,, on the new Interurbsn line. Price, ransi; from $T5 to 2s per acre; $50 cih. $1n per month. Fine fruit or berry lanrt.- Edwin O Morse, 0::7 Chamber Commerce" bl.ig Ph-jnc. M. 625 and A 2659. 11H ACRES near Garden H-.me for $20 an acre; thin - is oa the Salem" Electric anJ only Va mile to electric and one block to Southern Pacific. . BRONG-STEELB CO.. 110 Second St. 20 ACRES Nearly all In cultivation, close to city fine soil. i5 ner acre; ground adjoining' sold for $2i5. 309 Concord bldg. second and Stark sts. CHOICH acreage. 1 miles from Portland limits, near electric line. Milwaukie; fine neighborhood; excellent soil; springs, run ning water, fruit, etc. Owner, B. L. H Box 30 C. Milwaukie. 80 ACRES, 2 cultivated; 3 cows 2 horses wagon, machinery, milk route; telephone, mall; new bouse, near new electric line Washington County, $4200. Phone A 41SS. 2V4 OR 5 ACRES, all in cultivation, young trees and strawberries. Division and 6tith terms to suit. Tabor 1609. wt! "'? ,ot th apple land in ths White Salmon Valley; some Improvements made AD 48. Oregonian. $75 ACRE, for subdividing, near carline; Portland 16 miles. AK 46. Oregonian. FOR BEST ACREAGE tracts near Portland see 1019 Board of Trade. HOMESTEADS. HOMESTEADS We have a tract of the richest land In Oregon that is open for Government filing bee us If you want a home for a few dollars. 401 Merchants Trust Bldg.. port ' land. Or. - WANTED TIMBER LANDS. CI LET Z claims; we pay cash ror claims irom . owners. Nelson A whlttler. 617 Board or Trade. TIMBER lands wanted. C. 804 McKay bldg. J- McCracken. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. GOOD delivery wagon for sale. $SS; good side spring buggy, with top, $40. Terms or will trade for groceries or anything I can use. Inquire 441 Gllsan st. TOP delivery wagon, good condition, $40" set express double ham, $26.50; single hai 2?K8,.fiV buKBy harness, $5: military sad dle. $12.50; rubber-lire runabout $65- busi ness buggy. $6t. rubber tire. 'Red Front "tables. 15th. off Washington st. FO,? SALS. Pa lr of handsome young Ham bletonlan geldings, brothers; thoroughly broken to the city; as fine a patr of car r.1" horses as you can find; weight about l.'OO each; price for the pair $1000. Can be seen any day at the Fashion Stables. FOR SALE or rsnt S teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig lor business purposes, day. week or month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Hiw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorns ave. IF you outside liverymen attend to this' next week's sale and are looking for good saddle horses and drivers, come and take a look at my stock and drive behind, them 303 Alblna ave. CARLOAD Shetland ponies, pony rigs - and harness to be mid at auction "at Counirx ,ck- Tldlly- Aprl1 3o- Ponies now at Country Club. . ca,rrla,"? team, brougham and surrev. 2 single driving and riding horses har ness, etc. Telephone Prlvauj Exchange $1200 TAKES a transfer business that nets over $1)0 per month; horses and wagons alone worth more than that. 311 Stearns bldg. VERY cheap if sold at once chunky team of ponies, or will exchange for cow or larger horse. S09 East 2Sth St.. VToodslock car to Gladstone ave. TAKING on a mortgage and must sell- at once, one farm team, mare and horse snap. S0! East 2Sth St.. Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. FOR SALE Transfer business, tine horses wagons, harness, first-class location, long lease. P 32. Oregonian. FOR SALp-One 2-horse 2-ton express and one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel mont and E, 6th. BIG bay team, weight 2Soo lbe., heavy team ing harness, all complete; price $230. Call 26 N. 1st st. H2PESi marea. rigs snd harness bf all kinds tor sale. 2U4 Montgomery. H hBrT h.ALU ,380 Front- buy- rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. - ONE team, 3200. one 2S30. one 2SOO. four single, all No. 1 horses. 347 East Stark. FOR SALE Two ponies snd colt. Phone Ta bor 1 6.1. A BARGAIN In a general horse and buggy Anderson Bros.. 2d and Jefferson sts HeJ1?S SS,".1 wand ld at the Empire Stables. 21 Hth. cor. Jefferson. A, PAIR of asoo-lb. drsft horses. Call 83S Chapman t. J G3 IOV.2