Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 27, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Brandenburg Declares Immu
nity Was Promised Him by
Men in Dayton.
Man Who Sold "Cleveland Letter"
Tells How He Procured Mater
ial Puts Matrimonial Tan
nic Vp to Courts.
SAX FRANCISCO. April 2fl.-BrouBhton
Brandenburg made public today the
name or the man whom, he alleges, en
deavored to secure a confession from
him and offered complete immunity
from, prosecution on the charge against
him. He said that on October 25, F. C
l.ewl.i called on him at Dayton. O.. and
In the presence of his attorneys said
that he had arranged for the charge to
be dismissed providing that a complete
confession was made. Substantial re
muneration also was offered, said Bran
denburg. Brandenburg had a long conference
today with his uncle. Charles Broughton
Curtis, of Ios Angeles, who came to
mis city to aid him In his struggle
against extradition. At the close of the
conference It was announced that a
number of local men ttad become lnter
rsted in the case and had arranged for
a consultation with Brandenburg's at
torney. In a long signed article published
here this morning Brandenburg goes
into the details of his alleged dealings
with Mr. Cleveland a short time before
the last Presidential campaign. He
alalms that the ex-President appointed
him as press agent to sell to the high
r.t bidder a series of three articles on
tre political situation. According to
his statement, It was understood that
Mr. Cleveland was to get 2000 for the
series, and that Brandenburg was to
be compensated by whatever over that
amount he coulJ realize. Mrs. Cleve
land and the Princeton sage's ex
ecutor. C. V. Hastings, were made
aware of the affair. Only one of the
articles was prerared. Cleveland gave
him a large .lumber of paragraphs
penciled in a bundle of loose slips of
paper, which, he claims, were to be the
basis of the first contribution. Con
tinuing, Brandenburg writes:
"Mr. Cleveland had not written at
length on labor and the tariff, as I
had hoped he would. He had, however,
unburdened his mind on Mr. Bryan In
two paragraphs, one on record and the
other on personality. These, I saw,
must come out if I was to sell the ar
ticle to any but a partisan periodical,
but I did not urge the matter then,
waiting till later, when they were ex
cised. ' As they are things which Mr.
Cleveland chose not to utter, they are
locked up with me forever. I typed
the article, arranging the paragraphs
according to agreed constructive ideas,
and here and there wrote in connect
ing words and phrases to secure rhet
orical smoothness and carry the echo
from paragraph to paragraph. .
"With the original script and this
first typewritten draught, I returned
io Mr. Cleveland the following day, and
went over the matter thoroughly, mak
ing many changes, and Again I took
the entire matter home and retyped it.
When I saw him again he appeared ill
and seemed to lack concentration. Con
trary to his habit of making correc-,
tlons. he went over the manuscript In
a tired way."
According to Brandenburg, the ex
I'resldent signed the article with a pen
furnished by the former.
Brandenburg declares he will resist
extradition: that he will make a fight
for the possession of the Cabanne boy,
whose father Is on the way here to
get the child, and that the courts must
decide the matrimonial mlx-up, which
Involves a marriage in Honduras and
a divorce suit in St. Louis.
In regard to the last phase of. his
predicament, the writer explains that
Mrs. Cabanne, mother of the boy he
claims is his stepson, went with him
to Central America, where she secured
a divorce "and they were married. Mrs.
Cabanne-Brandenburg's former husband
has an application for divorce pending
in the St. I.oula courts. She telegraphed
the prisoner from New York to do all
In his power to hold her son. and a
message also was received from Dis
trict Attorney Jerome, of that city, to
hold Brandenburg In not less than $20,
000 ball.
Orient I ml go Celebrates 90th Anni
versary of Order.
The hall of Orient Lodge N. 17, I. O.
O. K., East Sixth and Kast Alder
streets, was filled with members of the
order last night, the occasion being
the celebration of the 90th anniversarv
of the founding of Oddfellowship in the
United States. The first lodge insti
tuted In the United States dates back
to 1S19. and the first grand lodge was
established in Maryland in 1821. Visi
tors were present from other Portland
Oddfellow and itcbekah lodges '
Dr. A. N. Moore delivered the princi
pal address of the evening, - in the
course or wnich he reviewed the pro
gress of the order to its present mem
bcrshlp of l.f0.000. Dr. Moore told
of the many homes for widows and or
phans and aged members of the order
that had boon established alL over the
United States. He pointed out that
the order never lost Its care, over the
widow and orphans. Mrs. A. Kallsher
representing the Rebekah lodges spoke
orieiiy or mat Drancn. Or. S. W. Stry
aer made brief remarks appropriate
io ine event celebrated.
In connection with the addresses a
musical and literary programme was
rendered as follows: Opening ode
prayer; piano solo. Madam Herloek;
recitation. Miss Delia Bradley; vocal
solo. M. Dunsmour; piano solo, Mrs.
iespang; recitation, Eva Bertroche
vocal solo, Qeorgle Frank; vocal solo,
Manley A. Starr; closing ode.
HonnkonR The Hamhurjr-American line
i.i"niiii n, miuiu. irum iiamourjf, March 11
fur ShnnshHl. In ashore near Hongkong!
1 wre Haute. Ind. Governor Marshall has
written to prosecuting attorneys In counts.
v. i.vit? w'xuig t-xniniuonn nave been iciven
" 'iw-itu mm nicy mull oe stopped.
New Turk Firemen who were railed to
n in m junnmiop in une Hun
ilred snd K!Rhl?enth street Sunrlay nlnh
wrre attacked by hundreds of large rats..
Oklahoma flty, Okla. Dozens of t-in
diiw phha wv-re nmusheri In residences- and
ilown-iDwn business houses here Sunday
.... -i ' iiivi-i irniuu nan ana rain
ii inn Tur mhi w n nere.
New York The hich wind late Sundav
rnused Romane, Ponitnifo, to accidentally
spit In the face of Philip Coan. Although
Uumingo apologized, Coan Insisted on his
arrest, And at the polloe station Domingo
m Jf overcomfl by the disgrace that he
The training: ship Newport will leave to
day on Its annual cruise in foreign waters
visiting New London, Conn.. Falmouth,
Eng., Copenhagen and Amsterdam.
Kansas City A Are which for a time
threatened buildings in the heart of Kansas
City's principal business district. early
Monday morning, resulted in the destruction
of the Ridge building, a four-story brick
ana stone business and office structure.
The total loss is estimated at $200,000.
Los Angeles, Cal. Because Anna Sos
soert's father refused to grant her permis
sion to marry Alexia Kottoff, both young
folks are now lying at the receiving hos
pital. The young woman has ten bullet
wounds in her body and her sweetheart
has one. Both joined In a suicide pact.
Butte. Mont. Judge William Hunt In the
Federal Court Monday dismissed the bill
in the action brought in the name of Fred
J. Bliss against the Anaconda and Washoe
companies to close down the large smelting
plant at Anaconda. Kach side will pay
Its own costs, which are said to aggregate
about $500,000.
Toluva, Mex. Furious because his sweet
heart, Modesta Fuentes. refused to elope
with him without a wedding certificate,
Pedro Sacundino stabbed her to death and
wrote a note saying he would do the same
to his pursuers, which he pinned to the
girl by plunging his knife through tt into
her breast, and fled. - -
St. Louis Frank Frantz. ex-Governor of
Oklahoma, and a woman were arrested
here Sunday morning, after a quarrel in
a motor car. They wore taken to central
police station and spent the remainder of
the night in ceils. They were released on
bond and Sunday night charges of dis
turbing the peace against them were or
dered dropped by Chief Creecy.
Committee Begins Series of Visits to
Factories to Aid In Boosting
I Market for Products.
At the susreestion of thp rnnimprclnl
Club, the "Portland Woman's Club has un
dertaken a strenuous campaign to foster
home industries and to promote the gen
eral interests and progress of the city.
The matter was called to the attention
of Mrs. Robert Lutke, the club presi
dent, and later brought into discussion
at recent meetings. The idea of personal
excursions and Investigations into condi
tions was inaugurated, and a committee
appointed to take charge, consisting of
Mrs. Lutke, the chairman of the various
committees, including Mrs. Cleveland I
Rockwell, Mrs. J. C. Pritchard. Mrs. A.
H. Breyman. Mrs. W. H. Fear, Mrs.
William Gadsby, Mrs. Q. M. Gllnes, Mrs.
H. J. Jackson, Mrs. J. W. Tlfft, Mrs.
C. E. Runyon, Mrs. B. T. Weaver. Mrs.
Grace Watt Ross. Mrs. W. H. Signer.
Mrs. T. P. Wise and Mrs. James P.
This committee yesterday. 'in four antn-
moblles, went on the first of a series of
excursions into the manufacturing and
wholesale districts. A visit, was made to
a big lumber plant, where the women
were escorted through the various rooms,
shown the machinery and general equip
ment for working up the rough lumber
Into the finished product. They inspected
the cabinet room, the pulley department,
the machine and furniture department,
the sticker room, the method of veneer
ing, the lumber shed, the sash and door
department and the display and finishing
room, where handsome furniture is on
It Is planned to make fortnlsrhtlv trir..
to the various manufacturing concerns,
in the hope of promoting and Interesting
Portland people to give home manufac
turers the preference when purchasing.
It la planned to conduct a campaign in
mieresi or me products of' Portland
factories, to the end that thev rnHV nrncu
per Insofar as It lies in the power of the
n uiuau o iuu iu maxe In em.
Promises Hearing by House Com
mittee to Real Business Men
of Country.
LOCKPORT. N. V.. Inrll MI..
from Secretary Wilson anH V-v,i
C. S. Scott, of the House committee on
agriculture, discussing the recent
wheat corner and possible legislation
at the next Congress, were mario .
11c here today by Charles E. Dickinson
president of the Franklin Mills Com
pany. Mr. Wilson's letter says:
. i nave your letter of Anrll -1 stnA am
Bufta1oVoarl5r,0,WTtha,t ""moer." h
hi2 d ?f Trade are generally ravor-
?hlt 1. my,.vLeW8 and Press the hope
that we shall be able to overcome the at
tempt of Mr. Putim " ,?c
unfavorable to our reports and irlet&bds.
. ui;v 1 1, w ru te .
possible for I'nncmi . i V"
eralion to this measure durlnr th.
71"' ""J1 1 Pect to take it up next
Vt Inter and I hall tab ih. mi ... "ST "rl
Lu.r .. evidence of sentimentTn?
V. iU.i ?y. tne real business men who
are Intlmatelv connect. . . . .
winrr,0nK,"t ".ufactnVrg wheat. We
win i.Tobahly have public hearing, .,. .
ffc i, be xfemely a-lad if you could
e?mmV,er"V.e"n.t, P beyrreCthe
Seattle Burjrlars IVf k nrr ww.
v V IlIJ
$5000 Worth of Goods.
SEATTLE! Wash.. Anrli
Mrf. t!,an of FrinTn anl
, Japanese silks were
p",1?" by, glars who ransacked De
Petit Paris, a store conducted by Cres-
., xj.ruoati, jace importers, at 1610
" . """uc some time between the
hour of closing Saturday night and tht
opeplns of the store this morning.
,...,. i ue 6 tore was opened this morn
ing great disorder was shown. Burglars
who had gained an entrance with a pass
key through the front j
through a rear window, showed discrlm-
7,7 B vs ana iook only laces and
silks of great value, ransacking the
entire stock. ,
Former Astoria Woman Is Located
tn San Francisco. -
ASTORIA. Or.. April 26.-( Special.)
Some weeks ago a report came from San
Francisco that Mrs. Edith Hassing, for
merly Miss Heading, of Astoria, had
mysteriously disappeared and that her
husband was unable to find her, the fear
being that she had met with foul play
This morning a letter was received bv
Acting Chief of Police Oberg from Chief
Cook, of San Francisco, stating that
Mrs. Hassing as at her home in that citv
and well. The letter said nothing as to
where the woman had been during her
absence. -
" Heavy Snow In Canada.
WINNIPEG. April 26.-Heavy snow
storms are reported today from North
western Manitoba and Northern Sas
katchewan, and from points in Alberta.
Weston Robber Suspects Are
Caught at Wallula.
Men Believed to Have Burglar Rec
ords Sheriff Taylor Chases Fu
gitives Through Several Coun
ties Before Making Capture.
PENDLETON. Or., April 26. (Spe
cial.) After a brief but thrilling chase
across several counties and a part of
two states, Sheriff Taylor and Deputy
Sheriff Wilson have run down and cap
tured three men suspected of being the
ones who yblew open the safe and set
fire to Sim Culley's store at Weston
Saturday 'night.
Every member of the trio is believed
to be a burglar with a record, and the
capture is regarded as one of the most
important made in many years. J. A.
Murray. C M. Clark and Michael Burke
are the men under arrest.
It is now believed mat the 5000 fire
m the store, followed as a result of the
explosion which opened the safe, and
that the burglars did not maliciously
set the fire through anger at finding
only J5 in the safe.
The trail of the suspects was picked
up before they reached Weston and
pulled off the job. Then it was fol
lowed to Freewater, wnere the handcar
was left, and on into Walla Walla, then
west to Wallula, where the arrests
were made.
The officers are expected to arrive
tomorrow morning with their prisoners,
they having consented to come across
the line without the requisition papers,
which were at first demanded.
Mrs. Catt Refuses to Condemn Meth
ods of Militant Faction
In England.
LONDON , April 26. The attendance or
delegates at the fifth International Con
gress of the Woman's Suffrage Alliances,
which- opened here today, was the larg
est in the history of the organization.
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, of New York,
president of the International League of
Woman Suffragists, presided.
Mrs. -Catt's physical condition is such
that she will be compelled to absent her
self from all social functions and take
the utmost precautions to husband her
strength. She spoke for more than an
hour at tonight's meeting, however. She
rejected all requests to condemn or ap
prove the methods of the militant suf
fragettes In Great Britain. ,
Mrs. Ida Husted Harper, of New York,
brought greetings from the American
The Portland B. a. Maxwell and wife.
Grand Rapids; A. M. Beigh. San Francisco;.
V. F. Howe. Seattle; C. H. Leadbetter,
Caito; A. M. Freeman. J. Rodsky, New
York; Herman Holtz, New York; B. J. Mur-
pny. ban Kranclsco; C. A. Clapp, Boston;
vv. R. Spencer, New York; G. B. Farewell,
San Francisco; James Russell. New York;
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kline and child. Chicago:
C. E. Miller and wife. Salt Lake: Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Finch and wife, Spokane; Miss
Lalng, Spokane; Albert L. Reynolds. New
York; H. Scherer. San Francisco; Walter
Raleigh, S. L. Lesser. New York- J R
Crandall. San Francisco: K. L. Retson and
wife. Boston: Geo. E. Youle. Seattle; Gil
bert Hunt. Walla Walla: L. N. Hansen Ta
eoma; H. T.. Wilson. San Francit-co; W C.
Irons. Katherlne R. Irons. Lewis River
Sol C. Llndenthal. Chicago; A. W. Cavenoss,
Centralia; Mrs. Brown and daughter. Cor
vallis; J. D. Hart and wife, city; R. L.
VVoodhouse. Berkeley; W. G. Davis, Seattle -Mr.
and Mrs. Gates, Spokane; L. E Alex
ander, San Francisco: W. M. Harvey and
wife, Tacoma; C. L. Woolston. Denver- C
E. Davis and wife. San Francisco: G. R.
Ingels, Kansas City; Mrs. L. B. McKltterech,
New York; E. H. Dewey, w. C. Dewey,
Nampa; Geo. M. Cake, C. T. Barker, city-
A. Chandler. Seattle; L. P. Tuestedt and
wife. Chicago: G. E. Lamb, Clinton. Ia.: B.
B. Mayer. Cleveland; W. w. Hopkins,
fr.. Warner. Sau Francisco; L. B
Kentwlck. New York; A. M. Beebe. G W.
Alverey. San Francisco; C. B. Shanks and
wife, Cleveland; A. W. Smith. L. G. Baker
Nat A. Nelson, F. C. Norton. Chicago; A.
Bollock. New York: Paul G. Mehoft and
wife. Wllhoit; . Russell Smith, city H M
Crane. New York; J. M. Nichols. Taeoma"
Values the like of which have never before been
offered. New stock of all kinds is arriving daily,
and we want you to see the good things and the low
prices. Watch our windows if you want to see
Store at
Cures Any Cough in Five Hours.
Here is given the most effective
cough prescription known to the medi
cal world. It Is a mild laxative, too.
and this is what a body needs when
suffering with cough and cold on the
lungs. A cough or cold indicates poi
sons in the system, causing inflamma
tion and congestion. Nearly all cough
syrups relieve, but make the trouble
worse by their constipating effects.
This prescription not only relieves
quickly, but it cures any cough that Is
curable. Get one-half ounce fluid wild
cherry bark, one ounce compound
essence cardiol and three ounces syrup
white pine compound. Mix in a bottle.
Take for acute cough or bronchitis
twenty drops every half hour for four
hours. Then one-half to one teaspoon
ful three or four times daily. Give
children less according to age. A few
hours' treatment will cure and heal the
throat and lungs of all but consump
tives. Cut this out and gjve it to some
friend who may need it to be saved
from an early death by consumption.
Ben Rosenfeld, San Francisco; C. A. Young.
Albany; W. E. Hawley. New York.
T? Oregon A. H. Hoeller, Milwaukee;
;.i Brow. Denver; George Dorman. Se
attle; J. D. Campbell, Vancouver; Clarence
Larson and wife, Astoria: Henry McCleary,
Sumner; A. L. Sayles. New York: J. V.
Bennett. Minneapolis; Thomas M. Sunlster,
ei!7 ork City; Charles L. Korlscher.
Ashland; W. M. Powers. Mrs. A. E. Powers
-iiu aon. ceattie; a. m. stern. San Fsan
cisco: A. E. Porter, Woodland; H. Clay
Thomas, Cincinnati; Louis J. Gay, Seat
tle: C. R. White. Everett: Louis Jacobs,
t-aattle: R. B. Crewman. Philadelphia; J.
h.. Blby. Los Angeles; Edwin M. Lery. H.
J1- Buddlngton, San Francisco; Eva Maklor.
Idaho Falls: Frank Gibson. Salem; O. P
Morton. Pendleton: W. H. Malone and wife,
Alsea; Miss B. Leasy, Seaside; E. Hofer.
Salem: A. Ballark. San Francisco; C. A
Lewis. New London; R. M. Cramer. Elk
land; A. P. Meaker. Spokane: D. W. Mer
rill. Albany; W. S. Welde. St. Paul: Herbert
Gates. Chicago: L J. Smith, Celilo; J. J.
Roulstone. Nettle Roulstone. Walla Walla:
!- .Si- Kooch. Yankton; W. p. Romans,
North Yakima; T. C. Shankland. Mrs.
Charles Zeifc-ler and child, Mrs. Fred ZelK
ler. Mrs William Shipley. San Francisco;
Mrs. C. U. Mandls, Mrs. J. M. Sharp, Hob
sonvllte; D. Kiger and wife. Corvallls: J
Insii?' 9,ns'i8; F- L- Frlchthard. Kansas
City: W . H. Eccles. Hood River: R. H
M,a2rr Seattle; C. W. Henderson. Olympia;
William van Norden. New York; H G
Edwards. Fargo; A. G. Wilson, San Fran
cisco. Imperial Hotel J. w. Baker. Tacoma; T
Edger, u. McBride. .Siletz: J. B. Eaton.
lnlon; C. S. Moore. Holland; Ernest E.
Hyland. Eugene; C. A. Baldwin. E. An
derson, Qulncy. Cal.; E. Bratzel. Forest
uiove; j. e;. wiuiams, city; Phil L. Sema.
Seattle; rr. Thomas Bull, liMjt); R A.
Smithy, Pasadena; W. P. Hohenschel. Iowa
S,lty: p. Dorgan. Albany: T. M. James.
Central Point; Frank Eddy. Roseburg- E
T. McCappery. Llnd; C. H. Finn and wife.
la.GraJde; A. K. Harris. North Powder;
C. H. Anderson. Idaho Falls; T. T. Nelson.
Vale; c. J. Vassan. Lewtstoir; W. E. Gra
ham. Grassvllle; Mrsv- Mary Gilbert. Hood
River; L A. Brockway. Roslyn; Luke Ryan,
Mrs. E. Ryan. Julesville; c. G. Andrew.
Chicago; G. W. Conkey and wife. R. J.
Slater, Pendleton; R. L. Whitehead. Cor-y-
L- Fa'tner, Clatskanie: Mrs C.
W. Phelps. Berkeley; M. G. Weber, Hood
River; J. H. Sherer. Lathord. Kan.; O. M
Cornett and wife. Prlnevllle; C. W. Simons.
Salem; H. M. , Seeling. Forest Grove. H
Bassett, Corvallls; A. J. Johnson. Corvallls;
W. fc. McCray. Mt. Pleasant; Chas. .Vinson,
Chicago; L. A. Larson. Grand Forks; J.
F. Attwell and wife. Stevenson.
r- T1l?M?'erkln! E-H- Kuntula, Morse Lake;
G. Miller and wife. Salem; J. c Marsh,
Lawrenceburg; F. Blair. Wasco; Mrs. John
McCracken, Chehalis; A. W. Vernon. Inde
pendence ; E. C. Brown. Hood River; Mrs.
. H. Smith, Kennewlck; A. s. Hall. Hills
boro; G. Flnley, Crawfordsvllle; H. Lilly.
McMlnnville; J. c. Bennett, HUlsboro; w P
Elmore. Brownsville; Mr. and Mrs. Mc
C?.rryV Santa Barbara; H. E. Wilson and
wlfo, Spokane; G. B. Harnbecker and wife.
San Francisco; w. C. Dewey, Nampa- A. C
Matthews. Eugene: A. J. Folsom. Forest
Grove; R. A. Harned, La Grande; A. Efaw.
Tacoma; H. E. Robblns, Mrs. Kate Norton.
Everett; w. Benton, Glendale; H. A Harri
son Seattle; C. H. Brown. Wenatchee; T.
Kldd and wife, Seattle; S. W. Brown. New
York: W. N. Benninger, city; F. Frazler
Pendleton; J. H. Wilson. Livingston; C R
Heppe, Lodge; H. O. "Gates, Miss Gates c"
W. Rollins. HUlsboro; R. L. Woodhouse.
Berkeley; C. E. Adams. Salem; J. H. Blass,
Olympia; J. McChother, Grants Pass: w w
Woodard. T. W. Russell, J. Murphy, m'
Luddy and wife, Minneapolis: J k Bu
chanan, Corvallls; L. J. Broth, Plqua- G.
Meyers, Galena; W. Langley, E. Ransom. D
O. Woodson, Seattle; G. Lorenson. Lyle; G
W. Rainier. Butte; R. w. Woods. A C
Bates, Seattle; H. C. Jones, San Francisco;
J. E. Haukirtz. Spokane: J. M. Black, Chi
cago: A. Frost, Bay City; D.- J. Cummins.
Seattle; C. H. Taylor and son, Kelso; P H
Murnane. Wasco; C. R. Mitchell. Chehalis
W. Fiske and wife. Hood River; G H
Thompson. St. Croix Falls; W. T. Thomp
son. St. Croix Falls; A. Norton, Chamber
lain; Mrs. R. Hilbert. Baker City; J. Bloom
Ashland; G. F. Wood, Detroit; A. B. Beck
ley. Toledo.
St. Charles I. M. Ford. Yamhill; Z. Mil
ler, Felida; A. Weston, city; Robert Kruger
Oregon City; J. L. Bandy. Red Bluff: J.
M. Wacual, Camas; J. B. Hunt and vife.
Miss Rhea Hunt, city; Henry Rogers, Til
lamook; Frank KIsscll and faimily, Mt.
Angel; I. L. Gould and wife. Dufur- J V
Harless, Molalla; Chas. J. Gratton. Marsh
field; Arch Lemmons, Houlton; Miss Amanda
Milson, Hoquaim: Mrs. Mary M. Chambers,
Miss L. K. Chambers. Mrs. J. W. Chambers,
Albany; G. Ross and wife. Seattle- C P
Krouse, J. M. Bull. La Grande: W E. Mak
Inster, Castlerock; Will A. Shaffer! Everett
- 8e? and w,fe- Kelso; O. C. Shepard.
Pike, Or.; Roy Mayhew, Yamhill; J P. Wil
quet. H. J. Newville. Gervals; M. Henrv
galsey; Arthur Leighton, Astoria: John
Bissett, Pendleton; S. W. Early. Houlton:
K. G. Hodgkins. Astoria: J. D. Oren. J B
BlLnV,.KUy: Walke'-. Sauvlea; Ray
Rameshtham. Woodland; Wm. Chlsln! Cas
tle Rock; H. C. Peterson. Bagley; D Mc
Kay. Sauvies: J. H. Ripley and son. Red
l?nd: H.' Reeae- Redland; Frank Van Horsen.
fnrvallls: H. Glenn. The Dalles; Mrs. G
v36o37o East nonggisoM
W. Kirk. L. H. Simmons. Heppner; Mark
Younk. F. M. Crown, Eugene; Burt Smith,
Wallklachu; All Dugan. Washugal: Mrs.
Meyer and children, Hubbard: R. I Patton
wife and son. Falls City: A. O. Wells, city;
Ralph Warren, W. B. Wright, city; H. E.
Goff. Seattle; Fred S. Thompson. W. M.
Thompson and wife. Los Angeles: J. D.
Durham. Tx Angeles: A. A. Trouger and
wife. Seattle; E. M. Jarvis. Lvle; H W.
Prlckett. Banks; L. M. McDanlel. Middle
ton; S. Stevenson. Grays Harbor; F. Henkle,
Chicago: Lester A. Marble. Camas; Mrs. S.
L. Partlor. city; John Lemdeen, Aurora:
Mrs. Turner, Camas; C. J. Llttlepage and
wife. Missoula: F. C. Tansler. Seattle; Mrs.
M. E. Thompson, Bremlston; G. W. Beash.
Pitman; W. M. Holland. Kalama; Neal
Smith, city: Frank B. Hogg, Sioux City.
The Cornelias Miss Helen Hansen, Mrs.
J. Hansen. Mrs. M. Henley. Spokane; C.
H. Stoughten, Frank Brown and wife, Du
fur; George R. Ingles, Kansas City: Leon
Faust, Hood River; C. C. Shaw, city: J.
R., Spokane; E. W. Dutton, Seat
tle; Lester Peame, North Yakima; Harry
C. Brown. Boston;. A. N. Orcutt. Roseburg:
W. H. Praton. St. Louis: W. P. Spencer.
M. C. Emerson, Now York; C. R. Bryson,
Corvallls; D. E. Welch. Rainier; Fred A.
Brokaw. Washington. D. C; H. H. Bre
tlnd and wife. Eureka: Mrs. A. Heedls.
Bellvllle; George W. Johnston. Dufur: A.
O. Parker and wife. Hood Rlvar; Croft,
Langolis: C. M. Delaney. Seattle; W. D.
Harney, E. F. Morrlsey and wife. Chicago.
The Calumet L. J. Cowle. Seattle; C. L.
Campbell. Spokane; B. Spencer, city; N. G.
Smith, Los Angeles: H. C. Rupple. Kan
sas City; C. A. Sunderlln, city; V. Zetter
berg, E. Zetterberg, Vancouver; E. Louns
dale. Oswego; C. M. Miles. Harbor Springs;
A. L. Flynn and wife, Seattle; M. R. Tip
ton, Nashville; C. A. Youngbergv city: G.
H. Hartman and wife. Eugene; J. Brown
and wife, San Francisco; H. C. Inman,
Eugene; L. E. Lewis, city; William Whit
man, Sacramento; Charles Bock, Kansas
City; Theodore J. Maus, Salt Lake; H. A.
Moore, Albany: Wlilard Louis and wife,
Buffalo; Elwood Connelly. Walter Con
nelly, New York; P. Smith, Seattle; Ru
dolph Holt, Wallace: Tom Rlchey, Pen
dleton; H. F. Foley, Enterprise; James
Davis. Robert Fenner. city; Fred Norman,
Andrew Norman, Freddie Norman, Frank
Bush, Harry Norman, New York; H. Young,
Philadelphia; W. C. Reld, Pittsburg; B. Jan
man Pittsburg; Frank Jonasson, Spring
field; Henry Lewis, Salt Lake: Eli M. Daw
son and wife, Chicago; H. Delmore, T. Del
more, Cincinnati; Caesar Rlvoll, o. L. Dar
den. Charles Darden. New York: Stanley
MoGlnnls, Denver: Georg.e F. Clifton. Og
den: Franclnl Ollomns. Karl Olloms. G.
Olloms, New York; John Healey. Phila
delphia; M. Oliver, Springfield; Frederick
Allen and family. New York; Harry Wil
son, Chicago; Jack Finn. New York.
The Nortonia Mr. and Mrs. John Rus
sell. Miss Flora Russell. Miss B. van Nor
man, Chicago; Louis R-sntsch. Wheeling;
Andy Rice and wife. New York: Texlar
Cameron and wife. Bonnie Gaylord. St.
Louis; Nlta Allen Rodolph. Frank Rodolph,
Xew York; J. P. McKenna. St. Paul;
Charles E. Davis and wife. San Francisco;
Mrs. Whyte. Vancouver: Mrs. M. D. aSnod
grass. Kodlak; Mrs. A. I. Minis. Manhattan;
S. H. Snyder, Everett; S. Smith and wife,
; Store at
i i
Name The Pioneer Limited to the ticket agent and he will
understand that j-ou want the best there is in train serv
ice from the Twin Cities to Chicago. Insist on your
ticket reading via the
The Overland Limited, Omaha to Chicago, and The
Southwest Limited, Kansas City to Chicago, are also
favorite, trains East, and should be included in vour
itinerary. ,!
Why not go one way and return another f
General Agent
1 34 Third Street Portland
We cant emphasize too
perfect purity of
Nothing but the choicest grains, the purest water,
and the most perfect yeast cells, scientifically dis
tilled are used to produce its rich distinctive flavor.
Its purity is guaranteed by the Government. The
little green stamp is proof of both purity and age.
If your dealer can't supply you
write us for name of one who can
L Guctenheimar t Bros., Disfillerj, PiHsburg, Sines 1857.
no. 2.
m..A SfliJf? peF,,n1 Inspection to tbe working: of M. I. S. T. on the human erstem. and
must nj that It entirely meets with my professional sanction. eysiem. ana
a LOOMLS- Iate Demonstrator of Anatomy. Philadelphia Medical College.
W Guarantu M. I. S. T. Ko. 2 will Curt or Wt Will Refund Your Kcney
hM7urVnVoaof Pa'ri i".. 2J! J. f M-1- S. T. No.
It Worthed l$Xl0ln0lV.SlI!t:. V cured thousand, of
. . .Vr2 t
L "Jr f.
heart. If you are
to write to ns. no
i-tJif5 i
Remedy for yourself w will atm .of, TZHlZ
r , v Address H.I. S.T. Co., Toledo. 0.
For sale hy S. G. Skidmore Drug Co., 151 Third Street. Portland. Oregon.
Z3 HSr
strongly the
and Blood
No. 2.
. T,
7 J- P"-sant 10 taKe anu ab.o-
ci 'pcreasea or aiminlshea the action of the
aufferlnir from any chronic rt ,i
matter how many doctors or kinds nf moiimnM
.. ." - vuuMjr ur
- . . ,ou m73udee of theTalue of this Great