CADETS GO TOMORROW HILIi TEAM , ENCOURAGED BY N'EWBERQ MEET. Athletes .Who Will Participate Gam" at Str,ford Make : Many Good Records. In y .HTU Military Academy will leave to morrow for Palo Alto. CsL. to take part in the big mterscholastlc track meet of the California high schools and acade mies to b held under the auspices of Btanford University. Friday and Satur day. April 90. and May 1. Six' of the craok athletes. Graham. MoQufa-e, Burns. Hill. Meier and Prehn win represent the school. The H. M. A. Is well satisfied with the result of the track meet held Satur day at Newberg, between Pacific College, Newberff High School and Hill Military Academy. In which the cadets defeated their opponents by the score of 71 to 48. For H. M. A., Meier was the star per former, winning three first and one sec ond place, a total of 18. For Pacific College. Oanse and Armstrong were the stars, winning one first, one second and one third plaoe each. For Newberg Larkln led the bunch with eight points, one first and one second place. The preliminary : loo-yard dash Prehn CH. M A i won. S8-yard run Burns H M. A won i20-yard das Meier CH M A won. third; height, 8 foot 3 inches. ' Dlsou. throw Meier (H. M". A.) won. Hill (H. M. A.) second. Burgees (P. C.) third distance. 86 test T Inches inira, 440-yard dash Meier (H. M A 1 n cTuim1?. So! d- .nS 120-yard hurdles MoOulre (H. M. A ) won. Shot-put Hill H. M. A) won. Henry (K 230-yard hurdles McGuire (H M A tpS? isSenoM- JfflS" distance. 19 feet ' Impa f?croi?"VnttVltGaS,e, p c von. Larkln he,?M. I 'f.'eT- Lftrkin (N- H hlrd" fP r".nn?25 PC von. Benson time B:2 ' E"krtaSa CH. M. A.) third; Bur ,r?T.I':kt" N- H. B.) won. fh JS?'!i,i5-: Hntto H. M. A.J I. o. o. p. Officials at Milton. MILTON. Or.. April 26. (Special. ) fv,Wfr IfStetTtler- ran3 master of the I. O. O. F. Lodge for the state of Oregon, was In the city yesterday visit ing lodffemen and Inspecting the hand some new $26,000 Oddfellows Temple which Is nearlng completion in this Mr; Hofstettler ha, not been In Milton since last Fall, when he offN elated at the ceremonies when the cor ner stems was laid. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. atur?l'r6aArtrrU ar Maximum tamper siure, ea degrees, minimum. 62 decram WEATHER COKDlnONg The British Columbia low Ho. advanced ,XfJlJZS PORTLAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY AnUI sTri- rwwrn a . MlTCHa B Mot A 3d fOYKY HHPS. OLASd CO.. 6th A Flanders. W. C. .NOUN BAU CO.. a-4 1st St. and Kveratt. gRixcK sHoa cb., ea oth'st. BOX MANCFAOXCRERS. S U'M8E11 BOX CO.. Phone bnXU J b Vy- Tblrd st. Cash Duyers of country uroduoe m-EKmNq A FARHSLL7 140 Front. BITTKK , EOOfi I, CHEESE. ICR CRKAM. FrSnt ICmiJji-NU CKU1IKM CO.. 18 pit RfT Jlj' PORTLAND CHEKtjK 7x ,- 191 8d. CLOHjjET A DBVKKd. 1-T N. Front. HHSATT CONCRKTl MACH1SKHY. BKALL A Co.. hum b. Yamhill. U)ONAI.OII:K1r JOBBERS. Qlt.HN COXFEC1-RT CO.. 13th A Hort . PnBT. . v , . UIMUKB 1H I.MJ. PORTLA.NO CUKDAGE CO.. 14th A Northrop j c P??'11.8 XD SKYLIGHTS. w- "Alh,K. i ront and Market. AaMU88t.N A CO.. 1P4-196 2d. ?ii?1P,?.fSAXK U1U.Q CO. CI.AKh.El. WOODWARD DRUG CO.. 9th Sk H. MPS,?HN'K J AYkWoO.. Front A Ash MB1ER A FRANK COMPANY. ' barrh!"?" S.Ar?:iV?JI2JACHI'EBV SUPPLIES WESTERN LLKCTKIC WKS.. 61 6th. I1SH AND OYSTERS PORTLAND FISH CO.. 34 Front st. W B PI'L'J AND PRODUCE. -wM.i"K?lXACE8 AJiD REGISTERS KiVtBk-MKAviHKH CO.. 42 lit J. C. BAYER FURNACE! CO.. Froht A Kkt. Mrj'i!. a frank company. H TlnTh000. SH"?AMFIEU), 148 N. .S KNGINKM AND I7Vrnria PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. The Government of British Columbia and the Grand Trunk Paclfio Railway, Joint owners of Prince Rupert, will offer for Bale by publio auction at Vancouver, Brit ish Columbia, on May 25 to 29, between 2000 and 2400 lots, selected from different portions of the city. The terms of sale are One-quarter cash, balance one, two and three years a six per cent interest. Prince Rupert is the terminus of a mighty trans continental railway system in what is destined to be one of the greatest traffic routes in the world. Prince Rupert will command the trade of Alaska, the Yukon and the North. -It will be the commercial outlet for the rapidly developing interior of British Co lumbia. It is the center of a great fishing and lumber ing business. It is the coming city of the great North. For maps and all further particulars, write G. D. RAND, Agent for Government and Railway, Vancouver, B. 0. - I Church and Hllnwli dYW7Q Church. 40x7R J 7 VJJ. VVTA U.V1 . Parsonage, 6 rooms, across With lot 50x100 With lot 100x100 East Side, south of Hawthorne on 10th Vt! ' The Shaw-Fear Company 245y2 Stark Street. o.Mon . " il hM canned light rain In "to.n and north-n Oregon, and cloudy "d t?Jeftenln weaher n southern Oregm and Idaho The change. ln temperature poVtant aT beSn ma11 and u"" w.'JL..'1??'!,"01? ?f" tor generally fair rTrfrt 5 Monday In Oregon and Washington ln Idaho. . - - FORECASTS, and vicinity Fair; Portland win as. Oregon and wind. westerly westerty Washington Fair; Idaho Showers, followed by fair weather AHi;S'niKST8. BOOST THE ROSE SHOW SOUVENIR. WEEK. A 25c Copy of De Caprlo's Rose Festival March Will Be .lven Each Lady Visiting; the Rink Tonigbt. LADIES NIGHT. Exposition Rink . , . , OROCEREES. Ti, I-WV1S. "-64 Front st. MASON-BHBHAN A CO.. 5th asd Everett. . u v w.. d ana can. WADHAMB A KERR BROS.. Hoyt and 4th. HARD WALL PLASTERS THB ADAMANT CO.. 483 Worcester bldg. vv. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. 'OTCLARK SADDLERY CO.. 104-100 -. HIDES. FURS. WOOL. KAHN BROS.. 101 Front St. H.z.If'K CREAM m.ufactt;rers. itAZELWOOD CRE1AM CO., ad A Hoyt. nl!5S7&,K!'EEI WAGON MATERIAL. ROBERTSON H' WARE A Steel Co.. 67 Front. PORTT ?i?DA? fHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 8d, CRAB. L. MA6TICK A CO.. 74 Front street. PORT TSS13iFK COMMISSION. PORT. UNION STOCKY DS. 17th A Vaurhn. N bldl11 PA- "e ROO Wells-Parco ZIMMERMAN-WROWK.- H tk Ash. FRANK L. MEATS. SMITH CO., 226-228 Alder. J C fiTt.f!lU ENDOWS. C. RAYE1R. Front and Market. MILLINERY. A REIST CO.. 6th and Oak. CASK SrAIN"? QRAJs'lTlirco. aT sh - MINAR. 385 EL MbrrlKMv. ruKTUAND MARBLE! WORKS 268 1st. . ORGANS, CHURCH AND PAKLOR RILERa PIANO HOUSE. WartTArS PAPER AND SHELF BOXES. PORTLAND PAPER BOX CO-" at? Qat. j w pPFff,AI,D stationery! " w- P- M FALL. 103 Front, PHONOGRAPHS. CLAY A CO., th eilBRMAJV, A Morrison. PIAKO iRaWlrt A Park . SL-OEaftld., SCHOOL FURNITURE. HUPPLTICN W. SCHOOL FURNITURE roTaS; Sd. K. SHIRTS AND OVEKALIA H. WOLF A SONS, 73-75 Fstst' BlCTora cCT'A Irving WINES AND LIQUORfl Bl.UMAUER a HOCH 108 4th HENRY FLKCKENSTEIN A co"" 204 2d st. WIRE AND IRON WORKS PORTLAND WIRE I. WKS.. gdfg;, FINANCIAL BONDS AND STOCKS OVERBECK A COOKE CO 219 B. of Trade. VI ItTP. TX'cno A . . . . A. H. BIKHELL CO.. 202-3 McKay "bids WJN CLEM ENS. Coiunercial Ctob bltf' bifoy GROSSMATER CO- rada t--STOCKS' BONDS AND GRAIN POWNIKO-HQPK.INS CO.. 2uA Couch bid,. ttxt D(-vri-c- . TLMRER LANDS. inc rau xti Aire oitECKnfrajy, iioxdat, Parsonage " rear of lot $6000 7500 AMUSEMENTS. HETT TO THEATER aXajIJIVJ 14th and Wash. Phones Main 1 and A 1122 Tonlarht. nnH t , . . - .......... xllglic NORMAN HACKETT In the Comedy-Drama Success "CLASSMATES" rKAfEB 1.6o. 1. 75o. BOo. THEATRE Emnlra Tk.i Baker. Gen Mer AU th" ?e" MAt ". A 1020. Matinees "x. Sundays and Holidays. 15-25-50C NIGHTS THrATPR 1C OC Cd 7Cn fiu.-YV ', " u Brothers In "Our rSKtiP11"' "k J"K"nK Norman.; Rial 1 '"r F.hotoKrapliy; Francini-Oliomej Fred erick Allen & Co.; Andy Rice: Delmor. sli-terw- Qrcheetra; Plotures. 0 B1 LYRIC Theater, 7th and Alder A'L, THIS WEEK. THE LYRIC STOCK COMPANY IN "IN THE HILLS OF CAROLINA." Under the personal direction of Harhart Next Week "At the Old Cross Roads." PANTAGE3 THEATER Advanced V "-OwlHe Star, of All Nation! Seneational European character change ar rant"Pr84!n.tlnB "A sndal in a Rts ifcUns lmPrnatlon. of famous mu- fipeclal Added Attraction. "The Inr rw deens." wonderful acrobatsT peSrrn mnfersart."'0 "tUnt'' Md 2-5SSSS5 Matinee, daily, twow. at n.Bht. THE GRAND-V-udenlledeLux. week of QUAKER Week of April 26. Nlta Allen ft Co. Frank Bush Lewis & Young Bonnie Gaylord Harry MoDuffee Grandasoope CITY FOUR STAR Theater ONE DIME f- OP THE LATEST MO- 6 5 iius PICTURES, & SINGING AND TALKING - SONGS. MR. DOW BRINK, R AIT A niBT j-imre unange Plctu; res Wednesday. JOAN OF ARC By GRADUATING CLASS Of ST. MARY'S ACADEMY At Heilig Theater, 14th and Wash. Wednesday Evening, April 28 80 cents to ail parts of Theater HOUSEHOLD NEEDS tltv ered romPtly ln any oSan- yynj. Ph"e us your order. star Coaf S Q 8d st. Phones Main 1818. A 1984 - Coal Kinimersr coal, the best Wyo ..h mlng coal; gives more heat and lei Phones Main 831 A 3981 Florist jf'J" "ys f,sh trom . "our. own conservatories. ui Forbes Co.. 847 Washington st. phones. Both Electric Fixtures' ns equip your w'srern-Elecc i.H" Plating "i:?'urk'fJ Sllrerwar. Coal ?'ShmoIld Wallsend Australian. V Independent Coal & Ice ComniSi opposite City Library. Beta phoned 24 lirfel f -lllli I14J'Im CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISHSQ BATE la Xffect November . uoa. Ialiy or bunday. One ttrne . F 1JfSl Same ad two csnsecudV 'thnei "s2 Same ad tllre eonsecutWe times "ITsoe Same ad sis: or sereii consecutive times Sea SlE. "r'? count as on line on cash ad. TSTtlsements, and no ad counted for C.. than two lines when an Ldemsement U lies" cmuooaawm Um the oii-Umersi J5- "JOTe rn,t" fl1r to adyertlsements under "New Today" and aU other etustdem tions exceptlns; the foUowinsit " Situations Wanted. Male Situations Wanted, Female. Er.Kcnt Il?om'V Private Pamllles. Rooms and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping- Rooms. Private Families. j on the above classification 1 7 cents a line each Insertion. e JTSSS" J" the "New Today- columni is ured by measure only 14 lines to the A receipt will be riven for all nald-ln. HTl,ad.VBr,1",I,icI Oresonian wlU not undertake to correct errors or refund money unless this receipt Is returned. money Iti117',r0J'-T;,W-N PATRONS Th. Ore EJSj" Tm Tfj'" PT by mall, provided sufAclent remlttanoe tor a definite number ofinues Is sent. Acknowledgement of such remittance will be forwarded promptly ii,box """ address Is required, nee n.h 'orKlen. and count this as part k! 7Jli,,."wer sjdvertlsements wlU beforoardedto patrons, provided self-addressed stamped, envelopes are furnished. rfiiT T.8?. T?k advertisements the " " w111 be based on the actual number of lines appeartns; In the paper, regardless of the number of words lneaeh line AUCTION BALES TODAY. Tv.lTi"?11' "'Mnw" corner Seoond end LLL'l"- atJ10A- M- 6-le st residence. ! I P M S?rth- corner Weldler St.. at a p. My J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. MEBT1XQ NOTICES. . UAMETTE COUNCIL ROT ARCANUM meets at K P. HaU. Alder and 11th streets, the first and third Monday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors oor- Itsry. Plr Natlonail gana. ttutt"a- HARMONY - LODGE No. 12. A. P- A A. M. Special communication this (Monday) eve. at 7:S0 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Vis itors are cordially Invited W. M. PELIN, Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER No. 14. O. E. S. Stated meeting- this (Monday) evening, E. 8th and Burnslde. Social. Order BELLE RICHMOND. Secretary. CAMBUA SOCIAL CLUB will rive a whist party this (Monday) evening tn Ma sonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill sts. All member of O. E. S. invited ANNIE E. COOTS, Secretary. JTOTERAL NOTICES. HOWARD The private funeral services of Mrs. Minnie A. Howard, beloved wife of Henry Howard, will be held at the resi dence. 28 North 10th street, today (Mon day) at 11 :30 A. M., and public services at the Crematorium at 1 P. M. Friends Invited. . DOWNS Puneral eervioes of the late Wll Ilam B. Downs will be held at Dunning. McJE?.t.eo & GUbauBh's Chapel. Seventh and Pine streets, Tuesday, April 37, at 2 P. M., under the auspices of the Wood men of the World. Friends respectfully invited to attend. Interment River View Cemetery. DKKN 'Funeral services of the late John Uren will be held at Dunning, McEntee & pilbaugh'a Chapel. Seventh and Pine sts . today (Monday) at 2 P. M. Pr lends in vited. Interment Rose City .Cemetery. IET The funeral servloes of Caroline, wile of Adam Loeb. will t-e held at the Chapel of the Portland Crematorium at J?0 p- M- toao-y (Monday). Friends in vited. ER DM AN Funeral services of the late Richard Krdman will be held at Dunning. McEntee & Gllbauh's Chapel Tuesday, April 27, at 9 A. M. Friends Invited! Interment Rose City Cemetery. , 21ing: . I cKn t ee Gllbauih, Funeral P'rft". h and Pine. I'honT MaSiio' Lady AseUtant. Qffloe of County Coroner! EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Fnneral direct. or., ftp 3d St. Lady assistant. PhonV SHm. v ; nsUEY SON. Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main . A liiyT ZELLER-BTRNES CO.. Funeral Direst, ors. 7a Russell. East 108a'. Lad asiutilntf s.l-BV D'DNMKO, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant, phone East li. McENTEE-ERIC80N CO. Undertakers lady assistant. 40 Alder. M slial NEW TODAY. SB.Af I2E' .PRV !'"d ocean lot. Inquire HS Swetland bldg. Phone Main and A FINE LOTS AND HOMES IN GREGORY HEIGHTS On Terms Easier Than Bent. Come to the Office and We Will Take You Out. J INVESTMENT C0.& 418 Corbett Building. Fifth and Morrison. Income 10 l4i- " strictly modern west Side --Ilat property. Most up-to-OMt and best equipped flats tn the JiA. J ml nut c walk. Unexcelled SUNNYSIDE iificor,,er lot' two modern O-room honM room for another house This can be had now at . sac" rloee price. BUSINESS CORNER On Wrt side. Good rentaL It tastes only 8S00 to handle. ThU l, "ood buy and au 8 per cent lnvestmentr We Have Other Good Bays. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO 618 Board of Trade Baildlnsr. AVE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. 14 Net Income Property r?nr?0i m?dern apartment-house. In trZtlS, housekeeping suites, completely furnished, near 14th. and Jefferson. iIi0t' bn,llnT and farnlshlnKs com- W 1'" ?talra 1-04.. with ternfs n Vlil.tHHl. it rents, turn shed, for S200 ?fnthvST 300 whon you run it you?: rr?ir hlanmean8 4 Per cent Invest ment., or 20 per cent as a business with almost nothing to do. OU!nes8, OWNER. 431 12th St. LOOK HERE ! $3500 WILL HANDLE Good Investment on Union ave. 100 feet from OREGON STREET Chance for quick money. Room 8. 22114 Morrison St. Nob Hill Flats New and up to date. Pay better than 11 per cent. 00O win handle, balance 6 per cent. PORTLAND SUCCESS RE4LTY CO 618 Board of Trade BIdi. 7& APR1X 26, 190. KBW XOOAX. ORTl4AJri HEIGHTS. i'JJirV-8 with bath, toilet and WAXJrtlT PARK. JfW -room house, toilets, bath, laun P;?w0mJ.fyn basement with furnace. EAST NHfETEEKTH ST. fiw 7Croom house, with bath, toilet full basement furnace. fireplace wash trays. Price $5250. Half cash. ' REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. MERCHANTS SAVINCS & TRUST COMPANY 247 WASHIXCTOX STREET. GOOD FARM ON ELECTRIC CARLINE 157 acres level farm. 75 acres plowed acres timothy and clover. 1 acre bearing: orchard, balance oalt and fir pasture land; 7-room house, large barn, 60 rods Eagrle Creek station, O. W. p. . R.; 20 rods school, postoffice and stores; living water, sjood road; have to see thrs farm to know Its worth. Price and terms, etc J. L. WELLS CO. 30e Chamber of Commerce Bids;. Jackson County Dairy Ranch and Stock Farm foiS aSres rlh black soil, nearly all orchard &0d hou.8es. 2 large barns! nrh d- i00 acres ln alfalfa and tim ?'h' could raise from 1000 to 1200 tons wfl3rj,r?ar1CO,er..aI1 Alfalfa land with Wtl flne fJTult land: 12.000.000 feet 5in,?tlmber: 24, head cattle, 65 cow" could run over 6000 head sheep; 12 head irleB' farmln implements, ' wagons, Tho: Jf now harness, blacksmith Si1- miles ,eaat or Ashland; cream eryat Aa!ter Place; 6 miles from rail road. Price $40,000. Terms. BOLD S-WALL ACE CO. 37 Board of Trade. IF VOTT A T?TT TT w.. AAVFKVAIU rr tJce pleca of acreage "r investment, take Estaoada or Oresham BfT,iSnl ,et on at Stanley Station. Inquire at nrst "SSf aou": price 50O to w per acre; runnlne J""". land cleared. For further particulars inquire TUB MART 1 i CO.. xo Dcwma htseet. $6950 will buy a splendid 7-room home, with large sleeping-porch. Grounds 75x100 in the choice section of Irvlngton! Owner lives out of city and will sell this place for 12000 cash, terms on bal ance very reasonable. This Is a bar Brain, and if not sold by May 1 will be taken off the market and leased for two years. If you nt a home, do not overlook this place. GEO. D. SCHALK Main 802. A 2302. 204 Stark St. WEST SIDE A BEATJTIFTI, HOrSH ON EAY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. . Jurchlce of those new, modern" six-room houses. N. V cor 97th Savler sts.. near PorestryPark? gs ri?1' flrePlas. firnaces fufi cement basements. Price $4250; $400 down, $10 per month. ' uu FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY (Ownrr) 0O1 Board of Trade Bids;. Phone Main 447. YOU MAKE THB PRICE AND TERMS LEAVING CITY AND WILL ACCEPT ANYTHING REASONABLE For our liO-room Residence in Overlook Choicest location, high and slghtlv &a0VleW ' CUy and uainys: OWNER, 503 Commercial Bldg. A' FINE HOME CHEAP Corner lot. 100x100; Improved street cement walks; 9-room modern houleT stone foundation, hot water heating gat EasFlidef ' conservatory. barnfruat: F". M. BATCHELOR, 215 Conch Building. Owner Going East Will sacrifice 314 acres of choice sub irrigated land. Lake County; $9 Dor acre; worth $25. R. R. survey through It; $1000 will handle this, balanca easy 238 Falling- bldg. $2500 GEO. D. SCHALK, Main 2Q2, A 2802. 2C4 Stark St. WEST SIDE a w-ErXClJ?alTa JW-mico Ii.trict. 3 very desirable r&sldeno. intm nv. trUCte1 Vev harbor. mountlin,0akd Sity" surrounded by fine home. S block, to w' carline. near Cornell road and 2th st sTe SMITH & EVERETT 803-3 IO Falling Bldg. On carline, west of 49th street, suit able for platting. SMITH & EVERETT, 309-310 Tailing Building. $1900 Brand new, modern, 5-room, concrete Si0 a?iframe c."aRe at Portsmouth! on St. John car. 500 cash down. ' BAOLET, 614 Conch Bide, HOMES Acres i : NEW TODAY. Ladd Farm Sale Profits are yonrs tf yon boy 24 acres at loOO " . u. n . maaiuoDS snrronndlngrs perfect. The 0B buT " j sunt, aillnsT. iRORniw -sit .wa: 1LIC ACCOUNT A.HT. I A 1! PnnphM 838 Worcester BldsT Phones. Usin 83T1, A. 40tS. FOR BALK at Mt. Tabor, modern T-room nouse, with furnace and cement base ment: easy payments. By R. L. Zeiler, 704 East Ankeny. phone B 2083. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. f- Ablngton bld. Main t:i. Andrews.F.V. st Co. ii. 334. SO Hamilton hm. ak5r,-.1r,d A 116 Ablnr.on b!dB. Beck "William a.. 812 Kaillnic bldg. Blrreil A H. Co.. 203-S McKay bids. Real T.fu ?. i?ll"r"IC,- mortgage loans, etc Brubaker A Benedict. 503 McKay big. M. S4 ?ooWlnnHHlrl?.W- ill Chamer Commerce, cook. B. B. A Co.. COS Corbett bldg. Fields. C. B. A Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Mam las. 2 OS Oregonlan, Lee. M B.. room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrlsh. Watklns as Co, 250 Aidsr st. Richardson. A. B.. S21 Com. CHrb bldg. ehalk. Oo. r., SM stark st- Main or A m Bharkey. J. p. A Co.. 12214 Blxths" T1s Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand are. and Multnomah st (Holladay Addition.) w"' -0-. B0 bomber Exchange bldg. WALKER. S. T. . 604 Corbett White. B. F.. 22TH WashinKton st. FOB SAXE BEAL ESTATE. THIS NEW. COZT MODERN BUNGALOW. Completely furnished; owner leaving city must sell Immediately at a sacrifice: phone bSt'en : A. M. and noon today and get lull descriptions, so that you can sea ii1 S!3 today- Only one person can buy it. 'Pylll it be you? Located on 3Jd et.. na Clock frrvm excellent car service, ln delight tul neighborhood; every requirement for a oellghttul home and a fine investment; can D Purchased with or without turnlshlnps; price J3000, fOOO cash, balance monthly payments. 2500. 400 Cash, o-room eottage and flve-slxths of an acre; lots of fruit tn; 20 minutes from this l..?11 Sd oar service; one block from car; this Is a snap; toll us what you want: we have it. " CHURCHTLL-MATTHBW3 CO.. lumber Exchapgs Bldg.. 2J and Stark sts. BTTOLISH WALNTJT3 r,r?!-thT,1?r':t owners and prantsrs Ji.-?reIon-. Wa ha the only planted In rb.0"-.' ,market Our properties are in the walnut country. Tamhlll s-aor CHCRCHTLV'd-Jl.h- month! t-HLRCHILL, MATTHEWS CO. INC Lumber Exonange bids-, 2d and Stars: sts BA8T BURN SID El DISTRICT H. P. PALMER-JONBS CO. 118 Commercial Club Bids; Main 8U0U. A 2653. "llo0" tT!" nlc "e home, balance hiSni nth- Thrft-room tse. one-half Sol-l 200 Cham Oornrne'! -ROOM dwelling at a sacrifice. Corner P trl"1, BOl;1&0- StrSy,m?; TWrf sli fl"t"clai, condition. Price J.WVx) phoni t-hamber of Commerce. lx.n-t IRVTNQTOK tlO.000. Swell l-room house, on carflne thing strictly modern. ' H. P. PALMER-JONES CO 13 Commercial Club Bldg.' Main S0UU. A 2653. every- BUNOALOWS on easy payments In excel lent locations: close to good car service Be your own landlord. service. rm0nwbUM'.l'n8Tl?V, on Eai,t Side. ..u.u uiug., ii 3a st. h0?4 JL0.6.. on.IioJh..H': 't l. euxloo e v o" ousan street: a very fine buv. either m u . very HOTJ8E8 for sale ln all parts of the -lr. acreage clo In and farmj in OreiSn and Washington. Phone Main 4ll AStampher. 6l-532 LumeV 8ExchaSge CORNER 20TH AND EAST ANKENY fewell 8-room house; furnace, flrenlaee etc.; everything modern; 56O0 l"CJ"ac" H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bldg FOR SALE BY OWNER. That handsome bungalow, 4S5 East 11-fh St. North; will take vacant lot aV part payment: 2KX eash. balance to suit, in quire 86S Victoria st. SNAP Vacant lot in East Portland suitable f..r an apartment-house: 1 block from car 13100. Terms. Bee Salesman American Trusrt Company. 20O Chamber of Commerce" Con 1S16 IRVINOTON. A pretty, nice full f.,rE? f1' '"clualnK all improvements. Aro Uf,ht ln . rr011'. walking distance, c - P"Lu.'Jr? Co-' ttoai Mulkey bldg' 'd and Morrison sts. "' a 60x0 EAST 7TH. between Yamhill and Taylor.. 1800 40x100. Bust Yamhill r,- Jitn, uoo; 50x80, cor. East Yumhi i 27th. east frontage. Iloio" I hole" Mam 4341. FOR SALE Lp-to-date. all modem 7-room house In nice residence district; for sale cheap by owner; terms to suit.. 307 Fall ing bldg. ' ,UJi- FOR SALE Strictly high-class, 7-room all modern house ln nice locality, for sale cheap by owner; terms to suit. 307 PaJl! lng bldg. 6-ROOM house. PtrxlOO lot. Sunnjside verv .reasonable; easy terms. Vanduyn & wi ton. 51S Chamber of Commerce. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty as sociation; buy direct of owners and un commissions. 2O0 Ablngton bldg ONE or two beautiful lots. N. w corner Webster and Montana, convenient' to new high school. FOR SALE Small house and lot In Ke-n Park. ftMO. A bargain. Terms. Oruber Board of Trade bldg 85x100. NEAR E. 12th. between Oak and GHan. S16W). half cash; bargain CULVER. U23 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Fine T-room. all modern house nice locality on East Side: for sale S bv owner: trma nn c..,, w.T ' UlUg. v,?? B8a J1- I",aa ' Sheridan "y installments. oold- sohmidfs Agency, 2S3Mi Washington st. 6-ROOM house full lot. Richmond; small Jrult and garden: 1 blocks to car; cWn for cash. Owner. 1238 Ivoa. " FOR SALE A 5-room cottage on the S.!fIyn v arilS- 1300: part dow? and terms easy, phone evenings Main 7840. FOR APARTMENT HOUSE A beauty: 100X104. corner-- - i , . . corner; for cash. Owner. Tabor 51(5. . . " OEARHART PARK . T-room furnished house and 2 lots. Inquire of Mr Haher shaw, 33 Sherlock bldg. aoer MODERN T-room home, close to steel It &V Faluns Wgf" fU" ;rONEas?t-2iut7o?2n b tr1 gonian. ure NEW, modern, tt-room house, flrenlaee- 1 SoSiaSSSi treet- m carllne- Ter M IXXT 60x100 fully improved, near 37th and Bn2080Ry- Phn Tb '1Sid bltdgn9ar P: ftna Cal' "IB "w7 HUr, "r1 or city property with W. H. Dudley & Co.. 811 Stearns bfdsT FINE lot In Piedmont, $730. W W Psvne 1210 Williams ave. W BTSRC,-rn.eJj BOfls Swmton. on . jm. uregonion. rXr7nr.e5,iW.n- "th,Z:. ? St Sao" - . ........ . -, i m i r l i . MODERN 7-room house. 4 lots Ann .hi,,,, park; only 2200. Box 4 Ar?.'"a ROSE CITY PAP.K. chol lot. near carllnT for saie cheap. AE 35. Oregonian. CarIlne FOR SALE 8-room house at 742 E vr.i near 22d; hot water heat. Phone k il. FOB BALK REAL ESTATE. "-'-,K MAIN 5iS'.. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE AT PORT 3000. v cash. 200xlXl. T-room house, modern, under high cultivation. IS applo trees, 55 fruit trees, prunes, peaches, cherries, pears and quinces. 200 berrv 1- ,ob , frult and vegetables plenty; 10 minutes' walk: to P. O.. Court house and school: fine view of moun tains, valleys, etc.. olty water. If you are Interested In this proposition, call at orrioe and we will give you more particu lars, as this must be sold. ..J1.000 ca"h- l acr chicken ranch, all in ihf"iJ Pnty of water; 4 mile to school and store, on Base Line, and nousesr0m house and barn; also out- - SPECIAL. live i,rJrSre- ?4 acr" ot 'aning land. roSr,,jram. nnty of game, in Crook lrnLJ"1 a2d tU,9: caBh required caBh- wiiI bu- 10-acre dairy the B W'Lh ood "nhou.e and barn oi nlentv r .and ne,mbost navigation; Sbl2 la.Za ntBT- 8m timber; good tlll- EX?HAVcl?Tr1TVkI,BER CO 820 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO., PHONE MAIN 57SU. . Tau WANT TO BUILD? frV ,OUIk archltct draw plans for you ifr. char0- ur building department S.thori?,"88 a Callfornlan. who 7s an authority on bungalow structure We guarantee the qualty of our work to ,2 of the highest only We refer vm ,Z your bank or to Dun or Brads tree T bundfnSion"),bll;-. w ' "( ?ln and bulid on easy terms You W? VlbulM ,?U.nt 'r What S save'you mone" 'r yU' Thla la , W M. CONKLIN A CO lr 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg.A 174? M 2839. BETHEL HEIGHTS WALNUT OROVE3. Or?Kon8tVht hht buyer of m tota eaT-h r-TD tracts of ft and 10 acres wstE. for'Wtrfotaer1" tB" y"U lbt ' DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH 610-SU-012 Swetiand Blflgl A SNAP. feet w.tfr. ta,ken ttt on,"8: 1 a"s: 750 J?' water front, 4 dally boats rural pfuce ff""' r."Ch001 a"d "or"-ad?ol water' , B Png. furnishing enough Toa r-Vrfir 'rr'Bato: ,000 strawberVy plantsT i J ldS,- hU"!L l,arn and othor out" on the he"h w -areh.ouse and boatuouse e?. Irbeacn- ,? rowboats. cow and calf ?hetlaeen'' " t"' "ary S? farm MACXAY & BURR, Inc.. Olyrapla, Wash. SSOor athC425 fe close In on Bast Side. lng a rtiSerJ.- . ,''ic ot Sund. Includ ' K . a basement already dug; lies nna S?nfr, 'rmPrOVed ttTeel SbOUt five blOOk. Uonl. rLhnmriOUl"en m1"- This Iom? iri . .Bh nd drT- Certainly a bargain IAH-rV" , i1 m""t b ald at one": ..M,:'-IER INVESTMENT CO l-l Loard of Trade Building. 4,?r"Th:'be''t buy 00 tn Eaet Side- 8-room ".r hU9f. O" carline; PL, aid trlclty. paneled dlnlns-room. full cement belt oV'.hi"" P'"mb'nE. everything Vn Thi best of shape: I can prove to your sat i ca?ednfoVh,tthth'8 rW no0 8(rth nr,.he,nK,'Uy:, on East Gllaa near Hirth. Don t try to imagine what this Is. IIZJ'JZ" enowou": H. P. PALMT1R-JONES CO REAL ESTATE AND - FIRE INSURANCE 1 ?'j'v?ALAND AGENCY. 513 COMMERCIAL CUR BLDO MAIN 8tiia. A 2t3. T,v 1!fNPffiE BUNGALOW. lxk this beautiful fine-room bungalow over before purchasing; strictly modera In eery respect, with Ilreplace. large porch tr?,med,orCes'rJ Dutch kltenTlaundrV l"r8 tIJS-1 i8 can be arranged. Pno8n8TEyaLtr iSo. bel- 40la . ,SCr,(n7,nvBEA,CTuISUL -acre tract near S L ,ha .reon C"y carline All .Erand elevation, partly In berries good houe and barn, all love Nothing prettier around Portland An ideal place T.'U1 ,arm,ir- capitalist or broke? C K Pn,,PCth"c' teacher or business man. 2d !xndP&on sts' rm 14 M"'Rey bld-: EAST ETJRNSIDE DISTRICT ' Swell 8-room house, leas than a year naoen fTa"t, Cuoh ar ST Sa,,..fl eplace' fu" anient baeemes-; everything up to date; S5500 1 Io,,PV.PAt,MER-JON'ES CO., 213 Commercial Club Bldg Main bDl). A 2H03. "F? .cr?MB-LoXel5r rlver contam" "ig 1.8 acres; over 3oO feet of river front age; beautifully wooded wnh dogwood fir ., elctrlc . car. 10 minutes to an(1, wl H in one or two pieces. P'or price and terms address D 42. Oregonlan. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE Bw.rV"J::ST JSIEis SACRIFICE.' Strictly modern 8-room house, walklne distance, beautiful corner lot; a compete home and a gilt-edge investment ump eto HARNETT A HARNETT. 16 Board of Trade. Main 0034 F9Ft SAIjE: owner, bungalow In Irvins ", ,:n n'hed; contalnsix too. sleeping porch, pantry, frultroom. paneled dmlng-room. polished Moors. flreollce rooms all tinted; street Improvements ineverythlng complete. AE ! Orego- IRVINGTON QUARTERS We have several choice quarters one in particular that has a beautiful View 5 Mount Hood, for lr view of H- P. PALMEK-JONES CO. -13 Commer.-Ial Club Bldg Main 80D0, A TIE JFT? ottor ever made in Irvlngton B choice lots. 15(H each, one hlVd SaSh balance 1. 2. 3 years. 0 per cent- all lm provements In and paid; come out Li sea them at once. Irvlngton. Broadway cars, corner 15th and Hafsey sts E km C 11.P3. Dolen & Herdman &8d- 100 FKET from East Morrison and SO fee' et lsth st- This is a boj atMiv," fX.xlMi on Monroe st iUJt i i-. 4iao. The ch wil. euViiweekaS tnan going price fr.r lot that locality . TONB. 5Q3 Commercial Bldg. y- A PA RTM EVT OR FLAT SITH Fractional West Side corner, on ' carline eaey walk ng distance to P. 6. : a aecAded snap; don't delay if you have iS7sn ,i handle balance terms. V-,ndn & Wal ton. .15 Chamber of Commerce. 8PLEN-DID 9-room house, well arranged-MonmT-pr, "X.1) S-f 20inCyJanPdd,bldgU!nnett & htrl. '1S?-I?u:SaALOW. 5 rooms. furnish,.,-,. I iXsn- ii . .m"- ""furnished; rented lj" I1&50; full lots; your terms; owix-r leavl n"o' 4ni0m.f to Montavlllar. No. 404 Marguerite ave. today. 8"fo?0'Hom0le':,,. houBe wlth lir fractional lot. Hoiladay s; easy wa k to West Rirt'';rl, 25 r "lonth: prie reduced to -: some terms; barpajn CT. LVER. Chamber of Commerce. MODERN K-room cottape on corner lot Just completed; street fully improved- ce ment walks: will sell on easy terras Call on owner. 410 Falling bldg rma- -a" BELMONT comer, close in. 2 lots- Inside 1c'-tf-ears 43 m""th: corner vacant on 1 5 Staff'st'0"' Wa".inB & Goodwin: SMALL acreage tracts, on Oregon Electric close to market, suitable for platting Tor taken quick. Ca.l 26 Hamilton bldg . FOR SALE Fine 5-room. all modern t tage. with large attic; strictly high-clS and up to date; Sunnjside: best ot term. See uner. 507 Falling bids. terms. FOR SALE Lv.r102othn.rNn-'n- s 3 a CCiRLER,.Broadwa5' aI,d East 7ih. 40xtV.- r,heiT.WrJer- 2s-r"om house, lot 50x100 3 blocks from postoffice. with r ,h. out furniture; cheap. H 50. Oregonian FOR SALE Snap If taken at once. 5-room' fawn.RI483ar SW,ft towns'tc- c Wooi MY lrstallment contract on Ina Parlr lor cloe in: I will sell in .. . bWS. tCrm"- ,Ja" 410 Falling T. CLOSE IN LOT. Lot on East mth St.. S500- vonr ?rms. 519 Swetiand bldg y Ur wn $lOO0 Corner. 7--'xlOO; school. KoA c.r ice. w. T. Dolan, S20 VaugSa et