Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 26, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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    " THE MOItXIXG OREGOyiAX, 3IOXDAT, APRIL 20, 1909. ,
ACBJ5AG. 1 FOB SALE-FARMS. TO EXCHANGE. 1 mrrp W1,m,M. - ... 1 . i
J acre, of choice land In ana of the
neatest suburbs: all the land is In culti
vation; some frutt: neat cottage, hall,
oath, pantry, all nicely furnished, at sta
tion on electric line; chickens, oow; all
goes at a bargain; small amount of cash
til Gerllnger Bids;.
One of the finest pieces of acreage oat
floors, all In cultivation; some fruit: all
level; Ideal bundles; place; about 4 miles
from city limits, on level road: handy to
good school, stores and churches; will sell
on ay terms to the party who wants to
Improve or trade for small residence.
11 Gerlinger Bldg.
, 0 AND 80-ACRE tracts, all cleared and
plowed. 29 miles south of Portland: line
oil for fruit, vegetables or nuts. $10O per
acre, easy terms. Inquire of owner, 303
Commercial block, cor. Washington and
2d sts.
XAP Two and a half acres, all under cul
tivation; fine place for country home and
still be In the city; four blocks from car
line; price $1000, part cash, balance easy.
See aulesmau American Trust Company.
300 Chamber of Commeroe.
CHOICE acreage. 114 miles from Portland
limits, near electric line, Mllwaukle; fine
neighborhood; excellent soil; springs, run
ning water, fruit, etc. Owner, B. L. H
Box 30 C. Mllwaukle.
TWO level acres. Rose City Park district,
for sale cheap to an early purchaser;
fine home site, good soil, water, near car
line. Bee Siaueou. with Haxtman &
Thompson, Chamber of Commerce bldg.
4500 60 acres on Salem carllne, small
house and barn; enough oak and ash tim
ber on the place to pay for it; easy terms.
Room 512 Buchanan bids.
620 ACRES near Portland carllne; pooling,
developing, subdividing; reasonable. H 39,
2 '.4 OR 6 ACRES, all In cultivation, young
tree and strawberries. Division and 6tlth
terms to suit. Tabor 160!).
FOR BEST ACREAGE tracts near Portland
see 1019 Board of Trade.
11 ACRES. 1 mile Oregon City: good sol
running water; $1200. P EH, Oregonian.
Quarter section choice vellow plrea tim
ber. 2 miles S. E. Ashland, Or.. 1 mile
of S. P. R. R. ; no better sawmill site In
the state; price and terms right.
Over 4.000.000 ft. first-rate old growth
yellow fir timber. 15 miles of Portland. 3
mikes of R. R. and river. In Washington
County, only $1 per M.
BAGLEY, (14 Couch Bid.
Chicago. New Orleans, Seattle,
saa Chamber of Commerce,
IF YOU are In the market for good timber,
well located, at a reasonable price; see
me before purchasing; 1 have some splen
did buys in both large and small tracts. C.
J. McCracken, 304 McKay bldg.
Pacific Coast timber bought and sold.
Timber lands cruised and certified, reports
FOR SALE chaap, 3000 acres of fine timber
Ip Northern California, fir and cedar; will
cruise 40.000 feet to the acre; thin Is a
snap. Address Box 4115. Portland. Or.
I WE rre headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney
Etampher. 51-32 Lumber Exchange bldg
j HOMESTEADS, under new law can take
320 acres, fine, level sagebrush land Sea
us If you want a claim. K 11. Oregonian.
'FOR SALE Operating logging camps and
timber lands, tributary Columbia River, lie
Cargar. Bates. Lively, Falling bldg.
TIMBER LANDS, $2 50 per acre; I locate,
you purchase: also some Government
claims. 219 Worcester bldg.
i FOR SALE Timber lands near railroad and
river. Charles Hoedle. Mill City. Oregon.
; I AM In the market to buy a small piece
of business property, from $10,000 to $.15.
0O0. on East or West side; state price
end location. I mean business. H 47,
ll WILL pay from $3000 to $4500 for a home
In North Portland; must be new and mod
ern, etc.; owners only. Address AB 30,
I ANT some cheap lots to build cottages
on. Don't answer unless you have some
thing good at a. real bargain. Have the
coin. C 43. Oregonian.
I HAVE $7000 for a home In Nob Hill;
must be new and modem; owners only
Address AB 38. Oregonian.
WANT house from 4 to 6 rooms, within 10
blocks of I'nlon Depot, at right price. Call
or wrlta STONE, fit1 3 Commercial bldg
I W ANT to buy a home on Portlnnd Heights,
will consider a lot, if reasonable: owners
only. Address AB 87. Oregonian.
WANTED Good Income property. State what
you have In full In nrst letter. AJ 3
Oregonian. '
'I WANT a home In Irvlngton; pay as high
as $in.000; In answering state price and
location. H 4S, Oregonian.
I HAVE $10,000 for a home In Irvlngton;
must be worth the money; owners onlv
Address AB 30. Oregonian.
1 WANTED Party to build rooming-house to
suit tenants. F 49. Oregonian.
(WANT to huv a lot In Green way, on terms.
K. 31, Oregonian.
Representative leaves Monday night for
the richest and most proline Government
land tracts In the State of Oregon: you
can get a big farm for what a lot in Port
lend would cost you; can live on It or not
a you pleaee: you'll have to hurry: let us
tell you about It. 327 Ablngton bldg
WILL sell relinquishment on 80. acre home
stead. miles north White Salmon In that
famous fruit country; 'JO acre fine apple
land, very easily cleared: small house- a
snap. on'1l have to hurry. Phone even
ing or morning. East 41) 1::
EASTERN OREGON Just returned, can lo
cate you near me. close to P. o. and new
town. 2 daily maiLs. level, rich, sneltered
' gmund next forest reserve and new rail
way. Alvln S. Hawk, printer. 8SH 3d.
(HOMESTEADS located In the finest territory
in Central Oregon. Soil, tout and cli
mate unsurpassed. Man on ground to locate
you: fee reasonable. Address H 38 Ore
g on lan.
: HOMESTEADS In Curry. Klamath, Wheeler
and Malheur counties; also relinquish
ments In Douglas and Jackson. 613
Abington bldg.
EH us for homesteads. Eastern Oregon
new law; 320 acres each filing. AF 27
We want from 2.500.000 and up of good
saw timber. We have the mill and want
the location, see
BIO Washington St.. Vancouver. Wrash. '
LANE. Coos or Northwestern Counties pre
ferred. Murdoch & Young. 411 Buchanan
' CILETZ claims; we pay cash for claims
from owners Nelson & Whlttler. 617
Board of Trade.
IT1MBFR lands wanted, c. J. McCracken
304 McKay bldg
WANTED To purchase an Improved ranch
or apple orchard. Oregon or Washing
ton; will gins in exchange 8-room house.
ls Angeles, and choice lots, Pasadena
Cal. ; equity 1.000, with small mortgage
on each; might divide to suit. P S
Brown, real estate. 302 E. Bth St., Los
Angeles. Cal.
TO RENT A nice 9H-Rcre tract near Court
ney and the Oregon City carllne; all clear;
good house and barn, small fruit. C. F,
Pfluger & Co., room 14 Alulkey bldg 24
and Morrison sts.
6 acres, all level, cleared land, under
fine state of cultivation, fenced with
picket fencing and cross fenced with
woven wire into chicken and turkey
yards; new, modern 6-room cottage, with
built-in china closets, pressed-brick fire
place, closets, hall, pantry. 2 porches,
bathroom, sand finish, large windows,
barn 24x28. rustic siding, painted: smoke
house, chicken and turkey houses, well,
family orchard pf assorted fruits In full
bearing, strawberry bed, raspberries, lo
ganberries, currants, gooseberries, etc. Air
ideal home and a good investment. Sit
uated 4 miles from Vancouver, on fine
road. Price for short time only $3500;
easy terms.
o acres, situated 3i miles from Van
couver 111 the Famous Fruit Valley, all
under cultivation and In full bearing fruit
trees, principally apples; place has south
and west slope, good 6-room plastered
house, with 2 porches, hall, closets, bath
and pantry. Good rustic barn, apple
house and outbuildings; good well at back
porch; 4 mile from Vancouver Junction;
beautiful view of lake and surrounding
country; R. F. D. and telephone service;
mile from graded school in which
church socials and Sunday school are
held. Fine neighborhood. Price only
$3500. Income from place will pay 10
per cent on price asked. Terms on part.
Vancouver. Wash.
Citizens' Bank Building.
JS000 93 acres. 85 acres In cultivation.
330 fruit trees, balance pastures: all fin
est or black, loam, creek through place, all
fenced; good 8-room house. 2 barns, hog
house, chicken-houses, 3 miles from good
town In Willamette Valley; 5 minutes'
walk from railroad station. Also 5 cows,
4 horses, hogs, chickens, other stock and
poultry; all kinds farm Implements and
machinery. 2 buggies, good farm wagon,
narnesses, and in fact everything neces
sary on a first-class farm. Good terms.
$36 per acre for 500 acres good land. 1
mile from town. 2 miles to railroad sta
tion; 225 acres In cultivation, 125 acres in
fruit, full bearing, balance in hay and
grain; 100 acres young timber, 173 acres In
pasture. All the land Is of the finest loam
and has living water the year around,
water piped Into house and barn; good 7
roora house, fine barn and all other neces
sary outbuildings, including a good 20
tunnel dryer. Will give good terms. This
is one of the best buys in Southern Oregon
and will bear the closest Investigation.
$30 per acre for S56 acres in Sherman
County, two miles from railroad station,
4O0 acres in wheat. 75 acres In alfalfa.
Fine stream of water through the place.
a:i necessary farm Implements and ma
chinery and 10 head of horses. $5000. cash
and the balance on easv terms.
SOS Gerlinger bldg.. corner Second and
Alder. Office, Main 8430; residence,
Woodlawn 2100. Portland.
20-ACRE improved farm. Tualatin Valley, on
main road, 14 miles from Portland: tele
phone, rural delivery, 116 full-bearing
choicest marketable apple and cherry trees;
house, barn, chicken-house, 2 horses 3
cows, 2 heifers, 3 hogu, 6 dozen chickens,
wagon, buggy, single and double harness,
harrow, cultivator, cream sepsxator and
other tools; crops and garden all In; $360O
MURPHY & CASWELL, 230 Stark St.
Nine hundred acres fruit lands in Mis
souri Bottom, on railroad, near Myrtle
Creek; between 300 and 400 acres bot
tom land. 00 acres In bearing fruit, 250
acres bench land, 2.10 acres pasture and
wood land; steam dryer costing $5000, 2
dwellings. bunk house, smoke house. 4
barns. 2 hop dryers and other buildings:
water through place; railroad station arid
warehouse on property. If sold within 00
?a's "ops wiu g0 with the place Also
2000 acres additional, which will be sold
as a whole or In tracts to suit. For terms
address Edwin Weaver, or deal Weaver
Myrtle Creek. Douglas County. Oregon. '
The best apple land In the White Salmon-Hood
River district.
420 acres or any part at a 'bargain.
Must be sold at once.
425 Abington Bldg.
$72.nn PER ACRE 125 acres in Marion Co..
Or.. 85 miles from Portland. M mile from
Willamette River; good rich loam. 05
acres under cultivation, balance timber
and bottom land, good water supplv, run
ning stream, a fine lake with good fish
ing, a good 6-room house, fine barn and
hophouse with other outbuildings; this
place is 9 mile from good town with fine
schools; this is one of the prettiest farms
In the Valley; terms.
Mcdowell & ki.ine.
422 Board of Trade Bldg.
4S0 ACRES In upper Aleea. 12.000,000 feet
old-growth fir, stream running through
place, county road extending through
farm, outrange, 6 miles square, cattle,
sheep and goat range, permanent road,
dally mail, 2 houses, 2 barns, 20 acres in
cultivation. 2 bearing orchards. 75 head
goats. 10 head sheep. 12 head cattle, 1
mare, 1 wagon. 1 buckboard, and other
Implements; 1 set blacksmith tools: good
title: can he had for $23 an acre. Address
Kshn Bros., Alsea, Or.
FOR SALE 20 acres river bottom orchard
land, 2 miles from Roseburg; 13 acres
set to orchard, one-half in bearing, mostly
apples and pears; some cherries, peaches,
walnuts, almonds, grapes and small trults;
nine-room house, bath, not and cold water,
windmill and 3200-gal. tank, large barn,
fruitPacking hOUSe. WllCOn eherl trr-oon-
Tiouse and other outbuildings; Over $600
worth of personal propertv goes with the
piece: all for $S500; terms. Address Box
avo. ixoseourg, or.
We are headquarters for farm land and
acreage In the following places: Anywhere
in asmngton .ounty, liaston, Corvallls
Halaey and manv other points In the wil
lamette Valley . and also have some good
buys in Clark County. WaKhrlnrrnn
The Ptroud-Fry Company. 619 Lumber
iixu.'iange oiag., Portland, and Beaverton,
24 acresi finest soil in the Willamette
alley. 3.1 miles from Portland; all under
cultivation, wire and rail fences; good
house, barn and good well; mile from
BurAcuve ioii. goou snipping facilities
makes an ideal home; $10(i rash.
Mcdowell - kline.
422 Board of Trade Bldg.
80-ACRE farm, half of which is best
hAm arHan. 1 . . .- T I ...II r n .
. . j t iimivm irnm fortiana
on fcalem Llectrlc line: Southern Pacino
, ,"n.-. mmii manon ana
switch on land; 50 acres cleared: house
imni, acres young orchard;
half an acre strawberries; will sell for
' J. ."in ni-tuai vaiue. owners. 201
Swetland bldg.
IF LOOKING for farms close In. we hav
several attractive farms in the richest
poruon 01 tne Willamette Vallev, eon
sitting of fruit, grain and hop land
River bottom and ea..aF,lon. i -Tj . ,-.
acre tracts up to 800 at $85 to $100 per
Mcdowell & kline.
Board of Trade Bldg.
lOTli irprs 1 1, it . ..
. -j ..v---.. ... mnjs wept or r-ortiana on
Oregon Electric Railroad. midway be
tween Mortondale and Quatoma stations:
creek orchard, house. barn. stock and
everything on the place. or without
stock. $125 per acre: terms; no agents.
WE have splendid dairy farms. Improved
and unimproved land: If you want to sell
or buy. don't fall to write at once or call
311 Worcester Bldg.
80 ACRES apples. 20 acres Italian prunes
all A-l fruit In full bearing; a snap if
taken soon: send for our large printed list
of Willamette Valley farms. Olmsted
Land Co.. Salem. Or.
POLK COUNTY 300 acres, 200 A-l culti
vation. 4 acres of thle beaverdam; house
barn, near school and station; all good
land: price $45 per acre. J. H. Moran
Monmouth. Or. '
OVER 20,000 acres Eastern Oregon wheat
land for sale by owners; colonization
proposition; cheapest wheat land In
Northwest; when Irrigated suitable for
anything. D 35, Oregonian.
FOR SALE Willamette Valley farm lands
large and small tracts, suitable for dairy
ing, fruit raising, gardening, etc.; send
for price lists. Address J. D. Winn
Bucna Vista, Oregon.
FINE 40-acre fruit orchard, y, mile from
railroad, about i miles from Portland Or
Write F. A. Balrd, Guadalupe, Cal ' for
SPLENDID farm, 124 acres, all fenced; good
buildings; mile to station; for sale or
t re ile lor Portland property. 311 Stearns
SEND for our list of Willamette Valley
farms before buying; lands shown free.
Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or.
160-ACRE ranch near Portlsnd. Must be sold
at once. Cheap for cash. L 30, Oregonian.
AM SELLING stock of one of the oldest
mines In the West and taking real estate
and automobiles in payment. This Is no
f. . ' n ,a producer. Investigate
rou may have something else I might
J J. J50X OUT.
SV.nnS1 CERTAINLY! It you want to
buy. sell or trade business or property,
follow the crowd to Stevenson Taylor.
rooms 810 and 311 Buchanan bldg.
SEVEN quarter sections In Stutsman Coun
ty. North Dakota, to trade for real estate
?.,.,5ear Portland. Room 319 Commer
cial bldg.
SOME cash, choice restaurant on Washing
ton st.. and some lots to trade for good
' lodging-house. 705 Swetland bldg.
. - . locations ana
values given free. 311 Comilarcial block.
HOOD RIVER fruit land, for Portland resi-
.v,,,,.,. l(, lrie amount of $2000
equity considered. P 26. Oregonian.
R SATE! nr- - 1
- . . -. v-.iv iriiuu on ii re
son City carllne. li Commercial bid.
AfRPtl e-if i .. k - . ..
, ' . . ' " "nie irom Asniand,
Or. Owner. 614 Swetland bldg.
TOURING car or runabout for real ostate
....j auuibbb .n 4-jj, uregonlan.
W-oiL,Rtrai?e fr what yon have. Gus Smith,
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when we
you a new vehicle at about the
earne price as you would pay for an old
one? We are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price -driving
wagons, buggies, delivery wagoas
and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE & CO..
S22 Hawthorne Ave.
F?.SA.LB Pa,r r handsome young Him
bletonlan geldings, brothers; thoroughly
,i ; L " city; as line a pair of car-
V." norses as you can find; weight about
1-00 each; price for the pair $1000. Can
be seen any day at the Fashion Stables.
FOR i,SALE or rent 3 ,eara with gooBe-
'""'-" M&uguui. to rent Dy montn
or year; we also rent any kind of a rig
lor business purposes, day, week or
month. Phones East 72. B 1:16. Hav
thr"0 Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
6TAXDARD-BRED. horse. with record-
child can drive; good buggy and harness:
cheap for cash: or will trade on lot or
runabout. Address AD 37, Oregonian. or
phone week days Main 2028.
IF you outside liverymen attend to this
, , fcaie anu are looking for good
saddle horses and drivers, come and take
a look at my stock and drive behind them
o05 Alblna ave.
FINE carriage team, brougham and surrey
nsie driving and riding horses, har-
.... i;n.-iiuuni: x-riat-e n-xcnange
FOR SALE Transfer business, fine horses.
narneas. rirst-class location, long
ease, cheap rent; sell all or part, or
lease. P H2. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Sound, city broke, bay horse.
tulcluma Duggy, gooa
condition; harness complete. Call East
FOR SALE Buggy (Henney) and single car-
a i WT "UL" m gooa condition.
Apply 2u7 Oregonian blfig.
FOR SALE One 2-horse 2-ton express and
one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel
mont and E. 6th. .
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
HUBERT HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent
. , . Aa.LQa uumuch rig.
ONE team. 3200. one 2850. one 2800. four
nii;ie. mi ao. i norses. an East Stark.
FOR SALE Two ponies and .colt. Phone Ta-
HORSES bought and sold at the Empire
Stables. 270 12th, cor. Jefferson.
HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sa
bles, 11th and Jefferson. M 3300.
Going to California; will sacrifice my
new George Steck & Co. Pianola Piano,
together with $50 music rolls to cash
buyer. Call Jeff ersonlan. 16th and Jef
ferson. Automobiles.
ONE 36 h. p. Mitchell '07 car. good con
dition, or will trade for real estate. J
H. Gibson. 146 2d st. Phone Main E85
FOR SALE White Steam automobile tour
ing car $500. Address 355 North Church st..
Salem, Or.
AUTOMOBILE CBdlllac runabout Hn good
order for sale, $:;50. 366 N. 20th st.
AUTOMOBILES. $150 and up, for sale or
trade, w. G Hartman & Co., 46 2d st.
SOLID mahogany. ladies' dressing table,
$8.50: $30 birdsovo mnr.le chiffonier
solid oak morris chair.- $c,.5u; fine oak
dresser. $12.50: good No. 8 cook stove.
ST.flO; reliable gas range. $7.50; extension
table, $4.50; ash sideboard. $7.50; six cob
bler seat dining chairs. $4.50; good Iron
beds. $2. In addition to our extensive line
of household furnishings we carry a com
plete line of tents and camper's outfits;
get out ririces first
20th and Washington Sts.
Main 110S. A 3796. McGrath 4t Glrvan.
Anything In pipe from H-ln. up to 14
In., either black or galvanized, in new
or second-band. Get our prices and save
847-353 Giisan St.. cor. Eighth.
SEWING MACHINES Second-hand ma
chines, drop head and box top, of all
makes, at very low prices. White Sewing
Machine Store. 420 Washington st. H. D.
Jones, proprietor.
80-FT cabin launch. 12-H. P. high-grade en
gine; 21-ft. pleasure launch, is-ft launch,
steel hull. 8 to n miles per hour- $325.
Klerson Machinery Co.. 1S2 Morrison st.
DO YOU want supplies ot rent film? We are
Independent, do not belong to the trust.
Pacific Film Co.. 303 Rothchild bid.. Port
land. Or.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to Q. fully
guaranteed, easy pas'ments; rentals, $3
So5 ?ionh- Pacific Stationery & f.g. Co..
EG!f.pTM B- ""'!" 10 lor 2.25; B. P. R.
chickens. 15 for $1.25. Plinny Sbepard
son. Castle Rock. Wash.
Logging and hoisting engines.
CHANGE Film service that wins. Ster
opticon slides, sunplies. -0 6514 4th st-
BARBERS All or any part of a 12-chalr
?.pJ!l ale rheaP- Call Portland Safe
Co., 92 Seventh su
FOR SALE B-st dry 4-rt. fir and oak wood
at .owest market prices. Hoover, 313
I " i- i-none Main 7451; A 6443.
FOR SALE Handsome hotisehoats. fully
equipped. with mooring rights. F A
Spencer. Manager Allen & Lewis
8 GOOD, fresh milch cows. Freedman
ii9 e.r'on at- et. 13th and
14th. Phone Main 71S9.
POOL table for sale. James Mallett. Sellwood
Phone Sellwood 46.
F6MSALE brood w" wlth I""'' Main
$75.00 rolltop desk and chair, only $25 00
380 E. Wash st.
A P0.nT.ArIiiL'E ov6n for Bal' Bood condition.
TAILORS. coatmakers and pantsmakers
wanted. Apply Monarch Tailors. 141 6th
St., cor. Alder.
WANTED Office boy, one over 14 years
old; good chance for advancement. AM 38
Oregonian. '
YOUNG man as companion and tutor to a
delicate boy 14 years old; a good home.
L 36, Oregonian.
WANTED Live agents to sell photo cou
pons. C. Elmore Grove. S62 Wash. ett.
BRIGHT, neat boy for delivery and store
work. Routledge Seed Co., 169 2d st.
THREE brick-wheelers, 1 setter. McMahon
Brickyard, East 45th and Division sts.
WANTED First-class salesman. Call room
48. Milner Bldg.
WANTED First-class coat-makers. Nlcoll
the Tailor, 108 8d st.
WANTED Ma stenographer not under
25 years of age with mercantile ex
perience, competent to take charge of
manager's correspondence and wrlt or-der-gvstting
letters: one familiar with ma
chinery lines preferred; in replying, give
age, experience, names of former em
ployers and salary to start with, with
permanent position in sight. Address L
42. Oregonian.
W ANTED Educated mechanical engineer
of good address, capable of Installing and
selling rock crushing plants and other
contractors' machinery. In replying,
give experience and references from
former employers. Address R 36, Ora
gonian. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler i'ystem of Colleges,
P5 N. 4th st Portland. Or.
WANTED An associate with timber and
realty man; profits shared; business es
tablished; out and Inside employment:
one good at figures; don't bother unless
you ready for work. Some cash re
quired. Phone Main 6789.
WANTED Men and boys at Los Angelas;
no expense to learn trade of plumbing,
bricklaying or electricity; practical work
on Jobs half the time and study other
half. Catalogue free. United Trade
Bcnool Contracting Co.. Los Anaelns.
AUTOMOBILING. plumbing. electricity,
bricklaying and plastering tnught by ac
tual work in shops and buildings; ad
vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues
free. Coyne National Trude School. 2:10
8th St., San Francisco.
BOY 16 to 20 years old who lives with
parents, to work In clothing store; llrsl
class chance for a brlsht bov to lent n
a good business. Apply to Brownsville
Woolen Mill Store.
wanted by the Meier A Frank stone: man
of experience, with ability and eii-tgv
will find here an exceptional opening.
Apply at once.
YOUNG man. If you are .ut of n. lob. lend
oOc for How to Succeed, containing In
formation that will interest you. Scrlop
Publishing Co.. Minneapolis. Minn.. Ols
ltd ave.. South.
$800 TO $1800 for railway mall clerks a
year; many appointments yearly; exami
nation at Portland and Pendleton May 15;
free Information In retard to preparation'
Pacific States School. McKay bldg.. city.
WANTED A few A-l real- estate agent
and canvassers who can show remi!:- xt
a day easily made; no competition and a
big field. Dfsfun Trust Co.. 3:17-9 Chanilwr
or Commerce.
HIGH-CLASS estimator and solicitor needed
at once in growing showcase and fixture,
sash and door plant: a little money re
quired and a good salary and interest as
sured. R 34. Oregonian.
OUR salesmen are making from $200 to $1000
per month selling high-ciass real estate.
If yor.r are a live one we want you.
20O Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the
leading nurseries of the Northwest. Large
stock; choice territory; commission paid
weekly. If you are a hustler and can sell
write us. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or.
Employment Office Men's Department.
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1526.
Help free to employers.
WANTED Bartender or partner for saloon
and poolroom, loo miles from Portland.
See proprietor from 12 to 2 at Gold
schmldt's Agency. 3d and Washington.
SECOND man. married, wanted on farm near
city: house, milk, butter, fruit and vege
tables free. Phone today, between 12 and
3. East ItilD. B 1886.
STOCK salesman for a No. 1 Oresxm Mining
Co.. that will stand rigid investigation;
small capitalization and good dividend
payer. E 47, Oregonian.
SENDING 300 men to Nome, Alaska. June:
ditch work; good wages; transportation
both ways: all employed Invest $100. Ap
ply 615 Board of Trade.
WANTED Two salesmen for the city on
commission basis. $300 per month easily
niade. It will pay you to Investigate. AE
46, Oregonian.
WANTED Honest young man with $300
cash to show property; experience un
necessary; must be neat and ambitious.
K 4 Onegonlan.
WE help you secure position as operator of
moving picture show and teach vou
very reasonably: see us 10 to 12 A. M.,
.2 to 4 P. M. Room 31. 268 Stark.
WANTED Mattress-makers and upholsterers
at Washington Mattress Company. West
ern and Pike sts.. Seattle. Wash.
BOYS wanted, with wheels, for messenger
work; good pay. Apply to manager,
American District Telegraph Co., 76 3d st.
WANTED A finisher for pao-sr mill In
California: state age. experience and
places worked. E 31, Oregonian.
WANTED Photo coupon snd portrait
agents; new. swell offer. Cutberth Studio.
Dekum bldg.
FIRST-CLASS spindle carver, able to do
band sawing: steady work. Nlcolai-Neppach
Co.. 227 Davie st.
.WANTED Good general blacksmith and
horseshoer for general repair and Job
shop. Leonard & Jenks. Grants Pass. Or.
WANTED Boy to help the janitor to run
the elevator. Heinz Apartments. 14th and
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P. Loratl. 164 2d. Main 5500.
ASSISTANT glazier: steady work. Nlcolai
Neppach Co., 227 Davie, st.
WANTED Good blacksmith. especially
horseshoer. J. Goodfellow, Gresham. Or.
WANTED Agent for Janitor supply house;
salary or commission. 44 2d st.
WANTED Coatmaker for country; good
wages. Apply D. B. McBride & Co.
WANTED All-round printer who can op
erate Simplex. Glacier, Hood River, Or.
SEE my order hats, old ones remodeled, de
signing, trimming nnd low prices- a spe
cialty. 2271, Washington. Room 27.
WANTED Ladles, we bleach, renew, dve
and remodel hats, dye plumes at half
price. Model Millinery. 387 Yamhill.
WANTED Girl or woman for general
hout-ework and rooking: 3 in family; good
wages. 655 E. Madison, cor. 18th st.
843fe Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs
Phone Main 2C92
LADY for typewriting and shorthand writ
ing; German preferred. 514-16 Rothchild
WANTED Woman to take care of sick
woman during day; 12 noon. 163 Park st.
WANTED Cook for restaurant work. 386
Morrison st.
EXPERIENCED talloress wanted on ladles'
coats. 75 N. 16th st.
WANTED Lunch girls to work at counter.
Peerless Cafeteria. 229 Washington.
WOMAN Experienced, for alteration-room
on women's garments. Apply 171 3d st.
lerk, at Jones' book store. 291
GIRL wanted to assist in housework. 194
N. 17lh St.. cor. Kearney.
NEAT girl to wait on table; no cooking.
452 Morrison St., cor. 18th.
PRACTICAL nurse wanted. 194 North 17th
St., cor. Kearney.
GIRL to help in drfitng-room; experience
not necessary. 81. N. 6th st.
WANTED First-class waitresses. 46 V, N.
6th st.
GIRL to assist in general housework. 660
Hoyt st.
AN EXPERIENCED pantry woman, also an
assistant. Hobart Curtis. 265 14th st.
CASHIER Model Theater. Call bet. 1 and 8
P. M. 69 North 3d.
WANTED Apprentices. Aza Holmes Rib-beck-e.
Grand Leader, 6th st.,
WANTED Competent second girl In small
family. Apply 625 Everett St.
WANTED Good girl for housework,
at 791 Tillamook St., Irvlngton.
AN experienced snd competent child's nurse.
Apply at G5 North 21st street.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house
work; small family. 495 Eat Davis st.
OIRL for light housework. 821 Northrup st.
ieoDA Alain 4597. Call mornings.
Girls, 16 to 18 years of age, to work In
factory. Apply at onre.
Fifth and Davis Sts.
LADIES wanted to devote all or part of
their time selling lots and homes on easy
terms In on of the best residence dis
tricts in Portlnnd; experience unneces
nry. call 4 18 Corbett bldg.
WANTRll Competent girl for general house
work In moll futility, living In apartment
hnufu.. Api-ly lo t II A. M., room 824
llosr.l of Trade hl.lg I'hutin Main R3ST.
W A STllli Wide awake business woman.'
one who run leavtt city preferred: perma
nent position; tefarencv. G 38. Ore
141 H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
I'ltones Main and A 2632.
Help Hupplled Free to Employers.
WANTED Kiperlencsd girl to do second
work and hrlp with baby. Apply mornings
703 prospect drive. l-ortland Heights.
Phone Main 814(1.
UIRI. for general housework who has had
soinp cxporlunce; emp.ll family; heavy
liiindiy sent out. Phone mornings. Main
IIC I'SEKEKI'KIl wanted; family of man
nnd buy; work light. nice house, all
modern conveniences; no washing. 587 E
I ll st Sell WO. id 1.
St., Main 2'uu, wants housekeepers, cooks,
chambermaids, nurses, second girls.
AN experienced girl for cooking and house
work, small family, good wages. 770
Overton St., near 2:td.
OIKI. or woman for general housework and
conking. In family, good wages. Apply
055 1". Madison, corner ISth.
Ladic' Department. 05 i Morrison st.
Phones Main 1002. A 2064.
WANTED At once. good dressmaker; no
cai!;ul needed; prefer French ladv. Write
for particular, box 101. Condon. Or.
320 Vs Wajtljir.ton St.. Room 07.
"liin 8836 or A .".266.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
sell ns. Apply Standard Factory No. a.
Grand ave. sod East Taylor st.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position Viavi Co.. 609 Roth
'chlld blug., 4th and Washington.
EXPERIENCED girf wanted to work in
paper box factory. F. C. Stealer, cor.
loth and Giisan.
WANTED One lady pastry cook; wages.
$4.: one lady,, short-order; wages, $40
Sherman L Young, Hood River Or.
WANTED Working housekeeper to go to
.-lood River: must be clean and strong.
" J i-'-nmcii. ni'tei-enci s required.
LADIES I teach manicuring, hair dress
ing and dermatology. Mistress Holmes, spe
ciallst. 601 Swetland birig. 5th and Wash.
GIRL for general housework. 389 11th st.
ANTED- Strawberry pickers: families
preferred; can give employment through
raspberry season. If satisfactory. For par
ticulars write J. E. Holladay. Newberg,
nJM-., ,rlte aave'sements by personal
instruction In your own city; course quick
6113 terms reasonable. Phone M
good teachers for Sept. 514 Swetland bldg!
LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 209 14th. Main 3803.
FRN'.H. AJSD GERMAN in classes. $1 per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
A COMPETENT office man. expert book
keeper with strong letters of recommcn
aatlon from Caliiornla corporations, de
sires position In Portland. AE 34, Orego
nian. EXPERT bank clerk wants position In bank
or mercantile business, experienced A-l
references. C 3n, Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS hotel clerk and bookkeeper
TS.1!,". a ,po"ltl- either In city or country
AF 34. Oregonian.
GENERAL office man. 30 years old, sten
ographer and bookkeeper: In or out of
city. D 38, Oregonian.
SEVERAL, more small sets of books de
sired; fees very reasonable Y 50 Ore
gonian. '
MAi!rrORrER correspondent of exceptional
ability wants connection with reliable
firm. D 39. Oregonian.
A YOUNG man. studying architecture,
wishes a position In an architect's office
O. W. E.. 776 E. Yamhill st.
EXPERIENCED cook, meats, psstry- eco
nomical, temperate: good references AE
20. Oregon Ian.
YOUNG MAN. 3B. sober and steady, would like
position of trust or clerical. 674 Multno
mah st.; bent references. Phone C 1155.
JAPANESE boy wants a position to do
housework and help cook. G 49 Ore
gonian. '
JAPANESE boy wants a position chamber
"I, fam,,' "d any kind of porter.
H 46. Oaegotuan.
JAPANESE l.oy wants a position, waiter or
pantry work or bell boy. H 4! o-e-gonian.
W'"rKUPoi'non bv mli-Mle-aged mtn
Tfjke care cowhand horse, first-ciars milker.
AH 31. Oregonian.
SITUATION wanted w swrlKtant gardener
on. private or commercial place 4 years'
experience, age 25, J 30. Oregonian
YOUNG man. with several years' experience
in general merchandise. speaks 3 lan
guages. wants work. AE JK. Oregonian.
JAPANESE hoy wants position to do third
work in private family; speaks good Eng
lish.. K 50. Oregonian.
COMPETENT Japanese wants housework in
private family. AD as. Oregonian.
SHERMAN WELCH. w1ndowoleaner and
private housecieaner. phone Main 7608.
' -"-. - ujiBiimgTon lit,
GENERAL housecleanlng by day or hour
Phone Main f.or.n. H. Thompson
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
TOUNCJ LADY wishes position as office girl
One year's experience, stenographer, also
familiar with abstracting; reasonable sal
ary; references. J 43. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants typewriting or
bookkeeping to do evenings. AG 32 Ore
gonian EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper wants po
sltlon; best references. Phone Main 7846.
FIRST-CLAS8 dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main.
PROFESSIONAL nurse would like confine
ment cases: $20. Y 39. Oregonian.
WANTED By practical nurse. few more
cases; city references. Phone East 4442.
GERMAN LADY wants position as cook
Phone. A 4294. A F 35. Oregonian.
WIDOW with two small children would
like a place In widower's home as house
keeper. Country preferred. J 49, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED lsdy wants position as
chambermaid In first-class rooming-house
or hotel. AE -47. Oregonian.
GERMAN girl wants place in small family
as housekeeper. 668 Savler t.
DRAWING and painting taught by experi
enced teacher; also orders taken. Main
STRONG woman wants day work, washing,
ironing preferred. Main 459S after 6
P. M.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40c
a pair. Phone Main 66'JS. A 4092.
HOME-LAUNDERED lace curtains. Phone
Tabor 34.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 40c
per pair. C 1658. East 6106.
FIRST-CLASS colored lady wants work of
any kind by the day. Main 3S5S. '
LADY with experience would like chamber
w-ork few hours day. N 44. Oregonian.
WANTED Agents in every county in Ore
gon to sell 6 per c-ent Interest bonds, se
cured bv real estate; write or call on
Geo. Curtis. 811 Couch bldg., Portland,
Or., for particulars.
WANTED Competent salesmen for best
fruit districts of Oregon and Washington:
good opening for right kind of men. Ad
dress Oregon Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
WANTED Photo coupon and portrait
agents, new offer, big money. Davis, the
Hayes studio, 342 Washington st.
WANTED By May 1, 4 to 6-room cottage or
a flat; must have modern Improvements;
no children; close in; unfurnished. A 43,
YOUNG man, barber, wants room and
board in a private family not far from
postofflce. M SO. Oregonian.
WANTED Pleasant home for middle-aged
lady, subject to melancholia; will pay $:io.
H 42. Oregonian.
7-ROOM modern house, close in. West side
by March 1. V 31. Oregonian.
BY carpenter, clean board and room end
of month; state terms. N 37, Oregonian.
WANTED Men's cast-oft clothing an
6'noes; we also buy household furnishings:
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d at. North, phone Main 9272
AUTOMOBILES washed and polished; also
tire work; charge reasonable; will open
Saturday. May 1. George E. Evans, 17th
and Alder. Main C269, A 2553.
"Pays the price" for second-hand furnl
ture. East 98S. B 2311.
SHORTHAND Private lessons given even
ings. Address, Teacher, 228 7tli st.
HIGHEST PRICES paid tor furniture. Phone
East 6204. 194 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor.
WANTED Diamond. 1 or 2-caret stone, set
or unset. AF 32. Oregonian.
WANTED AH kinds of store and office Ox
tures. showcases, etc. 203 Bum side.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
MANITOU. 261 1.1th. large rooms: hot and
cold water; 2 carllnes; breakfasts.
Furnished Rooms.
Under new management, thoroughly ren
ovated in every way: rooms i!h private
baths, single or en sxiite; special rates to
permanent guests; tourists' trade solicited.
One call means another. Mrs. John Gran
Strom. Mgr.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde
Everything brand ' new. homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus
THE BARTON. 13th and Alder: new ms
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lights
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running w ater. $22 50 to $30; elegant
public pat lor: phones and baths free
112 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences: rates reasonable.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
ern conveniences; speial rates to perma
nent guests. A II. Pracht, proprietor.
THE RICHARDSOK Built for women onlv.
New and modern furnished rooms and
apartments from $10 to $36. phones Main
2330 or A 3053.
Washington and 17th. first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; ail modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M 5647.
For nicely furnished room In heart of city.
The Marquam. 6th and Alder.
BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms for one or
two gentlemen, with hot and cold water,
free phone, elevator. The Westminster.
6th and Madison.
THE ESTES -Good rooms, reasonable- new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327S
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
THE REX. 18th snd Washington Modern
rooms, alpo housekeeping; running water,
baths. A 1856. Main 4612.
262 12TH ST Furnished room, very reason
able; furnace heat.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia rooms;
heat, bath; 50o lo $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
THE ANGELUS, 6th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments: both phones.
HOTEL MONARCH Modorn conveniences:
transient solicited. 36a Stark, cor. Park.
LIGHT, airy rooms. The Newcastle. 3d and
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
PRIVATE famliv. newly furnished rooms,
electric light, furnace heat. bath, phone
snd use of plant.. Address 705 E Salmon
F. 2460.
A NICE sunny front-room bay-window suite
complete for housekeeping; bath and gas!
2-'tl E. 6th St., near Salmon.
THREE elegantly furnished rooms for rent,
everything furnished. 428 Hall.
NK'E large sunny front room. 467 East
6ofi FLANDERS, bet. 14th and 15th; neatly
furnished room. $7 per month.
Vntnrnlshedi Rooms.
B ROOMS, good for dressmaking establish
ment. 649 Morrison. Key urtair.
Rooms Wltb Board.
Modern in every, respojt; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals, a specialty. Cor.
Grand and Hawthorne aves.
THE MAGNOLIAS Walking distance. Kear
ney st.. bet. 10th and 20th; elegantly
furnished apartments for married couples,
with board ; also swell rooms for gentle
men, with breakfast and dinner. $30 per
month; beautiful ground; all modern con
veniences; finest rooms and best home
cooking In the city; an ideal place for the
THE GLENDORA. 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite. $10
per month and up; public parlor, piano,
pool and billiard tables free to guests;
transients solicited; excellent table board.
$1S per month: single meals. 25 cents.
YOUNG MEN If you want a finst-ciass room
and board. $3.50 per week, all conveniences
also table board. $4 week, good home cook
ing, call st Aster House. 7th and Madison.
THE MORRISON. 033 Morrison St.. family
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional; best table board : prices moderate
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morrison-
finest board and best rooms In port
land; rates lowest; a comfortable home.
THE LINDELL 269 Market; cicely furnished
front rooms, flrst-clase board: modern, rea
soa&ble; fine walking distance.
ROOMS, single ar.d en suite, modern con
veniences. 432 Morrison, cor. 13tn-
THE FERNS Nicely furnished rooms, splen
did table board. ISO 11th st.
THE OZARK. 220 11th Light, airy rooms
with board, iot and cold water.
Rooms With Board.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 21t year, room
with board, use of sewing room and li
brary. S'.O Flanders St . Miss Frances N
Heath, superintendent. Women's Exchange!
133 10th st, Mrs. M. E. Breiherton. suptT
HOTEL OHIO. Front and Madison Room
and board. $5 ar.d up; also furnished
housekeeping suites and single rooms.
Rooms Mlth Board In Private Family.
RARE chance for lady of llterarv and mu
sical tastes to join English Indv m smali
suite. Highest references given and re.
quired. N 2S. . Orrgo.Uan.
THE HAZEL Nice, cool rooms for the Sum
mer; hot and cold water In enrh room-nrst-class
table. Phone Main 7uiM s."
3d St. ..cor. Montgomery. "
NEWLY furnished rooms. with or without
board: strictly hor.-.e cooking: all modera
conveniences. 4t N. 23d. Phone A 85267
NEAR Multnomah Club, on Heights
front room with 2 closet? for 2 genu,
men Main 4094. " "u"
FVi?N'!1L' room w,th bath' private fam
il? i h,"me LOOkln- one or two getule
mcn. References, 2sii. Park. Main 3202
I " ...f-.V' furnished rooms, with board, home
" l'cr week, no I5tn st b,
Morrison and Alder. '
NI-KEL"T furnished front room, suitable for
5i4 Mm st "S; mod,rn conveniences.
R?1 and board for ,wo business people
Reterenees required. Phone E. 6o43.
2? AlEO front parlor for two- $40- Ideal
home. 470 Main st. ' "
i bVq' 'n vm' with Tod
LALR.Tw ro?m- alcove, fireplace and board.
515 Morrison st.
KO:?MT7Clo,5et' runn!n8 water, with board.
515 Morrison st.
BOARD and room, fine location. Main 684 7.
HZi?Z APARTMENTS. 14th . and Columbia,
f wa kir'B distance, new, brick buildings
rrlv,,. J!ud 4-room faraHy apartmentsi
private bath and reception hail, steam
MAY 1. beautiful unfurnished 5-room apart
ment, with hath and all modern conven
iences; summer rates, telephone.- steam
heat, hot and cold water, gas range. Ice
box. gas. electric light. Janitor services,
etc. W 37. Oregonian.
NEWLY finished, completely modern apart
ment house in northwest part of city; see
us for 3-room unfurnished or furnished
apartments in this beautiful building;
apartments $45 to $50. Parrlsh, Welkins
& Co.. 250 Alder st.
BRAND new 4-room corner apartment with
every convenience available in an apartment-house;
brick building, '-four blocks
from Morrison st. Ma.lison Park Apartment
House, Park and Madison sts.
JEFFERSON I AN !o,1ern " 2 and S-room
apartments- furnihe.l complete Furce
heat, hot t ater. bath, phone, walking dis
tance. Prices $20. $25, $30. Corner 16th
ituu .feiiersun sis.
and Madison. beautiful 4-room apart
ments, furnished or unfurnished, with hot
snd cold water; private bath, steam heat,
elevator. Janitor service.
THE HARTFORD. N. W. cor 21st and
Flanders Newly furnished suites of three
rooms, with hath, hot and cold water in
every suite. Both phones. Apply to Jani
tor. THE IRVING. 21st on.1 Irving sts.. unfur-nle-hed
4-room apartments, new, modern.,
verandas: loi atlon fire-t-clase: rent reason
able; references. Apply to Janitor.
THE MA RI.BOTlOT'OH 5-room aptrtment.
21st and Fland-rs; Nob Hill; finest resi
dence district; every convenience Main
MODERN 3-room apartments, every con
venience. Morton Apartments, N. E. King
and Washington, inquire Janitor or s
Morton Colin, 107 6th st.
THE SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sts.
unfurnished apartment, with hath; every
convenience; desirable location; reason
able rent. Main 2506.
PARK HALL apartments. 421 W Park st .
4-room corner apartment; strictly up-to-date:
rent $35.
COMPLETELY furnished apartment. two
rooms w ith buffet, kitchen an-1 hath: In pt i
vate residence; walking dtn:ance. 374 Park.
THE CHETOPA. IS Flanders. 4-room mod
ern unfurnished, first floor front.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 nnd 4-room
modern apartments. 11th and Columbia
A LARGE, new. modern 6-room flat. East
15th and E. Wash, st.: fireplace, furnace,
gas etove and water heater; fine neighbor
hood: the bent car service; to rent to re
HIor.sIble parties; adults preferred: $30. Ap-
ply 324 E. 13th North. Phone C 1764.
4 ROMS. bath, pantry, basement, stationary
laundry tulis-, front and rear pirch; fine
view of city; $20 per month: West Side,
walking distance. Phone Hossack & God
man. Main 6426. or Main 6413.
$I Mortem 6-room flat, nice lawn, shades,
woodllft, good neighborhood, walking dis
tance Inquire 444 Rodney ave. Phone
East 4S06.
6-ROOM modern upper flat, newly tinted,
large rooms, good view, ra and electric
light, wash trays. 231 Knott.
NEW 6-room upper flat. $27.50. East Rth
and Burnslde sts. Russell A Blyth. Com-
FIVE-ROOM, steam heated fiat, fine loca
tion, close In. 564 Couch st. Apply from
11 to 3
FURNISHER three-room upper flat, with
alcove; suitable for two or three. 124 N.
lth st.
TWO 5-room modem flats. 330-3o2 Sherman
st . eas-y walking dietance. West Side. Tag
gart. 416 Chamber of Commerce.
MODERN 7-room flat, newly finished. Clif
ton, henveen 7th and Prk. A 3SU5.
MODERN 6-room flat; 10th. near BurneWe.
Inquire 24 N-rth 9lh.
$20 5 rooms upper, modern, gas, electricity.
47 '-i East Ninth, near couch.
FURNISHED 4 rooms, flat B; modern. 361
I.arabee. Hardwood lloors
VERY fine f:nt tn choice Nob Hill location.
Phone Main ol.
FURNISHED 8-room flat. 3S3A Fifth St.; S
minutes to P. O. Call- 11 to 4.
MODERN 3-room flat. Inquire 225 Market
Sevilla bldg. rhone Main 515.
8-Ri'tOM fiat, modern, steam heat, walking
distance. 307 Hth Main 1911, A 2720.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. .
Newly furnished for housekeeping in
cluding gas ranttes. electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free: furnished apartments $15 per month
up; single housekeeping rooms $2 50 week
up; best in city for money; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take "3" or
16th-st cars north, get off at Marshall sc.
"ONEONT A" 1 87 17th, near Tsmhlll (take
"W" car), furnished 2. 3 and 4-room house
keeping suites by week or month. $5 and
$2o respectively and up; hot and cold, steam
heat, baths and phones free; single rooms.
$7 a month. Malu 4697. A 4739.
Washington, cor. 20th Nlcelv furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hoi
water, free bath, free phone, both floors:
nlee sultos from $12 up.
SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms.
Room 36 Cambridge bldg.. corner 3d ar.d
$16 3 nicely furniBhed rooms la cottage
gas range, bath. Call between 1 and 4
10 1st st.
401 EAST MORRISON, cor. East Eighth;
completely furnished housekeeping rooms,
only $3.50 per week; center of city. Th
Marquam. 6th and Alder.
A NICELY furnished room for only $1.M
per week, at the Marmiam. 6th and Alder.
SANGERT. cor. Washington and Trinity,
near ISth: furnished apartments.
THE MILNER. 3504 Morrison, cor. Park,
home apartments, all convenience!.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and -s-room apart
ments; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th st.
522 WILLIAMS AVE., furnished, unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; also single roome.
ROOMS for housekeeping and single, at 882
6th st. Phone A 2645.
ndier. wievaior. tree phone iss
uer service, completely furnished ready for
housekeeping, from -o to $50 month- some
unfurnished from $22 up.