CITY NEWS IN BRIEF) OREGOXIAN TELEPHONES. Counting T?nAM Fae. State. Home. SvKS"'---------- ?s - ssss ji:::.v;:;:?g?! gggf amusements. Blrn.''?JV, THEATER ( 12th and Mor alist "S" - r .Sto'k -ompa.iy in "The s Matinee 2:16 P. M. ; tonight sfxYh1. "HEATER (Morrison, between M.ilnA "2, '.?tnth Advanced vaudeville, -natlnee at 2:13; tonicht at 8:15. r. M.; tomeit alTlS Matlne. 2:15 GvNe1,thTEATRrW"1',nt"- between i nihnd. P"k Vaudeville de luxe. i :o0 and 9 I. m. PA",ToAn?,n THEATKR I Fourth and Strk1 sTso p. ji vaudeville. 3:30. 7:30 and "vrtr S,IoAT.En-'S8v'nth Aiders it a k Company in -sapho." tonight ST,1.,Rrv ATER-Moving-picture .how o'cWicaftcrnoon and evening. 2 to 10:30 iPEAIf RBBClrB Work. -At a meeting last night In the Flrt Presbyterian -nurch Commissioner Mrs. Mary BftiU rt3 Colonel Mrs. French, prominent in the salvation Army on the Pacific Coast de livered addresses on the rescue work now Mr?-Ca.TMed th wsern states. Mrs Estill, who w formerly in charge of the rescue work in Toklo. Japan, told Ll .Er0rrT.Jhat has been amonir the unfortunate women in that country, she dwelt upon the work which Is being carried on In Portland and asked for the support of the community in car rying or, the charity. During the past six months 19 women have been given a permanent home there and 12 others as- Two Important Improvements. Paving wit?? l"?r "nd BBBt Ankeny 1 j hard-surface improvement is pro jected. The, East Rurnstde Improvement S57.798. On East Ankeny street the im- Thrt1?th att-eet and th cost i . "X 60'37.8- Both ar Important J" - ridence district of Eaet i-ortland and are parallel. On Bast Ankeny street there are double car tracks. tHoth streets were improved several years ago with gravel, but the improvement is now nearly worn out. Exttotdixo Carmnb. Th Alberta car line which ended at East Thirtieth street la being extended one mile north from the present end. The new extension reaches well down tcward Concordia Col lege and Columbia boulevard. There is a wonderful building movement along the Alberta carllne as far as East Thirty second street, which is the county road. New houses are being erected already along the new branch of the carllne Jfard-eurface pavement is to be laid on Alberta street to Eaet Thirteenth. Resi dents expect to get double tracks laid on Alberta street. Rbvtval. Meetings. Special revival SlStlnl,.,lLm PrKres at the Wesleyan Methodist Church, corner of East Flfty eecond and East Glisan streets. Take Montavllla car. These meetings are in charge of Evangelists Allie and Emma Irlck. of Rtngwood. Okla. Rev. Mr. Irick recently made a missionary Journey around the world, holding successful meetings in many countries of the Old , lld Tha "'nsrln is in charge, of W Vyland. Meetings each evening except aturday. There will be three services on Sunday. These meetings close Sunday night. Xattonai, IaBctcrbr Herb. Rev. W. J MoKnlght. synodlcal lecturer of the Re formed Presbyterian Church of North America, is In the city and will remain over Sunday: . He will deliver three lec .t.ireg tomorrow In the Grand-Avenue T. tilted, Presbyterian Church, on the fol lowing subjects: At 11 A. M.. -Sabbath a rilvine Institution" ; at 2 P. M "The Fvalnin In Worship," and at 7:30 P M loyalty of Christ In Civil Life." Mr McKntght has been traveling all over the 1-n ted States delivering these lectures, which are free to the public. Doctor Alleged Book Titief. FYed Von r-aulkenstein. who says he is a doctor, has been arretted on a charge of burglary, accused of having broken Into a bookstore, at 211 Second street last .overr.ber. Stolen books are said to have boen found In his possession. The man tnys he practiced medicine in New York hiis had offices in the Abington building! He has been conducting a small practice although not yet given authority by the tate Medical Board. He says nothing ebout his predicament, further than to deny his gvilt. East side Lot Sold. The west half of lots 7 and 8. In block 60. East Portland, was sold By IV. B. Mersereau to W J Ouy for S10.000. The lot Is on the south east corner or East Third and East Wash ington streets. J. H. Nolta has sold his hotel and lot x95 feet on Killingsworth avenue to James Denholm for tlO.OOO. The hotel Is a three-story frame building of 4 rooms. This is the second building Mr. Nolta has erected and sold on Killings worth avenue, he being the pioneer booster for that section of the city. Scarlet Fever Prevalent. There are 0 cases of ecarlet fever in Portland at present, with every Indication that the disease is rapidly spreading. Surmyside is more affected than any other district. The school Is frequently closed for fumi gation, and there are now 17 scarlet fever cases there, with several cases of measles interspersed. The Glencoe school is now being fumigated for scarlet fever. There have been four deaths thus far from scarlet fever. Hats, Shirts. Neckties. Etc., Free. To Introduce Oregon wool cloths, the Salem Woolen Mills Company, corner Seventh and Stark, are giving away free today $5 worth of up-to-date men's -furnishings with their J15 or more expensive men's suits. Make your own selections to the extent of $5 In the furnishings goods department. Dr. F. H. Geselbracht. pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Albany, preaches at tlio Klrst Presbyterian Church, corner AUU-r and Twelfth streets, Sunday 10:30 A. M.. "The Assured Place of Jesus in History." 7:30 P. M., "The Scientific Method.-' IIeavrx Herb axd Now" will be lAither R. Dyott's theme In the First Congregational Church tomorrow at 11 A. M. rr. Uvott's theme nt 7:45 P. M. will be: "Flashlights of Truth Upon the Problems- of Prayer." Bird Talk Tomorrow. "Our Common Birds" will ho the subject of William L. Finley's address to the young women at the Y. XV. C. A. Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The lecture will be, illustrated by stcreoptlcon views. Warehouse Room for Rent. AH or part of two floors, 50x100 feet; central location. In brick building on United Railroad tracks. Inquire 1. F. Powers' Furniture Company. 190 First street. Calvart Presbyterian Church. Dr. McGaw will preach tomorrow. Morning subject: "Doing All Things In Love." Evening subject: "Traps," an Illustrated sermon to young people. Church Opening. The church opening exorcises of the United Evangelical Church, at Ockley Green next Sunday morning will be given under the direction of Bishop Hell. Hawthorne Park Presbtterian Church. Dr. William Parsons will preach and Mrs. Fletcher IJnn will sing. Serv ices morning and evening. GIRL,. Get your swimming suits ready. The Y. W. C. A. pool will be opened May 1, with Miss Millie Schloth as teacher. "Charles the Groat" Cioars, choice of good smokers. SI. S. Rich, 267 Morrison. Houseboat for sale. Main 606. Hill Will Meet Nbwbbrq Hioh. The 1J. M. A. track team will leave today to compete in a meet with the Kewberg High School team. Accompa nied by Manager McGuire and Coach Veach, the following members of the team will take part in the event: Cap tain Graham, Roberts, Merer. Prehn, Hill, Burns, Ford, Hutton and Eskridge. EX-POLICEMAN IS CALLED Samuel A. Jameson Passes Away After lingering Illness. Ex-Policeman Samuel A. Jameson died Thursday night at his home, 534 Grand avenue south, after a llnserintf illness of over one year, of heart rrou'ole. Mr. Jameson was born In Iowa 4S years agi and came to Portland 20 years ago. For a time he was emplovei at the Inraan- Samuel A. Jameson, Xx-PoUcemsn, Who Wed Yesterday. Poulsen Company's sawmill plant as a millwright. Six years ago he received an appointment to the Portland police force and served in that capacity four years, making an excellent record. He resigned, leaving the departmen. with the respect of his brother ofilcv-: and the public with whom he oam-s in contact. He is survived by hi? wife a::d the fol lowing childrtn: Mir.-s. Ray, Guy and Olive Jameson, all of Porila-i-i. The 'funer al will be conducted from Dunning's un dertaking chavtl. 414 East AJdcr street, tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. SAYS BIRDS CAN REASON W. Ii. Flnley Believes They Display More Than Instinct. That many varieties of birds have what amounts to something more than instinct, which is. In reality, the power of reason ing, was the statement made by W. L. FInley, lecturing before the Woman's Club yesterday afternoon. Mr. FInley was particularly at home with his sub ject. With the beauty of his stereopticon views, no less than by his vivid power of description, the lecturer held his audi ence. He laid particular stress on the cruelty of caging animals and birds. Mr. FInley described the gull as being the bird possessed of most brain sense or power of reasoning, although he admitted that the blackbird ran very close for second place. "Some actual natural history has been described as fiction." said the natural ist. "How else can we interpret the ac tions of animals and birds observed in the field than by putting it down to ac tual brain use? If we believe in evolution at all. we must believe"in the development of brain matter in the birds of the field." Showing the sense displayed by the young gulls in staying close to rock sim ilar to their own coloring was a feature of the illustrations. The lecturer pro ceeded to discuss the cruelty of keeping performing animals. He said: "Such per formances are blots upon our humane education. They educate our children in cruelty, and they are not even interest ing." Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway proposed a vote of thanks to the speaker, suggest ing that as he had such a thorough knowledge of the flight of birds he should be Invited to discourse before the Wright Brothers and other exponents of aerial navigation. DR BR0UGHER ON "HEADS" Sermon Tomorrow Will Deal With "Doubts and Doubters." Dr. J. Whitcomb Brougher Is preach a oubIe Berle8 of sermons at the White Temple that are of unusual inter est. The morning series deals, with "The Body s Interpretation of the Soul." Last Sunday morning he spoke on "The Heart in Religion" and tomorrow morning his topic will be "Heads." and he will deal with Doubts and Doubters." He will answer the question "Is Christianity rea sonable?" Miss Ethel Shea will Zing a solo accompanied by a violin obngato by Mies Cornelia, Barker. Two unusual ly interesting telegrams from the East be read to the congregation At night Dr. Brougher will continue rVts n sermons on "Respectable bins. His special subject will be "Tem VZ, a To"Kue-How to Control Them ?oil -eepSweet" The Sunday nigh following he will deal with "JoalouW" fh ian"y- Th "-ice will be opened ith baptism and there will be special music by the quintet and chorus. The Te?a,t,0naI 8ingln at White U.r? US unusual,y attractive fea- ivv. ie.."e ospel selections sung by Miss Kathleen lwler and M, E n Shea always prove a delightful part of the service. . FRUIT CONFECTIONS. A Dainty and Delightful Assortment of New Candies. nutff. fruits and cream centers shaned wastorir c 7 Galvanl to Represent Oregon. W. H. Galvanl. a Portland civil ten glneer yesterday received notir.cation from Governor Benson of his annoVnt ment as delegate from Oregon to attend the second annual National Peace ference. The meeting this year to n held at Chicago. May Mr Galvan! whether he could arrange to attend h i said he should try to go ' but Blnmauer Photo - Supply Co. For kodaks and films. Ill 6th at adA "n epge"lLr & hm- See- Gregory's I I 1 f ; ' . 'r X X THE 3IORN-IXG HEAVY STRAIN ENDS Chinatown's Interest Tense in Yee's Murder Trial. LINES ARE CLOSELY DRAWN Members of Bo On Tong and Those of Opposing Faction Attend Court Each Day, All Decked in Their Finest Garments. . There was a marked cessation in business circles in the Chinese district Ti . GuenS was on trial in 2TU,U wurt for tne kns of Lee Dal Hoi in his shop at Fourth and Pine streets In March. 1908. Commerce was forgotten by the merchants, who congregated In the courtroom and eagerly drank in the evidence which was given out piecemeal to the jury though an Interpreter. The Oriental inhabitants of Oak and Second streets and the various other thoroughfares in which the Chinese abide searded their shop clothes and each day. dressed in their best, the Tactions attempted to outdo one another in appearance, as well as In sentiment and belief. And all or nearlv all of this feeling comes by reason of the existence of the Bo On Tong. the "Society for the troteotion of Peace," made up of the Immigrated natives of Kong Chow, a district of China which Is not far from the City of Canton. All of the members th! -r0m.ihai sect,on- ct. it was there that the Tong On Society was given lire, and aii organization once born in the Celestial Empire never dies out. It Is as hVrr.lTf anl RS bsolute as the Chinaman himself, who, though killed by the mul titudes, has a practically infinite reserve Ie.40t h"man beings of the same type and stamp to draw from. Tong Has Considered Case.- Tl.Bo., ". Tons has had meetings at since tld V?- and there frequently' since the shooting of Lee Dai Hoi ses- dernS,aKe be" heId at whleh tn mur der has been discussed in sometimes mild and again in heated terms, all those en- foaneese1dia!ect?nVerSati0n US'n tne Ca In general, a denial is made by the on ?rln ,faCVnS that a conspiracy wL purpose or destroying Lee ?ha0tSehWh0 .UP"?ld Yee Gue" cle tnat he Is not only innocent of the crime charged, but that also the murdered mTn brought on his end by repeated actof misconduct They say that there was no plan of murder drawn uo found Hoi was killed after a wordv quarrel over a money matter wroy The heads of the two factions are Jew Guy, of 370 East Oak street, and ChinI Hong, of 246 Oak street. Jew Guy is not. he declares, a member of anv tong anl9fvs that he has not been affiliated with the Bo On Society. 511 d2 not,.beIons to the tong," he said yesterday "and it is foolish to say that a 7atemed l" aplot- Chin Hong mate that c the cntrary. asserting that Guy once occupied the office of president of the organization! Plot Hatched in South. LeJhwrUbIe thai Caused the death of on 2 Tas my frien5," he said, "was thehlo 06n bUt "YSan anciSco?'wh ill8 " "as about 700 members. At , ri,kerS We to 1,8 'led and I, to be one of them. I know that l Zsnott?nbtHPaid t0 t8ke 7-. 55J ed fo km m Way When those 8e,ect- TO K1I1 me came around " Although Ching is positive that there was a conspiracy and although he savs he was to have been a victim" he is at ah exP,aln the Bo On Tong should set out to kill anyone. S Maybe they know In San Francisco " Th1S:eStedV."and 1 "e they do There is one thing sure, and that is. there is no money now in the treasury of the organization which was formed for the lZPue, ,f aid,ng Cbnamen in duress and helping the aged of our race." "Cousins" Swarm Around. isTaefmeHy V8eTd t0 defend Tee- "ho a rriend of Jew Guy. came from innemanrF0r t0"S bot" Really' an Mm Francisco. . He had also about h'm . swarm of "cousins." so called because they have the sur name of Gueng. although one may never have met the other before, or even heard of him. A law which admits of no breach without punishment is that a en nel'er marry one by that name, no matter from what part of China he or she comes, because. If the birth rec ords were followed back, perhaps 1000 or more years, it would be determined that tne two persons were cousins. This rule holds good with all other surnames and lv-SUPPOSed to have been based upon hygienic principles. th'i1? the feellnS thus ran high in the Chinese quarters and in the court room here, it is said to have been equally warm i San Fran cisco, where the progress, of the trial was noted day by day through dispatches and the newspapers The Guengs, or "cousins," of Yee are said to be very numerous there and Insist on being informed promptly on the proceed ings. Locally the prayers for the spirit of the murdered man go up from Ching Hong and his faction, whtle Jew Guy th we'faffff g. Z6al"3 about WILL RECLAIM BIG TRACT la Grande Men Have Project to Ir rigate 40,000 Acres. An Irrigation project of great impor tance to V.a ut.i r i . , ' - - ,B oeing pro- moted by leading business men of La Grande which, if carried to completion, will bring 40.000 acres of land under ir rigation It Is said that the land which they seek to water is alreadv worth 75 an acre and Its cost, when the 'ditches are completed, can only be estimated, but Is certain to be very high. Walter Pierce. John Collier. Mac Wood, Fred L. Meyers and W. A. Bohnekamp. all of La Grande, are now In Portland work- !r?n l16 scheme, with good prospects of financing it. The plan is to store the waters of Meadow and McCoy creeks at a point 16 miles above La Grande by mean.- of a dam 10o feet in height. The watershed drained represents lfio squa-rn miles and DR. BROUGHER Preaches Sunday at the WHITE TEMPLE Twelfth and Taylor Streets. 10:30 A. M. "DOtrBTS AXD DOCBTERS." Sermon on "Hearts." Quintet InB. Solo. Mlf.8 Kthel Sha. violin obligate. Mi Cor nelia Barker. Two Surprising Telegrams will be read. 7:30 p. M. TEMPER ANI TONGtE How to Control and Keep Kwret. Special Muslo. Quintet nd Chorus. (nsDei Duet. Ml Lwlr, Hlu Shea. BarUsm. Lome rly. OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY. Big Glove Day La Tosca Corsets. P. Centemeri Kid Gloves. F. P. YOUNG Washington and Seventh Sts. The Quality Shop. Big Glove Day $3.60 Tan Cape Gloves 1.98. 13.60 13-Button Kid Gloves, Special at $1.98. $4.00 16-Button Kid Gloves. Special "at $1.98. Colors only. 1.75 Dent s Style Kid Gloves. Special at $1.45. $1.75 Suede Kid Gloves, $1.43 $1.25 Chamois Gloves, 9Sc. White or cream. New Real Irish Lace Bands and Edges, good assort ment. 75c Veilings 30c yd. 50c and 75c Dotted or Fancy Mesh Veils, special 30c yd. New Neckwear Embroidered Jabots 25c to $5 each. Embroidered Bows 35c embroidered Collars 25c Bows 35c and up. up. Dutch Collars Stiff or Soft Embroidered and Plain. 17c to $7.50 each. the bed of the Grand Ronde River will ie T. a, a Kreat irrigation canal for 16 m les. The plan contemplates the ex penditure of $500,000 and a large number of farmers and business men of La Grande and vicinity are willing to in vest. They mean to carry out an im mense diversified farming scheme, lay ing out the land In small tracts. Practi cally all the money necessary is already assured and the gentlemen named are here making final arrangements r-J.1 C2rpIatIon wiU be known as the Grand Ronde Reservoir Company and will be finally organized at La Grande nP i8- Great enthusiasm is being manifested among the people of the La Grande section and the success of the project seems assured WHERET0 DINE. pti "I? 5ecacles of th8 season at th, Portland Restaurant; fine private apart tnents for ladles. S05 Wash., near Ftfth. LATEST SHEET MUSIC 5. 10 and 15 cents. Popular, classical and folios. The E P Charlton & Co., 288-290 Washington stl Pacific Tent and AirnlnK Co. Total Eclipse Awnings. 27 No. First. MMMKiiaiiaiiwiiiwMijiiiaiaiMi'wwa g If you have never before tried hallos Best Natural Laxative Water FOR CONSTIPATION i H Try it now a H Ask your physician F. W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING Pho gillies First and Oak MRS. 1IARGIBRITK K. HfLL Jlarnf for Women and Children. Graduate of Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Philadelphia. Special In Paralysis. Sprains. Fractures Od Dislocations; Also Hheu . niHtlMm and l.nmbaaro. WILL GO TO YOUR RKS1DENCE. At Home Monday. Wednesday. Friday WS'fc K. Kverett Street, Phone it 2404. Woman's Exchange 131 Tenth. Afternoon tea served daily from 2:30 until 5:30. Gold Seal Fire Protection Hose Goodyear Rubber Co. 1, 3, 6S, 7 Fourth St at Pine. The von GillmannSchool FOR PIBIHB AXD DRIVING. ORIENTAL BUILDING. -The Finest Hoarding- stable In Portland. Phones Main 2884. A 4136. APRIL 2i, 1009. THIS IS THE BEST TIME the YEAR FOR A SEW PLATE OR BRIDGE, As there Is little or no danger of sore pums or other troubles while Spring; lasts. Our plates give the mouth a nat ural expression, and will prove a last In tc comfort. DR. W. A. WISE President and Manner. 2S Years Established in Portland. We will give you a good 22k gold or porcelain crown for s sjso Molar crowns a.oo 22k bridge teeth 3.00 tJo'.d or enamel fillings j.oo SllVer fillings jo Inlay fillings of all kinds S.B0 Good rubber plates 5.00 The best red ruboer plates 7JSO Painless extraction .50 Painless extractions free when plates or bridgrc work Is ordered. Work guaranteed for 15 years. THE WISE DENTAL CO. (lac.) The Faillna; RIdK., 3d and Waih. sta. Office hours S A. M. to M P. M. Sundays. 9 to 1. Phones A and Main 202V. Why Not Be Up-to-Date and Use a SANITARY DESK? All Price From $22.50 Up Ue Will Take Yoor Old Desk In Trade aid Allow Ton Its Full Worth. The largest stock of office furniture and safes in the North west. Agents for the world's three largest manufacturers, send for catalogue. - N orris Mnngnnese ii it u k Safe "The Strongest in the world." NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO. PORTLAND, Sixth & Ankeny Sts. SEATTLE, 307-11 Third Ave. S. FAIRMONT M T SAN FRANCISCO iliplllKill? Scenic Hoie! of the World Overlooks San Francisco Bay and City Five Minutes Ride from Ferries 600 rooms. Every room has bath Ratrs single room and bnth $2.50, te.00 $3.W. H.00. $5.00, $7.00. $10.00. " Smtes $10.00, $12.&0, $15.00. $20.00 and up. Msns(!menl Palace Hotel Company I F YCUVE NEVER WORN I Wicker vouVe yet to learn the bodilv comfort it nivM in the wettest weather MADE FOR AHD GUARANTEED WATERPKOOf 322 CATAACC nil AYOCEAN After you've rearl the Run. day papers you'll realize a perfect beach resort is more than mere BSACH. Infants alz Most exclusive j :A r'n dresses in ' mi v . amencn. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP FredPrehn,DJ).S. uo mil si Testa, ta.oa. Crowns sjort Brldas work. M.M. Brwa 40S. Uekuis. Obmsb '''-er XUi v. Schwab Printing Co BEST WOKK. nr. ASOSABlt. PKTCKSl 1 STA.R.K S TREE' PI A TCTjTsC Rented and sold on easy tltLIVl3 installments; also tuned and repaired. H. SINSHEIMZR. 72 Third Street. uwMm,n .. ,..,u..,t,i l v. W,,,MMW - rr fcfcvr,- 1 g-rw f- -MlLtULiU s r im s'iMi - ir'AHhm 1 J. -t. i SATURDAY SPECIALS 4 P. M. TO 9 P. M. FLINT-STONE ROASTERS 3 e This Roaster is made of heavy steel, with dark flint-storr enamel. Either part can be used separate as pudding or milk pan. Flint-stone ware is one of the strongest and most durable ware made and is recommended for long and hard usage. ONLY ONE TO A CUSTOMER NO TELEPHONE ORDERS TAKEN Correcting Mistakes They will make mistakes sometimes type writer operators; but who won't! The important thing is to correct mistakes with the'least possible loss of time. With Tlie Underwood the visible writing makes the error immediatelv nnnnront ti,. . r r aijv 11 lUC place for a replacing letter is shown right in line with the "V-shaped" UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GOMPANY.Inc. ANYWHERE Portland Office, 68 Sixth Street mm am FISHER, TH0RSEN S GO. The Big FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS IManafactarers and Jobbers Everything In Paints SAM'L ROSENBLATT & CO. Cor. Third and Morrison Sts. Hawaiian Pineapple ALL-WEEK SPECIAL SALE COOIEXCING SATURDAY, APRIL 21, and end ing Saturday, May 1. Hawaiian Extra Pineapple, 2i,s, per doz. . . . if 2.25 Hawaiian Extra Pineapple, 2is, each 20 D. C. Burns Company 208-210 Third Street, Bet. Taylor and Salmon. SHAW'S M PT X 1 1 F&m I kslX BLUMAUER & HOGH . 1M 4 lt Ftmrth Btrert. w asisiiiiiusMsaj to Onra sod Regular 75c Values notch in the type-bar guide. No calculation is necessary the type cannot go to the wrong point. If saving: of time and increase In efficiency are worth securing in your office, then it Is well worth while to obtain full knowledge of the Under wood Standard Typewriter and the superior features it posseses. If you will come in, no further draft on your time and patience will be made than you choose to permit. e Pali1 .9f Paint Store" THE "MULTNOMAH $3.00 HAT 99 For Style and Quality leads them all All the latest shades in both soft and derby. America's ORIGIN AI MALT "WHISKY Without a Rival Today TDT? XV JJy MALT