Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 24, 1909, Page 18, Image 18

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gggf Sbctto; Also SeoBlefojjLlpartments; Art Needle-Workers and Corset Repairers
fggF Corsets; Trefousse and PerrTnV Kid clS
Sale 500 New Parasols
$2.50 Vals..$ 1.2.9
raiikjStore9 Saturday ShoppSm
Opening sale of new Parasols This
special lot of 500 to be sold at one-half
regular value Very pretty styles in
white silk, pongee, checks, stripes and
plainjjors -Very best styles Assort
ment large enough to please every in
dividual fancy Regular $2 and $23o
values Your choice at
this special low price, ea. p 1
jnpehwjngjofwwJPjrasols at
prices all the way from $ 1 to $35 each
Sale Of i PB? ?f SamPle GlVes,' in silks and lisles" bla white and all
colors, all sizes; phenomenal values, at the following very low rriceS
Glnf Regular 35c to 50c Gloves, on sale at this special price, the pair 19
VCa Regular 75c to $1.50 Gloves, on sale at this special Bricrjjgrt7
7 5c Undervests at 47 c Each
35c Undervests at 22c Each
milll W UndtrveR' hi?h neck W beeves, hand-crocheted edges, all A 7
-i, the best regular 7:.c values, on sale at, garment take advantage of sale 47c
J omen's Swiss nbbed Undervests, plain and lace yokes, low nick, fsleeve 'oo
come ,n all sizes; best regular 3oc values buy all you want at this mT 1' ZZC
Women's fine ribbed, lace-trimmed Umbrella Pants5, Tn aH sizes best st vies OO
SrTi0 -thiS 1W PriCC' the Pairtake advantage. 22C
W omen s nbbed Lisle Union Suits, regular $1.00 values, on sale at, the Lit . .69
25c Wash Four-in-Hand
Ties on Sale at 2V2c Ea.
See the new Ti-Easy lock-front Collars, all the
new models; patent arrangement of rear button
hole penrnts the tie to slip either to the OC
right or left with little effort; 2 FOR. OC
300 dozen new Wnsli Vm,'- ; tij i J? .
rancy colorings, in endless assort- ini;
'ment; best patterns; 25c vals., each. laV2C
100 dozen new Soisette Overshirts, soft attached
collar; pink, blue, tan and champagne; come in
all sizes; best regular $1.50 values, each.. $1.15
Cooper's celebrated Underwear for men; blue
pink and salmon; form-fitting, all sLses 7Q '
in shirts and drawers; $1 vals.. earment. iC
Sale of Room-Size
Best Grades and Vahies; All Sizes: 3d Floor
style room-fWal and Oriental fcfW: f . "ZZl rZY" "M' s. tor any
Lot 1 Asminster ,J5J , 7., -7 exceP"naI values
Men's $4.00 Oxfords $2.95
Boys' Shoes at $ 1 .69-$ 1 .99
drili8 lini 1Ula?d b,X C3lf B1,UCher Shora' round toes ith tips; plump soles, strong
sSeVreron S at" A"- toT --uL .advantage!
, .v...vrt i tu o'2, on saie at, pair. .Sgl.aD
Men's $2
g ismietin
8 Suits $ 1 6.89
Lot 1 Asminster Rugs of splendid qual
ity; floral and Oriental ilnolms tv. 1 j.
colorings. Special values at these prices:
0x12 feet, regular $27 values. .$17.85
8.3x10.6. regular .$25.00 values. .$16.00
Lot 2 Body Brussels Rugs, Oriental and
conventional designs, as well as small over
figures; great values, at these low prices':
9x12 feet, regular $30 values. .$19.65
8.3x10.6, regular $27.00 values. .$17.00
n , , - . , iWu, regular ifw values at coci ;:t
By far the best Rug Bargains we have ever offered. See them on the Th'ifd Jloon
Lot 3 Roval Wilton Tfnr r j.-i
colors and designs; beautiful high-class
rugs, on sale at these special low prices:
9x12 feet, regular $50 values. .$38.85
8.3x10.6, $45.00 values, at, ea.. $36.85
for tStandar? Wiltn' BaSdad, Hart
ford Rugs, exact copies of real Orientals,
fl? land P?tte5 Splendid quality
8.3x10.6, regular $40 values, at.. $29.65
Oil M
Pit '
A great Saturday sale of men's high
grade, hand - tailored Suits All the
latest 1909 apparel at a price about
one-half regular value; fancy worsteds,
cassimeres, blue serges, etc. Bottle
greens, olive greens, tans, grays, Lon
don smoke Neat, pretty designs and
effects The finest tailored suits with
hand -finished buttonholes, hand -felled
collars, hand -padded shoulders Se
verely plain or fancy models Hio-isI
class apparel for business or dress wear
1. A . -
aavantageous purchase from a
leading New York manufacturer en
ables us to offer the best $28 values for
today's selling at thetf : Q q
marvelous low priceof V I DQ "
Economical men will give immediate
attention to their Summer apparel needs
See Morrison -street winrfu, diiny
Young M en's
$25.00 Suits
Only $
1 3.89
Great Satnrdn Bgl. tnnn ....
ATiTVt r. . J young men's high
BROS. A C I r ? . "cs J" lo au-wool fancy
worsteds, cneviots and cassi msnx. j
; pmu vr xancy
models, in new greens, browns, gray checks, neat
light and dark stripes; every garment hand-
fm!iyo ilored Rnd finished throughout. Regu
lar $22.50 and $25.00 values, on fci qo
sale at this low rric- ti 0 1 .1 rS
9IJyi at 1 8c Yd.
tlE. RuS?lan ngs, in plain and dot!
and 75c values-buy all vot Twant 1, ! 1D.C? Wlde bjtst stle8f re?ul" 50c 1 Q
Saturday sale of 20 00C val . -f U at,hlfl wnlfnlly low price, the yd. 1 OC
black, white nd all leading .fhnT" qUlt.y ?affeta inches wide ; -1 n
ana all leading shades; beautiful heavy quality; 30c value, yard. 1 C
Neckwear widdSirt?;vVoiKerfd 6tarhed-CoUars' to 2 ine8
1 : airu w-n,12 2,5 values-buy lo
a in non i V II, lu,B "suaiiy low price, each..-
ainS,.ck gths of wide Ruching, in white and colors- t
the best remilai- 1. j on . 8' ana colors Q,
vames, on sale at, special. ..
I . r m- m i . . - -
I ar.m v. . 1 ' m - - WM 1
I '
I ---
Board Votes to Raise $200,
000 for More Parks.
$2.50 White Petticoats at S 1 .59
$4 Combination Garments 1 .98
Misses'-Childress Coats
$9.00 Values at $5.85 Each
In the Juvenile Department, second floor, a
special lot of misses and children's three
quarter length Box Coats in serges, "cvj
and cheviot materials Colors are navy blue.
bright red, tanand fancystripes; lined through!
out; some have velvet coIIarAirn
somely tailored and fiiushedthroughout
Ages 6 to 14 years Best $9.00 CtT C O P
values on sale at the low price of & JtQj
500 Wash Dresses
Oft Sale at98c Ea.
frit .asrts
sailor, jumper, Buster Brown and Russian stvles: bhies
tans and fancy dotted effects, trimmed in braid O O '
and pique; great values, on sale at. sni. iJoC
$1.50 Box of Hosiery Only 98c
50c Hosiery on Sale at 22cPir
Sale of Boys' Knee Pants
$ 1 ,50 Values at69c a Pair
In the Boys' Clothing Department, second floor, a
greatSaturday sale of 1000 pairs of hw ctr.iT
cut Knee Pants in fancy worstedjancy tweedsTfancv
cassimeres. serges and cheviots: in tans, grays'
PTQjyjis and fancy mixtures All are wellmadr7ci
MVIk. J Jk. - M ' Jm " - '
jiicu ASes o to lbjearsj Regular $1 . 2 5
and $1.50 values four choice at this -
exceptionally low price, per pair OVC
Boys Clothing Department on the second floor
Sale of Boys' Shirts
Complete stock of boys' Shirtwaists and Blouses every pood
style, in all qualities. Best qualities in the city. Second Floor
Boys Overalls and Khaki Suits, at all prices take advantage"
Boys Baseball Suits; see them in Sporting Goods Dept., 3d Tloor"
Only $300,000 of $1,000,000 Will
rtemaln to Be Disposed Of and
These Will Be Put Out
About July l.
Tli Pi-k Board yesterday afternoon request the City Council to sell
t.MW0 of bonds provided by the people
for the purchase of parks, boulevards
L'i ,k RrUnds- Th,s act,on ws taken
wh reue of Councilman Rushlight
K.,st Side resloents, who are askinir the
Bnarrt to buy mall breathing spots
throuRhout that district "pois
The tirst half of the bond issue was sold
last January, so that the remaining may
be sold at any time this year. Th? n
jaxj.oon. This will complete the sain or
he issue. The proceeds of the nm haU
have bren used to purchase variouT plots
lncludinK Mount Tabor, the Smith t.aot
and some land In Sellwood
The Park Board is enthusiastically
pushing the work of purchasing what is
required to carry out the Olmsted plans
for a Keneral park, boulevard and Dlav!
ground scheme. p ay
The Board will allow no more rosea or
other flower, to be planted in the park
"kJV as the members believe that Uaeae
should bo retained strictly
grounds and green plots.
re Wanted as "uhlans or
corrfln P.1f Uy. n tne Peninsula, ac
f L R ,the 8tatenent of J. H. kolta
?e wis nr? Bar? Jterday afternoon
He was present with others to represent
vicinity Cofnth0f thaC'ty 'y'n the
It a tt- draWS a lot of -oWlers with
We announce the opening of our .mil
linery department this moving at 9 a
w:J?n1eP th able 'Pervision of Mits
Ward, late of Philadelphia. Our formtl
opening will occur later uoon t
stanatlon of our elevator and the remod""
eilng of the second floor. McAHw &
Price0nsror,e.Th,rd X&
Alder isln lt0r? fr ,men at nd
' lT,n,a cIasa t its own in everv
Sod7ejkr b you'u iike s
methods. J. U Bowman & Co., Fifth and
money refunded. No fancy price"
Jnpelle1 to "acriflce our entire
gofen,' tiir.,"? f'r-ofn0"
bulfd itISd flJ .?".r expert tao" to
"proif ,1ost0yruUr K?in
TaHors, iJg
Another Message Is Received
From Seattle Woman. '
Indications Are That Woman Wliose
Actions Have Been Puzzling Po
lice Intends to Become
Hypnotic Medium.
Mrs. Daisy Mix, object of earnest
search for several days by a horde of
police and private detectives led by her
excited husband. H. w. Mix. of Seattle
telegraphed from Col ton, Cal., yesterday'
Have arrived here all safe and have
two trunks,' the message read, which
put an end to her husband's lurid deduc
tions of murder and robbery.
But, while the telegram seemed to re
move the case from the pale of crim
inal investigation it only served to deepen
the mystery so far as Mix was concerned.
vhat on earth she was doing at Colton
he couldn't Imagine. That settlement is
90 miles from Los Angeles, and so far
as Mix knows she has no friends there
That she may be sojourning with
friends or associates of Channing the
young man arrested at. Mix' solicitation
on suspicion of having made away with
Mrs. MSx. is regarded by the authorities,
as quite probable, in view of discoveries
made yesterday by the District At
torney's office. Deputy District Attorney
Hennessy was informed that two men
rooming at 214 Thirteenth street, where
Mrs. Mix trunks were taken immedi
ately after her. arrival in Portland from
mi"9. ?'J A. Roust's
ijwna ui IJ&VJTIK 8. WOmHn
en route from Seattle for a tryout it
evWMfnd !UUabl8 to theiTpur'pose
fr?tJ I intenJa developing her
vaudev?l!r?o A.nnaEva Fay and g into
rffJ 7 1 e've demonstrations of In
dian mysticism, of the variety that the
fellow now in Jail, advocates.
MMl-r"1,""" r"180" believe that
Mrs.. Mix is merely off on a little trip
while suffering, from a bad attack of
stage fever. Her. husband, of course dl
clines to believe -anything of that sort
He , lnslsu that If she is traveling about
lJt I?6" Zh met here In Portland they
bbeJver S?;pnotta"? tOT the Purpose of
Jnbi tZ' Th0 Pssb'ty of carrying a
full-grown woman around the country in
a ' hypnotic spell", does not tpeal very
strongly to the authorities. However i
order to take no- chances Mr? Hel"'ssv
ordered . Channing l,eld until Mrs v.?
back'to 8ea,n' Cla'n- M? went
Dack to Seattle- yesterdny to attend to
hnH-88; leaVlnK b,s tribulations in toe
handa of a private detective agency.
Facilities of Postofftce Increased by
Postmaster Young.
iel'nnlnK JVIay '- three stamp windows
irorn T.30 A. M. to 9:30 P. M At the
present time there are two windows in
Sfth V ,n,tervals du"-'"S the aay one
of these is closed. When the new ar
rangement goes into effect, stamps may
bePpCVrd the box window after f. M.. as at present. Two windows
in operation throughout the day w-iil do
away with the inconvenience w-hlch ha
arisen due to the large increase in the
stamp sales.
Eli a. Ricketts and John J. Howell
were yesterday given places on the Post
office staff by Postmaster Young and will
enter upon their duties on May 1 These
men will be employed in the mailing
room, thereby enabling the management
to add to the force at tui.i.n "E," which
of late has been administered at a dis
advantage, owing to the small force em
ployed there.
Latest style pumps at nosenthara.
Says Cleric May Keep Fees for Nat
uralization Papers If He
th! i ! f h,S intention that he has
the right to retain one-half of the fees
collected for issuing declarations of I,!
tention to become citizens, and of final
papers. County Clerk Fields cites a de
m ', JRC Jnomas A. McBrlde. for-
CoJtv the ClrcUlt Court ot Clatsop
County now upon the Supreme bench,
as bearing upon this point. Judge Mc
Bride decided the clerk of the curt in
naturalization proceedings acts as an
t?V1a Unlted States' and tht he
JttZ ? If t0 r9cel these fees, and to
retain them. .
Mr. Fields also says he may, if he
wishes to do so, refuse to issue citizen
ship papers as this work is also done by
the clerk of the Federal Court. In sud
port of this contention he cites the last
3 ,Trt,Rlchjrd K- Campbell.
fh L! D,vl8ln of Naturalization
at Washington, in which Mr. Campbell
says: -The duty of conferring citlzen
?. T P . ,S compulsory upon the Federal
Court. The State Court may or may not
assume the permissive Jurisdiction con
ferred by the statute."
In this same report Mr. Campbell rec
ommends the fees for naturalization
business be Increased to give the clerks
more adequate compensation for the
work, and to relieve the Government of
the expense.
Declarations were issued in Oregon
last year to the number of 1663. and 423
final papers were issued. Multnomah
County issued 891 first papers and 134
final Papers. During his Incumbency
Mr. Fields has received for first and
second papers $3336. and has retained
half of this, or J1668.
Andrew J. Balllch. of-the Naturaliza
tion Bureau, in a letter to County Clerk
Fields recently, speaks of the receipt by
the Bureau of petitions for naturalization
numbered 281 to 292. and says not an
error was found in them. "The circum
stance is so unusual it has attracted the
attention of this office." he says. Deputy
County Clerk Wilde is the man respon
sible for the work which Mr. Balllch says
Is "painstaking."
Come out to Gregory Heights Sunday.
Bee ad. on page 11.
Pumps that fit at Rosenthal's.
WEST side:
236 Alder St. I
Slat and Johnann Sta. I
188 Olbba St. I
11th and MontKomery Sta. I
3d and Jefferson Sta. I
253 Taylor St. (Unlontown.)
RI3 Williams Ave.
Till MlnslHslppI Ave.
:ma V.nnt Morrison St.
'"''. Rurnftlde St.
;:;id and Belmont Sta.
Be careful when you come to Alder street that you pet in the right place. Sea
that Smith's name and "Fighting the Beef Trust" are over the door and
then come in.
Ch'?Z ney hens for roasting and
stewing, dressed in Smith's own sani
tary poultry plant; fresh every day.
Per pound 22ii?
TtL'rt s'"Ider Steaks'.' from "prime
steer beef, Oregon's own. 3 lbs..25
!itu""Kcr the first of the season
ana the choicest ever produced In the
8 "ure to buy some; per
S',Dt5'",.Cor,"!d B makes a fine Sun-
day dinner, per lb 6e to 8
Creamery Batter, as good as you
can ask for, for the table; full two
pounds 55
Fat Quarters of Spring Lamb 5He
Shoulder Roast of Spring Lamb, 12Hc
Hind Quarters of Spring Lamb 20t
Loin Chops of Spring Lamb 20
Beef for boiling 6 and 7
Roast Pork.;:;;;.;; Jo z$ iS
p.rk chops ..:..;..?. 11 & Vkt
Roast Veal ...ioc 122S 1k
veai cutlets ::xwciirr
EBT. fresh from country points, nor
.lozen 2or
Willamette River Chinook Salmon, prr
pound 15c
Willamette River. Steelhead Salmon, per
pound 12Vo
Deep Sea Hallhut, per lb -1o"
Raxor C'laimt, per dozen 12Vi
L"or,TT?i0 "ther lard is as pood "as
feinith s. 1 care not whether vou have
been buying high-priced Ka.stern lard
or a. city brand. Smith's is fifc for a
o-ir.. pall, and it does not contain an
ounce of beef drippings or any other
Shoulder Mutton, per lb to.
Leg Mutton, per lb... IKS
,1nKandrKlb, M"tton Chops". "per Vh.iso
Smiths Breakfast Ba.on ....17W
Sm th s Sugar-Cured Hams ..15c
Smiths ramous Pork Sausage. .. 12 V-c
Hamburg steak in
Pickled Pork ! 'Ui i
Dry Salt Pork "SauS
Corned Bf-ef " . " ij-T wj.
Beef Tongues, each 50?
KL-l in 5
Cin Tl,i-J J t-jj? ,
there, too. We deliver .00 wort h
' vj. i uuuc iuain ni.ii
Z if:"- "srar the best ci rr
f lbs. High W Flour.. .......Si ??
100 lbs. Potatoes si'sk
".ar? GraPe"' regular 20c can' . loo
Soda Crackers, by the box... m
Sour Pickles, by the quart. . . .."'.xo
8 boxes Parlor Matches 2f
6 loaves Bread 25c
3 cans Tall Salmon (Kua'r'aiite'ed'under
the pure food law) 2Kc
3 SaTsod'a?.?.. .S.V.?.f "