NO BREAK IN WHEAT Local Market Firm Regardless of Changes Elsewhere. MO CONCESSIONS ARE MADE IK.lders Convinced That Sharp Ad vances Are Xear at Hand East ern Demand for Flour Checked. Potato Buyers Excited. There u plenty of Inquiry in the wheat market yesterday. Buyers hoped,, from the unsettled conditions In the Bast, "to obtain concessions here, but In this they failed, tor sellers showed a firm front and asked former prices. Holders of wheat express the belief that the Eastern market has been manlDulated and that hm'nm , v. ..... reached. Ther believe the advance that la bow due will carry prices at Chicago higher wan toia season. No business, in the local market was reported daring; the day. Tie Merchants' Ehcchange reported week ly foreign shipments as follows: Argentine shipment. 2,960,000 bushels; last week. 2. 24,000 bushel; last year. 2,786.000 bushels. Australia shipments, 768.000 bushels; last week. 160.000 bushels; last year, 132,000 bushels. India shipments, 844.O0O bushels: last week, 188.000 bushels; last year, none. Barley was In excellent demand and firm, but the advancing tendency was checked by the easier tone at San Francisco. Oats moved readily at 40iAl. The only trad ing done at S42 so far has been In a small retail way. Flour continues firm at the recent ad vance. The future course of the market will depend on wheat prices. A further ad vance would not occasion surprise. Whole sale grooers report a light Hour movement, but thla Is to be expected, as the retail trade and bakers stocked up as well as they could before the rise. of which they had ample warning. The Eastern demand has been checked temporarily. Receipts, In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as followa: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay April 17-18 10 8 12 B April 19 4 ? ? April 20 . a .5 J April 21 2 1 6 1 4 April 22 B 4 Total last week. 26 .. 44 12 28 LANE COTJJTTY KRITT PROSPECTS. Heavy Tleid of West Varieties la Looked For. ET'ORNE. Or.. April 2S. (Bpecial.) The rro.pects for a heavy frutt crop In Lane County the coming ssasnn are very bright Some concern was felt for the fruit after- the rrv,nt frosts, but careful lnqrulry seems to pr.-ve that little damage has been done to crons In general. Some few strawberries were Injured, but ths blooms were not far enough advanced to oause much Injury, and grov.FTs say that new blossoms are taking the place of those affected by frost. Of the later fruits everything points to heavy yields with the single exception of ap ple. The apple crop In Lane will not be as heavy as last year. The grower, aooount for this through the fact that last season's crop was so heavy It would be Impossible to hsve It repeated this year. Little thinning Is -done by the apple-grower here, and as a consequence the trees must get some rest. Otherwise ths apple outlook Is good. Pears t re looking fine and a good crop Is certain If nothing Interferes with the mart already made. Peaches look well and it serious lose la reported through the recent The berries promise a good yield, and while It la a little early to figure on aims uf the fruits, a generally large crop of standard quality la expected by the frult-ralsera. The farmers are now ready fcr a little more rain for grains and grasses. The light salnfall of last night Is of slight benefit. The fields are a little dry. not, however to the extent that any loss has been reported cr Is feared. ENGLISH HOP TRADE IS DTJLL. Wilting-for Ooverntnrnt Attitude to Be Made Plain. - Oondhtlona in the English bos marker are shown in trade circulars, bearing datea of April B to T, aa follows: Wild. Neame and Co., London Trade con tinues very dull and the market generally does not anticipate much alteration In the situation until something more decided Is known as to the government's attitude to wards brewing Interests In their coming financial proposals. W. H. LeMay, London A holiday tone perradee tha market this waek. the fow Inquiries are for Immediate requirements prlnclnallv for the 1 m, ... ; . .... - - - cvj quuiuea Manger and Henley. London There la .iMr loom inquiry ror sound hops. Con sumers are asking for colory lots to put Into cold -store. J. H. Meredith & Co.. Worcester There Is rery little business passing on the local market and no growers' hops passed the publlo scales last week. Good quality Wor oesters are scarce and there la no pressure current valuea. Wet weather haa much delayed cutting and other plantation work; but thla la not considered detrimental as growth la yery backward. WO DEC-LUTE IX CHEESE MARKET, Another Shipment Due Today, Bat It la Already Sold. Another fairly large shipment of cheese will arrive from Tillamook tnrtnv v... . of It la going through to Seattle, and wia win be left hers haa already been sold The mgriet, therefore, holds firm. . Putter was steady at unchanged prices. The egg market was quoted firm No business was reported under 23 H cents while a number of sales were made at 24 cents. Storing la active and there la also a good demand from Seattle. Poultry cleaned up at former prices. POTATO BUYERS ARE EXCITED. Payrng T to $1.60 In the Country Short a It Is Apparent. Ths sudden advance in the San Fran cisco potato market to 82.25 for best Ore gone has caused something of a boom In the potato trade here. Buyers are out in force, trying to get possession of the small remainder of the crop, and are freely pay ing L60 for such stock aa la worth it. That there are barely enough potatoea left to last until the close of the situation, six weeks hence. Is now apparent. BERRIES SELL ATLOWER PRICES. Tomatoes will Be Plentiful and Cheaper Xext Week. A oar of Lo, .Angelea strawberrlea was received and disposed of before the close of the day. at 1 1.23 1.50 per orate Re celpts of Florin' berries were light and they sold at I2W2.25. A car of Florida tomatoes arrived and moved well at .t 91.25. Florida tomatoes will be cheaper next week, as three carload, will reach Portland. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: rortlsnd ..X fs" 77 Taroma 9SS..M13 , 'S Spokane 1.144. i.-S 24:!,'l!7 Sugar Higher In the East. There was an advance of lo cents In re hned sugar at New York yesterday, all refiners taking part In the move. The Coast markets are steady, with no Indications of any early change In prices. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed. Etc .IT,5lAT:Traclc rlc: Bluestem milling. l'l5 : C'Ub' 1:201 Valley. FLOUR Patents. J 6 05 per barrel: straights. 85.10; exports. $4.70; Valley. $5,301 8 I "1' 5 60; whole wheat, quarters. $5 go! S11" 1 white. $42 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Bran, 26 50 per ton; mld M; shorts. $30i&22; chop $20S25: rolled barley. $36 S7 v-uf-o. BARLEY Feed, $34 535 per ton. HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley. $143 l?,?-0?-'011' Eastern Oregon. $17 it, 19; closer 1112; alfalfa. $14lf.50; grain , hay 113 14; cheat. $1414.50; vetch. $13.5ol4 Vegetables and Fruit. FRESH FRUITS Apples. 65c12.60 per box. btrawberries, Los Angeles Jl 25 ( ISO "POTATOES' 2 ' 5r craVe2Bl0 POTATOES Buying price. $1.4il 60 per Htvck : carrot i os, . i " U& horseradish. "'lOo peroundT tangerine ti vr. VEcptt'' 24'2.25 per crate. .Jtfi GETABLES Artichokes. S5-85e do.t "foPrnlaSUnreKOn- 12 15c per do"n; CaU ha2 aJ?2 Per Pund: be3"- 25c: cab bage 44c per lb.; cauliflower. 75$1 rAtneMn.: kucumb?.r,' 73c$1.50 per dozen; lettuce, hothouse. $1.25 1.50 per box- let- t?5oh,500 per doaen; onlSni' 12 Us Kt aoiea- Pareley. 85c per dosen; SSI-70 pSr t'ound; radishes. 20a25o per dozen; rhubarb. 83c par tound-Dernrh.t-90c1: Florid" $Js ?i Dairy and Coantrr Produce. 9.u?.CTr,RCity creamery, extras, J7Ua rs:.ancy,.ouU1le creamery, 25rfli2c per ag. ;rr.i,8.20- Buiter Price, ave" tir prices ) Pound under regular but. Pffmr'''"'1' 28H2c per dosen. ,.fiILTRT, Hons. 16Virl7c; broilers. vo?,Vfryf,1.822cJ'rooter"- old, 10llc young, 14 16c; ducks, 2022Hc- reesV 10 b.?1 h?S,ETFM7 cream twins. 1717Ho "(aS-nTnTerfcirSi714 f.rsrT pound: ordi- 89c.RK FanCy' 8lu W pound; large. Oroceries. Hrled Fruits, Etc. . . DRIED FRUITS Apples. SXLc ner Ih K B",Erce.ncb- 4,&?c: currants.' uSwashed: cases. c; currauts. washed, cases luc: fric fanCy- 6-'b- boxe8' "''aaS SALMON Columbia River. 1-lb tails nat.PY- ld0OZeAn,k.u2-Ib-, lal1,'' ": 1-Pound ,31- Alaska pink. 1-pound talis 5c- tafls. iPUUn1 ta"s- l 'ai '"ckeyes. 1-pound ITLS-,"00' 228c; Java, ordinary, laStSS CoJ,ta Kica- fancy- 18 20c: good vt-t: "l'nary. 12ijl6c per pound. ,.?JjTS ,aInuts. 12 13e per Jound by sack: Hrasil nuts, lgc; Blberts. 1 6 ST pecan I lli- B,SndS- 18"c; chestnuts?' 1? Ji2 r SfaJ,ut"' raw- B6c; pinenuts. 10 dosen y 10c; eoeoanuta. lic per golidinAC?Tp4ra"Ui,afd' l66: xtra c- S-65; p?aln" ba'a iasKUKB,l1 berry ,BUKar. $6.05 pjain Dag, $o.85; heet granulated SSR' M erTn'.-' 6 ": ' Powdered (barrel5)', 5- J?rms: On remittances within IS day., deduct V4c per pound; If later than 15 nm danH. W thln 80 daye' deauct p, P ktJJ?1"8 !"s,r' 1518c per pound. h? LTGranulated. $13 per ton, $1.90 per M perhfon.BrOUnd' 10'- 7 B0 tn?lXZ BEANS Small white, wc large Khit KrS. .r 3c: bayo- PORTLAND I.rVKSTOK BASKETS. Prices Current Locally on Cattle. Sheep and Hogs. .2,eoipU,' Uvtock were light again yes terday, only a few lots of caftle and sS Su?1" marke' was .tjongthroufh? out. especially on cattle, as the nrosnX-t. the near future and packers' stocks i understood to be running low The arrivals y Prtniay Wer.e60 ca"18 and 250 T sheep werS: Quote1 at th yards yesterday good T.T4LTn? 5 5S.50; fair to "T5b;Mcow?.6,op:.T4m2rnfai? S"' II ?. $".00 B2 ?6 at' 'S.00 l60; commoui $S??7"nn?e,t', ;-2870: fair to good, fata! lV:- tocker'- 5.606.60; China SHEEP-Top wethers, $5S.75- fair t Swtera Livestock Markets. Market:-lbc7;ghe;reerrXersS',540 6 '&'.Z?B 3-005.C; cows and i hZf- ere $2.854.80: canners, $2.253.85- stocWs and feeders, $3.2r.4.75; calveoV $3.25?00 bulls and stags, S3.orxgn.oo -.o8o.oo, i'aKie.: IZSSStti: plB8- BI?epVR'celPts- P0- Market 10W15c hts-h-er. Teartings, fn.50(p7.2fi: wethers. fi.oWe.oO: ewes. S5.76S6.10; lamhs, $7.4Oy7.90. SHORTfiGEiriRRIES CAlt INTENDED FOR SEATTLE SOLD IX PORTLAND. No Ylieat Trading; in the Northern Market Hay in Ilevy Sup ply and Weak. SEATTLE. -Wash.. April 23. rSperlal 1 Owing to the fact that a car of Ixs Angelea Btrawberries was stopped at Portland, ln 5n"; hi1';1 ent through to Its destina tion here, the market was bare of berries today and will have few for tomorrow M W.,fJ,,rT n route Bot a"8 to reach here until about noon. More reports of short crops and poor prospects were received fZ H? R,ver bcrry irlct ana also from Kennewlck. llP,"w.iu"; Bbrt on the "trs!t tav nlv h. Z shippers are unable to sup- we'ulsclnTlnued""" 8Uther" abP-s!o,?irP.P"i T fnoth"- H cent today. The poultry supply Is heavier and a lir quantity will be carried over Sunday " thtrfd,n"u ln wheat has been done on the local exchange this week. Hay is weak, with dealers carrying heavr stocka In local warehouses. neavy QUOTATIONS AT BAN PRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce in the Bay City Market. SAN FRANCISCO, A Dril 2a Th, kel S.m thI prTduc,maT: SITintat0!, "Bon Burtanks, $1.002.25 Salinas Burbanks, $2.402.46; sweets, $1.05 Onions Oregon, $2.4sf2 50 ner $33i13!otU"!,-Bran- 28 0 S!S garl1cet8ie7"HOtbOU8e oucumbers. 400 75c; SiS2 ass- ;B8uteriancy My. 'creamery seconds. 23c; fancy dairy. 22o creamery :2r0brt0iTe7sRSma,i?: S? i??7'"- S9: crfsf'$4b5oTl0: ducks old. 56: young. $6so. qucks. Cheese New, lo154e- Vnnv a . 14Hiac: Eastern, 17., ic Youn Americas. Kkbs Store, 23c; fancy ranch. 8Uc B???1ITSOUth. Plam3 and sSS JoaVufn 10 15c; Mountain. 610c; Nevada, 18&itV Hay Wheat. $22 24- whenf it $2023: alfalfa. ,,iTj tocK atraw. per bale. 60 73c. T11, Frulta Apples, choice 1 ko. - BOc; bananas. .7Boe8.C50S Hns. IV lemons, choice, $3; commons i. w ' 1.252.S0; pineapples. 1' orae- Receipts Flour Quarter sacks oiw-Z,e-P cental-: barley. "00 'cental ?o centals; beans, 163 sacksT corn l-oO centals; potatoes. 2880 sacks; bran lrw hSei: lX' 130J--oo,. 402 barrel Wool at St. Louis. r.f. LOy1S' APr" Wool Strong. Ter ritory and Western mediums. 204o- fine mediums. 182fc: line. 1218o. Oregon Postmasters Corlf Irined. OREGON1AN NETWS BUREAU. Wash ington. April 23.-The Senate todav con flrmed the nominations of the following Orejron postmasters; Russell. Sher lnan: Anna ri Tiat?ist -c- . ,, r'' v, nctwiiier Mary B. Walker, Bandon. r TIIEMORXING CULL LOANS HIGHER Advance Causes Some Liqui dation in Stocks. NEW BOND ISSUES COMING Sales for Foreign Account Due to Turkish Situation Additional Exports of Gold --Banks Gain in Cash. caning T,ORK- APr 23. There was some caning of loans going on today by the Safi!. aalw"earoh for renewed accommo dations, while the violent effect on the fjfi an rat apparently had the effect of inducing some speculative liquidation. The can loan rate touched 3 per cent, which la higher than alnce the first week in January The sales for foreign account overbalance tne purchases and some renewed anxiety '.u' ""uatlon in Turkey was inferred from this and from the weakness of Turk ish bonds in the European markets Revised estimates of crop prospects con tinued to come, indicating a greatly en. larged yield. The opening bulge in wheat causea some chill to the speculative senti ment th.9 "OCk market and the subse quent reaction was only, partly effective ln Quieting apprehension. rto.h,e callinf loans by the banks evi dmSHWa" f? .the PurP of meeting the demands on their resourcea Incident to the successive issues of new bonds. Railroad corporation, have figured chiefly to "hew thl 1U"-.bUtihe announcement today of ph !e "J 3,0.000 bonds by the Corn into k Company brought the industrial into the representation. Estimates of the week's currency move! ment Ind.cate that there has been a sub the blndditl0n 10 tho caBl1 holding, of gold shipped abroad. Sub-Treasury opera tions yielded $2,153,000, so that the net receipts on the Interior movement went to th. ,nTan,tasa of ,tha bank' " believed the interior receipts exceeded the shiD- Ss. ,the neighborhood of $4,000,000. suh x,. a'a 2'fto0'000 gold' from the faUte"Tnre?nerdaOT eXPrt announced .-T.kC ",hort showed some urgency to cover Ih. m Jt", market- ut the closing tone It oL ?oarrktne ry."enera"y Weak an" "ho" Bonds were irregular. Total sales par uncUhanredO7on0calnUed w-r. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing . Sales. High. Amal Copper 18.700 7714 Am Car & Foun. 1.300 60S do preferred Am Cotton OH.. 7.200 64" Am Hd & Lt pf. 1,700 40& Am Ice Securl... 11,800 4074 Am Linseed OH Am Locomotive 1 Sfio 'wis' 70 74 6O - 58 V4 40 8014 111 584 39 40 V S4i do preferred ... loo m2 llow li Am Smelt & R.f uiiai oX,? iS5 " 64 do I.TWf.-r. '.. . .CO 104 104T4 Am Sugar Ref... 7o0 334i Am Tobacco pf.. 200 90 Am oolen 86 BrSU. 32H 44 ' 107 103 Aiiaconas Mln Co 8.4O0 48 S4 48 107 4,900 108 ' do preferred Atl Coast L,lne.. Bait A Ohio do preferred . . . Brook Rap Trail. Canadian Pacific. . Central Leather.. do preferred . . . Central of N J.. Ches & Ohio. . . . Chlcas-o Ot West. Chicago & N W.. C, M A St Paul.. C. C, C A St L... Colo Fuel & Iron.. Colo A Southern... do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred. Consolidated Gas., Corn Products . . . Del A Hudson D A R Grande ... do preferred ... Oistlllern' Securl.. Erie do 1st preferred" do 2d preferred . General Electric. Gt Northern pf . . Gt Northern Ore Illinois Central ... Interborough Met. do preferred . . Int Paper do preferred . . . Int Pump Iowa Central K C Southern do preferred Loula & Nashville Minn A st L M. St P A S 8 M. 600 127 ii' 128 126 6.200 114 113 113 95 u, 8,200 78 14 7714 77 8,000 176vi 178 17tl 800 2914 29 29 101 278 75 5 184 149 75 38 4 81 80 187 23 182 52 87 38 0 1 8.800 "0 78 Vj 76 n BOO ISO 10.7O0 1S0H 149 800 74 74 T4 3.00O 38 1,800 IOO 64 82 82 o 400 80 1O0 137 8.500 23 22i 70O 1 Ma 182 11,210' 53 52 88 S8 30 46 IWtO 88 39 31 47 8.800 10,200 1.000 - 500 159 1B9 159 8.4O0 148 144 144 , JO 8 88 68 1.500 148 145 145 S.6IM) 18 15'4 IKSi 9,800 45 44 44 19 100 500 56 89 84 4 56 . 06 88 33 4o 88 1 Of.o 8.1 45 73 138 58 135 73 48 73 88 129 49 92 82 143T4 2.rnw 7"0 1.100 139Vi 13 600 AO 68 4'KI 136 138 ' uiissouri Racine. 1. 400 4 44 73: ' 78 42 78 87 129 49 92 j. xvan or Texas 38.700 A M . 'j irt;Lerreu ... National Lead . . . N Y Central IT Y, Ont A West. Norfolk & West . North American.. Northern Pacitio.. Pacific Mall .... Pennsylvania ..." People's Gas ... P. C C A St L.. .. Pressed Steel Car Pullman Pal Car 3.900 15.500 89 7.300 131 1.800 49 7,100 93 eoo 7.4'X 83 82 JUT 41 M) 12.800 138 185 135 ROA 111 ..a, 7 . . . . ? ,iuq 4107a ilO4 400 38 1"0 185 Pi" j -In ij- oieei spring ik'wiiiiif . . . . . Republic Steel -.155,800 148 144 9'.0 "o prererred ... Rock Island Co.. do preferred ... St LAS F 2 pf. St L Southwestern do preferred ' . . . 9 77 28 MOT. 24.3O0 20.000 700 800 6H0 ' 41 28 U. 23 07 67 Southern Pacific'.'. 24.5.10 121 lire iItA do preferred ... 4O0 121 lii Mu9-DnerTle ri 10 Soiirh.m Hal isxM v n aim 001 00 . " 7 814 28 28 6110 67 Ti'tin Copper . . . Texas A Pacific. Tol. st I, A West do prererred . . TJnlon Pacific . . do preferred . . TJ S Rubber do 1st preferred, II S steel do preferred . . TI h fnr 67 41 3.2HO 400 41 83 82 . 69 187 85 33 104 82 114 47 47 114 18 47 82 69 9U 84 21 8o 9O0 OK 14 69 69 81. 1C0 189 187 200 83 38 "52 114 48 47 115 18 47 82 '2 108.7O0 63 1.7O0 114 . . .... Jlf.l'ltO Va-Caro Chemical, l.loo JU.l'HO 4814 47 preierrea ... abash do preferred . . '. "Weetinghouse E!ec Western Union :.. IOO Its 500 18 14 5.10O 4RU. 900 600 83 70 69 "heel & I, F.ri. . ' c'n" . 1 -r,M1'' ol 58-ti Rft 59 UOJi os.ew shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. April 23.-Cloing quotaUons: Udo ""'Jo JrlH 5 4s U. S. X, re : X 25 " ?8 do coupon..." iioilNoI-th Pacific 11 , Hit Atchison adj V.'.Vr.p-u'i.0?:. I! Money Exchange, Etc J,E.TORK- April 23 Money on call at per cent Time loans, steady; 60 days, $i4 rntper90centy8' Prime mercantile paper, Ja3 ner e. Sterling exchange easy,' with actual S ness ln bankers' bills at $4.86104 8820 fn, 60-day bill, and at $4.8745 for demand " Commercial bills. $4.85 4.85T4 Bar silver. 5Jo. wsa. Mexican HnllAr, 11. Irruf.rrment b0nd'' ",ad5r: aa bonds! taiu!z?f-T6dAPr" Bar tain. 24 l-16d per ounce. Money. per cent. The rate of discount ln the open market M FR ANClscoMril . -Silver . bar,, Mexican dollars. 45 c. Drafts, sight, lo; telegraph. Sc. Sterling, so days,- $4.88; aight. $4.87. Metal Markets. . NEW YORK. April 23.-There was an ad vance of about 7. 8d In the London tin msrket today., wjth spot closing at 133 12. lu and future, st 1S I5s. j,,1 was steady and a little high J. wlth quoted at 29.8729.2c. W Copper wa. 10, higher at 97 10. for ,ot 185 185 P74 144 23 8U, Tfili 28 2R 23 574 OREG0XIAN, SATURDAY, and f58 2s 6d for futures la London. Locally ; wa duU nd unchanged. Lake. 12.8713c; electrolytic, K.60S'12.62c; cast ing. 12.3712.50c. Lead wu unohanged in London. Spot, 18 8s 8d. Locally the market remained quiet at 4.204.2Ac. Spelter, unchanged In both markets, being quoted at 21 12s 6d In London and at 6.02e.0T locally. The English Iron market was higher, with Cleveland warrants quoted at 47s 7d. Lo cally the Iron situation la steadier lit tone and shows a little improvement ' In Southern grades. No. 1 foundry Northern. $15,755 16.60; No. 2 foundry Northern, $15.5015.65; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soft $16.25(16. Dairy Produce ln the East. CHICAGO. April 23, Butter Steady. Creameries. 2327c: dairies, l4c ,-K8" Ea"y- Firsts. 20c; prime firsts. S c. Cheese Steady. Twins, 15lBc: Young Americas, 14 15c; long horns, 1415C. . NEW YORK. April 23 Butter Weak creamery specials, 28c; creamery extras 27c Cheese Firm. State full cream new col ored, best. 14isc. x Egs Steady. Western, 2t28c. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. April 2S. Today's wtate ment of the Treasury balances shows Gold coin and bullion $ 47 ono i7 Gold certificates . is"?,'!,! Available cash balance. ..... ."J 1 is'.MS.MO confidIgeTfuture TRADE AWAITS SETTLEJiext OF TARIFF QtTESTTOX. With This Ont of Way and Good Crops Assured, Progress Will Be Rapid. NEW YORK. April 23.-R. G. Dun A Co.'. weekly trade review tomorrow will say tr,"!1. .the ,Uture mor Pronounced than Is csrtrnMtnn . , ., . " -l" immeaiate condi of th. .V?n " m0ro noteworthy feature ,' lr """""a man trie steadily grow ing i " ,hat w!th the tarlft discussion cro J . ",ay "d wlth "" principal oJ1.aSei,red- tl" P'0 towards full In austrial prosperity win be rapid. Iron and tAi , t. , .. j.. . , nrnect a broader demand in some divisions, notably in- pig With some Improvement ln thV volume of Inquiries and with ... . , ...... wHon a.t a nigh level, prices have held firm in the primary COtton vrrA 1 . . 1 - . ' - " ' """"i. ""Jut moo bales of standard drtlls have been, sold to India and small orders for the Bed Sea and Africa have been placed. .iiInJTh, woolen ood division, practically all ClOthlnr Malam.n ... .. . t- ' on tne road. and considerable duplicate business Is already YOr- iair aemand la noted on wool goods and on worsted stocks many linen are sold up. while others are eharply ad vanced in price. . In the hide market pronounced strength haa developed In all lines, and active buying has been ln progress throughout the week WM'e there have been no further sales of unusual sise In the leather market, there. Is a steady aemand from small buyers and the market, on the whole, .how. an improvement over iaat month Prices are firm, owing to the rapiaiy advancing hide market. I-AI.I, ASTD WIXTTR TRADE GOOD. Snow Better Reeult. Than Spring Business. NEW YORK. April 28. Bradstre.t a to morrow win my: Trad, conditions are without much change In business and Industrial lines. Results of Spring Wines, are. as a whole, dtaappolnt " ,Tnere however, more doing In wholesale lines for next Fall. and Winter, and the tone ln this branch la fairly optimistic There Is considerably more activity in the Pig iron market. A large part of this, however, appears to be at nhe expense of prices. The coal trade is quiet. itf "J." ,e,31n textile industries there is little change to note. Cotton goods are re ported Arm. with most woolen goods strong and raw wool prices hardening. Foreign wools are ln Increased sale and Eaetern buy ers are reported contracting more freely for Western clips. There Is a better tone In the leather mar ket, where prices are nrmer. Manufacturers are certainly buying more freely though tey report little Increase in orders. Eastern hoe shipments are 24 per cent larger than a year ago, but still behind 1907. Building Is active all over the country. Biwlneae failure, ln the United States for the week ending April 22 were 247, against ?2L Week and 254 ln tb "e week of 1908. 167 In 1907, 177 ln 1908 and 193 In 1905 In Canada the week's failures number BA. against 27 last week and 38 ln this week In x-T.h!a nemams fiour. export, from the United Btates and Canada for the week end ing, or" 22 aggregate 1.685.778 busnels against 1,476.508 bushels last week and 2 417 OOJ 1 this week last year. For the 43 week l Prhl h2, h" ya" the rt. 151,046.848 bushels, against 178,796,985 in the corresponding period last year. Corn exports for the week are l.ueo 4.8 aT- r ,5aln"t TB9'800 ' k and 371. 84. in 1908. ' For the 43 week, ending April Bank Clearings. NEW YORK. April 23. Bradstreefa bank clearing, report for the week ending April ii shows an aggregate ot $3,194,695,000. as against $2,647,523,000 last week and t -99U851.0OO in th. corresponding weet fast PC. Ins. 88.0 17.8 42.6 45.1 12.5 22.5 37.3 25.7 85 . 5 14.9 2.7 3S.6 28.8 11.8 19.7 14.2 lx.8 RO.O 54.4 IS. 8 82.4 12.9 17.8 7.5 41.1 25.8 70.4 31.0 4.4 2R.0 36. S 80.6 51.2 44.4 89.3 5.4 36.8 82.7 112.6 11.9 New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia ...."",' St. Louis ! Pittsburg " Kansas City....... San Francisco..... Baltimore - Cincinnati Minneapolis ,' New Orleans ' .$2,025,970,000 2O.87.0(K 169. 505, (XX) 149,438.000 83.17.-i.000 47.521.000 48.004.0OO 38.OO7.OO0 28. 45 1.0OO 25,020,000 16.457,000 16.600,000 . 15.171. 0OO 14,097. (X 10 11.243.0CX) 11.623,01X1 lO.-7H2.0iX) 12..1HO.00O 14.049.O11O 8.527.0O0 lo.121.axio 8.501. 000 8.381, 0OO . 7.220,000 7.415,000 7,507.01X1 8. 274.O00 6.4SO.00O 5.519.01X1 0.1 mi, 000 6.096.000 8.41 4.0OO 0.850.0OO 5.520.0IM) 5.429. OOO 4.O47.OO0 . . 7,727.000 820.000 27.873.000 " 12.755.000 2,708.000 Cleveland ..U'lI'I' Lfetrolt Omaha ......... T-ouisvillc " "' Mllwaukle " Fort Worth I'Os Angeles St. Paul ' Seattle " Denver ........ " Buffalo Indlanapolla .....m Spokane Providence .... Portland. Or Richmond Albany " Washington, D. C.'.'.'. St. Joseph Salt Lake Columbus ....T. Memphis ........11" Atlanta. Tacoma Oakland, Cal .... Helena .......I Houston .-..' Galveston ........ Duluth .." Decrease. Dried Fruit at New York NEW YORK. April 23 No change i. re ported In the market for evaporated apple, Fancy. 869c; choice. 7&7c; prtai i Sc; common to fair. 5 60. Prunes remain somewhat unsettled, but are moving fairly well Into consumption New crop California fruit. l" o?e' gons. 68c for 40-66s to JO-SO, Apricot, firm. Choice 1010C- extra oholce. 1010o; fancy, lli3o Peaches are quiet with choice. ?, extra choice. 8HJic; fancy. 7rf8c ,h w n.VR" rathar r in tone. aU though the situation I. still unsettled. Loose nU,te1, ,4c ch to fancy selded er York Cotton Market cioXEHW .TxRK' April "Cotton future, closed steady. April 10.18c; May 10 20c' June and July. 10.1c; August, lobsc- nil cember. .8c; January and March, J.iioT APRIL 24, 1009. RALLY LATE IH - DAY Sentiment in the Wheat Pit Is Improving. PRICES FIRM AT CLOSE Market Is Extremely Weak, How ever, Throughout Most or Ses sion and Selling is on Large Scale. b VrlL 23-The fresh break in wnfch w. T'd ,hortl'r '"r the opening. Towe? to ate T 'rreKUlar. with prices. c BtZ?t -ll 8?5 h'Kher. The advance at the start was due chiefly to a sharp rallv at ea"irePrl "T'"8 the Enin-n -. J" TaklnK the Ivanc. in I?, BJBllsl1 market as an indication of a and T,"' PlUnged to cover turn PrlCes Were tven anick up- atJsiJroPfnel at 11H " $1.11 and May f.. . 23 t0 J 24- Th" 0 our of the Jem 1 ,ellfr" yesterday, renewed their selling operations and the market aoon be came extremely weak. Early buyers witched to the selling aide and Z, ? th! ?:ach,ddCwn1,e'h- rrM - "derTwer: reached which accelerated the downward JuwTS11- I?8'" the decllna wm. rt.ctoS ,nny s ad"old 108. May to $1.20 pperc'0 ,1'01- DeCamb had --JS.:hS? thn.0tdhay New. ? teadl, doling wa. manifested A?",.i Kene' was favorable to the bear Argentine shipments were over the estimate at 2,936.000 bushels for the week Most"!,1? ,hh'PPed near'y S00' "h in il . the crop "Ports which came firm U.,h bu,1"'h- Th. market closed ' H nd September at 81.02-a .h Pr,oe" brok8 to '8c early "rge'lineY V.Z 0t "nloaainTof of h. th May dollvry. which some of the leading commission houses had been accumulating for the last Tew week, initial quotation, on May were 70 to 70c, and on July. 6868c At the elo.e, price, were .till to litc le y"erdy. close. May closed at 69 o and July at Tc. oo market fA?Wfh tli tr"nd 'of the c ahade to t , ClOM Drlce" wer "nr a p,Bi . H"c und8r yesterdays close. waken1d0n", Wefe flrm at tha "tart, but Ih.H endl.Blon8- with grain and closed a shade higher to Tc lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Si?:::::: rS .S?S CORN. S;;;:;; M :P? :P Dec... eg fla 6 6"4 68 -fi8 67 .67 OATS. MESS PORK. ""V. 17.S0 17.86 18.06 18.10 17 ftju, loflK faept 18.07 llll Ul LARD. 10.17 10.85 10 27U. loan 10.50 10.50 10 4't, ;SJ? SHtIRT RIBS. J5?:::::: Ill 5:?SH h Sept 9.8 I' HI I- Faou'r-lstead1;n' W"e " foItow: Rye No. 2. S2QS3C tV?y Fe.ed or mixing, sei(Hc- fair to choicemalting. 68 67 cW HC' falr No x-fd No. 1 Southwestern. $164ti NJi. 1 Northwestern, J1.6i Timothy seed $8.80 Clover $.4. fork Mms- barrel, $17K6317 9(1 I.ard Per 100 pounds. $10.80 prdlJSh"Zr8id.e" looe). $8.'50.6 QrfaeinsSi!l'stlc.I-elr tbXed' -"lolB. eourtoolr9arfo 174.000 bushels, compared with issnon busheU the corresponding dlt ... . Estimated reoeiptT fo "omVrrow' Wheat' Flour, barrel. fVToO sS"f Wlat. bushels..".: 96 000 il'l Corn, bushel....::;;:;" 00 Oau. bushels. .......I 226 0OO VA'lii Rye, bushels.......;;;-2 8 000 "8.300 BarUy. bushel, ,-.000 ' jViio'e Grain and Produce at New York 07oT -3?RK- Apr" 23 Flour-Recelpu. 9700 barrels; exports. 2SOO barrels. Quiet with nrlcao lower to selling ' 86.600 bushels. Spot. Arm; No. 2 red $1 n asked elevator and $1.40 asked f. o. b afloat No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.29 f. o b afloat No. 2 hard -Winter. $1.29 f. . b.' afloat.' Options opened o better on cables, broke about 2 cents, oa renewed liquidation, bear ish statistics and crop conditions and closed xTaf I" rl9V e6- closed at HZ T " and at Hopa Dull. AmeHca7rc. Bg,a' "M- Centra, Wool Steady. Petroleum Steady. Grain at San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO. April 23.Ppot quota tions: M heat Walla Walla. $2 07 oar cental; Red Rueelan. $2,07 per cental? Tur key red. $2.12 per cental; bluestem, $2 17U per cental. Barley-Feed. l.ei per cental; brewing. $1.65 per cental. Oats White. $2.07 per cental. Call board sales: Barley May. $1.59 per cental asked; December. $1.841.34 per cen- Corn Large yellow, tl.70gl.75 per cental. Kuropean Grain Markets ' ' LONDON. April -28. Cargoes dull and lower, no buyera. Walla Walla on passage Is lower at 43s. 8 ' English country markets. 6d cheaper French country markets, easy. LIVERPOOL. $d; July, Ss AP,rtl "-My wheat. 8. 0ClJt.VII.IlMT-. Urn t V ,1 Weather, unsettled Tl Wheat at Seattle. SEATTLE. Wash.. April 23 No milling quotations. Export wheat Bluestem Jl -'3-red. $1.08; club. $1.13. Receipts: Wheat' two cars; oats, one car. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. Wash.. April 23. Wheat Mill ing: Bluestem. SI. 25671 aft. ir .. . tern, $1.2$; club. $1.13; red. $1.08. Eastern Mining- Stocks BOSTON. April 23Closing quotations Adventure 8 iMohawk .jn A"ou, 38 Mont C at C 25 Amalgamated .. 76Nevada t&u. Ariz Com 41VklrM r, i-.' " ' " " " ri Atlantic Ill Parrot ... I2 Butte Coal 24 Quincy ..... fS -' " - - -" ' namaracK . h Copper Range... 77Trlnlty Yu Frankn" JSL I' "..:: 5 Franklin 14 U. S. Oil 31 2 Orunby 95 L;tah y Greene trananea 10 Victoria .. .:" 4Z le Ira,le 23 Winona Mass Mining 99 Wolverine . 14? Mlchln 12 iNorth Butti...:: 03H , Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK, April 23 Coffee future, closed steady at a net advance of 6" points. Sales. 26.2SO May. 6.606.9ftc July. 6.30c;. and September. 5.9oc Some May was exchanged for Jul, ,t 25 and 30 polirw Spot, quiet. No. 7 Rio. 8Sc- Kb i Santos. 8c. Mlld.uiet. Cordova, 4 Sugar Raw. steady; fair refining, 8.42c; THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ' CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AINSW0RTH. President. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier R. LEA BARNES. Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT. Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALLFOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS LUMBERMENS National Bank CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. : It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. centrifugal, 96 test, S.OBc; molasses sugar, 8. 17c. Refined, eteady. No. 6. 4.&oc; No. l 4.80o; No. 8. 4.4.1c; No. 9. 4.40c; No. lo! 4.85c; No. 11. 4.30o; No. 12. 4.25o; No. 13. 4.20c; No. 14. 4.20o; confectioners' A, 4.85o; mould A. 5.14c; cut loaf. 6.85c; crushed. 5.75c; powdered, 6.15c; granulated. S.oAc; cuney. 3.30c, Bonds Investments CALL, OR WRITE T. S. McGRATH Lumber Gxchaoge, PORTLAND, OREGON, WANTED 150 TONS 1909 PEEL CASCARA BARK June to August delivery; car load sellers ONLY. Apply to room 640, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. AYOCEAN Monev a.nrl rim in o mo I a t, Southern California resorts what they are Bayocean will be better still. 3 TRAVELERS GUDE. COOS BAY LINE worth dock, for tioni &fi. Marlhnld Ls M. on day of sailing. Passenger rarT " 17 TRAVELERS- GUIDE. famburg-Stmerican. I.Maoo-p.riH.unbur,. K- !V;B.rr-LM.y' ,! Pennsylvania Apr 2sAm.i3. DR.h,siitA" ".ivAv Rita Carlton a la Carte Restaurant ITALY "s&sTzrssSir- B. B RATA VI A, JAprii la Jun a - HiMBi-Hf :fru .r-.ii i ,BLRG- ttMay n. Jul, l Call. Aaores. JQlbraltar. JNaple. and Genoa Summer Holiday Cruises TO NORWAY, r3PITZBKRE ICELAND, BALTIC SEA JJ..P' twtn-ecrew cruising steamers lf?,nB"ieCheri ,Me,'or. Koenig Wllhelm II, during June, July. August and September. Travelers' Checks Issued. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere- forth GermanJZloyd. FAST KXPRES9 SERVICB. I lymoutJi Cherbourg Hremea. lO A u Kal.WWm ,?"' afJSonPrlMW:. Mky!! ivais vV m. n M&y 4n'cili -m TWIN.SrKEW PAsIsN("eb' servick I'lymouth herbourg IHrect, 10 A M Oneleenau.. April 2J Prln, F.' w MsV KU.ri?eern,.tn-d,reMcr zr a iv Sailing at 11 A. M. K. Albert... April 24 Barbarossa May 8 NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA NEW PKRVTCTE via TA HITI. Delightful South Sea Tours for Rest. Health and Pleasure. world's wonderland, aeysers. Hot Lakes, etc The favorite S. S. Mariposa sails from Saa tTUhf. M.",5. .JalK,1- etc-: 'onnectlng ?' JJJ1'1 w'th Lnlon Line for Wellington - ONI PAS8KNOKR LINE lHOi If- S- I2EW StEALAXU. Wellington and JK,,.E,TO HOISOLILU Special round trip li M.l i, "f' S;,..S- AIm!la sails April 24. May 15. etc. Address clJofN1C ItNE- "7S Mrke 6t- San Fra. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. S. S. Geo. W. Elder Sails for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles March 18, April 1st, 15th, 29th. Ticket office 132 Third street near Alder. H. YOUNG, Agent. So.FKANC,SC WRTLAND 8. 8 CO Only direct steamer and daylight sailing from A ins worth lock. Portland. a! u. Rose Oty April 24. May 8. S.S. senator. May 1-15 KrmKi7bar SJ.- San Francisco. 11 A- M. 8.S. Senator. April 24. May 8. !.. Rose flty. May 15. mJ" .JJ!"0"- TMc Agent. aeasaa Vft, A. A Wat. g CAIJM VIAN-AMEMCAI. UNE Dtrectto ' W'ssnms norway. Sweden and nramarir rr5Umm7? Eo.nlpped With Wliili;," i " i.r V" -w- J"" " asnington ave. So.. Minneapolis, Minn., or to Local A.nt2:- i