Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 24, 1909, Page 15, Image 15

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. . . -ZZ3T ia
HFMNZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia
i y w'klI distance, new. brick buildings'
3-. -room grimily apartments:
private bath and reception hall, .team
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, Jan
itor servloe. completely furnished ready for
housekeeping-, from $30 to $5o month: nma
unfurnished from $22 up.
NKWLT finished, completelv modern apart
ment house In north went part of city gee
us for 8-room unfurnished or furnished
apartments In this beautiful building:
apartments $45 to $50. Parrlsh, Watkln.
tc Co.. 2B0 Alder st.
BRAND new 4-room comer apartment with
every convenience available In an apartment-house;
ibrlck building, '.four blacks
from Morrison st. Madison Park Apartment
House. Park and Madison ate.
JK3FFKRHONIAN Modern 2 and S-room
apartments furnished complete. Furnace
heat, hot water, bath phone, walking; dls-ta1-
f"rlo 20. $23. $30. Corner 16th
and Jefferson a La.
MODKRN 3-room apartments, every con
venience, Morton Apartments, N. E. King
and Washington, Inquire Janitor or S.
Morton Colin, 107 6th st.
THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts..
unfurnished apartment with bath- every
convenience, desirable location; reason
able rout. Main 2.100.
PARK HAUL, apartments. 421 W. Park St.,
4-room corner apartment; strictly up-to-date;
rent $33.
THE U'XOR, cor. of 13th and Clay, fur
nished 3 and 4-room apartments, modern
BL'ELLi APARTMENTS, 14th and Salmon,
nicely furnished 4-room apartment; auto
matic elevator; private phone.
THE DAYTON. 600 Flanders 3 and 4-room
apartments; heat, hot water, $20, $25,
A LARGE, new. modern 6-room flat. East
lftth and E. Wash, St.; fireplace, furnace,
stove and water henter; tine nelghbor
hood; the beat car service; to rent ' to re
sponsible parties; adults preferred; $:;o. Ap
ply 324 E. 13th North. Phone C 1764.
808-506 Abington bids'.
8 rooms, steam healed, hot water. Jan
itor, new and modern. 668 Kearney; $37.50
6-ROOM modern upper flat, newly tinted,
large rooms, good view, gat and electric,
light, wash trays. 231 Knott.
NEW B-room upper flat. $27.50. East 8th
and Hurnalde sts. Russell & BIyth. Com
monwealth bldg.
MAT 1ST. 8-room flat, on Park, near Jef
ferson: nne plaoe, porch, all modern con
veniences. Apply Mrs. R. Stott. 268 Park.
nvK-BOOM. steam heated fiat, fine loca
tion, close In. 604 Couoh st. Apply from
11 to 8.
A LARGE, modern. 4-room flat, good loca
tion. 2ft K. 13th. near East Ash; take East
Ankeny car; no children.
MODERN 7-room flat, newly finished, Clif
ton, between 7th and Park. A 3826.
20 8 rooms upper, modern, gas, electricity.
47 Vi East Ninth, near Couch.
FURNISHED 3-room flat, 383A Fifth St.: B
minutes to P. O. Call 11 to 4.
8-ROOM flat, modern, steam heat, walking
distance. 807 11th. Main 1M1, A 2720.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 13th and Marshall sts
Newly furnished for housekeeping in
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up; single housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up; best tn city for money; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take "S" ot
ldth-at. cars north, get off at Marshall st.
"ONBONTA"-187 17th, near Yamhill (take
W ear), furnished 2. $ and 4-room house
keeping suites by week or month, $5 and
$2o respectively and up; hot and cold, steam
heat, baths and phones free; single rooms,
$7 a month. Main 4697. A 4730.
THE) GAYOSA. Grand ave. cor. East Stark
t. : modern brick building, elegantly fur
nished housekeeping apartments, single
rooms; steam heat, elevator, baths, hot aad
cold water In all rooma. Phone East 5465.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges. hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE MERCEDES. 20th and Washington sts.
Elegantly furnished 2-room housekeep
ing apartments; hot and cold water, tele
phone and all modern conveniences; the
cheapest rent In the city.
'SUITE of 2 or 8 housekeeping rooms In pri
vate family, light and airy, beautiful out
look: also one single room. See them at
241 13th St.
CAMBRIDGE FLDI3., furnished housekeep
ing rooms, very desirable. Apply room 36.
8d and Morrison sts. Tel. Main 945.
TIREE large, nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, modern, nice yard, walking
distance. 368 East 1st. near Broadway.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished housekeeping
and sleeping rooma; reasonable rates. 545W
Washington st.
! nicely furnished rooma in cottage,
ffo Is"'' bath" Ca" between 1 and 4.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single and
ea suite. The Newcastle. 8d and Harrison.
TWO SUITES of housekeeping rooms, a a a.
phone and bath. 427 Alder at.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. single
and en suite. 20 H Grand ave. North.
SAXUERT, cor. Washington and Trinity
near 19th; furnished apartments.
THE MILNER, 8S0 Morrison, cor Park.
home apartments, all convenience.
THE ELMS Furnished a and 3-room apart
ments; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th at.
PI.EA8ANT alcove suite in Portland, perma
nent, center of business. 82 N. 11th st.
461 E. MORRISON Housekeeping suites.
completely furnished, reasonable, adults.
B33 WIUJAMS AVE., furnished, unfurnished
housekeeping rooms; also single rooms.
nlshed housekeeping rooms; reasonable rent.
Housekeeping Rooms In I'rlTtte Family. '
NICELY furnished housekeeping suites
very cheap to married couples: free use of
.!? ,Rnd telfIhone: all outside rooms,
with lots of light, close In. 34a clay at
"'"-Cl-ASS apartments. ba,h. Ptno. suit
able S adults; modern residence. 528 Mor
rison. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
I?!?' 'a.wn JVl roses; no 'mall children;
cpencer t., Mantavllla.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, every
convenience. Gas range. light aid tele
phone. Very clean. 224 N. 16th.
SMALL sleeping room, housekeeping prlvl
!'" , 80 month; modern residence. 528
Morrison st.
A NIOE, sunny front bay-window suite
complete for housekeeping. bath and gas.
231 fa. 6th st.. near Salmon.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms-
milTerniii1.:,,,'i! per Phone Main
7Q17. 515 241th St.. Portland Heights.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. every
TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping or
r0m fc-cntlemen. I'hone Main
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms gas
furnace heat. bath, plmne, laundry 673
Irving st.. near 18th. Main 1633
THREE very large. mortern housekeerlne
rooms, suitable for 4 perrons. 403 2d st.
7-ROOM modern hous... 2 blocks from Wood
stock car on 31th and Holgate ave Rem l-
Ed Doerlng.
THREE large rooms, gas. bath, large yard
West Side, walking distance. 407 Market I
S-ROOM modern house. 104 East isth
Phone East 242Q. " 18th "t-
MVDi?Rm "room hoaoe- CaH A 6169 after
NEAT 8-room house near E. 8Sth and Alder
t. Very desirable. Inquire 1111 E Alder Vt?
SUITE completely furnished, gas ranie fur-na.-e
heat. 146 N. 16th. Main 5173. '
Horn, 4TH ST.. cor. Columbia: 2 pleasant
front rooms furnished housekeeping; gs.
PART, of furnished flat. Including kitchen.
bath, phone. 147 North 21st.
ENT FREE See Gregory s ad on page 11.
New 8-room house with bath, toilet, elec
tricity, neatly tinted walls, comer lot. close
to carline. Will lease for 120 months at
$30 per month and deed you the place at
the end of the lease If you pay your rent,
taxes and Insurance promptly; future pay
ments discounted when desired. A rare
chance for a good tenant.
Financial Agents. 60S Concord Bldg.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need NEW
BUY AT NO-RENT prices); the saris g
will exceed cost of moving.
cupy one-half; colect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and a Stark. Phone Bast 292a.
e-ROOM house with 1 acres, all clear, on
the west slope of Mt. Tabor. 4 blocks
from Hawthorne car. fine view toward
city. 229 E. 13th st.. near Main. Phone E
MODERN house. 6 rooms, furnace, eleo
trictty.and gas, $30; also 6-room house.
Clackamas and Williams ave.. $23. Call at
30 1 Dekura bldg.
VERY desirable 9-roora modern house $38
per month; on Waverly carline; BOO East 23d
t;.,Fln', kev " x Eat 2Gth. Correspond
with owner. Mrs. J. J. Kenny. Leon a. Or.
FOR RENT 8-room Sunnyelde house, to good
condition, close to carline. Vanduyn &
Walton. 615 Chamber of Commerce.
6-ROOM modern cottage. Washington, bet.
18th and 19th; $30 per znonto. Inquire 450
4-ROOM cottage, rent $10. Phone East 659.
Call ISO page t.
6-ROOM house, newly renovated; bath, gas
yard. Inquire 230 Caruthers st.
FOR RENT Modern 7-room house; easy
walking distance. 441 Halsey st.
COTTAGE, 6 rooms and bath; $17. 617 Union
ave.. near Staaton.
Furnished Houses.
6-ROOM bungalow, 4 rooms completely and
prettily furnished. gas range. electric
llshts, bath and pantry, large yard, con
venient to three carllnes. Iil7 E. Grant.
Phone B 2362; no children.
TO TWO adults, strictly modern furnished
cottage, suburbs; close to car. G 7. Ore
gonian. WILL sell at sacrifice 7 rooms of almost new
furniture; house for rent; fine location.
Call Bijou Theater. 126 7th st.
9-ROOM house, elegantly furnished, on 3
carllnes; rent reasonable. 604 Kast 21 d
Phone Sellwood 1036.
FOR RENT Slz-room flat, newly furnished,
modern, rent reasonable, or would sell.
434 3d. flat C. Phone A 4631.
FOR RENT 7 -room house, piano, bath gas.
steel range, $26. T90 Cleveland ave. Phomi
oodiawa 1424.
5"R-M furnished cottage with large lawn
64 Washington st.
Houses for Went, Furniture tor Sale.
y?.-6" noulM. bath. etc. gas. fruit,
chicken-house, small barn, block from
car; nice neighborhood In Sunnyslde; rent
is; completely furnished; everything
J'en n! fresh: good furniture; price
$276; terms if desired.
193 Morrison St.
AT SACRIFICE, furniture complete 7-room
Vfi".81 Tent no" 'or $20 a month by
, S, furnltVrui. 13 minutes- walk from
postoffice; splendid view; by renting twi
rooms can make rent clear. Call 104
w. muufl raat 00TS. Take L car.
OPPORTUNITY for dressmaker, furniture
or 6-room flat for sale, $200: rent of 3
rooms pays rent; must leave city. 133 13th
st. Phone A 3230.
,1?hTTi,W furnlt of e-room house, every
East 418oT" mt"iorn living city. Phone
GREJVT DarBLln. furniture 0 rooms, rent $10
swe l ne ghborhood walking distance. Pari
tlculajs 168 West Park. Main 1839.
CHJ:'P for. caJ,n' " stoves, folding bed.
"M.moreft'."10" nCW- 'Sft
SNAP Enough furniture to furnish two
FURNITURE of 6-room flat for sale chean-
69 Couch st. Phone Main 1923.
6 ROOMS, beautifully furnished; can make
all expenses; central. Call Main 481 "
BAAll. part furniture of 6-room oot
tage. 274 Crosby. Rent $4.
SALE Cheap, furniture of 4-room flat
361 Larrabee. Flat B.
Summer Ksorts.
5ma1,' otl"8 Seaside for the
mer furnished or unfurnished, near
an ,r,eauy June Phohe or write terms
and full particulars . to H. O Beckwlth!
care the Jacobs-Stlne Company, Sty
SEnJ?E barKain; brings good rental; will
Te,1WfeUbrb,."'Ee'l 6C19UBKl-88,6,:ePla:e-
.SENT CorVZ: grocery store, first-class
ihoV Tin1"' ,2 m"th: also barber
shop, $10 per month; first-class place for
Ice cream and fruit. Take Mt. Scott car
get off at Millard ave. See Joe Nash at 0?'
flee. 267 Klndorf road. 1 '
FOR RENT Four storeroom. In new three-bricli-
on Grand "venue, "n. block
Further' Mr,r"!on mX" Res e"onaofe
Thompson. ParUcular' at """
STORES for rent, facing on Washington,
i i r,A,lder: rate" reasonable. In
Street ' Be' Gibson. i49 2d
BTORH 23x94 on prominent street. West
Side; new building; S23. 834 Worcester
BTREivROu?M- rear ot drugstore, corner 19th
and Washington, basement and living-rooms
cheap rent; key at drugstore. rooms.
FeaNnTStre " 6 r- 15-
CWahlLtbonSement MXT5 Xr ". 4
n U2?- n 4th near Tytor- pho
STORE and basement at 2d and Tavlor fn
rent. Call 2ti9 Tourney bldg. ia'r for
FKet.R22:?TT;f 'st" r0m- Apply Marl
PART of store to rent. 406 Washington st.
TWO large front ana very desirable ofTln
h?Sm" ope"ln o elevator. I Abta?to
DESIRABLE offices for physician or dentist
n'cae P20-lledfc'a3,1T,ddgentl-t
DESIRABLE of floe space in Worcester hlrt-
Jjurn.ture f urlT " ii
Ho.LF, ot. KroundVfloor office for rent 24T
Stark st.. or will rent desk room to one
or more. Manchester & Wilson" 247 S ta-k!
WANTED Nose and throat specialist to
ehare well-furnished down-town mI?
with dentist. AE 32. Oregon?an C"
OFFICES Buchanan block. 2864 Washing
THREE offices. Waehlngtoa-st froatage ea
suite or single. 803 SwsthlndJliSf ' b!5
and Washington. otn
DESK ROOM or office space reasonable
convenient. 228 Stark. MjtlnJ33g ? '
FOR RENT A few offices la Couoh bids
Apply Room 501. Diag.
TH5EB cp''ndld offices. Phoenix
bldg.. S. y. cor. Bth and Oak sts. oenl
SALOON, on good corner, three years' lease
cheap. AJ 23. Oregonlan. 'ease,
FOR RENT Hotel building. o rooma m
qulre 204 Macleay bldg.
DON'T let the landlord get you. Bee Greg
ory'g ad. on page 1. reg-
!rP,OR1,00, business cards; 100. 50c. Rose
City Prlntery. 192 H 3d st.. near Taylor!
A ,,;5'?12, corn'r saloon for sale cheap. Port
land Brewing Co.. 20th and Upshur.
BonTO wleM0ofntyhl"yr SSST
ITeVZ.T00"- 300- Good
A PROFITABLE contract, guaranteed to be
worth at least $1500 first year, and may
easily be made worth $2500: will Be given
to man of good character and possessing
some business ability, who is able to
loan $1000 on good security; It Is quite
Possible for the right man to find In
this proposition a life opportunity. AC
3$. Oregonlan.
If your stock Is to be sold quickly yon
must have your prospectus written on
scientific principles: must have the facts
stated in good order and In language
' clear and forceful. We are expert spe
cialists. Postoffice box 630.
28 rooms In center of city; furniture new
rooms all full; 3-year lease; this can't be
beat; half cash will handle: 26 rooms, cor
ner brick building: 8-year lease; furniture
brand new; rent $125; cash, easy terms.
Call today.
RAINES &. CO.. 721 Board of Trade. -
M5W brick hotel. 150 rooms. 4-vear lease,
furnished complete less than a year ago,
with bar; has 170 steady boarders, mostly
- high-class mechanics: this house Is now
netting $500 per month; $10,000 will han
dle it.
SPENCER & CO., 102 2d St.
CASH STORE, with living rooms; Just the
place for man and wife; very little money
will handle it; also a small confectionery
and cigar store that will clear $150 per
month; $300 will handle It. Call room 315
Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts.
FURNITURE business for sale. Willamette
Valley town, best location. A fine chance
for right man. Will handle same for $15,000
Good opening for department store. A 30.
Partner wanted to take half interest in
retail oil and gasoline business; established
15 years; trial given before buving; $1500
GruBSl & Zadow. 317 Board of Trade bldg!
DO YOU want a good position and a grow
ing Interest in a well established show
case and fixture company? If you are a
practical and reliable man we want you.
$o00 will give you an Independent posi
tion, p 30. Oregonian.
PARTNER for a small cash business that
will pay you fZO per week and bear closest
investigation; trial given before you pay a
. cent; $450 required. Csll room 315 Lumber
Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts.
SAWMILL for rent or lease; 25 M. capacity;
water front and wharf and cargo shipping;
good power and engines; circle head saws
and band resaw; fine location. AH 19,
ARE you looking for an investment? Hero
is a rare chance; manufacturing propo-SLi0"-
Pr"ts lerge and certain. $1000 to
$o000 needed. Call or write J. C. Bernltt.
6 1 Park st. North.
VOH SALE lO-room hotel doing a good busi
ness; long lease, cheap rent; will sell one
half Interest or will sell whole on account
of having to leave for the East. Address T
D. Condon. St. John, Or. "
YOU CAN GET action on all mining and
industrial stocks and bonds through head
quarters at Cattorlln & Co.. suite 8, Cham
ber of Commerce. We buy, sell or trada
Call or write.
A GOOD, reliable gentleman or lady part
nfr to take half interest in my business;
5.1?. . retlured. Write all first letter.
This Is a good, clean proposition, making
big money. X 34. Oregonlan.
FORCED to sell my .apartment-house con
sisting of 14 apartments, furniture and
i.",1 6 minutes' walk to P. O.; price $15
000 ; clears about $325 per month; terms.
P. O. box 179.
M,VFASTURERa' AGENT with old-established
lines wants a partner; a first-class
proposition to right man; Investigation so
licited. Particulars room 315 Lumber Ex
change bldg., 2d and Stark eta.
Wants merchants. liveryman, black
smith, newspaper. In heart of Oregon's
richest farming country. 717 Board of
EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 321 Ablngton bldi.
Money on Installment plan.
FOR QUICK RETURNS list any business
!? " . or trade with BUSINESS IN
VESTMENT CO.. 208 Fenton bldg. Phone
"tain 7375.
WANTED Meat market; must be cheap for
cash; state location and amount of busi
ness in first letter, also what percentage
cash business. B 30. Oregonlan.
P vI.i3ERy. for 'e located In Willamette
M?,.fyv ty'food business, new equipment.
Must be sold quick. Write if you mean
business. L 27. Oregonlan.
New and seoond-hand olothlng store a
yearaoe,s,ULbHsned' 2 yars- lease. M. Kap
lan. 2211. 1st ave.. Seattle.
CONSERVATIVE cash business. $S50O cash
clearmg $40O per month. Trial given If
man Phone number. AG 80. Orego-
Wflr2TE,DIlot1 man: ono wh "ill run
?;Cla" hou"8; "oral Inducement, to
Trade Ca" t0day" 717 Board of
Lot 60x100, 29h and Belmont, good loca
tion for grocery store, meat or bakery. $2000
cash. K 35. Oregonian. T
WEJ have some good bargains In rooming
houses, restaurants, grocery and confec
tionery stores. Come and see us. Thomp
son. 411 Corbett bldg.
WE can locate you In paying business. Be
fore buying be sure and see us. Kinnev
A . Stampher. 631-532 Lumber Exchange
bldgr. Main 4486.
SMALL restaurant for salo by owner- good
location, low rent, small expense's and
good trade. $650 will take it. AC 34
FOR SALE General merchandise store In
country town, good country; cheap rent
about $3000; also residence; would trade
for Portland residence. M 31. Oregonlan.
RESTAURANT to rent. In the best family
hotel in city, $200 required. W 34. Ore
gonian. WANTED Good rustler, with $30O cash
balance out of business which will bring
large returns. 225 5th st.
GROCERY on East Side, doing good paving
business; all fresh stock; good location:
bargain. Address Ci 2. Oregonian
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 125 Ablngton.
PR?.(2TER' wltn noney and equipment,
will finance a good Invention. Promoter
H. 24. Oregonian. '
GROCERY stock for sale, doing cash busi
ness; good corner. 085 Union ave. North.
East 4639. C 1724. Ln"
FOR BALE $1200; cash grocery; living
rooms furnished; no rent; 8-year lease
Apply to owner. 415 N. 28d st.
BARBER wants to buy country location, one
shop town. Write particulars. AddresT Bar
ber, Gates block. The Dalles Or
FOR SALE Old established transfer busi
ness in good town. Teams in good condi.
tion. Address AJ 33. Oregonlan.
HOME BAKE7RY, lunch counter for sale
WooS,awBn801.reaSOn -eI11. Phone
18-?OpM rooming-house, swelly furnished,
good lease, cheap rent and a bargain li
sold goon. 272 Stark st. "am 11
LADY prefers lady partner to take half
Interest In good paying restaurant and
delicatessen. O 33, Oregonian
FOR SALE Grill and restaurant, $400 will
take It, must leave city at once 4 vears
lease, $15 a month. P 33. Oregonlan.
WANTED Stock of merchandise, $5000 or
upward, part cash, balance Hood River
fruit lands. R 20. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Well-located exclusive millinery
store for sale by owner; good reasons
selling. C 26. Oregonlan. reasons for
PARTNER wanted in an old-established real
estate office; a live man is wanted, not
his money. 272 Stark st. not
WE have fine centrally located restaurant
newly furnished: will sell cheap if solri
soon. Thompson. 411 Corbett bldg.
SNAP In a corner cigar stand, long lease
and cheap rent. 272 Stark st.
BARBER SHOP for sale, 3 chairs and bath.
372 H N. 17th St. Daln
PAYING Mfrs. Agency, at Invoice, w w
Payne. 1210 Williams ave..
POOL-ROOM. confectionery. ' cheap rent
lease, good trade, genuine snap. 272 Stark"
FOR SALE Small grocery, good corner lo
cation, strictly cash business. Main 7998.
DRUOSTOTtE." paying well, good location B
8. Oregonlan.
DANDY little restaurant: can't be beat for
price, location and business. 273 stark at.
I . -iavAJ- I PrUMAVl. ,
Can, command $150,000 ot Middle West
capital In an Oregon development project;
must Interest $50,000 local capital. Profits
large and certain project planned. If you
believe In the Pacific Northwest, and have
money to invest, let me explain the prop
osition. John Chappell, 517 Worcester
block. City.
morI?IoAnS BLCO- cor- aTH ANlJ
The Ames Mercantile Agency Estab
lished 1895 furnishes free Information on
opportunities In mercantile or manufactur
ing lines, city or county.
416 Ablngton Bids;.
$1500 WILL buy 4 Interest In a straight,
legitimate manufacturing business that
will pay you $10 to $25 per day; only
those that are not afraid to work and
mean business need to apply; part cash
will handle this. Hawthorn Bracket Co,
1065 East Madison st. Phone Tabor 1153
LOOKING for a business? We have the
best money makers. Swell hotels, rooming-houses
and grocery stores; lnvestiga-
tion solicited: also general merchandise
stocks in good towns; trades considered.
Goldschmldt, 253 V, Washington st.
Call right now, ask for Mr. Lavey. at
Jacobs-Stlne Co.' office, flrgt floor Achesoa
bldg., opposite Meier-Frank.
FOR SALE Two good steam laundries; both
are located In good live towns, one In a
town of 2500. the other In a town of 20.000;
both are good money-makers and will stand
the strictest Investigation. D 32 Ore
gonlan. WANTED Partner In sawmill. $6000 re
quired. Interest; capacity 25 M. feet per
day; fine location, water front and wharf,
rail and water shipping; references re
quired; norre but those meaning business
need ap-ply. AH 17. Oregonlan.
WANTED At once, active partner to take
charge- and manage one of the beat light
manufacturing businesses in cltv; will guar
antee $200 salary: $750 required. If you
mean business, call room 302 Swetland
bldg., Bth and Washington.
If you want a paying proposition, don't
ran to look this up; daily receipts $RS; 2
? irBe'- low rent; half cash will handle
this and easy terms; call today.
RAINES & CO.. 721. Board of Trade.
1 HAVE two cash customers for rooming
houses from SO to 30 rooms, within walk
ing distance; I can sell them If your price
L" ..5. an1 tease- Thompson, 411 Cor
bett bldg.
Money to T
If you need ready cash and want to bor
row privately without delay or red tar
to make a loan on your Jewelry, diamonds
pianos and furniture (without removal)!
btorage receipts, horses and wagons and
on all valuable collaterals.
First and eecond mortgages and contracts.
This company Is organised with Eastern
capital for the purpose of loaning money
reasonable rates to those whom banks
will not accommodate. You can arrange
to repay In weekly or monthly easy pay
ments at the lowest and best rates In the
city All. business strictly confidential.
Call or phone Main 2084
Room 12 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d at.
$ $
B12 Dekum bids.
. are the only company in the city of
Portland organized under the laws of the
State of Oregon loaning money on furni
ture pianos (.without removal), warehouse
receipts, etc.
Loans of $10 to $100. may be obtained
from us on short notloe and at a very small
cost to the borrower on our new monthly
installment plan. Payments to suit your
Our equal payment plan Includes all ex
penses. No charges taken out In advance
Our offices are equipped to handle a large
clientage with strict privacy and without
. embarrassment.
612 Dekum bldg.
! I I I H 1 I ! i j !
$10 TO $100.
s . . 828 BAILING BLDG.
MM! H ! U II I
$25,000 TO loan on first mortgage security.
cfj8- whole at 6 per cent on approved West
wtPS,ierty',r W,U loan Part on Eat or
west Side residence property or for build-
!?,? PurPose? at 7 Per cent. w. M. Conk-i747M-a0.n
jggg. 407 W1"-g" ' A
M?!NiEY 1A on mtllment plan; conOden
.V.V.J no. "curjty but your salary; best
iZl tm ,for railroad, streetcar employes,
mechanics and others.
Buchanan Bldg.. 286 Washington St.
installment loans on pianos, furniture,
warehouse receipts, horses. Insurance pol
lcles. sauries and all kinds of securities.
416 Abington Bldg.
MONEY advanced salaried people and oth
ers upon their own name." without secur
ity, cheapest rates, easiest payments- of-Ji"-
8 principal cities; VvTyourself
5nJ.W e,,8"1" y term, first' "
1 ulman, ail Lumber Exchange Bldg.
n ''"Proved city property or for building
purposes; 3 to 8 years' time: liberal re"
nSiVdin'11 l"v; mouemadvanced
and stSrkPrt5Te"Ba- Th Equitable. 2d
Plenty or money to loan at 6 and 7
per cent on real estate security.
30-31O Abington Bldg.
THAry 'UraW,n?
b&. .dMorso-sJ "
WE loan money on diamonds and leweirv
Um.A11!'8 JnTjrt tor 1. or'Tbor't
Washington P"ov"' iwla. 269
5E?. m w? Improved city or farm property.
Kln(! or ""U loans at lowest ratei
large loans a specialty. J. H. MoKlnili
Co.. 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. "0K-ia"1
$200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a sneolaltv'
WB BUY foreign money, gold dust. Title
' - aJ wan safe.
$100,000 to loan in sum. of $1000 or more to
suit. 6 to 7 per cent on Improved rV.11.
M. O. Griffin. 266 Stark. oTp chain o?
MONEY to loan on Improved city prop
erty or farms; mortgages bought.
Pierce. 316 Alisky bldg.
FINANCIAL AGENTS. 605 Concord Bldg.
MONEY to loan at 6 and 7 per cent In
amounts of $1500 up 1 m
GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 110 Second St.
Meney to loan, first and second mortgages
purchased. E. L. Devereaux. Fenton bidS!
State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W E Thnn.
as. state agent. Multnomah Co.". 400 c7(
LOANS on real, personal, chattel or eollatar.
al security. C. W. Pallett. 804 Fenton bid."
QUICK loans on all securities 8. W icin
45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100.
MONEY to loan on Improved cltr nronnrt.
Wm. MacMaster. 302 Worcester bK.
MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to nar
cent. Frary & Belts. 182 5th st.
MONEY loaned on real estate mortgage, or
contracta W. H. Nunn. 449 Sherlock bldg
A LOAN for the asking, salary or ehataL
The Loan Co.. 4in Dekum bldg.
PRIVATE money loaned on real estate
mortgages. H Mlley. room 204. GerllngerT
LO,?i te",: w 1 loan money on diamonds
and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch. 74 3d at
FTirI?3 ,0n'4 fr private Investors. Logan
326 Washington st.. room 404. !
WILL LOAN $5000 or less on real estate
Farrlngton, 416 Commercial Club bldg.
Loan. Wanted.
WANTED At once. $2000 loan on property
value $9000; 250O loan on property value
$6500; 3 to 5 years; will pay 7 per cent.
' BOS Gerllnger Bldg.
$2000 TO $2500 wanted to erect residence on
well located lot close Inj will give mort
gage on completed house and lot. Address
AB 34. Oregonian.
WANTED To borrow. $2500 for one year;
good security; will pay 10 per cent Inter
t. Y 13. Oregonlan.
WANTED $1500 for 1 or a years. $5000
first-class security; pay Interest monthly.
AN 321 Oregonlan.
$2000 IOAN wanted for 2 or more years. T
per cent, on prominent avenue. AD 30.
WANTED To borrow $300 for 6 months or
year; A-l security. C 30. Oregonlan.
WANT $4600 Improvement loan. 7 per cent:
test security. Addnass D 30. Oresonlan.
WANT to borrow $100, 8 to 6 months; good
security and Interest. AB S3, Oregonian.
TO LOAN $2000. Inquire room 46 Washing
ton bldg.
WANTED $500 of private party, good se
curlty, no agents. B15 Alnsworth ave.
Proposals Invited.
SEALED BIDS will be received at the
School Clerk's office. City Hall, up to
5 M.. on Tuesday. May 4. loot, for the
following school buildings, viz: The Glen
coe school, additions to the Alblna Home
stead, and the Davis school building Sep
arate bids will be received for the dif
ferent parts of the work a. follows: First,
plumbing and drainage. Second, glass
and glazing. Third, painting, etc. Fourth
the balance of all the work specified and
rhown on plans to be done under one con
tract. Plans and specifications for same
can be seen at the architect's office. 834
East Third street. A certified check for
IO per cent of the amount of bid must
accompany each proposal. The Hoard of
Director. re.erves the right to reject any
and all bids.
April 20. 1909. T" X JOES- Architect.
SEALED PROPOSALS -will be received at
the office of the Lighthouse Engineer
Portland, Or., until 12 o'clock M., May
17, 1909. and then opened, for construc
t P,..0fc.kefper's. "welling at Cape Blanco
Light Station. Oregon.- in accordance with
specifications, copies of which, with blank
proposals and other Information, may he
bad upon application to the Lighthouse
Engineer. Portland. Or.
WANTED Correspondence with parties who
would consider a proposition under a lib
eral franchise of Installing a water sys
iV2r.lV, the 'own of Cathlamet. Wash., and
K. m'- Address all commun
lcatlons to Theo. M. Nam Clerk.
Miscellaneous. 1
--rSl'T2c:'meo"'trr-:,;T""- engineers, get Pactfia
Builder & Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade
LO8TF0X terrier, white with black spot
on rlgnt hip and a heart-shaped black
spot on right shoulder;, name "Spot"
strayed from owner on 6th. below Wash
ington St.: liberal reward. Phone C 1977
or call 907 Corbett bldg. '
FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno
vated, returned same day. 228 Front.
Main 4i4; A 1374. Portland Curled Hair
Factory. H. Metxger
LOST A diamond ear screw In front of
Oregon Electric Depot; return to Fred F
Boody. Jr.. Nicoll the tailor, 108 3d- lib
eral reward.
LOST White spit. dog. license 631. name
Teddy." Reward return to loo East 16th
corner Washington. Phone East 2M2. JB
LOST One Elk charm, green colored Elk
.'J1 JnT E?ld 8ettlnK. name of owner In
scribed. Liberal reward for return of same
to 210 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
LOST A round gold pin -with diamond eet-
I ucV? Blrl 'ace; OQ 'award. Return
to 680 Hoyt St.
FOUND April 2. between Salmon and Main.
7300 KId Pm wUn setUnK- Main
LOeT,-Femal collie, llsht sable. large
white collar, white nose and tip of tail.
heay coat; answers to -Dixie." Main 21)04
FIR GROVE Sanatorium; strictly a woman',
hospital, where patients can get the best
Car, "A. reaonable rates and any phy
sician they ohoose. City office. Impondero
Therapy Co, specialists for men and wo
?nii i?"?. 008 Merchants Trust bldg..
B- Washington st. Main 7743. A 6705 -sanatorium.
Tabor 88. Dr. Isabella Mackle!
.1.7" " man women and children
treated and cured. We make a specialty
of surgery aad diseases of women; ma
ternity cases glven special attention; eye
ear. Boss aad throat department. Raleign
bldg., cor. 6th aad Washington sta
Late of the Chicago Woman's Hospital,
treats women and children exclusively;
hospital accommodations ; no charge for
examination. Main 4047, A 24117 Boa
Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny.
specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small
POX D removed; halrdresaing, manicur
ing and dermatology taught; largest .lock
of hair good, in the West at cut prices.
Parlors. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder
SWEDISH trained nurse. Helslngfors gradu
ate; cures rheumatism, stomach troubles
and nervous disorder, by hand rubbing
steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes. 7
Laet 11th st.. one door from East Ankeny
car. Phone East 26Q. Home B la03.
MADAM A. A. LUCKEY. face and scalp
treatments. Full line of electrio treat
ments, bath and massage; positive results
In mental healing. 401-2-8 Columbia bldg..
West Park and Washington. Main 2011.
Diseases of women and children No
charge for consultation. Room 10, Grand
Maflnl2a!dl-57aiihingt0n ad P"k
ss the best, safest. Reliable. Take ao other
Chlcbesters Diamond Brand PlUs are vid
by druggists everywhere.
FOLND Place where special attention Is
given remodeling of hats by up-to-date
trimmers. English Correct Millinery. U31
Morrison St.. Marquam bldg.
DL,.BABR80N CO.. savin and Cotton
?l lllB' 'urs remedy for delayed oe
rioda; $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5 T J
Pierce. 316 Alisky bldg.. ilrtB Morrison
DRESS suits for rent, all sizes. $1.80 month
keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed button,
ewed on. rip. sewed. Prompt calls and de-
liveries. Ualque Tailoring Co., 809 Stark,
OEOROIB LAPBTTTE. Eleotrlo Institute
826', Wash. st.. suit 803; rheumatism and
nervousness cured, scalp specialist, mani
curing. Main BO20.
Alice Boothby Institute of Electrical Heal
ing. All diseases of men, women and chil
dren treated. Suite 15 the Milner bldg
SBOs Morrison st. Phone A 257s
LEOLA CHAMBERS, hampooing. manicur
.n.'.fac'a.!. maMa8e' scalp treatments. Main
472. 407 Buchanan bldg., 286 V, WaahT
Mm. Courtwrlght, akin and scalp treat
ments, facial deformation corrected Dlaa
tic surgery. 225 FUedner bldg. M. 6042.
WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on
Dr. Ketehum; prompt relief, confidential.
170Vs 3d St. Main 8770.
LADY fc barber- shop now open In Salem
waiting-room, foot of Columbia St.. Port
land. MRS. SOPHIA B. 8EIP. mental scientist.
812 Alisky bldg. M. 2838. Wednesday eve
ning meeting at 8.
DR. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of womea:
all Irregularities corrected, druglesa system
no exposure. Call or write 816 Alisky bldg'
LOST power, restored toy or. xxrens- Nerve
Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyssell's Phar
macy. 289 Morrison st-. bet. 4th and 6th.
REFINED man of 84. painter and musician
would like to meet soma young housekeeper
B 84. Oregonlan.
MRS. TAYLOR, magnetic healer; teacher oc
cult science; all disease, treated success
fully. 330 Taylor. Main 43C8.
BEXOID A marvellous oure for weakness
in men 1 money returned If It falls: Erica
$1. T. J. Pierce. 816 Alisky bldg. P
Room 8, 343 Morrison st.
MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed
Mra M. D Hill. 88O Flledner bldg! M 347al
PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely sin a-l a
people; circular 10c 229 V 1st at
BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases. Baa
Gllsan .t. Main 921B. Agent, wanted.
IS your life worth the price? No doubt, for
bexine Pill, make weak men and women
strong, and cost only $1 a box of 20 days
treatment, or $5 for boxes, with full
guarantee for all forms of nerve weak
ness. Address or call. The J. A. Clemen
son Drug Co., cor. Front and Morrison
sts., Portland. Or.
USB Bassett's. the Original Native Herb,
for rheumatism, constipation; 60 tablets
for 2oc. In black boxes, at all druggists.
HOT home-made bread, twice a day, at
.s- Bennet's store, 144 ad St.; also salt
rising bread.
HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut
hair. Portland Baxaar. 40UH Morrison
MARRIED women send 2c stamp, valuable
Information free. Lock box S20. Portland.
Accordion Plaiting.
M,- OOULD. 335 Morrison, cor. Tth. Ac
cordlon and knife pleating aad plnklagP
Commercial. County and Municipal.
Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing
824 VV orcsatcr li:ock. Phone Alaia 600L
Assay ers and Analysts.
Wells & Proebslel. mining engineers, chain.
Ista and assayers. 204 V, Washington at.
PAUL BAU MEL. assay er and analyst. Gold
dust bought. 207 Alder sc.
ana ore-testing work. 186 Morrlsoa St.
62 Vv farces ter bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 6U84A,
Attorney, at Law.
H- .H. HIDDELL. atty-at-law. 73fl Chamber
of Commerce. Mala 4764, A 3S31.
B. T. JEFFREYS. 2o8 Featon bldg.. IB years
practice In Oregon, a years Alaska.
EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law
offices to 900-913 Board of Trade bldg.
CLARENCE H. GILBERT, 208-207 Chamber
of Commerce. Main 7471. A 4S44.
Carpet Cleaning (Sanitary).
J. Hunter & Co., mattresses and leathers ren
OValed. carpets refitted, etc M. 214. A 4415.
wagon service." Phone Main 653.
Carpet Weaving.
RUGS made from old carpets: also Colonial
.ru.'a woven- Northwest Rug Works.
16J Luion ave. East 35M). B 1280
F, 7, I, -R: th8 Palnl foot specialist,
treats all His of the feet without danger of
Infection; lady assistant; up-to-date mani
curing and shampooing and facial and scalo
maeeage. 31 '5 Alisky bldg. Main 87B2.
WM ESTELLB and Flossie Deveay. the only
scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors
8u2 Gerllnger bldg., 8. W. cor. 2a aad
Alder. Phone Mala 1S0L
CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mra
Dunton. Tllford bidg.. R. 204. 10th A Mor.
Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M D HI1L
room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 8l
MANICURING and chiropody parlors, for
merly 683 Wash.. 386 V, Wash., room 14.
WE collect everywhere; general law. Inter
state Adjustment Co.. 501 Gerllnger bldg.
Commission Merchants.
TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. ship broker.. 00m
mmaion merchanta Sherlock bldg., Portland.
Court Reporters.
GEORGE H. DUFUR. AOS Corbett bldg Offt
cial reporter 11th Judicial Dlst. M 3o04.
EUKs. mattings, rugs, fancy goods. 70 fth.
fechool. Summer opening classes. 25o per les
son. Including lady and gentleman teach
ers; private lessons every morning, alter
noon and evening. 3ol Wash. st.. bet V
Park and lotn sta. Phone M. 7637 A 6637"
M'o8! Patorr echooi of Pharmacy.
148 2d t.. Portland, Or.
.Feed Stores.
ZIGLER & MISNER, hay. grain, feed ca
ment. shingles. 294 Grand ave. E. 43a.
Harness and Saddlery.
R- .M ?RICE HARNESS CO.. 881 Ankeny
St. Fbone Main 2402. '
D? . E; W- HAGYARD. graduate Ontario
yoe.xerln5rya-Cov."ef,e:. omc Imposition bidY.
19th and Wash. Main 1077; Resc Mala 1221
Leather and Finding..
CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO., 74 Front, leather
ot every deacrlptloa. taps, mfra findings.
tablished 1SSS. 189 Front St.
ICE machines. Complete installations. Arm
atrong Machinery Co., Spokane. Wash.
53, A 21B3. Johnnie on the spot.
SATLHDAY Is always our bargain day
and goods are sold very low; we have
Just received a large stock of fine vio
lins which we offer you at 1-3 ot regular
price; sheet music from 6c and up H.
Anderson Music Co.. ISO 3d st.
THE Hawaiian Orchestra, now playing at
the Perkins Hotel, will be at liberty to
accept any engagements for any social
parties and dancing after April 28. Prof
D. Nape, 271 7th. Phone A 3743
EM1L TH1ELHORN, violin teacher Dunll
ot Sevclk A 410O. Pine 834. Main 3045.
M- .c-,,Smltll., teacher ot pland, 452 Salmoa
st. Main t34o. Beginners a specialty.
Otto Schurmann. monumental aad building
work. 2u4 Third st. Phone Main 2224.
Osteopathic Physicians.
415-16-17 Dekum bldg..
Third and Wakuluton sta
Phone, office. Main 84i). res. js. 1023.
DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. 2o6- Tllford bldg
10th and Morrison. Phone A 4163. M. 7ai
Faints. Oils and Class.
F. E. BEACH & CO.. pioneer paint store
glajis and glazing. 135 1st t. Main 1884.
RASMUSSEN ft CO.. jobbers paints, oils
glaas. sash and doora Cor. 2d and Taylor.
Painting and Faperhanglns;.
H. P. CHRISTEN SEN CO.. wail paper, paint
lng. unuug. decorating. 7th and AlJorV
Patent and Pension Attorneys.
R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and forelga oat.
ents; Infringement cases. 6u4 Dekum.
J. J. HiRSUEIMER, pension and patent at.
torney. rooms 2U-21 Labbe bldg.
Portland. Office 402-8-4 Worcester block.
WARREN Construction Co.. street navinir
sidewalk, and crossings. 814 Lumber Ex.'
Public Stenographers. "
D. S. DIPUR, 405 Ablngton bldg Phone.
Main BU37. A 5336; residence B lBS-t
OCIA V. WILL1T3. 606 Swetland bidT
Bth and Waeh. Phone Mala 14o7
RX;H.A?D'SJPRiI'1" latest New York styles
of dainty dlahea, 360 Alder, cor. Parit .
Safes. ' '
THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 1 08 2d St. K.f-
at factory prices. Second-hand safes.
ts71 BAFBn LOC CO.. Dlebold sale!
6 8d at. Bargains la 2d-hand safe
Show Case. Bank and Store Fixtures.
THE LUTKB MFG. CO.. branch Grans
Raplda Showcase Co.. th na Hort. h
Luike. Mgr.
THS Jama r- Marshall Mfg. Co., new and
old showcases, cabinets, store and office
fixtures. 28 Couch st. Main 2703. oalc
The largest lgn-maker In the North
west, Bth and Everett sts. Phone Prlvata
achang 65. Home A 11B6. 7 ' at"
OLYMPIC Roofing Co.. 820 Cham, of Com
damp-proofing and repairing. M 8010. A 422S
STOVES connected ana repaired. Mala
1110. G14 Front . .
Rubber staxnpa,
ALSO trade checks and all office goods. P Dl
C Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phoaes 140T.
Storage, and Transfer.
C O. PICK. Transfer and Storage Co.. offlca
and commodious four-story brick ware- ,
house, separate Iron rooms and llreproot
vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and
flag ets. Pianos and furniture moved aad
packed for shipping. Main B86, A 1996.
General transferring and storage; sates,
pianos and furniture moved and packed for
shipment. 20 Oak .. bet. Front aad lac,
Telephone Main B47 or A 2247.
.Furniture aad placo moving a speolatt.
40-42 2d st. Phone A 1984. Main ISiaT
Turkish Hatha.
-TURKISH baths. 8O0 Oregonlan bids.; ladies
Tj-pe writers.
WB ARB the exchange for the laraeet type
writer concern on inle Coast; investlgatsi
all makes, all prices. The Typewrites
Excha.Ks. 287 Washington st.
SPECIAL prices: all makes rented, sold, re
palred. P. D. C, Co.. 231 Stark. Mala leOI.
Veterinary College.
Bulletin San Francisco Veterinary College saw
reeay; mailed. Dr. C. Keane. 1818 Market.
Wood aad CooL
w e sell FULL M KA9UK.B and deliver
promptly all grades of wood for fuel any
length sticks delivered In any quantity .
Best old growth Br. oak aad ash; also
second growth and other cheaper grades
siabwood cut in a dry log mill and has
never been water-soaked.
Knots for furnace use.
Toodjard at 2si East Morrison ml
Phones Kast 26. B lr.28.
Lumber yard at MontavWa. Tabor 16.
aw?11 .x1?513 DRAFTS AVAL.
Portland. Oregon.
ITo Interest paid en aorounts.
Southern Paclfio.
Leaving Portland
Roseburg Passenger
Cottage Grove Passenger......
California Express
San Francisco Express. ... ,
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger.........
Forest Grove Passenger. .......
Forest Grove Passenger. ... ...
Arriving Portland
Oregon Express
Cottage Urove Passenger.....
Roseburs Passengar. ...... .
Portland Express."
West Side
Corvallls Passenger
Sheridan Passenger
Forest Grove Passenger.......
Forest Grove Passenger........
Forest Grove Passenger. .......
8:19 a. m.
4:15 p. m.
7:45 p. m
1:30 a. m.
T:20a m.
4:10 p. m
S:30 a. rru
1 :00 p. m.
B:40 p. m.
T:1S a. m.
11:80 a. m.
5:30 p. m.
11:15 p. in.
6:30 p. m.
10:30 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
11:50 a. dl,
450 p. m.
Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Co.
Leaving Portland
Pendleton Passenger.......
Chicago-Portland Special..,
Spokane Fiver
7:45 a. m.
9:15 am.
7:00 D. m.
Kansas City & Chicago Express.
6:00 p. m.
arriving Portland
Chi. Kan. city & Portland Ex.. 7:20a.m.
Chicago-Portland Special I 8:60 n m.
Pendleton Passenger 5:45 p nil
Northern pacifle.
Leaving Portland
Tacoraa and Seattle Express. . . .
North Coast & Chicago Limited.
Overland Express ,.
Arriving Portland
North Coa.t Limited............
Portland Express. ......... ......
Overland Express
a. m.
p. m.
p. m.
a. m,
p. m.
p. m.
Astoria A Colombia River.
Leaving Portland 1
Astoria and Seaside Express....! 8.00a.m.
6:00 p. m
Ralnier Local
Arriving Portland
Rainier & Portland Local
Seaside & Portland Passenger...
11:20 p. m.
9:05 a. m.
12:15 p. m.
rt in n m
nainier ana Portland Local...
Seaside ft Portland Express -10:00 p! m.
Canadian Paolfio Railway Co.
Leaving Portland ' I
C. P. R. Short Line via Sopkanel 7:00 p. n.
Via Seattle !ll:45 p. m.
Arrlvlnc Portland 1
C. P. R. Short Line via Spokanef 9:00 a.
Via Seattle.
1 7:00 a. m
Southern Paoiflo.
Leaving Portland
Dallas Passenger. ... .......
Dallas Passenger.
Arriving Portland
Dallas Passenger...........
Dallas Passenger
.....I 7:40 am
. ....I 4:15 p. rru
-10:13 a. m.
0:00 p, m.
OEit SlAllON.
Spokane, Portland ft Seattle Railway.
Leaving Portland
Inland Empire Express. ... 9:15 AM
For Chicago. SL Paul. Omaha. Kansas
City. St. Louis. Walla Walla. Pasco,
Roosevelt, Granddalles, uoldendale. Whits
Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver aud inteime
diate points.
North .Bank Limited...... 5:40 P.M.
For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas
City, St Louis. Spokane, bprague, Ritx
vllle, Lind. Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles,
White Salmon. Stevenson and Vancouver.
Arriving Portland
North Hank Lutuled 780 AM.
From Chicago, tt. Paul, Omaha. Kansas
City, St. Louis. Spokane, Spregue, Kits
vllle. Llnd, Pasco, Roosevelt. . Uranddailea.
White fealmon. Stevenson and Vancouver.
Inland Empire Express. . ,. ...... ,6:;i6 P at.
From W a. la Walla. Pasco, Roosevelt,
Granddalles. Goldendale, - White Salmon.
Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate
Time Card Dregon Electrio Railway Co.
Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. Sta
tion. 6:25, 8:00. 11:00 A. aI.j 2:0O. B:4o
6 20, 8:40 P. Limited for Tualatin and
Salem 9:15 A M. Local for WllsonvUie
and lut Stations 5 :0V p. M.
Leavlng Portland for Forest Grove and
Int. Stations 7:00. 8:55. 10:i4 A. M ; l.iiu.
4:10. 6:30 P. M.
Arriving Portland from Salem and Int.
Stations 8:40, lo:oo A. M. ; 1:15, 8.40. 6 OO
8:20, 10:40 P. M. Limited from Salem and
Tualatin 4:45 P. M. Local from
vllle and Int. Stations 6:55 A. M.
Arriving portl.ind from Forsst Grove and
Irt- Stauons 8:30. lo:uo A. Al.i U:la. a-au.
5:00. 7:2o P. M.
Portland KaUway. Ufht ft Power Company
- Cars Leave.
Ticket Office and Waiting Room.
First and Alder Streets.
Oregtn City 4:00. 6:80 a. M., and every
80 uunutes to and including a p m then
10:00, ll:O0 P. M. ; last car midnight.
Gresham and lntermeuiate points 653
7:45. 8:45. 9:45. 10:45 A M., 12 :45 2:45!
:45. 4:45. 0:46. 6:45. 7:45. 5:1
ialrview and Troutdale 6:55. '7-4Z a-4S.
For Vancouver .
. Vc-1 .tnca and waiting-room Second
and Washington streets.
A. M. 6:15-. 6:50. 7:25. 8:00. 8:35. 8 10
9:5o. 10:30. 11:10. 11:50 '
F- M- 12:30. 1:10. 1:0. 2:10. 8 10 l-'.n
to32b-:1i &?ft 8:3- 7;05- 7:W-
la.0taTieavei.1;Xtdo:IVEMerr Mnth th
MadayT 'X"Pt 6unday' "Dally .xcept