14 TOR "-KEAt, ESTATE. FOR BALE FARMS. J TO EXCHANGE. j ' I $2100 -win buy a thoroughly modern 5 ronm bungalow on the West Side. Don't fiddle around now and let the other fel low set It; ask about It. BLAIR & HATS. 42 Commercial Club Bldg. Phone A or Main 3238. HOLLADAY ADDITION. Modern dwelling of nine rooms near Hal ey end E. Third.; good neighborhood, clone in; can be converted Into two flats If purchaser desires at nominal expense, and would make One renting proposition; price only $660O. GQDDAHD & WIEDRICK, 110 Second St. J'rT05 ways. 60 acres of land In section 31. township 2 north, range 1 west, near the United R. R.. auttabls for platting; only $70 per acre If taken at once; fine stream of water runs through land. C. F. Pfluger & Co.. room 14, Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. A CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. 60x100, East Main at., near 17th; south front, cement sidewalk. Improved street, sewer. Ras; price much below actual value. See ownert 809 Lumber Exchange. HAVE you heard about the free cottage at Sunset Beach? Railroad under construction will soon be completed; 2 hours from Port land; lots $73 and up. $10 down. GODPARD & WIBDKICK, 110 Second St. MOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close in and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44SS. Kinney A Stampher, 531-532 Lumber Exchange bldg. . THI3 WILL PLEASE YOU. 38x100 and fine new, up-to-date bunga low of 5 room, nicely Mtuated in Holladay Park: price $.t350, terms. W. O. W ADD EL, 309 Lumber Exchaige. 5JY OWNER 5-room modern bungalow, ce ment basement, front and back porches, lot 50x100. Flrland, 18 Cedar St.. one block from cars, $1030; terms. Phone Tabor 844. FOR SALE. Must sell R acres, 23 minutes rids on Oregon Electric; 5 acres improved; sell for $100 per acre less than adjoining property for quick, sale. Owner, Box 235. St. John, Or. 6-ROOM modern house with large fractional lot, Holladay's; easy walk to West Side; would rent $23 per month: price reduced to $;t2O0; some terms; bargain. CULVER, 623 Chamber of Commerce. A SUBURBAN HOME. 8-room modern cottage. Just finished, and four fine lots; swell view; excellent soil; 2L'f0, $200 down and $20 a month. A. N. Bearle. Take M.-V. car. get off at 76th at. 1-STORY. 8-room house In Ladd'a- Addition, large attic, wide porches, full basement and all modern Improvements, lot 40x128; an elegant and sightly home. Spencer & Co.. 102 2d St. JIB have cash customer for lot or frac tional lot. west of E. 16th and between Burnslde and E. Yamhin QODDARD A WIEDRICK, 110 Second St. INVESTIGATE. 2xl00. close In; Central Eart Portland; fine location for apartments; price low. See owner, 39 Lumber Exchange. ACREAGE. $5O0 HANDLES 5 ACRES. On Base IJne road. 1 mile from end of Montavllla streetcars, with the best road In Oregon and a good cinder walk to It; only 13 minutes' walk; water mains from Crystal Springs. Mt, Tabor; guar anteed Inside 30 days. Call on me. Might consider nn exchange for a residence. Kred F. Huntress, 630 Lumber Exchange. Main 973. A GENUINE SNAP. 2 acres located almost on the Southern Pacific Railroad snd only quarter of a mile -from Salem Electric; ten acres In cultiva tion and the balance partly in One timber; fine 5-room house, good barn and well on premises; only 7 miles from Portland; $323 an acre. Brong-Steele Co.. llo 2d st. 1000 CASH 1 acre, level, all fenced, new 6-room plastered house, barn, chicken house, lO young bearing fruit tree, plenty mall fruit, good well water. 1 mile from car. on Base Line road; get busy If you want this. Northwest Timber Co.. 620 Lum be Exchange bldg. CASMUR 2H and 5-acre tracts, cleared and cultivated, high and level, command ing view of mountains and a great part of city; no finer location for a home in Portland: no better strawberry or vege table land In Oregon; $300 per acre: terms. Murphy St Caswell. 230 Stark St. ANOTHER SNAP. 20 scree;, all In cultivation, near Lents; 3 acres In apples, 3 acres In strawberries, 1 acre In pieplant, 1 acre In raspberries ; fine 7-room house. Including bath; also good barn and chicken houses; this can be got cheap If taken at once. Brong-Steele Co., llo 2d at. 0 AND 30-ACRE tracts, all cleared and plowed. 20 miles south of Portland: fine soil for fruit, vegetables or nuts. $100 per sere, easy terms. Inquire of owner. 303 Commercial block, cor. Washington and ANOTHER FINE BUY. - , ' a"-res nr Garden Home, on the Salem Electric only 7 miles from Portland; 7 acres in cultivation, balance In line i-huH. i? lmJer: 2U0 an acre If taken at once. Hull road and electric almost on the prop erty. Brong-Steele Co., 110 2d st. ei?.AP" Two and half acres, all under cul- i. ne Dlac for country home and still be In the city; four blocks from car line; price $l0OO, part cash, balance easy. salesman American. Trust Company, oo Chamber of Commerce. Ai?,NAPr 6 acr'w ln cultivation on the Sam Electric only T miles out; the electric line runs along side the property: a snap at $400 an acte. Brong-Steele Co., 110 2d st. J4500 60 acres on Salem carllne, small house and barn; enough oak and ash tim ber on the place to pay for It; easy terms. Room 312 Buchanan bldg. 1 CLOSE ln on carllne. Be. fare. 34 acres 2 acres of orchard in full bearing; $630 per !irk"',?y vttTm8- s,ockland & Feenster, 444 Sherlock bldg. iA Rh,Id S-room house on Mount Scott L2' a" en':i an1 ln crop, chicken-house and yard, best of soil; a snap at 11300 Spencer & Co., 102 2d st. .. thi OR 8 ACRES, all In cultivation, young trees and strawberries. Division and. 66th terms to suit. Tabor 1609. ' 6 ACRES on carllne. we of 40th St.. suit able for platting. Smith & Everett, 309-10 railing bldg. WH Y pay rent when you can own a home without paying more? See Gregory's ad. on page 11. IFOR BEST ACREAGE tracts near Portland see 1019 Board of Trade. FOB BALE TIMBER LANDS. . TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y A CO.. Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle, aits Chamber of Commerce), Portland. OREGON TIMBER CRUISING CO. INC Pacific Coast timber bought and sold! Timber lands cruised and certified, reports furnished. 617 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. XV7I'D you buy 25.000,000 feet good timber. 80 per cent old growth, well located, at a hargaln? It Is worthy of Investigation. w. .... v.. pn. tjvm ucjiaf Dldg. WB are headquarters for timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. 2i, Stamphsr. 631-32 Lumbar Exchange bid? HOMESTEADS, under new law can take 820 acres, fine, level sagebrush land. See ua If you want a claim, K 11. Oregonlan. BUSINESS, established, about $4000 stock merchandise; can turn stock 8 or -4 times a year; cash or terms. B 27. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Operating logging camps and timber lands, tributary Columbia River. Mo Cargar. Bates, Lively. Falling bldg. TIMBER LANDS. $2.60 per acre; I locate you purchase; also some Government claims. 219 Worcester bldg. FIFTY 4 sections yellow pine timber In PedreTon.ro'0n- APP'y t0 . S, ooo.ooo FEET of good timber well located $4000. room 18 Hamilton bldg. located, TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments $27 WORCESTER BLOCK. FOR SALE Timber lands near railroad and river. Charles Hoedle. Mill City. Oregon. FOB SAkJi FARMS. SO ACRES apple and strawberry land; Jolni best town In Yamhill County; $350 an acre Box 181. Forest Grove. IB-ACRB ranch near Portland. Must be sold a, estto. Cheap for cash.. L $0, Oregonlan, ONE OF THE BEST STOCK RANCHES AND GENERAL FARMING IN BENTON COUNTY. 8 MILES FROM COUNTY SEAT AND 2 MILES FROM RELIABLE SHIPPING POINT. 1370 acres, 2(H) acres under cultivation, 130 acres sewed ln different kinds of grain and potatoes, about 400 acres of tillable land; all kinds of springs and living water on the place; Mary's River runs through part of the place; railroad crosses over corner. It has 13 H miles of fencing; the whole place Is fenced and cross-fenced: several million feet of tim ber, oak. fir and cedar to pay for the place even If cut Into cord wood; down grade to R. R-, which has promised to put in side track to ship wood; telephone ln liouse. good 8-room house with hot and cold water, 2 large barns, several other buildings, pood family orchard; per sonal property. 8 horses, 65 cattle, 300 sheep and lambs, 75 hogs, a wagons, 3 sets of double harness; all tools sufficient to work the place well; price $20 per acre; good terms can be had. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 133 hi First St. APPLE ORCHARD. A SNAP. 47 acres, 40 acres will be planted to Spltzenberg, Newtown or any good variety of apples; offer good for 10 days only; $6000; terms to suit purchaser: owner will take party to land on tonight's train; can return, arriving here Sunday 11:15 SWEET-H EAD-LEMCKE, Phone Main 6680. 145 V4 5th St. CHOICE FRUIT LAND. Nine hundred acres fruit lands ln Mis souri Bottom, on railroad, near Myrtle Creek; between 300 and 400 acres bot tom land, GO acres in bearing fruit, 250 acres bench land, 250 acres pasture and wood land; steam dryer costing $5000, 2 dwellings, bunk house, smoke bouse, 4 barns, 2 hop dryers and other buildings; water through place; railroad station and warehouse on property. If sold within 60 days crops will go with the place. Also 2000 acres additional, which will be sold as a whole or in tracts to suit. For terms address Edwin Weaver, or Cleal Weaver, Myrtle Creek, Douglas County, Oregon. A KLICKITAT SNAP. 80 acres, every foot of which is the best of apple land, 8 acres under plow, good house and barn; on county road; only 5 miles from Lyle and North Bank road; $50 per acre for a few days. MANCHESTER & WILSON, 247 Stark. SACRIFICE SALE BY OWNER. The best apple land ln the White Salmon-Hood River district. 420 acres or any part at a bargain. Must be sold at once. Investigate. 425 Abington Bldg. 480 ACRES ln upper Alsea, J 2.000.000 feet old-growth flr. stream running through place, connty road extending through farm, outrange, 6 miles square, battle, sheep and goat range, permanent road, daily .mail, 2 houses, 2 barns, 20 acres ln cultivation, 2 bearing orchards, 75 head goats, 10 head sheep, 12 head cattle, 1 mare. 1 wagon. 1 buckboard, and other Implements; 1 Bet blacksmith tools: good title; can be had for $23 an acre. Address Zahn Bros., Alsea, Or. APPLE ORCHARD BARGAIN. 160 acres near Mosler; one of the best Improved places in that well-known dis trict, at great sacrifice; 25 acres in trees. 7 acres in bearing, bal. in 2, 3, 4-year-old trees, all standard varieties; 10 acres ready for trees. 143 acres good apple land; water for Irrigation t will sell the whole tract for $12,000 or the 40 acres with most of the orchard for $8500; here is a chance to get . in on the ground floor. Address owner, P. O. Box 613, Hood River. Or. DO YOU WANT TO BUY A FARM? We are headquarters for farm land and acreage In 'the following places: Anywhere ln Washington County, Gaston, Corvallls, Halsey and many other points in the Wil lamette Valley and also have some good buys ln Clark County. Washington. The Stroud-Fry Company. 619 Lumber Kxchange bldg., Portland, and Beaverton. Or. A FARM ON THE CLACKAMAS RIVER. Containing 157 acres of fine land. 40 acres ln cultivation. 10 acres In fruit. 100 acres of valuable timber; a fine ten-room house, stone foundation and basement, house Is plastered and finished In Cali fornia red wood; two good barns and all necessary outbuildings. Ask Turner about It. 416-17 Rothchild bldg. 107H ACRES 10 miles west of Portland on Oregon Electric Railroad. midway be tween Morton dale and Quatoma stations; creek, orchard, house, barn, stock and everything on the place, or without stock. $125 per acre; terms; bo agents. Wingren, route 2, Beaverton. FARMS OF ALL SIZES. Land is spiling cheaper around Gervals than anywhere between Portland and Sa lem. We have the best farming section In the alley. For further information call or write THE GERVAIS REALTY CO.. Gervals. Oregon. NICE farm of thirty acres. 2H miles from Knlnmn o-riAH V-- w m-m . Iruit trees, a t, ring -water, good soil. 40 rods from school, Rood horse, new bueiry ?lB.llPfort,$!LM)0PoOW- tools. A. H. 1MUS, Kalama, Wash. WB have splendid dairy farms, improved AtUl 11 n 1 TY1 T-irv--trrJ lnn. T - - . -' V I' JUU W 11X1 1 to eeii orcZ:?Sn t fal1 to wrlte at n. or call SWEDISH LAND A COLONIZATION COMPANY. 811 Worcester Bldg. 20 ACRES, 8 miles from Gresham, 1 acres ln cultivation, good house and barn, fine stream of water, young orchard, good soli, close to graded school, price $4000 c3S hav2 40 So-acre tracts. Gresham Real Estate Co.. Gresham. Or. FOR SALE Willamette Valley farm lands, large and. small tracts, suitable for dairy ing, fruit raising, gardening, etc,; send for price lists. Address J. D. Winn Buena Vista. Oregon. "inn. anC?I?3,.'1PH?"V- 20 acres Italian prunes, all A-l fruit ln full bearing; a snap If of mCrV",! our large printed list LUdVCo.msa:ieemyaory lmsted 15 ACRES S. W. of Gresham, near Estacada w most,y l frult and be?rle?: gtSS house 2 large barns, place will pay for Itself in a few years; $4500 if sold soon terms. Fred BroetJI. Mount Tabor, Or. POLK COUNTY 3O0 acres, 200 A-l culti vation. 4 acres of thi beaverdam; house barn, near school and station: all good M-o-n-moStiTo45 " H FINE 40-acre fruit orchard. V, mile from WrVadF abutn7 ,"?" Tom Portland. Or? parUcuUr.A- Ba,rd' GuadalP. Cal.; for L,n,-ID tl"n- ,2 acres' a11 fenced: good buildings; mile to station; for sale w trade for Portland property. 311 "iarns 11 wR ,ACR5' 120-a: "airy farm, house, barn, fenced, some timber; Tillamook BEND for our list of Willamette Valley J?irm before buying: lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co.. Salem. Or. HOMESTEADS. HOW DOES THIS STRIKE YOU. MR. HOMESTEADER? Representative leaves Monday night for land 'EES t. ?nt . ji uiexon : vou can get a big farm for what a lot ln Port- u,u -. jrou, can live on it or not as you please; you'll have to hurry; let ua tell you about it. 327 Abington bldg. EASTERN OREGON Just returned, can lo cate you near me, close to P. o. and new town. 2 dally matls, level, rich, sheltered ground next forest reserve and new rall way. Alvln S. Hawk, printer. 88 3d. HOMESTEAD relinaulshment i nno nnn - timber, near Estacada; can be taken as vouuo, tiajui, xa acres cleared, s 32 Oi gonlan. ' vn uescnutes rtlver The finest land ln Oregon. Railroad assured. If SEE ua for homesteads. KuKm r new law; 820 acres each filing. AF 2?! Oregonlan. " THE MOKXIXG OKKGOMAX, SATURDAY, A v7HERB. from HO.OOO to $30,000 worth high-class Inside, Income residence prop f"?. '1, N?rth, Yakima. Wash., for iam Por,tIand; Oregon farm lands also con Sta " Fred Brooker. Rose City Park AM SELLING stock of one of the oldest mines in the West and taking real estate and automobiles in payment. This is no prospect, but an old producer. Investigate It. You may have something else I might consider, p. o. Box 607. NOTICE If you have any property for trade, no matter where located, write or call and list with us; we will handle It for ycai. WESTERN -LAND CO., 417 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, a good 6x8 portrait camera with stamp attachment, good lens, silent shutter: will sell cheap or exchange for smaller camera. Address W. F. San ders, 830 Sandy Road, city. WILL exchange for automobile ln first-class shape. 8-year-old registered running filly, very promising. For particulars and ped igree, apply J. c. Kaidera. Centervllle, Wash. OF COURBEt CERTAINLY! If you want to buy, sell or trade business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson tc Taylor. rooms 310 and 811 Buchanan blda. WILL exchange an established city business for real estate. B 32, Oregonlan. WILL trade Eugene city property and Wil lamette Valley farm lands for Portland property. Box- 472, Eugene. Or. HOOD R1VE-R fruit land, for Portland resi dence property, to the amount of $2000 equity considered. P 2, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, 5-acre tracts on Ore gon City carllne. til Commercial bldg. 80 ACRES fruit land 5 mlies from Ashland Or. Owner, B14 S wetland bids. TOURING car or runabout lor real estate or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonlan. WILL trade for what you have. Qua Smith. 4Q1 Buchanan bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I HAVE $7000 to $12,000 to Invest ln income property. Give me full particulars, as I do not want to waste time looking Into any thing In which I think I would not be in terested. AF 17, Oregonlan. A CUSTOMER wants a nice 5-room bunga low, bet. 12th and 21st, Sullivan's Gulch and Stark, south or east front preferred -about $3500. Blair & Hays, 426 Commer clal Club bldg. Phone A or Main 3236 WILL PAY CASH for vacant lots; also 5 room modern house on or near Williams and Union aves. preferred: price must be right. Address or call at 407 Mildred ave. VACANT lots or house and lots, Irvlngton or Holladay, ln exchange for modern 8 room house near Steel bridge. L 33, Ore gonlan. WANTED Modern homes ln Irvington for customers In waiting. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 110 Second St. TO OWNERS ONLY Want house. partly finished and 50x100 lot. Want to finish house myself. AJ 34, Oregonlan. WANT to buy. a lot ln Greenway, on terms. K 31, Oregonlan. FOB RENT FARMS. TO RENT A nice 9H-acre tract near Court ney and the Oregon City carline; all clear; good house and barn, small fruit C F Pfluger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. FARMING or dairy. 9 miles from Portland. Apply 759 East Couch. Portland, forenoons and after 7:30 P. M. East 1346. WANTED TIMBER LANDS- TIMBER RELINQUISHMENTS WANTED Want, to buy good timber rellnquishment want to buy direct from owner. Address box 4115, Portland. Or. EILETZ claims; we pay cash for claims from owners. Nelson & Whlttier. 517 Board of Trade. T1??RIa,,d!,,-want,1 C- J- McCracken. 804 McKay bldg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at about the """V? P.,6 as you would pay for an old .W.e. are 'ocate outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the price; driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagoas and farm wagons. R. M. WADE A CO. 322 Hawthorne Ave. 0,R.SA,LE Palr of handsome young Ham bletonlan geldings, brothors; thoroughly broken to the city; as fine a pair of car JolS" no"es as you can And: weight about 1200 each; price for the pair $1000. Can be seen nnv Haw . v. t - . . - j .. rauuiDB OlaDies FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year: we also rent any kind of a rig lor business purposes. day. week or month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. HORSES FOR SALE. Z5 head of horses Just arrived; Al delivery, farm and draft horses, at right prices, and guaranteed to bo as repre an'd. 420 Hawthorne ave. Phone B 1369, El T2. OIB team work horses, weight 2300 lbs.. o aim n jeara oia ; one young driving mare coming 5, weight 950 lbs.; also 2 other horses, cheap. Morgan barn. Grand ave., 2 blocks from Hawthorne ave. N? irdraft team', weight 3000 lbs. Apply - - jj.vo. mini uiury, mile east X ancouver carllne. on Slough road. Phone Woodlawn 205. FOR S"ALE-Transfer business, fine horses. .hU.ib, Harness, nrst-class location, long lease, cheap rent; sell all or part, or lease. P 32. Oregonlan. ?T"r!J.fi carload of young horses w. . an DroKen; on sale now at the Union stock Yards. BAY saddle torse, 7 years old, ride or drive quiet for children to ride, $75. Hughea Bros., 17th and Jefferson. . 8ne" FR 1,th?5l? -b" -2- Pre and - . noauu coeap. Lor. .Bel mont and E. 6th. 25 HEAD of first-class draft and driving iuiT , "'"""""'-oireet sale stables. io5H Madison street, near bridge. HORSE, weighing 1100. and light express wagon: pricetvery reasonable. A 4518. HORSES, mares, rlga and harness of all kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery. 40 HEAD of horses for sale at auction. Union Stock Yards, 1 o'clock 26th. HUBERT & HALL, 380 Front, buy. sell rent horses, vehicles i ,o, v...l,; 1 rem " rigs. ALL kinds of horses for sale on Swan Island Main 47. A 62a. - ONE team. 3200, one 2850. one 2800. four single, all No. 1 horses. 847 East Stark. HoR?,?S Susht and "OId a' the Empire Stables. 270 13th. cor. Jefferson. J" HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Si bles. 11th and Jefferson. M 8300. FO-R ,AijE Two ponies and colt. Phone Ta bor 763. " Ptanos. A NEW Wellington piano, cheap If taken at once- Call 437 Kllllngsworth ave. PIANO for sale, flrst-ciass condition, bar gain. Call 574 Hoyt. Automobiles. FOR SALE White Steam automobile tour ing car $500. Address 355 North Church at. Salem, Or. WILL exchange for city real estate automo biles. Apply Overlook Land Co. AUTOMOBILES, $150 and up, for sale or trade, w. G. Hartman & Co., 46 2d at. Miscellaneous. EGGS M. B. turkey. 10 for $2.25; B. P. R. chickens, 15 for $1.25. Fllnny Sbepard on. Castle Rock. Wash. FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoisting engines. RAILWAY - EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 1st St. STEVEN'S MOVING PICTURE EX CHANGE Film service that wlna Ster optlcon slides, supplies. 165 4th st. BARBERS All or any part of a 12-chalr r-h0po-f0o sale cheaI- CaI1 Portland Safe FOR SALE Best dry 4-tt. fir and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover 313 Water at. Phone Main 7451; A 5445. LAUNCH Honey Boy for sale; wiljT take canoe ln trade. Call A 6708. Miscellaneous. . . PIPE PIPE t y.V!.mK in plpe from up to 14- In.. either black or galvanized, in new money 5 Get our Vrlcet nd av .M- BARDE & SONS, .?i7"353 Glisan St.. cor. Eighth, ffftl HOUSE WITH A MILLION BAR- CHTIn1 T5THiNG Ix THE MA CHINERY LINE. c.l0 MACHINES Second-hand ma chines, drop head and box top. of all ??aKf' at.very low prices. White Sewing Machine Store. 420 Washington st. H D. Jones, proprietor. FOR SALE 300 acres timber land. 20 miles from Portland, 4 miles from R. R. sta tion and boatlandlng; price $20 per acre: terms Joe Gantlmann. Tennessee Hotel. and Madison sts.. Portland. 8'm;-.2"CYL,I.XDER ""fine ga engine complete colls. magneto. air pump, whistle. Good running order. V 3 Ore gonlan. EGGS for hatching; Rose-comb Rhode Island ?' ds. Single-comb White Leghorns: $1 for LitVif Pr 100; selected birds of prize wlnnlng stock. Phone Woodlawn 629. DO YOU want supplies oi rent fllmT We aro yS11?11, not belong .to the trust. Fan4 of 303 Rotncl"ld bid.. Port- TYPE WRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully guaranteed, easy payments: rentals, $3 203 2dsl Pclfle Stationery A PigCo.. PlRJBLB,...4-'heIf baker's oven cheap; good condition. Phone Main 7131, F.R SALB Fine gasoline launch. with ""ua- "'y cneap. x Btt. oregonlan. COLLIE puppies; prices reasonable. 125 W est ave.. Mt. Tabor. Phono T.hn, tot FOR SALE Lunch room fixtures cheap hurry up. 247 Taylor st. p' ABSTRACT business for sale cheap: best location ln state. Address S 28. Oregonlan. BURROUGHS adding machine, six months guarantee. $200. Terms. T 30. Oregonlan. F(t?lt8ALE 6 brood sows with pigs. Main HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Contract to let for about 40.004) work 10080 rock and earth. hew railroad CVintrnj. In 1 An . . i . ... , - tuning wooa on 4UO seres land, level ground, $1 to $1.25 per C. R. HANSEN, JR.. Employment Office. No. 20 N. 2d St. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade ln eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly: expert instructor; tools free; write for cataloeue Mohler System of ColleBes. g& N. 4th at.. Portland. Or. WnD Yon man 25 to 80. capable handling collectors, collections and cor ,,2?nience Pertaining to collections: be. a wide-awake, willing worker: ftaLniUrK: ."e famiIla'- With the in: m business preferred; salary $15 per week to start. AB 30, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man with office experl i for general work in sales offic large corporation; good typewriter neces sary; must furnish references; perma n?'u Position If satisfactory; salary from St .$.'5 per month- Address in own handwriting. P. Q. box 628. Portland. Or. SHOE SALESMAN. Thoroughly experienced flrst-c!ass man, Must have at least 5 years' good experi ence In ffhoes. OLDS. WORTMAN A KING WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles; no. expense to learn trade of nl.imi.in Dricklaylng or electricity; r,ractlcal work on jobs half the time and study other c r" , i;apL'xl,JK uo ires. united Trade School Contracting Co.. Los Angeles. - WANTED Stickerman, out of city. $3 50" ihe, clty- 3 machine foreman 5? an ,? AOT factory. ; millwright, $o.o0 up; others. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Main Office. 12 North Second St. FOUR more men to operate moving-picture ; 1 1 " 1 .ah jmi 1 ion , no ex perience necessary; we teach vou; great nrnnn I nn cti i n . , . i . ' v, " ' " 1 - A. Z to 4 P. M.. room 31. 268 Stark st. WANTED A few -1 i and canvassers who can show results; $12 w. .u n . ZL " competition and a rRr. Drsfun Tr"8 Co., 337-9 Chamber l T TPO A TTrtW T T . Thoroughly experienced men on Jackets .- ' - "I'i'ij .i v once. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. WANTLD Young lawyer who has successful ly practiced In the courts and who is ca pable of coping with the best, to take a salaried partnership in law firm. X 33 Oregonlan. ' GOOD live boy over 16 to help put up and ; worn into good po sition: Mlarv ST . . . , w hi clock- Grand Union Tea Co.. 473 WAITER Wnnteri o k . - . ,..,, , .... l uuj iur nrsi- 5iun4.hiel C.e.ntrT1 9re8n' 25 and all found, fare paid. Apply en Swetland KiH"CIA.8s Mtlm'r and solicitor needed at OnCA In rr r I t , V. . . . . v. ano. nxiure. sash and door plant; a little money re quired and a good salary and Interest as Bured. R 84. Oregonian. OUR salesmen are making from $20O to $1000 per month 1 1 n uiJZ. y.vw , , ui8u-t:ias9 reai estate y?"r ar' a live one we want you. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 200 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Salesmen to represent one of the C . , w JL tn nonnwest. Large stock, oholce territory; commission paid weekly. If you are a hustler and can sell luqj -nurseries. Aioany, or. Employment Office Men's Department. Phones Main and A 1520. Help free to employers. $800 TO $1800 for railway mall clerks J year; many appointments yearly; examina lion At Prwr-tl art A n.. , Pcifllnf2rmailo5 Jn , reFar,' l Preparation. .v.n m.t.m Jll Vliy DlOg., Ctty WANTED Competent office man who under stands simple bookkeeping and capable t( imnuiB correspondence. Must be able to . n,.wgii fmw oono. Art ha, Oregonlan COATMAKER wanted Immediately for - uiiiuu i lues xmia. ,t as. Work, 245 5th st. A THREE or four-room furnished flat. I minutes; walk from p. O.; references ln quire 144 7th.. I'd floor WE have a small route that will net $20 ;-iVi ""-. circulator. WANTED Good rustler, with $300 cash balance out of business which will brlns large returns. 225 6th st. rT-iirirTr. nn,aner for paper mill ln age. experience an places worked. E 31. Oregonlan. WANTED Two makers Wages $6; eight hours. Apply H . . . cklu, vvasn. WANTED RnnkUfrwr . good penman: country. Commercial Abstract uo commercial Uluo bldg. WANTED-Blacksmith and barber Orenco. For Information address Ore no Nursery Co., HUlsboro. Or. WANTED Exoerlenceii mon m one familiar with copying and enlarge ment work. AC 30. Oregonian. WANTED Harnessmaker to take charge of country shop. Apply John tlark Saddlery WANTED Live agents to sell photo cot pons. C. Elmore Grove. 362 Wash. st. WANTED One sheet-metal wn,-Vs. , i deen Sheet Metal Works. Aberdeen. Wash. BRIGHT neat boy for delivery and store " - -V. ... V. , U OCCU V-U., 1 (HI VQ TILR.EE br'ck-neelers, I setter. McMahon tami ,Jtn ana Ulvlslon sts. WANTED .First-class salesman 48. Milner Bldg. Call room WANTED First-class the Tailor, 108 3d st. coat-makers. Nlcoll 6 RUSTLERS of good appearance at Grand ave. 10S EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN wanted w ciiiiijjici ouutj oiure CO., 14 2d st. DON'T rent any longer. See Gregorys on page 11. V"'iLTEOi7A' an-Rro"d Printer. Address J MV. UOU J , UI. APKIL ', 1909. SALESMEN CAN MAKE BIO MONEY . .li. .ir iiAUBUK 1A1TS. THIS IS A QUICK SELLER. BEING ON THE UNITED RAILWAY NEAR LINNTON WHICH IS CAUSING SO MUCH INTER EST IN PORTLAND NOW. LIBERAL COMMISSION AND FAIR TREATMENT. H. I,. SUYDAM, THE SPANTON CO.. 270 STARK ST. PACIFIC STATES EMPLOYMENT CO.. 228 Bumslda St. ATTENTION. Painters, 6 stage hands for R. R. work, free fare; track men for California, free fare. Call and see us. Headquarters for anything in railroad line. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper; must be com petent ana laminar with gen. mdse. Com mercial Abstract Co.. 48 Commercial Club bldg. SENDING SOO men to Nome. Alaska, June; uji.cn worm; good wages; transportation both ways; all employed Invest $lO0. Ap ply 615 Board of Trade. TWO competent solicitors to sell Coffield , wasnmg Macnines; men ln Seattle and Tacoma are making good money at this; see them. Edwards Company. 191 1st. WANTED Railway mall clerks; $S00 first J rxmiuniiiKiiii Portland. May 15; preparation free; 'write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED A wlndowtrlmmer familiar with "i swii!i; musi oe a goon one; state sal ary and references. V 30. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, eon- J.m Cd-" "'" tu. investigate. Bene dictine Publications, Goodnough bldg. WN"T,ED Experienced picture framer, one mi., mar wnn ail branches. AD 33. Ore gonlan. MAKE $5 per day and have steady ln- mis win pay to investigate. 420 Commercial Club bldg. WANT.EI First-class clothing salesman for w7,, "n- "ro'r AJrownsvuie Woolen Mills Store. WANTED Good general blacksmith and ..v.. 11r general repair and job snop. Leonard &. Jenks. Grants Pass. Or. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine -" i"J1" ' l.o: iiti. hh d. Main u..oo HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. ALMOST anyone can make $25 to $100 by calling a 1 J 1 rw . . . ' - - - - -'" ui mug; xx. u in formation we want. FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY needs more now teacners lor ssept. 514 Swetland bldg. LESSONS In shorthand and typewriting by ,. . in. .in ... 1 4 1 n. Alain 3S93. FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. $1 per ...Winn iV ueisinners. io2 aiorrison. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TODAY. Cooks for hotels and boarding-houses, $3o to $60: waitress for mill boarding house. $2.v to $30; 10 waitresses, in and out of the city. $20 to $:15; 4 chamber maids. $20 to $23; woman for general nOllKPWnrk In Ha ..,, , .1 ... u , 11 nujrri UNI to one child, $25; girls for general house- PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladies' Dept. 205 hi Morrison St. LADIES wanted to devote all or part of ...... nine nnuiiiG mil and Domes on easy ....... I., ui.Q mo rest residence dis tricts in Portland; experience unneces sary. Call at 418 Corbett bldg. ALTERATION WORKERS. First-class on Jackets, skirts and gowns wanted at once. OLDS. WORTMAN & KING, WANTED Competent Swedish or German w... !--. KiivitLi noueeworK ana pjain wash ing; good cook: wages $30; three In family; m. a. Leacn, nut, siskl you County, California. WANTED Competent girl for general house work in small famllv livin. . .... ... . . houee. Apply 10 to 11 A. M.. room 824 iue oiug. rnone Alain o.ih. ...HASBN 8 LADIES AG EN Ox". 143 54 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Exnerlenced ulrl j ?nrktand hclp w,th baby. Apply mornings fi.i,c-i urive, i-ortiana Heights. ' ..viir ,11.111 .11 t'J. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY." 245H Wash. . ... .ai., -"., wHiits nouseKeepers cooks, chambermaids, nurses, second girls. WANTED at once, girl for dining.room work in private boarding-house. Apply WANTED Girl for irenernl bonaewnv must be good cook Call 500 E. Alder otiween and o afternoons. 2 CARPENTERS. Inquire Green. York & Blackstone. near end S carllne. AB 31, Ore- tSUUldjl. WANTED Comoetent Irl - housework; good wages. 410 Holladay WANTED An experienced girl or woman to . . vt - u iignt nousework, good home and good wages. 628 4th st. PACIFIC RMPl nvuvK'T . Ladles' Department. U05 4 Morrison st. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. W A KTPn r-. . . , . - ... t sin. senvrai nouse work; small family. Call 607 E. Taylor. WOMAN for general housework and good plain cooking at good wages. Call mom. Inga. 574 E. Pine. XV A MTMT a j .. .... . j-t l .11 . Ennn nreMmakee. capital needed; prefer French lady. Write .... . .n widin, noi 1 1, uondon, Or. WANTED A young lady bookkeeper, one with knowledge of stenography preferred A r 31. Oregonian. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 826A Washington st.. Room 307. Main 8838 or A 3266. YOUNG girl wanted to help with housework ; - " " " . i.kii uTi.-jiii giri pre ferred. 733 E. Couch at. E. A. car. WANTED Girls to maV. nv...n. .. shirt a Apply standard Factory No. a. Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED Refined, rinnhl. .nn... . ponslble position. Vlavi Co.. 809 Roth- v""" 'b-i i-a and vvaanington. WANTED One lady pastry cook; wages, : one lady, short-order; wages no LALilEb-1 teach manicuring, hair dress- , , , ucrmaioiogy. Mistress Holmes, ape clallst. 6Q1 Swetland bldg. 5th and Wash COMPETENT girl for general housework none but experienced need apply. 7is E Burnside. - . . . . " a i. . rr.,. ii . renew, dye m."iel. l'ats' ayo P'umes at half Millinery, oai Yamhill. iiH4,NSK.N'8 LADIES AGENCY. 43 hi Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs Phone Main 2692. WANTED Experienced pants finishers at L, """" oiccuen oiag., cor. 8d and BEST wages to flrst-class talloress and one WBD7ri!r1l.t! "8Ri"t wlth t?neral house- IV 1. 11 B L. NE-,T.glrl. to walt on able; no cooki Ing wuiiiavu Bl., cor. i3tn. YOUNG girl to care for baby, Sunnyslde must room at home. Phone B 2003 GIRI. foe ...Lin. , , . ' . " . .cucriu nousework small family, good, wages. 58 Tillamook: WANTED First-class waitresses. Restaurant, 4&hi N. 6th st. ' Z:,,L.. P,r?1 r Blrl for general wBi- k,tchen helper. Phone Sell- GIRL for general housework. Everett st. Apply 644 wanted A traveling companion, widow . . i . 1 - -. oregonlan. COMPETENT girl for cooking and house work; small family. 403 East Davis at. WANTED Experienced waitress. 383 E. rison. San Francisco restaurant. WANTED Waist and skirt makers Alder st. Mor- GIRL to do folding. C. C. Chapman Co.. 3d nil Aolr " GIRL to assist with general housework, nKr" JVJ r loiiuci ry. G)KJ' f 1 woman wanted for light housework. I MAI.' I HELP WANTEH FEMALE. 1 ivivrn . i i . . . . .. . i a GIRLS WANTED. Girls. 16 to 18 years of age, to work In factory. Apply at once. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO.. Fifth aad Davis Sts. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no .uiiK ; can Deiwsen v ana I J A. il., April 23 or 24. 175 E. 16th St., city. EXPERIENCED waitress. Elton Court, at SITUATION WANTED HALE, Bookkeepers and Clerks.. A J?"RAyELINQ salesman (New Yorker), of . S . xo aate. desires a position Til. 1 Portland nrm; crockery, nov- 1"' special line. Address P 31. A COMPETENT office man. expert book keeper with strong letter, of ?I J nation from California corporations de nla" p"Uon ,n Portland. AE " Oreso- RAPID, accurate srei-nvmnfr, , . experience, wants position; " good office man; trained private secretary Al cltr references. Address L 26. Oregonlan? EXPERT bank clerk wants position In bank -. uuai(i-co, experienced; A-l references, c 33, Oregonlan. A FIRST-CLASS hotel clerk and bookkeeper ?a-nV. a P'tlon. either ln city or country. POSITION wanted by credit man and flrst- ---"iiiiiani. a i rererenees. Open for Immedlste engagement. AF 30. Oregonlan. B?loKK.MfPER. and omc man' Post- j . .. . n. -1 . uregonian. YOUNG MAN wishes position bookkeeping office or outside worlc r,n sua MIsccllsineoua. WTf.Diri,!?n by P'-ng mill man. -. . ". """'cnes; can taxe work rrom plans, make estimates, d-tall and bl'l to factory; good salesman; habits good, and will work on trial. L 34. Oregonlan PT7 W'th manr active experience ... . snowing most excellent and complete results and with high-clan and unequivocal references, desires con aectlons or position. AJ 32, Oregonlan. SOBER man wants place to do janitor work or house-cleaning. Phone E. 4705 John Jonghans; references given. 467 E SITUATION as farm and stable man or , , , " -v. aio ui smaii piace: something steady. G $2. Oregonlan. GOOD Japanese cook wants situation private famllv or l,nnT.lln..V,,.. -nr -. . gonlan. ' . EXPERIENCED cook, meats, pastry- eco nomical, temperate; good references. AE 26. Oregonlan. GOOD Japanese boy wants position to-do cooking in private family; speaks English well. D 34. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted at hnnii...... dows washed and basement cleaning. ' Phone W!fTED Po"i,lt'1 by middle-aged man. i . ,X . ana nonr' nrst-class milker. AH 81. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted as assistant gardener on private or commercial place 4 years' experience, age 25. J 36. Oregonian. JAPANESE, good cook, wants situation nr vat. fomHv aw v. .... I . j w. uu.ii.ciH nouse. it aa, Oregonlan. H9';SE,CI'AJiI: Augustus Thompson, 335 couch st. Phone Main 6560. AxfH.1N?SB Ttants position as family cook. H 34, Oregonlan. , SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER wants typewriting or , --' (s w veiiinss. At ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion with reliable firm. Call Monday. Tabor 1113. FIRST-CLASS stenographer wants position Immediately; Underwood preferred; state salary. A 28. Oregonlan. YOUNG lady, experienced bookkeeper and ?'Riah ant , position; good penman. AM 13. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants work at once. Phone Main 7440. EXPERIENCED typewriter and office girl desires position.. N 33, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer. willing worker: references, phone Scllwood 7S3. Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prlcea Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main. Run A DOCTOR'S widow, with best of references, would like position light nursing or com panionship. None but refined people need apply. Phone A 6285. 1S8 14th st. PROFESSIONAL nurse, all kinds of cases, city or country. A 2853. flat A. 420 2d st. Domestics. GIRL can get good home and easy place to work: general housework, by phoning East 14 or C 1409. or calling 711 Broadway corner 21st. Miscellaneous. ELDERLY lady wishes housework: will do washing and all; small family. 402 Water. LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered tine sun drying, grass bleaching facilities. Tabor 1530. VERY experienced second girl. capable woman housekeeper, boy 10: young woman chambermaid. 245" Washington. Main 2t3u. ANY light work by day or hour by compe tent woman. Woodlawn 1151. PIANIST, good reader, young man. would like evening work. AC 31. Oregonlan. LADY wishes washing. Ironing or house cleanlng. Call 2 Union ave. A FIRST-CT.ASS waitress wishes waiting ln a tearoom or club. A 33, Oregonlan. LACE CURTAINS washed, stretched. 40c a. pair. Phone Main 559S. or A 4092. WANTED TO RENT. COUPLE with two children would like board and room In private family- prefer place not too far out. Address W a" Ore gonlan. v WANTED Board and room in strictly private family by neat gentleman; give phone num ber. X 30, Oregonlan. BOARD and room, with home privileges in strictly Private home, by young- married couple. X 32, Oregonlan. WANTED Small furnished house or flat couple, no children; reasonable rent Phone A 5694. t . A FURNISHED house to take care of during Summer season for the rent, -no children references. J. B. G., 221 Board of Trade. 7-ROOM modern house, close in. West Side, by March 1. V 31. Oregonlan. WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. Men's cast-oft clothing and T,?hV.we T buy household furnishings: r.fi5 oprtSe". pald Cal1 at 'he "Fair ueal. 62 rfd at. North. Phone Main 6272. . FORD AUCTION CO. ' Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 988. B 2311. BABY boy to adopt, not over 2 weeks old, no publicity, everything confidential, N 27, Oregonlan. SHORTHAND Private lessons given even lng. Address. Teacher. 228 7th st. HICH EST PRICES paid for furniture. Phone East 6204. 194 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor. WANTED Diamond. 1 or a-caret stone, set or unset. AF 32. Oregonlan. GOOD pasture on Swan Island for horses and cattle. Main 947. A 5296. WAN,TEP, 8 ve crows. Thornton's Buffet N. 3d st. WA.NT.EDT0 Duy fixtures for small butch er shop. AD 31. Oregonian. WANTED All kinds of store and office fix tures. showcases, etc. 293 Burnslde. SPOT.1a"h "f1 for 7our flture: prompt attention always given. Phone East A06L WANTED Agents in every county In Ore gon to sell s per tent interest bonds, se Zli a ,-by . reaI es'ote; write or caii on Sr' f" ';,,51,1 ''oueh DW"- Portland. nr.. ror particulars. WANTED Competent salesmen for best fruit districts of Oregon and Washington: Snfil 0Penlrir f"r right kind of men. Ad dress Oregon Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. WANTED Photo coupon and portrait agents, new offer, big money. Davis, tha Hayes studio. 342T Washington mx " I OK KENT. Rooms. MANITOU 261 13th. large rooms; hot and cold water; 2 carlines; breakfasts. Furnished Rooms. THE NEW SCOTT .?ev.entn' Ankeny and Burnslde "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY -Everything brand r.ew. homelike nf comfortable: rat. s reasonable Free i,?? PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE bIthII THE BARTON. 13th and Alder; new ma. -axemen t; newly renovated throughout; 7J outside rooms: steam heat, electric lights, etc.;- rooms $10 month up: suites Vita iSEfi'P' TatCr- v 2'- 30 to 3: elegant public parlor: phones and baths free. w-alking distance; very reasonable. HOTEL IRVING. , $12 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH. Just opened: new and elegantly fur nlshed; all conveniences; rates reasonable. THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port land Hotel Fireproof building; ail mod ern conveniences; special rates to perma Pent guests. A. H. Pracht. proprietor. THE RICHARDSON Built for women onlv. ew and modern furnished rooms and "laTtm'n.ts frora $10 to $36. Phones Main o.43 or A 3653. HOTEL RUSH MARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single, or en suite; all modern con venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M 5647. THu5mUuIiiS,."f0 2" Tooma- reasonable; new S- v nuu oains tree. 37 tark. c.rner 0th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea THE REX. 18th and Washington Modem rooms, bipo housekeeping; running water. baths. A 1856, Main 46J2. TH.E RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms: heat, bath; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 weekT THE ANGELUS. 6th and Jefferson, modara rooms and apartments: both phones. H?T,SI1 MOKH-Modern conveniences; transient solicited. 365 stark, cor. Park. Fornished Rooms tn Private Family 258 13TH ST. Nicely Mrnlshed rooms, only e- every convenience; gentlemen 262 12TH Nicely furnished room, with fur- nace heat, centrally located. ,2i50 PJ2R WEEK, larue front room, walk lng distance to Burnslde or Morrison bridges. 41 East 8th St.. cor. Pine. NICELY furnished front room. gas. hath, n'ce awI. home comforts, 2.50 per week. NICELY furnished front room, modern, rea sonable. ISO 17th st.. cor. Yamhill. NICELY furnished front room, $4 per month 192 E. 35th st. 600 FLANDERS, bet. 14th and 15th; neatly furnished room. $7 per month. CHEAP rooms. $7 and $10; newly fur nlshcd: bath; quiet; close ln. 452 5th. THREE elegantly furnished rooms for rent, everything furnished. 42S Hall. PLEASANT, unfurnished front room for laities. QU7 Washington St.. Suite 8. $12 Lovely front room; gaa, bath, grate. A 2814. 427 Salmon St. LARGE corner room, hot and cold water closet, porch, yard. 542 Morrison. TWO furnished front rooms. Irvlngton near Union ave. 321 E. 8th N. Phone East 2619. NEWLY furnished front room for gentle men, at $2 per week. 410 10th st. GOOD location for two gentlemen desiring well furnished room. 2: 1 loth. PLEASANT front rooms for 2 or S A 3389 or 475 Main Ft. LARGE front room. 1 or 2 gentlemen: rea sonable. 309 11th st. NEATLY furnished rooms, modern conven- i. ....ir.-.. iit-r uiwiilll up. -j'z loth st. ,7.EIOBnt fr.on.t room- walking distance. Phone East 15J. B 194. CnlurniHhed Rooms. 6 ROOMS good for dressmaking establlsh mcnt. 549 Morrison. Key upstairs. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern in every, respect: eteara heat, electric lights. hTt and cold water la every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meals a specialty. Cor. Grand and Hawthorns aves. THE MAGNOLIAS Walking distance. Kear ney st., bet. 19th and 20th.; elegantly furnished apartments for married couples, w-ith board; also swell rooms for gentle men, with breakfast and dinner. $.;o per month; beautiful ground; all modern con veniences: finest rooms and best home cooking in the city; an Ideal place for the Summer. THE GLEN DOR A. 19th and Couch Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $10 per month and up; public parlor, piano, pool and billiard tables free to guests: transients solicited; excellent table board, $18 per month: single meals. 25 cents. PORTLAND Women's Union. 2lst year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary. 510 Flanders at.. Miss Frances N Heath, superintendent. Women's Exchange. 133 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Brctherton. supt. "THE CLAY." corner 2d and Clav. rooms with board, both double and single, com fortable and homelike, $3 and $3.50 per week. YOCNG MEN If you want a flrst-e!as room and board. $.V.rt per wek, all convenience, elso table board, $4 week, good home cooit lr.g. caii at Aster House, 7th and Madison. BLAKELY HALL 300 Jefferson, pleasant rooms, tlrst-ciass board, bi-autiful grounds, terins reasonable; splendidly located for people employed. THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison St.. famllv hotel, modern, new management; board optional: best table board : prices moderat THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri son; finest board and best rooms in Port land; rates lowest; a comfortable home. THE LINDELL 269 Market; nicely furnished front rooms, flrst-class board: modern, rea sonable; fine walking distance. THE COZY, 195 7th. nicely furnished rooms, 1 block south Hotel Portland; transient. 50c and up. HOTEL OHIO. Front and Madison Room and board. $3 and up; also furnished housekeeping suites and single rooms. THE FERNS Nicely furnished rooms, eplen dtd tablA board. ISO lith st. THE OZARK. 225 11th Light, airy room with board, hot and cold water. Atooms With Board ln Private Family. NEWLY furnished rooms. with or without board: strictly home cooking; all modern conveniences. 400 N. 23U. 1'hone A 3526. NEAR Multnomah Club, on Heights, fln-s front room with 2 closets, for 2 gentle men. Main 4094. ROOM and board In private family, suitable for 2 or 8 gentlemen; no other roomers. 427 3d. VERY large, desirable front room for 2 with board; pleasant home. Call 549 Johnson st. or phone A 4681. NICE rooms and good board for one or two gentlemen. 374 Glisan st.. cor. ISth. ROOMS, single ar.d en suite, modern eoa venlences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. 3.AN-D v'p' front parlor for one or two. 4i0 Main st. ' 1 ROOM and board for two gentlemen, private family. 414 Hi Jefferson st. FURNISHED rooms with board, sleeping porch. 333 11th st. A 16.16. R9? a,nd board for 2: West Side, rhone Main 3649. 218 N. 20th st. Apartments. THE CHETOPA. 18 Flanders. 4-room mod ern unfurnished, first floor front. COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 8 and 4-room modern apartments. nth, and Columbia, To. MERCEDES 20th and WashlngrV One large elegantly furnished outside Ha. g'.e room; hot and cold running water telenhone and all mori.m 'iiicuce. A