13 K v THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. EUROPEAN PLAN MODERN RESTAURANT COST ONE MILLION DOUUM. ! HOTEL OREGON I J CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS Z Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up i . European Plan. Z Z WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. Z s HOTEL PERKINS In the heart of uioaern ana 3 1 1 eitUil an- jf.fis, l',' " 7 r , vtM ?53 "juueiuiy equipped sampie-rooms. BBsgS ELEGANT GRILL-MUSIC Caatrally toatod .Lau PtB 1 J. F. DAVIE S. President St. Charles Hotel COMPANY (Inc.) Front and Morrison, Portland, Or. EUROPEAN PLAN ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Parte St., between Morrison and Alder. CALUMET HOTEL Rat i ".'.. ,faS35s 1 r. & ' a tt CS ft - - - ll4 m faM. MODERN fife C. TV. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. Church and Parsonage Church, 40x78, on corner. Parsonage, 6 rooms, across rear of lot With lot 50x100 fu.n with lot iooxioo .'!!.'.'!!!!!.; I7500 East Side, south of Hawthorne on 10th st! The Shaw-Fear Company 24512 Stark Street. SHERIFF'S FORCE BUSY Working Overtime Serving Subpenas and Warrants in Josephine. GRANTS PAPS, Or., April 23. (Spe cial.) Nine indictments were returned by the grand Jury this morning, most of which were for crimes concerning the sale of liquor In a porhlbitlon territory. So fur 15 IndUtmonts have been returned, and it Is expected that these figures will be. doubled before all the cases under in vestigation have been disposed of. Already the largest number of indict ments ever returned at one term of court has been presented and bench warrants Issued for the parties. The Sheriff and his deputies are busy from morning until night serving subpenas and making ar rests In the cases filed. Pan Johnson pleaded guilty today to a charge of giving liquor to a minor and was fined $2). Several men are in jail, bound over from tne Justice Court, await ing to be tried. A true bill was not re - turned against Almon Lawler. accused of a statutory crime. Nearly all the indictments for selling , liquor in . a prohibition territory are of persons In the mining district near Gallce. Setback for State Fair. SACRAMENTO. Cal.. April 23.-It has leen discovered that the Wright railroad law. which was enacted by the- last Leg islature, does not exempt exhibits from the payment of freight to and from the State Pair, and unless some loophole can be found it Is likely to have a depressing effect upon the festivities here in August Appeal will be made to the State Rail road Commission and the ' Attorney-Gen-. era! In the hope of solving the problem. Don't let the landlord' get you. See Gregory's ad. on page 11. i. Rosenthal s pump fit at the heeL HK.4.DQU.AKTER8 IX)K TOURISTS Ud COMMKBdAL ' TRAVELERS. Special rtM m&da to families and sin gle gentlemen. The maDftKcment will be pleased at all time to ihow rooms and rive prices. A mod rn Turkish bath es tablishment In 'the hotel. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. CO Fifth and WasMnrton Sts. the business and shopping district.. The up-to-aate hotel in the Northwest i i lonST-distance phones in every room. Rooms o.nic ouu omgic. uaigo tuiu meets all trains. Rates SL and UD. FRASR A. CLARK, Manager. Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PU. Usttcku & Sao Prop. Rates 51.00-$1.50-$2.C3 C. O. DA VIES. Sec and Treas. A Strictly First-Class and Modern Hotel Containing 1 70 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Long Distance Phones in Every Rcom. Free 'Bus Meets AU Trains. .... - - - - . ..v iirr uhj ana ' American, $2.00 per day and up European. 1 -(H) Tier rinv .... Mates European, $1.00 per day and up. month. single room and board, jus to 110 BccoraJna; to room- , "or two, $75 to Board, without room ...$80 per month N0RT0MA HOTEL ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON ST. Beautiful Grill R oom American Rates to Families and European Our Bus Meets All Trains Sample Suites with Baths for. Traveling Men. COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES THE CORNELIUS "The House of Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters for the traveling public. European plan. Single, $l.o0 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our free omnibus meets all trains. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April 23. Maximum tern perature, 58 degrees; minimum. 43 degrees fSll tp4OU,r"'Ki Zot ,an- To'l rain J.T ' ' f- to 5 p- M- trace: total rain fall since September 1. 1908. 3t 45 Inches normal. 39.10 inches; deficiency? 7 74 inches Sfr ,A'" J? "o.r. 42 mln romcter (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M 11 uit;ii WEATHER CONDITIONS. A trnitirh e i Wet nr.r:",".,1"'"' h'?h ovei During" the last 24 "hou?. llgh? "sVZZXi VaLeeyOC.ndre,rin '" f the WlUamette vauey and the Sound country and th myou'theasfe"' "i!oudy and hrea?en! WmKoT 7h.Id,h and. Northeastern wasnington The changes In temperature porlan" Th5y raafbeen " S unim portant. The conditions are favorable for showers Saturday In Eastern Washington extreme Northern and Southeastern Idaho' Padcifl" IVate,,,atPrrost,',1Wh,e,?. ' " fv, f , Fr." 1 indicated durlne the earh. -morning In Southern and EasterS ?HKoa probab'y al " SuThwesteTn FORECASTS. wlnastland vlc,nlt Fair; westerly Oregon Fair with light frost In early er?y winds! eMt PorUn: wtst- Washlngton Fair west, probably thnmr. east portion; westerly winds. "nowors Idaho Showers extreme north and south east portion; rair southwest and central Por tions, with probably light fros south west portion in early morning. ' uinwest EDWARD A. BEALS, District Forecaster. PLED. M'NALLT John, beloved father of Robert D.. John. Francis. Mary and Florence Mo Nally. brother-in-law of Miss Nellie Fox 2183 W. Monroe Chicago. Interment' Winona, Minn. EVANS In this city April 23. at the fam ily residence. 400 North 31st st.. Benla mln Evans, aged 14 years, son of Mr and Mrs. Samuel D. Evans. Funeral notice hereafter. CATCHING At residence, ' 875 East Couch St.. April 23, Vivian Catching, aged 11 years and 10 months. Funeral notice later AMCSEMKT9. T-JT7TT ir THEATER Xlil JLrfJLVJ 14th and Wash. Phones Main 1 and A 1122 3 NIGHTS BEGINNING TOMORROW The Favorite Actor NORMAN HACKETT In the Comedy-Drama Success Prices $1.50. $1, 75c. 50c. Seats Now Selling at Theater. BAKER THEATER ho6n3Vi Ma, 're. Theater Co. (Inc.) Lessee; Geo. L. laker. Gen. Manager. LAST TWO TIMES Famous Colored Blnger Rr.Ara patti And Her Great Company of Comedians in THE BLACKmLE STROLLERS Matinee and Tonight Evenings 25c to $1 THEATRE Matinee Today Tonight 8:15 THE FIRST BORN" CChlnese Play) and SJLBRIDAX'S K.I IK IT.vanlnr. 5?i. 50c; Matinees 15c, 25c. Next Week, opening tomorrow matinee. "The Private Secretary." LYRIC Theater, 7th and Alder All Week, Starting Sunday Matinee, April 18. THE LYRIC STOCK COMPANY IN "SAPHrt" Under the personal direction of Herbert iiia.inees unaay, Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday. r.ext Week "In the Hills of Carolina." MAIN s. A 1010. Matlaeea Ex. Sundays and Bolldaya, 15-25-50C NIGHTS THEATER 15-W-SG-75C Week of April 10 Angela Dolores In 'Cupid at Home." Lew Hullv. Melnofcta Twins and Clay Smith, Hawthorne and Burt, remse and Mason, Rosaire and Ioreta Helen Hemdon. Orcbestra, pictures. THE GRAND-VaudeTillede Lax WEEK OF APRIL 10. ANOTHER BIG BILL. HAY WARD'S 8 DRESDEN 8 DOLLS. Mr. V. L. Granville. Duff and Walsh. Norton and Russell. Meeb Trio. Harry McDutTee. GnutdMoope. STAR Theater ENTIRE CHANGE TODAY New Pictures: "A Repentant Burglar." "A fair or uarters. "Outcasts" "The rjvna- imite Vest." "The General's Fiancee." "The xeamster Daughter," and "We're Backing I P"; also a new pictured melody by Mr. Dow Brink. The above offerings are abso lutely the latest arrivals from the greatest producers in the world PAN TAG E S THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations. Rafayettes Acrobatic Dogs A European Importation. One of the Great est Animal Acts In the World. Matinees dally, 15c; two shows at night, 15c and 25c. BASEBALL Recreation Park- Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND April 22, 23, 24, 25. Gsmes begin weekdays 3:30 P. M.: Sunday, 2:30 P. M. Admission Bleachers.' 25c; Grand stand, 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Children: Bleachers, 10c; Grandstand, 25c Ladle' Day Friday. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednesday. AUCTION SALES' TODAY. At Morgan's barn. Grand ave. and East Market Bt., horses, harness, wagons; sale at 1 o'clock. Baker & Son. auctioneers. MBETDfQ NOTICES. OREGON LODGE, NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Special communi cation this (Saturday) evening, 7:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. E. A. degree, visiting brethren cord- inviiea. ry oraer w. M. A. J. HANDLAN. Secretary. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT, NO. 1, I. O. O. F. All members and visitors requested to meet at Temple. 6:30 o'clock. Sunday even ing. April 25, for the purpose of attending church services at Centenary M. E. Church, corneT East Pine and East Ninth streets, at 7:30 o'clock. E. E. SHARON, Scribe. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Members of Security Council, No. 23. and visiting members are urgently requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. W. S Young; tormer corresponding 'secretsry of Security Council, today (Saturday), April 24, 10 A. M. - Funeral from residence, 4H2 Mis sissippi avenue. Members please report to R L. Voelker for Instructions. FUNERAL NOTICES. JOHNSON At residence. 635 East 9th st. South. Oliva A. Johnson, beloved wife of Tedman Johnson and mother of Theo dora O., George S., M. L., Edward J., Otto W. Johnson, and sister of Karl Odegard. She also leaves a daughter-in-law and a grandson. Funeral will take place from residence Sunday. April 25. at 1:30 P. M.. thence to the Norwegian Lutheran Synod Church, corner East 10th and Grant sts., at 2 P. M.. where services will be held. Friends respecfully invited to attend. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. YOUNG Funeral services of the late W S. Young will be held at the family resi dence. 492 Mississippi avenue, today (Sat urday) at 10 A. M. Services at the grave under the auspices of Harmony Lodge, No. 106. I. O. O. F., and Knights and Ladles of Security. Friends and acquaint ances respectfully Invited to attend. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. HOGAN Funeral services of the late Mary E. Hogan. aged 70 years, will take place from the family residence. 430 Stark St., Monday, April 26, at 8:45 A. M., thence' to the Cathedral, 15th and Davis sts , where services will be held at 9 A. M. Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Mount Cal vary Cemetery. MALLORY Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services of Mrs. Eleanor Mallory, beloved wife of F. E. Mallory, of 869 East loth st. North, at the Crematorium, Sunday, April 25, at 11 A. M. Friends can view the remains today at McEntee-Erlcson Company's chapel, 409 Alder at. LEROY Funeral services of the late Ed ward Leroy, aged 86 years, will be held at Dunning. McEntee & Gtlbaugh'a chap el, corner 7th and Pine sts., today (Sat urday) at 4 P. M. Friends and acquaint- ances respectfully Invited to attend In terment Mount Calvary Cemetery. ABRAMS At her late residence, 193 Seven teenth street, this city. Sarah Lavlna Abrams, widow of the late William P. Ahrams. In her 88th year. Funeral this (Saturday) afternoon at 2 P. M from First Presbyterian Church. HOOVER in this city, April 21, Charles Hoover, aged 19 years. 4 months and 9 days. Funeral will take place from F S Dunnlng's parlors. East Alder and East 6th streets today (Saturday). April 24 at . 10:30 A. M. Friends Invited. ' CAMPBELL The funeral services of Alex ander w. Campbell will be held at the Forbes Presbyterian Church, corner Bell wood and Gantenbeln ave... at 2 p m Sunday. Friends Invited. Interment It River View Cemetery. at Dunning, McEntee GUbaoah. Fnnmi Directors. 7tn and Pine, Pnone Mato 5IS Lady Assistant. Office of County Corpnlr. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral dlreet ors. 220 3d St. Lady assistant. Phone MgSl! P. FINLEY SON. 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 8, A 133 ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Dlreea, rs. 2718 Russell. East 1Q82. Lady asstatilntf F. 8 DUNNING. Undertaker 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. I' lion. East 63. McENTEE-ERICSON CO. Undertaker! lady assistant. 409 Alder. M 61SS. 1 Main tJ fib & UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS KICE FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER. CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GONIAN OFFICE: ATl' 2h W M- M' a6- 2T- 2. 82. B 8. 18. 23, 25, 33. C 8. 18. 31. 32. " 11. 25, 31, 33. 84. 85, 234. 864 E S. 12 1 a a I' 23. 20. 20. 32," 33.' 84, T85. . 11. 1. 24. 26. 20. 34. H"r;2 15' 19 23' 25' 28- 3. 82. 34. 852. 0&4, 8f 5. , 22. 23. 25. 29. 27, 28. 80, 81. ST. L 13. 17. 23, 28. 871. M 2. 24. 2S. 26. 27. 28, 34. 85. 37, 39, 823. N 10. 1A 3A 51 OK ttA 194 O 5, 6. 25. 29. 30. 33. 34. i' iV il- ZI- 22 M' 2. 31. 83. 862. R 6, 14, 81. 821. N 2. 3. 7. 1. 23, 24. 28 T 2. 7. 10. 23. it. 77. 857. V 10. 11. 14. 15. 10. 2S. W 10. in - X 15. 10. 20. 21. 23. 27. 263. Y 6, 10. 13. 14. 19. 25, 33. 34. AH 5, 6. 11, 10. 27. 20. 2lC V. 1B.'. 2l- 28. 29, 670. 807. AD 15. 17, 34. 865. AE 10. 15? 16, 17. 20, 21 AF 10. 11,1 19. 24. 27. AO 14, 21. 26. 28. 29. AH 5. 10. 22, 23. 2ft, 84. A.I 12 IS IS ou m ai ' AK 16. 20. 24. 25. 29. 33. 1j 17, 20. SI. 33. AM 0. 11. 14. 17. 19. 24. 29. - AN 10. 24. 26. 28. 32. If above letters are not called for within six days, same will be destroyed. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS CoaIAuB,tr?",an' WymIng and Washington ""Coal delivered promptly In any quau 51; Phone us your order. star coal Co.. 0 2d st. Phones Main 1618. A 1884. Coal Kemmerer coaL the best Wyo " ming coal; gives more heat and less asK Churchley Bros.. 13th and Marshall sts. Phones Main 931. A 893L FlOriSt Cut Flowrs always fresh from . our own conservatories. Martin & Forbes Co.. 347 Washington st. Both phones. Electric Fixtures Jh." eauli new home. Our prices are right. All work guaranteid. Western Electric Works. 61 81xth street. Platfner and all silverware t " S replated as good as new. Oregon Plating Works, 16th and Alder. Main 2575. A 25 1 5. Coal Richmond and Wallsend Australian. V Independent Coal & Ice Company. opposite City Library. Roth phones. NEW TODAY. 50 Acres Six Miles South of Courthouse 40 under cultivation; 10 acres of tim heiy new house, cost S2200; full cement new Darn, cost 9L200 new chicken-house 16x20, sided with rustic; implement shed 60x16, sided With rilslln- Vlna.An IC.Oi. 11 1 II .1: ------- "v,;,. J "Ail, an UUI1U1QRS painted: all fenced with Pittsburg 1 a .1 wre lence; cross-ienced i lieias. inis place i c . , ' ' 1 'J 11 uu nie interest ed, come in and we will show it to you. Bolds -Wallace Co Sir Board of Trade. R. M. Wilbur has returned from Southern Califor nia and offers for sale 200 feet on the east side of East Third street, between East Davis and East Ever ett streets ; also 100x100, southwest corner of East 3d and East Couch streets; also 100x100, northwest corner of East Third and East Couch streets. Temporary office with O'Brien Realty Co., 301 McKay Building, cor ner of 3d and Stark streets, until May 1st; afterward at 306 Chamber of Commerce. $12,000 Owner will sell modern home on corner of 25th and Marshall. Northwest front. CLAUDE E. HICKS 508 Corbett Bldg. Main 6636. A 1629. LAST GALL That .beautiful 80x100 foot lot on Hoyt street near 21st street. Reallv a gift at ?8500. HDMAS0N 8 JEFFERY A 3814. 226 Stark St. M 1189 FOR LEASE one-story brick warehouse, 60x200 feet 60 feet on track, southwest corner 18th and Lovejoy sts. Low rent. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 22t Stark St. READ THIS! 6-room modern house, cor ner lot, for sale. Apply to owner on premises, 674 Schuyler st., corner 19th. CEORGB BLACK.. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (AU Branches) 823 Worcester Bldg. Phones, Idala 8371. A 401S. Acreage Bargain NEW TODAY. mmmwmmmm OPPORTUNITIES Are You Looking for Something? Do You Wish to Trade Anything? Have you farms, chicken ranches. city lots, automobiles, horses, grocery stocks that you wish to sell, trade or auction? Look us up. A List of Gilt-Edged Bargains: 2 lots, 24th and Overton. 20-acre farm, Base Line Road. 41-acre farm, Base Line Road. House and lots, Gresham. 36 -acre farm in Gresham. 40 acres fruit land, O. W. P. Ry. 25 acres, O. W. P. Ry. 350-acre farm, O. W. P. Ry. 80-acre fine farm, Base Line. Automobiles, bicycles, wagons, horses, etc., etc., for sale or trade for what you have. Merrill Bldg., 7th and Oak. Main 525. Homeseekers, Read lhis Bargain 93 4 acres. 20 acres in cultivation; grood barn, small. house, fine running water, erpod cream-house with spring-. 7 head or Jersey cows, 3 horses. Will exchange some Jersey heifers for horses if de sired. Cream route at the door twice a ,w,eek: 4 mile from sawmill and grist- mill nn main a.,-.4.. i . . ., vunvjr i u.u. i miles east of Oregon City. Part of this land UBS TOtt nir all 1- l ; . - -jo " o-ii iiu ueeu siasnea, burnt and seeded and has good pas ture. This is a fine dairy and stock farm. Price J4250; $1500 down, bal folceMterm?' E" p' E111tt & Son, room -.".-uiii icmpiB, uregoa c;ity. Or. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to by- GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property or the eitv SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER 8 .w mu iii-uy sn.KJXKjad real ences under construction and to im provemenU going on. The Oregon Real Estate Company AVJE. ASD MULTNOMAH HI $6950 will buy a splendid 7-room home, with sieeping-porcn. Grounds 75x100 in the choice section of Irvington Owner lives out of city and will sel this place for $2000 cash, terms on bal ance very reasonable. Thi. i , gin, and if not sold by May 1 will be taken off the market and leased for io years. lr you want a home, not overlook this place. GEO. D. SCHALK Main 802. A 231)2. 264 Stark St. Most Beautiful Quarter Block Southwest corner of 28th and Raleigh streets for sale. Look at this and then call on R. M. Wilbur Temporary Office With O'Brien Realty Co- 301 McKay HI dir.. 3H ni c--v- Until May 1, afterward at 308 Cham ber of Commerce. - Four "Days' Special 72x150 and two 6-room cottages- new never been occupied, first-class plumb ing, electric lights, tinted walls; be tween two carlines. near 32d and Haw thorne ave.. 11900 each ,800 down bal ance monthly or to suit. Pretty view overlooking: West Side. Look me tip and make appointment to see them Sunday or sooner. 308 BOARD OK TRADE BLDG. Phones Main 4 l.'.S, A 1273. $2500 New store and 3 Hvingr-rooms, well built, good corner lot 50x100, and fresh grocery stock. In that part of the City where there is more building of homes than any other. The good will of this corner will be worth the above figure by the end of the year. Terms if desired THE SPANTON CO- a0 Stark St. $2500 100 x 100. with 6-room house, large barn, on West Side, half block from carllne. This is a snap. OEO. D. SCHALK, Main 292. A 2302. ' 204 Stark St. FOR sale; 30 acres, north bank Columbia River one mile from Camas. 12 miles from Vsncouver; fine spring on land, suit able for platting or early fruits. If taken at once will sell for f85 per acre Easy terms. AMERICAN TECHNICAL BOOK CO. 502 Crary Hldg., Seattle. WEST SIDE Exclusive Residence District 3 very desirable residence lots, unob structed view harbor, mountains and city surrounded by line home. 3 blocks to w' carllne, near Cornell road and 29th st- see SMITH & EVERETT 800-31O Falling Bldg. . S Acres On carline, west of 49th street, suit able for platting. SMITH & EVERETT, 309-310 Failing Building. -TRACKAGE for sale or long lease, 120x200. all or part; S. P. and O. W. P. tracks; solid ground; East First and East Madison. ROBT. HOFER, Board of Trade Rids, 280 Oak. Main 646o. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1. 190s. Daily or Sunday. .1 Per Line. One time - o Same ad two consecutive times gio Same ad three consecutive times SOe bame ad six or seven consecutive times 6tte fix words count as one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less - " . ., , v. , ii bii wivrnufmpni a not run consecutive times the one-time rata applies. The above rates apply td advertisements nnder "New Todny" and all other "nsiltira lions excepting the following: miiuiiiDai aniea. Ataie. Situations Wanted. Femala. For Rent. Rooms. Private Families. Rooms and Board. Private Families. yonsekeeping Rooms. Private Families. - , : " . we ciHwiincauon is i cents a line each insertion. armra in tne "New Today" columns Is figured by measure only 14 lines to the Inch. A receipt will be given for all pnld-ln- --j-"ik. im uregonian will not .'"rjr L-rr"" r . '-'""d oney REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F ihnh.m im i i.i. . Andrews.?. V. & Co. M. 8349. 30Hamllton bg! gaker- A'f" A.. 118 Ablng'on bldg. Beck "William G.. 812 Falling bldg. rr?2V.Ai H Co" 20J-S McKay bldg. Real y? l' lns"rnce. mortgage loans, etc Brubaker Benedict. 602 McKay big. M. B4B SH"?,nT. DHtr,?.w- 83 Cbamber Commerce, Cook. B. B. A Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. K. A Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co.. Msln les. 200 Ore son lan. Lee. M. E., room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrlsh. Watklns Co.. 260 Alder st Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. Club bldg. SchalV. Oeo. D., 204 Stark st. Main or A 303 Bharkey, J. p. & Co.. 122H Slxtb t- ThM 9,reKon Estate Co.. Grand are. and u l invitsaaj A U U 11 lO D. J w'i15tv"0J. 303 Lumber Exchange bldg. WALKER. S. T.. 604 Corbett bldg. 227 H Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SEE THIS BEFORE TOXI BUT. New 5-room modem bungalow with pan eled dlninE-room hparn .iiin n. WaJ'"' ifu" Porche. porcelain plumbing, gae iovu itu,, Iuu attic and basement; thto Is situated between two carlines on tne best Improved streets on the East Side; JoS"1 . walk' a" improvements paid; price .-00; f250 down; owner on premises. 37th anerman. rnona Tabor 1467. . IRVINOTON. . 3 750 will buy i lot w Puy 2 lots. " iu. ?uy :---3 lots. This sounds way below value, and it is. Ask us. BLAIR & HATS. Phone A or Main 3230. 426 Commercial club Bldg. WANTINO a comfortable home? Here Is a big snap for tlSOO: 14 block with modern - . uu.ii uuubc. easy payments, near carllne. less lor all cash: alnn -1 1 r ., 1 r. room house, full lot. for 2000. 500 down, easy payments. Many other places cheao z, " e uoiascnmidt, 253 1 S1400 BUYS n.w r- . "wvi.i iiiu.ic u Euiiage. Must be sold at once for cash or as good rnwierea, untea. porcelain bath lonei. not and cold water, electric light fixtures In. beautiful lawn and rosea. Take Ml Aim. na . . . . ..... . . - - . ki uu ai iviiiiara avenue see Joe Nash in office. 267 Klndorf st. HERE IS TOUR CHANCE WEST KTnw R X rIPIPp Strictly modern 8-room house,' walking Olstance. beautiful corner lot; a complete uumv anu a gut-eace lnveatment. BARNETT & BARNETT. 516 Board of Trade. Main 6034. ....I? BARGAIN'S IX HOMES. 92750 Bungalow, 5 rooms. $2850 Bungalow, 6 rooms. $3250 Bunftalow, 6 rooms. Xew, modern, Hawthorne Addition easy terms. Tabor 331. ia EWU1TY in 100x144. corner. Tremont on Mt. Scott line; $345 bal ance at $10 per month; lot worth more money now; buildings going up thick 'all arouna; tnree blocks to car. Phone A 1555 ' - " ' 1 1 010 or caji ii.i uaK si. PIXF IVVRRTMWT $17,500 buys 80x100 on Mh at ' nan- Hiii three elegant houees included; fine enouKti for Nob Hill: Income $12 per month; think of the location and Its possibilities. Brong- '.-"" .11 St. 12-ROOM home on Nob Hill; lot Is 60x100 viiuii location on uilsan street; a very .we uuj. emier tor a nome or Investment price 1-8000. For Information call on owner Pallln. kl I HAVE sime snap In small houses on very as little riowa as 100. Thompson. 411 Corbett bldg. 2V4-ACRE tracts, cleared and In high slats of cultivation; running water on premises; easy terms; close to 5-cent car service Call on Trustee. 410 Falling bldg. ANOTHER FINE BUT. Fine 6-room house on Irvlnic st.. near 22d St.; modern and complete; S5K if tiken at once. Brons-Steele Co. 1 lO 2d st A SNAP By owner; going to leave city, new modern 6-room bungalow. 1157 Clinton st on W. R. carllne, near 30th st. I mesn busi ness. BT owner, full-stxe corner lot. cottage, bear ing fruit trees, berries and roses, trees -cheap for cash, call at 1472 Winona st ! Woodlawn. FOR SALE. Tract, making 9 lots. Mt. Tabor district 00 cash will put you In possession. Price 3235 per lot. Box 233. St. John. Or. FOR SALE Snsp if taken at once. 5-room cottage near Swift townslte. Phone Wood lawn. 1433. 750 Small home (new), on corner East 38th St.. bet. Grant and Sherman; It's cheap. Ralston, on premises. 6-ROOM house. 632 7th. head of Sheridan St.. 2O00; easy Installments. Gold schmidfs Agency, 253 V Washington st. IRVINGTON Lots $000 ujK corners 100x100 2(K0 up. A. Backus. 18th and Brazes sts ' Irvington. ' 6-ROOM house. SOxlOO lot, Sunnyslde very reasonable; easy terms. Vanduyn & Wal ton. 615 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 206 Ablngton bldg. ONE or two beautiful lots. N. w. corner Webster and Montana, convenient to new blgh school. FOR SALE by owner. the handsomest bungalow in Irvington. Call and see it. 624 E. 20th St. N. $200 25 MONTHLY, $2700: six-room bun galow. 61st. near Hawthorne. rr. Darl ing. CORNER lot (alley) E. 84th. near Haw thorne. 1100. Owner. Bellwood 370, eve nings. CLOSE I.V I.OT Lot on East 24th at . n n - . . . ...... ' . oncilNUU DIQg. NEW, modern. 6-room house o lots. Improved street, on carline. Terms! M 25. Oregonian. CHOICE acre homes! te on carline. Ready to build on and plant. S1000 twr am r. t7 Relnhardt. Oak Grove. V?'ESSir:. PA,RK. four best lots In block 139. Foes St.. at a sacrifice If taken quick Owner leaving city. Address 009 Laurel st. LOT 60x100 fully Improved, near 37th and Broadway. ,550. Terms. Phone Tabor 431, LOTS $5 down. 5 monthly. Owner must sac rlnce. 250H Alder st.. room 7. $250 Fine lot near car; One view. Call 61B SwetlAnd bldg. Ci?ICE Irvington lots. E. 21st st . near Tillamook St.. $2000. A. N. 12. Oregonlan: UST your real estate or city property with W. H. Dudley & Co.. 311 Stearns bldg A NEW bungalow at a bargain. Apply Over look Land Co.. Front and Burnslde sts. FINE lot in Piedmont, S750. W. W Pavne. 1210 Williams ave. rayne. FOR SALE Six-room house, close in 2 ear llnee. Call 742 B. Main, or phose E. 1311. LARGE lot on Peninsula, fruit tres. water cheap If taken at once. AC 32. Oregonian! A NICE place for a home. See Gregory's ad on page II. LOT on East 1.1th. one block from car iiu W 8S. Oregonian. COME out to Gregory Heights Sundar Sea ad. on page 11. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ROSSMERB SECTIOJf ROSE CITT PARK. Few choice lots, block from car. in this growing, coming district, considerable less than company's present prices; payments about 190 or $225 down, balance SIS or 10 per month, corners 115. This Is advancing property, but mu?t sell; It will be nearer to business center, by the new carllne, than Walnut Park or Piedmont, and over a mile nearer thsn Vernon, Irvington park or Alameda Park. SEABERQ. Elton Court. City. Phone Private Exchange 49 or A 2770. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? Let our architect draw plans for you Tree of charge. Our building department is in charge of a Callfornlan. who is sn authority on bungalow structure. We guarantee the qualty of our work lo be of the highest only. We refer you to your bank or to Dun or Bradstreet as to onr responsibility. We loan money for building and build on easy terms. You don t have to hunt for what you want. e will build It for you. This plan will save you money. S! CONKLIS & CO.. INC.. 40. Wells-Fargo Bldg. A 1747, M. 2859. A SNAP. $2000 if taken at once; "16 acres; 750 feet water front, 4 dally boats, rural phone; postoffice, school and store adjoin place; living spring, furnishing enough ?.?te . 'rrlgste; 10,000 strawberry plants. I .,irult treM- house, barn and other out buildings: new warehouse and boathouse on the beach. 2 rowboats, cow and calf. 25 chickens, all tools necessary to farm the place. MACK AT & BURR, Inc., Olympia, Wash. BETHEL HEIGHTS WALNUT GROVB3. We give the buyer of walnut lands In Orecon the best proposition on the market today In PLANTED tracts of 6 and 10 acres escn. Call and let ua tell you about It or write for free folder. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH 610-511-612 Swetland Bldg! 2.V. Snap In swell residence district, corner Z5th and E. Madison sts.. 1 14 feet by 8t feet; two good lots and facing either east "r V?r;n Bet' well up. $1450 caeh. Owner. SIS Dekum bldg. HOME FOR SALE. Large 8-room house, close In. brick base ment, cement floor, laudnrv tubs, furnace 2 fireplaces, modern plumbing, 2 toilets 2 stationary wash bowls, best enamel bath, electric light, elegant fixtures, lot 60x100 beautiful lawn and shrubbery : $6750. terms 375 cash, balance 7 per cent. Thla house Is of the best possible construction, newly wired; everything about the property in strictly flret-clasa shape. Ready to move right Into. Phone Main 53B6 or call room 1 orceter bldg. INCOME PROPERTT. Invest $700 in a 2-story house, close In; the rent will pay the balance; a good home or an A-l Investment; too good to keep; ask about it. .. BLAIR & HAYS. Phone A or Main 32.1B. 426 Commercial Club Building. ENGLISH WALNUTS We are the largest owners and planter In Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill. 6-acre tracts, planted. $lon cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL MATTHEWS CO., INC Lumber Exchange bldk., 2d and Stark sts A REAL BARGAIN. Vi'rr-An east front lot. near fine homes on 4Hth St.. half block north of Rose Cltv lark carllne; $750 asked for lots in same block: Improvements paid; no better buv in Portland for the money. See It and you will be pleased; $300 cash, balance $1J Per month. SANDY ROAD REALTY CO S2d and Sandy Road, rhone C 2177 $575 GENUINE SNAP. Lots 50x100. near Thompson St.- no rock, (travel or brush; will bring $700 in less than three months. Anyone in mar-f2r-nU'e residence site should see this; $100 cash, balance (10 per month: Improvements paid. SANDY ROAD REALTY CO.. 82d and Sandy Road, phone C 2177 H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. REAL ESTATE AND FIRE IN'SI'RANI'E. NEW 7.ULAXD AGENCY. 213 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. M. 8890. A 2603. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. Look this beautiful One-room bungalow Over before purchanlntr; strictly modern in every respect, with fireplace. large porch beamed celllnsj. Iutch kitchen -laundry tr"r terms can he ' arranged. ;,""! Taylor trt., between 40th and 41st. Phone Kaet 1020. A FIRST-CLASS California bungalow, four larxe rooms, bath and toilet, hot and com water, beam cellinit In diiiinR-room full basement. 2 lots corner E, 40th and Fran cis sts W. W. car. Will sell cheap or trade for lots near Alberta. Call and see owner. STORE RU1LDING FOR SALE. Now ready for occupancy; an A-l loca tion Division aad 4!tth sts.; no other store within 14 mile in any direction: favnrable rTlu"1"1 Ct QU'OK- OWNER. 502 McKay THE greatest offer ever made In Irvington. 5 choice lots. $l.-,im each, one-third cash, balance I. 2. 3 years. 6 per cent; all im provements In and paid; come out and see them at once. Irvington. Broadway T,a'?.orT ,5tn nd 'aley els. E. SSti. - 1903. Dolen & Herdman. LOTS $23 TO $100. Rosary new West Side Addition. IS minutes from Washincton St.. overlooking I Ity Park: 215 lots sold yesterday; win sell few more at these prions. National Realty & Trust Co.. 326 H Washington st. HALF ACRE, $650. a,f a"'-e. all cleared: win make fine chicken ranch; very few desirable acres to be had near this. C. B. LUCAS, 40S Corbett Bldg. MUST SELL. Will sacrifice on account of sickness 5 and 6-room houses on East 11th, between Freecott and Skldmore sts; will take any price or terms that are reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 17.19, C 1889. J5000 IRVINGTON. A beautiful new, mod ern 6-room houne and corner lot in walk ing distance. Absolutely a snap For a few days only. H cash. C. F. Pfluger & Co room 14. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Murrison sts! NEW modern 6-room bungalow on East 21st St.. close to carline, full basement lot 50x100; price 2750;.$700 cash bal anct$20 per month. Spencer & Co., 102 IRVINGTON Choice lots on 18th, near Thompson. 1 block from car. surrounded by beautiful homes; price $1750 and Im provements. AE 30. Oregonian. A BEAUTIFUL suburban residence of 10 seres, close to city limits, close to car llne. 5c fare, for sale or trade. Inquire at K37 Union ave. SOME PEOPLE LIKE Well-located $125 lots; 1 tiave four of them not far from Alameda Park. 432 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Choice residence lot loftxwo near Montavllla. block to car; Bull Run water price IWW; $315 cash will handle. X 27 Oregonian. $2.00 Sunnyslde; new. modem, c rooms I?5tlon al1' bath- fractional corner lot' ,1200 cash; good buy. 307 Board of IRVINGTON 2 fine lots, east front, near .."."i.1 St.. lowest price south of Stanton $l.'.-.0 ?aoh: terms. Jas. C. Logan sola agent, 326 u. Washington st.. room 404 NICE residence lots. $1,(1 down $5 month. Prospective business corner near restricted district $4.-.0. V. 1. Norman A Co.. 4j9 Couch bldg. ' NEAR COLUMBIA PARK. lot 100x112 corner, on 100-foot boulevard; finest lot 01 the Peninsula; terms. AO 33, Oregonlan. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 6 rooms, fur nace, fireplace, etc., $2750, owner. AF it ' Oregonian. ' FOR SALJ0 Lot 8AX12 large 6-room house and bakery. Prloe $6700. Call 400 Tula? moot st. jlH 105.2