Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 23, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Housefurnishing Sale Is Still Progressing
Thousands of yards of Swisses, Cretonnes, Silkolines, Curtainings at re.
aucea prices. Shades, Carpet Sweepers, Rugs, Curtains, All at Immense
Reductions Today.
Net Waists
Nothing combines so readily with
a separate skirt to form a dress
costume as a net waist. These
waists come in ecru and white net,
elaborately tucked and set with
medallions and trimmed with
Reg. $3.75, Friday $1.98
Mannish Waists
Man-Tailored Ladies Waists, in
white madras, with fancy colored
stripes, in black, tan, blue, rose,
greens and navy,, with large pleats
in shoulder and pleated in front.
Large pearl buttons. Laundered
collar and cuffs
Regular $3, Friday $2.29
Agents for Forsythe Tailored Waists
Women s Three-Piece and Tailormade Suits
Regular Val. $35, Friday Bargain
Women who limit themselves to about this price never stood a
better chance of securing a Spring Suit, that so liberally meets
their desires garments that before Easter sold as high as $35 00
strictly tailormade imported materials, satin-lined garments that
distinguish their wearers as unquestionably stylishly gowned; only
55 buits offered. It will pay to come early this morning.
Appointed Agents for the Best Trad
Nemo Corsets and Butterick Patterns
These effective garments are made of
fine French serge, Panama cloth and
fancy satin Prunellas, in navy, rose, tans,
greens and black semi-fitting, of fashion
able mannish design, with lace yokes, lin
ing of durable satin, gored skirt, braid-trimmed.
These stylish garments, made of fine im
ported serge, in black and smoke. The
coats are 34 inches long, well-tailored col
lar, sleeves of latest cut lined with finest
quality satin, .self-striped. The skirts
are cut in latest fashion.
Imperial Taffeta Silk
Regular Price 85c
Friday 59c
3000 yards of Imperial Wash Taffeta Silks This beau
tiful soft satin finish fabric is supreme in favor for separ
ate waists, skirts and linings. Sold only to the best
trade, this silk is offered by firsfclass stores at r r
85c a yard Friday J Vc
Colors: rose, mais, gray, Copenhagen, mulberry, myr
tle, royal, pecan, leather, reseda, white, cream, old rose
and navy.
1500 yards 24-inch Black Bonnet Taffeta Silks, for
three-piece suits, automobile coats and petticoats. The
best $1.25 taffeta made,
Friday Only, at 87c Yard
Ever since the beginning of the season, we have predicted that
the colored straws would vanish,, and that Burnt Straw and
Black Hats would take their place; and so they will. By May
they will be supreme, and ours is the only store in Portland that
knew it and prepared for it. Women recognize the truth when
we say it. They know when we tell them, that we are right.
And so they come to us hundreds in a day to see what right
fashions for the future will be and when they come they buy.
i J?r
$1.75 KIMONOS XI .14 S
Ladies' Fancy Figured Long
Kimonos in dainty lawns, in
very pretty designs, trimmed
with Persian bands, long
flowing sleeves, full flare
back, some with yokes,
Reg. $1.75 Friday $L 14
800 Untrimmed Hats in burnt, black and natural, made in the
finest Chip, Tuscan, Milan, Hair and Sumatra rough and smooth
Satin Straws, in every desirable shape; in Turbans, round and
broad-brimmed styles. Values up to $3.50 each,
Many of these hats are direct copies of the finest French shapes, selling at
three and four times these prices. We are offering these shapes at
Friday Only $ 1 .29 Each
.KN,..-.. " '"
.it St "
Flowers for tnmming are still holding first place, as they should, in accord
ance with nature's blooming in all exuberance and loveliness ofSpnnS
In conjunction with this great untrimmed Hat Sale, we will offer for Fri
day only, a very attractive lot of Spring Flowers Roses, Hydrangeas. Wis
taria, June Roses, Lilacs, Asters, Foliage values to 95c
Friday Only 39c Bunch
NTurlne'ando RSeS fHage' RcinC' CC Cerisc' Pink-
Sale of Rich Cut Glass
Fine American Cut Glass. The storeroom samples of one of
the foremost glass-cutters. Every piece received this week,
newest cuts, latest shape, in fine table glassware. Great values.
The assortment includes bowls, trays, nappies, vases, tumblers,
water carafes, celery trays, dishes in an assortment of rich, ar
tistic cuts. The prices are the cheapest we have ever quoted
$10.50 Comnorts. R in
-i w
for $6.08
$9.50 Celery Dishes for. . .$5.98
$8.50 9 in. Bowls and Tray.sj5.48
$8.00 Vases, Comports,
Dishes, Bottles .$4.98
$7.00 Nappies, Dishes, Tum-
bIe .$4.48
$6.00 Sugar and Creamers
.JZ?ys ?3.98
$6.00 Celery Trays, 8 in.
Bowls ....$3.98
$5.00 Comports, Nappies',
a.1? $3.48
$5.00 8 in. Bowls, Trays. . .$3.38
$4.50 Bon Bon Dishes, ,
o.-.ay,s ..$3.23
$4.25 Sugar Creamer
Trays $2.98
$4.00 7 in. Nappies, Olive
l8"8 $2.48
$3.50 6 in. Nappies and '
Dishes .$1.08
$2.50 5 in. Nappies and
Dishes $1.48
Friday Only 1 7c Each
Sale Bags and Suitcases
$2 Shopping Bags 98c
Seal morocco, calf and walrus, black and
brown; leather-lined, fitted with purses,
gilt and oxidized trimmings. Extra
Str About 200 bags in the lot. Values
to $2.00 each, Friday 98.
14 and 15-irich Cowhide Grips, reg
ular value $9.00, Friday $5.98
Straw Suitcases, shirt fold straps
regular $6.50 value, Friday $3.98
Cowhide Leather Suitcases, extra
heavy and strong, regular $9 $5.69
New Straw Suitcases, extra strong,
regular $3.00, Friday $1.98
Pegmoid Suitcases, shirt fold
straps; $5.00 values $3.48
15-mch Leather Grips, lock and bolt, $6.00 value $3.98
Famous Onyx Hose at 29c
Every woman knows the Onyx Brand of Hosiery. It has
the greatest hosiery firm in the world behind the name.
Time after time special sales of hosiery are held, at a price,
some good, some very indifferent; the announcement that
will be placed on sale is bound to bring economical, shrewd
buyers to the store.
These hose are travelers' samples, and represent values
from 50c to 85c a pair. The assortment includes
plain colors, stripes, figures, in plain black, fine silk lisle
fine cotton, mercerized, brilliant lisle in black and all de
sirable Spring shades. Now is the opportunity to suddIv
your extra season's needs,
Friday 29c Pair
The Housefurnishing
5000 Pairs of Lace Curtains of all kinds,
including Marie Antoinettes, Irish Point!
Nottingham, Cluny, Cable Nets, Renais
sance. In 2 1-2 and 3-yard lengths, in
white, ecru and ivory, plain or figured
centers, exquisite borders, dependable
fixtures. Ruffled Swiss and Net Cur
tains, 36 inches wide, 2 1-2 and 3 yards
long, in white and cream.
Regular $ 1.00 Lace Curtains, Special at $
rvegular Lace Curtains. Soecial t
Z.UU Lace Curtains, Special at
2.50 Lace Curtains, Special at
3.50 Lace Curtains, Special at
4.50 Lace Curtains, Special at
5.50 Lace Curtains. Srw-ial t-
Regular 6.50 Lace Curtains, Special at
r-k 1 ' ' ' . .....
Kegular .5U Lace Curtains, Special at
Regular 8.50 Lace Curtains, Special at
Regular 10.00 Lace Curtains, Special at
Regular 12.50 Lace Curtains, Special at
Sale Continues
Every reliable make in this
sale. Every rug perfect. No
poor designs.
9 1 O $28.50 Axminster,
X I Li Special $16.50
9 1 O $20 Tap. Brussels,
X I Z, Special $14.85
919 $16.50 Kashmir Rug,
X I Z, Special $11.85
9 $12.50 Ingrains,
X I Z, Special $8.95
$65.00 Wiltons,
Special $49.88
$50.00 Wiltons,
Special $39.35
$35.00 Axminster,
Special $23.35
$35 Body Brussels,
a 1 Special $25.48
$175 Kid
Gloves at
1 Clasp Dent Style Ladies
Cape Gloves, in all sizes and
all shades of tan,
Friday $1.15
i Clasp Pique-Sewn Mocha
Glove, in browns, tans and
gray, very special,
Friday $1.15
i Pearl Button, Tailored
Chamois Glove, washes like
linen, every pair fitted,
Friday $1.15
en s
In Furnishings
2000 Men's Oxford and Percale Shirts in stripes, plaids
and solid colors; an immense assortment to select from
an ideal ball fan's shirt. "They'll stand the racket." 75c val.
Friday Special 37c Each
500 dozen Men's Fancy Lisle and Cotton Socks, a manu
facturer's sample line, an endless assortment of fancy
stripes, figures and solid colors. Reg. values 50c and 65c,
Friday Only 1 7c Pair
Men's underwear, light-weight, plain colors and stripes;
suitable for the present season. All sizes. Values to 75c!
Now is the time to get your Summer's supply of under
shirts and drawers, .
Friday Special 37c Each