It THIS MOKNIAG OKEGOyiAy, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1909. Corset Headquarters of the Northwest-"Nemo" Cors'Mme.jreng" Corsets, Gossard "Lace Front" Corsets and "Estelle" Corsets "Prosperity Sale" CoMiMies at 15e Greater Meier Frank Store 500 Room - Size $25 Values at $ 1 6.00 $2? Values at $1?.85 In the Carpet Store all this week a great special sale of mill samples of Room-Size Rugs Wiltons, Axminsters, Body Brussels Best pat terns, colorings and combinations suitable for any style room floral and Oriental effects Large assortment AH sizes Exceptionalvalues Rugs Sale Muslin Underwear : . a..JLi'j'NL..Jj,.aiiw sfs- z-S Lot 1 Axminster Rugs of splendid quality ; floral and Oriental designs in the best colorings. Great values at these low prices: 9x12 feet regular $27.00 values, at, each, $17.85 8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet 6 ins., $25 val., $16.00 Lot 2 Body Brussels Rugs, Oriental and con ventional designs, as well as small over figures; great values, as follows: 9x12 feet, regular $30.00 values, at, ea,, $19.65 8 ft. 3 ins, by 10 ft. 6 ins., $27 values, $17X)0 Lot . 3 Royal Wilton Rugs, soft Oriental colors and designs ; beautiful high class rugs at the follow ing special low prices: 9 by 12 feet, $50.00 val ues, special, ea., $38785 8 ft. 3 in. by 10 ft. 6 in., $45 values, ea., $36.85 IfJL4rStan-rd )ViIto" Ru e?ac cPies of real Orientals, both in colors and pat- o v.. k 7 I 1 1 "u"ue"1" vames, on sale at the following low prices: 9 by 12 feet regular $45.00 values, on sale at this special low price, eaih..S37 65 8 feet 3 inches by 10 feet 6 inches, regular $40.00 values, on sale at, ea $29 65 B, far the best rug bargains we have ever offered. See them on the Thi?d Floo? Sale Laces-Embroideries 79c Special lot of fine Batiste Waist Fronts, in English eyelet and French ef. leers, values ud to l.:ill ennh cil - ,:i j . . nxnn j e . V' ' "H1"'! ca. lane advantage 01 Sale. V JoltU yards ot swiss. nainsook nnrl mmkn'n vi :,i vi .. . l - , ' . .. jjiuuiuiua v, rjuuncinff, insertion and (in - loons, for women's and children's lingerie gowns, etc.- come 3 to 18 inches OQ vtVf ' VTUei T l4$1-25 ya.rd-buy all you want of it at, special, yard. 39c Ind o- d ?'-m ,WhUe' ream and suitable for waists i 1 Q and puimps; J, inches wide; values up to $2.25 yard, on sale at, the 1" te.V2kfT round,thread ind French Val.-Laces and Insertions, to 2 ins wide fn nST f 611 VaIUeS t d0Zefl 390-Regnlar $1.25 dozen values? dozen, 50c' 10,000 yards swiss, nainsook and cambric Embroidery English eyelet and French ef fects smtable for infants', children's and women's wear. Fine qualities; in dainty ? to fT ?!ortinen to select -' On sale at .the following very ow price Va to 3 inches wide, regular 30c values, on sale at this very low price yard 12 3 to 9-inch, regular 40c values, yd., 15S-3 to 12-inch, regular 45c SSe yd l An entire new Jot of colored Embroidery and Insertions to match, in beautiful stvles- LarTce: T,d V3ety ,f0F yUr Selection- at thc Allowing very ow prices' Regular 50c val., yd., 29-Regular 85c val., yd., 49-Regular $1 25 val. vd fiO Today and Tomorrow Special lot of fine Corset Covers, blouse and tight-fitting styles, trimmed in lace and embroid ery edgings and insertions, tucks, beading and ribbons; all sizes, great variety to select AQr from; regular 75c values, on sale at, ea. frfC Special lot of women's fine cambric and nains sook Drawers, trimmed in fine embroidery and lace beading and insertions; handsome styles, a large assortment to select Irom; fijl QQ regular $2.50 to $4 values, at, each. .P ?0 2000 women's good quality cambric Gowns, trimmed in hemstitched edgings, long and short sleeves; Dutch neck styles; best regular SQ-, $1.00 values, at this special low price, ea. Of C Children's plain tucked Muslin Drawers, ages 1 to 10 years; great values buy all you 1 E want of them at this very low price, pair. C Infants' hand-embroidered" Caps, lace-trimmed, very pretty styles; $3.00 values, at, each.. $1.98 $4.00 Shirtwaists $2.18 Timely offering of 2000 Cotton Batiste Waists, made with pointed and square fancy yokes, trimmed with fine and coarse laces, medallions and pin tucks; back and sleeves trimmed with tucks and lace insertion ; all sizes, 34 to 44 ; handsome stvles. great assnrtment- tlr f regular $4.00 values, on sale at, each. . Silk Petticoats at $4.35 200 "Varsity" guaranteed Silk Petticoats, fully guaranteed not fo crack or split for three months made with 16-inch flounce, trimmed with shir ring and four rows of 1-inch tailored bands; col ors ATA XrVllt:fl- IITPPTI 1YeA Untnn-Ilfl nnirvr J , u.ia.T, WA, 1KH J UlUt?, Copenhagen, gray, mais and black; QZA "ZtZ great special value, on sale for, each. .P Women's -Children's Hosiery Great Sale of Fise Soap White Ribbon Floating Toilet nn.1 na. Soap, two ounces heavier than A"l Fairy; special price, dozen cakes. TDC M. & F. Special Hotel Soap, on OO-, sale at, special, the dozen cakes. OC .Tergens' 9-cake assortment fine OO Toilet Soaps, special price, box. OC Life Buoy Soap on sale at, the cake..4 Jap Rose Glycerine Soap, at, cake..8 Palm Olive Soap, on sale at, cake.. 8 La Premier Castile Soap, at, the bar. .7 Roger & Gallet's Toilet Soaps, 1 Q all odors, special value at, cake. 13C Pond's Extract Soap, at, special. .14 Woodbury's Facial Soap on sale 1 Q at this special low price, cake..'C Jergens' Old-Fashioned Soap, cake..8 Transparent Glycerine Soap, 3 10 cakes in a box. on snlo of Ua 1 C U 4-lb. bars Pure Castile Soap, special. 43 3000 Yds. Dress Goods $2.50 Veils, at &7c Yd A sale extraordinary of 3000 yards of fine silk and wool and wool voiles, in all the new colorings and effects; self stripes, self checks, hairime" stripes, etc.": beautiful fabrics for Summer dresses, suits and house gowns; a splendid variety for vour selection ft 9 values to $2.50 the yard; on sale at low price O & C I ' Sisi-ih . " sale L jc T3 - l men Kim styl i aiiore This week our sreat annual April pi Hosiery Our entire stock. cojnpgJ1oorth of wo- s and children's hi?rh - rradf hosiery of every style and quality at prices thajmejiaconsiderabIe sav- to the economical buyer Includ- will be found lisles, silk and lisle. cottons, brilliant lisles. all-silk hos- plain, lace and embroidered e& All colors Prices as follows: Regular 25c Hosiery, on sale at, pair. .19fr E-egular 50c Hosiery, on sale at, pair. .43 Regular Sl.00 Hosiery, at, pair. .87 .Regular $1.50 Hosiery, at, pair.. $1.33 Regular 35c Hosiery, at, the pair..29 Regular 75c Hosiery, at, the pair . .67j Regular $1.25 Hosiery, the pair..98 Regular $2.00 Hosiery, the pair.Sl.G9 Regular $2.50 to $10.00 Hosiery. onlUe at prices from, pr., S1.98 to 7. 9S mis ast 2 Big reduction on our Stoves and Ranges, including Peninsular gen uine Planished Steel Ranges. The material used in the construction of these ranges is the finest ob tainable, making them the tight est, strongest and- best range on the market. They possess every feature of merit known to mod em steel range construction.- -Regular $68.00 Plan- d?tS1 A f ished Steel Range at. .pO.V Regular $75.00 Plan- flCQ f( ished Steel Range at. JOi7.JU Regular $85.00 Plan- fc2'7 tf ished Steel Range at. . W $52.00 6-Hole Range for S41.GO $58.00 6-Hole Range for $46.40 $42.00 6-Hole Range for $33.60 $45.00 6rHole Range for $36.00 $35.00 6-Hole Range for $28.00 .$39.50 6-Hole Range for $31.60 $43J50 6-Hole Range for $34.50 $9.75 Acme Cook Stove.. $8.40 $14 Triumph Cook Stove. $11.95 $16 Triumph Cook Stove. $13.95 Regular 15c Star Salt .Boxes 12 Regular 15c Wooden Spoon.. 12 20c Bread Board, at," each.. 16 Regular 15c Roll Pins, each.. 12 Regular 10 Towel Rings, ea..8 20c Wood Lemon Squeezer. .16 Regular 5c Butter Paddles at 4 Regular 25c Meat Boards, ea.l9 60c 10-pin Hat Racks at, ea.48 Regular 30c Bread Slicers. .24 Regular 30c Potato Slicer at.24 Regular 15c Gas- Torch, each 12 Regular 5c Mouse Traps, each 4 Regular 10c Rat Traps, each. .8 25c 8-arm Clothes Racks, at. .19 Regular 15o Towel Rollers at 12 Regular 13o 4-arm Racks, ea.lO 20c Chop Bowls, special, ea. 16 85c. Wall Clothes Dryer, at. .68 90c 3-fold Clothes Horse,. at. .72 $1.00 5-foot Step Ladders at 79 75c 6-foot Ironing Boards.. 61 $ Clothes Pins, at, the dozen l 7c. Spring -Clothes Pins, sp1..6 Regular 7c Potato Masher. .6 MAYOR IS PIQUED Wanted to Help Pay Wills' De tective Bills. STILL TRIFLE SKEPTICAL Inqnlrra AVliat Is Matter With Po lice If Gambling Is So Evident as Councilman Contends Awaits Convictions With Anxiety. Mayor Lane Is piqued because Council man Wills did not ask him to contribute toward defraying the expenses of the pri vate detectives who worked up the evi dence In the recent rambling raids. As the chief executive of the city, the Mayor says, he reirarfls It as no more than proper that Mr. Wills should have given htm an opportunity to help bear the ex pense of the secret service required to furnish evidence of gaming. However, the Mayor feels gratified at the eminent success attending Mr. Wills' efforts, he says, and maintain thst v.. v.. -i ways been opposed to gambling, he wants It stamped out of Portland by any means. t T, U. you know abo"t gambling in i-ortlandr was asked of Mayor Lane yes terday afternoon. "Very little." was the reply. "Ton see.. I don t gamble, nnri T ns...- j to any of those places where It is said games are carried on." The Mayor, like numerous others, has been interested to know whence came the ir, ,1 Jk'hloh to Pay the expert sleuths, and he remarked he would have been glad to help in that part of the work, if opportunity had offered. "If I could have been .......j - ... tectlves employed were trustworthy men " J. i i-oruuniy would have been glad to assist in paying for their services. There Is a well-founded suspicion that Mayor Lane was waxing sarcastic in his remarks about assisting Councilman Wills In financing the project that led up to the TViS, XaSt nlght- when con- 51 rt ,TW.and nl" deP"ttes. directed by Chief Deputy District Attorney Fitz gerald, descended upon five establish ments and arrested a number of alleged f.8 f,ra '? eaCh- " ,B 8ald tne Mavor Is waiting to see whether any of the men are convicted on the charges filed- that he is not yet fully assured gambling 1s so wide open as Mr. Wills has declared The orders of the Mayor to Chief of Po lice Gritzmacher have been and still are to enforce the laws, the Mayor asserts, and, if there is so much gambling In nrol gress as Mr. Wills Intimates, the Mayor LS..,ttst.l08R,.t0 know wnat 18 the matter with the police force. Today I j positively the last day for discount on East Side gas bills. Read "Gas Tips." . Big Rug Sale. - Calef Bros. Cooks' French Knives, 7-inch, reg ular 75c value, on sale at 59 Cooks' French Knives, 8-inch, reg ular 85c value, on sale at 67 Cooks' French Knives, 10-in., reg ular $1 value, on sale at.. 79 Lee's Butcher Steels, 75c val!59 50o Christy Bread Knife, ea.39t 25c Christy Bread Knife, ea.19 Apple Corers, regular 7c val. .5J Apple Corers, regular 5c val.. 4 10c Paring Knives at, each... 8 15c Paring Knives, at, each..l2 20c Paring Knives, at, each..l6 25c Paring Knives, at, each.. 19 Call Bells, regular 25o value. 19 Call Bells, regular 50c value. 39 Corkscrews, regular 5c ea., at. 4 25c Bric-a-Brac Dusters, ea..l9 25c Wood Dusters, at, each.. 19 Metal Polish, regular 15c, at. 12 Silver Polish, regular 15c, at.l2 35c. Alcohol Stoves, at, each.28 35c Nickel Tea Strainers, ea.28 WCO IN SIGHT Large Part of $100,000 Fund Already Promised. Pays-of Great $40 Val. $24.45 In Portland's leading Cloak and Suit Store a great offering of high-grade Tailored Suits at an extremely low price Plain and fancy tailored garments in plain serges, herringbone stripes, fancy prunellas, wor steds, black and white checks, etc. All thi3seasons most attractive apparel 3Q to 38-inch coats trimmed withOtto man silk and satin collar and cuffs, also Persian braid trimmed Skirts plain flared with bias folds and button trimmed Others sheath effect as well as a handsome line of strictly tailored garments Every suit in the lot hand-tailored, handsomelv made and finished throughout Value s range up to $4Q On sale C Q f A C while they last at. each fr tZHfHf J Princess Dresses $8.50 Vals., $4.95 Great special offering of women's handsome new Princess Dresses in ginghams and madras ; waists have dainty yokes of allover embroidery, edged with bias folds of material piped in contrasting colors of plain material; also wide tucking; skirts are plain flare and neatly trimmed with deep hem and buttons; the best reo-ulnx on sale &t this special low price, each.. Hitch en Goods Sale TALK ADVERTISING PLANS Big Magazines to Be Patronized Still Further by Commercial Club In Expenditure of Large Fund at Disposal.. Plans for advertising Portland widely during the coming year were mapped out yesterday afternoon at the Commercial Club, when the special committee of 12 met to discuss plans for carrying on the publicity work. With the big adver tising fund which is at the disposal of the booster committee, methods of spend ing it to the best advantage are being considered. It was decided to patronize still further the big magazines, for the members of the committee believe this will bring better results than any other plan. Theodore B. Wilcox was re-elected Regular $1 2-quart nickeled Cof fee Pots, on sale at, sp'l. .T9 $3.75 14-in. Lawn Mowers, $3.19 Washing Machines, sp'l.. $4.39 Regular $1.25- Wash Boilers. 99 Regular $1.50 Willow Clothes Bas kets on sale, at special. .$1.19 $1.25 Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons, set of 3, on sale at, special, set. 99 Regular 85c Galvanized Tub.67 $1.25 Univ'l Food Chopper. .99 $1.35 Folding Ironing B'd.$1.07 40c Sleeve and Bosom Board 32 35c Luster Furniture Polish. .27 25c Liquid Veneer, 4-ounce..l9 50c Liquid Veneer, 12-ounce.4l 25c Brilliant Shine Polish ar. 19 75c Lindsay Lights, compl.,54' 25c Lindsay Mantles, at ea..l9 15c Lindsay Mantles, at, ea..H 16-candle-power Elec. Bulbs. .18 25c Broom Cover, special at.. 19 5c Gas Taper, pure wax, each.4 13c Paraffin Wax, lb. pkg..lO chairman of the committee, and a later meeung was nxea tor April 30, when mat ters brought up yesterday will be settled A. L,. Mills, a membet of the committee, sent in his resignation yesterdav, saying the press of other business prevents him from giving the work of the committee the attention and time it deserves His place will be filled at a later meeting of the committee. It was shown at yesterday's meeting Vn aro already 400 contributors to the $100,0tu publicity fund recently started whereas during the past year regular contributors numbered only 78. This big increase was considered satisfactory. It was found that about J60.000 of the $100 -000 wanted has been subscribed already with a number of solicitors still at work' When these make their reports. It Is VeT,?loSe to tne b,K mm wanted will be In sight. o,,Vr a ""."on day" were dis cussed to some extent yesterdav. This nf"if J ??dln to th publicity fund will be decided definitely at a later date. Members of the committee in attend ance at yesterdays meeting were- T B lTkt ?"Trtl- X AinswTorth: Dr. J. R Wetherbee, Hugh McGulre. F B Holbrook. George F. Johnson. Frank Kerr' B. 8. Josselyn, George M. Brown and W J. Hofmann. Regular lOo Tack Pullers, ea..8 10c Can Opener, special at, ea.8 15c set Steel Skewers, at, set.l2 25c Clothes Lines, 50 feet, at. 19 25c Mop Rag, 14-lb., special. .19 Regular 15c Mop Stick, sp'l. 12 Regular 20c Screwdriver at 16 Regular 5c Dish Mops, at, ea.4 2oc Wire Clothes Line, each. .19 35o Rubber Window Washer. 28 7c Ironing Wax, special, each.6 2oc Sink Strainer, japanned. 19 7c Electric Egg Whip, at, ea.6 Regular 3c Wire Egg Whip, ea.2 10c Soap Shaker, square, each. 8 Regular 10c Wire Tea Stand at 8 Reg. 15c Wire Soap Holder.. 12 20c Wire Sponge Holder at..l6 5c Jmce Extractor, glass, each.4 Reg. 10c Wire Pot Chain at... 8 Regular 5c Sink Cleaner at. 4 Regular 10c Match Safe, each. 8 30c Extension Strainer, each.24 Regular 15c Soup Strainer. . 12j Regular 10c Tea 'Strainer, ea.8 $1.00 Waffle' Iron, at, each. 79 Regular 45c Iron Skillets, ea.36 35c 8-hoIe Iron Gem Pan, ea.28 45c Steel Spiders, special at.36 25o Table Mats, set of 6 at.. 19 Regular 5c Scrub Brushes at..4 15c Scrub Brushes, special.. 12 35o Stove Brush, special at..27 25c California Gas Toasters. 19 35c Glass Lamps, complete. .28 Regular 20o Tea Canisters. . .15 40c 14-inch Turkey Duster. .32 Regular 7c Asbestos Mats at.. 5 50c Baking Shells, per dozen. 39 Regular 30c Washboards, ea.21 35o Wesco Sweeping Comp'd.27 Regular 25c Gilman Folding Lunch Box, on sale at, special, ea.19 Copper nickeled Tea Kettle, regu lar $1.35 value, special. .$1.07 $1.10 3-pt. nickeled Tea Pots.88 $1.15 4-pit. nickeled Tea Pots.93 $L25 5-pit. nickeled Tea Pots.99 10c Sealing Wax, per package. 8 20o Tin Folding Lunch Box.lG 25c Aluminum Folding Cups 19 40c Gas Bread Toaster at.. .32 8e Cooks' Forks, special at, ea.6 8c Cake Turner, special, each. 7 10c Cake Spoons, special, each.8!? 16c Wire Rug Beater, at, ea. .12 15o Hatchet, good grade, ea. .12 25o Hammers, special value. 19 Reg. 10c Tack Hammers, eaoh.8 $1.25 Ax, best quality, each. .99 25c Steak Hammer, at, each. 19 10c Clothes Hooks, at, dozen. 8 25o Egg Beater, Dover, each. 19 5c Wire Potato Masher, each. .4$ 15o Stove Mitts and Dauber. 12 Regular 5e Stove Poker, each. At 15c Sink Cleaner, at, eaeh..l2 15c Chop Knife, 2-blade. ea..l2 Regular 8c Stove Lid Lifter.. 6c 40c Sensible Sleeve Iron at..32 10c Iron Handle, special, each.8 PERS0NALMENTI0N. A. D. Charlton, assistant general passen ger agent for the Northern Pacific left the city yesterday for Spokane, where he will meet A. M. Cleland. general ptssen! geragent for the line, and accompany him to Portland. Mr. Cleland comes to look over the passenger situation here with reference -to the expected heavy travel of the Summer to the Portland Rose Fes tival and the Seattle Fair j ESI bide I1 filHBS ST. Uth AND MONTGOMERY STS. 'Fighting the Beef Trust' Actnrio JI,':'rH A!S, bond sts. 111 IWI -R A k J K12 WILLIAMS AVE. 701 MISSISSIPPI AVE. :t!3 K A ST MOHRISON ST. .tr.S KST RI RNSIDE ST. 33l AND SCLMO.M' STS. East Side Be careful when you come to A der St et -tyou get in thCj riBh p.ace. See that Smith's name and "Fight- rTir tpitipd o . iue aoor ana men come in. Fresh Creamery Butter square fSO Fresh Ranch Eggs, per doz'.'.'. !5 'c Fresh Willamette River Salmon. Per lb 15 Deep Sea Halibut XiiC v.iniii9, per aozen 12 Beef for boiling 64 aud TC Roast Beef 8. . XOt. 12V4t. 15? Beefsteak 10 I2ii4 -i 1 Roast Pork ! loi' i-Cjf ' Pork Chops , , r" Roast Vea:. . . . . . .ioU veal cutieta.. ASi Smith's Breakfast Bacon".'. . . . XT?S Smith s Sugar-Cured Hams 15. , , , - rum oausage. . Vi? Hamburg Steak ....7. IOC Pickled Pork. Dry Salt Pork , Corned Beef Beef Tongues, each Pigs' Keet. per lb Of. Sc SOe or 18 lbs. Sugar e i nn 100 lh Polite. Si"l5- Apples, box i nn 10-lb. sack High Pat. Flour T.35c 50-lb. sack High. Pat Flour 1.55 SO-lb. sack Pride of Valley Flour SI. 35 The best Home Made Pies. each..l5e 1 qt. Pickles IOC 6 loaves Bread 25C 3 boxes Matches. 1500 in box 25 8 boxes Parlor Matches, 600 in box..Z5c Chip Baskets, wire handles, each..lOc Our best Mackerel. 3 for 25 1 best Stove Brush and 1 best Ox flber Scrubbing Brush 25 3 cans String Beans. 25 3 cans Milk 25? 3 cans Pumpkin 25 3 cans Tomatoes . 25 3 cans Corn 25 3 cans Kidney Beans 25c 3 cans Pineapple 25 2 cans Shrimp 25 2 cans Mrs. C.'s Fig Pudding 30 2 cans June Peas 20 6 cans Domestic Sardines in oll...25i 4 cans Soup. . 25 tviouiner .Mutton., per lb in. I i rr 1 ........ i . I.oin and Rib Mutton fhr 6 cans Domestic RlusturH 2 cans Corn Beef.' '. I ! '. '. '. 3 cans Salmon (guaranteed c i i.n u iaw. .......... 1-lb. can Baking PowderHIII 3 cans N. O. Molasses Oysters. 2-lb can 1 3-lb. can Tripe ".' 2"!D- can x Marrow 5 ?ulb-oCan.Roast Mutton . .. 3 lbs. Sal Soda 10 bars Laundrv Soap.'.'.'.'.'.'.".' 7 bars Toilet Soap 3 pkgs. Gelatine New Patent Mop Sticks, each Bulk Starch, lb 4 pkgs. OIoss Starch . ."..".'.".".' 4 pkgs. Corn Starch 1 bottle Blueing 4 bottles Chow Chow 4 bottles Mixed Pickles 4 bottles Sour Midgets 3 bottles Hot Stuff 3 bottles Mustard and Horse radish 2 bottles Worcester Sauce" "." 3 hntfT.a ...25 1 bottle Orlffins" CaVsun." nts 2o 1 bottle Capers ... under : 1 botiln Currv Powder 25 j 1 jar Peanut Butter ? i J"' i"i'. rrenared Miislar.l 3 lbs. large Italian Prunes u lbs. Yellov Crawford Peaches 2 lbs. large Kvap. PcarV '. '. '. " 2 lbs. Kvap. Apples . 3 lbs. Boneless Codfish 5 lbs. Jap Kte (whole) 5 lbs. Navy Beans .. """ Kngllsh Walnuts lb.. Brazilian Nuts. lb.... """ Filberts, lb II!!!"""" Iustpans, cacli .'.".."."."."."."."" Ainerlc jn Cliib Coffee. 3-lb canifil m RovhI r nh rff., . v. "jx."i,"i The Breakfast Blend. In.. V . nMifee for t,,e '""ney in "t'own'2oo 1 lbs. Sago . , -I ' 3 lbs. Tapioca . ...II! -S 3 pkgs. Macaroni II ! ".! 1 1 1 1 !s5c ...25 ...20 ...15c ...15C . . 15c - -5c . -25c ...25C -.25 ...IS ... 5C 25c -25c 4C -25 . . .25c ...25c . .25c ...25 25 -.25c -20c - 20c - -20C - .20C .15c 25c 25c . 25 .25c . .25c . .25c 25c . .15c ..15c 15c - sc IOC 4