THE MORNING OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, APRIL 1909. I ra - M ' i .1 - i . EC I J tll$:A Vw VA TaOir if 1 909 New Satin Foulards - Special Friday 69c Yard One of the special sales that provide unusual values. Every piece new this season. Every pattern artistic, refined. The colors include the shades in, greatest demand this Spring, such as mulberry, old rose, pi con, leather, royal, new greens, electric and tans. These foulards sell regularly at from 85c to $1 yd. FRIDAY 69c YARD. (See Window Display.) 200 MADRAS TAILORED WAISTS $ 1 .39 Strictly Tailor-made waists of fine figured madras, in striped and figured designs, made with 3 large plaits in front and two on back. Laundered collars and cuffs. In dainty pretty white and black figured patterns. 500 TRIMMED HATS $4.95 The biggest assortment shown this season, many new shapes and new style trimmings. Vals. in this lot up to $9 New Goat Sweaters Children's New Hats New Spring 1909 styles of stylish coat sweat ers for riding, automobiling and outdoor use. Made in fancy weaves of worsted 'in white, gray and cardinal, medium weight. Selling regularly at $3.50. Friday $1.98 200 new children's trimmed hats especially prepared for this Friday sale. They represent a dozen different shapes and twice as many different styles of trimmings. Prettily trimmed in flowers and dainty ribbons. This weave made to sell for $3.00 to $4.00 each, Friday we place them on sale, at tea- Special $1.95 Sixth Annual Cut-Rate Drug Sale Each year in Spring time we hold an Owl Cut-Rate Drug Sale at , , , . - r , wYwjf-uojr mugs at W hich we 1 ii 1 .1 lg cLuiicu aunng me year again, housewife and the shrewd buyer. mous and while all the quantities are always large, by reason of the big ductions are often sold out. Come early. it is the stockmg-up time of the wise 1 hese sales or ours havp k,- fa-re- APENTA WATER, regular ,25c size 1 Q Cut Rate only IOC .14c Package Cream of Tartar. 2hc. size. Cut Rate Rochelle Salts. 85c size. Cut Rata , .19c Chloride of Lime. 15c can. Cut Rate 9e Twenty-Mule Borax, 10c size. Cut Rate 7c Package Buchu Leaves, 20c size. Cut Rate 14c Powdered Orris Root, 15c size. Cut Rate 11c Iron and Manganese Peptonized, regular $1.00 size. Cut Rate 48c Bromo Seltzer, regular 50c bottle. Cut Rate ...37c Wyeth's Lithia Tablets. regular 50c bottle, Cut Rate 33c Lapactic Pills, regular 50c bottle. Cut Rate 330 Swamp Root. . regular $1.00 size. Cut Rate 69o Laxative Syrup of Figs, regular 50c size. Cut Rate 33o Hydrogen Peroxide Reg. 50c, Cut Rate 29c Reg. 25c, Cut Rate 1 7c EXT. OF VANILLA regular 50c bot-' QCp tie, special only ODC ABSORB. COTTON full one pound OQ package special wC Epsom Salts. 10c pkg.. Cut Rata. 5c Package Sulphur, 5c size. Cut Rate 3C Flax Seed. 10c pkg.. Cut Rate '. 70 Boric Acid, 10c Blze, Cut Rate 7e Package Bicarbonate of Soda. 10c size, Cut Rate' 5C Glyco Thymoline, 6 oz., regular 50c size. Cut Rate '.37c 3-lb. bar of Castile Soap, regular 60c. Cut Rate 39C Large Size Best Spanish Castile Soap, 3 cakes tor 1o Marguerite Jersey ButterVnUk," Pine Tar and Violette Soap, regular 10c, Cut Rate sc Doris Violet Toilet Soap, regular 25c, Cut Rate 15C Roger & GaUet Violet and Sandalwood Soap, regular 25c, Cut Rate 19c Sanitol Tooth Paste, regular 25c, Cut Rate 16c Rublfoam Liquid Tooth Wash, regular 25c, Cut Rate 16c Sanitol Tooth Powder. regular 25c. Cut Rate 14C Dr. Lyons' Tooth Powder, regular 25c, Cut Rate 14,5 Purest Grade Fine Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, Reg ular 25c Size, ir Cut Rate IDC Coke's Dandruff Cure regular 50c size OO Cut Rate only OuC RUBBER GLOVES, regular 75c pr. 99 special, per pair OoC .10o .14o 18c 39c White Rock Table Water, 25c size. Cut Rate .... Geneva Lithla Water. -50o size. Cut Rate Castor Oil, best quality. 26c slse. Cut Rate v0 Glycerine, per bottle,' 25e size. Cut Rate i8c Rose Water and Glycerine, 25c size. Cut Rate igc Williams' Barber Soap, regular 8c. Cut Rate 3 for Pears Scented Soap. regular 20c, Cut Rate ... Pears Unscented Soap. regular 17c, Cut Rate .. iic WJltchIIaze1' 0atmeal. Glycerine'.' Castile Soap, Cut Rate 49- Life Buoy Soap. ...hoc regular 7c, Cut Rate 4c Sa0'10' Kitchen or Hand Sapol'io'.' ..ALO Eastman's Tooth Powder, regular 2oc. Cut Rate 14c Sozodont Tooth Paste, regular 25c. Cut Rate -4C Lusterlte Nail Enamel. regular 25c. Cut Rate 19C Dr. Parker Pray's Nail Enamel regular 25c, Cut Rate 19C Ongaline Beautifies, Cleanses. Bleaches the Nails. regular 60c. Cut Rate 39C Fresh -Made, Full Weight SEIDLITZ POWDERS, Regular 25c Tins, 1 ( Cut Rate , IOC Dr. . Bell's Pine Tar Honey, 25c size, cut rate 18c; 50c size 37c .......... 00 MALT Nutrine, great tonic, 25c size I J Cut Rate only 14C 14o 4c 8. S. S.. large size. regular $1.75 size. Cut Rate $1.19 Imperial Grape Juice, . regular 60c size. Cut Rate 36o Excelsior Spirits for Alcohol Lamps, 35c bottle. Cut Rate 29C Household Ammonia. regular 10c size. Cut Rate 7c One lb. Sugar of Milk. regular 35c size. Cut Rate 22c Woodbury's Facial Soap, regular 25c. Cut Rate , Fairy Soap, Cut Rate Pond's Extract Soan. regular 25c. Cut Rate 14c Soclete Hygienic Toilet Soap, regular 40c, Cut Rate 330 Reslonal Toilet Soap. regular 25c, Cut Rate 140 WE SELL MORE POR OUS PLASTERS than all the druggists together. ft 1 5c Plasters, Cut Rate C Witch Hazel, adopted by U. S., 25c lO. size, Cut Rate IOC Sanitol Face Cream, Satin Skin Cream. regular 25c, Cut Rate i8o Sempre Giovine and Malvlna Face Cream, regular 50c. Cut Rate ..39o Dickey Liquid Face Powder regular 50c. Cut-Rate 39o Gourand's Oriental Cream regular J1.50. Cut Rate 89c FITTED BAGS In All Leathers SPECIAL $3.98 IB In seal, walrus and alligator, gilt and gunmetal trimmings. Regu lar prices from $5.50 to $9 each. In black and colors. A Quick, Earnest Sale of 1 r i - . -. f ine owiss embroideries An intensely attractive offering of high-class fine Swiss Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries in white, ecru and colored edges, insertions, flounces, waist mgs corset cover edges, allovers, galloons, medallions & , ePeleU French filet and Ma'deira effects, Z to 22 inches wide, values to $2.50. SPECIAL Wash Goods at Twenty -Five Cents A clean up of new wash materials,, all new this season, only, the lines of colors are broken and we want to close them all out. .13 Fancy Silk Mixed Foulards Selling at 35c to 50c Special 25c Fancy Striped Poplins Never sold less than 35c to 40c, in many of the newest shades. Special 25c GRANITE SUITINGS First reduction this season of this popular wash fabric. Special 25c New Barrettes v A new assortment of filigree scroll Barrettes, extra wide and o r long JJC New square and round hand-sawed Barrettes, very e r wide JVC Best quality fine carved Barrettes in beautiful patterns, all r shapes JC Rosaline for Lips and Finger Nails regular 25c. Cut Rate 170 FACE CREAMS. Dr. Charles' Flesh Food, regular 60c, Cut Rate 39C Hinds' Honey Almond Cream regular 50c, Cut Rate 39,. Veilings The balance left after a great Easter sale. The lot includes black, white and colored in plain Russian, fancy and two-toned. 1 1-4 to 1 3-4 yard lengths. All in good condition. Values to 50c, Friday 1 5 c Each Long Cloth at 9c Empress quality never sold for less than 12 l-2c yard, soft chamois fin ish, Friday at 9c. Regular quality 36-in. wide, extra fine count, soft finish. Friday 12c Yard Children's Hose 2000 pairs of Children's Hose in black cotton-ribbed stockings, seam less foot, double heels, toes and .knees. Regular 25c value, Friday,' 3 P airs for 48 98c YARD (See Window Display.) a: SPECIAL SUITS FOR Women and Young Girls High -class Tailored Suits for women and also for yHnS .girls. "Distinguished" Suits, called so by their difference from the ordinary, every-day suit Distinguished by their superior cut, workmanship', style and finish. The materials are fine French serges and imported fancy worsteds. The jack ets are lined m finest quality silk. The skirts are modeled after the best imported gowns. Selli regularly at $Z.5U. Friday's Record Price $19.85 If character, tailoring and individuality count for thing these suits should all be sold by noon. (See "Window Display.) 13 & .wiSr . I 111 Wis m?mm wis sMT f us', w- Mli -H I If : pjSTw ha W I. k Uf U 1 1 '.'.I It M .1 H .1 ' it lilt-'' VA 33 $2.25 LADIES' GLOVES $1.27 Pair For the we Friday's great selling event at Lipman-Wolfe Glove Section, offer odds and ends in manir rS the world's best makes, values up to $2.25 per pair; some slightly soiled from fittings at the counter, but oth erwise perfect. In this lot are to be found some Trefousse, Fownes, Li wo and other well-known makes in both suede and glace. All sizes and most all colors. Every pair fitted to the hand. While they last for Fri day's women's big glove event $1.27 .$1.50 Men's Shirts $1.05 On Friday we will of fer to the men of Portland 2000 Madras and Percale Shirts, Tmade with attached or detached cuffs; plain or plaited bosoms ; made like custom shirts and beautifully laundered. 50c Neck- wear ldc 2000 men's Four-in-Hand Ties, all new and desirable color ings, wide or narrow width. Value 50c ; choice 25c each. m m ' " " a . I I HI Rrv fc7 T . c or T- vv-b- j-cicc vui tains j.oj rair Reg. $4.50 Lace Curtains $3.19 Pair Reg. $1.50 Lace Curtains $1.19 Pair 900 pairs of Marie Antoinette, Renaissance, Lacet, Arabe and Cluny Lace Curtains, all made on the best Quality of French nets, both edging and insert ing patterns, white or Arabian color, 2i and 3 yds. long $7.50 Lace Curtains 1 $5.85 $6.50 Lace Curtains $4.98 $5.50 Lace Curtains $3.98 $4.50 Lace Curtains $3.19 Also 500 pairs of Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 and 3Vi yards long; specially priced as follows Reg. $5.00 Lace Curtains $3.95 Pair Reg. $4.00 Lace Curtains $2.98 Pair Reg. $3.50 Lace Curtains $2.33 Pair Reg. $2.25 Lace Curtains $1.50 Pair Reg. $1.50 Lace Curtains $1.19 Pair Spring Household Sale Useful everyday needs at sharp reductions. This sale is the reg ular Spring bargain event in our Notion Store. 50c Favorite Silver Enamel Paint ... 33C 20c Favorite Silver Enamel Paint i7c 25c Ormaloid Gold Enamel Paint i9c 10c Can Putz Pomade...... 4c 10c Can T. M. Blacking.... 6c 25c Gilt Edge Polish) l&c 5c Box Neverdrip Gas Tapers 3c 15c Gas Mantles '9C 6c Asbestos Stove Mats.., '.3c 10c Asbestos Iron Holders. 5c 10c Imperial Cement 8c 20c Bottle Furniture Polish 12c 25c Renovate for gloves, and shoes 21c 10c Household Oil Can 8c 10c. Witch Cloths 6c 5c Carpet Tacks 4c 15c Cup Hooks, doz 9C 15c Lulu Scouring Powder, can 8c 15c Pearline Washing Powder n 8c 20c Stovepipe Enamel 12c 6c Twisted Candles, all colors, 3c 4c Twisted Candles, all colors, 2c t, : - . m ii -- - K I 4 -i. . -- BUI TROLLEY LINE TO BUTTE XKW COKPOHATIOX ORGANIZES ITS FOltCES. Project Calls for Construction of 300 Miles or Road Across Oregon, Idaho and Into Montana. Incorporation of an electric railroad to build from Portland to Butte. Mont.. as accomplished yesterday, when the Portland. Butte & Baker City Electric Railroad ai organized, and articles of Incorporation filed. 11. j. McAllister Master Fish Warden, is president; John M. Gllkyson. vice-president; J. c. Rob inson, secretary: Mark M. Gill, assistant secretary, and John Talt. treasurer. Th project calls for the construction of 300 miles of railway across Interior at Is Oregon and' Idaho to Central Montana. The first section of the road is planned into the John Day. valley in Central Ore Ron from Portland. Construction of the first 30 miles out of Portland, it Is said uuiten or me road, is to begin once. Work on grade . for the road promised in June. U M. Rice & Co., of Seattle, are the engineers for the new company. The project is a part of the schemes orig inally" mapped out by the Wasco Power Company in Central Oregon, where tensive power sites and water rights have been secured. The Portland-Butte line is a separate project, but is closely allied with the parent- company. "We have several surveys running over the Cascade Range between Portland and Eastern Oregon." said A'ice-Presldent Gllkyson last night. Our first work will be to put a line into the John Day Valley from Portland. "We are not yet ready to make public details in connection with our road at the Portland end. such as probable ter minals, route of leaving the city, or other details. These thjngs are being closed up new. We have J200.000 to spend on im mediate work preliminary to construction and will send once." engineers at KETCHEL DENIES CHARGES Will Fight Breach of Promise Suit Suit Brought Against Him. GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., April 15 Stanley Ketchel. the-champion middle weight, will tight the breach of promise- suit brought against him by Miss Elizabeth Houman, of this city. In the circuit uourt here. His filed a general denial of charges today. attorneys the girrs General Court-Marllal Off. ST. have PETERSBURG. April 13. Orders been issued to dissolve tv. eral court-martial vrt-.ich has been sit ting for several months to dispose of cases connected with the Baltic insur- oi. iua-uB. as soon as now before It Is concluded. a. case LOTS SELL FOR $100,000 NORTH END VALUES GO . OTHER NOTCH. CP AX- Part of Old Tracy Estate at Fifth and Flanders Is Purchased by Albert E. Johnson. North End values moved up a notch yesterday upon the conclusion of the sale of three lots at Fifth and Flanders. The consideration, as announced by B. J Jaeger is placed at $100,000. At the same rate for the other lots the value of the block would be over $266,000. The sale was made by B. J. and J P Jaeger, Ed J. and .John G. Tracy and C. H. and E. E. Farrlngton. The lots are part of the old Tracy estate and the men mentioned have owned the property .for about two years. The property -has 200 feet frontage on the south side of Flan ders street, 100 on Fifth and 50 on Sixth. On the city map It Is platted as lots 5, 7 and 8 of block 3S. Couch Addition. In ferior frame buildings are at present built on the ground. The lots were in the pos session of the Tracy estate for 30 or 40 years. It is the intention of the Jaeger Bros, to reinvest their portion of the purchase money and probably to erect a building to occupy a quarter block. This firm has been remarkably fortunate In its realty investments and now holds sev eral valuable pieces in different localities of the city. The purchaser qf the Flanders-street lots is Albert E. Johnson, an attorney of Portland, and it is said that he has as sociates in the deal. It .could not be learned last night what intention the new owner has with reference to the property, but the presumption Is reasonable that a good Improvement will be made. Amity Condenser Busy. AMTTT, Or.. April 15. Special.) The milk conderser here is .being oper ated at Its full capaijity. and furnishes employment to a largfe number of peo P e. AmUy has added a new fire en gine to Its fire-fighting equipment. FIGHT SOCIALISM PERIL Seth Low Says It Makes Deserters From Army and Navy. NEW YORK. April 15. How the Na tional Civic Federation fa opposing So cialism In this country was told bv Seth Low, former president of Columbia Uni versity, in the course of an address last night before the members of the National Metal Trade Association. "Do you know." he asked, "thatthere are Sunday schools In this city where Socialism la taught to little children' Their literature fa on our battleships and circulates in our Army, urging deser tion and mutiny. But we are doing what we can to counteract that propaganda Ve began this at the request of the labor leaders in the federation. "Such men as Mr. Gompers and Mr. Mitchell have been fighting Socialism In their la bor unions for years." Th railroad between Oirardnt ot,,i aaes a throe days' jnurnev ,h' mountain, between the ra pi" a I T" a?a If Yoa Need GLASSES Thompson "Can Fit You p K i I- v. I A f X " ftswwSwj . Mne Yearn la Portland. Two 1 earm ln the Leading Eye Cllnln of Europe. THOMPSON The Internationally Tndonted 6Iht Expert CORBETT BLIMJ.. 2d Floor. 6tn Morrison.