Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 16, 1909, Page 20, Image 20

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Wanted Comnetent
' T - vepanmeni YYorKrooms, Also Fitters for the Cloak Department Alteration Rooms
Men's Sample Pajamas
$1.50 to $1 2 Vols. V2 Price
' ! .
For today 1000 sample suits of men's
high-grade Pajamas The sample lines of
the largest and best manufacturer in the
country French flannels, silks, soisettes"
madras, chambrays, made with military or
low collar Great assortment of patterns.
$1.50 up to $12 a suit Your choice for
today only at one - half regular
value See Morrison-street window 2
50c Values 25c
Today, sensational values in men's Four-in-Hands -at- 25c each.' The style the
quality sold everywhere at 50c each. Folded ends and reversible, in every new and
pretty silk, coloring and pattern shown this season at 50c each; styles are the or
best and the values the greatest ever offered at the popular price of 25c each. ,3C
Friday's 68c Sale Curtain Materials
frank Store's B 002d Friday Surprise
5000-yards of Scotch Madras, yarn-dyed, materials with colors woven, not printed- in
dark grounds, with Oriental and floral designs; reds, greens and blues predominating
til V & 1 ' 1 uoigiis , ju jiaiicrns to select irom.
The. best regular. $1.25 values buy all yoi want at this very low price, yd.
5000 yards of plain all-linen Scrims, 40 and 45 inches widey in every i-olor
also striped Scrims; regular $1.00 and $1.25 values, on sale at, special; yard.
Bungalow Nets in ecru and ivory; 50-inch fine filet designs . or . heavy open
fishnets; 20 patterns to select from; $1.25 values, at this low price, the yard..
Fine or heavy French Nets with bordersof soutache lace., in ecru; our best
wearing net;; best regular $1.25 value buy all .you .want Sot It. at, 'the yard
68 c
2000 Battenfaerg Scarfe
$2.50 aid $3.00
Values $139 Ea.
InJhejrtJ&epartment, third floor, for to
day's 1 002d Friday S ujpj-g
great special sale of 600 handsome, new
Battenberg scarfs Allover or linen centers
Beautiful pieces for table centers, bureau
scarfs, etc. Pieces selling regularly at
$2.50 to $3.00 each Your s
choice while they last at, each P 1 7
See our big Fifth - street wjndowUplay
Great special values in Drawnwork Pieces
Third floor Economists will take advantage
35c Embroidered C oil ar s at 1 6c
10c-l5c Handkerchiefs 5c Each
$ 1 .50 Handbagsf or 69c Each
Todnv. ?nnn if,.n . -.t-.-j. , .. . .
... -wus eiuuroiaerea collars. 1a to 2 ins. wide- all -1 f
tZ y ,LTi PftttenlS; SiZCS 12 t0 15 5 rul8r 25c and 35c .'values, at each 16c
wT.nX.; hemstitched, embroi-
Today, 20,000 neck length ZTTl valf- UP 15? each, at.. 5
,lQ o ,.,, , ymm, une ana colors; the best
ESr 8;alT;L"ralfe-ant t this c aI low .rice each,
r w " U1C1I O 1 I M III I I III D-C 111 emits ..i n 1 , I nn I - 1 1
Todav. oniSif X , '"u" : "? "8; vals. up to 15c each, ,
rr- a i u "-"K.l"B Ui owning, in mack, white and colors; the best
'ar 8alues; all7o.ant of it at this exceptionally low frice. each. .OC
- via . ij tr WliTTlRrt S Mam hnwe J 1 i . i
OT, j . . . : " . vS.. kuuu quauiy learner: m blues, greens
and tans; leather or moire lining; fitted with coin purses; best $1.50 value, ea.
300 Men's Pisve Suits
$25 Values $ 1 4.3 5 Ea.
For today an extraordinary bargain in Men's
high-grade Suits 300 fine, new garments pur
chased at a phenomenally low price, and we in
vite you to share in our good fortune High
class business and dress apparel at about one-half
real value Pure worsteds, cassimeres and silk
mixed worsteds in tans, olives. London smoke
Plain colors and striped effects All new. 1909
fashions and materials -Beautifully tailored and
finished throughout Up . to - date apparel for
business or'dress wear Regular $25.00 values
to be sold for todaypnlyat tf jk
this marvelously low price suit P 1 4a3)
We guarantee them the best values you will have
an opportunity to share in this season See our
Morrison-street window, jyhjchyou!! appreciate
9 Go-Carts $5.75
$12 Go-Carts $6.95
if roHapisble Folding. Go-Carts, entire frame made of riveted steel with
riveted gear and leatherette hood; adjustable back and footrest; i2-inch flf- rrr?
rubber tires. The best regular $9.00 values, at this special low price, ea. $5.75
2-lb. Sq. Creamery Butter 56c Sq.
Today, onr great weekly offering of 5000 squares good Creamery Butter Lat
J W2a"' and handreds of - bye told us it ws equal to the
iSamJtr 7 7Pre YP1? elslThere- This shipment comes from the same CC
creamery M last week's lot. Full two-pound square, at this low price, eah 56C
I . DL.
200 Ladies' Fine Gowas
Rajahs, Messalines, Panamas
40.00 Values $ 1 5.85
Injprtland s Leading Cloak and S uit Store for today's 1 002d
iqaySuxprise a great offering of hhrdyTt-Gn5
mjincwandmpire styles This season's, most attractive apparel
attengjprice-Plain mateniKTitripes. chksalTdliiixtuFeT.
nhnejilks,taffeta silks, pongee silks. raijhTilks. Vanm cWhT
etc. The waists are elaborately trimmed in embroidery or soutactia
braid hand-worked in pattern effect, lace yokes of heavy dunv.
tucked net, dotted net, or narrow bands fagnterTtt. thTnk"
The color assortment includes light blue, rose, reseda, tan, naw
. , .....cmj,;, wiwana, caiawDa and green Beautiful
StVlSS. laPVA necnrfmiiiit All i . :-
?y ,, itrSe assoimenAUjewjjng-to-date gowns f C Qt
P 1 J.UJ
or the highest class Values un tn S4.n tA,
See Fifth-Street window di;ilMvr Oni-r-"rr u
, . i j tn me ivji. pener pian
to be here early today if you want to share in this grand bargain
38c Yard
25c "Vellis, 1 2c Yard
tiest colorings; soft, lustrous finish; regular 00c value, on sale atrthe vard. 38c
For today's 1002d 'Friday Surprise; 20.000 :vards of Sfeh V.ilin,' ifi Ixa
?'aJ,n..d"ed. effec.ts-' black, white, navy, . brown,, green, tan, gray, black '- 0
uu ulLC. oest, regular aoc values, . on sale at this special 'low price, vard "XC
M. Guar-
anteed Silk Waists ife
$9 Values $4.95 Each
MA l g. 1
TT- . .
ror ioqay-8 luod Friday Surprise Sale our first great special
Mssalmeand taffetas in four stylHjn- nht t
Ist fully larantdinirsmtiHx
or crackms within three monthsMade withlid-frol,?innd-oire-half-,nchtucks.jw
rows of buttons-All the leading shade, inrliirfiwg- HfHrhT"bluc"
-kCS 3t tP -ajstgrihtndsOmely made and
finished throjigoutdpfect-fitting dverl OOOToFd--rT
your selection-Reg. $9 vals. to bldltTtie"l67iFice 4.95
See big Fifth-Street window disttlay-Miior, will receive our
prompt and careful attenUon Take advantage -CaTAirar
women s fancy lace and silk dress waists at all priceSecond Floor
rerrins q l.o uioves $1 . 15
Women's 50c Hosiery at 22c Pair
Women's $2.50 Umbrellas $1.8
Today, 3000 pairs of "Perrin's" 2-clasp short Kid Gloves; black white tan A
Drown, red, ereen. navv n
best gular $1.50 and $i:75 taebi Sh. pr 51.15
Today, 10.000 pairs.; women's Hosiery ; in black and tan only; lae boot OO
and fancy styles m great variety; values to 50c. to be cleaned up at pT 22c
Today, oOO women's Umbrellas, gloria taffeta covering, with new 15-inch Directoire
handler; very best styles.; 2.50 values, today only at, special, each. . . .T fi
4000 Yards of Pongee Silks
At Exceedingly Low Prices
$ 1 Value 79c Yd. $1.25 Val. $ 1 .09 Yd.
$1.50 Val. $1.29 S2.50 Val. S2.19 Yd.
$3.50 Val. $2.98 Yd. Mail Orders Filled
fa the big Silk Department for
today's 1002d Friday Sur
prisea timely sale of the pop
ular natural color imported
pongee silks for waists, taj
etc. Five grades, all the very
best values at the price Here
is an opportunity to buy Sum
mer Hraee r illr e - 1.: :
.v. m a aaving
$ K35quality at $ 1 .Q9ayard L j
$1.50 quality at $1.29 a viFd I r
$2QjlHi?yaL-$2. 19 a yard
$3.50quality at $2.98 a yard
Mail orders will receive our
prompt and most careful "attention
25c White Nainsook 1 5c a Yard
Reg. 10c Percales at 6 V4c a Yard
Today, in the White Goods Department. 5000' vards . 40-inoh ,;.. v.;- -
. - . ,. r v...., lams ,wnn'u wniie, iain-
sook, superior quality; , regular 25c values, buy aJl you want, at, the yard
loday. in the N ash Goods Department, 5000 yards of new percales
very best patterns and colorings; great variety; best 10c values, at, yard
3000 Yards Batiste AHovers
and 27-lnch Flouncings
$3.50 Vals. $1.19 Yd
In the Lace Section for today's lQ02d Fri
day Surprise Sale a splendid offering of fine ba
tiste, allover embroideryand7-inchfiing
jnfjjtyleand quality, to be sold at a ri
digjp.ggjyJgy Price the yard English eyelet.
Babyirish, and French elfects in pleasing assort-
ment values in the lot up to $3.50 the yard
An advantageous purchase enables rr 1ft
us to offer you your choice at yd. V
See Fifth-St. window display Great lace values
Outing Flannels at 4c the Yard
Reg. 1 22c Cambrics at 8c a Yard
Today, 10,000 yards new Outing Flannels, stripes and checks; the best pat- A
terns and colorings; regular 7c values; buy all you want of them at, the yard.. 4C
Today, 10,000 yards 36-inch Cambric; regular 12y2c value, at, the yard, only....8
For- today's 1002d Friday Surprise we offer 200 odd Linen Cloths and Napkins
to be closed out at exceptionally low prices. Best patterns and qualities. See them.
Combination Garments
$3-$3.50 Val. $1.39
In the Muslin Underwear Department for to
day's 1002d Friday Surprise Sale a grand
special offering of Women's Combination Un
dergarments in two-piece styles, corset cover
and drawers combined -Made of fine cambric
and nainsook materials, trimmed in dainty Val.
and Torchon laces, embroidery edgings, in
sertions, headings and ribbons Very pretty
syje,handsomeIy made and finished The
popular style undermuslins AH sizes Regular
$3 to $3.50 values A special purchase from
a-iggjinS manufacturer enables ft
us to offer them at low price of p 1 3 7
Create special April sale of infants' wear and
little children's dresses, etc. Second Floor
Reg. $2 Back Combs at 98c Each
Kegular $2 Barettes at 98c Each
Tiau Pf' frriaJ- offerin? f 1000 Combs in a splendid variety of -tvl,.,
gold inlaid with rhinestone settings; also beautiful hand-carved Comb's; OQ
T A reg f2-0,0 vales-your choice of the assortment at low price of, ea
today, 1000 handsome new Barettes, in latest designs; $2.00 values at euh )Sr
Continuation of the great special sale of Rubber Goods. You should' pn.ft ' bv it
$3.00 Colt and Tan
Calf Oxfords $1.98 Pr.
For today's 1002d Friday Surprise Sale
a great offering of women's standard $3t
low cut shoes at $1.98 a pair All new
models in brown kids, tan calf, patent colt
ana glazed kid. light or extension soles.
Cuban or military heels All sizes and widths
Everypair in the lot regular C Q
$3 values Choice today at H VO
Mail orders filled promptly and carefully
.::..'":.:iv::: r . : , "; , : ... , , . . ... '
. " ' . . .