THE MORNING OREG0XIAX, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1903. Today and Tomorrow Will Be the Last Days in Which You May Avail Yourself of the Advice of Hove Frances Gale, Skilled Cor- setiere, Who Is With Us How .Demonstrating and Givine Fittings for the Famous Royal Worcester Corsets-Come While She's Her, 65c Gloves at 19c 'A sample line of women's silk and lisle Gloves in 1 and 2-clas'p styles. They come in black, white and chamois color. Regular val ues up to 65c pair Special for 1 Q n todaylwMM I Uu Women's Mocha and Suede G-loves, 1 v1 o o-r-. e,ttrT T-,1 n -1, 1 MM -vioojj oijjc, uiatft. Blaji V ill- IIIIA ues to $2 pair. Special today.cUOu Fancy Ribbons, including plain or nov elty effects, pure silk, lij? to 4 inches wide; regular values up to 25c 1 01 n yard. Choice today, yfd ...,.... I Z2b Ribbon Remnants of all kinds and col ors, lengths from iy2 to 2 yards; rib bons for every purpose. All remnants are marked at exceedingly low prices for today. Old 9 j 3Ti2th JFriday ' Mconbm Sale House-Needs From Third Floor New lines in Coffee Percolators and Coffee Urns in copper and nickel finish.' New Chafing Dishes and chafino accessories. See special showcase displaToTn nickelware and copper. New Spring showing of Ger and Tobacco Jars. New Shriner TnnL. m. t,1 , .. . . . . g ycry"gn steins emblems. -i ; j ' " '"wh.m liumera, etc., aecoratea with firmer Come in and tee our netv hne of Fancy China in poppy and many other novelty design, On 3?7Tbo7 9C 4-hook Coat and Hat Racks, regular l&c values, each. , 6- hook Coat and Hat 1 Cn Racks, 25c values; today...-1 7- hook Extension Coat and Qft Hat Racks, 15c values. ... tfG 10-hook Extension Coat A and Hat Racks, 20c vals. tG Wire Carpet Beaters, regu- Qn lar 15c values on sale at., uu ISO New Tailored Linen 7 77 Waists Today at 1J ILBSS These are of extra good qaality materials and in de cidedly smart styles. They are made of pure linen in white only, decorated with embroidered designs in many patterns. There's a wide choice in both pattern and price, so that whether you wish an inexpensive bodice or a very rich one, you will find it to your advantage to come here Today to buy. Blind or Open Work Embroiders. r i f - - i ixeguiar values from fJ.UO to $7.00 each, and on any in this 1 lot you buy, you save .. ." , 3 We are paying more attention than ever to Children's and Misses Apparel this season and mothers who are looking for best styles in misses' garments at the lowest prices will do well to look over oar assortment of these goods. Adjustable Clothes Drver. 8 folding style, regular $1.00 7 Q n value; on sale today at... f Uu Brooms, regular 25c value. .19 Brooms, regular 35c value. .25 White Semi-Porcelain Dinner .Sets, in fancy shapes, two pat terns to select from, 60 OA 4 r pieces. Today, set OTi I 0 100-piece set, today. .. ..$6.65 Dinner Sets for Summer oottages, old blue square shape, 60 OA QP pieces; special today. .. .Ot'ijO 100-piece set, today $7.40 Dinner Sets in fancy shapes, with dainty green spray and pink flowered border decoration ; 60-piece set, worth $8; QQ QC special for today vUiwu 100-piece set, $12.45 val. 9.95 Dinner Sets with green border and fancy gold border; Of An 60-piece set, worth $9.60 0 1 rill 100-pc. set, $14.90 val.. $10.90 Closing out our odd lines at es pecially reduced prices today. Dinner Sets worth CM A nn $18.00, special at.... 0l4iUU Dinner Sets worth PI Af $19.25, special at 0 I HlHU Petticoats $2.39 Women's Petti coats, made of fine cambric, with deep flounce of India Linen. They arc finished with tucks in clusters, some in sets of embroiderv and deep embroid ery edges, dust ruf fle and flounce. Values to 00 Ofl $4.00 at...0ZiJiJ Women's Chemise, made of fine nain- book or longcloth, trimmed or im trimmed skirts and yokes, finished with lace and embroidery; regular val ues from $2.00 to $13.50; 500 in the lot. Today at ONE-FOURTH IJISS. Women's Short Petticoats, made of splendid quality cambric, with flounce, finished with hemstitched tucks. O C n Extra special values today at.,. .,. DOG Tucks and pleats for trimmings. $1.00 Fancy Silk at 79c Yard These are the very, best grades of one dollar silks, and there's a wealth of patterns to choose from. Custom ers tell us that we have more silks at one dollar a yard than many stores have in their entire stocks of all grades combined. This special is on taffetas, messalines and peau de cygnes, for separate waists, shirtwaist "7 On suits, etc., for today; 5000 yards of $1 grades, yd..., . f J U $1.25 Col'ed Dress Goods 81c New Spring weaves and colorings in serges, herringbones, Panamas, prunellas, etc.; the' most wanted fab- Q1ft rics; regular $1 and $1.25 qualities at, yard. dj b 27Vzc Sheeting at 20c Yard Standard Sheeting, heavy quality, 2V yards wide Ofin and a regular 27e grade. Special today, yard ZUG Bleached Muslin, 36 inches wide and free from starch or filler, medium weight, soft finish; regular 9c Plft quality. Special for today, per yard, only. . . . 02U Trim'd Hats l-4Less Hall 1- 2 Another doable-header bar gain in Portland's most pro gressive Millinery section. Very attractive styles in Trimmed Hats that, good ness knows, were ntarked . low enough on the start, are priced for Today at ONE- FOURTH LESS than the regular figures. Most are rw . . . . . nower-trimmed effects in all the latest shades and 1 gT shapes, regular values from $3 to $20, special at 4 Kjtt Pin Cushion Tops 19c Each Tops for pin cushions, sizes 5x10, 5x12 or 5x18 inches. They are stamped on fine white linen and are in a large variety of designs. The regular prices are 75c, 45c, 40c and 25c. "I QA They are reduced for today's selling to 42c, 34c, 29c and. . . . 1 5JC Stamped Doilies, Centerpieces and Scarfs in broken lines. Come with finished or unfinished edges; goodly assortment on sale Your choice today at HALF PRICE. $5 Rugs$3.35-$4.50Blankets$3. 60 Pattern Hats season have been derived from. stlk, flowers, feathers, plumes, etc. Graceful and exclu- 1 fS i stve designs no two alike. Values from $32.50 up at V2 JTYICQ Creations evolved by the most original and most artistic of the world'sbes t de signers models that the fashions ofThTs Kich beyond description, trimmed with Women's Hose iSfffr 19c Boot lace effects, allover laces or fast black, in embroidered effects, plain fast black or a large assort ment of solid colors to choose from. Splendid craalitv hose, full -fash ioned. Regular 35c values. 1 fl Special for today, pair I ulj Children's Hose, fast black ribbed cotton, all sizes; regular 25c 1Cn per pair values; special at. . I J U Boys' Wash Waists, in medium or light shades, all sizes; regular val ues up to 50c each. Today OQn xney go on sale at just... UU That worn spot in your carpet or large rug can be covered with one of these and made to look better than ever. The cost is small at any time, but still less if yoti buy to day. They are in very pleasing and artis tically blended colors, handsome designs; Size 30x60 inches, splendid quality Axmin ster. Regular $5.00 values, p selling at, special, each VwiJu Th small Rug is 24x48 ins.; 71; a regular $3.75 value for..." OZi I 0 In Spring Carpets and room-size Rugs we have the most extensive assortment in fine colorings and rich designs we have ever shown. Patterns never were so beautiful nor selections so varied; come and choose. 1 1 White Wool Blankets with pink or blue borders; good size, just the right weight for Summer use; nicely bound edges; reg ular $4.50 values, on sale to- An pn day at this low price, pair......QJQU A better Blanket; regularly $5.50 the pair, on 6peecial sale today only p nn at this price, the pair wrTlOU Indian Rope Blankets, handsome patterns and superb qualities, large variety of col orings and designs to choose from. Regu lar $4.50 quality, on sale to- nn np day, special at, each JjOlfcO Silk Floss-Filled Mattresses, sanitary, com fortable, durable. Regular $14 PQ Cft eacn, special for today OwiUU White Lawn Aprons $1.39 Women 8 Lawn Aprons, in square, round or waitress styles, trimmed with embroidery or insertion; good quality ma- Qf Of) terials; regularly $1.75 each. Special price for today. . . .0 1 1 UU Women's Gingham Aprons, good big ones, made with sleeves, pocsexs ana strings. Splendid quality material, fast w. j.vvB umi catu. x uua B price, JUST.. ....... .69c Women's 35c Underwear 19c Vests and Pants, sizes 4, 5 and 6. Vests are low neck and without sleeves; pants come in knee , length, with tight-fitting or umbrella lace-trimmed knee. This is splendid underwear for Spring and Summer wear. 1 n Regular 3oc values placed on special sale at, only OU Oriental Laces, bands and edges to match; splen- 1 n did patterns; regular values up to 35c the yard at ISC Friday Sma llw ares Sp e c ials Snap. Dress Fasteners, small or laree sizes, white or black; regular 10c card for 5 Adjustable Shirtwaist Shields, to be slipped over arm, all sizes, worth 50c the pair, at .35 Invisible Hair Pins, in round boxes, worth 5c the box, special 2 for. .5 Real Human Hair ; Nets, large size, all shades, 25c values, each .17 Gold Mounted Back Combs, shell color, large assortment designs, worth to $1 each, special. . ,25 Shoes. $s.oo $1. 49 a Pair It sounds too good to be true, but it is a pleasing fact, nevertheless. There are 296 rairs of shoes in this lot. They are odds and ends, to be sure 5 mostly narrow widths, but the values are there and theJ- Dl" aAU fcf u- -"u or can learners, with light or heavy W auiea; s,u anea an assortment tliat description is out of the question. If you can wear a narrow shoe, by all means come to this sale. None can be changed or returned. Lace or button styles, worth from $3.50 to $5.00. To-01 Mf day we offer these shoes at the remarkable nri nfA I -ttH 'W call special attention to our immense assortment of smart Summer f-rf v. "Tilm 3 ren. Superb shoe fitters in feari Buttons, all sizes, 1 dozen on card, 25c value, special at 10 Hooks and Eyes, all colors to match any color dress, 2 dozen on card, 10c val ues for . ... White Cotton Tape, nar row width, 10-yard piece, 10c value, special ..... 5 Wider, 20c val., piece, 10 Garden Seeds, flower or vegetable, special 5 pack ages for 5 Amolin Deodorant, toilet powder; destroys all odors from the. body; 25c box, special, only . . . . . 15 Nickel-plated Soap Boxes, oval shape, regular 20c values for . ... .,. . . ... .lO Toilet Soaps, extra fancy perfumed, passion, bou quet or violet odors; box of 3 cakes for 15 New Hemstitched Station cry, with envelopes . to match, regular 35c box for 19 Twine Net Shopping Bags, large size, worth 35c ea.; special 19 Enamel Back Playing Cards, best quality, worth 20c the pack, for 15 Gas-O-Pens, for burning wood, 25c value, special, each , 15 Pompeiian Massage Cream, large. 75c jar, spe cial today only 49 Calder's Dentine Tooth Powder, regular 25c bot tle, special lO Hand, Scrub and Nail Brushes, a special lot, val ues to 50c each at 25 No Seam Fountain Syr inges, 2-quart size, regular $1.25 values 89 Pond's Extract Talcum Powder, fancy glass jars, regular 25c values... 15 $1.25 Underwear mZ 89c A rousing good special on men's medium weight "Worcester Underwear for Spring and between seasons' wear. A neat gray color; sizes 30 to 46; drawers very heavy sateen facing "and reinforced seat, French strap dhck. une ot the best mid-season garments on the market. Our reg ular $1.25 value on special sale at.. We are agents for the famous Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear for men. The stock is very complete and includes sepa rate garments or union suits in regular, stouts or longs. Wearers of Deimel un derwear should buy now and fill in their suits while every size and length and all sorts of garments are here to choose from. 89c A Special on Parasols $1.19 Women's Parasols, with the new "La Tour" handles, covers of tan mercerized soisette, and fancy set-in bor ders of green, red, navv or brown. Regular price C 1 in $1.75 each. Very stylish. Special for today. . . O 1 1 I J Colored Lace Bands in new designs and many colors x?ome from 1 to inches wide and regularly A Q gl worth from $1 to $4 the yard. The $1 quality for. . 4dC Values to $1.50 yard..6JValues to $4.00 yard.. 1.98 Neat Neckwear 65c at 17c A sample line of women's very neat Xeckwear in rabats, jabots, embroidery linen collars, embroidered stocks also stocK conars ana novelty ettects. Regular 65c each 17- if U today you can have your choice of them at. Billiken Belt Buckles, the latest fad", an emblem of pp. good luck; on sale at Neckwear Counter at 35c, 50c, QUU Corset Cover Embroidery, fine quality nainsook in splen r,1(L?s,50rtment of Pattems. Regular values up to Pn $1.00 the yard on special sale toda v at. rer vard nMI. Waist and Dress Nets, in white, cream or Boys' College Caps, made of o-ood oualitv ecru, rjlam edsres or sma l nPat fio-. nn n : .. ,hWU quality , , ' -"! iun an coiiep-o s rmrw .11. i n- ' , , " ' 'u-es; values to 65c and 75c 3-ard at regular 25c values today at, each. :-;.10c ' ia