V TREES IN BEARING Government Report on the Ap pie Industry. SEASON NEARING AN END Three Thousand Boxes L-ft In This Stale Fine Reputation of Oregon Fruit In the East. Wlille Oregon apples In quality are .upe rior to those grown anywhere else, in point of quantity the state Is considerably behind some other sections, as shown by statistics gathered by the Government of the number - of apple trees of bearing age In the United Btatea on June 80. 1903. The returns show the number of trees on the Paolflo Coast and in the leading ap--rowing states of the Bast and Middle Weset a. follows: VZhUri'" ........ 2.S23.S!M Idaho ........... 2.735.S24 California BR2.349 New York -2.878.169 Virginia .""171" ,Tnis A.rkaner"na SSSiSfl Tne""" WWZr.WS IKiiifi Kluck,irtala UltTA Ohle y . R.7.-.7.2.S8 M Irhl. , 1 2.!tr2.825 10.027.80B Illinois . ,..... 13,4,-vo.OoU it ......... fl, St). 5S3 K.r..rt 2n.04O.01 a-ansa. . 11.848.07O The total number of brarttir arvni. In the United States last year -was 201 794 -42. The appfle season Is now iirwi.. - nloee. About 8000 boxes are left in storage In this state, and these m i .out as fast as the demand justifies. Prices re fairly steady. Fred H. Page, who returned yesterday frtfra an extended trip through the East ern States, said he heard only praise for Oregon apples wherever he went. "I talked with a large number of deal ers." said Mr. Page, "and they all ac knowledged that the apples of the Pacific Northwest were the best in the market. I did not see many Hood River apples, only a few scattering lots, owing to the lateness of the season, but quite a numbor of Tf. natchee wlnesaps. The best Western ap ples were selling for $3 per box." KNGLIS1I HOP MARKET IHTLL. Trade Is Quiet, but Prices Hold Very Steady. .The Kentish Observer of April 1 says of the London market: There is not much trade doing on this w.Vh bUt I1"'"' "mMn ,tea,ly- anything with fme color fetchlrfg very full value when It can be found. Continental mark-is are dull and depressed, both the home tl 1. American advices speak of a very m . h rf iima "lu'rements. and but " , ma"d or "Port, and that little '"r n"t Qualities, the supply of whloh is moderate. . London trade reporta bearing dates of March 2T to 81 say in part: Nane A Co Th. situation on our market Is unaltered; consumer, are oniv ln "U',tylnK 'neSt.riy chtn " ValU" r."'ly un- "pre.L'd- -herr chnang.ThanS "0m' - Exchange and Hop Warehouses Business iedSoid-J? ,tOCk' he,n consld"ra"y reduced holders of the better mlddl.-clas. ruling Some business continues in year ings, but th. beet of these have pHsd Into consumption. passed MOHAIR MARKET 18 VERY ACTIVE. Pool HUlsboro WW Bo Bold Next Monday. Mohatr Is coming ln freely. Moet of the dealer, are quoting 24 cents, but .om. lot. hav. lately been, bought at 23 H cents HL"1 " t001 of mohair at HlllrtK.ro next Monday, a. J. Ray & Son Purchased th. eodavlll. pool, and not th. Bclo pool, as reported. The Solo pool is to be sold Saturday. While rood prices are being paid for mo Hair In this etate. the Eastern market continue, lifeless. The Boston Commercial Bulletin says of trad, there: hcal "market i. without a ripple of eT" " new business 1. con cerned, tor consumers are still ikkih. iZX ,nd near-by -ts. Price, are il.T non2,na'"r " Quotations. Foreign Turkey, extras. 62 88c; Turkey fair average. 4346c; Cape. firsts. 89 ffl 42c' do seconds. 88j87o. --c. Domestic Combing. 2528c; carding choice. 22 23c: carding, average. llTi' nnrr- 14 160' "'' "r.t eob'ms. 16 l8o" noils, second eob-ms. 1920o. " ' HAT PRICES VERY STRONG. JWrtp. Are. Steadily rHscreainaGrfai Trade Quiet. Th. setback given the Eastern wheat market yesterday, of course, had no effect on value, here. Buyers, however, were not so ready to take hold. Very little grain was offered, and business was Quiet The hay market 1. taking on added strength with the light receipts. Prices have not been advanced yet. but the ten dency la distinctly upward. Bid and asked prices on the Board of Trade were as follows: WHEAT. . Bid. Asked. ...l.lrt j!.ls Airll ., May i.it OATS. April .. Muy ... 2-22., ?? BARLEY. Anrll 1 H v April 10-11.. "V B"ley Fi0ur Hay April 12 4 o , 3 12 April 13 i ; .J f .April. 14 5 " iJ 1 I Total last week. 23 3 43 j 2 PACKERS BUY EGGS TO STORE. Getting All Tliey Can In the Country at Full Prices. The large packer, are In the egg market strong at the present time. They are buying reely in the country for storage purposes on th. basis of 12 cents Portland, and th. rwsult is that a comparatively small Quan tity of eggs are coming into Front street. Receipts, on the whole, are showing a de crease, and as chickens are becoming some what mori plentiful It la evident that tle heaviest laying season has passed. There was no change In the jobbing quotation yesterday, but the market was very firm. Poultry prices have been maintained to date, but if receipts continue to grow a lower level will have to be reached. There was no change yesterday ln the butter market. The demand was good and tocks cleaned up. Vegetable. In Good Supply. The vegetable market was plentifully stocked with nearly all varieties yesterday and prices on most kinds were inclined to weaken. There were fair receipts of Florin straw berries. A full car of Southern California berries Is due today. Oranges continue ln strong demand and sell at firm prices. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes- Clearings. Balances. ..1.135,:i6 S 94,545 . . 1.6S0.619 1S3.21H 749,17,1 71..1H.-, . . 1.050,441 103,231 Portland Seattle . Tacoma . Spokane FORTLAXP MARKETS. Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc tiEAn-Tkr,,clt Prices: Bluestem milling. 8125&1S0; bluestem shipping, 1.17'.jS lib; club $1.141.16; Turkev red. $110; nV ,aIU -0l-UI: Valley $i.lOH. . FLOLR Patents. $0.05 per barrel stralghts. $5 10; exports. $4.70: Vallev, sr. in ? i'.60:. whole wheat, quarters, ib.&o'. Sm CTpU'1""1' $1041 per ton. mw,5.Vi'STlj,?7S-TBran-- 250 pr toa; "neTOieina"- ,2S&3U; chop 202i BARLBY Feed. 32.50S'33.50. ,HA1 Timothy. Willamette Valley, $14 sM90n:,,Ester.n.OreS,,n- 174fl9; clove?. $1112; alfalfa. $1414.50: grain hay. $13 14; cheat, $1414.50; vetch. $13.IKl14. Vegetable, and Fruit. 1 FRESH FKUITS Apples, 66c$2.60 per box. Strawberries, $2.50 per create POTATOES Buying price, $1.30!rl.40 per hundred; sweet potatoes, 2M:3a per pound: new California, tic Dei" pound SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.25 per sack; carrots. $1.25; parsnips, $1.50; beets. 1.7t; horseradish, loo per pound TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, $2.25 F,;,.r box; 1'mons, $1.75(04; grape fruit, X.i.i0'd4 per box; bananas, 5Vi&' Oo per pound; pineapples. I2.76&3.2S per dozen: tangerines i.fs per box ONIONS Oregon, buying price, $2 per Runared. VEGETABLES Artichokes, 6V85c do.: asparagus, Oregon. 75S5c per dozen; Cali fornia, 5 Be per pound; beans. 25c; cab bage. 44e per lb.; cauliflower. 75c$l Ff Tr? :eleTy- "er crate; cucumbers. l.t0&2.5O per dozen; lettuce. hot house. $1.60'9i.75 per box; lettuce, head. 85c per doa.; onions, 40 50c per doz. ; parsley, rf.c per dozen: peas. 12 He per pound; rad ishes. 35c per dozen: rhubarb. 44Vic per Sound: spinach. 0c; tomatoes, Florida, $3B 25 per crate. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras. 2714 20c; fancy outside creamery, 23 29c per lb.; store. J820c. (Butter fat prices aver age H4 cents per pound under regular but ter prices.) EGGS Onsgon ranch, 22c per dozen. POULTRY Hens. 18 17 V4 c: broilers. 25c; fryers, 1822c; roosters, old, 10llc young, 1415c; ducks, 20g)22c; geese 1(5 llc; turkeys, 20c; squabs. $2.60(&i3 per dozen. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 17lTHo per lb.; full cream triplets, 17i)17V4c: full cream. Young America, 1818t,c. VEAL Extras. lOc per pound; ordi nary. 8l4(fc: heavy. 73se. .PRK Fancy. 9H10c per pound; large, e 2 uc. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc DRIED FRUITS Apples. 8Hc per lbs peaches. 7 54 a Ho; prunes. Italians, eituauo! .runes. French. 4HJci; currants. unVaaned! cases. SHc; currants, washed, caaes, 10c: ""T'Sc Xancy' 60"lb- boxe"- ai .SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, i Si'" don; 2-pound tails. $2.95; 1-pound nats. $2.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound talis. 95o; tan's lund tu"- l o: ockeyes. 1-poumi ..COFFEE Mocha. S42Sc: Java, ordinary. JiS20o; Costa Rica, fancy, aS20o; good. lOlBISc: ordinary. 1218o per pound NUTS Walnuts. 1213o per pound by sack; Brazil nuts. 16c: filberts. 15c; pecana. les almonds, 13(8 14o: chestnuts. Italian. 11c; peanuts. raw,.64tc; pinenuts, lea dozen y nut cucoanuia. too per SUGAR Granulated. $8.05; extra C. $5.58: golden C. S5.45; fruit and berry sugar, 96 05 plaln bag, 5.85; beet granulated, $585: aa" parrel). $6.43; powdered (barrel)! 8.0. Terms: On remittances within 15 days, deauct i.o per pound-. If later than la days and within 30 days, deduct o per DOJ?n? Mapl 13l8c per pound "A-LT Granulated. SIS per ton. S1.90 pes bale; half ground. 100s. $7.60 per ton; 60s. so per ton. BEANS Small white. Hc; large white. BHc: Llmt 6c; pink. 8c;' baVo! Mexican red, 64c . " Provtsions. arBA1CT.Tanc,,21 V P3' Pound; stan-rlps18Jiv?iCe- "0: n""a- "isaieo; drvi.IitSA,?UREI?r--Reular hort Kv!alt12V4l. "moke1' 13Hc; short clear b?Lks' ??avy "iry alted, 12 He; smoked. smed.0? eXPOrt8' dr " HAMS 10 to 18 lbs., 14cn 14 to 1 lbs 14c; 18 to 20 lbs.. 14c; hams, skinned 14c; picnics, 9 yic; cottage roll, 11c: shoul plcnics, l7c. taamS 19S0; "oiled. wfeAR?:-ISetu? rendered: 10s, 14?4c; 5 s, 147tc; Standard pure: 10s. 13)Ac; 6s?134o: lC0hs?1C9e4cr!I..19Sc' ' .'OompouSfi SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each, SOc; dried beef sets. 17c: dried beef out- sldes, 16o; dried beef insides, 18o: dried beef kunckles. 18c. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet, $18; regular tripe. $10; honeycomb tripe, $12; pigs' tongues, $19.50. MESS MEATS Beef, specials, $18 per barrel; plate, $14 per barrel; family. $14 per barrel; pork, $20 per barrel; brisket, $29 per barrel. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc HOPS" 1909 contract, 9c per pound; 1908 crop, 046Hc; 1907 crop, 8c: 1906 crop. liic. WOOL Eastern Oregon, l18o per pound; Valley, fine; lPl,c; medium, 18 Wc: coarse, lTic. MOHAIR Choice, 23 24o per pound. HIDES Dry hides, No. 1, 1617o lb dry kip. No. r. 1516c pound; dry calf skin. 1819c pound; salted hides, 994c' jaUed calfskin, 1416c pound; green, lo .,F,PRJh:No- 1 k,n: Angora goat, $1 to J1.26; badger, 2560c; bear, $5 20; beaver 6.B08.50; cat, wild, oci; cougar, per tcKS.ea1 and claws. 310: fisher, dark. J7.80ll; pale, 4.0(3t: rox. cross, S3 to $5; fox, gray, 60a to 80c; fox. red. .2S to $4: fox. silver, 3G to $100; lynx. $104 15; marten, dark, 812; mink. 75cQI4 60: muskrat, 10.i5c; otter. 17; raccoon" 45c a S,Bea ot,ter' l2-50. as to size; skunks. $O07Sc; civet cat. 10016c; wolf. $2; coyote 70cl.IO; wolverine, dark, hall wolverine, pale. $22.60. . CASCARA BARK Per pound. 4 He. Eastern Mining Books. BOSTON, April 15. Closing quotations: aaveniure S'SiiMontana a a .- -m Allouez as4 Aevaaa 2ti Amalgamated . . 76 Ariz Commercial 41s Butte Coalition.. 24 Old Dominion . 51 i , .129 T4 .. a:i H .. S8 .. 14 H .. 14 . 12.V4 41 i . . 37 . 9i4 .14 . 4 .143 ' . 6S Osceloa ...... Parrot ....... Calumet & Ariz. 100 Cal & Hecla 005 Qulncy Miannon Copper Range. Daly West . . . Franklin Granby Greene Can . . Isle Royale . . Mass Mining . Michigan Mohawk 77 Trinity 10 35 United Copper. IT. s. Mining. .. V. S. Oil Utah Victoria Wlnonn. 9B 10 24 H 12 14 61 tvolverlne . . ... North Butte .. NEW YORK. April 15. Closing quotations: Alice . . . . : 175 Leadville Con. 45 Little Chief ... 10 Bruna. Cons, pfd 6 Com Tunnel Stk. 21 Com Tun Bonds. 18.5 Con Cal & Va, 60 Horn Silver .... 65 Iron Sliver 100 Mexican 74 Ontario . . 35 pPhir 110 Standard 150 lellow Jacket .. 64 Metal Markets. NEW YORK. April 15 The London tin market was higher today; srfot quoted at 133 15a. and futures at ' 134 13s. The local market was steady at a moderate ad vance, with spot closing at 29.37H27 55c Copper was 2s 6d lowiy, wllh spot quoted at 57 7s 6d. and futures at 58 2s 6d In London. The local market was dull; lake 12.87V413c; electrolytic. 12.0O 12' e""Ac and casting. 12.37 Vi fi 12.50c. Lead was a shade lower at 13 3a 9d ln London. The local market was firm, how ever, with spot quoted at 4.14 4.20c. Spelter advanced to 21 10s ln London and was firm at 55.05c locally. ' Iron was higher at 47s 7d for Cleveland warrants in the London market. The local market was unchanged. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. April 15. Coffee futures closed steady: new unchanged to 5 points higher. Sales. 10.205 baps. including April and May. 6.85c; July. 6.40c; August 6.20. and March. 5.95c. Spot quiet- No 7 Rio . Sc; ; No. 4 Santos. 3'.,c. Mild quiet Cordova. 68Wc. 4 ' Sugar Raw steady; fair refining. 3 42 $3ni7r t6St- S9-: rao'asses sugar! ..5?'lne,l Btfa5y; crushed, $5.65; powdered, $0.05; granulated. $4.95. ' Wool at SU lxu)s. ST. LOUIS. April 16. Wool Nominal. T-r- TUB MOItMXG SELL WITH CAUTION Unloading of Stocks Has Little Effect on Prices. BEARS ARE VERY TIMID Southern Pacific, Reading and Na tional Lead Are the Market Fea tures Call Money Con tinues Firm. NEW YORK. April 15. There was a quite obvious distribution of stocks today, and the selling to realize profits kept the tenor of the market unsettled and irregular and made considerable inroads on prices in the general list. The Belling wjs conducted with caution and skill, with a view to cause as little an effect on prices as possible. The bear contingent tried to push the de cline in prices and take the market away from the sellers. The bear party seemed timid about extending Its position, owing to the impression of the power and capacity of the conductor, of th. campaign and th. fear that the letting down of prtcea waa a maneuver to Induce the bears to commit themselves, with the purpose of forcing them to cover shorts at higher prices later. By bidding up Reading second preferred suddenly and violently, there was revived the old report of the intention to use the privilege to exchange that stock half for first preferred and half for common stock. .Another sustaining force was Southern Railway stocks. These sprang into a. rate of activity much ln excess of recent cus tom and were buoyant. The professed rea son for the movement was the report that the company sold an additional -$5,000,000 of its improvement bonds to bankers who have but recently purchased $21,000,000 of these bonds, and that the offering price of the bonds was being advanced at the same time. The rise in National Lead was due to a report that the directors had It in contem plation to retire the preferred stock A reduction In prices of some grades of cop per was made at the New York metal ex change, but the copper stocks fared no worse than the generat list. Reports were current of some large orders being placed for structural steel and an ag gregate of small orders which gave prom ise of raising the April total to a record. Some Increased firmness is reported In the money market, but the 2H per cent rate of yesterday for call loans was not reported. The close waa Irregular. ..oirres;u,ar- TotaI "a'e"- Par value, $5,382,000. united States bond, were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. . Closlnr Bales. High. Low. RM A ma Copper 19,600 76 76 4 m 3R SSi 54 114U 88 103 U 1331,? 96 L 32 i 45ti 106 112i 05 a: 76 1751A 29 101 2.M .7611 Am Car & Foun 1,300 60 i. 4-J4 39 38H itv; 63 "87 I34" 95 Am Cotton Oil.. 6,200 Am Hd & Lt pf. 300 Am Ice Securi. B.800 Am Linseed Oil.. 3,400 Am Locomotive... 1,400 do preferred Am Smelt & Ref 17,900 dO nrpfarr.il ADJ. 40 40 18 55 "89"" Am Sugar IRef.J Am Tobacco pf.. Am Woolen ..... Anaconda Mln Co. Atchison do preferred ... Atl Coast Line... Bait & Ohio do preferred . . . Brook Rap Tran. Canadian Pacific. Central Leather.. do preferred . . . Central of N J.. Ches. & Ohio 400 13414 700 96 8,400 4!i 45 9,200 107 106 2.000 1274 126 " 6,600 113Vi 1124 16.700 77 a, kkj 1 ro 's JT Ml 1,100 29 29 700 255 254" 30,800 77 76i hlcago Gt West. 90O 5tA 5'i 5U. C iS, TUl" 10'500 149,4 148 c. n ' je. c r. Colo Fuel & Iron "ljioo Colo & Southern 400 do Int nr.fn 74 38 63 37 62 37 62 80 76 137 22 581 61 8S 38 30 37 do 2d preferred Consolidated Gas.. 5,400. 138 Corn Products ... 12. 10O 134 pel & Hudson... 6.10O 183 181 MJ & K. Urandt... 13.60O 52 51 preierrea ... 4r0 Distillers' Securl 3 000 Erie 26.100 00 1st preferred. 4,000 do 2d preferred. 1.400 87 K. 87 37 29 45 36 38 3L 47 General Electric. 700 1 58 157 V, v.i jvortnern pf... 7.000 Gt 'Northern Ore.. 1,300 7.000 145 143 144 Roa'. Aa . Aiiiiiuisi central Interborough Met do preferred . . Int Paper do preferred . . Int Pump , Iowa Central ... K C Southern .. 400 1iU 1AK; 145 15 44 12 56 39 35 46 6.2O0 15 14 19.000 1,300 61 10 600 6.8O0 2,400 : 13 57 39 36 4 43 12 66 89 35 46 7!Ti 300 LouU & Nashville 1.OO0 13 3 72 139 139 Minn- St I.011I "oa koiz St P B S M. 500 l.lflt? 135 135 01 Oi 74 tt 73 73 tt 10.0. Kan Texas 7.O0O 43 11 42 74 4214 74 86 13V ao preferred . . National Lead . . N Y Central AO0 7 84 13,200 131 130 N Y. Ont & West. 13,600 Norfolk & West. 600 North iAmerlcan . . 200 48 92 1 1 81 1& 82 81 ivortnern Pacific.. Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania People'e Gas .... P. C C & St L... Pressed Steel Car Pullman Pal Car Ry Steel Snrlnsr.. 9.500 14S 143 143 7ort 3rtli 6.BOO 135, 134 134 3.9O0 116 115 1162 5on "!S 91 200 SS 38 37 li 400 184 181 184' Reading 202,900 142' 141 39 141 22 25 67 39 24 B7 22 22 do preferred . . . 200 Rock Ieland Oo. . 7, 7m do preferred 12.20 St L & S F 2 Tf . , 700 St L Southwestern SO0 do preferred ... 3.5O0 i4" 25 67 39 24 8 .4 24 66 38 24 66 76 0 75 Southern Paclflo.. 9.5O0 121 .120 .120 liracma ... uo 141; 123 123 Southern Railway. 72. 100 20 27U "91? ao preferred . 12.200 68 66 Tenn Copper 8O0 41 41 Vi Texas & Pacific. 600 34 33 Tol, St L & West. 700 63 52 67 83 62 69 186 95 31 103 51 114 43 41 117 17 I 70 in . .... .. ... ... " 1 1 ' -j 1 (t Union Pacific ... 84,900 188 1R ... oou vow, 70 n n nrAfarrad GiUl at, 5U U S Rubber 500 32 do 1st preferred. 400 ln4 U S Steel 70 3oo R" 32 103 50! ao preferred ... 1,700 "4 114 Utah Copper .... loo 431,. 43 47 '17 va-caro Chemical. 2.500 48 do preferred Wabash 2.800 18 do preferred ... 3,800 48 Western Union ... Wheel & L Erie. Wisconsin Central. 1.6O0 200 1 ftoo 71 lo 57 70 66 8T Am 1 e & Tel.... S TOO H7 -loaw .0., -' ' - ioo Total sales for the day, 910,400 share.. BONDS. NEW YORK. April 15. Closing quotations: U S Ref 2s Reg. 101 NYC Gen 3. 93 Nor Paclflo 3s 75 ! do 4s 102 Union Paclflo 48.102 Win r.nt,al nr ? ao coupon ....101 U S S Reg 101 do coupon ....101 U S New 4s Reg.119 do coiinon 10OU. Japanese 4s .... 86 D & R G 4s..!! 96 Stocks at London. LONDON. April 15. Consols for money, B5 7-16; consols for account. 85. Anaconda 9'N Y Central. ... .134 Atchison 109 Norfolk & w 04 do pfd 100 do pfd .. . 90 Bait & Ohio 115;Ontarlo & West 49K Can Pacific 180!Pennsylvanla 60 2 Ches & Ohio 78'Rand Mines .. S-su Chi Grt Western 5!ReadlnK ... ?S2 C M & St P 153 'Southern Ry " 29 V Ie Beers 13 I do pfd . Ssi D R 63Southern Paclfic.123 do pfd 91 Union Pacific ..1295 Erie .30! do pfd ... 90 do 1st pfd 47 U S Steel "' to do 2d pfd.... 37. do pfd ... . nfi Grand Trunk ... 19:Wabash 19 Illinois Central .130 do pfd " 4otz. Louisville & N..142 ISpanlsh Fours'" Zni M K & T. ...... 43Amal Copper .!! ?g Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. March 15. Money on call easy at 1Q2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent: closing bid. 1 per cent. Time loans, firmer; 60 day.. 22 per cent: 90 days. 2 per cent, and six months 2 ft 3 pec cent. ft Fruaa. metoaaUle paper, 3 94 per cent. QREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, : " ' . 13 Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.863O4.8640 for 60-day bills and at $4.8770 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.854.S6. Bar sliver. 51 c. Mexican dollar., 44c. Government bond., steady; railroad bonds, irregular. LONDON. April 15. Bar silver, qufet at 23 -16d per ounce. Money, 1 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bill. Is 1 per cent, for three months' bills. 1 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. April 16. Silver bars, 51 c. 1 Mexican dollars, 45c. Drafts sight. 2c; telegraph. 5c. Sterling on London. 60 days $4.86; sight $4.87. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. April 15. Todays state ment of th. Treasury shows: Available cash balance $127,174,837 Goid coin and bullion 45:ir17 Gold certificates 44,567,310 Discount Rate I'nchanged. LONDON. April 15. The rate of discount for the Bank of England remained un changed today at 2 per cent. FLOUR MILLS SLACKEN SCARCITY OF WHEAT AFFECTS SEATTLE PLANTS. Straight Car of Strawberries Due To day Vegetable Market Over stocked With Some Sorts. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 15. Special. The first straight car of strawberries la due iT? TrliKy mrnlng. The fruit will sell at $2.25. mid to be one of the lowest opening prices quote here ln year.. Florida! berries were selling today as low as $3.60. The stock was ln excellent condition. The rhubarb market broke badly and deal er, were offering stock as low as 2 cents and none sold above 8 cents. The top on cabbage is now 4 cent., a decline of a halt cent since the first of th. week. Walla Walla asparagus haa droppped to $2.26. The market Is flooded with asparagus. Owing . to the shortage of wheat.' flour grinding has praotlcally casad at the Cen tennial plant and the Hammond & Lilly mill, are running on one aide only. The Novelty mill- la the only one ln the city that 1. running at full capacity. Th. mill, .till grinding cava a very limited amount of wheat. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Proddce in th. Bay Clt Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. April 15. The follow ing prices were quoted in the produce mar ket today: Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. $1.66ff2 SaUnas Burbanks, $1.S52; sweets. $1.75 Onions Oregon, $2.40 per cental. $33I6oeS'rorBran' 28tu30' "Iddllnga vesetables Garlic. 810c; green peas, ZS3c; string beans, nominal; asparagus 2025c50i tomatoe' 756 $1-25; eggplant! Butter Fancy creamery. 24c; creamery seconds, 23c; fancy dairy, 22c Poultry Roosters, old. $5fc5.50: young $9(3 l?k-brollers- "mall, $35; broilers. Urge. $o7; fryers, $8B9; hens, $4.6010: ducks old. B; young. 8: Cheese New, 1415c; Young Amer ica, 1413c; Eastern, 17c. Eggs Store, 22c; fancy ranch, 24c Wool South Plains and San Joaquin, B15c; Mountain. 610c; Nevada, 124jl5c Hay Wheat. $23 26.50; wheat and oats. $2024; alfalfa, $1417.50: stock. $11.50 18: straw, per bale, 60 85c Frut9AppIeB' choice. $1.50: common. 40c; bananas. $liff3.60; limes, nominal; lem ons, choice, $8; commons, $1; oranges. SI 85 2.60; pineapples, $3g. Receipts Flour, 8760 quarter sacks; bar ley, 8565 centals; beans. 500 sacks; potatoes 3106 sacks; bran. 100 sacks"; middlings (i sacks; hay, 750 tons; wool. 223 bales; hides. PORTLAND I.IVKSTOCK MARKET. Price. Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. There is a good demand for cattle, sheep and hogs of good quality, and such will sell at full prices, but a considerable pro portion of th. recent arrivals do not grade up- well and are moved with some diffi culty. In a general way the tendency of prices at present is steady. Receipts yes terday were 16S cattle, 68 hogs and 20 horses. Prices quoted at th yards yesterday Were: CATTLE Top steers, $5.25 5.60; fair to good. $4.7506.00: common to medium. $3.25 4:60; cows, top; $4.25; fair to good, $3.50 4f4.00; common to medium, $2.503.50; calves, top, $5.00 5.50; heavy, S3. 5034. 00; bulls and stags, fat. $3.003.SO; common. $2.00 2.75. HOGS Best. $7.25 7.50; fair to good, $6.7507.00; stockers. $5.50(36.50; China fats, $6.75. SHEEP Top wethers, $5 5. 75; fair to good, $4.50 4.75; ewes, c less on all grades; yearlings, top. $8.50l&7: fair to good, $6 6.25; Spring lambs, $77.B0. Eastern Livestock Prices. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 15. Cattle Receipts. 14.000; market, steady. Native Si,elB,.3-25l',s-70: native cows and neifers. $36.10; stockers and feeders. $3.7r5 60: bulls, $3.25 g 6.25; calves, $3.50 7: Western steers, $5 6.50; Western cows, $3.50 5.50. Hogs Receipts. 11.000; market. 10c low T ,?ulk f "ales, $6.807.05; heavy. $6.95 7.10; packers and butchers, $6.857.10: lUrht. $6.506.95: pigs. $5.2o6 Sheep Receipts. 6000; market, steady. Muttons. $5.10$6.40; lambs. $6.758- weth ers and yearlings, $4.50 7.35. - SOUTH OMAHA,, April 16 Cattle Re ceipts. 2700; market, slow and weak; feed-It'e-r! ,e"M" steers, $55.60: Texas tears, $35: Cows and heifers, .864S0: s'Ei. 2 ?3 3.75; stockers and feeders $3 1 5 ca,ve. -264; bulls and stags! mShefiPTReCe't"- ,4OO0: market. ,ronBv to inhLr - Y?aLnK"' 77.40: wethers, $66.40; ewes, $5.766; lambs, $T.657.9o! CHICAGO. April 15 Cattle Receipts ei a5d.at 6000; market, weak. Be"" $4.60 7; Texas steers. $4,60 05.75; Western' I Ma5'8n4()e'-M; ocker. and Seders cawe? $5T nd nelfer' $23.90; Hogs Receipts estimated at 22.000- mar- fc7 ?U?eRZy; 8T.30; rough, $6.90 $5J56.55: bulk Of sales, $7.107"0 ' - Sheep Receipts estimated at 10.000;' mar- native, $5.506.20; Western, VsTsO 8 25. Dried Fruit at New York NEW YORK. April 15. Evaporated ap ples steady; fancy. 8c to 9c; choice 7&Tc; prime. 6120; common to fair' 5 6c. . ' Prunes steady; 3e to 12c for new-crop California fruit; 6o to 9c for Oregon 40 60s to 2O-S0s. Apricots Arm: choice. 10 14c- extra choice, 1010c and fancy, 11'13C Peaches unchanged. Raisins dull; loose mascatel. 34c St'J0 fan!. 45c: seedlesa! 6c: London layers, $1.20 1. SO. Dairy Produce in the East., CHICAGO, , April 15. Butter Steady Creameries. 22 28c; dairies, 1925c. Eggs Firm; at mark, cases included flrsts 19c;. prime firsts, 20c. ' ' Cheese Steady. Daisies. 16iec- twlns. 1516c-; Young Americas, 15si8c- long horns, 1516c. NEW YORK. April 15. Butter Firm Pro cess, common to special, 15 23c. Cheese Firm, unchanged. Eggst Steady. Western, flrets, 20e-io-do. seconds, 20c. ' New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 15. Cotton Spot closed quiet. 20 points higher. Middling up lands, 10.65c; mid-Gulf, 10.90c. Sales, 113 bales. ' Future, closed strong. April and July 10.43c; May. 10.44c; June. lo.43c; AuguaV lO.SOc: September. 10.25c; October lo 2c November. 10.23c; December lo.24c-- Jan' uary and March, 10.20c, AMIL 16, 1909. BREAK I J WHEAT Prices Slump Badly in the Chi cago Pit. SELLING ORDERS HEAVY Krforts of Patten .to Stay the Tide Partly Successful Big Bull Leader Buys 3,000,- ' 000 Bushels. ' brfau Apr" 15 Tn lo"s-xPeted t h! ,wbeat Pe ame today and wa the occasion for on. of the wildest scene. !1OT witnessed upon the Board of Trade. Z" 1"aVT mlling Prre upon th. September delivery throughout th. day re sulting in considerable weakness. it was not until the final half hour, however, that buna I" " hrough the defense of h. rlrt . avaIanoh ' -suing order, c.r ried prices down violently, decline, of to o being registered between .ales oa th. way down. From $1.29. touched about midday, the May option dropped to $1.26. July. w)ch earlier In the day had established a new record at $1.18. declined to $1.14. while September sold off from $t.06 to $1.06. On the break th. leading bulls, cam. to the rescue and bought, without reserve during the remainder of the session. Ob.erv.ra close to the Patten Interest, declared that the pur chase, during the final 16 minute, aggre gated fully S.O00.00O bushels, mostly of th. July delivery. ",da wm" f uo enormous proportion, that It waa Impossible to follow accurately, and hundred, of buying and selling orders had to be canceled In consequence of the sen sational fluotuatlon.. The effort of th. bull leaders to mem the receding tide waa uo cussful to th. extent of an advano. from the bottom of more than le ln May and July but th. September delivery .bowed little ral lying power. Excitement in the pit waa at th. high pitch when the final gong sounded. lst quotation, on May were at $1.2T1.27 and on July at $1.15n;.lB4. September closed at $1.06. The corn market was strong at th. start, but later sentiment became bearish. The market closed weak at about the lowest point compared with the previous cloM. Final quotation, on May were to o lower at 68o. Oats displayed mors flrmnesei early In the day. but finally yielded to realizing sale, by local longs. The greatest pressure was on the distant futures, which declined nearly It from the top. At the close prices were a ehnde to o lower. Provisions were weak nearly all day. clos ing 615c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. $1.29 1.18 1.08 1.0 7 Ixw. $1.2 114 1.05 104 Close. $1.27 1.15 1.06 1 0474 May. ... July.... Sept Dec 1.2 1.18 1.08 ' 107 CORN. May July Sept Deo IKK 7 .67 .68 .67 .87 14 66 .66 57 . .66 .66 hi. .68 OATS. May. July. Sept. .55 .48 .41 .55 .49 .41 .55 .48 .40 18.07 18.02 18.00 .48 .48 . MESS PORK 1817 18.22 18.10 18.20 18.15 18.17 May July.... Sept. ... 18.05 18.00 18.00 LARD. May 10.85 10.87 10.30 10.42 10.Z2 10.42 10.55 July. . Sept. . 0.47 10.62 10.60 10.65 SHORT RIBS 42 9.47 10.62 May July ept 9.40 9.60 9.40 9.60 S.7V 9.60 -7 . 9.75 9.65 9.65 Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to $149,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 207.000 bushels, compared with 06.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat i. .oca0rsho7n-81 cars; io Receipts. . .. 29,000 ...123.000 ... 70.000 ...186.600 ... 2.000 ... 30,000 Shipments. 12.700 11,200 81,300 . 151,200 1.000 9.000 Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels .. Oats, bushels . . Rye. bushels . . . Barley, bushels Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. April 15. Flour Receipts. 12.000; exports, 1400; dull but steady. Mln- V?BS p,a,teni".'. 8&8-50: Minnesota bakers. $4.605.10; Winter patents. $66.50- Win- $!r706a95S- 5-8515: Kansas straights. Wheat Receipts. T200; exports 19 RK3- NVre".?-, I rid" ? .vito?: No. 2 red. $1.41 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 North ern Duiuth. $135 f. o. b afloat; No 2 hard Winter. $1.36 f. o. b. afloat. Except v,1Lha.,brleJ,penl5B vance. ln response to higher cables, wheat was weak and much ower today. Stop-loss orders were caught lc to 2.c net loss. May closed 1 32 $1.13 1-22: September closed Hops-Dull. Hides Firm. Wool Quiet. Grain at 6an Francisco. barley1. NCISC' PrU rm: Spot quotation: Wheat Shipping. $2 05 10 per cental; milling. $2.102 S.10 e? Barley Feed. $1.B0T1.55 per cental- brew ing. $l.6B1.60 per cental. Brew-1?R- l-82.0 per cental: white, 1J,21GPr cental; black, nominal. call board sales: Barley May si 55 t cental: December. $1.86 1.8T centat P " Corn Large yellow. $1.671.75 per cen- European Grain Markets. i.I4ii?0!f' Apr" 1B Cargoes, firmer; Wal 44 ' pa"age' n'aher at 43s 6d to English country market. 2s dearer French country markets, 60 centime, to 1 trano 1 tIVBR?1 prtI 15 "heat May, 0. Weather.un.6" f'- 8. lMirat at Seattle. SEATTLE. Wash.. April 15. No milling qrwtatlons. Export wheat-Blueetem. ii.au: red. $1.10; club. $1.07. Receipts Wheat 2 cars; oats, 11 cars: barley, 1 car; rye" 1 carf Wheat at Tacomav. TACOMA. April 15. Wheat Milling- Blue 1S'l so- Export gr.de. about 2 cents red at tl8 123' Club at 1'18 an REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Jame" p- Smith and wife to William wood' ' ' b,OClt "8'" Portland 'ReaVty ' Trust' Co".' to "Anna wooarpark "' blCk 7 Laurel" R-St,.,Clt,S - ' AaioclaVion" ' " to Myrtle Mahone, lot 14, block 134. Row City Park Barah J. Hawkins to Emma 'c.'-Good-wln, south 10 feet of lot 7. block lo. Mount Tabor Villa Annex... Clarence Bloyd and wife to Emma ?".bS?0dv?,', lot. 8' bloclc 15- Mount Tabor Villa Annex H" Schmld and wife to George E. Smith et al. lot 7. block 6. Saratoga HrnVf n Schlid and wife to" George E. Smith et al. lot 7. block . Sara toga. G. A Rlggs et, al to Pete'r" Hallir and wife, east 5 feet of lots 1. 2 block 1; lots 1. 2. S, 4, block 2 l0i". 0,oc" Biggs' Addition, a subdivision of Marys William G. Thompson " "and " "wife" " to Frank H. Balllle. lot 4, block 66. Woodstock H. W. Prettyman and wife to" John W. Cook, west 80 feet of lot 2 block 4, Mount Tabor Central Park J. D. Merryman and wife to E W R.der. lot 12. block 28. 6unuvst(fe J. I,. Angell and wife to A. J. John son et al, lot J, block 63. Ver non .. Neryesta Plumb to John F. Stld'ham! -'"'Lt3',14 block - Willamette..?: VV. H. Holt and wife to Ida M. 1.075 125 600 1 1 10 10 1 950 2.17S 1 I . ' 1 . . . LUMBERME1STS National Bank CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. ,JS, ; BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED 1S83. BROKERS STOCKS-BONDS -GRAIN Bought and .old for cash and oa n,RD. PnvateWires Rooms 201 to Wiley, lot. 7, . block 1. Bernhardt Park No. 2 Mark Levy and wife to R. R. Bail, all interest in Fullerton Belle Marka to Same, Interest in Ful lerton F. P. Harlow and wife to Same, In terest ln Fullerton Harvey Beckwlth and wlf. to Same. Interest ln Fullerton Zera Snow and wife to Sam., interest ln Fullerton F. C. Oentsch and wife to Same", interest In Fullerton William Reldt and wife to Henry F Steward, lot . block 1. Leah's Ad dition , Portland Realty & Trust Co to H "lit". LAndes. lota 17. 18, block 10, Lauretwood Park B. F. Boynton to William H. More house, lot 2, block 13, City View Park Joseph H. Nash and wife to C. F. Nash, lot 27, Flrland Place M. G. Flynn and wife to Andrew T. Matthew, lots 1, 4. block 24, Feurer's Addition Anna Erlckson to H. R. Brock, lot 21. block 8. Kern Park John C. Bryant and wife to Otis Winchester, lots 18 and 20. block 2, Laurelwood A. N. Orke to S. C. Priestly, lots 12. 18 and 14. block 14. Foxchaso ad dition S. C. Priestley and wife to Charles L. Minkler. lot 12. block 14. Fox chase addition E. M. Baker and wife to Frank D. Stoop, lot T, block 80, Vernon Mary F. DeGrandpre to George S. Carpenter, west half of lots 3 and 4. block 230. Holladay's Addition.. Swlnton Land Companv to August D. Alutolo. lot 10. block 26, Swlnton Albert L. Carson and wife to Rlcka Johnson, lot 8, Tract E, Greenway Addition A. Georgi to H. Lahann t al.. land beginning at east corner of lot 1. block 6. Oak Addition George W. Holcomb et al. to Mi llnda Carothors. lots 3t and S2, block 32. Irvlngton Park George Holcomb et al. to Talleyrand Avery, lots 26 and 28. block 32, Irvlngton Park Alf Lrlll and wife to Roman Catho lic Archbishop, lot 10, block S, Lesh's Addition Harry W. Castleiman to a. A. Kearns, lot 65. Verdanta Louisa Weiss to G. Frederick Rlt-' ter, lot 8. block 2, North Irvlngton Portland Realty Trust Company to . Mary E. Carpenter, lot 25. block 2. Kenwood Park Arleta Land Company to Edwin M. Baker, northerly 5 feet of lot 21 and all of lot 22. block 2. Elberta. Albert A. Byers and wife to E M. Raker, east half of lot IS. block 37. Vernon E. F. Monlcal and wife to Treasurer of Board of Trustees of Oregon Conference of Evangelical Associa tion. Trustee, inoxioo feet com mencing at northwest corner of block 14. Waverly Fred J. Nelson to Franklin P. Grif fith, land beginning at stake In southeast ltne of Davenport street at Intersection of east line of lot A. Grover's Addition J. W. Voorhles and wife to John W. Cook, west SO feet of lot 2, block 4. Mount Tabor Central Park E. B. Holmes et al. to It. P. Palmer, lots 8 and 10, block 37, Irvlngton. G. A. Lorte and wife to Casper Wll helm et al., lot 12. block 17, ' Multnomah F. J. Boerefeld and wife to S. T. Walker, lot 25. block 2. Highland Park Holt C. Wilson and wife to Fred Scherruble. lot 7. block 7. Brent wood J. A. Carter to Conrad Green, lot 1. block 6. Mayor Gates Addition.... Multnomah Real Estate Association-, to W. B. Rust et al., lots 1 and 2, block S, Willamette Robert Patterson and wife to David Nelson et al.. lots 1 and 2. block 3. ' East Portland W. M. Cllne. Jr.. and wife to W. "' M. Banschbach. lot 16, block 10, Eiberta S. C. Priestley and wife to William Banschbach. lot 8, block 13, Fox chase Addition William Hahn and wife to Antone K. Holmes and wife. west 30 feet of lot 8 and west 30 feet of north half of lot 3. block 11, Blacklstone's Addition ... Security Abstract & Trust Co to William La j cock, lot 6. block 15. Elmhurst George Park to Carrie Boster Park", lots 11. 12. block 19, Hawthorne's first addition Sadie Roberts to W. D. Jellison, 'lots 1. a. 27, 2, block 24. Berkeley Sadie Roberts to W. D. Jellison. lots 15. Id, block 22, College Place.. E. B. Holmes and wife to Security Savings & Trust Company, lot 17. block 23. Irvlngton John B. Bridges and wife to Rose Bridges, land commencing at point in north line of Montgomery street in block 26. Carter's Addition to Portland Charles E. Rumelin and wife to'An selm Boskowlts. lot 1. block 1 Fairfield Charles L. Brubaker and wife to Archie Cunningham, part of west half of the D. W. Reynolds 2-acre tract ln Seldon Murray donation land claim in section 1. T. 1 S . A. 1 E Julia Both to Mila Pearl Green, lot 2. block 13S Woodstock George H. Nottage and wife to Charles A. Gossett. lot 18. block 12. Burrage tract W. D. Palmer and wife to Leonard Lunceford et al. lot 6 and farc tional lot 17. block 73. Sellwood.. Alameda Land Company to Jay H Upton, lot. 15. 16. block 13. Ala meda Park T. S. McDanlel and wife to' Pearl C. 1,300 433 433 48S (50 1.081 1.088 10 1 3,000 400 10 750 450 1.200 475 600 10 300 10 600 450 480 3.2O0 10 1.075 ISO 10 10 1.250 2.000 4.000 2.050 700 1 1.050 10 1.300 350 423 1 550 5 450 050 1.5O0 1 1 2.600 600 230 250 2.000 204. Couch BiIdlg Telephone M 33S A 2237 ""J- ,'t block 12, Farkvicw r,x tension Alexander Trlckley ' and ' "wife " ' ia fri"lerlck H. Rlx. lots 2. 4. 6 and 8. block 24. Troutdale First Addi tion Anton Burkhardt t-j Mrs. H S Ed mondson. lot 11. block 23. Klberia Otto Llnde and wlf. to Ben Ries land. lots S and 4. block 2. Mult nomah Park Ben Riesland and wife to Ruth"".-" Whitney. Trustee, lots S and 4. block 2. Multnomah Park ,?'" ChristensMi and wife to Elizabeth Johnson Purdy. lots 30 ana 4ij, Beaver Acres 2 uuia nneniatt ana wife to Bishop ff. ?roteant Episcopal Church, lots 16 and 17. block 8. Gold- smun-s Addition i T . , i . , , . .......... I V A"1 association to C. W. Altnran et al.. lots 6 to 15 block 116. Rose City Park.... D. J. Caswell and' wife to F. O. wonder, undivided one-half of east half of lot 1. block 208. Couch Ad dition ............ George O. Miller and wife to 'Georgia Messner. wost half of lots 1 and -. .Murray Hill Addition ... a Lee A. II. r-m m n H . ... . ... V Harms, west SO feet of tho - 60 feet of lots T and 8, block 230. city ...... ....-.,.... Tota ...-....58.o44 LAWYERS' ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. Room 6. Board of Trade bids. Abstract, a specialty. TrH.a,yCTb,tr''" TO"a th. Title, 4k : . . n,.mr or uomm eree. Bonds Investments CAIX OR WRITE) T. S. McGRATH Lumber Kxcluanct PORTLAND, OREGOJT. TRAVELERS GUIDE. CANADIAN PACIFIC Less Than Four Days at Sea WEEKLY SAILING BETWEEN MONTREAL QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL Two days on th. beautiful St. Lawrence rope"" shortest ocean rout, to lu- Nothing better on the Atlantic than our Empresses, wireless on all steamers cabJi! " ,econd class ;Vlt.'n,y tlc"5? nt- or rlte for sailings, rates and booklet. F. R. Johnson. P. A.. 148 3d St.. Portland. Or NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. S. S. Ceo. W. Elder Sails for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles March 18, April 1st, 15th, 29th. Ticket office 132 Third street, near Alder. II. YOUNG, Agent. FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Only direct steamer and daylight sailing T Alnsworth Dock. Portland. i ll 8.S. Senator. April 17. May 1 Bi. Rose City April 24. May'. Frorn Lombard St., San Francisco, 11 A M S.. How city. April 17. May l. b.S senator. April g. M.y a. J. W. Ransom. Dock Agent, xv v "'"2G8 A"orth Dock. J- ROCHE, city Ticket Agent. 142. 3d St. - Phone Main 402. A 1402. COOS BAY LINE WhdoCiC- for Head. Joir.Ull.ia. M. on dy of sailing. Passenger frT "-., and"?1?" ron1-c'" J. lludm? b.n'i and w.Vk; 1,nulr cit feket offlceT Third 7o0 1 2."i 4H'i 1 .500 ,500 10 lO ,90O