10 '. . ' - . TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1909. ' '"METTE VALLEY DAIRY I ARM. 81 HEAD STOCK. 1"tt acres fines kind of grass "'tuated 1 mile from town nil R. R. station; good new fi-room plastered house, large barn and good outbuilding!; tele phone In house, on rural mall route and only SO miles from Portland, In the Willamette Val ' The following stock goes with the place: la cow. 19 head of stock rattle. 6 hones. 40 goats. B hogs, all Improvements, 2 wagon. buggy, hack, etc. ; price $8300; will take a house and lot up to 2600 aa part pay ment. RALPH ACKI.ET, 6n5 Corbett BMg. Cor. 0th and Morrison Sts. . I OR 8 A MB OR TRADE A fine confection er5' "ore. wholesale and retail, doing a good business: long lease on building; lo cated In Eugene. Or.; will aell for part h or will trade for farm land, city property or timber. Address Business No. ISO. Care Register. Eugene. Or. WILL exchange for automobile In first-class shape. 3-yoar-old registered running flllv, very promising. For particular and ped igree, apply J. C. Kaldera. Centerville, wash. WILT, EXCHANGE 80 lots, living apart menta; good water. In busy town, with 4 sawmill-, for acreage near Portland or homestead rellnquency; pay difference. AG 14, Oregnnlan. BXCHANOE Rent modern apartments, every convenience. Nob Hill, walking dis tance; exchange for real estate or equities. AC IX Oregonlan. OF COURSEI CERTAINLY! It you want to bu. sell or trade business or property, follow the crowd to Stevenson & Taylor. rooms 810 and 311 Buchanan bldg. a WEUrKSTABUSHED business at less than Invoice; excellent opportunity, owner has other business. E 15. Oregonlan. BELL or exchange for cordwood, launch horses or real estate; large barge. 82x120 Thone K 424. TOURINO car or runabout for real estate or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonlan. WILL, trade for what you have. Gua Smith. 4ll Buchanan bldg. ACREAGE. CASMUR 2H and 8-acre tracts, cleared and cultivated, high and level, command ing view of mountains and a great part of Pori. flnerv Ration home In Portland; no better strawberry or vege table Innd In Oregon; $300 per acre terms. Murphy A Caswell, 230 Stark at. FORCED SALE. IB acre. In cultivation, near Lents, only J blocks from rarllne; 3 acres In apples. I acres In strawberries. 1 acne pieplant 1 acre In raspberries; line 7-room house, good barns and well on premises BRONG -STEELE CO.. 110 2d at A SNAP. V, 'I iVi. hcautlful home. 4-room. jarrt-nnlshed house, water piped in the bouse, fenced, suitable for chicken, ranch "r "ny Purpose; must be sold wTthln 2 err,-.' .wnT having "ate. Inquire Seou car. Land Co ; takB Moun" FINE BUY. .l2."cS"- . 1car.. harden Home, on the Salem Electric, for $-60 acre; acres f mah.rd.- .b,a,Bnc" mlv standing 1 b": "leam road almost on property, and the electric Vi-mllo away. BRONQ-STEELE CO.. 110 2d st IB ACRES southwest of Oresham. near Es tacada carllne. mostly In fruit and ber ries good house, two large barns, place i, .&ny for U,elf ln a few years; $4500 Ta'orf Or": termi- Fred BrotJl. Mount BnAwii 3.?oACRB traeta- aU cleared and plowed. 20 miles south of Portlanrt- U soli for fruit. vegetable, or n" $" ob tt"? ere. easy terms. Inquire of owner ?o5 VS",!."0"" b,OCkl Cr- Washlngto"' a3nt READ THIS CAREFULLY line a"d i!,nlCr.e. tV"' on- th O. W. P. Phone and r7 f! d"' 0 Per lc! ca'sh" r-es owner. 322 Board of Trade bldg WANTED HEAL ESTATK. AhNiT..B .r -"om house on East Side. flTw.ni Ca"d. bVw",n Kllllngsworth and Hawthorne, west of 80th St.: can nav tann ch and $25 per month, ab" 10? Oregonifn? "OM.E, wl,h the money want, to f . or "-room bungalow or residence . I?.".' l-,00 to 3S00; owners only. Call merce 613 Chamber of Com- 'ibaaln8,!:?' apartment house site; must Sat or"S. r ca"hJ or w,n buy Improved nat or apartment house property If mice OrolSSfin."""- 5-000- Add" "fTis! 5r .OP,,on: muM be "ear marline; cash Soman : aen,- Address V 15 Ore- "afcf-2Xmrnih4 IV ro 6-room bun- iw, uregoman. I WANT a Home ln Bunnyslde or Mt Tabor on'Te'r" ? J a ha'd . - x i. oregonlan .WANTED Houses and lots ,,,,.. Investment Co., 608 Qerllnger bldg. M wXi C"'1J ,hat wants & or lots In seii Mam fsr&Mo'"avilla. cloa. to carllne" cml a?hUYRvSM,!ric: ,ot ',fo-l location for Oregon, V1' location. AJ 15. riJJ." nlc dlng lot on the East Ami v.bMt nou" that $1800 on easy terma .0 per month. Address AC 11, Oregonlan L ,r '"""ni o aig. M92 10th at. rOK 8AU TIMBER- LAND. i-o TIMBER BARGAIN. . acres near mill on tidewater with 12 8.Kv.O00 feet Oregon nr "aowa,er' w1t mrui"',, m'luite on 4 harbor near, 'ih. 1 ml,e 4S water front. ' .Ailj"" "l,hr at $30 per acre. OODRl-FF CROSS CoT. SAN DIEGO, Cml 6. TV. Cor. 6th and B streets. TIMBER LANDS ORBaON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y CO., "..a -" Orleans. Seattle. 8Sw Chamber of Commeroa, Portland. X)R SALE: Flrst-claas sawmill, lust com pleted. Including .Ite of 40 acres, Cohlmb?s OREGON TIMBER CRUISING CO.. INC Tlma,C.5.0",t Vmi""" bouht nd .old! fulnlshed cruised and certified, reporta 51T BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. - ."J?00'.00 ,Ml Br- &2O0; 8.500,000 fir 400O: these m,a v. - u . ' i ."AV:"..""- once. -. ivAnnr,, jo, McKay Bldg Wi?.ar.,.,,ta,.,,ua"er" for timber and lum- ' AMamr tkicnRngt bldv tXMmhl,:0p.Vat,n lo'nK campa and timber lands, tributary Columbia River Mo Cargar. Bat.a. Lively. Failmg tidg! " m NorhthN.tK - Ca" E' "'' WcelnDoJ" oUr.?f2?V'-t flr. 80 per ..in? 7 -r r..."T." '"X:e?i t a bar- . . y. -ru. JU McKay bldg. T,!,Bra ,N" .Sg-1 .rellnquiehment rort "ALE Ttmber lands near railroad and river. Charles Hoedle. Mill City. Oregon. fe-IMBER LANDS for sale. $a50 acre. I lo- ' us Worcester bide CAN locate 160 acres homestead, orchard land or heavy timber, only 8 miles from the world-famed apple belt. Hood" River town, two transcontinental railroads, and Columbia River steamer landing; loin party leaving Saturday morning; big snap. McCoy, 737 Chamber Commerce. EASTERN OREGON Just returned, can locate you near me. 1 mile P. O. and new town, 2. dally mails, level, rich, sheltered ground next forest reserve, $75. Alvin S Hank, printer. 8Si4 3d. FOR SALE Good homestead relinquish ment, few Improved farms, several sec tions raw wheat land, all ln great wheat belt. Eastern Klickitat. Stone Bros. Blck leton. Wash. . SEVEN choice homestead locations, also four choice relinquishments. 513 Ablng ton bldg. " FOB RENT FARMS. TO RENT A fine 9 H -acre place at Court ney, near the Oregon city carllne; the place Is all clear; good house and barn, partly ln berries; may lease for 3 or 4 years to right party; reasonable rent. In S"'r F Pfluger & Co.. room 114 Mulkey bldg.. 2d ana Morrison sts. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. 24 HEAD of horses and mares weighing from 1200 to 1700 pounds; several sound 2 ".5 teu.mi- we" m""ched and able to do any kind of work; a few good farm 2di mares a' the right price; 3 nice single drivers; one good farm mare, weight 1150. no mate, will sell cheap; pair of good, chunks, weight 2600. drive single, will sell separate; 4 head of horses weigh ing from 1250 to 1500 lbs., good workers, but sore from street work, at your own price. We also handle all kinds of har- Jefferson.0" C"y Sa'e Stables' -lltn nl WHY buy a second-hand -vehicle when we can eell you a new vehicle at about the TtTf 08 ".yon would pay for an old " arB 'ocated outside of the high rent district, therefore can make the price driving wagons, bugggies, delivery wagons aud farm wapons. R. M. WAIB a CO., 822 Hawthorne Ave. W E have a nice lot of horses on hand, weigh ing from 900 to 1500 lbs., mostly light horses for delivery purposed and driving. Krunsel Sale Stables. 505 Alblna ave. Take L car. HORSES FOR SALE. 25 head of horses arrived April 10; Al delivery, farm and draft horses, at right prices, and guaranteed to be aa repre sented. 420 Hawthorne ave. Phones B 1369, E 72. FOR SALE or rent 8 teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year: we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, day, week or month. Phonea East 72. B 1363. Haw thorne Stablest 420 Hawthorne ave. LADYS driving horse, buggy and harness, all first-class. The horse can show a 8-mlnute clip any time on road and a lady can drive her any place. This is a bargain. G. L. Parker. 149 First at. FOR SALE My brown driving mare. 6 years old. sound, very gentle, and broke to ride and harness and runabout bugKv aU in good shape. 495 Ross St., near' WANTED To buy span of horses, harness and wagon; will pay all cash; must be reasonable. Phone Main 3790. Call room 615 Lumber Ex., cor. 2d and Stark. SMALL team of wll-bred mares: one mVy; uwlth foaI- """table for ranch" ?sti. I? - wCOW . In, "change. 809 East 28th st.: Woodstock car to Gladstone ave. m"Z?" welBht U50: one bay horse. ??h,z11): n,ce maJe- 8 ear" oM, price 5, .V4 1S.rm- wagon. $80; saddle and bri dle. $6. 26 North 15th. 1500-LB. work horse cheap or will ex change for cheaper horses or cows. 809 East 28th st.; Woodstock car to Glad stone ava. i-P young valley horses, from 14O0 to liBO lbs : several set heavy harness. E. R. Frank. 240 Ruesell. E 152 FOR SALE One 2-horae 2-ton express and one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel mont and E. 6th. Cf1-1 100-lb- horse, also stock sad dle cheap. so East 28th St., W.-W. car to Gladstone ave. JERSEY BULL, full blooded, Ladd stock. 15 months old. Inquire 1174 Hawthorne ave. Phone. B 2133 or Tabor 1888. ,32I1aVILL buy team draft horses, weight 2900 pounds. Don't miss this. 320 Swet land bldg.. 6th and Washington. BPoo.N i black mares, well matched, weight 252V L years old- Ca the Portland Barn, 228 Jefferson st. WAGON, double and single set of harness. Inquire at 284 H 1st St., or call Main 916o! HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all . u. -".u. -w aioncgomery. FOJi ?1:rHacks- horses and harness. '24 North 12th st., Portland. Or. GUARANTEED harness; lowest prices. Keller Harness Co., 48 N. Sixth st. , " HUBERT A HALL. 880 Front, buy. aell. rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigV eN"Af-r?, buy "Ice, gentle pony, saddle and bndle. Call 26 N. 15th it. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose city Sia bles. 11th and Jefferson. M 3300. Fau AM,yer bu5ey cheap; " Aiumo, ave. OVERSTOCKED, will eell 4 out of 8 head pick your horses. 347 E. Stark. H9.RSES harness and wagon. Call 632 Com merclal Court, corner Russell st. Automobile, I AM going to California. Will some re sponsible party of means take care of my automobile for the use of seme. Would sell on easy payments It desired. W 12 Oregonlan. ' BY owner. 6-passenger tourist car; looks like new; will trade for East Side lot or sell for cash. Hoyt Lesher, res. 524 E. Davis. Phone East 4505. GEVEN-passenger White steamer. t00- S passenger 40-horse roadster. S1600. Will demonstrate. AXA, Oregonlan AVTJIO-Br1LrES-x1!i? HP- ' als or imtm CZ Q. , 4n 2AX St. SIrl.,passcr.KT "uto even exchange for real estate. 403 Couch bldg. A 284L Ftanoe. ,ir1iprl.sht.plano. mission oak. cheap will rent. 220 Tourney. Main 3753 Mlscellnncona. contents of 0-room house, includ 15koP a.n1 ""J1 buftet costing $250, for o,C&ommeSrec9eMr- KUPP' 332 Cham- gufrTn'tlld mak"' 120 to guaranteed, easy payments; rentals 13 2S3 2dSr- paciac t""nr pfrd: 3S??,ST1- B.' turkY. 10 for $2.25; B P R .&eki,.,BR.fe. 1"nny Shpa: FOR SALE OR RENT. Logging and hoisting engines RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 1st St. FIXTURES for gTocery store, including safe, cash register and . scales at si bar? gain. 33 North 4th at. Dar FOR SALE Beautiful souvenir San Fran Main nit. Mi Giuan rorSsa. FOR BALE J3est dry 4-ft. flr and oak wood at lowest market prices. Hoover. SIS Water st. Phone Main 7451: A 5445. NEWMAN MOTION PICTURE CO. rents and sel s motion plctureo, machines. plies, etc.; lowest rates. 293 Burnside. 6IAS1"vo1- Encyclopedia Brltannlca for J2B: nearly new; 424 E. Davis st.. If taken next 2 or 8 days. , STEVEN'S MOVING PICTURE EX CHANGE Film service that Vina Ster- rON,K,E,T, a2d 14.00 ft. line cheap. O. D . 831 Vlllard ave., Eugene, Or. ' 25-FOOT speed hull, a bargain. E. Neu stadter, phone Main 6072. A 1072. FRENCH plate mirror. 4x4 H ft.. 160 An ply 353 Yamhill st. p FOR SALE Fine gasoline launch, with, house, very cheap. P 862. Oregonlan. GASOLINE woodsaw. cheap; used 4 months. A. Qubser. 1173 Hawthorne ave. HEIFER calf. 4 months old. William Gib son, 1251 Leslie st.. Woodstock. FciR SALE Launch and boathouse. cheap. - 359 Ivy at. MONARCH BICYCLE, nearly new. coaster krake. $25. M la. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. . PIPE PIPE. . Anything In pipe from tt-ln. up to 14 in.. either black or galvanized, ln new or second-hand. Get our prices and save money. ... . M. BARDE A SONS. -..?i7"353 GUsan St.. cor. Eighth. r JtmI HOUSE 'WITH A MILLION BAR GAf, IN ANYTHLNO IN THE MA CHINERY LINE. EfG3 hatching; Rose-comb Rhode Isl- and Reds. Single-comb White Leghorns: il. .15;. 6 !eT 10: selected birds of p9 wlnnlnK tock. Phone Woodlawn SEWING MACHINES. ,T;e n,f.vea few ""Kht'.y used machines that win be sold very cheap. Call and see them at White Sewing Machine Store. H. D. Jones. 420 Washington, cor. 11th st. PURE white pedigreed bull terriers rnonths old; prize-winning champions: nrPo ?nat ite coming Portland show price. $20. Phone B 2554. DO7OUwan.t ""PPliea or rent filmT We are iT.-.S en2.?Pt' do not belong to the trust, land O '' 803 Kothchd bid., Port- HEI.P WANTED MAIE. YOUNG MAN of courage, tact and ability WANTED . as private secretary and manager; per VXf. nt. Ps'tfon. advancement unlimited; ?iV travel some; references required. Interview by appointment only. Address JOHN CHAPPELL, 517 Worcester Block. -City. Wn-e .an "Perlenced man to operate "J?,?! take charge of four Royal Invincible our stock door factory: we are .r interested ln hearing from an expert; ?ai?klna.and quantity of doors you are Fli. tv? on each machine. Chvhalis Flr Door Co.. Chehalls. Wash. POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; export instructor; tools free; write for catalogue Mohler .System of Colleges. Pa N. 4th st.. Portland. Or. AbH01?IVILINQ.; Plumbing. electricity. J.1 IorK ,n ahP and bulld"ng?;y id free c"SlJ2 aiS ,.earn, waE; catalogues Kit C oyno National Trade EchooL 230 "h at.. San Francisco. W"nnST?DT.Men and boys at Los Angeles; UO CIDPnR rn lasra 4-ai . - 1 . . on'oS.1 ,?'i-ctrtciwr VactFcarworU S-Jr3 r.h.al, the lim" and tudy other . Catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co.. Los Angelea. SHOE SALESMEN. m,T.,rC5nly.ej;perlence1- flrst-class men. must have at least 5 years- experience1 permanent positions to right parties ' OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. $800 TO $1800 for railway mall clerks a S "la"" aPPointmentsyeaHy; examin free iV r.tland. and Pendleton May 15; .w.awy,,, uiisriiy . DIUg., City. WiadTrfJ?L'',;men to pePrent one of the 'Z."ns n"reries of the Northwest. Large weeklV hT?'C.e territory; commission paTd wrfte W i?K area huler and can sell write us. Albany Nurseries. Albany, Or. . C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Employment Office Men's Department, 26 North Second St Phones Main and A 1526. "e'P iree to employers. WonTSDraj;ln" " 'l-e'abli,hed and fur h hi 8ber and reliable, also gomat? references. AL IS. Ore- MwIeklv-PleCJiJR,B! "Petor. earn $35 W.ti y- lear" buslnoss ln short time- ac-e"-ih?iheS8e".kand "nstruction given in an ParMculars .'b1 "esons reasonable: neS15 r man to run iP I yinj, ,Sa'1 r phone- America Mill & Lumber Company. Eugene. Or. WmIHo"e"ijl-b an with .r to snow property and work in. office. 22S 5th st. CARPET LAYERS First-class cat-net lv -"ons'ttnd0"1 d 2St Pol Seatue. Watahndard FuTnlture Company. PIr,lBBRS WANTED Competent non n,' "na'ed men; steady -work Ss-nVhr0-307 s-nd ' A , OX FRUIT RANCH. . mn to work as second man on k 0Uregonaianh " Hotd R,ver- -A-ddreM T 10 a' a i-ri3 Cnamber f Commerce handwriting: APpllc-'"'' " own WANTED Cabinetmakers and Inside ' men wanted: good positions h, Hrt, !!. -T?.e" lTor,egoniannMy: need not apply. 5 Wve7-EDr'Ra,;Way maI1 clerks; $800 first year: exam nnt nna x-iw.4-ij ' Preparation free; write Immedlatelv Franklin Institute. Rochester. nT y. A , " RST-CLASS salesman by manufactur- and safarerf comi1?" S Addresser? onTri,0,.can '".Yet Preferred. WANTED Experienced bridge draughts man for out of town. Answer onfyTlth 0?egonfaPn.r'enCO ? P 14, RELIABLE solicitors for reliable kitchen it.n1?11" r'th ""able manufacturing com ?5th st Amerlcau Aluminum Co., 12754 BARBER Must be first class; good oar A.dorfa.eaory 3D- Mdrn Barb?rdShPoapT WJEI.V,,n Phot "uPP'y business, young m.ano?eeo,nianma P-'efred. WA5fi:1.T?- "0',SLt01 Poland on SreTsesonlnvestmen't Te&.ljr: BOK,KEEP.BR Jn "tall and Jobbing atore rTtingUrnh 0ndioxAP4Piy ? W" XErATi:.Qulck dl?hwasher wanted; no Sunday rearS:tomck a't'.. To TXT A VTr.r -r-r- irV larawood floor layers Armiv SOtn aan,d4V9auh1fy' "- PrARtMACaT' "gistered; steady pollon" Wh. Mcitee. Goldendale, BARBER shop for sale cheap. 2 chairs- .-on 360 '" opportunity for yung ma.' faO First st.( corner Mill. A Ty? experienced newspaper solicitor sror'ga.rr'Ging.d8. advancement a o ? "it cnance for . o JO, oregonlan OUTSIDE SALESMEN Good Inducement." experience not necessary. Great American Importing Tea Co.. 406 Wa1ihmgtone.rt'Can WANTED A young- man. experienced lond-TawSorn'e1:08 "c? Jr HARNESSMAKER wanted who understands Running I 1hI1A:PUntry chine, p. j cri In'.S. Landis ma- ... v w.. Aw i- irst. WANTED Ladles' tailor to a l3!Zo35r 0t a'-ratr,on0rodo0mfltt,ABx.ar5d AnEgWttnted be sobeTTlT CARPENTER Must be swift workman- others. Lewi. A 8nay. 232Wwrafnngtonn WANTED Solicitors to circulate f.r..j petition. 522. Board of Trade referendum B W.shanng?o1nt0tWOrk ,n a ta"r hop. 4si WAN7'BD At nc. rood men solicitor- IOJ contracts to right men. S 10. Qregomk 2, EXPERIENCED shoe salesmen Sample Shoe Store Co.. 101 "hlri st. A-l WOODTURNER; steady Job. best prices must report at once. AN 15. Oregonlan.- WANTED Good, steady, rellahia v.v. Call 112 4th st.. cor Washington6 barber- WASSSi7A behoy at 163 12th st.. cor. of WANTED A Janitor at the Westminster Apartments. 6th and Madison. """""nster WANTED Reliable party with r,ihhiJI outfit to clear land.PP 12. Oregonlan b' BARBER wanted. 2113 Burnside st. I - ---.., II JTT X xsa-vi's-n mr I 1 J BhJv WANTEDI nt more energetic cni OVeJ to recelve orders, del iver 5a?,,,Mak" collections for THE SAT-D?EAhoE-N;? POST and THE LA or .HCJM.? JOURNAL. Shall send four nv of them to a nearby boys' camp onl.. .mer' all expenses paid. Camp 5ftcr "Chool closes. . Other prixea t?H?J t.- Apply to Mr. James C. Ha-wely. Jr.. igg Fifth st. WANTED Man and wlro to work on farm; experienced. Call 629 Thurman St.. even ing. Headquarters cooks, helpers. California wins . Pepot. P. Loratl. 164 2d. Main 5300. W;;'TEI-; Lv agents to sell photo cou Pns. c. Elmore Grove. 862 Wash. st. HELP WANTED MALB OR FKMALB, , PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. MaLn O"- Ladles- Dept.. U N. 2d St. 205 Morrison St. LADIES' DEPT. WANTS. Cook and waitress for country hotel. '' cook for hotel. $40; chambermaids. -S and $30; waitresses. $25, room and board; housekeeper, young woman, $20; girls for general housework, $20 to $35 girl to wait on table at small mill boarding-house, $20; etc., etc. Large list of new places every day. MEN'S DEPT. WANTS. Two millwrights. $3.50 to $4; bench carpenter, $3; stlcke'man, $3 50; a lumber Ka,dor 2 25 and $2.50; 3 yard tallymen. .2o; blacksmith and engineer for small sawmill, $3 up; fireman's helper. $0; trackman on logging road. $3; barn man. city, $J5; delivery boy, $3S; young man to work on fruit ranch, $20; man and wife on ranch. $45. Large list o other work too numerous to mention here. We always have a large list of all kinds or work for men and women. Call on us when you want a good situation. If you live out of the city, write us. All letters will be answered promptly. In securing you a situation we do our best to locate you ln the rlp;ht place, so that we may satisfy both employer and employe. SPECIAL NOTICE. We give a written, guarantee (backed "arae bond) to pay fare both ways if there Is not work -where we send apnll cants. New work coming ln all the time at both of our offices. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Vo J 9SflSe' Ladles' Dept., 12 N. 2d St. 205 V4 Morrison St. fJ?.e w ft Frank store want experienced '"both male and female, for their cloak department alteration rooms. Ap ply at once. Ato50kR"nnIIi7?ED ;uns man or "Oman iJ e. Psitln t responsibility; must Play piano; splendid chance for right SfY.er A?PIy,,between 9 and 10 A Jd., Meier A Frank f o m,iart -j . " 1 iiiirm. PROFESSIONAL people wanted at all times 0lml?f0m0oVr1.nB P'ctures. The World A 616M Upshur sts. Phone FOR bookkeepers corporation bookkeeping Md13?Coregon"lgn!'"1Eht: fr be"e" T ,TECSE.R.S" AGE3?CY needs more oL. OLt swetland bldg. LESSONS ln shorthand and typewriting hi expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3803. SPTaylIo3rHste5SOnS' "peclal to beginners. 435 o.w AkXI? GBRMAN in classes. $1 pe, month to beginners. 452 Morrison. HELP WANTED FEMALE. M!l HOPE'S LADIES' AGENCY. 820 is Washington St.. Room 807. Main 8836 or A 8266. WANTED First-class fitter and Jacket hands for alteration department. Apply La Palais Royal, after 12 o'clock. h1?00'" to mak"' overs and oysr shlrts. Apply standard Factory No a. Grand ave. and East Taylor st- WANTED A competent girl to do cooking and housework. Apply 774 Everett. Tele phone Main 915. TTAN;TEP ,A .Rood cook and an upstairs 'girl Apply 795 Flanders st., after 9AM or phone Main 6245. ' H 0ljNG man wants a teacher for Eng lish course; private lessons at 6:39 P M. AD 12. Oregonlan. WmJf.TEP A .woman for general housework; . Bood cook; $30 per month and good home to right party. AB 12. Oregonlan: mHuP18?1"8 LADIES- AGENCY, M8is Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs Phone Main 2692. A .u youR women of good appearance to b?dg ""bscrlptions. call S1Z Gerllnger Yl ,ad7 famll'ar with soda fountalnr Apply at Irvlngton Pharmacy, 592 Broad- W ANTED Ladles. -we bleach, renew, dye S?.d.r 1?,d,el, hat".' dye P'ume, at halt wuuuBry, as( vamhill. WANTED Girl for general housework; easy iu!CeFenthoneeb:ggfam"y: Bd Wa' App" 'I1Ct, experienced nurses, also several pro llUm. 0.rses' at Willamette Sanitarium. RESPECTABLE woman for chamber work W, s i?ni housekeeping rooms. 45 V, N 3d st. The Grand rooming-house. CAPABLE woman, housework; countrv home; $30. 245 Wash. Main 2039. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY 245U Wash st. Main 2039. Mrs. Rlohardson. figrT Wme1TEIiVSWNa823dfl"lab- a' Mm.. 6- E 7fSEHo??'StE-D 8irl r Seneral housework. G4th s wanted ior llht housework. 453 WANTED Young person good at writing accurate flgurea. AM 11. Oregonlan T?YBb.aIberv?ra,,ted,at once- Columbia St., Salem Depot bldg. coeET2Bax. r,t."rl for chiidrgn- in- G,nf'crooBkfl,negral lmn'ar 'jF GJ3L: r?r. general housework; wages $25. Alain 4152. GI.RL'or general housework. 101 E. 17th st. Phone E. 472 or B 1934. ' GI?m2 in general house work; small family. 335 E. gist North, phone E 1702 FIRST-CLASS 000. v,.-. . eulla. Drake A Swan Co.. 415 Wash st. WafteTEDA.SMmatreS" at 845 TRmhIlt- Call GILoveJoyr rn"al hou8eworlt- -a-PP'Y 70S GImo1idt0l3aSi"St ,n '"'"ework. Phone Rtch- GIEastt18?n ffentTal housework. Apply l0 Ea" 16th st. North. Phone East 1222. WNNmnstCOOk ' boarding-house. 248 GIifoX KeneraI housework; small family; good wages. 58S Tillamook st. Walt.?5,: "rst-clajM buttonhole-maker and coat finisher. 42 Hamilton bldg. I . Biiuuiuss WA-M USD rEMALK. 1 FOR RETT " .GIRLS WANTED. laftorv Ann0,1,ear f a- t0 lactory -Apply at once. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLB CO 'uta and Davis Sts. I C"5TjB.irI .wanted; few chorus girls of flKure for musical comedy on the J??'1-, amateurs considered. Apply Thos, leoehn. room 544 Portland Hotel. Wha?n'rtEDrF,rs,t-rla"" Jacket and suit hands for alteration room. The Bar tholomew Co.. 892, Washington st. ALTERATION- WORKERS. waeT.f'o'n.Sr and owaa- OLDS, WORTMAN A KING, Wla?reEDnl'fdy .t0 take cnar" box office Portl.nrt - atr !n town of 25 000. near Ik!5 d- experience not necessary; pref fe'lt lmat.e .nh Ca" ,nVeSt 300 to $500; gonial? " returns. N 14, Ore- WAIrIsnn7ih'iX chor.us 'rI 'or the roadTy Bold Pvoi".J ua'cal comedy; must have Fa r. ni company leaves Monday for 7th and Jer?,n at .the Calumet Hotel. .tn and Alder. Wm. Anger, manager. WAeZ,EhIirrSirI general housework: 6-room S,!,1 apartment; 2 In family: must understand cooking; reference required. Inyulre Morton Apartments. No. 17 N E JClng and Washington. WinNTEm;Exrle!!Ct'1 worlllns- housekeeper w".I- y ,of adults: no washing; good PreflrVed m C,abl, r,m; . i f . a,Her 1 o clock. 800 union .... .mg Hwaiawn or AlDerta car. A,MED Salesladies to work ln the city Ind Sonfe"".1- the'r t,me' "'"B CKy lots f, no fTif : b,g pay to r'Bht parties This bet? bldg propol"t'n- Call at 418 Cor- A,T.oDTM,dd,e-,aBed 'aay or couple go e"derlv iVn"')l.' "T 'Frl": to care for PhoeneyM1Mnyt6S3rU1 PaT l t0r trubl' WA NTED An experienced s-lrl for reneral SrhrrkJfal1 Jaml,y: onewo On fawi,me3 "If 1359Preferred- Pb0ne Wood- 14SA.?.N SADIES- AGENCY. 14$ 1, Washington at., cor. 7th. upstairs. , Phones Main and A 262 Help Supplied Free to Employers. WANTED Competent girl or woman for nvnerabOh"SeHW0k and cooking; 3 ln"faml waee.HUSa?d-,h,0me..v.e.ry . "to Good ow Aiaaiion, cor. 18th. W'A NT FID ir,n.,i.j . I - lor vifh lc""K"pner, rami - aI , 4l. general office work and tiling Ho?iy TJalbams A Kerr Bros.. 4th and Hoyt. after S o clock. WiTE.D A Klrl to a cooking and gen tie.hOUS,w?rk: sma family and food wages. Apply at No. 145 16th st North between Hoyt and Irving. worm. WAJTEPT"A ood; competent woman for f'o -0 FUAe,WArkJ ,man 'amlly; waj P?y at once8" Anteen- comer 16th. Xp. WiniTTHED-Aa,rl or "Oman, employed dur lng day to prepare breakfast and supper for family of . Call apartment 3. IoSFa" WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 711 Broadwa C 1499f Ealt . rk,' eneral housework and cooking; A,TaShnnKi- wa$-es $22.60; family of four Apply 695 East Ash, cor. 15th. Wn1EJfReflnfa' capable woman for re E slbe Position. Viav! Co.. 609 Roth chlld bldg., 4th and Washington WANTED Girl or woman to assist In n-h-"1L0k: he who sleep, home at nigh" The Chetopa. 18th and Flanders, room 31 - f.A-CIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladles Department. 205 Morrison St. Phones Main 1062. A 2064. WwTE1? A "rst-claes talloress for repalr Jifon ,t preratnB' c"y Tailors. 423 Mor- A?JEDT".An exPert cloak and suit sales "late wages and past experience give telephone number. T 2. Oregonlan SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. Tini "l8"' Souate of University of Illinois, understanding stenography, type writing and bookkeeping, desire, a eHua-rt-,,!"' secretary or conndentlal dre'R H S-fT "'erences furnished. Ad cress R. H. Kimball. Gen. Delivery, city. AiT. L accountant and office man. 10 ice oP.e.r,'ence '""11 and marine serv itertvP , and accounting, wishes irtadi ploment: alary sscondary con sideration. T 15. Oregonlan SINGLE young man wants position as teller SbS',1"1' ,n, . bank Sr'meVca!,: vears- i" e,n general:, bank experience 15 years. Al reference. A N 2. Oregonlan. Yand,GreI?ia.S, Wa,nt" Pst"on as bookkeeper and general office work; has comDleted A0"?". -bMt ot reference. Address A. F. Richardson. 210 7th. YOUNG man from East, experienced In lumber business, desires situation; best of references. Add res. S 3. Oregonlan AoIED77Pc""tlon manager of collec tions: 17 years' experience; references furnished. AG 12. Oregonlan. reIorences STENOGRAPHER who has bad four yearV experience desires position, phone A 4275. Miscellaneous. S?ER I"an want Place to do gardening understands care of horses and is good at housecleanlng; wages reasonable; giod r.: erences given. John Jonghaus. Lents. Or. EXPERIENCED automobile driver and re pair man wants position in city as driver can handle any car. Address 1145 East 21st North. Tel. Main 6328. WANTED Position as automobile driver do not drink; am sober and industrious : Al references. F 12. Oregonlan. l"ou"- BAKER, second or third hand, wants posi tion. steady and reliable. J. Sholtes 184 Sherman St.. room 25. BY experienced cook, good on flour. Ad dress Chef. Washington Hotel. Third and r landers FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook, with best of city references, wants position ln private family. AJ 11. Oregonlan. private HORSE-SHOE R. experienced at fire d s res a position In city; has had Eastern city experience. W 15, Oregonlan. GOOD Japanese boy wants position to do housework in family; speaks good cm at 444 Washington stl 8 ' Call PLANING MILL FOREMAN Wants job; first-class man; draughtsman estimator, millwright. y 'n. OregoiTi": JAPANESE boy wants position house-clean- ,l0rFa7beS7egrokt;,a,rak' En8"'h ? JAPANESE boy wants a position In fore noon; speaks English. AF 10. OregonInT EXPERIENCED camp foreman wants n sltlon. AH 13. Oregonlan? wants po- JAPANESB. good cook, wants .1. ,,,,.- family or business house. X l" OregoSlan A. O. CUYLER, painting, paper hanainr .h tinting. Phone Main 8919. nanB"ng and SITUATION W ANTE I -rEiiAU, Bookkeepers and Stenographers. 1 AM i Bo6l stenographer -with experience and knowledge of bookkeeping. f desire a position where good service is aDDre clated. AH 14 Oregonlan. appre- BXPERIENCED stenorranher ... in office: faithful -worker rw1..." 3898. - oMiia Dressmakers. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices; Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main. F"co"- Housekeepers. WANTED Responsible position as house keeper by refined American woman" ex perienced in managing. Phone Sell wood .15. Address. "Easterner.- 492 Spokane RELIABLE woman wants position working housekeeper. Inquire Y. W. C LADY wishes charge of roomlng-houaa. beat referenoAS. T ik 1 .. vu nest W.9VU. DNDERORADCATB nurse desires more en gagements; maternity preferred: 19 years practice. A 3158. Main 1076. Domestic. TO assist with light housework by young frlrl recently from Germany; wishes to earn. Apply 694 Upshur st. COMPETENT girl wishes to do general housework ln small family; wages $20. Phone Main 4570. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes a place as Housekeeper for two people or widower. Address 404 North 10th. Mrs. J. Hodgson. T(wioilQ- n'1 T',Bhos to a"lst ,n "fht houae work. no children. AK 15. Oregonlan. 2RHtNot'thr"5tra.' """"orX- od wages. GT ?hV'SVl m74P4,4,'C8 'n Pr,Vat fam- CO,? 1 W,ih f,ltT fererences. desires posl tlon ln family. y 12, oregonlan. P BIIsceluiBeoas. VnRM xperlenctl1 lrI- chamberwork- ca pable women, housekeepers; cooks, general Mame?638!aUDdreS"e''- 245 WaslSSSSa! TOJII? woman, experienced house cleaner wSSd8a.rk- PrlVaUS hOU"' 18& &2- LACE CURTAINS beautifully laundered. LApaFr. cuj&ywjjat' a., "tcbdc: WANTED Washing. Ironing, sweeping or cleaning by day. A 2645. room 25 TOyjlG Blrl V assist with housework or to take care of child. Phone Woodlawn 893 LACE CURTAINS washed and starched i'al a pair. Phone Main 5598; A. 4092 ve.yg'gasfB?0- C'U ""' aad WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to sell household soeclal- Sfy cS l4oi5S ,h8 falr" National Sup Piy Co.. 140b 2d ave.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED TO RENT. NEtS MAN wants to rent small mod rn, house. Willamette or Portland Heights; permanent, and highest of ref-ej-ences; state location and particular and address at once AE 10. ogegonlan. Pho'n'e S? 2so-9Ptra' Christian 'k,c"hgUrdc'n. V wRT-e convenient six-room cottage: gas $18 'cati I?"-,"'. ya.rd- rrul" "owe" NrthCa'waoa'i;w'n0cea'r0.Ck- 800 Vlon aye" WAatTEsde"Fw'?iSn',,, rm- or small house. b'artl-A i within walking distance of Steel bridge. Phone mornings. East 6179. ROOM by elderly gentleman from elderly 8?ff,x;rJKJ515nBA,-.lw? . Out East " iv. oregonlan. WANTED Board for a boy 5 years of age" esjonsibl. prlv.,, y,amyily.r" j'TJ Ro1,rag,'strb,0ctJaMraTn"''d WANTED MI8CELLAN EOC8. WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR . . FURNITURE And anything else you have to-saIL Main r9gTLAND AUCTI COA 412l. WAJEP8tore and ofTlce fixtures, also iywlW;Um.chdeak3- .Cash "S"ters!ae BurnsTde " phoDO-raPh. etc. 293 Whoe.EIiT1?n' caat-off clothing and ViZZV.S a'" buy household furnishings- Di "t62pr"f pa,,d ,uCalL at b --KT; Ajaai. 62 3d st. North. Phone Main S272. ONE or two large rooms with private bath unfurnished; brick building preferred Ad dress, stating terms. AM 10. OregSnian T.. ,v.FORP AUCTION" CO. t?r.y,Ea.e 9PS8.C B Sla."""." " WANT .a cood Racine canoe; must be a bargain. AF 12. Oregonlan. W A VTf T . T- . .. . , j Liiri. visioie preferred good and cheap, phone Main 3503. HIEES6lo4PRIC,Ef ?aM ,'r fu""tu- Phon. isast 5204. 194 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor. SPsn,a"h Ea'd for 7our flture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067T FOR RENT. Fum tuned! Rooms. THE NEW SCOTT. ..re.1ni.h Ankeny and Burnside "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY" Everything brand new? homelike and outside rooms: steam heat, electflc llghta etc :, rooms $10 month up; suites VlA iEilil.n,r water- 22 B to 30; elegant publlo parlor; phonea and baths free. WANTED Men and women who can't nav high rent and board; rent hous'keep room or suite; $1.75 and up. 85 c "day 50a3nyA,Pl.,r,:ile'ie,: Plo HOTEL IRVING, 112 OAK ST.. COR. STH ni.Jhed: a?l' tvi. and. fl" - , m.s.sa reBOD&D(6. ?.E1dBHCI.N(i1?AM- Yamhill .t. opp. Port dHte! Fireproof building; all mod ern conveniences; special rates to perma nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished veni'i"- ,lnK or en suite; .11 moSra con leniences; $8 weekly up. A 2647. M. 6647. BEAUTIFUL furnished rooms for one or free 'S'!:, wl,h ht' ad cold water' oTna.ndhMndl.Vat0r- Th ""ater.' " .frlfrpi-ihS'nS he'aUr,"lbdmonrh! Hotel Avalon. 11th and Washington- central- ..,ea.m he.at- larKe- "ht rooms. siSg"e or suites; rates reasonable; transients solicited: TIJSLE.STESJ rOood rooma reasonable- n furniture, telephone and baths free .827 w Sta.rk. corner 6th. Mra. Maud J. EstesT HREX,' 8th and Washington Modera rooms, also housekeeping; ruining baths. A 1856, Main 4632. atsr. T n5hTEMPLB- J3 Yamhill, nicely fur nished rooms 12 oar .'.". - - " k . vruoaient TroAJiGEL,US'.eth and Jefferson, modern rooms and inaTtmani,. , r uum poones. HOTEL MONARCH Modern convenlenoea transient solicited. 865 Stark, cor. p"k ' Fm-nUhed Rooms tn Private Family. FINE large corner room, hot and cold .ir1- PrCh- a conveien Tw0 nicely furnished rooms, heat bath d S'e'ffern8.?.'1'1 10: "alkingVsta -"JE. lar?8 "un.ny Parlor room, suitable gentlemen. Phono East n; evenings. 41 East 8th7 cor pi". 4980 .rvE. wen-rurnished room, every convent CNorntndern- ,g P6r ?Et "u; B??.IF.SabV,tdwrnhreT .mat, private family; fine home! 213 'luh g. " 81rooAf'r .D8T- NorthNewly furnished Phone.1 1260 Pr Week up- Bat fr.. IChfpmile:Lr 'urn'hed rooma. $12. 862 ZSB"" "at! y- uiutiiii. NICE furnished rooms. $2 per week- b... bath, telephone. 125 lath atf U NIi3.EIlJ . '"rnlshed room, electric lights hot water, steam h..t in, ,V.C i . - - - ivui, nai . woNlegfi;1nTenrOT09'ihhP'aCe: OP" " 4 agsffigftg. room'-flrat flr- " S, ?"M'TaybortUcar,:bed nlahsd; batnt sjuietj olos. i '453 fttb ynrnlahed Rooms In rrtvate Fainlly. hoS,. alcove room for gentlemen; t?T Pate family; very cen tral" ass Salmon st., bet. W. Park and fSh. t hUTh'1 TO"M a"" home cooking: freebath and phone. M. 667. 434 Burn.!". FRble,Tforr0??o JerT- n,c'l3r furnished: TO!t street. gentlemen or ladies. 2J5 12ih BOARD and room $3 per week ud- free bath phone and laundry, aa North 7th FNorhSHlsP.r00,,ba,h and phone. 38 "r' -1,t gentlemen preferred. vVjo?. r0Mraiwl.h,.?1eeP'ng porch. 51 Lovejoy st. Main 2232. Gentlemen only. Unfurnished Rooms. 1 TO 4 unfurnished rooms, new and modern PI,Y.at,e V e'egont Burroun d"n vate family; West tflde. Main 6.S27. 6 ROOMS good for dressmaking establlsh ment. 549 Morrison. Key upstairs! Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT. Modern In everv respeot; 'steam n' electric lights, hot and cold wter 1B every room, elevator and bellboy service, with excellent meala a specialty. Cor Grand and Hawthorns aveaT ' THE MAGNOLIAS Walking distance. Kear ney."5'.bet. 10th and 20th.; elegantly furnished apartments for married couplei itn board; also swell rooms for gentle men, with breakfast and dinner, $;io per month; beautiful ground; ali modern con leniences : finest rooms and best home k' " the clt-; an Ideal place for the PRn,LAHVS'om"n'. Vnlon. 21st year, room brarV mS f rm and 1 6 Flanders st.. Miss Frances V V33 lOth'.r'ii'"" 133 10th St. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt. BLAKELY HALL, 800 Jefferson, between 6th and 6th Pleasant rooms, nrst-Tlas. board, beautiful grounds, nnelv located fo? business people, phone A 5345 ""-lllea Ior ThE,.MORRiSONT- S33 Morrison st family THE LIN DELL 269 Market; mcely furnisnVd front rooms. Orst-clas. board: modern? "a? aoaable: One walking distance. ao"u' rea- THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri ll ?A t,J'e.St board and best room.lnpo7. land; rates lowest; a-comfortable home? ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con venlencea 432 Morrison, cor. 13th! NIcCo?klTgfUr?iaoh,,r0rm" S.Ith board; home cooking. 1.9 14th t. Phone. Main 3266. "wuSv2;5 Ijth-Llght. airy room, with board, hot and cold water. Rooms With Board In Private Family. LARGE rooms, excellent board; lust like home; reflned boarders; desirable for mar- ;':fdk.coup4r2: tnm p- s p V?RY . "aras. nicely furnished front room for two; clean and cool; large closet- ermhomeklAB-4o8Lry convenlenc8 of mod: FI-RNIPHKD front rooms for gentlemen MaTn'sila a"d bath- 149 Pho R?iM -and. board In a private family, suit able for two or three gentlemen; no other roomers. 427 3d st. outer LARG.E' n,celv furnished front room; home joongdrnvenlences; term, mod- ROrM b?th attached; best home eook- !en8cesCentMam iSMi m"n Conv 0BlarB0 ,ront roomi also .Ingle room. M?iieIt ' "ocation. nome cooking. SS7H NB poom anI aood board, suitable for one gentleman. 574 Gllsan at. ROda "3ned9.b0a4rd Nr20i Apartnienca, HEaH.ZAP,ARTRNTS- 14,h a"d Columbia. faa walking distam-e. new. brick bulldlnss nilviV. 'k aId 4 rooni family apartments .a h. and ""eception hall, steanl heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, jan itor service, completely furnished ready fur housekeeping, from ao to $50 month- some unfurnished from $22 up MADIsON PARK apartments, corner Park and Madison, a brand new 4-room apart ment, free city phones, steam heat hard wood floors, automatic elevator, electric lirts; every other convenience. brick bldg-. 4 blocks from Morrison st THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts. unfurnished 4-room apartment with bath $.s: new. modern and fully equipped for convenience: location saves carfare An ply to janitor. Main 2.-.0U. Ap MODERN 3-room apartments, every con venience. Morton Apartments. N. E King and Washington. Inquire Janitor or S. Morton Colin, 107 6th st. " J.l0 cot,RT- Sth and Harrison, un furnished apartments. 2 rooms with bath !J.modern conveniences. Phone Main bus. JEFFERSONIAN Nicely furnished 2 and -room suite for nous. -keeping, strictly modern; 10th and Jefferson. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-room apart f.r nou.Rekeepinc. with private bath. Wellington Court. 15th and Everett. 8 AND 4-ROOM steam-heated apartments, furnished or unfurnished, gas. electricity modern, walking distance, cottel Drug Co! THE CHETOl'A. 18th and Flanders, 4-room front.''0 unfurnihed apartment. 1st floor BUELL APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon. nicely furnished 4-room apartment. The Dayton. 660 Flanders. 3-room lower apartment, heat, hot water, etc., $20 mo. COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4-room modern apartments. nth and Columbia. Flats. NEW. unfurnished flat. 5 rooms, bath, fire place, furnace with hot water roll- nl dark rooms; East 15th and Oak. reason able rent. P.odgers-llart-Gibson. 148 2d W. L. MORGAN. 503-5O6 Ab'.nc'.on bldg. 5 rooms, steam heated, hot water. Jan itor, new and modern. 668 Kearney; $37.50. THE WESTMINSTER APARTMENTS 6'.h and iladleon. beautiful 4-room apartments with hot and cold water. private biith, free phone, elevator and Janitor service. NEW 5-room upper flat. $27.50. East Sth and Burnside Ms. Russell A Blyth, Com monwealth bldn. t25 l-roora furnished flat, sightly, com fortable. Portland Heights car to Haw thorne Terrace. Inquire at grocery. STRICTLY modern flat with 5 large airy rooms. 7 minutes- walk from postofllce. See owner. 404 clay st. MODERN 4-room flat, second floor- rent $21.50. 5S1 Third st. Ring Holman bell MODERN flat. 194 McMillan st.. near Steel bridge. Inuuire 1SS McMillan. Waynewood." 100 N. 18th, nlcelv furnished housekeeping rooms; walking distance CE,N,TRAL' up-to-date furnished f;at. S09U Fifth st. Housekeeping Rooms. HOTEL OHIO On account of Madison bridge being closed, cheapest and best housekeeping and single rooms In the city. Cor. Front and Madison. THE JEFFERSONIAN Nicely furnished Housekeeping suites; strictly modern. 514 Jefferson st. COLUMBIA BLDG.. furnished housekeeper xrtmH jery desirable. Apply room s ' 3d and Morrison sts. Tel. Main 945. THREE nicely furnished housekeonlng Vina"1 10 month. 615 Spencer. Monta- 116 3 nicely furnished rooms In cottage, ff" i""."' bath- ca between 1 and 4. A MONTH One clean housekeeplng room, walking distance. 411 Fourth st. TE.SA.M.QERT-. Washington and Trinity, near 19th. furnished apartments. THE MILNER. 350H Morrison, cor. Park. home apartments, all conveniences. TH ELH? Furnished 2 and 8-room apart msnta; heat, phones, tain, 191 Huh. at. 1 furn?hEHNDORA- 19th and Couch Nicely 1 hed rooms, single or en suite. $10 loo and hm."1 .up: pubhc Parlor, piano, pool and billiard tabes free lo iLesiv transients solicited: excellent table board! 's Per month; single meals. 25 cents "