i: V ACCTION SALES TODAY. .tVi rtland Aumior Co.. a, 2U Fleet te. M" '"rnlturs, household goods. NEW TODAY. General Store For Sale toXn I'Vk 8twre ,n ,lvMy growing ItZZ th b8t wh't. lumber and took country ln Eastern Oregon. Clears Over $10,000 Annually d."h.S men? WUh ranche. PRICE $14,000 to $18,000 According to Invoice Thla win bear Investigation. OREGON COAST CO. M M41. A 8337. 302-4 Wella-Fargo. $5o;ooo New, strictly modern apart ment house, with fine auto matic elevator; corner, near 13th and Taylor; five min utes' walk from Postoffice. Pays, clear of taxes, insur ance and all expenses, 14 E. J. DALY 222-3-4 Failing Bldg. SOOO Acres Yamhill County Alfalfa. Prices 835 tn JS50 1 ,T""""- planting. No re? annnm Urr0W- Net profit $5000 skeptical, Investigate. A few choice bargains left. They are going every fr llfe"' 00 ready oft fixed ?errefe NoItrl"'k.1Rl '10 000 at ln' EO. E. WAfifiOXER, Mala S481. ;., Board of Trade. Apartment Site Choice location. Trinity place, near 19th and Washington. 100x100 Feet Cement walk hard-surface street and east front. $20,000 Thla is an Ideal site for hotel or apart ments. No restrictions. JAMES 7. FLYNN o18 Chamber of Commerce. INVESTMENT 9 Li10"?"1' ,ot 2xl08, 20-rt. alley; 1 i'SZ m hou 1" Kood condition; 16 Have "VZJ?? yar Rml modern bath. iSS"i.FtSS anKdaSGat W. H. Morehouse Invest. Company Sa2-24 Board of Trade. Half Mile River Front ON THE COLUMBIA. Rare opportunity to buy 110 acres. Could be out up into Summer homes. Boat landing on the place. North Bank Railroad has promised a sta tion in the near future. Abundance of pure spring water. Good build ings.. Income from fruit alone over $3000. For prices and further de scriptions, see DUNN-LAWRENCE CO. 248 Alder Street. If You Want a Fine Residence Site on the West Side RES 2S3 hSsrtervfiw' JSend ,U8- We have Just puT: .Varat'ear'- Terms! SMITH & EVERETT . S00-310 Falling Hide:. Sixth Street Corner il?.70, ,TW? houses. 1 7-room, 1 11 room. all in good condition; rental b.rgSrr; TSmS- Jttr t!" W. H. Morehouse Invest. Company . 322-24 Roard of Trade. 3 Lots-Sacramento St. We have 100x150 on Sacramento st -li.hfoV I-p?rtEeSSr- fr M50- F,n HOWARn-BKHXKR CO, 61 S wet land Bid. $6950 will buy a splendid 7-room home with large sleeping porch, grounds 75x100 In the choice section of Irvlngton. Owner Uvea out of city, and will sell thla place on moat reasonable, terms. This Is a bargain if you want a home. CJKO. H. BCUAI.K. Mala SB2. A 2392. 264 Stark St. OBOBOl BLACK, VBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) SI WoRtiirr Bid Phones, Mala $371, A 401S. m i Mjvmy or sunaai. ill i I i . . I r.mns. Beautiful Home Close In For $500 Down Modern 8-room house, has 3 large bedrooms, children's room, nice clothes closets, reception hall, enam eled bath, wash bowl and medicine chest, living and dining rooms with openings, china closets, fine' kitchen with pantry, porcelain, sink with back, gas, fixtures, front and rear porches, cement basement, stationary tubs; beautiful lawns and roses, good neighborhood ; price $4000. Terms, $500 down and $23 per month. Only one-fourth block from carline and street improvements in and paid. Call and investigate at Room 605 Corbett Building. $60,000 Warehouse site, 100x200, with 100 feet of trackage on 15th st. near Marshall, right in the heart of the big move ment in the north end. American Trust Company 200 Chamber of Commerce. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY exclusive, close-in downtown resi dence district. Where all improvements are made P"a ior, including asphalt streets. Go and see the many choice resi dences now building. Lots sold on easy terms. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Agents on ground. Man'fg. Site Given Away 150 Acres River Front property Columbia River at . $200 per acre, if sold by Monday night. No agents. Don't answer unless you mean business. Owner. AM 12, Ore gonian. $2000 cash will handle modern 7-room res idence, full lot, facing West, street improved, Holladay's Addition, East Eleventh street; balance $2500, easy terms. FRANK BOLLAM 128 Third Street. Partner Wanted eo: Vt'er r quartz mine ln Nevada, who will tul nlsh money to put in a mill and equlo the mine. 1100.000 of ore ln sight Plenty of wood and water on the grround Ore absolutely free. This Is a straight proposition and no fake. None but responsible parties need apply. For further particulars vviy. ior 08 BOARD OF TRADE. Apartment or Flat Site downtown. A decided BARGAIN You can improve this lot and it win price see handsome 'orae. For Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Bids. $6500 FIXE HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER and"rh?i,H-JJ5us0, bes'des reception hall m.nl. i ar1 room; full cement base rnent all modern conveniences, includ ing furnace, hot water coll. flrenlaip gas mtell?e,St adjustable screen!; S".! d eIecr' fixtures. carpets linoleums and shades. Full lot choice section of East Burnslde it. Best of service. ,3500 cash, time on balf INftllRE 605 CONCORD BLDG. $28,000 SV.v ' business e r block. 1 Srh a 1 m o n; but a tnrow from the nnV tnrme J . " . J.IH3 aeeeusbatKonce. L ah6ad t0 "" STRONG & CO. Financial Agents, 605 Concord Bids;. $1000-Investment-$10Q0 Gives you U Interest ln a two years' lease and a valuable option to buy. Mine Is equipped with a 10-stamn mill tools, machinery. Pay ore blocked out ready for storing, win pay dividends In 60 days. This has aome of th2 finest .sugar pine, has 160 acres, assay office, bunk-house, boarding-iiouse For particulars come ln and see samples. None but reliable people need apply. 308 BOARD OF TRADE. BEST ACREAGE On the Peninsula for platting. If you want such call on BRONC-STEELE CO. 110 Second St. THE MORNING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1, 1908. Daily or Sunday. One time .'."iso Same ad two consecutive tlraee . Same ad three consecutive times. 'soo same ad sir or seven consecutive times 66o fJf words count aa one line on cash ad vertisements, and no ad counted lor less than two lines. When an advertisement Is applies" con"oct"tlTe times the one-time rate "5he .'hoe rates apply to advertisements tinder "New Today" and all other classwca! llons excepting the following: Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted. Kemale. J'or Rent, Rooms, Private Families Rooms and Board, Private Families'. Housekeeping Rooms. Private FamUies. rate on the above classification Is 1 cents a line each insertion a." J" tbe "New Today" columns la "rured by measure only 14 lines to the REAL ESTATE DEALERS. f Abraham. 205 Abington bldg. Main 822 Andrews,?. V. & co. M. 8348. 30 Hamilton bl akr-A.,,TT'"d 1,5 Abtng'on bldg. . Beck, William G 812 Falling bldg B IIfiV Ai H Co- 202-8 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc Brubaker A Benedict, 503 McKay big. M. 649 naln Herlow. 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. a et Co.. 803 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. K. A Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co., Main 168. 206 Oregonlaa, Lee, M. B., room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrlsh. Watklns A Co.. 250 Alder st. Richardson. A. B.. 221 Com. club bldg. l.haJkl Geo- D - 264 Stark st. Main or A S9i Sharkey, J. p. A Co.. 122 sixth at Tli? 9je'an Jea' E"' Co.. Grand ava. and Multnomah st (Holladay Addition.) S";?,d,1VW0'l. "i09 dumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F.. 227H Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 24oACwooI: 2Toot0 Vancouver- i80 cords etir-,i''in Wjth. trar"- bunkers, cars 26.'0O0 y Droducln" nd making money. JO acres near St. John. 1'."!00 Houses m Irvlngton, 4(KU)-TOOO I.ots from &25O0 to $1000. l-ronm house, furnished, 12 acres. In cultivation, on 6c rarline. acres, in We have houses In all parts of the cltv meotVe l'";m"- o--n and sman pay ments each month. THB OREGON COAST CO.. 802 Wells-Farito Bldg SOME BARGAINS IN HOUSES ' iot2t4T28r7SrSohrrm:n Ladd'- Aim-- terms3"1" hOUi; ln Ladd' Addition; fSSOO, 2s!'5dete'rmsr00m bungalow OI East Salmon; e,w; T.od.n 7"roim house on East 17th t.: lot ftuxlOO; 2900. terms. S We have others. spencer ft CO.. 102 Second st. own ?lthl"k,:hat,lt,nM" 'o own your own home. Listen! I will sell voti e" hr.'.",roo71 cotta!: everything mod ern, beautiful view, nice tot for chickens talfae yOUra t,dasr wan? room 404 hUrry- 32a Washington St.. IN PORTLAND-S SWEJLLEST HOMB SECTION. P ,lVn?,!rt.,Sld .about ,B minutes to L tk. .I,Dr,th front- Improved f.T. lBreatest view to be had; I cin aell you look ,Uh"r the "-li values" Zi J O m."1'. yourself; only 2aoo. c- - BLE, 432 Chamber of Commerce. VERNON BUNGALOW, rooms' h,i,Car and hard-surfaced street; S there Is" a 5ja"" .ar" "lc"y tlnted of and .n iPfnt?' and kllche": WxlOO snap front: easy term a J. C." STRUBLE. 432 Chamber of Commerce. With T ,i ,GROCBRY STORE. ,i'h 7. "vlnK romo-'- right at station of St. ?ah7?.hi3 i very gooA Nation and well-ea 1 J -ed. trade: receipts about $M per dav good fixtures, 3 horses and 2 wanna- will KneaboUt 3000: a " op"ponun7ty chln?e!"'nn Mre- 3i5 dumber Ei: WE have a large number of One homes n fd residence districts, prices 1B0 as ,SS b,B boughtPrfoCrMa,ll6ow hiv - down, balance monthly. We wt sPclal bargain at $2-50 near 1019 Board of Trade R" Co" rar- a1TdWCr.onlealfruPta'1.p,Hcre 'ftiSi . LITmlar" hangeK.aUffma"" & . IRVINGTON QUARTERS. '. ?ioP.PALMBR-JOES CO.. 13 Commercial Club Bldg M. 8699. A 2853. T-ROOM atrlctly modern honne u-ui, i S.iAfMBlRN8IDB DISTRICT, oif eight-room house less than a year " Kast Couch et.. near 20th ht, t ur nace. fireplace. full Mm,, . ' V JrL everything up-to-date; $5600 ' basement- H- P- PALMER-JONES CO. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. M. S689. A 2653. CORNER 20TH AND EAST ANKENT swell 8-room house, furnace, fireplace etc.. everjthlng modern. nrepiace, H. P. PALMER-JONES CO , M. 8s. A 28T. , 213 Commercial Club Bldg. r.?1 APARTMENT HOUSE to "iTa&1.y located. easy walking distance VJr,?osto,rlce: a 8od income producer of "oni" no vacancies prl. Vanduyn & .Walton, 515 Cham ber of Commerce. v-nam- HALP ACRE corner, at Fremont, will sell P,5lcelc than adjoining property aihat haB. been cut lnt los. 1200 down "balance .10 per month. will make thTee large lots. Phone Main 816 or a 11V or call at 252 Oak at. 1555- TWO Irvlngton lote, desirably located East 21st and 22d. near Tillamook lm .OVOre;nlin.an1 l0T: 2100 i FOR SALE 1 Newport. .Or lot in in district, at 4oO each. Vl00 down Yo ourn?Orh Addre" P" " Box 18?.WWood? lOOxlCO CORNER; lots 6 and 6, block ""a .32.10 It-room house, full lot, on West Side walking distance: nice view Howard-' Behnke -Co.. 619 Swetland bldg. "onard- BEACH cottage, Gearhart: modern six Wod-lawi1. WOUld burba B..-OW?ER' flne building lot 60x100 K FOR SALE by owner, bungalow ln Irvlnaton 624 E. 20th at. ,N. the handsomest Call and see it. Fio?k-jih si1 e',.z,af- tioulars address R n, Oregonlaa. Pa 0!:J.r two beautiful lota, N. W. corner hllschool." Montana- convenient toCn".w 'oluCSMrW,ewm0,dlTono calr800WtVrm,.r Phone Owner, . M. 3001. " 09 "rms. lOOxlOO. Riverside; st John car; enver ave. and Emerson, near new High Bohool bargain for cash. Owner, Main 4490. 22RlvTSr, i00 0,vrTok,,, W'amette 7-ROOM modern house, full lot. on East An. keny carline, 136O0. a ai UND A HIGLEY, 13a Third St. FOR SALE By owner, modern 5-room cot ESFlan0der. ' 1 b'Ck trom M 60x 106oe6 Fifth, with modern 8-room houa. SroV.rsr Frir month- Appii? j GOOD house; 2 acres of fine garden ground near station, electric car line. lnauir Mr. Bassett, Tlgardvllle. ln(ulr ,22! r'K28 nth'y- 'buy. modern, new six-room bungalow, Blst et., south Hw. thorne: price $2700. Phone Dr. Darling STriVareh.0,I! lot on railroad. North Portland; two houses. A 4. Oregoalan" 1J7LI,ouJ.rJal o" city property with W. H. Dudley Co.. tu otearna kfd g. OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, I ll ' ' ! FOR SALE REAL ESTATR. 1 PHONE YOUR AOS NO MATTER WHERE TOU LIVE - In Albinm., Mcmtarilla 3t. John, Sunnyside, Sellwood, Portland Heights, Woodlawn, Irvington, 'way up town or anywhere, you need not com to the business office of Th Oregonian to insert an ad vertisement. Just take the phone either one and read the ad to the clerk. Bill will be sent you the next day. Convenient, isn't itt MAIN 778 THE OREGONIAN IS THE GREAT "WANT" MEDIUM OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST And no matter what yon want, this newspaper can satisfy yotu. XT you want help in your store or kitchen,. If you want to borrow money, If you want to buy, or sell a house or tot, If you want to rent a room, a honse, a flat or a farm A few lines in The Oregonian want column will usually eatisf v the want. Try it tomorrow. PHONE MAIN 7070 HOME A 6095 :' Situation Wanted" advertisements not aooepted over the telephone. FOR SALK REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? Let our architect draw plans for you free of charge. . Our building department is in. charge of a Californlan. who is an authority on bungalow structure. We guarantee the quality 6t our work to be or the highest only. We refer you t.i your bank or to Dun or Bradstreet as our responsibility. We loan money for building and build on easv terms. You don t have to hunt for what you. want. We will hulld it for you. This plan will save you money. .., W Hi CONK LIN A CO., INC. 407 -Wells-Fargo Bldg. A 1747 M. 2839. ROS3MERE SECTION, ROSE CITY pc a Price $75 under company's present ow8n.n5. ,r,two best-located lots In this growing district; payment J240 down, bal JSf.t.fiJ? per nionth each lot; look the situation over: let us show you. and you will become a Rossmere-Rose City Park VI ,H alast and investor or home bulldr; would rather hold this advancing prop. ?w butJnust e. Seaberg. Elton Court. 11th and Yamhill. Phone Private Ex change, 48. or A 2770. WILLAMETTE. New 8-room house, modern. block fIS ia1An.e; "mnt basement; .2300; terms, $1000 ca-ih. bal. 3 years; a good in vestment. W. H. MOREHOUSE INVEST. CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. ENGLISH WALNUTS. , we are the largest owners and planters ;".?reBon:, We have th only planted th.00.," market. Our properties a-. ;n.. walnut country. Yamhill, 5-acr CHURCH?? red- Ji0-""' 513 montaT CHURCHILL, MATTHEWS CO., INC. Lumber Exchange bid.. 2d and Stark ata. BEAUTIFUL ... IRVINGTON HOME. ren.r i.K, rooms and modern In every fS-p. .hla, homa 'ocated ln one of the most ideal spots ln this select restrlct 'olninVnl d",tr't; Compare value, ad ioln.!rS.ihl81.prODerty and you will be convinced that this Is a bargain For terms and particulars see THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO 621 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE For $K.000Br E OWNER tk anddHrcocr."t..:,ig,y-pronve(adr .iivisV4:.' "outh front- ti :" IZl at onXi" Pf rnianently and must E 66 furniture ftr sale; phone llinf.VT'N'NTSIDE BARGAINS. 1550 Sine corner lot 40x100. In swell . . residence district. 82,00-For 100x115 feet on corner, very a0 location; easily worth 3350 5-room modern cottage, near 34th and Belmont; a snaD RENSHAW OSBORNE CO?, 1009 Belmont. VERY EASY INSTALLVPVTo V?rR ,?ANDY, SUBURB"ANEHNOME. very largro and sltrhtlv lot Mivinni nM . mTISo 0tk 0O1;15.I30,00doawn and W76thmnMPVLVclrOWOer- V""' a- . ' ... A BARGAIN, snih W. . J:"1 '-room house at 1025 E with st.; modern: built-in china closet.- dandy view of mountains, etc f PHce t3KO gunman!"000- balanC t0 l".' Orlt S50 PER ACRE IF SOLD BY TUESDAY ' a ? acreB-, "ne. condition; A-l berry land naif ca'fh "".TA m," cu''h", r"k roaa! sfreet! Stiger, room 8, 221 14 Morrison 3200-,0 Queen Anne cottage. 6 rooms. -haU- a" Improvements, cor ner lot. Walnut Park district; terms if desired: this Is a good buy See THE SPANTON CO. 270 Stark St. BL,.W. SH?iew. S-room . strictly mode olocHrb ! T Fni block from car. lapor U44. t1"""; lerms. Phone A GOOD INVESTMENT " 15.000rch. W in -.-fr.-Inntn; Price ' VBUIillill. .27.600 Greatest Investment on East Slde whole bl0ck. 2UOX200 wfth Grand and Lnion-ave. frontages; enhance- See THE2S?Ula.Mve- " aee THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark st. '2ho?o77'IfOOM modern house, built fo'r M?cERg;rTp,ace:tXent0c,.'oee, TQ, oThll VSS'-JSi oar2 service! ... , ...o. f uuiie aeuwood iS3. F?1?ii5ALB Four beautiful view l6ta on oT w!i:,aSe?fe HVnrf Abington bldg. Phone Main 225 Bh f.hw? C.?J?er 'ot ln . Soth Portland : 1. v "neap; income $62 mo ; Wi!L ,tCoh.an.e. . for Angeles IropePtv.' property. - o-ROOM HOUSE, ft LOTS, -r . eM fraPe- iberrles, block to H5C. fare: BOO outbuildings; cheap at $23S0: terms. Room 8, 221 Morris ,,. MODERN 7-room California bungalow with cobblestone nrepiace and foundation Is a beauty: on Alnsworth ave; for $ 38(H) Phone owner. Woodlawn 2200. . 5-ROOM bungalow, hew. 1 block of car . 20 1 minutes out. 100x100 lot; easy termi' Si'bwV 8aln- palraer: " HOUSE and lot 150O. 76x160: will take good team and wagon as part pat bal- . ance cash. 1799 Dwlght tlnlversfty Para. Phone Woodlawn I347. "'v"rBlt TOU SALE 4 lpts. corner, water and fruit .trees on nrem hi. vnni v.,, . BoSle'vatrd.J' B-. Bu,enschoen, 283. Willis 5-ROOM house, walking distance East Yam hill at., only $2750; J1O0O cash : LIND & HIGLEY, 133 Th'lrd Bt. $4 1 60 Desirable apartment site on JefTerson - "i.V. J1""! 15th; ripe for improvement See THE SPANTON CO., 270 Stark it FOR SALE BY OWNER 3-room modern cottage at Highland, corner lot, one block to car. $3000. Woodlawn 1754... NEW 6-room Queen Anne cottage. Eaat Ta vls and 81st. Phone East 202S. POR SALE -room house, close In.' 2 ear lines, van ita a. Main, or phone aj. lsii. APRIL 1G, 1009. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. EAST 28TH STREET. We have a choice lot for $1230 that la ruture business property; other lota on thla street are not offered for less than $1600. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. M. 89. A 2653. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. DO YOU WANT IT? -i. acres, all cleared ready to plat, ln city limits and on Columbia boulevard; city water, graded streets and canine; price only $1.1.000; you can double your money on this. THOS. M-CUSKER, 205 Couch Bldg. EAST 2STH ST. W "V;, cliolea lot for $1250. Nothing tuaa $160OS 0 buslness street for less - P- PALMER-JONES CO., 213 tommerclal club Bldg.. M. 8009, A 2653. NEAR 12TH AND MILL. Modern It-room house, furnace and fire place; a fine buy considering the cloee-ln location: $KO0. $20X cash, balance long ljm.e ' Pr cent. Gruael Zadow. S17 Board of Trade bldg. IRVINGTON LOTS. Several choice corners at very reasonable figures One 75x100 corner, south frontage for 20; . one 60x100. eat frontage, 21st b1.' ',r ' C. L. Bamberger. 60S Cham er of Commerce. ONE BLOCK FROM ALAMEDA PARK, offert .?n ,he rner; these lota are ?; . ,,,e same Pr'0" asked for one ot a block away; is go.,d for a 50 per cent increase in 30 days; $1050 and ea- terms J. C. STRUBLE. 4.12 Chamber of Commerce. ID-ROOM HOUSE. HOOD STREET Oood house for 2 families: walking' dis tance; price $4000. part cash: it's nfee to nave no rent to pay and a little rent com yii' B,-S about this, Grussi & .j.,., tt iraae Diog. $4200 Beautiful corner residence. 2-story 6 rooms and bath, spacious reception hall, fireplace and modern improve ments; lot 100x100. near Unlon-ave. carline; splendid location, terms See THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark St. E. BURXS1DB DISTRICT. Wi- .k,8 number of nice homes for ale ln this district. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO M. htiWI. A. 2U.V1. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. N i;ro.om e,,esant modern home, very nne hicatlon. close to 3 cars, also in walk- pnr?ce foa,noOW;ner teaVn and "educed price to $3600; terms. .It is worth youe mTr e U- CaU S1S Oambe? of Com- FURNJSHED COTTAGE SEASIDE, nl.hf ,"Z?m ,co"a8e, completely fur n shed, 1O0 feet from the beach- a fins I'L '"t 50X100; good wefl. nicefy' fenced arui?i 2"'" at KC'0' Photo at our office orussl & Zadow. 317 Board of Trade bldg. c IRVINGTON $10,000. trtct!" modlrn.110"80 0n Car"n9: 'rrtblng H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. M. 8tlU9. A 2653. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. 4 LOTS $250 EACH. .SSorLbJ?k,orr,r,c.,."ilr Sd1. 11 .'nTstk. "e'k- 3 C"-"d $1600 CASH. Eight full lota, all set to fruit; four room house and chicken yard; 5c carline oV Trad. Ca" t0day at 1019 Bord 3.0Pretty little cottage. 6 room, and bath fireplace, furnace and all modern im promenu. with lot lWxlllu,: desir able locality. Mt. Scott carline- terni. See THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark st - 6 AiCR.E,S rlKt at Whltford on t.ie Sa em iHC,r'c' onlJ 7 ml!es out: land lies high ?.nk.ndr.yt oe "' 'n "'tat.on; snap'lf BRONO-STEELE CO.. 110 2d St. BLILDINO lots, close In. on East Side- one very flne corner lot 50x100. within walking distance; $17O0 takes it: 'this l" a snap ton' bTd1. 0l3hier3dg0.td neg- Ca" an": ANY OLD TERMS. trlet'lo." -.r00m "" ln 4 swell dls "lot . close to car: modern and a com fortable home; a sacrifice at J. C. STRUBLE, 432 Chamber of Commerce. NICE LITTLE HOME CHEAP 4-room cottage, near 44th and Belmont corner lot: price $1100. $200 cash- nice homelike place; a big snap. ' mCe' H. W. GARLANND & CO.. 191 4th St. TWO corner lots in Irvlngton: $2200- In the aristocratic Kaet Side residence district" the price 1. the be argument I can p? J. C." STRUBLE. 432 Chamber of Commerce. $10,000 BUYS new flat building and 6 room house on corner near steel bridge Pay. over 10 per cent net. Bv .owner ftree1 M" " 1806 " ca" at 2 MorrUon $3200 7-room house, attic and basement and modern conveniences; 2 lo,s, 14 fralt tr?eV berries, roeea. chicken-house; very right?: end of Mount Tabor carline, 'l Jock north' THOSE Interested In "6O0.00O" for Portland n 1012. should send for our little boVk sl,MS5'"h"ii! All Real Estate Buyers I'SnTan Know- Sent ree. AS if or" 100x100. $1450. HALF CASH " iood 4-room house, near good car serv ice; nice corner. - " c r serv OREGON HOMES CO 22H4 Morrln St. '' 6 ACRES vineyard land, platted. 3 miles south of Portland. H mile to elecVric" easy terms, or lak. P.,i.. In exchange. R. Hofer WA-YL of Trade Bldg. . Board HOUSBS for sale ln all part, of the cltv acreage close in and farm, in Oregon and Washington. Phone Main ids ki; bldBi.tamPh'r' "l-5" Lumber Exfh'Snge $2400 Lot 100x100, 7-room bungalow Al mSSb, w'red,for 'ectrlo liaht7'baaei men.t and fireplace. 2 block, east of Evan. Station. Woodstock. INVESTORS Go to the Owner Realty As sociation: buy direct of owner, and UT. commissions. 205 Abington bldg. SIiAT" Lot on "Weldler st.. near 2Pth. only $650; easy terms; this price for a short time only. Purse. 818 Chamber of Com BY OWNER 6-room bungalow. $2850- also story-and-a-half cottage, $2400; one-half caBh 486 East 21st St. Beuwooa 776. MODERN 7-room residence, walking Us tance. WBt Bide. $5500. AG 15 Ore gonian. CHOICE lot 50x100 on Taylor, near 45th st . for $755 If taken at once. ' BRONO-STEELE CO.. 110 2d it. TWO or three lota ln Rose City Park' bar gain. - Phone Main 4580. ' BARGAINS. NOB HILL HOMES. 1.500 S-room new and modern home, cement basement, furnace, fireplace and VP.'I dat conveniences: full-sixe lot, BOr 100 reet, east front; choice location. 22d st. This is a bargain and sura to go Q.UICK. 17750 8-room modern house, strictly "P-to-date; 1 fireplaces, cement basement and furnace; fractions! corner lot; good location, I4th st., south of Marshall. 000 s-room mbodern home, well Planned, and convenient, concrete base ment, furnace and fireplaces: choice lo cation. Johnson st.. near 24th; south front, hard-surface street. i-,0,?1 '-mom new and modern dwell o ce 'option, near "4th and Mr .lfe. hni;reteJ basement. furnace, fliv? hJ frdwood floors, etc.; full-size lot. 60x100 feet, north front JAMBS J. FLYNN. 611 Chamber of Commerce. I-OOK AT TH KSB. CAN'T BF1 BEAT. HEIGHTS1 b"" 9Xl iD '"'AVERLY STREET" beautlful corner on SKIDMORE) AVEXUr"'1' alsntly 60x100 'on ALBINA NCiN Caah dandy 60x100 In VBR- GOOD TERMS ON THESE BARGAINS' HAVE A LOOK! DIETZ-MUELLER CO. 816-16-17 Abington Bldg. ,ST SEX'r' -WOO HOUSE FOR $2660 If sold this month, will sell for $2660 buy from owner and save commission; new home 310 East 60th. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne: 6 rooms, bath, basement, out let, psntry. closets, etc.. 60xlO0 comer ' BiS?. l2ca,lon: ru!t trees, rosea, fine lan. lit. Scott and Hawthorne, cars; must .TW.'phone'BlT. balanC 125 a mnth- H. P. PALMKTt-JOlCES CO. REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY. 218 COMMETVlAL CLUB BLDO M. 86B0. A 2653. $, BOO A fine new. modem 11 -mom man sion near East 80th and Hawthorns sts corner lot. ,2x1O0; everything In fine trim isrge room a fireplace, furnace. 2 toilets. Je high concrete basement. southeast ' !' one blo,-k from . carline; the place mUSt be SI M St nnA. I T!l0nM.,,Iut'UlrKei, 3: -Co.. room u.u AlUlTieOQ Bte. ALBERTA STREET. Coma out today; the weather Is flne. Always high, dry and sightly. We have a few lots left at bargain-sale prices t.ash and easy terms. Call e.t our office, corner 27th and Alberts. ' JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 06fJ. SIX fine lots In the Dover Tract; fine moTtMy. rlV"r: Ca"h' balance $24 $750. 60x100. corner B. 31st and Frsncls ave.; very sightly, cement walks, street improved: $300 cash, balance long time a I per cent. A. A. HOOVER. 813 Gerlinger Bldg. FOR SALE By owner. modern 5-room bungalow, corner lot 50x100. street Im provements and cement sidewalks in nice lawn and roses. $300; easy terms: dl"C nUntfr ca'h' inquire before noon or ?irerto 3ih 1170 C"nt0" Take w-R $3000. new. 5-room bungalow. Halght ave MnatedTw2n?P"n ,S(-h"': strict ly mod,: lnted walls, fixtures m. lot r.dxlno with month. Ca"h ba"n" 25 per A. A. HOOVER. 313 Gerlinger Bldg. .. MUST SELL. w 111 sacrifice on account of nlrkn.M a snd 6-room houses on East nth, oetweeS Preecott and Skldmore sts; win take an price or term, that are reasonable phono Woodlawn 1730. C 1SK9. " REAL ESTATE values are based on funda-i"nHnt,P"nC.lp,'-:: you wl" better how fj u, her? to bu" ou read our little 5omJthinV. AH Real Beta e Buy Or.goSnh.n'd Kl""t' Sent fr- AU . FINE INVESTMENT. 80x100 on 6th st.. near Hall, for $17 r-oo-hrlnJ? hVlf? Included, worth 112.000: bringing In $120 per month; this Is a fine , BRONG-STEELE CO.. 110 2d St. 6"R?OSf h.ou"? wUh 2 acres, close to car; ' - -- iiiinniiH, ijiuu. Will exchange for closo-ln modern 5 or 6-room i,i ? a?a assume some difference. CallJ BUNGAIXW. EAST 1STH ST New, modern 6-room bungalow full lot Hnca8t 18th' 1 blocK from r". a snap ai tto c '.",ytm"' Howard-Behnke Co.. 619 Swetland bldg. ' CAN'T MEET PAYMENTS. Have contract on lot. Improved atreets cement eldewalks. curbs. water level' bulMing restrictions. $21.) takes the lot' clear and free. Call 507 Abington bldg 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. Bungalow on Gantenbeln ?near Skid more: new and modern: improved street- a sfog" at 3700. Howard-Behnke Co., 610 Swetland bldg. M. 15,19. FRACTIONAL lot. northwest corner East 7th and Broadway carline; desirable loca tion for home or flats; no building re strictions; walking distance to West Slrte $2000. Culver, 23 Chamber of Commerce' WJJ'L'T1''M. my ,8 acres on Oregon Electric il minutes: 5 seres improved; will take f,art o'Jl 'JTade.: erms and cheap. Owner, tlox 235, St. John. GREAT snaps In Improved and unimproved city property; we are from Missouri and f,. V.to show ou. Goldschmldt. 2.13 W ashlngton st. " BIG SNAPS. " Improved or unimproved property easv .'"-r.n,1:.fJ"'hanB,"" considered. Goldschmidt 2o.i W ashington. NICE 5-room home In Irvlngton. $:!000- $-,00 cash, balance easy terms LIND & H1GLEY. 132 Third St. A SNAP 7-roomed modern house; finT a bargain at $3000; 500 cash In' quire at 1019 Board of Trade 4 FULL lots. Mt. Tabor district. The owner Sox g s'Jon0 "Ch' Maka " PLATTING proposition, near Mnnto t-m. or t acres. 1 7 T. 0 ner rA- . CULVER. 028 Chamber of Commerce. ' FOR SAIJ: FARMS. ''-ACRE SNAP CLOSE TO t0 UTI x- i , .'lace is all rich, iovel soil and .... t cultivation: nan tit Bi.t-na . 1. ... . . vi " "i'". an wirea in good shape. 114 acres of ap ple orchard In good condition. Just coming In full bearing good ,-rooni house, barn and fine hophouse, all nlcelv fenced 40 chickens. 8 hogs. team' wagon, buggy and other farm tools; house la furnished readv ihuvh into; price $23t0- terms. asy RALPH ACKLET. 6o5 Corbett Bldg. Cor. 6th and Morrison Sts. $10 PER ACRE. 120-acre dairy farm house" barn, fenced, some timber; Tniamook Ex'chab'td'g' T'mbr Co..' 620"1LaummDer 5 ACRES, 5-room house, good well. pumr. Lent? J1"hZ "UK-kens; milePrrom c .. ' r"80?- Owner. Inquire Mount Scott Drugstore. Lents. Or. 6PKL!:,?.rID f?rm' ,?2 ac"' a" fsnced; good buildings; mile to station; for sale m trade for Portland property. $11 Stearns FOR SALE 40-acre farm. Improved; half in hay: firat-class soil; price. J3.-.O0 Win take tip to $1,100 tn Portland real estate AH 11. Oregonian. SHERMAN County wheat farm for sale cheap; will take a good auto first pay ment: no cash required; crops will na.v balance. W. M. Bamett, Wasco. Or IF INTERESTED IN FARM LAND TALK WITH TURNER. THE FARM MAN. 416-417 Rothchlld Bldg SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farm, before buying; lands .hewn frei Olm.tead Land Co, Salem. Or. OOOD FARM BARGAIN' $3.-.O0 FOR SO ACRES. ' RO acres of rolling land, five miles from good town in Wi' amette Valley; place has so ar rea cleared. 2.1 acres In culti vation. 30 acres of second growth oak; 5-room painted house In good condition, large new barn and good outbuildings good prune orchard, also familv orchard; 60 English walnut trees 8 years old. S and Hi feet high. The following stock goes with the place: 1 team. 3 sets of harness. S-lnch Bain wagon new). 1 hack and 1 cart, plow, disc and drag harrow, culti vator, feed-cutter and power. onu "jong machine and hay ' $3,100 cow and 25 goats. Price RALPH ACKI.ET. 60S Corbett Bldg Cor. 6th aad Morrison Sts TURLOUCK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. ' The Famous - TUI.LY TRACT I".-? D',n old I" nve and ten-acre tracts on easy payments). Crops planted thla month psy for the land this year. WATER RIGHTS FREE n-fA.RVRRS OWX THra WATER. Get Information and tickets from tha adnock Bldg.. San Francisco, 100 ACRES, near Hubbard. Or.; 6.1 In ln?Z' .n5'arc Cared; good bulld- J-?,?.." d tond fences; 3 good wells and " "K Jater. small orchard, flne team, wsgon. buggy and driving horse. 1 good Jersey cow. 1 heifer. 4 shoats. 75 chlck ch?n..8 plow"' 2, harrow., mowing ma chine; also small tools, hay and grain a AnTf-riS laaf ,untiI narvest. Th?. i JJ.," "J and lays well; no wet land; te?m.Pr. ""J- ?ck and machinery: terms. cash, bal on the place t l JZ'r lmet. For further pSrtlcular. Or.V'Rut'.'y- - & garother. Hub7aS ...,N T"B CLACKAMAS RIVER 2 ,mtla" " the Bstacada oarltna. cuHwJtlon7 V" .fln" ,and' 40 in cultivation, 6 acrns in anD.es a n-r. in 1 X-f-ch tr,esPPand mlxor Chard of cherries and pears- a Sn io Ca?0Jn?"""'.rtI,Ia"'rd nd finish id basemen? a ? ' stone foundation, fin. buimTns inn d barns and other out- JUprac"io1kCon0.anra,bf J'Rid;-1 -"- SACRIFICE SALE BY OWVER bt apple land In th. Wh", eal- mon-Hood River district. 4J0 acres or any part at a bargain. Must bs sold at onoa. Investlgate. 415 Abington Bldg. ' POSITIVE SNAP. .;B,"crK8, of rlcn blRrk "o"' ft eultl-I'h.-V, halance standing timber; 6 acres orchard, apples and cherries; good 7-room house and new barn. I large Wses. har ness and wagon. 6 head of Jersey cows. 11 goats. 12 hogs. 150 chickens. 52 sacks of Pnca..?r"' M farm'n" Implements and tools included V, -mile from railroad and town ba.nnc'e - d"Wn- yea"' time on ROSE' CITY REALTY INV CO Room 61.1 Lumber Exchange Second and Stark sts. MR. MAN. DO YOU WANT IT' , hav'' a oandy dairy and fruit ranch of K.0 acrrs 3 miles of R. R. town. In the Willamette alley; has good ophou-e and . acrea in ho,. ftO seres in grain. 70 -rres .?Iam-H?!nu"'-- oaunee , rmk an nr timber: head of cattle. 2 goats. 26 sheer. lM wood contract and all farm Imple ments and crop goes for $4. per acre- give poseemlon st once. Room 3ul. 26 Wash street. - SO ACRES IS miles from Vancouver on good road; miles to railroad and bout land ing; Jo acr,- cleared, 1.1 In cultivation: flne soil, moti'.y black loam: no rock or gravel: well and creek, 4-room log house large frame barn and outbuildings- go.i orchard of about i trees, assorted - close to school and P. o. ; country well settle.! fine place for dairy; rrlee $2,sm half casli Kaunm.tnn A Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. 1640 ACRES of finest kind of swll, eereclai'v adapted to fruit; ln Yamhll! County '5 ml es from Sheridan; about half of it in cultivation; good creek and springs; 5 e or bullillngs and small orchard with each price only $30 per acre, one-third cash; a splendid proiwsiUon fnr sub.lividlng and planting It to fruit. Kauffmann & Moore 3i Lumber Exchange. 143 ACRES, lots 1. 2 and S. and NE-sw section 24 and lot 3. section 25. township 17, rang 10. Lane County. Oregon: banks Sluslaw River; about 2.00O.0U0 feet me--rhantable timber. 60 acres rich bottom land. 24 miles to sawmill- premises one time. Price $2750 aulck sale. Minn. . .v . n , uiuj., t IU 1 11 ! II, ALFALFA on foothills. .10 mile, from Port land, deep soil with light clay sub-soil at bottom holds molstuiv?: pay. for land la one year, then profit of $50 per acre: no clay. 92S Board of Trade. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARMS 840 acres; 8.10 acres in cultivation, bal ance in timber; suitable for platting- i mile from electric line; $100 per acre easy terms. We have a large list of duiry and fruit farms, from 5 to 500 acre. KURATLI BROS.. HUlsboro, Or.. $1000 CASH 1 acre, level, all fenoed. new 6-room plastered house, barn, chicken house, 10 young bearing fruit trees, plenty small fruit, good well water. 1 mile from car. on Sandy road; get busy if vou want this. Northwest Timber Co., 520 Lum ber Exchange bldg. ELEGANT HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 11 acres of highly improved orchard; 1 ',3 miles from town; 700 trees; all In cultivation; 7-room 2-story house; all fenced; fine spring water. This Is a bar galn at $s.-,0 per acre. 627 Corbett bldg. 40 ACRES near electric line, some good timber, cedar, fir. good spring, mountain water; must b sold by 2Sth April; $5 per acre. Address Owner. Perry Ellis Route No. 1. Hillsdale. Or. IDAHO U. S. GOVERNMENT CAREY ACT LANDS, ln the Twin Falls , district Uhe famous Snake River Valley), 60.000 acre, open to settlement BY DRAWING, on June 8. lUO'J. Write C B. HurtU Boise. Idaho. FOR SALE Willamette Valley farm lands, large and small tracts, suitable for dairy ing, rrult raising, gardening, etc.; send for price lists. Audress J. D. Winn, Buenu Vista. Oregon. 40 ACRES on Gales Creek: fir. cedar tim ber, springs, rolling, tine for fruit: worth Jtoort. but if sold lmmedlatelv will take $;r.0. Address K. M. Ellis, Hillsdale. Or Route 1. FOR 5 .lays only will sell wheat farm. 160 acres, in Morrow County: $1175: 120 acre, at $.171. ',22 Chamber of Commerce. I.AXH SCRIP FOR SALE. SCRIP FOR CNSURVBYED LAND. Approved public land scrip that will title unsurveyed land, even or odd numbered sec tion., ready for Immediate delivery: -desirable in titling unsurvejed timber land: aa good as Valentino scrip where appllcabie quantlty limited and price sure to advance' Write for particulars. All other klm's of land crlp. TUB COLLINS LAN D COMPANY, Helena. Mont. WANTED TIMBER LAS OS. SILETZ claims: we pay cash for claims from ownera Nelson A Walttler. 517 Board of Trade. TIMRFR lands wanted, c. J 804 McKay bldg. Mccracken. TO LEASE. FOR term of years. X-atorr brick. S W corner 4th and Glisan: reasonahte rental' Mo argar. Bate. Lively. Failing hide. TO EXCHANGE. $K ,0 t.qulty In two acres on Oregon cltv line, for lot or equltv in small house -in city. Purse. 818 chamber of Com. "w.v.mI'' .and rZm" ubrbsn lot., a Is Oregonian?' "Ch,n for """" M 10. $200 EQUITY In piano to trade as first pay ment on house and lot or anything or equal value. Phone Main 69.18 FOR SALE or trade. 5 -acre tract, on Ore on City carline. tu Commercial bld