: '. THE MORNING OREGnTA. rPTT Av a-n-r,- 16, 1909. ' WATER IN MIS is HIGH PRESSURE SYSTEM URGED TAMBOURINE SPECIALTY IN SPANISH DANCE AT KTRMESS IS STILL TURBID Wake Within Three Days, However, Clear Bull Run Will Be Flowing as Usual. Fire Committee Recommends Sale of $275,000 Improve- ments.Bond Issue. EMPLOYES ARE UNDER FIRE STEEL FIREB0AT NEEDED ajtaiu I . 1 li i i ii i . Board Has Discovered Sufficient Ev ldence of Incompetence to War rant Full Investigation at Next Meeting. Superintendent Dodge, does not yet know how many turns are required to close the valve rate at aim street, which 7h tr..0' Portland being supplied with Willamette River water for four fy. ?n "ake1 "aterdajr afternoon the direct question, ha replied, "I can't exactly say." . t!"? WOre Bske1 the nie ques tion and gave the eame reply; foremen ?r I"-ied on tno subject and admitted their Ignorance, and when the" force anXenev.1"6 'ttect Probably the first question that will be todav w.,lthb W'VLr Bard at ,ts todaj will have the same bearing and rnUaerKbvy to" SP "n ?!?. matter by the different water officials dark Is "thev JUSt 89 much '" "he aarK as they were yesterday. Entire Outfit 1st Ignorant. "Of course they don't know." said R B. Ummn of the Water Board, with as Into a mere utterance. -How can they be expected to know? Figures? Why p- they are easy of access, or should y"' can har(3'y expect the water them up" employe8 to hunt fJlrS"" t0 h.aVe been a mewhat wi,e rdJ."a7 'dnt that enabled the Engineer Clark to discover Iftat m.lte fnL -nch - main Cas nl.?K More by luck tnan by any w m VH exercised th valvelock gate trfed In t"nVPrOPfirly " Tu8- " was t h.( it Z Z lam haP"y-KO-lcky manner that It had been tried before, say mem bers of the Water Board, and lus be cause the terrlnc force of waS had ohanced to wash away the rock. sad h. il"1 Wa' eav1 wh" would I probably have amount, to several weeks tZ ter. drlnWn" the WUlam. th9atPft1wr!ent ?dKe dW not teltave' lUm. " ncumbent on officials to be- ;tl aeualnte with the number of turns necessary to lock the gates. ! The reason he said,, that they were all ac quainted With the Mount Tabor gate was that a certain number of turns are uted as an index of the quantity of water rafrfv W C'ty, prk reservoir rune SnllT.- T employe In charge" tele Phone to Mount Tabor for a further upply of. water.-. "So many turns ,re flTj?. thL vaIv to accomplish this," ifit .."UPeri.,lte?dent- "Kht know, for Instance, that ten turns would mean .another 5.000X00 gallons. f "No.. I .have no- Idea whether the turns at the gate at Mill-street were counted ?r M they wer Probably not. u lir L1"11 of th Ployes to count the number of turns they give the respec- ? ."crw" of 1110 Afferent con trolling gate around the city." . . . . Don't IDnderstand Situation. . , Je!h1L1?,v,PTlntenQ'nt aM not appear to Tavi LaLany aPeolal attention should ?hfn Klwen to tho around which anv ?f JTer8y Wln Bettle' or Indeed, "to Z S Jx Kates which control the city. water supply during Its course under !hne1Ver KCndUit8- The different en aUlng " Wer "een had -tmllar It wu ascertained from the Water 4!to that when the reguiaUng gate is turned on, which It waa for a considerable part of the fou? dayt the city wu -without Bull Ron. the pres sure on the -nliw. i. i-x J' Pres- the entire four days It was noticed thai with fiJUJ!?Uon 01 tbe uxlllary main T 6lty water mtdDB- there waa a constant pressure of 20 pounds. That this pressure would never have "?taln.d had the balance of pre,! ti, K Pounds . approximately,, been oni.,t5 n3 "maJl 1Pak 18 opinion of non-city engineers. The hydraulic force ?smsali1nh1S6 PUn.dS ' -"er Pressu is said to be able to tear open a cast Iron main In a very few hours In such an eventuality there would have be"e no pressure at all at the West Side. That any competent water engineer did not SEf"t th?. clew from tm" Jd to be the theme of one member of the Water Boards line of questions, that will be presented" to different officials today or at an adjourned meeting of the Board. Saturday or some day early next week, rollte, but Stupidly Ignorant. When this aspect of the case was pre sented to the various officiate concerned, they professed polite Incredulity. Instead of replying as to whether the effect of KWar.?n tha cast-lron pipe would be to burst it open, they said, "force of water applied In a steel pipe would tend to crack It or spilt It and not to burst It open. ,R'. ?- mf,on "aid yesterday that he trusted that there would be a very full meeting of members of the Water Board today. "Unless this is the case," com- riifnttd.Mr- Lam,("1' "l 8na hardly feel like taking, up the question, of an In vestigation. I sincerely trust that all the member!, will appreciate their responsi bility and be present In order that we can settle the matter." Mayor Lane expressed himself along the same line and It appears to be quite unquestioned that a very rigid Inquiry w ill be held. Water Board officials ad mitted that this, would be the case, but their admitted consciousness of rectitude was. It appeared to be generally thought, their only necessary defense. Yesterday was occupied In cleansing the mains of the city. Several blocK at a time were locked off by the usual gate cystem and the water emptied by means of the fire hydrants. When all the water had been emptied. Bull Run water was turned In. in order that all the silt and tainted water lying In the dead-ends of the plprt might be thoroughly removed. Water Engineers Are a Joke. Numerous citizens watched the process of cleansing the mains. Many favorable comments were heard on. the appear ance of the fluid as mud but strongly expressed disapproval was uttered on many occasions that mere commonplace citisena had been forced to imbibe the water. One pugnacious individual at Fifth and Morrison- suggested to the crowa gathered to watch the proceedings, that the best treatment for the water engineers was to make them drink the "water" then Issuing from the pipes Errand boys took advantage of the flood to thoroughly cleanse their wheels, while mora than one city gamin sat and bathed 'if; r- , 'JpIAf 1 s-; I , ",v .'W; ,? v-s -4 t H- -.--4 'X-rC-- "fir' , r Y'- MISS jLTTZJK HALL, his feet in the small lake formed every time the hydrants were turned on. Cm tbe advice ot Mayor Lane, pipe water was not used in the schools yes terday, but this was only owing to Its muddy condition. A similar state of affairs existed on the East Side, where silt formed freely in the bathtubs and washbowls. Superintendent Dodge waa at a loss to explain this, but thought that It was merely local, resulting probably from street sprinkling or a fire, which, causing a very rapid flow of water, tended to Btlr up the silt. Mayor Lane stated, that this had been mentioned to him also, but It did not appear as If the numerous complainants were -In any way domiciled In one neighborhood! Both the upper and lower reservoir are being thoroughly scrubbed out and the water turned Into the sewers. No water used by the city will be turned Into either reservoir until this is done, although only the lower reservoir contained Willamette River fluid at all. Within three days the mains all over the city will be cleansed and after that time Bull Run water will retain Its pristine purity, without any chance of possible adulteration by means of what is generally called "a Willamette, cock tail." DANCES ARE RESUMED KIRMESS FULL PROGRAMME TO BE GIVEN AGAIN. Popularity Contest Continues TTntll Last Day Fluffy Ruffles Are In the Lead. .JBY LEONE CA69 BAER. Tonight the Armory will again be the enchanted palace beautiful. when the Ktrmess dances are resumed and the full programme given again. The respite from dancing allowed the various participants last night has only served to increase their prowess and lend concentrated en ergy to the rest of the production. If any one doubts the ability of society folk to dance everything from the languid but rhythmic Spanish dance to the good old Irish Jig steps, let that person go but once to one of the KIrmess performances and be convinced. The debutantes, the society matrons and the men of the social world appear In a series of dances that have never before been equalled here. It Is all done for charity, and whenever charity is men tioned the society men and women are ever ready with purse and time. This occasion especially appeals to men and women In every walk and station In life, since It Is given for the Open Air Sani tarium for Tuberculosis, and also the Woman's Exchange. Much enthusiasm and comment has reVOlcled reRaralna- the solo dancing of Miss Lulle Hall. Her "tambourine dance" is the best individual work given and her grace of Interpretation is mar velous. A fact that has received little mention is that the use of the Armory and Its mento serve as ushers was tendered to the ElTRlMa mnnonn. t . vj mo DOHm .of directors of the Armory. i young ior popularity of the dances miuBiun or tne KIrmess Tuesday and Wednesday evenlnaa suited In a nhnnHo - , on re for the Fluffy Ruffle rionoa --t.v. .v. . - , " . LUD iYlUT- sovlan a close second, the Spanish third and the swing dance fourth. The contest waged amid increasing ex citement and revealed a total lack of conscience by the audience In the matter of ballot stuffing. The only restraint to the stuffing was the exhaustion of the purse, the rules of the contest permitting each person to vote as many times as desired, provided 10 cents was deposited with each vote, with full recognition of equality In suffrage. Frank Branch Riley, -who at each per formance directs this feature from the stage, explains the charaoter of the contest and keeps the Interest and en thusiasm of the great audience on the qui vive with his Impromptu speeches, with personalities and spontaneity of manner. The vote-gatherers are representative SOCletV men t r whnm V. a . the contest has been Intrusted because of mow- supposea neutral attitude toward the dancers. They are: Elliott Cor bett, in charge; William Alvord, Dave Honeyman, Tom Robertson, Max Wood. Julius Meier, J. R. Bowles, ThaAes Lln thlcum, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Nevlns, Harry Failing, Harold Wells. Robert Strong Bruce Honeyman, Walter Beebe. Will Llpman, Lansing- Stout, Guy Talbot. The candidates themselves crowded about the wings and watched the re sults of the voting, chalked-upon huge blackboards In view ot tho entire house. Much interest is centered in the re markable arithmetical performances of Arthur O. Jones, Ed Jorgensen, Bert Al len and Arthur Stringer, who work at the blackboard and show the totals for all the dances as each new ballot Is re ported. ' The result of the voting -will not be regarded as final until the last performance. JUVENILE CPURT PRAISED Boys' and Girls' Aid Society Com mends It Work. At the monthly meeting of the board of trustees of the Boys and Girls Aid Society. Judge W. B. Gilbert and Dr. T. L. Eliot, of the executive committee, offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: This society, recognizing the g-ood and ef nclent work done by tho Juvenile Court of Multnomah County during- the incumbency of Judge C. V. Gantenbeln. wishes to con vey to Judre Oantenbeln and the officers of his court the sincere regret of the board of trustees of this society to hear that he is about to withdraw as presiding officer, and this board recognises that during his In cuknbeney the work of the court has gained me.Jlod,.i,,orUBnneM anl Quiet efficiency ana that tho numerous cases of dependent and de lnquent children hav. been constd ered always with primary regard to tho Vl raf ,er and true welfare of th Individuals and for the restraint of those who would injure or corrupt thom. Swell English pumps at Rosenthal's. live-WHY? 0WDer a handsome Profit on the house you now He and his wife wear fine clothes WHY? He rides in an automobile, and you in a streetcar, and WHY? ty-HY S a 788117 Prfit n increaed value of fS T proper! He raises the rent; orders you out at his option WHY? You cutter loss, damage, expense when you move WHY? You cut .and fit carpets, bruise furniture; fmeers fallow rlirt clean somebody else's house WHY? " iinSers swallow dirt, TfOlUfX TV stTm T limp - !i T'vAW rJClW 01 ACE, 418 Corbett Bldfr. We will take you out to GREGORY HEIGHTS, show you the property and bring you back to town in from an hour to an hour and a half at no expense to you Mayor Want Installing of Modern Apparatus to Begin at Water front Automobile Appara tus for Fire Department. The building of the proposed steel fire boat, installation of reinforcing mains for the waterfront district, a hish-pressure YiL8jr.,rtem. and atomobile apparatus bv tht"" DePartment are recorrStended by the Are committee of the Executive ye-td1 hCld lta W-WU, meeting yesterday afternoon. Mayor Lane presld- btb-t"8 f ,27B-0 orth of bonds ih-r thf Ky ?OUIcU te requested. In order that the boat and mains may be provided. The issue was voted two years ago and Coulcflf Sal0 at tha Pleaare of the ,J?,a' he time has come when Portland fj, Ptre to equlD lts re Depart frS ? rh.,r.r9t-CIass mo3ern apparatus. nrehont4 V? BhUld mClUde tha Bte hilt boat- reinforcing mains and automo- wItnS"eSK hosa-cart3 and chemical wagonsls .the expressed belief of Mayor Lane. John Montag, P. E. Sullivan and Isaac Swett. comprising the committee Sofrd wmmen?,?d to toe Executive "d;,! lch wHI meet today- bat the Council be requested to sell the Issue of xhJ L Z the,bt and reinforcing mains. T,Ht VP. f the k,nd of apparatus to be purchased is one for the Board to deter- sibUity charter K,vln8r it that respon- A high-pressure water system is said to be urgently needed, and it is said that it is generally conceded In the large East ern cities that this Is the most econom flre fiT86 tCl pursue ln equipping for flre-fightlng where there are skyscrapers. The mains used in this service are not brought Into requisition for anything else. iHUISP.nf. s,ta"on is required, but it is 8a d that it is inexpensive. Mayor Lane said yesterday, afternoon at the meeting tYpnn0 can bo Purchased for w?r 1809 Ulat wlu bydraullc the whole town, and that will knock the walla out of any building in the city t reatty Beems to me." aaia Mayor Lane, that It is Just the right time to lT gin Installing an up-to-date flre-flghtlng bIemVv.ailttlero 18 no tter Place to Hi?" Xlla by bulldln- the steel fireboat, bwfr,.. .lai8 "forcing mains and building a high-pressure water plant. The high-pressure system could be extended "tela .t0 tlma as the needs grow, but there Is no better place to start It Iwm tnaL th,8 'waterfront, and five or t ln bafk,eacb ay, for the protec tion of the wholesale districts. As to the automobile apparatus. I feel that It is rLW! fed,' and Jt wouId save us money right along to purchase It from I on- We could do with fewer e gine-houses. for we could cover much more territory with an automobile en S,iC v wagon or hose-cart, and It would be unnecessary to have so many expensive houses, and the cost of main taining each would be decreased, as there would be no horses to feed, an item that Is well worth conslderlng.', U. of,tha members of the committee are In favor of following out the plan juggested by the Mayor, and It 1. doSbt rui lr any more so-called old-fashioned aPPfratus will be purchased, at let whUe the present administration holds the reins of government. While perfec tion has not been reached ln the manu- ;foCuv0fautomobUo apparatus, espe cially the heavy engines, it is said by competent authorities that great progress has been made and that the electric-propelled hose-carts and chemical wagons are doing excellent service ln New York. Boston and various other Eastern cities. The engines are not regarded very good for speedy trips as yet, and are used only when the occasion requires it. They are so heavy that they are cumbersome, and the high speed cannot be attained that is desired in reaching a ftre. Chief Campbell called attention to the need of the new steel fireboat and rein forcing mains for the waterfront district, and his recommendation that the bond issue be sold by the Council was acted Why TV3 ME Than most of the well-known additions. Neighbors are coming to town in 20 minutes. Where will you be among the 500,000. Witltioot a. Home Of your own r AMERICAN TRUST GO 200 Chamber of Commerce. Main 3143; A 1312. uo Are You Dreaming? Once to Every Man Comes a Oppwtaiitf Surely this is your day to buy at LOOK AT OUR BUYERS; NOTE THEIR ER it 99 AN IDEAL HOME yourse HEIGHTS build a home of your own just to suit n,6 cae of y0Tlr own interests, no one else will do it for you. -J011 1??1 be aPPier, healthier, wealthier. T TotqSS fful,lots Reared, level, unsurpassed mountain view. S? and up, $5 down and $2.50 a month. TfJ'U Run water streets graded. ORYEhShIs ELIEVING- SEEGREG0RY. SEE GREG- GREGORY HEIGHTS is at end of East Ankenv T?c RT MYESTHENT GO. SATISFACTION ii