Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 16, 1909, Page 11, Image 11

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Count1nr.Rn- Pc. States. Hom.
Manatln, S," Maln 7070 A 6095
"Jndav Fditr Maln 1070 A 6095
ClJ?PESf"it00m Mall 70 A 6095
Sunt. WulMii: MaIn 7070 A 6095
oupu Building Maln 7070 A S09S
KITMt2. V Armory tonight! Don't mla.
fanov .,"nrtresoclety mal,l!' men in
Vl-SSL, OBt"me- General dancing after pro
fo? LHeaU oW at Armory. Telepfione
phone al""1"- Armo--y number, either
HrI;lL-Th1P:ATCRJ, (Utn an5 WanhlnctoB
Bireet The comedian. Richard Curie, In
5.'"'" mulcal comedy. "Mary's Lamb."
TonlRht at 8:16 o"clock
SSiS". THS'ATBR-rrw.lfth ar.d Mnr.
TonlgT'ra?":001' Compa ,a "Car
fx'thn1 THEATTO (Morrison, between
Hth and Beventh)Advanced vaudeville?
Matine, at 2:1ft; tonight at 8:15 UQevula-
EA-IER-v.TIIATER M a Yamhim "Tha
Gingerbread Man." Tonight at 8:15
I'irFc Ts?oATf:R Seventh Alder)
a Bbrt w' LD Paid-To hav made
a bit 17 years aRo and have the loser
remember the Incident and pay up was
the unusual experience of W. V Cotton
fn nthra, CVM!l fOF the Harriman inea
the territory. He made a bet with a
prominent Portland man 17 yeara Lo
that wlttiln 15 years the bulk jort
land's retail business would be tfans-
""" a i nan predict i-
However, Mr. Cotton's content- ' ved
wu ana aunnff the r-- .K h"
V. tn .-insisted of a din
lier. Mr. Cotton declines to tell who the
man was w th whr, . "
- , " "o iiiaao me Dot
n tM,, lt J-rment
were known. "u"n his name
comt'H.t0 ,?N .STONB.-The building r iT . " new 8lone Sunnyslde
. EPlacPal Church has about
decided to nan !,., - .
.,. r "-ei aLune lor the
K h,"J!:.Pe J"3 ara to two feet
rnaklno. . 1 aucln to 18 inches thus
making a rood. substantial wall with
astin qualities for all time. The solTclt
Ing; committee Is having much better suc
cess than was anticipated. It Is ex
pected now from Indications at a meeting
of the committee held last night that
much more than half of the funds wfn
wh " sub6crlbed y next Sunday
V tho ar"unt will be announced in
the congregation. This will be one of the
rorUandV6 representative churches or
the finest memorial windows that will be
SIT ll thC new "nnyelde Metho!
dist Church will be one for the Grand
Amy of the Republic for Oregon It
w i h hLsVT"!? f Abraha Lincoln
vith his Gettysburg address. Other at-
!,r"C . J6. mer"ora windows are being
inn canvass for funds for,
ehurh ls Koln forward sue?
u nearly one-half of the
whole amount required will probably' bo
subscribed by Sunday. It has been de-
?&edch0pc." Bt0ne " tha materlal '
. j1'1" Dkuvhiriies Improved. Beginning
today Est Slde business men and other!
In r, aVf a" Carller maU delivery from
all points south. Postmaster Young
IfdT Wth a crnmittee from the S
Side Business Men's Club to have mail
ackB from the Willamette Vallev taken
dfrJ etnt-1 ' he momlngand llwln
delH-erl 'rIIm'81 8taUn ,or mediate
n tfr, tM? arranernent. mail will
go Into the hands of the East Side car-
SSi10" flrSt b.e'nff taken 'to The
est side office as heretofore.
Cibch ERTAINMENT.-The Alblna
t; vJ- U' W'U trtve an entertainment In
?n PreBt,yterian Church. East
Nineteenth and Wygant streets North, on
Th evenlnsr- APr11 !. at 8 o'clock
Jrm.PT8TUnmo wlU conslst of music,
onus and an oratorical contest for a
silver medal by a class of boys and glrle
noddPftJmeyear8 f aBe" COm and ha- a
c;,lNDOOR Track and Fieij, meet,
Saturday. April 17. Columbia Univerltty
K; general admission 60c. reserved
seats Jl. Only a limited number of re-TatS-
X15 on sale at Schiller's
cigar BtVes. Foeller & O'Nell. Chamber
of Commerce building. First event to b
run at 2 o'clock sharp. Take St. John
car. special service. .
To Hold Opbnixo Meetino. The con
gregation of the Church of the Nazarene
will gather tonight at 7 o'clock, at the
former .church on Burnslde street, and
then march to the new building on East
l.ouch and East Seventh streets, where
the opening services In that church will
be conducted by Evangelist TTlll H. Huff
Mount Tabor Circub Postponed.
The regular meeting of the Mount Tabor
Home Training Circle for this afternoon
has been postponed until next Friday
afternoon. April 23. at the West-avenue
echoolhouse. Mrs. F. H. French will then
Temng" ddre68- "Stories and Story-
Gambrixtjs Brewtno Compant begs to
announce that Its annual brew of Bock
Beer will be offered for sale beginning
Saturday. April 17. For sale by au deal
ers, fjend In your orders now and in
sure early delivery of your favorite brand
of beer. Phone Main 49 or A 1119.
Observation- Car.
Commencing Monday, April IS. loop the
observation car will leave Second and
- 2a,,'n7tn streets, daily at 10 A. M. and
2 P. M. Don t miss this delightful trip;
time, 26 hours; fare BO cenUs. Portland
ailway. Light & Power Company.
Senator George e. Chamberlain.
JVarren E. Thomas and Otto J. Kraemer
have formed a partnership and will prac
tice law under the firm name of Cham
berlain. Thomas & Kraemer with offices
tn the Chamber of Commerce building
as occupied by them heretofore.
Williams - Aventjb Circle. The Williams-Avenue
Circle of the Home Train
ing Association will meet at Williams
avenue school this afternoon at S o'clock
An interesting programme will be
rendered. Election of officers.
Swedish Deaconess to Speak The
Swedish deaconess. Miss Olivia Bostrom.
will speak before the Epworth League of
the Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church
corner Beech and Borthwlck streets to
night at 8 o'clock.
Warbhoitbb Room yon Rent. All or
part of two floors. 50xli0 feet; central
location, in brick building on United
Railroad tracks. Inquire I. F. Powers'
Furniture Company. 190 First street.
Off-ice of the Kennel Club is now open
In the Show building, the Washington
Street Public Market. First and Washing
ton streets, second floor. Make your en
tries there. Phone Main 13S.
Lecture for Children. C. E. S. Wood
will give a talk to the children on Chief
Joseph and the Indians In the children's
department of the Public Library this
afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Church of Our Father (Unitarian)
Tne parish reception announced for this
evening Is postponed one week. It will be
held Friday evening. April 23, In the
church rooms.
Wanted. To purchase seven-room
dwelling; East Side, north of Morrison
to Piedmont: $1500 cash, balance 6 per
cent; not over J5000. A J 13, Oregonlan.
Strawberries. Full carload to arrive
Friday morning; cheap enough to eat.
Phone Ex. 59. Pearson-Page Company.
Bottled Bock Beer. Portland Brew
ing Company and all dealers. Phones
Main 70S. A 5325. .
, Hassalo Indoor street fair tonight.
Gas Ranges Repaired; 143 7th. M. 4613
"' ii Should Get a Spokesman.
Grand Central Park Name. After a
long discussion the. North Alblna Push
Club Tuesday night decided that tha new
park purchased by the Park Board In
the W. K. Smith tract, in that portion
of the city, should be called the- Grand
Central Park. A vote was taken as to
what name should be selected, and a
great variety was suggested. Among
these was one that the park be called
Vaughrr-ark. In honor of Councilman W.
Vaughn, but this name only received
one vote, that of C. L. Daggett The
name Grand Central Park seemed to
strike the . popular chord and It was
voted as the choice of the club, although
some considered It Inappropriate and not
local In Its application. At this meet
8 k Nta, C. L. Daggett, Charles
fye, D. and S. L. Osborn were appointed
to solicit funds to aid the Peninsula Rose
Festival Association in carrying out its
plans at the coming Festival.
Heavt Street Work. Heavy work is
In progress on East Stark street, which is
to be Improved between Bast Twentieth
and East Forty-flrst. At East Twentieth
and for some distance east there will be
a cut of about 20 feet. This part fronts
on Lone Fir Cemetery. A uniform grade
will be the result, which will harmonize
with the remainder of the street toward
the Willamette River. The dirt will be
used to fill up East Pine street, between
East Twentieth and Twenty-first streets,
where an Improvement is being made.
The Improvement of East Stark ls con
sidered the most Important undertaken
so far this year on the Bast Side. It is
understood that an effort will be made to
continue the Improvement on out to West
avenue, at Mount Tabor, first by making
a street out of It, thus taking It out of
the Jurisdiction of the county, and then
by starting proceedings in the:ity Coun
cil. Addition to Recbivino Home. An ad
dition to the Receiving Home of the Boys'
and Girlsf Aid Society will be built. For
.o tusi oi me improvement, J2000 was
: appropriated at the last session of the
Legislature, and subscriptions are. being
icv;civcu tor tne additional amount re
quired. Subscribers to the amount of
tSO become perpetual members and J100
nc mciiiurio. j.jie trustees neid a meet
ing Wednesday and decided to erect the
addition. The Receiving Home at East
Thirteenth and GUsan streets has been
overcrowded for some time, and Su
perintendent Gardner has had no easy
iaaa to provide lor the waifs who are
placed In his charge.
Horse's Kick Rmin T.rm
frequent use of his whip on the animal
no m anving cost Arthur J. Mumby, a
driver for the Portland Delivery Com
pany, a broken leg late yesterday after
noon, and he ls now In St. Vincent's Hos
pital with every prospect of being con
fined there for the next two months.
Mumby was driving algng Bast Salmon
street at East Water street, when the
accident occurred. He touched the horse
with the whip and the animal kicked up.
His heels struck Mumby between the
ankle and the knee, shattering both bones
badly. He was conveyed to the hospital
In the Red Cross, ambulance.
Pioneer Commission Man Dies. The
death of Jacob Splegl recently at San
Francisco has recalled to old-timers the
memory of the commission house he con
ducted in Portland 20 years ago. The
firm name was J. Splegl & Son. later
channred to Sniel jr. t.w k, tv,
tion of Charles Levy to the firm. Mr.
Splegl was the husband of Mrs. Mary
Splegl, father of L. M. Splegl, Mrs. Mor
ris Handman, Mrs. Eugene Kohlberg,
Mrs. Jack Finher T.rta Ano-olac. A
C- R. Levy, of Portland; Mrs. Harry
tmie jr. iir. wan jr.unn ana Mrs. Benn
Lltt, all of Reno. Nev,.
LlBRART BuiLmsrt mnrn T a c tvo
after the Slrootnara Via4
- -.i aocu tu l UU,
the cottage donated by William FTagmire
for the North Albinn. TJhrorv woo miiVaj
across Killingsworth avenue to the cor
ner oi oorrnwicK street, wnere It will be
fitted up for the library. The Rose Cul
ture Club has been askerl hv tha T
land Librarian to name a custodian for
the library. Money to fit up the build
ing has been subscribed by business men
find lpolrtfntR Tllfl llhrora 1. V, 1 .J Ti
. -' - . . j ivuauijr Will
be opened within two weeks.
Meet in TTNrrvw TTn t a
have been made to uso the upper hall of
the Camenter'H TTnlnn Tm,iihv,. a v
corner of Grand avenue and Bast Pine
sxreet, ior pumic worship and Sunday
school of the First Universalist Church
Sounday morning until the new building
ls completed. Plans for the new church
cue ueiiis urawn, to do erected on Broad
way ana n,ast xwenty-lourth streets, and
work on the fniinrintlnn will v.a t-an
once. It will probably be occupied early
me coming: r an.
Will Speak on Charter. Frederick V.
Holman will addrtvoa tha momkoo j
friends of the Catholic Young Men's Club,
in me auanorium at a6 Morris street.
Dunoay aiternoon at 3 o clock, on the pro
Dosed new charter, commnniu- naiin .-.
commission plan. Mr.. Holman was a
member of the revision cnmmittaa
dissented from the majority report. He
opposes the scheme, and will give his
views on the matter. All are invited to
Sermon by Dr. Wise. The subject of
Rabbi Jonah R. Wise's Be rm riTi at Tavl
Beth Israel tonight will be "The Hope of
i a nuns. iext jfTiaay night Rabbi Wise
will nreach on RhakpqnpnrA'i Taw TV,.
services commence at 8 o'clock. The
cnoir is unaer tne direction of Mrs. Rose
Bloch Bauer. Mrs. Elfreda Welnstein
will sing a solo tonight, "How Long
Oh Lord. Wilt Thnn Vnnul TVr
Dudley Buck. Strangers are welcome.
Ahavai Sholom Services. Services will
be held at Congregation Ahavai Sholom
oriHBOBoe, r-arK ana clay streets, to
night at 8 O'clock. The newlv nrmnl..j
choir will participate in the services. Sat
urday morning services begin at 9:30
u ciuck. KanDi Aoranamson will officiate.
North East Sidb Club Meets. The
North East Side Improvement Associa
tion will hold Important meeting tonight
In Woodmen hall, on Russell street and
Rodney avenue. Matters of general in
terest will be considered.
Committees Not Ready. The meeting
of the East Side Business Men's Club,
announced for last night, was postponed
for the reason that the several special
committees appointed at the last meeting
were not ready to report.
McCutcheon Waists. The best ladies'
tailored waists made; complete stock Just
arrived. Hewett. Bradley & Co., sole
agents, 844 Washington street.
160 acres choice East Hood River or
chard land for sale, direct from owner.
Price $63 per acre, cash. AL 10, Ore
Plenty of fine crawfish at the Quelle
Cafe. Sixth and Stark.
A Spokesman Is' Always Welcome.
Why Not Get a Spokesman?
,: I
Visitor From Oakland Sees Great
Promises Here.
"If I had a dozen boys, I should advise
them all to come to Portland and go Into
business," said J. H. Thomas, a wealthy
mineowner of Oakland, who ls at the
Oregon. Mr. Thomas ls just gratifying
atcfe lr? .f 35 year" to see Portland and
this cTty 18 h'8hly favorable to
"I should like to see this city 60 years
hence," he continued. "I recall how at a
boy I went with a friend in New York
to a. vineyard that was then on the edge
of the city. It was In the neighborhofl
I Forty-secnl street, now In the heart
of New York. Similar growth ls in store
T,roPi";tland- Oakland and San Francisco
I look to see New York, Chicago, Greater
PrHfnH800- lncluai"S Oakland and
Portland the great cities of. the future
In this country. Possibly Seattle will
Put kno'r bUt 1 k" ""'e a.ul
"Yesterday I was on Portland Heights.
Furnish you capital to in
vest. A savings . account
The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon
Is in itself a good' invest
ment. We invite you to make your
first deposit -with us TODAY.
Interest paid on deposits at J
from 2 to 4
Call for our Statement and book of
Portland Trust Company
1 of Oregon 1
BEX J. I. COHEN ..... .President
t U. L. PITTOrK vi.i.Uij
... m . n.u UL
DR. A. S. MCHOLS.2d Vice-Pros.
B. LEK PAGET Secretarr
W. J. GILL. . .Assistant Secretary
C. W. DEGRAFF Cashier
The view from there, alone, ls worth tha
trip from Oakland to Portland."
Mr. Thomas, on other trips north, has
come as far as Grants Pass to look at
mining properties. "That country has a
promising future so far as quartz min
ing ls concerned." he said. "I cannot
say aa much for the placer mines. In the
properties I saw the placer ground was
not a gravel formation, such as we have
in Sierra County, California, where I
have mining interests, but was more In
the nature, of quartz erosions. The gold
was too fine for profitable placer mining.
The district should develop some valuable
quartz properties, however."
Mr. Thomas has been in the city since
Monday, coming here to meet a friend
On private business. He will return to
Oakland today. He has been a resident
of California since 1859 and has engaged
In mining ODerationa fnr
years. w
Only One Other Member of Fair Sex
Has Similar Charge She Dis
cusses Her New Task.
The first woman wireless t.ln,nh
era tor. and one of the only two women
u "morica now engaged in that work
has come to Portland to take charge of
the station on Council Crest. The wo-
, f . 8- Tucker. and she ls an
electrician as well as an operator
It Is said she has mastered evefy detail
in the keeping of a wireless station in
operation except climbing the mast to re
place an aerial that may happen to blow
The only other woman wireless tele
graph operator now in America ls sta
tioned at the WalHnrT.A. 1 - T f . . ...
Tork City. ule, mw
Mrs. Tucker, since last October, has
, - rr. . --sKr
1 V
t ?
1 Vs
Mrs. It. TT. Tucker, Council Crest
Wireless Operator.
been In charge of the wireless station on
board the steamship Indianapolis, plying
between Seattle and Tacoma. "
The first few days of her work at the
key on the Indianapolis marked a change
in wireless telegraph communications in
the Northwest, for Mrs. Tucker's pres
ence at the receiving Instrument served
to purify the upper atmosphere. Rough
language ls strictly tabooed on the wire
lines, but with the growth of the wire
less systems and the general employment
of men as operators, it ls said there flit
ted through the air all sorts of naughty
words-until the men at the stations
learned that a woman was likely to over
phra'sedNW messa8es ara aI1 Politely
xM,r,3- Tuck?r was formerly a resident of
Portland, where, in company with Mr.
T?1"' kB Trked for tno Western
Union. She learned telegraphy prior
thereto while working with her husband
as Spokane as bookkeeper In the office.
When the wireless began to spread on the
Pacific Coast. Mr. Tucker took it up and
Mrs Tucker soon followed. Both are en
thusiastic over the aerogram business.
t can 1 f,ee why more women do not
take it up," says Mrs. Tucker. "Maybe
It is because they are afraid of the In
struments, but I never was. Yes. there
Is always a danger in working with the
km There ,Sn,t ensuh current to
bULn, get an awf"l shock."
Mrs. Tucker teUs of one of the United
wh?ohW. PUt h!S hand on the exposure
Hke mrtWa?, cleaninS. It made tattoo!
hh, hTit ZVer hls arm caused
his hair to stand out straight for a time
Dinner will not be served at the Kir
between afternoon anS even
ing performances on Saturday. i
I !
1 5 i
Regular $20, $22.50
ti ! . . ,
Id t:Tn' ?ndJnC!udes
and fancy mixtures; m hard or
AH the. delicacies of the season at ths
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for ladies. SOS Wash., nea Fifth.
This week. The Keedlecraft Shop, 147
Special Car for Fishermen.
Portland Railway. T.IiVit x. pn.. --
pany will attach special car to package
express train lenvlmr nr-. -.
- - " t TTAkCI aau
Morrison streets at 5:25 o'clock . Sunday
...u.i...,s, jiiini io, ror cazadero and In
termediate points. Fare 75 cents for the
round trip.
Pacific Tent nnd Awnlns; Co.
Total Eclipse Awnings. 27 No. First.
Blnmaner Photo - Supply Co.
For kodaks and films. Ill 6th st.
n,,h? fn ? '?frm,eAs, V& the
Co., Modiste, 53 Washington bldg.
Plant Slbson roses. Phone Sell wood eaa
P. Centemerl Kid Gloves.
11.00 to 4.00.
La Tosca Corsets,
fl.25 to $6.50.
W ashlngton. Corner Seventh.
The Quality Shop.
Come This Morning.
$4.00 Long Kid Gloves
$1.98 a Pair
Centemerl make, best in the
world. Colors only.
$1.75 Kid Gloves $1.45 a Pair
3-clasp suede, all colors and
1-clasp Dent's style, tans. SDe
clal 1.45.
20c Embroideries 10c Yard
20c Torchon Laces 5c Yard
$1.50 45-inch Dress Nets
75c Yard
Ecru or -white.
$1.50 Neckw'r, fancy stocks, 50c
65c Silk Lisle fiosiery 50c Pair
AU colors, black or white.
Best quality, regular 75c
value, today 50c.
Goodyear Rubber Co.
61. B3, 85, 67 Fourth St, at Pine.
lz.eo mil mi
' Tcwtb, If.M.
Crews snd Brldcs
srork. !.
Btrom Uekojs.
OtMa st Inss lUt .
Schwab Printing Co.
The von Cillmann School
Ft Boarding; stable In Portland.
Phones Main 2894. A 4135.
APRIL, l6, 1909.
and $25
smooth-finished cassimeres and tweeds
A OOC1 f- nn
1 A 2281 Main 6201
Women of Woodcraft Building
888 Taylor Street, corner Tenth
With a credit balance
at the bank you are
independent. Start an
account at once, no
matter how small; this
bank does not set the
interest paid on time
and savings deposits.
Exchange bought
and sold.
Letters of credit is
sued. 4
Hours, 8 A. M. to 5 :30 P. M.
Saturdays, 8 P. M.
Write for catalogue and prices on
wTfl plpS- chJmney Pipe, drain tile,
water, well and culvert pipe, pipe for
septic tanks, etc. v
41 N. Front St.
No mopping, sprinkling or wet saw
dust. 25 lbs.. 11.00: 50 lbs.. S3.00: 100 lbs
13.60: 200 lbs.. 16.00. '
470 E. J 1th St. Phone Sellwood 1346.
PIANOS f6"?,1 and sold " aT
L ltlAJtJ Installments: also tuned
and repaired.
. SINSHEniEK. 73 TUrd StTOt
styies ana smart tabrics
a this -son's grays, greens, modes
unfinished worsteds ir
"lay State PaM"
ON THE PArn m . I Z, , . . A" E "
Honeyman Hardware Co.
Store room at Front and Gibbs streets, on "S"
carline; living-rooms in rear; good location for
barber shop, fancy goods or notion store. Rent
reasonable. Apply to CORNER DRUG STORE
or I. GEVURTZ, 173-175 First Street.
v - . iransaction or any bankincr business
idrmattPrn7enflenCe aDd the Safety of theifunds arl
lectori Pnme 1TnPrtance by our officers and
Storeroom 20x70 feet at Seventeenth and Wash
ington streets, modern windows and conve
niences, full basement. Can give lease; rent
reasonable. Apply to I. GEVURTZ & SONS
173-175 First Street. '