THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY", APRIL 15, 1909. 17 FLOUR UP 40 GENTSI buyers representing the principal commer cial houses of Boston are here endeavoring to- mako contracts for this season's clip, but so far few sales have been made. Twenty-one cents has been offered In a number of cases and declined. Little shearing has been done in any part of the staba so far on account of the bad weather. SELLING OF STOCKS net for short bill, is l per cant; for WHEUT pit nervous three months' bills. 1M per cent. SAX FRANCISCO. April 14. SUrer bars. 5Hc. Mexican dollars, 43c Drafts, inrht, 2 He; telegraph. 5c Sterling. SO days. $4.8 ; sight, $4. S3. Sharp Advance Announced the Local Market. in PATENTS QUOTED AT $6.05 Exports Are liaised 20 Cents a Bar fel Same Prices Are Made by Pugrt Sound Millers. Grains Are Strong. The advance In flour prices that "has been looked for for some time will take effect this morning, but Instead of a 20-cent rise the -market will go up 40 cents a barrel on patents, bringing the price up to iJ.05 a r-arrl. Exports -will be advanced 20 cents t 44 7 A per barrel. similar advances will be made In the Puget Sound markets. Millers and dealers are receiving In quiries for prices and samples from brokers and millers In the East. They are Interested In low-grade flours, and as the Oriental trade In this section Is checked by the high market. It is probable that & 'considerable nuantlty of bakers flour will be sent East from Oregon by rait There will be no change In prices of xnlllfeed. s The (rain markets were rather quiet yes terday with former prices quoted. Hid and asked prices on the Board of Trade were as follows: WHEAT. Bid. si. io Way lil7 OATS. April 2 OO May 2.U2H BARLEY. Pril Muy 1.52 H Receipts in cars were reported Merchants Exchange as follows: Asked. 1.1S l.i 2.02H 2 1)0 152 1.55 by the A heat Barley Flour Oats Hay April 10-M 3 20 2 I 48 5 12 April 12 April i;i Total lu.t week. 4 1 23 3 X 11 4 1 42 HOP MARKET IS DKCLININO. Two I-ot, sold by Growers Yesterday at V4 Cents. Nearly all markets are tending- upward these days except the hop market. It seems to be going- from bad to worse. The pur chase of two lots, aggregating- 170 bales. by 1.. Hart at 6W. cents was reported ves- terday. This Is the lowest price that hops have sold for In several months. Frank D. Miller, an Oneonta, N. Y.. dealer, who recently visited this state, on his return home made the following state ment : "Large quantities of the li0! crop have nren contracted for by dealers at 10 to 111, cents. It Is estimated that of the 75,000 bales likely to be produced In Oregon, fully 50,000 bales have been disposed of In this way. In Washington the lands are crov lug too valuable for fruit growing and the hop yards are being discontinued so that me production there win be small. The alltornla hop Is not considered equal ia luuiuy or me otner states and not many hops are sold In that state. The foreign crop u more likely to affect the market mere, f.niunn win have 6000 less acre age while (Jermany win produce the usual amount, the yards there being small bpt many. Auverse action on the excise auas. tlon Is reducing the demand from brewers In many sections of the country and ths action of dealers In contracting the brew ers for three and even more years ahead also affects ths market to the disadvantage of the grower," SOUTHERN fABBAGE AND ONIONS. Movement of These Vegetables From Cali fornia Points. Regarding shipments of TVInningstadt cabbage and Southern California onions, the California Vegetable In Ion says In a cir cular to the trade, dated April 10: Shipments of Wlnnlngstadt cabbage to date have been light, due to cold weather In February and March, which made the crop about three weeks lata. The Melds are now In splendid condition, weather Just right, quality the best for several seasons. Ship menu will average during April about 25 cars weekly, which Is considerably under the usual output. There is a strong de mand from a widely scattered territory, and we predict a steady market the season through. Ths first cars of yellow Bermuda onions from the famous Coachella and Thermal districts will move next week; shipments will he light until around April so. after which date we should have normal supplies WUHllty 1. flne. The acreage planted Is somewhat less than last season, and will run about IS per cent Crystal Wax. S3 per cent yellow Bermudas, crystal Wax will not be available for shipment until about CARLOAD OF STRAWBERRIES COMING. Mlg Shipment Mill Be oa the Market Friday. A straight car of strawberries Is on the way to Portland from Burbank. t'al. It is being brought by the . - vuiiiifciiij aim will DO on nana lor FTlday morning's trade. The berries, of which there are about 1600 crates In ths car, are of the Klondike va riety, and will sell at $2.25 per crate. No berries were received from Florin yes terday, but a number of chests came from Southern California. Three cars of oranges and a car each of lemons, cabbage and Florida tomatoes were received in the forenoon. .Small vegetables of aU kinds were plentiful and steady In price. A car of Texas Bermuda onions is due Friday. Old Oregon onions are practically out of the market now. It Is understood that one or two dealers have bought up about all that are left In the state. The potato market holds steady. R.W BIAS M ill MOHAIR POOL. Secures 10.O0O round at 24 Cent n Valley Wool ORVr. A. J. Ray A Sou have bought the Soda, ville mohair pool at 14 cents a pound. There were alu.ut 10.000 pounds of hair in the pool. This Is the price now gen erally ottered for mohair. Tlx. Dallas luol brought 23 cents, but It always sells for 1 cent better than other lots, as the Dallas stock Is properly graded. Wool shearing has started In the valley and the market will soon open in earnest. Dealers are offering 19 1 cents for tine, 1S cents for medium and 1744 cents for coarse valley clips. Fgg Market I ni hanged. The egg market was rather quiet, nearly all the receipts cleaned up but and there was no change In the price. Poultry was In good demand at firm price. Butter was quoted steady with an active demand. Hank Clearings. (Hearings of the Northwestern citie terday were as follows s yes- Clearings. Balance. Portland $1 iv.Y ;:.. $i-t o.-..t Seattle 1.J4.1J 1:HV:24 Teoma 727.741 7.VOIO Spokane 1.411.970 134.5.39 Kastera VVeol-Buyee-s la Wyoming. ROCK. SPRINGS. Wjo, April i. Wool- rORTLAXD MARKETS. Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc WHEAT Track prices: Blues tern milling, $V2.& 1.30; blueettem. shipping, $1.17 ri $ IIS; club $114 0 1.18; Turkey red. SI. 15; red Russian, 1.09; Valley $1.1 V,. FLOL'K Patents. $H05 per barrel; straights, o: exports, 4.70; Valley, $5..: graham, $5.2u; whole wheat, quarters, $5.40 OATS No. 1 white, $4041 per ton. MILLS! LFFS bian. pr to; mlU alines. f.iZ pnorts, 2&oU; chop. h'ift'JAi rolled barley, $3435. BARLEY Feed, S32. 50 33.50. HAT Timothy. Willamette Valley, $14 16 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $17(U li; clover, $1112; alfalfa. $1414.50; grain hay. $13 ft? 14. e tie at. $14 14.; vetch, $13.3014. Vegetables mod Fruit. r ntin r Ktiia 50 per box. Strawberries. $3.75 per crate. POTATOES Buying price, $1,3011.40 per hundred; sweet potatoes. 2Vs &3c per pound; ntw California. tc ier pound. tACK VEGETABLE'S Turnips, $1.25 per sack; carrots, $1.23; parsnips, $1."J; beets, 11.75 : horseradisn. 10c per Dound. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, $2.21 txo per dox: lemons, xi.iowi: zrane fruit. l.r.O y 4 per box; bananas, 6 V 0c per tangerines 4 .-'& per oox ' uregon, Duying price, $2 per VEGETABLES Artichokes, 5-a 85c dox. asparagus. Oregon, 75?jN5 Pr dozen; Cali fornia, 7c per pound ; beans, 25c ; cab bage. 4&4lc per lb.; cauliflower, 75c $1 vki mn. , (icier) . fi.ou per crate; cucuxnoers, $1.50 ff 2 50 Der dozen : lettuce. hot house. $1.50&1.73 per box; lettuce, head, S5c per doz. ; onions, 4050c per doz. ; parsley, .-toe per dozen; peas. 12Vc per pound; rad ishes. 35c per dozen; rhubarb. 4'g'4fec per round; spinach, tic; tomatoes, Florida, $3g 8.23 per crate. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creamery, extras, 27 29c: fancv outsidt. creamerv. 27toL 2Hc tier In.; store, lS&'-'0c. (Butter fat prices aver age 3 cents per pound under regular but ter prices. ) ti.Uh onagon ranch. 22c per dozen. POIXTKY Hens. flt 1 7 . c : hrollers. 25c: fryers. 1S2:! lie: roasters, old, 10 11c; ung. 14ial5c: ducks. 2u;&'22c: seese. 10 to 11c: turkeys. 20c: suuabs. S2.5u!u3 ter dozen. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 17lTtto per lb.; full cream triplets,, 174i17sc; full cream. Young America, lSlHWc. VEAL Kxtras. lOc pur oound: ordi nary, Kifrllc; heavy, 7jrc. I OKK rancv. uVviuluc tier nound: larare. S9c. Groceries, Dried Fruits. Ete. DRIED FHUITS ADDles. HWc o.r In- Beaches, 714 tw&ci prunes, Italians. SlavoWo; ..... .vuu -.www vu.muia, uuwaaneo, cases, vtoc; currants, wa.heo. cases. 10c; ngs, white fancy. 00-lb. boxes, 8'c. dates, JW7V,C SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails. $2 per dozen; 2-pound tails, S2-93: l-pound flal.i, Sa. 10; Alaska pink. A-pouna tails. 05o; red, 1-pound talis, ,1.45; sockeyes. 1-pound tails. 12. COFFEE Mocha, 24 29c; Java, ordinary, 174l'20c; Costa Hica, fancy. 1820c; good, ItifrlSc: ordinary. 12 16c per pound. NUTS Walnuts. 12 9213c ner nound be ack; Brasll nuts. 18c: filberts. 15c; pecans. 7c; almonds. 13 & 14c: chestnuts. Italian, I 11c; peanuts, raw. oli p6c; pinenuts, 109 lc; hickory nuts, lvu; cocoanuuk ,00 per dozen. SlIOAR Granulated, $0.05; extra C, S5.55; golden C. $5.45; fruit and berry sugar. $6.05; plain bag. $o.85; beet granulated, $5.85; cubes (barrel), $6.45; powdered (barrel). $6.30. Terms: On remittances within 15 days, deduct 4c per pound; if later than la days and within 30 days, deduct c per pound Maple sugar. 15Sil8c per pound. HALT Granulated. S13 ner ton. SI 00 per bale; half ground, 100s. $7.50 per ton; 60s, $8 per ton. BEANS Small white. 14c; large whits. 54c; Lima. 5c; pink. 3&c; bayo, 54c; Mexican red. 5c. Provisions. BACON Fancy. 21ic per pound; stan ard, lac; choice, 17c; English, lstt0leva; strips. 13Wc mo. BUY SALT CURED Regular short clears, dry salt, 12c; smoked, 13Mic: short clear backs, lveavy dry salted, l;i,c; smoked. 13tao; Oregon exports, dry salt. 13fec; smoked, 14 ,c. HAMS 10 to 13 lbs.. 14c; 14 to 18 lbs., 14c; 18 to 20 lbs.. 14c; hams, skinned, 14c; picnics. 8 Vac; cottage roll, 11c; shoul ders, 11c; boiled hams. 1920c; boiled picnics, X I c. LAKD Kettle rendered: 10s, 14c; 6a, 14v,c; Standard pure: 10s, 13-nc; &s, 125.0. Choice: 10s, uc; 8s, 127,c Compound: 10s. 9kic; 5s. 90. SMOKED BEEP Beef tongues. each. 60c; dried beef sets. 17c: dried beef out sides, 16c; dried beef lnsides, 19c; dried beef kunckles. 18c. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs' fast, S13; regular trtpe. $lo; honeycomb tripe, $12; pigs' tongues, $10.50- MESS MEATS Beef, specials, $12 psr barrel; plate, $14 jer barrel: family. $14 per barrel; pork, $20 per barrel; brisket, $23 per barrel. Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS HM9 contract, 9c per pound; l!KiS crop. 644 644c; 1907 crop, , 3o; 1906 crop. 1 2 c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 16(Q)18o pef pound; Valley, tine. lOixc: medium, 184bc; coarse, 17h:C. MOHAIR Choice, 24c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 1617o lb.; ury Kip. ino. 1, Ligitic pound: dry calf skin, ISCtfl'.te pound; salted .hides, 93944c suited calfskin. 14luc pound; green, lo less. . rURS No. 1 skins: Angora goat. $1 to $1.25; badger. 2550c; bear. $520: beaver, 16.508.60; cat, wild, 6oc&-$l; cougar, por ted neau anu ciaws. asdyio: naner. aark, $7.&0tifll; pale. $4.907: fox. cross, $3 to $5; fox. gray. 60c to SOc; fox, red. $3.25 to i; iox. siiver. 13a to $100: lynx. $100 15; marten, dark. $812; mink. 76c$4.50: muskrat, 1015c; otter. $7; raccoon. 45c4$ 00c; sea otter. $12.60. as to size; skunks. 507bc; civet cat, 10&15c; wolf. $2iS; coyote. ?0cQ$1.10: wolverine, dark. SSO$i CASCARA BARK Per pound, 4 44a. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. The larger part of the offerings in the livestock market yesterday were hogs and pnet-p. 1 uey sum well a. previous prices. tnougn lew 01 tnem were or tirsl quaiitv Cattle were quoted steady. The receipts for the day were 83 cattle. 2S0 sheep, 275 nogs ana AS horses. Late representative sales were: Pour cows, PS7 lbs., $.1.75; 10 cows. 1050 lbs.. 4.O0; n steers, 1227 lbs., $5.10; 24 stock rows. 870 lbs.. $3.25; 112 yearling lambs. S3 lus.. o. 10. Prices quoted at tba yards yesterday CATTLE Top steers. $5.2595.50: fair to good. $4.75(5.00: common to medium. $3.25 4:,: cows, top, $4.25: fair to good. $3.50 fi ...ou; common to medium, $2.5O3.50; caives. top. so.oofii'O.OO: heavy. $3.50(4.00 bulls and stags, fat. $3.00 3.50; common. HOC.S Best. $7.25T.B0; fair to good, $6. ,5(ii 7.00; stockers. $5.50(6.50; China tats, 5(i SHEEP Top wethers. $r.? 5.T5; fair to good. $4.50i 4.75: ewes. 4sc less on all graaes: yearlings, top, $6,505x7: fair good. $6 5 6.2i; Spring lambs. $7 6 7.50. Eastern Livestock Prices. 1n.ANS.AS CITY. April 14. Cattle Receipts, muitie-. s.eany to llc lower. native steers. S3. .:.v,Mi. ,5; native cows and heifers. .ian.o: skh'K.ts and fee.iers. S3.75:n6.60 Duns. ,i5 2o; calves. $3.75?7; Western sieers. e-Mio.m'; western cowe. S:t.2.4i5 50 Hgs Kecelpte lt.i"..; market SIiluc lower. mi.nii.ia; r.eavy. $7.1rft7.20: pack " outcnens, 1 .ISJ; light, $S.o plBS, $5.25.j6.2.V Sheep Receipts SIVO: market steady. Mut tor.. $5. 25i.50: lambs. $C.50(a S. IO; wethers ana jeurungs, ft. jo .1 ... ,M; ewes. $3.50y6. CHICAGO. Arril 14. Cattle Ewimated receipts m.oiv: market loo lower. . Reaves. $4.fv.ii7.10: T.xae steers. $4.6091-5.75- Wtm e-eers. $4. 40ft 5. SO; lookers an.l feeders. $3.50 v.v.w'; cons ana neuers, S-yo.90; calves $0 t! 7 .Vi. Hogs Receipts estimated at S0.0OO; market llV lower. Light. $rt 91.37. 35: mixed. $7 7.45: heavy. $7.10i37.5o: rouph. $7.107.25: good to choice heavy. $7.2."ii 7.50; pigs, $5.a0 4J6.70; bulk of sales. $7 .3o' 7.40. Sheep Receipts estimated at 17.O0O; mar- get steady. .Native. $:i.no3t6 15; Western $3 ft.vas.20: yearling. $6. 15 1 7 15: lambs' native. $5.5008.; Western. $5.5o8.30. SOCTR OMAHA. April 14. Cattk! Re ceipts 5o00; market slow to 10c lower. West ern steers. $."ti5.6o: Texas steers, $3'li5 ctws and br'rers. $2.S5.Jt 4.e4l; stocker;. and feelers, $3 2.Mi5.50: bulls and stags. $5g5.25. H-s Receipt 10.4iH: market in? lower. Heavy. $7i7.15: mixed. $rt.9t''7; light, $6.60 5)1: bulk of eu'ee, $1 1567. S-.V Sheep Receipts 32oO: market 10c lower. Vear'.itigs. $Til7.4i: aethers, $tift.40; ewes, $5. 7-ti6; lambs, $7.5t'4j7.90. Wool at St. Lmii. ST. LOUIS. April 14. Wool Unchanged Territory and Western mediums. ls23c; fine mediums, 1 7 & Hoc ; flne. llt17c. Flaxseed at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. April 14. Flax closed a $163. Anxiety Shown Over the Year's Crop Outturn. GENERAL LIST IRREGULAR Foreign Markets Xot Disturbed lj the Turkish Situation Ad vance in Call Iioan Kat at New York. NEW TORK. April 14. There was a nota ble lack of animation in the stock market today. In view of the admittedly Impaired condition of the Winter wheat crop, extra Interest centers In the preparations for the Spring wheat crop. The advices from the Spring wheat region today were of unpropl tlous conditions for seeding, owing to the Inclement weather. The sensitive condition of the wheat market in the highly specula live state emphasizes the effect of news of the crop in that market, and by reflection In the stock market. Some of the selling of stocks today was accompanied by professions of growing anxiety over the year's crop' outturn, upon which much adir.ittedly depends for the con tinuance of the restoration of prosperity. The extension of the long Interest in stocks In the course of the prolonged rise adds to the vulnerability of the market, and the professionals are watchful for opportuni ties to attack the bull position and at tempt to force speculative liquidation by depressing prices and exbausting margins. These attempts were but partially success ful. In view of the vantage point of the lower price level already established in yes terdays trad'ng. Some slight unsettlement in the opening aeallngs was due to fears of the effect of the Turkish troubles. This selling appeared to come from local sources in anticipation of foreign selling, but when it aipeared that London was buying stocks in this market. the early depression was overcome. The New York money rate on call loans touched 2 4 per cent. The tone of the general list was irregular up to tne last. xtonas were irregular. Total sales, par value, $4,160,000. United States 2's coupon ana tne a-s advanced 44 on call, CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing naies. High. Low. Bid. Amal copper 89,500 7744 76 6 Am mr ac roun. A.tiOO ou 5044 11144 594 do preferred ... 100 111 11 IV. Am Cotton Oil . . 15,600 60 :s 58 Am Hd &. Lt pf. 200 3844 344 Am Ice Securl... 6.300 40 3t Am Linseed Oil.. 4,000 17 16 Am Locomotive... 300 . 6544 5444 39 S9T4 17 5444 4414 do preferred ..... ..... Am Smelt & Ret. 8,600 8944 88 044 106 do preferred 2 BOO 106U. losai Am Sugar Ref... 900 134; 13354 133 Am Tobacco pf . . 3tX) 96 96 Am Woolen 600 33 32 Anaconda Min Co. 2.300 45V 45 w 4544 Atchison ,800 107 1064i do preferred ... 600 104 103. 103 126 112 9514 7644 175 29 Atl Coast Line Bait & Ohio 4,900 112T4 112 do preferred ..... Brook Rap Tran. 1O.800 76 76 Canadian Pacific.. 1,400 1762 175 Central Leather. do preferred . . 300 10244 102 149 75 6 44 Central of N J.. i,ju zos 151 76 Ches Ohio.... 33.400 76 Chicago Gt West. 1,100 Chicago & N W.. 400 C, M & St Paul.. 12,000 C. C, C & St L Colo Fuel A Iron.. 3,200 Colo & Southern.. 4 181 149 S944 64 18044 180 44 14S 14874 73 JV4 6 88 7614 do 1st preferred. ...... ..... ...... do 2d Dref erred. Consolidated Gas.. 300 1384 137V4 137 Corn Products .... 8.600 22 21? Del & Hudson 8.000 18344 ISO D R Grande ... 27,500 5344 614 21 182 52! 8S14 3- 30 do preferred 500 8ft 88 n; DlstlUere' Securl.. 6oO 384 3044 46 36 29 45, Erie 8.300 do 1st preferred. 600 do 2d oref erred. - 3 1571 145 69 146 14 43 12 56 39 34 4 73 13S 57 135 74 General Electric 600 15814 145 V4 70 15 158 141 6 145 J4 43 12 56 38 32 46 73 137 Gt Northern pf... 5.900 Gt Northern Ore.. 3.500 Illinois Central .. 1.000 Interborough Met. 1.200 do nreferred 3.400 44 Int Paper 100 12 do nreferred 3oo 56 Int Pump 1.OJ0 391,4 lows central .... 11. 500 s." K C Southern ... 2.800 4tV4 do preferred 1.800 73 Louis & Nashville 5K 138 Minn & St 1 M, St P & S S M. 300 69 1 4 09 "74" 41 74 84 130 60 81 144 SO 134 116 92 "isi" " 138 22 74 25 66 '24' ' 57 75 120 124 26 66 41 33 53 70 187 Missouri Fac-lflc.. 13.4O0 75 1 84 131 't 81 H, 82 14!t4 SO ai 135J 117 2 182" 'Hi Is 67 M. Kan & Texas 16,300 42 74 84 131 91 82 144 30 134 116 do preferred ... 400 National Lcaui ... 3,700 N "Y Central ll.fluo N T. Ont & West. 4,700 North American.. 1.100 Northern Pacific. . 10.200 Pacific Mall .... 200 Pennsylvania ..... 10,700 People's Gas 4.800 P, C C 4 St I... 800 Pressed Steel Car 9 3714 18114 39 140 22 25 66 38 24 67 75 120 123 Pullman Pal Car S00 Ry steel Spring- Heading 143. 40O Republic Steel ... 30 do preferred 900 Rock Island Co.. B.700 do preferred . . . St L s S F 2 pf. St L Southwestern do preferred . . . Slots-Sheffield l-outhem Pacific.. do preferred Southern Railway. do preferred ... Tenn Coprer .... Texas & Pacific. Tol, St L West. do preferred ... Union Pacific ... do preferred 7,800 "006 2.500 400 11.400 400 9.800 1.000 400 1.300 3O0 24 58 75 3217 124 27 66 4 41 34 53 70 26 60 41 33 62 70 187 95 , 61 114 43 48 118 1S 83"' 7" 0 5, 136 4O0 4.500 T8S TJ S Rubber do 1st preferred. 1.400 106 T4 1051 TJ S Steel 83.K 52M, 61H do preferred ... 2,500 1141, 11414 Vtah Copper .... 400 43 42 Va-Caro Chemical. 4.200 48 47 Vi do preferred ... ...... Wabash 900 1R 18li do preferred ... 6.200 4S 47 Weetlnghouse Elec 2X 83 R3 "Western Union ... 8.500 71 68 Wheel L Erie Wisconsin Central. 200 5SH 68 Am Tel & Tel 7,200 137 136 Total sales for the day. 813.200 shares. BONDS. NEW TORK, April 14. Closins; quotations: U. S. ref. 2s reg.lOHilN T C G 3Hs... 93 do coupon. .. .101 iNorth Pacific 3s. 74 V. S. 3s res lnlH fnlon Pacific 4s,102 do coupon. .. .101lNorth Pacific 4s. 103 V S new 4s reg.llB 'Wlscon Cent 4s. P5 do coupon. .. .120! Japanese 4s..... 86V D & R O 4s l Stocks at London LONDON. April 14. Consols for money. SS9-HJ: do xor account, 85. Anaconda 9 N. Y. Central 134 Atchison 109'Norflk West..' 92 do pref 106' do pref 90 Bait & Ohio. . . .lis Ont & Western.. 48 Can Pacific 7S iPennsylvanla ..69 Ches & Ohio . 7S 'Rand Mines g Chi Grt West... 5'Readlng 71 V C. M. S. P. . . .152 isout hern Ry 27 L'w Deris i. uu prez 6S D & R G 54pouth Pacific. .. .124 do pref 91 lUnlon Pacific .193 Erie 30 I do pref us do 1st pr 40IU. s. steel s.t "w u 01 . pres. ...... 117 Grand Trunk... 19'Wabash in 111 Central 150 1 do pref .... 49 L N 140 Spanish 4s. Mo K A T 43Araal Copper.. 96 79 Money Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. April 14. Money on call, easy. 1?: per cent: ruling rate. 1 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, dull and soft: 60 days. 2 $ per cent; 90 days. 2 per cent; six months. 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. S(?4 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8630 4.8640 for 60-day bills and at $4.8775 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.85 6 4.86. Bar silver. 61 c Mexican dollars. 44c. Government bonds strong; railroad bonds irregular. LONDON. April 14. Bar ailver, 23 l-16d per ounce- steady. Money. 1 per cent. The rate of discount in the open Daily Ticaauj Sttinent. WASHINGTON. April 14. Today state ment of th Treasory balance in the general fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold re serve, shows: Available cash balance S12S.224.8ce Gold coin and bullion 49.tMi9.001 Gold certificate 43.540,300 Coffee and Sns-tr. NEW TORK. April 14. Coffee futures closed steady, net five points higher to ten points lower. Sales were reported of 14.000 bass. Including; April and May at 6-85 c: July. 6.40c; August, 620c; September. 6.10c; December, 5-90c, and March, 6c Spot Quiet. No. 7 Rio. $c; No. 4 Santos. 9c Mild. firm. Cordova, 913c. Sugar Raw. steady; fair refining, 3.42c; centrifugal. 96 test, 3.92c; molasses sugar, 3.17c. Refined, steady; crushed, -65c;. pow dered, 5 05c; granulated, 4.95c. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 14. Spot cotton closed quiet. 10 points higher. Mid-uplands. 10 4oc; mid-Gulf, 10.70c Sales, 300 bales. Futures closed steady: April, 10.11c; May. 10.12c; June, 10.13c; July. 10.14CI August. lO.Sbc; September and October. 10c; Novem ber and December, 9.9Sc; January and March, 9.93c. SEATTLE FLOUR HIGHER BID OF $1.18 IS MADE FOR CIjTJB WHEAT. Potato Market Weakens Because of Too Heavy Stocks New Til lamook Cheese. SEATTLE, Wash., April 14. (Special.) Patent flour advanced 40 cents per barrel today, making the new price $6 In car load lots and $6.16 in less than carloads. On the Merchants Exchange 10,000 bushels of club wheat were offered at $1.20, but the highest bid was $1.18. The first Tillamook cheese reached this market today. The cheese was quoted at i cents. The stock is so fresh, however, that, like the new California cheese, met a. slow sale. The potato market eased off somewhat and no one was able to get more than $38 as against a top quotation of $40 last week. The sentiment on the street this week is that stocks are too heavy here to warrant the prices being asked. The con tinued cool weather, however. Is helping to hold the market firm. Apples were dull. There were no boat receipts today, although one boat arrived this morning. QUOTATIONS AT BAH FRAJfCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce ia ths Bar Clt Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. April 14. The follow ing prices were quoted In the produce mar ket today: Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. f 1.601.S.1: Salinas Burbanks. S1.S52; sweets. S1.7S Onions Oregon. $2.40 per cental. Millatuffs Bran. f:uj.5u&30; middlings. f33.5Gt&35.50. Vegetables Garlic, 810c; green peas, 2&4Vic; string beans, nominal; asparagus, 5Oc(&'$1.50; tomatoes. 75c$1.25; eggplant. 20(S"25c. Butter Fancv creamerv Ur' r. m I seconds, 23c; fancy dairy. 22c. I Poultry Roosters, old. 0jj5 50; young 9a 1 !-; Drouers. small, 3tS5: broilers. large. I fftSi: fryers. SSI&9; hens, $4.5ug40; ducks I old, ISiiS; young, J69. I Cheese New. 14V(&15e. Tonm Amer- I lea. 14to lr,c; Eastern. 17V4c. 1 Ekks Store. 2Ac: fancv mnt-h jc I Wool South Plains and San Joaouln. I 615c; Mountain. 610c; Nevada. 12&15c I Hay Wheat. $2325.50; wheat and oats, I 20&24: alfalfa. tl4&17.50; stock, 11.50 1 16: straw, ner bale. BOiffiSSe. Fruits Apples, choice. 1 75; common. ovc: bananas. SKg.oO; limes, nominal; lem ons, cnoice, d ; commons, si; oranges. $1.65 g'2.50: pineapples, S3(o6. Receipts Flour, 7256 quarter sacks; wiictti, o.i'i centals; parley, itito centals; oais, iw centals; Deans. 2770 sacks; corn, 190 centals; potatoes, 1790 sacks; bran, 100 bucks; miaaungs, d:i. sacks; hay, 249 tons wool, 977 bales; hides. 420. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. April 14. The market for evaporated apples remains steady and some business Is reoprted for export. Fancy are quoted at 8 9c, choice at 7S7c, prime at 66c, common to fair at 56c. Prunes are steady and while some of the less desirable stock may be offered at concessions, attractive fruit particularly of the largest sizes. U very well held. Quotations range from S to 12c for the new-crop California and from 6 to 9c for Oregons ranging from 20s to 30s. Apricots are firm, with choice quoted at 10&10c; extra choice. 1010c, fancy ll 13c. Peaches are unchanged with choice quot ed at etcpoc: extra choice, 66c fancy, 7i&i8c Raisins are dull with loose Muscatels quoted at 34c; choice to fancy seeded. 43c; seedless, 35c, and London layers, $1.201.30. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON, April 14. Closing quotations Adventure 8 Nevada 20 Amalgamated .. 76pid Dominion 51 Ariz com 41IOsceola 12S 10 Parrot Atlantic Cal & Ariz... 100 Qulncy Kg Copper Range.. 78 Shannon ....... 14 Daly West ...... 10 1-iamuracJC ...... ( u Trinity 14 Franklin 15 Granby 96 Greene Cananea 10 u s Mining 40 U. S. Oil 31 Utah 39 Isle Royale 24 Mass Mining.... 8 Michigan 12 Mohawk ....... 61 Mont c & C. ... 30 Victoria 4 Winona ........ 4 Wolverine 143 North Butte 67 NEW YORK. April 14. Closing quotations: Alice 175 Leadville Con. Brunswick Con. 8 Uttle Chief... Com Tun stock. 21 Mexican do bonds 163 Ontario ...... 45 10 74 34 C C Sc Va 02 Ophir .. 10 nora einer ' . n Iron Silver 100 Standard '..155 1 Yellow Jacket... Co Metal Markets. NEW YORK, April 14. The London tin market was lower today with spot quoted at 133 5s and futures at 134 7s 6d The local market was easy in consequence with quotations ranging from 29.25 to 29.35c. Copper was unchanged at 57 10s for spot, but a shade higher at 58 5s for futures In the London market. Locally the market was quiet and unchanged with lake at 12.87 13c, electrolytic at 12.50 12.75c, casting at 12.37 12. 62 c. Lead was Is 3d lower at 13 5s in the London market, but continued Arm locally, with spot quoted at 4.154.17e. Spelter was unchanged at 21 7s 6d in the London market. Locally the market was firm and a little higher at 4.955c Iron locally was quiet. Dairy Produce in the East. CHICAGO. April 14. Butter Steady. Creameries, 22z'28c; dairies. 1925c . Eggs Steady. Firsts, 19 c; prime firsts, 20c Cheese Steady. Daisies, 1616c; twins. 15 d16c; . young Americas. 1534 a 16c. NEW YORK, April 14. Batter and cheese Firm, unchanged. Eggs Easy. Western storage packwd. 21c; do., firsts. 2021c; do., seconds. 20c: Southern firsts, 2020c; do., sec onds. JVC lodging-House Keeper Acquitted. Emma Hendon was acquitted in Judge Gatens' department of the Circuit Court wu a uucvieu vciuiui, me court deciding" that the evidence was insufficient to sup port the indictment. She was charged with having conducted the Cadillac rooming-house, at Third and Columbia etreetg. iu u luesiumsLs manner. Wide Range of Prices in Chi cago Market. GENERAL TREND UPWARD Continued Trgent Demand for Cash Grain at Advancing Prices. Close Is Excited and . Strong. CHICAGO, April 14. Extreme nervousness marked trading In the wheat pit and prices moved over a wide range. There was no In dication early In the session that the market would continue Its record-breaking perform ance of the last two weeks, but, on the con trary, the climax to the sensational upturn in price seemed to have been reached, at least for a time. Owing to a decline' of to lVsd at Liverpool, the market here opened weak, with prices unchanged to 3c be low yesterday's close. Intitlal quotations on May were at $1.271.27H and on July at Several of the leading longs In May wheat bought freely early in the session, which caused considerable buying by shorts. This resulted In May advancing to fl-28 and July to $1.17. Much of the demand for July was baeed on unfavorable crop reports from Missouri. Continued urgent demand for the cash grain at advancing prices was responsi ble to some extent for the fresh bulge in May. During the greater part of the day a very nervous feeling was manifested, with the May delivery showing the greatest buoy ancy. This was partly accounted for by a falling off in primary receipts and by statle tics which showed a marked decrease In ex ports from the United States during March. Sentiment in the pit became exceedingly bullish In the final hour and shortly before the close May rose to $1.29. while July ad vanced to $1.18. There was some reaction from the top on profit-taking, but the close was excited and strong, with May at $1.2S and July at $1.171.17. Advances of from 1 to 2c marked proceed ings In the com market. During the day May sold between 66c and 66V4C The mar ket closed at the top, with May shoeing a net gain of 2c at 68 c. Oats shared In the strength of wheat and corn and prices at the close were up He to lc compared with the previous close. Shorts were active bidders 411 day. The range ?n May was between 5353c and 55c and the close was at 64 55c. Provisions were rather weak at the start. hut rallied early and continued firm the bal ance of the session. At the close prices were a shade lower to 7Vi10c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. $1.27 1.15 1.07 1.06 Close. May. ... July Sept $1.28 1.16 IIS 14 1.17 7A 1.07 1.06 .66 .65 .65 .67 1.08 1.07 CORN. .68 .66 .66 .58 OATS. 1.08 1.07 Dec. ... . May. . .66 .65 .6.-, -57 .SS July. .66 .66 Sept. Dec. . .t8 May. July. Sept. .63 .47 .40 .65 .48 .40 .53 .48 .40 .55 .48 .40 MES3 PORK. May. .. July. . . Sept... 18.17 18.25 18.05 18.20 18.20 18.17 LARD. 10.32 10.37 10.40 10.50 10.52 10.65 18.07 IS. 05 18.02 18.52 1 H.ZI 18.17 May July 10.32 10.37 10.52 10.32 1U.&U 10.60 Kept SHORT RIBS. S.87 9.45 .37 9.524 9.571A 9.50 May. . 9.45 July .67 Cash quotations were as follows: r lour easy. Rye No. 2, 79 80c. Barley F-aed or mixing. 62 063c to choice malting. 63ifr65c. fair Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, 1.66; i"u. 1 iNorinwesiern, Timothy seed $3. 70 & 3.80. Clover $9.60. Pork Mess, per barrel, $18.10 18.15. Lard Per 100 pounds. $10.32. Short ribs Sides (loose). $9.30. Sides Short, clear (.boxed). $9.62 9.75. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 690,000 bushels. Primary receipts were lai.uuu ousneis, compareu witn 237 uuu ousneis tne corresponding day a year ago. uHtitnaiea receipts lor tomorrow Wheat, 16 cars: corn. 43 cars; oats, 97 cars; nogs, su.uuu neaa. Receipts. Flour, barrels 34,8uO Wheat, bushels 31,200 Corn, bushels...... 136.300 Oats, bushels..... 27,100 Rye. bushels. ....... 2,000 Barley, bushels 4$, 500 Shipments. 16.000 66,100 155.000 144,000 7.000 13,500 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW YORK. April 14. Flour Receipts, 11.300 barrels; exports, 8300 barrels. Wheat Receipts, 1200 bushels. Spot. strong; No. 2 red. $1.39 elevator and $1.40 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Dulutb, $1.87 f. o. b. afloat; No. a hard Winter. $1.27 f. o. b. afloat. There was a sharp opening break in wheat today influenced by lower cables .but the market promptly re covered and for the balance of the day was very firm. Bull support and commission house buying were features. Just at the close realizing developed, but last prices were c higher. May closed $1.33; July, $1.23; September. $1.16. Hops and wool 43uiet. Hides Dull. Petroleum Steady. Grain at Saa Francisco. BAJT FRANCISCO. April 14. Wheat and barley firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $2.052.10; milling, brewing. $2. 10 2. 13. Barley Feed. 1.50S1.52; 1.531.60. Oats Red. tl.!3.2.05; white. l-97 2.15; black, nominal. Call-board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley May, 1. 30 1.51: December, $1.33. Corn Idtrge yellow, 1.6T1.73. ( Wheat at Tacoms. TACOMA. Wash., April 14. Flour took another advance of 30 cents a barrel to day. Wheat goes up a cent on all ex port grades. Milling: Bluestem. S1.25iiz 1.J0. Export: Bluestem, 51.21; club, $1.11; red, 11.07. European Grain Markets. LONDON, April 14. Cargoes firm owing to scarcity of shipments. Walla Walla, on passage, 43s to 43s sd. English country markets. Arm; French country markets, firm. LIVERPOOL, April 14. Wheat May. 9s ia; July, ss 2d; September, Ss id. Weather cloudy. Wheat at Seattle. MSAUXh, wash., April 14. No milling quotations, export wneat: Bluestem. 1.20; red. 11.10; club. J1.06. Receipts Wheat. three cars; oats. one car. Frank PoUvlta's Will Is Filed. The will of Frank Polivka, brother of r-uuvaa tne tanor, was nied in the County court yesterday Tor probate. A petition was filed by Ferdinand J. Polivka asking that he be appointed executor, in accord ance with the provisions of the will, which is aaiea iecemoer 26, 1SU6. F. J. Polivka. Alex Mayer and Joseph Pciivka are the subscribing witnesses to the will. it gives to Ferdinand, Charles and William Polivka $5 each, and to Mrs. Antonle Polivka, the widow. th balance of the property, valued at abota H.3,00u. In the will Polivka says that he knows his wife will do towards the ehtldren what is fair, and just. Frank Polivka waa born OLDEST BANK 0"N Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000 LUMBERMEN S National Bank CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. at Modletin. Bohemia, June 4. 1S43, and died April 6. Sues to Foreclose Mortgage. Suit for the foreclosure of a mortgage on two lota of the St. John Gas. Light & Heat Company, located in St. John, has been filed in the Circuit Court by Ben Wise. He alleges that a note for $S00 Is due, and says the company has failed to pay the taxes on its property for 100S, and that he has paid them. He asks J100 attorney's fees. The Merchants Savings & Trust Company and William C. pence are made defendants. a& they have claims against the property, and Wise asks that they be debarred from any interest in it. Bonds Investments CALL OR WRITE T. S. McGRATH Lumber dxchangre PORTLAAD, OREGON. HARTJMAN & THOMPSON BACKERS CHAMBER OP COMMEBCE issue travellers' checks, payable everywhere. For eign exchange bought and sold at attractive rates at all times. VMtmtfiPnotuaZMbaUt THE PACIFIC COAST TRAVELERS GlIDK. JSamburg-Jimerican. London Paris Hamburg. P.Grant (new) Ap. 21'P.LincoIn(new)Mar 5 Kais. A. V. Apr. 24 Bluecher. . . May la Pennsylvania Apr. 2S Amerika. . May l". Deutschland Apr. 29,tleveld(new)May s Ritx Carlton a la Carte Restaurant ITALY "s : frG.Ibh. l:.SnA.AV,A- tAprll 13, June 3 " S$mtbv. Kit?" " ? "Calls Azores. UGlbraltar. Naples and Genoa summer Holiday Cruises TO XOK.WAY. WITZBF.RCKX. KEIASD, BALTIC SEA By superb twin-screw cruising steamers Oceane. Bluecher. Meteor, Koenig Wilhelm II, during June. July. August and September. - ira.ojerr jnecKS issued. Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. Hsinlmrr-Amrrinn Line, 160 Powell St. ISan l'runcisco, and local amenta Portland. forth (JermanAloyd. FAST KXl'RKsa SfcRVlCK. Plymouth Cherbourg Bremen 10 A. M Kronprina W. Apr. l:i; tir"e. .April 2T Cecllle: April 2U, Kaiser W. II... May 4 Twin-Screw Passenger Service Plymouth Cherbourg lliret 10 A. M. Vnin As-tvtl - 1 13 i April 29 Gneisenau. .April 22,Kuerf uerat ..May 1 Mediterranean Service Sailing at 11 A. M. P. Irene April 17!Neckar May 1 K. Albert. . .April 24iUarbarossa May 8 Calls at Algiers. North German Lloyd Travellers Checks Oeirichs & Co.. Agents, & Broadway, N. V. NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA NEW SKKVICE via TA 111X1. Delightful South Sea Tours tor Rest. Health and Pleasure. NLW ZEALAND, the world's wonderland. Geysers, Hot Lakes, etc. The tavorite S. Mariposa sails from San Francisco April 15, May 21. etc.; connecting at Tahiti with Union Line for Wellington. N. Z. TUB ONLY PASKkNGER LINE FROM V. 8. TO NtW ZEALAND. Wellington and back. S2t0. Tahiti and back. S 125. 1st cIku LINE TO HONOLULU Special round trip Jill). 1st cUlks S. Alameda sails ApiU 24. May 15. etc Address OCEANIC LINE, til. Market St.. San Fran cisco. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. S. S. Geo. W. Elder Sails 'for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles March 18, April 1st, loth, 29th. Ticket office 132 Third street, near Alder. LL YOUNG, Agent. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. 8. CO. only direct steumer and dayligat sailing. From Ainsworth Uock. Portland, 9 A. M. S.S. Senator. April 11, May L S.f. KM City. April 4. May g. From lrmoari St., San Francisco, lis vr S.g. Rose City, April 17. May 1. S.S Senator. April 24, May g. J W. Kansom, Dock Agent. Main 2tt Alnsworth Dock. M. J. ROCHE. City Ticket Agent, 14Z 3d St. Phone Main 402, A 1402. COOS BAY LINE The steamer UkAK WATER leaves Port, land every Wednestluy. 8 p. M.. from Alas worth dock, tor Norm Bend, Mar.bneld and Coos Bar points. Freigul received UU i P. M. on day ol sailing. Passenger fare, first class, $10; second-class, $7, including berth and meals Inquire city ticket office. Taint and Washington streets, or Alnaworta nreg. Phone Mala 26S.