V JTEW TODAY. I - I ' "" - - '-- 13 " " FOH SilU ESTATK 1 FOR SALE RK AX. ESTATE. reR ,a,w--,a. , 3 VESlEliTS 93G.OOO East Side, full quarter blorW, 3-story modern building; flioice location; 8 per cent net in come. 2te,r.i in ten blocks of Postoffiee; 10 per cent net income. $20,000 Trinity Place, near 19th anrl Washington, 100x100, east iront; ideal site for apartments. $16,500 Washington Street, near 1'Oth, 50x100 feet. 914.50O Flanders Street, near 10th. 60x100 feet, north front; switching privileges. $4500 cash will handle it. Income sufficient to. pay interest on balance. $12,500 23d Street, south of Thurman, business corner, 100 feet front on 23d; 8 per cent net in come and yet room for another building. $0000 Wilson Street, full quarter block, 5 eottages; 9 per eent net income. $5000 Everett Street, near 10th fractional lot, 6 per cent net in come. A snap. JAMES J. FLY1 512 Chamber of Commerce, GRAND VIEW ACRES $350 Dowp, $25 Per Month will buy a beautifully cultivated 2y2 acres; just the thing for a suburban place. Most. charming landscape view. Smooth auto route, only 25 minute's from the City Hall. All in. cultivation. Put out your berries and garden now and enjoy th returns this season. Take a ride in our auto and we will show. THE PRETTIEST TEN ACRES in Multnomah County, onlv 52 miles as the crow flics from Fifth and Mor rison. See Owners, 501-503 Oorbett Bid. Phone Main 953. Washington Street 80x100 Near 19th St. $27,500 This is a fine buy. Can be resold at a good profit. Up per Washington-st. values are rapidly advancing. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. MOSIER APPLELANDS EXCHANGE -4 of finest M osier . Prl.nd property. A.yooe who ha. time to ltr.d to lhr land, ,. nothlnsr better. Only .-, mile. fron. ""' I;' ";!. time n.r., wner. A 14, Oresoulau. Are You Looking for Acreage If you ara. do not look any more until you hav. seen this 60 sores 6 mile, south of ciiy to under cultivation; new house, cost 33fl0; new barn, cost 81 "ofl Other outbuilding-, alt on concrete foundation; over 8000 worth of im provement), ou place. Nothing; in or near oitv that will equal this for price bo'uTil- PrlCS '7i: '"Usel HOI.I. WU.HCI! CO. Room 317 Hoard of Trade. BEST ACREAGE Or the Peninsula tor platiln. If yon want such call on BRONG-STEELE CO. HO Second M. Five Acres Close in When wo e Bay close in, we mean It. harKaln and will not last ""ll1," "crease hold at from i ma in a i"n. ii nil n l n u , - -i .. i . 1 j - ia& aKn'n- f.' 1. VlJ BOLUS. WALLACE CO, T Board of Trade. FOR SALE OR TRADE loOO-acre stock ranch, f 10 per acre all fence,!, all tillable, substantial irrfpriv.. mem., in rouKlaa County; or will lx .hanBe for Fortland property or close in acrea. paying difference, close- .... JACK SOX DEEHING, .... Main 4a. 24o t Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property . rr.t Rate. Hnlldl.a Loans. Installment I. anas. Wm. MacMaster 3U2 Klork. 5 mTrtgages 5V2 KDWRr K, i;iH DEY. trolldlns. Can You Imagine It? $50 LOTS Within the Fine-Mile Circle I r r 1 1 1 I r r vvesi rortiano parr Look at the city map and compart its distance from the business section and price, with other additions. The Real Basic Value of outside property fa measured by the time In groins to and from the business center, and sooner or later it will seek 121 le.v Below is a comparative schedule of time to and from the busi ness aeetion ot different additions: ?oh" 60 minutes Monta villa. 40 minutes T.niversity 60 minutes Rose City Parle 3S minutes Irvinffton 2214 minutes VVoodlawn 37 minutes West fori land Park.,,12 minutes Keason will tell you. after making these comparisons, that these prices cannot last long. In fact there are certain developments coming: in this part of the city which warrant our say ing:: "We cannot make these prices 24 hours In advance.-' We can only say: "We will sell a Tew more lots in West Portland Park at 50 each." Terms lO Dnri and 1 Per Week. THE LEE-BOM COMPANY 303-308 AblBKte. Bids;. $60,000 Warehouse site, 100x200, witn 1UU teet of trackage on 15th st. near Marshal right in the heart of the big move ment in the north end. American Trust Company 200 Chamber of Commerce. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY exclusive, close-in downtown resi dence district. AVhere all improvements are made and paid for, including asphalt streets. Go and see the many choice resi dences now building. Lota sold on easy terms. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. Agents on ground. MORTGAGE LOANS J-wat rates and terms to suit, spe cial rate and favorable terms on large loan a on Business properties. Kinds Loaned for Private Investors A. H. BIRRELL CO. 30a MeKnr Bids., ad A stark. RJKAI, ESTATE DEALERS. F. Abraham. Z05 Ablngton bid. Main 812s. Andrews.-. V. 4c Co. M. 8349. 30 BamUton bt kTr. A''rd i, 111 Ablng'on bldg. Beck "William G, 813 Falling bldg Birrell a. H. Co.. 202-8 McKay "ldg. Real en, insurance, mortgage loans, ate Brubaker A Benedict. 502 McKay big. M 549 Chapln A Herlow. 882 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. at Co- EOS Corbatt bldT Fields, C. K. A Co, Board of Trade bld. Jennings Co.. Vain lea. 20a Oregonian. M B.. room 411 Corbett bld. Parrl.h. -Watklns at Co, tSO Alder st. Richardson. A- B-. S21 Com. club bide Schalk. 00. D.. 284 Stark st Main or A S9S Bharkej-. J. p. a Co, 124 sixtn st. ThS ?.roa Real Estate Co, Grand ava. and Multnomab at (Holladay AddlUon.) i?,-el-WW. dumber Hxcbans blda. White. B. F.. 127n Washington st. FOB 8ALK RF.AL BSTATK. INSS?;OR&rQo tn Ownars- Realty As sociation: buy 3 tract ot owners ajid aaVk eommlaalona. 305 Ablagton bide FOR SALE a 60x10 corner In best part ot Rom Ciiy Park, for S7S. including im provamenta. L. 15. Oregonlan. B..i'5?Flre- "ne biiUdrng- lot 60x100. E e.nM.yna?".r W'" CXC"" t0r acre- 'iR SI'B . by, owner. thb handsomest 5iT"a;'O"0.hn.tI.rn,tOn- Ca" Md ll- i- on.Killlr,gsworth ave.. near Pat-l-' f.w'apf"r '"a-,h- Vanduyn & Walton 61o Chamber Commerce. Mn' 50 rash, balance easy t-rms. Ll.ND & 1UOL.KY U2 3(1 St. F?-,2A,ck f'i wlu acrillce a Hne lot oOxloo on 4th st.. closw in. For par- - ' . . urFcaaiin. . r -'v. 'WO beauflful louj. N. W. comer h.;h0d Mon,"a- . .o Z'Z 't &OX100. Grand ave. near .l. f Improved. Owner. 1ST 5?wM' new- modern bungalow, warmly built. fln view. SliOO cash; 81S00 terms. Phone owner. M. S001 MV,?JvIiL m,y B-room modern cottata ln ?uUs'l",1l"t1g.nCOr.nr1an'0nab'e " 10avI;nHR1rf1,e: St John Denver S.idm "2- IVar new lh School; bargain for cash. Owner. Main 4490. PLATTIVO proposition, near Montavllla. n or 8 acres. 47.-.0 per acre- i mj hit CmA ER. 6;s ChanTber of Commerce. SUE- .,hrsl.'or aoo FOR SALE By owner, modern 5 -room cot 5"t, '?d "x:t"". 1 block from "i E. Flanders. 60xlt-sa6 Fifth, with modern B-room h.. Sruyait jg,r rooB"-- tsz 2ty CASH fl monthly, buys modern. nw six-room bunal,iw. 61st st . south Hai thorne: price 8J7O0. Phone Dr. Darlm,. rTT J' OT. ilro.d. N-ortb - .. uwioniaa. F'R SALE .-room house, close In, 2 car llnea. fall 743 E. Main, or phone E liil. "n MUr, 't':,,. 0T. C"y PrP" with aiwnu atag. -ROOM bouse In Highland. S3SS0: a snap LIND A HI6LET. lit Sd sC THE MOKXIXG FIXE home r-u fill A beautiful S-room house, lig-ht and cheerful: modern in evert detail, practi cally new; ful; lot, choice fruit trees, bam, large porch, four large sleeping chambers, cen on third floor, cement basement fur nace, laundry trays, built for home and Kept as such; splendid location, and at JT.C? e,Ten is a brsain; price t52oo for quick eale. WEST BIDE. Walking distance, full lot. nice S-room house: price JS500. JOOxluO fne view; S-room house, with all conveniences; 8S500. BARGAIN ' ON CARIJXE ..,n bungalow, full lot. on- one of the best carlines In city; the house is new and very modem: full concrete basement l7,UlliMlndry. aDd rruit ro": this Is worth 84000. but if taJten Immediately the owner win take 83000, and you win say it is worth the price. BL-XOALOWS ON GOOD CARLINES lOuxl.i. o-room house, with furnace, fire place, and hardwood floors, beamed ceiling built-in bookcase; must see to appreciate: price, with terms, iriuOO. f100. new. modern o-room house; this is Just finished for home; business calls P""; away; price, with terms. f4000. 50x100 li rooms, modem" home, with fire place, concrete basement and nice lawn with rosea; walking distance; price 85000 with terms. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A beautiful 11-room new house- 4 fire places. 2 baths, fine view; the house Is unique and very desirable. BUNGALOWS IN SUXXTSIDE 1 . 33 i-3xl0. 6-room modern home concrete basement. laundry trays good baannbcLnef,n!tedrmr,l0n: 3W' 1-SxlOO, new 6-room modem home v. "repIa''- concrete basement, wash rLr J Prtce ;i500- ,ertns "Id ZIMMERMAN, 21 Board of Trade Bldg. LOOK AT THESE . CAN'T BE BEAT. HEIGHTS11" 90x100 ln WAVERLT Street" beautiful comer on 6KIDMORB AVENGE00" Btshtly StolOO on ALBINA NON5 CaSh buy dan1y 60x100 ln VER. GOOD TERMS ON THESE BARGAINS! HAVE A LOOK! DTETZ-MCELLER CO.. 815-16-17 Abington Bldg. ROSSMERE SECTION, ROSE CITT PARK r.rfi..a?I'c, ?75 u',ue'' company's present 5mw?nS SiVf0 bt-located lots In this fn?r ,nd,trlct; payment 8240 down, bal Btf.t per mo!"h each lot; look the IIL becom Rossmere-Rose City Park enthusiast and investor or home builder erv'dK rather. bold this advancing p?opI but must sell. Seaberg. Eltoi Court SWELL COTTAGE. PBECH ST, 8300 omJ ""'shed downstairs, room for 3 ".ZTS1"1 fu" lo. BOxlOO; -ho? klnrt oe nKv.Flant' 8- over 0O: "nest v Plumbing; shower bath; full ce basement; gas and electric; paneled dining-room; auto garage: 65 fine rose ?n Sf- SOm Irult: 1 nia bouse cost tJaSS itn ?-r,f.i we wi" " 't to you for f? an,d ,nrow lu a corner lot worth Trnde bldg""' ZadOW- 317 Board rlh, loSoP-0,"'' ho on comer 2- Stu'h Portland, overlooking the river ana East Portland; each house hiving eight large rooms and basement, eavmg fine furnace; cost or bouses 'when built two Z at,-, 4O0. and laoon- respectively; lot Trt? JLIea.lt.I3CM"1: Drlce for entire prop: 7 .r2v ,;t500 cash' balance on time at llPL.S : P.lemV ,n-ome from property Ms Sark?nth- Cl0liU"- Warner If Ll5E,ThV 30t HOUSE FOR 82TOO. ,.,J , ld thls montb, will sell for S2M0 home sTn0"!! and aave oommlsslon? new home 810 East 50th, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne: 5 rooms, bath, basement buf fo?: panu7- closets, etc. 50x100 corner l0ir,.nx.e. 'Scatlon: Ir"'t trees, roses tinl havS: slv. S'h anKd Hthom car? mu Telephone0 BCaK. a mon- - H- PALMER-JONES CO. REAL ESTATE AND . FIRE INSURANCE. NEW ZEALAND AGENCY 213 COMMIE8u-LA W 3v!;r00m DU"Ka'ow: furnace, Dutch terali ' ' shadea- turea. etc.; close to r; 2o00 T-room modem house lntm-overt VoZTstZ. car: SranWe: blokaO mlnutirou,10' 100ll00: 1 PALMER. 204 Ablngton Bldg. ALBERTA STREET. Alwlv hi'h 'Sday; weather is fine. coV?71theVnyatITDnet,aCal: Ur mMM B. MATTH EWS. CHla" arpreffi! rLrS5SS Fa ,t:Hir.nV waa ort"d 87000 .last firirin.Anr?1? ?.t. want ,0 ""'l then. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 110 Second at. . LOOK HERE. " . swell 10-room strictly modern nesi- Srrcesoo6Ptro1rdt, in H,;e ne'EhbSrhSod. ff vo k.S1 eihange for a good (aiW ti,onya15l,'o,wesf0p0rd.ce',foSend h"1 deaCrip F. FI'CHS, 2 21 14 Morrison St. FORCED SALE. T "V" . 111 cultivation, near T -rn t . Sa'yi blocks from carline; 3 acret n pPePp1fa'nt-tcrtlnrasTbeTSn h3R-dSTE-ETEacao.7'jUHHr'- vrt-a in cultivation. FOR SALE By owner. modem .i-room bungalow, corner lot 50x100 street X provements and cement sidewalks In nice lawn and roses, S.MIOO: -frS". VM.C hT4.,r?.-5S'- b.e.t0,"00. f car to Ulth w-K MUST SELL, anrf a J55I,fiCe " ac,nt of sickness it PondnrdmoTe SS i?' FlSdlaWfiS. ClsST Pbone REAL ESTATE -.-allies are based on funda rn,a,KP''lnclr'lM: you "' kow better how dv. .""Tfc buy lf ou read our lltu. booklet, -Something All Real Estate Bui Sregcfnian'.41 Know-" fr SEMI-BUSINESS LOT. Mississippi ave.. near Shaver, east front by Improving, easily rented for stores: a cheap buy at 81500 a , VANDUYN & WALTON. 51 Chamber Commerce. A BARGAIN. A well built 6-room house at 103S B ih St.: modem: built-in china closets- a dandy view of mountains, etc; price 8.12Ttf cash 81KM0. balance to suit iv 11 VcuZ' gunian. CANT MEKT PAYMENT. Have contract on lot. improved streets cement -Ijewalks. curbs. water. level bul.dlng restrictions. aio takes the lot clear and free. Call 5:7 Ablngton bldg A,OR.E,S rlht at Whltford on the Salem HCt";'C- "Iy 'miles out. land lies high aakenday, onl?e m C""1,"ta "ap 3 BRONG-STEELE CO, 110 2d St. my 8 acre" on OKon Electric. minutes: & acres Improved; will take sS- tTfd,,: 'erm eap. Owner, 'X aio, feu John. HOUSE and lot 81500. 76x150; will take good team and wagon as part pay bal ance cash. 1799 Dwlght st.. Cnlwsltr Para. Phone Woodlawn 1J47. T 1 A.TRBon Po,re" Valley road; level, rich sou. all in cultivation; price 81300 half cash, balance easy. SPENOBR A CO, 102 Second st. l SNAP 7-roomed modem house: flne a bargain at J3000; J500 cash In quire at 1018 Board of Trade. 4-ROOM modern bungalow It snap' price sightly location: terms. J as. C. Logan Wash, st, room 4l4 . ' " 4 FULL lots. Mt. Tabor district. The owner will ..11 'or 8S40 each. Make an offer Box - -5. St. John. 00x100 CORNER; lots and . block 8. riedmont: thi! week Tor 822l; part caj.h Owner. Box -o. St. John. BEACH cottage, liearhart; modem .ix C,T,: i1?.: uid exchange aunurban. OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, (S.30 W est Side, fine modem 7-room house and lot on Clay at., near 12th. with in 7 minutes' walk from tha post office; lot alone worth more money: terms all cash. 85O00 Irvlngton. tine new 6-room modem hue- corner lot oflxluO. situate on Tillamook St.; this is a. real snap o.oa,,,he BBur: H cash. 835U0 Irvlngton, nice 5-room Queen Anne cottage, beautiful lot and lawn, nice Truit trees; all improvements paid ror: walking distance.- 81300 Nice house, contains 5 rooms and ..beautiful comer lot. right on W-R carline. not far out; worth 82000; 8oOO cash, balance to suit. 1515 -Irvlngton. beautiful SOxlOO lot; lies nice and high, near Thompson St.. cio'e ": all Improvements In and paid for; choicest of Portlands resi dence section; H cash .' C. F. PFLUGER A- CO, Room 14 Mulkey Bldg, 2d and Morrison. 50O DOWN, 823 PER MONTH For a dandy. 6-room. modenf 2-story t?e: reception hall. parlor. dining JSC"" .k'tcnen and eU Pantry on first floor, three large bedrooms and bath room on second floor; cement basement with cement floor. FURNACE. Stationary washtuba. V,?."16?1 waI1" s'l around the house. ... eIeclrlc "Sht and piped for eas. 83loO will buy it on above-named terms; In a very fine neighborhood and all or the houses ln that vicinity are of the same olas. If you wanted to buy It for an investment you couldn't do better, as It win be worth 84'"00 before a year has passed. Let us show It to you MOORE A HALL. Ablngton Bldg. Phone Mala 802. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD? , arcmiect draw plans for you tl f',cnar8s. ur building department a..tnV.rt?aro fa Callro"'an. who is an authorit on bungalow structure We guarantee the quality ot our work to ,1 J? -'te ."'f8' on'y. We refer you t ycur bank or to Dun or Bradstreet as for r?,Hwr,e3ponsil3lllty- Wa loan money ?' b"d;n and. build on easy termi iVl. donr,.t ha to bunt for what you ZVi.1- ,We WI" build It tor j-ou. Th plan will save you money. W. M. CONKLIN A CO. INC 407 Wells-Fargo Bldg. A llh-M.' 2S59. WILLAMETTE -?W 8-,rom bouse, modern. 4 block from carline; cement basement- "vo- vestment1.000 baL 3 a"; a 'good in! W. H. MOREHOUSE INVEST CO Board of Trade Bldg. "" BUILDING LOTS iTSftrl31 and Holladay; terms me'nfspafir'tems15- PTOVa. USoJE4tho0aJcdhEnePra?d,tern EQUITY INVESTMENT CO o08 Getilnger Bldg. ENGLISH WALNTJTa , w" ar the largest owners and nlanters Saw." We av tho on"? B'aivad Ka?h.nwatInVmrountryOUYarr1a-.?r: Lumber Exchange bldg, 2d and Stark ata. I ' BEAUTIFUL , , , IRVINGTON HOME. resDert1 Th81-oms a.nd "odorn In every ,K! T"'8. on is located in one ot ea resL -al8po,s ln thls se'ect restrlct- loinlni thii d,Btr,ct- Compare values ad- convSfced hft,'0ty .and yOU wiu ba . " v 'cea that this Is a bareain iTo 1 th Z ?a"'culars see baraln- F' THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO 621 Corbett bldg. ISO fSPP3IAL BARGAINS. P.r0monthtS- trm 400 up- 10 h' K Halt-acre, 50. terms. swT, -room cottage. Sellwood. Sj"bo eT.il rSm bungalow. Firland. avinue. eIeeant b-room home. Vancouver 81SO0 new 5-room bungalow, 8300 cash. C- B. LUCAS. 408 Corbett Bldg. FOR SALE For 810.000BT THB OWNER 19tr. a,Hdm" home ln Irvlngton. near iwSttf -utboir, 81550 5.yNKYSIDB BARGAINS. 1550 Fine corner lot 40x100. ln swell .,-. residence district. "we" 8-.00 For 1O0X115 feet on corner very desirable location; easily"-worth M50-5-room modern cottage, near 84th RENSHAW OtjbUhXE CO. J oo 9 Belmont have 2. .dn," J"""1" monthly. w" viV,u special bargain at 8" 50 r,r, 1019 Board of qyade. Co- isiid? SSy Abaoodtt. aS: w ,IRVINOTON QUARTERS "lAPA1ER-''ONES CO. J13 Commercial Club Blug . M. S609, A 2653 S K..EASTu BURNSIDB DISTRICT " old6"on' SS'cJSSS shtea'retth?ha V" fireplace, full" cemeni 'V." ,ur everythlng up-to-date; tMuo. basement. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. M. S699. A 265S. Hon EWear4?d"er r hou , , FIN E BUY. " S.le1mBCec,rncar,orar,C,-To "acre, ?l'm1,7rd' bala" mostly in fin.' st.ndin" I mib: road almost on pr'nerT and the electric u mile awav properti. BRONG-STEELE CO.' lf" 2d St. r T. fJAIB THE MONEY QUICK itrTctle,f." tW ,0, "p'-oved. balding re strlctions cement walks and curb Bull P"" Ba,er; sraded streets. 5c carfare level, sightly; for quick lale l-in s.. me. Room 007 Abington bldg.1 Se rVIE.XJ?ASY IN"STALLMENTS DANDY SUBURBAN HOME riN:E INVESTMENT. SOxlOO on oth at, near Hall for 117 sun- Ifnn, BRONG-STEELE CO, 110 2d St. BXu??o-oxiro,0rfrrtC,'ayrl hromcar.1 Tabor 644. ou, terms. Phone DO YOU EVER WANT A unuf. We50sVvoU 7 aacb. FOR SALE Four bi ntr,.i . Ablngton bldg. Phon, Main 25. A BEAUTIFUL HOME CHEAP 8OOn ' "P-to-dat. realdenc. niceW' lo-Oa-egon.ar,r00m3; Wa'kinK nc" 6X Whole block on E. Sixth near t., side, at 825.0CO for few daVs onlT F speculation, as the price is very low GoDDARD A WIEDRICK. 110 Secon? at. 6-ROOM modem hungalow. cheap- .mall payment down and balance monthly Pa" A!oenaacanrS "tr' 7 E' - 60XKW. EAST MAIN ST.. near 17th- south front; cement sidewalk, macadam ' aet sewer, gas; price very low for quick sale See owner. 809 Lumber Exchange. MSkRJ 7-ro2m alliornia bungalow with cobblestone fireplace and foundation- Is a beauty: on Ainswor-.h ave- for gVsoA Phone owner. Woodlawn 22O0 - LOT on E. Sixth st, close to Morrison with rrarne building 40 by ... suitable, "'srlb'. or factorv. Ior stao,e OQDDApId A WIEDRICK, 110 Second St. CHOICE lot SOxlOO on Taylor near St. for I75K If taken at once. " 5th BRONG-STEELE CO, 110 zd St. APRII, 1900. SofCwRood: V400tO Vanctuver- '"OO eord Coal mine .with tracks, bunkers, cars SLsVooo" y prQdueln" and making money. 20 acres near St. John. 82500 Houses In Irviigton. 84tXKl-870oO Lots from 2.vx to 81i0. l.-room house, furnished. 12 acres, in cultivation, on 5c carline. acres, in w have houses in all parts of the city on easy terms. 82.10 down and small pay ments each month. pa THE OREGON COAST CO. 802 Wells-Fargo Bldg iAr- - " ACREAGE. . 5 acres, close in. Woodstock llu. 1.. acres, Section Line road. 12 acres. Base Line road. andTermslee'"1 For prl EQUITY INVESTMENT CO 60S Gerlinger Bldg. 3?00 S-room house aad 4 lots 50U00 One lawn, young frult.'hedge fence, house rarg.e'Khfl b'K rooma' batb- Pan"" of Cl0,WtS- et.c- 5 toilets, flnesi ?H, i '""bins; gas and electricity; piped h.UaSe- fuU oo"crete basemeAt. caVt ;a?i.ha5a';', mbl"n fixtures and ah.ad', 'hla, the best bargain In the ton 'bid" othera- Rndolph. 2U4 Abiug- IX PORTLAND'S SWELLEST HOMQ SECTION. . P mdt' about 15 ralnutee to iV, o01'00- north front, fully Improved fhiT. -..Kreaie!rt J'ew b had; 1 can sell Mil? i !? u"der thB surrounding values and you look them up yourself; only J22t c- STRUBLE. 4S2 Chamber of Commerce VERNON BUNGALOW , to car and hard-surfaced street; 5 bath- electric lights and swell ?n? 1 5 .Wal"' a Bicel' tlnt,?d ad there is a dandy pantry and kitchen; 50xloo snap" a" ea3t front; easy terms and a J. C STRURLE. 432 Chamber of Commerce. S-ROOM new- beauMful modern home, se lect location: attractive combination fix tures; close to 5 carlines; also in walking ? cei Of11- Kolng to California, there fore made low price for quick sale; 83U0O terms if desired: time well spent to see it. all 513 Chamber Commerce. ONB BLOCK. FROM ALAMEDA PARK. i"', lol jn the comer; these lots are orrered at the same price asked for one i. block away ; is good for a 50 per cent incrtje in So days; 81O50 and easy terms. J. C. STRUBLE. 432 Chamber of Commerce ADJOINING WAVERLT HEIGHTS. 8.10 feet frontage on Powell Valley road making 7 full lots; only $200 per lot: -J1",1 chance to make a good bYdg Brubaker Benedict. 502 McKay 5-ROOM house and 2'4 acres, nice fruit "l ral chickens; right close to rn" f!r outJ -luO; would exchange for close-in modern 5 or u-room house and assume some difference. Call 613 Chamber Commerce. kiiw,PORTLAXD HEIGHTS. 1 00?. 00J comer Laurel st, 1 block to CBJ: brd-surfaoe streets, sewer, cement WTaika a" and paid 'or; price 2 cal rranit terms to suit you. Bru baker A Benedict. 603 McKay bldg. EAST 28TH ST. . have a choice lot for 81250 Vnrhln. ?hSa,o5oa fU,Ur- buslnea,.-,reetorthl,e11! P- PALMER-JONES CO, 13 Commercial cluh Bide . M. 8099. A 2053. 4 LOTS. , JMO EACH. ne?g!b;r!oobd?kwortrtw6fc.CVnenemorne0yd MdUg'. tl aStrlL ANY OLD TERMS, i . ? six-room house ln a swell dis trict; close to car: modern and a com vf, tnamwr of Commerce. TWO- comer lots ln Irvlngton- 8""0O- in t,. aristocratic East Side residence T district auce.P " ,h b" I "rt J. C." STRUBLE, 432 Chamber ot Commerce. R5MBER we are giving awav a free cottage at Sunset Beach. Qualify by buvlr! a lot before the prices aPe id vanced lota ?i5.adlrardR: no 0n or gravel ' GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 110 Second st. SNAP ,700rFlu" lot- 30th ana Holladay- 850 down, balance monthly. '' KiV,T INVESTMENT CO, Suite 508 Gerlinger Bldg. , FINE LOT. 8100. 50x100. lot on E. 33d near Clinton be tween two nice houses: a fine nlVce to build a house; 8100 cash Ulan ", monThll Grussi A Zadow. 317 Board of Trad, bids 810.000 ni-vs TZ3 s.. j. r room house on comer near Steel bridge" 10 DOWN. 5 per month, lots 45x100. 2 blocks fro car; nice location: price $350 m EQUITY INVESTMENT CO Suite 508 Gerlinger Bldg." 4 ft I W IV. T X . - , - . . A quarter block ln N. Portland w. bef di8,rlct; WU1 double to tottar. BIG DISCOUNT SWinton iwi tnree tots on O. R an rtv,. of way on which I have paid ?.- l?ao8.m and "' -V-trat:; Ph'on'e THOSE Interested m "5O0.0OO" for Portland ', "ri" "ho.uld na for our little biok Rho h meth,nF A" R" Estate Buyers Should Know." Sent Xree. jls if ti gonian. ore- 1 'CEnoSVea'ndr,Cin so'Sa second st. 5 ACRES, vineyard land, platted -.n e22iU , ' p,and- i mi "'to' elec?r c? HOUSES for sale in all parts of the 4 t,""??8-?100 ln ana tarms In Oregon ityj Washington. Phone Main 448B 8Sr nd AdStampher. 6J1-6S2 Lulnbe'rExSange 82400 Lot 100x100. 7-room bungalow 1" i plumbing wired for electric llh 'base ment and fireplace. 2 blocks i Evans Station. Woodstock " f WHY PAY RENT? reasoo'ernl bU"d n,ode , A C EMERY A CO, INC. Main 8501. 824 Chamber A .-i -j. .11,0. i;w AH Irvlngton, two lots; remember the price advances before end of week srzrs. Ja c- s waeskh: T F?t ""SS "elniblr located.- on East ist and 22d. near Tillamook .' r0Ore;onlan.an1 2100 FOR SALE t Newport, Or lota in ing district, at 8400 each. jloo wnlo burnOr1."- Addresa p" 6oxldrwood- GREAT snaps ln Improved and unimproved Sl-H prope"y: a--a from Mlsu?i 'nd fva5hln0g,oaS0,T. yU- o'dbmldt. MODERN 5-room cottage, toilet, bath trie light, fireplace, linen closet clothe. ionneta- lot BOjcl"'. excellent car" service 8200Q; easy terms. Phone Sellwood 1MS3 Choice frOxlOO. on Derhv m j . . new bank buildine i .J. aaJojning .. ..cr. 003 McKay bldg SPLEN DID farm 14 acr TTi Z 1 . building.: "il!;',, 'torla.ror trade for Portland property."- Ju Stearns BI OWXEH 5-room bungalow. 828.-.0- also cr.rhy"a:d-a.al.r ""a"- tOO5; one-half - . l. Kenwood 776. r bargain. Ift 100x100. 8-room house: 84500- V. cash. AB 1.1 rtr.,ni. ' ' FOR SALE Two acres of land at Jennings ata harl!a,n. oeo. a7 Cutting. Ad dress Feldenlielmer' . Ltw?OX,1,t.5-,w,i.h rood 2-ro bouse, only .i.vo. other cheap ones also. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. MODERN 7-room residence, walking dls goMa'n "S"t Slda- 5500. AG 15? Ore- .i bungalow, large living-room, fireplace, paneled diniug-room. cabinet kitchen; a bargain. ee owner. 1327 VII lard. Willamette Station. WANTED REAL Kf-TATK. "realtyfBl.'o'nlan P"la"d xaTVS 5reVo,nft.abU"a "d IT a 5 or 8-ttwm house on East Side food lot. located between Killlngsworth and Hawthorne, west of 3oth St.; can pay 8 vo cas and (25 per month. AB lo, Oregonlan ANTED A small house and lot on the carline. worth from 8IOOO to 812U.; will F.y ne "me as follows: A good lot in rJlr. '"w. 1 "r" 'eorth 8500 and monthly Payments for the balance. W. II. LANG. 414 Ablngton Bldg. WANT West Side apartment house site; must be bargain for cash: or will buv Improved Jlat or apartment house property if price Oregonfan""1- 65-o0,- Address AC 15, VA;STF7r A nve or aix-room bungalow in partial payment for fine 812.000 14-room residence, close In. West Side "- CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO. Lumber Exchange Bldg, 2d and Stark sts. EAST SIDE, from Hawthorne to Burnslde. i,;5.!. of S5th- best 60x100 Inside lot that 8100ft cash will buy; give exact location. til. Oregonian. WANTED House and lot. $3500 to 85000. ln good location- m.i., .... , or terms; no agents. Address V lo", Ore gonlan. WAaIshEDTA bungalow, good location. 8500 cation .Art . i-P"5m'nl?.: 1V. lo- - . . Jv , m c ,j l 1 .i. oregonlan. W"il pa,y 2250 to 82,V0. 8425 cash, bal ance 8JO per month, for good S-rouin bun galow. Address AC 10. Oregonian. 1 2VAXT "borne In Sunnyslde or Mt. Tabor between 8301 and 8rjO. that can be had on terms; owners only. Y 12. Oregonian. WANTED Houses and lots. , . i.,,, my; aiso ranns. Equity Investment Co, 50 tlerlinger bldg. HAVE client that wants or 6 lots In Sell Mam ffMD,tav""a. oee to canine. Call v l'l house that 81S0O on easy terms """" a"a to r av. i, oregonian. W'A.TE:I, lot"' cloM ln- ' few acres on!an' : locatlon- 0 Ore" HOMESTEADS. Ai1,rt f S-18 acr;s homestead, orchard JL 5e?Vy Vmber. only 8 miles from .h-WJrld",amed apple belt. Hood River town, two transcontinental railroads, and Jolumbla River steamer landing; join party leaving Saturday morning; big snap. McCoy. 787 Chamber Commerce. EASTERN OREGON Just returned- call locate you near me. 1 mile P. O. and new town, a dally malls, level, rich, sheltered ground next forest reserve. 875. Alvln S. Hawk, printer, 8S4 3d. FOR SALE: Good homestead relinquish ment, few Improved larms. several sec IIS"" Jaw wheat land, all ln great wheat felon Wash" Kllckitat- ston Bros, Bick- HOMESTEAD locations In Hood River dis iin --. yOU .ar9 look'ng for apple lu.id. ifLi .aISO one homestead timber claim cruising lo.OOO.OOo. Particulara Boom 523 Lumber Exchange a"'cuiars. CALL and let us tell you about homestead locations on Deschutes Rive? Cook County; claims now open for filing; w-m cnLynan3bld,U 8ma" l0Cat'0n " HacJre.STfE,AD,eOind'r ,aw- -an take vn , 1 'cbrush land. See us If a ii, oregonian SEroEN ,cho'ce homestead locations, also toJJ bldg "iu'hmenu. 513 kblng- FOR SALE FARMS.. A. FARMS. O waCpS IS ,1mll Portland, near .,.3- .,rline: 13 ' 'n crop; or chard, buildings, etc.; 81a per acre- 15 acres additional, all in cultivation; pe? 40 acres near Currinsvllle. on O W P buid1nW,a" 'ncedi 25 cul'tlvailok; buildings, creek and spring; 20tH, terms! on O Wrp'- 1om"a fr?m Rar'on ' station. ?ih 1 P-: "cres cleared; apples. Eng lish walnuts and other fruits; new 7-room bungalow barn and stable; some beae dam land, small timber, etc.; 850 per acre acres, .5 ln cultivation, 5 acres o?I chard; house and barn; creek and springs; .1.? a.CTf: a11 fenced. some In cultiva tion; buildings, orchard, running water t?am.you"K horses. 10 head cattle tools' etc. : 83500: without stock, 3000 ' " 830 per'cVe "" d fruit land- 10 onl'he otx?rz: at var,oas POln,a ; w- P. LAND CO. . waiting-room. 1st and Alder. 28-ACRE SNAP CLOSE TO PORTLAND. i.la?J8 a" rlch- level o" and in a high state of cultivation; has 16 acres of hops, all wired in good P iJ aCr" of appla orchard. 1- e,?iT5 condl"on, just coming In full bearing; good 7-room house barn and flue hophouse. all nlce 1 fenced; 40 chickens. 8 hogs - J-- waBon. buggy and other rarm tools; house Is furnished ready to move Into; price 82300 asy terms. ' ' RALPH ACKI.ET. 605 Corbett Bldg. Cor. Oth and Morrison Sts SlA.S,.GJ"X BOUNTY FARMS bal- "-i .... iuu ner acre. dairy and fruit JJlo ot . . . . . .1 l.l.W., Hillsboro, Or. 107H ACHES 10 miles west of Portimrt n Oregon Electric Railroad, midway be tween Mortoiulale and Quatoma sfatlonS" e"kV.orchar1- house- barn. st"k and S' !f" place- ' ? without stock. 8125 per acre; terms; no aaents Wlngren, route 2. Beaverton. ' 1s0LPASHr-1 acre, level, all fenced new 5-room plastered house, barn, chicken h3n-e10.you"K.bearlnK 'ru" trees. Plen?y small fruit, good well water. 1 mile from ?ia.r- on andy roal: get busy If you warS Vl" Northwest Timber Co, 620 Lum ber Exchange bldg. 21 AC-RES of choice land. 18 acres ln culti vation, 8 pasture; a nice creek through Ih ?. food, '"" orchard, good house and barn. 3 miles from good town, 30 miles up the alley; one mile from evhool- will make a good truck farm; price 82500. W H. Lang. 414 Abington bldg ELEGANT HOOD RIVER ORCHARD , '' acres of highly-Improved orchard-1-. miles from town: 700 trees; all in high cultivation: 7-room. 2-storv house hne spring water; all fenced; this is a bargain at 8S50 per acre. 627 CorbeU 100 ACRES in Morrow County, Oregon; all fenced; 140 acres in Fall-sown wheat- a' good land, easily worked: crop goes with djndltlr told at once; $1300 cash will han- SPENCER A CO, 102 Second st. 100 ACRES, all platted and ready for sTle" Adjoins Gervals, Or. Land level, cleared' part in grain; grows anything planted-' a snap for someone; will sell In part or ',e: writ. for booklet. William J Clarke, Gervals, Or. ID,AHO , u. s. GOVERNMENT CAREY ACT LANDS, ln the Twin Falls district (the famous Snake River Valley). &o o.r. acres open to settlement BY DRAWING ou June 8. 1UOU. Write C B. Hum. Boise. FOR BALE-Wlllametie Vallev farm lands large and small tracts, suitable for uain-inf- iJT,"11 rals.,nS. gardening. e,c,;. sed S l. vLJ'J- Aadrcss J. D. Winn. iPEReACRE' I-acre dairy farm, house. n' Ie"oed' .s2.me Umber; Tillamook. Or. Northwest Timber Co, 620 Lumber Exchange bldg. 0 ACRES, 5-room house, good well. pump, young Jersey cow. chickens; 4 mile from Lents. 82S00. Owner. Inquire Mount bcott Drugstore, Lents. Or. LOT 50x100 with so-room house suitable for boarding-house; 8 blocks from Port land Hotel; best location: terms AD 14, Oregonian. IF INTERESTED IN .FARM LAND TALK WITH TURNER, THE FARM MAN. 418-417 Rothchlld Bldg 0 ACRES.- 6 miles The Dalles. Or, 8V. ner acre, half cash. s. T. Walker. 004 Corbett bldg. BEST Valley ranch. 2--. acre, level 6(fl acres near Kalem. Improved. fenced house, creek. 21.1 Morrison. Main B7C6' SEND for our list ot Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown tree. Olmstead Land Oo, Salem, Or XR SAT.K FARMS. GOOD FARM BARGAIN? 8S500 FOR 80 ACRES acres of rolling land, five miles from good Mn in Wil lamette Valley; place has 5 acres cleared, 2.-, acres In cultivation. JO acres of second growth oak: 6-r.m painted house in good con dition, larae new bam ajid g.w outbuildings, good prune orchard, also family orchard; .. Engll-h walnut trees 3 years old. k an.! 10 feet high; the following et.n-k goes with the place; 1 team. S sets of harness. S-inch Bain wagon tnewl, 1 hack and 1 cart, plow disc and drag harrow, cultivator, feed-cutter and power, one mowing-machine anil hay rake, 2 cows and .5 goats: price $.1500. RALPH ACKLEY. 6T. Corbett Bldg, Cor. 5th and Morrison Sts. THIS IS A SNAP. acre's aunef; a" w1"11; fence- hog-tight; SO JnntTi- J,r cultivation, balance pasture; running water through place iroo.1 or-- With implement shed on th ..dc: ihlcken-house and other outbuildings- i 6hoVi. V"yhe,art ld con- " bead "cattle. " , E;,?0 chickens, gasoline engine and IS"' binder, mowor. rake. in.tato- wa?un ,r.wVal0rS- plow' barrow, farm ?"' ,ru,'t wagon, hack, top buggv creain-separator. milk cans, a lot of grasV t .rnttrure"d4U n. a" hSu.old i i.-n . railes from g,d R. r. s!a- t'HITTENDEX A OTTO Stark St, Room 17. iMl KAOiRW- nar Sheridan. Vi mile front atc'tino:1 ChUh: "0 ' cultlv.tloa. ST ?rJL Vmb!r anJ pasture: fair house and a l.t acres of choice land. 85 acres ln eul. creek ai.d4.,aT' pf- bal. 'She'll VSl Rrver-n tH'V i,"'" ,rom Willamette vaoifC'Iiar a-""m: 8s cres In cultl - r. Ja,an,-e Pa.tu.-e and timber; go 1 .-room housa and good bam; water piped ' to house from goo.1 spring: good fanmy Kei'sh walnut ano? almo. trees la full bearing; for sale ctienu. . H. LANG. 414 Ablngton BlJIg. TURLOUCK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. The Fatuous j , TULLX TRACT b,,nf sold ,n flv and tea-acr tracts on easy payments. Crops planted this month P?,. fr,r the lan" this year. ATER RIGHTS FREK r..fA.RMEllS OWN TH" WATER. CemJal 'n47f",tlon ""J tickets from th. -3ni ?. 'llfornia Land Agency, 703 Mon adnock Bldg, San Francisco. 0O ACRES, near Hubbard. Or.; W lit crop, balance easy cleared; good bulld r?.nni"2d B'.'d tenc'si B"od wells and wJ!,nekWa,'r- sma" ohard. fine team, wagon, buggy and drlMng horse. 1 good en. "ZZ: 1 4 hoats. 75 chlck- chfn... n'ows. 2 harrows, mowing ma chine; also small tools, hav and graim in bam to lat until harvest. This I. f; trm and lays well: no wet land; '1,f,r "irt st.K.-k and machinery: terms. 1, cash. bal. on the place at 8 S-rtt' nt in,erost- For turther particulars oV "rIimT' - Carothcrs. Hubbard. ON THE CLACKAMAS RIVER I b,i Fye!" fram tho Kstacada carline. cuVtUation at'"re" of land' 40 "cres in cultivation, b acres in apples, s acres In rnard"'elr'0h I"Uh f W mixed o" thaid of cherries and tears; a tine 10- Ca"PrV??UrtI,,RS?r', nnd "n "bed wl h t anrornia redw ood, stone foundation tine basement. 2 good barns and othe?" out .,S",'e, C valuable tlmCer; a Place to make monev and a beautiful home. For further particular seT T..r ncr. 410-17 Rothchlld bldg T"r ' 'S.AC,?I,,'ICE PAI-E BY OWNER The best apple land in the White q.i. mon-Hood River district. Sal- 420 acres or any part at a bargain Must be sold at once. Investigate. 425 Abington Bldg. SPLENDID FARM BUYS. 8.00 for a nice 12-acre farm all In cul tivation close to station, will make you a good home. Slti per acre for a 1826-acre farm splendid soil, fine for stock or dairy- old age of owner cause of sacrifice, half cash, balance long time 6 per cent: this Is th. best bargain in the Willamette Vallev tor any kind or size of choice farms throughout the Northwest, see F. Fl'CHH, 221ti Morrison St. MR. MAN, DO YOU WANT ITT "aVe a dany dairy and fruit ran oh of 160 acres S miles of R. R. town, tsTtha Willamette Valley; has good hophouse and . acres ia hoi. 60 acres ln grain. 70 acres in tame pasture, balance ash. oak and nr timber; . head of cattle. 24 goats. 26 sheep, 8100 wood contract and all farm imple ments and crop goes for $40 per acre- erive possession at once. Room Sol. 2S6 Wash street. - HOOD RIVER VALLEY SNAP .2 acJ-es. fine fruit land, creek through P.ac. .for irrigation, mail young or chard. Improvements only fair, some good Sfi?,aK and nr "'"ber. price only 8S5O0. which Is under valix-. but owner must raise some money. This Is cheapest buy h3 Valley, surrounding unimproved land held at 8100 per acre. " VANDUYN A WALTON. 51i Chamber Commerce. So ACRES 13 miles from Vancouver, on good road; 5, miles to railroad and boat land ing: 20 acres cleared. 15 In cultivation: tine eoll. mostly black loam; no rock or gravel; well aad creek. 4-room log housn. large frame barn and outbuildings; good orchard of about RO trees, assorted- close to school and I. O. ; country well settled -fine place for dairy; price 82J(00. half cash! KaulYmann Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. . A FINE INVESTMENT. 80 acres east of city on Mount Hood R. R. survey, best of fruit land, no rock or gravel. oO acres .plow land, soma good timber, some easy to clear, fine stream cheap buildings, only $20 per acre; forced !a V. terms oil part: this will sell for 3000 Inside of 12 months VANDUYN & WALTON. 615 Chamber Connuorce. LOOK THIS OVER. 40 acres, o under cultivation, to acres slashed and seeded, balance Umber; level good well and living water: house, barn and other outbuilding:.; 4 head cattle, t young team; new hHrncss and hack; 82O00; 81000 will handle it. Sec c II ITT K N D KN & OTTO. 2'W Stark St, Room 17. lo ACRES ot choice land 2 miles from Dun dee: loo acres in cultivation, balance tim ber: tine crek. 14 acre. In bearing prune orchard; also good family on-hard- 2 .cis of buildings. 1, Interest In a fine fruit dryer, this place can he subdi vided; the price. Including crops, 815 ner acre. W. H. LAN.;. 414 Abieigton Hl.ig. GREAT SNAP in Lincoln County. S7 acre.! all seeded ln tame pasture, about 25 acres can be cultivated, good family orchard, lots of small fruit, fenced In 4 fields bouse of 4 rooms. .tat.Ie, goat shed' wagon and some other tools, is 4 miles of R. It. town, and will Bell for 812 per acre make your own terms. Room 301 "SO. Washington street. A SPLENDID FARM. 80 acres. 15 in cultivation. 15 more easy to clear, no better and more productive soil In tho couiuy; lies fine, small young .orchard, good buildings, water piped to ;ime. on Mount Hood R. K. survey east of city: a cheap buy at 45 per acre. Vanduyn- at WALTON. 515 Chamber Commerce. NICK BUY. XO acres, located 1 mile from -Cornelius. 2 miles from Portland; 40 acrvs cleared including a good 4-acre apple orchard: a nice 5-room house and h;g new barn Included; $luu an acre lf taken at once: terms BRONO-STEELE CO.. 110 2d St- 82 ACRES, 2i miles from Gervals. Or, the oest tana in the vniRm..t. 1 acres timber, rest In cultivation, line fruit land, all level and well drained; good b,1.aVht oll. will raise anything; price 8..4..0. would require rt500 cash. Writ, chas Combs. Gervals, Or. WHEAT LAND. Eastern Oregon: 1040 acres located 1., mik.. Wasco fo? 8I7.5I.0; goo" s-room house and large bam on premises you can see it's a bargain for the staT. ha, loaned S70O0 on tho ranch; 1-1 f the pres-nt crop goes with it BKOXG-STEE1.E CO, 110 2d St. 3a"m1m??.l: h01""-, "ic and basement and modem conveniences; 2 lots 14 fruit tree, b-rries. roses. cl.irk..-hui- very s.ahlly; end of Mount Tabor carline 1 block north. 1;, east ""' 1 SHERMAN county wheat farm for sale ineK,: Wi" "J"" " "'" nrst pay ' meni; no cash required; rroj,, win pi. ' balance. W. M. M WaacoT ti.