Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 14, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Jefferson Day Dinner Speeches
Given Largely to Scoring of
Congressional Methods.
Harmon I Wt lares Administration Is
Favoring Special Privileges and
That People Oct Xo Benefits
From Xew Plans.
,lnN KK- April "-"The reduc
f.rJ.K, ewPndln,r ,ariff legislation
t??, , "S bUt mockery the demand
xnr relief. asserted Governor Judson
Harmon., of Ohio, in an addre.. tonlsht
at the annual Jefferson day dinner of the
Savoy democratic Club at the Hotel
be","!""''1 that rellef "ever would
be obtained except under a Oonsress and
rrVatUi1VV"OWlDr 'oinrSS and
treating taxes as a meane of public reve
nue, and not of private aln
,?JtelnOIL Harmtm Protested strongly
iS!E-,W,lat.J,e ermed tho ranK e
T"f 8polttl Privilege at Wash
mlnll 'n " f'lf iilat the steady tendency
th. Fed- ?n " been to a"
the Federal Government at the expense
of the atate. one reault being the neglect
of economy and the. embarkation of the
government into extravagant enterprises
ill "tanced the action of the last Con
rresn m appropriating J2.O00.O0O.00O and the
ratoins- of salaries of official. In the face
ot a Browing- ahortafre. and continued:
Deplores New Taxes.
reVrThJ"8!"!? of "eeklng methods of
H. .ent the PrBl'1ent and Congress
re devising- additional taxes to tact
from the diminished means of theeo
h. ProPos''K to issue bonds
Resides. Btate officials who would pro-
hnsT".. ?Urse u,d not dar to go
a," he,I -nstoents and be fjU
'I. aisra-'J lf they should take It.
k- 'ar1f-earners, for whom there is
the usual show of deep Interest, are not
present or represented in the pullinir and
haullna; which la sroing; on so as to
?hem dYantBKs Passed to be for
mem. The increase caused bV the tariff
win mostly Ko. as It ha, always gonf
to make unnatural profits for the. Tm
Ployer whose solicitude for his workmen
loe. not even take the form of fair di
vision of the spoils. '
"Some luckless interests whose, - pull
has grown weaker or ba been over
nuTrTJr a ."""tor-pull. ke the wood
pulp paper trust, may. with great cere
Snny,,be ""0ln,ed wth the oil of"ac
Tni' J? 8alvation of the other, but
the reduction, when real, win be a
mockery of the cry for relief.
Inconsistency Charge, fnf air.
lea to oHar1'y f,a,P for Republicans at
Ir.M tonar "h inconsistency Demo
cratlo Congressmen who take a hand in
I Republican candidate for
2",' S"nly 0frered of tariff
c,a, favor, are the order of thS day
Is natural for a representative to think
lrTL1 " 8ha- IS
..'?hy !.8X the People to build a costly
are Cre!? abrad 'r ,eSS Pr" "ha
are imposed on our own people. What
"oH,'t PVernment ver committed s
n'if,,re1. ,n"tead of the Union domi
"a' "f 'h which compose 7 t
U d be. ''-tter far If the sta?es would
which thoTr' thp "tral Government
wnuh their people established and
"maintained strict observance of the
ame principles and practices of econ
omy, fairness and equajity of Xhts
Cnn JP"pfi,s Which have always p!
vailed in them. This can never be Pn
ocr tho rule of the Republican party"
"General Welfare" Is Farce.
'dln0aVew ZTS" n. '?- of In-
' """uiuwuii naa been 'nr-
f- rt so to adjust schedules that reve
nue only will be raised
"Rather." said he. "it Indicates .h.
ravages of a hand of hng advocates
of special privileges trying -no to 1
rooney into the National Trea-surv. but
Tn pock,,t!, of tl.elr stockholders
The dinner was National in character
a number of prominent Democrats from'
other states being preset, inchidins
Kna e0rKe E- chamberlaln of S
At the gj,,s table -were Governors
lUnnon ami Marshall. Senato? Cham!
herlain State Senator Grady. John Vox
U RCU,b v '"""'""t: Richard Croker'
j ourt.,,,. M. J.,b PBr,;SnarndSra;
Chamberlain Lauds Primary.
Senator Chamberlain of Oregon who
The nomocracy of the l-Heiflo Slone " an impassioned address Tn d-
nomrnaJ,o,s.U'r,,lt ""
"The convention sy3;em. again an 1
.. has been proa to be i cortupt
nd unrepresentative system of gov-
Vl"nan;:rUl- "T"e People ofK?h,.
laiitlo blope have awakened to a real
isation of this and from now on th
People of that ...ctlou intend to have
voice in the management of the!;
iffslrs. both local and
fontlnuf d from Plrat Pik
I.a as Mls,er of War. Kdhem
Jasha was the Turkish commander In vtr, Tao.Bnd he Peeeded
from lldll to Stamooul he was greet
ed with cheer, by the troops.
The Sultan's principal secretary read
to the Chamber an 'lrade announcing
that he sultan had accepted the res
ignation of the Cabinet and that a
new Ministry was being formed.
Measures had been taken, the lrade
continued, to preserve order through
out the country. The lrade announced
that mutinous troops had been par
doned and that they could return to
their barracks, and the people to their
occupations. The lrade was received
with enthusiastic cheers for the Sultan.
Soldiers Seiie City.
The Government knew of the Intended
movement and adopted harsh measures,
tf fleers were told to be prepared forcibly
to disperse meetings on Monday nUht
and ' Mnnmoud Mukhein Pasha com
mander of lbs first Infantry corps. Issued
a rigorous order to fire
of the mosques and civilian Jf neces
sary. This led to the mutiny.
At dawn the soldiers seized the Par
liament house and telegraph office. They
cut the rlres and arrested several offi
cers.. They captured the bridges, whicb
they swung open for an hour to prevent
a movement from Pera. north of the
Golden Hr.rn. They then killed two
officers belonging to the committee.
When Hllmi Pasha, the Grand Vizier
arrived at the Porte he found his min
isters assembled, and learned that nearly
the whole garrison, with the exception
of four battalions and some artillery, had
mutinied. The Parliament was now in
the hands of the mutineers, who had sur
rounded the buildings and were demand
ing the dismissal of the government.
Hilmi Resigns, Minister Killed.
It was not long before the mntlnMr.
were Joined by other battalions. - Hllmi 1
1 ", tearing xo undertake the respon
sibility of ordering an attack on the
revolutionists, proceeded to the Yildiz
Kiosk and resigned.
Later in the day Deputy Arsten, on
entering Parliament, was attacked by
troops and mortally wounded. Mahraoud
Mukhtar sent a troop of lancers into
Parliament Square, but they fired In the
air, wounding one or two persons.
Soon after this the Minister of Justice
was killed while on his way to Pera. The
Minister of Marine, who was with him
was wounded in the leg with a bayonet!
At 4 o-clock Ismail Kemal Bey and
rive deputies went to the palace and -urged
the Sultan to call Kiamil Pasha to form
a Cabinet as the only means to save
the situation. Late at night sharp fir
ing was heard In various quarters, but
this appeared to. be salutes to the Sul
tan, who had proclaimed pardon for the
Mutiny Is Protest Against Young
Turks and Religious Liberty.
LONDON'. April 13.-Turkey s pathway
toward constitutional government appar
ently will not ba traversed without blood
shed., Today's grave news from Constan
tinople reports another successful revo
lutionary movement directed primarily
against the rfew despotism of the Commit
tee of Union and Progress, and in the
Tound at? aea,n,,t the emands "" the
lTgion Pa"y for feedora in re-
J't" 18 difflcu't to dlsentanglewhat
really happened because of tha evidently
censorship, it u, clear that t".
Grand Vizier and the Cabinet recentl
appointed at the dictation of " them
"verSrowo" and Egress Vas n
hglv of rna.nt a sovernme"t. seem-
arreTofmoS. "d a"d
Sultan Upholds Old Laws.
domniV amf .t,,me th Sultan, while par
aoning tW mutineers, promised to uphold
the ancient sherl laws, which are the
PaVRedanuDo":,1?hOUVIaW8 f Mohammedans
Dased upon the' Koran and the ancient
'rfaf'' " a" PPQ8ed to th various tw,
of indlvidaul races of Islam and to meas-
SvS4" VaU8 ttae b
rbyasSk toP ad
of' wirV1?' r Edhem Minister
ever for Jh appears 4afe to -assume, how
r. Tafe? Pnt the new constitution
.. . Moslems
In Control.
The Times says: -
.J Lat.1. a,sPatches from Constantinople
nhi?,TbJhaa,rtVOlUt,on of the most for!
midable kind ha broken out. Not onlv
MinilT'8" beetf overthrown.0
Minister been killed and another
otUtT,et bUtKthe me ot e pr
L chamber 18 " extreme danger
, the leaders of the committeeof
r,and Progress Itself are In biding.
The place of the latter body has been
wh by'.the rival organization; to
which many able ulemas. men learned
in sacred law. belong. The Jamiyeu
Mohammedlah. the Mohammedan Union
are now masters of the capital and
nfeVofbtendr,hem thS vhoii "d
file of the first army corps nd a large
Pu.ace.0' th armed ,-
Reaction Is Triumphant. j
-ZeTfl- ,Pasha ha been appointed
Per o? wIler,na-nd Edhem Pasha Minis"
ter of Avar. The revolution appears to
be complete. It Is the work of the re
actionary element, and for the moment;
Mukhtar Pasha, marshal of the first
army corps, seems to be holding out at
the War Office with quick-firing guns
so they still have some troops .true to
them in the capital. "
"We Bhould deplore the fall of a
party which has done much for Turkey
and whicl promised with prudence and
self-restraint to do more." ,
Mutineers Still Resisted by Troops
at War Ministry.
VIENNA. April 13.-The following tele
gram has been received here from Con
stantinople: , i'oih on-,
.The Cabinet Qs been sitting since
early in the mortrlng. The Committee of
t-nion and Progress also had a long
. Th muti"eers have made
the following demands on the govern
ment: ,
Protection ot the Mohammedan faith:
dissolution of the Committee of Union
v7dier hIeSSi. dlfmissal of the Grand
. Minister of -War. the Min
ister of Marine and the President of the
Chamber and immunity from punishment
for -the mutineers. ,
r,;Pr"0.h their officers for pre
IT,L f th'm frm Porting up the pre
IZlv d prayer an for attempting to
abolish altogether prayers for the Sul-
Vp to the present negotiations with the
mutineers have been without result Ar
t llery. however, will be employed agalnBt
them only as a last resort
l,.H1!,,Ktt,?n.iP,S ." ,he part of the revo
lutionists to win over the troops at the
War Ministry have been prevented by
'iu T A eer'US co,,fli-t ensued
in hich six persons were killed.
Although the mutineers surrounded the
Chamber they allowed the Deputies to
enter. Those who availed themselves of
this permission apHaled to the other
l epunes , to come to the House and con
sider the mutineers' demands
It is doubtful whether the rising Is a
spontaneous act of the soldiers and it is
considered more probable that the Lib
VSL . 'V,n- ?r Muhaedan Union, is
behind it. A greater part of the gar
rison seems, to have taken part In the
movement. Including . the Salonika bat
talions Apparently the Minister of W ar
..B5u bat,a"0n8 b""''
. Russian Securities Rise.
steady upward march of Russian securi
ties since the settlement of the Balkan
"mIT re8umed lta P"rt todav f,er
the holidays, and government private i.
ues of all kinds rose to figures
touched -since the days immediately ?0i
IreaTy. ot the Portsmouth
Pumps that fit at Rosenthal's.
Mrs. Evans Forbids Graham to
See Her Again After He
Has Confessed.
IVanted to Put "Regal Beauty" lnv
Proper Setting in London Man
sion, but Admits Having
Been Prisoner.
T& w i. i ' Apr" "(Special.)
"Ved romance between Mrs
Mautj Evans, divorced wife of Navi
R0?" "'den,.A- : "dYck
in ry British VpwS
mlts- te?0" HiIanders. but now ad
Tt an SW,"dIer an ex-oonvlct. is
Surprised "She Knew Truth.
Mrs. Evans said that Graham, learning
that an exposure of his criminal care"?
was to be published, confessed to her on
Monday evening that he owed a lot of
money which he could hot pay. and that
he was being sued for Its recovery when
"l"1; suggested that he had io
J?.!8 ln Brltish Columbia, hed
ItedhIhe.faCt' but expressed surprise
that she should have become aware of
tio''anS 'A "I"1 ln her determlna
av. ?n.V f G,raham "Ealn. though she
eays that he always treated her as a
gentleman should.
frlen?-ha'? b S"? MB knew of many
friends of mine in England," said Mrs
ra";and thS c'roumatantlal parts of
St n,rre.mel1 evidence of sincerity
that it did not seem necessary to make
Inquired and he had been what he pro
fessed to be, what a funny position I
would have been in as regards himself,"
Still Deeply Loves Her. '
Today Graham said he was deeply in
love with Mrs. Evans from the first time
bf saw her .and had but the one thought
of placing her ln a London mansion with
WhT'fl"18 ir r real beauty.
When asked how he could do that when
f ,TaS V"aware what would be the result
of the charges against him in San Fran-
Seemed for a moment nonl
plussed. He was much concerned over a
portrait of himself in prison garb, when
it was shown to him, and admitted serv
ing a term in Jail in British Columbia.
Arrives Before He lr.,i
Planned, but Agrees Not to
Wait for Easter.
,FRA,NCISCO. April 13.-(Special.)
;Th 'rt h,?8 jUSt leaked out that H.
w. (Bert) Kerrigan, the former well-
PortTrMKUltn0mah Club athI"o and
Portland boy. who was married last
Thursday night in San Francisco to Miss
Evelyn Virginia McDonald, of NewTork
City, became a benedict several days be
nrteS',haKd plann,ed- Mr. Kerrigan in
tended to be married on Easter Sunday
wfreH1"8 mistak in the date and
wired his fiancee to join him In San
Francisco several days in advance. Too
late to change the arrangements he dis
covered the mistake and they were mar
ried immediately upon herarrival
Mr. Kerrigan met his bride in Port-Ia"1-,
werf was a frequent visitor
,el1 krown- The Kerrigans are
housed for the time being- in apart
ments. Mr Kerrigan Is labor commis
sioner for the California Metal Trades
Association, a position of considerable re
Fast Prescribed by Healer May Cost
. j. Woman's Iiife.
DENVER, April 13The Times todav
published the following: aay
In a x precarious condition and not ex
pected to. live. Mrs. Mary E. Lewis .
widow, and a sister of Judge David EX
Morgan Associate Justice of the Supreme
Court of North Dakota, lies at her home!
1C1 York street. Physicians In charge
assert that a fast of 13 days and six
hours prescribed by a healer who calls
himself a "neuropath and natusopath
is responsible foe the condition of the
Does Final Eight Miles of Day's
Walk in Two Hours.
W ATERLOO. - Ind.. April 13.-Edward
i .ty.H !Ston ched here tonight on
his hike" to the Pacific Coast. Leaving
Butler. Ind.. tonight, he walked Tthf
n mute's 68 iQ a"l eight
Lad Splkes" Playfellow.
In an exciting game of baseball played
yesterday afternoon by two small boy
teams on a vacant lot near Gantenbeln
avenue and Skidmore street. iSh
Backstrand, the 14-year-old son of Jon
Backstrand. a contractor, had a leg bro
ken by another boy who made an Unpe
uous slide to second base. His heels
struck young Backstrand. who was hold
ing dowu the base, just above the ankle.
Marriage Licenses.
!0. cltv; Mary z. BoydlT city Bchldr.
CRILDS-BK1ER Clifford C Child.
city; Julia Beler. 3S cltv -a"a. it.
X" J,1.- St'?" C'ly; ry.t,n'.arThmS;
""el"'" CUy: Hlen M Mabor. o;
city; Dorothy Carson, over IS cU?- ' '
Maryan Neat. 25. city '
'I. city: Mary SchrWsber. -1 cltv "
SEARS-CON-VtCK Guy T Sear. i
Clarihel Connlck. ;4. cltv &ear- 2- city;
IS. SlIvrton: Sarah E Jck !''
sr.""ty."- "ma- v,da Cummhr,:
. TTeddlns ana vlsltlnc carda w r s.i.
A Co-. YV aahlncton bldV. ta M ffi'"'
I Spring- style shoes, Rosenthal's.
fi ' " r - .. :
: TT 1 -
The latest style Handbags,
Ptollce Commissioner ln Los Angeles
Said to Have Tried to "Fix"
Prosecuting Attorney.
LOS ANGELHS, April 13. District At
torney Fredericks made public todav the
trrand jury testimony which resulted ln
the indictment of ex-Police Commissioner
bamuel Schenck on a charge of Dribery.
It was alleged that Schenck. -who Is now
on ball awaiting trial, offered City Prose
cutor Fleming bribe money lf he would
cease his efforts to close up the red light
district. x
Mr. Fleming's testimony was to the ef
fect that Schenck took him to luncheon
and there made a proposition to him. Mr.
Fleming testified that Schenck said:
There is money ln this proposition
across Commercial street, and you can
have yours every month. You can just
as well retire independent."
After some of the raids directed by Mr
Fleming, Schenck. it is alleged,, made
another call at the City Prosecutor's of
fice. "The Mayor thinks you are'gettlng too
long-haired." Schenck told Fleming.
The Mayor sent for Mr. Fleming' and
an interview followed.
"I believe In regulating this thing." Mr
Fleming testified the Mayor told him. "I
thought you would be reasonable, but
you want to be like the preachers. You
want to raise hell all the time."
"J told him," continued Mr. Fleming,
" 'Mr. Mayor, you are in the hands of de
signing scoundrels.'
"Then I told him of the Incident of
Schenck offering me a bribe.
"His face turned white and he said
'My God. I didn't think such a thing 'V
Nick Oswald, the confessed leader of
the alleged ring of corruptionists. was on
the stand for a short time. He was tem
porarily excused and 'William Vetter Os
wald's lieutenant, was called.
Vetter Is alleged to be the Individual
who kept the books of the graft syndi
cate. The bank account was ln his name
and, according to the testimony' of Os
wald, he wrote the checks for 500 each
which were given to Mavor A C
Harper, Chief of Police Edwin kern".
Captain Thomas Broad head and Police
Commissioner . Samuel Schenck in ex
change for Immunity from police Inter
ference in the "redlight" district.
The Portland W. a. Codjtau. Boston; E
B. Hazen Bridal Veil; w. D. CoUin.. Dri
5ykB rrKn? wlfe San Francisco: T.
SS001 . Salnonn. Philadelphia.; John
Smith ajid wife. Mlnneapoll.; w B Cole
sew xork: J. A. beymour and -wife Ohi-
l)s Moines; C. R. Peck and wife, Pawl
Iiaska: TV. G. Mullen. Xew York- C H
Iad'bPtter. Camas; E. . Bar New VnrV
G, S. Robinson. Chicago; D. B." Mclmyr. knd
wife. Boston; U Tbomu and wife RaU
1i6rAv- MeMullen. Boston; w I. Lefber
A. Chrlateeon, E. Bolderman. San anci
M. Lelno. New Tork: A. Q. Talburt Pltti
burg; Ueorge Hendaraen. ESureka." tj i?
grow. Phliadeflphla; GeoWe StSelly San
Franciaco: J. H. Block!, ann, Ciiy- Al
bert Barents. E. R. Engel. New Tortc- L T.
f raI5!I-Ch)ca?.: H" Schindler. Boon- Mre
L. Woerow, Mrs. S. L. Jones, J,n'?S
Cisco: T. Lj. Llppy and wife. Mrs. K Dnlon
and eon, Seattle: A. D WitoT
Chicago:' Kjigar Hofer. Medfor V. S CrVy
and wife. Amherst; G. J. Bloekl: T B Sho,-
I-lndhorsky BeVlTn; '-jaTZ. LT"
F- "zer. San FYanc-lsco-' W zL
A rest 111,
Angelea; J. MoGrtme. aid w i e Coos' BS
F. I Jim son. Schlbner n . JhitL-f0" . Ba?-
. . . .. . . . .... . mu airs.
R; --
. Llndenber-
Cor, ronrth and Morrison Sts. I J
and aspirations of the mother bending over the cradle. The ordeal
through which the expectant mother must pass, however, is so full of
danger and suffering that she looks forward to the hour when she
shall feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread
and fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
or cnua-Dirtn can De entirely avoided by the use of Mother s Friend,
a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and renders
pliable all the parts, and assists nature in its sublime work. By its
'u inuusanus or women
have passed this great crisis
in perfect sarety and with-
Atit niin Sold at fi .00 ner bottle
Bold at $1 .00 per bottle
ooos: of nrirelasa" value tt. n wnmen
ant tree. Address:
Atlanta, Ga.
nesday SpeciaIsifUmisual Interest
Many Bargain
$35 Ladies'
Tailored Suits
A limited number of high
class Spring garments, both
plain and fancy, all the pre
vailing styles; colors, black,
white, check, gray, navy,
green and rose; actual val
ues to $35.00, only. .$18.65
m black only, exceptional
ger bm family. Astoria; P. Poison. Seattle:
r-..Ii-..FrlendU'. Eugene; C. P. Peters and
wire. Monterey; C. M. Rayder. T. Mayer and
wife. New York; E. F. Zlmmer. San Fran
cisco; H. F Schelllng. New York; J. Worm
V; an Francisco; J. G. Archer; T. P.
pollard and wife. Alameda; Don McKay.
Seattle; J. Ca.1 Kwlng. Oakland; Thomas
Gibson and wife. Duluth: Mrs. W. L. Mc
Lennan. Iu!uth: B. E. Palmer. Tacoma; W.
5; Bo?m'- Rochester; F. A. Yeatoa. Boston;
: . Lang. The Dalles; W. H. Pal
meri,C'!,lcaK8: p- F- lwis. New York; Mrs.
O. H. Carmlchael. J. A. Carmichael. Akron.
r h" 0rTon C. K. Green. Portland; M.
woldson. Spokane; c. Pettis. Vancouver- J.
A. Toid, Spokane; A. c. Eastwood. Rooh
e," ..' L H- Woodcock and wire. Corvallls;
i-- HFerguson. Seattle; F. A. Ingersoll.
New York; R. H. Barton and wife. Fort
,.neSl,W- .'W'r,sh. Union; W. E. Palmer.
Vf: H Ad". New York.; M. T. O'Con
nell Wlnlock; C. E. Herrora Alaska; c. M.
a. L.ogan, San Francisco; w. B. Klncald.
Sacramento: F. J. Elsensohn and wife!
Pomeroy; J. Shapiro, Los Angeles; c. H
emlth. Gold Hill; M. J. MCVeaon and wife.
Washington; W. P. Lafrerty.. Corvallls- h!
Da-aon Grand Island; M. Ellis, Rainier;
w,vM 'kleV aion; F. W. Settlemlre.
w Tv.1, Krause, w. B. Bolton. New
r;x.-- G- Luxterman. St. Ioula; g. As-U-ow.
Kansas city; L. V. Rawllngs. Denver:
t. P. Jennings, Denver; E. P. Bereman
eh Ca'ty; E- W- RhoadeiT Seattfe: S H.
Smith, Boston: I McDonald. Dtiluth- F J
Jllnley. Emma Peterson. Astoria; O S.
JSwP" .an Francisco; Myrtle Kellett, Eu-v.-fihv.
MaMhlJ- Los Angeles: Ethel
Vaughn. Chehalls: D. J. Evans. R H Bur
i?" d Ue Barnard; Lo Krause. W. B.
coiton. Li. j. Luxterrnan. New York- a
Wt0ReVSt-nVUl,V Si"a HallfWAsfoS:
rV.J2'5?fiii"ni Wlf?' Sou,tl Bend; Miss H. I..
Tessenfeld. Hoqulam; w. W. Ridlholph. J.
M",8"-1!. R- Dley. Littl Falls;
JflS'- Gorfe E Abbott. Delia Abbott, Ad
F P ci.ivF1"5.' ,r Stuart, Vancouver;
fiB: , Raleigh; E. H. de Bram-
M m' fl,nne.aOIU: W- C- Haiard. Seattle:
Mi'"? le?toSv S?-pe Horn; Harry L. Cohn!
Cincinnati; L. W. Rohblns and wife. Molallal
M,- naw- M Mrs M. F. Shaw. Hood
C mJH..8- Ji Sfflith' ctl": Arthur
. , "If- San Francisco; Melvln, G. Wln
"ck. Mrs. Melvln G. Wlnsock. Seattle;
Oscar Oppenhelraer. San Francisco; D. D.
iiaruss and wife. Syracuse; c. H. Fraucer
Beattle; William McEwen. Ctoldendale" R
M11'er- J- A. Forehand Seattle: C. O.
W S? SfIno"d: J- O- Fairtowu. Hood River;
S' I?-,.Blrd- Texas A. K. GuisT 1909; c H
?'"ok11- Miss Bernle Mucklin, Cham be?:
lain; Mrs. H. Davis. Fairbanks; J. F Men
lies, Roslyn.
T T,ItTkinT"W' PulUam. Clatakanle;
J. schulklnd. San Francisco: H F Dear-
wl?;,0ak.lan5; .Q-. E11Iott- Klamath: G. J.
Weeger St, Louis: M. L. Broman. NeW York
Sir. , ea t tl e ; George Lakantage ana
jUfe Antioch: J. M. Berrj-. La Grande- C
.'?BHrViWT"i S Andrewrsea'?:
wfs ?l- ,orcfer: C. E. Smith and
k" J""?.01"?0: S A: Baker- Milwau
i'.k ,W-Ua,rde- w- s- Fltiell G. P.
Smith. Mrs. E. E. Roberts. Mies. N. Roberts
Eureka: Miss Gundy. I,ng Beach; Sirs JT
A. Johnson Aberdeen; Fred Scnafer. Molalia;
W. J. Words. Baker City; M K. Krlder W
Lamson, Lamed, Kan. : v -ocie"
.St. Louis; W. H. Wilson. The Dalles'- H F
Davidson and wife. Hood River; w. B. For-'
ker and wife, Hutchenson; S. M. Corwell
Yacolt: C. E. Lucke. city T H Master.
Go dendale; w. E. Wald. Wo;' Mrs. W "2
Bullock. Los Angeles: O. A. Bristol! E g
Tucker and wife. Goldflcld; L. H Cobb"
city; A Weaf. Sheridan; L. J Mitchell
Balem; T. E. Raster and wife Joe cSSSSii
Charles Franklin. L. B. Reeder' w1? T L
i: F- Rundail. Tacoma; E. Proops New
York; B. L. Sutton. Rltzvllle. ' eW
The Imperial J. p. Armstrong Chicago
Mrs. J Ferguson. Bond; w. F. Sater Ta
coma; S. P. Andrews. Seattle; J. R Be
RmiVt51UV rtJ- C' roynell. Umatilla ; J. H
r.ri8;??: C' J- Johns. Sumpter; J
Dormit. Cathlamet; E. Reid. 190S-. r M
Kinsley. Astoria.: R. s. Irvln H T w
ner. Cor,-alIls; J. H. MorriiSn Pe?e'r o?"
C?ivify;AE' ,Brate1' Forest Grovefo
C. Slave!. Astoria: C. E. Engle. Shanlko
Antone Smith. Seattle; Mrs O E Smith'
W. F. Gllstrop. Eugene- H M
Wil.amina: Martin White, "t. "k?
1- l?arri. Eugene; C. F Falrchllrt h.
attle; Edith Kersey. Camas; Mrs. A Steers"
Wallace: J. R. Dickson. H. W Collins , vJJ?"
d'on: E Kiddle. Island City; A f K.U
Patrick. Xr. N. Molitor. U Grande- W
Mtongojnery. St. Paul; Charles A. Ault' En-I
temrlse: Mamn nthh. i.-,, , . ' K.n-
H. C Gist. Yamh i."' -S- " laton;
Bck en- Mother Anderson. Galton w!
J. DelasTimutt and wife. Astoria- T v
Short. Serton: Mrs. W. c. ShawrEuJreka:
Eune- T cf'hnSatm: M' L- Kreamer
fcurene, T. Cahlli, Newport: F A qt,f...
The Dalles: O. V. CrosSler. Dayton ? Xf
Falls City; A. Farnham. Los Angeles- Mrs
Hestey Detroit: H. R. Foreman. St. Helenf'
. K. A- Bootn, Eugene "elens-
The St. Charles M. R. o. Vincent and
wife, Moro: F H Allen. DamascuSf C. T"
E.r' w- Taylor. J. H. Hoover. Hood River,
' ' -' ;, lira
Sherman D. Ni.-h.
0.?""":'";; vjrnne Boavers. St. Helens:
Oregon Clly; J. w.
Is the joy of the household, '
for without it no happiness
can be complete. How
sweet the picture of mother
and babe, angels ismile at
and commend the thruchr5
Offerings Throughout All
Millinery at lfa Off
e your choice from our entire stock of exclu
sive Millinery, consisting of street, dress and pattern
JS&i ?ne-f?u.rth ff ie regular price. All hats
marked m plaan figures; beautiful assortment to
choose from.
Also new showing of beautiful, trimmings, flowers,
fohage, wings, coques; in fact, all the trimmings for
the making of a hat at most reasonable prices
Special lot of new Dutch
values, for
values at $2.50. specially priced
c5if,. -?row?fvln,: A - Fleetwood.
Kli " lnU ;c,Lr Carlson, Astoria; J
Traoey and wire. J. j. Gheer. city; w A.
Alcorn. Linn ton; J. p. Stanton cltv- vA
dafe Chai?,'": -XV"""'" Trout
oale. Charles S. Palmer. Laurel- R B
Y-TVr . MoCull.y: Stevin'son j
c ' I -mV."' Woodland: F. 8. Norman. cttv
JfiiiV Jvilm- cy: R- H. Wilson. Trout
Si"; 8,now' J-.W. West. Bakers-
5i 'iLA- ?,lan nd wWe- Cathlamet: Andrew
Morrow. Hay Creek: Milton Arnspriger. Har
risburg; E. A. Banjer and Tamil v La Cen-
Brown. Astoria; Mlsa Mamie Woods clat
.kanie Mrs. Q. W. Cullard and daughter
S?Sn: J- Brazer. Centralis: James
Mi Altrn,ri: Mr"i, Boylon. Kelso;
A niMl- Ollllland. Rainier: A. Jamason
w ?n,aon- Tfamahaon. Woodland: John
Fhelpa. Sandy; R. M. Curley. city; will
etlv?UyV NTe-br Mrs. M. I. Goodwin,
C TT RA;iCk?"01 Snd T9 Chicago;
KhR , Lon Rock; H. . Lody.
Sheridan; L. Evans. Carlton: R. B. Carv.
Marshall; E. B. Gardner. Ssuvie. I.1S
R- yUen- Ban Franc co; J. H Massev
good River; C. L. Knlmer. litoureU- Ben
M Chandler. WashougaJ: J. E. Seeks. Kan
a'' --. M8e. city; P M. Chrtstensen. Lex
ington; M. E Bertschl. Fulda; A. J. Lamb.
Scapnoose; M. Wood, ClatskanleT R. .
Glass. Corvallls: R. p. Peek and w fe. Onvt
Acquire an Erect,
.tJ r ill 4
ir.i"i0t be Vf Ur ab:t n7 to throw yur shoulders back
and iMjld your head erect, but when you wear an "QUiXi"
ouit, it will be.
"OCfl?" Suits are built on broad shouldered manly
lines, and you cannot fall into a careless un
attractive attitude when wearing them.
Acquire an erect, manly carriage by wearing clothes
that improve your personality.
$15.00 to $35.00
Sold by leading dealers everywhere. '
Collars, regular 35c to 75c
for toIayTonV
cisco, . Roolean. Seaside; Ada Conklln
Prig Wan!';' H JAM -"WaLV":
Hill, Rainier:
... l u. A. TCeTMtll II Ti
Klnne and wife.' Clear Lake- A w,??-C-y-
a. ilrmingamT'ASrv:
G. M. Trowbridge, cltv: -" u"
Owes. VBnrnnvr tx- nr
Ko HTt ."ad ,Ve. J:
BrlnkerhofT Cnulton: Mrs. J. A. F,ilton sn.'t
?oVlaC-h H1"' W '';'tat', i"me' Flnlayso ". As
iSL i 2?- Kuhtn and wife. Eureka- O t
Caan-daM'r,Th i,- Alison. Berkeley:
HartmChtcag'o'. Tam"i A-
v TJ"i f'mlB j. J. Grim. Cincinnati; R.
J. Schmidt, New York; Mr. and Mrs s. M
Feoxle, Grays River; Mlsa Ethel Boultbee
Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R c An Mil
rTirifchii, Hc Cor,b,!lt an1 :,r- Helenaf r!
K'J??1? U SJ"n ,Franclsco; E. Carlson. Ka
lama; o. E. Carlson. Kalama- c A Sh.w
Portland; D. a. Quexer. SJvsVotlf
Jackson. Nashville; J. D. Kuene and lfe!
' " " ' vjriin. city; G. L.
Tos Angeles.
Manly Carnal