14 FOR SALE ARMS. I - irpr irw I I " " 1 FOR8ALE. I HELP W.vrrn-Hiir t . -i WILLAMETTE VALLEY TA1RT - FARM. 81 HEAD STOCK. I acre, "nest kln.1 of grass land. sit "'' ,r'jm town and R. R. station; xood new H-room plastered hrni" large barn and good outbuildings; t:phon In nous, on rural rrall rout and onlv 2l vinl front Portland. In the Willamette valley. The tolloln etock goes with the p, ace: 16 cows. 18 head o stock cattle " ""J- " ots. 5 hog?, all improvel ilw"' ;.1M afT'' bu?'- . c; price part pavment RALPH ACKLEY 6"5 Corbett Bldg." TURLOUCK IRRIGATION DISTRICT. The Fsmous TL'U.T TRACT II. row b'n sold tn Hve and ten-acre tracta on easy payments. Crops planted this month pay for the land this year. WATER RIGHTS FREE FARMERS OWN THE WATER. r-.J?' . information and tickets from ths entral California Land Agency, 7u3 Mon adnock Blug., San Francisco, lOfl ACRES, near Hubbard. Or.; 63 in crop, balance easy cleared; good build ings and good fences; 3 good wells and running water, small orchard, fine team, wagon, buggy and driving horse. 1 good Jersey row. 1 heifer. 4 .boats. 73 chick ens. 3 plows, 2 harrows, mowing ma chine; also small tools, hav and grain in barn to lust until harvest. This la farm ""d well; no wet land; per a re. stock and Machinery; terms. cash. bal. on the place at 6 per cent interest. For further particulars write to owner. G. C. Carothers. Hubbard. Or.. Route I. 0rRH- 3S ,n "il'lvatlon. 3 In crop. 6 Poom house latae barn and outbuildings; 'd orchard one g,wi t.am of horses. 1 f 1 buggy. I set dou ble and single harness. 3 cow K head ln,VV.",jr'?''k- f chickens, all farming Implements and hnufp furniture; the whole h.islne for $.'.. with good terms- th s tatlon anc" tn miles from Portland: If you want a small home, this can't he beat JORDAN . (iARBADB ' 2.'.2i-j Waah. St. Th.''i"TI,"B .SA,'E BY OWNER l ne best npple land In the White mon-Hood River district Sal- 420 acrea or any part at a bargain. Must be sold at once. Investigate. 425 Ablngton Bldg. HOOD RIVER VALLEY SNAP. i,Lacr'"' fln? ,r"'t Iand- creek through Tl, ,H fr 'rrla-ation. small young or-r-erile' 'mProv"rnB only fair, some good whi .K ttr, "mber. - price only 35O0. which la under value, but owner must f .v. om.? ,money- This is cheapest buy land h.irf a,'ey- urroundlng unimproved land held at $100 per acre VANDUYN & WALTON. BIS Chamber Commerce. A FINE INVESTMENT. " acrea east of city on Mount Hood or -rav-el'X' beM 0t, ,rUlt lami' no "ck ?ln.hli 1" "Cr P,OW la"d- "ma "Ood timber, some easy to clear, flue strearrT .i'r."P ,bul"""'- "'y Per acre; forced sale, terms on part: this will sen fnr 3000 inside of 12 month, " ,or VANDUYN & WALTON. 615 Chamber Commerce. GREAT SNAP In Lincoln ,'ountv. 87 H acres, all seeded In lams pasture, about 25 acrea an be cultivated, good family orchard lots of small fruit, fenced In 4 fields. w1UJ!T 4 roon"' tble. goat shed. "J?" and "" other tools. Is 4 miles ot " town, and will aell for 12 per acre ?.' ?. y""r own terms. Room 301. aSti Washington atreet. OREOON CITY. We offer for sale the best fruit landsln Clackamas County. Come let us show a i7rn,lvhtaUVtUl V"' a" ln cult??atTon iBhtly anil partly In berries; crop this i:s"si;,.l,:rra,.vooo: prlce only 300 FREYTAU SW AFFORD, Near y. p. D.,pot. Oregon City. Or. ' A SPLENDID FARM, .o .ilrr'' 15 J" cult'vation. 15 more easy n r.Vno b"tr and more productlvi oil In th county; Ilea fine, small young r:,r"- ,G01 bullings. water piped to ame on Mount Hood R. R. survey, east of city; a cheap buy at $45 per acre? ' JANDI'YN & WALTON. at chamber Commerce. MVT "AVE SOME MONEY AT ONCE 10 acrea of nice, level land w ith running waier .1 acres In cultivation, about i? inlle from Oregon City line. 10-cent car rare; land in this locality sold from .V0 tn , par acre; price HK0; for a few days only. See Owner, 323 Board of Trade bldg. 82 ACRES, 2S miles from Gervals. Or., the best land In the Willamette Valley 10 T.h" 'imbV- r,,!, '!! e"'vtlon, nne fruit land all level and well drained; good black soil will raise anything; price f I 'ou,d require 3.VK cash. Write ' has Conilvs. nervals. Or. 800 ACRES, ao miles from Portland. 2 miles from boatiandlng and R. R. station; Vine b. lV- ri". "e an-l ,,n; 1,1 Brest apple T"io,! wm "rr""-?: bargain at l.lH. Will accept city property in building'' M E- 1'e- nom P411P corbett iioB!,i " .t""""1 an" ready for sale. 10TU ACRES 10 miles west ot Portland on Oregon Electric liullroad. midway be tween Mortondale and Quatoma sfatlona: ir,tk;10rc,""'rt' "" barn, stock and ..ock h'f...t on liK" 1"HC'- or without rU '-s Pr acre; terms; no agents W lngren. route Reaverton. ' 114 AiiKS ff land, all buildings In good repair; only miles from city" siu-411 Stearns Bldg. 11000 CASH 1 acre, level, all fencv-d. new ainall fruit, good well water. 1 mile from .. . """' "oo. ousy ir you wan llils. Northwest Timber Co.. 6 '0 Lum bor Exchange bldg. - ltKAD THIS IS sore, choice land In nigh state of cultivation: S acre' straw berries .i good cows; good B-room house and ''"i wnifsnni n aacu at once, see HARNETT & HARNETT. &l Moard of Trade HlUg. IDAHO I". S. GOVERNMENT CAREY ACT ...-,.,1-. i w in rails utslrlct tth famous Snake River Valley 1. M um acre open to settlement HY DRAWING, oi June 8. ltKlU. Write C. B. Hurtu Boise Idaho. STECIAL Valley farm. 140 acres. 40 in eultl barn, onhard; very rich land; price 4hx' easy terms.. Call Oregon Land Co. -;i' etark St. 1 SHKRMAN ounty wheat farm for sal .heap; will take a good auto first pay ment, no cash required; crops will nv ... . . ....... avn ,,r tPLFNIUD farm. 124 acres, all fenced buiMlnse; V mile to atatlon; for si trade for Portland nmmnv. m u rood Sll titearns bldg. IF INTERESTED IN FARM LAND TALK WITH TV R NEK. THE FARM MAN. 41. 417 Rothchlld Hldg ! TER ACRE. U'0-acre dairy farm, house. Darn. fenced. some MmKr- n-.ii.. 1. or. Northwest Timber Co.. 5: Lumber r-XchSTige bUig. a ACRES. 5-room house, good well, pump young Jersey cow. chickens; mile from Lents, SJMi.v oner. Inquire Mount Scott Drugstore. Lents. Or. 100-ACRE MARION COUNTY FARM For sale b owner. Improvements good. IS to. Oregonian. , SVO-ACRE farm, near Oregon Electric line '"m ' by owner; trains pass station daily. G II. Oregonian. 10 COWS, horse, wagon, cans and route small ranch for rent. B. F. Rutheiford! Lenta 4 ACRES. 6 miles The Dalles. Or . $S5 T-er acre, half cash. S.T. Walker. 004 Corbett bldg. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE, Marios Coumy farm. 1 Vj acres, nearly all cultivated good train, fruit and farming. AE 70S, Oregonian. "SEND for our list of Willamette 'Valley farms before buying: lands shosrn rraa. Olmstead Land Co, Salem. Or. Adjoins tlervala Or. Land level, cleared' part in grain; grows anything planted-' whole? ,or ""'"'"no: wl" sell in PpS? or C.h.'rk'e. aVr'Z b00l"- W"a J- RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUT i MILE RIVER FRONT ON THE COLUMBIA. 110 acres, abundance of pure spring w-ater, piped to buildings; could be cut up to advantage for Summer homes; boat landing on place: 4 regular boats each way every day; North Bank Railroad haa promised to put a station on tba place. Income for fruit alone $500. For price and further description see THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 248 Alder St. FOR SUBDIVISION. 7 acres. 5 miles to city boundary, close to Tlgardsville on Salem Electric, lies fln. east slope, good view, best of soil, running water, road two sides. 21 acrea cleared, small orchard. 35 slashed, nne for cutting up at big profit; price only $.175 per acre: worth $200: terms on part. VANDUYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber Commerce. ANOTHER GOOD BUY. ll'-i aj-res located near Garden Home, on the Salem Electric; K acres In cultiva tion, balance in fine standing timber, the Southern Pacific, now building, almost touches the property. The owner lives In California and Is very anxious to sell BRONG-STEELE CO.. 110 Second St. A GOOD BUY. SI acres at Lents Junction on Johnson Creek, cleared, bost of dark soil, no gravel; pe for subdivision into acre homes at good profit; price only $400 per acre; cheap at $ii00: terms. VANDUYN & WALTON, 515 Chamber Commerce. CASMl'H and 5-acre tracts, cleared and cultivated, high and level, command ing view of mountains and a great part of city; no finer location for a borne in Portland; no better strawberry or vege table land in Oregon; S0OO per acre; terms. Murphy & Caswell, 230 Stark St. BIG SNAP. 5 acres adjoining the Country Club on the Rose City carllne, ready for platting, ST25 an acre if taken at once. BRONG-STEELE CO, 1 lO Second St. v 15 ACRES southwest of Gresham. near Es- tacaaa canine, mostly in fruit and ber ries; good house, two large barns, place will pay for itself in a few years; S40OO if sold soon; terms. Fred Broetji. Mount Tabor. Or. ' A SNAP. lO acrea in St. John. ; must be sold cheap to raise money for a few days only. G. A. Kasper. 221 Vj Morrison St.. room lO. ACRE, level, rich soil with 5-room house, chicken house and yard, all fenced and In crop; a snap at S1300. Spencer & Co.. 103 2d st. . IDEAL 3 acres, near Mllwaukie. set out to nne view, art 4, oregonian. 11 ACRES, 1 mile Oregon City; good soil. ...... " . uuu. am oregonian. HOMESTEADS. FREE HOMESTEADS. Homesteads and desert land entries'; level land, rich soil; 9 miles to timber. 2S feet to water, on line of railroad survey locating fee 30; responsible people. Ad ply 202, Swetland bldg. WE have a few very choice homestead lo- ...... i" iimis; plenty ot wood and water. You will have to hurry If you secure one of these. 401 Mer chants Trust bldg. FOR SALE Good homestead relinnulsh. ment. few Improved farms, several sec tions raw wheat land, all In great wheat belt. Eastern Klickitat. Stone Bros. Blck leton. Wash. MAN wishes to sell his Improvements on 10 acre homestead. SO .miles from Portland on electric carline. 1 innivin . .i bor on place; snap at S3.-.0. 322 Worcester bldg. CALL and let us tell you about homestead locations on l..k .. . . . , . County: claims now open for filing: will only cost you small location fee. 401 Bu chanan bldg. A FEW choice claims left near a new town. . i., -, ruuroaa will go through: fee. S.5. Multnomah Land Co.. 8SH 3d st. HOMESTEADS under new law. can take 320 . . Dacruau iana.. eee us lr ou want a claim. K 11. Oregonian. WASTED REAL ESTATK. STEARNS BLDG r Tc,,,b!y modern house or bungalow, tast Side for cash; give price, description and location In first answer. Address Y 6 Oregonian. ' WANTED A bungalow, good location. S300 .,.... ..,i,,,y payments; give lo catlon and price. Address L 13. Oregonian. WA.TED"From owner, house and lot. cost . v. .vw, iicm cMi-iiiie. j iw, orego nian. WE want houses, lots and acre tracts- If you street l ' rignt frlce- call 24814 Stark WANTED To buy a house. West Side, have mortgage of $450 to turn in as first payment. Address V 2. Oregonian WANTED Houses and lots. reasonable prices, all parts city; also farms. Equity Investment Co., 508 Gerllnger bldg. I WANT to buy or rent a piece of property suitable for a warehouse: give particulars In replying. F 2. Oregonian. ACREAGE within H mile of river, on easy terms. 145 Webster st. IAND SCRIP FOR SALE. SCRIP FOR UNSURVEYED LAND. Approved public land scrip that will title unmirveyed land, even or odd numbered sec tions, ready for immediate delivery desir able in titling unsurveyed timber land- as good as Valentine scrip where applicable quantity limited and price sure to advance' W rite for particulars. All other kinds of land ecrlp THE) COLLINS LAND COMPANY. Helena, Mont. FOR BALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. H buy a second-hant vehicle when we can sell you a new vehicle at about the same price as you would pay for an old one? We are located outside of the high rent district, therefose can maka the price; di lying wagons, buggg-.es, delivery wagons and farm wagons R. M. WADE 4 CO.. S22 Hawthorne Ave. WE have a nice lot of horses on hand weigh ing from mm to 1500 lbs., mostly light horses for delivery purposes and driving. Rrunzel Sale Stables. 305 Albina ave. Take L car. HORSES FOR SALE. -5 head of horses arrived April 10; Al delivery, farm and draft horses, at right prices, and guaranteed to be as repre "ented. 420 Hawthorne ave. Phones B FOR SALE or rent S teams with goose neck furniture wagons to rent by month or year; we also rent any kind of a rig for business purposes, dav, week or month. Phones East 72. B 1369. Haw thorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave FOR SA1JS A good second-hand, rubber t lied, top buggy, horse and harness, suit able for family driving or ranch work. 10S5 Gladstone ave. FOR SAIJC Two double express rlg and good business; will sell separate. Inquire N. L corner 3d and Couch sts.. or 1295 E. 14th. N. E. Raialey. GOOD, young ranch team, 2400 lbs suit able for any work; with or without har ness and w agon. First windmill east Kelly Butte. Powell Valley road. ' WANTED For cash, horse and light de- First, or phone Main BSCS. L... woras. -aii .,n.u t-.F?P '""" valley horses, from 14O0 to 1.50 lbs ; several set heavy harness E R frank. 24i Russell. E 152 FOR SALE One 2-horso 2-ton express and one light delivery wagon chean. Cor. Bi. mont and E. th. HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all kinds for sale. 284 Montgomery. FOR SALE cheap, one 3-sprlng express wagon. Inquire S22 16th t. North. NICE, gentle pony for SOS. le. Phone Tabor BLACK MARK. 1300. sound and gentle X years old. $li5. S;s Water st. FOR SALE Hacks, horses and harness 1-4 North 12th St.. Portland. Or. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City 8ta bles, 11th and Jefferson. M S3O0. HORSES, harness and wagon. Call 532 Com merclal Court, corner Russell St. GUARANTEED harness: lowest prlcea. Keller Harnaas Co.. 49 N. Sixth sc. HUBERT S HALL. SS0 Front, buy. selL rent horses, vehicles; low rata on builneas rlga THE MORXIXG Automobiles. SE EN -PASSENGER White steamer: good condition; tires new; extra tube. top. lamps and glass front; $951 caen. H 2. Oregon ian, t8. 45-H. P. seven-passenger touring car. In perfect order; Just the car for real estate firm or auto stage line. Addreaa 1046 E. 33d st. Phone Woodlawn S6 WANTED Automobile, runabout or roadster; state make and condition. W 2, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILES. $130 and up trade w. G- Bartman & Co., for sale or 46 2d at. SEVEN passenger auto even exchange for real estate. 403 Couch bldg. A 2841. Miscellaneous. . MORRIS CHAIR, solid oak, S.50: 6 leather seat chairs, solid oak. $10.."H); oak ex tension table, ST. SO: sideboard. SS.jO; oak armchair. J:i; oak arm-rocker. S2.75; fine 3-plece parlor suite. $15; weathered oak center tables. S3. 50; weathered oak li brary tables. $3.7.; bo.lv bruels carpet bordered. 14xlOV!. S13.50; white maple dresser, with 30x4O-inch French beveled mirror. S22.30; white maple princess dresser. $12: hotel dresser. J5: bedroom suite. 3 pieces, solid oak with 18x40-inch French beveled mirror. SIS; good No 8 cook stove. $7.50: 6-hole cast range. Art Eureka. 15; Reliable gas rarge. ST SO; eas ran. with water attachments. SlJ.oO; everything to furnish a house throughout. Western Salvage Co.. 639 W ashlngton St., corner 20th. Main 1108. A PIPE PIPE Anything In pipe from tt-in. up to 14 In.. either black or galvanized. In new or second-hand. Get our orlces and save money. M. BARDE St SONS. 347-35S Glisan St.. cor. Eighth. THE HOUSE WITH A MILLION BAR GAINS INI ANYTHING lH THE MA CHINERY LINE PHILO chicken outfit. Including four fire 'es brooders, two Incubators. 100 small chicks, household furniture, cheap on ac count sickness. On Mt. Scott carllne; rent cheap: everything In perfect order; make an offer. AD 2. Oregonian. EGGS for hatching; Rose-comb Rhode Isl and Reds. Single-comb White Leghorns: 10O for $15: $d per 100: related birds of prize-winning stock. Phone Woodlawn SEWING MACHINES. We have a few slightly used machines that will be sold very cheap'. Call and !ee them at White Sewing Machine Store. H. D. Jonea. 420 Washington, cor. Ilth st. DO YOU want supplies or rent film? We are independent, do not belong to the trust. Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchild bid.. Port land. Or. WILL sell contents of n-room house. Includ ing piano and buffet costing S2SO. for S12o0 cash. See Mr. Kupper, 332 Cham ber of Commerce. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. S20 to $60. fully' guaranteed, easy payments; rentals. S3 203 2dst.h' Paci0c Stationery & ptg. Co.. EGGS M. B. turkey. 10 for $2.25; B P R. chickens. 13 for S 1 .25. Pllnny Shepard son. Castle Rock. Wash. NEW-MAN MOTION PICTURE CO. rents and sells motion pictures, machines sup plies. etc.; lowest rates. 293 Burnslde. WE have a bargain In a 9x10 logging en st.ne Rallway Equipment Co.. 72-74 First BEACH COTTAGE Gearhart Park, almost rodern, 6 rooms. Telephone Wood- FOR SALE OR RENT Logging and hoisting engines. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 1st St. FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood at lowest market prlcea Hoover. 813 Water at. Phone Main 7451; A 5448. TWO THOROUGHBRED pointer pups male whelped January 21. nicely marked. Call 471 22d. near Jackson at.. Portland, Heights. STEVEN'S MOVING PICTURE EX CHANGE Film servioe that wins. Ster opticon slides, supplies. I6514 4th st. FINE eoda fountain, complete; also cash reg ister. 33 North Third, near Couch. FOR SALE Fine gasoline launch, with house, very cheap. P 862. Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class automatic cont inuing scale, cheap. AC 5. Oregonian. GASOLINE woodsaw. cheap: used 4 months. A. Gubser. 1173 Hawthorne ave. NOVELTY go-cart, cheap, new; cost $18 Ohio Hotel. Front and Madison. Room 203. LAW LIBRARY for sale cheap. Room 22. 350 H Alder st. WANT to sell roll-top desk and other house hold goods. 385 E. Alder st. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Fox Terrier sup 26 N. 6th. GOOD pasture on Swan Island for horses and cattle. Main 947. A 5296. FOR SALE Launch and boathouse. cheap. 359 Ivy st. MONARCH BICYCLE, nearly new. coaster brake, $25. M 12, Oregonian. MOVING picture machine and films for sale, cheap. C H. Wilson. Breslln Hotel. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs per setting. Pnone Sellwood 1335. II KELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Live real estate salesman, expe rience In city preferred, w. M. Conklln & Co.. 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. WANTED An office boy, not over 15 years old; a good permanent place for the right boy; give reference. M 15, Oregonian. A FEW experienced newspaper solicitors, premium proposition, salary and commis sion. Call 512 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED Experienced lineman; also elec trician for Inside work. Answer with age and references. D 11. Oregonian. RAILWAY mall clerks. $800 first year- ex amination in Portland Mav t.-- Bn'.M.i coaching. Joas Becker, 328 Main St. WANTED Reliable, energetic man to so licit and collect, salary and commission. Room 604 Rothchisd bldg. HARNESS and collar-makers wanted. W H. McMonles & Co.. 24-26 Union ave. Portland. Or. WANTED Partner to show property and work In office; little cash required. 225 5th street. GROCERY clerk for inside, must understand the business thoroughly, none other need apply. H 15, Oregonian. WANTED Young man with wheel for de livering: good wages. Apply 313 Buchanan bldg. after 10 A. M. MAN and wife for country hotel, $60 per month, room end board. 226 Morrison Main 3022. A 3478. ' WANTED Photo coupon and portrait agents: new, swell offer. Cutberth Studio. De.kum bldg. WANTED Man on fruit ranch. Hood River Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber Com- UANTBD Young men to learn railroad teleg raphy; permanent position when competent Oregon College. S3 6th. 6th floor. OITSIDE SALESMEN Good Inducements, experience not necessary. Great American Importing Tea Co., 406 Washington st. STRONG BOI wanted: must be husfler and well dressed: age- over 16. Call 47414 Washington st. 71 LASTED Two moving-picture operators, one for Portland and one country. Apply between 12 and 1. 215 Wells-Fargo bldg WANTED Experienced man to work on hog ranch. Apply 167 Market st. STRONG boy. with wheel. H. C. Browne & Co., printers, 373 Yamhill st. YOUNG MAN with two or three years' ex perience at horseshoeing. 828 Water st. BRIGHT boy over 17 years of age. Apply Wadhams Ac Kerr Bros.. 4th and floyl. WANTED Solicitor. Williams ave. rig furnished. S21 WANTED Press feeder, half tone fine work. Apply 13rh and Davis. WANTED First-class coatmaker. Hayward &. Marklund. Merchants Trust bldg. BARBER wanted. 221 Madison St.. between First and Second Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wins Depot- P. Loratl. 164 2d- Main 4212. OFFICE boy wanted. Apply Standard Oil t-o.. 300 East Main st. WANTED Coat maker. John Seibert, Pen dleton. Or. BARBER wanted. SO Washington at. OREGOXIAX. TUESDAT, APRIL 13. 1909 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year: men and women to learn barber trade In eight weeks; help to secure positions; graduates earn from 1,15 to J25 weekly; expert Instructor; tools free; write for catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. r N. 4th St.. Portland. Or. AOTOMOBILING. plumbing. electricity, bricklaying and plastering taught by ac tual work In shops and buildings; ad vanced scholars earn v.-ages; catalogues free. Coyne National Trade School. 230 oth St.. San Franciaco. WANTED Men and boys at Los Angelee; P. expense to learn trade of plumbing, bricklaying or electricity; practical work Oh Jobs half the time and study other haJt. Catalogue free. United Trade facnool Contracting Co.. Loa Angeles. S800 TO $1800 for railway mall clerks a year; many appointments yearly; examin ation at Portland and Pendleton May 15; free information In regard to preparation. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., city. C. R. HANSEN. JR.. Employment Office Men's Department, 26 North Second St. Phones Main and A 1526. Help free to employers. GOOD cook wants honest partner at once to take cash and attend front end of busy restaurant: no experience necessary In ?.u . toda' you mean business. lol Board of Trade. MOTION-PICTURE operators earn S35 weekly: learn business In short time; ac tual expenses and instruction given in an established theater; lessons reasonable. Particulars. 293 Burnslde st. PLASTERER to figure on five houses Imme diately: take part pay in good vacant lots and part In cash, call at office. Greg ory Heights, end of Rose City carline. and ask for Mr. White. GOOD, reliable man, business manager, take charge financial end; must invest $3000: guarantee money returned 8 months. 8 per cent interest. Give phone number. R 3. Oregonian. SIX cities in Oregon end Washington open for manufacturer's agency, worth S3000 per year; only $500 capital necessary to handle the line. Phone Main 4446, or V 1 Oregonian- WANTED Partner In the timber and land business. Tustler; not much money re quired for the right klrra of a man. H 14. Oregonian. WANTED Railway mall clerks; $800 first year; examinations Portland. May 15 preparation free; write Immediately. Franklin Institute. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Young man, over 21, duties light ana easy, nne proposition to .right party for small capital. Call 328 y, Washington St., room 405. DENTIST wanted to manage high-class adv. office; this Is a snap to right party: good contractor preferred. Harvard Den tists, 362 Washington. WANTED SALESMEN. Experienced dry goods men in all de-parlments- APP'y to the superintendent. Mc Allen-McDonnell. REAL ESTATE salesman. 8. 9 10. 11 and '. cty property. Smith & Stearns. 305 Ablngton bldg. WANTED Young man. good penman, for clerical position. Commercial Abstract Co.. 408 Commercial Club bldg WANTED Shovellers. Mllwaukie. corner houtn, Sellwood car. Newbeurg & Harrl man. ' WANTED Live solicitor In Portland on good proposition: liberal commission. Ad dreas Benson Investment Co.. Medford Or WJBDr;US; agents to sell photo cou pons. C. Elmore Grove. 362 Wash. t. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In railroad work; give references. AJ 2. Oregonian. HKI.F WANTED FEMA1JC GIRL for general housew-crk. must be fair cook, small family. Apply 1U45 East Hoy t. 1 block from Montavilla car. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. 711 Broadway. C 1499, East SHORTHAND taught In private classes by an experienced teacher and expert stenographer. Phone A 1887. WANTED A competent girl for general housework and cooking. 2 In family. Phone Main 3760, A 4636. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co. 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Ladies- Department. 205ti Morrison St. Phones Main 1062, A 2064. 168 i,i 10TH Wanted, good girl to assist In general housework; private boarding house. MRS. BOTE'S LADIES AGENCT. 826 s Washington St.. Room 301. Main 8838 or A 3266. WANTED Girls to make overalls and over shlrta Apply Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED A refined lady willing to assist with housework for good home, two in main MUi. A WANTED Good girl for general housework; iiuiiy or two: must understand cooking, 352 Clifton, oor. Park. cooking, fi'.Ki h.I chambermaid: e-ooit room and board. Apply Housekeeper. Nortonla WANTED Trained lady nurse for Mission Hospital. Alaska. Apply 498 Mill st. today. WANTED A girl to assist In housework In J- 01 niree. -apply Boo East Yamhill. -vi. iaiu. r-none r,. 44;i. WANTED Capable woman country home. SSO. 24.5 Main 203'.). housework. Washington. YOUNG ladles to learn the Model Turkish jlii anu massage business; good r while learning. K 12, Oregonian. ' HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. 843H Washington st., cor. Tth. upstairs Phone Main 269J. A FEW young women of good RDDearanca to solicit subscriptions. Call 512, Gerllnger WANTED Middle-aged woman for. general , mua.11 tamuy. Address L 10, V , R..,,,11. STENOGRAPHER for lumber office; one ' K5i,at flKures and some knowledge of " ....... ;,,,:, iuu. JUain 1476. WANTED An expert cloak and suit sales- uu.cu. oiaio wages ana past experience give telephone number. T 2. Oregonian. WAJ?TJ:ITA BlrI to do general housework. 1S1 North 24th st. WANTED Girl for general housework, good COOk. S30. Annlv T, ' B1 .l? fomS: AE:?CJ- 2H Wash, - i o. xviciiai-ofcon, jvigr. c-o.vir'E.iii.NT girl for general housework, good wages. 620 East Ankeny. cor. 15th OMAJl for general housework. 689 Halsev r. f . PhflnA V, atAtJ' WAITER wanted at Oregon Oyster and chophouse. 162 1st st. WANTED Girl for confectionery. Apply NEAT girl to do general housework In small Tnmllv Ann... ,C" , . , , . . -...j. f I J I .,1111 si. GIRL to assist In housework: good home and uvu n Wl AJBVIS St. WA.VTED Young girl to assist with house- .. ......... .",,,.. . , nancocK St. WANTED Girl to do cooking and genera! ...... .. -. ,, ,i' , -1 . isortn . n st. LADY COOK for 10 men. camp. See boss GIL' -JTr !,Bht housework: call forenoons. -" iiiimuu si., near Williams ave. EXPERIENCED girl for dining-room work inn jiaiou, joo vvasnington st. GOOD girl for general housework, lamook st. A GIRL wants place In small family, no . ii. vi uugun at. GIRL to assist In housework. 681 Schuyler. ,,,-..- tin, mornings. GIRL for general housework, st. call mornings. 6S8 Lovejoy .i nse. gin. f-unnyslrte. to care for baby GIRL for general housework. St. Phone E. 472 or B 1934. 101 E. 17th t, , ' ' ' 1 seiierai Housework; no A COMPETENT girt for general housework: three adults In family. 414 stark st. C-PUENTJ"irl for aeneral housework. U0 Bprlnx St.. Portland Heights. ' I . " - GIRLS WANTED. Girls, is to 18 rears of age, to work In factory. Apply at once. A.MES-H ARRIS-NEVILLE! CO Fifth and Davis Sta. HO?EKEEPER- S20 to 30: cooks, hotel. S3: cook, camp. S30: starcher, S1.50: lroner. SI. 25: office girl. S3. room and board; waitresses, chambermaids. Port land Employment Co., 2U5H Morrison, room 4. WANTED, at once, xapable middle-aged woman as housekeeper in widower's fam ily; good wages to the rigjit party.- Call at 50 East 15th North, phone East 3425. HANSEN'S LADIES- AGENCT. S43M Washington at., cor. Jth, upstairs. Phones Main and A 2692. Help Supplied Free to Employers. COMPETENT girl for general housework, family or 3. will pay good wages. S. E. cor. E. 15th and Thompson; take Irving ton car. WANTED Ladies, we bleach, renew, dve and remodel hats, dye plumes at half price. Model Millinery, 387 Yamhill. A COOK at 722 Flanders st. Applv fore noons and evenings. Phones, Main 2509, A 2509. WANTED Experienced corset and muslin underwear saleslady; stead v position Ad ply Silverfields, 4th and Morrison. CSMPEJLEXT glrl tor general housework. iiurman at., corner 32nd. W illamette Heights. WANTED Girl for general housework, nice buwi wages, small family. Main TWO experienced nurses, also several pro bation nurses, at Willamette Sanitarium. Salem, Or. WANTED A girl for Ozark." dinlng-rooni. 225 11th. The 1 WANTED An experienced waitress. Ho- nart-t urtis. 2(15 14th st. HELP WANTED MAXJ9 OR FEMALE. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. Main Office, Ladies' Dept. 12 N. 2d Street. 205H Morrison St. LADIES' DEPT. WANTS Cooks for hotels, restaurants, boarding houses and private families, in and out of the city. good wages: chambermaids, waitresses, kitchen helpers, cooks' helpers, housekeepers, girls for general housework In city and country. Large list of others too numerous to mention here. New Places Every Day. WANTS FOR THE MILLS. millwrights, in and out of the cltv. $3.50 to $4; stlckerman, $3.50; planer feeders. $2.25: 4 lumber graders, $2 2.1 ami $2.50: 2 men for Inside work in planing mill. $2; 2. cut-off men. $2.50: 3 off hearers. $2 50 and $2.25: 4 common millhands.. $2.25; 3 carriage riders. $2.50: 10 lumber pliers, $2 to $2.25. Large List of Other Mill Work. MISCELLANEOUS. Man and wife on farm, $45; 10 farm hands. $25 to $35: 3 laborers for brick yard. $2 up; 3 carpenters In city. $3.50; barn man. city, $50 and room; dishwash ers, cooks, loggers, wood cutters, labor ers, teamsters, etc., etc. We have work for .several teams, city and country, good wages. Hundreds of Other Jobs Every Day. We always have a large list of all kinds of work for men and women. Call on us when you want a good situation. If you live out of the city write us. All letters will be answered promptly. In securing you a situation, we do our best to locate you in the right place, so employe satlsfy ootl1 esnPloyer and SPECIAL NOTICE. We give a written guarantee (backed by a large bond) to pay fare both ways If there Is not work where we send appli cants. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. . ,aLn ??ice- Ladies' Dept. 12 N. 2d Street. 205 lj Morrison St WANTED -Violinist to play evenings at a aXV "" -"ny ana August. Address Mt. Vernon Hot Springs Mt Ver non, Or. PROFESSIONAL people wanted at all times f lm Mf- Co., 27th and Upshur sts. Phone FIt bookkeepers, corporation bookkeeping .-usui., not tor oegtnnera. LESSONS (riven in drawing, painting and ... rl' oeginners & .specialty. Phone Main 8183. " ;,", , VL "V"- -"'-''-i needs more .i orui. ox bwetland bldg. LESSONS In Bhorthand and typewriting by export, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main SS03. FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes, month to beginners. 453 Morrison. 1 SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. MALE stenographer, 21 years of age, desires position in Portland; have had 4 years' experience, over 2 years with railroad; can furnish own typewriter if necessary. G 15 i , , y"uns mnn "ants position as teller bookkeeper or clerk In a bank or mercnJ tile business In general- bank experience 15 - . , .... ....... n At uregoman. YOUNG man w-Ishes experience in arcbj tect's office:' has experience in ,lr.i7. and, carpentry: willing to begin at bottom. 1 1 J oreuuniBB. r..i-HKiKAULD male .rxnuir,.),.- , typewriter, employed during day, desires So Via , "01110 or elsewhere. 860, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER or bookkeeper: Al refer- " " ' vv eoo, oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED A position as concrete foreman 6 years' experience and e-ood ,1 tions. Call or address Charles Chandler. 1.11 W N. 6th st. A MARRIED man wishes employment with a private family as gardener and yard man; a steady Job for all year around cachch. reuersen. dox Z30. Montavilla. WANTED Woman to help in small private boarding-house fsr room and board for een aim nusDana. 368 12th St., near Jef- EXPERIENCED general merchandise man nauu, poaiLiou; win go anywhere.. F 15, . ' t rKUiimii, ivAsiiu rositlon as automobile driver do not drink; am sober and industrious 1 icicreutCT. f- iz, oregonian. WANTED- A place on a farm for a boy, 13 - -" viu, niiu.a uuw to wont, itoy Nel COMPETENT cook, meats and pastry; good ..... '' 'r'-' " 1 1 rt gooa namts, . . , , . , in , .-1. .1 , . 000, uregonian. NEWSPAPER man wants position as editor onu manager or paper in Northwest; best m iwciciiucB. r j4. oregonian. GOOD, experienced Japanese wants situ tion as porter or Janitor. D 13. Ore, JAPANESE wants position in wholesale store or w-holesale liquor; good strong boy can talk English, c 2. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position, store or ho tel porter. M 872. Oregonian. GENERAL housecleanlng by day or hour. Phone Main 5569. H. Thompson. JAPANESE wants situation, any kind day work in city. Phone Main 9134. A 2203. GOOD Japanese laborer wants any kind of work. D 14. Oregonian. NICE Japanese wants a situation as a house work In a family. AH 9. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wishes to do house work in good family. L 12. Oregonian. GERMAN, age 28, wishes position as Janl tor. experienced. K 10, Oregonian. A. O. CUYL-ER. painting, paper hanging and tinting. Phone Main 891. SITUATIONS WASTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. YOUNG lady, experienced bookkeeper and typist, wants position. - AM 8, Oregonian. POSITION by lady bookkeeper from the East, 4 years' experience. J 12, Oregonian. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. v ANTED Stenographers to take our short course In bookkeeping In night school, for po sitions paying S5U to $15. We secure posi tions. Business University. 629 Worcester block. Phone A 5446. WANTED Position by experienced saleslady in art dept. or art store. Inquire of Y. W. Orvssmakera. LADY wishes charge of rooming-house, best references. J 15, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices. Mra Angeles. 242 5;h'and Main. N urwee. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position, best of eterences. 153 N. 12th St. Main G390. EXTBNSISVE experience, nurse solicits care Invalid, ased. city, country. Main 2u39. V?CTEDr Cases by undergraduate nurse. Phone B 1755. PROFESSIONAL nurse, all kinds of cases. cl(y or country. A 3853. fiat A. 420 2d st. Housekeepers. W IDOW wtth one daughter -wishes place as housekeeper for widower: wases no ob ject; -wishes home in nice place. Ad dress Mrs. L. M. Johnston. Portland Or WANTED Position as lady housekeeper or companion, help or anv tmairin. . . Address M. F.. P. 0. box 90. Vancouver! Domestics. WOMAN with a small child wants house. work of any kind. Call at 63S Thurman St.. near 20th. or phone Main K934. TWO girls want general housework 2-V. North 15th st. 13 Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED girl deslrea situation, vham- iiuii-t . rapanio woman, fanlliv Iaunlress; reliable woman desire child I? car.t-for at holme. 145 H Washington. Main 2039. . SW ISS LADY, speaking French and German wishes position as governess or companion - references. Address Mile. Rothen. Y W C. A., Portland. EXPERIENCED teacher wishes to coach i.v,varu pupns; an grades; terms cheap J 10, Oregonian. , WORK by the day or housekeeper, or take .aise 01 rooming-nouse in city: good ref erence. H 12. Oregonian. LADY wishes day work: references phnn. East 614S. . LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched. 40c jArAbSb. woman wants situation: house- u tuj. Aooresa 44 4th st. GOOD woman wants to do laundry work or .uuwvicmiiug. aiain 41 iw. LACE curtains washed and stretched 40c a pair. c 1653. East !UH FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work by the COLORED girl wants situation as day work. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS wanted to sell household special ties on Installment plan. Good money to be made before the fair. National Sup- YllV Cn TJnti " . 1 .... 1 . . . . ... ' ' -,"J .u 1, a . , oeaitie, wash. t.NEHGETIC agents, call or address fl.-ol agency Oregon Light & Power Co.. 406 ana Aiaer, city. S-E.k1' Pnoto coupon offer: best on Coast. u.ui.i, aiuuiu, 001 uekum bldg. wanted Agents to sell photo coupons. gooa aeiier. "Ulcknell." 326 Wash. st. WANTED TO RENT. wanted By a young man. a place to board jiu room in private lamlly; must be within 10 minutes' walk from P. O. and have a'l modern conveniences; state price; can fur- ' - " ' m icicniacea. Address L 14. WANTED Two rooms furnished for house- Ai,iiiB, wnnin nair hour ride of down. 'own: man and wife with two amall vuiiui-eu; state terms and location. D 12, Oregonian. FYi?.""ISHE? cottage, house, fiat; walking - -),,. ii ... aaay 1; refer- -f" -3 , oivo rental, particulars. F Oregonian. 10. WANTED An office and share of waltlng- jouui in moaera onrice building; might buy part of office furniture. Apply A F 5 Oregonian. WANTED By 2 gentlemen, a nice, oulet room w-ltn private family, within 10 blocks of Washington St.; state terms. L 11, Ore gonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. we pay top prices for furniture: And anything else you have to selL PORTLAND AUCTION CO.. gain 5655. A 412L WANTED Store and . office fixtures, also typewriters, desks, cash registers, safes, sewing machines, phonographs, etc 203 Burnslde. WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and noes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair . Deal. 62 3d st. North. Phone Main 9272. WANTED All kinds of store and office fixtures, also scales, registers, safes, etc 293 Burnside st. FORD AUCTION CO. Pays the price" for second-hand furni ture. East 988. B 2311. OFFICE desk and chairs, will pay cash, must be nice and reasonable In price ln qulre 317 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED -A-l roll-edge mattressmaker. 55 STYLISH young horse for lady to drive, not w.w. j ..... a oiu. 009 v-iacaanras st. HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phona i uranu ave.. cor. Taylor. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given, phone East 106T. FOR RENT. Pttrnlshed Rooms. THE NEW SCOTT. Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY." ciei-ytning Drana new. homelike and comfortable; rates reasonable. Free bus PARLOR ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATHS THE BARTON. ISth and Alder- , . agement; newly renovated throughout; TO outside rooms; steam heat, electric lighta etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with rUHM water' 22.5o to $30; elegant . .v., ,.,,11,71, ana oatns free. HOTEL IRVING. $12 OAK ST.. COR. 6TH. Just opened: new nnH ..1 .......... .. nlshed; all conveniences; rates reasonable. TH.E4B MC?iI,NiHAM- "am"l st- opp. Port . land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod . ern conveniences; special rates to perma nent guests. A H. Pracht, proprietor. . . HOTEL BUSHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern con veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. M 5647. 11 rooms, nicely furnished for 4''S 7th it I'Kni. ana neat, $18 month. NT C ELY furnished room; furnish heat; rea sonable rent. 129 14th. between Washing ton and Alder. Hotel Avalon. 11th and Washington: central steam heat, large, light rooms, single or suites; rates reasonable; transients solicited. THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable- new furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 S Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea THE- REX. 18th and Washington Modem rooms, also housekeeping; running water, baths. A 1858, Main 4632. THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms; heat, bath; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week. THE TEMPLE. 313ii Yamhill, nicely fur nished rooms 'i per week up; transient. THE ANGELUd. 6th and Jefferson, modern rooms and apartments: both phones. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. ELEGANT furnished rooms for rent, $2 50 $3.30 per week. 40 Ella st. NICE front room, furnished or unfurnished 167 X. 22d st. Phone Main 6S5S. DESIRABLE front parlor, suitable for two beautiful yard. bath. Main 2266.- FURNISHED room with sleeping porch. 651 Lovejoy st- Main 2232. Gentlemen only. Furnished Rooms In I'rtvate Family. NEATLY furnished rooms, front and back parlor: also small room; bath, phone fur nace hat. j..tru Det salmon and FOR RENT Furnished room with all mod ern conveniences, with small familv Jinuisou Park apartments 52. Phone Mln 6.VH.:. LARGE front room, ground floor, suitable '.nl fas- a,!l and Phone. $12 month. 204 i4th. corner Columbia. 'l1'? .L"rnfc?1''d. room.- and home cooking; street pn"K- M- 34 Burnslde 4JC TAYIAR. near 12th. cool, single front able1' Bl'ntleman- Private family, reason- FURNISHED front rooms for onfl.m.n- MaTn 34L?. a"d ba,h' lti lith st- Pnoni II EAST 3D ST. North Xt.lv fiimiind rooms; $2.50 per week un. Rath- r, phone. NEWLY furnished rooms, free bath anrt phone 49 N. 14th St.. 2Vt blocks north ot Washington. Main 3605. THREE elegantly furnished rooms for t- everything furnished. 42S Hall. NICE furnished rooms. $2 per week; heat, bath, telephone. S25 12th sc 500 FLANDERS ST. bet. 14th and IMh- neatly furnished room. $7 per mouth. CHEAP rooms, S and $10: newly furnished: bath; quiet; close In. 452 5th. . NICELY furnished bedroom, walking dis"- iiice, i..m per week. 431 nth. Unfurnished Rooms. .... 6 ROOMS. $20. 649 Morrison st.; key upstairs. Rooms With Board. HOTEL SARGENT J.odern in every, respart: steam heat, electric lights, hot and cold water la every room, elevator and bellboy service. ?ii'xc1"??t a specialty. Cor. Grand and Haw thorne avea. THE MAGNOLIAS Walking distance. Kear ney st., bet. lilth and 20th.; elegantly furnished apartments for married couples, with board; also swell rooms for gentle men, with breakfast and dinner. $0 per month; beautiful ground; all modern con veniences; finest rooms and best home cooking in the city; an ideal place for the Summer. THE GLENDORA. 19th and Couch Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. $10 Per month and up; public parlor, piano, pool and billiard tables free to guests: transients solicited; excellent table board. SIS per month; single meals, 25 cents P1?lLNDiWomen'" Union. 21st year, room with board, use of sewing room and li brary. 510 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N , hn.S.up?r'.n.tentleIrt- Women's Exchange, 13 J 10th st. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. supt. BVAv.KEI-y oHALk' 300 Jferson. between "th and 6th Pleasant rooms, first-class board, beautiful grounds, finely located for business people, phone A 6345. THE COLONIAL corner 10th and Morri son; finest board and best rooms in Port land: rates lowest; a comfortable home. THE MORRISON. 533 Morrison St.. family hotel, modern, new management; board optional; best table board ; prices moderate THE LINDELI-269 Market; nicely furnished front rooms, first-class board; modern, rea sonable: tine walking distance. ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. isth. THE OZARK. 225 nth Light, airy rooms with board, hot and cold water. ROOM and board for married couple Mt Tabor district. Main 8251. Rooms With Board la Mvate Family. VERY large, nicely furnished front room for two; clean and cool; large closet; home cooking .every convenience of mod ern home. A i 4681. FRONT room with bath and phone; will give breakfast and dinner In the evening furnace heat. 314 Holladay ave.; walking PRIVATE family will room and board. couple or four young men; walking dia- tance. modern 16th st. evory way. Ze" N. ONE nice, clean room, furnished for light . . .. ... .... vvv monia. o4 fark- Phone A 3605. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, al- r T .K . ' Ior lwo: strictly private fam ily. 212 11th st. ROOM and board In a private family, suit-, able for two or three gentlemen; no other roomers. 427 3d st. GOD. large, front room, for two men, -with ; ' ' ' " " 1 tiiontn. iaa iNortli lith. cor. Kearney. LARGE, nicely furnished front room; horns cooking, modern conveniences; terms mod erate. 455 6th St. BOARD and rooms In private family; unde new management: 'home cooking 211 Columbia st. Main 4369. LARGE front rooms suitable for 2 gentle men, home cooking. Phone Main 6215, 01 call 289 11th st. LARGE. light, newly furnished rooms for two, with or without hoard. Modern, private homelike. 320 Montgomery. ' SMALL, cozy front room, furnished- bath nice yard, close in. . 632 Flanders St. FIRST-CLASS room and board for two In pri vate family. 93 North 17th. Main 4220. ROOM and board for 2. West Side. Main 3649. 248 N. 20th St. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia, easy walking distance, new, brick buildings, in 2, 3, and 4 -room family apartments; private bath and reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan itor service, completely furnished ready for housekeeping, from $30 to $50 month; some k unfurnished from $22 up. MADISON PARK apartments, comer Park and Madison, a brand new 4-room apart ment, free city phones, steam heat, hard wood floors, automatic elevator, electrlo lifts; every other convenience, brick bldg., 4 blocks from Morrison st. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts., unfurnished 4-room apartment with bath, $35; new, modern and fully equipped for convenience; location saves carfare Ap ply to Janitor. Main 2506. JEFFERSOXI AN Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room suite for housekeeping, strlctLv modern; 10th and Jefferson. THREE unfurnished rooms, heat, light, phone, fireplace, choice neighborhood, 72-, E. Burnside. 8 AND 4-ROOM steam-heated apartments, furnished or unfurnished, gas, electricity modern, walking distance. Cottcl Drug Co. . BUELL APARTMENTS. 14th and Salmon, nicely furnished 4-room apartment. The Dayton. 660 Flanders. 3-room lower apartment, heat, hot water, etc., $20 mo, HIGH-CLASS suite of rooms; piano, bath: suitable for 3 adults. 628 Morrison St. COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 3 and 4-room -modern apartments. 11th and Columbta. THE CHETOPA One 4-room apartment, $25. unfurnished Flats. Y ERY desirable 5-room fiat, new and com . plete: every convenience, to let to first class tenant without small children or dogs 94 Kast 15th. corner Eae-t Washington; $30 Applyto owner, 324 East 13th North. Phont NEW. unfurnished fiat. 5 rooms, bath, fire place, furnace with hot water coll- no dark rooms; East 15th and Oak, reason able rent. Rodgers-Hart-Glbson. 146 2d st. W. L. MORGAN. 803-506 Ablngton bldg. 5 rooms, steam heated, hot water. Jan Itor. new and modern. 668 Kearney: $37.50. NK'E modern upper 6-room flat. 7414 ami 743Lj Northrup .t.: rent $27. C. H. Koi-e.n. 251 Washington. MODERN 4-room fat. 605 Bast Couch, ply Ptokes & Veller, 1j5 Grand ave. Ap- MODERN flat. Steel bridge. 194 v, McMillan st.. near Inuulre 1K8- McMillan. 5 ROOMS. $20: good dressmaker's location. 549 Morrison. Key upstairs. NEW. modem 4 and 5-room flats, fireplace. Phone B. 171B. Call 4 Williams svs. MODERN flat. 194H McMlUen St. Inquire) at 188 MfMllien st.