if - THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY. APRIL 13, 1909. PORTLAND PORTLAND, OH EiRorr.Aii plan MODERN REST Al BANT COM ONE MIT. j HOTEL OREGON I CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS ; Portland's New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Day and Up European Plan. Free Bus I WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO, Props. In the heart of th uiouemiy equipped sample-rooms. ; ELEGANT GRILL MUSIC atrmily Located Ti I I III 'if I J. F. DAVIE S, President St. Charles Hotel COMPANY (Inc.) Front and Morrison, Portland, Or. fllf n 1t a fAN xxxvoi-viiAas Kxioi AUKAItT IN CONNECTION THE Park K between Morriaoa and Alder. CALUMET HOTEL - - n n a ix i r MODERN C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor. MEETING NOTICES. IVANHOE LOnnE. NO 1 Regular meet Ins tonight In 'their castle hall, nth and Alaer streets. Discussion of an excursion to Seattle during rythtan week, something do Ins In the morgue. B. M. I.AKCE, K. R. S. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, NO M. r- E S. Regular communication this Tuesday evening. 8 o'clock sharp. Masonic Temple. Degrees Order TV M. . ELIZABETH SILKNITTER. Sec. THE JOU.IEST CLUB ON EARTH this evening at Ohrlatensen's Hall. nth and Tsmhilt streets Prasp's lO-plece orchestra. $'0 In prises. Finest new hall In the city. F.l.I.ISON ENOAMl'MF.NT. NO. 1, 1. O. O. F Regular meeting this iTulvi even ing. April IS. at s o'clock. Oddfellows' Temple Royal Purple degree Visitors wel come. Members urged to attend E. R. SHARON. Scribe. IVAXHOR LOrn-iR. NO j K pR, isr meeting tonlsht In their Castle Hall Kisventh and Aider streets. Work In the rags rsnlt. Visitors Invited. K. M. LANCE. K. R. 6. '' AUCTION SALM TODAY. At Baker's Auction House. 152 park St Furniture, etc. Sals at 10 o'clock. Baker A Pin. auctioneers. rv.'i.', 10.A. M ! 111 rtrM "' furniture, stc. Portland Auction Co. BORN. MOliRlI.l. Knster morning, at 9 o'clock at io Ksst i:tth st.. North, to the wire of Koce K. Morrill, a son. weighing 10, pounds. Mother and child doing welt PIKVKRS in tVs city. April It at STS Fsst th st. North. Wllhelmlna O. Slevera aged 7J years. Funeral notice hereafter. DIED. SAVAOB In thLs city. April II. at the fsm Ky residence, lor North loth at.. iJIIUn t al !-av.K. sge S ye.ns. months. 11 J," Savage. Jauhl'r ' Mr' Charles Kami-h. aged 24 years u months. 14 dav. Announcement of tuneral ls:er. ITNERAL NOTICES. L?. 1vj , 1 M v1"v Tes1ay). April i?f n ",,n,' chapel, thence to St I! i.' hurViL.4:!; u,,, M,:l Services KlvlewemeTer" "' " I-NNO The funeral of the late Rebecca J hanno will take place from Ames thanel today (Tuesdsvt st IO SO A V Interment at Crescent C.rove Cemeterv near M.t.g.r station, Salem Klsotr road. Friends Invited. ROBERTSON In this cltv. April B v ... M.ui Lois Rob-rr..,e Friends sr. r-wJlc f'l.lr Invited to sirend the funeral ei-?ic. which win b. held st Holm'.chrp?l sJ and Salmon sis, at S p. m. today iTucs a.rv. April i. jie.M mU tlom,n tsrmstit private. HEADQrARTFRS 1 K TIR KISISud COMMFWIAL TRAVELERS. Special rates nu4s to famnips and sln iel gentlemen. The management win b pleased at ail times to show room and give prices. A moi ern Turkish bath es tablishment In ths boteL H. C. BOWERS. Manager. LI OX DOLLABa. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. . DUj,1Ug U1D111VI.. XU3 , most modern and up-to-date hotel in the Northwest. ! Local and long-distance phones in every room. Rooms with private bath, en suite and single. Large and Boa meet, all trains. Hate, f.1 and up. r BAN K. A. CLARK Manager. Mad. Imperial Hotel Seventh and Washington PkU. Mocsehan & Sons, Props. .""a" mrlUM nn . te isrr rtw Rates 51.004130-S2.0QI 0. O. DAV1ES, Sec. and Treaa. ROOMS 50c TO $1.50 A Strictly Fir.t-CIass and Modern Hotel Containing! 70 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Lone Distance Phone. In Every Room, free 'Bun Meets All Trains. Rates American, g-.oo per day and up. HatM Enropran, $t.00 per dav and up. Per month, single room and hoard, 45 to 110 ROOr 10 roo"- 'r two. $;s to Board, without room $30 per month N0RT0MA HOTEL ELEVENTH OFF WASHINGTON ST. Beautiful Grill R oom Americas Rates to Families and European Onr Bus Meets All Trains Sample Suites with Baths for Traveling- Men. COMFORTS . MODERATE PRICES THE CORNELIUS "The House of "Welcome," Corner Park and Alder. Portland's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters for the traveling public. European plan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our free omnibus meets all trains. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. 1TNKR.1L NOTICES. EVrA.NJ ,n '!!Z, rU.y- Aprl1 11- at hr ' residence. 1208 East Salmon St.. Gladys 5' S0 ear. '' or Kenneth Eans and daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. w Schsrer. Funeral services at Crema prlvate ' P' M'' Wedne,d,l"' April 14. B?TSIAV5 E JBalcnme) Funeral services come) will be held from residence, 7lo at hedral where services will be held at in jM',Frl"na' respectfully invited to attend. Interment Catholic Cemetery. bV,RIjF:t At Spokane. Wash.. April 7 Wll H!f&Z tV "rley. aged 25 years, 5 months Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the i.sldence of her mother. Mrs. c E Bur ivyV. Ea,t p,rk 8 P M CemetVray' APr" 14 Lo Fir MHNRMu7rot il0.I?,a?r- APrU 10' wani ii'. , Mu.nro- aKed 65 years and months (. Se'r o?P T",;' M' A, Munro and tatner of p. A. Munro. both of this cltv Funeral will take place from F S Dun ning', parlors. East Alder ,nd But siiJh streets. Wednesday. April a P i fl'nrFlreVe'r",!!- '"" It " --p if yuunif coroner. .,o - runeral direct - ors. 2,0 d St. Lad, aasi.tant. rnone m! 50 7. ..JH.P..,!;J?1 :V.,i so?'. and Madison. Lady attendant, rhone Mala a. A loaSr ZELI.EK-BYRNES CO.. Funeral nleaee. ars. Kuss.ll. Kast 10t Wy tanT KniVARn unt . . ai'.8V lrrf". Lndertaker 414 Kas Alder. Lady assistant, phone East it. McENTEE-ERICSON CO. t udertakars! lady assistant. 40 Alder. M f lix. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISDja RATE In Effect November 1. 190S. lally ar Sunday, rw.. .1 Lin. Same ad two consecutive times hame ai three consecutive timea"" llo 58e si I vn consecauve times 58e - .... luf on casbi ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less ' lines. When am advertisement is applies0 C0Dc,,t0 t'mes the OQe-ttme rata The above rates apply to advertisements under -New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting the following: Sit nations M anted. Male. sltuutions Wanted. Female. or Kent. Rooms. Private Families Rooms and Board. Private Families. llousekeetdng Rooms. Private Families. a the above claaain cation to 7 eents a line each Insertion. "J?, J" ,h '-NW Today- columns Is "" aaly 14 lines to the rtA.JI'lm' for an paid-in- SSi .k1 ?et errors or refund money unle.. this receipt is returned. S i'hT.u-iXrof w-orns-U-Sci I I 1 KKW TOnAT 1 . . . -- 75x100 One hundred feet from Washing ton street. Worth your consideration. $50,000 100x100 On 20th and Washington st., bear ing fine income; will atWance rap idly. $60,000 100x100 Xinth st., a coming locality and a good income. $50,000 100x100 13th-street corner, trackage. $37,500 - HUMASON & JEFFERY M. 1189 226 Stark St. A 3814. 3 ACRES I acres, with a good 5-room cottage m rin condition, Just newly painted and papered. Small barn and chicken nouse; 1 acre in strawberries, balance VJ, garden land. This place Is within 34 miles from center o city. In tull view of Columbia River, Mount Hood Adams and St. Helens. Lies high and sightly. Can be bought for 13760, .1500 cash, balance easy terms, s. a,cres- Tood 6-room house and out buildings; good orchard apples, pears, plums and cherries; land all in high state of cultivation: located 4 blocks rrom O. W. P. carina and on fine mac adamized road. This is a good buy and in a good settlement. Price ,4500 Terms 1500 cash, balance 3 to 5 years. '4 acres, all In cultivation, 4-room house, fine' black soil, close to city on carllne. Price ,2600. Easy terms. This is a snap. JORDAN & GARBADE 232 V4 -Washing-ton St. Washington Street 80x1 00 Near 19th St. $27,500 This is a fine buy. Can be resold at a good profit. Up per Washington-st. values are rapidly advancing. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. Washington Street $45,000 Three lots, corner Wash ington and King; the best buy on upper Washington street; easy terms. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. - ACREAGE 160 acres at Hood Ttlver; house, barn and water; part in fruit trees, part tim ber: t mile to railroad. Price 9500. cash. tF 41) 22J4 acres at Hood River, part In bearing fruit trees, balance plowed and in cultivation. To trade for 20 acres near Portland or M500. (F40) HARTMAN I THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. $18,000 for 100x100 N E. corner of 14th and Clay. Pros pect good to double In value in 18 SnTcnf'J?". corn?r r apartments, which will bring splendid Income. For sale by 1 The Williams Investment Co. U2l Corbett Bldg. $500 DOWN 8-rooin house, close in on the East Side. Best of car service. Has all modern improvements. Call and see lt. Prtce 4000. RALPH ACKLET, 05 Corbett Bids. WILLAME1TE HEIGHTS West Side. Beautiful 6 - room bungalow, thor oughly modern, lot 75x100. Price 17250 Terms. Call and see It. RALPH ACKI.EV, 005 Corbett Bids. $1800 $300 Down lodern 5-room cottage In Albei minutes out. Call and see it. Ralph Ackley 605 Corbett Bids. WASHINGTON STREET S21.000 Corner Washington anH Ella: first-class location fo? apart- nefr10-" lot' Bngton, VANDUYN & WALTON 55 Chamber of Commerce. Apartment Site 50x100. corner, 2 good houses. THIRTEENTH AXD TAYLOR Corners are scarce. Come quick. Grussi & Zadow 817 Board of Trade Bids. Crtf funds for citv sans t MORTGAGES 5!2 EDWARD E. GOl'DEV, Corbett Balldlag. $22,000 . S10' " S' p" "nd - P.. 1' block to br.dre: would lease flOO per mo. R. HOFEB, 2SO Oak. Cor. th. East 26S2. GEOBGb BLACK. PTBL.IC ACCOUNTANT. CAM Branches. 823 Worcester Bide Phones. Main &371, A 401a. Cheapest 75x100 on Third street, few blocks north of Burnside; brick building, income $1920 per year; im proved, wDl pay handsome. One-half cash will handle. Three days only. $20,000 Cash Will Handle $2500 will handle over five full lots on Pow ell street, west of 20th, coming busi ness street; balance $2500, terms. Owner needs cash. Splendid specu lative buy if improved. FRANK BOLLAM 128 Third Street. LADD'S ADDITION THE ONLY exclusive, close-in downtown resi dence district. Where all improvements are made and paid for, including asphalt streets. Go and see the many choice resi dences' now building. Lots sold on easy terms. F. W. TORGLER 106 Sherlock Bldg. STRONG & CO. 605 Concord Bldg. , Agents on ground. $60,000 Warehouse site, 100x200, with 100 feet of trackage on 15th st. near Marshall, right in the heart of the big move ment in the north end American Trust Company 200 Chamber of Commerce. Union Ave. $9500 Investment 6-room flats above: income now $900 ES'i;;.',?,";;,;.""" - -i. Smith 6 Everett 30S-310 Falllna; Bldg. 23d Near Washington $17,000 Elegant apartment-house site; fronts on two streets. $7000 cash to handle. Vanduyn & Walton 515 Chamber of Commerce. The GENERAL STORE FOR SALE. 7!,. 5 ",,tor ,n "e of the beet towns in ft. .bneaJtUe,r,nbe5Ve"stonCk and he" "-" NOW CLEARING 1 0.000 YKARLY e.?"1"". onl larft9 accounts with ranoh rs. sheep' and lumbermen tonvoicl:bOUt 16 000 to 1S'OO0. accordtoa ramdly rallrt"ld- is growing Present owners have made a fortune aSd Ta!" to e.nJy " Cash, or Sart "ash ovedr pSon"" trade' No n -TP? OREGON COAST CO 802-4 Wells-Fargo Hull din,. MORTGAGE LOANS .,T.Z't rn,r "d erms to ault: .- rial rate, and favorable term, on iZrao busines. propertied Fund. Loaned for Prtvate Investor. A. H. BIRRELL. CO. 3U2 McKay lllila sd stark. I can sell your prop erty if its saleable and right price. Come and see me about it. S. T.WALKER 604 Corbett Bldg. Phone Main 5588 TRY ME FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre stock ranch, Sio per acre all fenced, all tillable, substantial T Improve ments, in Douglas County; or will Ixl change for Portland property op clol-I in acreage, paying difference. - JACK SOX Jk DEERING. Phone Mala 848. 24 Stark St. $630 Monthly Income Must Sell, Leaving City. Modern Apartment-house, Nob Hill. S45.000 $29,000 Cash A fortune for Itself. Get busy' Don't da lay! First come, first served No com! mission. No agents. E S54, Oregonia" TIMBER LIMITS For sale licenses covering 20 ;oo wff," fT' ,S-Druce' cedar and hemlock Will cut 2a to 40 thousand feet per acre. Property is tributary to the ter minus of Grand Trunk Pacific Rail WaV. Rrltlqn CnlMmkl. .-,1 "C- .K"- acre. For particulars apply to PCF . . . ' " rv M OOD. Brofe.gr. Vancouver. B. C. IFOR SALE FIXE HOME KT Mm T TABOR, one block f ronT Belmont - sT car; 8 lots, large house and stable, fine fruit trees and shrubbery. Offered at a bargain. u ml CLARK-rnnK rnin . Kemoved to No. B Board of Trade Bids. TOT) AT. 1 TOR ...r-.,.. . . Can You Imagine It? S50 LOTS Within the five-Mile Circle : "West Portland Park" ttJH??.! ciiy maP and compare id isanc from the business section and price, with other additions. The Real Basic Value ?m-Ufside ProPery measured by the iem?-l.n i"8 to and from the business th?J f V.anid son,er or, later It will seek J?h,,IelV .,Belw Is a comparative schedule of time to and from the busi ness section of different additions: f f ' Jhn- B0 minutes IO""v'Va 40 minutes ltyV "J 50 minutes TrvTC.J.ty Park 38 minutes wIiSon--22 s minutes oodlawn st " minutes Meat PortUnd Park.. .22 nilnutea ,IltaSOn 'R:4n. tel1 you- after making these comparisons, that these prices "i st one- la fact thre are certain developments coming in this Rfl .?he city wh'ch warrant our say ing. We cannot make these prices 24 hours in advance." e ecan ,only. 8ay: "We w,ll sell a at 1 50 each- Portland Park Terma 10 Down and l Pep Week. THE LEE-BOWQLER COMPANY 303-3OS Ablngton Bldg. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property ,,.. --t Cnrrent Rates. Building Loans. . Installment Loans. Wm. MacMaster 302 Worcester Block. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. P Abraham. 205 Ablng-ton bldg- Main S22S Andrew..-. V. & Co. M 3343. uf HanTuon b. ?ak,er'A,l,?red - 118 Ablnc'on bids;. lfck'Tviulam -. 812 Falling- bldi B r2V-A; H Co - 202-3 McKay bldB. Real KrnhaL-'-12sSrancJe,' vrtsaga loans, etc? Brubaker & Benedict. 803 McKay bl. M 54 a5mH?rIow- 332 Chamber Commsrca. Cook. B. & & Co, 603 Corbett bldg. Fields, c. E. A Co.. Board of Trada bid,. Jennings A Co.. Mala 168. 206 Oregonlan. le. M E-. room 411 corbett bldg. Parrish. Watkins Co.. 230 Alder at. Richardson: A. B.. 221 Com. club bldg. Sharkey. J. p. & Co., 122 Sixth at. Th Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ava. and Multnomah st tHolladay Addition wnite. B. F.. 227 Washington st. POR SALE REAL ESTATE. MASON-ST. HOUSE .100. -,, d, 5",rom .house, cement basement. f,?Z -T, "'eatrlclty and In good neighbor hood. Mason St., bet. Union ave. and wlll mnthaV.eit 300. Casn' balance" ?o per sit ,at1.pa.ylnB ren- Grussi A Zadow. BIT Board of Trade bldg. ' Fcn'oi?e8'E60?oVOJable ,ermB- ons "f the -US 5 . Vroom homes, near East (! and East Madison sts.; the lawn and Kar- vle"rte. flBMa"Vhe hUBe ,ara ' few hi.'nrilii 5 1,,t rel'onslble party tor tew nundned dollars cash balance ..t. able terms; price 4000? Bee own,e g"' HOUSE AND LOT CHEAP line, near 44th Bt. ; corner lot. hom-lilra place, roses, etc.. larKe porch InTrtlnr" REAI ESTATE values are based on rZT '"whe'relo'Lv10 Wl" belte'r" hw aSkirtBolnathY?. 'AirSeaTta-t. BuV Qgo&nhian'd KnW" Snt "l? 6-ROOM. new, swell home, right close to carllnes; also walkln distance- narSes ISo lrri"C; May 5; Price reduced ?" f600. and awful easy terms; better see W'cjSSnSaP KlrS' " bargain.' cSa'll fcEMl-BUSINESS LOT. " Mississippi ave., near Shaver, east front by improving, easily rented fir stores- a cheap buy at $1500. "lores, a VANDUY.V & WALTON, . ol5 Chamber Commerce. .FOR SALE Bl OWNER. ,Port,and Heights residence, all modem Improvements, large porches; view of IZt city; can't be cut off;' 20 minutes' Oregon'an"1 Dost"1": f.soo! c 8I. BUNGALOW. - zy "-r0? bungalow In Flrland; mod ern and up-to-date: lot 100x100 set to email fruit; cement walks: if takeri von g7ann will buy It; it will pay you se terms. C. B. Lucas. 408 1 Corbett bhfj. ' 6to:adte7ron,rtermVnn dl"r'Ct: " pe?,monthC'ty " P"rk 50 b. 10 tr " niia, i-anine; eanv terms S. C. PRIESTLEY. 410 be "urn mSg. OWNER Is forced to raise money and will sell a fine lot on Corbett st" Weat Side aKreat Barln:.if s ou are looking for M E Lm 'Ri, "Wlook this fnlp Lee- Room 411 Corbett bldg. E2FTI PORTLAND COTTAGE $1750 Nice 4-room house, fine view, on Kelly it;im-.easy er': this Is a decided bar gain. Grussi & ZaaoW- 81 BoarJ o? TrS; LTS 'Pr!nce RPert on sale by auction S..Bi PTent f FtoTj V NOB HILL. " streeC "at 'a baVgaln. a-rfa VANDUYN & WALTON 1 Chamber Commerce.' HOUSES for sale In all parts of the cltv acreage close in and e. f "A-?" e,ty: ySI-fiS"-- ?.ha-Ma.n '448":KK.,inn.v & Stampher, oiug. Lumber Exchange 100x120 IRVINGTON. CHEAP ' In swellest part, owner will sell foe Phones11 "' nCe: .VX vrr , WHY PAY RENT f renrier'tna: bU"d a- on , Ak c EMERY & CO.. INC Main 3501. 824 Chambei i??." wuiiuarw ACREAGE We have some fine wheat and fruit land in Eastern Oregon .t,,?! low prices which won't ,a long- also some small tracts close to Portia"?- iai!? tlgate. call Room 28 Hamuton bids $SSd-m conr',enace 2a1dt,ba14e?rlI;t .rihStlvbe7n1rt!'' Tr3- hickenihousef rry bilck,ynorthd 1 VSL" Tabor " " 'MScSSf sduVttr.0 gouirSnVw -siIree. T Est 'oTifSS drablr located, on t-ast Jlst and 22d. near Til amook st lm jroveentn and paid for; $2. ' a" FOR SALE 4 Newport, Or., lots, m camp lng district, at $400 each. $100 down $10 EurnOr AddreM P- - x 1ST. Wood" 3 iA5fS 5-RpOM modern flats. West Side CoaroettSb1dganC" M- E" Rm 0:J.Eor two beautiful Iota. N. W corner higrf'slhoo Montana- convenient to ew $:17S Fine Iot. East 3Sth. 7.HI11 h.i. w a good investment S1Q c-.i-- t , . " - ' -mug. S"1?. Tf1 or city property with W. H. Dudley A Co.. ail st..n. w.a- FOR SALE (-room house, close in 1 ear lines. Call 742 E. Main, or phone B 131L S-JO West S.de. fin. modern T-room houw and lot on Clay st.. near 12th. wlth-owiJ.-m, ,natt,' w1 'torn the post-te.-Jv!' al0n' "orth " money; tuuwi I"' au cash. IM00--IrvlnKton. fine new a-roora modern house, corner lot. 50x100, situate on Tillamook St.; this is a real s0ap saino","1? "sure: H cash. d50O Irvlngton. nice 5-room Queen Anne beautiful lot and lawn, nice ";t.'; " '"'Provements paid lan.rj.walk,n distance.- p i3oo N ce house, contains S rooms and ?r"J-iul corner Iot- right on W-R x'oii i.i?0L ,far out; -oh $2000; aisisV ,ca"h- balance to suit. TT nton' beautiful SOxloO lot: lies n." a"d high, near Thompson st.. .".". lmProvements In and paid for. choicest of Portland's resi dence section : i, cash . Hoom itfSE&CA Morrison. T.,DO TOU WANT TO BUILD T free or H."rchlt5j;t draw for you Un Jh.?;i8os UT building department authorlVv oV0k" cVlforlan- who Is an guarantee bungalow structure. We be of ,k. v-uay of our work to io ,? r tlhe,t on'y- refer you A BARGAIN gsnnn JVIJ""1 Xot Lt Long. ,2000. EASY TERMS, NEW 4-ROOM p.S,. CVn'ie,imentteE bush. President, 244 Stark at. viuachan- t w. ..-E.GSH WALNUTS. the Jrgest owners snd planters WinTIrwV,L .utlylnir localities when Vi-aTf. ston' John Irving and Holladav fn ve's n?eSnt.ne.a,n al"a realise on'fhel? ai tS? SJVd maka ood money at of baraaln S.nr.V maklnB specialty .i o&rgajn hunting for our clients tn BEAUTIFUL Con.l.-1R71XGrON HOME. respect lTh..r0h0n,a a.nd m"dorn in every WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO.. 621 Corbett bldg. so .S,PFCIAL BARGAINS. " P.r'mon'.h10"' trm 400 W 10 H,alacre' 65. terms. 27mV Z27,i Vrom co,,aK. Sellwood. II2S0 eTeiknt ft bungalow, Firland. avenue Eant 6-room home, Vancouver ,1800 new 5-room bungalow, soo cash. -' LUCAS. 408 Corbett Bldg. iOOn s LOK THESE UP. VERY EASY INSTALLMENTS FOR DANDY SUBURBAN HOME morynIa5-eoan"dty I'"Sand anS ltht"'- V""- all painted' with t rwl and houa"' N s?.ttpori,."-f' fi.rf K 1 ASRE.-'la"d 2Uld like to sell, has 7(i chicken coop 10x40 ami r.irXe.nou'e' also 4 5S:f easy terms. Ja C. Logan s 'ST V V0" ton at. Room 415. 1-ogan- 3-H Washing- iQSc'otTtY1,n,e fhoar"si,Cor,by,no?nrentWOOd - M' taken Tt nce?'?20o "reo"" b"aln " 1555. or Main SlrV.TVg?.0".8 on Wlilametie HeVghts See""0" d's'rlct Ablngton bldg. Phone Mata" 0,,?nr- A BEAUTIFUL HOME CHEAP 0oo rorlnr. GOOD small house, near car- flowers: $550. snd cash fru,t and per month. sle slaemaildba!?nc-e 15 Trust Co.. 2O0 C'JL,! A BEAUTIFUL HOME CHEAP onn Commerce. Chamber boulevard. B"enschoen, 285 Willi. M?oIlrerton;"nrepcef0an1daS PhonaeUner? 2?S' ? " HSySE.and lot l0O. 75x160- will ..lT good team and wagon as 1 nsTA - ?k1 ance cash. 1799 Dwiah" 5f rt ,Pay' bal ParK. Phon. tel1",,' ; University 515 Chamber Commerce. y & W alton- $2000 Full block In Woodstock close , carllne; also quarter block with t0 hoj, at ,1250; terms. Room Vmufon NEW. modern 5-room bungalow on c-. harma. iTAJk1?, SpeLer & Cob2SecoCnar.tba'"nC' ea8y- $000 Nice 5-room houa in ir.. 13LhiN'ia i?.9r!T- on - f iiura street. INVESTORS Go to the Owners- Re.tr. . eoclation: buy direct .( Realty As- eomml.,ln. L own?r ana savs nuinSlgn OlQg FR SALE A 50x100 corner in best part of FOR SALE By owner, modern 5-room co7 EiBF'.a'n0a0ers:0Catl0n' 1 blOCk M 7-ROOM modern house, full lot on v An keny carllne. $.1uoo An" LIND & HIOLET. 132 Third Street. FS.TLJ0t at Ro1" Clty Park for $100 below prices of surrounding property VVlose to car and store, p. o. Box 434, city $560 Easy term. 60x100; cement walks, iryrcar2"" " BIthIAnH'El?' flne building lot 60x100. E age."nMayna?7n66r W"' "cha"a 'or acrf: 2taldiS.ce hUBe' E- TamhlU waii: LIND & HIGLEY. 132 Third Street. PACTv,IC??AL lot' 6 rooms, reception hall and bath; new. modern: Sunnyslde; good buy. roT Board of Trade. " F?,?r, -ALE . byT ,wner- the handsomest b21DSE.1O20.h',.trND'ttOn- Ca" and "' 3x?nBT.S.2 lo,,, ?? 24th- near Alnsworth; aul.tJ.near..De"ver. a"., easy term.: Goldschmidt. 253 Vi Washington PRETTY 7-room modern home. Tillamook $580on XEVllT "Srenlan' Ch'C" 'Cation; 22rrN1ce room house- lta. bath, base ment, on Thurman St.. half cash LI.ND HIGLEY. 132 Third Street TWO lots on Klllingsworth ave.. near Pat ten, cheap for cash. Vanduyn A Walton Slo Chamber Commerce. vvauon. ?J".r 1..per cnt nt. By owner ' Phone Main 1809 or call at 424 Morrison tT . ; as 1 Al E hou.?. eT" tr",ly modern 6-room timed' .n;Cla"s D'u,"blng. electric llgh.s. ..i,,',1 "J"' " front, lot 100x100. fine land a 1? k" 4lvl,1rt Parlt' on Fir" 2tloB " b'""t Irom airland ALSO trie " c'!S,.b'."V"'dam land on S,f,m Klec under hi,t i? ,",a"on: improved and wv atVfi1.." ate or cultivation: will make It M pr,c for -ulck rb. call TaboVJi F'riand Station. Phono A NO 1 BUT and10!1??, ?".8S tret front on Madrona at. " on Bellevue, Wood lawn, wit h more tSaei,.'.1" 'toun, l"na Is worth build thti. tat mon'- Vou have room to oulld three houses which will bring In a od S''?""' Address Dr'nS m " THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO 248 Alder St. ACapitCrE1Sd3"!n'n i""0" Height, and leadlne ood, ""c.damlzed rod leaajng to town, on v ;tw miles from SvS--"uH rtm.K?- Portland's prettiest part. 7 rooms Rancid hf,r?;ta,flr,'PlaC"' 'arE f"?.! Two FINE INVESTMENT. ll K.t eant .fla, on lsan st.. near -3d, both ' rented for T0 per month "n fvf, fS'tft .," at n-' Owner BROXG-STSELE 6p.. 110 Second St. "d for iTt'om.111? n Maha" . nr The lot 1, ,ASco-Ine- 1-l P'r month, J ews o d ' Building, two '?. ?n investment. fcRONG-STEEL CO.. 110 Second St. VERNON BUNGALOW, J7M car hom.-bungalow, full lot. 1 Mck f sold ouV,'I. and "lodern. mus? be soia qulik; see It tedav. S'riilO- - mcnth. S19 Swetland bldg. ' -5 1 " a1St,0Ai!leebe"t s room houses in Portland Wb4ro;eron?anPOrtIand lot CLOSE-IN LOT. -rner.lot' Ea" 24,h . your own terms; nice view, call 519 SweWnd bldg HwVm?8' rn VT,000-modern: 5-our rh' nc.m's. John-car"" G08Se"- Rirside of- 200 CASH $25 monthly, buy. modem new r..m-b"nVa'"5' "J" TutT'-Haa . .. -..j... moM pr. Darling. CC!2T 2-rom house with lot 5 by 14r. only $.t0. Call 513 Chamber Commerce: TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE. i.JS c,ha'tel mortgage and VI section toudi,tV"ar'd 2W0' fr t&ry or , ectlon In Tillamook County, suitable chandler "nch- va,u8d 2K).yior .,! ..VUW 1u,,y ,n -room house for con fectionery; $1ROO equity In 14 block with taurant, hotel or rooming-house OOLDSCHMIDT, 2SSV Washington st Vj eIch"nS equity In r.00 un-to-data residence on choicest 100x100 lot in Ove !'-r VaCant lols or ,arm land of like caommerciar iTdVt! " "Sen"' S'- "'roo'm'SoVr'8. V000 lu',y ,n modern 7 room house, 3 lots, superb view for lm proved, farm Oregon o? W-a.hmVto'" wTlJ Ionian. P "me "'"erence. D 860. Ore- 6"ber?iMs-hc1o8.'k .Wlth 2'4 a-re, fruit and oerrles, close to car. $21(ltl: would es- ame trS:Zn 5 r d-room house and Der"" Commer.?.,fterenCe- Ca" 513 Ca'- FJR..i?aie or trade, for. real estate a JJJSf Pa'r .of black vombre. co'i. 5 SOMH CHOICE lot" near Montavllia. im- proved, cemen od streets; a snap at $210 a. lot, to Orregon,arn. "" omobne!. OF COURSE I CERTAINLY' If vou w., . or trade business property follow the crowd to Blevemon rooms SIO .nd 311 Buchanan"",., Talr 9?? rtnT-worTTt 2..00 to $rM0 value. The B J w Re'aifS Co.. 510 Lumber Exchange bldg". ' Rea"y WILL exchange modern T-room residence r,ro;--U,Perb ,VleW' VaIu M" In? 1m? Treoma'n" regn Whinton.inL METROPOLITAN ' EXCHANGE. CHATTB.L MORTGAGE of S81. 1 per cent nterest. due June next, arid 160 aVres , S Improved land, to trade for 5 T-pasI .enger automobile. K 15, Oregonlan. P 80 ACRES of good timber. Clackamaa 622Uncn''t.P Shan', fr cltyC pVopeTty g-fJ Chamber of Commerce. J A WELL-ESTABLISHED business at less S1 "- 'aba?de. Mfc WihV. chan,f" rooms, recep. hall and of T'raSe.Un mPrVed "-PyP Sof Board $20O Equity In finest view lot -n- aro'a aveasnd to ."f'orV passenger automobile. K 14, Oregonlan ' - T?ar3rnsCHAv?nf 'Hme b'B paylnf ""tel. for 2a.3rWashhing.ona.' 5U? "ta "beaveSSm ."burban lots, also nrr; ' lor timber. M in Oregonlan. W?A10TlfABIO3ARDOROTIgkNa PgRn8A?tE c0!""1'- .V,a tracts, on "or.- mmnerciai bldg. TiU XQ car r runabout for real ..i.t. or diamond-. AnHr.r. sJt reai tat uregoniaa. W4IolLBu"c'n'aenafnrbrdhgat " Gua S'tb. gOB SALE. TIMBER LAND. 000 TIMBER BARGAIN. 123?o.o15r"fe.raoreTon S? frt harbr All or f-ither at t0 per acre WOODRUFF-CROSS COT. SANDIEGO, Cal S. W. Cor. 6th and 1: streets. TIMBER LANDS OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACEY 4 CO., bSS'Xi. KV Orleans. Seattle. Chamber of Commerce Portland. FOF. SAVrF'"1-013-"" sawmill, lust com River ' wChUo"? ' 40 a'r"' S tuVStSTaiad SNAP. 320 acres. T miles from Forest Orove covered with fine yellow flr; $1 per io.t'1 , . ,. MlCg. OREGON TIMBER CRUISING CO INC TlJoKr '.rH0a", V"" iouPht and sold! furnished crulaed an certified, reports C17 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. le.f0' :LmbT ln one body for -. 0.01.. , a .Btj several la I in a 17, Stearns bYd'T W' "' D"dley WS.r'i0-,.h;;d,'iu,lrt'.r for timber and lum lroh"1???,,0' aI' X'- . Kinney "ft e bldg L?7?!r '0lpF. mp, and .."inry t oiuniDia Kiver. lie. Cargar. Bales. Lively. Failing bldg. TIMBER HOMESTEAD rellnquUhments. - "Jl t.lk DJjtA.lt. TIMBER LANDS for tale. $2 50 acre I lo cate your purchase. 219 Worcester bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. E1JZZ p,alm": we pay cash for claims BoTrd onTr.d..:Ne""n W"'". W TIS04BMRcK,a"yndb"d;"nteL tt "