Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 13, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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People of Western Multnomah
Prepare to Prod United
Railways Vigorously.
Council Mill Be A.kcd to Forbid
Service to Llnnton In less the
Franchise Granted by the
Clly Is Compiled AVlth.
Residents and nrope rty-nwners of the
"" part of Multnomah County are
J?hi?rnU th Un,ted Railways
""'I hulld and operate an electric line
to Mount Calvary Cemetery In aceord-
I'ITk T.Ui? ,1'"" tPrrn" of th '""nrhlse.
nlrn It holds from the City of Portland.
The railway company Is required to com
plete the Mount Calvary line and run
tsrs on It before It may operate cars on
any of Its other lines In or out of Port
line' 11 h" Unt" July 1 to ""mpl'te the
A his; meeting of people owning; prop
erty in Western Multnomah was held
at the echoolhouse at Sylvan Sunday
artemoon. Emll Lurka presided and O
. tTooke acted as secretary. A progress
report was received from A. Benz. O. V.
oolce. Kmll Lucke, D. W. Prince and
Harvey OHryan, who. at a previous
ineetlnR. were appointed, a committee to
Investigate the Intentions of the United
hallways Company In regard to the
Mount Calvary branch. The committee
was Instructed to be at the City Hall
when the Council meets tomorrow morn
ing and Insist upon compliance bv the
railway company with the requirements
of its franchise.
Will Go Before Council.
It is expected that representatives of
tne railways company will be at the
meeting of the Council to ask permission
to open the line to Llnnton regardless of
the provision for prior construction and
yRtlon of tho Mount Calvary branch.
This move will be opposed by the Svlvan
committee unless the railway company
rives assurance that It will keep faith
In regard to the Mount Calvary exten
sion. The Sylvan people are willing to
compromise If the ITnited Railways will
build one mile of line toward Mount
t a I vary by July 1 and give a bond for
the completion of the remainder of the
track within six months thereafter. Be
yond this they will not yield what they
consider their rights under the fran
chise granted to the company by the city.
At the meeting at Sylvan on Bunday a
fund was raised for tha purpose of en
gaging a lawyer who will attend the
Council meeting tomorrow, and. if neces
sary, bring legal proceedings against the
railway company.
Mr. CV Bryan said yesterday that the
residents and property-owners of West
ern Multnomah are In earnest and will
resist to the utmost every effort of the
railway company to escape compliance
with its franchise.
Owes Franchise to Promise.
Electric car service." he said, "will
make Western Multnomah one of the
most desirable residence sections tribu
tary to Portland. The land Is high and
Ightly and most or it Is within four
rnlles of the CJty Hall. Through the
1 nlted Railway franchise wa have car
service in sight and we do not propose
to lose the advantage we have thus far
gained. Tha railway company owes Its
present franchise to its unreserved
rromise to build to Mount Calvary be
fore operating any of its other lines and
titer is absolutely no reason why it
should not build. With railway service
there would be a large Influx of people
to the western part of the county.
"We property-owners west of the city
fcav other plans in mind for upbuilding
our section. We want the county to
Move the Poor Farm away from the
Canyon road as soon as practicable and
we want the City of Portland to keep
nway from that road with Its pesthouse.
The Canyon road is the line of least re
sistance and greatest attraction for the
westward growth of Portland and it
should not be encumhercd by pesthoiiBes
and poor farms. All citizens of Port
land who are interested in the develop
ment of Western Multnomah are invited
to Join wit u tis in our representations to
the Council tomorrow morning."
to nrn.i to MorxT calvauy
Vnlted Hallway Going Ahead as
Fast as Possible.
I- B. TVirkershani, chief engineer for
the Vnlted Railways. siUcl last night that
the Mount Calvary line projected by the
company will go ahead as fast as", pos
sible. He said, however, the company i i.iuiu an its lines at once, al
though It Is doing a great deal of work.
Home engineering work remains to be
done on the Mount Calvary line. As to
whether It could be completed this Sum
mer. Mr. AVIckersham declined to give
an opinion.
"The Mount Calvary line is one of steep
grades.- said he. "It Is up hill most of
the way and probably averages a 7 per
cent grade. However, we have not for
gotten the line and expect to build It.
Jut when we cannot say."
Mr. Wi.-kersham expects to have the
I nlted Railway line to Holbrook ready
for operation soon. The exact date has
rot yet neen fixed. As to what action
Ms company will take. If any. at the
meeting of the Council next Wednesday.
Mr. Wickersham could not say last night
Herman Wittenberg, who is heavily In
terested In the Vnlted Ratlwavs. said:
"vv will build to Mount Calvary, but
we will get there a whole lot sooner If
we are not Interfered wtih and hindered,
w. are already being held up on the
Mount Calvary line. One man wants to
charge us J15.000 for the right to cross
Ms land. 1 think the people of that sec
lion, however, have too much sense to
try to put obstacles In our way. I do not
know anything about a plan to compel us
to build a line there, but we expect to
do so.
"Meanwhile, we believe It Is better to
build a railroad for the quick than the
dead. We agreed to build seven miles of
railway in and around Portland, and we
have built It miles Instead. We hope to
ask the Council Wednesday for a permit
to operate the Holbrook line, but this
may be deferred two weeks. Before we
get Into regular operation we want to put
the road In good condition."
"The l.lngerbread Mu."
All the advance notices of "The Ginger
bread Man." fluent with adjectives as they
r. were entirely inadequate t0 lv, on,
a compl!. Idea of the worth and beauty of
the attraction. It 1 one hlg burnt or music
glorloul Kentrr, pretty gtlla. Mother Goon
rnaiarters brought to life and screaming
comedy. Bargain matinee tomorrow.
Tarmea Beautiful Production.
The Faker Stork Company is giving on
of lb ant superb aecnlo aad acting pro-
What tha mas Areata Bay.
I duct! OTis of the nin this weev ln f
. play founded upon the H IT 11 ll 11 T R B 1 1 fl T nil! I ........
m-iaTO opera, it is full of life, act!
r,iVT oeauty. ana Ixetta, Jewel is
with ".fi Vl l1'"1 ta wiM Spanish Gipsy
with all the dash and abandon possible.
Grand Old Play at the lrte."
I xV.n"r TOIS'" Cbin." a played by the
ft"'? Stock Company this week. Is by far
the best production of this grand old play
as has appeared In Portland In a good long
time. Every member of the companv la in
the cast, and all appear with great success.
Mr. Conner., as Marks. Is doing some very
clever work, and Is a good comedian.
Riotous Bill at Orphenm.
In speaking of the bill at the Orpheum
this meek you can remind your friends that
when they attend which they will, that
they will see a riotous bill, that Is from
the standpoint of the audience, for never
In the history of the house has a bill cre
ated the enthusiasm as the current one.
The programme Is a. top-notcher.
Noted Opera Stars.
J. Aldrlch tahbey and Katherine Traver
the two noted oj.era stars, opened at Pan
tag'" Theater yesterday to capacity houses
t each performance. Miss Traver- has a
rl.-h and powerful voice of exquite sweet
?,, wnl7h h ha" Perfect control.
Mr. T.ihheys voice Is as clear as a bell and
his Intonation is perfect.
Brlndamotir, Jallbreaker.
BrlndMnour. the headltner at the Grand
this week, is the ordinal Jallbreaker "e
has a n -iv el act In which he net-forms some
remarkable and seemingly Impossible feats
This act must be seen to be appreciated
m'er .Z? h" m-Kml'lUon.
merr. is the added attraction with his
SeMs Now Selling for "Mary's Lamb."
Seats are now selling at the box office
of the Hellig Theater. Fourteenth anS
Vashlntrton streets, for the favorite come
dian. Richard carle and his excellent com
pany of plsyere. in his latest musical
comedy success. "Mac's T.amb." This cele
f,"1 rnakM' wl" e be attraction for
ArTrM ns""'.". b,!lnnln t Thursday.
V wla! matinee Saturdav.
According to the Eastern and San Franc's
papers, this Is Mr. Carle's biggest hit
Lillian Russell fa, Nw Comedy.
K.'J!rjh. B"10k'! Presents Americas most
beautiful actress. Ulllan Russell, and her
splendid supporting companyTln the brU
nant comedy success, "Wildfire- at tv,.
Sri!. T,or"e' WUhhuS
8u7day. ZrJ?l n,ghtS' . next
Chicago and San Francisco Both
Keeking Him, but Windy city
Has First Call.
hOSP'1 Jo- burglar, swindler
mission""' accordl"S to his own a"
mission, was arrested yesterday at the
whawrredfththtfi C,h'CaS authorities!
Z lal7i?t.Iht a lons ,,8t f "imes
author! m J r- The San Francisco
IJMnsr several houses there, but the
Chicago officers have precedence
r.t.fCTVe" n"J Maloney ar
rested Joyce on the street vesterday
forenoon. picking him up on descrlpl
An fflcr.n,8hed b' the rMrago police.
An officer was sent out from there
but failed to pet trace of him here.
Hellyer and Maloney took up the auest
several days ago and landed .foyce It
Fourth and Morrison streets, each selz
lfa" fJL"1, 8S he lB kni"rn as a handv
TrrL ha Yn- He dld nt "sist
tlor. IV " . W ,lfi T"sned indigna
tion at first over what he Insisted was
a mistake, he later admitted his iden
tity and his shortcomings. He Is being
iuthori'ties.0 Ja" fr the Chlca
Man Arrested Here Released by Of
ficlal W ho Got In Trouble.
TnCAG' Apr" ,2 Speclal.)
Joyce, an ex-convict, who was arrested
In Portland today, has been the rS
of a small upheaval in the local police
department. Joyce was arrested recently
and Identified as the burglar who en
tered and robbed the home of Mrs. James
S. Falkenberg.
Kx,er VT robber ha1 been Identified
by Mrs. r alkenberg. who had met Joyce
face to face and was forced to remain
quiet at the point of a revolver. lieu
tenant Robert Schlau. commanding the
Town Hall police station, ordered Joyce's
release. The Kalkenbergs raised a row
oyer the release and the local newspapers
played up the matter. Lieutenant Schlau
recently was sent to the Coast in a
search for Joyce, but returned empty
handed. r
It was charged that Joyce was notified
of the search made for him by friends in
the police department. The arrest of
Joyce today comes on the eve of the trial
of Schlau before the Kxamlning Board
Wednesday and the hearing may be post
poned. Detectives have been sent to
Portland to bring Joyce back to Chicago
Man Who Has Led Exemplary Life
Here for Two Years Accused of
Embezzling Public Funds.
Working as a janitor In a local business
block. O. J. Shinn. ex-County Clerk of
EemedJI County. Minnesota, was arrest
ed yesterday at the Instance of the Min
nesota authorities, who accuse him of
being short In his accounts to the county
w-hicli he served. The amount of his
alleged defalcation 1s J3?0. and an of
ficer Is already en route to Portland to
take him back.
Shinn. who has a wife and five children
here with him. concluded his term as
County Terk two years ago and imme
diately left Bemedji County. He went
to the Southern States and then came
to Portland with bis family. He went to
work here and his conduct has been ex
emplary. On descriptions mailed out from the
Minnesota authorities. Detectives Price
and Coleman located Shinn yesterday
and arrested him at his home. East
Ninth and Couch streets. Shinn was liv
ing under his right name and admitted
his identity as former County Clerk. He
said he had done nothing wrong and that
If anything was wrong with the cash
... m iuc iauu ui me county treasurer
He Is being held in jail until an officer
arrives to take him back.
Mrs. Kenneth Evans Dies.
Mrs. Kenneth Evans, of 120S East
Salmon street, died at her home Sun
day afternoon at 5:3u o'clock of
black measles. Mrs. Evans had been
111 but a short time, having been at
tacked by the disease Wednesday.
Mr. Evans Is cashter of the Breyman
Leather Company. Mrs. Evans waa for
merly Gladys Llewellyn Scherer. the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. w. Scherer.
The funeral will be held Wednesday
or Thursday, the exact time not having
been set. ,
English pumps at Rosenthal's.
on. mi ii ii u l ii ii ii l i I in u I ------"-,
muuiiL muui rn
Ordered to Give Wife $50 Each
Month and $75 Costs.
John K. Logan, Attoreny, Makes
Strong Attack on Wife-Beating
Husbands Plea of Pover
ty Is Made by Defense.
Jesse c. Moore, the drugginst who was
"hot by his mother-in-law. Mrs. Amelia
Wood, on the night of April 1. while
he was beating Mrs. Moore In a drunk
en frenzy, must pay ISO a month for
the support of his wife and his four-year-old
son. and J75 as a part of the
costs in the divorce suit. This was the
order of Judge Gantenbein yesterday
morning, after he had heard the ar
foT TnL" .f attorneys John Manning
I. F; LSan- representing Moore
and his wife, respectively. Mrs. Moore
asked for 60 a month alimony and $150
attorney's fees.
J,ee C- Moore- Mrs. Elsie L. Moore
and Mrs. Amelie Wood, the quarreling
trio, met face to face in the courtroom
yesterday morning. After Mr. Logan
had read several affidavits to the effect
that Moore owns a drugstore at 240
Alder street. Attorney Manning arose
and said that his client has no funds
is compelled to rely upon his brother",
and that he Is so heavily in debt his
creditors are about to sue him "But "
continued Mr. Manning, "we are will
ing to support the wife and baby If it
takes all the money Moore's brothers
have. But we do not propose to sup
port the mother-in-law. Not only has
she lived with them and eaten at their
table, but she has caused most of the
trouble between the couple"
Attorney Logan waB on his feet in
an Instant, and said: "That old gag
about the mother-in-law was exploded
when Mrs. Wood shot Moore, and It is
about time it was exploded, too. We
need more protection against wife
licking husbands; more power to her
arm, more sureness to her aim! If
ever a mother-in-law was needed any
where it was In this case."
Moore has been bound over from the
Justice Court to the grand jury on two
charges, one of assaulting, beating and
strangling his wife, and the other of
beating and kicking Mrs. Wood. The
ball is $2000 in each case. The tran
scripts were filed in the Circuit Court
Circuit Court Bench to Decide If
Wemme Is in Contempt.
Whether or not B. Henry Wemme shall
be punished with a jail sentence or other
wise for contempt of court will be decided
by the five judges of the Circuit Court at
2 o'clock this afternoon. Presiding Judge
Gantenbein has called upon them to sit
en banc to hear th6 arguments of At
torneys Dan J. Malarkey and Thomas
O'Day in the. suit of E. Shelley Morgan
against Wemme to punish him for con
tempt of court for not complying with
Judge Gantenbein's order that he turn
over to Shelley- as receiver, the books of
the Overlook Tinrl Comrnv-
Sult was first Irtctlti.tA hr A 13 es
. . ... -v. a-, v riito-
son. who alleged that Wemme was not
u-aiius .amy wun mm. i ne nnal hear
ing of this case has not yet been had,
the receiver having been innn;,,!.,
the preliminary hearing, and an injunc-
........ inns ui to prevent wemme from
disposing of any of the Overlook com
pany's property. Since that order was
Issued, he is said to have burned sev
eral letters he sent his stenographer wbile
... vumiMiiiH. e nas railed several
times to co.nnU' -wwtfh T . . ,1 , . . , .
j 1.11 ..use vjuiitriiUCUl B
order that he bring into court the com-
iot,j contracts, to De. introduced
... uy attorney naaiarKey.
- "Very bad advice " 1 1. i
by the court in speaking of Wemme's
..if...? iui itiiiiii ia oDey court orders.
iue court nas aeciaea upon a Joint hear-
InfT In tlla .. 1. I., si
3 ... . ... ....... n 1111 mo UlllCi JUUgVE,
because charges of persecution on the
ui me court are said to nave been
Various Objections Raised in Yee
Geung Murder Trial.
The four attorneys for Tee Geung
and the three prosecutors for the state,
spent all day yesterday in securing
three jurors. Yee is on trial In Circuit
Judge Bronaugh's department at the
Courthouse for complicity In the mur
der of Lee Dal Hoy, a Chinese mer
chant, in a war between rival factions
of the Bow On Tong. Lee. a local
t.ninese merchant, held an Important
position In the tong. and had aroused
the enmity of his rivels.
Lem Woon, also charged with the
same offense, -was tried last year, con
victed, and sentenced to be hanged. His
case is on appeal with the Supreme
Court. The shooting took place In the
old Arlington Club building, at Fourth
and Pine streets, on the night of March
7, 1908.
Judge Gantenbein ordered the jurors
to be divided equally between Judge
Gatens-. Judge Bronaugh's and Judge
Morrow's departments, yesterday morn
ing. To this Attorney Ralph Moody
appearing for Tee. objected. He said
the defendant was entitled to have all
the names In the. box in the calling of
the jury. The old objection to the in
dictment, that It Is not valid because
drawn by the District Attorney instead
of by the grand jury, was also urged,
and overruled bv the court.
The Jurors accepted are: J. H.
Schram. A. L. Sauve and S. O. Laws.
The state had used three of its per
emptory challenges, and the defense
four. The Jurors rejected were: E. W.
Mtlem. C. J. Mathis. A. D. Sandbloni, If!
C. Moris. S. E. Llbby, Henry Maske. S.
Lee Sanborn. J. L. Johnson. I. B. Mar
tin. H. M. Ruse and M. Rickert. Depu
ties District Attorney J. J. Fitzgerald
and Thad W. Vreeland and Special
Prosecutor Dan J. Malarkey appear for
the state, while Judge Henry E. Mc
Ginn, Frank F. Freeman. Ralph Moody
and John F. Logan are defending Yee.
Suit Against Portland Cordage Com
pany Is Brought by May Powell.
Charging the Portland Cordage Com
pany with placing its rope machines
only 36 Inches apart, having them un
protected, and permitting fish oil and
grease to fall from the cordage ma
terial upon the floor, at the same time
requiring the employes to work around
the machines. May Powell has brought
a $7500 damage suit In the Circuit
Court. The company's factory Is lo
cated at Fourteenth and Northrup
streets. Miss Powell says that she was
Inexperienced, and that while in the
company's employ on December 7. she
slipped upon the slick floor, catching
her arm in a rapidly revolving reel of
a machine, so that it waa badly cut and
mangled. She says that a guard rail
or fence could have been placed be
tween the machines, and that the com
pany could have put In a metal splash
to catch the grease, and thus have pre
vented the accident.
Douglass on Trial Again.
W. E. Douglass is on trait in the Cir
cuit Court a third time for embezzle
ment from the Thiel Detective Agency.
A jury in Judge Cleland's department is
hearing the case.
Dr. Horn, the optician, Sd floor Swet
Iand blag., guarantees satisfaction or
money refunded. No fancy prices.
Cut rate money to loan. Diamonds,
low rates. 208 Morrison street.
It is the best
fish you
can serve.
Packed ii
Svicm, Mustard
or Tomato
you prefer
Far Sale Everywhere.
Monterey. Cal.
Worcester Block
Postusd, One.
Delicate enough for the softest
kin, and yet efficacious in removing
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the-bath gives all the
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
bath. It should be on every waak
tand. ix oRnCTma asp PMaaiaa
TlPWWftlpftto ""''HIIIIIyl. ..Mil iny yim .7 immi.i ii.n. T r' ft"'?'mWIIWLiw.ii. i iiinM tmi iTZT .v -
- - - "k ' " Wv "itu.-unw.....,, "l Z
i 1111 R i f 1 1 1 m M H L -
b6Ao4MMVftX X w
Can positively be assured
and safeguarded by the
purchase of five acres of
fertile COVE ORCH
ARD land.
Soil, situation and cli
matic conditions make
this agricultural tract
ideal for the cultivation
of apples, pears, prunes,
grapes, berries and wal
nuts. There has never been a
crop failure in the valley
in which COVE ORCH
ARD is situated.
You can be assured of
100 per cent income on
your investment at
The hunger for land,
combined with low rail
road rates, is bringing
thousands of settlers to
Oregon this Spring.
Call and see us today
and let us explain the
proposition to you.
Easy payments.
332 Chamber of Commerce,
-Kv JS- - v. X V
' i
Stiff Neck
Stiff neck is caused by rheumatism
of the muscles of the neck. It Is usual
ly confined to one side, or to the back
of the neck and one side. While It Is
often quite painful, quick relief may
be had by applying Chamberlain's Lini
ment. Not one case of rheumatism in
ten requires internal treatment. When
there is. no fever-and no swelling as In
muscular and chronic rheumatism.
Chamberlain's Liniment will accomplish
more than any internal treatment.
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts.
April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.
Games begin weekdays 3:30 P. M.;
Sunday, 2:30 P. M.
Admission Bleachers, 25c; Grand
stand, 50c; Boxes, 25c extra. Chil
dren : Bleachers 10c, Grandstand 25c
Boys under 12 free to Bleachers
4-, Ss
Two more of Rosa
City Par k's one
hundred new
b e a utif ul homes.
v The presence of
such homes as
these Is what In
sures this as al
ways being Port
land's Ideal home
section; a place
for your borne or
for your Invest
ment Lots may still be
purchased for
w''Lfl 1450. up. Easy
"""fc tvj terms. Prices ln-
f S -i'
elude street Im
provements. HARTMAN &
Cham, of Com.
Branch Office
Rose City Park.
Heilig Theater
Fourteenth and Washlnston Stree
Phones. Main 1 and A 1122.
Seat Sale Open Today
In His Own Musical comedy
"Marv's Lamb
Special Price Matinee Saturday
Even) n kb. lower floor, first 10 rows. 3
last 6, J1.50. Balcony. $1, T5c. 50c. Entire
gallery. 5Qc. Special matinee. $1.6 to 60c
Evenings of April 13. l. i and IT, Bad
Saturday Matinee,
Society Kirmess
Big Charity Entertainment for Bensflt ef
Portland Open Air Sanitarium and XocaJ
Woman's Exchange.
Unique Fancy Dances. Brilliant Spectacular
Programme. Refreshment Booths and
General Dancing.
Seats sold at Armory from 10 A. M. Beth
oay and night. Seats downstairs. $1.60, 11;
upstairs. $1. 7RC and 60c. Armory tele
phones. Main 48S. Home A 489S.
Emp'. Theater Co. Tnn.) Lessee. Geo !.
- - -' - ... nungrj . A 1 1 mil
Baker Stock Company in a gorgeous pre-
Saturday. Evening Drtceu. :5c RSc. Krtc" Matinee
Matlnee. 15c. 2Sc. Next week, 'The First
' Phones. Main 2. A 8S0.
Or. Theater Co. (Inc.) Lessee. Geo. X,.
Baker. General Manager. Tonight and all
week, with matinees Wedndiv and Sat
urday, greatest of them all. "THE GINGER
BREAD MAN." with the original cast and
production. Evenings. 25C to 1 BO Matl
nees. 25c. BOc. Next attraction. Black Pattl.
MAIN s. A 10-SO. Mattneea
Ex. Bandars mad Holidays.
THEATER 15-S5-50-75C
Week ef April 11 Lillian Mortimer Ce.
Jolly Fanny Rice; Four Sisters Amarls;
Kniicht Bmfi. Jt Hawtellei Collins A Brown)
hinko; Minnie Kanfmann; Orchestras Pic
tures. THE GRAND-VaaeTllIede
BREAKER poheny. Poodl
Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations.
The Original "Maud" of Comic Newspaper
An Exceptionally Ludicrous Act.
A Xollar a Minute to Any One That Can
Ride Her.
Matinees dally. 10c; two shows at night
16c and 25c.
Lyric Theater, 7th and Alder
Phones A . 1026. M. 685. Prices 10c
30c. Week of April 11. 'OS. Including Fri
day night. t!ie Lyric Stock Company In
"ITNt'LE TOM'S CABIN." MatlneessVind-C
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Stat