Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 10, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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Run Bases Finely and Take
Game by Liberal Majority
of Five to One.
tieta Good Support at Critical Mo
ments and Emerges Victorious.
McCredle Pounds Out Two
nagger, Bringing In 'Run.
Venterday's Kult.
Portland 5. Oakland 1
Ban Fram-lsco 8. Sacramento 1.
I.os Angeles 8. Vernon 1.
Standing, of the Club.
I--e Anirelea
Pan Franc.
Oakland . . .
. 4..r.
. e.-.r.
.4 '.5
i .Sou
31 41 6! 6 6! 7! P.L'i
FRANCISCO. April 9.-(SnP.
ctal.) Oakland's players outhlt their
Portland opponents two to one to
day, but their errors cost them the
Kame. The Beavers were not partic
ularly long- on hits, but they took ad
vantage of the errors to run their
bases well and scooped in the game
by a 5 to 1 score. Carson, for the
visitors, was liberally swatted, but he
was trlven good support at critical
It started off very much after the
fashion of a close frame. The Oaks
marie two singles n the first inning
but failed to register a run. Port
land waited until the fourth. Then
Ort walked, and when McCredle sacri
ficed Cameron tried for a double. Mc
Cay dropping: the ball at third, so that
Ort scored. Kennedy added another
In the fifth on a sintrle, an out by
Armbruster and an error by Trues
dale, who let the ball go through his
It was In the second that the game
was to all Intents and purposes cinched
up. With one down Kennedy beat
out an Infield bunt and Armbruster
put the ball Into left. Both men were
advanced on a passed ball, and when
Pitcher Carson hit to right field fence
for two sacks they scored.
McCredle himself added the last
Portland run. on his two-baegor to
left and another bull that slipped
through Truesdale at second.
Oakland had one Inning where the
rfys figured to do something. It was
the seventh. After I-aLonge was out
to McCay, Mafre put the ball into
right field. Murphy followed with a
single to third and Truesdale's double
to center scored Malre. Duffey Lewis,
who had already distinguished him
self with three singles, put the ball
Into Ort'a hands In left, and when
Murphy tried to score from third he
was tnrown out at the plate.
The score:
AH. R. II. TO.
Kyn. cr 4
'wn. mm 4
, Ort. If 8
, 'McOrettle, 19 S
Johnson, 8b......... 4
! Preen. 2b , 4
i Kennedy, (lb........ 4
Armbruster, o....... 4
Carson. j 4
84 .1 :t 11 S
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
.. 6 0 8 2 II 0
.4 0 3 2 0 0
O 1 17 1 0
4 0 0 1 o 1
. 4 O o O 4 o
4 O 1 2 B O
3 I 1 3 0
1 0 0 O O 0
. o o 0 0 o 0
. 1 o 0 o o 0 1 Tl 27 IT "5
Murphy, ef . . . .
Truesdale. .h.,
I, Lewis, cf . .
Cameron, lb. . .
M c'ay, Sh
"nrroll. r
Pr-yette. mm. . .
Al.onse, c...
Miire. j
Harmon, Mb. . .
Vaji Haltren"
Totals as
Patted for MeCwv I..
Batted for Malro In ninth. '
Portland 0 0 0 I 1 0 -
''!"',. 0 0 l 1 1 o 8
Onkland o 0 0 0 0 n 1
' 2 0 11113
0 0
0 1
1 11
Trvo-taee (hi,. Camon. Trnieariale Mc
Credle. Sacrifice, hit McCredle. First base
on called balls Malre 1. struck out Cur
son 8. Malre 1 m, hy pitcher Ryan.
Kouhle plays Armbru-ter to Olsen; Ort to
Armhrnster. rested ball LaUonire. Stolen
b.-I.. iwi. o. Tlm of Eame hQur
00 minutes.
Ix Angeles Victor Over Vernon.
todf.? wELESV. Aprl1 9 The game
today between Vernon and lx.s An-
T"f wo? by ",e lnt,or ten". the
!?hTb r"? 1 11 wa8 In the
eighth Inning that I,os Angeles pro
cured the two winning runs. dueP ,0
timely hits. The feature of the game
was the triple play participated In Ty
IVlmas and Wheeler In the fourth In
ning. Haley sent a long fly to the
VLVd .".Vf W,,,rh Thompson mi.!
judged letting Haley reach third.
Martlnke walked and stovall singled
wl.hR,- lV,tin HaUy cross h P'
with the tying; run. Martlnke went to
second on the drive, and Brashears
hit popped to Delmas. who caught the
fly. doubled on Martlnke by running to
second before Martlnke could get back
there, and then throwing to first be
sack StOVaU could bk to the
The score;
I-os Angeles . . . .0 0 1 0 0 0 S 0 S 7 0
'"""' 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 S
Hatterles and Orendorff
Hensllnir and Hogan. '
ITanser Loses Game in Ninth.
SACRAMENTO. April 9. Mauser
Mew up" In the ninth Inning today re
sulting In live hits and ve7 runa, and
lost the frame for Sacramento. Two
wJP.k ,J V r,tcher ' the way in
which the game was won. Hauser was
effective until the eighth lnnlnsr. when
he weakened. Score: R. H E
Sacramento .0 0100000 0 1 ' i
.San Fran ...0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 11 n
Batteries WUHs. Browning and
Perry; Hauser and Pyrnes.
Puts Player Into Game In Violation
of Faculty's Order.
ALBANT. Or.. April 9.-epecIsJ.Be-cause
the Albany Collena baseball team
used one player contrary to facultr orders
la the cam with the Alco club last week!
Manager Morris Rogoway has been sus
pended from college for one year and
baseball affairs at the college are In a
chaotic condition. The team was com
pelled to cancel an arrangement for two
games with the University of Oregon in
Eugene today and tomorrow and dark
ness enshrouds the plans for the remain
der of the season.
The college team played Its first game
of the season last Thursday with the
team of the Alco citib of this city.. Prior
to the game President Crooks went over
the list of players and Instructed Man
ager Rogoway that First Baseman Jack
Harry was not up to the student require
ments to participate In athletic contests
and therefore was not eligible for the
Rcgoway'a suspension not only leaves
the baseball plans "up In the air," but
will hurt football materially next Fall.
Rogoway was captain and fullback of
the football team last season. Aside
from his athletic ability. Rogoway was
a leader In the Student Body Association
and one of the most prominent students
In the college.
(Continued From First Page.)
Portland again gave Gardner a beating,
and won the game in the opening
Inning. Bassey walked, stole second and
scored on Mullen's single. Mullen going to
second on the return throw. Garibaldi's
long single to left scored Mullen. Garry
stole second and third, but died there.
' . 1 ' M 'ICs " lf 'y' ' ' "f
1 X s
rhU Cooney. of Casey's Colts. Who
Was Central Figure In Violent
Uttle Drams at Medford Yesterday.
In the third Cooney, amid the taunts and
jibes of the baiters in the grandstand
and bleachers, singled and stole second.
Bassey scored him with a two-bagger.
In the sixth inning two singles and some
boots netted our more runs.
Medford's first run came In the second
and was due to a single and a wild heave
In the eighth Medford bunched their hitx
off Carnes. Two bingles. a two-bagger
and Carnes' own error when he dropped
St. John's fly. started the firework
Gardner again had his whiffing clothes on
and struck out 10 men. For this feat he
was presented with a fine pipe by a local
fan. Score:
Portland 7 g 4
Medford '.WW 4 7
Batteries Portland. Chlnaul't kinsella"
Carnes and Troeh and Burnsiine; Med
ford. Gardner and St. John.
AL L'AKSO.N was again on the job as
a winner. Guess that Tacoma boy
was a poor catch when McCredle hoisted
him out of the Northwestern League!
Only a few days more and the ball
tossers will bo performing on the Vaughn
street lot. Some of the bugs want us to
take two out of the next three and come
home even up on tho road series.
Sacramento, with young Hauser In the
box. blew up In the ninth Inning yester
day, and the Seals thorebv prevented
four straight defeats at the hands of the
"Kid" Brlswalter. finally broke Into the
win column yesterday. Still anybody
seems able to win from Vernon, unless
Sehaefer pitches for Hogan'a outfit.
J. Cal Ewlng Is coming to Portland
for the opening of the season. The ad
vance Information does not say that he
Is bringing peace offerings or the like.
It may be that J. Cal will endeavor
to pacify the wrath of the fans by offi
cially returning Shinn back to McCredle
on the Portland grounds where's that
President William H. Lucas, of the
Northwestern League, has Issued his an
nual passes for the Northwestern League.
The "pasteboards" are neat and taste
fully gotten- up.
Jud Smith, Frans Hosp and George
v heeler, each made a home-run In a
game at Los Angeles last Tuesday. Con-
""""'S me ernon pitching staff any
thing seems rossible except the idea of
V heeler getting a four-ply connection.
ritcher Maire. of the Oakland club,
failed to punlo the Portland batters
when men were on bases, and while
Oakland outhlt McCredle s men almost
two to one, Portland made the fewer
hits count.
The shortstops of the Portland baseball
teams seem to be capable plavers. even
though belligerent In disposition. Ivor
Olson brought down fhe wrath of the
Angel fans last week, and yesterday
Phil Looney waa "If at Medford.
The action of this man Krum la 'onlv
an instance of the idiofy of a number of
fans. These Cattle think they are priv
ileged to call ball players all manner of
vile names, and if the players resent It.
they are bullies and rowdies.
Duffy Lewis, the Oakland outfielder
seems to be a speedy man on the paths
He has figured In a number of stolen
bases already, and added two more to
his collection yesterday.
John Gladstone Graney, the left-hander
of McCredie's Btaff. is due to assail the
Oaklanders today. He will try to trim
the claws of the Commuters this time,
and usually has a manner of coming back
and making good.
.Today Is positively the last day for
discount on West Side gas bills. Read
"Qaa Tips."
L ' V I
I - & 6 . Ai
v-: 1
s $ fir- m "
r ' --r "i
A $
f : :WJ:?i 3? --Sisf -WKsS-Sf. -SSi:Si -Mil.
; riT :
Hit bAMtS PUTtDi
Ten Grammar Schools Com
pete in Series.'
Schedule Arranged to Last Through
April Cup Hung Vp by Sheriff
Stevens and Banner by Honey
man Company for Winners.
Five baseball games were played yes
terday afternoon between teams repre
senting 10 schools of the Grammar School
League, and much interest was taken in
the results on account of the prizes that
have been ofTered the winner of the
series. The Grammar School League con
sists of 30 teams and a schedule of
games has been arranged to last until
the last of April. For the winner of
the series a silver cup has been offered
by Sheriff Stevens as a prize, also a ban
ner by the Honeyman Hardware Com
pany. rhe first twries of games was
played Tuesday.
Sunnyslde 1 7 ; South Mount Tabor 6.
The Sunnyside Grammer School team
defeated the .South Mount Tabor team by
a score of 17 to 6. in the presence of a
large number of pupils and teachers from
each school. Good work was done by
the Sunnyside pitcher. Hess, and the
other members, especially Codv, were
possessed with good eyes for " batting.
Cody brought In four runs for his team.
Ed Daney umpired the game. The line
tup was:
ISo. Mt. Tabor. Position, ' Sunnyside.
Simpson p Hess
D. Fontana . c Peck
S. Grandahl IB ..'.."." " ' Cody
Hummelsbach 2b Hunt
Commins 3B ; Dean
G. Baum s.S Roth
v . Grandahl c.p Daly
Be" R F .. Clare
Couch" 10; Atkinson 4.
The Couch Grammar School won its
first game of the season yesterday,' de
feating the Atkinson school bv a score
of 10 to 4. The game was played at the
grounds at Twenty-flfth and Leigh
streets. The teams had some difficulties
to contend against In the shape of the
weather. A strong wind was blowing
and a cold rain fell. The game was
rather quiet, nothing- of particular inter
est occurring. The catcher for the At
kinson School Is pa-itl to be a member of
the high school and the Couch team at
tributed its defeat partially to this cause.
The line-up- of the teams was as follows:
Couch. Position. Atklnsln.
Lautet and Saber... P Wilson
Douglas c GlddlnRS
atson IB Grlnnell
Hyronlmus 2B Pendergrass
Mer-ton 3B : Norman
Faber S.S Lawrence
Erlcson L.F HlKla
-Trow.. CF Alri
Wyatt R.F Alri
Arleta fiO; Woodstock 7.
The Arleta Grammar School had con
sldernbly the best of the game played
between themselves and the Woodstock
Grammar School yesterday afternoon.
The score ended 20 to 7 In favor of the
former. The particular feature of the
game was the batting of Slmola, the sec
ond baseman of the Arleta team, who
made four hits, although he had a hard
man to overcome. Zwald, for the Wood
stock team, did some clever pitching, but
lacked the backing necessary to win a
victory. G. Gates acted as umpire. The
lineup was as follows:
Arleta. Position. Woodstock.
Robertson p Zwald
Holmbry c McLean
Johnson IB Watson
Simola 2B Smith
2oon,e 3B Greene
HaI7is S.S Petrle
Parham . . .- L.F Orr
Douglass C.F 'porter
Scott R-F Shearer
Thompson 13; Shaver 2.
The Thompson-Shaver Grammar School
game resulted in a victory for the Thomp
son team, the score being 13 to 2. For
the Thompson team. Eastern and Read
were the particular stars of the after
noon. The battery worked together like
clockwork and it was due principally to
their clever handling of the ball that
the result was victorious to the Thomp
son team. The umpire for the game
was Jack Rankin. The lineup was:
Thompson Position
Kaston ' P....
.... Patrick
Z.ah" , SB McKenney
2va" v; L.F J. McGloin
; C.F R. eolvin
Hammond R.F Norena
AVIIliams Avenue 13; N. Central 6.
Thirteen fo 6 was the score between the
Williams-avenue Grammar School and the
North Central Grammar School, the re
sult at the close of the game being in
favor of the Williams-avenue school. This
team had the advantage all the way
through, starting out in the second Inn
ing with five runs, and In the succeed
ing innings running In two or three
scores nearly every time they came to
bat. In this particular feature Brady
was the star member, driving the ball
out Into the field for some good runs
The lineup was as follows:
Williams Ave. Position. North Central.
Sr .:.v.v.:::::::S:::::::;-. i
gSV Jg Edwaras
:::::::::::::: i 1: :v.v.v.: : . .1 55
X S -8. -WordeS
Legler L.F Tonbriaht
Stuerrhoft c.F 8trowbrldf
Wolf'3r R.F.... ..... McIIanliS
Johnson Must Fight Him or Middle
weight Is Champion."
NEW YORK. April 9. Stanley Ketchel
Intends to claim the world's heavyweight
championship if Jack Johnson does not
agree to meet him within a reasonable
time. This announcement Is made by
Willus Britt, Ketchel's manager Says
"Ketchel is the undisputed middle
weight champion of the world, while
Johnson holds the heavyweight title
merely through Jeffries' kindness in stay
ing retired. If, however, Jefferles ulti
mately decides to box Johnson. I will
hold my peace until the battle has been
fought, and then go after the winner
In regard to a match between Ketchel
and Johnson, my money was posted and I
jumped 2000 miles to hold Johnson to an
agreement he made over the wire. This
agreement he repudiated . Immediately
upon my arrival in Chicago.
"I feel that the public will support me
In my stand of claiming the title for
Ketchel, because It is traditional that all
true American sportsmen love a fighter
who is ready to fight at all times, and
after I claim the title for Ketchel he
will be ready to meet all the heavy
weights. Ketchel demands recognition
He Is ready to fight; he Is after the
title, and money talks. '
Angels Buy Fielder Beall.
LOS ANGELES. April 9 President
Henry Berry, of the Los Angeles team
of the Paclflo Coast League, announces
that he has purchased Outfielder Beall.
of th Chicago. Whit Sox. Beall is ex-
Hunt Club Ride Today.
The Portland Hunt Club will hold
a point-to-point race as the regular
weekly excursion today. Hugh H.
Herdman "will have the direction of
the ride, and all who desire to partic
ipate In the jaunt are requested to
meet at the end of the Rose City Park
carllne at 2:30 o'clock. The course
will be four miles In length and will
be marked by flags.
Game at Vancouver Today:
VANCOUVER." Wash.. April 9. Spe
c,al ) The baseball team representing the
Behnke-Walker Business College of Port
land will play the High School team
on the school grounds in this city tomor
row afternoon. One hundred and fifty
students from the college, headed by Prin
cipal Walker, will come over In a boat
chartered for the trip.
Says He Will Guarantee to Pin Down
Six Portland Grapplers in
9 0 Minutes.
Portland wrestling fans have seen a
number of. wrestling bouts, the majority
of which .have been good, but next Wed
nesday night the stage of the Heillg the
ater will be the scene of a unique con
test. On that night Joe Carroll, of SeatUe.
manager of Dr. B. F. Roller and Charles
Franklin, the two Seattle grappling stars,
will bring the latter to Portland and send
him against six wrestlers of Portland.
Franklin agrees to throw each of them In
90 minutes of actual wrestling. This
match is the outcome of the recent visit
of Dr. Roller to Portland, and In a sense
was Inspired by a desire on the part of
Carroll to get at Eddie O'Connell, the
premier wrestler of his division In Port
land. When Carroll made his boast, he
believed he'd get O'Connell Into a bout,
but so far O'Connell has refused to have
anything to do with the proposition.
John Berg took Carroll at his word and
forced him to post a forfeit immediately
to guarantee the match, and both men
deposited the forfeit money, with the
sporting editor of The Oregonian. In a
letter to the promoters who will handle
the coming bout, Carroll writes as fol
lows: Seattle, Wash.. April T. Gentlemen:
Your proposition la all right and I will
cc-mply with your wishes aa rear aa I
possibly can. When I placed my money
the other night in Portland and said I had
a man that I would back against lany six
men In Portland, I did not do so as a bluff,
or to belittle any of the good wrestlers in
Portland. Far from It. 1 know Mr. Berg
is a first-class wrestler and I will also
add one of the best In the world at his
welght,but I know there are a few dubs
hanging around Portland, the same aa In
every town where wrestling Is going on,
and I wanted to give them a chance to
how just how good they really are.
I have noticed the past Winter many
Challenges from wrestlers down In that
country and have noticed that they always
make the cry that they cannot get matches.
Well, I do not figure that the Ave wrest
lers, cutslde of Mr. Berg, will make such
a showing against my man. I also figure
that If my man cannot defeat Berg in 90
minutes' wrestling, he cannot beat him at
all. I do not figure that the other Ave
will last 16 minutes each with my man.
Now. gentlemen, you - may or may not
know that I am a wrestler myself, but
I know it. and I ruesa Berg can tell you.
if asked. I have been in training all Win
ter and am better than at any time In the
past ten years. Now I do not say that I
am the unknown and do not intend to
unless I have to. My man's name is Frank
lin and I will bring him to Portland to
do this wrestling, providing he Is not hurt
In some way while training. Now I would
not want to bind myself down too tight,
fo.' my contract calls for' a man at 173
pounds and I am going to say that either
Franklin or myself will be the unknown.
That ought to suffice. Now you may
doubt my ability as a wrestler, but If so
I have $1000 that I will bet that I can
defeat Berg in an even match. He can have
the match after this match, even if I do
not wrestle the coming match m self. Or
I will wrestle any man on the Pacific
Coast for that amount.
I am not going East with Roller, owing
to the match at Portland on the 14th
Roller starts tomorrow night. He hurt his
knee in his match with Berg and so had
to cancel his match with Westergaarde
He will be at the ringside to challenge the
winner of the Gotch-Turk match. Of
course, when I said I would wrestle any
man on the Coaat. I do not Include Boiler
in that challenge. I will . have Dr. Roller
send a check to The Oregonian for my
forfeit. I want to say one thing, and that
is this: I am coming to Portland to win.
if I can. and If I cannot. I will lose like
a man and all 1 can says Is. that no mat
ter whether Franklin or myself does the
wrestling, you will see the best match
that ever took place In Portland. 1 hope
particularly that you can get Berg to get
O'Connell on and I will show you that
O'Connell Is overrated, and I will prove
it if he ever gets on that mat. I am will
ing to bet B0 that he will not be amongst
the alx. I will make him a present of 20
the minute he steps on the mat. So in
151, w.ay h wl" have a chance to win
70 before he starts wrestling. I want to
say. however, that I am confident, he will
not take ud any part of this offer, for he
win have numerous excuses why he does
not want to go on Anything I lave said
in this letter regarding him you may tell
him, for It goes with me
Franklin and also of myself. You can use
'hfl 'n, wa5Ly'? wUh- 1 want to Bte.
Ffvfi . fi barring accidents. Charles
Franklin is the unknown that will do the
wrestling And when the people of Port-it-."eelm.
thJy wl" a wrestler from
Yours very truly,
Hotel Newport. Seattle. Wash.
Saj-s He Was Invited and Does Not
Want to Do Anything but
Watch Teams Play.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 9..Spec!al.)'
Cal Ewlng, president of the Pacific
Coast League. Is to beard the lion In his
ucii LitjjLt ween.
In other words, when the Portland
and Sacramento teams leave for Port
land next Sunday night, Ewlng will be
on the same train and will watch the
first series between his two clubs. Ew
lng is not making the trip with any in
tention of raising trouble, but rather of
discovering, lf possible, just what are
the differences.
"In going over my back correspond
ence," said Ewlng last night, "I dis
covered an Invitation from the Portland
club to attend the opening game. At
that time I replied that It would be a
pleasure to do so lf my other engage
ments would permit. So I am going to
Portland. I have lots of friends there,
and, besides. I want to see how the two
teams play ball."
Tweedy Is Convicted.
SALEM. Or.. April 9. (Special.) Will
iam Tweedy was today convicted In Cir
cuit Court of contributing to the delin
quency of a minor. Alex McCarthy is
now on trial on the same , charge and the
jury will be triven- tho case tomorrow
I sss a a-l I UWW I
James Coffroth Trying to Get
Jeffries-Johnson Match.
California Promoter Busy on East
ern Trip, and While Aftjr UiK
Game, He Neglects Xo
Small Prizes.
CHICAGO. April .-(SpeclaI.)-Stop-ping
In Chicago only betweesf trains to
day, lames Coffroth. the Colma promo
ter, hurried East to see the leading lights
of pugilism In an effort to land a Johnson-Jeffries
battle If possible for his
Coast arena, or to match Johnson and
Ketchel. During his short stay In Chi
cago, Coffroth secured . Billy Papke'a
agreement to fight Hugo Kelly at Colma.
They will box at 1SS poundB. and the
winner will get a chance at Ketchel. No
date for the bout has been selected.
One of the first to greet Coffroth here
was Battling Nelson, lightweight cham
pion, who only needs to have Coffroth
offer money to sign up with Mcirarland
vv alsh or Thompson.
"My mission depends a' great deal on
Jeffries' decision to re-enter fhe ring "
said Coffroth.
Chattanooga, Tenn., promoters, headed
by E. -W. Forster, an automobile man
have been after a Ketchel-Tony Caponl
match for some time, and CaL Harris.
Caponl's manager, has been' negotiating
with Ketchel from Chicago. He received
a telegram from WUlus Brltt, Ketchel's
manager. In which the Callfornlan ac
cepted a straight guarantee. Forfeits
will be posted at once, according to
Harris. The men are offered the first
6000 that comes in at the gate. .
John Gleason Seems to Think He
Has First Call on Champion.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 9. "If Jeff
ries fights Johnson h h.tfi. rw
ably will take place In San Francisco,"
was the statement made today by John
Gleason. manager of Recreation base-
uaii parac.
"Some time ago," continued Gleason.
I Wrote to .TfPrlAB In XT -w 1- -
-- j " i,cw i ui Al
tering a purse of $50,000 for a 20
round fight between him and Jack
Johnson for the championship of the
world. I received this telegram to-
ill xepiy:
" 'New York, April 8. John Gleason,
San Francisco: If Jeffries decides to
re-enter the ring will give your offer
first consideration. Signed, Sam Ber
ger, manager."
"I expect to go East soon to confer
with Jeffries and Johnson, and as San
Francisoo is the only large city In
the country where a contest of such
importance could be staged, I think
the chance of obtaining It for this city
is very good. .
"As the negotiations are only In a
preliminary stage, nothing has been
proposed as yet about the division of
the purse."
Both American Competitors Disabled
In Monte Carlo Race.
MONTE CARLO. April . The English
boat Woiseley-Slddeley, owned by the
Duke of Westminster, won the race to
day for the cup of Nations, covering' the
100 kilometres in one hour 36 mlutes
nine seconds. ' The German Llsellotte fin
ished second.
The .American boaf Standard did not
start owing to a cylinder having cracked
during a trial spin this morning. Dixie
II raced well and kept In second place
from the start until the 13tlr round of
the course was reached. Then her water
pump burst and she was forced to aban
don the contest. No third place was
given in the race for none of the other
competitors than the Woiseley-Slddeley
and Llsellotte finished within the time
Ralston Gets Decision.
MEDFORD. Or., April 9. (Special.)
What was advertised to be a 10-round
boxing contest took place at the Opera
House here tonight between Earl Ral
ston, of Medford, and C. E. Mathews, of
Roseburg. At the end of the second
round Mathews claimed that Jie had been
injured In a clinch and refused to con
tinue. The referee gave the decision to
Mahmout Fails to Throw.
CHICAGO, April 9. Tusselt Mahmout
lost a handicap wrestling match here to
night to Henry Ordemann. of Minneapolis.
The Bulgarian had agreed to throw his
opponent once In 20 minutes.
Bntte Sheriff, However, Will War on
Transmission of Racing Bets.
BUTTE, Mont., April 9. The report
that Abe Cohen, a former alderman of
this city, was arrested yesterday In
connection with an attempt by Sheriff
CRourke to stop betting on horse races
was without foundation. Mr. Cohen
was not placed under arrest.
The report started from the fact that
during an argument which followed
the arrest of the manager of the In
terstate Telegraph Company on the
charge of transmitting bets on the
San Francisco and Los Angeles races,
CoBen, who was In the office, was
threatened with arrest.
Sheriff O'Rourke announced today
that in the future he would station a
telegraph operator and deputies in the
Interstate Company's office and that
lf a single word is. taken or sent over
the . wire relating to betting he will
tear the apparatus out, lock the doors
and arrest the manager and attaches.
Oil and Gas Company Incorporates.
The articles of Incorporation of the
Willamette Valley Oil & Gas Company
were filed with County Clerk Fields yes
terday afternoon. B. F. Whlteaker. W.
H. Whlteaker, N. M. McDanlel and Will
F. Spencer are the Incorporators. The
capital stock Is J75.000. The articles set
forth that the company intends to ac
quire In any part of the world, by pur
chase, location or otherwise, land con
taining mineral deposits. The company
may also purchase water rights, power
lines, reservoirs, rights of way and equip
ment for developing and working oil and
gas wells and coal mines. The principal
office of the company will be in Port
land. Today Is positively the last day for
discount on West Side gas bills. Read
"Gm Tips."
Swell English pumps at Rosenthal's.
4 P.
Regular 75c Value
This 6-quart Berlin Kettle is made of best
grade of granite enamel ware on heavy steel.
No Telephone Orders Taken.
Only One to a Customer.
Contest at Corvallls Gives Oregon
College Championship of Pa
cific Northwest,
LEGE. Corvallls, Or., April 9. (Special.)
The Oregon Agricultural College wres
tling team carried off the championship
honors here tonight by winning every
match in t,he contest from the Washing
ton University team.
This gives Oregon Agricultural College
the undisputed championship In the
Northwest. Director. Angell is well
pleased with the work of the team, and
gives O'Connell a great deal of credit for
his training ability. A large audience
was present at the contest and a great
deal of enthusiasm was shown.
In 115-pound class, McMahan (O. A. C.)
won ,over Shandberg; (Washington.) First
bout was a draw. Shandberg forfeited sec
ond, and In third McMahan aecured a fall.
In 129-pound class, McHenry (O. A. C.)
secured three falls from Hussey (Wash
ington.) In l.lo-pound class, Gibson (O. A. C. won
from Hoover (Washington), two falls out of
In 143-pound class, Thompson (O. A. C.)
won by two falls over Llndsey (Washing
ton.) In 158-pound class, Leady (O. A. C.) won
over Slattlnger (Washington.)
In 173-pound class. Selton (O. A. C )
won from Flaherty (Washington.)
In the extra nvnnf i
' . - ' tciuiiK,
which was the 30-minute match be
tween Lasalle, the University of Ore
gon wrestling coach, and Vance, coach
of the Washington team, the decision
was given to Vance. In the agree
ment before the contest Lasalle agreed
to throw Vance three times in 30 min
utes. No fall was made by either man.
Vance, who weighed but 145 pounds,
showed exceptional ability in guard
ing himself against the holds of his
heavier opponent.
Any Distance From 15 to 50 Miles,
Will Suit Frenchman.
PROVIDENCE), R. I., April 9.-Henrl
St. Yves, winner of the J10.000 Marathon
derby at New York last Saturday, will
accept the challenge of Alfred Shrubb,
the English runner, for a race, "any dis
tance from 15 miles to 50," according to a
statement tonight by M. A. F. Copeland,
St. Yves' manager. St. Yves is in this
city, where he will race Maloney of
Yonkers, at the Eastern League baseball
park tomorrow in a 20-mlle run.
Ed Smith to Decide Again.
CHICAGO, April 9. Edward Smith, of
this city, who refereed the Gotch
Hackenschmlclt match last year, will per
form that office In the championship bat
tle between Gotch and Yuspriff Mahmout
to be held here April 14. Mahmout will
wrestle Fred Beell in an exhibition match
before the Chicago Athletic Club tomor
row night, and Gotch will act as referee.
i '
Skaters Make Good Showing.
SALT LAKE CITY, April 9.-The stand
ing of the teams in the. six-day skating
irifieaV?nlKhtr8 ncinK was: Salt Lake
il S lapa; LBn 48 miles 7: Den-
XL h"ef lap8; Butte 48 2
laps. The distance for the nijrht wa,
nine miles and two laps, and the best mile
!AheVenth ln 2:5S" This ,s tho fl"h
a ay or the race.
Hood River Men Entertained.
AwnUmbr f the officials of ts O. R.
Railroad entertained the Hood
u!L Commeril Club delegates at
luncheon in the Commercial Club yes
terday. The favors at the table were,
as a compliment to the visitors, com
posed -of the new series of nublicltv
or vs.
Seats. 1.00; reserved. $1.50; box and staa-e se.t. nn
M. to 9 P. M.
books Issued by the great apple-growing
Befon I began so
of the Little
and the
Pain is
nc Dr. Mllea' Anti
Pain PlIU I auffaml
for daya and wet
with iwttralgta. Now!
I rarely ever nave the
acadaeha. I will nevar
ba without tbetn.'
Mtu Eleanor Wade
825 N.Oth Street.
Sc. Joseph, Mlsaoerl
25 Doses 25 Cents
Yoar Dntggtst sells Dr. Miles' Anrt-Pua Plus
mJ he b svthorucd to return the price of the tint
packets (only) It It falls ao benefit yon. '
It has no superior
nutritious and pal
atable perfectly
delicious. Packed in
SplcSi Mutard or Tons Sato
Sasea, mxm too profs?
sTtw Sale Everywhere).
Monterey, Cal.
Worcester Block
Portland. One.
Six of these
Great Wrestlers