Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 07, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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    WE have the following tract for sale la
Clark County. Washington:
A number of choice 5-acre tracts, auit
b' for pmall fruit and poultry, facing on
fine county; water plrd to each tract
f mm abundant wat?r supply ; near city of
J.oo0: price, tltv per acre. 1-3 cash.
4 iTp, all (ar4 and fenced; house
and barn. 30 fruit trees; $16UO.
& acres, 3 acre cultivated: good wire
fence, fair house ; $;. 1-3 cash.
10 4 acres cultivated; 1 mtle to
Tt R. station and store; good bouse: price
$130 per acre.
10 acrow. all unr cultivation: 1 mile to
R.; bcv1 road; 5 room nous;, well
fenced: $450 per acre, including stuck, etc.;
14 acres, all cultivated; 100 fruit trees,
good roads. R. F. !., 2 miles from R. H.
and river; $Ioo.
1 8 acres, 6 acre cult lvated ; good roada,
4-room hoitfe, plastered. R. F. D.. phone,
en ouch wood on piace to pay for It; $2ovo,
H cash.
20 ar-res. 16 cleared and cultivated, 12
acres beaverdam; soil loam; 4 miles to
town; o -a
146 5th St.
20 acres of the finest kind of land In the
highest state of cultivation; only 6 miles
out. on the O. w. P. line; for sale cheap;
3 acres are In strawberries, 2 acres In ap
ples, one acre In pieplant, one acre in
g'joseherrlf-a, beside many other kinds of
fruit ; a tine hou and barn Included; this
ia the finest ranch on the .East Side, with
out any doubt.
BKONO-8TEELE CO.. 110 2d.
We still have a few small tracts from
1 to 5 acres each on Oregon City carllne.
only 3u minutes' ride from Portland;
beautiful location. high and lightly;
print; water for each tract. Right near
station. Price $050 to $700 per acre. Very
easy terms.
610-311-512 Swetland Building.
: 70 ACRES,
" One mile below
' "mile from the
I A ho u t 5 0 cords wood .
Call room 8,
22172 Morrison st.. near 1st.
20 a ere j located near Whitford. on the Sa
lem Electric, alm one block from the new S.
P. R. R. cutoff; lo acres in cultivation,
bnlnnce mostly in timber: line 5-ruora house
1 year old, also fine barn on premises; the
land lies high and dry. also very nightly;
can be bought chfap if taken at once.
BROM1-8TEELE CO. 110 2d.
FOR BALE by owner, 20 acres on rural
route, and telephone; land level and
nice place; good 5-room house, barn, large
pout try house, good orchard and small
fruit; acre timber, rest In cultivation and
pasture, f?000; part cash. Address for 10
days. George H. amlth. Orchards, Wash..
R. F. 1. X. box 75.
11H acres on the .Salem Electric, 7 miles
out. mile from station, for sale cheap;
H t It Is in cultivation and the balance
mostly In fine fir timber. The land lies
high and dry and a big snap at $260 an
acre; terms.
CASMl'R and 5-acre tracts, cleared
and cultivated, high and level, command
ing riew of mountains and a great part of
city; no finer location for a home la
Portland ; no better strawberry or vege
table land In Oregon; $500 per acre;
terms. Murphy & Caswell." 230 Stark st.
$800 BUYS 1 1-5 acres, close In. West Side,
only m minutes' car ride. 5-cent fare; you
can double your money on this property
In the next year; terms very easy M
K. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg.
a4-ACKEJ tract. near K&lam P"lf ti-if u.i
and cleared: adjoining land selling at $300
' 'is, tww, i iw cBFn, oaiance z vears
T per cent. Kelly & Finder, 4i2 Corbett
CHH tract on macadamised road, near car
line. 6-cent fare, only 16 minutes' ride;
good buy for home or Investment at $800.
on terms to suit you. M. E. Lee, room
411 Corbett bldg.
IH ACRES, Multnomah Station. Oregon
Electric, high, sightly, tine soil. $500 cash
balance terms. Owner. AE 75 7. Ore
gonlan. FOR WALK lO acres 3 miles from Morrison
st. brlnae; ail In cultivation; good build-
in k, vn goou gravel road; price $U.u0O
will take some trade. 413 Buchanan bldg
BEAUTIFUL home, 5 acres cultivated, barn,
t-hlcken-hounr. well, orchard; 3c fare. 10 min
utes from car. A 823, Oregontan.
tracts cleared, level, on rrnn n
miles from Portland P. O.; $44o to $300 per
mwy lormi, MOOm BIS AliSky bldg
r minutes from business center of
i mil. i . mm nome iie: sibuo; terms.
Puree, MIH Chamber of Commerce.
LAND for subdividing, near Portland street-
t 1 wvi-t-- j r,Ki. v-regoman.
W can deliver timber tracts In nearly
822 Chamber of Commerce.
61 LET Z ilHlmi; - we pay cash for claims
..w.ii I'niip. iuu w miner, 017
Board of Trade.
'Il-I PAY cash for timber !n Oregon and
fu uutu w acivv uywva. SJ 7311.
Oregon lan.
FROM owner, an Immediate lorirtmx
sitlon of or more. Purse, 818
' MILLION feet good timber, $4000.
TlvnKR lands wanted, c.
304 McKay bldg
10 acres In nrantrtv t Rii . 1 .
f od house, plenty wales; wili exchange fur
aorv Jog Red -off land. Cowlits Countv
vtaanington; jejeil down wu t.H.
can be plowed; will exchange for residence
30 acre d 4 mile rrom KU-kwoou. Cal.:
all tillable: Mo fruit tiv.-s acre grapes
running water; price $2500; will exchanged
''Vl' nHr town; price $4000; will exchange
14JI a cms bordering on Sand 1-ake Tllla
im.k to; PKv $KW; will exchange for
property in Fort land or small farm
.00 acres good khiw land in Tillamook
4.0 . h.'iw. barn and other Improvements:
w 1.1 exi-hrtngo for rtUtuce; i:iiH
10O arrt. llllstown Co.. North Fa-
?, , ; r""' rarm in Oregon
Fortland property to value of $SloO
HS h st., cor. Alder.
U'll 1 1 . . I
LC improved in La Grande and
wheat land nearby, values from $U.WH up
to UiitM for fiug.e good Income property
Suite 4-U Swetland Bldg. '
IVI'.l4 mulrn s-room house and lot
100x100 In fine location for t...,
tlh1AOP,iT cloBe lx? carlln- "t more
bldg UU Faimer- -04 Ablngton
OF COURSE! CERTAIN LYt If you want to'
buy. sell or trade business or property
fol.ow the crowd to Stevenson & Tailor
rooms 310 snd S1I Buchanan blda
IXiHANUB for Portland real estate es
tablished millinery and hair goods busl
""d trade; in health. A E 7tiO
lrt0 KQl'ITY In modern 6-room sightly
home In Overlook, for lots or acreage
balance w monthly. Price J4300. Owner"
Woodlawn 2ouo.
TO exchange: merchanitls
property an.l r.rm. iL.i.i..k..i .ny
... aslilngton st Agency.
WILL gel you anything you want in trade
f..r an thing you have. Metropolitan Ex
change. ;.n; Alilnnton bldg
rR.ncn ,or " or trade, close
to K K . good water and buildings. u
Commercial bldg.
MOOD RIVER apple orchard to exchange
for Portland acreage s;,o trees, son" bear-
mg. J. E Hand. 2-X Swetiand bldg.
.YVUJ, exchange 1A0 city property for rmall
rUl-. Vn,uvtr Pref.rred; oa,ri only.
H iv.VY Oroman.
A NO 1 automobile to trade for Portland
cr property; malt offer, location
particulars. R Oreganian
TOi;RIN(l cur or runabout for Tal estate
or diamond Addmt N 41, Oregoniao.
WIt.U trail for what you hava. Gui Smith
Sol ltuchanan bldg.
A NO. 1 shotgun and .rather case to trade
for lyp-wntr P Sal. Oregonian.
FOR SALS or trade. 6 -acre tracts on Ore
gon City oaxllue. tu Cwxuaaroisi bklg.
-nse tor reaiaence: would uiume a
mortirart; value of land JSI'OO.
Also 320 acre, of land 50 miles north
of Calgary. Alberta, for a good valley
farm from 0 to 100 acres. Geo. W. Tur
ner. 41S-417 Rothchlld bldg.
20.00O WORTH of farm lands and mort
gages to trade for clean stock of mer
chandise in the city, or live country town;
no agents. H Sf, Oregonian.
Have a customer for good corner resi
dence on cariine. in good neighborhood. If
price 1. right; owner only: act quick,
6o4 Corbett Bldg. Main S5&8.
WANTED 5 or 6-room dwelling, modern, 1 S
wines, in gooa location; mu9l pay not lese
than 8 per cent interest on investment; will
pay from $2iXn to $4U00 cash. E 8, Ore
gonian. I WANT a 4 or 5-room house, within 2 or
a blocks of St. John carllne; must be a
bargain; can pay $300 or 400 down; no
further north than Willamette boulevard.
302 Wells-Fargo bldg.
WANTED Near to Portland or Oregon City.
lo o-acre arm, not over miu; must
bave favorable term on two-thirds of the
price. T 855. Oregonian.
WILL buy your equity in good property.
ivitii estate contracts, mortgages wanted.
We have buyers for bargains. Howard
Behnke Co., 519 Swetland bldg.
WANTED An " appartraent site. 100x100.
soutn or wasrurigion. west or Dtn St.;
owners only; state price and location.' 302
Wells-Fargo bldg.
FROM owner. 10.000 to 15.0OO acres Irriga
tion nrnlMt Unr.u HIS I" rl... n
WANTED Good 6 or 8-room house in a
good location. Phone E. 1S36, M.-6034.
Call 516 Board of Trade.
FOR SALE--Good homestead rellnquish-
tt imyniTtu larnis, several sec
tions raw wheat land, all In great wheat
belt. Eastern Klickitat- Stone Bros., Blck
leton. Wash.
HAVE homesteads on Deschutes River.
which are open for filing. Call and we will
tell you about them; one party leaves In
few days. 401 Buchanan bldg.
WANT people to join colony, help one another
a. Home; cnoice government land ready
for plow. A So3. Oregonian.
Borsea. Vehicles and Harness.
PAIR matched browns, weight 2400 pounds'.
K""". new neavy narness and col
lars. price $200; pair horses, bay and
black, weight 280O pounds, heavy sewed
trace harness, price $22.1: pair matched
sorrels, ride or drive, trotting bred; good
dBlivory horse, weight 1100, city broke.
Ji5; express harness, heavy. 12.5o- driv
ing harness. $5: light double. $15; top
express truck, rubber tire runabout. $0.v
pair ponies at your own price; military
saddle and bridle, 12. . Rod Front Sale
ton. MaVnniEie25S'ab'ei 13th ' WhlD-
FiLE1T"W11"J,red mare- 8 old.
j . . Aioi', over it lianas high,
good traveler, thoroughly city broke: also
a fine trap, buckbeard and two sets of har
ness; owner having no use for them, will
bonds r estate or Home Telephone
Chamber of Commerce.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when w
can cell you a new vehicle at about the
ame Price aa you would pay for an old
one I We are located outnlde of the high
rent district, therefore can make the prlce
fli lying wagons, bugggies. delivery wagons
and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE & CO..
322 Hawthorne Ave.
FOR SALS or rent 3 teams with gooseneck
furniture wagons to rent by month or
year; we also rent any kind of a rig for
business purposes, day. week or month
Phones East 72, B 1309. Hawthorne
tables. 420 Hawthorne avo
1150 BUS sorrel gelding rider or driver,
new rubber tire runabout and hand
sewed harness, robe and whip. 20 North
15th st. Mr. Lemaer's rig.
$100 years old, weight Hon lbs., sound
gentle for lady to drive, with side-spring
buggy and new collar and name harness.
204 Montgomery st.
TEAM of bay geldings. 3100 lbs., with new
st of heavy team harness; bargain Pal
ace Sales Stables. ' '
FOR SALE Team of horses. 8 and 9 years
Inquire 702 E. 10th St., near Rhine-. Sell-
wood car.
FOR SALE One 2-horse 2-ton express and
one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel
mont ard R. 6th.
flRO BL'la a team of-mares: good workers
with breeching harness, complete. 204
SEVEN head of good young horses for
sale at tlws Columbia Barn, on Front st
weights from 1200 to 1450.
ONE light delivery wagon for sale cheap
Nlcolai Neppach Co., 227 Davis st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2H4 Montgomery.
HEAVY Valley horses. W. D. Combs 104
Russell at. Phone East 378.
BUSINESS miggy. harness and young horse,
tlli. 581 East 18th et. evenings. Sell. 1137.
HOUSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta
bles, 11th and Jefferson. M 3300.
COVERED business buggy, in good condi
tion. $40. Main 4294. 584 Hoyt.
GUARANTEED harness: loweBt prices. Keller
Harness Co., 40 N. Sixth st.
TEAM, mare and horse, mare with foal
weight 1200 lbs., 175. 228 Jefferson st.
HUBERT HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
AUTOMOBILE sacrifice, If you are looking
i,. i tt i-iHsy car at a oig nargain I will
sacrifice for cash this week my 40 H P.
Thomas; will give satisfactory demonstra
tion. 315 Oregonian bldg. Main 1440
. . orcoara iana close to
K. R. station for first-class four-cylinder
.uit'.itwuut:., By .HI, JlflIOrU, KJT
7-PASSENGER White stoamer. top lamps
and glass front; good condition; price S900
M Si6. Oregonian.
A NO. 1 automobile to trade for Portland
or outsMe property; make offer, location
particulars. P 850. Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILES. $150 and up. for sale or
imuu . ,s- to.. 46 2d st
ROCKWOOD'S anti -tuberculosis underwear
for men and. women made of pure unadul
terated wool In bright, airy rooms, under
me supervision or ir. tratt. g?.O0 per gar
ment. Manufactured by Geo. Kockwood &
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $60. fully
guaranteed, easy payments: rentala, $3
1 '" . i.ioc omiiontry at ttg. CO.,
sen 2d st
GRAPHOPHONB. with Rosenthal' epeaking
f'vuv-uhi,iiiB "luiuai ui me .Italian lan
guage and accompanying roll. A C 864,
Legging and hoisting engines.
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston bull ter
rier puppieex Overland Transfer barn, 7th
MACHINERY for Ice-making plant, Harris, in gouu conn in on, t tons capacity.
ttv j- os. junnin ,o.t ( tteimont st.
FIRE! FIRE For sale half price, movlng-
Aioiun fioture o.. ro Burn side.
FOR 5 ALE at your own price, fine oak-top
lunch counter. firet -class battery coffee
urns. w aenmgion St.
BOATHOl'SE. 1-ft. launch. T
Smalley pasollne engine. Phone A 4580 or
FOR BALK Bert dry 4-lt. fir and oik wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. Sia
ior at. rnonw xaio ,wi; A 0449.
r i.xo. service mac wins, ateroptlcona.
KUUS Si . ti. turkey. io for $2 25; R p. R.
riiu--n. ii, iur runny snepara
on. Castle Rock. Wuh.
SAFE, medium sise. fireproof, nearlv now
win deliver: csh or monthly payment.
GOOD moving-picture machine and, films
en cap. a urtgoDian.
DOCKET engine and 14,000 feet line, chaan.
Anything in pipe from -in. up to 14
ln., either black or galvanized. In new
or second-hand. Get our prices and save
847-353 Gllsan St.. cor. Eighth.
DO YOU want supplies or rent film We are
independent, do not belong to the trust.
Pacific Film Co., 303 Rothchlld bid-, Port
land. Or. .
w have a Ievr slightly used machines
that will be sold very cheap. Call and
see them at White Sewing Machine Storo.
D- Jones, 420 Washington, cor. 11th at.
SALE Gas ranee with oven nlmowr
new; will sell for ft): must sell on account
of moving. 663 East Morrison st. Phone
East 5141.
FOR SALE A Newman's portable watch
man's clock and 16 stations: good con
dition. Blumauer-Frank Drug Co., 8th
and Everett sts.
WANTED A barber to investigate location
'.t a good barber business at Front and
Gibbs sts.; living rooms in rear; act
quickly and you can hold an established
business; has been occupied by barber
for past two years. Apply to I. Gevurta
Sons. 173-175 1st St.
WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles;
no expense to learn treble of plumbing,
bricklaying or electricity; practical work
on jobs half the time and study otner
half. Catalogue free. United Trade
School Contracting Co.. Los Angelea
WANTED Good, bright young man with
business ability and little money as part
ner in fine paying business. 225 5th St..
room 3.
WANTED Live, sober man: we furnish
horse and buggy to our men, traveling
State of Washington; J300 required: ref
erences, security; experience not necessary;
can make 5 a day. Apply 507 Ablngton
800 TO S1800 for railway mail clerks a
year; many appointments yearlv; examin
ation at Portland and Pendleton May 15;
free information in regard to preparation.
Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. city.
HARNESS MAKERS, attention; we want
one fir&t-class light harness cutter and
three light workmen at once; best going
wages, steady work. Apply at once. Dun
can & Sons. Seattle, Wash.
Employment OCT lee Men's Department.
20 Ncrtn Second at.
Phones Main and A 152a.
Help free to employers.
BRIGHT, honest man. to make himself use-
iui ana wining to learn general brokerage
business; $400 required; tired of hined
help. See me personally at 507 Abing
ton bldg: -
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and of-
mje iimii, on wno is a stenograpner pre
ferred; good future for a steady and com
petent man; give all information in first
letter. Address J fc64, Oregonian.
A BRIGHT, honest, sober man with some
experience as salesman, who can give
$2000 band and references. "We need no
capital, only a good man. who is capable
of making big money, w SGI, Oregonian.
BARBERS The State Board of Barber Ex
aminers win be in session April 12, 13 and
14, at 167 H First st. In this city, when all
those holding permits must appear for ex
amination. T. M. Leabo. secretary.
WANTED You n sr man for office work or
io snow property; experience unnecessary;
small capital required; fine chance. Call
3-6 M: Washington st-. Room 403.
SOLICITOR Experience not neceeeary; good
niuuLcuieiu-. oreai American importing
Tea Company. 406 Washington et.. near
10th, 2S7 First st.. near Jefferson, 452 E.
Burnside, near 8th.
WANTED Young man for a position that
promises good advancement; must have had
good schooling; references required. Answer
in own handwriting. AD 853, Oregonian.
WANTED Young men, experienced In men's
luuiisHingH ana .snoes, to work Saturdays
Apply at once. E-istem Outfitting Co.,
Maahington and 10th sts.
YOUNG MAN about 20." for office position;
",uai "c ?irie ncea TTi erectrical supplies;
good position for the right party. R sui
FIRST-CLASS bill cleric by wholesale house.
uure" in own nana writing : give ref
erences and state salary expected. A 850,
WANTED Railway mail cierks, $800 first
year; examination in Portland May lfl;
preparation free. Write Immediately.
Franklin Institute. Rocheeter. N. Y.
SENDING 300 men to Nome, Alaska. June;
aucn work ; good wajres ; transportation
toth ways; all employed invest $100. Ap
ply 615 Board of Trade.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, ca-
earn: g -o aauy. tfenedictlne Pub
lications. OOtf Goodnough bldg.
NINE ladies' tailors, wages $25 to $30; no
ui-iiuiifHUB or nas-Deens neea apply. Lon
don Tailors, Wells-Fargo bldg.
DOCTOR, modern physiotherapy. wants
partner open offices; big practice assured -any
school. AB S64, Oregonian.
WE have a good proposition for carriers in
irvmgxon ana AiDina. call at once city
circulation manager Oregonian.
YOUNG man wanted for office work and
i-uiieuiwr, BiKi experience. A. JJ Sol, Ore
gonian. x o i. .N man to work in grocery with wheel:
must have some experience. Call between
"' r. una I f. M., 1 tj. Jtn.
SHOEMAKERS wanted: a laster, one who
unaerstands the Chase machine preferred.
Capen Shoe Co., Oregon City, Or.
BOY wanted to learn business - and make
iiimsen usciui. ijnitea riat store Co.. 84
Third st.
WANTED Trained butler for private fam-
11 , icauiuuuiuib requirea. fnone Main
8281 bet. 8 and 9 A. M. or after 7 P. M.
LOCAL manager to represent large mfg. con-
' , ri;iusii e uoniraci. w . t . A Co.
16f5 Gough at., San Francisco.
WANTED A competent machinist as part
ner in a big paying proposition. Some
money required. M 874, Oregonian.
MAN and wife to run farm on ehares; every-
iwius lurumwru, j. mnes irom Portland A
852, Oregonian.
WANTED A boy, 17 or 18. to learn the
baker's trade. Address 309 Wheeler st
WANTED Young men to learn railroad tel-
esrayny ; permanent positions when compe
tent. Oregon College, 83 5th, 5th floor.
WANTED Photo coupon and portrait
agents; new, swell offer. Cutberth Studio,
Dekum bldg.
WANTED Good strong boy. 16 to 18 years
to learn baker's trade. Lenhart's Bakery
22 N. 23d at.
WANTED Experienced boys' clothing sales
man. Apply to Shafer Bros.. Seattle
WANTED Fi ret -claw cigar salesman to close
out stock of good cigars on commission
Apply W 863, Oregonian.
A GOOD meat cutter: German preferred W
H. Carney A. Co., 23d and Savler eta.
WANTED Immediately, platen press feeder
Kriedt Printing Co.. 49-51 First et.
CITY SALESMAN to handle side line on com
mission: easy oeller. A E 766. Oregonian.
COOK. $50; surveying gang,
rison st. Call early.
226 Mor-
BUTCHER with small capital to run meat
market. AB 863. Oregonian.
TWO GOOD boys with wheel and references
Apply Dresser-Sealy Mason Co.
WANTED First-class salesman for city h
H. Mercantile. 146 5th st.
WANTED 25 men to circulate initiative pe
titlcn; good pay. Apply 411 Fenton bldg.
WANTED Boy with wheel and good refer
ence. Jones Book Store. 201 Alder.
25 "EXPERIENCED brick-yard men. Mc
Mahon Bros., 42nd and Division.
WANTED A subscription solicitor;
weekly. Write Tribune. Canby, Or.
A FEW experienced newspaper oUcitor
Call 512 Gerlinger bldg. "
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wins
Depot. P. Lorati. 164 2d. Main 4212.
DISHWASHER wanted, $7 per week 5(m
Washington st.
WANTED Live agents to
pons. C. Elmore Grove,
BOY wanted in drugstore. 07ft 1st at.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men a$d women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; help to secure positions:
graduates earn from 13 to $25 weekly;
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges. 35
N. ath St.. Fortland. Or.
AUTOMOBILIN3. p'.umtmg, lectrldty.
bricklaying and plastering taught by ac
tual work la shops and buildings; ad
vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues
free. Coyne National Trade School. Z30
9th at.. San Francisco.
Main Office. Ladles' Dept..
12 N. "d St. 205 Morrison St.
Cooks for restaurants and hotels, city
and country, waitresses, chambermaids,
housekeepers, house girls, etc.. etc.
Stickerman. planer men. planer feeders,
lumber graders, mill hands, yard men., la
borers, teamsters, loggers, wood cutters,
shingle bolt cutfcsrs, farm hands, man and
Iwife on ranch, cooks, waiters. dish
washers. We always have a large list of all kinds
of work for men and women. Call on us
when you want a good situation. If you
live out of the city, write us. All letters
will be answered promptly.
In securing you a situation we do our
best to locate you In the right place, so
that we may satisfy both employer and
We give a written guarantee (backed by
a large bond) to pay fare both wavs If
there is not work where we send appli
cants New work coming in all tha time, at
both of our offices.
Main Office. Ladles' Dept..
12 N. 2d St. 205 Morrison St.
LADIES and gentlemen can earn consider
able extra money by inducing their friends
to trade with an old established prominent
store. Address B S34. Oregonian.
WANTED Middle-aged man and wife to
take care o; ranch. 4 miles from Salem.
Jas. McGinls. Route 4. Salem. Or.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY registers only
the best teachers. 514 Swetland bldg.
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
$1 per
On jackets, skirts and gowns, wanted
at once.
YOUNG lady, good appearance, to solicit
subscriptions for the .Spectator; salary and
commission. Apply 1 to 2, 329 Chamber
if Commerce.
WANTED For boarding-house, woman
cook; one who can make pastry, also cook
meats; must be first-class. 53 North ISth,
corner Davis.
First-class alteration workers wanted at
once. Inexperienced need not apply.
WANTED A middle-aged woman to awiist
in light housework; two in family. AddIv
568 E. Main.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington.
Ladles' Department. 203 Morrison at.
Phonos Main 1032, A 2004.
320 Washington st.. Room SOT.
Matin SS36 or A 3200.-
WANTED Neat girl to assist with house
work and care of 3-year-old child. 607
East Taylor, or phone East or B 1028.
A GOOD tailor ess can get steady work and
good wages. Apply London Tailors, Wells
Fargo bldg.
DRESSMAKERS I am opening up a dress
making establishment and want good
competent help. Apply Y 857, Oregonian.
WANTED Demonstrator, also house-to-house
canvasser. H. H. Morcantlla, 1464
5th st.
WANTED A bright young lady to learn the
piiuiofc-riipn ousiness; no wages to start
Cutberth Studio, S01 Dekum bldg.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and ovor-
sairia. App:y stanaara Factory Ko. 2,
Grand ave. and East Taylor at.
WANTED Ladies, we bleach, renew, dye
and remodel hats, dye plumes at half
ijnuts .-uoue, Millinery, Yamhill.
s l ku.n g, willing girl for housework, four
adults. Catholic Women's League, 210 Co-
lumuia. Diag., m. 2401.
843 H Washington st., cor. 7th. upstairs
Phono Main 2692.
MATURE) woman for responsible position with
vi iy nrm; gooa eaiary; references. M. 853,
WANTED Neat girl to assist in housework
and care of children, good home, small
saiary. 010 Main st. pnone Main 3y6.
wanted Neat, respectable woman under
w. as nouseneeper. widower a family, out
town. 245 Wash. at. Main 2i39.
GIRL for general housewcrk. must be fair
cook, small family. Apply 1645 East
Hoyt, 1 block from Mon ta villa car.
WANTED Girl for general housework; ref
erences required. Apply 434 Salmon et.,
corner 12th et.
WANTED A middle-sged woman with ex
perience to care for children. 133 E.
EXPERIENCED folders behind big mangle.
U. S Laundry Co., Grand ave. and East
Salmon st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework
and cooking. 794 Irving st. Home phone
A 1182.
WANTED Apprentice girls, alteration dept.
H. B. Litt. 351 Washington.
EXPERIENCED alteration hands.
H. B. Litt, 351 Washington st.
YOUNG girl to assist with light housework;
family of adults. 7S7 Gllsan st.
WANTED A girl to assist in general house
work. Apply 706 Flanders st.
WANTED Girl for second work. 46 N. 21st
MIDDLE-AGED woman for general house
work. Apply 626 Tacoma ave.. Sell wood.
WANTED A girl for housework.
Call 6i
WANTED Girl to do general housework. Ap
ply at 615 Clackamas st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
741 Irving st.
FINISHERS and operators on pants. 10 2d
St., room 2.
GIRL for general housework.
23d, corner Gllsan.
121 North
A COMPETENT girl for general
wages $25. Main 4152.
W .ANTED Lady piano player for moving
picture show, city. J 863, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced woman cook. 386
Morrison st.
WANTED Good woman for cooking. Please
Call 163 36th at. S.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house
work, small family. 45 East Davis.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 181
East llith st. phone East 1593.
GIRL TO assist in housework, small fam
ily; good wages. 685 East Couch, cor. 20th.
DRAWING and painting or commercial art
taught; beginners a specialty. Main 8183.
WANTED A girl for general housework. East
2Sth. near Harrison. Tabor 1123.
COMPETENT girl, for general housework.
610 Spring st., Portland Heights.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work. 223 North 21st St., cor. Lovejoy.
WANTED A girl to do cooking and gen
eral housework. Apply 215 N. 20th St.
GIRL for cooking and general housework.
742 Hoyt st.
GIRL to assist in housework. 61 Schuyler
st. Phone East 4111. mornings.
A ROMAN to press ladies"
ing. 433 Stark, cor. 12th.
and gents cloth-
W ANTED Waitress at once. 227 Alder st.
OIRL. for gen Aral fcousework. Pbott Saat 164,
Girls. 18 to is years of ace, to work m
factory. Apply at once. wnr u
Fifth and Davla ft a
GIRL wanted to do general housework In
Sew -room bungalow: two tn family;
Scad,lnavian or Finn preferred. Cor. lstli
.V?.cam- 295 Ea" ISth - North.
.ast 5S10.
Wanted by the Meter & Frank store; none
others need apply.
TASTED Experienced girl for second
work Apply mornings. 2vlth and Jackson
"644 E' corner' Fortland Heights. Main
a.i?S?.N"8 DIES- AGENCY.
41 Washington St., tor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 1692.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED A refined girl to do general
housework and be one of family; good home
and wages. Catholic Women's League. 210
Columbia bldg. M 2451.
WANTED Experienced cook In family of
4: good wages: references required. Ap-
ply in forenoon, 6$9 Flanders.
Bookkeepers and clerks.
EXPERIENCED office man, with law or
real estate firm or credit or collection de
partment of commercial house: formerly
with largest corporations In East; best
Portland references. G. E. Bement. St.
John. Or.
YOUNG, experienced business man would like
bookkeeping, or general office work, in
doors or out; speaks German well; good ref
erences; huatler. M 8o0. Oregonian.
T1MEKFEPER and bookkeeper, both R. R.
Son sin ict ion ana omce experience, wants
fork; go anywhere. A C 83, Oregonian.
A YOUNG German. 2T years, not long in thia
jsjunvr( is nonest ana sober, small but
willing and strong, wishes work of any
kind. He is handy with tools and quick
to pick up any kind of work or trade.
X S64, Oregonian.
DO YOU need the services of an absolutely
reliable hustler who has had valuable ex
perience.' familiar general office work,
saies, traffic and traveling this territory;
A-l references, p 853, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED porter. 35 years old apeaking
German. French and English, desires oo-
sitton :n first-class hotel. Address Emli
ncicncnoscn, .tj iN. otn at.
EXPERIENCED man w-if rrJ t-,-h .
machinery. Implement and vehicle trade 'is
open for office or traveling position; best
icierencee. r oregonian.
AN experienced man and wife wish a position
on a dairy ranch, man aa milker and wife
'"'"K ana nousework. Address room 24.
care Hotel Rh?inpfalz, 2;i2 Front st.
YOUNG man. German, can apeak English.
wants to nnish plumber'-s trade. E. H., SSI rr.i 1 notei. restaurant and camp
cook and steward; habits and references
a. rnone sen wood 1174. A S23. Ore
A O. CUYLER, painting, paper-hanging and
tinting; prices the lowest. Phone Main
rtir-u rfjpuion as ai all-around camp
cook. Address Henry A. Zerre, California
nuuae, wj i . St.
1 Japanese boy wants a position as
a nuiiiuuj,. rranK aek, care M. E. Mueion
121 North 15th st.
CHRISTIAN young man needs work of anv
kind or position of trust. Address Sydney
vrcnciai ueiivery, City.
MAC SD?aks 7 languages, experienced
v nauueur, uei reierences. k SOU, Ore
w'u. experiencea Japanese cook wants
?A noiei or Doarcung-house. M
on ., uregonian.
LAKft,.ifcK, good framer and finisher,
wants work, city or suburb. Address J 862,
FIRST-CLASS moving picture machine op
erator wishes position. Apply M. C.-Bolton,
203 Burnside st.
auuuLh-AGLD good family co.ok wishes
eiL'jHiion in private family; good refer
ences. K 864. Oregonian.
1 ..Mi man with team and rig is open for
iuj"wj jjioiii. i-i jwrt, uregonian.
fj . 1. ana vehicle man is open tor
(uuu juu. o oi, uregonian.
YOUNG man wants situation as timekeeper,
j. ui wuiuij . jf iregonian.
GROCERY clerk, driver or solicitor,
position. East 1922.
FIRST Chinese cook for restaurant, hotel,
noai uuig-nouse a a.'l.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG LADY, good education, experienced
uwaftcipiiig, BicuugrapHy ana general of
fice work; accustomed meeting people
Would like a position. H 853. Oregonian
YOUNG lady stenographer owning machine
wishes copying, etc.. to do at home even
ings. Addrees A 851, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position as clerk in
store, chambermaid in small hotel. Phone
East 2435.
BY a good stenographer with some expe
rience; willing worker, phone C 1887.
Drtfimak e rs.
MRS. VOGEL Ladies' tailoring and fash
ionable dressmaking. Room 14, Miiner
bldg.. 3506 Morrison st.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles, 242 5th and Main.
CAPABLE middle-aged woman, with boy IO
desires situation housekeeper. widower's
family preferred. 246, Washington. Main
VERY capable woman, best references, de
sires position, managing ho u keeper, first
class hotel. 245 Wash. st. Main 203$.
COMPETENT cook wants position after
Easter. Catholic Women's League. 210 Co
lumbia bldg. M. 2451.
YOUNG GIRL wishes to assist In general
housework. E 849, Oregonian.
NEAT girl, age 22, city references, desires
situation as child's or children's nurse.
2451 Washington st. Main 203.
NURSING by an experienced, middle-aged
lady. Phone Main 9476.
M isceUaneona.
SWISS LADY, speaking French and German,
wishes position aa governess or companion;
references. Address Mile. Rothen, Y W
C. A., Portland.
LADY, thoroughly experienced in handling
collections, would like position as manager
or assistant; references. M 862, Oregonian
CAPABLE women housekeepers, cooks,
nurses, waitresses, laundresses. 245 f4
Washington. Main 20S0.
LACE curtains washed and stretched 40c a
pair. Phone Main fi5&8. a 42.
FIRST-CLASS colored laundress wants day's
worK Phone Main 4178.
EXPERIENCED -woman wants laundry or
housework by the day. Main 4308. .
YOUNG lady gives lessons in
grade studies, German, music.
Main 81S3.
WANTED Work by the day by woman
from the East. Main 4598.
LADY wish
es day work; references. Phone
East 6143.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched
40c a pair. C ier.8. East 6106.
AGENTS wanted to sell household special
ties on installment plan. Good money to
be made before the fair. National Sup
ply Co.. 1408 2d ave., Seattle. Wash.
LADY or gentleman in each county to rep
resent an old established wholesale house -big
returns to hustlers. L. & B. Co.. gen
eral delivery, Portland.
NEW coupon offer; agents make from $8
to $5 day. Commorrwealth portrait Studio
Commonwealth, bldg.. 6th and Pine.
WE nave plenty of tenants -waiting for
houses of all descriptions. Sea us for
renting. 802 Wells-Fargo bldg. Phones
A 323.. Main 041.
WANTED By man and wife, three newly
.furnished housekeeping . rooms in private
family, between Washington and North
mp and 15th and 25th. K. 893, Oregonian.
WANTED Strictly modern six or seven-room
bouse, desirable location, on or before May 1;
will lease for three years; no children; refer
ences. Main 7593.
TRAVELING salesman, wife with little gtrl.
wants one or more unfurnished rooms and
board with elderly couple. A B StiO. Ore
gonian. ANTED Board and room, private family,
by young man and 6-year-old daughter. A B
!, Oregonian.
WANTED Immediately, new 5 or 8-room
V-?"' West de. 2 in family. Phone A
- 1W3. Main 2209.
WANTED One-half store, reasonable rent,
in business section, on second floor, for
fancy goods, etc. O 845. Oregonian.
Ol'NG lady wishes room, with or without
a?j? home surroundings preferred; West
WANTED Two room and board for two:
iui--e not to exceea rtO. Address Y 859.
FURNISHED cottage, lower flat. XCav 1
west bide; ?25. Clyde. Main 555S.
And anything else you have-to sell.
Main 5655. x 4121
WANTED Men's cast-off . elothinc and
snoes; we also buy household furnishings:
ivK , P"c paid. Call at the "Fair
u mi., in orin. fnone Main 272.
WANTED All kinds of store and offlee
..Am. co. hibu scaies, registers, sates, etc.
-93 Burnside st.
"Pays the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 9S8. B 2311.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furnlturm. Phons
E-ai iw4 ur&nu ave.. cor. Taylor.
MUST SELL five eh are of Bonville magazine
-.m-n., ui k.iii. a l joo, uregonian.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture: prompt
bwCULtuu i way riven. none n;ast 1007.
WANTED today. 12x14 tent. Main 8702.
MISS HENRIETTA, proprietress of the' Ber
lin, under new management; nicely fur
nished rooms for rent cheap: Hier wird
deutach gesprochen. 85 tith st N
Furnished Rooms.
Corner loth and Washington sts
Under new management. The most mod
ern and up-to-date rooming-house in the
city; very nicely furnished; private baths
hot and cold water in all rooms, steam
neat ; special attention given to tourist
trade; prices very reasonable. Call and
be convinced.
Corner 10th and Washington sts.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnside
Everything brand new. homelike and
comfortable ; rates reasonable. Free bus.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder; new ma
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, electric lighta
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with,
runnins water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
ern conveniences; special rates to perraa
nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, sln-le or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 2647, Main 5647
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished out
side singla rooms, hot and cold running
water, all modern conveniences, $3 50 per
week and up. :iuth, and Washington sts.
HOTEL AVALON. 11th and Washington
feteam heat, electric lights; rooms single
or en suite; rates reasonable; transients
solicited ; central.
312 OAK ST., COR. 6TH.
Just opened; new and elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
NICELY furnished room; furnish heat- rea
sonable rent. 120 14th, between Washing
ton and Alder.
trantient solicited,
of Park.
-Modern conveniences
36o Stark at., corner
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable; new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327 S
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
THE REX. 18th snd Washington Modern
rooms, a lo housekeeping; running water,
baths. A 1856, Main 4632.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
heat, bath; 50c lo $1 day, $2 to $4 week.
THE GRIFFIN, 125 6th St. Under new
management; $3 and up weekly.
LARGE furnished rooms, close in, $10 mo.
The Newmarket, 205 Washington.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished $2 to $5;
also transient rooms. 343 Morrison.
THE ANGELUS, th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments; both phones.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
DESIRABLE front room for one or two gen-
nemen ; an modern conveniences; walking
distance. W. Park st. Phone Main 9000.
LOVELY- furnished rvom for one or two
people, every convenience ; will give house
keeping privileges. Main 3645.
SPLENDID location for one or two gentle
men desiring well-furnished alcove room.
251 10th.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for two;
bath and phone; 3 blocks from Portland
Hotel. 391 Yamhill st.
FRONT room suitable for 2, 7 minutes' walk
to P. O.. $10 per month. 272 Mill at.
A LARGE newly furnished room, 2 beds,
$10. 311 Main st. Phone "A 2169.
NICE furnished room, close in, bath and
phone. 473 Alder.
506 FLANDERS St., between 14th and 15th,
- neatly furnished room, $7 per month.
FOR RENT One furnished bedroom, walking
distance; $1.50 per week. 431 6th st.
809 11TH Large front room with fireplace,
1 or 2 gentlemen; new, modern home.
NEATLY furnished rooms; modem conven
iences; $6 per month to $12. 292 10th st.
CHEAP rooms, $8 and $10: newly furnished;
bath; quiet; close In. 452 Sth.
NEWLY furnished front room, ground floor,
$9. 269 Montgomery st.
Unfurnished Rooms.
4 UNFURNISHED rooms, lower floor, mod
ern, gas, phone, bath, three blocks east end
eteel bridge. 275 Hassalo st.
Rooms With Board.
THE GLENDORA. 19th and Couch Nicely
furnished rooms, single or en suite, $ 10
per month and up: public parlor, piano,
pool and billiard tables free to guests;
transients solicited; excellent table board
$18 per month; single meals. 25 cents.
YOUNG MAN If you want first-class room
and board. 15.50 per week, all con
veniences, also table board, $4 per week
good home cooking, call at th-a Aster
House, 7th and Madison.
BLAKELY HALL. 300 Jefferson, between
5 th and 6th Pleasant rooms, first-class
board, beautiful grounds, finely located
for business people. phone A 535
THE COLONIAL, corner 10th and Morri
son; finest board and best rooms in Port
land; rates lowest; a comfortable home
THE MORRISON. 538 Morrison st.. family
hotel, modern, new management : board
optional; bet table board; prices moderate
TWO well furnished front rooms with rood
board, botn phones, gas and electric lla-nt!
564 Flanders st.
THE LINDELL 269 Market; mcely furnished
front rooms, first-class board; modern, rea
sonable; fine walking distance.
ROOMS, single and an suite, modern con
venience a 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
THB OZARK. 22$ 11th Light, airy rooms
wita bosvrd, hat aod oold wataaT
Rooms Wltb Bosd.
noQcm tn vent reaper;
electric Uchts.
and cold water in
very room, elevator and be U boy
w:tn excellent meals a special tr,
Grand ud Hawthorn avea.
WI'KINP dlMance. 1T Karney. cor. lth.
J, 3 -' iuruiaea apartments, suitable
ror married coupie with a child ; with,
board; first-class table; all modern con
veniences; beautiful grounds; also aweit
rumlshed rooms for gentleman. with,
breakfast and dinner, 30 per month,
IKTLAND W'omen s Union. 21st year, room
'iu,uo vi sewing room and li
brary. 510 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N
th. superintendent. Women's Exchange,
Rooms With Board tn Private FamUy.
LADY owning her home, has pleasant room
very suitable for two. with good home
wuaiu. uesiraoie location in residence dis
trict; walking distance; reasonable bJ0
E. Burnside.
LARGE, sunny room for married couple or
- .n.?.. jiisce. iatu noma for the
cummer; oain. pnone, Dome
cnoice vocation; t per mo. 442
ROOM and board in a private familv. suit
able for 2 or 3 gentlemen; no other room-
rs. 427 3d.
PA RLOR room, newly furnished for 2 ; good
yard; $ per week each; lo minutes' wUk
268 12th st.
LARGE room with board, all home com
forts, plain laundry; very ' reasonable.
East 1606.
BOARD and room, walking distance, bath.
Phone, heat. 4 per month. R2S Clay.
Phone Main 5Vo3.
NICE large, airy front room, with board;
home cooking; suitable for two; price. 2i
or $4o for two. 455 6th.
LARGE, cheerful, amy room, with board for
m mode"n, private home. phone A
4681, or call 549 Johvson sc
LARGE front room and board foe two gen
tlemen; $5 per week each. 195 North llta
St., cor. Kearney.
TWO newly furnished rooms, with board.
5AbaI V1- elct"o liBht and bath.
-6S East Clinton St.
Fm?wL0?m" ,With oard' Rl1 conveniences.
FlL MfrTv? Z 2- walkin8 distance. 41
fc-Ua. near Washington.
FIRST-CLASS room and board for two in pri
vate family. 93 North 17th. Main 4220.
PfjASANT front room anrt alcove for two
4; three. $60. 4TO Main et.
FRONT room, suitable for two; modern, pri
vate. 8 East Sth st. North. East 722.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, home
cookins- 11th and Burnside. Main 567.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
easy walking distance, new, brick buildings
I'll... 3V and 4room family apartments;
pruate bath and reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone jan
itor service, completely furnished rvady for
housekeeping, from $30 to $00 month; some
unfurniahed from $22 up.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-room residence
apartments, each having private vestibule
and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water,
and ranges, refrigerators, window shades,
and screens, telephone and janitor service
Apply janitor, isth and Couch.
and Madison ; beautiful 4-room apart
ments, rumished or unfurnished, with hot
ai.d cold water; private bath, steam heat,
elevator. Janitor service.
ONE 3 and one 4-room modern apartment
ror rent; all conveniences; walking dis
tance. The Morton, Washington and Kin
sts. Janitor or Main 1U82.
TH.LL,FXOIV eorV of 33th and CV. fur
nished and unfurnished 3 and i-room
apartments; modern throughout
THE HARTFORD apartments, northwest
corner 21ft and Flanders sth., suites for
housekeeping. Apply to janitor.
APARTMENT for rent, furniture for sale at
a liberal discount; furniture u I most new
bee Janitor. 680 Irving st.
MADISON PARK apartment house. cor.
Park and Madison: a beautiful 4-room
suite with all the conveniences, for $37.50.
JEFFERSONI AN Nicely furnished 2 and
3 -room suite for housekeeping. strictly
xnodorn; 16th and Jefferson.
BEAUTIFUL furnished 4-room apartment
with private bath. Wellington Court. 15th
and Everett.
The Dayton, e0 Flanders. 8-room basement
apartment, beat, hot water, etc.. $20 mo.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4-roora
modern apartments. nth and Columbia.
BUELL APARTMENTS, 14th and Salmon.
nicely furnished 4-room apartment.
VERY desirable 5-room flat, new and com
plete; every convenience, to let to first
class tenant without small children or dogs
94 East 15th. comer Ease Washington; $30.
CPl"64t0 ownr' 324 Eat 13th North. Phon
503-5O6 Ablngton bldg.
5 rooms, steam heated, hot water, jan
itor, new and modern. 668 Kearney; $37.50.
MODERN 7-room flat, newly finished os
Clifton at., bet. 7th and Park. Phone A
NOB HILL New 5-room upper flat; up-to-date.
124 North 21st, near Gllsan. Inquire
544 Taylor.
NEW 5-room upper flat. East Hth and
Burnside. Ruaeeil & Blythe, Common
wealth bldg.
MODERN flat, 1944 McMillen st. Inquire sj
100 .nc.uuien st.
LOWER fiat. 5 rooms. 483 Davis St., $2C
per month. Phone Tabor 227.
Housekeeping Rooms.
Housekeeping Rooms.
TnB BEAVER, 12th and J.arshall st,
Newly furnished for housekeeping. In
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up; single housekeeping rooms $2.30 week
up; best In city for money: short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take "8" or
16th -st. oars north, icet off at Marshall st
ON BON T A" 187 17th, near Yamhill ftake
'W caa). furnished 2, 3 and 4-room house
keeping suites by week or month, $5 and
$2o respectively and up; steam hest, baths
and phones free: single rooms, $7 a month.
Main 46&7. A 4739.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hoc
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE GAYOSA, Grand ave.. cor. Kaat Stark
at. ; modern brik building, elegantly fur
nished housekeeping apartments, single
rooms; steam heat, elevator, baths, hot and
cold water in all rooms. Phone East 5465.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $2 50
week. $10 month. Transient rooms. 2o5
TWO large, well-furnished outside rooms,
ground floor; gas, electricity, thoroughly
clean; no children. 563 Everett.
"WAYNEWOOD." 109 North ISth, nicely
furnished housekeeping rooms; modern
THE MILNER. 35uH Morrison, cor. Park.
Unfurnished apartments: elevator, phones,
bath, hot and cold water in each suite.
DON'T shirk, stranger. 2f)2 14th. 2 largo
furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath,
phone, central, quiet.
S3S WILLIAMS AVE., furnished and unfur
nished housekeeping rooms; also single
UNFURNISHED 2 and 8-room bay window
suites in' beautifully centrally located
apartment-house. 30o V Jefferson, cor. 6th.
THE MILNER, 850 Morrison, cor. Park.
Furnished apartments; elevator, phones,
bath, hot and cold water In each suite.
THE SANGERT, Washington and Trinity,
near 19th, furnished apartments.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-room apart
msnts; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th st.
THE JEFFERSON I AN Just vacant, 1 nice
lly furnished 3-room auite. 514 Jefferson.
Housekeeping Hoomi Id Private Family.
CENTER of business. verv convenient
phone, gas, laundry. 32. N. 11th.
BRIGHT bay-window front rooms, large,
well furnished ; both phones. f;i4 Morrison
MODERN housekeeping suites. 377: Inquire
837 Montgomery.
4 FTJRNISHED housekeeping rooms. Inautrfc
at ft0.. Stark, cor. 12th at.