Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 06, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Heavy Gale Makes Continu
ance of 24-Hour Test In
advisable for Time.
.al2 or Big Dirigible Needs Re
filtinx and Ballast Is Unsatis
factory Is Vp
Only Ten Hours.
24-liour endurance tst of Count Zeppe
lin's airship, started from here today,
ended in failure, owing to unfavorable
weather. The airship ascended at :18 A.
M.. and the voyage was abandoned at
. 7:25 this evening. r
Lurlng tliis time the big dirigible de
fended twice to tfe surface of the lake,
taking on water for ballast.
Major Sperling, who acted as pilot In
place of Count Zeppelin, Anally decided
iu reiurn 10 rena the balloon with gas.
The destination of the trip, which was
made purely for military purposes, was
kept secret.
The balloon traveled as far as Biberach
. nd then returned to the lake, where It
rngaeed for a long time In maneuvers. It
carried 15 persons.
A strong easterly wind blew early in
the evening, against which it was im
possible to make headway, although the
motors were working well.
Major Sperling, fearing that he might
driven Into the mountains, decided
to seek shelter in the floating shell, and
abandoned the idea of refilling.
Slajr Establish "Two-Power" Stand
ard for Dirigibles Same as Navy.
LONDON. April B.-Great Britain seems
to be awakening to the fact that the
other nations of the world are leaving
her behind In the race for command of
the air. (
While the members of the House of
Commons were drawing the attention of
the government to the fact that Germany
lias built or is building dirigible airships
nnrt- urging ttie government to take up
with energy the construction of a British
fleet, thero was being held today a meet
ing In the Mansion House, under the
k chairmanship of the Lord Mavor of Lon
, don in support of the same object.
Among those present were Admiral
Charles Beresford, Prince Louis of Bat
tenberg, lxrd Curzon, Sir Hiram Maxim
and Admiral Sir Percy Scott, all of whom
heartily supported energetic action.
Admiral Scott advocated a "two power"
standard In airships as well as In dread
: noughts, and mentioned Incidentally that
the navy had designed a new gun which
.at a distance of 6UU0 feet could be ex
ceedingly destructive to war airships.
I'nrty of French- Aeronauts Come to
iirler orf Coast.
COULANCKS.. France, AprU 5.-A bal
loon that- started its aerial flight at St
floud came down in the breakers a
ouarter of a mile off the coast here today
The passengers 'vera, two men and a
woman. As soon- as their predicament
was perceived, boats put out to the
rescue. The basket to the balloon had
been cut and the occupants were drift
ing helplessly. The two men were res-
.. cued but the woman was drowned The
a. ronnuts tried to land on the beach
"tmt were blown out to sea.
fiomez Says Too Cireat Tendency To
ward Rebellion.
HAV ANA. April 5. Congress convened
. this arternoon and heard the reading of
! I resident s message. The general
tone of the message was hopeful and en
couraging, but a warning was sounded,
as follows:
"The political problem of our country
s In the case of some others of similar
.origin Mid education, contains one evil
element, which in the visible order mani
'fosts itself in a tendency to create and
maintain a third party, even other factors
arising from the vice of social dbiintegra
.tlmi which unfortunately seems charac-,
eristic of the southern race. The same
condition is manifested In the tendency
. toward rebellion against everything
wearing the badge of discipline, order,
i method and subordination to the will of
j social collectivity. ln this we have one
fact which, small as it may be, is not
Tha President makes an urgent plea
..n.irrrau treaty with the
.I nlted btates. favoring a reduction in
duties on Imtmrf rnnoiBti.,.r i. . .
arla of life, for the purpose of lowering
Trial lfAutlt Vkl . V. . a i .
Receiver Asked ror Bald Butte Mine
or Montana.
HELENA r.r.t a .. . . . .
v . , - -n. suit has
teen Instituted ln the Federal Court
- " xseaiue. or Boston, foi
the appointment of a receiver for th
Bald Butte Mining Company and the
settlement of Its financial affairs. Tli
mines of the company. It Is alleged
re unproductive. Its mill and niachln
ery -Tactically orthli nn.i
erties cannot be operated at a protit
wmioui lurtiter exploration and dev
v iiur in.
A few years ago the Bald Butte was
one of the best dividend-paying gold
mines ln Montana, and Its stock was
in active demand at a high premium.
.iei.UDiK.iis show Inexpected
Weakness Except tn Council.
HL'TTE, Mont.. Aorll K i-h.-i
Nevlu. Ivmocrat. was elected Mayor of
Butte today by a plurality of liuj The
liepublican candidate. Mayor Joseph
Corby, showed unexpected weakness
Henry. Independent Democrat, and
j-ierce. oociallst. displayed little
strength. Alex McGowan. Democrat. Is
re-elected Police Magistrate, and J. H.
k. McCarthy, Democrat. ex-Mayor of
Butte. Is elected City Treasurer. The
4Jemocrata ana republicans spilt eve
on the number of Aldermen elected. I
each getting: four. This -will give the '
uemocrats control of the Council.
By a plurality of 448 votes Andrew Lo- ,
p. " i.r-juinn.:ii. was ewciea jaayjr 01
Missoula, over John E. Patterson. Demo
crat, and T. D. Caulfield, Socialist. Two
Democratic and two Republican Alder
men were chosen. Mr. Patterson ran on
a municipal reform platform.
At Helena. In the election for Alder
men, the -Republicans were victorious in
four of the seven wards. The Democrats
elected two members and in one ward
the vote resulted in a tie.
At Anaconda three wards give Stagg.
Republican, for Mayor, 169 majority over
Ganguer. Democrat. The other three
wards are strongly Democratic and will
elect Ganguer, by. a majority of 15 or
Charles F. Murphy. Democrat, waa
elected Mayor of Great Falls by a ma
jority of 128 over J. M. Burlingame, Re
publican, ln a total vote of about 2400.
The Council Is tied. "
At WHllston, N. D.. .Tohn Bgger de
feated Joseph Weinley for Mayor on an
Issue of law enforcement.
At Hamilton the election of Aldermen
today hinged on the Issues between the
saloon and the anti-saloon interests, in
which the antia came out two votes
ahead, encompassing the defeat of Louis
Peterson, proprietor of several saloons,
for Mayor. ,W. A. Hayes (Ind.) entered
the campaign yesterday and defeated the
Civic League candidate.
H. J. Thompson (Rep. was elected
Mayor of Billings, defeating George F.
Binnlnghoff (Ind.). The Republicans
elected all four Aldermen.
Central American Nation Expresses
Desire to Settle Emery
Claim at Once.
WASHINGTON, 'April 5. Secretary
Knox was given to understand today by
Minister Kspinosa. of Nicaragua, that
the Nicaraguan government would make
an early effort to settle either, by com
promise or by arbitration the claim for
damages of the G. D. Emery Company,
whose concession for cutting mahogany
was canceled.
The Minister told the Secretary that a
special commission would leave Imme
diately for this- city, carrying full in
structions for the Minister, which would
empower him to reach a settlement. If
a compromise is not reached the Min
ister will sign a protocol submitting the
case to arbitration.
The last communication from Secretary
Knox to the Nicaraguan Minister was ln
the nature of an ultimatum.
Tacoma Bride-to-Be Thinks Fiance
Was Lured Away.
TACOMA, Wash., April 6. ( Special.)
Disappearing two days before his ar
ranged marriage to Miss Mattha Louise
inristtan, a beautiful Seattle girl 20
years old. and a former student in the
Broadway High School of that city, Alvin
R. Lehmann, a prosperous young commis
sion broker of this city, is believed to
have been lured away by a disappointed
suitor. The evidence tends to disprove
the theory of desertion, and the heart
broken bride-elect shares with her friends
a belief ln Lehmann's innocence of
wrongdoing. Miss Christian has joined in
a search for the missing man.
At 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon Leh
mann and Christian were to have been
married at the Chruch of the Immacu
late Conception, at Eighteenth avenue
and East Marion street, and a reception
was to have followed Immediately at the
home of Mrs. Frank Wright. 824 Twenty
first avenue. The wedding dinner had
been prepared and the guests assembled
at the hour when the bridegroom-elect
was to appear. Finally, William Lund,
who was to be the best man, declared his
belief that there would be no wedding
day, and the guests left. .
Clatskanie Property Changes Hands
for Consideration of $400,000.
CLATSK4NIE n- A -M c , c -
- . . ' t" i v. lope-
clal.) The . sale has been confirmed
ui mo nenson cogging Company's
sea-Kolne-raft works at thio
- - .,..o lULC LU
San Diego capitalists. The firm will, an viie Demon Lumber Com
pany. The deal lnelnrloa th.
Wallace Slough, two completed sea
rafts of 5,000.000 feet each, a new
cradle just launched ln which rafts
carrying . 000.000 feet will be con
structed hereafter; all the hoisting ma
chinery, pile drivers, chains, two large
luwmg launches, etc., at this
place, and the mills belonging to the
company at San Diego, Cal. Consid
eration was about $400,000. The new
company has taken charge and work,
will continue the same as usual.
None of the timber or logging equip
ment belonging to the Bensons was In
cluded In the sale, and both S. Benson
and A. S. Benson, -who have been at
California hot springs, have recovered
ufflciently to return home and look
after their logging camp, which Is one
of the largest in the Northwest
Utah Governor Here.
Governor William Frye. of Utah ae
como&iiieri .v- t ' I . .. . . .
Lake city, arrived ln the city last night
nu is uuarifrea at me Portland. The
visit ot Utah's Governor has no official
significance, having to do solely with
private matters which the Gbvernor de
clined to discuss. Governor Frve and
Mr. Oanflrld will spend todav here as
an incident of e tour of the Pacific North
west. Chinese Found Not Guilty.
Wong Ah Chow was declared not guiltv
by a jury in Judge Cleland s department
of the Circuit Court yesterday afternoon
of having stolen J200 from Wong Chung
Although the testimony In the case was
not lengthy, the entire morning and the
afternoon up to 3:45 o'clock, was spent
ln hearing the evidence, it being neces
sary to receive the -most of It through
Marriage umhi,
SIlBT-GOODWIN- EaUwortrt Silsby "2
Coiumbuo. Wab. : Ethel U Goodwin. 22. cllv'
43. Oresham; Emma Jrnaen. 36 city
city; Prciia v. 11. ErKkson. 21, cu,. " '
Wedding ana -vlsltlnc cards. TV. o Smith
at Co.. Washington bids.. 4th and Wash.
-l"f Rather Dh, Doeter.
limn n vtj wily n cut oil, Sall M I
Bingham, of Prlnceville. I!l "but you'll
die from gangrene (which had eaten
away eight toes) if you don't," said all
doctors. Instead he used Bucklen's
Arnica p-aive mi wnoily cured. Its
cures of Eczema. Fever Sores, Bolls.
Hnrni ,tiH l-i l.i u t m , .1 . . i
- . - ......... ... L 1 1 J T V I 1(1.
"h,. at all mwi.t.
?ew orits latest novelties la fine
Wets and Drys Fight in Many
Michigan Counties.
Of 2 7 Counties ArotIng, Three Are
Reported Dry, Two Wet Sum-
mcr Resorts Worried About
Effect on Business.
DETROIT, Mich., April 5. With virtual
ly all the Interest in todayls election cen
tering in the 27 counties of the state where
abolition of the liauor traffic was voted
upon, the Republican state ticket aooar
ently ia elected by 75.000. Kmmett, Eaton
and Sanilac Counties are in the 'dry"
column, while in Huron olid Ottawa the
'"wets" were victorious.
The Republican state ticket which was
elected Includes two -Justices of the Su
preme Court and Regents of the Univer
sity of Michigan.
In the 27 counties of the lower peninsula
of Michigan there are more than 1000 sa
loons and 14 breweries and wholesale liq
uor houses. Confronted by the most am
bitious campaign which the Anti-Saloon
League has ever undertaken against them
in Michigan, the liquor interests have
made a hard fight.
Allegan, Berrien and Ottawa Counties
Include in their borders many of the Lake
Michigan resorts which are extensively
patronized by people from Chicago and
the West, and much interest has attached
to the possible effect on this Summer's
business. In Washtenaw County is located
the University of Michigan, at Ann Ar
bor, and the drys have made much of
the beneficial effect which they contend
ed local option would have on its 4000
0 6 Out or 110 Divisions Now Ta
boo Booze.
ASHLAND, Ky., April 5. Boyd County
voted "dry" today by a majority of 107.
In this city, the center of the iron in
dustry, church bells were ringing
hourly during the election. The victory
of the "drys" here means that 96 of the
119 counties in the state are wholly
"dry," under the county unit law.
Kentucky Judge Decides Treating on
Sabbath Is Illegal.
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. April 5. Treating
friends to drinks of whisky or beer on
Sunday is a violation of the law. occord-
ing to a decision by Judge Kreiger to
day. The Judge cited the decision of the
Court of Appeals, which upheld a fine
that had been assessed In a case where
whisky had been purchased from a dis
tillery and divided among friends.
Alleged Bunco-Steerer Said to Have
Victimized Whit Men-
Sam Hinff, alleged Chinese bunco
steerer, was arrested last night and
locked up in the City Jail. It is said
he made easy victims of certain white
people and a few other Chinese. His
alleged system was to engage a carpen
ter or contractor to do certain work for
him and then ask for "luck money,
giving the contractor to understand that
waa customary with the Chinese and
was the way to bind a bargain. "When
the money was given him. that would
be the last seen of him, it Is said. A
certain Portland carpenter, finding that
h had been buncoed, made complaints
to 4he police and Detectives Hellyer and
Maloney finally located him. Hing waa
very ready to give back the money when
Th police have been looking for him
ror some time for other alleged depreda
tions between here and Astoria. One
plan. It is said, was to give a merchan
dise store a large order of provisions to
oe Bent to a camp outside of town, and
on the strength of the order, ask for a
loan for a few days or until the provis
ions were delivered.
The fact that they had been -buncoed
by a Chinaman, it is said, prevented
complaints oeing made.
St. John Votes to Annex Territory
and Extend City Line.
The city election at St. John yesterday
resulted in a complete victory for the
tiutenr ticket, all the old citv of
fleers being re-elected, as follows: Mayor,
j. o. iienaricKs; itecoraer, X. M. Essen
Treasurer. J. E. Panch; City Attorney,
H. E. Collier; Councilmen-at-large. A.
W. Davis. F. L. Dobie. C. L. Johnson.
The new Councilmen are S. B. Cook,
First Ward; M. R. Brown and J. K.
Heller, Second Ward; J. W. Davis, Third
Ward. These won out by substantial
The annexation proposition carried and
a large- strip of territory to the east of
the city will be taken ln. The most im
portant point ln the annexation scheme
was the extension of the city line from
the Meander Line to the center of the
channel of the river. This gives the city
police jurisdiction over the waterfront
and half of the river.
A number of amendments were up to be
voted upon, but all were lost through lack
of the necessary three-fourths vote.
Kills George Bennett and Injures
Charles Densmore.
BELLIXGHAM, April 5 Jarred by a
switch engine, a log rolled from the top
of a car in a Great Northern train at
Bellevne, 15 miles southeast of here, to
day, crushing the life out of George
Bennett, a brakeman, and seriously in
juring Charles Densmore, conductor of
the train.
Winnipeg. Manitoba. British Columbia
lumber manufacturers Monday advanced
prices through Western Canada from 11 to
S3 a. thousand.
DnTfrp Col. Ten men met here Sunday
for the purpose of forming: a society of
tw-n Indian fifrhtters to secure pensions
frosji the Federal Government.
Chi Cairo Members of the Chicago Dealers
Association are investigating- charts that
the city Is expending huge sums for coal
purchased upon slipshod and "loophole'1
specifications. It is declared that ample
opportunity is given for favoritism. .
Boston Prominent business and profes
sional women in Beston have orjraniz-d ln
women's Hrtmestad Association witK .
4, view to solving; tha problem of occupation
for the lOA.oeo surplus spinsters and widow
B&ku. RUSSIA. A KanH nf Cr.vvan bvw.
olutionlsts was discovered Sunday morning
v"' i".u inn sicamer vxarerucn on the cas;
pian Sea, as it was about to sail from Kras
novadsh and was captured. The 20 men
planned to nvrnnpr ttm or-A-n i trtini
OW in treasure and land with it.
Chtcaco Sentiment against the pollca de
partment, aroused by the recent kming "by
mistake" of Joseph Finn by Detective Alex
ander Scott, found violent demonstration in
two instances Sunday night against police
men in the performance of their duty in
" Bnparaiea parts or til city, who
wre attacked by bystanders.
Boston On the ground that the matter
was within the jurisdiction of the Vnited
States Circuit Court. Judge Morton, in the
Supreme Court refused to appoint a re
ceiver for the estate of the late Andrew J.
Iav!s. of Montana, or to issue an Injunction
against the removal to Montana of any of
mo ti 'jm iy 01 me estate.
Chicago The Chicago Federation of La
bor has expelled all the locals of tha
.Amalgamated Woodworking Vnion. The
drastic action is tne outcome of a bitter
fight for jurisdiction between the Wood
workers and the Carpenters, in which the
latter charged that union woodworkers had
taken the place of carpenters on strike.
Chicago Direct electric lntpmrhnn com
munication between Chicago and New York
compiexea sunaay wnen a train pulled
into Pullman over the tracks of the Ken
sington & Kastern Railroad, completed less
than 15 minutes before. Tha line connects
the last gap in the system of lnterurban
lines which stretch across th continent.
New York A torn letter left carelessly
in his room was tha means by which the
New York police tracked Vito Damaiano, an
Italian real estate dealer, to Buenos Avres.
By this evasive clew alone he was arrested
last June, and arrived in New York Sunday
on the steamer Verdi. He is charged with
the murder of Antonio Lombardo, in this
city, February 4, 1907.
Edward Richards and Floyd Fessler
Brought From Tacoma lor
Various Burglaries.
Detective Coleman returned last night
from Tacoma with Edward Richards and
Floyd Fessler, aged 17 and 16 years, re
spectively, who were arrested on infor
mation furnished by Chief Gritzmacher
for burglarious crimes committed in
Portland. Allen Sharon, one of the ac
complices, was caught in the First Na
tional Bank trying to cash a check that
was part of the plunder.
Sharon was forced into a confession
and implicated his friends, whom he said
were in Tacoma.
Why did we do it?" said young Fess
ler. "Well, I guess we needed the money.
I didn"t in particular, but the other boys
did, and we talked about breaking into
some of the stores and making a haul.
We got our ideas of boring the holes
around the locks and taking them out
from the Raffles stories. Now don't say
that we were reading dime novels, for
they are not. That was good fiction and
is published by Scribner's, of New York.
He was the amateur cracksman, you
know. I got the books from one of my
brothers, who has the complete set. It
looked like easy money 'and we thought
we would try it."
Fessler appeared a bright lad and
showed a knowledge ,of different works
of fiction, besides a general knowledge
of the world. He did not seem the least
bit embarrassed about the affair and
marched off to jail smiling.
Collector ot Printing Company Is
Charged With Embezzlement..
At the complaint of Milo J. Brown of
the Brown, Springer Company, printers
and by information furnished by the
police department to the officers at
Centralia, Wash.. Fred L. Harris, a for
mer employe of the printing firm, was
arrested last night in Centralia and Is
being: held there pending the arrival of
Detective Hellyer. who left last night
to bring the man back to Portland
where he is wanted on the charge of
This alleged theft was a debt of grat
itude Harris paid his employer. Har
ris was arrested on the charge of forg
ing checks ln Yakima. Brown, believ
ing that Harris was not guilty, came
to his assistance and Harris wae re
leased. Brown then gave Harris a po
sition in his company as collector,
where he stayed for several months.
Refuses to Leave Man She Ran Away
With and Goes to Jail With Him.
Harry Matthews and Agnes Rogers
were arrested last night in a lodging
house, at 63 Seventh street, and confined
in the City Jail, on a statutory charge
The arreet was made at the Instigation
of the girl's mother, who followed them
here from Tacoma, where they met and
ran away. Matthews and the girl were
living under the name of Mr. and Mrs
George Adams. Matthews gave hla age
Who Really Does Sell
the .
Who Pays for the Big
Page Advertisements
That Appear Regularly
in the Daily Papers
Why do people go to the big advertisers
vhen they want furniture? They do not
realize that they are charged from 10 to 15
per cent more in order to pay these large
advertising bills and other exorbitant ex
pense accounts.
1 60-370 Eat
6, 1DOD.
iikL lid
SubsIb BrcakfMfi tut.
ttacuur 1UU of f are
No. 1 Boston Cream Toast,
Stewed Figs. Bread and Butter.
Cereal Coeffe 15o
No. 2 Dry Toast. Comb Honey.
Glass of Milk. 15o
No. 3 Rolled Oats with Cream.
French Toast. Bread and But
ter, Cereal Coffee 20o
No. 4 Boiled Rice -with Milk.
Hot Cakes with Maple Syrup,
Bread and BuWer, Cereal Cof
fee 20o
No. 5 Buttered Toast, Apple
Sauce, Creamed Corn. Bread
and Batter, Glass ot Mllk....20o
No. 6 Mush and Milk, Two
Eggs. Potatoes. Bread and But
ter. Cereal Coffee... 25a
No. 7 Milk Toast, Broiled Pro
tone, plain or with Jelly, Bread
and Butter, Cereal Coffee... 25c
No. 8 Mush with Milk. Hot
Cakes with Maple Syrup or
Honey Cereal Coffee 20o
No. S Toasted Corn Flakes
with Cream. Stewed Prunes,
Boston Cream Toast. Bread and
Butter, Chocolate ..30o
No. 10 Mush with Milk. Baked
Potato wifn Cream Gravy,
Shirred Efrgs. Bread and Butter,
Cereal Coffee 30o
No. 11 Mush or Cereal with
Cream. Baked Apple, Omelette,
Bread and Butter, Cereal Cof
fee 36o
No. 12 Cream Toast. French
Pancake, with Maple Syrup, Cup
Cocoa, Bread and Butter 40o
Mel served a Ia c&rt an dm?.
as 23 and the girl is 16, according to 'her
Matthews is said to have two wives in
Seattle, one whose name was Eva Gates
and the other Vera Clark. Todav tha
mother will make charges against the
man winch may result in a penitentiary
sentence. She pleaded with her daughter
to go home with her but the latter re
fused to leave unless she would promise
10 witnaraw the charges against Mat
thews. The mother refused and the pair
after denouncing the mother, were locked
George F. Brlce Victim While At
'tending Theater.
An aufomobile belonging to Genrce Jr.
Brice, an attorney ln the Corbett build
ing, was stolen last night while he and
his wife were attending the theater. The
machine was left standing at 14th and
Washington streets and when they
came out to go home, the car was gone.
The police and garages were notified and
ueiecuves ana ponce started out in pur
suit. The car was a large red Pope-Hartford
roadster with a top on the front seat
The big light's were out when the machine
was stolen and it was hoped that the car
could be Identified ln this manner. The
number was Oregon 113 painted ln large
euver .euers.
(Con tinned from First Page.)
Incompetent testimony had been the basis
of the Indictments.
These allegations vere vigorously denied
by the Government counsel.
A great crowd attended the opening of
the trial. People came from all parts ot
the state to see the unusual spectacle of
a Governor on trial for alleged fraud.
Attorneys for -the defense filed a motion
to have the shorthand notes of the Mus
kogee grand Jury introduced in court, and
this motion was taken up for argument
before the motion to quash was con
sidered. The attorneys for the defense
tola the court that the argument of the
defense on the latter motion probably
would consume three days' time. The only
one of the defendants not in the city is
A. Z. English, who is very ill in Los
Nebraska Capitalists Invest.
A distinguished party of Nebraska cap
italists, consisting of R. J. Tate, Colonel
T. L Roberts. R. Z. Drake, of Omaha,
and Harry Miller and R. Y. Applebv, of
Stanton, are at the Portland. These
gentlemen have spent several days in
tne state, principally ln the vicinity- o
Tl m I MM
ii . mn i-srmi wjj .k tn i . iij .n iwy ai a
r if m
rwot by
The Seal of Purity
This little green 6tamp is the
Government's final seal of purity.
It means that the whiskey is
1 Made under Government inspection
2 Aged COnttol
3 Bottled " supervision
You will find this stamp on every
bottle of
Bottled In Bono
A fine old whiskey, with a rich, distinctive
flavor that has never changed "Since 1857"
If. your dealer can't supply yrm,
write us for name of one who will
A. Guckenheimer & Bros Distillers, Pittsburg. Siacc 1857
Astoria., looking for timber land invest
ments. They trill remain in Portland
several days, making side trips to Hood
River and other nearby points. They
are enthusiastic over the opportunities
which this section offers and intimate
that they will make extensive invest
ments. Austrian Dies ln Bed.
Novak Lyusdeva, an Austrian 18 years
old. was found dead ln bed last night
about 11 o'clock in his room at Second
and Couch. The Coroner as notified
and the body was taken to the morgue.
He Is thought to have had an attack of
No. 2.
man ! Pa U B
rlJn personal inspect! on to the worklne of M. I. S. T. od the human system, and
most say that it entirely meets with my professional sanction. '
D. H. LOOMIS. Lata Demonstrator ot Anatomy. Philadelphia Medical College.
W. GuaranlM H. I. S. T. No. 2 will Curt or Wo Will Rafund Your Money
, 5SSH5f ASSM n mlt5"r how IOCT "landm. Any ease of Inflammation of the Bladder
or Enlar Iro.t-at Gland, no matter if tbe patients nave been for years forced to use a
Anycase of Stricture without local treatment. In addition to the abore MIS T Ko S
?""d,m" -" of Paralysis. locomotor Ataxia. Spinal Trouble and apparently incurable
diseases of the nerve and has remoed from the system cancer and cancerous growths.
T ,iJlLTJtbn;',n the market lor over SO years, and bas cured thousands of sufferers.
It Is prescribed by leading physicians all over the country. It is pleasant to take and abso-
Fpssaa. wmm Jnf' ?- 14 never Increases or diminishes the action of the
0 beBrH. " yoa r" uDertna- from any chronic disease you are urged
k 1 I write to us. co matter how many doctors or kinds ot medicines
m kam MM u have tried without relief. WE GUARANTEE TO CURE YOtJ
of ?fMnd your money. That you may Judge of the value of this Great
fl2I J!I'J2 Z.W LZ"" ?.WB'k treatment by mail FREE, only asking that
Address U. I. S. T. Co., Toledo, 0.
For sale by S. Q. Skidmore Drug Co., 151 Third Street, Portland, Oregon.
of northwestern streets
shows the popularity of
c wuwh j CO- rn st Paul. since isss.
heart trouble. The Austrian was sick at
the Covnty Poor Farm some time ago.
Jaw Broken by Heavy Timber.
ALBANY, Or., April 5. (Specials
While unloading a car of county bridga
timbers at Shedds this morning, Ernesl
G- Pugh sustained serious injuries. A
falling timber struck him, crushing Ms
left shoulder and breaking his lowei
jaw. His condition is reported to be dan.
Kerous. Pugh is a son of John W. Figh,
one of the best known men in Linn
County, and a brother of Charles A.
Pugh, Supervisor of the Shedds road district.
rWacU 5Rk 'bond i
Nerve and Blood Tonic
n B' f No. 2.