FOREIGN DATS HERE Canadian Article in the Local Market. LARGE SUPPLY AVAILABLE Alberta Farmers Seeking to Market Their Surplus on the Pacific I 'ohm May Hold the Prices Down. Canadian oats have appeared in the local market for the Brut time In the history of the trade. An Initial lot of 200O tone Is to be marketed here In the near future and e t,w eara of the shipment have already been received. Theae oati were grown In Alberta and coma by way of Spokane. Local sraln mn who have examined them pronounce the quality ae icood aa or better than the Orefon and Waihlncton oats. After paying & duty of ft.eS per tan they can be laid down here at about 39 per ton. There la an un limited aupply said to be available, and aa the Canadian farmers are trying hard to find a market for them, they may send la oough to break this market, or at least hold prices In check. A large quantity ot the foreign oate have been disposed of at Seattle and Spokane and an effort la also being made to market them at San Fran cisco. The Alberta growers govern their f- o. b. prices by the valuea prevailing in the American markets. Another factor that is causing some un certainty In the local oats market le the quantity that win be offered for sale by farmers In the Valley and elsewhere aa soon as seeding Is nnlahed. The barley market holds very firm. Tha demand la good and oflertnga are light. Very little business is passing In the wheat market. The eales made yesterday were of small lots and the prices paid were about as previously quoted. Flour la firm, but there is no certainty that prices ulll be advanced in the imme dtare future. Bid and asked prices at the Board of Trade were as follows: WHEAT. Bid. Asked. April ,1.10s SI. 12 May 1.12 1.1414 OATS. April 1 97V4 200 May 2.00 2.02 Vi BARLEY. April 1 50 1.32 May 1.524 1SS itecelnts In cars were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat .Barley Flour Oats Hay April 3-4 it 11 ft 1$ Tuful lust week. 41 l;I 50 12 Zti The weekly train statistics, as renorled hv the Merchants Kxi'haiiK. follow: Ktisliels. Decrease. April P, l'.irto :iti, 1 12.DM0 27O.O00 Ap:ll O, 1IMIS .:!S.7!lS,0tM 710.0O0 April N, 1!H7 4'.t,-j,..OUO 2,4o2.tt00 April . 1PPI1 4 !'.: 2 4 O00 14it IIOO April iof 1105 Hi.imu.iHxi :il,ooo April -I, 31,727.iOO 7S4.000 April it !!:: 4i.a.-, i.:i:t:t.nmi April 7. llloa 4H.4l4.OlMI 1.1.M.000 April fc. uml K.voiift April I), moo SS.412.tlOO 1,209,000 Increase. Quantities on passage Week Week Week ending ending endln April A March 27 April 4, 'OS Koi VltiKhfl Hu.hels Ru.heT. U K rtO.4SO.OilO 32.0SO.OOO S3 -'so ttOO Continent . . 21.2.S0.000 23,2S0.OOo Totals tv0.S2O,00O 5S,30.O0rt 6S.500.000 World's shipments, flour. Included Week " Week Week enOlntc emllnK ending Aprils March 27 April 4. 'OS From Rusbels BushclM iihnia I IT. 8 . can.. 1. 414. 000 2.0:10.000 2. (HI. 1100 I Argentina .. 4..-.20.OC10 S.C.'.iii.uoO U.B40 ooo Australia .. l.SKl.OOO 1. !, OuO H00 ooo India 8. OilO IM OOO 1Lan. ports.. ICS. ooo ton 000 HusSla V44.O00 K00.000 44UOOO Totala ... 8.70.OOO 7.372.000 10.767.000 ICOCStNTT VIEW OF POTATO MARKET STS Slocks In Northwest Will Not Last Throughout Kcaeon. The potato market continues quiet. There are no signs of Improvement In the im mediate future at San Francisco, and until I -hat market recovera local buyers will hardly raise their bids. That the later Imarket will be better Is generally conceded. P ut just when things will mend Is a ques tion. A. J. (Jerry Cousins writes to The On- nonlan from North Yakima, that the state- tnent of John ahourley. regarding the Ivaklma supply, recently printed In The regonlan. Is entirely correct. Mr. Cousins l-a ys: "w n usually secure any number of I are up to June 15, from the growers. This cason what few cars are here are In deal ers nancls. outside ot -0 cars which are eia toy the growers, this being a very I onservatlve estimate. I look for notatoes be higher In the next 90 days than they .-. D.rn in many years. There are prac- iiy no wean points to draw from. Seattle. kane, lacoma, lieUlnghain and Everett isrketa are all firm and high. 1 note there re only 400 cars In Oregon, and 200 will neeoca for sound points. What will the tate of California, do In this case, using "" 10.000 .arks dally or S4 cars ot i. sucks earn-; The result will be that po- .ir win ne proumu m from the Kast at a t of 2 per hundred or possibly more I Iolleve 1 es per hundred will be paid grow rs In Oregon before the last of the month." BETTER BARELY HOIJHi ITS OWN. ga Hrm With a Strong All Areund Dcmuntl. The butter market hoUls barely steady at I' cents tan Francisco Is on a 23-cent ls and is shipping' large quantities of nier to eatt.e and other Northern cities. uder theae conditions it is difficult for the Ttland trailo to maintain the current al price and a further drop is looked for v day. Kbks er nrin ji-sterolny with most of e business reported at 21c, cents. Some les were said I,, have been made at ! lile. on the other hand. business was done a small way at 22 cents. Receipts are ' hut not sufficient for the local, ehtp ig and storane demand. As the demand likely to expand, the market apparently s an upward tendency. UNION 1'Kll l.S Am; AIWANC1NO. ;rkct at San Francisco Shows Strength. Few Cllrs Ml Iri-e onion market Is sliowlng decideo r"n "s me season dras to a close, ices at San Francisco have advanced irpiy. touching $ ;j yesterday. The sup In this state haa nm Ins- . . pper estimating It at 15 cars and another ..... ..... kl ,i niese are good qual- .. ..... .... ..v, jr oerore new ithern onions can take the place of old remaining orecom should sell erv good prices. Texas Hermudss are on h. Itle and San Fran,.,-n iii eome may n show up here, though the trade does -. .v., mem. j ney will sell the Coast markets for about 4 50. LAST CT1.KRV OF THK SEASON". le Cars of Florida. Tomatoes Will Arrive This Week. t everal cars of Iminni, wmm . . la.v. hut fsiieil to arrive. Ttiev -... I I for this morning's trade. A car of rj. ! or me iftmn. waa received, car of lemons lita arrived A - r I rid a tomatoes Is due twlar or tomorrow Ii mrmir car later in Ilia week, hs rrst Oregou asparagus of tha season W"S received from Beaverton and sold at AS cents a dozen. California crass sold at 7811 cents, gfbubarb waa plentiful and a good deal of it was poor. A shipment of new . California potatoes will be on hand today and will offer at 6 cents a pound. XI NK CENTS PAID FOR NEW-CROP HOI'S Official Returns of Boer Prod net it n and Hop Consumption In Britain. A. J. Ray A Son yesterday closed a con tract with a Sherwood grower for 20.000 pounds of 1009 hops at 0 cents. This waa the only business for the day reported in the local market English government statistics of the brew ery trade last year have Just been Issued irwhlch show a production in Great Britain, for the year ended September 80, 1108, of 34. 1458.274 barrels of beer. In the manufac ture of which 62.971.755 pounds of hops were used. This compares with :!5.3G8.809 barrels of beer manufactured and 6:i,032,925 pounds of hops consumed in the previous year. Quarter of , Mohair Clip. Sold. Mohair dealers estimate that about one fourth of the 1809 clip of this state has been sold to date. The market is active and as hieh u 2H, centa has been paid at country points. Eddyvllle growers have fixed upon April 13 as the date or the mohair pool sale at that place. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes terday were as follows: ... Clearings. Balances. rj.!fn1 Sl.ul2.348 S217.048 1.705,08 274.o3l fapokane 1.301,282 7S.OS4 TOBTLAM) MABKET3. Grain, Floor. Feed, Etc eiHET Track Prl: Bluestem mllllnfr. f5: bluestem. shipping. Jl.17HiSl.18; club S1.12&1.15; Turkey red, J1.15; red Russian. SI.OS: Valley. si. 10 hk . Ff-Jl;R"-"I'atellt- ' SS.65 per barrel: straights ,S4.B3; exports, S1.S0; Valley, S5.10-Jaam- i.2ii wuoit wntat. liuar.era. ii'jv'v3.0- 1 wh,,e. 340 per ton. MILLSTLFFS Bran. SU&2(5.oo per toai mlildllnss. $33: shorts. S2bxt:0: chop S20a2S rolled barley. $3334 ' BARLEY Feed. $31 SI per ton. HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley $13916 per ton: Eastern Oregon S1C31S: clover $13 CIS: alfalfa. $14.5013: grain hay, $131; cheat, S13.SU&14.S0: vetch. $13.5014.60. Tegetables and Fruit. FRESH FKL'ITS Apples. ,oT,cUi$2.o0 per jox; Malaga grapes, $u per banct POTATOES Buying price. S1.2ft1.35 per hundred: sweet potatoes. 23c per pounds new California, tic per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, $1 per sack; carrots, 30c; parsnips. $1.50; beets. $1.75; horseradish, 10c per pound TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels, $2.25 V-.75 per box; lemons, $1.7f4; srape fruit, 14.254.73 per box; bananas. 5V-6c per pound: pineapples. $2.75tn3.2o per coud; tangerines 11.75 per Dox ONIONS Oregon, buying price. $1.75 l.S.i per hundred. VEGETABLES Artichokes. 65 85c doz.; aeparagua, 7frllc per pound; beans 25c cabbage, 3 4c per pound; cauliflower $2.50; celery. $4.50 per crate; cucum bers. $1.50fjj2.50 per dozen; lettuce, hot house, $1.30 per box; lettuce, head. 85c per dozen; onions. 40 50c per dozen; parsley. 3ric per dozen; peas, lie per pound; radishes, S5c per dozen; rhubarb. 5n 8c per pound; spinach. 6c; tomatoes, $13.50. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER City creaiHery. extras. 29c; fancy outside creamery. 27l2c per lb.; California. 27 c; store, lS20c. (Butter fat prices average Hi cents per pound under regular butter prices.) fPj???? ranch, 21 22c per dozen. I-OIjLTRT Hens. iel,ic; broiltrs. -4 2oo; fryers. I8&20c; roosters, old. lOWllc young, 14tfloc: ducks, 2022i,c; geese 10c" turkeys. 1619c; squabs. $2.30iSi per dozen. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 1717l4o per lb.; full cream triplets, 17(&'17c: full cream. Young America. lS18V,c. V1Af".E:"raa' lOeiOVso per pound; ordi nary, 7 9 8c; heavy. 6c l!0acKF,C'' ttc per lb.; large. Groceries. Dried Fruits. Ete. DRIED FRUITS Apples. 8o per lb.1 peaches. 7 8c; prunes.. Italians. 64aiuioi vrunes. French. 4 011c; currants, unwashed! hed. 10c: i"1"' nc; currants, washed, cases. ancy 60"lb- b"" ' dates. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talla. -.i"!ro.,1,0o,:,",.i, 2-,d tails. S2.9S; l-pounS Bmi"' Ju; lak "nk' 1-Pound tails. 85o; ta?i 'j0"1"1 talu- $1"5; sockeyes. 1-pounj COFFEE Mocha. 241925c; Java, ordinary l320c; Costa Rica, fancy, is20c; good. UiKJISc: ordinary. 12&10a per pound NUTS Walnuts, 12lo per pound by sack: Braall nuts. 16c: filberts. 15c; pecans. 7c; almonds. 13(il4o: chestnuts. Italian. 11c; peanuts, raw. 6H6o; plnenuts, loa 12c; hickory nuta. 10c; cocoanuta. 900 nir dozen. SUQAR Granulated. $6.05; Extra O. $5 65' golden C $3.45; fruit and berry sugar, x$6 05 plaln bag. $5.85; beet granulated. $5 85 ." arre. powdered (barrel: 58 30. Terms: On remittances within. 15 daya, deauct per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct Ko per pound. Maple sugar. '.5lSc per pound SALT Granulated. SIS oer ton. SI Ml cor $S er ton."rOUn'i" 1U0"" 1-60 D'T tou'- BEANS Small white. i4c: large white. arovlslona. .e,?Arj3N""J'ancy' .21 Pr Pound: stan Tie 17Ci Kn8"s' "l"lc; orv".?,,8!0111111, Kesular short clears. Sl't lV 13c;J smoked. 13c: short clear backs, havy dry salted. 12 He; smoked. 13Vc; Oregon exports, dry salt. 13 Cc smoked. 14 c. ,.HA0S 10 '? " " 1 to 16 lbs.. 14c; 18 to 20 lbs.. 14c; hams, skinned 14c: picnics. 9 Vie; cottage roll, lie; shoul pl'nlcs 11l-c boUeJ hams- 19 a 20c; boiled LARD Kettle rendered: 10s, llc- 5a 14"4c; Standard pure: 10s, 13c; .a; 13c! i.,.?"9e.U:05-,.15.: 6"- 12 Compound: SMOKED BEEF Beef tongues, each. 60c; dried beet sets. 17c; dried beef out sides. liic; dried beef insides, 19c; drld beef kunckles, ISc. PICKLED GOODS Barrels: Pigs" feet. $13; regular trrpe. $lo; honeycomb trips. $12: pigs' tongues, $10.50. MESS MEATS -Beef, specials, $ia per barrel; plate, $14- per barrel; family, $14 per karrel; pork. $20 per barrel; brisket, $22 per barrel. Hods. Wool, Hides. Ete. ,o?.lOPS 1!H'9 contracts, tiia-lOc per pound; 190S crop. 7s(i7Vii:; 1907 crop. IiSlUr; 1906 crop, lijij'ic. "V WOOL Eastern Oregon, contracts. 109 lSi- per pound: Valley. 18c. MOHAIR choice. 23u2:l'11c per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 16i17c lb dry kip. No. 1. llNijflHc pound; drv calf skin. iSSrlye pound; salted hides, 09Wc 'ess calfskln- HflWc pound; green, lc .V"R i.kin,: Angora goat. $1 to 1.:3; badaer, 25jj50c: bear, jsuso; beaver. .508.50; cat. wild. SOctfSi; cougar. p.r fect head and claws. ISalO: fisher, dark. sea otter. S 1 ii ' ,11 - ... . , $075c; civet cat. lOffllc: wolf. coyote 70cf110: wclriiie. dark! tz&V- wolverine, pale. $2tjf2.50 CASCARA BARK Per pound. 4fte. Drled Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. April 5. The market for evaporated apples .was very quiet with fancy quoted at SVifV.e. choice at 7 7c. prime at tiatiVsc and common to fair a 54i 6c. Prunes are held in light aunpiv. particu larly for the larger size, but demand is not urgent. Quotations range from 3 -to HUc for new crop California fruit and from 6i to 9c for Oregons. ranging from 4o-50s to 30-SO. Apricots, quiet. Choice. Omloc; extra choice. lOSlOtjc: fancy. 114J13c. 1'eaches are firm- Choice. 6g6ic; extra choice. 6l-4 3jc; fancy. 7'a8Sc Raisins, dull and unsettled, with looe Mus catel quoted at 3S;t34Sc. choice to fancy at 4ti-. seedless at S465Hc.and London lay ens at $l-2nil.30. Ialry rroducs in the East. CHICAGO. April 5. Butter Steadv. Creameries. 244f2Sc; dairies, 2Vt 23c. Eggs Steady at mark, crf?e Included; firsts. lOc; prime firsts. 20e. Cheese Firm: daisies. lrte; twins. lSc; Toung Americas, 154iloc. NEW YORK. April .1. Ttutter Stcsrly at the de.-llne. v'reamery specials. 2S'2'4c; third to firsts. 21tt 2k.. Cheese Firm. Eggs Firm: Western firsts. .20 9 21c. Wool a$ St. Louis. ST. I.OI-IS. April . Wool Nominal. Me dium grades, combing and clothing. 2'i4f 24-: light flue. I7i2ttc; heavy fine, 10 3 17c; tub w ashed. 23 Si 32c . - -1 . . . i.uiipi; rox. cross, $3 to Jo: fox. gray, soc to Sic: fox. red. $2.25 to $4: fox. silver. $35 to $100; lynx. JlOrf 15: marten dark. $8413; mink. 75cia4 60: muskrat. 10lc; otter. $7: i-,;"i THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAS. TUESDAY. APRIL 6, 1900. FEELING THEIR WHY Stock Operators Cautious in Putting Up Prices. AFRAID OF OVERDOING IT V'ndertone of the Sfarket, However, Is One of Confidence That the Worst or Business . De pression. Is Over. -N-EW YORK. April 5. The speculation in stocks did not fully maintain its strong tone throughout the day. although still showing evidence of vitality and under tone of confidence. Speculative opinion seems to have arrived at the conviction that the worst is over In the business depres sion and that Improvement is to be the rule from now on. Mixed with this con fidence is the caution prompted by the probability that the speculation will out run the rate of Improvement, leaving room for sharp market reactions The danger of running out of margins is such a re action and of losses for the too daring speculator are taken into account, and are responsible sfor such periods of hesitation as were perceptible during much of the day's session. The disposition was plainly manifest to reduce market conditions as the hour ap proached for the assembling of the Supreme court. The fluctuations In Reading mean time became feverish. Then followed a period of extreme dullness, until It was announced that the decision waa once again postponed. The tone of aSvices sent out by commis sion houses over the week end resulted in considerable accession of buying orders when the market opened. The further Im provement in financial conditions abroad brought an addition to the demand for American securities from that source also. The selling to realize had effect on the market. In the later efforts to start the market up again a good deal of attention was given to Individual stocks, with a view to their sympathetic effect on the general list. There seemed some Impression that the beginning of arguments in the Government suit against the Standard Oil Company might restrain the speculation. This week's Government report on crop conditions is regarded as of great importance for the light it will throw on the condition of Winter" wheat. Time loans were reported easier and con siderable amounts were said to have been placed on the market. The vigorous advance in the last half hour of Cnion Pacific and United States Steel was decisive in turning the whole market upward again. .Bonds were firm. Total shares, par value, $4,947,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing RHiee. .raign. Amal Copper ..... 2U.800 77& Am Car & Foua. 6,100 5oTs do preferred Am Cotton Oil... 1.000 521 Am lid & Lt pf. 1,100 4oi Am Ice Securi 14,oOO 38 Am Linseed Oil.. ..... Am Locomotive 3,000 5GVa no preferred Miri 78 50 i 'ii ii 3ia 3tia 55 ii "87 104 ! 132 Vj "iaii 44 ',a lo7t 7714 50H Ol4 38 V 14'., 66 43 881, 104 132 i2 33 45 107 3, losa. Am Smelt & Ref 41, 800 8yti 00 prererreu 300 104 C Am Sujrar Ref Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen .... Anaconda Min Co Atchison ,i.. 1 5UO 132 " 3! 000 "ii ii 3.500 4oia 12.200 lOSVs Atl Coast Ltne'! flL' vuttai itoe MOO 13 IZZi, 122 Bait it Ohio 10.U0O 113, 112 113 1221, 122 tsrook Rap Tran. 28,200 . 1", CO . 7714 7oi Canadian Pacific. 51IO 177 28 ! "fii" 175 28 1,, 86 ?i 7o"4i 4 neutral Leatner... do preferred . . . Central of N J.. Ches & Ohio Chicago Gt West. 1,100 300 'isisoo 1,400 28. 10O 235 T1H lMd 75i 3 B3 81 V, 138 20 v4 178 49 SS 334 as-s 454 5Vs -tucago & A t 00 182', 181M, C. M Jt, Paul.. 23.SO0 '151jt 150 C, C, C & St L.. 200 Colo Fuel & Iron 2,200 Colo & Southern.. SoO do 1st preferred. 200 do 2d oref erred . '51. 5A 8i4t 64 V 82 3'A 64 Mt 137" 20 178 47 i 87 35 29 U 45'- Consolidated Gas.. 3.200 139 corn Products . . . 33,000 21 JJel & Hudson L & R Urande do nrfil'errwi "01 lO ITOSi XO, I'.iO 500 881 3 2Ts 411 Distillers' Securi.. 12.4O0 Jrie 8.000 ut 1st preierred. do 2d preferred. General Electrlo.. G Northern pf... Gt Northern Ore.. 1,500 20O 35 H 351, 8.1U0 ltjOi 15Tit 15i4 so i.n ia iia ati-4 1.400 auiw 09 oSL. 1441 H?, 43 10 61 37s 29 46, Interborough Met. .0o0 6.WV 14U 140 14Ti 15. uo preierrea Int Paper do preferred Int Pump . Iowa Central K c Southern 15,400 45it 10 43 10 "37H 2O0 1.6CK) 38' 46', 46 L, Louis &. Nashville 2.2o0 135 do preierred Oiuk 3 73 V, 135 ii.V ' 7214 42 1, 14 V, 13514 64 74' -"HI 11 cK !C La M. St P & S S M. 1,300 145'. --v.isniouri i-'acinc. . .i'H Mo, Kan & Texas 6.HM do preferred ... 600 Kationa.1 Uead Jn.7 N Y Central 12,300 N Y. Ont & West. ::.8 Norfolk & West.. 8.1M North American. . .10O Northern Pacltic. 38,100 Pt-ir- Mail 73 K4 83 130 134' 13114 4H 4 47i4 147 -145 i'enriylvania . 23.700 135 134H P. C C & St u . Pullrnan Pal Car l.OuO 175 rvy vitrei spring.. Heading 172.000 14 Republic Steel aoo io preferred Rock Inland Co. . 700 do preferred . . . 2.800 s; L & S F 2 pf St L Southwestern do preferred Sloss-Sheffieid Southern Pacific;-- 21 Aflft lf-' u( preierrea ... Southern Pallway. do preferred Tenn Copper .... Texaa & Pacific.-, Tol. St L. & West. 1,30 M 1.800 " '4.906 ii-ririicu ... I, linr 1 Union Pacific . . .111,700 lSai 1,7(H U i Kuboer drt 1st nref erred- 'Jtui ins U S Steel 105. &00 iio preierrea ... Vtah Copper .... Va-Oaro Chemical. tio preferred . . . Wabssh do preferred ... W est 1 na- houie Ec Western t'nion . . . Wheel & Li Erie.. Wisconsin Central. Am Tel Tel 3 H 11 4 7lO 4-t i 40O 1.500 r 200 iiii 2.2'H 331 Total sales for the day 878.300 aharea. BONDS NEW YORK. April 5. Closing quotation s; U. 8. ref. 2s reg.lOlH'N Y C G 3S... 93 do coupon 101 North Pacific 3s "5 V. S. 3s reg 101 (North Pacific 4s. 103 do coupon 101 Soum Pacific 4s. 1 V S new 4treg.ll9 'tnion Pacific 4s. 103 do coupon .... 120Wlscon Cent 4a 04 Atchison adj 4s. 100 Japanese 4a 86 r & r g 4 P7r- , Stocks at Londoa, LONDON'. April S.: Consols for 1 S5. do for account. 84 1-16. Anaronda S4X. T. Central... Atohison lllaXorflk West. do pref lO1-! do pref Bait a; Ohio 11 J S 'Ont A West Can Parifle 104 i-. 'Pennsylvania .. Ches & Ohio 73 IRsnd Mines . Chi Grt West... 5 Radfnc .134 t . 03, . S3 . s4 '. 67 1244 19Si . 98 31 H 11 V . ISiJ . 4S, . , 78H i,....l.i Southern Rr re Beers .. 13il do pref .. 49 pouth Pacific... .. 9" t'nion Pacific... . . Sot do pref . . 47 II". S. steel . . 3 I do pref .. 20 Waba-h ..1491! do pref ..13 Spanish 4s..... .. 43H Amal Copper... D A R a. . .In ii-.F Erie do 1st pf do !i tf Trunk. ill Central T. N Mo K i T. . . Money. F.xehanife. Ktc. VEW YORK. April 5. Prime mercantile paper. 31,6 1 per cent. Merlinc Motiantf steady, mlth actual busi ness in bankers' bills at tt S5-a 4.S615 for 80s 14. i, 31 135 1 113S 114 823i 88t, 88 176 174S ia&il 18714 22 22i 2U 24 'iii, 24 644 64t (Mt, 38 . 551 73 -i l-'lvi 122f, 125 125 26 2Stl lv- R4C 65 41 40t 40H 331, 54t3 53U 54 1" 11 186T4 isat, H51, U5 .11 31 105 Hi5 004 SI H 113- 113T, 42 x 43 44-s 441, 44S, 117 117 115 J8. IS14 1814 47i 47 47?A 85 S214 K4ti 67 67 66 U, 104 10U 1014 1311. l.iiv. W-day bills and at S4.S775 for demand. Com mercial hills, 4.S5? a 4.S0',. Bar silver 51c. Mexican dollars 4? Government bonds Steady; railroad bonds, firm. Money on call, steady. 1H62 per cent: ruling- rate and closing; hid. IK per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans somewhat easier: 60 days. 2'42i per cent: 90 days. 2, par cent; six months, S per cent LONDON, April 3. Bar silver, 23V-d per 1V per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short hills Is 1 9-16ls per cent; for three months' bills. 1 9-101H per cent, BAN FRANCISCO. April 5. Silver bars 51c. t Mexican dollars 45c. Drafts Sight. 2c: telegraph. 4c. Sterling- on London. 00 days, $4.86 ; sight. $4.87$. Dally Treasury Statement. "WASHINGTON, April 6. Today's state ment of the Tresjiury shows: Available cash balance $135,293,500 Gold coin and bullion 41 072 236 Gold certiAcstes 47.5S4.310 TOP PRICES OF SEASOII POTATOES ADVANCE A DOLLAR A TOS AT SEATTLE. Heavy Receipts of California Butter. Agitation for Increase in Hop Tariff. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 5. (Special.) The potato market advanced $1 all around, setting new high prices for the season. Yakima potatoes went to $33 for the best stock and White River's to $35. Dealers are scouring Eastern Washington and Ore gon for a sufficient supply of fancy stock good enough to ship North when navigation opens. Tnr5.e car" f onions reached here todav from Oregon and were offered at $2.50 The market is "dull and inclined to be weak Fresh receipts of Florida tomatoes sold at $3.50 today, while Mexicans were sold at $1 to $1.25. Five hundred anl forty-seven cubes of California butter were delivered to dealers J two boats are due tomorrow', both of which carry large consignments for Seattle Hop dealers and growers have prevailed upon the Commercial Club to ask the state's congressmen and Senators to work for a raise in the hop duty from 12 to 24 cents. QUOTATIONS AT BAN ntAUCISCO. Prlcea Paid for Produce In the Bay Cltl Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. April - 8. The fol lowing prices were quoted in the produce market today: . Potatoes Oregon Eurbanks. $1.401 75; Salinas Burbanks. $1.601.85; sweets, $1.75 Onkina $22.25 per ' cental. $3I50et3J5ffo-Iiran- .2S-S0- middling.. Vegetables Garlic, SgiOc; green peas. 6: i?' Btr.nK bean. nominal: asparagus. 75c-j) $1.50; tomatoes, 75c$1.25; egg-plant, 2c Butter Fancy creamery, 23c; creamery seconds. 22c; fancy dairy 21 J.c . reamerJr l-?h,1ify:R0't?,r'.0li' 5: Voung. S9 9 rollers, small, $osj.5.50; broilers, large. Jf .:- Jir?en- s: hm; $5 010; ducas old. $o6; young, $69. c.ChweTNe5' 13&14fcc; Young Ameri ca. 14 15c; Eastern. 17i,c. Eggs Store. 22c; fancy ranch. 2314c. Wool South Plains and San Joaquin, 815c: Mountain, 610c; Nevada. 12ffl)15c ,?aX'5YJ"r?t' 2,V5?25: wheat and oats. $21i6J4; alfalfa. $14'el7:5o; stock. $U.50&11 straw, per bale, 60 85c Fruits Apples, choice. $1.75: common. 60c; bananas. $13.50; limes, $S.508- lem ons choice. $3; commons, $1; oranges, $1.50 2. io: pineapple?, J2ft4. .,RecelpUi Flour, 8340 quarter sacks; wheat S1S6 centals; barley, 3705 centals: beans. 10 sacks; corn. 6O0 centals; potatoes.' 285 Jack,li.Dran' 130 sacks; middlings, io socks; hay, 600 tons; wool. 264 bales; hides, 1540. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally oil Cattle, Sheep and Ht. , v--JheI? waa supply of livestock brought in over Sunday. Cattle continued low. as most of the receipts were of me dium to common quality, and sales dragged though there were no changes In prices from w?- Ho9 were strong demand and sold at firm prices. Three cars came In from Nebraska and they were the beM of the of ferings. Sheep were In fair demand and ert-e-ady In price. The receipts were 3S0 cat tle 640 hogs and 40 horses. Prices quoted at the yards yesterday were TJLE Top teers' $5.255.50: fair to good, $4.755.00: common fo medium. $3 25 4:50; cows. top'. $4.25; fair to good. $3 50 $4.00; common to medium, $2.503 50 calves, top, $3.005.60; heavy, $3.504 0O $200a"75 Stasa' Iat' 3-00330; common. HOGS Best. $T.259T.50; fair to good. J8..O&T.00; stockers. $5. 50 6.50; China fats. $6.75. SHEEP Top wethers. $55.75; fair to good. $4.504.75; ewes. ic less on all grades: yearlings, top, $6.256.60; fair to good, $6.00a.25; Spring lambs, $9 IO. Eastern Livestock Markets. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. April 8. Cattle Re ceipts. 10.000; market, steady to loc lower Cai've e.ers- 5S.75; native cows and 2 IT- 2-'6ei; stockers and feeders, $3.75 5.0: bulls. $3.2S1i5; calves. $3.75(67 25 i'kst;i25'eer8' 4..Kg.50; Western cows. t ? gs7"Rer',pt" 11.000; market. 5c lower. Bulk of aales. $e.703.90; heavy, $6.75fi6.95-P-af55r" and butchers. $6.70(&-0.0; light, $6.50 e.S0: pigs. $585.85. ' SheepReceipts. 15,000; market. 10c lower. Muttons. $5258.35; lambs. $6.5(KS8: range wethers, $4.50S7.40; fed ewes; $3.50S. CHICAGO. April 5. Cattle Receipts es timated. 23.000; market, steadv, 10c lowr Beeves, $4.6507.10: Texas steers, $4.35-5 50 Western steers. $4165.40; stockers and feeders calves'"'"$68 Ss"' helfers. $1.80fcS,60; Hogs Receipts, estimated. 40,000- market barely steady. Light. $.tt5i7.Kt; mixed, $6.73 i.l5; heavy, 6.so7.20: roueh. $6.80e.95: good to cholca heavy. $6.8587.20; pigs, $5.65 6.55; bulk of sales, $7(&7.1o. Sheep Receipts, estimated. 25,000: market steady to lOc lower. Native. $3 65fi6 35: Western. $3.656.40; yearlings. $.25'a7:3o! lambs, native, $68. 25; Western. $68.35. SOUTH OMAHA. April 5. Cattle Receipts 3400; market, steady. Western steers, $3.5o 5.. 5: Texas steers. $3g5.10; range cows and heifers. $2.8.ffi4.8o: canr.ers. $2.25fi3.25- stock ers and feeders, $35.50; calves, $3.257 25 bulls and stags. $.-.. J Hogs Rectipts. 4400: market, a shado to 5c lower. Heavy. $.757; mixed. $6.65M 75 fiJ?'S,': piss' .TS; bulk of tales, Sheep Receipts. 2900; market, erteady. ?i,?'Ker' Yearlings. $8.75S7.50; wethers. $5. .56.50; ewes, 5.25S6.25; lambs, $7S Eastern Ml nlng Stocks. Closing quotations? BOSTON, April 5. Adventure IMlchlgan lii (Mohawk 62 Nevada 20$, JOId Dominion 52 Osceola I2y Parrot 34 IQuincy 55 Shannon 14s, L'nlted Copper... 13' (n. S. Mining 41 X". s. Oil sou l"tah 42 Allouez Amalgamated Aria Com. . . . Atlantic .... Butte Coal. . . Cal & Ariz. .. Cal Sc Hecla. Centennial . . Topper Range Daly West. . . Franklin . . 40Vi - - 77 . . 42-, . . 12 .- 24 ..101 . .625 . . 30 . . 77 S . . 10s . . 185, Granby 4 Sreene Cananea. lOtt iciona 41, iWinona ji Wolverine 145 ' Isle Royale 26 Mass Mining 7i NEW YORK, April jorth Butte. ... . . 7214 5- Closing quotations: ILeadville Con... 45 iLittle Chief 10 Mexican 64 Ontario ....... 325 Ophlr no standard 150 IVellow Jacket... 70 Alice 175 Brunswick Con. 6 Com Tun stock. 2i do bonds 15 C C & Vs. . 65 Horn Silver c5 Iron Silver 100 Metal Markets. NEW YORK. April 5. The London tin market was lower today, with spot quoted at 132 7s 6d and futures at 134 10a. The local market was easy at 28.1529.35c. There was a slight advance In the London copper market, spot closing at 57 7s 6d and futures at i58. Locally the market was quiet and unchanged, with Lake quoted at 12.87liS13c. electrolytic at 12.5012.62Vic and casting at 12.37HS 12.50c. Lead declined to 13 12s 6d in London. The local market was quiet and unchanged at 4.07H 4K4.10C. Spelter was unchanged at 21 7, in London and remained quiet at $4 77' .87,c locally. Iron was unchanged, with Cleveland war rants at 47s A 1 1 in liin-n Tw& : . . - iumi mar ket Is weak and unsettled, with No. 1 foun dry quoted at $15.5&16.25, No. 2 foundry at $15 25016. No. I Southern and No. 1 SoutV-ra soft at JIS'S'ISTS. X. NEW JULY RECORD Fourth Consecutive Advance in Chicago Market. MAY OPTION HOLDS BACK Prices Fluctuate Sharply on Small Volume of Trade,Dut Steady Support Is Given by Bull Leaders. CHICAGO. April 5. For the fourth con secutive day. wheat for July delivery touched a new high, point for the season, but the May option failed to rise above the record-breaking price reported In the pre ceding session. The market was extremely choppy nearly all day and the volume of trade was not large. Many local traders were indisposed to extend operations, owing to the holiday tomorrow and to the issuance of the Government report the following day. Leading holders of tha May delivery were credited with liberal sales of that month whenever ths price reached the $1.22 mark The opening was rather weak, owing largely to the poor response ot the Liver pool market to the strength here Saturday, ine Missouri crop report recorded a ma terial deterioration in condition of Fall sown wheat lr. the state. Eirly In the d-y the market was Inclined to drag. Buying of the May delivery by the bull leaders, how ever, caused a firmer feeling. Crop reports from the southwest were more optimistic, but advices from the Ohio River Valley were again somewhat bullish. Weekly sta tistics seemed to have little effect, the mar ket throughout the day fluctuating in ac cordance with the attitud. of the principal il 2iuD.Urin, hot day May "Id between $1.21 VI and $1.22, while July ranged be- c,h k8 and l o8109. The mariet closed about steady with May at $1.21 & wiriff . Cnrn waa Qulet an Prices moved rv J "T range. The market closed easy at net losses of HHc to He com- SS."!. prTtou" ' FltalquT Oats were weak throughout the srreatee ftgVfVhV Sdea,-.rStCaU8H01 psfs"ten?eeeu .75 ; September delivery by commls- price.h0we? .? i"""" 0rde the c?o prices were H?c to Hic lower with May at 55 4, c and July a? 47?,c ' Provisions were easy because of selling AtPthmbcTo,Pr01UCt" by a Western'concern lower " 1r,ce, were "hanged to 2o The leading futures ranged as follows WHEAT, i"1 108 1.09 108 10S1 Sept 1-00 V4 1.00 K i.S CORN. Sept .4 -:,J5 OATS. MaT 554 .56 " .8514 IIU Spt 40' .4014 .89 5, .39T MESS PORK. Ma,y 17-30 17.92, 17 1790 ".S5 17.92 17.85 17.1?V4 oept 17.90 LARD. Mar 10.121, 10.12V, 10.1214 lO.l'ti iay 1022, 10.25 10.221, 10.22 sPt 10.35 10.37V1 10.35 10.35 SHORT RIBS. My 9.32 - 9.35 9 S!Vi 9.32H iay 9-47V, 9.47V4 9.45 9.45 faept s 10 Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 1S2.000 bushels. Primary receipts weio 591,000 bushels, compared with 576,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat in the United Stabes decreased 270,000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage u-c,,. c-nsiru o.o.-.vuu uusneiB. -estimated re ceipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 64 cars; corn. 210 cars; oats, 175 cars; hogs, 18.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. Flour. " barrels 2S.70U 9,000 Wheat, 'bushels 67,200 - 15 600 Corn, bushels 225,000 140,600 Oats, ' bushels 217,800 120 700 Rye. bushels 7,000 4.000 Barley, bushels 108,000 68,000 Grain and Produce- at New York. NEW YORK. April 6. Flour Receipts, 28.087 barrels; exports, 17,840 -barrels. Mar ket, firm, with a moderate local trade. Wheat Receipts, 100.000 ushels; ex ports. 24.000 bushels. Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $1.294 elevator 4 and $1.29H f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern tHiluth, $1.28 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard Winter, $1.2SVs f. O- b. afloat. While new- high records were es tablished in wheat today, the market waa rather less active In view of tomorrow's holiday at Chicago and tha crop report on Wednesday. Reactions occurred at midday, followed by a strong jump in May near the close, leaving it finally lic net higher against no change In July. May closed $1.26; July closed $1.15?,; September closed $1.0Si. Hops and petroleum Steady. Hides Inactive. Wool Quiet. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, April 5. The visible supply of grain In the United States Saturday, April 3, as compiled by the New York Produce Ex change, was ae follows: Bushels. Increase. Corn 6.823.000 16S.OO0 Oats K.062,000 5 OOO Rye 500,000 4,000 Barley 3,312,000 .OOO Decrease. The visible supply of wheat In Canada last Saturday was 8.310,000 bushels ,an Increase of 600,000 bushels. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. April 5. Wheat and barley, strong. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.97 2.06 per cental; milling. $2.10&215. Barley Feed $1.501.52V4 - per cental; brewing, $1.501.55. Oats Red. $1.92Vi2.05 per cental; white, $l-87'i 2.12Vi. , Call board sales: Wheat May, $2.05. Barley May. $1.49Vi asked, $1.4SVi bid; December, $1.30. Corn Large yellow $1.701.75- European Grain Markets. LONDON. April 5. Cargoes stronger. Walla Walla, prompt shipment, 6d higher, at 41s California, prompt shipment, Od higher, at 41s Ud. English country markets firm; - French country markets steady. Lives-pool Options. LIVERPOOL. April 5. Wheat. May closed Saturday at 8s 6d: opened today at Ss 6d; closedv today at 8s 6d. July, closed Satur day at 8s 7Vd; opened today at 8s 7?,d' closed today at Ss 7d. Corn May closed Saturday at 5s Td; opened today at 5s Svsd; closed today at 5s 9d. Wheat at Seattle. ' SEATTLE, April 5. No rriillng quota tions. Export wheat: Bluestem. $1.15; red, $1.03; club. $1.05. Car receipts: Wheat. 8 cars; oats, 11 cars. Wheat at Taconus. TACOMA. April S. Wheat Milling, blue stem, $l22S1.2l; export, bluestem, $1.16; club. $1.06; red. $1.02. . Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN, 111.. April 5. Butter Firm. 28c. Sales for the week. 445.20O pounds. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, April 5. Coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged to ten points lower. sales, 0750 hags. Including April, 695c: May. D(l46.5c-, July. 6.50; Sep tember, 6.15c, and March, 8.03c. Spot, quiet- No.-.7R12- 8c: No- 54S?sc. Mild." quiet: Cordova, 9i13c. Sugar Raw. steady: fair refining. 8.48V4C centrifugal. 98 test. 3.9SV,c; molasses sugar 3.23Vic. Refined, steady. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. April 5. Cotton Spot closed qultt. 10 points higher. Mid-uplands. 1O10C-mid-Guif. 10.35c. No sales. Futures closed firm. April 9.86c- May .K7c; June. .Kic; July. B.Slc: August. 9 71c" September. .6c; October. 9.61c; November and December, 9 5&c; January and March 9.55c. THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. it assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BAN Second and CAPITAL OFFICEB9. G. K. WENTWORTH. President. GEJO. L. M'PHERSON Vlce-Presldent JOHN A. KEATING. Vice-President. H. D. STORyT Cashier. Pres,d,nt F. A. FREEMAN, Ass' Cannier. TAX BONDS $25,000 CITY OF SHERIDAN, Oregon 6 WATER BONDS Dated April 1, 1909 Due April 1, 1929 DENOMINATION $500 Sheridan is one of the well-established "Wil lamette Valley towns, situated in Yamhill County, on the West Side division of the Southern Pacific, and is surrounded by a very productive agricultural and dairying country. This issue of bonds .is a general obligation of the city, and affords a safe and unusually attractive investment. Complete information regarding same will be furnished upon application. MORRIS BROTHERS Chamber of Commerce. DOWNING-HOPKINS CO. ESTABLISHED 1803. BROKERS STOCKSBONDS GRAIN Bought and sold for enah and on ma re In. Private wires Booms 201 to Bonds Investments CALL OR WRITE T. S. McGRATH Lumber Exchange, ' PORTLAND, OREGON, OIL IS MAKING others wealthy. Why not you? Send for free booklet. "Turning Grease Into Gold." MARK E. DAVIS. 1004 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. forth (JerrnanAiQijd. , FAST EXPRESS SERVICE. Plymouth Cherbourg Bremen 10 A. M. K.Wm.D. Gr.Mar. 30 Kronprlnz Wm.Apr. 13 Kala.Wm.II... April SiCedlfe April 20 Twin-Screw Passenger Service Bremen Direct 10 A. M. P Frledrlch W.Apr 1 ''Torek April 8 Bradenburg.. .April 3!Onelaenau April 22 CaIla at Plymouth and Cherbourg. Mediterranean Service Gibraltar 'aplea Genoa. Eatllng at 11 A. M. K. I.tii.e April 10 K. Albert April 84 P. Irene April lTlNeckar May 1 Stark Streets $250,000 204, Couch Building Telephone 91 333 A 2237 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ftamburg-Stmerican. lilVllAV . r. . u . ... JlAUBtmj. Penmylvania.JJar. ITALY iiK. A. Vlo... March 2d 13iG. Walderaee.Mar. 21 via Axorea Gibraltar, Nil olea and Genoa. B- S. HAMBURG. t' Marob 23. UtMajr 11. " B ATA VI A, lAprll 13, JJune 8. MOLTKE. fliAprll 27, WJune IO. CaKa Azores. Gibraltar. tNapl and Genoa Tonrlrt Dept. for Trips Everywhere. Hamburi-Anirriru IJne 160 Powell St., baa Vrmclco. and Local Agents Portland. NFW 7F1I EW bevick tu ta- II HI LLHLnll J H1TI. Delightful South it MOTS II 1 1 tea- Tours for Reit, AUOinALIA Health and Pleasure. MW ZEALAND, ths world's wonderland. Geysers, Hot Lakes, etc. The favorite s. . Mariposa, saila from San Francisco April 15, May 21. etc.; connecting at Tahiti with Union Line Tor Wellington. N. 7.. THE ONLY PASSENGER LINK UOI V. 8. TO NEW ZEALAND. Wellington and back. $260, Tahiti and back, 125, 1st class. LINE TO HONOLULU Special round trip tllo. 1st class. S. s. Alameda sails April 24. May 15. etc. Address OCEANIC LINE. 613 Market St.. San Fran cibco. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN LINE 10,000 Ton T win-Screw Passenger Steamers Direct to Norway. Sweden and Denmark Oscar 11 April lr.jHelliir 01av...May 1.1 United States. Apr. 2!Oscar II May 2V C. F. Tietgen..May ti United States. June Hj All St-a.i Tiers Equipped With Wireless. Pirst cahin. $75 upward; second cabin, $07 ?t A. E. JOHNSON 4t CO., lOU Washington ave. So.. Minneapolis, Minn., or to Local Agents. SAN I'BAKCLSCO POKTLAND 8. . CO. Only direct steamer, and daylight sailing. From Ainsworth Iiock, Portland, 4 P. M. 8.B. Kom City. April 9. 6.8. Senator, April 17. V A. M.. etc. Prom Lombard yt.. San Francisco. 11 A. M. M.S. Senator. April 10, 21, ete. 6.8. Rose City. April 17, May 1. J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent. Main 26i Alnsworth Dock. M. J. ROCHE. City Ticket Agent. 142 Sd St. Phone Main 402. A 1401 NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. S. S. Ceo. W. Elder Sails for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles March 18, April 1st, 15th, 29th. Ticket office 132 Third street, near Alder. II. YOUNG, Agent. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BKEAKWA.TER leaves Port land every Wednesday, g r. M., from Alns worth dock, lor North Bend, Marehneld and Coos Bay points, ir'reisnt received till 4 p. at. on day ot sailing. Fassencer tare, first- I class, 10; second-class. T. including berth I and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third I and Washlncton streets, or Alnsworth aock- ' Phone Main 288.