Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 06, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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aax Clt' 1A1jT .
eiwmllla and wmill locations. Any
thing trora I5000 to $50,000. Can ncnn
S to 12 month contract for your out
pat: now la the time to get In while you
ran H-ur a snap, c. C Shay. B16 Abing
ton bldg.
10 acres on Matolas, In Crook Count-e,
3.n"0.noo feet yellow nine, can be bought
very cheap: patented. Apply
Kwetland Bids.
Chicago. New Orleans. Seattle.
639 Chamber of Commerce,
Pacific Coast timber bought and sold.
Timber lauds cruised and certified re
ports furnlahed.
.nno.nno feet of Or. 1.10 per thousand.
THlamonk. Ore-ton; easy logging to stream.
Northwest Timber Company. 620 "Lumber
Kxch&nge bldg.
$lo PRR ACRE IK acres tlmberland Crook
County, ffley logging to stream. 'North
west Ttmb-r Co.. 520 Lumber Exchange
bl-lg. M. AT 89.
1(W1 acres on stream. -4.onO.000 feet saw
t'mber. l.V0 pleres piling timber. t.'lSOO if
taken at once. F 79". Oregonlan.
WK are headquarters for timber and lum
ber enterprises or all kinds. Kinney at
Stampher. 331-32 Lumber Exchange bldg
FOR SAIJ5 Homestead relinquishment: 4.000.
000 yellow Mr, Slletz. M 857. Oregonlan.
TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments.
FOR BALE by owner, 20 acres on rural
route, and telephone; land level and
- nice place; good 6-room house, barn, large
poultry house, good orchard and small
frit t; acre timber, rest in cultivation and
pasture. $2000; part cash. Address for 10
days. George H. Smith. Orohards. Wash..
R. F. U. 1. box 76.
CASMVR :h and 8-acre tracts, cleared
and cultivated, high and level, command
ing view of mountains and a great part of
city; no finer location for a home in
Portland; no better strawberry or vege
table Ituid In Oregon; $000 per acre;
terms. Murphy & Caswell, 230 Stark sL
10 2-B ACRES. $2750; on West 6lde. easy
distance; splendid soil, all in cultivation ;
sightly, good community: graded school,
S mile ittaam and electric station. In
Qulre S. E. corner Hawthorne and 61st St.
A 5-srre tract, near Tualatin, on railroad
Price, 750. 1S0 down and $10 per month.
A. C. HARRIS, Laurelwood. O. W. P. car.
l! ACRES, Multnomah Station, Oregon
Klectric. high, sightly, fine soil. J600 cash,
balance terms. Owner. AE 767. Ore
gonlan. PEB us for bargains In acreage or farms In
Washington, Benton and Lane countlea.
The Stroud-Fry Company. 619 Lumber Ex
change bldg., Portland, and Beaverton. Or.
BKAUTIFl'L home. 6 acres cultivated, barn,
chicken-house, well, orchard: Be fare. IO min
utes from car. A 826, Oregonlan.
H-ACRB tracts, cleared, level, on carllne. 5
miles from Portland P. O. ; $400 to $100 per
tract; easy terms. Room 818 Allsky bldg.
LAND for subdividing, near Portland street -carline.
$75 acre. AC 8E3, Oregonlan.
OP COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to
buy. sell or trade business or property,
follow the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor,
rooms 310 and oil Buchanan bldg.
llrtOO EQUITY In modern 8-room sightly
home in Overlook, for lots or acreage:
balance $25 monthly. Price $4500. Owner,
Wood lawn 2020.
7-ROOM good hmist and 4 lots, good loca
tion. In Portland; will exchange same for
first-class grocery. $2500 to $3500. Call 513
Chamber Commerce.
WILL get you anything you want In trade
for anything you have. Metropolitan Ex
change, 60" Ahlngton bldg.
0(K)D wheat ranch for sarie or trade,, close
to R. It., good water and buildings. 611
Commercial bldg.
COO8 BAY. Information bureau; reliability of
firms, land locations, and values given free
311 Commercial blk.
HOOD RIVER apple orchard to exchange
for Portland acreage. 850 trees, some bear
ing. J. E. Rand. 220 Swetland bldg.
A NO. 1 automobile to trade for Portland
or outside property; make offer, location
particulars. B S6S, Oregonlan.
TOUR INC! car or runabout for real estate
or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonlan.
WILL trade for what yon' have. Qua Smith.
31 Buchanan bldg.
100.000 SHARES Rockefeller stock, large or
small; see me, give value. B 1114. .
A NO. 1 shotgun and leather case to trade
for typewriter. p 61, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE or trade, 5-acre tracts on Ore
I"" City carllifce, 611 Commercial bldg.
Have a customer for good comer resi
dence on carllne. In good neighborhood. If
price Is rlirht; owner only: act quick
604 Corbett Bhtg. Main 6588.
I WANT 4 or 5-room house, within 2 or
H blocks of St. John carllne; must be a
bar-Kaln; enn pay $300 or SMOO down: no
further north than Willamette boulevard.
So2 Wells-Kargo bid.
WANTED Today, from owners, the best,
closest-m small home (any part of city)
that $1000 spot cash will buy; purchaser's
time limited; what can vou offer Port
land Homes Co., 204 Morrison St
M ANT modern home 6 tt. 8 rooms. Port
land Heights or Nob Hill district pre
ferred; must be reasonable In price. W
852. Oregonian.
WANTED An appartment sits. 100x100,
south of Washington, west of 5ih st
owners only; state price and location. 302
A ells-r aro bldg.
A NTED Modern home. 5 or rooms,
l'.ust 8ide, north of Morrison, south of
Vremonl. west of county road. What will
spot cash do? G S54. Oregonlan.
WANTED Good n or 8-room house In a
good location Phone E. 1836. m n01.
Call 516 Board of Trade. "
WANT to hoy 1
about $2540.
house and lot on Fa
Main 75S5.
st Side,
coil SALE Good homestead rllnni.h.
ment. few improved farms, several sec
tloi.s raw wheal land, all In great wheat
ton" S kros . Bl.k!
12 liO.MKSTKAD locations, 70 miles from
Portland, land rich, bktck loam.'mo.t o"
I ,r,i? :,y v-f"ru ,,,ow- Particulars room 523
Lumber V.xchange.
IIVVE homesteads on Deschutes m,
which are open for filing. Call and we will
few i."1r2: one rsrty leaves In
" ' - nut iiaiisia PlUg.
1 iV1'1, ,r,-'.,,r"ll",i my homestead In Hood
5 ! VrlT'V.,'54- S m",' from R? IL
WAXT r-eor-le to Inln colony, h-lp one anoth.
to s home; choioe liovertlment land rca.i
for piow. A 8.V5. oregonlan.
.Ui Viiir. , locations. also 3
'-' -i.t Aoingtou bldg.
Very desirable corner, within one block
of Jefferson-street depots; will build fi
desirable tenant, to suit r-sjuiremema
Principal s .Jilr.-s., Ac 6S. Oregonian
$0 ACRES, high-class garden land. 60 acres
cleared, ha.f best he v-r.i m ' " . "
w t , V' 'nroa
- - VV" uu. e?e owner
Swetland bldg. '
-. i.r..-. .mirj ison. nouse and run,
fen.1. !e,.l h.r.d. H. per a-re; spf
Ti:iamoW Cotino. Nortrwest Timber .-,7"
52.1 Lumber Exchange bl.-x. -o..
8PI ENP1D farm. 124 acres, ail fenced
bunding; mile to station; f,.r s
lo5 I'ort.and property. sn staarns
SEND for our Itst of Willamette Valley
(arms before buying: land? shown free.
Olmatead Land Co, Salem. Or.
12 miles from Portland, on Columbia
River. -
Close to electric line and railroad.
Boat landing on place.
Sell In tracts of 200 acres and larger
Partly In cultivation.
$0 to $70 per acre.
Terms, one-quarter cash, balance 8 years
at 6 per cent. ,
See owner. H. P. REIMERS
709 Corbett Bldg.,
Morrison St.
$65 per acre.
12 miles from Portland.
Quarter cash, balance 8 yeans 8 per cent
4 miles of deep water frontage.
3 miles of railroad through place.
Electric line quarter of mile.
Beautiful location.
5O0 acres In cultivation.
Never was nor ever will be a second op
portunity offered to you like this
The greater part of this land will be
worth $10OO per acre In a few years
Finest proposition for townslte.
708-709 Corbett Bldg.
116 acres. 80 In cultivation, all nice, level
land, no stone or gravel; two creeks of
running water. 30 acres good saw timber,
seven-room house, barn and outbuilding.;
25 miles from Portland; railroad station on
place; price $7000, $2000. balance long time
8 per cent. For further particulars see
709 Corbett Bldg.
10-acre tracts la Washington, Just north
of Hood River, at $50 an acre; volcanic ah
soil, with southern slope, close to R. R. - will
pay in small fruits while waiting for orchard
to grow; 10 acres enough for a big Income
Come In and see these tracts.
411 Buchanan Bldg.
D? hU 1Tpant "ma" tracts of best quality
1. ?? . . .. " varl cleared, on Ore
gon Electric line, where depot Is located
where you can get high bench or bottom
land for fruit or garden? Can get beaver
.m 'es,r'd: Plenty of running water;
price $20o per acre; at Oak Park Station
Arite or call on owner, E. W. Haines.
40 ACRES of excellent fruit land In the
.-...uu. moamr otstrict; to acres in or
chard, fruit of the best varieties; 3-room
house, barn and outbuildings; school at
the plaoa; good road to Mosler, 4U miles
aay- Price $4500. half cash, including
all farming Implements: might take c'ty
real estate up to half the value. KaunT
mann & Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange.
FOR SALE 47. acres. 20 acres In cultivation;
air nouse ana barn, family orchard. 16
acrea hops, hophouse; close to Buena Vista -price
$2tiOO. or will cultivate hops and get
them ready for harvesting and sell crop and
place ail for $3000; easy terms If desired.
For further Information address J D Winn
Buena Vista, Or.
FOR SALE 10.000 acres near Hanford.
county. ajai. iitcn water In abund
ance; best alfalfa, beet and fruit land. $50
per acre; fine colonization project or in
dividual Income proposition; land rents at
$10 per acre, per year. Pacific Land Com
pany, 317 Pacific Electric bldg., Los An
geles, Cal.
S2?t 500-a,cre farm, central Willamette
valley, well Improved; only $5000 cash
required, balance long time at 5 per cent
819 Chamber of Commerce.
HOOD RIVER bargain; 5t4-aore orchard:
f- atrea --year-oia strawberries planted
between the rows; one and half miles
from town; good house, $3500: terms 21T
Marquam bldg. or Soule's Piano House.
Hood River.
, ... ... rana umnci ttne
famous Snake River Valley), 50.000 acres
open to settlement BY DRAWING, on
June 8. 1009. Write C. B. Hurtt. Boise.
SMALL acreage tracts for chickens, clover.
i""-30,. "i!5?.. per cre;' good terrna!
Perle Mark. Sheridan. Or.
CHOICE Hood River orchard tracts for sale
v... .y payments, improved and cared
for on 5-year plan. Would consider trade
for good improved city property for part.
F 5. Oregonlan.
16rAxlRES fruit land, adjoining tract selling
large town. Price. $30 per acre; a snap
T. R. Phillips. 308 McKay bldg! P"
FOR SALE Stock ranches, some good as can
.v,.,u in cistern uregon; also grain
hay and fruit farms. John W. White
John Day, Or. "
Buy Arkansas land for $2 per acre
.trade It for Western land. J. B. Harvey.
Jr.. Hanford, Wash.
PINE : stock and dairy ranch, adjoining rail-
------ BwiuomuuBo. uooa out
range; 68. acres; $15 per acre. Address
Owner. Box 201). Corvallls. Or.
Hones. Vehicles and Harness.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when we
can tfiell vnu 1. 1 . .
. ' -' in ei aoout tne
J?TlOB " you would pay for an old
one? -We are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price
dilvlng wagons, bugggiea. delivery wagons
and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE aV CO.,
322 Hawthorne Ave.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck
to iem Dy month or
year: we also rent any kind of a rig for
business purposes, day, woek or month
f,h? JSS" ,2'.v B l89- Hawthorn,
stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
JlhSoT?e'V'1o,a car.IOB(1 mares and
: . ...... v . . .. . . i . lj ii l . uroEon, weiRh-
Ing from 1000 to 1400. all broken; now- Is
jour chance for farmers and business men
"eJr fPring supply. 505 Alblna
ae. Open Sunday; take L car.
MnST eV Rthonoe- my 6-year-old driving
,, i "v auu express w agon
ha v?' "nc ,,or bargain. S2S East 2Sth
st.. VSoodstock car'to Gladstone ave.
STANDARD bred mare. 6 years old. broke
to saddle or drive, gentle and stilish, also
nV,'!l!;;. at;d harnes- A 843. Oregonlan. 248
i 1 1 1 1111 OO tC
FOR SALE Team of horses. 8 and 9 years
Lm?"lr I02 E- 10th ' Rhine. Be":
A HANDSOME bay 6-year-old. city broke
family mare, safe for children to rule
ave 1 r le ch-aP- I0S5 Gladstone
FoR hf"!" 2"horae -ton P" and
mont and B. 6th. " '
, . htad -of Bood young horses for
sale at tle Columbia Barn, on Front st
weights from 1200 to 1450. .
-E VK.hl. lp"v''r-v waBon for sale cheap
Nlcolal Noppach Co.. 2S7 Davis st.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 2a Montgomery.
HORSES and tnawa for sale. Rose City Sts,
bles. nth and Jefferson. M S;i00.
COVEP.ED business bugsy. In good condi
tion. 4). Main 42W4. 5S4 Iloyt
GUARANTEED harness; lowest prices Keller
Harness Co.. 4U N. Sixth st. -ir
MAN to care for h
orses. wages $1 per day
and room. 26 N. 15th st.
HUBERT & HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
AUTOMOBILE sacrifice, if you are looking
for a classy car at a big bargain I will
sacrifice for cash this weev is n r
Thomas: will give satisfactory demonstra-
" " -.'ivtsouian piug. Alain 1440.
iioaup us WANTED Will exchange
Rogue River V.l'.v nn.h.M - u
R. K. station for firs -class four-cylinder
automobile. Box 571. Meiror1. Or.
' I i i. steamer, top lamps
M S:r P"ce .
A NO. 1 automobile to trade for Portland
AUTOMOBILES. $150 and tip, for sals or
" ' " " !.. 0 XQ c
NU Ls?1101- nw: 35- EcPtIonal offer,
I 1 - - AXTED FEMA1.R.
Anything In pipe from H-In. tip to 14
ln.. either black or galvanized. In new
or second-hand. Get our prices and save
347-S5S GUsan St., cor. Eighth.
i." a.vl ,ew lightly used machines
that will be sold very cheap. Call and
"them at White Sewing Machine Store.
H. T. Jones. 4:0 Washington, cor. 11th st.
DO YOU want supplies or rent fllmT We are
Independent, do not belong to the trust.
Pac-iflc Film Co.. 303 Rolhchlld bid.. Port
land. Or.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to $80. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3
Ee rhphth. Pacific Stationery A pt. Co..
Z03 2d St.
FOR SALE Gas range with oven, almost
new; will sell for $; must sell on account
of moving. 663 East Morrison st. Phone
Last 5141.
Logging and hoisting engines.
MACHINERY for Ice-making plant. Harris
make, in good condition. 7 tons capacity.
be J. E. Martin Co., 447 Belmont st.
FIRE! FIRE For sale half price, movlng
plcture machine, song slides, etc. Newman
Motion Picture Co.. 293 Burnslde.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-rt. Br and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313
w ater at. Phone Main 7451: A 8445.
WANTED Poker players, send $1. best com
plete poker player publisher. Maple Leaf
Specialty Co.. box S2S, Mount Vernon, O.
Film service that wins. Steroptlcons,
slides, supplies. 165 H 4th st-
GOOD movlng-plcture machine and fllmi
cheap. S " 833, Oregonlan.
D9.XIFYenKms and 14.000 feet line, cheap.
O. D. 831, Vlllard. Eugene. Or?
SMITH-PREMIER. No. 4, and leather case,
almost new. $50. E 846, Oregonlan.
NO. 5 UNDERWOOD typewriter, used one
month. K 794, Oregonlan.
"'K8-.'6" OI BOOd t'mber. well located,
$4000. Room 16 Hamilton bldg.
yV-E? typewriter in good condition, $25.
E S45, Oregonlan.
TW,nt dia,mond Tines and diamond ear rings;
will sell cheap, p 856. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Lady's suit, size 34. same
new; cheap. Phone A 8727.
,Syearmini00 ""i mail clerk, a
aTwJ." ?.y fPPoIntments yearly; examln
f,U2 .V .E.ort.-ana. and Pendleton May 15;
Pin,',02 Ln regard to. preparation!
PaclHc States School. McKay bldg.. city
Employment OfTlce "Men's Department.
26 North Second st.
Phones Main and A 1528.
Help free to employers.
BRIGHT, honest man. to make himself use
ful and willing to learn general brokerage
business;. $400 required: tired of hired
fe p,See me Personally at 507 Abing
ton bldg.
WANTED Salesman to manage branch of
nce; established tra-ia; must be married,
furnish $1,000 surety bond; references:
salary and share of profits; no capital to
Invest. P 858. Oregonlan. ,-a""
WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and of
fice man; one who is a stenographer pre
ferred; good future for a steady and com
petent man; give all Information in first
letter. Address J 864. Oregonlan.
BARBERS The State Board of Barber Ex
aminers will be ln session April 12. 13 and
14. at 167V. First st. ln this city, when all
those holding permits must appear for ex
amination. T. M. Leabo. secretary.
WANTED Experienced man who under
stands prices of new and second-hand
store and oftlce fixtures. Call 293 Burn
side 8t.
WANTED Young man for office work or
to show property; experience unnecessary;
o ; -l cPital required; fine cnance. Ca.ll
F1J .SJ-CLASS bill clerk by wholesale house.
. ... unu wrmns; give ref
erences and state salary expected. A 850
Oregonlan. '
WANTED Railway mall clerks, $800 first
' cAoaiinamja ' in jroriiana At ay 13;
preparation free. Write Immediately
Franklin Institute. Rochester, X. Y.
WANTED 2 custom pants operators at
nuum ii xsreeaen Ding.
SENDING 300 men to Nome, Alaska. June;
Jirv. boou wages; transportation
both ways; all employed invest 100. Ap
ply 615 Board of Trade.
FARMHAND $35 per month, room and
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, ca-
aauy. jueneaictlne Pub
lications, 603 Goodnough bldg.
WAVTEn .ll-ni-minri Vs1i. ' .
?aBes to right man; steady work. Address
wUUU - i cxa ri.3111 1 LLl . sTOOfl
... . iK-uvner, neppner, ur.
WILL pay $25 and room for party to do
, , , '' ' " tne jo&rton, a
SHOEMAKERS wanted: a laster, one who
Capen tohoe Co.. Oregon City, Or.
WANTED Trained butler for private fam
lly: testimonials required. Phone Main
S-M bet. 8 and B A. M. or after 7 P. M.
SIX active young men to introduce a new utensii. gooa wases guaranteed.
Call room 531 Hamilton bldg.
LOCAL manager to represent large mfg. con-
.1 , rjLiuaua contract. w . it. a Co.
IB05 Gough st., San Francisco. " "
WANTLD Delivery boy at the Irvington
Pharmacy. 592 Broadway:- one living ln
vicinity preferred. Call before 10 A M
TWO lumber salesmen, one for city and
one for out of town; state experience and
salary expected. AB 851, Oregonlan
MAN and wire to run farm on shares- every
thing furnished; 11 miles from Portland
S.2, Oregonian.
WANTED One coatmaker and one small
?-l,iU 1i?'n wa5e'- Apply Robb
Clothing Co., Nampa, Idaho.
WANTED A boy. 17 or IS. to learn the
bakers trnrle litreu qnn it-1- -T
city. " "w
COUNTRY printer, understanding presswork
single man, 15. Newspaper Brokers ire!
tjooclnough bldg.
FIRST-CLASS ornamental Ironworker that can
Plating Works. Seattle. Wash"
WANTED Toung men to learn railroad tel-
, " . . ... , , . tAi..uiuiig wiien compe-
tent. Oregon College. 83 5th. Sth floor.
WANTED Photo coupon end i.'ortralt
agents; new. swell offer. Cutberth Studio,
llekum bldg.
WANTED 2 first-class coat makers at once;
Stark s,,. """" """r n0p- tn an'1
WANTED Pants and vest maker.
W ashington st.
WANTED First-class coatmakers.
Bros.. 340 Alder st.
WANTED Scandinavian farmhand: wages
30. Inquire 12 North 2d st.
SOLICITOR wanted for cleaning and press
ing establishment. X 802. Oregonian.
TWO good boys wanted: one with wheel
Lowengart & Co.. 92 Front st.
WANTED First-class salesman for city H
H. Mercantile, 146H 6th st.
WANTED 25 men to circulate Initiative pe
tltion; good pay. Apply 411 Fenton bldg.
WANTED Clerk. Apply at news stand.
Union Depot.
BOY wanted, that can strip tobacco. i
Washington st-
V A N 1 2 first-class waiters Apply at 41 3d
St.. peerless Saloon.
BOY wanted for general delivery work Call
at S2 4th st.: good wages.
A FEW experienced newspaper solicitors.
Call 512 Gerlinger bldg.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. p. Loratl. 164 2d. Main 4212.
WANTED Live - agents to. sell photo cou
pons. C. Elmore Grove, 362 Wash. et.
BOY wanted ln drugstore. 575 1st st.
wa.vtld 2 rinnkcy engineers. $3: 2 cant
hook men, J2.75: cutoff man. $5.50: oft
Dearer. $2.50: sawyer, mill about 30,000.
$4 up; rachet setter. $S; camp cook. $65:
camp cook. $45. near city: machine dril
'f. 3: chuck tender. $2.25; tool sharpener,
$3.50; 2 rigging sllngers. $2.75; woodcut
ters. $1.25 per cord, tools free; R. R. la
borers at $2 to $3.60 per day; man and
w.lfe for farm, wages right, see party here,
New Jobs coming in all the time.
No. 26 North 2d St.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year:
men and women to learn barber trade ta
eight weeks; help to secure positions;
graduates earn from $15 to $26 weekly;
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, as
N. 4th at.. Portland. Or.
AtTOMOBILING, plumbing. electricity,
bricklaying and plastering tanght by ac
tual work In shops and buildings; ad
vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues
Ire- Coyne National Trade School, 30
8th St.. San Francisco.
WANTED Men and boys at Los Angeles;
no expense to learn trade of plumbing,
bricklaying or electricity; practical work
on Jobs half the time and rtudy other
half. Catalogue free. United Trade
School Contracting Co.. Los Angelea
WANTED Good, bright young man with
business ability and little monev as part
ner In Bne paying business. 225 5th st..
room 3.
WAXTED Live, sober man; we furnish
horse and buggy to our men. traveling
State of Washington: $300 required; ref
erences, security; experience not necessary:
can make $5 a day. Apply 607 Abington
Jal" i"ic- Ladies- Dept.,
12 N. 2d St. , 205 H Morrison St!
We always have a large list of all kinds
of work for men and women. Call on us
when you want a good situation. If you
.!! ?ut of tne city- wrlte us. All letters
will be answered promptly.
In securing you a situation, we do our
best to locate you ln the right place, so
employe satisfy both employer and
We give a written guarantee (backed by
a large bond) to pay fare both ways if
there la not work where we send appli
cants fc-Mew.worl coming In all the time, at
both of our offices.
Main Office. Ladles Dent
12 N. 2d St. 205 MoVrlsonSt:
tSIKS .an(5 s-entlemen can earn conslder-
- - H.U...V uy inuueing tneir mends
to trade with an old established prominent
store. Address B 834. Oregonlan.
WANTED Middle-aged man and wife to
t al. ranch. 4 miles from Salem.
-.a. imiulb . riaiem. Or.
FI.hK TEACHERS' AGENCY registers only
the best teachers. 14 8ii.t,h km. '
LESSONS ln shorthand and typewriting by
. txs itin. juain oowd.
FRENCH AND GERMAN In classes. II per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
N?tAT- ;Prlenced girl for second work; one
ehall st sewing. Apply at 822 Mar-
LADY bookkeeper and 'stenographer; salary.
- i"r nionin; give rererences and phone
number. N 857. Oregonlan. "
WANTED Experienced cook and second
ClYM Phi-ina ILTa In OCLCiD -i m r.
after 6. utiure iu ana cPble woman tor re-
ohlld bldg.. 4th and Washington.
Ladles Department. 203 H Morrison St.
Phones Main 1002. A 2004.
820 Washington St.. Room 807.
Main S836 or A 8266.
WNTED-rNeat K'rl to assist with house
5 . an care of 8-year-old child. 807
East Taylor, or phone East or B 102.
4SH Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs
Phone Main 2692.
MATURSJ woman for responsible position with
city firm; good salary; references. M 853
Oregonlan. '
WANTED Neat girl to assist ln housework
1 Car-.T-t0t cnildren. good home, small
" ... m.. at. 1 nunc juain .1:1 , t
WANTED A competent girl for cooking
and general housework; family of two.
Apply iSl.Lovejoy st. Phone Main 3760.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
VX' r"u j wea. Apply 895 Has
salo st . cor. Grand ave.
WANTED Girl for general housework; ref
erences required. Apply 434 Salmon st.,
corner 12th et.
J2InTwom"n an1 grls to know
that the Y. W. C. A., cor. 7U1 and Tavlol
sts., serves cafeteria luncheon and supper.
- .1 . r .ght housework ln small
, - " wy, aai East Burnslde
corner Grand avenue.
GIRL wanted for general housework: must
k.n?,w,!?0r, l? 000k; only 2 in family.
Call 860 Flanders st.. apartment 5
WANTED A middle-sged woman with ex-
WOMAN for general housework; must bo
good, plain cook; good wages to right
:ifll'tv Phnno T" k.. ',,:o.
EXPERIENCED girl for ronkln.
era.1 housework, small family, good wages.
EXPERIENCED folders bhir,H v.'- . ,
U. S. Laundry Co., Grand ave. and East
WANTED Girls at Yale Laundry. 500 East
CHAMBERMAID $30. room and board Call
226a Morrison. Main 3022. A 3478.
WANTED A girl to assist in general house
work. Apply 706 Flanders st.
FINISHERS and operators on pants 109 2d
St., room 2.
EXPERIENCED girl for dining-room work
Ihe Marlyn. 553 Washington st.
GIRL to work for, board, good home 328
6th St. A 3622.
WANTED Girl for second work. 46 N "1st
A COMPETENT girl for general housework,
wages $25. Main 4152.
WANTED Experienced woman cook. 3S6
Morrison st.
GIRL as waitress, $6 per week and board.
Bay Point Restaurant, 564 Williams ave.
COMPETENT girl for cooking and house
work, small family. 495 East Davis.
WANTED Girl for general housework. 181
East 16th st. Phone East 1593.
COMPETENT girl for general housework. 610
bprlng st.. Portland Heights.
COOK $10 per week, small restaurant Call
226 y, Morrison; Main 3022. A 3478.
GIRL TO assist ln housework, small fam
lly; good wages. 695 East Couch, cor. 2oth.
GIRL wanted for general housework. 705
Lovejoy st.
GENERAL housework girl. Apply 674 Ev
erett st.
WANTED Girl for genera housework. Ap
ply 692 Hancock st.. Irvington.
WANTED Cook at 340 Hassalo st. Good
wages. Call mornings.
WANTED Competent girl for second work
and plain sewing. SSI 12th st.
FIRST-CLASS sewers, Chicago Costume
House. 388 Morrison st.
St. Main 2039. Mrs. Richardson. Mgr.
WANTED A girl for housework. Call 698
GIRL to assist in housework. 6S1 Schuyler
st. Phone East 4111. mornings.
GIRL, for general housework.
23d, corner GUsan.
12-1 North
WANTED Girl for general housework 685
Tillamook st.
GIRL, for cooking and general housework.
-42 Hoyt st.
AN elderly woman to do mending; good home.
Apply r33 Morrison, corner of 17th.
factory. Apply at once.
Firth and Davis Sts.
TED Cooks: 2 Institute $40. $Sfl;2 boat
lit 4.i 4 country $40. $25; family $40.
.5. and others. Kitchen help $25: wait
resses. ft in " , .. . . . . . .
an'l,G; - women. Mrs. Howe's Employ
ment Agency. 326 4 Washington st.. Room
WANTED Bright young woman of good ap
pearance and ability, to demonstrate; the
housekeeper's best friend; good pav to
workers r-i. . , . . , .
. - - '"Bin. nuisi oetween
2 and 4, room 417.
aiILh. w,ant"d to a general housework ln
new B-mrnn hiin,.1A. . . .
Scana.',navlan or F'nn preferred. Cor. 16th
East 580 ama"' 295 ' I6tn "' Kor-h.
COOKS for boat 40 and 35: man and wife.
C; "", cook tor small camp $35. no
objection to one child: housekeeper $30.
. 343 s Washlncton St.. Room 7.
Wanted by the Meter & Frank store; none
others need apply.
WANTED Experienced girl for second
ri Apply mornings. 20th and Jackson
stsS. E. corner, Portland Heights. Main
WANTED A working housekeeper: must be
soou uhik; good noma, good salary, to right
patyi. APPly Pacific Coast Bis. Co., 12th
and Davis sts.
14$ .i Washington it., cor. 7th. upstairs.
. Phones Main and A J69J.
73elp Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED For boarding-house. woman
c who can maae pastry, alao cook
meats: must be first-class. 53 North ISth,
corner Davis.
First-class alteration workers wanted at
once. Inexperienced need not apply.
WANTED Two first-class lady canvassers
sow proposition, call at
room 614 Hotel Oregon, today, between 10
and 12.
WANTED Immediately, middle-aged or old
tu v-e ior cnuaren ana attend sick
wife, moderate pay. 1075 E. 13th at. North.
Alberta car.
WANTED Demonstrator. also house-to-
.iUUe canvasser, ti. H. Mercantlla, 146 U
6tn st.
WANTED Young lady ln sheet music de
partment: On ft whn .n-. ., ..-!.. .....
Graves Music Co. ,J'
HOTEL pastry cook. $40; waitresses, 2,
1039 -"""" wasiiingion. Main
WANTED Girl for general housework:
- ' " " ' ew ji iv , rererences requlrea.
23o Stout st. Phone A 2639.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
work; must be good cook: none other need
apply; good wages. Apply 274 H Park st.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over-
- " - vvi manuara r aciorr ro. X
Grand ave. and East Taylor st.
GIRL for chamber work. Call at the
uaanya Motel, Everett St., between
3d and 4th.
WANTED Ladles, we bleach, renew, dye
" . . ..,..!., , '; aye plumes at naif
auuei Millinery, 387 Yamhill.
EXPERIENCED seamstress wanted for shoo
work. 345 Yamhill t "
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work. 223 North 21st St., cor. Lovejoy.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED office man. with law or
real estate firm or credit or collection de
partment of commercial, house; formerly
with largest corporations in East: best
Portland references. G. E. Bement St
John, Or.
YOUNG, experienced business man would llks
bookkeeping, or general office work, ln
wvors or out; speaks German well; good ref
erences; hustler. M 860, Oregonlan.
TIMEKEEPER and bookkeeper, hmh Ta n
construction and office experience, w-anta
7 '""icuiaiBiy; win go anywhere.
A 840. Orerroman.
DO YOU need the services of an absolutely
reliable hustler who has had valuable ex-
ici.ue .- raminar general office work.
. , ,v- u wu-vcuug una territory
A-l references. P 853, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED man with good record ln
TT1 Bnh i n Arv 1 mnl As-n a.' 1 s . . .
-. j , ....s,s.tlIt aim v ciuuio iraau IS
open for ofTice or traveling position; best
e.-.w wi,ck. r ooi, uregonian.
SITUATION wanted by single man. SO. hon
est and sober, fair education, not afralc
to work, from the Bast. Address F 792
HOTELS and saloons, an experienced bar
tender desires a position. Good references.
' ..o.".v.. aii w uui bi city, xx O4o. ore
gonian. YOUNG man. German, can speak English
wants to finish plumber's trade. E. H. 881
E. 38tb st. '
COMPETENT hotel, restaurant and camp
cook and steward; habits and references
Al. Phone Sellwood 1174. A 823. Ore
gonian. A O. CUYLER, painting, paper-hanging and
tinting; prices the lowest. Phone Main
FIRST-CLASS moving picture machine op
e'J" wlses position. Apply M. C. Bolton.
293 Burnslde st.
POSITION by good, all-round cook. Address
Chef, Washington Hotel. Third and Flan
ders. BOY with wheel wants employment after
school and Saturdays, B 1001. Call between
3 P. M. and 5:30 P. M.
SITUATION on farm or stock ranch by bright
young man who wants to learn the business
state wages. A 827. Oregonlan.
MIDDLE-AGED good family cook wishes
situation in private family; good refer
. ences. K 864. Oregonian.
POSITION on surveying party by experienced
rodman and chainman. A 826. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man with team and rig la open for
employment. B 804, Oregonlan.
JAPANESE, flret-class cook, sltustlon hotel
or boarding-house. M 867, Oregonian.
IMPLEMENT and vehicle man is open for
road job. J 848. Oregonian.
GROCERY clerk, drlvsr or solicitor, wants
position. East 1922.
SCH?OL,BOY tor good cook, wants position.
Main 4116, A 1716.
FIRST Chinese cook for ' restaurant, hotel.
boarding-house A 2856.
Bookkeepers and Stenographs
YOUNG LADY, good education, experienced
bookkeeping, stenography and general of
nce work; accustomed meeting people.
VV ould like a position. H 853. Oregonian.
LADY, thoroughly experienced in handling
. .umu ime position as manager
or assistant; references. M 862. Oregonian.
TOL N u lady tenorapher owning machine
wishes copying, etc.. to do at home even
ings. Adaress A 851. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants books to
keep evenings. References. AP "40 Ore
gonian. BY a good stenographer with some expe
rience; willing worker. Phone C 1887.
BY.COOD stenographer, with 6 months ex
perlence. willing worker. Sellwood 785.
MRS. VOGEL Ladies tailoring and fash
ionable dressmaking. Room 14, Mllner
bldg . 350i Morrison ft.
FIRST-CL,ASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mra Angeles, 24 U 5th and Wain.
CAPABLE middle-aged woman, with boy 10
desires situation housekeeper; widower's
family preferred. Washington. Main
REFINED, mlddl-aed lady deslrea position
as housekeeper in widower's home or with
elderly couple. St. Lpui Agency. li&XL
Washington at, Main 2039.
YOUNG GIRL wishes to assist In general
housework. E 84$, Oregonlan.
CAPABLE women housekeepers. cooka.
nurses, waitresses. laundresses. 245 H
' Washington. Main 2oS9.
TWO reliable girls want chamber-work. F
793. Oregon.
LACE curtains washed and stretched. 400 a
pair. Phone Main 6698, A 4C92.
DAY WORK. Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday.
Phone Main 668.
CURTAIN3. shirt . waists and fine laundry
done. Phone Mam 6713.
EXPERIENCED woman wants laundry or
housework by the day. Main 4038.
LACE CURTAINS washed -and stretched.
Oo pair. C 1658. East 5106.
AGENTS wanted to sell household speclal-
.... .u.iai inieiiL pian. uooa money to
be made before the fair. National Sup
ply Co.. 140S 2d ave.. Seattle. Wash.
AGENTS wanted, both ladles and gents, for
' -r. " i hwb, no wailing tor goods.
Agents Supply Co., 403 Abington bWg.,
NEW coupon offer; azents make- from $3
v oaj . iiuiuiuonwaaiin j-ortrait studio.
Commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Pine.
PHOaTO coupon and portrait solicitors- new.
swell offer. Davis, the Hayes Studio. 342il
Washington st.
WE have plenty of tenants waiting for
Mi an unai iiDiiuiiB. oee US lor
r.eni!,n5' 302 Wells-Fargo bldg. Phones
A 3237. Main 6641.
WANTED By man and wife, three newly
. . iioudeaeeiing rotwils in private
family, between Washington and North
rup and 15th and 25th. K 863, Oregonlan.
WANTED Strictly modern six or seven-room
.1.., utwraow location, on or before May 1;
.. ... 'i. mi caiD, no cnuaren; rerer
ences. Mam 75D3.
TWO young ladles, employed, desire rea-
eouuuie room ana Doara, or table board:
West Side. , M 865, Oregonlan.
WANTED Immediately, new 5 or 6-room
ivir " " r-iae, s in family. Phone A
. (Tu.i. Alain uv.
WANTED One-half store, reasonable rent.
in Dusmess section, on second floor, for
gooas, etc u 84S, oregonlan.
FURNISHED cottage, lower flat. May 1:
West Side: $25. clvde. urnin xsna
And anything else you have to selL
Main 5655. A 4121
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
7, wo aiso ouy household furnishings:
highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair
Deal." 62 3d mt Knrth TK .
' .. ... .... . ..wuv iUMIU D.I
WANTED All kinds of store and office
..A.iurcs. a ibo scales, registers, safes, etc
293 Burnslde st.
LATHE WANTED A acrew-cuttlng lathe. 10
to 16-lnch awing, 5 to 12 feet bed. M 824,
Pays the price" for second-hand furnl-
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furnitura. Phone
ctu-i. ow. aw tjranci ave., cor. Taylor.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always p-lven. phone East 1067.
MISS HENRIETTA, proprietress of the Ber-
i V . uow liittuagemeni; nicely lur
n I shed rooms for rent cheap; Hier wird
fl ll f l Vl fBsnrnrihan O r 1 1- . 1 .
ajvaayauvi.tu. O O Dl B N .
lumished Rooms.
tt ,.Corn' 10th and Washington sts.
under new management. The most mod
irn nnri iin.ti.Ho 1 . .
Ctv vrv filfiolu Tt.rain . A. 1- v.
V, . "mcr in h 1 1 rooms, steam
neat; special attention given to tourist
. , .vto 'ti iDaauiiauio. KLli ana
M rnrlvltloAa1
Corner loth and Washington sts.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde.
Everything brand new. homelike and
ro iCi"trvU r"-t,!s reasonable. Free bus
Til Tl A OTOV ...1. ji - -
- --.---'-". iaiu ouu Aiuer; new ma
agement; newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms; steam heat, eloctrlc light
etc.; rooms $10 month un: suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
uAow; pnones ana natns free.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
era conveniences; special rates to perma
nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
venlences; $3 weekly up. A 2647. Main 5647
THE MERCEDES Elegantly furnished out
. auu uuiu running
water, all modern conveniences, $3.60 per
.un uai. iuin anu wasningion sts.
HOTEL AVALON, 11th and Washington
Steam heat, electric lights; rooms single
or en suite; rates reasonable; transients
.uiioiieu; central.
812 OAK ST rnp ctit
Just opened; new and ' elegantly fur
nished; all conveniences; rates reasonable.
HOTEL MONARCH Modern convenient..
transient solicited. 365 Stark St., corner
01 rarx.
HOTEL ROMAINE, 147 li 2d st. bet. Alder
rnd Morrison Newly furnished rooms, all
moaern conveniences.
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable- ne
furniture, telephone and baths free. 327
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estea
THE REX. 18th and Washington Modern
rooms, hi nousexeepmg ; running water,
Dains. a 1000, main 4tkl2.
THE RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms
ucai.. nam, hoc i ,x otty, ,z 10 $4 week.
THE GRIFFIN, 125 6th St. Under new
management; 4 ana up Weekly.
LARGE furnished rooms, close In, $10 mo.
x ue cuiiiaiAcL, iujft w nsnington.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished $2 to $5 jin 7i laiomson.
THE ANGELUS, 6th and Jefferson, modem
"juihs uiiu apurimeniB, .ootn pnones,
Furnished Rooms m Private Family.
25Si4j ISTH. corner Madison; nicely furnished
rooms; new house; every convenience; gen
tlemen. NEWLY furnlahed front rooms, all modern
conveniences, 3 North 7th at. Phone Main
WANTED Clean, sober young man to share
an elegantly furnished room with me. in
private family, close in. A 836. Oregonian.
FRONT room suitable for 2. 7 minutes' walk
to P. O., $10 per month. 272 Mill st.
LARGE, handsomely furnished parlor; heat,
bath, telephone, $15. 227 7th.
NEATLY f urn .abed rooms; modern conven
iences; $i per month to $12. 10th st.
CHEAP rooms. $8 and $10; newly furnished;
bath; quiet; close in. 452 5th.
309 11TH Large front room with fireplace, 1
or 2 gentlemen; new. modem home.
Rooms With Board.
THE COLONIAL, comer 10th and Morri
son; finest board and best rooms ln Port
land; rates lowest; a comfortable home.
THE MORRISON, 633 Morrison st.. family
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional; best table board ; prices moderate
TWO well furnished front rooms with good
board, both phones, gas and electric light'
5C4 Flanders st. (
THE LIN DELL 260 Market; nicely furnished
front rooms, flrst-claao board; modern, rea
sonable: nna walking distance.
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con
veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
THE OZARK. 225 11th Light, airy rooms
with board, not and cold water.
BOARD and room for 2 gentlemen. Call 389
Taylor St.
Rooms With Board.
.iI;',. ..veiri. respect: steam beat,
electric lights, htft and cold water in
very room elevator and bellboy servlcs!
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor
Grand and Hawthorne s,vei
WALKING distance, 17 Kearney, cor. 19th.
e'egantly furnished atiartTn.i. ...i..:
iJLJP1 '? couple with a child: with
board: first-clsss table: all modem con
veniences; beautiful grounds: also nan
rurn shed rooms for gentleman. wits
breakfast and dinner. $30 per month.
POMThM;Nr.Women'" rnlon- 21st year, room
.... v. . - " '"c room ana li
brary. 610 Flanders St.. Miss Frances N.
,.at.n.' "nperlntendent. Women's Exchange.
133 10th St. Mrs. M. E. Bretherton. sunt
THE GLENDORA. 18th and Couch Nlcelv
iuruiiiea rooms, single or en suite. $10
per month and up: public parlor, vlano.
pool and billiard tables free to guests
transients solicited; excellent table board.
$18 per month; single meals. 25 cents.
YOUNG MAN If you want first-class room
. ... ijt-i en. an conveni
ences; also table board $4 per week: good
home cooking. Call at the Aster House.
Seventh and Madiaon.
BLAKELY HALL. 800 Jefferson, between
IWn .nr. H.V. T. T . .
: - ..... i 1H0..1 1 l rooms, nrst-class
board, beautiful grounds, finely located
for business people. Phone A 6345.
Rooms With Hoard ln Private FavmUy.
THR.EEf comortabls rooms, with bath, prl-
. i oieei onage, reasonable
ladl or gentlemen. Phone East
5110 evenings.
Rpi "unny room for married couple or
c...;. r ' . iumi noms i or xns
Summer, bath, phone. home cooking,
choice location. 442 Jefferson.
R!hh? o5do boa ln private family, aralt-
ers 427 8d s.uiiemon- no otner room-
PRiOFL,r;om- newly furnished for 9; goodl
dS? fr WM IO minutes- walk.
BnhRrS nd ,rom; '"Jklng d 1st an oe, bath.
, - - .. . iior hiwul sae Clay.
Phone Main 0963. '
NICE large, airy front room, with board-
or $45 for two. 436 eth.
LjirR9E Cian attractive rooms, with board:
3J0 Montgomery str - soolan-
LARGE, cheerful, airy room, with board for
, . .j. i. in i noma. Arnons A
4681. or call 549 Johnson st.
ROOMS with board. $25: S nloely garnished
- mo ,or o aauits, 1V 10th St..
bet. Morrison and Alder.
PxfS,TT. 2"' two.
-r--, "a w-w. taiv JxlH.111 .
F'J.T rn. fW r Ltw?: modern, prl-
v mwa, olia xtorin. least TsUC
j3Us7nsiiaaB. m m 0,137,
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia,
r maisiiis, new, OriCX Dulldlngs,
in i. 3, and 4-room family apartments; .bath. and, reception ball, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone Jan
itor -service, completely furnished ready foa
iS!i!k?ePl5"'.J?m.,?0 to month ; soma
unfurniehed from $22 up.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 4-rooro resldencs
en&rtment. ...l. ....... , . ....
.. .i ; . . . . ........ pnvaia vestiDUls
and bath, steam heat, hot and cold water,
and ranges, refrigerators, window shades,
and screens, telephone and janitor service
Apply janitor, lsth and Couch.
TIERE ar? several newly finished modern
..i ami mm at tne aiorton Apart
5e?rht2rneJ Washington and King sts.;
desirable and convenient, walking dls
1082."' moderate rent. Janitor, or Main
Fi LPxOR. cor. of ISth and Clay, fur
nished and unfurnished S and 4-room
apartments; modern throughout
RENT of modern fashionable apartment-
.. mu, iu exenange ior acreage
close In. X 860, Oregonlan. fc '
APARTMENT for rent, furniture for sale at
See JanltoJ. 685 Irving M n,w"
MADISON PARK apartment house, ecr.
Park and Madison- K. ..... 7
suite with all the conveniences, for $37.60.
JEFFERSONIAN Nicely furnished 3 and
3-room suite for housekeeping, strictly
modern; 16th and Jefferson.
The Dayton. 660 Flanders, 3-room basement
apartment, heat, hot water, etc.. $20 mi.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian. 3 and 4-roora
modern apartments. nth and Columbia.
BUELL APARTMENTS. X4th and Salmon,
nicely furnished 4-room apartment.
fc. 8 AND one 4-room modern apartments
for rent at 3-story brick bldg.. N E cor
ner Washington and King sts.. modern
conveniences. Including heat, hot and cold
water, bath, both phones, janitor, elevator
large reception hall. etc.. all outside
apartments. Inquire at premises. Ketels.
VERY desirable 8-room flat, new and com
plete; every convenience, to let to first
class tenant without small children or dogs.
4 East 15th. corner East Washington; $30
CP1764t0 owner. 324 East 13th North. Phone
6-ROOM flat for rent. 8 blocks from post.
Stf.loei.ea"' 'octrlelty hot and cold water.
. MontKomaM-y. Call at 844H or phone
CINCINNATI COLTRT Four and six-room
flats; front and rear entrance; steam
Aa3t624.1M'a'lna6ni'73Harr'""' Ph"
3"?,'OM modern flat, walking distance West
Side, gas range, linoleum on kitchen
corCetrgfdg18- M E-
503-606 Abington bldr.
6 rooms, ateam heated, hot water, Jan
Itor, new and modern. 668 Kearney; $8$. 60.
NEW 6-room upper flat. East 8th and Bum
side. Russell & Blythe, Commonwealth
CLEAN 3-room furnished flat to adults;
range, sink, private bath; reasonable.
6924 East Morrison, cor. 20th.
MODERN Hat, McMlllen st. Inquire at
188 McMlllen st.
LOWER flat. 5 rooms. 483 Davis at., $20
per month. Phone Tabor 227.
NEW 5-room upper flat. East 8th and. Burn
slde. Russell blk.; Commonwealth bldg.
Housekeeping Rooms.
Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE GAYOSA, Grand ave. cor. East Stark
t.; modern brick- building, elegantly fur
nished housekeeping apartments. single
rooms: steam heat, elevator, baths, hot and
cold water in all rooms. Phone East 5465.
THE COLLINS, large, light, nicely fur
nished housekeeping suites; single rooms
2c day, $1.75 week; gas ranges, free
water; phone. 603 Alder.
FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, $2.50
week. $10 month. Transient rooms. 2KH
W ashington.
TWO large, well-furnished outside rooms,
ground floor; pas, electrir-lty. thoroughly
clean; no children. 563 Everett.
THE M1LNER, 35o Morrison, cor. Park,
Unfurnished apartments; elevator, phones,
bath, hot and cold water ln each suite.
632 WILLIAMS AVE., furnished and unfur
nished housekeeping rooms; also slngi
UNFURNISHED 2 and 3-room bay window
suites in beautifully centrally located
apartment-house. 305 Jefferson, cor. sth,.
THE MILNER. 350 Morrison, cor. Park.
Furnished apartments; elevator, phones,
bath, hot and cold water ln each suite.
$1.50 WEEK up. large, clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; parlor, laundry,
bath. 1S4 Sherman, South Portland.
THE NEWCASTLE Furnished 'housekeep
ing rooms, single and suites, walking dis
tance 3d and Harrison.
THE SAXGERT. Washington and Trinity,
near 19th. furnished apartments.
3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, eloctrlc lights.
322 4th st., near Clay. $15.
THE ELMS Furnished and 3-room apart
ments; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th st.
THREE nice, large, light furnished house
keeping rooms. 6SO Second at.
THE JTEFFERSONIAV Just vacant. 1 nloe
lly furnished 3-room suite. 614 Jefferson.