V MORMjG OREGOXIAy, TUESDAr. APRIL 6, 1909. ... 13 lATT nmnium in rnrrtr r . . anic uumcn id mm fwwAAJw, "WOMAN MEMBER OF GEORGIA CHA1XGANG ESCAPES. Oovernor Had Given Orders That She Be -Helieved of Irksome La bor and Held ' in Cell. ATHENS. Ga., April 5. Kate O Dwyer, the young woman who was shackled and forced to work on the chain panp. es caped last night, according to an official ' announcement made today. The young woman had been sentenced to the gang for 12 months for disorderly conduct. The sentence was suspended on condition that she leave the country and never return. She returned, was arrested and or dered shackled and chained day and irht, as the desperate male convicts were. Tha case attracted much attention. Governor Smith took It up and the Prison Commission issued an order that no woman prisoner, no matter what her offense, was ever to be shackled. Th woman escaped by cutting the bars of her cell, and it is believed she had outside help. AT THE HQTEIA Hotel Portland W. D. Ellenwood. San rrancUco; il Hill. Detroit; a. n Mayer J.ew York: C. H. Leadbetter. Camas: R c' v!iL,?,err.B?1k,r Clti;, A w- Mclaughlin. NeW lork: E. Ofuar. Chicago: S. Green. Knnkn- nJI' vA,u? ' 5,.el,ork: w c- Robertson. nY ,VH- Edwards, W. G. Codman, r?"10" W. T. Uoulder. Medford; A A RennM?' Yor.k V H- IdB- Boston: Pen",e,,t- Angeles; E. V. Sanders. ll'mf.tP h "ti I'onlon: Houston, il. F. llrmston. H. Moss, Y. G. I.oeb, F. L, Rudd i "rvT.fnS' I1 B. Karnett and 'wife. Camon ...I Francisco; D. B. Reynoldi -V" -Minneapolis; H (l A).hrr.r,u Urukker. New York- I I 1 i.iKKeri, Phlladelnhi: -w a ' . McLaughlin. HnllilUQ. .1 N llrnlilin. T . . , -, .i r ... : i'Tiic-ii. iiinsnoro- a liUa a nepips ii i:' .. ... - . A TrinJlon J..N- .V.lv'nBton- Pttsvllle; J. lm?.S,0;,Cl,yW- M'M Gentleman, E'. V. - - r " . i.. tV Mrt'lnr. P.-ji. Raker City; S ..v:-.:'"re'. Pendleton ; E. P. Diirh.m u .-y:L-endW,on"-'if pBaf,':.,;, .."Tr".?"-.. Mr"- Maxwell and flaueh " T: j ' J,"rJ1- San Francisco: E. r Wal-5enh.rSV-a5?.. 5"?WLJ:. Men5: Angelas . rtutcninson. L. ... .......... ..I. c w i itrk : K J. """""koi.h. Kansas city; Fred l)aw:aon.' S Arlin. f'an Francisco; D G Russell. Seattle; c. A. Lewis. New London! A Merman. Chicagl; C. s. Wood and wife l-levelnri- v i wwi" . will, t li..nelt. Sealtki; J. K. straw. fhicaKO Theodore Mitchell. x, York; B. F. Ow.ley t olfax; O. M. Martin and wife. Ann Arbo?; J,.. H,';re?V. S'"r.: c- T. D.wy, Minne apolls. II. 1. t rquhart and wife. Chehalts: . h. I.e. and wife. Portland; Howard t.wynn, Lexington; S. N. Mnloppla and wife. New lork; Max Asoher. Chicago. The I ' IT k ill. Fi, 1 r , 1 '-,..1.1. a . . 1 . . K M. Weist. Marshland; J. H. Jenkins and ? Francisco; 1.. OetUng. tjardlner; Jlis. M.Kell, Clatskanle: C. R. Abbott, Ivel.o; Mrs. Stanley. Lexington; A. A. yrnes. Kelso; A. Bnrcham. Klso; T. R. Jtstcllffe. Scholls; T. stillman and wife. Sa-if.mi.'- w' shrt- O. Slmrte, Arllnetnnr . Y Kckmann and wife. Clark; vv. K. Wilson, John Malheson. city; Robert Henderson. X. ' .""ffmann. Walla Walla; R. 11. Keagy J Aberdeen; Miss R,hertoii. cltv; John M .evy. ijeattia; J Sulhoff. Wllliamsport ; Miss V fiuthnfT. Jolt.-l. 111.; w. Hrunl.wla-. Che halls; Farly Hoyt, Tacoma; Herbert Cllle and wife. .aleou. C, c. ttossunt and wife. I hli-HSo; a. K. Ooldner. onmha: R. k Hurd Ew,h"1"". 'ls ; J s. Brown and wife. Jurn Falls; P. Mackel. San Francisco; Mrs II C. Mmrnsnn, Chicago; Dr. Thomas Ball, Featlle: J. K. Yoakum. Perrydale; Jennie Hancrsft. (Seattle; 11. Harton. Spokane P Uerber and wife, Argenta. 111.; J. ilonte and wife. Enrticott: w. R Parker. Baker t Ity; W. C. Hendricks. Seattle; J. w Hull K K Hull. IMsmark; H J Klowland Myr tle creek; M. B. King. Boston; C. H. Brown and wife, lacoma; Hv Irwin. Chicago- N Whealdon. Tl.e Dalles; Hv K. Bover 'and wife. Salem. Maw.; M. Barrett. Kedrock Jlont : c. l K linger. Philadelphia; Anna iJirsen.. Astoria; Robert Fleeman R l Brown. I.lssle Fleeman, Mrs. A. Kmpy. Oe-d-n. v. Kennedy. Rainier; J. O. Brown and wife, rort Wayne; Robert I-wis. city C C. McCown. Fearser: A. McCown. city H R Bowler. McMinnville; w. S. I.ysonai Kelso; W. H. cleaver. Spokane; J. H. Mc Afee. Tacoma The Imperii'! T. A. McBride. Oregon- F X ljthl.c. Kugene; S. W. Weaver, v. ' W Dinwiddle. Hubbard; O. O. l.oran. Kugene; Jvv- Harris. Eugene; A. J. Johnson. ... ... ..a.ia.i. , iirvkin, t'- t I'larii Arlinit- ion: Dr. J. It. Robinson, Riddle; J W Me v".',". H"d Nw Vork; C. J smith. 1 .ndleton; c. H. Woodward. Chicago; u N i.?!'"..' ,s,'rt- -"pokane; c. Karly and wife, H.md River; lr. J. K. Calbreath. Mc nnvillc; K K. Thompson and wlte. J. M. Jnea corvallis; w. S. Merrlam, 1; "i V Shu"- Knah; M. Weddell. f I?n.nU. M- J- -.rnar. Spray: Miss ti. Vh. if !V lhf rMl,: rn-lia Brown, Tnn Dales: J. Cnund. Imatlllk; F E Mrs f "t-,-L-.-M "oqui.m. . rbank.; D. y. McFarland. H. W. PickS ea. W. Plckard, O. A lioh- xwiroanKs; o. Ingram. Lebanon H Hoyt. Jefferson; B. vllTa- MSr'; k,MTH - H'nhw. McMlnn- wVrr,; J"h'A ShVpl.n.1 Forest m " K:ll,!r.uPi Kelso; c. M. Beall. ";''" M. J. Thompson i.'. 5. Valley: H. It I.u"k ? ?.r',.nS"r"I.; t J we"- seatu." c. Bush. Land: J E Kershaw. Arlington o Winters. Scappeo.e: J. Henrv E Johnson, city: c, H. Earl. Broadacr: j! J Dole. Seattle: S N". Iavls cltv- Vr. A H. Hoot. Oitmndor; i H. Zumwalt. Q Zumwlt, Kunene; J. K. 8pencr. Houton Vrk; c. T. -athoart, Ramond; Mm Juna Berrmnn. Ahlaiut. William KoVv and Vife w .rk; H. i. Hentleron. Paul ! -and on t:i,-.n,ff- William J. Dton. "eattle- R W. Kldrld.. St. LouU; O- W . lido. ChicaSo; LiY.V, Ti w-Jur",. New York; A. S. Uold- mlth. Sau Francisco; c. O. Haymond, J. G. J an.rord ys-. a. Holmes. J. T. Fife. Seattle; sir. and Mrs. Tropach. Chicago; c. Lana speoht. New York; James Nelll and wV?e. J-avannah: o. W Whltaker. L. s. Green run. Mm S. J. Grant, San Francisco: c. 11 1 r. 7-. 'lcT7 muu wne, t-otoraao; V.'m.V1 9- Y- Nichols. Ixs Angeles- F H Vnrk- V- r,ca?0: V ,,Van O Forbes. New W rri'ifL Lt-miP'"; San Francisco; W. rawford. i airhanks: G. W Warren JNarrenton; G. M. Trowbridge, " ly i h Koh'' I i Smlth' Pan Pvinclsco-" W York"?,- h"nf",f;, EH Stoothoff. New n ! O Hrlen, Wa ace; B Young ?n'9 TSUn5-A!"0r'Mir Frank- G H. Tinker! i"l9-.?l Ne'fr. Chicago; H. E. Hutchm! ii- J Torn: F. H. Betts, L'tlca- W Park-' i- v7k, "lubu: B A. Mills, Estes sS.RoV.1,H.a1,le'"yc n Hm.S, ': rflH' "i.cfc.ica.oi land; E "T-hatn:HJ- i?'- Howard. Cleve: wife. Chi... .atfl.eldi. w- VVhite and 'tai.i.t, laeoma: l,. raich. New Vn. u w SarFaScot K-H-S;! .oSwardclerli; Huki and wife. Seattle: ,:, W Tlf.oul. J?rkr:. J',"'ph I and' wife. B.ltl.- ! rhr"l",n. E. S. Loveland. Seattle, I)p Marguerite Pomeroy. Mrs. Fred i;ri - ftshilll; J- L- Turner. As- dia . irla II riSD.ii nsu- V m t Jonn TeokInburg, New Fra- U u r4;vTi,.HO",l"n:,tt' I' B.giey. Kna,pa; xi tsrenvill.. city; Ueorge Morgan. C Morgan Xancoiiv.r: Ralph H. Ixok. E W Mun.esano; L. PerrV Rldi . Davis. .1. Forbes and wife p Anderson. I.aeenter; Mrs. K. H MooTJ. el.C: hn '""""'I A. Arnold. Al bany, Jasper. Burns; W. L. Chanman Oregon City; I M. f.rker. .Vewheri 1 M V-'m.?' s,J'': K- smith. Carbon! E' c" William, and wife. Hammond: C E Wll '?': R Maloney. Carson; J. Enlbeok l aeenier; Ch.rie. Hoover. Aa.orla: v B.m MeVvAU2,.r"; K"'1 Millard. OnlonagonT O v on, riiun : . PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. rmormt PLAN MODKRN REST Al KANJ COST ONE MILUOX DOULARS. HOTEL OR CORNER SEVENTH AND STARK STREETS i I Porfland New and Modern Hotel. Rates $1 per Dty and Op European Plan. Free Bos WRIGHT-DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Props. n n8 heart of the flSrW most modera nd r j . . io"K-itaQce pnones in every room, rtooml hi with private bath, en suite and ainirla. Lam and mod. 5313 ern,y qnippel meeta all tralss. Ctrally Lcatad Jill "UijF mat. tea la Bu Basm. J. F. DA VIES, President St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED Front and Morrison Streets. PORTLAND, OR. EUR?mSTNrTAn ROOMS SOc TO $1.50 rlRST-CLASS RESTAURANT IN CONNECTION THE Park St Bet. Morrison end Aider CALUMET HOTEL .. pea 1 .,( 4 'JSaJ.S, at-.! m vm :o-j American sample "V zap MODERN ill il C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor Charles Crtok, Tafoma; Mrs. W. Lord. Mrs. A. S. Ksson. The Dalles; R. B. Jamesen and wiftt. catt le; A. F. Strankell, city ; O. H. Terry and wife "Vancouver. The Norttmia P. McOulre and wife, Aber deen ; Carle Abrams, Salem ; Alfred Lang Held, Portland; Frank Fogarty, Mias M. Fogarty, Now York Mty; F. W. Whitney, St. Paul; Miss Ktuart. MIbs Craig:, New York; O. E. Hartford and wife, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gonpr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anpleton; William B. Flint, Harvey J. Hubert, Chl'-afro ; Lavld K. Johnson, Needles: D. D. Burns, Los Angeles; Jack R. Inlltr.g'r, Denver ; Miss Verna Belton, Ir. James Belton, Clewland. The Calumet F. C. Rabb, A. R. Bowman, city; H. Menzel, Oranite Falls; H. G. Meyer. Salem; J. Victor A. Farrell, Newburgh; Wm. H. Dtlls. city; Charles H. Parks. Medford; J. M. Uramham and wife. Seattle; Oscar Schuls. Newark; Charles Johnson ar.d wife, San Francisco;. C. J. Cleveland and wife, t'U.v; Percy Burton, Seattle: J. Jones. Spo kane; I. Dustin. E. J. Cowles, New York; J. I- Stephens. Chicago; E. Vernon. V. Hart shetm. Philadelphia; 1-eo G. Waddell. Kan sas City; F. KllnKel, Toledo; Ray Mldley, L. Boulalrs. M. Boulalrs. St. Paul; F. SStiith. I. . Bradley. New York; Russell Lemon, Kansas City; J. Fox. J. Evans. Baltin.ore; K- Dallas, Washington; R. Boulalrs. St. Paul; M. I.oralne and wife. Louisville; B. Reno, l.ewiston ; Lew Benton, Ben Corbet t. New York; Dan Vesta. Memphis; Jack West worth. F. West. alt Iake; Joa Heanw Toledo; Malt Butter. Chicago; S. Sahera and wife. New York ; Glenroy Russell and wife. Buffalo; Willard Sholes, New York; Con. Wcndein. Memphis; A. Arcadia, New York: A. Carlisle and wife. Philadelphia; Paul Sandor and wife. San Francisco; V. Borill. John FoH'V. New York; Charles E. Mack. Tacoma: W. J. Elten, New York: I. letinre and wife. ChicaRo; E. Callaghan. Baker CHy ; George Haich. Astoria; W. Bolten and wife. Antelope. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. April B. Maximum tempera ture. 57.4 degrees; minimum. 4J.9 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M-, 66 feet. Change la last 24 hours. .1 foot rise. Total rainfall (R P. M. to 5. P. M.. trace. Total rainfall since September 1. I9rft. 31.42 Inches Nor mal ralnfa!! since September 1, 1908, 37.31 Inches. Deficiency. 5. $9 Inches, Total sun shine April 4. 3 hours 3ft minutes. Possible sunshine. 18 hours. Barometer (reduced to sea level at 5 P. M., W.15 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind m 6 2. 4 a 5 : 5 a STATIONS. II Baker City...... Bismarck Boise North Head rocatello. ....... Poriland Rosebura . Spokane. Tacoma Tattoosh Island. Walla Walla Blaine. ......... Mskiyou Marshneld Tonopah North Tskima.. I 4S'0.04 il W , 4 SW 12 NW 14 NW !10 V 10 w 4 W 14 NW Icloudy ,'Pt cloudy 'Cloudy Cloudy Pt. eloudy Pt. cloudv 52 O.ftO 4S T. 4 0.01 4j T. !7i T. fttt'o.oi! Clear Cloudy 4 n.tm 5 O.iMl S1H.W 4J'0.X S4 0. 4' 0.OO 6l t . Ort v iear Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear 3 W 24 SW I 8 W 4-E ' S NW 'SB NW 10 NW Cloudy . icar Ciear T Trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A storm of unusual energy is central this THE MORNING ITE A DQr A RTER8 FOR TOI R1SIS aad COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Special rates made to families ausel sin gle gentlemen. Tbe management will be plowed at all times to enow rooms and give prices. A mod era Tnrkish batb es tablishxnent In tba hotel. H. C. BOWERS. Manager. HOTEL PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. business and shoDDimr district. Tha up-to-date hotel in the Northwest. sample - rooms. Rates ai.O aia na. FRANK A. CLARK, Manaaer. TTT3T7TT A T T-T.nrT-T iscventn ana w asinngton fbiL Matechan ak Sons. Proa. neat Rates $1.00-$10-$2.C01 C. O. DAVIS, Sac and Traaa. A Strictly First-Clan and Modern Hotel Containing 1 70 Rooms. Only American and European Hotel in Portland. Lanar IMstanee Ptaoaa fas Every Boom, tree 'Bus Jaeece AU Trains. fjete American. tl.oe r-r dae ana Rates BunwMn. si (n - - ji a Per month, sinsle room and board. $43 to las no o.. 7 room. tor two. 10 to 113. Board wlthcut room $30 per moatb N0RT0NIA HOTEL ELEVENTH, OFF WASHINGTON ST. 1 Beautiful Grill Room Bates ta FsmlUea and European) On Boa Meet a All Trains Bnltea. rrtth Baiha. for TraTrllnsT Men COMFORTS MODERATE PRICES THE CORNELIUS Tbe House of Welcome," Comer Park and Alder. Portland 's Bon Ton Transient Hotel. Headquarters for the traveling public. European plan. Single, $1.50 and up. Double, $2.00 and up. Our free omni bus meets all trains. N. K. CLARKE, Manager. evening over British Columbia, warnln nas all ViTj .i.iu vvaninKton except a Aberdeen and at the mouth of the Columbl River. The barometer 1. ri,ri.-.i. at the i Oregon Coast. During the last Si hours ow..fbvU.i tt.iu luunu ana tne temperature Sr.ht epa.dfl!fhsl ? a" wortlna stations Th. IndU.tin.. .1 a l . . - "".vi.u..a lur snowers Tuesday In eastern W ashlneton. eastern Oregon and Idaho anrt fnr aHnurA-. , . - ' weather in western Oregon and wester e v., C . fne eonamons are ravorabl ror high west to northwest winds In Wash nston and mtrrhnm I n i. .. ... .. . . crease during Tuesday forenoon. FORKCASTS. de Portland and vicinity Showers, fallowed by fair; westerly winds. OregonShowers east, showers " followed winds. " . i.un.on, weste WaaKnn CI . t . V c.,uwcr east, snr.wers fol wlnds Vn9t Prtion: nlSh westerly oi'?2'u nowrs; high westerly winds FPWARP a! PEALS, n'strlct Forecs. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE In Effect November 1, 1908. Daily or Sunday. V? . !.--.- 12o "? "f ' " " wawconvfl times wnw ad three consecutive times. soe tsarne ad Jx or seven consecutive tlmes Se ' - A '" m 1 as one tine on cash mii vertisements, and no ad counted f" less J2VW" ""!. an advertisement U applies consecntlve tlm" tha one-time rata .fhove re tes apply to advertisements under -Non Today" snii all other clasaitlca. tion. excepting the (ollowtng: Situations Wanted, Male. Jit nations Wanted; Female. 1-or Rent, Rooms. Private Families Rooms and Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, private Families, ."if on the above elaselflcaUon U 7 cents a line each insertion njT.TS J" the "Sew Today" columns Is figured by measure only 14 Unea to the -li0!0? MTKOSS-Ill. Ore ?UI l'"o oopy by mail, provided ufticieat remittance for a definite number eer.!Tr,D7 ' A.?" fTES - .... ...... n,., lonruaM n 1 5ILi2x "f nce address U required, ase . i. , . " . . mis mm nan this as part fi ,,,, hw. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to patrons, provided self -ad-dressed stamped envelopes are furnished. AUCTION SALES TODAY. ! A.AM.2SyFTmvt- ..TL.Dflla' Store. ,0 At Baker's auction house, 152 Park st furniture, rugs, etc.; sale at It o'clock" Baker & Son. By the Portland Auction Co., at 211 1st furniture, carpets, ranges, etc.. at Id POLIVKA In this city at 709 Corbett St.. Frank Polivka, aged 66 years. Funeral notice later. Cl'RTlN At Vancouver. Wash.. April 8. Mrs. Margaret Curtln. aged 80 years. Fu neral notice later. UI7IT IP THEATER 14th andWashington PHONES MAIN 1 AND A 1122. TONIGHT AT 8:15 O'CLOCK Special Price ' "Mat. Tomorrow Last Tims Tomorrow Night The Big Musical Comedy "THK i I RI. QUESTION" With Pant Nicholson Evenings tl.50 to 50c; Matinee, 1 to 5c- SEAT BALE OPENS FRIDAY IS A. M. for tbs "Gngerbread Man" AT BAKER THEATER. Beginning nest Sun. Mat. Prices, 25c to st.au. . stats.. 2oc. ouc. THEATRE Empire Theater Co. (Inc.). Lessee. Geo. t,. Baker. General Manager. Tonierht. all week. Mat Rut rtaira stivk Company In 'IJAvn HARCM," the best comedy of them all. Prices. '5c. 33c, SOc. . aw, UVl, A- 7,. Wf CtV VBTinCU. MAIX s. A lOISe. Matinee x. Sundays and Holidays. 15-25-505 NIGHTS THEATER 15-3S-a-75n, WEEK OR APRIL 5 James Nelll and Edythe Chapman. Frank Fofrarty; Paul Sander's Circus : Fred Kar's Players : Im perial Male Quar ft ; Arcadia; Ames & C or- THE GRAND-YaudeyilledeLax. WEEK OF APRIL 5. Del more & Oneida, Tom Duran, Glenroy 6 Russell, Carlyle's Pantomime ' Co., Harry McOuffee, Orandscope. MANUEL , ROMAINE AND COMPASiV. PANTACES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Stars ot All Nations. The Mysterious SE-HARA, India's Mystic Goddess Wonderful and Sensational Feats in Mfnd- Keadlng. And the Blind Shall nee. Matinees daily, 15c; two shows at night. l.te and 'jr,c. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Coal AU8.traIian- Wyoming and Washington vv"Coal delivered promptly in any qu&n- rnone us your oraer. star Coal Co.. 40 2d st. Phones Main 118. A 1984. i"tsr.. I Kemmerer coal, th ht Y ming coal; gives more heat and less ash. Churchley Bros., 13th and Marshall --. rnunei Main ViSX, A tfSX. Prices Reduced ? ree?,","'b ?na Promr,t dellverv. . stAf,! rhh v..t ' 47 Albina ave. Phones E. 424: C 1773. " Florist Cut Flower always fresh from Forbes Co.. 847 Washington st. Both Electric Fixtures Jfi u'hon?.u'p "oSJ prices are right. All work guaranteed. Western Electric Works, Bl Slath street. Platini? Kn'v, FDrks and all Silverware 1 replated as good as new. Oregon Plating Works, 10th and Alder. Main 2575, r'nn.l Richmond and Wallsend Australian. Independent Coal A Ice Company. opposite city Library. Tfloth phones. MEET1XU NOTICES. OREGON COUNCIL. ROYAL ARCANUM, meets at the Audi torium, 208 Third street, the first and third Tuesday of each montn at 8 P. M. Visitors cordially wel come. O. O. HALL. Secretary. Care Honeyman Hardware Co. IVANHOE LODGE. NO. 1, K. P Regu lar meeting tonight in their Castle Halt, Eleventh and Alder . streets. Work tn the page rank. Visitors invited. E. M. LANCE. K. R. S. MULTNOMAH CAMP urn T7 W. O. W. All memberM n,m,iiM Glrfci" 0 attend the funeral of our late iifisnooi-. j. r. VYllktna. from Erloeon's parlors. 11th nH a 1 Hei sts., at 2 P. M. today (Tues-iay) J. M. VVOODWORTH. Clerk. A. AND A. S. RITE Oregon Lodge of Perfection No. 1. Regular meeting In Memorial Hall. Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. By order, VEN. MASTER. FUNERAL NOTICES. BTt5M,?IE Vj' h!B nome. 5S1 Fourth street. William H. btemme. Funeral at resi dence Tuesday - forenoon at 10 o'clock Friends Invited. Aged 39 years. 8 months and 11 days. SMITH April 5. at 1023 Patton ave.. Mary A Smith, aged oil years, 7 months. Funeral services from shove residence Wednesdav April 7, at 10 A. M. Interment at River view Cementery. Friends invited. Wi'lVOX In thls c,ty- APr" Ethel M. SiiCOX1'i,"P'atllH, years' 'l he 'uneral serv ices will be held at the Christian church Fr.H.ar.k' Ai M ' toaay (Tuesday): Friends invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. NICHOLS The funeral services of the late Mary Nichols will be held at Dunning. McLntee &. Gllbsughs chapel, 7th and Pine streets, today (Tuesday! at 10 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Rose city Cemetery. w CAVANAl-OH At Millard avenue and Kln dorf. April 4. William Cavanaugh, age 51 - . ' - ' , , . " oeiovea 11 IIS - , M,r' B' - Cavanaugh. Funeral will take place from F. F. Dunnlng's par lors East Alder and East Sixth streets n5uncMj, April 1, at 2 P M Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Multnomah Cemeterv , . - - o, . unuve oi tier many, beloved husband of Mrs. Antonie William Polivka. all of this city. Funeral services will be held at the family real' dence. 709 Corbetl street. Wednesday April 7. at 2 P. M. Friend, aTid ' til qualntances respectfully Invited to attend Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. Dunning, McEntee 4s GUbaugh. Funeral Directors. 7th and Pino, rhone Main 430. " - j v-oroner. EDWARD HOI.MAN CO., Funeral direct ors. 220 8d st. L4idy assistant. Phone M. 687. J. P. FINLEY SON, 8d and Madison. a.. HUamua,. ruvng inMUl V, A J.599. ZELLKK-BYRNE8 CO.. Kunerml Direct-. ' uumru. , - . (VS., iT I IJ aSSlStant. F. 8. DTJNNINO, rndertaker 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East . HcEKTEE-ERICeON CO. Fadertako lady assistant. 4 Of Aider. M 6 IS. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS I v eet rates and terms ta sniti ape elal ratea aad favorable terms oa largo vm wHBcavaa properties, Fonda Loaned for Private Investors A. H. BIRRELL CO. 303 McKay Blds: ad at Stark. FOR. SALE HALCYO!( LODGE." Seaside cottase of the late c w Knowles. Large house, grounds, wide wiauuuB, iiitii;e. oatn, steel range furniture, dishes, linen. Address MRS. C. W. KNOWLES, Seaalde, Oregon. GEOBG8 BLAla, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches) 828 Worceiter Bldg. Phones. Mala 8871, A 401. DO TOU WISH TO BUT A HOH1T Then See HARTV1N as THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. alt1nsr Room pint mm ai.i MOVXT TABOR West slope. 7-room ... . ...a.u . j .. n un ana ttei- mont, 14200; 1 lot adjoining above, SlfiMO e-nrtd tnrmu LOT 85x135 Modern 8 - room house; ci cj. oun ana n;. rayior. .4000; CHOICE - W iREHtll SK 14 block. E.' ; r-. iracK; s small nouses on property renting for (30 nee mrtntli 40 ACRES Near Boringr. 18 In culti- urcnaro, Duiiaingrs: etc.; .100 per acre; 15 acres additional, all r!p4i0H fn. Sinn . Several go and 160-acre unimproved aiiu, nuiiie easily ciearea, flu to .30 1, 5, 10-acre tracts at various points on Nob Hill Homes Sll.OOO Kearney St.. near 25th; very desirable, sightly home on full lot, facing north; choice neighborhood. SIO.OOO Johnson St., near 23d, fine nifie-room house, in perfect condi tion; front and back parlor, dinlne room and kitchen -on first floor: fine basement and heater; full lot, facing BUUlll. East Side S60OO East Burnside st.. bet. 22d and 24th; fine 8-room house with recep tion hall, billiard and recreation room; furnace, fireplace and all mod ern conveniences; full lot. A decided bargain. S3600 East Everett st., near SOth, nearly new 6-room bungalow; hard wood floors: beamed celling; fire place: Dutch kitchen. Very attractive place and surroundings. Half cash, balance at 6 per cent. Strong &. Co. Financial Agents. SOS Concord Bids. Beautiful Colonial Bungalow In a Fine District Not Far Out Modern 6 - room colonial bungalow. has 3 large bedrooms, nice clothes closets, large reception hall and den, porcelain bath, wash bowl, fine linen closets, living-room and dining-room with opening, built-in window seats, fine kitchen with pantry, porcelain sink with back, electric wired, nice front and rear porches with lights. cement steps and walks, cement base ment with rioor. stationary tubs, etc. House new. Nice terraced lawns. Good neighborhood. Size of lot 50x100 feet. Price 13400. Terms, $500 down and 825 per month. Ralph Ackley 603 Corbett Building. 4 Quick ui NEW BUNGALOW 5-room modern, fireplace, etc; lot 50x100, in Hyde Park; $500; bal ance terms; price $2000. CHAPIN & HERL0JV, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Owner going to Europe desires to sell at a sacrifice new, modern residence, with furnishings; good terms may be made. Smith & Everett 309-310 Failing Bldg. HOW'S THIS? Southeast corner Corbett and Hamilton, 85x110. Look at this and then decide for yourself whether this is a good investment or not. CHAPIN & HERL0W, 332 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F. Abraham, 205 Abington bldg. Main 822 Andrews.F.V. Co. M. 384l. 30 Hamilton bg. Baker, Alfred A., 115 Abington bldg. Beck, William G.. 312 Falling bldg Blrrell. A. H. Co., 202-8 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc Brubaker & Benedict. 02 McKay big. M. 549 Chap to A Herlow. 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. 8. lt Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. Fields. C E. at Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co., 'Main 168. 206 Oregonian. Lea. M E., room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrlsh, Watkina A. Co.. 230 Alder at. Richardson. A. B-, 221 Com. Club bldg.' Schalk, Geo. D., 284 Stark at. Main or A S92 Sharkey. J. p. St Co., 122 Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st (Holladay Addition.) Waddel. W. O., 309 Lumber Exchange bids White. B. F.. 227H Washington at. FOR SALE REAL KSTATK. IIST your real estate or city property with W. H. Dudley A Co., 811 8tea.ni bldg. 9S5QO Modem 8-room house, almost new lot iSx50. cor. Stark. Owner, 76 E. 16th! SMALL house and lot. Kern Park, 000 terms. S24 Board of Trade bldg. FOB 6AXJC REAL, ESTATK. ,J0O DOWN. We nava Houses on both sides of ths river. t-OO to (500 down and (10 to 15 per mom a. 12-room house with 11 acres in cultiva tion; furnlKhed. piano, ceruent walas and sidewalk; 5c fare: $l3.0ot: terms. AoresKe on Oregon City and Ipstaeada lines. S3O0 and up S-acre apple orchards. $100 down and 10 per month. Modern 4-rooro bungalow, flue grounds, $200 down. SPECIAL. 5-room bungalow in Irvlngton, choice: $5000; terms. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Beautiful 7-room house, built for a gentleman's private residence; $7250; terms; unobstructed view of the city. 2-story 7-room house, full lot. $1S50; terms $300 down. 2-story house, Holllday Addition. $5200, . terms. 4 lots In University Addition; very chesp if taken at ones. 10 acres near Portland. $1500; terms; 2 lots in West Portland. $50 each. . JHE OREQOK COAST CO.. A 828T. M. 5641. 802 Wells-Fargo bldg. IF YOU WANT A swell residence lot on the West Side, where you will be surrounded by tine homes and have an unobstructed view, come and see us. We heve just purchased a block of seven lots, each 60x100. which we will sell separately so eheap you will be surprised. Don't hesitate, these are bargains. SMITH & EVERETT. 308-310 Falling Bldg. NEAR Woodburn, On Southern Pacific R. R. R. R. station on th place. SS0 to $SO per acre. One-quarter caeh, balance 6 year All or partly In cultivation. Your choice of 280 acres. Finest of deep black oil. No stone; no gravel. Land la all level. Fine timber on each tract. Running: water the whole year. One mile to college and school. One mile to preamenv Select your 10 or l!o-aore tract now, while vu la c juui irnoice. .Don't buy before you have seen thla. See owner. H. P. REIMERS, 7ot Corbett bldg. ENRLTSH W A T.'MTTT'H We are the largest owners and planters In Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on the market. Our properties are In the walnut country, Yamhill. S-acre iro.ci. piantea, iuo casn, sis per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO., INC. Lumber Exchange bids-. 2d and Stark sts. ONE of the handsomest homed In Irvlngton, Six larre rooms and h t h In rm i-f.ri. tlon hall, full cement basement, furnace, combination fixtures and everv thine that is modern in a new, up-to-date home; hard wood floors downstairs, upstairs a!! finished in wnite enamel; lot lOOxlW, fine lawn. This was built for a Dermanent home: party is leaving- city and will sell for $10000; $3000 will handle this; will aleo mit lurnuure. i-none Mam or A Z-I40 alter o o'clock East 6278. SWE1.I. l-TOMR. WRST Rinw New. modern. 7-room hmme. fnmnre. m and electricity, cement wash trays, ex ceptionally well built house, corner lot, with street Improvements and cement Sidewalk) all In and rmirl fnr- rortior Citr- bett and Uibbs sts., price $500; easy iiia Ah per ceni. J. W. GRU6SI. 265 Washington, near 3d. Room T. HAVE you a nice lot that you want a handsome modern residence built on 7 Do you want something tasty and different In appearance from your neighbors? If so. we are in a position to build Just what you want whore you want It. Modern bungalows of all designs; also fine two- lui y resin en ces. F. M. CRAWFORD & CO., Suite 420 Swetland Bldg. BPMDNDID ODDort unities to make money, real monev. bv investing in John Irvine- Irvlngton and Holladay Additions, the onfj t true residence portion of Portland, where one can realize on their Investments. We have many fine bargains, 6, 7 and 8-room homes, and a great number of choice lots. DOLEN A HERHMAN, C 1W3, B. 896. MT. TABOR HOMES. 21 SO Beautiful 5-room bungalow, modern In all its appointments, full lot, near car, $4O0 cash, balance easy. $3,"00 8-room modern house, with fur nace, laundry trays and electric fixtures, lot 100x100 feet, 14 bearing fruit trees, lawn, shrubbery, etc., $100 cash. A. A. HOOVER. 313 Gerlinger bldg. A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 150x100. 8 fine, full-size lots. In Terrace Park and beautiful 2-story, six-room house (Just finished, for $3;-W0; pay $300 or $400 down, balance $2," a month. You will go a long way to duplicate this. A. N. Searle. Villa ave. and E. 7th. Take M. V. car. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, f.inoo Lot 85x100. on carline. :tnoo Lot 75xfi0, Terrace road. $2.noo Lot 83x40, Hills Crest drive, have grand view. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., 826 4 Washington St. FORCED aale, owner leaving city: 5-room bungalow, nice large rooms, full base ment, . nice yard; 1 block from car; it'a finely furnished and both go at 240, 500 cash, balance easy. Don't delay if you want a real bnrHln F. J. STElNMETZ & CO.. 193 Morrison St. FOR SALE 320 acres suburban property, north of the growing city of Klamath Falls near the upper lake, close to the Oregon & Eastern R. R., a part of it near the R. R. is good for factories and warehouses, about l mile to boatlanding and streetcar line. C. Schwerdtmann, Hillsdale. Or. FOR SALE On terms to suit buyer a double store building. 2 stories, 50x80,' lot 50xlOo. most prominent business corner, prosperous county seat town, coast of Ore gon; all occupied, paying investment; will go at a bargain, direct from owner. C A. Ofatedahl, Portland. Or. tSen. Delivery $3000 WILL buy this iueal suburban home; cloe-a to station and the city; good new 6 roora house, barn and other bldgs. ; 10 acres of excellent land. The Improvements cost $250o and the land Is worth 1500. See me at tiu7 Commercial blrfg., cor. 2d and Wash MAKE MONEY. 6-room 2-story huuw, corner lot, 60x100; S. E. cor. E. 3l3t and Hoyt; 160 feet from proposed carline; price. $2tmo. J. J. OEDBR, Cor. Grand Ave. and 13. Ankeny. 101 ACRES on the beach between Tillamook and Nehalem Bays; the finest piece of acreage on this beach with freah running water : the railroad runs thmmrh th i- land: on the market for a short time at a iow ngure. wan Failing bldg. 50 PER CENT PROFIT IN 2 LOTS. 2 full-size lots on East GMsan, near 61st St. for t.OO. ad iolnii&r nrnnprt v ti' , had for ifOO; I want a quick sale; see me this forenoon at Reed-French Piano WHY PAY RENT? We design and build modern bomea on reasonable terms. A. C EMERT A CO., INC., Main 3501. 824 Chamber of Commerce. $2700 Beautiful home, Catlin ave., south Hawthorne: tras eiertrtdt v xvc.a r-- fireplace, bath; 1200, 25 monthly. Phone mJ . xjiu-iing. lO ACRES, well Improved, on Base Line road, very cheap, or will take part city LIND & HIGLET, 132 Third St. 350 DOWN, 13 monthly, buys dandy 6- .fui.i new Duusaiow ana nne large lot, price only 13O0. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. FINE cottage near 12th and Mill. 6-room "u" iui ifti;, n replace, etc.. 6500. 2500 cash, balance long time. J. W Grussl, 265 Washington, near 3d, room 7. $260 TAKES S-room house, furnished, on 60x100 lot, high and sightly, near car line, close in; balance, SHOO, on very easy terms. An Rf.7 niwrnnlan " NOB HILL $1230. full lot. corner 25th and Overton, hard-surfaced sts., an Ideal resi dence location. Vanduyn & Walton, 615 v. iinuiucr oi tommercB. 5-ROOM house. E. Yamhill St., walking dis tance; a snap at $27."0. LIND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St. SMALL home for sale, cheao. bv nwner. nn carline. Phone Sell wood 1281, for Infor mation. BFST hl!V In 'Port land flma In Q modern; lot 80xl5O. 2000 under valuation. -it m.i (jukju DlUg. CHEAPEPT. modern 8-room house and full ln In HvavlnAlr nn1 mw m a nJI . . . w ... u.w..uvn., win j vnnj , ir i ill LO SU1 V. LIND HIGLEY. l2 Third 6t, FOR 6AXJE REAL ESTATE. WS CHAULKXliE YOU To find an Ideal home more perftrctlv complete than thU onei In the midst of pleasing environments where many new buildings complete a picture of archi tectural beauty. The most fastidious homeseeker win appreciate this six-room oeautifnl home with all the necessities , ror comfort and convenience; hiEh ele vation; one block from excellent car service; walking distance; asphalt streets, ifJ?1 sidwli. parking, shade trees, 1 .fos bushes, fruit tn?es. etc; all SaVaA y -s.mod,eri improvements; pric i i - description upon inquiry. Our ii-- desirable homes Is repiete with piares that others cannot sell you. Tell us Vou want. We have it. CHURCHILL MATTHEWS CO.. Lumber Exchange Bldg.. d and t&rk Sts. MONEY HAS NO TONGUE BUT IT tflMA . TALKS HERE. fc-iL5r nlc house, furnace i,J iTlw.t51"11 5roora cottage with hall, fin i- j KOOd rooir'' barn- fwat. taifa lv Dd berry usn; on Mon- -i.lt.50 FMn buslnes lot near KIMlnrs morth ave.; thU will be worth $16C0 in tx man ths. DAVIS. 10 Kill'ngsworth Ave. . Phone Woodlawn 14S4. -?OD VACANT PROPERTY. rtJ r40xl0 on Belmont st.. suitable tree? cemat walks and bitulithio s.i13v? 40x00 on E Tamhlll. corner near by recently sold for $:500. JIL'OO 40x70 on Belmont at., c-wuent walks and bitulHhic street J60 ,on E" Davis, S300 below price of nearby lots $500 SixtiS on E. Morrison, near K. z&th; a genuine snap. V. P. HARRIS. 48 E. 28th North. E. Ankeny car to E. Couch. XS7Si BPTS 250 California bungalow of . "'.iij uangra rooms, large living room with fireplace, coxy corner, large closets, near Rose City car; cement walk right to house; restricted district; wa challenge duplication of this place for the money; terms considered. Jas C. Logan, sole agent. 326, Washington at., room, 4 in. STRICTLY modern 7-room house, almost , 7a vur uz. ousiness cen ter, located on East 22d su in nice neighborhood. 1 block from 2 cars; full coment basement, piped for furnace; price only $3700; $1200 cash; a very cheap offer. KautTmann & Moore, 823 Lumber Exchange. 940.000 A corner, close to the real central business district, some income; half pur chase price may run at & per cent. $7500 Full lot and 10-room house, only blocks from postofflce; present ront $45. 1-3 cash, balance 6 per cent. I. G. DAVIDSON. 815 Chamber of Commerce, DOCTOR'S orders compel me to sell my fur nished apartments, consisting 13 apart ments, totaling $314' a month, or 22 l per cent net on the investment ; the price is 16.000, $rtOOo cash, balance 6 per cent. Do not delay, but Investigate Immediately. Address M 863. Oregonian. ELEGANT 6 -room house In Ladd's Addition, lot 40x128. 2-story house In Ladd's Addition, t rooms, large attic, lot 40x128; an ele- . gant up-to-date home. SPENCER Ml CO., 102 2d St. LARGE M block. West Sida. 1 block from car; considerable over 100 ft. long, not quite 100 deep; good site for 3 fiats or residences; S1O.5O0, half cash; would sell In 8 or 4 pieces to suit. Culver, 623 Cham ber of Commerce. A CASH BARGAIN. 60x100, cultivated, half way between Glenwood Station and Columbia boulevard. $100 less than adjoining lots. $404. Owner. R 797, Oregonian. $800 WILL buy a very beautiful acne tract on macadamized road, handy to carline, 6-cent fare, ideal for home or Investment; terms -can be arranged to suit you. M. E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. $350 FOR both buys corner 45x125 and In side 40x125, or 85x125, on Millard ave. ; Mount Scott car; lots near these selling for $250 each. Jas C. Logan, 326 Va Wash ington st., room 415. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. 22,000 Full quarter block, centrally located on 14th st.; Income $172, per month ; terras. W. O. WAD DEL, 309 Lumber Exchange. NEW, modern, ti-room bouse, with one or two lots; bargain ; part cash, bal. terms; corner CaniDbell st. and Ains worth ave. 687 Vancouver ave. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; -.ur;Be cioee in ana zarms in uregon ana Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney A Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg. SNAP 1100: new, modern, 5-room cottage. ci'iuer wooasiocK, one mocK oi cor.; easy terms. Inquire Woodstock Drugstore. Phone Sellwood 65. 50x100, East Main St.. near 17th ; south iront, cement sidewalks, macadam street, sewer, gas, price very low for quick sale. See owner. 309 Lumber Exchange. ONE acre lev;l land, line soil, all In crop. 6-room house, on Mount Scott carline; price $1300. SPENCER A CO., 102 2d St. IF you contemplate building and want to save aome money or borrow some, see Randolph & Hayes, Architects and Builders. 204 Ab ington bldg. ADJOINING Woodstock, sloping west, over- M.utiinK me cny, v acres at fimiQ per acre; the last acreage in this locality. The Queen Investment Co., 410 Failing bldg. CHOICE location, sell or build. 345-347 14th st., 2 cottages, lot 25xlOO; each 37.10, or the two $7250. half cash. Call Kclly owner, the Morrison, 8 to 10 A. M. 3200 Finest comer on the EaM Side, 60x100, jkiii, afar nawimirne ave. in is is a DOT gain. Randolph, 204 Abington bldg. Main 6147. 42-0 oOx.OO on Clay st., near 14th; fine location for apartments or flats; not hing as cheap in this vicinity ; terms. W. O. Waddel, 30l Lumber Exchange. . 1600 Seven lots, house and orchard. Mar- quam xim. isewion JMCioy. room 715. Ore gonian bldg. NEW. modern 6-room house. aIo new bun galow; full lots. W. A. Taylor. 4151 Com. Club. 6-ROOM house, new, modern; fractional lot. West Strte. near Thurman ; $3850; pay ments like rent. Hatfield, li5 Vi 4th. HAWTHORNE AVE. lots. 50x100 ft., at $700. on easy terms. M. E. Lee, room 411, Cor bett bldg. FOR S A LE 6-room house, one acre, blocr from carline; $2500, worth $3500. Bennett A "WelLfl, Stewart station. Phone Tabor 660. NICE home on installments. Inquire of owner. 5utt Spokane ave, .Sellwood. Port land. CORNER on 10th St.. Ideal for apartment house, for sale; price right. M E Lee room 411 Corbet! bldg. BY OWNER 6-room modern house, full lot, young fruit, on carline. easy terms. Phone . Tabor 7S0, or address B 843, Oregonian. 2 MODERN 6-room houses on E. 80th and Alder. Portland Success Realty Co., 618 Board of Trade bldg. Main 3875. A 1213. 62x100 E. 17th st., near Morrison, fine lo cation for apartments. See owner. 309 1-umber Exchange. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation ; buy "direct of owners and say commission. 205 Abington bldg. SEVERAL nice homes near Steel bridge, from 3000 to 5nou. LIND & HIGLEY, 132 Third St, OWNER will sell fine new house, strictly modern. East Side, walking distance. F 791, Oregonian. U BLOCK, near carline, Woodstock, 550 if taken soon; from owner. A F 72A), Oregonian. NEW. strictly modern 6-room home in West Irvlngton; every convenience; full lot; close In. Owner. Phone C 1791. FOR SALE By owner. 3 lotn near Arleta Schoolhouse, 750. C. J. Slmonson, 734 Kearney st. 2000 TAKES a good 7-room house and stoves. Phone Main 6034, East 1836. Call 616 Board of Trade. CHOICE IRVINGTON lot. East 21st, near Hancock St., $2000. C 771, Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LAKO& 8ILETZ claims : we pay cash for claims from owners. Nelson A. Whittier, 517 Board of Trade. PAY cash for timber In Oregon and Washington from 40 acres upward. O 739 Oregonian. ' TI?f.R 'a"is wanted, C. J. McCracken. 304 McKay bldg. - FOR RENT FARMS. 5 ACRES on Oregon City carline, suitable for chickens or gardening. Apply to owner, J. f. Davles, St. Charles HpteL i