THF. MORNING OREGON! AS". SATURDAY, A PR IT. 3. 190H. 17 CLIP IS SUPERIOR Oregon Wool Better Than for Several Years. SHEARING IS UNDER WAY out rai ling at Full Prices In the Western States Quiet Conditions In Local Grain Trade. Hutter Market Weaker. Wool dealers look for a much better clip In Oregon this season than for several yara. Shearing 1h now under way at Echo and at Arlington and the results show & better Quality and higher condition than Inst year. The sheep cam off the Summer range In fin condition last Fall and win tered exceptionally well. The same favor able reports are coming from all sections. Aside from a small sale of shorn wool at Kcho, no d e w business h as been reported In this state. Reports from various parts of the West how rather more activity In contracting and in ore business would have been negotiated had not growers advanced their prices. In Western Idaho a clip of 400.000 pounds suld recently at 19c, and contracting In Nevada Is reported at 17n. 174c and 18c. Exceptionally light clips are reported to be held at 23c In Montana, with a few further trades at that price. But there has been more doing at 21 H to 22c than the higher figure. The bulk of the con tracts, however, in Montana this season have been made at 20 to icle and most Authorities In close touch with the situa tion do not place the total in excess of 14.000.000 pounds. Including Montana, in the neighborhood of pounds of territorial wool are thought to be under contract. Some people think the estimate, excessive, as they have been offered clips within a week which previous reports had placed In the contract list. On the ether hand, there are estimates of a total of 50.000.000 pounds. A Montana lettor savs: "The wool men of the state feel particularly jubilant over the prices now offered for the coming clip, some of the largest clli,s having brought 23c. It Is generally believed that the clip will be larger than last year, ap-af-oxlmately 40.000.000 pounds, and of a good Quality. The outlook for the future Is not so rosy, owing to the fact that land values are Increasing so rapidly and the policy of the Government In enforcing the land laws. This greatly adds to the cost of production." ;rain market in strong position. Holders Demand Full Rates and Trading Is Small. There was a fair demand for wheat yesterday, but holders asked full prices. which buyers were not disposed to come up to, and no business of consequence was transacted. Prices of all cereals were un changed. The weekly Argentine shipments, as ex pected, showed a decrease of over 2.000,000 bushels froon those of the corresponding week last year. The shipments, as re ported by the Merchants' Exchange, were: Argentine shipments, 4. 620.000 bushels; last week. 2.094,000 bushels; last year, 6.640.OO0 bushels.' Australia shipments. 1,616,000 bushels; lat week. 1.416, OOO bushels; last year. 360.000 bushels. India shipments, 8000 bushels; last week, 24,000 bushels; last year. none. Bid and asked prices at the Board of Trade were as follows: WHEAT. Bid Asked. .$l.lO'. $1.13 . 11- 1.14'i April Muy OATS. Arrll 1.97i 2.00 May 2.00 2.024 BARLEY. April 1 SA X.2ii May 1.52'fc 1.05 Receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Kxchange as follows: Wheat. Barley Flour. Oats. Hay. Mar. 27-28. 11 4 35 1 9 Mar. J!. 4 2 S S 3ft Mar. 3i. ... It) 2 8 2 11 March :1 1 ; 1 4 April . . . . S 4 7 S '2 Total laat wk 44 17 33 10 70 ENGUSU HOP TRAUK QVIET. Supplies re LiKht and Demand Is Chiefly for Lower Grade. The latest English hop trade circulars re ceived, bearing dates of March 15 to 17, say. In part: AVI Id. Neama Co. London There is no alteration to report on our market; business continues dull and values unchanged. H. and It. I. a May. I -on don The mar ket Is quiet and prices are nominally without alteration: the lowest priced hops are those chiefly Inquired for. Manger and Henley, London There Is a quiet consumptive trade doing; prices un altered. Kxchange and Hop: Warehouses. London Trade remains fairly quiet now that the best hops are off the market, and the best of the middle class are getting scarce. In quiries are now chiefly for the latter at low prices, only small lots being1' disposed of. The better class yearlings are finding buy era but prices for these retn&in too low for owners to clear out. J. H. Meredith Co.. Worcester Trade hows no animation and Is restricted to small sales of medium Qualities out of mer . chants' stocks, no growers' hops having been weighed at the public scales last week. Values remain nominally unchanged, but the Inferior, discolored samples are al most entirely neglected. Owing to heavy snowfall very little plantation work has been possible this month. THRKK-fEXT DROP IN BUTTKH. Local Market Will Stand at 29 cents la Boa Lota Today, f The butter market Is weakening- rapidly these days. After holding barely steady at 32 cents for most of the week, there will be a 3-cent decline tomorrow morning to 29 cents. Local production Is Increasing fat and not only is there the additional pressure of supplies here, but also a low market at San Francisco to compete with. The Bay City market is on a 23-cent basis, h.oh has given dealers of that city an op portunity to place their goods here and In X he Sound markets. fader the circum stances a readjustment of local values was necessary. u is a question mhether even a 29-cent market can be maintained in the coming weik. Oregon ftii are going Into cold storage more actively. Northern orders are still good and between the two the market is kept cleaned up. The general quotation yester day was 2! cents and the tone was flrtn. The demand tor all kinds of poultry was strong. Receipts were light and the market as nrm at the prices that have ruse for several weeks. EI.F.VFX CAKvS OF OKIONS LKFT. light Runply and Improvement at Saa Frandca. (wo Firmness Here. ' The stock of unsold Oregon onions has been reduced to 11 cars, of which seven are of ood quality and four are poor. This HsM supply, together with some Im provement in the San Francisco market sLrday. created a firmer feeling here and growers were not o r-eady to let go at the yrice recently current. The potato market steadv. Buvers declined to pay over $123 far best stock and farmers were alow to aell at this figure. Strawberrfe at 20 Cent. Southern California atrawberrlea are com-lnx- along- regularly now and are selling at 20 cents per basket. Supplies o; asparagus were lighter yesterday and the market was firm at 7H cents for white. Oregon spinach wu offered at 6 cents per pound. A car of sweet potatoes was received. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities yes- terday were follow Clearings. Balances. SI. 213, 141 S161. 1.1143.104 ;iUb.612 421. SIS 4S.5S& - 1,-Z,V2 UU,6ia Portland Seattle . Tacomi Spokane PORTLAND MARKETS. Vegetable and Fruit. RtSH FRUITS Apples. per -ox ; Malaga grapes, ly per ban w. POTATOES Buying price, $1.25 per hun dred; sweet potatoes. 2 V "a. 3e per pound; new California. 7 & 8c per pound. SACK. VEGETABLES--Turnips, $1 per sack; 'carrots. 90c; parsnips. $1.50; beets. a. i o, imrBeraaisn, iuc per pound. TKOPICAL FRiriTS Oranves. nvet -s 62.75 per box: lemons, H.7,Mp4; grape fruit, t4.2o&4.73 per box; bananas. 54ydc per tuuuu. iiu:i;pie, Per cuiea: tan serines si. 75 per dox. OMO.Xd Oreeon. buvlnr nri SI TK n hundred. EGETABL.ES Artichokes. 65 St RR dm asparagus, 7 V & 1 2 c per pound; beans. 2'c; v iufeKi, o m, c par pounu ; caul) nower $2.60; eelerj. $4.75 per crate; cucum bers. $1,50 42.50 per dozen; lettuce, hot house, $1.50 per box; lettuce, head. 80c per dozen; onions. 40 50c per dozen; parsley, 85c por dozen; peas. 15c per pound: radishes, 85c per dozen; rhubarb. 5r&'6c per pound; spinach, 6c; tomatoes, 91-3.0O. Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem milling, $1-221.25; club, $1.10; red Russian, $l.0b; 1 10 B"''Pm' valley. FLOUR Patents. I5.6R per barrel; straights, $4.65: exports. $4. 4.10; Valley, $5 10; gran am, .-u; whole wneat, quarter, uatb o. 1 white. $3940 per ton. MlLLSTUFFS Bran. 2t&2&.50 pr ton; middlings. $33; horr. 32&f3u; chop. $20e2: rolled barley. S3132.50. BARLEY Peed, $31 32 'per ton. HAY Timothy. Willamette Valley, $1301$ per ton; Eastern Oregon. $163? 18; clover. $1$ CIS: alfalfa, $14.5015; grain hay. $13914; CO eat. S12.5014.50; vetch, $13.50914.50. Dairy and Country Prod ace. BUTTER Cltv creamery. extras. 20c! fancy outside creamery. 27 i 29c per lb.; Btore, iBa.iuc. (.Butter tat prices average IS. cents per pound under regular butter prices.) EGGS Oregon ranch. 21c per dozen. lOL'LTRk" Hens. lCfilfic; broilers. ?4 26c; fryers. 13&20c; roosters, old. 10llc; young, 1415c; ducks, 20&22Vic; geese, loo; turkeys, 18ftl9c: sauabs. S2.50a3 ner dozen. CHEESE Fancy cream twins. 17 17 So per 10. ; run cream triplets. 17 (Jf 17 xuli cream. Young America, 13 18 c VEAL Extras, lOifioc per pound: ordi nary. 7 a 8c ; heavy. Be PORK Fancy. U 9 S c per lb. ; large. Groceries. Dried Fruits. Etc. DRIED FRUITS Apples. 8c per lb.; peaches. 7 4. 4 8c: prunes. Italians. fiuiUo (.runes, French. 4fOc; currants, unwashed, cases, Hc; currant, washed, cases, lOo; figs, white fancy. 50-lb. boxes, OVtC, datsa. I W aP 7 Vi o. SALMON Colitmhl Plmr.,. $2 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2-95; 1-pound Oaia, fa. 10; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, 950, rcu. i-puuna tans. i. 40; sockcyea, 1-pound COFFEE Mocha. 24 02SC: Java, ordlnarv. 17&20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 13920c; good, 16. Sc; ordinary. 12. tilde sr nound. NUTS Walnuts. 12U3o per pound by sack; Brazil nuts. 16c: filberts. 15c; pecans, 7c; almonds. 13 Q 14c; cnestnuta. Italian 11c; peanuts, raw. gto; plnenuts. lOtj 12c; hickory nuts. 10c; cocoanuia, 0o per nuitn. SUGAR Granulated, $6.05; ctra C. $5.53 golden C. $5.45: fruit and berrv suirar. SA 05 plain bag. $5. HO; beet granulated, 5.85; cubes (barrel). 16.45: Dowdered ( barren. 10.30. Terms: On remittances within 15 days, deduct fc per pound; If later than 15 days and within SO days, deduct Ho par tfuuiju. su(nr. iuc per pouna. ursnuiaiea. sis ner ton. si. so psr bale; half ground. 100a. $7.60 per ton; 60s, a tun. BEANS Small white. e; large white, BUc; Lima, Ic; pink, c; bayou. 4a: Mex ican red. &c lro visions. BACON Fancy, 21 He per pound;- stan- ah-. -un;e, ic; jngiisn, x y a it 1 e; strips. 13 fee DRY SALT rilHRn Rad-uIo. mUt- iM dry salt. 12fec; smoked, 13fec; short clear un.K, iwavy ary saitea, i:ic; smoked, 13,c; Oregon exports, dry salt, Igfec; ham's 10 to IS lbs., 14c: 14 to 1 lbs. 14c; 18 to 20 lbs., 14c; hams, skinned, 14c; picnics. 9fec; cottage roll, lie; shoul- utsiH, iic; Douea nams. laiifsoc; boiled picnics, 17c. LARD Kettle rendered: 10s, H e; 6s, 14mc; standard pure: 10s, 13fec; os, 13 Ho. Choice : 10s, lc; 5s. 12 c Compound: 1U8. c; os. ac. SMOKED BEEP Beef tongues. each. 60c; dried beef sets. 17c; dried beef out sides, 16c; dried beef in sides, 19c; drbed peer auncKies, isc. PlCKLiSO GOODS Barrels: Pigs' feet. $18; regular trips, $10; honeycomb tripe. vi , pig' tongues, MESS MEATS Beef, specials, $12 n barrel; plate. $14 per barrel; family, $14 per barrel;. pork, $20 per barrel; brisket $22 jjci Dirrei. Hops, W'ouit Hides, Etc. HOPS 1009 contracts, l0c per pound; 190& crop. 7 7 fee; 1907 crop, 3i& 4fec; 1906 crop. lfe3c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, contracts. 16$p 18c per pound; Valley, 16 & 17c MOHAIR Choice. 23&23 Vrc per pound roniana. HIDES pry hides. No. 1. 16 16 fee Ib-i uijr Kip. i-sv. x, pouna; ary call- sktn. lTfelSc pound; salted hides, 99fec" eat ted calfskin. 14i15c pound; green, le less. FURS N'o. 1 skins: Aigora goat. $1 to $1.2&: badger. 3550c; bear, t3!0; beaver, $S.50(ffS.50: cat, wild, 60cg$l; cougar, per- itvau iiu caws. o iu ; nsner. dark. J7. 5011; pale, $4 907; fox. cross. $3 co a; 101. gray, sue to 80c; fox, red. $3.25 to $4: for. silver, $35 to $100; lynx. 310 aw. n . leu. m., 90&iJi mine, iocr4.&o music rat, I0o15c; otter. 37 ; raccoon. 46c & 60c; sea otter, 13.5u, as o size; skunks. ioti civt cai, luyic; woir, 23 coyote, ?0c fc? 1.10 ; wolverine, dark. $3 & & wolverine, pale. 35 2.50. CASCARA BARK. Per pound, 4 fee Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. April 2. The market for evaporated apples Is very quiet with fancy prime. 6CCfec; common to fair. 5fctSc. Prunes, of both the large and smaller sizes, are scarce, but the Intermediate sizes are in plentiful supply and somewhat un settled. Quotations range from 3?c to 4 mc ior new crop California fruit, np to 40 -50s, -and from 6fec to c for Ore cons, 40-5os to 20-30s. Apricots are firm, with choice quoted at s ivc; extra cnoice, 10fa loxc; fancy 11 fe la 13c. Peaches are unchanged with choice, 'y: extra choice. tifeGc; fancy, 7 Kalins are quiet, with loose muscatels quoted at 3fe3fec; choice to fancy seeded at 56Hc; seedless, 35fec: London layers, $1.20 1.U0. Ialry Produce In the Et. CHICAGO. April 3. Butter Steadv. Creameries. :3S29c; dairies, 20 Eggs Steady. Firsts. 19c; prim firsts. Cheese Firm. Daisies, 15 16c; twins, 15c; young Americas. 15c. NEW YORK. April I Butter Weak. Creamery specials. 30c; official price. Joe thirds to firsts, 21 'i 2Sc. Ormeese Firm, unchanged. Eggs Firm. Western firsts, 20J0o. New York cotton Maxkesj. NEW YORK, April 2. Cotton closed steady at a net advance of 1-Sf4 points. Marrtag License,. TATES-JfRGERSOX Russell o. Yates, 19. Sherwood: Catherine Jurgerson. 20. city. PETTIPiECE-KlIfHEX William 'Cham berlain Pettiplece. 27; Revelstoke. B. C. ; Jennie Mable Kitchen. 27. cltv. MAL1A-CLARK Edward J. Malta. 23. city; Clara, Clark. 20. city. W,ddlng and visiting cards, w. O. Smith, ft Co., Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash. Artie lr of Incorporation. THE LEE-BOWDLER COMPANY Incor porators. M. T. I-ee. R. H. Rowdier and H. A. Odeklrk; capitalisation. $lvoo NEW ERA USD ft INVESTMENT COM PANY lncorpors lors. Charlotte MeMonles. Rosa Saunders and Minnie J. Waseermaa; capitalisation. Kio.ttoo. Frank I.e.. in a railroad station at Si-ran-ton. Pa.. atwnit to start ay. asked a stran ger for a match. Something in the man's fat-, attracted him. and on inquiring his nsme discovered lie was his brother Will lam, a horn he had not seen in GO vears. BEARS IN CONTROL Bring to an End Advance in Stock Prices. ' MARKET LACKS SUPPORT Ifarriman Interviews Again Play an I mporta nt Part i n Direct i ng Speculative Sentiment. Bonds Irregular. NEW TORK. April 2. The bears aot the upper hand today in the contest which has w aged on each successive day th is week i n the etock market. The professional tradina element on the floor of the Stock Exchange as neen distrustful of the rise in prices and ae "felt for the top" constantly by nuttine out short contracts. . Previous to today thev have been forced to cover shorts later at a losa. driven la by the substantial resistance of the market to depression. The trend of the market was not determined until after the first hour, the absorption power being still manifest at that time, when the, large eellinc orders seemed to. be met by almost equally heavy buying. After a period of quietude the market began to re cede on comparatively light transactions, thus uemonsrrating the withdrawal of support. ine mtervKw of E. H. Harriman with the newspaper men yesterday deprived the bulls of some of the ammunition they have relied on, by the frankneew of some of his admis sion-. Rather definite assertions were In cir culation yesterday, which persisted in Lon don this morning, that an advance in the L'nion Pacific dividend to 12 per cent had been determined on and in Southern Pacific to 7 per cent. Mr. Harriman s flat asser tion that nc; dividend increases were in con templation in either case took away this motive for buying the stocks at advancing prices Some influence was felt also from a rumor of a serious attack of the King of Engiand, wnicn naa caused some weakness of securi ties before it was authoritatively contra dicted by the advices of the Associated Press. Considerable importance attaches, from a BYeculatlvs standpoint, to the reconvening of the Supreme Court on Monday next, in view of the pending decision on the Hep burn law commodities clause test case. Pro fessions of confidence heard in the neighbor hood of the stock exchange for several days that this decision would not affect stocks, whatever it might be, subsided today with the approach of the session of the court. Large influence was accorded this factor in the latter break. .ounas were irregular. Total sales, par vaiue. so.330,ooo. United States bonds were unchanged on call. C LOS IN GSTOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing High. Low. Bid. Sales. Amal Copper .... ao.700 Am Car & Foun. 2,tK do preferred Am Cotton OH... 1,500 Am Hi & L.t pf. 100 Am ilee Securi.. 218uo 7tt 7414 ' 714 4Ts 11014 62 Vi B3"4 37 o-Vi 3 30 Am jinseea Ull. Am Locomotive. . do preferred . . WX 84 1, 53 "i 00 114-J, 114-fe 1141, 88 V, Am Smelt & Rsf. 2o.j0 86 U do prererred ... Am Sugar Ref... Am Tooacco pf.. 1.100 104 J04 103 500 132 V. 131U 131 1.O0O 8Sti 95 H514 Am Woolen .... 40O i 33 32 Anaconda. Min Co 2.300 44 AICO190H ........ do preferred . . Atl Coast Line.. 13.700 107 5i ItKi'.i I04 loB 103 "r, 121 Vi HI'S, IH 74 V4 174 -1UO 1U4 40O 122 V, 121H Bait 4k Ohio 10.00O 113! llli. do preferred ... 5,100 Brook Rap Tran. 12.50O 4V. T4H 174-, 101 Canadian Pacific. 6.3O0 17A central Leather... 400 2i 28 V4 do preferred 300 lot 14 Central of X J.. Ches oc Ohio 20,300 Chicago Gt West. two 71 6U74 5 . 181 i o;i 5i a Chicago & N Y.. 2uo IRi'. 181 C, M & St Paul.. 24.700 150, 148 148 C. C, C & St L... t'olo Fuel & Iron. Colo & Southern, do let preferred , lo 2d preferred. Consolidated Gas. . om Products . . . el & Hudson... 1.40O 3i '0 200 3i 64 35 Vt 04 81 i 35 54 64 81 210 7t 7 t 4.6O0 1384 1S614 136 6.10O 19 is1 IS 40O 17814 1 ' ' 47 V4 87 35i 28 177 47H 87l.i 1 & ft Orande... 12.500 do preferred . . . 1.4'0 Ditstlllers Securi.. 1,300 irie 11,100 do Isn preferred . a, 500 do 2d preferred. tVK 8S 84 2tt 45 35 . 44 44 34 Hk 34 ueneral Electric. TOO- 15"ii Gt Xorthern pf... 20.5UO 14" H Gt Northern Ore.. ll.9iX . 157 1564 1454 140 Illinois Central 2,100 1465 145 145 u 00 OS A t"., "I 4314 39 2 Int Paper ...... do prererred ... Int Pump 60O Iowa Central OOO K C Southern .. 7. OOO do preferred t Add 52 38 37 20 45 "4 72H. 37 4tt 73 2 Iouls & Nashville 2.300 1354 Minn ft St L 133 Vi 133 54 144 M. St P ft S S M. 1.0OO 145 14414 Missouri Pacific... - S.SOO 73'X 72' fn Van A. Tat- ) . .. , . . . . . Tl 42 41 do preferred ... ...... Xatlonal Lead ... 3.800 41 T2 82 81 12! 46 90 79 143 81 X Y Central 16,300 131 N" T-. Ont & West. 1.200 4714 Norfolk ft West. 2.000 fc2 North American.. 80O 81 Northern Pacific. . 45,800 145 it Pacific Mail ' . 12 Kit, 79 144 Penns-rvanla 12.70O 135t; 32 134 V 134 feople s tias 3.000 P. O C ft St I 8,000 H41J, 113ti 113 v-:, i J rf veo tsteel car Pullman Pal Car l.OOO 174 Ry Steel Spring.. t.OOO 3u 38 172 173 39 Reading :121,3X 136T4 134 134 do preferred 44M 1 u. ta "3 Rock Island Co.. 1.800 24 do preferred 4.70O 64 St L & S P 2 pf. 300 39 St L Soutliwestern . . . . . . ..... do preferred ... 30O 56 Ploss-ShefTield .... 700 74 Southern Pacific. 34,7M 122 do preferred ... 300 325 24 64 38 64 38 23 55 55 12? 125 25 63 40 33 51 70 185 124 Southern Railway. 2,200 26 25 63 do preferred -.iuo l.StK 2.0O 1.300 65 Tenn Copper .... Texas ft Pacific. . Tol. St 1. ft West, do preferred ... 34 52 33 51 OOO i L 68 185 84 30V, Union Paclfio ...111,800 187 do preferred TJ S Rubber l.OOO 31 do 1st preferred. l,2oo 104 V S Steel 131.9O0 81 do preferred ... 6.80O 113 Vtah Cojiper . 4K 43 Va-Caro Chemical. 3.000 45 do n referred 31 1W 78 JO 49 49 113 43 43 18 46 81 "io 113 43 43 114 aoaah SCO 2.800 1,000 "'600 18 48 S1T4 "lOT, 18 do preferred Westinghouse Elec Western Union Wheel ft L Erie.. Wisconsin Central. Am Tel ft Tel.... eo 66 10 5TO S.30O 131 lao'i 130 aulm .Me. iot in oay. vH,iw snares. BONDS. NEW YORK. April 2. Closing Quotations U. S. ref. 2s reg.l01!N Y C Q 3s.. B3 do coupon. .101!North Pacific 3a. 74 U. S. Ss reg 101 North Pacific 48.103 do coupon. .. .101 Pnion Pacific 4s.l06& V S new 4s reg.119 IWlscon Cent 4s 94 D ft R G 4a. '. 97 l Stock, at Ixndoa. LONDON. April 2. Consols for 84; for account. 84. anaconda 9 IN Y Central.., Atchison 110 Norflk ft West money .134 .94 " " pra iwoi oo pref Bait ft Ohio -115JOnt ft West.. .179 Pennsylvania - 72 Rand Mines.. I 5'Reading .15HH ISoutbern Ry.. . 13VI do pref...... - 49 l-?outh Pacific. . . t'O'iCnion Pacific. - 2 do pref Can Pacific. . Ches ft Ohio. Chi Grt West C. M. ft S. p. De Beers D ft R G do pref. . . . Erie do 1st pf.. do 2d pf . . Grand Trunk 111 Central... 1. ft N Mo K ft T. . .. 48 .. 8 2 . 67 .124 .191 . . MS It. steel 51 36 do pref. . . . 20 t: 'Wabash ..IIS . . 19 -.150: do pref . .138 'Spanish 4s... -- 43:Amal Copper. . . 49 .. 72 Money Exchange. Etc cn iiMv. jipru 2. prime msrcantll, paper closed at 3 4 4 per cent. sterling exchange firm, with actual busi ?t; inwbnrs" bills at 4 86e4.S7 for 0-dsy bills and at S4.S765 for demand. Pa' silver 5oc -Mexican dollars 44c. tJoremment bonds steady; railroad bonds irregular. ff Money on call Steady. Offered at I per Ci?nt: clos'ng bid. 1 per cent. Time loans Very weak and dull; 0 dav,, ife per cent; six monttis, 3 per cent. LONDON. April 2. Bar silver Stesdy. 2 3 S d per ounce. M oney 1 fe f 2 per cent. The rat of discount in the open market for short bills is 1 -16ilfe per cent; three months bills. 19-16clfe per cent SAN FRANCISCO. April 2. Silver bars 50ic. Mexican dollars 45c. Drafts Sight, 2c ; telegraph. 4c Sterling on London 60 days, $4.S6? ; sight, $4.87. Dally Treasury- Statement. WASHIN'GTOX. April 2. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances in the gen eral fund, shows: Available cash balance $133. S03.414 Ooid coin and bullion , 42.397.S2S Gold certificates 47,893.980 Wool at St. Louts. ST. LOUIS. April 2. Wool Unchanged: territory and Western mediums. IS 23c; fine mediums, 1720c; fine, 11 (3 17c. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL. April 2. Hops in London, Pacific Coast. fS-g."!. APPLE SUPPLY SMALL BUT MARKET IS A DRAGGING OXE AT SEATTLE. Trainload of Potatoes May Be Brought From Minnesota. Storing- of Eggs.. SEATTLE, Wash.. April 2. (SDecial.l Tbe appla market Is dragging, and whlla prices are no lower, stock, are not cleaning up satisfactorily. Stocks of apple, are not heavy either her, or In Eatem Washington, according to reports received from the coun try. The large stacks are beld principally Dy oast dealers. Only three or four varie ties command the top price of $3. f otatoe were easy. A report wsi circu lated, on the street today that a pool had been organized to bring In a trainload of potatoes rrom .Minnesota, a, was done two year, ago. when supplies were short. The top here now 37, wltn the low mark at $28.-, rtatlve rhubarb i, stacking up and dealer. are quoting a variety of prlcea. A car of Eastern eggs arrived Today. An average" of a car a day of local eggs is going into storage. Prices are unchanged. Instead of organizing a new buttar ex change, an attempt will be made to change the rules of the present organization so that only Dona fide butter-makers can set the but- ter market. Seattle creamery men will cut their prices on Monday. The orange market is firmer, but not higher yet. QUOTATIONS AT SAN FRANCISCO. Price, Paid for Produce In the Bay Cits Markets. SAN" FRANCISCO. Anril S Th. fal lowing prices were Quoted in the nrodnce 111". .' V, L LUUUI. Potatoes Oregon- Burbanks. S1.40al.7K: Salinas Burbanks, $1.601.85; sweets. 91.75 Onions $1.50(92 per cental. . MlllStUffe firSU. S2R.Mt(i;.CO mMllp. 133.50fi35.50. Vegetables Garlic, 9(g) 10c: green peas, 4 7c; string beans, nominal; asparagus. 2 4c; tomatoes, 75c $1.25; egg-plant, 20 & 25c. umter f ancy creamery, 25c; creamery etuuiuf, ic, xancy aairy, Z3C Poultry Roosters, old, $56; young, $9 9 , otwue, ujimi, fdvo.ou; oroiers, large, $67; fryers, $89; hens; $510; ducks, old, 56; young, $6(9. Cheese New. 13fel4c; Young Ameri ca. 14&15c; Eastern, 17c. Eggs store. 22c: fancv ranch. 2Xi4e Wool South Plains and San Joaauin. 815c; Mountain. 610c; Nevada, 1215c. May wneat, s l.&u tr 25 ; wheat ana oats, 2124; alfalfa. S1417.50; stock, $11.5016 straw, per bale. 6041-85c Fruits Apples, choice. $1.75; common, 60c; bananas, S1G23.50: iimes. SS.506'9: lem ons, choice, $3; commons. $1; oranges, $1.25 tij2.50; pineapples, $2'i4. Receipts Flour, 6052 sacks; barley. 1660 centals; oeans, ouu sacKs; potatoes, 1585 sacKs; oran, xaa sacKs; miaanngs, 2U sacks hay, 193 tons; wool. 193 bales; hides, 480. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Price, Current Xucally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. There were no receipts of livestock ves- terday, but fairly large shipments are ex pected today, and with some stock still on hand to work upon, conditions In the mar- ket were not changed. The tone of the cattle market Is slow, as there ia but little demand from packers. Hogs have a firm undertone and sheep are steady. A ship ment of Nebraska hogs Is expected in the next lew aays. Recent representative sales were 15: hogs, average 183 pounds, at $5.35; 17 China fats, 113 pounds, $6.75; 5 stock hogs. aoa pounds, xo.oo: 10 hoars. ru s 141 pounds. $5; 27 cattle. 1060 pounds. $5.10; 23 cattle. 1144 pounds. $4.00; 56 cat tle, 1116 pounds, to-loT 19 steers. 107O pounds- $5.2o; 4 steers. 910 pounds. $.";; 1 bull. 9SO poundB. $2.75 2 bulls. 1200 pounds, $3.50; 55 hogs. 209 pounds, $7.25; 33 sheep, 80 pounds, $6.50; 9 stock hegs, 66 pounds, $6.25. Prices quoted at the . yrds yesterday were: CATTLE Top steers. $5.255.50; fair to good. $4.75(5.00; common to medium, $3.25 04:50; cows. top'. $4.25; fair to good. $3.50 ii.w, cumuion to nieaium. 52.00(0' 3.50 ; calves, top, $5.00 5.50; heavy, $3.504.00; ouiis ana stags. lat, 3.0O; common, HOGS Best. S7.25(37.K0; fnfr to $6.75 T.00; atockers, $5.50(0-6.50; China fats, $6.75. SHEEP Top wethers. IS 5.75; fair to good. $4.50(3 4 75; ewes, c less on all grades; yearlings, top. $6.236.50; fair to ,uuu, ,o.uv(ro.2o; epring lambs, $9lo. Eastern Livestock Markets. OMAHA. April 2. Cattle Receipts. 4 on Tnaraei, strong. , estern eteers. $3.5orS5. JJ'rs. $2.2oas4.50: stockera and feeders, $.1 " - , fvii.ou; ouiut and stag Hogs Receipt, 6200; market, eteadv tin u i-i- t4 TKi&it 1 , , . i . , . .. .. . - $6.506.80; pigs, $4.505.75; bulk of saiea Sleep Receipts. 0000: .market. steady " j. if ; J, Mi us, i . iO ffO.. KANSAS CITT Anril 5 r.tt1 Ttm. 10U0; market, steady. Native steers. o.80: native cows and helfer 2.754i-tt; stockera and feeder x7Sfri .- ku. n u.-. -5; calves. $3.75($?7.00; Western iteera, 4.&0i Hogs Receipts, 700O; market, .strong- to 5c higher. Bulk of sales. $3.657;-' heavy. f6.90 js. iiavftu auu uuicnors, ; plga. Sheeo RecelDtSL SOOO: mark-i trnn o- hm tons, o.23-6.40; lambs, 6,&PT.25; 'range 1 b, if.wit.wt iea ewes, f-ft.OUQj-Q. CHICAGO. April 2. Cattla Reeeiot i mated. IOuO. Western ateer 4(a. - tttntr. era and feeders, S3.AOe; cows and helf- sia. vuni).oo; calves, fotvjs. Hoss Receipts, eetlmated. 17,000: market steady. I-lght. .657; mixed, $6.65; heavy' (irtti.iri; rough. $6. io6.10; good to choice heavy. ,.90S7.15; plga, 6.0ti.45; bulk of Sheep Receipts; estimated, 600O; market steady. Native. 3.7rSitt.40: VptPrn ? ts' darlings. ..1C37.40; lambw. native. 6SS.30; Jletal Markets. NEW TORK. April 2. The London tin market was lower today with spot Quoted at 134 and features at 13S. The local market was quiet at zu.M,2.avc. Copper declined to 57 5s for snot nnd t-v 17a 6d for futures In the Iximlon marker Locally the market was oulet and a h.ri. lower with lake quoted at 12.S7 er 13c electro'.ytlc. 12.30 g 12.6214c. and casting' 12.3714 12.30c. Lead was unchanged at 13 13s 9d la London. The I0&1 market was steadv at 4.071s Spelter waa unchanged at 21 7S 6d in London and 4.77 V, J 4 8214c in the local market Iron, was higher at 47s 44d for Cleveland warrants In London. Locaiiy the market was dull and easy. No. l foundry Northern Is quoted at $16.23 16.75; No. 2 at $15.73-a 16.2o; No. 1 Southern soft at $15,754; 16.25. CeJTee and Suga NEW TORK. April 2 Coffee futures closed steady, net. unchanged to 5 point. Surar Raw mteadr- Fair rfin!nTr SSc; centrifugal 3 test. S.Rl,.c-; ttio iw Piijcar. S.23t,r. Pfin0H ' Crushed. 3.65c; powdered, 5.05c; granulated 3fe2fe per cent: 90 days. s',,l?-7 0r,: Ju,!L- -S-Sc: September. 6.1e-l.c; December, 5.95c. Spot steartv -, ?.,01C-. No- 4 Santos. c. Miid GASHWHEATWANTED ncreasing Demand Lifts Spec ulative Market. NEW RECORDS AT CHICAGO May Sells at $1.21 and July at $1.08 5-8 More Crop Damage Reports Are Received For eign Markets Off. CHICAGO, April 2. Rsllvinr fro . ra her weak tone at the, start, the wheat LTket blVllm muu1l.(u . mar pric poir ' J ".'ui'. .iiu ices were easily forced beyond the high int of the season rwnnlMl - n . . - vious session. There were declines at the start of H 4c t-SiSto .1 . . - - - " " " . im 11 ions oi tne Eurnnaan m ..I..,. , , . . i ii ii mi ly mac at Liverpool, which was bearish ly affected by unexpectedly liberal exports for the week from Argentine and Australia- Leading bulls gave the market good support early . uaJ ana. a urmor tone aoon developed, 'hich became atmnvAe . v. - ....i vanced. More crop damage reports were received, which helped to strengthen the market, but th, chief reason' for th buoy ancy waa the constantly Increasing demand From SI. 19 44 Oi. nar ing. the May delivery advanced to $1 2t while July sold up from $1.07tt to 1.081'. There waa aome re.tinn i. i j owing to pront-taking, but the market ma exception of the December de very. In which thera wo. II. .1. . Ing. closed Arm. Pinal h,im.h... n u were at $1.20?, and on July ll.osei.ostt. j.ue com market was helped materially by the bulge In wheat and by the popular bullish sentiment prevalent In the grain markets generally. The close waa Arm .r gains of He to i,e. May being at c and July at 66V,66c. Oats exhibited - w.Hmo allcUKlU, Oe ing Influenced by the advance. In wheat and corn. The cIom u . ,1. c to Vtc. with May at 5HesSo and Provisions Were .... t , . but later became rt Thl ,H&Bo to 15c higher. .ukuIc. rangea as follows: WHEAT. Onon High. $1.21 108H 1.004 1.00. Mav. . . Low. $1 19 1.0T7, $1.98 1.07 1.00 Close. 11.20. July. .. Sept. . . 1.08 H oec. .. 1.0B4, 1.00 CORX. May. .. -.67i -66 a .661, 57T4 .68 .66 .58 hk July. .. Sept. . . .87 .6, .66 .58 .66 .66 .57, Dec. . . OATS. " .55 471i .4854 4014 .40 MESS PORK. May. . July. . .54 47H 3 -654 ' :48U ept. . 401, ".87 17.874 May. .. July. .. 17.7714 17.90 17.70 17.8714 1.70 17.8714 LARD. 10.00 10.1214 10.1314 10.2214 10.25 10.35 17.7714 17.70 17.70 Sept 17.87 Mav. . 10.00 10.10 10.22 ii July. . 10.1J14 10.2214 Sept. . 10.35 SHORT RIBS. Mav. . 9.25 9.S214 9.2214 July. . $214 9.0 I it .t( Q Ki 1 . a c Q .t;i Sept. 45 9.60 9.4754 Cash Quotations were as Flour Strong. Rye No. 2. 79c. Rarlev ii folio choice maltlntr. 64iR)AKo 4c; fair to v. , r"l -0- 1 southwestern, $1.88 i. 1 Northwestern. $1.68 Timothy seed $2.603.60 Clover $9.25. Pork Mess, per barrel, $17.8017$5 Lard Per 100 pounds, $10.05 ort bB Sides (loose). $8.7S9.2S. faiaVes Short, clear- (boxed), $9.259 50 JLVFnL?'" "ere ' Z I" iT; V" "w I0r the -i" ...... ii u , di jiusireei s. were eoiml i,1.3'60 !fhe"- Pr"n'-y recefpSi Se?i Lstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 61 ran- pnrn Ifin nan. .. . - .."...., head ,v noga Receipts. Flour. -, a ShlDmfintt Wheat, bushels. ........ 72,000 Corn, bushels. ......... .126,300 Oats, bushels .'....171600 1 7 1 OA 2S.400 245.400 116.8 Rye. bushels 7, 000 Barley, bushels 82,500 5.000 83.800 Grain and Produce at New York. , pru -i. riour Receipts. 19.400 barrels; exports, S800 barrels. Firmly Wheat Receipts, 45,800; exports. 8000 Spot nrm. No. 2 red $1.2714(811.2814 ele vator and $1.28;4 f- o. . b. afloat; JCo.1 , , . . . . 1 " ' " - i--" i - o. u. anoat; jmo. z hard Winter. $1.28 f. o. b. afloat Heavy . w.V 1 - J , . . J "lv again toaay es tablished new high records. Support was ... r . - , --"es lhii situation in tn southwest, higher coarse grains, very light offerings and less favorable crop news Near the close prices were lac to 14c net higher. May closed $1.23 : July closed Hops and petroleum Steady. Hides and wool Quiet. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, April . Wheat- Barley Strong. Spot quotations Wheat Shipping, $1.9714 92.0$; milling, $2.10&a2.15. Barlev Feed. . il.Sftal Efllr $1.50 1.53. Oats Red. $1.92H 9 3.05; white, $1.9714 ffl i.1214; black, nominal. Call board sales Wheat May, $2.05182.6214; December. $1.65. Barley May, $1.4814; Decembes. $1,289 Corn Lars, yellow, $1.?01.75. European Grain Markets. LONDON, April ! Cargoes stronger. Walla Walla, prompt shipment. 40, fid; Cali fornia, prompt shipment. 41s 3d. English country markets d to Is dearer. French country markets steady. LIVERPOOL. April 2. Close: Wheat May, Ss 514d: July, 8s 6d; September, 8s 34 d. Weather, Sne. Wheat at T acorn. TACOMA. April 2. Wheat Milling, blue stem, $1.22 1.24. Export, bluestem, $1.15: club. $1.05: red. $1.02. Wheat Receipts In Tacoma for first three months of 1909 are 1014 carloads, as against 2682 carloads in the corresponding period of 1908. Wheat at beat tie. SEATTLE, April 2. No milling quota tions. Export wheat: Bluestem. $1.15; red. $1.03; club, $1.05. Car receipts; Oats, 7 cars. Eastern Minina: (Stocks. BOSTON, April 2. Closing- quotations: Adventure S iMont C St C. .... 35 Allouez 39 (Nevada li. Amalgamated . . Old Oomlnion ... 50 Ariz Com 4 V Osceola. 130 Atlantic . 13 (Parrot ;ja Butte Coal 24!Quincy , 3714 Cal 8c Ariz loO Shannon 14 a Cal & Hecia tTamarack 77V Centennial 3U!Trlnity 14 Copper Range. . "(JH trnlted Copper. . . 12 Daly West IO ilJ. s. Mlnlss 4 1 . Franklin ........ 15 lU- S. OH as Granby OS Jl'tah 42 Greene C&nanea 10 tVictorla 4 Isle Royale 274 'Winona 5 Mass Mining. ... 5 74 ' Wolverine ...... 14a Michigan 10 jNorth Butte..... 71 Idohavk t2 I N13W YORK, April 2. Closing quotations: A"c 175 Leadvilie Con... 4x Brunswick Con . 6 Com Tun stock. 22 do bonds 15 0 O Va r.j Horn Silver rtr. Iron Silver lOo Millie nier. . . Mexican 0 ,104 ior, 14A . 65 Ontario . . Ophlr Standard Yellow Jacket.. w York Cotton Market. XKW YORK, April 2. Cotton futures closed steady. April. .'S.sSc: May 9 soc June. .i!r; July. .S3c: August. .4Sc; Hep-t-mber and October. 9.3Sc; Xovember and !-finbT. 33c; Januarv. 9.TSc Mnmh 9 2Sc. Spot closed q'iit. MM-uniands, S5c: mid-Gulf. 10.:0c. Sales 224 bales THE UNITED STATES "NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. A2NSWOB.TH. President. . K. W. SCHMEER, Cashier. R. LEA BARNES, Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. H0LT Assistant Cashier. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALLFOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS ; LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK . Second and Stark Streets CAPITAL OFFICER S. G K. WENTWORTH, President. GEO. L.'M'PHERSON, Vice-President. JOHN A. KEATING, Vice-President. H. D. STORT. Cashier. F. A. FREEMAN, Aaat Cashier. 0UES If you desire to be come independent your surplus money should be invested where it will earn as much tor you as it would, for a savings bank. Call T. S. McGRATH Lumber Exchange PORTLAND, OREGON THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and 6treet noises. It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It Insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. X- TRAY KLERK" GUIDE. NFW 7PM INIl T w service t ta- IlLn LLALAilU H1TI. Delirbtful South AUSTRALIA Sea Tours for Rest. Health and pleasure. world's wonderland. Geysers, Hot lakes.etc The favorite S. -S. Mariposa sails Xrora San Francisco April 15. May 21. etc ; connecting at TahUl with Vnlon Line for Wellington. N. Z. TTK ONLY PASSENtiER LINE 1BOM V. 8. TO NEW ZEALAND. Wellinston and back. $2n0, Tahiti and back, $133, 1st clasa IJNE TO MONOLCLC Special round trip alio. 1st class. S. S. Alameda sails April 3. 24. May 15. etc. Address Of'EAXIC LINE. 673 Market St.. San Fran-rlhca. forth QermanJZloyd. KA8T EXPRESS SERVICE. Plymouth Cherbours; Bremen 10 A. M. K.Wm.D. Gr.Mar. 30;Kronprinx Wm. Apr. 13 Kais.Wm.ll April 0;Cecllie April 'M Twin-Screw Passenger Service Bremen Direct 10 A. M. P.Prledrich W.Apr li'Yorck April 8 Bradenburg. . .April 3!Gnelsenau April 22 Calla at Plymouth and Cherbourg1. Mediterranean Service Gibraltar Naples Genoa. Sailing at 11 A. M. K. Luise April 10'K. Albert April 24 P. Irene April ITINeckar May 1 SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN LINE lS.SSS) Ton Twin-Screw Psseenger 8tesmer Direct to Norway, Sweden and Denmark Helllg Olav.. .April 1 F. Tletgen.May 0 Oscar II April ir,Helltg Olav May 13 Vnitd Sttes.Apr. 29!Osrar II May 21 All Steamers equipped with Wireless. Pirst cahin. 75 upaard; second cabin, $57.50 A. K. JOHNSON & -o.. 100 Washington ave. a-. Xinneaoolis. Minn., or to Local Acenta "1 $250,000 AV1M3 or Write TRATELERS GUIDE. Hamburg-American. T.ONUON l'ARJ HAMIllW). Deutschland.Mar. 11K. A vie March Pennsylvania. Mar. 13;g: Wkldersee. M 5? ITAT "V via Axon Gibraltar. Naples and Genoa. 8. S. HAMBURG. fMaivh 23, May 11. " BATAVJA. t-Vpril IS. IJuue X " MOLTKE, ft April 27. tfune 10. Calls Axores. eGibraitar. Naples and Genoa Tourist Dept. for Trips Everywhere. Hamburg.Ameriran Uue. l(io Powell St., Man ran cisco, and Local Agents Portland. BAN ntANClSCO PORTLAND S. S. CO. Only direct steamer, and daylight sailing. From Alnsworth IJock, Portland, 4 p. M S.S. Rose 1ty, April B. Senator, April 17, A. M.. etc. ruui Iximbard St., San Francisco 11 A. M. 8.S. Henstur, April 10. 24. e-. S.S. Rose CHy, April 17, May 1.' J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent. Main 2tS Alnsworth Dock. M. X ROCHE. City Ticket Agent. 142 3d St. Phone Main 402, A 1402. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. S. S. Geo. W. Elder Sails for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles March 18, April 1st, 15th, 29th. Ticket office 132 Third street, near Alder. H. YOUNG, Agent. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BHEAK.WATER leaves Port land every Wednesuay, $ p. M.. trora, Alns worth dock, for iortn bend. Marshneid and Cooe Bay points. Freight received till 4 P. M. on day ot sailing. Passenger fare, first class. $10; secor.d-clasa $7. Including berth and m"H Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Alnsworth dock. Phone Main 28s.