mm CHINA DISTRUSTS 'S .MOTIVES Sunset Empire Issues Careful : Statement Objecting to Ap- . peal to The Hague. !SEES "MALIGN INFLUENCE" THE MORXIXG QREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY. j Mlkado'a Ministers Accuse China of 7 Slight Courtesy and Demand That Matters In Dispute 3e i Taken . Ep . at . Onoe, . Z TOKIO. March .-The ' Japanese Gov. ' uname to accede to the suggestions of-China that pending .question, with regard to Manchuria b. tit .T",.,. .J1 "?eue for arbitration. "a l. "k f 8 eusestlon shows C-hlnM. h rte"y' and " attributes the ier h'ue f "ttitude in this mat ter to "malign influences." of theWvIew ofrf2UeSt r an "Passion a ;l 1 7lew8 the government ins I'hlna'. . . rian ,..,;r wp oiY Inat the Manchu- tnV 7v.rjr ;z.r"er.rea to The Hague, foiTor;; .r;.'." .ioaay- av the sWv;.i Jr"w?raea statement: Ohin. Delween Japan and .. , or less importance with Id bunr Manchur' remain, unadjust- take process or give and t.'VVl- iU"? appreciating the advan - '"s an causes of misun. eT,aKnd,nK from her relations with h t neighbors, made nrnn.i. , .r i :i '.VJi! nal -tUeme-nt of ou'tst'rd: Sfrrmrn . n.-.f?8 Proposals were i ;" ,,,, "P'rii or consideration and Smatn ? Rnd Were ,n no Bens an ultl-SiiUm- Japan expected that the term. tiaUon, "ST f. bl of nego- 2 atflrst apparently accepted la. w Lh 'h ly ovenur in the spirit In which they were tendered, but mallsrn 5 Interests were ultimately permitted to f prevail, and without dlscuasin he ques ftlons or making any counts re, .aates0rlca"y rejected Japan's of! ...I recourse to The Hague. ohin. . dopt n8r tnla extraordinary coursed -""to 1"ly '?'t court.: ,r th . . al5reKirdea one r urovjsions or The Hasrnn thSTsu-T' B"d haS comP'-tely reverfed 1, al course- of procedure. Article 41 of the Hague convention rteri.r.. ? r.i.U,r " malntained for the object of facilitating recourse to arbitration tri118; nfi, dlfrere"es Impossible to set- n.i i iai y . "In th . ii , XIle resources of f,.P. aCyK.h.av not. on not been ex! uul. i ney nave not even been aapp:an iL, 1. p dialled discussion 0' t T "'tempt has been made uiuerences or ascertain how far they are irr.nn..ii.Ki. Mcertain .rZIlfL'10"8 not ripe for such . T' "Jp omano eort would first , have to be exhaled and the exact points at Issue ascertained and specified .j " "-"n ir a correspond ingly wide rang of accommodations The powers immedlat-ly concerned have if umomy to pool all Issues ....j,, ,, aro atone competent to settle the questions In a satisfactory manner; and no solution not satisfactory to all concerned will stand the test of esti or oofpeting inter- . "It la. therefore, extremely unfnrt,,. Jiat that China has allowed herself to "ir maxe ine wholly im practicable jBUBgestlonofarblt ration." MOSSBAGKSAREGRILLED R. ANDREW C. SMITH PATS RE SPECTS TO "TIGHTWADS." ood Progress Reported, However, In Securing Publicity Fund by Solicitors at Work. : , Th "o-called mossbacks of Port- ? sh lU.rr.1"' k" re KrUled to fin. . l 1 ntfrht by Dr- Andrew C. Smith " f,the of the airmen of the .i uusmess committees In nair or the Club. the Commercial v.,.A k f rePrt re presented, but they wore mostly of a satisfactory nature and very favorable progress has been made, it Is said, towards the comml"' endeavors . 100 000 a year for two years. Many of the chairmen declaimed bitterly against the leading Portland cltiseni . who, while desiring to reap the bene ; fits ot publicity work, absolutely de ' cllned to subcrlbe one single cent towards the maintenance of the fund ; Such wwre called the parasites of the : iiy. 1 ney were said to prey on all I " ucm in me city, to j ineir lortunes from the city : irsuurccs. ouc when the came to make a single Its favor, their names absent list. Kt. Smith was received with accla mation when he moved that the dif ferent committee chairmen be request J ed to compile a list of names of those I Jh are well able to subscribe to the lund. yet refuse to aid In the move ment, this list to be kept among the archives of the Commercial Club. This motion was duly seconded and adopted. Most of the chairmen promised to do all In their power to make the list a complete one. ; rr. Smith continued: "On hichiv- rho to those who are trying to be our most active citizens in promoting the welfare and good of the city does not speak well for them. "Such disloyal and 'obtrusive citizens should be listed for future, reference Notwithstanding the fact that such mis erable hogs will endeavor to fatten at other people's expense, the good work must still go on. and success is assured by the liberal responses of those of our citizens who are distinctly worth while " Dr. Smith then moved the motion above. While It was agreed that splen did support had been accorded to the solicitors who .were, devoting their time and money to the cause, there were sev eral others who . also felt . it to be a hardship that some of the city's alleged fj". abould- assume that anything would be done with the money that was city f"" be"t possible lnterests of the . While the remarks of Dr. Smith were taken at their full value, it was ge " ally tel. -that -the all-round enthusiasm ta'thi'i'Siy f the Cl"Zens were "bowing ior rLf Prt8e mr than compensated flitH Iy.?Jand insu'ts- Indeed, Jn smith admitted as much last night. SUDDEN DEATH OF RAND Pneumonia Snatches Away Wealthy Drill Manufacturer. SALT LAKE CITT. March SO.-Jasper Sind" nilf -Presldent f the Ingerso" Rand Drill Company, president of the Rand Rock Powder Works, and a prom ..i an or JVew York, died at St Marks Hospital here - tonight. He was wUhnnnLCk 8t ,a IOCa' "othL, anernoon Z pnfumo"la and removed to the hos pital, where he died a few hours later. h . d WaS 35 years old' unmarried, and leaves an estate estimated to be worth JIO.000,000. He had spent con! siderable time in the West, looking after his Interests, but his home is in New York and Montclair. N .t -r,. will be taken to the latter place for burial! , was a member of the follow ing New York clubs: Army and Navy Engineers'. Automobile. siDm, Alpha Delta Phi. - "na MARCH 31, 1909. BANDON POSTMASTER DIES Prominent Curry County Citizen and Pioneer Passes Away. BANDON. Or - m.i. - ' , ... Robert Walker ' 17 --'opc,a - d'ed "" thlTclty thtaSSrS: . f1Ker was born In Ontario, nada, April 17. 15U4 . 7. of the Civil War. H f."iLera.n tier in Oregon, and prominent in aU The affairs of advancement In this section tV," . Wa" Sheri of Curry Coun ty for two terms and v. i " ytn J' the Republican Cen- ,0os tTounty. He was a member of the State Board of Equau! sation. He had been -T" don for eiEht v,'.,r" . appointed for another terni. Tneluner- Sr-iT-irOW W"! be under the auspices or the Masonic lodge. SPOKANE'S GOAL S70.onn Iubllclty Campaign Fund Is Started In Falls City. SPOKANE. Wash vr ofalmhe, Greaer Sp0kane coSitSS. of 45 business men ini.i.j . . T the raising of $70,000 for publicity our poae. met at a banquet tonight at wh"ch cetve' mre than a000 were re- The J70.000 will he r.ti,. . section National Apple 8ho"w .ST ill Rational Irrigation Congress The 1" 1" Company wa9 bnv. . 'C:"""- w"n four ouuwuwea i'u. eacn, BLACKMAILER IS SHOT Banker Plants Decoy Money Pack age and Traps Woman. ' WASHINGTON. Ind.. Marpri an A man was shot last night as she picked v. jy prePared after Banker N. th?i recflved a letter demanding that he deposit J30.000 at . ..i lI1" man accompanying the woman fn ? K,nhUrtand the Police are look ing for him. Th . wit b!ri,8ht- Th WOma"' besPmrPcheS with blood, was taken to in h -J: was identified na mi.. rr-- , ."" . ucua v ii n.. one has been employed as a domestic. 1 Absolutely yrapes gtvefefi Pure the chief ingredient, S&C j vf- active principle, glgCa S mp and heaIthfuIne8s,to QdA Insures wholesome and deli- jW If cious food for everyday Ay in every home Jr j 'I " S. No Phosphate. II riri7iag-m.,in iin r r-friaia No Alum rO.nns ..,.... T. R. DEPORTED SON Man Said to Have Attacked Roosevelt Had Grievances. ON HAMBURG BY ACCIDENT Appealed to Former. President - to Permit Son to Land, Was Turned Down and Determined Go . Back to Italy. to PARIS, March 31. A special dispatch rrom Rome says that Giuseppe TosU e?-Preslde"t Roosevelt's assailant on the steamer Hamburg, emigrated from Italy to New York with his son. The latter was deported as a (dangerous character, and Tosti appealed to the White House to have the order of deportation rescinded. ne appeal was not answered at first, but finally TosU was informed that President Roosevelt could not Interfere. According to the dispatch TosU then de cided to rejoin his son and embarked on the steamer Hamburg by chance. Being under the delusion that the ex President wished to harm his son, the sight of Mr. Roosevelt drove him into a frenzy. The authorities at Naples will take charge ot Tosti on tho i Hamburg and he will be put on trial. RUMOR DENIED, YET PERSISTS .Gate Reports Say Attempt Was Made to Poison Roosevelt. PONT A DEL QARDA, Island of San Miguel, March 30 Both the Associated Press and Reuter Telegram Company correspondents here deny emphatically the reported assault on ex-President Roosevelt on the Hamburg. Reports rrom Lisbon, however, say that an at- vPt, t0t,kUI the nead f Roose he .hy?!in5..Ea!;ty as made, poison - O uiuiuuu, The "Seculo' fATi. P rrom "a giving the following account of the alleged as sault on Theodore Roosevelt fUr.Jn8C e vyage of the Hamburg slv? NnWJrk Hrta." the pape? sas, an attempt was made by an Ital- rk' , , ' lo Plaon Mr. Roosevelt, 5"' tbe P10'8 nPPed in the bud be forelt could be carried out. It la not known . I , . . v, " mo wuuia-oe poisoner had any accomplices on board or not or whether he is affiliated with th " uauu. x ne man and placed In irons." was arrested Rome. March 30. The report of an vtm.5ti?sas5Inate Theodore Roose- ;;;,. ii"; :" "ere .." and has nation ""5 UI anger and conster TUtVTT woV"1 ana Foreign Minister J"nlrj,?'f"med of the alleged tiV. l"e namDer of Depu and se3:XP""ed P'Ofound sorrow , , uurcu. mere was soma mistake in the nationality of Th! criS! published today a spe- TEDDY SCORNS SMAJjIi GAME nth. Wa i . . uitrr oi i'arty Bag 16 Birds, ex-Chief Waits for Lion. mTi..- ;fand of Sao ..... " ru' March 30. The P x namourg' wlth ex-President n oosvelt aboard, arrived llrl Th vm I . ciock this morning. HJSel."toppe br?efl5r to Kive Mr "iporxuny or seeing th srtnUl Tnery f the te,and- ith iU "Ks and gardens. There was great excitement among the, people, ail of Mr:" to obtain a glimpse of Mr. Roosevelt came ashore at 10 o'clock Li m?ins- A IarB rowd assmbed H ... ana gave him an ovation SonsuY1iUa,mv,M- NIchols' the Andean St Sr. h"? XLCe-Con8u1' respeclvely, at St Michaels with whom he drcve around tv,il 7 . t?a ln an automobile. In J h "oosevelt was accompanied moiiiuera oi nis party. The Hamburg steamed out of Ponta del Gada at 11:30 o'clock this morning. Her "SXt. "toPP'ne Place is Gibraltar, where she is due Thursday. In his drive around Horta yesterday Mr. Roosevelt ws accompanied by Moyses Benarus, the American Consul ..-w-crowa naa assembled at the wharf while Mr. Roosevelt was viewing the city, and when he returned to the docks to go out to the Hamburg he was given an enthusiastic send-off by the English. German and Portuguese residents or .Horta. While at Horta the-other members of the Roosevelt party went oi a shooting expedition and got 16 birds of five differ ent species. SCENES IN NEW YORK ATTENDING THE DEPARTURE SATOLLJ GREETS ROOSEVELT Cardinal Sends Wireless Message Prom Rome to ex-President. ROME, March 30. The following mes sage of welcome from Cardinal Sat stt.fX"paJ'a2. deIeate to the United States, and Ernest Nathan, the Mayor or Rome, have been dispatched by wire less telegraph to Theodore Roosevelt on board the steamer Hamburg Cardinal Satolli said: "Recalling the cordial reception giv- y nouse, i send von "-' -""' giecLings ana congratula OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT FOR AFRICA. derive and its opportunity hand-turn in were on the ; scented, dudlshly dressed physician. , -j,..,, more ior clothes than all the chairmen together of these different-committees, "fused to donate one single 2m k ,lUTd' .f h" "ommittee. He . said he would not give anything . bunch i grafters. of "Another physician, who has man. . cant blocks raoirlW incnin. i . . - b ... t Hme. r 1 . r""'' ::- - . nil II ! I rat if M " -4 H NEW YORK. Varrh ,, x " THE STORE WITH THE LIBERAL MONEY-BACK POLICY S. E. Wertheimer, Pres. and Gen. Mgr. A Sale of Suits Cor. Fifth and Alder Streets .xtraordinary if) SAMPLE SUITS v Values to $50.00, at You will all remember our OPENING SALE la rteKrer wderful values we then gave the public. This lot of suits even excels-the former lot. Through a fortunate purchase we are enabled to sell them at this ridiculous price. They comprise all the very newest styles and fabrics, and only two tn HthttS1ZeS f,34' 36' 38 40- To endeavor to describe them would be impossible, as the range is so varied, but you can convince yourself that the values are not pmwaH k . . e uciug ua nana at S A. M. Wednesday, March 31st See vui winaow JJisplay. "Blue Ribbon Brand" Lingerie Waists at 4 Off To introduce the celebrated Blue Rihhnn via t tions on your glorious administration of the Presidency of the United States, my wishes that you may have a happy Journey, and my hopes of meeting you personally in Rome before vou return to America." Senor Nathan's greetings were nit fal lows: "To Theodore Roosevelt, the worthy successor of Washington and and the champion of truth and fear less integrity, Rome, the soul of united Italy, sends her friendliest and heralds his coming across the ocean." 'Roosevelt Slops Over on Socialism" CHICAGO, March 30. Theodore velt slops over when he talks about So cialism. He has no idea what Socialism is, and he goes out of his province when he speaks or writes on the subject, is the declaration of Professor Albion W. Small of the Chicago University. Professor Small's criticism refers directly to the ar ticle by Mr. Roosevelt on " published in last weeks' issue of the Outlook. "Roosevelt declares that Socialists put UTAH DEAL PROFITABLE RETURX OF IiANDS TO "V A Tinv SHOWS BIG GAIX. Hoboken to see Theodore Roosevelt depart on the f?,eM which the Smithsonian expedition is put lg up izf C& had sent word to the Mayor of Hoboken thft he dl?l; . .just as the result of such effort. - ' are making, promised us the munificent 1 subscription of $1 per month. Another I this time a lawyer, declared he would . never give a dollar to the fund. This ; lawyer has estates that have grown in I fw years from a few thousands to a i respecrable proportion of a million. He I said that business men were the sols ; beneficiaries and should therefore be th sole donors. Others refused to subscribe ; a cent and were insulting to the last de ; gree. ; "It Is discouraging to think that when , busy men give UP their time to solicit subscriptions and themselves subscribe : "u'a receive rerusals newspaper nhotoranher. num men well anie to assist. Tk,i th ,v. r. , - n"JnrK pu j -nswa na m.uiun a. oIUu offensive Koossvelt stood on th. fcriV,: r"L v"8e'" th harbor, ' " UttUlUUfg IQ March enormous crowd at expedition, for nd the Hamburg-American Hne, through its nassenJ " n demnstration Mever had Rrrnn n ..Vt ,n Passenger manager. Julius P the Hamburg to those holding ilckeTs issuedb him h VJSl" to hicicbb luuy OUUtl a. th. H.mburg wlw- w:11' Anil XTi receive it. S?"a,"e " any but material side of life, continues the professor. "That re- TtZ f MrS' Hey Green rJuiIng Jane Addams a materialist. I am not a Socialist myself, but I think it is a mis taite for those who are not Socialists to misrepresent the Socialistic doctrines be that their opponents are not sincere." Caldwell Pastor Dies Suddenly. CALDWELL, 'Idaho, March 30 (Spe tial.)Rev. Ruddock, aged 78. died sud aenly of heart failure this morning at the home of his son, H. M. Ruddock near tnt uiy R?V- Ruddock had spent a long life in the Congregational ministry .He was an able man, and during his residence in Caldwell made many frfends! Caldwell and on in Dakota. In Government Will Receive About $55 an Acre Through Proceed ings, Which la High Rate. WASHINGTON, March SO.-According to a statement issued today by the De partment of Justice, tbe United States will receive, as a result of the reconvey ance to the Government by the Utah Fuel Company of 1140 acres of lnrt t. ment of a fine of J8000 and of 192,000 in settlement of claims made by the Gov ernment, about $55 an acre for the land, a higher price than the geological land survey placed upon the property after the recent cianslflr.tinn lands TOa Other lands which the r permitted to retain had been mortgaged to secure a J2.00O.000 issue of bonds a arge majority of which had been sold to - ui uaasers. , " was claimed that a part of these lands contained valuable coal deposits and should not have been granted as agri cultural lands. wiT reum of tne 1440 acres, together with similar reconveyances by the Union Pacific Railroad Company and smaller interests, demonstrates, says the state ment, "that the Government is slowly 8urely' asserting Its supremacy over the public domain in the West." DI .ew aoutn Wales and Victoria- t h 5 . offer ono Dreadnought to the Imperial Government on behalf of their respective states. Subscriptions ?.l the basls of Population! fnT-tUtil ,es contributing $4,000,000 and Victoria $3.0tO.OOO.- MEXICAN INDIAN "UPRISING Banished Yaquig and Mayans Kill Officers and Soldiers. , - iij. March 30. The flf19 Va Tn4K.. ..v.ub Jn xno southern part of the Yucatan Peninsula have revolted. Colonel Jose Reyes, commander of the Eighth Infantry, has been: killed end ffiCerS elth T aroo. Mi v wumtan banished to the place. Indians have been The' Harmony Ctf Home Does Not Mingle With or Emanate ne rabie of Dyspepsia. aw" lne home, meal time should " " iiiiiaoitants a pecu- flf- tarmny l loy whch will make ..-. T """" lne aoiaing place df in terest and happiness. .,V i "rem"V at lne dinner table is out of sorts, his influence Is felt and and m?r?hy 18 lackln- Conversation and mirth are absent. Devouring nrZ ii 4 uuie and silence FOURTH BRIDGE IS OPENED New York to Jjong Island City Traf fic Now Provided For. NEW YORK, March $0 The new Queensboro bridge, oonnecting New York and Long- Island City, was for mally opened to pedestrians and ve-V,, Tne bridge cost about $16,000,000. and has been about 10 years in building. It Is 7749 feet long. There f,re.flJe "Pan8- " longest of which is 1102 feet. DREADNOUGHTS AS GIFTS New South Wales and Victoria Will Contribute One Apiece. . MELBOURNE!. March $a T. Pre- and not antici- At Th. Dyspeptic's Table Omlnoas, Quiet And Gloom Crowds Out Mirth." AU physicians agree that mirth and Joy at meat time does much toward digestion. Mirth tingles the whole nervous organism of man, the cells arf srei valuable digestive Juices, empty their contents under the Sf "jmuItlon and promote the highest degree of digestion. If gloom and discomfort prevail at ma om action Obtains ucuwue necessities pated Joys. Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets are little " of digestion which mix WA.neJ,tmacl1 lalca- Jl?est food, retlngle the mucous membrane and its nerve centers, give to the blood a great wealth of digestive fluids, promote dU gestion and stays by the stomach until all its duties are complete. dyspepsia sits at tables It makes the dining room a place of awe; these inH ei" Bl,ould be taken ter meals and dyspepsia of a consequence flees No need for diet or fasting. The w 7b W1U use th6ra religious- W.1U 'lnd no sense of nausea, in the sight of generous meals or In the odor of rich cooking. It matters now what the condition of the stomach Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets only Improve the Juices and brln whietwt?Kth.'"rhoIe dl""ve canal, of which the stomach is the center f,0rty .tht,uanl Physicians use "these tablets in their practice and everv druggist sells them. Price 60c Send us your name and address and we will send you a trial package by mall free Address-F. A. Stuart Co- 160 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall, Mich, Btuart Pain Sloan's Liniment is a quick and safe remedy for croup, cough or cold, pain in the chest, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, asthma and bronchitis. No matter where the pain is Sloan's miment gives instant relief. You don't have to rut) it penetrates and acts like massage. Use this Liniment always in stead of sticky plasters, be cause it acts quicker and does not clog up the pores of the skin. At all Druggist. Prtc SBc. SOc and 91.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. TAKE Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Cansnle i - For Kidney, liver, Bladder and Stomach Troubles AND FIND QUICK. BEUEF. Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Is the inly genuine Haarlem Oil Bold In constant use elnce A. D. 1699. Capsule.. 33c per box (odorless, tasteless). Bottles, 2Sc HOLLAND MEDICINE CO., Bole Importers. Scranton. Pa. 1