4 THEMORXIXG QREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARH 31, 1909. , 13 K?I: ! L BUSINESS CHANCES. t BCSIXES3 CIUNCKS. 1 f ' I u rn I s fi .1 siounes. l'OHTLASD H EIGHTS, 51 Davenport st 5-roomed furnished Hat, nlee (rounds, phone A 17R? Hoovi tor Rent, Furniture for Sale. NIFTY 4-room apartment, arl newly fur nished, everything oompleter owner leav ing ills-. Inquire Ionian Court, 570 Couch t.. or M. iiols. FOR SALE Furniture and furnishings of a flve-rnom house, except carpet, at a pnap also house for rent if wanted. T(2 E Couch. COZV 0-room newly furnished flat, sell on easy terms; small payment rash, and rest like rent; close in. Call room 301. 2S0 Wash. st. Fl'RNlTCRE of swell'4-room apartments. 4 Mocks Portland Hotel; am scnlng awav, will sarrlnce; no reasonable offer refused Hsom 301. 2S6 Wash. St. TWO pleasant. 7-room modern Hats, fine piano, rooms partially rented; rent $;lu; terms. Columbia. M. 054. 11 KCJOMrf. all rented, pood income- $.75 terms. Main UOGX Cor. 7th and Oak. 74 7th St. a FirRNITCRE. 3 well-furnished housekeep ing rooms, $70; rent l;i. Fhont Main 141t.". Fl'K.V'ITI RK of -room house, $.-,yo- rented rooms pay house rent; walking distance. Phone Main tjnol. $27.1 If sold by April 1, furniture fi-room upper flat, new, .1 blocks off Washington! snap; rent :to. Phone 9 to 3. A 2U40. KNAP Furniture of S-ronm cottajre. 274 Crosby st.. near steel bridge, cheap rent. FOR RENT 8-room Ant. tan. furniture for sale on time. liiiM Front and Morrison. Stores. FOR RB.VT or laae. -entire 3-story building ashinBtorr. 17th and Alder sts., contain ing six stores and 61 rooms; rooms ar ranged single or iji suites, with hot and cold water, stenm heat, bath; all new and modern; will lease entire building or PI rooms separate for 5 years. 146 2d st. ALT of the premise now occupied bv the Independent Furniture Co., location a" very favorable one for most any business; light next door tothe new market build ing. Immediate possession. Iow rent and long lease. Apply on premises, 104-10d 1st st. TO LEASE for a period of 2 years, base ment, second and third floors, with ele vator, brlrk building. SO feet , frontage, centrally located on Front St.. suitable lor warehouse or storage. Inquire at 14 and 1U Front st. FOR RENT Four storerooms In new three story brick, on Grand avenue, one block south of Morrison at. Rates reasonable Further particulars at Hartmau at Thompson. WAREHOUSE room for rent: all or part 50T.,n0 H- on the United Railroad tracks, brick building. Inquire I- F. Powers, 190 1st st. FOR RENT Part of store suitable for Jewelry or similar line. 406 Washington st., near loth. FOR RENT 8-story brick, wholesale dls i.rl dlvlds suit tenant. Phone Main SHlo. . A NICK store room, about 14x40 feet- ?.-od location. 372 Morrison, cor. West Park. TWO floors, 2.1x100 each, new brick. Fifth and Couch. s 735. Oregonlan. l-ARtsra store, southwest corner 14th and Gllsan; low rent. Inquire 2a:t stark. STORK. 231 1st. all or part; good busl ness street; reasonable rent. TWO stores on Vnlon ave.. near Alder' brick. Inquire 441 East 3d st. Office. TART of four-room suite, fully equipped files, typewriter, desks, both telephones coni corner, eight windows. 6 835. Ore gon Ian. THREE) offices, Vas hlngrnn-st. frontage es suite or single. 3o3 Swetland nldg..' oth and Washington. OFFICE. BOS Dekum building, facing Third st. i'hone, light, heat and Janitor service, '2.n0 ier month, phone Main 8247. FOR RKNT Desk room, ground floor, de sirable location. 406 Washington, near FOR RENT Desk room tn a nicely fur nished office. Inquire of superintendent, Oregonlan bhlg. GROUND floor office room. Including both telephones, reasonable rent SO Fifth St., near Btark. OFFICES. Huchanan block. 2.S0H Washington, all modern appointments, beat services low rents. FOR RKNT A few offices In Couch bid. , Apply Room S01. HRKJHT front office, newly carpeted 201 Fen ton bldg. .DESK ROOM, with telephone. In Ablngton building, for rent. Call C17 Oregonlan bdg. DESK ROOM for rent. 40!) Couch bldg. BCSINESS CHANCES. HERE IS A MONET-GETTER. 84 rooms, new modern brick, steam heated, elevator, private baths, running hot and cold water in rooms; full all the time and making money; rent only $400, Including heat and elevator service; very well furnished; cost more to furnish than prl.-e asked. Price for quick bale only I7S0O. DIETZ-MI'ELLER CO., 116 Ablngton Bldg. WANTED A good, sober. Industrious man to take part Interest in one of the best paying businesses in the city; $700 re quired; this is an exceptional opportunity. Butcher shop doing a good business; cheap rent; t2.. Shoe store, well located, cheap rent. In voice shout $2000. HPKNt'KR & CO.. 102 Second Street. ' APARTMKNT-HOrSE. 14 rooms, elegantly furnished apartment-house In fine corner location, walk ing distance; big money maker; very cheap rent; a big bargain for some one; only $7t0 cash, and easy payments on balance; better see this at once. DEVLIN & FIRE15AIOH, M0-S11-M2 Swetland Bldg. LEGITIMATE BUSINESS. The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 180M furnishes free information on opportunities In mercantile or manufactur ing lines, city or county. TUB AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 416 Ablngton lllilg. ONLY a small block of stock left In our waterpower oonipany; stock will double in P0 days and by January 1 will be par; ' a Mg money-maker and 7i per cent an nual dividends assured; quick action nec essary. A. X. Searle. East Qllsan and 7ttth sts. M-V car. WANTED Partner in saloon business; $150 a month guaranteed; will teach honest, inexperienced man. with $1100 cash, bal ance monthly payments; owner old. crip pled, and tired of hired help. Gohl sohmldl's Business Dept., 253V Washing ton St. ROOMING-HOUSE BAROAIN. 8 rooms on Taylor St.. furnished for a home; a bargain at $500. 9 rooms on 11th St., $io0; lt rooms down town, baraaln. $13t0. F. A. Beard & Co., Main 41)29. 320's Washington St.. Room 213. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Best 20-room house, right down town, rent $IJ5. good furniture arid carpets; S resent owner has been in this place for years; don't miss tills ehauce. If you want a good place. MARY E. LENT. 430S Washington. FOR SALE A first-class general hardware stock. In a good location, doing a busi ness of over $HH per day. good reasons for selling. 101B Board of Trade. PROMOTER, with money and equipment will finance a good Invention, i'rorooier' U 735. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT Central location. on ac count of leaving city will sell at great sacrifice. Address M p4!. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted In a first-class res taurant; good return on a small investment- 273 Stark st. WANTED Party with $40 cash to Join me in huytng a restaurant in business center. Address AD 810. Oregonlan. GROCERY store for sale, good location, csrh business: a snap if taken at once. L S:;S, ( regvniau. J'ARTNKD wanted, to take charge of pey lug. established business. 010 Sw-elliind ' bldg. HARNESSMAKF-HS wanted. The P. J. Cronln Co.. 12!) 1st su A SWELL FLAT! VERY REASONABLE. 5 rooms, right In the choicest residence section, elegantly furnished In solid ma hogany furniture. Axminster rugs, a $400 piano, everything new and first-class; very low rent for this district; all goes for the exceedingly low price of $750; less without the oiano. DIETZ-MUELI.ER CO.. 318 Ablngton Bldg. COUNTRY HOTEL. 68 rooms. 4a of which are nicely fur nished; balance of rooms being a new ad t dltion not quite finished; fine corner lo cation in best town in Willamette Val ley; furnace' heat, electric lights; hot and cold running water; private baths In some rooms, elegantly furnished: office and large dining-room: very cheap rent and good lease; clears $300 net monthly; price only $45(10. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 510-511-512 Swetland Bldg. $150 A MONTH clear made In a country hotel; crowded; no competition; must be sold for $S0O. $4.",o- buys Washington st. restaurant. $SOO buys 12-room boarding-house, near Washington - st. Swell East Side grocery business, big money maker; no bonus. Great snaps in rooming-houses, and all lines of business trades considered. Goldschmldt's Busi ness Dept., 253Vi Washington st. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE THE CITY. . 22 rooms, nicely furnished; hot and cold running water in all rooms, steam heat and electric lights; all good iron beds; swellest location in city for high class transient: reasonable rent: .clears $150 per month: biggest snap In town, price sl'100. see this at once. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 610-511-512 Swetland Bldg. A FIXE BUSINESS OPENING.. Restaurant 'Tight, right down towa. In the heart of the business district of Al bany, Or.: large dining-rooms and kitchen; three good living rooms, modem, with bath lot 2K!-'.xl00. THIS IS A SURE MONEY-MAKER. PRICE $3150. ROSS ENGLISH INVESTMENT CO.. 322 Mohawk Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR PELL A BUSI NESS CALL OX W. H. DUDLEY & CO.. -ail STEARNS BLDG.. COR. 6TH AND MORRISON. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS Fine 7 room flat. 4 rooms elegantly furnished; $150, part cash. Partly furnished 11 room house, cheap. Swell furniture 8-room upper fiat, only $550. Elegantly furnished 14-room boarding-housb, all full. See this. Best 20-room house in city; a snap for cash. Mrs. Koontx. 243 Stark St. BUSINESS affairs compel me to spend next few months at Seattle; my real estate business goes to the man who is looking for a snap; large list of very desirable property: price very low for I must sell this week: elegant furniture and new typewriter go to the buyer. 407 Gerllnger bldg.,- lo A. M. WATER -POWER electric plant and flour mill lighting two growing towns; light plant Is paying 10 per cent on our price. $15,000. part down; $1 profit on each bar rel of flour ground; power and Income can be greatly Increased; good reason for sell Address Consolidate: Electric Co John Day Or. I CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKB MONEY WITHOUT A CEXT IX VESTMENT. Call right now, ask for Mr. Lavey, at Jacobs-Stlne Co.'s office, first floor Achesoa bldg., opposite Meier-Frank. CAPITAL, FURNISHED Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, Ka.j 5nd railwav stock and bond Issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis Samuel Graham & Co.. 43 Sacrament St., Montreal, Canada. FOR RENT Park Hotel. 40 rooms, all new and newly furnished; fronting on the new Depot park and well situated for business, and plenty of business; best opening for business In the state. Address or call on George T. Hall. Sr., Eugene, Or. I WANT to get In correspondence with busi ness man who can devote time and $2000 cash in enlarging present business; must he one who has confidence in the prospects of Portland s future. Address L, S40 Ore sonian. ' WANTED Man with -small capital, who can talk convincingly on an article of merit and national utility: can make from $250 Jo s..,oo per month. Room 210-212 Ablngton J'4:, .V01 nothing to Investigate. Phone M. 214 1. EXTRA GOOD. 14 rooms, best street, close In, West bide, steam heat, hot and cold water in cluded In rent; price $1200, only $750 cash required. MARY E. LENT, 430tj Washington. . FACT9RY rn Its entirety for sale; motor, planer, edger. combination, band, lathe! etc.. all complete, material and equip ment: owner retiring. Call 452 Holt aid see plant and owner. FOR SALE On Columbia River, new saw and planing mill, rail and water shipping capacity 35.O0O per day; deep-water front age and new wharf; will sell cheap for cash; owners retiring. M 820. Oregonian. FOR SALE. Steam laundry, well equipped, doing good business In town of U000; no competition' best reasons for selling; write for partic ulars. F 748. Oregonian. WANTED Promoter with $2500 who can promote a good proposition; no mines real estate or patents; Investigate; money In use 30 days only; hardest part of work already done. Address L. 837. Ore gonian. WANTED farmer In a manufacturing business: owner will guarantee to show buyer business will pay $1000 monthly net; $;,0U0 required, which goes in the business. Particulars, room 523 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted to help manage business of merit by money maker and sate; ex perience not necessary. Call for inter view. It's a man 1 want, not his money. Austin, room 3 Raleigh bldg. Rh.AL ESTATE firm will sell working in terest to party willing to show property, etc.; no expense: any one willing to work can make $200 monthly. Particulars room 523 Lumber Exchange. YOU CAN GET action on all mining and Industrial stocks and bonds through head quarters at Cattorlln & Co.. suite I. Cham ber of Commerce. We buy, sell or trade. Call or write. HOME bakery and restaurant, with living rooms, doing a good business; Just the place for man and wife to make $200 monthly; $1100 required. Call room S"3 Lumber Exchange. HOTELn 4t rooms, $lfl0O for half Interest. $125 month guaranteed: 41 table .boarders now at $5 per week; worth investigating. W. H. Dudley A Co., 310-311 Stears bldg. COUNTRY store, general merchandise, net ting over $175 per month; will sell at In voice, about- $3O00. Lincoln Investment Co., 2S6 Wash, et.i room 301. GROCERY at Invoice, close In. on East Side; business averages $1800 per month; one of the best locations In the city. Mc liuire & Co.. 318 Board of Trade ABSOLUTELY the best located restaurant for sale at a reasonable price: Just offered for sale; let us show you. Room 2tL No 131 3d st. FOR SArSE The best harness and saddlery business In Eastern Washington The owner has best of reason for selling. E 805 Oregonlau. A DANDY grocery and confectionery store $1510; this is the best snap in Portland today, w. H. Dudley i Co.. 310-311 Stearns bldg. WANTED Reliable office man in successful dhow-ease, fixture and sash and door factory; must have some money to invest- around floor proposition. Q 822. Oregonian. IF you want a profitable cash business that w ill pay you $200 per month, beside profits call at 209 Commonwealth bldg.; $1500 re quired. A GOOD bakery for sale In Aberdeen; $500 cash required, balance on time; 3 bbls. dally; good prices. Otto Siegfried, Aber deen. Wash. WE can locate you in paying business, be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney st Stumpher. 531-32- Lumber Exchange bids Main 44SA. MAN In ofTice alone, must have partner at once; little money required. Room 16 Hamilton bldg. FOR SAlfE Small rooming and boarding house, all modern, cheap rent; $600 talLes It. L 821. Oregonian. KIXB family liquor- store, central location, big business: side bar: good reason for eale! inquire room 26. 3.11 3d st. FOR SALE Small country hotel doing a , good business: $S0O required. Particu lars, room 5J3 Lumber Exchange. 4-CHAIR barber shop for sale; fine loca tion; baths. 64 6Ui st. " I Z I . . , rtttOUJIiU I til, hi IIIKKfTilWV I DON'T miss tnls opportunity; a meat market clearing $20O per mo.; the bill of aile In cludes one frame building with two rooms and all plumbing conveniences and sewer age attachments, located at the Junction of two trolley lines: a No. 41 Enterprise sausage machine, shafting, belting, etc.. with a 2 Vj -horsepower dynamo, emerv wheel. Icebox, two meat blocks, glass-top counter. Dayton scale, totail-adding Na tional cash register, racks, tools, sausage etuffer. lard cooler,' caldron and kettle, light Stuuebaker wagon, with cover, every thing in good working order: must be told quick; present proprietor will' give 30 days of his services If wanted; no brokers or real estate men need apply, but if vou have money, will entertain you. Call 312 Columbia st., city AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. 2 4 rooms, new modern brick. . steam heated, hot and cold water, in all rooms, ideal location for renting rooms, ex cellent transient: it will pay you to look at this. Price for quick sale only $1600; worth more. DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 316 Abington Bldg. $UOO TO $SOO PER MONTH IF YOU INVESTIGATE THIS. We are offering -for sale the best-paving family hotel In this city; rooms always full; 2 blocks from postoffice; price is right. TERMS ARE RIGHT. SWEET-HEAD-L.EMCKE, 140 Fifth St. BIG B.VRGAIN. STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE. 80 rooms, fine location, corner brick building; elegantly furnished; hot and cold running wafer and telephone in all rooms; steam - heat and electric lights; positively the cheapest rent in Portland; good lease; clearing over $500 per month; a snap at the price; $8000 cash will han dle it. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 510-511-O12 Swetland Bldg. RESTAUR AXT. Washington St.. at your own price; REASOX. HAVE OTHER BUSI XESS; cash register,, linoleum and $100 on lease worth more than I want for the whole; location right, rent $50; a money maker; must go today; owner at 705 Swet- land bldg. This is best snap ever offered. Would take partner to manage. CASH STORE. LIVIXG ROOMS. Cash grocery doing a business of- $50 to $00 per day; low rent and long lease; fine place for man and wife; nice living .rooms; very little monev and security will handle it. Call 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. .2d and Stark sts. ROOMING-HOUSE, close In; 13 rooms; this . is one of those clean places that are hard to find and a bargain at $1050; one 9 rooms; this Is the best buy In the city; rent cut to $25r $350 If taken this week. Many others. Come and see. Young, 512 Ger llnger bldg. PARTNER for a small cash business; will make you $35 per week; trial given be fore you put a cent into it; experience not necessary; satisfaction guaranteed. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE A stock of general merchandise, -up to date in every particular, in a thriv ing city of 2500 Inhabitants: Xo. 1 trade and a good-chance to make money for a live man that understands business; will invoice about $7O00. Address Lock Box 9. Xewberg. Or. HOTEL PARTNER We will guarantee a reliable man or woman $125 per month salary, besides an equal dividend on all profits In the business in a 40-room house. Particulars room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. - DO you want an excellent paying business. ..laui.autru over years r commission, hay. flour, grain; will stand a strict in vestigation: an exceptional bargain. The Crosstey Company, 708 and 709 Corbett bldg. TWO RESTAURANTS. Good fixtures; location and rent O. K ; take your choice for $500; not Junk, only snap; Investigate quick. OREGON ADJUSTMENT CO., 308 Ankeny St. MEAT MARKET, well established, doing a .... wuouicoo auu vile Ol. llie OllCSt SU D- urbafn locations In the city; 4100 will han dle It. Particulars room 315 Lumber Ex change bldg., 2d and stark st. RELIABLE real estate man wants steady fJi mer iw snow lanu, etc.; win pay energetic man at least $150 month; very little money required. Particulars 244 Stark st- RELIABLE real estate mart is alone, wants raiuiei to enow mna ana neip in office; pay active man $150 a month; no exper ience needed and little .money required Call 417 Board of Trade. PARTNER wanted to work in restaurant as cashier, etc.: will pay you Slno month -little money required. Cail 248 V4 Stark street. A NEW small hotel in cood Vallsv town- new furniture: doing nice business; 6-year rem s-.ov; price complete, $1500. Inquire 209 Commonwealth bldg. CIGAR AND POOLROOM. A money-maker; going East, must sell W'ill stand a thorough investigation. Cail 43 7 Board of Trade. WANTED Honest, sober young man with little cash as partner to show property and work In office; am tired of hired help 225 6th st. GROCERY at invoice and fixtures at your - , .fmu oiuc, uuuut OW; living rooms; rent $30. Young, 612 Gerlin ger bldg. BUSINESS clearing $150 per month: splen 7 1 I, : -lla int, lease; ir looking for a first-class business cheap, with good - -- -.............. U ouj, ui egonian. WANTED Small sternwheel steamer for Krccvujser ana ireignt ouslness; must be light-draft; state dimensions and price P THE HOTEL NEWS is distributed free ; - " " wcii&uM passenger trains. Advertisers get big returns. i.ow rates. 216 Oregonian bldg. Phone A 3702. BUTTER, produce, etc.. partner wnnterl- guarantee $S0 month salary also share "V'"L- own rmrencM. 4S Stark St. MIXING- AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone aad other bonds bought a sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 125 Ablngton. RETIRING partner wants to sell Interest in good concern; money fully secured; $1000 PARTNER wanted, used to farm products: nnw man 1 . 'i montn; smnu capi tal required. Call 24li stark st. RELIABLE real- estate man wants partner experience not necessary; very little money required. 2 72 Stark st. FOR RENT Hotel Oregon, new house, good -ii.. in. .t, uear O. i' . jjepot. AQCresS BOX 2. Cornelius, Or. SPECIAL $600, wjth services, will pay en- d.enc man a montn as partner in vBu uusiiieai. can '.-3 stark st. FOR SALE Paint, feed and hardware store i.uoeiDiij r-art. or oy owner. W. L. Richards. Phone Woodlawn 19. GOOD grocery to trade for city property another at a discount for cash "7' Stark st. " MOULDER from East would take working Interest in small foundry. K. S40 Ore eonian. IF YOU want to get in or out of business, or want a partner, see me for quick re sults. Charjman. 417 TtnarH T . FOR SALE Good saloon location, account of sickness. K 8 41. Oregonian. FOR RENT Hotel building, 90 rooms. In quire 204 Macleay bldg. $373 BUYS well-furnished 9-room boarding house, centrally located. 77 Park st- WILL sell 600 shares National Copper lie loU shares Fidelity. 12c R 776, Oregonian.' ADVERTISE In Bonvllle's Western Month ly; reaches every hotel in 15 states. WILL pay cash for South African script T. Orser. Holmes Business College. FOR SALE cheap, barber shop. Call 264 Bumslde st. SALOON Fine trade, good location-. $54o takes It. R 775. Oregonlan. , $2 PER 1000 business cards; 10O, 60c. Rose City Printery. 1921, 8d St.. near Taylor. SALOON for sale cheap If taken at once. Inquire at North Pacific Brewing Co. BARBER SHOP for sale. Call or write to George M. Hall. St. John. Or. MANUFACTURING Opening for stesdv man; $200O required. Call 248 Stark st. A SNAP In a cigar stand, long lease and good business. 273 Stark st. LOTS to trade for anything of value. 272 Stark at. Money to loaue. Money loaned quickly and privately on real, personal and chattels, diamonds and Jewelry, warehouse receipts, furniture and PlanOS- and &11 vnlimhl. .nllir.rttl. 1 a. Eia company is organized for the $.ur- fiose of providing ready money at the owest cost. You can arrange to repay In monthly or weekly easy payments. All business strictly confidential. Call or nucce Main 2084. . U S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. Room 12 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 Third St. 1 $$$$$$$ I-O-N-E-T. FOR YOli. M-O-N-E-Y. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY FROM US ON' YOUR PIANO. FURNITURE. ETC. WITHOUT REMOVAL. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. . CONFIDENTIALLY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. REBATE GIVEN IF PAID BEFORE DUE. SEE OTHERS. THEN SEE Ui AND BE CONVINCED STATE SECURITY CO. 308 FAILING BLDG. n7.EC?CE2iT LOAN AGENCY. 402 Rothcbild Bldg., cor- 4th and Wash. The recognised bank of the Vase-earner. A clerk, bookkeeper, macfclnist, engineer or emoloye can obtain money of us on his note without security. $15 return to us .....$ 4.0 a Mo. tJu return to us $ s.OO a Ha M return to us $13.35 a Mo confidential; no unpleasant Inquiries. fapecial rates on pianos, furniture, etc MONEY advanced salaried people and oth ers upon their own names without secur ity; cheapest rates, easiest payments; of fices in bo principal cities; save yourself money by getting my terms first 1 OLMAN, 3x7 Lumber Exchange Bldg. 9, i Id on lnstaIIment plan; confiden tial; no security but your salary; best setcm for railroad, streetcar employes, mechanics and others. . F. A. NEWTON. Buchanan Bldg., 2Siiti Washington St- J CHATTEL LOANS. Installment loans on pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts, horses, insurance pol icies, salaries and all kinds of securities; NEW ERA LOAN & MTO. CO., 410 Abington Bldg. WE pay the highest cash price for Title Guarantee & Trust accounts. Oregon Trust and German American certificates; also Home Telephone bonds. Call at once, as we will only buy a limited amount. Conn Bros., 160 1st St. On Improved city property, or for building purposes; 3 to 8 years' time; liberal re payment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable. 2d and Stark sts $500,000 on Improved city or farm property, building or small loans at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. J. H McKimle Co., 514-15-16 Gerllnger hldg. MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, type writers, real estate, - mortgages, horses, watches, diamonds and Jewelry lowest rates. E. Pierce. 318 AlUky bldg. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 321 Ablngton bids Money on installment plan. WE loan money on diamonds and jewelry at reasonable interest for long or short time. A 4i 11. Uulovaiia, Jewelers. 2t W ashington st. 6 AND 7 per cent money to loan on city real estate. Harding & Reynolds Co , 313 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on real estate and all kinda of per sonal security, w. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Beck 312 Falling bldg. . - ' $100,000 to loan in sums of $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on improved realty M. G. Griffin, 2G6 Stark, OLp. Cham, of ci MONEY to loan on improved city proptrty ln all sums, reasonable Interest. Coaat Commercial Co.. 5o4 Dekum bldg. WE BUY foreign money, sold dust. Title Guarantee, Oregon Trust bank accounta Lewis or. Co.. 251 Washington st- MONEY to loan at reasonable rates, in sums from $500 up. The Dunn-Lawrence Co ' 248 Alder su MONEY to loan on improved city DroDertv Wm. MacMaster, 302. Worcester blk. MONEY TO LOAN AT 0 AND 7 PER CFNT STRONG & CO.. 605 CONCORD BLJjg! PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages. H Miley, room 409 Gerllnger? MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn. 44U Sherlock bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. 15. Thom- " , . " - -J - f. . . , . AU1UIUU1I1I1 V (J . , q c MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 ner cent. Frary & Seltz, 132 5th st. LOW rates: we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Marx & Bloch, 74 3d st. Money to loan, first and second mortgages purchased. E. L Devereaux, Fenton bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater al security. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, of Trade bldg. 824 Board MONEY to loan on real estate. Equity In vestment Co.. 508 Gerlinger bldg. Loans Wanted. FOR SALE $3OO0 Omaha Tel. bonds. 50 per cent stock; $2000 Tacoma, 50 per cent stock and $5uOO Portland with or without stock. What will you give for these bonds? E. L. Fraley Company 917 Board of Trade. WANTED At once, $S00. 2 or 3 years,. 7 or s per cent, on 3 acres tine land near Multnomah Station on Salem Electric Phone E. 491S. WANTED $4500 for 5 yeacs to be used In erecting a building on property valued at $55 00: long lease on building. d S18. Oregonlan. WANTED $4500; best real estate security K 839, Oregonian. . WANTED $300; will pay 8 per cent interest; teal estate security. A F 718. Oregonian. MONEY wanted, real estate security. Equity Investment Co., 608 Gerlinger bldg. WANTED $1500 for 3 years, new 7-room house. K 847. Oresonian. WANTED $1000 at 8 per cent interest: close . in real estate security. A 829, Oregonlan. WANTED $SOO on Blx-room house and full lot. G 826. Oregonlan. $000 at 7 per cent, first mortgage, city property; private parties. 83 First. Funds loaned for Investors without charge Strong & Co., Financial agta,. concord big. $500 WANTED. 8 per cent Interest; good real estate security. R 778. Oregonian. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where hair mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzger FOUND Place w-nere special attention is given remodeling of hats by up-to-date trimmers. English Correct Millinery 331 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. FOUND Lady's gold watch, small chain and fob with name; owner can have same by calling at(209 North 15th st. LOST Locket containing 5 diamonds Find er will be suitably rewarded by returning to 3QS Mohawk bldg. s LOST Yellow and white male cat. Return 7i2 East Yamhill Bt., or phone B 2290 reward. r. ' "LOST Belt. with gold-plated buckle. Phone Main 7007. LOST "Barney.". Scotch collie; reward for return. Gretchen Colton. 637 Market st. LOST Snake ring. Return Hibernia Sav ings Bank. Reward. FEBSOSALS. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people: circular 10c 229, 1st st- IF YOU want to buy or sell a home call at 1019 Board of Trade. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases." 660 Glisaa st- Main 8215. Agents wanted. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Airs. M D. H.11L 330 Fliedner bldg. M 84731 A FREE TREATMENT To prove to you the wonderful curative power of Professor Rickard's Electro Ra diator; this is ,the greatest electrie thera peutic Invention of the age and was award ed the gold medal at Lewis and Clark Ex position; it gives no shocks, it being an electric lire heat, radiating all over the body; if you have any chronic ailment, come and try ins life-giving force: rheu matism, lumbago, sciatica, nervous pros tration, stomach trouble or other chronic ailments; some of your best citizens in Portland have been cured;- don't suffer; come and try it. PROF. WM. RICKARDS. 653 Fifth St. 75 DAYS THROUGH EUROPE FOR $690. Gentleman and wife who studied and traveled extensively in Europe will con duct this Summer a limited party through Europe; the most famous places, celebrat ed for their natural beauty, historical in terest and artistic treasures will be vis ited; Informal lectures on the great mas- - terpieces of sculpture and paintings in the museums of .Paris. Berlin. Rome. etc. Address AE 726." Oregonlan FIR GROVE Sanatorium; strictly a woman's hospital, where patients can get the best care at reasonable rates and any physi cian they cliuose. City office, lmpondero Therapy Co., specialists for .men and wom- ' en, room 508 Merchants Trust bldg., 36 s Washington st. Phones Main 7743, A 5755; sanatorium. Tabor S!y. Dr. Isabelle Mackie. COLUMBIA SANITARIUM. Diseases of men, woman and children treated and cured. We make a specialty of surgery and diseases of women; ma ternity cases given special attention; eye, ear. nose and throat department- Kaieign bldg., cor. 6th and Washington stsi MADAM A. A LUCKY. MISS GEORGIA LA PETITE, graduate of Pacific Hospital, Los Angeles. Full line of electric treat ments, baths and massage; positive re sults in mental healing. 401-2-3 Columbia bldg., W. Park and Washington. Main soil. AZA HOLMES R1BBECKE. reliable akin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed; hairdressing. manicur ing and dermatology taugjit; largest stock of hair goods in the Wtst at cut prices. 1'arlors. Grand Leader, 5th and Alder. MEN Why suffer from diseases peculiar to your sex. nervous conditions, skin or eye troubles, acute or chronic 'i I treat by modern methods, electricity, massage, os teopathy, medicine when needed. conU oential. Dr. V-jse, 32BVa Washington at. SWEDISH trained nurse. Helsingfore gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles ana nervous disorders by hand rubbing; steam, sweat and tub batns; both sexea 7 Esst 11th St.. one door from East Ankeny car. Phone Eat 260. Home B 1SU3. LADIES Ask your druggists for Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills. For 25 years known ss the beet, safest. Reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Uiamond Brand Plits are sold by oruggists everywhere. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children No charge for consultation. Room 10, Grana Theater building. Washington and Park sts. Main 3928 A 5607. DESIRABLE company founo- for lonely people, either sex; 500 to select from; photos on file; circular 30c. Portland In troducing Bureau, 316 AUsky bids. DR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed pe- . riods; $2 per box or S boxes for $5. T. J. Pierce, 316 Alisky bldg., 283 Morrison. DR. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of women; all. Irregularities corrected, urugless system, no-exposure. Cail or write 316 Alisky bldg., Portland, Or. DRESS suits for rent. 811 sizes. $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls and de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. USE Bassett's. the Original Native Herbs for rheumatism, constipation; 50c tablets for 25c, in black boxes, at all druggists. WOMEN Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum; prompt relief, confidential. 170 3d st. Main i770. Mm-e Courtwright. skin r.nd scalp treat ments, facial deformatior. corrected, plas tic surgery. 2-5 Fliedner bldg. M. 5042. LOST powers restored oy Or. x-orens Nerve Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy. 289 Morrison st.. bet. 4th and 5th. DR. A. AUSI'LUND Diseases of women and surgery, 505-506 Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny sts. Phone Main 4047. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. ofTice hours B A. M. to 8 P. M. 307 Alisky bids. Main 2S35. Wednesday open meeting. 8 P. M. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair. Portland Bazaar. 409 ha Morrison . PECIAX, SOTICII. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT ED STATES. FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON: In the matter of the estate of Z. W. Lindborg, bankrupt The under signed will receive sealed bids at his of fice. No 7 First street, Portland. Oregon! up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Saturday. April 3d, 1909. for the following described prop erty belonging to said bankrupt estate: Stock of merchandise, consisting princi pally cf groceries of the inventory value of $S97.7S; lot of store fixtures of the inventory value of $204.50; said property being located at No. SO Killingsworth avenue, Portland, Oregon. Inventory may be seen at the office of the undersigned and the property may be' inspected upon application, cash or a certified check for ten per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid and sale is made sub ject to confirmation by the court. R. L Sabin, Trustee. WATERWORKS BONDS Myrtle Point, Or., March 1, 1909. Proposals will be re ceived by I. E. Rose, City Recorder at Myrtle Point, Or., for $22,000. 5 per cent bonds for waterworks, up to and includ ing April 2-5, at 7:30 P. M.., when bids will be opened by Recorder at city Hall Bonds to be dated May 1, 190D; maturity. years, optional alter 20 years. paya ble at maturity or optional after 20 years in gold coin of the United States of Amer ica, with Interest thereon in like gold coin, payable semi-annually. Bonds shall be "coupon" and of $10OO denomination, and shall have stamped, printed or en graved thereon. "Waterworks Bonds Se ries B." A certified check for $5o, paya ble to I. E. Rose. .City Recorder, shall ac company all bids, checks to be promptly returned with bids not accepted. I E Rse, City Recorder, Myrtle point, Oregon. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Bu reau Of Relocation Wo u V, ir, o-mn I", March 24. moil. Sealed proposals in trip licate will be received at the office of the Alaska Division, Bureau of Education. 368 tolman bids.. Seattle. Wash., until 11 o clock A. M., April 20, 11109. and then opened In the presence of bidders, for acting 10 nuna scnoolhouses in south western Alaska. All mntprioi. .in supplied on the grounds, or can be fur nished by bidders at option. Blueprints, specifications and proposal blanks supplied on application. All bids should be in dorsed "Proposals for Contract for Build ing Schoolhouses in Alaska." Right is re served to accent or rpioi-t onv .... all i.ih. For further information apply -to above Buuicr-s. r.imer n.nsworth Brown. Com- linssiuiier or cuucatlon. Approved: R. A. Bellinger, secretary of the Interior. PROPOSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION. Office of Constructing Quartermaster. Fort Mis soula. Mont-. March 29. moa. Sesalerl t.- posals will be received at this office until i. o cioca noon. April 29. 1909, and then opened, for the construction, plumbing, heating and electric wiring of the fol lowing reinforced concrete buildings- One four-set officers' quarters, one set field officers' quarters, two single sets company - officers' quarters, two double sets com pany officers' quarters, one double bar rack. Plans. snecificnrionA onri t. tlon furnished .on application. Envelopes 7.rr i""iJoB' onouia De indorsed Proposals for Construction" and ad dressed to Captain c. D. V. Hunt, Con- OFFICE of C. Q. M.. Vancouver Barracks, Wash., March 1. 1909. Sealed orooosals In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. April 1. 1909. for Job printing at these headquarters during the fiscal year ending June 30. 1910. U S reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals. Envelopes containing - proposals should be marked. "Proposals C Q. ' auuresseo, jonn Hi. Baxter, BIDS will be received by Board of Water -ommlssioners of Oregon City at the office of superintendent on or before Friday April 2. for construction of wooden or steel flume. Specifications may be had at the office of superintendent In Oregon ir.'y- SiBht ""served to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board, Josepa. B Hedges, secretary. . Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby given mat the annual meeting of ttve. stockholders of the Ore gon & California Railroad Company will be held at the office of th.e company In the Wells-Fargo bldg.. Tuesday. April 13. 190, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M for the election of a board of directors and the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before the meeting. W. w. Cotton. See. ALASKA OIL & GUANO CO., The annual meeting of the stockholders of this company will be held In their office Xo. 602 Concord bldg.. on Wednesday the 21st day of April. 1909. at 12 noon. B. H. NICOLL. Secretary. Architects, contractors, engineers, get Pacific guilder A. Engineer, 1022 Board of Trade. I ' I Assayers and Analysts. W'elis A Proebetel. mining engineers cbem lsts and assayers. 2Q4 Washington st FAUL BAUMEL. aasayer and analyse Gold dust bought, 207 Alder st. MONTAXA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-testing work. 1S6 Morrison St. FCLFkKD ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. iL-i Vorcester bldg., 3d and Oak. M. 5980. Accoun tantsw E H. COLLIS A CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal. A.1llt.l?s' investigating and Systematizing. 324 Worcester Block. Phone slain 6567. Accordion l'lalt lug. MISS O. GOULD. S35 Morrison, cor. 7th Ac cordlon and knife pleating and plnkikg. Attorneys at Law. H. H. RIDDELL. atty-at-law. 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4764, A S5$l. 8. T. JEFFREYS, 208 Fenton Cldg.. IS years' practice In Oregon. 8 years Alaska. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed Law offices to 909-913 Board of Trade bldg. CLARENCE H. GILBERT, 205-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471, A 4544. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 802 Gerlinger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 13U1. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs Dunton, Tilford bldg., R. 264, 10th & Mor. ONE bunion treatment free as an adver- ttsement- Foot Remedy Co., 229 5th St. Chiropody and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Fliedner blug. Phone Main 8473. MANiCURliNG .and chiropody parlors, for merly waaa., joovs vvasn., room 14. Carpet Cleaning. J. Hunter & Co., mattresses and feathers ren- ovaiea, carpets refitted, etc M. 214, A 4415. Collections. WE collect everywhere; general law. Inter state Adjustment Co.. 001 Gerlinger bldg. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com' iiMun utercnanis. ar.euocs: Diag., romand. Cleaning and lyeia-r. AUGUST A. LAMBEKT Cleaner and dyer; first-class work, nolle. teti, 4S8 Columbia n. rnone main ioty. Coriot. SUX SOOX HUIE CO. , Silks, mattings, ruga, fancy goods. 70 6th. Carpet Weaviuu. RUGS made from old carpets; also Colonial rE -uss woven. Northwest Hug Works, V a i-ju .ve. s)iQU, X liifvU. Dancing. PROF. WAL WILLBON'S dancing c ho ol so cial and HtaiCd dandnv li-KKon o-.o --titti JVasn t.. bet. W. ark. and 10th. sts. xulii p ii ouch. Aiam ttiiil. A. do37. Iressmmkers. ATTEXTIU.N ! DRESSMAKERS, LAD IKS' TAILORS. MIL- LI-N'ijJRS. Agency "Le Chapoiiu Parlslen," "Le Chic," "ISeuesie Blousen." Models and Patterjia. MRS. 2. A. PLUMMER, Room 431 JTleidner bldg., io th and Wash- IX-tectives. THE THIEL. Detective Service Co. We are Lrciwittiiy ; qui pea wun experienced men 2utf Chajiiber of Com merce bldg. M. itO ducat ional . The von Gil maun School for RIDIMG AND DRIVING. Occupies the Dremlses known sa th Ori en tal building, and .solicits the patronage of those who wUh to cultivate horseman ship In any of its branches. Telephones a ijwj, x-auiuu Aid. in .jy . . LAL'E'S Preparatory &choo. of Pharmacy, .Feed Mores. Zl-GLER &, MISNiSR, hay, grain, feed, ce- ut n. w. HAGYARD, graduate Ontario v ciw liini y onege; omce -fcxpo,iUon biug.. l&tb. and Wash. Main 1077 ; Reac. Main i v4 Harness and Saddlery. R. M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 331 -Ankeny St. Phcne Main 'JSnO Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANivT & CO., purchasers of hides, pelts. nwua, ..uic, taiiuw, U1U I UUUCil, metals t sacks. S12 Front st. Leather and Vlndings, CHAS. Li. MASTiCK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, tana mfn Anriino-. J. A. STROWBRIDGK LEATHKR ill iv. tabiished ISoii. lbH Front at. Messengers. HASTY MciSSENGiSR CO., 128 6th. Ua.ln vi - aioo. sinme un tne spot. Machinery. ICE tnacnines. Complete Installations. Arm strong Machinery Co., fcpokan. Wasa. Musical. SPECIAL prices on all goods, sheet xnuaio. raxpa. instruments, musiii mia. r. roils; one-fourth oil ou all folios and tuBvuuud , sxue win iasi aii tins month. "-uueiDuu juLUfiu l.. 1UU 4. nil a St. PIANO LESSONS Modern methods; terms W v-a uu. s.w DltUU OOUO, vioun Lt-acher. dudu rt s: a ui iL- A .1 nil ,i , . M. C. Smith, teacher ol piano, 45i! Samoa st. Main 7340. .ttegiuner . awetoalL- X e uruTugtst s. DR. H. W. FKEliZJfi etraightens cross-eyes without operation or pain, fits glass ana treats nervous dis'aes. 2'-i4 Marquam bid. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. liORTHRUP. . Dekum blug.. Third and Waoiimgtou sts. Phone, ohice. Mam 34tf, res., e. 1021. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY- XtiS-A T.irn luth and Morrison. Phone A 4103, 14. "izdd Paints, Oils and Glasi T A CM TTKCFV Jt. 40r. V,K . - paints, oils. glaatt. waau and floors. Cor. 2d and Taylor, Patent and Pension Attorney s. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign nat- " vra J. J. HIIISHEIMEK, pension and patent torney, rooms io-il xaioe blug. Paving. TU C X3 si D DCD a.;n1i(m V. . , Z, f A V IPs CI CO. St t Portiaaiti. Office 4-3-4 V orcester block. W"T? -onftruction Co., street paving Side Wili Ws. AH ri enma . , , w. isumotr Painting and Pa per hanging. H P. CHH1STENSEN Cu.,wali paper, paint- ... " hi uiu Aiaer. Poultry. EtGS? fca,tchK.rrom S. C. Rhode leland fertility guaranteed. Yk PJy Ranch Rr,i A 4tJhrnn xx- J1L1' .Rubber b tamps. ALSO trade checks and all office Roods. f C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phoneslio THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st Saf-a s.w4i iLc oMJuuDaaa sates. Davis bafe & lock co Dieboid u 4 3d U Bargains la 2d-hand safes. feliow Can, Bank and Store .Fixtures. x-wis sab k. CO., branch Grand t4.ju Duunv v.u.. wa sua xioyt. - r. THK James f. Marshall Mfg. Co., new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office iAi.ua c-.. jirt v-uuun Hi. main UJ. Sia-ns. FOSTER & KLEISER. SIGNS. The largest sign-makers In th Nnrth. est, 5th and Everott sts. Phone Private uKiiuiB v( nomt, a lido. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I Pobllc Stenographers. I?5LIA V- W1LLITS. 606 Swetland bld ana waon. Phone Main 318. STi?yoES C(.n?ctcd repaired. Mala lllO. 614 Front Turkish Baths. TUR FCTSTT K.rK. -v . . . . ... ------ jw wregonian Ding.; iaoue cays, toen nights. Main 1933. A l3a. Storage and Transfer. PICK- Transfer and Storage Co., office and m m nwl ... , . . . . . . . u . uiim j uncs -ware-House, separata iron rooms and fireproof VH1 r valuables. N. W. cor. 2d anil i-ine sts. Find, and Xuraitur. moved and Packed lor snipping. Main 66, A lu9. OLSEN'-ROE TRANSFER CO General transferrins and storage: safes, pianos and xurnitui-e moved and packed for shipment- 2ua Oalt st.. bat. Front and 1st. Telephone Main 647 or A 2347. VAX HORN TRANSFER CO. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. 40-42 id sc Phon. A lticrt. Main 1618. Tj'Pewritera. fE ARB the exchange for the largest type, writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; ail makes, all prices. The Typewriter l-xchanee. 2S7fr Wasningtoa at. SPECIAL prices; sli makes rented, sold, re- . u, i... i-o., ml atara. Alain lu t. Veterinary College. Bulletin San Francisco Veterinary College now Z-.advr malUl 1 1. n v 1 1- . . . . Mood mud Coal. CORD WOOD. SHORT WOOD. SLAB We sell FULL MEASURE and deliver promptly all grades of wood for fuel aaj length sticks delivered In any quantity. Best old growth fir, oak and ash; also second growth and other -cheaper grades. Slabwood cut in a dry log mill and has never been water-soaked. Knots for furnace use. Centralla Pot latch coal. Fhones, East 26, B 1U26. WESTERN" LUMBER Ac FUEL. COMPANT. 287 East Morrison Street. DRY OAK, alder and fir at Standard Wood BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS tl.a00.00O. No Interest paid on accounts. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON" BTS TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; ISSUES DRAJT8 AVAIL ABLE IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES OP THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPB; 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON SAV INGS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern PavclSc Leavlner Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger.... California Kxpress !8 4: 7. 1: I !1: 4: 8: 1: 6: ( d I :15 a. m. 15 p. m. 45 p. m. 30 a.m. ban Francisco express...... West Side Corvallls Passenger. ......... Sheridan Passenger.......... 20 a m. 10 p. m. 50 p. m. :00 p. m. 40 p. m. 15 a. m. :.10 a. m. 30 p. m. 15 p. m. 20 p. m. 30 a. m. 00 a. m. ;50 a, m. -v 50 p. m. roiest throve passenger. .... . Forest Grove Passenger...... Forest Grove Passenger..... Arriving Portland-?- " Oregon Kxpress Loitage urove passenger.... Roseburg Passenger.......... Portland Express West Side Corvallls Passenger.......... Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger...... Forest Grove Passenger. . . 6 10 8 11 4 Oregon Kallroad fr Navigation Co. Leaving Portland I Pendleton Passenger .,......( 7:45 i Chlcagro-Portland Special 9:15 i Spokane Flyer 7:K , Kansas City & Chicago Express. 6;tK Arriving Portland I Spokane Flyer. Chi. Kan. City !9:00 7:'J0 8:50 5:45 h. m. a. m. p. m. p. rn. Chicago-Port land Peadleton Passenger ' Northern Pacific Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express. . . . North Coast & Chicago Limited. Overland Kxpress Arriving Portland North Coast Limited. Portland Express. Overland Express 8:30 a. m. 2:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:00 a. m. 4:15 p. nu 8:35 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express. . 8:00 a.m. llainler Local --,l 115 p.m. Astoria Passenger. ..... ......I 6:00 p. m. Kalnler Local .Jll;20 p. m. Arriving- Portland I Rainier & Portland Local I 9:05 a.m. Seaside & Portland Passenger 112:15 p.m. Rainier and Portland Local.... 6:10 p m. Seaside &. Portland Kxpress 10:W p. m. Canadian Padflo Railway Co. Leaving Portland I C. P. R. Short Line via Sopkanef 7:00 p.m. Via Seattle Ill: 45 p. m. Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokanef 9:00 a. m Via Seattle f 7:O0 a m. J EFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Xallas Passenger. . . Dallas Passenger. ...... Arriving Portland Dal las Passenger Dallas Passenger. I 7:40 a. m .. 10:15a. m. ELEVENTH AND HOYT STS.. PASSKN CiKit STATION. Spokane, Portland ft Seattle Railway. Leaving Portland Inland Kinpire Express..., 9:15 A.M. For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis, "Walla WalLa. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles. Ooldendale, White Salmon. Stevenauii. Vancouver aud inteime diate points. North Rank Limited .... .5:40 P. M For Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City, St Louis. Spokane. Sprague, Rits vliie. Lind. Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, White Salmon. Stevenson and Vancouver. Arriving Portland North Bank Limited ' 7:30 A M From Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis, Spokane, Spregue, Rltx ville, Lind, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, W hite Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. Inland Empire Express. ...5:25 P M From Walla Walla. Pasco. Roosevelt. Granddalles, Goldendale, White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver and intermediate points. Time Card Dregon Electric Railway Co. Leaving Portland for Salem and Int. Sta tion s tf : 25, 8 : 0O, 11 :00 A. M. ; 2 :0O. 3 :45. 6-2U, 8:40 P. M-. Limited for Tualatin and Salem 9:15 A. M. Local for Wilsonvills and Int. Stations 6:00 P. M. Leaving Portland for Forest Grova and Int. Stations 7:00, 8:55, 10:5 A. M : 1.30. 4:10, 6:30 P. M. Arriving Portland from Salem and Int. Stations S:40, 10:55 A. M. ; 1:15, 3 40, 8 00. S:1W. 10:40 P. M. Limited from Sal urn and Tualatin 4:43 P. M. Local from Wilson villa and Int. Stations 6:55 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grove and Int. Stations 8:iH. 10:00 A. M.; 12:15 2:50. 5:00. 7:20 P. M. Portland Railway, Light Power Companj Cars Leave. Ticket Of floe and Waiting Room. First and Alder Streets. -CARS LEAVE. Oregcn City :00, 6:30 A. M., and ever 30 minutes to and including 0 p. M thes 10:00. ll:O0 P. M-; lat car midnight. Gresham and Intermedial points 6 51 7:45. 8:45. 9:45. Ht:45 A. M.. 12:45. 2:45 3:45, 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 7:45. 11:15 P M. Fairview and Troutdale 6:35, 7:45, S'4S 9:45, 10:45 A. M-. 12:45, 2:45. 3:4.3. 4:45 5:45. 6:45 P.4 M. ("axadero and Intermediate points 6- 55 8:45. 10:45 A. M. ; 12:45, 2:45. 4:45. 6 x P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and waiting-room Second and Washington streets. A. M. :15. 6:5. 7:25, 8:00. 8:35. 9:10. 9 ; 50, 1 0 : ;t 0. 11:10. 11:50. P. M. 12:30, l:l, 1:50, 2:.'0. R io Jt 50 4:30, 5:10. 5:50. 6:30. 7:05. 7:40, 8:15. 9:25. 10:R5. 11:45. On Third Monday In Every Month, tha last car leaves at 7:03 P. M. Dally except Sunday. Dally except sUoatLajf l-moe.o