9 SrW TODAY. We Especially Recommend the Following Property: ' J"""" Portland, t mile rai 'road and river, all In cultiva- oOO $100 cash and $10 per month. 9 i.s m,", 'rom Portland, all irr.Ji aK,on. and fen-ed. Well, fruit. errleB- Kood soil; 6-room f !- .r7a-rnn' chicken-house. Good ance time Term cash, bal- 6nH?-KSi.7. ml,,es from Portland. All under cultivation; 7-room house, Kood Vvm,.Ct5- Prlce ss0. K"od terms. "Ill exchange lor city property. 10 ACRKs 4 acres under cultivation; 14 ii18.Jrom. Portland. .1 mile from railroad station and store. Good house. 11300. This Is a good buy. lO ACHES, 14 miles from Portland four aires under cultivation; some fruit trees; house. $1200. 40 ACRES, 20 acres tillable, rest good side-hill land. All easily cleared, hprtngr and running water. 4H miles from town. Price $800. Terms 1450 1000 Place wort" not less than 40 ACRES, all tillable. 7 acres In cul tivation; 3-room house, barn, good spring; 4 miles from railroad and landing. An ideal place for fruit and thickens; $1000. one-half cash. 40 ACRES. 12 miles from railroad, county road. 14 miles from Portland 25 acres under cultivation r all fenced; roil loam; 7-room house, good barn windmill and tank. All tnnin and crop. $6000, $2500 cash, balance 40 ACRES north of Portland, all level and fenced: soil loam: 214 miles to iniiruua; j acres under cultivation; apples, prunes, plums, pears. Well, 8-room house, barn, etc fnrnitnpo1 tools, cows, chickens, bees. All ready v irBiii wirfi. iduu azuuu cash balance In time at 6 per cent. 5 ACRES cultivated. reRt niBinr. tiood buildings. Orchard In good shape. Tools, hay and grain. A fine home. Overlooks river; from place in iuuii iiuo roniana. t'rice 34000: cash 2o00 and the balance in time. 63 ACRES, 15 miles from Portland, 40 "J"",? ,cM'tivated and the balance slashed and seeded; good pasture about 20 acres seeded to clover, lj , - " uernfs ana oiner garden truck. All stock, farming Implements and tools go with place. , , . . " " 1 " 1 1, f iuuu annu ally at 6 per cent. CO ACHES. 18 miles from Portland, fenced; small house; (30 per acre. M'MEROVS OTHER GOOD BUYS. See us Deiore Closing deal Sweet-Head-Lemcke 146)6 FIFTH STREET. INCO M E UNION AVE. 5,95ftfl 2"story -building, nearly PeiUU.new, A-l construction, 2 large stores lace Union ave., 2 fine modern flats above; income now $75.00, June 1 .$ 87.00; over 9 per cent net; corner, 62x100, choice property and location; room for another store and flat; consider near future advance in this property. Eugene and Union venue. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. Irrigated Fruit Land GOVERNMENT UMATILLA PROJECT Water Is now on the land. Best tUudInVle,iSftpr.OJe.ct.,n Northwest. Al titude Is 460 feet, is on main line of . R. N. railroad; ls"a gravity and res ervoir supply operated by if. s Gov fn,7.lt Land Is now selling for $70 i .iii2 Jl"r acre- and wm double. In m, snort time. A. C CRAWFORD Herml.ton, Oregon, The Land Ma Two full blocks on East 28th st., near the new ce ment bridge. H. P. PALMER 213 Commercial Club Bldg. BUY A NICE Country Home 6 ACHES near Oregon electric car: 11 cleared; $600 per acre. 5 ACRES near Rhatturk Station; house barn and fruit. $3500. ue. ACRES, partly cleared, $1500. 8 ACRHS, fine home site, $5200. HUMASON & JEFFERY M 22tt STARK. A 3814 $45,000 Quarter block, east of Sixth, south of Morrison; near postoffice ; income. Be quick. See A. H. Birrell Co. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. BIH.D ARTISTIC HOMES OX $20 000 Hl II.D . WIi u.u osb rOR YOll . Not? ButterwortK Stephenson Co., Inc. elner. aud Builders .( Artistic Homes. 8S Lafayette Bide and Was.ta.t.n A BIG SNAP Elegant, modern eleven-room resl-vrr- lar lot, on Hawthorne ave .00, rart cash, part smaller residence' part mort, on propertv. c ' R- IH ETIKOFKR, Mln "M55. iiw Sal.n gt. HIW TO DAT. MORRISON ST. Near High School. Quarter block. $45,000 Apartment House Corner, near 13th and Tay lor. Rents $890. Pays 15 ptx cexu net on price. $50,000 13th Street Near Main. Modern, double nouse. Kents $125. $15,000 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. A Gentleman's Home Site A SPfXIIHTinii iI-t!ave the, handsomest tract of land s?da gfnn,- adJo!nlneT Oregon City (west side) for sale. Jt can't be beat for bfrJV1?:8.1?- Th's talkin! i , "c jusi iue same 58 r'ci J- !?!" J-t right. iUiis a, view 01 mountain the Tfownd sPlenall acenery that baffles n " - " ' ,J ' ' pen to aescribe h?,nTin4lac,?s ,n cultivation. Two old buildings feome fine old fruit tres of '",l-",""B Aow "Sure it s'ctir,v r,'u";.re.'z..ea;y terms. Be quick aooGt it. J " lW'CB 8Um H. E. Cross, Att orney ORIXOX CITY. OREGON. CASMUR ACREAGE t .hen you have made up your mind bu Property, yon should consider it. location n m n , . "",u,t wwaufc. win an mm I !""i?tTZ Ttr be."" valunble , . mini i we mink not. Ca.mnr acreaKe be. the advantage of .-K.rn. m. nrvaiiuu 8R TO View. cleared and level, and la Draetlo.lT; riKBI In the n n ' wn L onrr roaa, in k " oanareda now, Mill M wnvd k .t..... . . . T ' . " u us Hoiiru y m t;Bn ? not alone u niagrnlflcent lo- -"uno it, out its soli is particularly adapted to atranberry and "stable enlture, and. In fact, , it. .oil -H AMD 5 -ACRE TRACTS. TERMS. Murphy & Caswell aao STARK ST. . . WE BUILD ARTISTIC HOMES moi rAiBUiBTS LET US BUILD ONE TOR YOU WHY NOT? Butterworth Stephenson Co., Inc. designers and Builders of Artistic Homes, 35 Lafayette Bldg., 6th and Wash. No Bridge to Cross iri(l(1 nn. rA . fi i i " p"r montn ror the followlns houses in South Portland: f!600 5-room cottage. Curry 8t ?22 -room cottage. Second st. 2A "u " I'vjii conage, second st 82000 7-room house, Whittaker st. Beats Paying Rent J. W. GRUSSI 265 AV.ahiuston, near 3d, Ro.m 7. NOB HILL HOME PRICE S7000 Terms SaO oer mnntH G7lo-,- . solid stone foundation; every modern convenience. The most select neiiih borhood. " FIDELITY THl'ST COMPANY Owner) 1 Board of Trade Bid.. , Phone Main 447. MODERN, WEST SIDE 8-Room Residence JTi,"1' ,oc"!?.d ,n Ncvb Hln- 20 minutes' walk to PostoKlce, Vi block from best car service In city. L. K. MOORE. 717-718 Swetland Bldg. ' REAL ESTATE DEALERS. ?".Abrah.m; Abln'on bids. Main 82S8. Andrewi.F.V. a: Co. id. 3348. 30 Hamilton b' Baker. Alfred A.. 113 Ablngton bldg. Beck. -William a., 812 Falling bldg Blrrel!. A H. Co., 202-S McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict. 503 McKay big. M? 649 Chapln A Herlow. SSI Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. Co- 603 Corbett blag. Fields. C. E. Co.. Board of Trad. bldg. Jennings & Co.. Main 168. 208 Oregontan. Lee. M. E., room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrtsh, Watklns Co.. 230 Alder at Richardson. A. B.. 221 Cora, club bldg. gchalk. Geo. D-, 184 Stark st. Main or A Stl Sharkey, J. p. Co.. 12214 Sixth at. TiS 9.rron J,eM Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st (Holladay Addition.! Waddel, w. O., S09 Lumber Exchana. hldr White. B. P., 22TH Washington a SWELL, new. modern bungalow, c rooms, den and sleeping porch; 24th and East Yamhill; terms. SH ACRES, 5c car, cultivated, big bargain, by owner. $3000. Sellwood 370. IMALL house and lot In Kern Park: 1ROO Qruber. S24 Board of Trade bldg. SCATTERED lots in Fulton Park at varv low figures. Call 410 Falling bldg. A SNAP In 14 lots on Portland bouelvard easy terms. Room 18 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE Modem 7-room house and full lot. 716 East Ash. . IUU SEB our two nifty new houses. Call 43a t hamper of Commerce. Main 2018. TWO cholcevlots. Belle Crest, Inside uric Holbrook. the Tailor. Couch bldg. P y5" SALE Modern S-room house. West aid.: no sg.nts. 284 16th st B'?VJI?i-7!"room oottage, cor. SOxlto. 1S0. Holbrook, th. tailor. Couah fcldi. THE MORNING i - 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1. voii k . . " SAI K RKAL ESTATE. FOB BALK-REAL MTATC I . . NO MORE RENT TO PAT IF TOU BUT 2NB.SP,THBSE- Here a -roomhome. Beautiful trees, large lot. This place is close In: best car service, and can be bought for 13230. East Tamhlll-street home, near East 85th; think of this location $3000. This will suit you A nice, neat, modern cottage of 5 rooms, corner lot, -roses and trees. Only $2700: easy terms. 1-VlxlOO, with a good 3-room home: all kinds of fruit. All this for S26uO. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OP OREGON, S. E. Corner Third and Oak sts. ONE of the handsomest homes In Irvington, six large rooms and bath, large recep tion hall, full cement basement, furnace, combination fixtures and everything that is modern in a new, up-to-date home; hard wood floors downstairs, upstairs all finished in white enamel; lot louxloo. fine lawn. This was built for a permanent home; Tarty is leaving oity and will sell for 10.000; 83000 will handle this; will also eell furniture. Phone Main or A 2246 after 6 o'clock East 6278. IF TOU are Interested In real state you cannot be without our new maps. (1 Portland and 25 miles of Its surround- . Ings, giving townships, ranges and sec tion numbers, new railroads and electric lit ea (2) City of Portland, giving new additions, electric lines and other points of Interest. Price 50 cents each; send stamps. The Crossley Company. 708 and SACRIFICE! PIEDMONT! SACRIFICE ..... .U..,,K vunti, 1,1 .en peiow mar ket value; no reasonable offer refused; new, modern house, 75x100 corner, cement j . , ...uuui, im.vs, lurnace, nre- placo, pantry, china closet, combination nYtiiroc Katlt o nn4- a . 7I ' "".' LulJe'. X oay winaows. window seat, linen closet, large attic. . m... L1 ei.-. 203 Ainswortn st. T-ROOM modern house, fireplace. In one of ". locations ip Portland, on East Main and 14th sts.. at a bargain. S4!)u0, Good 6-room house on Hall St., 2 blocks from car. 10 minutes- walk to Postoffice. 5 acres on Base Line road cheap; Mount 1 "ttvj Buivea tnrougn place. f3. A. v A-tir. 22Ha Morrl3on st. Room 10. phone E. 6263 C C r?-. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC DON T PAY RENT! We have some very good home buys on both sides of the river from oo0 to Slo.OOO. Surely we can suit 618 Board of Trade bldg. . ...... . . .-1 ...... IT.CAJ.ji I II)., C C C C -C C C CCCCCCCCCCCCC PORTLAND HEIGHTS. .,nr0 ljQt 8r,xlo0. on carline. i.ui iohu, terrace roaa 2."00 Lot 85x40, Hills Crest drive, have srrartri rlpw NATIONAL REALTY & TRUST CO.. 326 Washington St. PSRCo - PRSCo - PSRCo - PSRCo - PSRCo OURS for only J2500 a sacrifice for quick sale; new, modern, 7-room bungalow, on corner 27th and Clinton; terms only 6 per cent on .deferred payments. Be sure PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO., 618 Board of Trade bldg.. 88250 West Side; a fine 7-room house and lot. within 7 minutes' walk from ad and Washington sts.. situated on Clay near 12th St.; house is In prime condition and all modern; lot alone worth the money; only bona fide purchasers need apply; all or caiijr aii casn. f-. triuger & Co. room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. SUPERB HOME SITE ON WEST SIDE. While the view is unsurpassed, the property is easily accessible and conve nient to car; will eell for 50 jjer cent more when the Improvements in district 220o'U"y comDleted- Now offered for 432 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. SNAP FOR PEOPLE WITH SMALL MEANS iouw Lor a nice corner, wltn new 5 room cottage, near Clinton Kelly school; I.iOO cash, balance dead easy. Look at it and you will buy it. F. FUCHS, 221V4 Morrison St. 4 FINE rOOxlOO corners. Irvington. 1 very e.,.-u; i goon nome, 6 rooms, corner lot. 50xlOO, business chance on rear of lot; 1 nice 6-room, $4000 ; 2 new f;-,omJ ye.Ty neat- 8500 and 87500. C 1083. E. 806. Dolen tt Herdman. QREAT sacrifice: beautiful 9-room home In ou..u xiviugs nrst Aoa.; lawn 100X100, fine trees end shrubbery, up to date in every respect; must be sold; owner leaving city seeing Is believing. C 18K3 E. 896. Dolen & Herdman. 1 WAIiIT to 8e!1 my new 6-room home In "r1 V" , rul -i"u . it is modern ana conve nient In every way; for immediate sale. I will take $36r.O. S500 cash, balance 823 per month-, no agents. Address L 820. Ore gontan. 1'bF' Wiith newr' 8-room. modern house. 11 , . trom tjeimont car, 83000, of which 1-8 may be vacant lot- In exchange and balance ($2000) In monthly payments $25. ivnitt, o-j tjnamber of Commerce. LOT. only $500; full 50x100 lot, right tn the? heart of Mnntavlll. 1 .wIai. . . L. . . : , i 'uiuiiv ii-vmi in. car line, nice and level; must be taken at ??C!!v fi1 ca-"h C' F- P""Ker & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. 2 BARGAINS $3000, modern 7-room house. nTjnie, never Deen occupied, easy terms; also quarter block in Mil waukle Heights, dirt cheap; owner going East. 322 Worcester bldg! ' MUST sell, traveling man's home; quarters r j , ' ....... u , D-iuum nouse. walK- tng distance, good location. T w Mar shall & Co., 89th and Hawthorne ave Phone Tabor 864. NORTH PORTLAND HOME, fine 2-story house of 6 rooms and t.n 1 1. nn gi., Upshur; price for few days only $4250 good terms. . ' M'GUIRE & CO.. 518 Board of Trade. -ROM HOUSE. NEAR 12TH AND MILL. , - -.wv..., uuuao. lurnace ana fire place; a bargain at $6500; $25O0 cash, bal- $15? 5asy J- W Grs". 265 Washington, near 3d. Room 7. WHT PAY RENT? We design and build modern homes on reasonable terms. , A. C. EMERY CO.. INC. Main 8501. 824 Chamber of Commerce. $1250 WILL buy a good lot on East 28th St., k. i. I "-". timoi, etc.; will soon be business propertv . P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. KELLY-STREET COTTAGE. $1700 wJ'S?" cottage; walking distance on West Side; no bridges to cross $1700- sTVaaTId. Jp.mGr7UMl- 2B5 4Aiamil? Tfrt 1?.lro.r,,h, adjoining - ocuiiig xor ?. . ,- up. Oregonlarir; money' SS9. Tuv.dJnr?rJ?n?-.2.-r.y .hou8 Rose . .. -....t. v.m.f, i;rms. . HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. 3'?-..C.AH b.u,y Iot wrth $550. across a.,- " Ainmeaa ram : lots selling for fn??D-, Se Jas-,c- Logan, 326 wish Flo1. ff-ZZrJZ0?? CK"a;?-a.nd Pactional terms $2000 cash, balance mortgage Raa owner, SIS Falling bldg. " ee BEAUTIFUL S-room. thoroughly modern .. , Duiusiue.. near 2 2d ; flne district: only $5000: good terms M'GUIRE & CO.. 518 Board of Trade. GOOD BUY. 10 S-10 acres near St. John, all cleared. VilJllfV r' VanduyA. owner. FOR SALE by owner, 7-room house lm 100x100. 10 bearing trees, basem,,?? w'.C-Wl'.8cS; ,nQUlre 1177 Hate- HOU.-ELI.r,.,a!e '"i1 "a" ot e city; -. " " . ",lu in uregon and Washington Phone Main 4486. Kinney 4 Stampher. 531-32 Lnmber Exchange bid NEW 5-room modern bungalow ln a beauti ful mRidnnf. Ji.t.i.t . , . - - ,t.ivi, x uiock I to in car- ,nSyr-Kerm.8- T.he, stewrt-Hotchkiss Co.. 303 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 6-room bungalow on 100x100 corner ... v n. r-ara; j.hiihi, terms. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce. SUNNYSIDE Three new houses near car- 35l0 cash, balance 7 per cent. C 818 Oregonlan. . . "sam-i. oi owners m rin eommlsriona. 05-Abington bldg. B 839. Oregonlan. P- CChuv ra!5rnaIfor, aParment-house. good Dlljg ' room tn jorbett N!.ClE-n"rm,.bou"e' desrsble neighborhood. $4o0; o ncr would rent at $35; per -'"'"'i. Jfcu s.it. oregonlan. .e13!'.?' near "rllM. Woodstock. $5.10 IT taken soon: from owner. a is m OREGOXIAX, WEDXKST) AT. THIS iRTlCTin EW COZY HOME, commanding view. Is one block m?"?,.. 10,-"lnure service, less than 21 minutes ride to our office; almost an ?JrV-ln. cultlvatlon. a splendid variety !L "T' f1ult tret- and small fruit. ii J,0" and no sravel. chicken-yard tenoed off In rear, cement walks around nouse. a beautiful lawn; variety of fine roses to grace the spacious grounds sur rounding this prettily constructed 5- L??. modern oottag-e. with cheerful airy room., besides bath, hall, pantry and 4 closets; rooms are golden oak finished; walls are nicely tinted throughout, neat electric light fixtures, full-sise basement, concrete foundation, fiumed for furnace neat tiled bathroom, white enameled Kitchen, porcelain sink; hot and cold I.? w,"dlift' etc- Ju'ltln plate shelves around dining-room. . Large veranda on three sides; good surrounding the grounds, and thia attractive home awaiting your inspection. Price $3000; terms. h R .iHST J" reu'ete with desirable homes that others cannot offer you Tell us what you want: we have It CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO.. Lumber Lxchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark. FOR INVESTMENT OR HOME SITES. wi2S.10V .n--y 3 b,ocl! rom car. In w oodstock, $550. Nothing better than this. 100x100. on Broadway, within 3 blocks of the car; Hood view; beautiful homes sur rounding it; cement walks In; $1300. youa,hprtr"a,ni?5d:0rner,t1,at WlU mak' - PORTfeA2D TRUST CO. OF OREGON, E. Corner Third and Oak Sts. MUST BE SOLD. " 1nA CHEAP HOME BUY. Miil.ii and a 10-room house, modern In .i!5ry r,ePect; furnace, gas. electricity US. ru" stree Improvements, including cetnent sidewalk; plenty of fruit. This the south side of Morris street, be i ljnl" avenue and East 7th street. J nis is a bargain. The owner must sell because of business conditions. Before i5SJ".n ,TOnd't!n developed he refused 4.iO0 for this property: price $3750; we K, "?nBe terms This is a good home time g speculation at the same EDW. P. MALL CO.. J 309-31Q Abington Bldg. rTnt Iaymmt down, balance as c.if, . J?uy V1 highest cluss S-room tol"lf,.lungalow In the City of Port land; built-in seat, fireplace In large llv ra?er:r)m;oHawle2 dinln8-room with plate H. ,ch k 'chen, closets, cabinet and hoist electric lights, full concrete .?.ent' fullwhite enamel plumbing: watk. al ""r"? wllh cemeni Sfjr"' c"rb"- Paid; view of Columbia River and mountains: restricted distrlct close to car. in Rose City Park. I am the owner and will gladly show tie lacS a?6'.4tlwealh.PSt0r.et.76ttl ENGLISH WALNUTS. In Or. i"'!" owners and planters !I.T. goni w" hav th only planted tracts on the market. Our properties an in the walnut country. Yamhill 8-acr. CHUBrPHn',,d' J15a,h' 15 Per month! CHURCHILL, MATTHEWS CO. INC Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark Tata. ' Pr,'2 THOUSAND DOLLARS. fart cash, balance at 6 per cent will buy corner on Front St.. near wSnington" JSinSnK-JmSi. ""i. nd a- tut ioor. I iaiS..JokJns 'or a buy like this and iat. thi. k.?. u- y011 Invest! gate this before It is out of your reach? B. MATTHEWS, lZ Chamber of Commerce. BArnnAII Modern 6-room home, lot t"t-M J" """. 5-cent fare; ftrt . j . ash' halance to suit; re- rn..i "yunoornooa; come quiok. The rossley Company, 708 and 709 Corbett IS 1 XEW BUNGALOW. r "w...o. uciiuuiui panelled dlnina JSSU;.bm ceillnes' P-to'dateLplumbin cement basement, lot 60x100, faces east near car and close In. East Side - a bar-WMcS-n "h- 20 Pr fnonth. ConkUn B0roe1,n4n S?.!, JK ' '"ccessor, to " ai mo DlQg. V.I .V.r A H.Tm tm-.-r-, . fww for a fine earner. eiixlOO, In flne SToS erbnOrih0- J?, . .el?a"A '?? deade.a?prclated; 200(i iah- Ealace F. FUCHS, 221H Morrison St. cholcen"."' .Ql "J'i . lot. are on B! T-Ti, V.. ' "le canine; located $3000.' between Linn and Ochoco; XI T n A t -ma-w-n. Z13 Commercial Club .Bldg 2fTIFUl.. mode bungalow of with iT! paneiea ainlng-room double , wa?i. .iS'a""- cemen basement, S? ,1. wall and floors, full lot, near oar Hoov'Sr"?? ",i, aai. i I- i: going In. onlv iTniTn . "V ""Provements Jas. c. Logan. 326 Washlngton'.t.. roTm 7GS2L-T,'l,?i.toi.. improved .-5?505'xflne lota tn the Dover tract 8425 cash, balance easy. "over tract. ..uu ala oerllnger Bldg 10KiS, Ki-.LTJKPy-i.."" ?M. Line "li-n r aaw aae for clty "' '-' isis xnira st o.rbL1.'1 year., room for MOO cash. ,25 "per" montn" andnfeVesV Call Home phone B 1972. interest. ?KV5?- -o.e to Knot, new carline- t: t' d1S outlook, near Washington8 .ttrrroomJa!-5.C- LOgaD' 320 1 ACRE of finB. ii TTI " . cultivation. K-r" I.en.c.ea. n? in Mt. Scott carline; a inaVit 81? mKa"0m & Co.. 102 Second aD at 1.300- Spencer HOLLADAY LOT CHEAP fliS',a,Jt'rV" lot on Wasco st.; restricted Price $:nomproJement a11 ln nd paid? price. $1100. Phone East or B 1894. Tiot.?i"1 maJL hou.;?' anting for $12. 210o; alior calh.. B and Beach; y..r.n., oJa i nam ber of Commerce 'walkina.n56' Ea?J Yamhill ,t.. LIXn Jar U T' o7. T,.)V- xntrd St. N00COrv'eerV E,b3"h an.2. Ha-"To: Ing " "'"" io. even- C1h?mef $IU00Bt43o chiinh"1'3" beautiful Main 2018 Chamber of Commerce. N?oWca2r7oye-T, b" 145 ChaCmrber0ofy ffomme're.!' 8nap- CaU 513 GIRL bought 5-room house at Anah.i s.T tion: must mv ..7i -.,.laDa, sta- for half; no agents, "s 826, OregoniaU'ty SWRt.t rfin v... . ; 1 i oregonlan FOR SALE Slghtlv residence lot j w, track carline? price JBoSr $325 cish w,M handle: no mronto -c. T casn will " x- uresonian 13200 Fine 7-room house and two lorT cho ce location, fln view, all modern 1?' venienc. an c.i moaern con- ""oiiauu Uiag. r'.Vi;;H?OM cottage. - 20-mlnut. car wrvlce I good lawn. eminent J . service. bushes. t- iV. ' P'nty roas . , T v. w. uregonian. -ROOM house on Willamette Heights n carline. $4500. $170O cash. ' U on " ""ii-EI. 132 Third St. WILL sell my equity 5-room cottage Sun ny.Me. Call room 241 Franklin Hotel, i $350 CASH., new 7-room house. 2 block, from car;. 15 minutes' ride- iano S?" Couch bldg.. 109 4th. ,-- 6i WEST SIDE bouses: see our list coroetfbg15-000- ft roontOU4'rj Ti? A BARGAN An 8-room modern house In Vernon, near the car, for l!;o knd ! terms. 1019 Board of Trade. """ on CHOICE IRVINGTON lot. East 21st near Hancock mt sooo .-7 A ti. near MARCH 31, 19(K. COZY HOMES 27o 2K(KI $:!SOO. OX EASY TERMS. . RENTERS, GET BUSY. . " have several new 5 and 7-room houses, nicely furnished and strictly mo good eenV7,det5n-. gM and electric"tv. ??avs vrv' ir"."5' "'stlonary wash th Ar, y "'f"'!? location. In ono of WHY PAY revt it, rMldenco dlstricta of ,h. RtNT when ! can get one see us? 1 Pa'mel"s? Coma in and D1ETZ-MUELLER CO.. 31-816-ai7 Abington Bldg. $2000 2 rood .... . , 4 lots -7""' -ur . Postering o !"'l ,utcu t?i irrt, ciose to car. bathTt" "r n Km house' 'arge closets, . . , " 1111 . mi r.ast xotn St.. 11 i.. . om car; these must be sold this niJlH(E'l,iant new- morn 7-room house; An S... nrepiace. lull oasement, th. ?St Salmn st. ; no finer location in F. J. STEINMETZ tt. CO. 193 Morrison at. 15!I.HI1 VTI T.l-..,.--... 80x100 ft. on 5th St.. walking distance ot--' Ior i.uu; on this prop f"y r flns houses, fine enough for .Jf"1: lnoome $120 per month; don't If. t In i trft e w r BRONG-STEELE CO.. 110 2d St. c i inn . .. . I . 11M " nome, wortn $1600, new ' uMcmem. touet, DSlh. Sink, hot Sf Ji ' flne ou,lool- short walk to i Jul me piece tor newly married couple, only $300 down, balance mOnthlV must sail C T.. r 2ii w..i,i;v.r - """' 6-ROOM. modern house, with lot. Union ave.. Hnllnilav1. ..,.!.! . . . . ....... a r u...t,wn, I'vupuuL WOUIO rent 6 months at $25 per month: walking esl siae; good future for in crease 83500, $150 cash, balance 2 or 3 Years on mnftrmrt , , - , , . v 11 B - ' w- Chamber of Commerce. wr ho-u-A ! : AV per cent investment. We can show you how you can increase this IO 14 nor fvn t 4 f "'."t1118. dlstanre." East Side" 2 block's north nf Ttnuthnma fW s nanv h"."; i rus"!y ? NT- 8,-room house, all modern, ln fil R S.'2ts' located at Kern Park on the Mount Scott carline. for $2850; many Tin Trill trooo rmr I . . . woinTiiSV:' inciuaa. 110 2d St. 2-STORY house In Ladd's Addition. 8 rooms a"d .,are attic. full basement. wide ,MMMC iron Dotn sides; a beautiful end sightly home; price $8000. ,. . ....... , v i,., i v eecona St. $7500. 7-room. new, fireplace, hardwood 2?rtr; .eTrry,hl?5,t.h,e yery flneat. west of " v oo, uregonian. T IRVINGTON. i ,e have several choice corners In Irv Ington at the right prices. , H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg ' SNAP FOR tSOOO. TWO handum. .. . , . . . . . . tion will bV soid "at'the abTYgule it Wof hamnUjbebar.?aill?' "t . to 1 , uuu ; easy J.e.rTn8- Come in and let us show you. bett bid V Compan3r' 708 ana 709 Cor- NICE ft-mnm hoti.a , . . 450 cash, balance $5 per month. Thia Is emu Lu invesiiguLine WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO. ! Chamber or Commerce. C.TrIe.?i.J,rV.J'rn.- Cle ln' on good 410 Failing bldg W "vestment Co FOR BALE House and lot. 392 Hall st FOR SALE TIMBKB L. AND. MY SPECIALTY. Bawm 11. anA ... ii, " ... 1 1 1 mcauonx AST- ta HfSoi?.0 to 50'000- Can secure . - i.vMtiot.L tur jour Out put; now Is the time to get ln while you iSn bldg " K". Bnay' 818 Ab OREGON. WASHINGTON, CALIFORNIA : o? NV Orleans. Seattle. 49 Chamber of Commerce, ' Portland. OREGON TIMBER A CRUISING CO.. INC Ttrnhnr " i oast timber bought and sold.' pon.erfur"ll.dhSe1CrUl8!d and " - on BOARD OF TRADE BLDG ?iirS!.A,N;D,,B.E?? llnoiitahm.m.. . ""'""'T" .ana r- L&iiiiD ana xruit lands. Staple. Land Co., 218 Worcester bldg. 1 HAi'E several pieces of city property to exchange for timhor- ' 10 C. C. SHAY. , 516 Abington Bldg. Wbcrn7,d"a"".r"Jor.Imb' a?- Im. Stampher, 531-82 LumbeV Exchan" bH f T w KnJimber, c4a,ma for aaIa r trade, W. H. Dudley & Co.. 310-311 Stearns bldg! TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD rellnqutehmenta. . 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. FOB SALE FARMS. ortfanV ,I?a.di. 'rom barne, 3 acre." n: oreharST' crSp"wlth place. Prtce, $6750; terms. P " i.S a,c?ee' Corne'l road. 9 miles from Port-V,J&- acres ?leared. crop ln. balance easy acre "terms" 1,15 WaUr- PrlCe' 100 P Exean.Setr0bJ,d-7ryt?fnany' 9.L-ber Qr - ' """iuu aim ceaverton. Sr chm'' !o0 Per acre for 160 acres. 3 miles west of Stf John near Lnhii0 UPlted Rsllsy; convenient to g"d Stream - i:.wat,ered , by "ever-falimi v. . , - - 1. 11. acres light brush, balance good heavy timber- will make 12,000 cords wood; Jll very8 fertile" no rock or gravel: suitable for aub-dlvld-lng. Investigate thin. 10 . THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 245 Stark st. W.h,a2.e fme ooa bargains, of which the following 1. a partial list: Five 40-acre tracts. Three 80-acre tracts One 160-acre tract, all near O W P 2nr elf" pre. 'rom $65 to $100 per acre! . all flne soli. From 2 to 10 acne tracti near Gresham. For particulars write to or am Or Greshani Real Estate Co., Gresh- 273 ACRES on road bet. Sheridan and Tllla- " ";'':,. 'luu". x- wnicn is just JomSi I t i Ca.n be Vaed a hotel, with . , imnis, norses, cows. chickens, bees, etc.; sickness being only reason for snlilm,. ..!.... . ' -..--p., l"1-- 4..i., nj. term. HUMASON &. JEFFERY 226 Stark. Main 118!. A 8814. HOOD RIVER TRACT. t-FT ale.,by 0"ner' elegant 10-acre .i?. . iiine. 1 rum town on main road; all set to trees; 2 acres bearing. 314 acres set In strawherrt- -l,. .in5,S.S.?. 1 , . , ' " - 1 "."1 , I I HIS River. rodnouKh- R- F. D. No. 1. Hood 8R;.ne.ar, Gat?n- highly Improved, a..tu kuuu oarn, iana ilea flne go?8dt7aVnyBoarrhfarfidno $3dooa,mond tre" b: , W. H. LANG. 414 Abington Bldg. 63lffaiI?aaCir,a,?f. Hacf ,or thickens, clover. u uu ui nuia: aiSO several iaer7"$:tl "L, per acr: ood terms Perle Mark. Sheridan. Or. WHEAT RANCH. We have one of the best wheat farms In i!",,iv,rOUnty- 5 milea fro4n lone; 5oom house, barn, granary, etc.; can be handled with small payment down. 1 i 1 ' PA T.UCTI 213 Commercial Club Bldg. TaeIreVLcl3tytTrlt laDd: 470 acre- "0 ,, ' - uaioiitD tjjiay in n I so ion 317 mlle" from depot' rich, deep soil and. price sacrificed to $25 an acre- j48WaIa?r.t-,erm"-.' reBOn Land HARRIMANto build through Central Ore- ' , , . - ' - 1 ' in bee. 32, about 5 miles east of Bend; under Deschutes ditch; only $4000. Charles M. Beit "ol Colman bldg.. Seattle. Wash "ua 8oRoSflJer.?,n'-fr"lt.land' rSht ln residence on It. modern in every wly land cleared finest view ln Oregon: wfl'l sSll Very Ghean -oil R14 ,v. 1 Be' . . b.uluer commerce. 16atAlRP la"d' adJoi"ins tract selling large towV PrtcV. Bo "per acre 'a nln T. R. Phillip.. 308 McKay bid' ",ap- b?,? .L2 a'..aL. '-oed; good trad, for Portland proprt- Si StiSn. HL'.VMRRiJ no ti . 1.15 r. ,.T AV W PRICES. acrs' ,u0 acres cleared. 40 acres Pl kTnd,1 ?a.0nM orchard of lo ac ret 1 11 I of small fruits, very be.t of soil 1 mile from Toledo. Lincoln County, on- - D. and county road; living water nam er.e-c?M'JenCd' '"""t" 8-room house' Kstal!dd".d unA "P"4' has telephone installed, new barn. 32x60 feet .Iho Mnr.i nousT wh'CAenhUSe' hoh"" -oPk: nouse. woodhouse. etc. r good tesm of horses. 8 good cows, i young ca?le ' hogs .ome chickens, mower watr'on uJlYnr," apParalu? "d outfit plow..a?u?: ; .' horserake and other farm haPf "i S A veryth"8 goes for $3000! half cash down, balance 6 per cent anv reasonable length of time ' y tn7,;c"f ,15? c tldeland. S.OtW.OOO ..I' , 000 reet flr timber, good rich soil w'tb 'y subsoil. 2, miles to R. R ,ta- MWn. i.7, and P' 1 mlle 'O schoo,. living water, on county road, lies right on ncTp.rtc" 15 pr acr- half cash, bal an,eS to 5 years at 6 per cent. 160 acres. 10 acres tldeland. 15 acre. ?",r c"'ylon. some small fir timber small orchard, mostly apples; good soli and r'-v.1 mil tSP,toref p. o fenced -an.ChUrch' "vlns wa,er and P'se ''IE ed: "L" on county road. 4 -room house full .E? oJykc"ed and ln falr condition run set of barns and other outbuildings $H)oo cash, balance 3 years at per cent .-,a 2 m,le" ,rn kooS valley loo" a"d. mliK condensing factory, on fon .nUniyHrSad' Tcre. "under cultiva? Vo?d 4 ,".edv.to heat. oats and vetch; -7"roT house and dairy barn on place, on R. F. D. and milk route. tele Phone installed In house, water piped to yearo?,? J?"1 ,f2d. ,eam ot horVes. 1 f;yS Id colt' 14 dairy cows, 9 calves is hogs, new binder and mower, wagon 2 foSr,a-.nnrte;. Crea,m parator. all garden n? 'arm implements too numerous me"tion and about 100 chickens; this EckllM vry convenient to good schools. ? .hJs and ot,her requirements w hich go to make a modern -rural home, and this place is easily worth $8,100, for a short .omStJSS" ILma at 7 per cent and here is something that you want to Investigate f ??,?,y- Ca" at our of"ce for further par hn,7 on any of the above ranches, or ii2.. rwa f others which we have on our riVhV Iy,ou want anythlng that is the fiVf ht,ads at conservative prices, with wrft"? teriV." and 'air hone" treatment, write or call on PINE TREE LAND COMPANY 500-510 Buchanan Bldg.. 286, Washington St. A FIRST-CLASS DAIRY FARM. i.,. acre of genuine river bottom land, ciose to good railroad town, about 30 S.f,Sr.OUto0 Portli"d: 70 acres ln flne pasture 40 acres of which Is in high state of cultlvatlon; 11 acres of good inHSSr,-??i?'Uy ,plllnS: "no large or Wri?.. variety of choice fruits and Z?,t .' d 8-rom house all furnished f..Vflt.ra?"e carpets and other household furniture; 2 barns, 75xloo and Sox40 feet: ? St relk runm through place, easily fr!?!.! hou"e: a1,1 "tock and implements, herri B.8 flrst-class dairy cows. 8 good heifers, team of mares. 2 good 'Saw colts, coming 2 year, old: 2 sets of har l'Z h'a?0n?' 1 prlnB wagon. 1 new Tnow7i 1, PtOKB. 3 cultivators, harrow, mu7 ..Z dlsc' Potato digger, cider fnr,i!,,Jaw.s- "es and many other farm i.mpi me,nta. and sma11 too"; close to cheese factory and creamery; R. F. D "hfoir'.V. dP,orJ telephone in house; 50 fhlnS "i.ali hay and Brain and every scw.1 ea.8y "lng distance to ..tOWn' etc': prlce- 500. on easy tor . ifr.,8 ,Per Sent' lf you are looking fered v"i;Clae 'aand one that Is of xerea very cheap, don't overlook this bargain. Call 603 Corbett bldg S5A;RS FARM 1500 WILL TRADE. 15 acre. t T ..h w:"a"ctte Valley land, and tmhi? cultivation. 20 acres pasture ana timber (timber worth 400) Place ?nV, anrdld..hii,'e, and. bar" and outbuim8 i g ' f'"1 s all fenced; situated -'5 miles .tat?onPOnand fand 8 mllea "om a R R? Sown"." ln.daI,OWn- ' 1- H 2-ACRE SNAP. CLOSE TO PORT PL T-AN'P' CVT TO $2SOO. PORT k,p'a all rich, level .oil and In a b'h state ot cultivation; has 16 acres of 5f P.r,r,a wlr.ed Ja sood shape; ifacreJ b'e-arf od'"0?:5! EoHa3 -,o." RALPH ACKLEY. 605 Corbett Bldg. good water 1 t?,ftra' Bood Pasture. c&e-;HSS want a choice farm don't overlook this A CHOICE hoiiAl' 18 cultivation. .11 fenced watr country. $M000; young team 10 head cattle, lmplements-llts for sSfe' f" acres, good land. $1200 ' 160 acres good land. $2000 investments that willdoubie In price. Waiting-room First and Alder sts. IMM2reIn "rjttV only,4 miles from Toledo Or and t0on-rt5S. p?,acheb,.a,:and raf?rtraannsd a-b0 'V"r' SALE Owner: 40 aces. Clark Co Wash.: two miio vx-ai..j . 1 n Portland. K. P. R t ur, s rl,de BldTn-N3018 bei'rlngl! nl ness man to spend week-enrf i .S bu, " SSla65 antiNA! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 10 acres 8-room house, lar.e n.w k.J a5.ra- sood venlent to good scSool and church on1 S?h Pefrotan: mwi?t aSrS" niaa.3000 ?50- Adda-e4OUlT77?. SrDmsf0breforUer b'lng mmstead Land Co, Salem, br" 1IO-HKSTKAI18. F mntf-,?,, re.iauh- TrM' ..' Se.x. .60 water. AE 731, 6?igonlan. n Ude- 6Ih,El70010O0or,ead 7inlRu?.h.t. 4,000,000 641, Oregonlan. ""a'nt n". L OOn', relinquishments for sale. WANTED TIMBER LAN DS. 1 20.11 t?Uhoa,S.eAodlra owner. that wit f k. ".-.i'vu itei or nr timber that will be suitable for mill setting C. C. SHAY. 516 Abington Bldg. 6Ifr?mZ oCwaIi?": V., claims Board of Trade. " " n.ttier. 517 IrjS "JSSr-. 'nre.on Oregonlan. u T3B. T,8M04BEdRcKIaaynd'dWante,1 & Mccracken. TO LEASE. FOR LEASE Blacksmith shop 40x100 fe7t' 4 flree. electric, r..... .. ... . leet. hammers, merywheels and rlPMw.Pbr equipped ehop for manufacturing logging coSSi'ry-: 1an7o,nWaJyerffin FOB KENT FARMS. 16H-ACRE ranch for rent 0 mllM r . PortUnd. on Salem El.ctrl, inZLIe".Jrom tagton at Dufreana st"d'o. 286H Wash" 80vlAiRfsS,.r.Tiver', 3Jmlle-s from Wllson- Wilh'elm. ehTrwood: 6?. T. v.t?oa 30n-cre farm. 100 ln cultl- thin.i.b.HVRJ,ce Jne timber, worth more woMh J, f if tho "hole; will take $rtOOO with M.V,"d,w P"Prty, balance terms, merl.hP,nH..cash',or Bood atock of general Si? k, dl : (or 15.00t: cheap- wha? vo,,a.,md.Porlland' L" m "now wnat jou have to trade. F. flXUS, 221 Morrison St. Br5H.?R. Jhop building and equipments. nw rratet on the West Side: will trade "..PlL p'mont on house end lot on e.ast hide; pay balance instalments. Lln- street tment Roo,n 301-2S6 Wash. W"T have you to exchange for 5-room ?al "vSfii"""-. rIO,e ln Lo Anile a . "ould entertain improved property eaulty'!" propo"ln to amSunt of eqult. $2..uQ. Address Q 803. Oregonlan. FtiR SAIiE or trade for real estate a standard registered mare, bred to Ha SiX1"8. bat-bred mare In the state: fast pacer tabulated pedigree, weighs 1200 lb" ell Commercial bldg. Fga.oEi:fHAi;GE-ir;h, automatic gasoline gas machine of s-llght. ot HO- SkleorPorrer- fro K2od yPewrlt.r a'S'd ' $"trE. o?; s- Frank- 188 Eaat PRiEE Inh2Ima,lo,, 'umlshed on all mining EUrf otihr 'ncorporated companies Port- Wadh,ngtonmaii0n Bua"- rm . 7,5.H).0OO FEET of good timber on a drtv Ing stream; will exchange for Portland property. Inquire Dr. A. . HlggsTcoVCt, OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! If you want to foU,VA Me.'L or trade business or property? 2iow the crowd to Stevenson Tailor rooms 310 and 311 Buchanan bldg. lai"or 16v"aturedK.-a.a.nd , ,2-acre farms both 2 2-,l0' 'or grocery stocks or Im- Hin'G.E -a" .k,lnda r P"Wrty; new nous. iamJT W" rllIP: niodern in every way i' r acreage, Improved. What liava you? Young. 612 Gerllnger bldg !r1CK wUh 5-room bungalow for rooming-house. restaurant or acreage Address S s36. Oregontan acreage. 1 ftAyE a 'arge rooming-house for sale ar trade; will take lots as part payment' no agents. AS 739. Oregonlan. EQUITY In house and lots. East Side, to fihan5S fo automobile In good condl tlon. Phone Main 9416. 40 ACRES ln Marlon County for sale or ex change for business. Address E 819. Ore gonlan. M?DEo "-room house. Nob Hill, for lsnd ?180S2wetTanda S3?. POrtland- K' Mra- EXCHANGE 10 acres fruit land, un- cleared, Marlon Co.. for team, wagon and harness, p. p. Box. 480. city. TA,?Bn-au.tc',18 mode' in part for 10 acres, or West Side cottage, 5 to 7 nassen.er Owner, AE 732. .Qrejonian ' Passenger. TtoVRiINcar or runabout for real estate Aumoa. m SJ. UrCgOQlkn. Wv.7(kIj. T?A,PE FOR ANYTHING OF VALUE. 1019 BOARD OF TRADE GO,2?. Paynf business to exchange for real estate. Address J 841. Oregonlan. W5n'-i1' Drad. ,or what you have. Gus Smith". 301 Buchanan bldg. ' FRSAfi'E or ,Vade' S-acre tracts on Ore g.on City carline. n Commercial bldg. ACREAGK. ACREAGE. 3 miles from city limits. 3 -blocks to electric can. 30 minutes' ride. ch,c!kean7aanch0iCe l0Cat'n tOT home ch?ckaner-ancniCe IOCaUn ror oraa or chtcktCnreranch,Ce l0Cat'n . 7 , acres, choice location for home or ot'hese-lra. - BtEioS. 0W.SOW. rith":".10 Board-an WE HAL a fine buy of 45 acres at Bea vertcn. Or. ; will sell as whole or In acre age to suit; price $350 per acre; easy terms All ln cultivation; also have 80 acre tract at . Dallas. Or - -0 acres In city limits, new 4H0 housa on property A snap at $157 per acre. . "perty. vtn.erwac,ieae and lare farms. Sea us before buying. " SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE. 148 Vi Fifth. St. . ELEGANT BUY. . -0 acres, located on the Salem Elec tric, near Whltford. 7 miles out. 10 acres In cultivation. 10 acres partly timber but yilt'? " Bne- "Bhtly and level? as ' gant 5-room house, besides bams on the property; the s. P. R. R. Is bulld"ng a ifakTt oncehe 9''at't 325 an BRONG-STEELE CO 110 2d St. $1675 8.7S ACRES ?nf PTgon C1iy canine at station: un hV,nrid,or fardnlng; deep black loam, wis?- r,nrt.f,KWater ,or '"Igation; no waste land; the price can be produced bighy ground" : bcaut'fuI building "site, on B. B. COOK A CO.. 503 Corbett Bldg-. THINK OF IT! 5 acres in cultivation, located t4 mile from tlve Multnomah Station on the Salem Electric, for $600 an acre; this I. nl5 4 i miles from the Courthouse; terms Rnovn-STrat u 110 8d St. " ACRE and a half, fenced, on Oregon Elec fr lc- close ln. beautiful view, splendid soli. Ideal for country home; $500 cash, bal ance long time. C 813, Oregonlan. 20 ACRES Irrigated land under the Fur- nish-Coe project. Umatilla County will f,elLa" Sr parf at bargain if taken soon. C 824, Oregonlan. LOOK HERE A 5-acre tract, near Tualatin, on railroad A. C. HARRIS, Laurelwood. O. W. P. car. BEAUTIFtL home. 6 acres cultivated, house, barn, chicken-house, well, orchard 0c fare 10 minutes from car. AD B12 Oregonlan. H-ACRB tracte. cleared, level, on carline. B miles from Portland P. O.; $4O0 to $500 per tract; easy terms. Room 318 Aliaky bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. : 7 . WA,NT new' r. nearly new. 6-room house W7 preferred) Holladay s Addition or irvington, to cost about $3500 or $4000 can pay $200 or $250 In caih and balance In 6 or i months; give full particulars In first letter. H 825. Oregonlan. BUIVJ?,S,NO LOT ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Will pay not to exceed $31100 cash If your lot Is not all right and worth the Jn,?neya8Kf.d' 11 ""I be useles. to answer box 27dver Address --S." p. o. WE have customers wanting West Side homes. What have you' CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO . Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark. WASTE,D w8lnfss .Property, lot 25x100. , ir-wlth?ut building. West Side, close in. All, 3i. Oregonlan. LOT Between Russell and Morrie: state lo catlon and price. S 823, Oregonlan. 1 KOrigoman.000'" relmince section NICELY furnished front room; modern rea sonable. 180 17th St.. corner Yamhill. ACREA.GE. wanted; 5 or lo acre, ln or near city llmita L 835. Oregonlan. , FOIt SALE. Hordes. Vehicles and Hamen. rR nAt?fe 2-n" 2" ton express and one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel mont and E. 6th. YOUNG horse. 950 lbs., new harness and buggy: also team of workhorses, cheap. Call forenoon. 674 E. 20th st. 1 YOUNG horse. ilOO lbs.; almost new ruh-ber-tlre buggy and harness. Sellwood 1163. HUBERT A HALL. S80 Front, boy. sell, rent horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs. UNION STOCK YARDS Toung horse for sale, cheap. LJll?Ts.-'U,7,ty- .Bea7Ky n'w' cheap rr cash. 121 N. 14th st. Phone Main 2624. HORSES, mares, rig. and hemes, at all kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery. HORSES and mares for sale. Rose city Bta- blee. 11th and Jefferson. M 3300. CA.R OP HEAVY Valley horsea, 104 Russell at.. Albina. Phone East 878. "sseu GUARANTEED hamees; lowest prices. Kelle Harness Co.. 46 N. Sixth at. II m i o7.o