Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 27, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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G. W. Grayson, of San Fran
cisco, Says He Ran Off
With Money.
Say.. Great Similarity Between Man
in Jail and Clerk of Oil Com
pany Who Embezzled Several
Thousands Tears Ago.
,,11 1.TT?BURG. Pa- March 26 (Spe-xL-Tf."i
Boyle- kidnaper of
?h ,.hlUa' the Sharon boy. is
thought by O. W. Grayson, of San Fran
cisco, an oil and steel operator, to be
the same Boyle who. as agent of the
Associated Oil Company, a subsidiary
concern of the Harrlman Interests, left
,.0.011., more man a year aco
lars 'r Thth h'm 8ev,eral thousand dol-'1
" , - - -' iiNj)aLjy a money.
Boyle, according to Grayson, was in
rcrwitbnthfttrU8t- Befre tlng serv
ice with that concern he. according to
Grayson was secretary of the Plumb,
ers Union, in San Francisco. Grav
en happened to be In Sharon on busi-
SA" Weelt and TedA t the case.
Vhen he saw Boyle's photograph he
Z". P?s,Vve that he U the NoVth!
"cst Boyle,
, Grayson visited the jail this morn
w?'r. t T3" ref"se'l admittance.
i" Ij'W'" ePlHned to Mr. Gray
"vera nTt'"- the kidnapers
V? 8 care on,y temporarily, and
"in trlne y,t ..had Jbcen committed only
to ,"t 'V a"d he had no authority
to permit anyone to see them.
Grayson left for Mercer Pi
" T- B0yleMlrnd h,Psaa;-8th;
will confront him tomorrow.
" (
laughter or Chicago Fireman, but
Went Astray. '
4CICAG0, March 26. That William
McDermott. a retired member of the Ch
cw Are department, is the father of
Mrs. James H. Boyle." who, with her
husband, is charged with kidnaping Willie
-niiltla. was confirmed by the grief!
stricken father today.
fth."a McDermo. according to her
Ir t .a" of the Pettiest and one
.hC?T e" Chll1- Sne waa Klven every
?rain?naereb,0f educatlon ireful moral
VZS f' Ut. 88 sne approached woman
hood she fell Into company of which the
old fireman did not approve. Quarrels
were frequent and about three years ago
V"?ed- Slnce tnat time her hls-
A Lr6" a b'ank to her Chicago k n
Een the man with whom she cast her
fortunes was unknown to them.
t""" McDermtt has two other daugh-
Wt are maled. He said today:
h7'. ha left the path of rectitude and
no?hf ,d,Sface upon 1 ha d
nothing for her."
111"'!?',?"'?' at the McDermott home
that Mrs. Boyle" was recognized. Her
lent flcatlon as Anna McDermott was
Illuminating to followers of pugllilm
After she left school, but before she le7i
"?' "5" worked stenographer for
Doc Messenger, known for years as a
fight promoter. Amonr her friends of
that day were Howard Carr, better
known as "Kid" Howard, also a ' fight
Promoter After he- left Messenger's
employ, however, she waa heard of In
frequently. During the three years the
girl had been away from home only one
communication had been received from
A.y,ear she called her father up
on the telephone and said:
', , naYe ben married to a Keir York
millionaire, papa."
Recognising the voice. Mr. McDermott
hung up the receiver and said he- dlJ not
ish to hear anything more from her.
One of "Mrs. Boyle's" sisters is Mrs.
Obermcyer, of Kouts. Ind. The
other is Mrs. O. B. Halligan. of Prince
ton. Ind. According to the etatement of
the father the girl was educated at St
A Incent s Academy In this city and at
Inisaw Academy, near Madison, 111.
a-aken to Mercer Heavily Manacled
to Sheriff"
MERCER. Pa.. March 26.Heavily man
acled to Sheriff Chess and guarded by
Il68' Jamcs ne of
the alleged kidnapers of Willie Whitla
was brought here today from Pittsburg
and lodged In the County Jail
His wife, it is said, will be' brought
, l71",,St''",'? tomorrow .and the couple
will be formerly arraigned on a charge
i f kidnaping. Boyle feared violence on
bis arrival and on the Journey from
Pittsburg asked the Sheriff If he thought
the crowd would harm him. The prisoner
Toah-Ur Td T'0 a w'llt'nw bus and taken
,2 V j. . " armed K"ard was placed
in front of his cell. The Jail will be
ended'1 Unt" th" tHaI f th B"yie" Is
e" ' .
Another Kidnaping Case.
NEW YORK, March 26. A letter
r-K?.,Supposed kidnapers. In which the
Ahitla case is mentioned, has been re-
ST lved the family of four-year-old
Tony Redes, who mysteriously disap
peared from in front of his home In
t-eventh avenue yesterday:
"Just because you have that foolish
stubborn character, and offered 50 for
iSY1",. y" K?u wl" never see him again.
Think a ilttle of the kd , m'
M.nron. After this you will hear from
Now Poker-Player Has Two Bullet
Holed In Lunjrs.
.,rir,If URG- 1" Pk"
at Clalrton. a few miles from here
broke tip about daybreak after a second
ace of diamonds was discovered in the
df.k. Peter Marsh, who held the two
aces of diamonds, as well as an ace
of hearts and an ace of clubs. Is in the
McKeesport Hospital with two bullet
holes In his lungs, it U said he cannot
live. There were seven others in the
room at the time this happened and six
of them were hurt by the living bullets
and furniture. The man who Is said
to have done the shooting, on having his
skill beaten, escaped.
Charles n. Watte, Associate or I.ln,
coin, Dies In Chicago.
CHICAGO. March 26. Charles r.
"Waite. Si years old. for. more than 65
years a resident of Chicago, court asso
ciate of Abraham Lincoln, Territorial
Judge in Utah four years during the tur
bulent times with the Mormons, and an
author and linguist of distinction, is dead
here of pneumonia.
Mr. Walte's greatest fame came-to him
through his book, "A History of the
Christian Religion In the First Two Cen
turies." This book has run through six
editions in America and has been trans
lated into French and German for use in
the universities of these countries. It
atso was translated into Norwegian by
BJornsterne Bjornsen. Among other works
of Judge Waite are: "Herbert Spencer and
His Critics," and "The Comparative
Study of Ten Languages." He could read'
that number of languages and spoke five
Mr. Waite was married in 1S3S to Cath
erine von Valkenburg, who survives him.
Five children also survive. They are Mrs.
Jessie Wright. Washington. D. C: Dr.
Joseph Mueller.
NEW YORK, March 26. (Spe
cial.) Another mysterious mur
der is that of Jennie Reed, who
was killed by her sweetheart.
Joseph Mueller, In the suburbs of
Baltimore. His first, statement
was that she was k'illed by a
highwayman, but later he con
fessed the killing and said It was
accidental that he had fired at a '
shadow in the woods when walk
ing behind her. and that his aim
was bad. He is held prisoner.
Lucy Waite. Chicago; Mrs.' Thornton
Chicago; C. L. Waite, Denver, and Jo
seph Waite. Chicago.
Three-Cent Rate and Interchange
able Mileage Book to Go Into
Effect April 10.
6T. LOUIS, March 26. Legal fights
against the 2-cent fare law in states ad
Joining Missouri will be brought by the
railroads operating in this 'state.. The
3-cent local ticket rate and the 2O0O-nile
Interchangeable book will be put into
effect in Missouri April 10.
This was announced tonight by repre
sentatives of 18 roads on their return
from Jefferson City, where conferences
on the passenger rata question were held
with Governor Hadley, Attorney-General
Major and members of the railroad com
mittee of the Legislature.
The conference with the state officials
was without result, the opposing sides
being unable to reach a compromise.
The difference, the statement said, was
largely a matter of detail.
' oHivauor, jtepuone or Salvador.
The volcano of Izalco. 10 miles north of
Chicago Oberlln M. Carter. ex-Captain In
the United States Army, is seriously ill
of pneumonia at the home of a brother in
this city.
Colon A section of the embankment 300
fet lone of the relocated Panama Rail
road line at Oatun again has settled about
' ' . tue Buints !!ul wnere tn last
tnovement occurred. In November. Little
""f01 i.&i,c ku&cheq 10 tne occurrence.
. , " 1 t -j.'mh n. Dpnnger, Jlianager or
the trand Opera-House, Brooklyn, must
pay Mrs. Clarle F. Thompson 7ioO for in
juries sustained In the theater when she
was struck on the head with a slide and
- . mm tifiiii m mo gallery.
6t. Petersburg Twenty-two death sen-
i.a.on! uiwh puuvicai prisoners were
confirmed Thursday by the Supreme Milt
urv Com- ni,i.An . . . .
... m. - . i Lunaa n ti r cunviclea
Of attumnt tn i, n . . . i i .
) i ' " " i I .in irnuiBK
prison when a prison guard was killed.
Cincinnati After traveling for four
.luuuBu ""5 oouy ot mrs. uakla
Bay Jennings, piercing the walls of the
stomach and penetrating the lungs, a glass
neaded steel pin. accidentally swallowed,
again made its appearance in her mouth
Springfield. Mass. A rifle equipped with
sn electric light, which will enable a sol-
.,; r. nignt is oeing tested at
the Government arsenal here. Two guns
thus equipped have recently been shipped
from the arsenal, and it Is rumored that
they were for President Roosevelt on his
New York When the body of Joseph
; muruerea aetective, arrives
rl?i Pal"m9; " week. It will be car-
i. . V "t"1,' poucemen. headed by
the police band and followed bv 2uoo po
licemen and 8(XW civilians, including Joseph
.ii'e i5obtrt Parsons and Police Com-
m .iivii, rtuu aim aeputles.
. B,l,e- Mont. H. C. Belmont, who has
J' lr;nB, f aliases, escaped from
. C B-. V oulter- Crawford. 111., at
f.nd Peak. Colo. Belmont Jumped through
h..wi,jK0w.of. the tt-room of the car
in'A aS"1 -r3es'JednehSr.Pfrr
an alleged confidence game at Robinson. 111.
Chicago Miss Nina Pattee the fn-m-school
teacher who .ro "ier. to P!
rf.nt-Tai;eX"PrM",t Roosevelt. Governor
, . " "uniur. tn prominent Ch CAm
;i"e,5i..SB'r been adjudged o? un.oijd
I11..W.: M. Pattee m .ToVi
head with a ball thrown bv one of n
pur-lls and that a proper surgical opera
tion will restore her mental health! pera
pes Moines, la The Iowa Legislature
Frloay voted down. In the House thS
Darrah state guarantee ot bank de'poslts
bill by a vote of M to 42. It provided for
an absolute guarantee by the state
t-Vi"' An,es-. Cal. In Judge RlveV court
Friday several witnesses gave eirase.
tricks" practiced by commercial splrit
nallsts. in the case growing out of th. ,
Jrki'nJhe wUl ot "he late Robert Cra"l
ford SmHh who left J17.000 to three SDlrlt
ot hi "d"""1 him near the close
Liquor Sellers Indicted.
HILLS BORO. Or.. March 26. The
grand Jury filed its final report and
was discharged yesterday evening
Seven indictments were returned and
two not-true bills. Most of the indict
ments were for Honor sulllnv t- .
throve, which is dry territory. The re-
l.on recommended additional vault
space for the offices of the clerk and
recorder, and new safes for keeping
records In the assessor and surveyor's
offices, and that the filed notes left by
the late L. C. Walker be recorded.
Rosenthal's pumps fit at the heel.
t ,
I " " i
: - ; t
S" n v vr y
KOyal WOrCeSter (jOrCCtC Perfection in Corset
25c Value 10c
Dr. Wells Dental
Tooth Paste in tubes.
A regular 25c denti
frice. Today's Iflp
price, at only lUu
Dr. Lyon's Tooth
Powder, reg.
,25c can, today
30c Value 35c
Pompeiian . Massage
Cream, jn glass jars,
reg. worth 50c HCn
each, today at Jul!
Rubber Set Shaving
Brushes, bristles war
' ranted not to come
out, 25 values, IQn
today at only I U U
Seeds 5c
Garden Seeds of all
kinds, flower and
vegetable seeds of
every description.
Seeds that grow trite
to name. Regularly
sold at 2 packages 5c,
today you get r
5 packages for OU
i well as
Draw string
bags, just like
you see in the
illustration, in
black or tan
leathers; fine
for shopping,
for purse, etc.,
and very pop
ular; a good
quality .leather
$1.35 value,
sp'l., ea., 89t
Proposes to Organize for Public
Good, but Others Shy at
Bourne's Leadership.
ington, March - 26.r Senator Cham
berlain today sent a letter to Sen
ator Bourne and Representatives Ellis
and Hawley, inviting them to co-operate
with him in obtaining- legislative
results for Oregon interests. He sug
gests that the delegation act as a unit
and that the members meet and organ
ize, selecting a chairman and secretary
and take steps to render the state the
best possible service. He calls atten
tion to the efforts to remove the de
partmental headquarters from Vancou
ver to Seattle, and the desirability of
united efforts to prevent, and the de
sirability of having Portland made the
headquarters of the new railway mall
division contemplated in the Northwest
He disclaims a wish to participate
In the distribution of Federal patron
ae. and a desire to interfere with
state politics, saying:
"I am actuated solely by the hope
that in all affecting commercial and in
dustrial developments of Oregon we
bury political, personal and social dif
ferences and act as a unit."
Representatives Hawley and tnis have
not yet answered Chamberlain's letter.
Both say. however, they are as intensely
interested, as any one in promoting Ore
gon's interest, and will continue to work
along such line. They say there are
many occasions when individual effort
Li necessary. They will reserve to them
selves the right to work along lines -that
seem to them most likely to obtain re
sults. They will have a conference be
fore making a reply to Mr. Chamberlain.
Mr- Chamberlain's proposal. If carried
out. would make Mr, Bourne the recog
m w vwo j n, ...
Olds, Wortman
1909 Women's Oxfords $2.39 Pair
styles and bow pumps. Very
mm ana every pair sold caretully fitted. Regularly worth up to $4, for today, just
WOMEN'S WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS Resmlar $1.50 and S1.8S trradL ,
ye a pnenomenal special for today's selling, the
Knicker Suits
Bojs' Knickerbocker play suits, made of
percale, gingham or denham, solid colors on
fancy effects, make splendid play suits for
little fellows from 2 to 6 years of age. Well
made, sightly, sensible, 50c grade on QQn
sale today at the low price of, suit. . . JUu
Regular 75c and 85c Qualities
Today at 58c
Gingham Aprons 79c
Girls' Gingham Aprons, in. pink and white or blue
and white checks, mother hubbard style, made with
pockets and wide strings and turnover collar "7n
Ages 2 to 12. Regular $1.00 values. OC
New Thines$4 Glovest
For Children
Coats, suits and everything that
misses and children wear, in
styles that appeal irresistibly to
all mothers of taste. Our misses'
suits are modifications and clever
adaptations of ; the models their
mothers and. big sisters wear;
very smart, costumes, built of
good materials and trimmed, as
made in a manner that pleases their
young wearers. We're showing an im
mense assortment of the best to be had in
children's wear for Spring.
Kerchiefs 3c
Children's Handkerchiefs, for
school use, plain or cross
barred, good "quality lawn, spe
cial for today's selling, 35e the
dozen, or each, if you )ft
want only one Ju
Ruchjngs in neck lengths, 131.
to 14 inches; all colors to
choose from, and the regular
price is 10c the length. Come
tonight after 6 and buy rft
them for only QQ
nized leader of the Oregon Congressional
cf;,uu. Demg the senior Senator.
There has never been any indication that
Mr. Hawley or Mr. Ellis were willing
to bow down to Mr. Bourne's leadership
and there is not the slightest presumption
that they will do so now. yet, were "they
to acquiesce in Mr. Chamberlain's plan,
this Is what they would necessarily do.
So far as accomplishing results for
Oregon is concerned, they are as much
bent upon that as either Senator, but
they will not become & party to any co
operative plan which carries with it rec
ognition of Mr. Bourne's leadership.
In the new edition of the Congressional
Directory Mr. Chamberlain lists himself
as a Democrat, not as a nonpartisan.
Oregon's Guns as Relics.
ington, March 26. Senator Chamberlain
has laid before the Navy Department the
request of the commercial bodies of Port
land and Salem that the discarded 13-lrch
guns from the battleship Oregon be sent
to those two cities as relics.. He feels
confident each city wiU .get one gun.
More Carriers for Portland.
ington. March 26. Two additional letter
carriers will be appointed at Portland on
April 16.
Republican Senators Want Only
Tariff and Census Bills Passed.
WASHINGTON. March 26. To empha
size the determination not to attempt any
general legislation during the extraordi
nary session of Congress. Senator Hale,
as chairman of the Republican steering
committee, has sent a note ' to everv
Senator who is chairman of a commit
tee, calling attention to the President's
suggestions that this session's business
be confined, as far as practicable, to the
tariff bill. The note states that the com
mittee on order of business has decided
to recommend that no legislation on
other than, the tariff bill and the census
bill shall be reported.
MARCH 27, 1900.
ivormatnave rour Spring Uowns Fitted
An astonishing value offered on 5000 pairs
of Women's Low Shoes in new Spring
styles. The leathers are tan, russia. calf.
patent leather and glazed kid. They are
in blucher styles with extension
light weight or extension soles, all sixes to choose
H clusters
at $1..9'8Pr.
CAPE GLOVES, for street wear,
also Kid Gloves, in brown, navy,
green, wistaria, wine and black.
The best glove value offered this
season, for they are worth up
to $4.00 the pair, and 0 QQ
they're selling for. .... 0 1 1 JO
50c Neckwear 19c
sortment of lace stock collars,
Irish lace bows, silk bows, Wind
sor ties and wash stock collars;
neat ones, worth up to 50c 1Q.
each; special at only IdC
Ribbon 25 c
Just the thing for hair bows,
etc.; it comes in all the wanted
colors and is a pure silk ribbon,
six inches wide. Come and
see the display and buy your
ribbon today while
they sell for, a yard
Accused of Perjuring Himself When
Being Examined and of Ex-'
pressing Opinions. '
SAN FRANCISCO, March 26. Charles
P. Newman, a real estate dealer who
had been sworn as a Juror to try the case
of Attorney A. F. Newburg, accused of
attempting t'o bribe a venireman in the
Ruef case, was dismissed today by Judge
Conley, after he had been openly ac
cused of having sworn falsely In order
to secure a place on the Jury.
Immediately after the opening of court.
District Attorney Langdon stated he had
evidence to show that Newman had per
jured himself - when being examined as
to his qualifications to serve as a Juror
"I -vill show," declared the District
Attorney, "that at the time that Francis
J. Heney was shot, Newman declared
tfiat it served him right; that he ought
to be billed, as well as every man In the
District Attorney's office.
An objection was immediately made by
Attorney Schlesinger for. the defense but
the Judge asked that witnesses be called.
Dr. A. A. Cavanero. who has an office
in the same building with Newman, testi
fied the statements the District Attorney
attributed to Newman had been made to
him by the latter. He also stated that
Newman on another occasion had offered
him J100 to induce witnesses In a murder
case to commit perjury. ,
Interrupting- Newman, who attempted to
answer the latter accusation. Judge Con
ley ordered him out of the jury box.
Twelfth Juror in Calhoun Case Is
Excused for Cause.
SAN FRANCISCO.' March 26. A back
Making A Model for
85c Drawers 47c
ished with laco
of tucks above flounce; 85c
tmx.o uii oaic txL iiie iuw price oi "T y
fect with round neck, finished with lace or
embroidery, elbow sieve, also V or square
neck, open front, $1.50 value, on spe- 0 Da
cial sale at the very low price of . . OUU
good quality nainsook, with round yoke of
Valenciennes la
hemstitched skirt. Regular 6
value at this very low price . . O
long, lull width, regular $1.00 values, on spe
cial sale at the very low price of, each
JLEN'S-UNDERWEAR, lio-ht. witrht TOr.r.l f.
year-round wear. Well made and finished, shirts and drawers.
We have them in stock at all times, so 'tis easy to buv more to
match your suit when it's partly worn out; good $1.25 nn
VAIll A nn sola of Vi V.1 1 - . AMI1
VM WM.v n v mo x cmai xv a VI y iu
For- Worn n
Z and Children
Direct importations and large quantities are
the reasons for the low prices we make in
this sale of box goods. The qualities are
much better "than you ordinarily get for this
price, and there's the maximum amount of
wear in hose that are freshlj- made. When
they are new and fresh, and the dye is pure,
you get all the life and wear there is in the
yarn. This sale takes in grades
the pair to $1.50 the nair.
are in plain or ribbed cotton;
are in plain fast black lisle or cot
ton. Box of six pairs, at up from..
ward step was taken .today in the im
paneling of a jury to try Patrick Cal
houn, president of the United Railroads,
when James B. Gorman, one of the three
men passed temporarily to the box yes
terday, was excused for cause on chal
lenge by the defense. The challenge was
actually entered yesterday, but not until
the Juror had been passed and excused
from attendance In court for -the day.
During the Interrogation of Edward
Gowan. a venireman, it was learned that
Gorman and Gowan had exchanged some
words concerning the case, and Gowan
was summoned as a witness to impeach
Gorman when .court convened today. The
prosecution at once announced it would
not deny the challenge, and Gorman left
the box. 1
Eighteen talesmen were examined to
day in an effort to fill the seat vacated by
Gorman, the 12th In the box. None
proved acceptable and the panel was ex
hausted. Judge Lawlor ordered the sum
moning of 60 additional citizens, the
twenty-eighth venire, for Monday, and
continued the case proper until 11 o'clock
on that day.
As the jury now stands there are six
If You Would Like to Own
a Small Part of a Big
Building. Mail This Coupon
146y2 Fifth Street, Portland
Mail to my address your plan on MULTNOM AH
Name ........ '-
Address ...
Every Figure That Is
Over the New MoJoI.
Agents for Ladies'
Home Journal
50c Value 35c
Bonoro makes air
plant life grow.
Enough in can .to
make 28 gallons, feg-,
ularly 50c can. "jr.
for today at JUU
Rose and Jet Rat
Pins, a large assort
ment of styles, values
to Jog each,
special only
35c Value 20c
Women's Back
Combs, shell ' or am
ber color, reg
ularly 35c, at
Highland Linen
Writing Tablets, in
large tetter QC"
size, 35c value dUu
10c Value 5c
3 Spools White Bast
ing Cotton, No. 40 or
.No. 50, 200-yard
spools, at 3 for
Bass Wood Placque,
for burning, round
or oval shape, all
designs, 25c 1F
value, today lull.
4 Qn
1 1 J J
$1 Nightshirts
Today 85c
SHIRTS, with good, full
bodies, made of fine quality
muslin, trimmed in a taste
ful manner. Something that
you men will appreciate the
coming Summer, so supply
v priee UI .............. wUU
15 v the 15 ox
from 12ic
men sworn to try the case and five passed
subject to peremptory ' challenge. The.
prosecution has but two peremptorles
remaining and the defense seven.
Latest style pumps at Rosenthal's.
Best Examination
Best Glasses
Best Results '
He -
Nine Tears la
Two Yeitrs la
the Leading
Eye Cllnlra of
V" t -.
The Internationally Indorsed - -SIGHT
td Floor Corbett Bldg, 5th and Morrison.