THE MORNING XHIEGONIAX, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1909. 13 US. CULBERTSON KILLED HERSELF Husband Satisfied Bride of Three Months Was Not Murdered by Woman. WROTE LETTER HERSELF Mystery Cleared rp, but Culbertson Says Mrs. Liangwell Should Clear Her Name by Prov ing Alibi, If She Can. VINCEJTXES, Ind., March 26. Mrs. Jessie Lee Overton Culbertson, the young woman of mystery, sad-hearted, though a bride of three months, was not murdered. She was self-slain. Of this there is no doubt, and her husband and relatives ac knowledged today that their suspicions that she was killed at the instigation of another woman for Jealous revenge were unfounded. The trunk of a miniature skeleton, which had been attached to the skull found by the side of Mrs. Culbertson wnen she was discovered gagged In the shed near her home last Wednesday after swallowing carbolic acid, was picked up late today near the scene of the tragedy. It lay concealed beneath a pile of debris where the disheartened girl had placed it after she had removed the head and attached it to the threatening letter which she thought would lead the author ities to believe she was murdered for re venge. Positive proof that Mrs. Culbertson wrote the anonymous threatening let ters to herself has been established. A letter she wrote her husband at Bridge port Is written on stationery similar to that upon which she penned the anony- mous note. f Culbertson, while accepting the suicide 1 theory, said: "I wish Mrs. Longwell, in Chicago, would write me an alibi, so that I would re satisfied that she has been cleared of Vuspielon." It was Mrs. Etta Longwell, formerly r vincennes, wnom the Culbertsons and oshua Brazelton, stepfather of the .nung husband, had1 been led to suspect mght to injure Mrs. Culbertson. , "Her name should be cleared by all leans." said Culbertson. "I cannot un- lerstand why Jessie should kill herself. She was strange, though, and now that all this has happened, I am able to re fill many things. She never would tell about her past except in a general :iy. She said her father and mother ere dead. I have heard that she for erly lived In Waco, Tex., and in Bub- n, Tex., where she is said to have a rother. I have tried to communicate with relatives, but cannot get any word from them." REFVSED TO WED CULBERTSON Mrs. Ijongwell Says She Broke Off Match With Him. CHICAGO, March '26. The Chicago I woman who was sought in connection with the mysterious death of- Mrs. Russell :ulbertson is Mrs. W. A. Longwell. She y-eslde at 708 West Madison street. She l-ommunlcated by telephone today with Phe Vincennes authorities. She regarded I he search for her as a Joke, and Is will ing to go to Vincennes if wanted. Mrs. Longwell declared today that she lad nothing to do with the death of the hvomari and denied that she ever Knew I he wife of Russell Culbertson. I. at one time, was engaged to be Inarrled to Russell Culbertson," said Mrs. longwell. "That engagement was broken Iff a year ago New Year's day. Since lhat time I have not seen Mr. Cnlbert lon. We had an argument at that time Iecause of his attentions to other wo, len, and I decided I would not marry lm. "The woman whom he finally did parry I have never seen. There is not reason on earth why I should desire It do her harm." Mrs. Longwell Is a typical brunette, ap- larently 33 or 34 years of age, and a i?autiful woman. She at one time lived in Vincennes, but liys she has not been outside ot Chicago r three months, and can prove an alibi ithout the least trouble. ICICIDE PROMINENT IN TEXAS ."as Volunteer Nurse in Galveston Disaster and Taught School. DUBLIN, Tex., March 26. Mrs. Russell Mbertson was before her marriage ssie Lee Overton, of Hlco, a small I;lage near Dublin, where she lived with I r relatives until nine years ago. At I time of the Oalveston disaster Miss l erton went to that city as a volunteer rse, later going to Indiana. Her family s prominent ana she was well known ire. I3j PASO, Tex., March 26. Jessie Over i Culbertson was the daughter of Colo- I Overton of the Confederate Army. I was a graduate of Peabody Normal I tlttite of Nashville. Tenn.. and taught ool here 14 years ago. A brother was iled in the Philippines several years . Her living relatives are in San An- lo, Tex. P. BLAMED FOR DEATH ktlroad Accused of Negligence by Coroner's Jury at Ashland. (811 LAND, Or.. March 26. (Special.) Coroner's Jury empaneled here today Investigate the death of C. C. Scott, I well known locomotive engineer who i ground to pieces under one of the big motives in the Ashland yards Wednes- I- night, returned a verdict charging soutnern racmc company with con- imtory negligence In not providing jif- -nt lights In the yard at night. Iie accident happened about 9 o'clock, tt had Just come In from his run. had l isd his engine over to a yardman and crossing a turntable track Into the ridhouse, when he was struck by a mitive and Instantly killed. No one I' him meet his death and his mangled v was not discovered for half an AT THE HOTELS. ie Portland R. E. WaUon and wlf, iMter ; M. IV Hockstadter. Everett; E. "-irtiaux. Buffalo; W. p. Fuller, Loa -lei ; E. A- tub-Vard. San Francisco; Keller. Buffalo: O. J. Perry. James- . ; T. F. Ryan. Seattle; Robert Kr.!fhton, tunc wo; jonea, rwew lorn ; . 21. i hii'Afo; M - Jacohi. New York; L. Detroit : R. E. Xlar-en. Seattle: Her. New York: M. Kranlc. Kfw York: Hutchlnaon and wife, rhicaco: H. nley. New York; S. B. I. Penrose. a "W alia; A. Bell. St. Louia; R. V. r. New York; Oeorga E. Youle, ;- jonea, r-aJi r ranrisro; H. L.evinpc-. New York; Sam Cohen. Fan Fran Wllllain Htern. lSt.rft- T v, Jnhn- Borton; F. Karoer. C. R. Corbin. Tew ja tuxmaom cveir York4 M. M Myers. A. D. MacMullen New York; L. E. Benson, M. D.. M- Herewith. South Dakota; L. H. Vert, F. D. Bromley and wife. New York: Mr. and Mrs R. p. Matthew. San Francisco: T. E. Harris and wife. Denver; Charles E. Bahcy, Seattle; S. E. Wesp, Rochester: T. H. Huntley, T. H. Finley, Seattle; M. Jacobs, Chicago: Robert B. Ludv. M. D.. Atlantic City. N. J.; H. A. Davis. Altoona, Pa.; H. C. Hardy. W. Bowen. Seattle: W. C. Klonlan, New York: H. J. Bliss, San Francisco; J. B. Van Mann and wife. M. J. HornthaL H. W Scott, New York; H. D. Dietrich, San Fran cisco; Mrs. A. J. Schmidt, Spokane; Mrs. M. Schmidt. Appleton; M. D. Conn. San Francisco; J. S. Danner, Chicago; R. G. Rubenhorn, Seattle; George E. Brldgett. Arthur B. Jonea. San Francisco: Ray Mor ris. New York; W. O. Colvln. Chicago; A. Chandler, Seattle. Hotel Oregon Mrs. J. Collins, Astoria; E. L. Loveland, clatskanle; Mrs. G. F. Lund fen, Clatskanle: Ellen M. Davis. City; H. Watson and -wife. Seattle; H. R. Gage. Chi cago; c. E. Lytle. Htllsboro; E. Rlpard. Seattle: M. J. Corwln, Seattle; Sanford plummer, San Francisco; Allan Brlcker, De troit; H. C. Culbreath, Tampa, Fla. ; G F Beck, Los Angeles: F. D. Murphy. Salt Lake; R. D. Hammond, Tampa, Fla.- A. Brown, San Francisco; Mrs. A. Franklin, San Francisco; E. W. Rhodes, Seattle- Max Harris. Pittsburg. Pa.; A. . C. Wales, San Francisco: J. Gagnon, Medford: H. R. John son. Minneapolis: Jay D. Beach, Spokane: L. E. Reynolds, Denver; Mrs. L. E Rey nolds, Denver; Wm. H. Reynolds, Denver; F. Hoffman. New York; Mrs. G. o. Kan, M,V;ne.?p,0",': M Wilson and wife, Spokane; Bill Frlesse. Medford: Gertrude Howard. ?I!"' 0r ;D T1A- Malarkey and wife, San w"8 . S" B- Pa"eon, Philadelphia; ' " - " v ' -ri.. e in.; Mrs. i. Mattl- son. Independence: Zedell ZIromer, Centra lla; c. C. Basset te, Salt Lake; Edward S. Van Dyke, Grants Pass; Mrs. F. J Buster Vancouver; R. A. Cowden. Sllverton; A W Sims and wife, Linton, N. D. ; Geo. w. Guyi S . ?, 15 s.". : M- L- Thompson. Falls City, J?,. E- J?ltBT- Woodland: Ellen M. Da vis city; Ned Roney. Seattle; G. O. Fobs. APRaRi,,"r. E- S:.,Baldry' New Yorlf; ...RVBlorh- Coeur d'Alene. Idaho; B. Fos-IoeJama:,P- H, Valley and wif?. Fort Rap7d..CMichF- -8tnlth d casiae A. S. Mcol, Seaside; J. w. Hanson t tJ6' ""'": f- Qulnn. TekclrA o,.i-'s' Bolae: J w Ste". Boise; A. M. Anliiac-e"5 ," Ru,K" and wife. Los Angeles; uaptaln jorgenson. San Francisco; York: c. w. Browne, Lo." Anglles- w WhlJHe,sdc8.eaU:, Wllilaifjonerieatt; Three rwJ??' ,hiKagij A" Wm and wife, wife Thr ,Mlch V,Pt.rt HePherdson and E- H- Krause. Deadwood, S. D.; W. W. Wolf Bandon; T. Wlgnlan and wife Forest g,rMf:TT Eestes. M. D.. Astoria: mTss Stella Hoge, San .Francisco; w T Cruser Cwaca'.nod-a:EH1a.rryB17,0r!- fi'y: Miss Bbka. iJiiaf?,TEI"" Marten, Aberdeen; w. E Clr w";1 W.- 5- Washburn, "junction i-lty, w. W. Crawford, Albany Mrs c r vnT.-MMnnn',e:,MiM- B CoeMMcMinn: Vi 'E' R- Crawford. San Francisco; T B Van Cleave Echo; G. F. Darling. Seattl? SDokanW Kill ,nclsco: B. Simpson, R rh2.mwB o1 Gallins. Tenn. ; T ence- vffST V rP Butler. Indepind ?"c'l.X fe- Butte, Butte. Mont.; G. p Lumsden. Troutdale; R. E. Park, Oregon FT5" M"?jSa,ame Finlayson. Astoria; Astoria" s Oron c"y: P- A. Stoke. E O P.M.n .S,k?,Mir and wlfe- Union ti b..a.,ten ?n.d wlfe- Eugene: J. C. Mar B ,Ra,t.t"'; 2hn,. A' Horn. Portland; F. si-J? Bg -and . wlfe- Cedar Rapids: A O rS. an,4 wlfe' Willmar; H c. Barr. il a. ,L' Davl" on. Union? W MnBrakoy,,Pend,eton: J" Thornton. Lewi.: ton, O. C. Graves. Portland; H. B Pettv CUNitoho?:DrI: i- F1nian. Eugene;" iC'r lono,- D- A. Snyder, Dayton: G A Webb and wife. Sllverton: A R. Hilen Leo Jones Seattle: A. Sinsheimer, city; P Dalle?nSwh' -IaHa": I' 6f. Thi w- W. Smead, Heppner: H. W. River-' caIeJTr A' TJ"- and wife. Hood Klver. C. McPherson and wife, L. C Mo PherTOn and wife. Hay Creek: C. J C arke Sn'WS Fr. litnlh Mis. LIllianMef: Klrlr ' Ur11 T A. Skinner, Newberg; C. lvlrk. McMlnnvllIe; J. p Mclmerv r t vineke' T"e EaUeS; ' C GaTagherry.'G?eei St. Charles Mrs. Neiley. fit Paul- A J 0?ken' ea5 P.ark: E- C. Wlnst" 'Salina: Or.; R w. Pry her. St. Kellogg; Lew Welt? Fa?e".tHrnv.. ? Va." O-Sii.d w Hi f'Sif," SroeV, Mls" Anna Rich. Forest S.: 5 S. Kent, Dallas, Or.; Newton H " din. Boring. Or.; A. I. Tallman. Lorlng. Or s- Seaverst, Boring. Or.; J. h. Hatha wav wn,:nr5 onsi Breaker.. Lon, Belch Meagher; Henry PLyon. Tol.do6 w & Kelso; 8 . D. Nash, city: N. H. McKav Sau VV. Is'ani : I. N. McNeil. Halsey ; Ben Wat-Eulene5-". 8i Carpenter' an,? w lV.: PlXt rttT ? Ar,lam'' Eugene; John P JT't1!- t : Lee Crane. Corbett; Theo H V.lley'- A,t5rlatV,J.oh5h P- Thompson, "era", vsiiey j. b. Artis. The Dalles; M. L. Wil fc.8"' A- Fl'nt and brother7 Hood f mesoh anhf aV.dre' 8 Mnt m'b" Laurer- M'' T-g. tSS'p. aRd vMa;--i w wvi. nal9. a.n Horn. Vancouver: F Si-S:' hnfaiLUtKnle- l oZh? lka" " - -o"ence"S,n?: cg" -- RUN0cki-?ta.tIOrn: C S- Madsen. chJ cago, R. N. Hetzel. Corvall s; M. Q. Politz Sacramento: H. A. Polits. Portland" Win am J. Ourran. Flint: Mrs. A. J. Welty. Bellini ham; Mr. and Mrs. Hickman. New York w w c",.nm 8. Smith, San Francisco; W. w. Chlpman, Warsaw; C. A. Sunderlln Washington; A. L. Howarth, Joseph: E nSSn"J"- 0f,wego; Mrs. Ivester, Hon ton;" Eh" Willamlna: J. Oten' and wife T V oier: C' A- Youngberg. Oregon Citv; J- F. Sadie and wife. Seattle; jf. Leete S-'iy:VC- Keb'er. Butte: Mrs. C. B. Setts' The Dalles: F. Markley. San Francisco; H Bentley. Lo. Angeles; F. Devlin. Denver- T 5aSeKan,",, city; A. Peterson. lieW York; F. Tucker. Chicago : - Q, kilgore Euroka: S. Allard. San Francisco: E Jack son. Ogden; F. Lar.en, Salt Lake; E Gil- Ih.prl; R- Patton. . Seattle; . E. Howard, Chicago. The Cornelius H. O'Brien, city; W. Wil liams. San Francisco; E. W. Bronson Lo. Angeles; R. C. GllflHan, Buffalo; E E Taylor. New York: George Kerr. Astoria; Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Salem; Roy G. Hersh San Francisco; William J. Dawson, Mrs Everest and daughter, Seattle; P. Qold stone, San Francisco; F. Wesley Orr, Forest Grove; c Edward Relnholt, Buffalo; Charles Laugendurfer and wife. Vancouver; R. Betts. Spokane; S. L. Gordon. Minneap olis; J. P. Lucas. Salt Lake; R. R. Mac farland, Duluth; C. C. Cook, North East, Pa. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. March 26. Maximum tem perature. S0.6 degree.; minimum, 43.5 de grees. River reading at 8 A. M.. 8 1 feet. Change In last 24 hours. .2 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.) none. Total rainfall since September 1, 11H. 30 37 Inches. Normal rainfall since September 1, 1008. 85. B3 Inches. Deficiency. 5.58 Inches. Total sunshine March 25. T hours. 30 min utes. Possible sunshine. 12 hour. 24 min utes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 6 P. M- 29.84 Inches. ' PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observations taken at 5 P. M.. Pacific time. March 26: a Wind 4 m $ fa STATIONS. O g c a 3 Baker city Bismarck Boise Eureka Helena North Head Focatello Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento Salt Lake San Francisco. . Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. Walla Walla. . . Bl.lne Siskiyou Marshfleld ...... Tcnapah . ....... Kallspell North Yakima.. xjO.OO! 4INW 3! T. !2SiNw 62 0.00I10IW Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudv Oloudy Cloudy Cloudy 54:0.00! 4'W 4 N 4SW 8.SW SW 8ISE 6!N 4iN SiNW 8!W 4 NW 4iN 8IW 4'N 4 W 4!E 8NW SINW 40.O.00 44!O.01 tioudy DI0.00 Bl O.OOl BOIO.OO r-t. ciouflj Pt. clrud Pt. cloudv BfliO.OO: RSIO.OO 54 'O.OOl 62O.O0 6210. 00 Cloudy Pt. cloud; rieer Clear Cloudy Pt clcudj Rain Pt. cloSid Clear Pt. clouds r4io!oo 461 T. lo.oo B4 0.O0 54 0.OO 520. OO Cloudy Cloudv 4SO.O! 50 O.0O 8 SE Pt. clnuAv 70:O.O0( IClear T Trace. WEATHER CONDmOXS. The barometer h.a fallen everywhere in the North Pacific states and the weather is unsettled without any rain of conse quence having fsUlen at any of the re porting statlona It is much cooler In western Oregon, but elsewhere the change, in temperature have been slight and unim portant. The condition, are favorable for showers In this district Saturday. with .cooler weather in eastern Washington and north ern Idaho. FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Showers: wind, snoatly southerlv. Oregon Shower.; south to west winds. wasmngton Showers: cooler in east por tion: soutn to west winds i-iVJi ,th?w'r,: cooler north portion. FPWARP A. REALS. District Foreca-ter. AUCTION SALES lODAI. By the Portland Auction Co.. sboea, cloth Mf'aSi'tiw 'J. North S st at 3 P. AMUSEMENTS. Ssrtrpw Empire Theater Co. (Inc..) Lessee. j ia uaser. General Manager, l . Famous Baker Stock Co. TBe king of comedies this week. "THERE A I BACK." I you hate laughter, stay away Eves.. 25c, 35c. 50c. Mat. today, 15c c" sei week, opening tomorrow matinee, Leah Kleshna. BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 5360. Oregon Theater Co.. (Inc..) Lessee. - Geo.' L. Baker. General Manager. Matinee today and tonight. Last two time.. Harry Bereaford in his greatest laughing success, "WHO'S YOCB FRXESTDT" The hit of the season. Evening. 25c to $1; Mati nees, 25c. 50o. MAly s, A 1020. Matlaeea Ex. Sundays and Uolldaya 15-25-50C NIGHTS Week of March 22. Mile. Zelie de Lusvan, Grand Opera Diva; S. Miller Kent: Joly Yiolrtta; Mr. and MYa. Ham' Clarke; Will Rogers; Caron A lariium ; Hiiraxali j Has all; Orchestra; Picture.. THE GRAND-Vaudev.Ilede Lax ANOIEEB BIG HILL. MARCO TWINS Alice Davenport Co. Joe Wat son. Hetty rma, Klmer Tenley. The Yankee Tar. Harry McDuffee. (randaicope. PANT AG E S THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Stars of All Kntlons. MARISOFF8 EIGHT GENUINE RUSSIANS Siny era, Dancers and Instrumentallsta Special Added Attraction, RAWSON AND JUNE, Genuine Australian Boomerang-Throwers Matinees dally, 13c; two shows at night. 15c and 25c. HOUSEHOLD NEEDS CrtrAuslrallan Wyoming and Washington " Coal delivered promptly In any quan tity. Phone us your order. Star Coal Co.. 40 2d st. Phones Main 1618, A 1084. fnn I Kemraerer coal, the best Wm Y mine coal; gives more heat and less . Lnurcniey iros.. lath and Marshall sts. Phones Main 931. A 3931. Prices Reduced gr,eerf"enloc'klab rdd Prompt delivery. Steel Bridge Fuel Co., 47 Albina, ave. Phones E. 424; C 1778. Florist Cut Flowers always fresh from CTour own conservatories. Martin A Forbes- Co., 847 Washington st. Bottt phones. Electric Fixtures u"hoen,eul prices are right. All work guaranteed. Western Electric Works, 61 Sixth street. Plating Knives, Forks and all Bllverwara ,ollu replated as good as new. Oregon Plating Works, 16th and Alderv Main 2576, IDnl Richmond and Wallsend Australian. Independent Coal &. Ice Company. opposite city Library ?oth phones. MEETING X O TICKS. OREGON LODGE, NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Special communl- cation this (Saturday) evening, 7:30 o ciock, masonic lmpie. M. M. de gree. Visiting brethren cordially jii v nea. ry oraer w . m. A. J. HANDLAN, Sec. FUNERAL NOTICES. FALCIOLA In this city, March 2S. at his residence. 211 Third street. John Fal ciola. aged 75 years 4 months 20 days. Funeral from Holman's chapel. Third and Salmon streets, tomorrow, Sunday. March 2S. at 10:15 A. M., thence to St. Michael's Church. 4th and Mill streets; services at 10:30 A. M. Friends invited. Interment River view Cemetery. BROWNE March ' 26, at the family resi dence. 302 East Fiftieth street, William Eugene, infant son of Mr. and Mra. W. W. Browne. Funeral services will be held at Holman's Chapel, Third and Salmon streets, at 3 P. M. tomorrow. Sunday. March 28. Friends of family invited. In terment, River View Cemetery. WATERFORD In this city. Maroh 28. Augustus Waterford, aged 49 years, and 14 days. The funeral services will be held at the Zlon M. E. Church, comer 13th and Main sts.. at 2 P. M-. Sunday. March 28. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. . CEDERGREEN Funeral of John Ceder green will be held from Dunning, Mc Entee & Gilbaugh's Chapel, Sunday, March 2S- at 10 A. M. Friends and ac quaintances respectfully invited to at tend. Interment Rose City Cemetery. M'DERMOTT In this city, Harry McDer mott. Funeral sor vices at Finley' s un dertaking parlors, 2:30 P. M. Burial, Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends invited. Til lamook pa,pers please copy. Dunning, McEntee ft GUbaugn. Funeral Directors, 7th and Pine. Pbone Main 430. Lady Assistant. Office of County Coroner. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral direct ors. 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 607. J. P. FINLEY & SON, 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A 1590. ZELLEK-BYRNES CO.. Funeral Direct ors. 272 Russell. East 1082. Lady assistant. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker 414 East Alder. Lady assistant, phone East 6Z. McENTEE-EBICSON CO. Undertakers! lady assistant. 409 Alder. M 6133. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS APE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE ORE GOMAN OFFICE: A 738. 740. 771. 772. 7 SO; 785, 75, 801 B 740. 743, 770, 775. 782. 783, 800, 804, 807. 308. 810, 815. 816. 817. 819. C 781. 773, 779. 785. 788, 789. 790, 794. 804, 8(. 810, 812. 813. 819. D 53. 734. 753, 787. 769, 782, 789, 794. 795. 796. K 723. 742, 778, 7SO. 7S, 799. FT98' T04- T15- 725 727- "0. 733, 734, 737, 739. 740. 741. 773. 79S. O R42- 875. 70S, 736, 753, 761, 763, 764. 785. Alo: 87?; S7"' 787- " 0- 80- 808. K 709. 78; 764. 77T, 779, 780, 782, 784. 799. JT 749. 77.".. 777. 778. 797. 798, S13, 814, 18. K821 79' S01' 85, S06- 814' 815' 819' 8i!0' I- 703, "T8. 783, 788, T91. 798 M81i,ISr,i,I95S01' 8)2' 803' 808, 811, 812. 81S. 817. 821, 823. 827. yfti7"' 76T-779, 7M-7sT- 789, 7n- TS!i8M' 7'B' 778, 791, 08, 909' 819, 826' riiz. 8o. IfcSS?' J5?''-"JL9. 753- 758, 778. 793 8 W, io3. ,,,, 791, 792, 79T 799 g02i g03 W 7S7. X 118. XX 318. Y:Vi5.So75tTP' 6S0' 88' 89' 69T AB 2, 70S. 709, 786 A94263- 593' B98- B03, 03. '.. 030, aEZrSI; "J- 778. 786. 787, 795, 796. 787. AF 6! I NEW TODAY. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE If you want to sell your property LhiHetieUsS-l We cYSf thC be8t 8ellln SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE 146V4 Klftk St. M . 0207 GEOHGd FlLAt r. PV3LIC ACCOUNTANT, (All Branches.) 823 Worcester BldaT PHones. Main 8371. A 4018 S300 DOWSf Let us show you this 6-room house, close in; twocarlines: a bungalow perfectly arranged: artistic $?-00 well-ftnished interior; only SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE Main ' 080. A 367 $360 CASH New 7-room. modern honse, JwoJ"TV from cart price $3200. . 010 Coneh Bldg. JIT - a L NEW TODAY. LISTEN! Are . You Looking for a Home, and Also an Investment ? FRUIT MR 220 acres, all fine ia.rn, ana ire aoiit a good six-room j rooms, all modern and up to date; bath, hot and cold water; a fine llTe-scrc lawn with (rnnia ponrt; fine sjraveled 'walks and drives; good barn and other outbuildings: 60 acres of three-year-old entuw a and Spltsenberyr Applea, and five acres of berries; 100 acres now in wheat and vetch; a windmill, tower ana tank, and only about one mile of a good town on the mala line of the S. P. H. R. A fine home and a arood reve nue producer. Price only $25,000 and on any reasonable terrna. DAIRY It A V ' II 255 acres, just enough timber for use on the farm; 40 acres of flue bottom land; all la A-No. 1 land, 80 acres now In vetch, 30 acres In barley, 10 acres In wheat, 30 acres in fine clover, 6 Rood horses. 15 milch cows, 7 head young cattle, 23 hogs, 2 sets of harness, 5 dozen chickens, 2 wagons, manure spreader, a binder a disc and other plows, a disc and other harrows, a full and complete set of farm Implements; windmill, tower and tank; 150 bushels wheat, 400 bushels oats, 40 tons of hay, a good 13-room house, three good barns, family or chard, and on a fine road, within an hour's drive of Albany. Price, all In cluded, $70 per acre. Easy terms. FRUIT FARM 67 acres, all but about 4 acres In fruit prunes, cherries, apples, pears, walnuts, berries, etc.. all in bearing: a Rood house of 7 large rooms, bath, hot and cold water, wind mill, tower and tanks of 9000 gal. ca pacity; Rood barn, a fine prune dryer; all of the farm implements, spraying outfit, etc, all complete and within a few minutes drive of Albany. Price $20,000. asy terms. We can prove better than a lO per cent Investment on this place, and the fruit trees not yet at their best. STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH About 620 acres, 10 or 12 acres of timber; all of the balance good tillable land, not hills; a good 7-room house; three good barns: family orchard; close to good school; water piped to all of the pasture fields; good fences: on a good road; R F". I), and telephone service, and with in a half hour's drive of Albany; as good a dairy or stock ranch as there is in Linn County today. Price for a short time only $50 per acre and on easy terms. "Will also sell all of thje stock at a very cheap price. We have others some larger, many smaller. No trouble to show the places. No expense to you. Better get busy before prices advance. . Linn and Benton Real Estate Go. OFFICES OVER THE POSTOFFICB, ALBANY, OREGON. A Few Good Ones S4200 Splendid 7-room home, two story, well built and attractive, fireplace, all improvements; lot 100x100. Corner, near Union and Wygant sts. S7SO Lot on 10th st., Brooklyn Heights; high elevation; good view; close In. This is a sure one. S4500 Lot 100 x 100, Portland Heights, with a splendid view up thearlver. of the mountains and the entire city. Corner 17th and Spring sts., 1 block from car. S600 Lot 100x100, on Woodstock ave. Splendid corner. "Very cheap for cash. 83200 Corner residence, Cleveland and Wygant sts., 7 rooms; lot 50x 100. See The Spanton Co. 270 Stark St. BEST RESIDENCE BUY ON THE EAST SIDE TODAY East Alder.near 20th, lot 50x100, lawn, bearing fruit trees, flowers, gar den, chicken-house and yard. House has eight rooms, three and bath up stairs; five, pantry and toilet down stairs; full concrete basement, with furnace, combination gas and electric fixtures: porch front and side. Price. $3800; one-half cash: terms on balance; lot alone is worth $2800. W. L. GREEN 245V2 WASHINGTON North Portland Lot B0xl00-foot lot. on N. 21st street, ' ouuiii jl xnurman. xnis is suitable for flats, apartments, business or resi dence. Tou know the Zlst-street car is going down 21st street to Sherlock ave. This Is good as an investment, as It pays carrying expenses. $3750 Tom M. Burney Room 15, 270Vi Wnahlngton St. A 4722. Main 7005. Holladay's Addition Tte one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property oi the city. SKKIN'G IS BELIEVING BETTER. fo and see the many CHOICE resl ences under construction and tho im provement going on. The Oregon Real Estate. Company "GRAND AVE. AMD MULTNOMAH ST. Stop! Look! Listen! Irrigated fruit land, Purntsh-Coe project, Umatilla County. "Water ready; soil volcanic aah; plenty sunshine; out of frost belt; earliest seasons In Northwest; conditions unequalled for raising fruits. English walnuts, etc.; Bplendid returns assured. Land im proved and planted for non-residents. Prices advance April 1. E. N. WHEELER, State Agent, 003 Marquam Bldg. A 5202. Mat. 135 ' 8500 CASH A typical California 6-room bungalow, just finished, with beamed celling, paneled dining-room, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. A snap for -12500. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE Main 0080. A 27. A oorpa of trained salesmen at your command. List your property with SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE for quick sale. Phone -Main 6680, A 6267. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE Will sell that home for you. Phone us for Interview. Main 6680. A 6267. DO TOU WISH TO BUT A BOHIt - - Then See HARTMAN A. THOMPSON. Chamber ot Commoroa. NEW TODAY. CASMUR ACREAGE When you have made up your mind to buy property, you should consider ita location as to future value. Will an acre In the country ever be an valuable acre in Portland We think not. Caamur acreage haa the advantage of a magnificent Ineallnn - - A beared nnd level, and ia practically right In the city on the Barr road. "V hat yon can buy for hundreds now, will be worth thouaanda shortly. Caa mur has not alone Its magnificent lo cation to commend It, but its soil is particularly adapted to strawberry nnd vegetable culture, and. In fact, its soil haa been so cultivated for 15 yearn. We will be pleaaed to take you out and show you Casmur. 2V4 AND S-ACRE TRACTS. TERMS. Murphy & Caswell 230 STARK ST. PORTLAND HOME TELEPHONE BONDS 8 STOCK For Sale J.W.Cruthers &Co. 716 Board of Trade Bldg. Irrigated Fruit Land GOVERNMENT UMATILLA PROJECT Water Is now on the land. Best Government projeot In Northwest. Al titude is 460 feet. Is on main line of O. R. N. railroad; Is a gravity and res ervoir supply operated by U. S. Gov ernment. Land is now selling for $70 to $100 per acre, and will double In a short time. A. C. CRAWFORD Hermlaton, Oregon. The Land Man. Coos County Orchard Tracts $150 Per Acre Planted and cultivated 4 years. "We farm your land between the trees and give you the returns. Railroad is now assured. Buy now, before we raise again. Open evenings and Sun day. The Oregon Coast Col 302-4 Wells-Kargo RIdg. Main 5641, A 3237. S700 DOWN A tasty little 5-room bungalow of 5 rooms; fireplace, pan eled dining-room with built-in seat, Dutch kitchen with plenty of closets and shelves; attractive front porch; full concrete basement, cement walks and curb; restricted district; $2100,' aim wuiiii at. least, aduu more. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE 140 Fifth St., Near Alder. Main 80. A. 6207 FACTORY SITE One acre, with river frontage and two railroads. A fine site for a manu facturing plant. Cheapest piece in the locality. $7500 Humason & Jeffery 220 Stark. A GEM jpieiF uuv m, Daiance fzo per month for a nicely arranged, 5-room bungalow, with reception hall, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, pantry, china closet, linen closet, two bedrooms with closets. A splendid buy, complete unuuKiiyui. iiose to car. $2 300. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE 146 V4 Fifth St. A 0207 FINE HOME Highly cultivated 20-acre farm for sale, 9i mile northwest of nnrVmm Station, on Oregon Electric line; good BiA.iuum uuuae, Darn ana large chicken-house; splendid water; family or chard; acre in asparagus. Price $300 per acre. Also 6-acre tract. small house, new barn, all in crop; attractive nome sue. rnco zao per acre. Ad dress A. P. Gerrard, Oswego, R..-F. xxo. a. ...... Snap! Snap! Snap! - S27SO -for a good 7-room house and lot ouxau. on ine .blast Ankeny carline, near 24th sU SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE Fifth St. Main 6XO. SUCCESS SNAP! ' . WEST . SIHI3 Nice Corner; Large Residence: Room . ior r iac or otner Building. Only Cash Needed to Handle This Bargain. I'OKTLAM) SUCCESS REALTY CO . 618 Board of. Trade Bldg. $300 CASH Let us show you this pretty little 5 room bungalow, close to carline on a sightly corner lot, 38x83. Your house hunting will be over when you see it. Price only $2100. . SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE 140Va Fifth St. A 6287. 100x100 on 16th St. Near Thurman, Improved. -only S23.000 If taken at once. Only $8000 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent. O. F". FFLl'GER Jt CO, Room. 14 Mnllcey Bldg., Second nnd I orrison fits. WANTED REAL ESTATE Why not list your property with the largest firm in this line of business in the city? Phone us and have a rep resentative call on you. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE 14V Fifth St. Main MSO. Jk. 20T CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATE In Efiert Kovember 1. IMS. Dally er Bandar. Per line. One time .........lie) leune ad two eon.erntlve ttrnea ....... Same ad three eoaaeculire time ..SOo be me ad six or seven consecutive times see Hi words count m one line on caAh ad vertisements, and no ad counted for less theua two lines. When an advertisement Is not run consecutive times the one-time rate anolies. The above rates apply to advertisements nnder "New Today" and all other claaauica tions excepting tile following: (Situations Vaulted. Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent. Rooms, Private Families. Rooms and Hoard, Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, private Families. The rate on the above classification Is 7 cents a line each insertion. Speee In the "New Today" columns Is figured Dy measure only 14 lines to the Inch. TO OTJT-OF-TOWH PATRONS The Ore gonlan wOl receive copy by mall, provided sufficient remittance for a definite number oi issues is sent. Acknowledgement of auco remittance will be forwarded promptly. In eaawe hov nfrtaM ilili rina i mninul nu. reerular form ariven and mnt this - - nrt of the ad. Answers to advertisements will be forwarded to natrnaa. nrnvlriMt f u.4 dressed stamped envelopes are furnished. A receipt will be riven for all p aid-load vanoe advertising. The Oregonlan will not undertake to correct errors or refund money iuib rrT'in, KB reiurnea. On rharra Af ,i .- w I - . v. cnara-e will be based on the actual number or lines appearmg In the paper, reerardless of the number of words in each line. SEAL ESTATE DEAIJERS. F. Abraham. JOS Ablngton bide;. Main IZ2. Andrew., F.V. & Co. M. 3349. 30 Hamilton bg. Baker. Alfred A., 115 Ablngton bids;. Beck. William Q.. 812 Falling; bldg. Btrrell. A. H. Co.. 02-3 McKay bldg. Real estate. Insurance, mortgage loans, eta. Brubaker A Benedict, fioa McKay big. M. 640 Chapln A Herlow. 3R2 chamber Commsrcs. Cook, B. S. as Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E. A Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennlngs A Co.. Main IBS. 206 Oregonlao. Lee. M. E.. room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrlsb. Watklna A Co.. 250 Aldar st. Richardson. A. B., 221 Com. club bldg. Schalk. Geo. D., 264 Stark st Main or A 8 Sharkey. J. p. Co., 122 Sixth at. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah at (Holladay Addition.) Waddel, "W. O., S09 Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F 227 H Washington st. FOR SALF. REAL ESTATK. ENGLISH WALNUTS. We are the largest owners and planters in Oregon. We have the only planted tracts on tha market. Our properties are In the walnut country. Yamhill, 5-acre tracts, planted, 100 cash. $15 per month. CHURCHILL. MATTHEWS CO., INC. Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. R T9 mB- 60 acres and 70 acres, on uie Oregon electric carline, close to Port land, ranging in price from 125 to 500 P1Ti vcre: thlB high-grade property and w'" "tand your closest inspection; will be offered on the market for a few weeks only. QUBEN INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Falling Bldg. CHEAP HOMBS. .New 5-room cottage on Peninsula: $1600 $200 cash, balance $12 per month. 'ew -room house on 5th ave.; $1350, $600 cash. 2 lots and new 3-room shingled house all furnished, for $1050, $350 cash. AT1-A3 LAND CO.. 4L0 Lumber Exchange. VERNON Alberta car. several 5OxH)0 east front lots, about block from car. for sale; one for $485. terms; one for $405 cash; one for $550, terms about 4215 cash payment on all lots, balance $IO a month. iSeaberg, Elton Court, i city. Phone Private Exchange 48. or A 2770. Investigate. APPLE AND WALNUT LAND 25 acres within 8 miles ot Portland; right at railroad station, 45 minutes' time to Portland; this is an opportunity to get a big bargain. See J. M. French & Co., 607 Commercial bldg., cor. 2d and Wash eta. LOOK at this corner lot on Fremont at., 74x100, Including improvements; cement sidewalks, curbs and streets graded, water and electricity; terms $70 down, $15 per month. Mala 83. Room 35 Lafayette bldg. N 4 FINE 100x100 corners. Irvington, 1 very select. $3000 and $3500; 1 good home, 6 rooms, corner lot, 50x100, business chance on rear of lot; 1 nlc 6-room, $4000 ; 2 new 8-room. very neat, $6500 and $7500. C 1993. E. 896. Dolen St Herdman. LOT with new, 8-room, modern house. Sun nyslde, 8 blocks from Belmont car; $3000; would take lot value 1-3 In exchange, bal ance $25 month. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES, 8 miles from Portland, all culti vated; fine garden land: 1 acre asr.ara gus. produced last season $250; price $1750, $750 cash. The Stroud-Fry Com pany, 5111 Lumber Exchange bldg., Port land. and Beaverton, Or. THIS IS A SNAP. Piedmont, "5x100 corner, modern house, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, etc , $4500; terms if desired. 254 Alnsworth. corner Moore. PLATTING proposition In restricted dis trict, 125 choice lots, 50x100. best 5c car, concrete walks and curbs adjoining; you can double your money. Owner, N 813. Oregonian. $2600; TERMS ; 2 good houses, 6 and rooms, modern, on corner lot and carline street improvements paid, cement walk. Call Angeles Trust Co., $26 H Washington St., room 417. CHOICE building lots. lOO ft. Jessup St.; 300 ft. Klllingsworth ave.. business; - loo ft. near Willamette River. Zella Gossett, Riverside office. St. John car. HOUSES for sale in all parts of the city; acreage close in and farms In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney t Stampher, 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg 8 LOTS with T-roora house, nice garden and fruit trees: block from car line; will di vide ground , If desired; half cash. 418 , Chamber of Commerce. GOOD BUT. 10 3-10 acres near Ft. John, all cleared, suitable for platting. I. Vanduyn, owner, 515 Chamber of Commerce. MUST sell this week at a sacrifice, beau . . tlful lot on Meisner street. 40x125. C -J. Owen & Co.. . Lumber Exchange. Ask for Mr. Hall. NK-E little home. East Side. 60x180 or 125x 180; small house, fruit and berries; easv terms installments. Cor. East 37th and Francis ave. - H. Garlock. FIVE acres of bearing apples and pears, 11 , miles from Portland; Income of $1500 per year; terme. The Oregon Coast Co 302 - Wells-Fargo bldg. HAVE several beautiful building sites In Fulton Park, that I am wining to sac- r"5!:e..,2ntMe m"ket- Fr particulars, call 410 Falling bldg. $15,000 BUYS one of the best corners on North 18th St.. West Side, business prop erty, and brings in good Income. Address T 70S, Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, elx-room house two blocks frcm Wllllams-ave. carline; must sell . at once, aa am leaving .city. Phone Wood lawn 1362.. SWELL little home at 8ellwood. 5' blocks from car, $1800, $700 cash, balance same us rent. E. C. Rogers. 615 Rothchlld bldg. . KENT On! Choice 60x100, on Derby st.. In the heart of the business center. Owner. 502 McKay bldg. lOOxlOO, with modern 5-room cottage, close to car. Flrland Station; price $1900. $900 BARGAIN In Piedmont $4500 ; 75x100. cor ner Alnsworth and Moore; modern house; terms. FOR BALE lOOxlOO. with 5 houses. N. E. cor. 17th and Gllsan. Owner. Max Smith, 88 N 16th St.; no phone Information. LOOK at this vacant lot In Irvington; will be pleased to show you. Phone Main 8529. FOR SALE by owner, a choice lot near 25th and Thurman: will sell at a bargain. Ad dress X 707, Oregonian. COUNCIL CREST Choice building site; price low; easy terms. A F 702, Ore gonian. TWO choice lots. Belle Crest, inside price. Holbrook. the Tailor, Couch bldg. WOULD you like a home in Piedmont T Call at 254 Alnsworth. It Is a dandy buy. TAKE a walk In piedmont and examine house eat 254 Aloaworthj terms. TOR RALK REAL BSTATK. " SEB HERLOW NOW. Ride out on the Rose City Park car to HERLOW. Remember that Merlow is the "Heart" of tha district. MERLOW Ia only half way between East 28th st and the end ot the Rose city Park carline. GET OFF AT See Sunday's Ad. PORTLAND TRUST COM PA NT OF ,. OR BOON. S. B. cor. Third and Oak sts. SEE THESE TOMORROW. $1100 $200 down. 4 rooms; very neat. $15X 5 rooms: rse. fruit, aarrim. o rooms; waixing distance: t-tou iut"xioo; rooms; Sellwood. $7M BOxHiO- 4 rooms; olty limits. $1850 80x100: 5 rooms: dandy. $25o0 4-5 acre: 5 rooms electrlo lights, 20 fruit trees, block to car. one. two and live-acre tracts on terms. Call Today or Tomorrow. OREGON HOMES CO., 221 Morrison, room 8. THURMAN STREET. New. modern. 5-rotfm house on Thur man. west of 23d; cannot be beat for price, either as home or investment. ONLY $320O. TOM M. BURNET. Room 18, 270 1 Wash. Street. . A 4722. Main 7995. FOR SALE My beautiful 7-room shingle bungalow, tinted walls, bath, gas. elec tric lights, lawn, cement sidewalks, ce ment basement 25x45. large back yard nicely fenced. Improved streets. 1 block, from 2 canines, Hawthorne and Mount Scott, best neighborhood. 16 min. ride to P. O. ; price $4000; 1-5 down, balance $20 per month; this Is a fine home and a bargain; can be seen afternoons from 2 to 4 P. M. Lee L. Gilbert, owner, 328 E 87th st.; no agents. B 2499. AT RIVERDALE. 4 full lots; 6-room old house, needs some repairs; all modern conveniences, new porcelain bath, abundance of Una fruit, mountain spring water, good barn: price only $2800: tins lots alone have a greater value; can be bought with only see ' tay terms- For full particulars THE CROSSLET CO., 709 Corbett Bldg. T CHOICE 6. 7 and 8-room houses, all prices. In Irvington. John Irving, Holla day Park and Holladay Additions; one In Meadon Park; fine. 53 lots from $1150 up In above addi tions. These are rare bargatns. Don't fall . to come out and inspect these properties be fore buying. I can please you. Call up C 1993. E 896 and let me know what you want. Dolen A Herdman. ELEGANT OVERLOOK HOME. $4100 This Is one of the very best homes In the tract: has 6 extra large rooms, strictly modern, splendid view, lull lot, all street Improvements In and paid; this is a real bargain and must be sold in ip days; $1150- cash, balance $25 monthly. A. A. Hoover, 313 Gerllnger bldg. A 5-ROOM cottage for cash. The biggest bargain I know of; lot 106x100; fine view, every convenience, is worth every cent of $2500. but owner wants money; will take $2150. I can get a $1500 mortgage back if you want it. See bouse today. A. N. Searle. E. Glisan and E. 76th St.. Montavllla; M.V. carline.) 8-STORT house In Ladd's Addition: 8 rooms and large attic, full basement, wide porch es, lot 411x128, magnificent, view from both front and back, fine lawn; an elegant up-to-date home; price, $8000; terms. Spencer Co.. 102 Second St. . $3000 NEW 5-room bungalow, with pantry and toilet, tinted walls, full concrete base ment, full lot. graded street, sower, etc. with 20-ft alley; near Albina high school; $5(KI cash, balance easy monthly pay ments. A. A. Hoover. 313 Gerllnger bldg. WHT PAT RENTT We design and build modern homes oa reasonable terms. A. C. EMERY & CO.. INC. Main 3501. 824 Chamber of Commerce. $3000 New 5-room bungalow, with pantry and toilet, tinted walls, full concrete base ment, full lot, graded street, sewer, etc , with 20-ft. alley; near Albina High School: $00 cash, balance easy . monthly pav ments. A. A. Hoover, 313 Gerllnger bldg. $375 50x100. Rose city Park, east of brick store and one block south of the Almeda drive; level and In vicinity of good resi dences; title Al. I need money. Owner. H 806, Oregonian. FINEST suburban residence site on Oregon City carline; to to 3-acre tracts, juot put on market; will show land on Sunday. FMione for appointment. Oak Grove, Black FOR SALE 7-room cottage and fractional lot. 03 Everett St., between 21st and 2d; terms $2000 cash, balance mortgage See owner. 318 Falling bldg. $2700 Beautiful home. Catlin eve., siuth Hawthorne: gas. electricity, wash trays, fireplace, bath; $300, $25 monthly, phone Dr. Darling. SUNNTSIDE Three new houses near car line: pay over 8 per cent net; price $7500; $3500 cash, balance 7 per cent. C 818, Oregonian. MY quity in beautiful lot 100x100 In Ross mere cheap: Improvements in and paid for; two miles from business center. In quire 145 21et st- N. W. Phone Main 939. FOR SALE House and 2 lots on Marquam Hill; also 1 lot in Sellwood. Inquire of owner, 60$ Spokane ave., Sellwood. DON'T miss the best buy of a home In Piedmont, corner Alnsworth and Moore; terms. SIGHTLY corner with modern 7-room house. In Holladay's Add., close to Steel bridge. Call 410 Falling bldg. INVESTORS Go to the Owners" Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Ablngton bldg. FIVE-ROOM cottage, 20-mlnute car service, good lawn, cement walks, plenty rose bushes, etc., $2500. N 802, Oregonian. $250 CASH. $20 per month, strictly modern, 4 rooms, alraoet new. from owner. Call Main 8401. $135 FER LOT Easy terms; one block from car; only 22 minutes' ride. 320 Swet land bldg. WANT to sell equity In five-room cottage, Sunnyslde. Call mornings. Hotel Frank lin. lO to 12 A. M. BY OWNER Four new 5-room flats: 10 min. walk, West Side; terms. C 795, Ore gonian. - NEW 5-room house, lot 75xlOO, $2UOO; $500 down. R. M. Gatewood A Co., 3d . and Washington. IF YOU have $300 to Invest. I will build you a home to suit-; you can pay for it on easy monthly terms. G 813, Oregonian. CHEAP by owner. 6-room modern house. $2i0 cash; $2300 terms. 1235 East 11th, North.. IRVINGTON lot. on 10th near Thompson $1500: all Improvements paid for. A f' 701, Oregonian. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS Three choice lots on the boulevard, $650 each A F 700, Oregonian. SWELL, new. modern bungalow, 0 rooms den and sleeping porch; 24th .and East Yamhill; terms. $1650 New, modem 5-room house any terms to - suit. 1095 Maryland ave.i St. John car. CHOICE IRVINGTON lot. East 21st near Hancock st.. $2000. c 771. Oregonian. $2300 New bungalow; $100 cash. $20 month ly. 44th. near Hawthorne. Tabor 176S. LIST your real estate or city property with W. H. Dudley A Co., 311 Stearna bldg. BARGAIN 5-room cottage. cor. tOxlsO. $1X50. Holbrook. the tailor. Couaa bldg. 80MS fine vacant lots near new high school site. Phone Woodlawtt aoa fm-O .AaOa,