COFFEE MAY GO UP THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 24, 1909. Effect on Tariff Legislation on the Market. EXPORT DUTY PLAYS PART Ccneral Advance in Spices as Result of the Changes In Payne Bill. Local Oraln Trade Quiet. Foreign Hop News. Coffee win ot he entirely on the free list. If the Payne tariff bill, ae Introduced in the house, become a law. The bill pro vide, for a countervailing duty on all coffee brought from countrle. which lmpo.e an ex port tax on thl. article. The passage of the hill a. Introduced will mean higher prices in the coffee market. The following telegram was received yes terday by Closest A Devers. of thl. city, from c. B. Blckford & Co.. of San FTan claco: "Congreaaman Needham. of the way. and mean, committee, telegraphed here that the Payne bill provide, that with any country Imposing an export duty or charge upon coffe. exported to the United States, a duty equal to euch duty or char.. .hn k iected. Santos- export tax la equivalent to a cent and a half, excluding the 20 per cent surtax, that of Rio half a cent. Guatemala one cent. Salvador halt a. cent. Coata Rica. ?h "."J" Colombia free, and Venesuela three-eighth, of a cent." dOM ,h market feel the ir. k th' chKO. but there ha. also been a general advance In aplcea 5"" tock' " hand, of Pacific Coaat Importer, are concerned, ha. been advanced i;"1 talent of nearly the entire 30 per with ,hU , P'C 'n '" touch 711 I fading Importer, .tate that aplcea can probably be bought now at an average advance of 13 to 20 per cent over the pric" t"" ag0' but thre "em doubt 1,." wh,en th anff question 1. settled and Porter. 0r,nth' "W e" lnt porter, will exact the whole 80 per cent kl'f"."" 'n nM Lll" Deen Quoted by moat of the jobber, equivalent to about 83 per cent of the propoaed duty. 1'IJ.CCS BUYS THE Ml'ECRE HOPS, large Lot at Aurora I. 8oId at Sevea and One-Half Cents. The .ale of US bale, of Aurora hop. by Mu'c to Jullu. Plncu. at T)4 cent, was reported yeaterday. This wa. the only mark"" Pt h0f" dne lD th6 l0Cal kof rtCM".f0rn" le"er that mar ket dull for apota and contracta. The root, are .aid to have wintered satisfactorily New York advice, reported aale. of .tate hop. at 15 H cent, and one very choice "t at 14 cent.. Ttvese. It 1. said. prac tically cleaned up Schoharie County " A cable from Iron Monger, of London to laaac F Incus Son. said- 'Market dull, with only few buyer.. No improvement anticipated In the near future. Common to medium hop., market ha. de clin.d; good medium to prim hop.. m.rket Arm but unchanged." Klaber. Wolf & better'. London cable aid : " "Market continues In very quiet state." LOCAL. ORAIS MARKET IS QUIET. Mce. Ar. rim nt the Previous Quo tations. a but firm all around. The price, of th. prevlou. day were quoted. Bid and asked price, were quoted at the Board of Trade- aa follow.: . WHEAT. ::::::::::::::::::::;i;0 OATS. ApH,h. ::::::: i.-o BARLEY, Msrch ... April 3 BO Receipt, In c.r, were reported by the Merchant. Exchange a. follow.: March 20-81. Vl'y "iV 0a." March S2 i? . '2 4 2S Total la.t week. j !.f - B J Supply f Vegetable. California vegetables . wene In full .up. Ply yeaterday and In ,om. line, price, were lower. Rhubarb wa. weak It 1 per box. owing to the advance of the oc.l artlc.e., .OId fneely t cent,. The .Earner brought up arti choke., asparagus, rhubarb. r.dlahe.. lemon, and pineapple.. a car each of celery and lemons also arrived. The Florida tomatoe. will be In Thursday night. Mutter Market Very Active , At the reduced price of s4 cents the city butter market wa. very ctiv. nd Mm, o the creamerie. were unable to nil all tlwlr ;t c.n""forn,a but,er w" Kgg receipt, were very large, but all cleaned up at unchanged price. Foultry was scarce, active and nrm. Hank Clearings. Clearing, of the Northwestern cltle. v,a terday were a. follows: rortland fr'- Balances. eait". 1.1M.144 111H.2.S4 r "" l,S4.;l0s lS'l V" M..1.407 J- s?? fORTLAXD MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc ..'iTrW rFSKxflVVE1 H-u'sslan-I'lVaUey. W'"- " KI.OIH 1'ntents. 5.6K per barnel straights. 4.US: exiorU. ,4.10: Valley. s li" W'Vo"'"' whol" wheat, quarters OATS No. t white. S40 por ton. MILLSTl'PFS lilan, l-,u;.6i per toal m ?di'"f " ,:t3; h,r- 2jo: chop, 20ca: rolled barley, $31 u 32.50 LtARLKY Feed. 31 per ton. H.W Timothy. Wlliaiiiette Valley, $13013. ET,r lon,:. Kastarn Oregon. lrt4T18: clover. 1J 13: alfalfa. 14Si4lo; grain hay. $1301; theat, SVX Vl14.50; vetch. 13.60j Dairy and Country Produce. BI'TTER City creamery. extras. 34c: fan.-y outride creamery. U'J34c per lb -'aii:ornla. aiiSJIl'Ho; store, 1SiU'20c Ttut ter fat prices averaxe 1 cents per pound unrior regular butter prices 1 r.i,.i-urtftm rancn. iowile per doxen. 4.rlfa.h.ffc. hancy cream twins, nftni.. per lb.; full creum triplets. 17174c- full cream. Young America. ISSfJSSc " KAL Kxtras. loyllc per pound: ordl. ary. lc-. heavy, to. - PORK Fancy. SVuBlOo per lb.; large. IffiiS'l. anparegua. 12He per pound; beans. 2Sc; cabbage, J"4jJi,c per pound: cauliflower, i : celery. J4.75 per crate; cucum- J rhubarb. $2 per box; aplnach, $l1.2o; I Groceries. Dried Fruits Etc DRIED FRUITS Apples. 8c par lb.; peaches. 7 14 ii 8cr prunes. Italians. SaarCo; prunes, French. 4-Jtic; currants, unwashed, cases, 8S4c; currants, washed, cases. 10c; ngs, whito fancy. 50-lb. boxes. 6'Ac; dates. IxdT Vac tiALJdON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. .2 per dozen; 2-pound talis. $2.05: 1-pound aala, $2.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, 5o, red, 1-pound tails. $1.45; sockeyes. 1-pound tails, $2. COFFEE Mocha. 24 028c: Java, ordinary 17 0 20c; Coata Rica, fancy. ISO 20c; good. -ICtrlSo: ordinary. 12 HQ 18c per pound. I NUTS Walnuts. 12 V 12c per pound by 1 sack; Braxil nuta. 16c; fllbsrta. 15c; pecans. 1 7c; almonds. 13 Ho: chestnuts. Italian. 1 11c: peanuts, raw. 14 etc; pinenuta, lea i 12c; hickory nuts. 10u; cocoanuts. too per SITQAR Granulated. $5.80; extra C, $5.40; golden C, $5.30; fruit and berry sugar, $5.90; plain bag, $5.70; beet granulated, $5 70; cubea (barrel), $6.30; powdered (barrel) $6.15. Terma: On remittances within 15 days, deuuet 4c per pound; if later than la days and within 30 days, deduct He per pound. Maple sugar. l5 ISc per pound SALT Granulated. $13 per ton. si B0 per bale; half ground. 100s. $7.50 per ton; 50s, $8 per ton. ..PA1?'8-SmaU whlte, 14c: large white. Bc: Lima, 60; pink. c; bayou. 4c: Mex ican red. 5 c. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. There le a stronger tone In the market for hogs and cattle. The best grades of the former were advanced a quarter of a cent yesterday because of the light supply and strong demand. Cattle prices were not changed. Sheared sheep are now beginning to arrive, a shipment coming In from Echo, and this was one of the factors In an easier sheep market yesterday. The receipt, yes terday were 217 cattle and 527 sheep. Late representative sales were: 25 steers, aver age 1U0O nounds. M 2S- "1 .i.... AuracA 1110 pounds, $3.40; 3 steera. average 4175 pounds. $3.25; 27 steera, average 1140 5"unds. $5.40: 26 steers, average 1 130 pounds, $3.30; 1 bull, 1350 pounds. $3.25; 1 cow. 1300 pounds. $4; 238 alteep, average 88 pounds, $5.50; 24 sheared sheep, average US pounds, $5; 263 sheared sheep, average IOO pounds. $3; 712 sheep. average 8G pounds. $3.25; 30 steers, average 8!) pounds. $4.30; 2S steers, average 1050 , pounds, $4.55 18 steers, average 1013 pounds $5. The official quotations of the Portland Livestock Exchange were as followa- CA.TTLE Top steers. $5.255.50; fair to good. $4. 5 s5.fto ; common to medium, $3 23 a 4.50; cows, top, $4.25; fair to good. $3.50 4.00; common to medium, $2.51(53 50; calvesr top. $5.00(g5.50; heavy, $3.50(iiJ4.00;. bulla and stags,' fat, $3.00 a 3.50; common, $2.00(h'2.75. HOGS Best, $7.25rgi7.5fl: fair: to good, $0. j (81 7 no ; stockers, $5.506.50; China fats. $rt.75. SHEF.P-rTop wethers, $5f5.75; fair to good. $4. 50 l. 73; ewes. c less on all grades: lambs, top. $6.506.75; fair to good. $6.00)6.60. ' WHEAT GAINS A CENT War Talk and Export Demand Lift Chicago Market. TRADE ON ACTIVE SCALE tal; beans. TOO sacks; corn. 13B centals; dlings, 10 sacks: hay, 540 ton.; wool 293 baits; hides. 14SO. Vegetables and Fruit. FRESH FRUITS Apples. 65cf$;.S per box. POTATOES Buying price. $1.40 ig 1.50 per hundred; aweet potatoes. SWtf3tac per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips, $1 per sai-k; csrrota. 90c; parsnips. $1.50; beets. $1.75; horseradish, luc per pound. TROPICAL FHCITS uraniei. ravels. $1 4)2.75 per box; lemons, $1.7Cxg4; grape frutt. $4.23)4.73 per box; bananas, 5ikj6c per pound; pineapples, :.oul.3i per dosea; tangerines $1.7$ per oox- ONIONS Oregon, buying price, $1.7S per hundred. VEGETABLES Artichokes, 76QOo do..; Never Knew Cattle to B So High. WESTON, Or.. March 23. (Special.) J. F. Thompaon, who haa followed the stock business for 25 years in this localltv, and la ranging about 300. head of cattle on the breaka of the Umatilla River, says he haa never known beef cattle to reach such a high figure as at present In the local markets He find. It difficult to evade buy era who are offering 4 cents for cows and 5 cents for steera. Mr. Thompson has a car load of beeves engaged for shipment April 1. hut beyond' this has made no contracts. He Is In the market for stock cattle, but finds little or no stock offering. He looks for continual good prices in view of the big packing-house enterprises now under way at Portland. He Intends to remain In the stock business, having much range of his own at his ranch on the Umatilla, apd be llevea that the future offers more profit than ever before to the stockman who Is well equipped for his industry.- Eastern Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. March 23. Cattle Re ceipts. 2S0O; market. 10c to 13c higher. West ern steers. $3.50(85.75: range cows and heif ers $J5: cannera, $.-..253.25: atockem and feeders $3(55.4(1: calves, $3.507.50; bulls and stags. $2.75(84.85. Hogs Receipts, 13.200; market, steady to Sc higher. Heavy, $8. 6t(ff. 80 ; mixed $8.75 6.NI; light. $0.30(86.65: pigs. $4.505 75 Sheep Receipts. 80O0T market, -steady to strong; market. 10c higher. Yearlings. $6.25ia 7; lambs, $7(7.75. CANNOT LIFT THE PRICE effort to advance eggs at Seattle fails. Washington Creamerymen Slake -No Change In Butter Quotations. Potatoes Are Weak. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 13. (Special.) Although strong efforts were made , today to force the price of egga up to 25 centa, the movement waa unsuccessful and the price remains at 23 and 21 cents for locals a?nd 22 and 23 cents for Eastern. Receipts of asparagus are so heavy that prices have dropped to 8 cents. New po tato quotations have also -been cut to 8 centa. , Rhubarb has declined to $2.50 per' crate. The potato market is weak, with moat commission dealers overloaded. Few are asking more than $33 and much good stock la sold aa low as $30. The supply of ripe bananas ia so liberal that dealers have cut the price to & centa a pound. Although Portland has cut butter prices, creamery men here state that there will be no change until next week and pos sibly not until the first of next month. The Supply of butter ia not heavy and the demand is brisk. The orange market is firmer, ' with the ripe stock well cleaned up. The price on fancy haa reacted to $2.50. Expresa atrawberrlea aold today at 25 centa a box. The fruit waa in bad ahape. Eastern Mining Stocks. BOSTON. March 23. Closing quotations: . 7Va!Mont C & Ct... 23 . 3 I.Nevada S . 89 Old Dominion 4S Adventure . . Allouez Amalgamated Aria Com. . . . Atlantic . Hutte Coal. . . Cal & Ariz.. Cai gc Hecla. Centennial . . Copper Range 35 lOsceola 120 . 13 1 Parrot aii . 23HiQuincy so .l"0Va, Shannon 14 .620 Tamarack 77 . 29 Trinity l:t4 . 75 United Oooper... lti. wwij vi io-aiL a Alining 4 Oranby 94 ;l S Oil 30li (Sreene Cananea. OiUtah 4i ' 26 V I Victoria 4 i'H;Vlnon 34 9 n Wolverine 139 62 INorth Butte BS Isle Royale. Mass Mining. Ml.l(Kan ... Mohawk Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. March 23. Prime mercantile paper. 3 & 4 per cent. Sterling exchange steady at declines, with actual business lu bankers' bills at $4.b6' 4.S610 for 60-day bills, and at $4.8K10 for demand: commercial bills, $4.854 (M 4 8314 War sliver. 50 Sc. Mexican dollars. 44c. Oovernment and railroad bonds steady. Money on call steady, l ft 2 per cent ruling rate and closing bid. 14 per cent; offered at 2 per. cent. Time loans firmer; 60 days per cent; 90 davs, 24f2?i per cent; six months, 3 per cent. LONDON-. March 23 Bar .liver, steady 23 W d per cunce. Money, 2(o3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is 2tf2 per cent; for three months bills la 2 3-10(4 24 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, March 23. Sliver bars. 50Sc Mexican dollars, 45c. Drafts. Bight, 5c: telegraph. 7 He. Sterling on London, 60 days. $4.864; sterling on London, sight. $4.88- 5"ew York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 23. The cotton mar ket opened ateady at an advance of three points to a decline of one point and closed ateady at a net advance of five to aeven points. Spot closed quiet, ten pointa higher. Mld-uplanda, 9.70c; mid-Gulf, 9.95c -No ealea. Close Is Strong for Both Deliveries. Short Covering Advances Prices in the Corn Pit Oats Is Also Firm. CHICAGO. Mirck 3 '. over the Balkan situation and an Improved export demand caused strength in the wneat market here today, prices at the close being up ?4c to mc. compared with yester days final quotations. Trade In wheat was active and the market was firm and prices moved over a range of nearly' 1 cent. Mav ranged between $1.15V4 and $1.1. while July sold between $1.154 and- $1.164, while July sold between $1.02 and $1,033. The market closed Wrong, with May at 1.16 1.16H and July at $1.03. Notwithstanding liberal receipts and a poor demand for the cash grain by shippers and exporters, the corn market waa firm all day ,"C"Te biddln by h"- Thi strength of wheat was an Important factor. clo 0rn "P lc- The market pared with' fh.w'l,' Jim: , r.n , . ' -y oeing at 6Hi4g66ae and July .at 65(S65c. , i. m on ouyinaT of the May de livery by cash lntereata. At the close prices Jul? .UtP4st?c'4C l Ma" " " Provisions were firm. At the close prices were 58,!c to 17?ic higher. The leading futures ranged aa follows: WH EAT. Onan T,i, CORN. Jy-153 . .6614 OATS.. Mav. 1 K.A r . .40 .40 MESS PORK" bept "80 17.90 iii7' LARp. "ay 10.171.4 10.2714 10 1214 loTti. ia'y- 10.35 10.40 lo'l'li . lo ll SHORT RIBS. Y,"iZ -5 ?? 9.4714 sept:::::: ..j-ji . FtoSrSW" were M foliow,: Rye No. 2, 78 c. ' Barley Feed or mixing, 6306314c- fair to choice malting. 44oc. W " Ialr ,x sed No. 1 Southwestern. $15414 No. -1 Northwestern, $1.6414 i.oa4, Timothy aeed $3.80. Clover $9. f2!:5"Mss;per arrel, $17.70 17.75. Lard Per 100 pounds. $10.17K Ihrt0r15 Blde lce $8.759.37H. Girae.n-t,,,ear 'b- .. eqa,,atoC1?.Ceou.he7.h"pramaryUrecr;rt. Whei"7600 bushel- comparecfwlth"?!,PM bushels the eorreapondlng day a year aurn stJet Increased 327.000 bushels. Es timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat B7 sd."0 cara: oa"-104 i-,,, K. , Receipts. Shipments. corn, busheia. .:::::::::4o3:soo $i.9-2 t- i" , 334,000 291.000 Rye busheia 8,000 6 000 Barley, buahela 114,000 S-JOO Grain and Produce at New York. ao15?'VrOR,K- March 23 f,"t Receipts 2.900 barrels; exporta, 2400 barrels Dull and barely steady. Wheat Receipts. 2600 bushels; exporta. 63. aoo Duahels. Spot firm. No. 2 red. $1 22iio 1.2214 elevator and $1.234 f. o. b. afloat; No 1 Northern Duluth. $1.2494 f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 hard Winter. $1.23 f. o. b. afloat. Sharp advances were scored In wheat today as a result of higher cables, export talk higher outside- markets and adverse crop re ports from the Winter wheat belt. Commis sion houses and shorts were good buyers all day and last prices showed ,c net advance May closed at $1.19ft and July at $1.1114 Hops and hldes Dull. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 23. Wheat steady, barley, strong. Spot quotatlona: Wheat Shipping. $1,900 ta' CeIUal; mllllnK. l-87542.02 per cen- Barley Feed. 1.47i41.50 per criBM. brewing. $1.501.55 per cental ,aRed' ls2l-5 Per cental; white, 51.90ftf2 per cental: hlnnlr Call board sales: Barley May. $1.4614 per I, ' i-- per cental Did; December, $1.254 per cental. Corn Large yellow, $1.87141.7S per cental, European Grain Markets. LONDON. March " t r-,, , , - J- iinnor ten dency; buyers, reserved. Walla Walla, prompt 40s 9d -aiuornia, prompt shipment English country market., quiet; Fren-1 country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL, March 23. Wheat May. 8j - . o .i.u; eeptemoer, 7s lOd. Weather in England today, cloudy. Wheat at Seattle. SEATTLE. March 23. No ' milling quota tions, export wneat: Ulueytem. $1.15-' red $1.03; club. $1.05. Car receipts today, wheat , mint j , a- car. Dried rruit at New York. NEW YORK. March 23. The market for evaporated apples continues quiet, with fancy quoted at 814914a; choice at 714 7,c: prime. S6c. and -common to fair at 56e. Shipments of California prunea frdm- the Coast are about due in., the local market and the tone seems somewhat unsettled. although primary advices are firm. Quo tations range from 6c to 714c for new crop prunes up to 40-50s and from 614c to c for Oregon prunes 40-SOs to 20-30s. I Apricots are moving steadily into con- ; sumption with choice quoted at V-10c; extra choice. 10 1014 c; fancy, 11 li (j 13e. Peaches are In light supply with choice quoted st 56c; extra choice, 4HSr6Vc and fancy, 7814c , , Raisins are dull with loose muscatel quo- t ted at 214ti?4!4c: choice 1 n fun.. B ; 4614c; seedless. 3514c and Lon don layers at $1.20(91.30. Dairy Produce in the, East. CHICAOO, ' March 23. Butter-Steadv. Creameries, 22142914c; dairies. 20K.i25i.'.c. EgBs Steady; at mark, 'cases included, firsts, 18c; prime firsts, 19c. Cheese Firm. Daisies, 1514c; twins! ISc; Young Americas. I6I4C. Wheat at Tacoma. TACOMA. March 23. Wheat Milling, blue stem. $1.22: export, blueetem, $1.15; dub $1.05; red. $1.03. Daily Treasury Balances. WASHINGTON. March 23. Today's state ment of the Treasury balance In the general fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold re serve shows: Available cash balance ". $133,643.2.19 Oold coin and bullion............ 41 4u -N Hold certificates U.414lu66 Chaoses in Available Supplies. NEW YORK. March 23. Special cable and leiegrapntc communications received by Brad. street's show the following changes In aval'.- aoie compared with previous ac count: Bushels. Wheat, fnited Ststes. east of Rock- lcs. decrease 405.000 Canada, increase 232 O00 Total. United States and Canada, de crease .175,000 .i.-cbb kiiu in (Europe, lm. reaee . . . . ow, 000 Total American and European supply. Increase 327,000 Corn. United States and Canada, de- crease 90.000 Oats. Lnited States and Canada in crease ' 634,000 QUOTATIONS AT SAX FRANCISCO. Prices Paid for Produce la the Baur Cits Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. March -23. Th. ml. lowing prices were quoted In the produca utfti&vt luuay: Potatoes Oregou Burbanks, $1.0091.85; Oniona $1.75(3 1.90 per cental. Mlllstufte Bran. $28.0O&30; middlings. Vegetables Garlic. 910c; green peas. 8 10c; string beans, nominal; asparagus, ' 8 65c; tomatoes, 75c$L25; egg plant, 20 25c. Butter Fancy creamery. 28c; creamery seconds. 2614 c; fancy dairv. 26c. Cheese N ew. 14 Sr 14 14 c ; Young America, 14'&141c: Eaatern. 1714c Ess Store. 22c; fancy ranch. 23c. Poultry Rooatera, old. $305.50; young. $810: broilers, small. $4.SO5; broilers, large. $5.508.5O: fryera. $S.50!jj 7-30; hens. $3'ff9: ducks, old. $4.505.50; young, $08. Wool Spring. Humboldt and MenOocino. 163 19c; Mountain. 6-alOc; Nevada, 12l.-c .P;7Yneai- 232: wheat and oats, $22 25-50; alfalfa. $1518; stock. $12816; straw, per bale, 60i85c. Fruits Apples, choice. $1.50: common. 60c: bananas. $13.50; limes, $7.50r8; lemons, choice, $3; common, $1; oranges. S1.O0Q3; pineapplea. $23. Receipts Flour. 7404 sacks; wheat SO centals; barley. s'JIO centals; oats. 630 cen- STOCK OFFERINGS URGE REDUCTION OF SftORT INTER EST IN NEW YORK MARKET. Iiondon a Seller Because ot Latest Turn In Balkan Situation. Money Is Firmer. NEW YORK, March 23. The stock 'mar ket tOdaV Showed thn ATsot . V. n . 1 . f , the ahort lntereat which has been brought about by the driving ' to cover ot tariff revision bill. Some attempt was made today by the professional element to ex- - .... .a ... . . IJ ,1 L Uin BUlDUni Or KIOCK for sale at the higher-price levels proved an . . nr, ueeuH v, i l n snorts seemea not to he so urgent and the market lapsed Into dullness. . There was some revival of uneasiness over the Balkan situation abroad and London was a seller of stocks here on a moderate scale. Discouragement professed, by various au thorities in the steel trade is calculated to arouse some caution among professional speculators, who take these statements as confirmatory of Information on which stock market action has already been taken. Due notice was ; taken of the decision of the trunk line railroads to reduce the rate on grain for export to meet the competition offered by the Canadian lines. The strength of New York Central wa. ascribed In part to this news. Advlcea from the copper trade were of a more cheerful Import. Amalgamated Cop per was one of the heavy features of the market. Reading also was a drag on the attempt to lift prices and the drop In the price of that stock directed attention to the reassembling of the conference over anthra cite coal miners' wages. o- A. fator of dePreMio'i came from the New York Traction group, in which liquidation and an unsupported state was again evident, following the decree of forecloseure sale of the Third-Avenue Railroad. The slump in local traction and the perception that ad vances brought increased offerings of stocks for sale undermined the market" The money market waa appreciably firmer in response to the continued withdrawals of IV, i",l,52n- The forel" "change mar ket yielded somewhat In response to the lessened demand for remittances with the Increased demand for funds - ?ndS were ateady. Total sales, par 7VX? 2.sa6.000 united States bonds w;re unchanged on call. . CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. High. 7o?4 4ST4 ii'.i 41 3894 200 300 1.6O0 9414 29 .42 I OOO. 1(W.v. , 800 10314 U 119 6,000 108 7114 167 owir: 100 10214 10214 Amal Copper tiltsoo Am Car & Foun. 500 do preferred ... . Am Cotton Oil... 766 Am Hd & Lt pf. sou Am Ice Securi... 6,100 Am Locomotive .. 700 52" do preferred ... 200 114 Am Smelt & Ref . . 19,2(0 87'4 do preferred 300 10314 Am Kit... u r . - Am Woolen Anaconda Mln Co. Atchison do preferred ,. Atl Uat Line.. Bait & Ohio , Brook Rap Tran'. " 8,100 ' Vz'si Canadian Pacific 50O 168 -enirai Leather.. 900 29 4 Central of N .J. . . Ches & Ohio 18.200 iucago ut west. ( 'h 1 ltv jr. XT W C. M. & St Paul..'.' 4,700 14514 , I K i3L X I . . . ...... . Colo Fuel A Iron 2.300 33 Colo & Southern 100 63 00 isi preferred. . Consolidated Gas.. Corn Products . . . Del Hudson D & R Grande . . . do preferred . . . Distillers' Securi.. Erie do 1st preferred. do 2d preferred . General Electric. Gt Northern pf . . , Gt Northern Ore.. fllinllB P.nt1 -' ... . . . . ,1 , . . uw Interborough Met. idkki do preferred ... 37,000 JiiiL raper ....... do preferred . . . Int Pump Iowa Central .... K. C Southern.... do preferred . . . Louis & Nashville Minn & St L M. St P & S S M. Missouri Pacific... Mo. Kan & Ttxas. a.znn do preferred ... 60O National Lead S 100 N Y Central 13,400 N Y. Ont & West. 7O0 Norfolk ft West.. 40O North American Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People'. Gm . P. C C ft St L... 1,004) Pressed Steel fur Kirt Pullman Pal Car BOO 171 Ry Steel Spring.. 21X1 3714 Closing LOW. jtliU 48 'si 14 40 V4, 30 - 6114 114 85 U. 103 14 60 4814 HO 5114 40 30 1314 6114 114 8614 111314 129 'A l.'iO 9414 m 29 29 41 102 14 JIM la 70 200 1,300 17974 40O TH 7Z. 3,400 131 40O 18-J4 i.iw 110 102 11814 1184 10814 118. 9314 71 14 167 2S14 101 n 235 6874 414 178 144 74 32 6214 8OI4 T8 130 1814 1.500 5K) 300 3, hi M 5O0 !00 441 8514 3514 25 3814 30 6814 414 179 144 32" 63 , '78 130 18U 17414 174 800 400 2,500 70O ,900 1434 50O (ARH. BOO 143 T4 14 4214 814 "2914 45 4 7.1 a;. o". i:.' 300 53'4 6iO 14514 4.800 70 4114 73?4 77 127 45 88 24,800 141 2O0 32 0.8O0 132 a.lOO 112T4 92 .to 44 85 35 2414 87 74 3014 153 141-5 66 142 4 ' 11 33 914 28 44-is 73 129 53 "4 I4514 681 40 14. 73 3 70 126 4r. 87 140 3114 131 11014 91 T 38 44(14 85 35 14 24 37 iff 5 142 12 37 Vj 48 1714 2814 129 55 145 6814 40 73 14 76 78 li 140 31 131 111 9114 25 1714 170 3 Republic Ste'eV ..'.y. . . . ... .Z,. .. do preferred " Rock Island Co.. 5,700 2414 23 do preferred ... 8,800 6414 'v63 St L Southwestern do preferred ... oinss-isnemeid Southern Pacific 35.1 00 120 do preferred ... 7'K) 122 Southern Railway. 3.1O0 24lJ - do preferred . . . 500 62 1 Tenn Copper . 1.11(0 41 14 Texas ft Pacific 1.000 32 Tol. St I ft West. 600 47 do preferred ... 1.2O0 7014 union r-actnc . . . do preferred . . U S Rubber do let preferred XI S Steel Utah Copper . Va-Caro Chemical. do preferred . . . Wabash do preferred . . . Westinghouse Elec Western Union ... Wisconsin Centrai i.Soo 49 Am uei & xei.... l.zou 130 300 C3 83.9 "J 181 6C0 9514 S4i80O 'is" 1.40O 110 63 ii'8'4 122 4 23 62 41 31 T4 47 7014 3614 1.10 u, 70-4 23 63 22 ?2 322 61 41 4 31 46 (1 316,000,000 PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TEEGRAPH CO. First Mortgage and Collateral Trust 5 30-year Gold Bonds, Denomination 31000 The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company owns and operates what is known as the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company properties throughout California, Oregon and Washington, both local and lon- distance . including exchanges at San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, Portland, Se attle, Tacoma, Spokane and about one hundred smaller cities of the Pacific Coast. . The above-mentioned bonds are part of an original issue of $35,000 000 of which $10,000,000 hare previously been sold and are now outstanding. These bonds have been placed on the market heretofore at better than par and interest, and are recognized as a safe and exceedingly attractive invest- ment, both for banking institutions and individuals. Applications will be received at our office for the above-mentioned, bonds at special price of 9514 and interest, the right being reserved to allot the bonds in lesser amount than that sub scribed for, and to withdraw the offering at any time. Full in formation relative to the same may be obtained on application at . our office. Orders may be wired at our expense. MORRIS BROTHERS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Public subscriptions for the bonds are being received in the East by J. P. MORGAN & COMPANY, New York City, and N I W. HARRIS & COMPANY, New York City, Boston and Chicago. DEMAND EXCEEDS SUPPLY ALI KINDS OP WOOIj STRONG AT BOSTON. Twenty-three Cents Paid for New Montana and Dakota Clip. Prices at London. BOSTON-, Mjch 2J. In the absence of heavy domestic stock, the local wool tran sactions are confined to the foreign pro duct, while in both lines the demand ex ceeds the supply. Dealers are - eaeerly awaiting; the arrival of -the new clip and advices from the West show an advance to 23c for Montana and Dakota wool on the sheep's back. v Very litqe of the old stock is available and transactions are confined to small lots. There Is a steady demand for pulled wool at firmer prices for all grades. Some lead ins; domestic Quotations range as follows: Texas Fine. 12 months, 6265c; fine, t to 8 months, 52 55c; fine. Fall, 4850c. California Northern, 6862c; middle county, 50G2c: Fall free, 435e. Oregon Eastern No. 1, staple, C2g3c; Eastern clothing, N6557o; Valley No. 1 staple, 48'&0c. ' Territory Fine staple, 635c; fine me dium clothing, 565Sct Half-blood, 6063c-. three-eights blood, 6658o; quarter blood, 61053c. ' Pulled Extra. 63S5o; fine "A," 68 62c; A-auper, 505&c. London Wool Sales. IXJXDON, March 28. The offerings ! at the wool auction sales today were largely crossbreeds and amounted to 14,379 bales. The demand was animated. Americans bought 1000 bales of medium fine at prices from 10 to 15 per cent above the January sales. Home -buyers paid 7 to 10 per cent advance for some grades. The new merinos were In brisk demand, advances ranging from 10 to 15 per cent. Wool at St. Louis. ET. LOUIS, March 23. Wool Firm. Ter ritory and Western mediums, 18 & 23c; fine mediums, 1720c; fine. 11 17c. - New York Sugar. NEW YORK. March 23. Sugar Raw. steady; refining, 3.42c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3.92c: molasses sugar. 3.17c. Refined, steady. 17i 95 93 4 21) 2,900 60O "Alio 6,200 31 ) 600 42lJ 'isii 45 7H 65 110 4 41 4214 "is" a 65 491 103 441-i H04 41"4 42 US it 79 9 uoiai saies tor tne clay. eiz.7UO shares. BONDS. NEW YORK, March 23. Closing quota tlona: U. 8. ref. 2s reg.101 N Y C G 3Hs 93 do coupon .101 North Pacific 3s 74 XC U. S. 3s reg 101 North Pacific 4s. 103 do coupon. . . . 10Hi South Pacific 4s. 91 U. S. old 4s feg.119 Union Pacific 4s.loo5 do coupon. .. .12044 wlscon Cent 4s.. 94! Atchison adj 4s. 100 IJapanese 4s & R Q 4s 9T j Metal Markets. NEW YORK. March 23. Spot tin was higher at 129 7s 6d in London, but futures were unchanged at 130 17s 6d. Xocally the market was dull. Copper was lower in Ixmdon with spot quoted at 56 Is 3d and futures at 56 15s 61. Locally the market was firm with lake quoted at $12.75 12.87 H ; electrolytic. 12.37 hi 912.50. and casting at S12 2oia 12.37 H. Lead was 2s Bd higher at 13 3s 8d In London. The local market waa quiet and unchanged, 3.07 cij 4 02 Sc. Spelter was unchanged at 21 7s 6d In London. The local market waa quiet at 4.75 Q 4.77 ft c BONDS VESTMENTS Call or Write T.SMcGRATH Lumber Exchange PORTLAND, OREGON THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON o- UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AINSWOBTH. President. . R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier. R. LEA BARNES. Vice-President. A. M. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. DRAFTS ISSUED ON ALLFOREIGN COUNTRIES PAYMENTS MADE BY POST TO PARTIES ABROAD WITHOUT COST TO RECIPIENTS LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK Second and Stark Street CAPITAL $250,000 OFFICER S. ?A?" WentworTH, President. GEO. L. M'PHERSON, Vice-President. JOHN A. KEATING, Vlce-Prestdent. H. D. STORY, Cashier. K. A. FREEMAN. As't Cashier. THE BEST STREET INSURANCE IS THE BITULITHIC PAVEMENT It insures against dust, mud and street noises. v v It insures against slipperiness and falling horses. It insures against cracks, disintegration and costly repairs. It assures a sanitary and durable street. It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials. It assures perfect satisfaction. BITULITHIC INSURANCE IS SAFEST AND SUREST WARREN COSTRUCTION COMPANY 317 Beck Building, Portland, Or. TRAVELEKS' GLIDE. A BROAD HINT To -wise depositors. Bankers are making- oil investments. Why not invest your own money direct with practical oil operators and make the banker's profit? Booklets showing how and why free upon request. MARK E. DAVIS. 1004 Broadway, Oakland. Cal. NORTH PACIFIC S.. S. CO. S. S. Ceo. W. Elder Sails for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles March 18, April 1st, 15th, 29th. Ticket office 132 Third street, near Alder. IL YOUNG, Agent. COOS BAY LINE The steamer BREAKWATER leaves Port land every Wednesday. p. M., from Aim worth dock, for Korto. Bend. Marshneld and Coos Bay points. Freight received till 4 P. M. on day of sailing. Passenger fare, nrst class. $10; second-class. $7. including berth' and meals. Inquire city ticket office. Third and Washington streets, or Ainswortn dock. Phone Main 268. CANADIAN PACIFIC Les Thar Four Days at Sea WEEKLY SAILING BETWEEN MONTREAL QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL i0.yu0n fh1 beaut"ul St. Lawrencs ropa. shortest ocean routs to Eu- Nothing better on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless on all steamers, cabin sTs!1" 84s con'1 " elass ra.kaanYbtook!eta8ent- F Wrlt' 'r VLllin"' h. B. Johnson. P. A.. 14S Sd St.. Portland. Or SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. 8. CO. Only direct steamer, and daylight sailing: From Ainsworth Bock. Portland. 4 p m" 8.8. Kose City Mar. , Apr. . etc. U.S. Senator. Apr. g, et. From Lombard St.. San Francisco. 11 1 m S.8. Senator. Mar. i7. Apr. 10. -6.8. Kose city. Apr. . J7. eto. J. W. Ransom. Dock Agent. Main 28 Alnsworth Dock. M. J. ROCHE. City Ticket Agent. 142 Sd BU Phone Main 402, A 1402. - s