Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 24, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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'W B hare a client waiting that want! &
neat, moderate-priced. 5-room cottage,
with two or three lota, situated in nice
neighborhood. If you -want to sell, call
at on ca.
IT Board or Trade.
MILL buy small house and lot. 2 to 5
rooms, value $500 to $1H0; will pay $300
cash and monthly; prefer Alberta. Wood
lawn or M-V car. Owners onlv. Customer
Is ready. Call at once. 513 Chamber
c ommerce.
WILL trade city lots or acreage for horses;
must weigh lino and over; nothing fancy,
but must be good piow horses; want to ship
next week to "urry County. The Lee
Bowdler Co.. 3ii Abington bidg.
WANTED To buy. new or nearly new 6
room modern house, close in- full lot:
must be a bargain; I2O0 down and $25 per
month; ownera only. B S04, Oregonlan.
WANTED A good Investment which can
be handled - with $10,000 cash payment
and balance easv terms.
F. fIXHS, 221 H Morrison Street.
WE have tenants waiting for houses in
Council Crest and Irvlngton. The Oregon
coast Co., 302-S04 Wells-Fargo bidg.
Main 6641. A 3237.
WANTED 5 to 10 acres on Willamette, be
tween Rock Island and Oswego suitable
for chicken ranch. Kauffmann & Moore,
325 Lumber Exchange.
WANTED In Sunnyslde, 5 or 6-room house
or bungalow. $2500 to $3000; small cash
payment, bal. easy. A. A. Boover, 3i3
Gerllnger bidg.
I WANT to buy good Inside Income business
property. $15,000 up; only owners consid
ered, c 811. Oregonlan.
LOT on Portland Heights, or Willamette
Heights, commanding view. I'hone at
once. Main 3917.
WANTED 10 to 20 acres for subdividing,
must be well located and cheap for cash.
B 802, Oregonlan.
LIST your property with C. W. Hovle 604
Hoard of Trade bidg. for quick action.
tH acres, fronting on a lake and in
sight of the river; some hearing fruit
trees; on fine road, few blocks from elec
tric line; splendid service; elegant soil;
5-room house; good, strong spring; can
give terms; places like this are getting
oil Gerllnger Bidg.
We Mill have a few small tracts, from 1
t 6 acres each, on Oregon Cltv carllne,
only 30 minutes' ri le from Portland; beau
tiful location, high and sightly; spring
water for each tract; right near ."tat'ov.;
price $550 to $700 per acre; very easy
610-611-512 Swetland Bidg.
I HAVE 20 acres located near Garden Home
10 acres clear, lo acres in stumps and
standing timber; a fine 5-room house, two
years old. Included, besides a fine barn and
chicken-house; the electric car Is within
half a mile and the Southern Pacific is
building a road which will pass within half
a block of the property. This in a big
bargain at $325 an acre. AE 690 Ore
gonian. .At Re, and a half, renced. on Oregon Elec
tric, close In. beautiful view, splendid soil.
Ideal for country home; $500 cash, bal
ance long time. C 813. Oregonlan
2 acres In bearing apple trees, on Ore
gon City line; an excellent location for a
home. 320 Swetland bidg.
&4-ACRB tracts, cleared, level, on carllne 8
miles from Portland P. O. ; $400 to $500 per
tract; easy terms. Room 318 Allaky bidg.
X WILL sell 8 acres on Oregon electric, $300
cahr balance 8 years; 5 acres improved.
Address owner. Box 235 St. John. Or.
, ACRKS In the heart of Hood River apple
land. $1( per acre; must have money. Kin
ney & Stampher, Lumber Ex.
CONFECTIONERY and cigar store, ffs
Bummer. 63 Bth. Owner, E 790. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE or trade for Eastern property,
controlling Interest In first-class flouring
mill. $15,000; also a good wheat farm
close to R. R., 856 acres, $!7 per acre'
profitable hardware business In Eastern
Oregon for real estate. 611 Commercial
820 acres of land, It miles from Valley
City, II miles east of JL acoml.e and SO
miles north of Calgary, to exchange for
a good Valley arm. For further par-
,1T.,;'.alL', "ea Ueo- w- Turner, 416-17 Roth
c hlld bidg.
TO TRADE Have a fine grocery store on
the best carline out of Portland; good
2-story building and fine barn, with 14
.e, on corner; can t be beat at $3200;
will take city property. K fins. n,..
Fit KB Information furnished on all mining
and other incorporated companies. Port
land Information Bureau, room 8. 861
Washington t.
1 WILL exchange my houseboat for vacant
lots In Irvlngton. This is a floating pal-
ace 1 loose money on It at $3000.
K 803, Oregonlan.
buy, sell or trade business or property
follow the crowd to Stevenson A Taylor
rooms 310 and SU Buchanan bidg
TOURING car or runabout for real estate
or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonlan.
WILL exchange small Indiana farm for au
tomobtle. Sox 649. Portland.
WJr,.L ,Sra5e tor w nat y have. Gus Smith.
StU Buchanan bidg.
BIIJCTZ claims; we pay cash for claims
from owners. Nelson & Whittler. 017
Board of Trade.
W "J...PAT ca,h 'or timber In Oregon and
ashlngton from 40 acre upward. O 739
T'-?nI,,R1.-""ul",wanted- c- J- Mccracken.
304 McKay bidg.
TWO good homesteads fine location near
the Coast; best of soil and easy cleared:
grod bottom land. For further particulars
RoomlOM- K"r - g,M St"k
FOR SALE Good homestead relinquish
ment, few improved farms, several sec
tions raw wheat land, all In great wheat
belt. Eastern Klickitat. Stone Bros., Blck
leton. ash.
I HAVE few choice homesteads In Crook
nunty, some of them on Deschutes River:
s?m n'08t. beu"t-- Part of Oregon. B
Mm, Oregonlan.
HOM ESEK KRRS. DO YOU want 320 acres
best Government land In Oregon? 1S6 Bth st.
THE GERMAN PEOPLE want farms. Bell
them yours; advertise. St. Joseph's Blatt.
t.oodnou.h bidg.; 60 words, five weekly Is!
sues. $J.5o; 12 weeks. $5.0O; 21.000 subscribe
ers. Mg Eastern circulation; sample free.
Horses. Vehicles and Harness.
FC'" f5AVPrC!?e -Iwe 2-ton express and
one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel
mont and E. 6th.
COOl light team, new harness and express
wagon; will trade for big horse. Chas
retno. end Woodstock carllne
FOR SALE Horses, draft and all purpose:
carload Just arrived. 6. a Thompson.
G res ham. or. phone 8X.
ri2R" IE horses 8 and 6 years old.
well broke single and double. 61 Savler
St., (butcher shop.)
to sea the two teams Just from East
ern Oregon: weight 200 and 2400 lbs.
young and sound: at 24S Front st.
H Tabcfr8" Uij"'' bu"le (or rent or sale.
HUBERT A HALL. 380 Front, buy. sell, rent
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
FOR SALE A bunch of horses at BOB Al
blse ave., take L car.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness of all
kinds for sale. 204 Montgomery.
I-HORSE surrey, most new. cost $350 for
15. Tabor 1113.
HORSES and mares for sale. Rose City Sta
bles, lllh and Jefferson. M 3300.
CAR of Valley horses. 104 Russell st..
Alblna. Phone East 878.
Horses, Vehicles and Harness.
FOR SALE At 420 Hawthorne arc, 1 spra
SlSS". Md B- 260: 1 bays. 9 years.
22"0; 1 span bays. 8 years, 2100. 1 span
dun mares. 7 years. 3200; 1 span bay geld
ings, i and 9, 2800; 1 span gray mares 7,
290O: 1 sorrel horse. 6 years, 1450; 1 bay
horse, 10 years. 1250; 1 bay mare 0 years.
1100; 1 span browns, 8 years. 2400: 1 span
hays, 8 years, 2500; 1 span bays, 5 and 8.
25""0; 1 fine horse, driving or saddle, 7
yeans, 1275: 1 span grays, one mare jn
foal, a years; 1 black gelding 11 years,
1540; 1 fresh milch cow, $50. Hawthorne
Ave. Stables.
WHY buy a second-hand vehicle when we
can sell you a new vehicle at about the
same price as you would pay for an old
one? We are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wagons, bugggies, delivery wagons
and farm wagons.
.322 Hawthorne Ave.
The annual meeting of the -stockholders of
this company will be held in their office.
No. 602 Concord bidg.. on Wednesday, the
21st day of April, luoft. at 12 noon.
B. H. NICOLL, Secretary.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck
furniture wagons to rent by mouth or
year; we also rent any kind of a rig for
business purposes, day, week or month.
Phones East 72, B 1363, Hawthorne
stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
$150 BUYS matched black team, horse and
mare, weigh 1200 lbs. each, new heavy
harness-, all complete. Call today. Red
Front Stables, 15th and Washington sts.
Ask for Machine team.
WILL trade city lots or acreage for Jiorses;
must weigh 12O0 and over: nothing fancy,
hut must be good plow horses; want to ship
next week to Curry County. The Lee
Bowdler Co., 308 Abington b!dg.
SNAP $165 buys matched team, horse and
mare, are good pullers and right out of
hard work, also Bet new heavy harness, $30.
28 N. 15th st. Mr. White's team.
ONE carload of draft horsea weighing from
1300 to 1600 lbs., in good condition; also
some mute teams, by G. K. Howitt. 41
80th St., Montavilla.
PAIR young, fat, chunky mares, weight 1150
lbs. each, drive single, double or ride, very
gentle; good ranch or delivery team; price
$100. 26 N. 15th st.
AUTOMOBILE, gasoline, steam engines re
paired; prices right- Grunstrom & Perill,
Supple's boatyard.
AUTOMOBILES. $150 and up, for sale or
trade. W. Q. Hartman A Co., 46 2d St.
WANTED Automobile in exchange for real
estate. Address O 823, Oregonian.
EXCHANGE for real estate, T-passenger
auto. Holbrook. the taller. Couch bidg.
ROCKWOOD'S anti-tuberculosis underwear
for men and women made of pure unadul
terated wool in bright, airy rooms, under
the supervision of Dr. Pratt, $2.50 per gar
ment. Manufactured by Geo. Rockwood &
Co., Bennington, Vt.
NEW and slightly used automobiles in first
class condition, from $100 to $1500; for
bargains see us. Portland Auto Commis
sion House. 334-36 Alder.
Main 4455 AUTOMOBILE ROW A 443S.
We have a few slightly used machines
that will be sold very cheap. Call and
see them at White Sewing Machine Store.
H. D. Jones. 420 Washington, cor. 11th- st.
803-81T Rothchlld bidg.. Is stll! looking
for more business; will rent films ana
songs as reasonable as any house on the
Coast, and carries all supplies for moving
picture theaters.
FOR SALE CHEAP Porcelain bathtub, with
mahogany casing, porcelain sltr bath and
.marble waehstand. Apply at 204 North
20th st.
LUMBER for sale on Portland Heights, direct
from mill, at sacrifice; dimensions, 8x12,
6x12. 6x6, 4x8. 6x8. National Realty &
Trust Co.. 320 Washington st.
ONE 21-inch screw cutting lathe, price $35
if taken at once; part payment down. 03
N. 1st. W. R. Stearns. Phone Main 358.
A S33S.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60. fully
guaranteed, easy payments; rentals, $3
per month. Pacific Stationery A Ptg. Co..
203 2d st.
logging and hoisting engines.
THOROUGHBRED Silver Laced Wyandotte
cockerels; alf eggs for setting; overstocked
at presenL; AO lor rnone a 2530.
FOR SALE cheap, stable 20x40, story and
half, lumber good as new; easily taken
down. Call 171 East 23d, near Belmont st.
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oalt wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover. 313
Water st. Phone Main 7431 : A 5445.
MOTOR CYCLE for $133. cost $270, prac
tically new. Call between 4:30 and 5:30.
G. R. Waterman. 124 3d st.
DIAMOND BAR-RINGS, cost $80: take $40;
solitaire, -cost $175, take $125. C 800. Ore
Film service that wins. Steroptlcons,
slides, supplies. 165Vi 4th st.
ELEGANT furniture at private sale, owing
to family leaving town. 40 Ella st. Apply
N EARLY new typewriter for eale cheap. 280
GUARANTEED harness: lowest prices. Keller
........ .u in., . . . cikia sl.
WANTED Good farmhands; take Sellwood
car to Orattons Grove.
ENGLISH baby buggy for sale. Phone Main
403 1 .
FOR SALE 4 mission hall trees, exclusive
design. Address P. D. Jones. 26 12th st.
NO 2 Smith Premier, almost new; snao; $35.
M 803, Oregonian.
IF YOU can sou anything, you can sell Elm'
hurst, the best subdivision now on the
market; our salesmen are making from
$oOO to $1000 per month. We furnish
automobiles to show propertv. Call at the
American Trust Company. 200-204 Chara
ber of Commerce. See P. E. Cleland.
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year:
men and women to learn barber trade In
eight weeks; help to secure positions:
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly
expert instructor: tools free; write for
catalogue, rohler System of Colleges. 85
N. 4,th St.. Portland. Or.
TWO first-class city salesmen for large
real estate firm: we furnish prospects
guarantee you $15 per week and you
should make at least $40. p 512. Ore
gonlan. YOUNG MAN willing to travel, get con
tracts, put up paper, ahead of large
theatrical company; experience not neces
sary; $300 cash; salary $35 per week and
expenses. 613 Abington bldgT
MFI? .can hav 3 VGr aay ana learn plumbing.
bricklaying, plastering; $25 required. Pa-
clfic Trade School. 418 Arcade blk.. Seattle.
WANTED QUICK A No. 1 advance man;
also good stage director wanted for road
show. B 797. Oregonian.
BOY about 15 with wheel to deliver and
help about store; good wages. Fraley
Bros., 214 3d. .
H.FuF Ve ,malnK b'T money selling
$20 lots. Apply Greenoe Heights. 414
Lumber Exchange bidg. '
WANTED Photo coupon and t.ortralt
-SluS bftTg. SWe11 0ffBr- C"berth Studio.
iMV."hnc!ed- Aaare" Elof Ande'-
EXPERIENCED ad solicitors: contracts
cashed dally. Hotel News. 215 Oreg'n bidg!
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California wine
Depot. P. Loratl. 164 2d. Main 4212.
WANTED A presser on ladies' or gentle
men's garments. S21 Williams ave. "
CO30SraAkKsEt:neCahr".thCOOPe3r 6n- ta-
WANTED Trained butler for private family
testimonials required. K 818. Oregonian.
W A NTED A barber's helper. Apply 709
t nlon ave: one with experience preferred.
WANTED Chef, cook hotel: $25 week Pio
neer Employment Co.. 16 North Second at.
TRAVELING salesman to carry side ltne ot
neckwear: good sellers. 403 Couch bidg.
HARNESS cutter wanted Immediately.
John Clark Saddlery Co.
WANTED Couple of men on spray pump.
painting. Inquire 143 1st st. U,"P
WAN-TED -Experienced pants presser. Room
17. lreedea bidg., cor. 8d and Washington.
I " ''J ." I XUiLr- WASTED IEHALE. T tlTIUTlnu v. I . 1
Stlckerman, city, $3.25; wood turner,
city, $3: 2 planer feeders, $2.50; man
and wife to work in dining-room, large
camp boarding-house, wages $G0 up; 2
flunkeys. $25 and $30; 10 farmhands,
$25 to 35; 100 other Jobs.
New Jots coming in all the time.
,.W? T'V1 Blve a written guarantee
tbacked by a S50O bond) to pay fare both
ways if there is not work where we send
Call on us when you want work. We
will do our best to please you.
Main Office. 12 n 2d Rt
WANTED Responsible men and strong boya
at Lo Antrele- fair- ... -. .1. :i . . .
- . . . . i'" j line iwuicnns
traae of plumbing, bricklaying or elec
tricity in months instead of years; no ex
pense for Instruction. Write quick. United
Trade School Contracting Co., Los Angeles.
JWEN Don't accept any kind of work until
you hear from us; make $10 per day selling
a household necessity: new article, new
plan; 125.000 sold in Minneapolis; costs- 6c
sella for 25c; send 6c for 2 samples. Do
MfnnC MfK" C' De3l A17)- Minneapolis
WANTED Salesmen to show property In
Rose City Park.
Chamber of Commerce.
AUTOMOEILING, plumbms. Electricity,
bricklaying and plastering taught by ao
tual work In shops and buildings; ad
vanced scholars earn wages; catalogue
free. Coyne National Trade School. 230
8th St., Ean Francisco.
IF you are a SALESMAN or a LIVE ONE,
you will be interested to learn ab.iut our
brand new premium offens and how y,u
can make from $6 to $12 a day. BRAINS
and PUSH the only requirements. Call
mornings after S, 317-318 Flledner bidg.
Employment Office Men's Department,
26 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1526.
Help free to employers. ,
WANTED 50 men to clear streets, lay
sidewalks and grade for carline; good
wages; must take part pay in property.
See manager at room 308 Abington bidg.
106 3d st- as
WANTED For California, a competent sales
man for wooden tanks for wine, oil. water
and mining business; state experience and
salary expected. Address box C 801,
YOUNG MEN to prepare for U. S. railway
mall clerks, examination May 15. Must
be honest. Intelligent and strong. Fur
ther particulars free. Pacific States
School, McKay bidg.
WANTED Leading man, heavy man, good
comedian, at once for - first-class road
show; give phone, enclose programme, tal
ented amateur considered. J3 796. Ore
gonlan. MEN to sell household goods on the install
ment plan; big commissions for hustlers
vapii no former experience necessary. J.
X Sherman. 89 Grand ave.
WANTED Honest, sober young man with
little cash as partner to show property
and work in offloa; am tired of hired
help. 225 Eth at.
WANTED Boy 14 years or older, for office
boy. one with wheel preferred, knowledge
of city absolutely necessary. A C 601.
Oregon iaa.
MAN handy with tools and small amount
capital can get interest in profitable man
ufacturing business; investigate this 3S04
East Washington st.
WE WILL take you to Nome, Alaska, give
good board and wages and at close of season
bring you back; $100 cash Investment re
quired. 615 Board of Trade.
WANTED Railway mall clerks, $800 first
year; examination In Portland May 15;
preparation free. Write immediately.
Franklin Institute, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Honeet boy to make himself gen
erally useful; must have references and live
at home: wages $3.50 per week: good chance
for right boy. M 812, Oregonlaji.
A GOOD woodturner and all-around planing
mill man; steady work at good wages for
good hand. C. W. Sears & Sons. Albany.
WANTED Five experienced specialty sales
men for the most salable article ever of
fered; city work, call this morning. 503
Lumber Exchange bidg.
WANTED A good, all around blacksmith,
good wages and long Job toi right man;
good chance for married man with small
family. N 806, Oregonian.
WANTED Stout lad to assist with Janitor
work in exchange for course in book
keeping, shorthand, etc. H 804, Ore
gonlan. WANTED 6 first-class ladles' tailors, wages
$23 to $30; also man skirt maker and
busheiman, no incompetents need apply.
London Tailors, Wells-Fargo bidg.
YOUNG man, 18 years, to work In a whole
sale house; wages $7 per week; references
required. J 813. Oregonlan.
WANTED Good agent to sell Sunset Beach
lots, attractive proposition, liberal com
mlsslop. Goddard & Wledrlck, 110 2d st.
GOOD subscription solicitor; position will pay
about thirty dollars a wook. B 813 Ore
gonian. MAN to repair musical Instruments and
phonographs. Competent man required; other need apply. 67 N. Park st.
WANTED A barber to buy a controlling
interest in a orae-chalr barber shoD at
S89 Hawthorne ave. for $18.
WANTED Several first-class salesmen for
orchard tracts: excellent opportunity for
good men. 302-4 Wells-Fargo bidg.
WANTED Young men to learn railroad tel
egraphy, permanent positions when com
petent. Oregon College, 83 5th. 5th floor.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced advertis
ing solicitor; regular and special edition;
references. 618 Chamber of Commerce
WANTED A good pharmacist, registered in
Oregon: steady Job for the right one. Ad
dress J 810, Oregonian.
STEADY girl for permanent position, house
work small family, walking distance. East
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework, family of 2. Apply Mrs. Brlgga
675 Brasee. East 1910. '
WANTED Experienced girls to make shirts
and overalls; also girls In trimming de
partment. 75 First St.
Ladies' Department. 203 Morrison St.
Phones Main 1062. A 2004.
WANTED German or Swede girl for gen
eral house-work. Apply 1089 Thurman et
Willamette Heights.
WANTED Girl to work In small flat In the
morning. Apply Mrs. W. G. Nash. 674
Kearney st.
GOOD girl for general housework, refer
ences required. 725 Weldler st. (Irvlngton)
WANTED At once, girl to wait on table at
restaurant. 384 Hawthorne ave.
"WANTED Girl for general housework.
Phone B 2499.
GIRLS to learn ladies' clothes Ironing Yale
Laundry, 500 East Morrison st.
WANTED A girl for general housework. 394
College st.
HOUSEKEEPER wanted for widower- no
children. H 709. Oregonlan.
WANTED An experienced waitress at The
Hill. 23d and Washington.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 484 Salmon.
WANTED at 77 West Park, one for kitchen
and one for dining-room. Call after 2 P. M.
GIRL for general nousework: no washing no
cooking. 335 Montgomery st.
PRACTICAL nurse for outdoor patient. 194
North 17th.. corner Kearney:
WANTED Girl to assist In general house
work. Apply 747 Glisan st.
GOOD pants finisher: also operator; good
wages. 262 Yamhill st. .
WANTED First-class chambermaid and as
sist at table. 130 11th st.
EXPERIENCED waitress. Palace Restau
rant. 129 4th st.
SALESLADIES to travel, good opportunity
220 Marquam bidg.
WANTED Young girl to assist with house
work. 662 Johnson st.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply 682 Hancock st,. Irvlngton.
Girls, 16 to IS years of age, to -work In
factory. Apply at once.
Fifth and Davis Sts.
SUBSCRIPTION solicitors that can make good
on a first-class periodical, the Weekly Spec
tator; liberal commission, low subscription
(special) rate. Apply 329 Chamber of Com
merce bidg., 9 to 10 A. M., 4 to 5 P. M.
Ask for Mr. Williams.
WOMAN for general housework; must be a
good plain cook; first-class home and
food treatment to right woman; wages
$30. Either call at residence. 690 Tilla
mook St.. in Irvlngton, or see Mr. Bow
man at Brownsville Woolen Mill store.
LADIES To sell an easy selling line of
up-to-date wearing apparel on the Install
ment plan: no former experience neces
sary; big money for hustlers. J. D. Sher
man, S3 Grand ave
Suits, underwear, domestics, etc.; first
class people wanted at once.
43 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs.
Phones Main and A 22.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED QUICK Leading lady, soubrette,
at once; a No. 1 company. Give phone,
address: enclose programme; ambitious
aaiiateur considered. E 798, Oregoniam
COMPETENT girl to do cooking and assist
in housework in family of three. Inquire
In the forenoon. Cornell road, between
Marshall and Northrup.
WANTED An experienced girl for second
work: apply morning, S. K. corned 20th
and Jackson, Portland Heights. Phcne
Main 2644.
WANTED 3 ladles to take orders in city;
light work. Call this morning. 503 Lum
ber Exchange bidg.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. 809 Roth
chlld bidg.. 4th and Washington.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shirts. Apply Standard Factory No. 2.
Grand ave. and East- Taylor st.
820 Washington St.. Room 807.
Main 8836 or A S266.
WANTED Refined, mature woman to or
ganize, salary and expenses; rererences.
N iSS. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to do light housework;
must sleep at home. Apply at back door,
426 Alder st,, after 8 A. M.
843 Washington st., cor. 7th. upstair.
Phone Main 2692.
GIRL for housework, small family; refer
ences reculred. 853 28th and East Har
rison. Tabor 1318.
WANTED A girl for general housework
and cooking: please give references. Call
mornings. 395 Grand ave., cor. Hancock st.
FOUR talloresses and six dressmakers, only
competent hands need apply. London
Tailors, Wells-Fargo bidg.
WANTED Young women and girls to know
that the Y. W. C. A., cor. 7th and Taylor
Rts.. serves cafeteria luncheon and supper
KKR CO., want agents, make money; it's
a great seller; new Invention; "Reach
once get both." salt or pepper. Send 25c
for sample, get to work. Address Box 235.
Shipping Dept., St. John, Or.
FI.1K TEACHERS' AGENCY registers only
the best teachers. 614 Swetland bidg.
LESSONS in shorthand and typewriting by
expert, $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3893.
AT ONCE, experienced pants operators.
Room IT Breeden bidg.
FRENCH AND GERMAN in classes. $1 per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Situation as accountant, credit
man, cashier or bookkeeper, by gentle
man of wide experience In office work:
references. Address D 787, Oregonlan.
TIMVK V 1.-1 J.-1 risolT.. . ; . 1 .
- - uiwici aiaima
cost keeping and accounting; experience
mm lanroaa contractors; state salary. J
811, Oregonian. ,
WANTED Position in fire insurance office by
'uull6 wwi who nas naa lour yearsr experi
ence In the East. M 809, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. emptoyea,
wants small set of books to keep evenings
Y 699. Oregonian.
REGISTERED drug clerk wishes position. N
POSITION wanted by young married man with
8 years' experience with a reliable hard-w-are
and Implement firm; can make small
Investment; prefer out of town In good
farming community. Address 137T, Ports-
iiiuulu ave., x-ortiana, or.
HOTEL CHEF as chief steward open for en
gagement. I am well-known In Oregon
After March will go to work. T. L. Young,
TNTRRPP Tt:TTPT ....... 1. o - ,
- - , - - "i " ,v o " 1 - ' l luuguages,
Bulgarian, Russian, Italian, Austrian
Turkish, Greek, Roman and Spanish, wish
y"31""" zotift Aider st.
. u.e;. kuurouBu-
ly experienced, abstainer, reliable, desires
puuauuu it, 11 private zamiiy. K. 798, Ore
CONTRACTORS and realty men desiring
service of first-class draughtsman can se-
vuiw Daiua bj aaaressing 15 796, Orego
JAPANESE, good cook, wants situation In
private family; can speak English; has
suuu iwerunce. j ouz, t-iregonian.
YOUNG man wishes position as cook, city or
uiuc i crtia experience; rererences
ii icyuireu. v to. uregonian.
. - wuia situation,
family or business house; has good refer-
.... i o"i. vi Bguuian.
BRIGHT young man 18 years old. good ref.
erence, had some experience along the,UB ,ue. ovi. uregonian.
HOUSECLEANING. wall tinting, carpets
ii..V, cw ; .i-iw, luimiuTfl polished.
WANTED Situation as stationary engineer
14 years' experience. Address B 795 Ore
gonian. '
, . I'" senile ana nonest boy.
wishes situation as housework, In private
YOUNG man. 18 years of age, would like
" iiu" it once. buz, orego
GENERAL houseclean'ng by day. Job or
unui. ruuiitj main aoou. 1. Thompson.
JAPANESE civil engineer desires position in
6EVERAI. Japanese want work on farm. H
GOOD Japanese boy wants to work In fam
lly. J 805, Oregonian.
srrcATioxs wanted female.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
YOUNG LADY wishes position es etenoir-
Wlnhfl" net LKnAu1rAanAa .. -
Oregonlan. '
n. swa stenographer, experienced or
"-'"-" "oe tiencai i -; 1 1 r-P. A 5446.
.......uiij micu aim cernnea.
POSITION as assistant bookkeeper, moder
?te salary, some knowledge of stenography.
LADIES' shirtwaists a specialty, 75c and up;
o vivtiica. ao 1UU1 St. Mrs.
Lardon. A 2260.
Park st.
Call room 8. 189 We
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
uiu hum Aiaia.
MIDDLE-AGED woman, nursing or second
" f"Tnt niii. , . i. on. uregonian.
PRIVATE room, warm, modern, best care
invalid, lady; nurse home; $30. Tabor 951,
wma-n with good reference wants light
Yfuua imniiyi no eniiaren. Phone
3IARCH 24, 1900.
Housekeepers. Fuml&hed Rooms In Private T.mllv I
WANTED A Swedish girl desires a good
place In a private family to do general
housework. Woodlawn 583. Address 812 E.
13th N.
POSITION as housekeeper for gentleman
with home In city by young widow lady
with child to support. Answer lmmedl
ately. N 799. Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as housekeeper bv a
, lady with young daughter. Phone Tabor
968 before ten or after one.
GIRL w-ants to assist In light housework.
kuuu norne. -i eus. uregonian.
FINNISH girl wants general housework and
cooking: good wages. 222 H N. 15th st.
Miscellaneous. -
T( IS I Tl i IV r.,- ., . .... .
- . ' ....... j ...... Biii i '.ft r infli,
-; t.i vi naBiai. 1 11 ii,ue: speaKS
English and German. B 800. Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman of ability wishes place
"a or managing nouseKeeper. Phone
Tabor 1478 or K 800. Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman wants steady day
: - - ...... ..uaj oiiki muuuay. mono
Tabor 8.
STRONG Germsn girl wants day work wash-
"-,MJ ironing preierrea. fnone Main
HOUSEKEEPERS, chambermaids, cooks. St.
039 -ii uJa wasnington st. Main
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched, 40c
a pair. Phone Main 5598, A 4092.
EXPERIENCED woman wants washing or
housecleaning by the day. Main 4308.
FIRST-CLASS fitter desires to take charge
'ith small suit house. M 8l0, Oregonlan
LADY wants work by the day. N 804. Ore
gonlan. COLORED girl wants "day work. Phone
evenings. Main,4"49.
TWO ladles wish day work. Main 4160. room
WANTED Work by the day. Phone A 4902.
WANTED 6-room modern house with all
improvements, within 2.1 minutes of busi
ness section, by permanent tenant: rent
not over $23. H 800, Oregonian.
EAST SIDE, April 1, by single man. fur
nlshed bedroom and furnished or un
furnished sitting-room, breakfast and
dinner; give terms. L 79S. Oregonlan.
WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished modern
bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, gas, electricity
cement basement; full particulars. C 803
ROOM and board, private family for 8 young
men; West Side, walking distance; state
terms. K 801, Oregonlan.
WANTED By young gentleman, room In
private family, near the Pantages Thea
ter. Address K. P., 103 17th St. North.
RBV. MR. ACHESON desires room and board
nenr Hawthorne and E. S7th. Phone Tabor
WE HAVE tenants waiting for houses of all
descriptions. The Oregon Coast Co.. 302-4
Wells-Fargo bidg.
And anything else you have to efelL
Main 5855. A 4121
WOULD like to hear from some good Chris
tian woman or family that wants to care
for a little girl 10 years old. For further
il. rmatlon wrlte or apply Chester Monroe
62J Delay st., city.
WiNTEr;30 or 6-j:t- Basollne launch with
40 to 60 H. P. engine for passenger serv
ice; must be first-class and cheap. Address
A C. Olsen. 819 The Rookery, Spokane,
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
snoes; we also buy household furnishings:
highest prices paid. Call at the "Falf
m at rxortn. pnone main 9272.
WANTED A shotgun and a modern rifle;
muet be good condition and cheap; what
have you? Address or call T. A. B. 464
Lexington ave.
WANTED Two good farm wagons and twj
sets of harness: must be good and cheat)
AHHmsa r nail T- A T"l 1 1 I - , .
w. ...... i . ucxingiDQ ave,
THE $ Auction Co. will give you the most
dollars for your second-hand furniture.
Phone Main 6374, A 2327.
"Pays the price" for second-hand furni
ture. East 988. B 2311.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for furniture. Phone
East 5204. 194 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor.
SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East 1067.
Furnished Rooms.
Corner 10th and Washington Sts.
Under new management. The most mod
ern and up-to-date rooming-house In the
city; very nicely furnished; private baths,
hot and cold water In all rooms steam
neat; special attention given to tourist
trade; prices very reasonable. Call and
be convinced.
Corner loth and Washington Sts.
JUST opened, the Irving. 312 Oak. cor. 6th
your choice of 30 large absolutely new
and elegantly furnished rooms; steam
neat, electric lights, running water, etc :
these rooms are exceptionally nice, fur
nished In genuine mahogany and quarter
sawed oak; rates $4 up week, $1 up day.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder; new man
agement: newly renovated throughout; 70
outside rooms: steam heat, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up; suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones and baths free.
Seventh, Ankeny and Burnaide.
Everything brand new. homelike and
Freebathal' Tate" ""oiao". Free buss.
ONE ELEGANTLY furnished outside single
room; hot and cold running water and
all modern arrangements. Very reason
able rent; -walking distance. The Mer
cedes. 20th and Washington sts.
NICELY furnished rooms, clean, steam heat,
reasonable price; very desirable location. 5
minutes' walk from postoffice; house under
new management. Call 95 ilth st.. cor
ner Stark.
Nicely furnished rooms for housekeep
ing; bath and phone, at 889 6th st
Phone A 2645.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
ern conveniences; special rates to perma
nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor
BEAUTIFUL furnished room for 1 or 2
gentlemen, with hot and cold water free
phone, elevator. The Westminster, 6th
and Madison.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modem con
veniences: S3 weeklv ,,n A -- i - - . .
i . 00f
THE ESTES Good rooms, reasonable- new
furniture, telephone and baths free. '37iZ
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J Estea
HOTEL AVALON. 11th and Washington
......... .... ...I. i.-., single or en
suite; rates reasonable. Main 3017.
THE REX. 18th and Washington Modern
rooms, also housekeeping; running water
baths. A 1858, Main 4632. r.
MONARCH HOTEL Neatly furnished
rooms, modern conveniences, reasonable
rates. 365 Stark, cor. Park.
445 Columbia st., first-class furnished
rooms, modern conveniences, $3 UT) weeltiw
Main 7410. weeaiy.
THE RANDOLPH. 3d and Columbia, rooms
heat, bath; 50c to $1 day. $2 to $4 week?
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished $2 to $5
also transient rooms. 343 14 -Mon-iann '
THE ANGELES, 6th and Jefferson, modern
rooms and apartments: both nhnnA.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
LARGE, elegantly furnished rooms; modern
conveniences; $6 to $10; gentlemen only.
&6 Johnson st-
FURNISHED rooms, bath and phone. 38
wuimmen preferred.
KEWrT furnished bay-window suite one
single, modern. 404 li Park st.
NICELY furnished room, heat. bath, central
$10. 362 3d, apartment 3. , :entra-"i
4 SWELL furnished rooms, bath, electric
light, piano, close In. A 249$.
FOR RENT 4 furnished rooms. someone
willing to take partial care of 6-year-old
child in part payment of rent. 170 Park
st. Phone M. 4253.
GENTLEMAN, having furniture for 8
rooms, would sell same and take In re
turn board and room for self and daugh
ters. Call at 503 Corbett bidg.
FINE large room, large closet, hot and cold
water, etc.; also smaller room: special to
permanent business people; board If de
sired. 642 Morrison St.
LARGE, sunny room, everything new. heat.
, bath, phone, walking distance, reason
able. 624 Flanders.
NEWLY furnished rooms In private family
855 East 6th st North, cor. Broadway.
Phone C 1842.
FOR RENT 3 or 4 very desirable furnished
.-.iii; pnone ana natn; rent reasonable.
106 ISth su North.
LARGE front room for gentleman, with
tirl Vll r. famllw . 1 .
(t(., - j .iw uniti roomers. .saain
7jAlPB a,COT suite, newly furnished, suit
able for two ffenrlxima,. l.i. .
board. 530 Couch st. ",u'
202 13TH. corner Madison; nicely fur-
nisnfd room v. . . . .. .
. uuua-. over conven
ience, gentlemen.
CIl?th J?,?P??'J8 an$d newly burnished;
v-.woo ha. o oin.
N5iTL3fJ?raIf5d .?75J!' 'urnace heat, at
-ill Main. Phone 2169.
FOR RENT A furnished room, reasonable.
In a private family. 429 Davis st.
NICELY furnished, $1.50 per week at 811
Main st.
Rooms With Board.
Modern in every, respect; steam heat,
electric lights, hot and cold water In
, every room, elevator and bellboy service,
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor
Grand and Hawthorne eves.
WALKING distance, 617 Kearney, cor. lath,
elegantly furnished apartments, suitable
for married couple with a child; with
board; first-class table; all modern con
veniences; beautiful grounds; also swett
furnished rooms for gentleman. with
iiyiaoi nuii dinner, per month.
PORTLAND Women's Union. 20th year;
: " ' "'V.' nnm, uj oi sewing-room and
library; Women's Exchange. Miss Frances
Heath. Aunt ttllt VI.....
BLAKELY HALL. 800 Jefferson, between
th and 6th Pleasant rooms, first-class
board, beautiful grounds, finely located
ZOr nilRint-HM nun n I n Lihn.. i . i . .
- J ' a 11.11 U.
BLAKELY HALL. 300 Jefferson, between
5th and 6th, pleasant rooms, first-class
board, beautiful grounds, finely located
for business people. Phone A 5345
ONE single room with first-class board $0 50
per week. Also table board $4 per week'
good home cooking. Astor House, Seventh
and Madison.
THE COLONIAL Corner loth and Morri
son, fine large rooms, lowest rates, best
Place In city for a home.
THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison St., family
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional; best table board; prices moderate
THE LIN DELL 269 Market; nicely furnished
front rooms, first-class board; modern, rea
sonable; fine walking distance.
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con
veniences. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th.
THE OZARK, 225 11th Light, airy rooms
with board, hot and cold water.
THE BEVERLY. Park and Yamhill sts.
Room and board at moderate rates.
Rooms With Board In Private Family,
PLEASANT room for one or two; bath good
home board, private; very reasonable. T51
Kearney st. A 4379.
NICELY furnished suites, with board; mod
ern conveniences. 46 N. 21st. Mrs. A
PLEASANT rooms with board; good home
cooking, all conveniences, close In; rates
reasonable. 314 Mill. cor. 6tn.
LARGE front room with board, suitable for
two; also smaller rooms, modern, close in.
89 EaBt 8th st. North. Phone East 722
ROOM, with board, for 2 in private home.
549 Johnson. Phone A 4681.
ROOM and board for 2 in private family
West Side. Phone Main 3649.
SUITE front rooms for two $44, for three
$0O. 470 Main st.
FRONT room with hoard; home cooking:
close 111. 328 6th. A 3622.
1 LARGE room and alcove, suitable for 2 or
3 men (with board). 435 Yamhill st.
LARGE, handsomely furnished room, suit
able for 2, board if desired. 227 7th.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia,
easy walking distanoe, new. brick build
ings, in 2, 3, 4-room family apartments,
. private bath and reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone. Jan
itor service, maximum of convenience,
completely furnished ready for housekeep
ing, from $30 to $50 month'.
Richardson Apartments, 14th and Market;
for nurses and business women; every
convenience; must be seen to be appre
ciated. Phone Main 2330 A 8653.
FOR SALE Fine furnished apartment; nice
ly located, near the center of the city.
Apartment 23, Victorian Apartments, 428
Columbia et.
THE CHETOPA 18th and Flanders, 4
room modern unfurnished apartment. Ap
ply to the janitor,'
MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders, Nob
Hill; 5-room apartments; every convenience
Main 7616.
THE LUXOR. 13th and Clay sts.; beauti
fully furnished 3-room apartment; mod
ern throughout.
431 WEST PARK ST. Choice 4-room
apartment facing Park. Apply 888 Hall
JEFFERSONIAN Nicely furnished 2 and
3-room suite for housekeeping, strictly
modern; 16th and Jefferson.
THE DAYTON. 660 Flanders, l-room apart
ment, heat, hot water, etc. Main 1221.
"BUELL APARTMENTS," 14th and Salmon
sts.; nicely furnished 4-room suites.
COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 3 and 4-room
modern apartments. 11th and Columbia.
503-506 Abington bidg.
S rooms, steam-heated; hot water: Jan
tor; new and modern. 668 Kearney;
5 rooms, nice and cozy, 2S6tt 16th near
Jefferson, $18.
$16 MODERN 5-room flat; lawn, basement,
shades, wood lift, speaking tube. etc.. being
tinted and painted. 444 Rodney ave., cor.
Tillamook. East 4866.
5 .ROOMS, strictly modern, front and rear
porches, stationary range, electric lights.
$12 per month. F. P. Shaughnessy, Archer
Place. Tabor 644.
NEW, modern, 4-room flat, half block south
west 23d and Washington, West Side.
Main 3833 or 8988. . e t ome.
NEW, modern 6-room flat with furnace, gac
electricity, between 16th and 17th. E. Starli!
Inquire 626 Stark.
FOR RENT 8-room new upper flat. 2 bath
rooms. 150 North 24th. Inquire 65 7th
St. Phone A 6011 M. 691.
8-ROOM modern flat, walking distance.
West Side. M. E. Lee. Room 41L Cor
bett bidg.
6-ROOM. steam heat, fine location, close In;
no children. 664 Couch.
MODERN flat, 194 McMillan st. Inquire 188
MODERN 6-room flat, newly tinted. 292 M
Margin, fronting river. $22.50 per month.
NEWLY, modern and 6 and 7-room flats. 309
309H 18th N. Phone Main 3670.
Housekeeping Rooms.
NTCE, newly furnished two-room house
keeping suite, steam heat, electric lights,
hot water. The Barton, 455 Alder.
THE MILNER, 859 Morrison, cor. Park.
Furnished apartments; elevator, phones.
bath, hot and cold water In each suite.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and S-room apart
ments; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th st.
NICELY furnished 3-room suite, strictly
modern, first floor. 514 Jefferson St.
TWO housekeeping rooms at 202 Jeffer
son, cheap rent.
THE BEAVER, 12th and ilarshall sta
Newly furnished for housekeeping In
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, .reception-room, all
free; furnished apartments $15 per month
up: single housekeeping rooms $2.50 week
up; best in city for money: short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take "-S" or
16;h-t. cars north, get off at Marshall St.
vv ashlngton. cor. 20th Nicelv furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges. hot
water, free bath, free phone, both floors;
nice suites from $12 up.
THE GAYOSA. Grand ave., cor. East Stark
.: modern brick building, eles-antly fur
nished housekeeping apartments, single
rooms: steam heat, elevator, baths, hot and
cold water in all rooms. Phone East 5465.
$1..5 A EEK and up; large, light house
keeping suites, single rooms, day. week,
month: special rates to traveling families.
?? Vr'ilne' 503 H Alder, corner 15th. W.
3d, 16th or Burnaide car.
ONE- nicely furnished 2-room housekeep
ing apartment; running water, heat. bath,
telephones and all convcnlepcf s; walking
distance. $22.50. The Mercedes. 20th and
Washington, sts.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, west
side river. 2 rooms $8 month: 3 $12 to
16; part cottage. 115; lower flat. 4 rooms,
$20. (37 Chamber Commerce.
CAMBRIDGE BLDO.. 3d and Morrison mC.
furnished and unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping: very desirable. Apply
room 36. Phone Main 945.
THE NORDICA Newly furnished apartments
for housekeeping; strictly modern, on Grand
ave., 1 block south of Morrison. East 3418.
632 WILLIAMS AVE., furnished and unfur
nlshed housekeeping rooms; also single
ONEONTA. 187 17th, near Yamhill 2 and S
room furnished suites (.gas range, hot and
cold water, steam heat, baths). M. 4697.
THE MILNER. S5o4 Morrison, cor. Park.
Unfurnished apartments; elevator, phones.
bath, hot and cold water In each suite.
UNFURNISHED S and 3-roora bay window
suites In beautifully centrally located
apartment-house. 305 Jefferson, cor. 6th.
Housekeeping Rooms tn Private Family. .
WE want "em rented. 1 or more house
keeping or furnished rooms, most rea
sonable; all new, gas and electric light
ing. 207 Sherman st.. walking distance.
Main 4482.
UPPER floor; 3 or 4 pleasant, well-lighted
rooms, furnished, gas, bath, phone, good
yard; central location; references. 2S N.
11th st.. 2V4 blocks from Washington.
Main 9053.
ENTIRE lower floor, 8 rooms, pantry, hath,
gas and piano, range, furnished complete,
u-ulliln. illBtaniv li'in tT. V.rfW.
) 16th.
8 CONNECTING rooms on lower floor, light,
fireplace, water, phone, bath. In choice
neighborhood. Call 724 East Burnslde.
No children.
2 FRONT, furnished, housekeeping rooms,
good view, gas, bath, phone. 615 Yam
hill. ENTIRE first floor, 5 rooms, completely fur
nished for housekeeping; walking distance;
rent reasonable. Phone Main 904.
FOR RENT Three housekeeping rooms,
with furniture, suitable for couple with
out children; rent $13. 301 Holladay ave.
PLEASANT outside housekeeping rooms,
prices reasonable, walking distance. 661
Washington st.
ESPECIALLY desirable bay window- front
rooms, large, airy, well furnished. 634
Morrison. -
NICELY furnished, ground floor, housekeep
ing rooms; free light, heat, phone bath:
reasonable rent. 350 Oak.
FOUR furnished rooms for housekeeping;
modern: use of piano; large yard. 9S3
East 10th st.. North. Woodlawn K-93.
NICELY furnished housekeeping room, all
conveniences. $11 month. 64$ Vs Morrl
Bon st.
1 SUITS clean, well-furnished front rooms,
close in, nicely located. 295 Salmon, cor
3 OR 4 clean, nicely furnished rooms, gas
range and all conveniences; nice yard. 15
minutes from Oregonian. 433 7th.
THREE large housekeeping rooms, bath,
. gas. electric lights. 651 East Morrison.
2 SUITES of two housekeeping rooms, nicely
furnished; bath. gas. phone. 421 6th st.
HOUSEKEEPING - rooms, with sink. bath,
phone and light. 412 10th st.
3 NICE, light, well-furnished housekeeping
rooms; modern.. 50 Second st.
PLEASANT rooms for housekeeping- rent
reasonable. 555 5th st.
2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms: lovely
home. Phone B 1079.
THREE well-furnished housekeeping rooms
at 311 Main. Phone A 2109.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
125 12th st.
TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms,
ground floor, central, reasonable. 309 7th.
LARGE room and a kitchen to rent, fur
nished, modern. 862 Park st.
LARGE front room, unfurnished, gas. bath
light housekeeping. 362 3d. apartment 3.
TWO or three furnished rooms for house
keeping. 616 Northrup st.
ENTIRE floor, 8 rooms and bath, light and
pleasant; reasonable. 226 Grant.
SUITE ot 8 rooms, bath, laundry phone; 81S.
308 13th st.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always seed NEW
BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the saving
will exceed cost of moving.
cupy one-half; colect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and E. Stark. Phone East 2929.
250 NORTH 19TH ST.. elegant, large. 14
room. 3-story house, large rooms, extra
large porch, bay window (Just com
pleted); steam heated; can be uBed for
one family or can be used as 3 flats;
would be suitable for swell boarding
house; rent $65. Graves Music Store. -111
4th. Both phones.
STRICTLY modern house, baths, large at
tic, cement basement, furnace, two fire
places, laundry tubs, gas and electricity;
near Washington High School. Inquire
room 801 Dekum bidg.
WE have houses and apartments in all parts
of Portland.
A 3237. Main 5641.
302 Wells-Fargo bidg., Portland.
EIGHT-ROOM modern Corner house, on 24th
and Overton. Inquire 581 Marshall su
Phone Main 2474, A 2474.
8-ROOM house, gas, fireplace, good neigh
borhood, nice yard, big porch; 30. East
14th and Pine. Phone, East 4562.
10-ROOM residence, cor. 22d and Washing
ton. Particulars inquire 215 N. 24th at.
Phone Main 2077.
7-ROOM. modem house, splendid location,
nice yard, roses, etc. Inquire 694 Rod
ney ave.
FOR RENT Small cottage, 86 - Park st ,
cheap. Apply 810 Chamber of Com
merce. MODERN 6-room house. 7th and Sherman
sts.. West Side. Main 867.
MODERN 7-room house, corner East 1st and
Wasco. Phone East 2446.
MODERN 8-room house. 771 Hoyt st., near
23d. Apply 662 Johnson.
MODERN 8-room house, 104 East 18th st.
Phone East 2420.
MODERN 5-room cottage, yard, central,
82Q. Inquire 112 East 11th st. JEast 3148.
$25 Good modern, 8 or 10-room house, can
subrcnt. B 1114.
Furnished Houses.
MODERN lower 4-room flat; new furniture;
gas, bath, stationary tubs, etc.; fine loca
tion; lawn; 25 minutes' walk to 3d- and
Washington. 444 Rodney. East 4S66.
4-ROOM flat, completely furnished, piano;
walking distance. 623 Marshall. .Rent $35.
MODERN 7-room house, corner East 1st
and Wasco. Phone East 2446.
FURNISHED 4-room cottage, electric lights,
bath; central. Inquire 273 Seventh St.
$50 MODERN furnished house. 962 Savler.
Phone A 1288.
Hones for Rent, r urnlture for Sale.
FURNITURE of 6-room cottage, 12th St..
only $150; rent $16. 248 Stark.
FURNITURE modern 5-room fiat: bar rain 1
fcy April 1st, 811 5th st.