I ' I ' ' " . NFTVV TODAY. 25 ACRES of best soil and In hlgrh state of cul tivation on arood county road, close to electric line and railroad. Plenty of fruit and berries. Very jrood Plastered house, with bath, hot and cold water. Engine-house, outbuild ings and excellent barn with all conveniences This place la located MILWAUKIE nd will make an Ideal Buburban .!Te,.V.t weU as "i? excellent dairy "Iv.'i larm- Gool water, also creek; 12 fine cows go with the BIr'oC,?iHa,B0.an far,m'nf implemen '. Ve.,y . s,Khtly and only about 15 minutes walk from rr line. Price $850 per acre. $6000 CASH balance easy terms. Land adjoin In held at $1000. Call and lrives tigate. KAOFFMANN.fi MOORE 823 Lumber Exchange. $14,000 CORNER LOT 50x100 Corner East Couch and Grand Avenue EAST SIDE INVESTMENT COMPANY 37th and Hawthorne Avenue 2V2, 5 or 10 Acres wl-hac,e, 10 crp. highly Improved, on Hl.f.d. Lle,,n miles from Courthouse, at Hillsdale. 10 minutes' walk from sta tion. House, barn and hall; fine soil every foot In cultivation; fronting- on macadamized road. Will sell the whole rct or wm 8ubdlv,de ,g00o Terms8 Fourth-street line will be electrified then look out for this property. Also have 5 acres near Kelly Butte on Powell Valley road. Second KFowth and brush; fine soil; $1125 for the tract! J. R. STIPE T20Chamber of Commerce. New Theater We have 100x100. with rental of $400 5 f .I.on .h- wlth'n one block of the new theater. $145,000 Humason 6 Jeffery M 11 SR. 22 Slark. A BK14 Stop! Look! Listen! IrrlBatfd fruit land, Furnish-Coe project. I mntllla Countv. Water ready soil volcanic ash; plenty sunshine; out of frost belt; earliest seasons in northwest: conditions unequalled for raising: fruits. Kna-llsh walnuts, etc.; splendid returns assured. Land im proved and planted for non-residents. Prices advance April 1. E. X. 'WHEEl.ER. State Agent. 02 Marquara Rider. A K2A2. Main 135 No Bridge to Cross S00 cash and $20 per month for the following nouses in .South Portland-5-room cottage XI BOO 4- room cottace KZOOO 5- room cottage A1800 -room house $2000 Beats Paying Rent J. W. GRUSSI 3IW Washington. Near Sd. Room T. 35-Acre Farm $1500 Will Trade 35 acres of rich Willamette Vallev lsn.1. In acres In cultivation. 20 acre's pasture and timber timber worth ? ,r,?.'T,Jaa an olrt house and barn and outbuildings, and Is all fenced situated US miles from Portland and ?. '.""'".fr.0.1".1 R- R- station and town. Price $1500, $600 down. A snap RALPH ACKLEY 605 CORBETT BIDG. Great Investment Three cottages. 1 bungalow, all on the East Side. 1 blocks from pro posed new park In Sunnyslde; built-in china closets, bookcases. fireplaces etc. Will sell four of these at excep tional flpriire of $10,000; $6000 cash re quired, oalance mortgage, 6 per cent, with all the time you want. l,ots JSl-SxlOO; rents at $99 per month. Must be sold this week. W. K. S. KOHS Ht&At.TY CO SOS SwetUnd Bias. FINE HOME Highly cultivated 20-acre farm for sule s, mile northwest of Durham station, on Oregon Klectrlc line; good six-room house, barn and large chicken-house; splendid water; family or chard: acre In asparagus. Price $300 per acre. Also 5-acre tract, small house, new barn, all In crop; attractive home site. Price $250 per acre Ad dress A. P. Gerrard. Oswego, R. F 1.. No. 1. Mortgage Loans on Improved City Property At Current Ratea. Hulldlns, Loan. Installment Loan. Wm. MacMaster 303 Worcester Block. Snap $3350 Full lot. Cheapest in Nob Hill District. Inquire OWNER, aoa Mohawk Bids- $2 ISO FOR QUICK SALE. t.0 23-room hotel, large OlntnR-roo-m. parlor, team ht; thla ha good furniture and a ood-imytn k hms; It la right in town and must go at onca a party Is frolng away terms. S FILLER 3 SJAlTH. 80S Board ot XraU-a, I NEW TOHAT I " nZZTI " " " ' ; TODAY. 1 FOB BAtK-REAt ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE 6 ACHES All in cultivation. Ilea beautifully, on corner of two 60-ft. streets. 1 acre In raspberries, within 3 H miles from center of city. Price $1100 per acre; 4 cash. 2 ACRES Very choice land, all in raspberries, on 0-ft. St., within 3 H miles from center of city. Price $1000 per acre; 14 cash. 2 ACRES Very choice land, lies high and sightly, all In Magoon straw berries, lies on 60-fL street. 5c fare can make living on this tract. Price $900 per acre; cash. 4H ACRES All In cultivation; 4-room house; fine black Boll; on electric car line; close to city. Price $2500. Easy terms. This is a snap and will last but a few days. Jordan & Garbade Washington St. A Fine Investment EAST ANKENY STREET Price $6500 l5100 nI sood 9-room house situated on the north side of E. len?r stJ'e?t- tween E. th and E. 10 th sts.. being No. 487 E. Ankeny st. This is a fine property. The building Is a 9-room house and was built at a c"st of $4000. This building can be altered and made Into a store building It is a fine location $or a butcher shop and grocery store, and there would be no trouble In finding tenants. Call us up and let us tell you more about it. Mall Von Borstel 104 ?" St. 'Lumber Exchange BldR.) and aaa E. Burnslde St. HOMES JfRAR HAWTHORNE AVE. 5- room cottage. New and modern; large basement; good surroundings. 2vT0DlockB south of Hawthorne ave. $2400. Good terms. EAST EVERETT ST. 6- room bungalow with full basement hardwood floors In hall, living and dining-rooms. Beamed ceilings. Nice 'replace. Lot 60x100. Good terms. $3 600. REAL. ESTATE DEPARTMENT. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY 247 WASHINGTON STREET. A GOOD INCOME PAYING INVESTMENT 100x100 feet with 4 six-room modern houses. Just completed, with a rental va,l".? of 1440 per annum; situated within 100 feet of two carllnes in the northwest jjart of the city. $7000 cash and balance on time to suit purchaser. Pays about 10 per cent on amount in vested. F. V. ANDREWS 6 CO. Hamilton BldR.. 131 Third St. Tel. Main 3340 or A 3329. NEW SIX-ROOM Modern Bungalow Corner lot, 50x100, south and east face; near carline, East Side. Easy terms; good neighborhood. Smith & Everett 309-310 Failing Building. . T Don't Fail TO SEE THIS I For sale extra fine block at E. 18th and E. Ankeny sts. at a big BAK6AIN, with fine 10-room, modern house. 2 bathrooms, 2 fire places, fine furnace, ele gantly finished inside. Will sell house and corner lot separate If desired. No de tail over the phone. DUBOIS A CROCKETT, Washington Bids., Room 3. Irrigated Fruit Land GOVERNMENT UMATILLA PROJECT Water Is now on the land. Best Government project In Northwest. Al titude is 4,-0 feet. Is on main line of O. R. N. railroad: Is a gravity and res ervoir supply operated by U. S Gov-fl"1?,1- Land 's now selling for $70 to $100 per acre, and will double In a short time. A. C. CRAWFORD HfrmtRton, Oregjoa. The Land Man. QUARTER BLOCK 100x100 Goldsmith's Addition, including all street improvements $7SOO SMITH 6 EVERETT . 309-310 Failing uilding. Washington St, Full Lot Close to Ella, Only $16,000 For Next Few Day a. Best Buy on the Street. Vanduyn & Walton CV1S Chamber of Commerce. Portland Heights RAVEN VIEW DRIVE. Beautiful location; 2 large lota; 7-room modern house, S12.000. WORTH MORE. 81S Ckunbn Commerce. THE MORMXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, Water Front Just below St. John, with FRUIT AND WALNUT ORCHARD in full bearing. Have party who will lease for 5 years at - 6 Per Cent Net on purchase price. Property will double in value in that time. Frank E. Smith 6 Co. 205 Corbett Bldg. HOMES 50x100 modern 8-room house. Best luaiiun an -l V 111 g ton, 0 $5500 S4?rn0earfSaw7thrS?nne hme 0n $2000 vle iXrTveWre He,hts- "ine $3800 Humason & Jeffery M 1180, 220 Stnrk. A 3S14. 100 Per Cent Profit Can he made in one year on a bunch of 24 LOTS which lie close to car on the Peninsula, if taken at once. If you want a snap, come in and see us. Brong'-Steele Co. ' 110 Second St. TO LEASE $6000 Will purchase a lease on business block that will pay from $100 to $200 per month for 19 years. $o000 will be reimbursed at termina tion of lease. For particulars apply M'GAIU.AII. RATES & LIVELY, 315 Falling; Building. REAL. ESTATE DEALERS. F. Abraham, 205 Ablngton bide. Main S" Andrews.F.V. & Co. M. 3319. 30 HamlltonW- Baker, Alfred A., 1:5 Abinirton bldg. Beck. William G.. 312 Falling bldg Birrei:. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc. Brubaker Sc. Benedict, 503 McKay big. M. 049 Chapln Herlow. 332 Cbambei1 Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co.. 603 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. B. & Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings Co., Main 16S. 206 Oregonian. Lee. M E., room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrlsh. Watklns Sc Co.. 250 Alder st. Richardson. A. B., 221 Com. Club bldg. Schalk, Geo. D., 264 Stark st. .Main or A 891 Sharkey, J. p. & jo., 122& Sixth st. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st (Holladay Addition.) W.!d.delV.w- -' s09 Lumber Exchange bldg. White, B. F- 227 4 Washington st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $600 BITS a very choice arte tract close in, -West Side. 18 minutes" car ride, 5-cent fare; call and we will show you this beau tiful tract; can he bought on very easy terms. M. E. Lee, Room 411. Corbett bldg. . MODERN HOUSE. NEAR 12TH AND MILL. rooms, with furnace, and fireplace, and think of the location; a decided bargain at JhfiOO. 2!WO cash, balance 3 or 6 years J V . Grusai. 265 Washington, near 3d, room 7. Bl NGALOW for sale; modern In every re spect: r rooms; 4 lots; unexcelled view; very low price and remarkably easy terms to steady parties. A. M. Searle, East Gllsan and E. 76th. Take M-V car 2 LOTS. $280. 2 nice lots 80x125 and 20-foot alley easy terms; Tremont. Mt. Scott line. J J. Oeder. corner Grand ave and East Ankeny. MAKE ME AN OFFER. 8-room house, not strlctlv modern, but well finished, corner lot 60x100, Improved 5Ir;',t'n.,'ar 22d and East Ankeny. Fhone Ala. in 630. WHY PAT RENT T We design and build modern homes on reasonable terms. w . Ak C EMERY & CO.. INC.. Main 3.101. 824 Chamber of Commerce. THINK OF IT! To close estate. 80x100 on Fifth near Hall, including 3 fine homes, bringing In $115 per month, fnr i7.ooo. If taken at once A E 592, Oregonian, .F SALE by owner, eix-room house, two blocks from Wllliams-ave. canine; must soli . at once, as am leaving city. Phone Wood lawn 1362. WE have several choice lots near carline to Kenton; barirain prices. SWEET-HE AD-LEMCKE, 146- 5th St. KELLY-STREET COTTAGE, $1700 Nice 4-room house. In walking distance, west Side, easy terms; a real bargain J IV. Grussl, 265 Washington, near 3d. room 7." WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE Nice 5-room cottage, gas. bath, frac tional lot: a barrain at $2250. half cash. Room 8. 221 Morrison st $4000 CASH will handle good Income prop erty. North Portland, paying over 10 per cent net. M. E. Lee. Room 411. Corbett blag. FRACTIONAL lot. West Side, only 10 mln ?temL w,a.lk to postofflce; price $2000; place 3.bulId ho,ne or upper and lower flat. M. E. Lee, Room 411. Corbett bldg SWELL little home at Sellwood. 5 blocks from car, $1300. $700 cash, balance same b"d rent" " " Itogers- 615 Rothchlld $270O Beautiful home. CatMn ave., eDnth Hawthorne; gas. electricity, wash trays! DrDarTing" $3- 25 montnlr- FHom SWELL, new. modern bungalow, a rooms i'" v?Md 1ePn porch; 24th and East Tamnill; terms. $3500 -5-ROOM house, fractional lot. walk biff distance. West Side, on lOtb st. M. E. Lee. Room 411. Corbett bldg 1?rSrK V' moderu 5-room bouse. any i -i "uit- 1095 Maryland ave.. St. jonn cmr. Cif?IC5 JRy1N-QJON ,ot- Ea" 21t. near Hancock St.. $2000. c T7L Oregonian SNAP Choice lot. close In on Jersey St. St. John. 609 Rothchlld bldg. " SAL-E "By owner, corner lot, 50x100 litn and Lovejoy. Apply 3d st. HOME 150 cash. 20 month; ask us about It. Puree. 818 Chamber of Commerce. $23O0 New bungalow; tlOO cut. 2D montlj ly. 44th, near Hawthorne. Tabor 176S. J50O DOWN. Why not pay rent to yourself, live In one of Portland's choicest residence dis tricts and own your own home? Here is one complete in every detail: reception nail. large Hving-room with glazed tiled fireplace, dining-room. Dutch kitchen. 3 fine bedrooms, closets and trunkroom. furnace, cement walks; a bungalow that is "all there." $4150. 6 WEET-KE AD-LEMCKE, 146H 5th St. M. 66S0; A 1211. $700. Lots at East 30th and Holladay. 1 block to car. fine location, without doubt the best buy in vacant property in Port land, $50 down, balance monthiy EQUITY INVESTMENT CO.. 608 Gerllnger Bldg. 6-ROOM modern house on Kllllngsworth ave.. close to Union ave.. $2300. 9-room modern house, with fireplace. In Hawthorne Park, $4950. v 5 acres on Base Line road. 3 . miles from Montavilla, will make a nice home, Mt. Hood road surveyed .through place. G. G. KASPER, 225 Morrison St., Room 10. Phone East 6263. IF YOU want a home that you can feel proud of, here It is: Reception hall, living-room, dinlng-rooYn with built-in buffet, tiled kitchen and bathroom. 2 bedrooms, full batement, furnace, gas, water heater; a splendid buy for $3125. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE. . 146 V, 5th St. M. 66S0; A 121-1. MY strictly modern 6-room house and full let, 9o East Flanders, near 31st. 2 car lines; must sell this week: for price and tertms see owner, 608 Gerllnger bldg. Main 3.151. LOOK HERE. I have several 1. 2 and S-acre tracts. Improved and unimproved, on 8 l-3c car line: you can buy them on easy payments. I make a specialty of small acreage. Stiger. Room 8, 221 Morrison St.. near 1st street. , , BEAUTIFUL HOME. 100x100, splendid corner, tine 8-room Bouse, hardwood floors. - 2 fireplaces, all rooms extra large: party leaving city and will sacrifice this fine home. ZIMMRRM1V 621 Board of Trade Bldg. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 100x100 corner. 21st St.. one block to car; all improvements in and paid for; price $6000; easy terms. This is first class property and the price is low. Brubaker & Bene&ict. 602 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark. $3200 8-room house, new and strictly mod ern; large bath, pantry, closets etc gas and electric lights, piped for furnace." com bination fixtures: lot 100x200, lawn and shrubbery; S1C00 cash, balance term. Pal mer, 61, Oregonian bldg. I AM GOING EAST. Hill sell my home, a very neat 4-room house, finished up to date. In growing suburb: my agent will tell you the rest price $14,5. Call Room 8, 221 Morrl- I HAVE been obliged to foreclose mort gage on 11 acres on Willamette River- in 9-year-old orchard, balance all cleared; boat lands on place; will sell aCTcA " Ab'nt ' NEW six-room, modern bungalow, full lot, east face, good neighborhood, near car line. East Side; easv terms SMITH & EVERETT. 809-310 Failing Bldg. WHY NOT QUIT PAYING RENT? Buy comfortable home, small payment down, balance like rent. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY 253 Washington St. A SNAP. Lovejoy st, lot, fine apartment or flat site, price for few days only $4000 Van duyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Com merce. NEW. modern. 5 and 6-room cottages and bungalows, ranging in price from $2500 to SJHIIO, on very easy terms. Palmer. 617 Oregonian bldg THIS IS A SNAP. Piedmont, 75x100 comer, modern house if0' -nrePlace, cement basement, etc . $4..O0; terms If desired. 2.14 Alnsworth. corner Moore. MODERN COTTAGES. We have a few good, modern houses in the Hawthorne ave. district at attractive prices. Brubaker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg. J CJJi.0re,,.ln"ld." clty .,,ml. bet. 2 carllnes. corner, lies fine, nice shade trees citv Ef; Kood aSnJ,ne neighborhood, a sf,VKLn: ?rlce lino- terms, w. H. Lang. 840 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE By owner, new ,.- Irvington, all improvements, including hard-surface pavement. paid; strlctlv modern, very reasonable. 79a, Orego- 8 terms1 modern hou la Sunnyeide; easy ' HARTMAN THOMPSON, (319) Chamber of Commerce. BEFORE building see us. as we can save you money Hayes ft Randolph, archl M 814- Guilders. 617 Oregonian bldg. GOOD BUY. 10 8-10 acres near St. John, all cleared VtBfiie fr P'?"1"- I- Vanduyn. owner! 615 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ?fVof P5a7kralthbaeri'fanlbuw!f 01 c'a1fe4lglratirngn01dget- Fr B wA,TJUX corn?r 1001C(. on Vernon Hill with email bungalow, only $2200; house sits S',e"ba; m tOT handsome home later. W. W. Payne, 1210 Williams.. KENTON. heo?,? ,i0xl0n; on Derny st.. in the heart of the business center. Owner. 5o2 McKay bldg. ,A?Tl e, a,;reaR Is the best on the mar V?'. considering, price and location. Phone bldg" CaU 619 Lumber Exchange 21 ACRES, close In, all cleared, running Tai.c.r-, Hn" 400 Per acre." vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce $2200 Fractional lot, Nob Hill, lust the wl??on si- -"wat buns-alow. Vanduyn & Walton. 51a Chamber Commerce. PALMER & CO.. abstractors: first-class work; our maximum price Is $20 617 Oregonian bldg Main 8147. F1,A,B ou,8e and 2 Iots on Marquam Hill; also 1 lot In Sellwood. Inoulre of owner. 50 6 Spokane aw Sellwood. Irvington s fine lots m this high-class residence district fnr w...?n ciaBS C. Logan, 328 Washington St., room 4isl Parlor, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, hall St.; fine location. Call at 503 Corbett bldgl ler Oregon city line, $1610. Owner F A. Detamore. Milwaukle. Or. SIGHTLY corner with modem 7-room house. in Holladay s Add., close to Steel bridee Call 410 Failing bldg. oriage. INVESTORS Go to the Owners' Realty As sociation: buy direct of owners and save commissions. 205 Ablngton bldg FLAT or apartment site, full lot. Lovejoy bet. 21st and 22d, $4000. Vanduyn & Wal ton. 515 Chamber Commerce. 3S0O0 Half block, close in, fine site for ?-ta,V!S;w5or' Ful"-. 387 East Burnslde. FRACTIONAL comer lot. Ideal location for brick apartment-house. M E Lee Room 41L Corbett bldg. ' BY OWNER Four new 5-room flats: 10 mln walk. West Side; terms. C 795 Orel gonian. ' $14,600 FOR modern flat building on one of Portland's choice streets. M. E Lee Room 41L Corbett bldg. ' $500 WILL put you. In possession of 3 full-slsed lots, Glenwood Park. Peninsula Owner. -218 Board of Trade. NEW HOUSE, 7 rooms. Nob Hill, strictly modern. $7500. Vanduyn ic Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. BEAUTIFUL home In Piedmont Payne. 1210 Williams ave. W. W. LIST yonr real estate or city property with W. H. Dudley ae Co., 311 Steam, bldg. BARGAIN 5-room cottage. cor.- 60x100 $1360. Holbrook. the tailor, Couoh bldg. ' GOME) flne vacant lots near new high echool - elte. Phone Woodlawn 202 or C 2o08. 6 ROOMS. 100x100. on carline. half price by owner. Sellwood 1047. LOT in Brainard Addition, S blocks from oar, $160 cash. M 801, Oregonian. APARTMENT or flat site. Nob f'llL bargain. Call today. 243 Stark. 31 A T? HTT 'i 1 una EXCEPTIONAL bargains for this week T--L nomeseekers: Jtlne two-story 8-room modern bouse. 1 Mock from car; 100x100 lot; owner must $2650 money at onc- will sacrifice for da,nd,yI1tl 6-room , cottage, nearly o0xlJ! lot. modern, close to car. tor immediate sale; worth $2750, $2iMo -im' modfn bungalow. 65 feet of bara?naS; s'io" leVln CUl; ' reat These are but a few of the many homes iT.t.?,, lt "ale "'thla reach of small on .S .You can duble your money - on any of these buys .F- M- CRAWFORD & CO. 42Q Swetland Bldg., 6th and Washington. A SWELL HOME. ,.IS?n? downstairs, room for 8 upstairs; S l.b,"M!le"L ,wash trays- hot wan; n eeclricity. double floors and ", ,";&, shower bath, nanejd wainscot walk inf,;,0nl- finest Piunibing. cement ground house. 100 feet street tm- roses fine lawn, lot 50x100. corner on ?ieu 7,eAts.'n''udl, and im- .....stjii, Ufar da, room T. ENGLISH WALNUTS. i5re th IarBe!!t owners and planters In Oregon. We have the onlv nlantert tracts on the market. Our ProperU are in the walnut country. Yamhill 5-acre &iS?4 JVV""' Psr month" tHlRCHILL. MATTHEWS CO. INC Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. can?S V? intSr".ted ln real stat you Po".?!0.,,,, without our new maps. D - b.g. S?vlnnd. "5 'S!1'3 ot ita surrouAa tl!fn , v B townships, ranges and sec- - "oCorberu"bldg0'Sley Company. 708 and r BUNGALOWS. !h.SaTOS0,rvery EQUITY INVESTMENT CO 608 Gerllnger Bldg. ' T CHOICE 6. 7 and 8-room houses all Say 'Part ISS"I?,V, 2hn ""JSTSolff inMeon pS?k " nL3 Addil'ons; one tlons.dta frm 51150 un ln abov addl hcse .are rar! bargains. Don't fall to ?ore0buvlna;na ,ln"Dect fhese properties be C 19B-1 F i 1 ci"? Ploaaa ou. Call up want? Owner". ma kDOW T'nat aTeand" Ef 20V.8H "I "ear Hawthorn. anWeM 0 OF OREGON, ' 8. B. Cor. rid anrt rai- mora,6- -a-'yOfo8 foUtU ,cox7oo!B : bif vl'"wcorn" WfheJreg9aer,ectr carTlne" TloA" 10 Failing Bldg. A1 BUNGALOW $1600. rwiVeTbath-a'kltcSe-n8 8SZ AT-IT.E-O o r, . 227 Lumber Exchange. S41iThNT OVERLOOK HOME. In t M-'h'T of the ver b home, lv 8 la-i5e rooms, strlct- .frtern- "I'lendid view. full lot ail street -mprovements In and paid; this is a real oargain and muet be sold In 10 days" $110 caeh, balance $2.1 monthly A a" Hoover, 313 Gerllnger bldg ARLETA NO. 2. ON MOUNT SCOTT . CARLINE. k,j 'ots and one 8-room house t4 !Pik.n M-fnT,? "TM'thTbeFt ortemfouTJ fhd8i oTthe'remllniTer on '"""theuyerp., t3O00. 212 Ablngton Bldg. Sljw?R.B "OME SITE ON WEST SIDE propeitv ls,e.7,,W nnsurpas?d. the EFU ' a-o"Sf'obrleB0apdr ITnl more when improvements ln district a?a .".y'cASSgi? commeef6-1 ' Va." Tef ""h-'"a- -d ,-'OHN B. MATTHEWS 722 Chamber of Commerce. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS Lot 85x100. Improved, on carline mandlng unobstructable view of mounfT mnuVb1:so,d atnoneS "-'ne cenater; t cVratnu.' tv..h ..NatJnal -?5a'ty & ' louin 010. .oung m rr,d r& Chamber of Commerce NITi,f015' o-roon? Queen Ann cottage in ?J?iTt' ne5r 10th and Tillamook; nicS ."fS"1.-. niodern plumbing, beautiful ya?d with fruit trees, full lot, 3500- S1800 cash balance 6 per cent. C. F Pfl'uier rv? room 14 uikv & Co- . o., ...u a,a Aiorrison ets. SJ2.The l?" lot to be had at the price between Union and Williams. If you a aTonce. th b6St for th u v-i03 MATTHEWS. . Chamber of Commerce. OVER 1 acre, rich soil, 16 minutes on Or." gon Electric. 5c faro, running st?eam flZ per lotad'.nlnr? y sells f2r $400 ?o8n it room 416 32Bi4 Wah'nK- A NICE PLACE FOR THE MONEY .A. w T-room house with modem con- SJ?T" .and. 1uarte'- block: bSutlful grounds, nice lawn; price $1700 """iiui THE DU.VN-LAWRENCB' CO 248 Alder et. ' 7 0x100 on Portland Heights. 3 blocks from carline; price 650. This Is below "i-aJ"ket Prlce- but the owner mu hl1 Jht stroud-FTy Company. 519 m- BeraveErtV5r6 Prt""d' a"d incfudlnrmrovmen-cemfnt sidewalks, curbs and streets graded Water Renon1CtrtS1V': "rm T $15 plJ month. Mala 839. Room 33 Lafayette 2i!7'B,':st . anfl cheapest corner quarter Tiams ayes' between Union and Wil JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 722 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 6 or 10 acres on Salem Electric 7 miles out. cheap, desirable for home close to city. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. W-EST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY $22,000 Full quarter block, centrally located on 14th St.; Income $172 per month terms. W. O. WADDEL. 309 Lumber Exchange. $12O0 House and twp lots, near Going st. and .Alberta; will sell at once at this price. JOHN B. MATTHEW'S. 722 Chamber of Commerce. HOISE9 for sale In all parts of the city acreage close in and farms in Oregon anl Washington. Phone Main 4486. Kinney A Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg 60x100. East Main St.. near 17th; south front: cement sidewalks, macadam street, sewer, gas: price very low for quick eale. See owner, 809 Lumber Exchange s--ROrvr ..,.- o - . n-ci . j-. li snopn; good renting proportion: price $1500. terms 1ki HARTMAN Sr THOMPSON ' ' Chamber of Commerce. NOB HILL Full lot. corner 21th and Over ton. ln restricted residence section, $62-K easy . terms. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. . BY OWNER New, strictly modern B-room bungalow, near carline, $2100- terms F P. Bhaughnessy, Archer Place. Tabor 844.' FOB SALE REAL ESTATB. E, H ,.acre on e'lin. close In. i-ast bide, city water; will exchange for I-ffooi ' V ,1' ?nodrn and U?tory rtvVr- fu." ,ots w,th fin vkew 6t waukl.- im"lenV to car"ne; near Mil waukee, will exchange for city home or ... - DAVIDSON. sts Chamber of Commerce. NORTH PORTLAND HOME. $3650. m,,,'..mod,m fix-room home, north of Thurman near 21et sc.: only $500 cash. balance like rent; for a home In North Portland, on easy payments, this is your chance, as for an investment It pays over 7 per cent net. TOM M. BURNET, Room 15. 270 Wash. at. A 4722, Main 7tti5. GREAT BARGAIN. 1 $3900 for a most elegant and best con structed bungalow in Portland, a perfect oream in beauty and design: bevel-plate w-inaows and mirrors, beamed ceilings w,,h lights, also electric lights in side a :-,ot w'er heat and bath costing over $1000 wholesale; fine view ot citv; ground 100x100. fir trees on part; owner compelled to sell this week F, J. STEIN METZ & CO.. 193 Morrison st. FOR SALE My beautiful T-room shingle bungalow, tinted walls, bath. gas. elec tric lights, lawn, cement sidewalks, ce ment basement 25x45. large back vard nicely fenced. Improved streets. 1 block from 2 carllnes, Hawthorne and Mount bcott, best neighborhood. 16 mln, ride to P. O. ; price $4000; 1-5 down, balance $20 per month; this IS a flne home and a oargain; can be seen afternoons from 2 1.t - M- Lee L. Gilbert, owner. .828 E. ith St.; no agents. B 2499. SWELL BUNGALOW, $300. o rooms downstairs, room for 3 upstairs cement basement, wash trays. hot-water neat: flneet plumbing, shower bath, double iioope. and walls; paneled dining-room; gas rlci flne nxture; suto garage, some irult 65 flne roses, corner lot 60x100. Beech st.. not far from Union ave; owner must sell. Price, $.1300. $300 cash, balance Zk x.- .iHiii mow. j. . urussi, ti5 V ashington. near 3d, room 7. 6 ROOMS. $3100. Reception hall. living-room. dining room, kitchen, pantry, one bedroom and oath, all on first floor; two bedrooms up stairs; full basement, nice lawn, roses, rrult and shade trees, cement walks, sewer, gas. electricity; a genuine snap SWEET-HE AD-LEMCKE, 146Vb Fifth St.. M. 6680; A. 1211. !iSA.r'.WEST SIE"B INVESTMENT. StviOO. $3300 cash required. 50x100 lot 6 T??"1 oottage and 2 good 5-room flats, on nth St.; the lot will soon be worth the money without the Improvements Foa FLATS. $2750 for 32x5o, close ln. near 11th St.: very few of theee left. FRED C. KING, 608 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. ets. IN WALNUT PARK. A beautiful 8-room house for $sO00 one naif cash; hardwood floors, cement' floor in basement, furnace, fruit room, coal bins; corner 100x100; 100 roses, some nice nn tI?1f? :-.80 feet of this will sell for $2000; this Is a bargain. See W. J. McGRAW, 1045 Williams Ave. phone 2276, Res.. Woodlawn 545. MUST SELL BY SATURDAY. " $1055 for $S(I0. Equity In good, modern. 7-room house and 2 lots 60x30 ft., one block from car line; balance can be paid at the rate of AO per month; house now rented for 818 CAN YOU BEAT IT? $2750. SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE. 146 Fifth St. ' 7-ROOM strictly modern residence, almost Pw: .n,,Eaft 22d 1 bloek fmTar- Jh.r. " wlth,n walking distance; there Is a full cement basement, gas and electricity, and house is piped for fur nace; price only 3700; $1200 cash: a snap, as owner ttecds the money and makes a sacrifice. Kauffmann & Moore. 325 Lumber Exchange. $ 82.r0 Wert Side, a fine 7-room house and lot within 7 minutes' walk from 3-1 and Washington sts,, situate on Clay near 12th St.; house Is In prime condition and all modern; lot alone worth the money; only bona fide purchasers neec- apply; all or near- ?i calh C-!T- "'"W c.. room 14, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. VJ;?A ? i;?torJhou"e on one of flnest lots ln Ladd s Addition, 8 rooms and large att c. full basement, beamed ceiling In main living-room. lot 401I011 jjwiuiies, spienoia view from front rear; price SSOOO; terms SPENCER g. CO., 102 2d St. and I HAVE 6 lots tlSOxlOO) on Villa Hill- 5 blocks east of M-V carline. In Mon tavilla. upon which I will build modern cottages of 4. 5 or 6 rooms and take small monthly payments. Mr. Davis. Reed French Piano Co.. 6th and Burn slde, forenoons. BUYERS ARE COMING To us thick and fast Send a description of your house and lot for their inspection; no option necessary; we can sell your place while others think about it CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and stark. 32 CASH Pretty, 6-room. strictly mod 3 MSaI7: bfst little buy on the East Side, close to carline, $3.10 SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE. 14 6th St. M. BB80; A 1211. a . TO CLOSE AN ESTATE 2-year-old flats on Marshall rear 23d St.. on a 65x100 lot. for $13,000. This property brings $125 per month and Xs Wel.' worth $18-000; terms. AH 6H2. Oregonian. WANT A HOME? LARGE OR SMALL. JUST SEE US. THAT IS ALL OREGON HOMES CO.. 221 Morrison Street. -nooHIS BKATS PAYING RENT. o.7on.M'5t'm', bra,ld now 6-rom California bungalow, with every conv QS'-JZ"?, UK to on RoeS Ci?y Park carline. Phone owner today even ing. Main 7607. A 3809. even- ,Ao!i '.f n"es from Portland, all culti vated; fine garden land; 1 acre asrara-f?-ii pKdced last season $2.10; price lV- JR?t cash- Tne Stroud-Fry Com" pany. 510 Lumber Exchange bldg . Port land, and Beaverton, Or. BARGAIN LOT .Et!Bt2!tn '.V' 1 block from S. S. and on terms'" carline; hl8h and sightly; $1200 SWEET-HEAD-LEMCKE, 146 Fifth St. LOT. only $5O0. full 6uxl00 lot. right In the heart of Montavilla. one block from iht carline; nice and level; must be taken it once: all caeh. C. F. Pfluger A Co i 14, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrgon st. . 8 ACRES, lies beautiful, nice spring, only Talk t ""line. 16 minute?" rlde fcent are: call. and let us show von this beu'bTdg"" M- E- -Lee, Room 411. Ccfr" BhAPTIPUoj re!"ience ln choice' Irvington -RothchiTdblidg'01 76ll0 " FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. , MY SPECIALT1 Bawmllls and sawnllli locations Any- 3 Sf ifaSo"?50.0 10 30'00- CansecuJ. 3 to 12 months' contract for your out put; now Is the time to get ln while you ton" bTdT Snai- C' C- 8ha' 1 Abing- THE OREGON TIMBER ft .-RUISINo" rn Pacific coast timber. wVtl; ww.ioaed and examined, taxes paTd f or non-reVl-dents timber lands cnlised and accurate tV." k,", furnIhed. Room 517 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 8607. . TIMBER LANDS OREGON WASHINGTON. CALIFORNIA JAMES D. LACE Y & CO. New Orleans, Seattle. 89 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. SPECIAL 325 acres level, fine land 80 .2tT5,lmber. average 80 cords pe? 1 L1?A.e1verton' J mile" from Port land. 1 mile from 8. P. R. R. and less dis tance from Oregon Electric; part cash Owner, 695 4th St. INVESTORS AND HOMESBEKER8 See us for bargains ln timber, homesteads and re linquishments; also farms and fruit lands. . ' " ..o " ui lOMi )I OtQg. WB tre headquarters ror timber and lum ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney Stampher, 531-38 Lumber Exchange bldg TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments 327 WORCESTER BLOCK. FOR SALE FARMS. 8END for our list of Willamette Vallev farms before buying; lands shown fres OlmBtead Land Co., Salem, Or. 10 ACRES. 1 miles from station. Estacada iVblng't'on 2. 13 FOR SALE FARMS. . DAIRYMEN S PARADISE round grasB TOW reea the year Read these over carefully, then call at J 6 ,or ntore complete descriptions. . f,1??"- lr seres tidelanda diked. IOO acres rolling uplands. Bt acres under cultl Z" L more oiesred and in pasture. Orchard 10 ecres. assorted small fruits, etc.: all fenced, living water, eohooi end K. K. station on place, on level road, with fine 7-room house, large barn, chicken house, apple house, wood house and work shop; only 4 miles from Toledo, Or., and right on river, with boat and rail trans portation; this place Is a bummer ot a Oelry ranch, and can not be equalled at the price, $,oOO. half caeh. and will consider good city property at cash value, as part payment. K 77 acres, half level, half rolling, beet oj soil. 1 mie to R. R. etatlon: all fenced lies on county road, fine springs; flne oppor tunity for a dairyman. Price only $:k. ,looo cash, balance on or before S xearv ts per cent. 70 acres, half level, balance rolling 43 ' acres under cultivation. 1 mile to R R station, flne springs and place all fenced: lies on county road and only 2 miles from Toledo. Price. $3o00. $1000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. Have lots other places, all elzes. prices, and locations. Watch our ads close, or call at our office and Investigate. Always welcome. PINE TREE LAND COMPANY 600-r.lO Buchanan blog.. 2S6 Washington st SDACJES near Houlton. Or 1 miles from B- station; 2 acres In cultivation. 5 acres slashed, 2 acres beaverdam: running ?!a,'er: thls te splendid fruit land; price worth $5K.O when, cleared. 6,so acres In Polk Countv; 250 acres In cultivation; house, good big barn, water rrom spring piped into house and bam: the balance of 430 acres is the flnest stock farm in Oregon: well watered with living springs; at price asked this Is a snap; is but 2 miles- from railroad: price $35 per acre; small first payment and easy terms on balance. NEHALEM BAY LAND CO.. . 280 Oak St.. Board of Trade bldg. HERE IS A GOOD ONE. 00 acres. In Lincoln Co.. on main Co. road, has over 200 acres of level river bottom land, 2 sets of buildings. mile to school. P. O. and sawmill, thickly set tled neighborhood. 60 head of cattle, 50 sheep and all farm Implements go; $15 per acre; some terms. Lincoln Invest ment Co.. room 80L 286 Wash. at. A BARGAIN. 240 acres. 18 miles from Portland. 125 In cultivation. 9-room house, barn 80x 64, and good outbuildings. 2 wells and running water. 38 head of stock, all farming utensils, good orchard, fine soil, everything goes at th price asked for unimproved land around it. but owner Is sick and must give it up: lies well for cutting up ln IO or 20-acre tracts and by so doing can almost double your money. Call and be convinced. WESTERN LAND CO.. 417 Board of Trade. SO ACRES. 70 ln cultivation, 5 acres in bearing orchard, balance pasture and tim ber, extra good farmhouse, 2 barns, good outbuildings, 23 head of Jersey cows, some hogs and chickens, all farming Im plements, A4 mile to railroad, school and country town, 18 miles from Portland, land perfectly level, whole farm In very best of shape. $3000 cash, balance number of years, low Interest. ROSE CITY REALTY INVEST CO Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. A BARGAIN. 50 acres flnest soil, near Oregon Clty fc.1 acres ln crop, small house, main countv road, R. F. D. and creamerv route; 16 acres good green bsw timber; no rockv f rav1' runnlnK water; land adjoining sold for lioo per acre; price $35O0, looo down 7 years' . time on the balance ROSE CITY REALTY & INVESTMENT COMPANY, Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark Sts. MOUNTAIN FRUIT FARM. lainnui county. II miles to R. R.. 41 pears ana peaches; team, harness and wagon. 2 fresh Jersey cows, crop all in you can make an independent fortune on bldV 06 4,00- See own"- 5U Corbett Pt! SALE An excellent hill dairy ranch 4?? from"'r,h,? ""It" 8""tn'"'t Cor valll" Hr.il m, Pb'omath. gravel road. Vi mile dallv2!; t0 chur'h, good buildings dally mail and phone, fine 2-acre 4-yeir- ei.ril!"ard60i.a?re!- und-r Cultivation. 40 cCL . cloarcd' balance good fir timber, $17 fn e,rn!,.lf antcd. or will divide place A Min J?1 vtrac. S,' or wrlt owner. E. A. Miller, box 120. Philomath. Or. A FINE FARM $6500. R R "r,77?,ahre" c,,,-',r--d 1 i miles t Phone R w 2-hour electric service; tele th. nl.- ,.D' n,aln "unty road passes r,ientvP X a" 1nsary farm buildings, plenty of runnnlng water; about. 23 mllei from Portland; this Is a snap so. FRED C. KING. 5Q6 Commercial block. 2d and Wash. sts. 1hoA,eREnlman, ln "'vatlon. 7-roomed woorth.rt most new' new fMed barn, brooder: and wash-hcuse. chicken l?.Z J4 acr,! 'n strawberries, tine n?em5n?rrhard' Pne cow and farming 1m vlfJne.nt8.BO with Hace. all for 2650 wi.tIStncr P-tlcular. address J. I Winn, Buena Vista. Or. "m01!153' SS cleared. 20 under cultlva in klnHL001 Khu,s,' narn' outbuildings, an kinds of berries. 60 apple and near p"eR- NrUReSna", bMrin 6 fm a . ,N- R- in Washington County A bargain; only J1900; terms -ounty. ... BARTLETT REALTY CO.. 612 Commercial Bldg., 2d and Wash. St. FINE FARM. ..J?"? "f the bIn frult farms In Oregon, well irrigated, deep rich soil, planted (and in bearing) to best variety of apples- ?OU,b.arn' to-: prlce 850: land selling lor $150 per acre. - " ZIMMERMAN, 621 Board of Trade Bldg. HOOD RIVER COUNTY. Absolutely the best proposition on the market for the price to sell ln small tracts, consisting of 150 acres of choice Irult soil, some cleared, some easy to clear, splendid running water, good roads Vanduyn & Walton, 616 Chamber Com merce. YOU OUGHT TO SEE THIS. 66-acre commercial orchard, well Im proved, near good town Southern Ore gon, very cheap at J9000; Investigate through GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, 253 Washington St. FORCED SALE. Hood River land. 5,1 acres; lies fine. 2 miles from Hood River; 20 acres cultivated: with buildings, some orchard; 22o an acre takes it. cash; muit be sold in ten days. Call at 1019 Board of Trade. DOES THIS INTEREST YOU' $2200 Hor IO acres of full-bearing orchard. In first-class condition; this vear'a crop should almost pay for it: close to R R station and only 45 minutes from Port-lan,dV,- "-French & Co.. 607 Commer clal bldg., 2d and Wash. sts. 1 HAVE been obliged to foreclose mort gage on 11 acres on Willamette River in 9-year-old orchard, balance all cleared; boat lands on place; will sell MaeianP'or Si ,12S8hay " Ab'nftn bld- SALE OR RENT. Farm S5 acres '7 in ho pel : soil very rich: specially adapted to truck raising location Yeagers Lending, Marion Co op posite Newberg. Apply 2o7 Oregonian bldg. A BARGAIN. 20 acres of firA-class level Valley land less than a mile from Witch Hazel alf cleared, no buildings. Buy direct 'from owner. T. A. Markley, Reedvllle, Or WANTED Farm; we have fine city prop- cash or even trade. Call, or write us what you have at once. Angeles Trust Co., 326 Washington St., room 417. EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY 130 acres, nearly all ln cultivation, bal ance in pasture ; good 6-room house 2 barns; running water; an Ideal dairy farm Address K 809. Oregonian. 7 ACRES In cultivation; five acres In Winter apples: halt acre In grapes, two wagons. r,e" J:!"00,"1, house, with old farming tools, (.ail Jto lmt Hi. TURNER. FOR FARMS. 418-17 Rothchlld Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. FR. SALE 33-acre farm, wttll all Improve ments, for 2000; 7 ml. from neapost ma- set. A. .Smolensky, 764 1st st cor Wood, S. Portland. ' SPL?.DID farm- 124 acres- a" fenced; good bulldlmw; mile to station; for sail or bldg Portland property. 311 Steams 180 ACRES or fine farm and fruit land for sale at $40 per acre or will exchange for citv property. O 822, Oregonian. WASTED REAL ESTATE. WANT2DTT1 o Ave acres em electrlo line M 807, Oregonian. GD105.0