-i ""I. m " THE TIME WILL NEVER CO ME 0 Section EASTERN Part of the Rose City. Lots HA SHOW PLEASES ALL Architects' Exhibit Wins High Praise From Visitors. WIDE VARIETY OF DESIGNS Invitational Opening of Display by Portland Club Is Attended by Large Audience, AVIio Admire Drawings. In response to invitations sent out by the Portland Architectural Club, a rep resentative Gathering of Portland citi zens was present at the Museum of Arts last nlKht. The occasion was the opening night of the exhibition of the second annual show of the Portland club, and from expressions heard on every side among- the visitors the suc cess of the exhibition was assured from the start. To undertake a detailed description of the exhibit In limited space would be an Impossible task. There are perspectives, wash drawings, interiors, photographs of completed buildings, working plans, studies of notable buildings and grounds in foreign countries, classical examples, art furniture, glass and decorations, ex position buildings, originals from the leading magazines of the country, civic improvement schemes, public buildings, churches, mortuary chapels, ornate park entrances, samples of ornamental terra eotta. carved wood, fountains, schools, hanks, office buildings and residences in fact there Is no style of architecture or allied crafts that is not well represented In the exhibition. Even those who have no personal in terest in such affairs find the show, al most as- interesting as those who are In the business of building or prospectively so. There are many objects and pictures on exhibition that are interesting to lovers of the fine arts in whatever branch, and from the expressions of ad miration heard In the crowd of visitors last night there is no doubt expressed by the committees in charge of the exhibi tion that the show wfll be one of the most successful ever held In Portland. One of the exhibits that Is attracUng attention on account of its local interest Is that of the interior of the Lumber mans National Bank that is to occupy ciuartens In the new Gay Lombard build ing at Fifth and Oak streets. The In terior is shown in a pastel made by the architect. Morris TVhltehouse, and is one of many examples that are shown of Jiow Portland. All the leading architects of the city are represented in the exhibition, and while the display is not confined by any means to work by local architects, it is a matter of satisfaction to visitors to 'When the Shanty, Shack, Saloon or Slum Will Invade THIS PART OF PORTLAND, THE CHOICE RESIDENTIAL '2L Lying in the NORTH You are forever assured a neighborhood of desirable home-loving citizens S0xl00 - $450 Up-fe&mu Ask About Our Rebate to Builders And that Portland is not required to take a back seat when brought into com parison with other cities of the country. FINISH MILWAUKEE SOON Two Weeks' More Work on Wash ington Line. SEATTLE. Wash... March 23.-(Special.) ot more than two weeks' time will be required to complete the line of the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul from Chi Sk , .feattle. 25 miles of track are to be laid near Missoula and engineers tricvT ,that Wlth Plete facilitf t , yJn COUld be pleted the tWO and 8l-tenths miles per ia3v TheJ"oad- however, must use the ?nrn aC,fl?. track near Drummond to forward supplies and numerous delays teriate """warding building ma- 5Tr!it,?eW V'0 between Johnson Creek Summit and the Columbia River was completed yesterday. A hrt stretch o? Listen! Are You Looking for a Home, and Also an Investment? house and Ti ,Crea ,allf f lne land' and ,ree "oII a Kd six-room bath rfo Va low L six roms, all modern and up to date; Raveled walk La'tTl, m tawn "" " ""! fine ot Three-vear niri : e.ood.Darn and other outbuildings; 60 acres berried io( r, .wn Spltsenberg Apples, and five acres of and only about on n'nTheat and. vetch: a wildmtll. tower and tank. U , ?,ouf one mlje of a Kood town on the mutln line of the S. P an,l n .";Vru.bl' "trfn" revenue producer. Price only 125,000 40 arrive iVTTr!5 ,?cr,e8- J. u.st en"Sh timber for use on the farm; 20 cri Yi"" .' " . horse i "V t,4ik V l wneat, 30 acres in fine clover, Jozen S'Ttl?!?4 youn catt,- " hogs. 2 sets of' other DloV rfTi".j .T ' uianure spreader, a binder, a d talemeS?. ' wd ?,n1 other a fu'l and complete set rleTAen.t-Tijnd,mi11' tower and tank; 150 bushels wheat. 400 orchard anri nn . riW - ' " ;:!"'" nouse. iriree gooa oarns, family .nefudOerrIsrms-. drlVe f Albany" Pri llT 67 acrs- bt about 4 acres in fruit prunes, cherries ?'DU,ts; berries, etc., all in bearing; a good house of 7 r,.".'i1 JaJia cold water, windmill, tower and tanks of thtir h..t ' STOCK OR IltlRV 11 vru ber; all of the balance ...taw. Ua8,1:r,e,e Kde b&rnrV ,ffmi,y orchlrdTclse to good VchSolf water' pied to all of the pasture fields; good fences- on a iH T R p n.!2 iel"?.sf.r:ie' and 'thif a hal?ChSous drfvPilbanVas3- i,r .-a "3 "'ere is In Linn County today. Price for a ??UiFe0nly ,a0 Eer aere and on asy terms. Will also sell all of m.l "r N tSleChtr,hPw W? have others some larlr manJ geVbusV ofore pricestacfi,aTcethe PlaCeS" pense to -vou' Better Linn and Benton Real Estate Company OKKICKS OVER THE POSTOFF.CB, ALBANY, OREGON, 77i-? 1 .iwTrmmssi track in the Bitter Root tunnel has to be laid, but this will not delay the road's completion as a day or two of work will complete that section. Snow plows will be started from the east end over -the Cascades tomorrow, and the track will be cleared at once. During the "Winter heavy snowfalls and slides covered the track and until these are removed the engineers will not know the extent of any damage that may have been done. Oyster Land Purchase Vetoed. OLTMPIA, Wash.. March 23. (Special.) Governor May has vetoed the Beach oyster bill to confirm title to purchasers of oyster lands from the state under the Callow act. Swell English pumps at Rosenthal's. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House. 2d and Yam hill sts., 10 A. M. daily. J. T. Wilson, auc tioneer. Today at private residence, 108 E. 11th, near Morrison St., furniture, etc.: sale at 10 o'clock. Sunnyside cars. Baker & Son, auctioneers. A---o. 1 land. SO acres now in vetch. 6 good harness. isc and of farm bushels anwUh'in". few II of the farm im- minutea' better than . , ahu tut: iruu trees " 1 ot yet at . ro.i . - . . .. ta-dT V-7V.hJT " "'V ""1" f, NEAR AND AROUND AMUSEMENTS. TJT T7TT jp THEATER A A Hi JL 1 1 Kj 14th and V Wash Phones Main 1 and A 1122 TWO PERFORMANCES TODAY Special Price Matinee 2:15 i: Last Time Tonight 8:15 Clyde Fitch's Brilliant Comefly "GIRLS" Kvening-. $150 to 50c; Matinee, 1.00 to 25c. THEATRE Empire Theater Co. (Inc..) Lessee. Geo. I. Baker. General Manager. , Famous Baker Stock Co. The kinK ot comedies this week, "THERE AD BACK." If you hate laughter, stay away Eves., 25c. 35c. 50c. Mat. Sat.. 15c, 23c. Next week "Leah Kleshna." BAKER THEATER Phones Main 2. A 5360. Oregon Theater Co., (Inc..) Lessee Geo. L. Baker, General Manager. Tonight all week, bargain Mat. Wed., Mat. Sat. Harry Beresford in hlB greatest laughing success. WHO'S YOUR FRIEND; The hit of the season. Evenings 25c to 1; Matinees. 25c, 50c; Wednesday bargain mat inee, 25c any seat. MAIN a. A 1020. Matinees x. Sundays and Hnlldmva. 15-25-50C N.GriTS theater 15-?5-5M5r Week of March 32. Mile. Zelie de Lnssan, Grand Opera Diva; S. Miller Kent; Joly Yioletta; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke; Will Rogers; Caron St Farnum; Surazall j Rai all; Orchestra; Pictures. THE GRAND-Vaudeville de Lax ANOTHER BIG 'BILL. MARCO TWINS Alice Co- Davenport A Joe Watson. Hetty Krma. Elmer Tenley. The Yankee Tar. Marry McDnffee. G randascope. PANTACES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville, Stars of All Nations. MARISOFF'S EIGHT GENUINE RUSSIANS Singers. Dancers and Instrumentalists. Special Added Attraction, RAHSON AND JUNE, Genuine Australian Boomerang-Throwers .matinees aaiiy, ijc; two snows at night. 15c and 25c. The Big Oregon MARATHON RACE To Be Held ORIENTAL BUILDING, March 20, 8:30 P. M. Seats on sale at Rowe & Martin's drugstore, Washington st., and at EysselJ's drugstore, Morrison St. TONIGHT FREE SKATES TO LADIES. EXPOSITION RINK April 1 rTarritimiR Af a qnuamrla aud Rube Carnival. . 2v C PSON MEETlXfl X OTICES. ASTRA CIRCLE: Members are requested to attend the funeral of Mr. J. Fitzgerald, husband of our esteemed neighbor, Mrs. J. Fitzgerald, at the Dominican Church, East Third and Clackamas, today (Wednesday) at 10 A. M. E. CASSOU. Clerk. WASHINGTON COUNCIL NO. 3,. R. & S. M. State assembly this (Wednesday) eve., 7;30, East 8th and Bumside. Work. Visitors wel come, joy oraer t. hi. m. J. R. RICHMOND, Rec. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Third degree. Visitors always welcome. R. OSVOLD. Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. 111. A. F. & A. M. Special communica tion this (Wednesday) evening at 7 o'clock sharp. Masonic Temple. Work In the M. M. degree. Visit ing brethren welcome. C. B. MILLER. Sec. DIED. ALLWEL At residence, 48ft Lexington ave., ellwood. March 23, Frederick Allwel, .aged 41. Remains at McEhtee-Ericson C'o.'s chapel, 409 Alder st. The deceased was a member Sentry No. 5, United Artisans. Prospect Camp, W. O. W-, No. 140. Funeral notice later. HEMSTOCK In this city, March 23. at her residence, corner Da I ton and Fiske sts.. University park. Emma C. Hemstock, aged 65 years, 4 months and 25 days. Funeral notice later. MAHON In this city, March 23. Fred Mahon, aged 61 years and ll months. FUNERAL NOTICES. LUNDIX March 23, Nels P. Lundin, aged 22 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services at McEntee-Erlcson Co.'s chapel, Thursday. March 25. at 2 P. M. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. SMALLWOOD The funeral services of Jane M. iStmallwood will be held at Fin ley a chapel at 2:30 P. M. today (Wednesday). Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cem etery. KING The funeral services of Thomas J. King will be held A. M. this morning at the Dominican Church. East 3d and Clackamas sts. Please omit flowers Dunning. McEntee ft GUbaugh, Funeral Directors, 7th and- Pine, phone Main 430 Lady Assistant.- Office of County Coronerl EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Fnneral direct ors. 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Phone M. 507. J. P. KIN LEY & SON, 3d and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main 9, A. 1599. ZELLER-BYRNE8 CO., Funeral Direct ors, 272 Russell. East 1082. Lady assistant. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 62. McENTEE-ERICSON CO. Undertakers lady assistant. 409 Alder. M 6133. KEW TODAY. GEORGE; BLACK., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bldg. Phones. Main 837 J : A 4013 DO YOU WISH TO 3UT A HOMI T Then See HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre stock ranch. $10 per acre, all fenced, all tillable, substantial Improve ments, in Douglas County; or will ex change for Portland property or close in acreage, paying difference. JACKSON A DEERIVG, Phone Main 315. 246 Sta rlc St. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE office" rose city park NEW TODAY. " $2750 Good 7-room house on East Ankeny st., west of E. 24th st. Lot alone worth S2000 Sweet-Head-Lemcke 14612 5th st. A SNAP 5-room house, barn, chicken-house and Summer-house; more than acre ground; close to carline; 5-cent fare. Only 1500, cash, balance to suit. THE LEE BOWDLER CO. 803 to 813 AbliiRton Bids. Wanted Ten good salesmen wanted to sell the best property in the city. Good com missions. BRONG-STEELE CO. 110 Second St. NOB HILL HOME .r?K,CB 87000 Terms J50 per month. Eight rooms: solid stone foundation; every modern convenience. The most select neigh borhood. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY (Owner) 01 Board of Trade Bids. Phone Main 447. SUCCESS SNAP! WEST SIDE Nice Corner; Large Residence; Room for Flat or Other Building. Only S1600 Cash Needed to Handle This Bargain. PORTLAND SUCCESS REALTY CO.. IC 61S Board of Trade Bldgr. 100x100 on 16th St. Near Thurman. Improved. . . ONLY 823.000 if taken at once. Only $S000 cash balance 10 years at 6 per cent. ' C. K. PFLIGER & CO., Room 14 Blnllcey BldK., Second and Morrison Sts. We have some fine bargains in Im proved and unimproved property on Union ave.; also a fine bunch of lots near Havelock Add. for $100 less than lots sell for in adjoining additions on St. John carline. 205 Abington bldg Offer XEW TODAY. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY Quarter block on 14th and Irving-, and also a l'5xl00-foot lot bordering on the east, giving 25 feet trackage on 13th street, giving access to the whole quarter for the track facilities. This is surrounded by warehouses now. so cannot remain long on the market at this price. x $36000 TOM mTbURNEY Room 15, 270 V4 Washington St. A Main 798.1 Beautiful Bungalow $500 DOWN Modern 5-room bungalow; has 2 large bedrooms with nice closets, re ception hall, all modern plumbing t best quality, living-room and dining room with opening; built-in window seats, fine Dutch kitchen, good porce lain sink with back; wired through out for lights; nice front and rear porches; cement basemen,t; lawn now being made.; house is new and on a fine lot 50x100 feet, with east front and in a swell neighborhood. Price only $2100, $500 down, balance $20 per month. RALPH ACKLEY 605 CORBETT BLDG. Peninsula Acres We have some, look it up. Call ' and Willamette Real Estate Co. 326 Worcester Bldg. Willamette Station, St. John Car. WE BUILD ARTISTIC HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS LET US BUILD ONE TOR YOU. WHY NOT? Butterworth Stevenson Co., Inc. Designers and Builders of Artistic Homes. 35 Lafayette Bldg., 6th and Wash. AUCTION SALE At the farm of J. W. Townsend, 14 mile east of Fair view, on the Sandv road. Take O. W. P. car to Fairview Station. SATURDAY. MARCH 27. '09. The folio winir stock and machinery will be sold: S No. 1 dairy cows. 1 bull. heifers coming: 2 years old, :i hogs, 1 new root cutter. 1 hay loader. 10 milk cans 1 milk cooler, numerous other articles.