Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 19, 1909, Page 19, Image 19

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Market Should Be Strong, but
It Is Not. '
Kasicrn Consumers " Discouraged
Over tlie Poor Beer Demand.
KiirIIsIi Hop AcreaEe Redac
tion Less Than Expected.
I-It of unsold 108 hop., checked up
v.sterd.y. how that 41 bale( are Jeft (n
rrowerm- Hand. In Oregon. Thl. i, th.
smallest rwrv. for thl. Urn. of year in
many lioni. Block. In other hop-rrowlng-""'
lr also low. A good many hor,. .r.
held by dealer., but th. quantity 1. not
excesalve. and It I. known that .lock. In
th. hand, of mo.t b newer, are much re
duced. Statl.tlcally, th. market could not
4 be much stronger. Jn reality It 1. weak.
The (raven In thl. Mate maintain firm
vlewa, but th. limit, of buyer, have been
lowered about a cent In the past fortnight.
Marly In the month thene wa. an s-cent
market, bnt 7 and 714 cent, are the prices
prevailing on th. aame clas. of good. now.
The Robert, lot of 85 bale, at Crowley wa.
bought by Dorca. Bros, around thews fig
ure, yecterday.
Th. check to the Eastern demand 1. at
tributed to the falling off In the beer pro-
ductlon. The .lump In the beer output In
January wa. a aurprlae to ewryone In the
trade, and It 1. .aid the February return,
will also .how a large decrease.
In England, market condition, are no bet
ter than here, a. shown by recent cables.
One from Ironmonger to Isaac Plncus &
Son... of Tacoma. yesterday .aid:
"No life In the market. No Improvement
since lan reported. Drubbing estimate about
4000 acres."
Up to a month ago It wa. believed here
that England would reduce her acreage 7000
or 8000 acre., but the sudden spurt In the
London market about a month ago seems
to have caused many growers to change
their minds. The foreign market has again
subsided, but It Is now too late for a fur
ther reduction this yar. )
A few hop contract, are being made In
the Willamette Valley, but the demand for
future. Is less active than last week. The
Dallas Observer gives the following list of
contracts filed In Polk County since the Orst
of the year:
Klsa. & Prtts. with A. Und.trom; a three
years' contract for 10.000 pound, at 10 cent..
F"ulk. Wormier & Co., with J. r. and John
Walling: contract, for 40.000 pounds of 1909
hops at H cents.
Joseph Harris, with N. F. Gregg; 15.000
pounds of 1909 hop. at cents, and with
J. T. and J. E James, a three-years' con
tract for ltf.noo pounds at 10 cents.
Horst A Co., with John Slmpkina. 8000
pounds of 1909 hop. at 10 cent.; P. L. Nev
ille, 15.000 pound. 1909 hops at 10 cent.;
Hlchard Bridge.. 8000 pound. 1909 hop. at
10 cents.
MrN'eff Brother., with O. B. Bates and H.
f5. Campbell, 18.000 pound, of 1909 hop. at
10V4 cent.; J. II. Foster and A. Buhler, 10,
000 pound, of 1909 hop. st 10 cents; J. H.
Foster and Dallas City Bank, 18.000 pounds
1909 hop. at 10 4 cents.
Charts. S. May & Co., with G. H. Harris,
a two-years' contract for 10.000 pound, at
10i cent.; H. and J. Jf. Wood, a three
year.' contract for 16,000 pounda at H
cent.; J. 1. Allen, 20.000 pound, of 1909
hop. at 10 cent.-, W. A. and C. O. Sloper,
a three-years' contract for 60.000 pound, at
10 cent..
Isaac Plncus & Son., with H. L. Hart,
18.000 pound, of 1909 hop. at 10 "4 cents
and 18,000 pounds of 1909 hops at 10 cents;
McXerT Brothers, 41,000 pounds 1909 hops
at 10V4 cents.
Jullu. Plncu. & Co., with Walker Brothers,
60.000 pounds of 1909 hops at cents;
K. H. and Fannie McCarter. 10,000 pounds
of 1909 hops at 10W cents: A. J. Holslng
ton et ux. IS, 000 pounds of 1909 hops at
10 cents.
T. Rosenwald A Co.. with C. W. Beckett, a
two-years' contract for 10,000 pounds at 11
cents; Kd Loose, a three-years' contract for
10.000 pounds at 11 cents.
T. A. Llvesley A Co., with Clifford A. Ball.
18,000 pound, of 1909 hop. at 10 cent.; J.
L. Hanna, 80,000 pound, of 1909 hop. at 10
cent.; E. 8. Harris. 0,000 pound, of 1909
hop. at 19 cent.. ,
BAMP1.ES of max uvkxan wheat.
Far EMtera product Exhibited at Mer
chants Exchange.
Sample, of Manchurlan wheat, received by
Henry Mett, were on exhibition at the Mer
chants Exchange yesterday. So far as Its
appearance was concerned, th. grain did not
excite favorable comment on the part of the
local trade, though the possibilities of Man
churia as a wheat-growing and exporting
country are recognized.
The grain market was Quiet but firm all
around. There was considerable demand
for red Russian wheat at J1.07, but supplies
of this variety are almost exhausted.
Bid and asked prices were quoted st the
Board of Trade a. follows:
... $1.07 14
... 1.0SV.
April ,
1 Si's
Receipts In cars were reported by the Mer
chants Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oat. Hay
March 13-14 21 4 i s:i
March 1H 4 7 i a
March lit 4 .. 11 4
Murrti 17 '. .. 7 "2 11
Total last week. 164 21 5tS 11 40
Only CIrorery I.lne Affected y the Jfew
Tariff 1U11.
The only effect the new tariff bill had on
the local Jobbing market wa. to cause an
advance of o cent, a pound on all grades of
tes. Coffee ha. been tlrm for some time be
cause of the advances in the East, but as
the coffee schedule was not changed, coffee
prices have already begun to recede on the
Atlanltc seaboard. Imparting a weaker tone
to the Coast market.
All grades of sugar advanced 15 cent, a
hundred yesterday. This advance was expect
ed in view of the firmness of the rsw and
renned markets In the East.
Piveet Potatoes Quoted Lower.
Two cars of sweet potstoes were received
yesterday and prices were reduced to 24 Hi
2'j cents. A car of celery also arrived
Small truck was In fair supply and sold
well. Asparagus was weaker, white selling
at 11 cents and green at la cents. Local
hothouse rhubarb Is about done for.
A car of oranges was received ana two
more wer due isst night. The market 1.
bare of bananas.
Expect larger Potato Offerings.
There Is not much movement In the pota
Jo market. One or two buyer, are offering In th. country, but thl. Is probably for
speculative purposes. Purchase, at II 40
wers reported. Some dealers look for heav
ier offering. In the near future when po
tatoea begin to .prout and doubt whether
present prices csn be maintained.
Country lXMlnoa J-rW. Unchanged.
Eggs were steady, with th. local and
hipping demand fully equal to the receipts.
Business was done at
Poultry wa. In fairly active demand and '
nrm at last prices. t
There were no new developments In the j
..,. l. me tone was reported
barely ateady.
, Bank Clearings.
Crt " OI the Northwestern cities yes-
J as loiiows;
n..n... T,
1.3ti7.81S S29.-i.7GS
l,:-)8.040 L'40.74o
, i'7.877 r,0.20
1.0S2.S1T 222,57s
Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc
WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. SI 0O
'" oV svhit'uaSari
mtdalln... ; shorw -xi: "Sod "teOfiS
rolled barley. m360 P" '!02S!
'.VRlj5Y FeeJ- " Per ton
. Jimothy. Willamette Vallev Iiaeria
cheat. S13.50Sl4.5u: vetch. mfrl '
Dairy and Country Produce,
BUTTER City creamery. extras. ..
SSg 7J"'--. li35cXtrptr "fc
ill1. fe (Butter fat prices average
prtcesT" "er POUnd und" Wr fflS
POrfTnw" ranch' 2021: Per dozen,
e'ie- 7r? 15ii16'Ac; broilers,24
yolmV nZ hS?-0,0' roost''S. old. lOlic
turkeys H c?ack'-f'c-. geese. IOcJ
CHFPslir. ; suabs' 2-503 per dozen:
iw Fany cream twins, lTOlTiie
Per lb.; full cream triplet, 17 17 4c full
oun(f Americ lS18tio '
.Vtff'Eli'i10 per voaaA-ordl-
l8P!i4t Fancy' 8B" P lb.; large.
Vegetables and Fruit.
FRESH FRUITS Apples. 6Sc2.50 per
poSni 1 Weet otat. 221ic 1t
..8CK VEGETABLES Turnips, per
sack; carrots. 90c; parsnips, 81.50; belts'
J": horseradish, 100 per pound
TROPICAL FRCITS oranses, navels. S3
i emoB?' "'Pe fruit,
T,i',.F '3, per ,boxi bananas. 54f6c per
pound: pineapples. 2. 7 6 3.25 plr d0sin-
perNh1und?ed0.''lg0,1 Pr'C,-
VEGETABLES Artichokes. 75 90c doz -aspiragus
life. 16c per pound, beans 25c:
cabbage. per poundj cauiitlower"
ber,0;.iC- '475 pef Ate; cucu":
i 1 iwiiuue, not no use.
dozen nltr b:lettUCe'.,heai- S5c per
, pci uuion - parsley.
;h2hirhPl' omen: radishes, 35c per dozen
rnuoarb. 2. .0 per box; spinach il 5- to
matoes. $1.7o4.50. -. i-s. to-
Grocerles. Dried Fruits. Etc.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, au. ,-. lh .
peaches. 74 8c: pmnes. TtaJiant wao';
el.0"-urenciu currants. unl,,
cases. Hc: currants, waahed. cases: 10?
I? " faBcy' 60"lb- ai0i at
SALMON Columbia River. 1 -pound talla.
natstsio"nA;i 2-Pol",d $2-85: l-plund
, ' JAlaik vln J-POMd tails, sc;
tSn's. $2 ta l l-40: ,ockey. Impound
I7F'E5 Mocha. 24 28c; Java, ordinary.
1720c; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820c; gaoi
105rl2.V ordinary- 12l5a per pound"
. NOT8 Walnut. 12(iao per pound by
sack; Brastl nuts. 16c; Alberts. 15c; pecans.
7c: almonds. 13 14c: chsstnuts. Italian.
pfl,?ut', raw' plnennts, loo
dozen ry "Ut u: coco-nu: 5o p5
-f'A?TranuIated' -90; extra C. $5.40;
golden C. o.S0; fruit and berry sugar! to 90
plain bag. 5.70; beet granulated.' 5 70:
lr" arre- ao; powdered (barrel):
t.l&. Terms: On remittances within 15
oays, deciuct 14c per pound; lr later than IS
days and within 30 days, deduct c par
pound. Maple eugar. 15lSc per pound
K.LTPranu,a.te'18 Der ton- per
M p'n too.' " 7 00 per ton; 60m-
..BEANS Small white, 6Uo; large white
lrltt- Plnk- c;ayou,r84c;WMetx:
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
19oIsOIcS.180LcSnra,ct3,', 1J10!4o per pound;
crop. Vi2c" ' "op JW4c; "os'
dry .kip: No. 1. 14 16c &uAZ?laJ&l
le88 vuuu; green, 10
t,1.11;1"0- skins: Angora goat, il to
U?nj ad8ar' 2o&s:; bear. o& 20; beaver
6.60W8.0; cat. wild, SOcitfSl; cougar? per-
11 La", ClaWS- 310: tlshfr. 'dark.
t..60a-ll; pale. S4.90(jl7: fox. cross It
I,ox' rfy' to 80: fox, red. 2 5
to $4; fox, silver. $35 to $100; lynx 104
lu; marten, dark. $8(812: mink tsSitii?.
muskrat. lOffllbc; ouer, raccm Vs'ea
otter, $12.50.' a. to s"eT skinkf
604i7tc; civet cat. 1016c: wolf iSt3:
coyote 70cU.10: wolvSrtni ArL xitl
wolverine, pale. $2 2 60 .
CASCARA BARK Per pound, 4 o.
.BACON Fsncy. 21c per pound- fn.-i
18c; choice. 17c; Engltsh. lAHlaiacVSpl:
DRT 8ALT CORED Regular short ele.r.
dry salt. 12c; smoked. 13c; .hoVt clea5
backs, heavy, dry salted. 12c; smoked. iS
0rSA0MLpSrtta; Sl? tfgk &
14c; is to :a lb... i4c; ta'am, ifnibV
14c; picnics. c; cVttVi rofl ilc.hf,d-
14'4c: ... 1494c; 3 1X0. si.ndardpure
Tierces ISttc; tubs. I2c; bos. 12 41c- ol"
12 c: 10s, 13 Vic; 6s. 13o , lltVcoSf:
pound: Tlerocs. 8c; tubs. BaT aLTi!
20a. Sci 6s. 8-ifcc "OS. Vc;
t-VSsZU: m.t aut;
bf'-knklelL" lD""iaa-
$13; regular $lo: honeycomb trtpi:
12; pigs' tongues. $19.50
barrel: pTate? 14 peV barren fa nTl'iv ffl
oer barrel - r,T ,K" i: . ?an' iy. $14
barrel; -sVpr-be'eV SiV'V'
COAL OIL Pearl and astral oil. eases.
IS He per gallon; water whfle. iron 'bi"t
Uc; eocene and extra star, cases 21 ii head.
eaie.02So.Caae- C: ,rn barre. laUM.
r.SA6i5S''! Union and Red Crown, bur
i 5.'.16Hc; c??- 12 Vac: motor, barrels
JVsC; cases. 23Vc: 8S degrees. barrels!
o?SeSSr,lSI0! o'stuXfe. Sarr!:
1 r.- t riit i- . . .
vasj i.w, currti lots. OTc In
cases. 73c; boiled, barrel lots. CWc; in casei
CIL MEAL Ton lota. J3T.
CoflTee and Sugar.
NEW. YORK. MC,-h is
- -vtc iuiur8
closed steady at a nf mivim r. ,
&ale. 29, ,50 bas. including March at .75c.
J , Jr .iuc, May at 6.70(.75c. July
at .2Cc. Sentpmhor at k oa .i -
and December at 5.75c. Spot, steady. Rio.
Cordova8 Vc""' M"d'
Sugars Raw. strong- Trot- -; - .
SStHc; contrlfucal. 9s o o'" .
molasse. sugar. 3.i;-3.23.ic. Renned. steady'
3.85c powdered' a- sranulated.
Wool Sales at London.
LONDON-. March IS. The offerinss at the
eVeereVa'M am"d to 13.618 bales
The keenest demand prevailed and hardening
rates were obtained, for merinos and cross
bred, taken fir German and American ac
count. Continental buyer paid high prices
ii';hrOUrMlS- n,y 4300 ave been
withdrawn during the sales and the closing
day has been changed to March 25.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. March 18. Evaporated apples,
quiet. Fancy. SViSOc; choice; 7V7ic'
prime. 6Sj6ic.
Prunes are In a somewhat firmer position
on spot, with Quotations ranging from 3
to 7V,c for new crop California fruit up to
0-S0s and from 6V4 to 9c for Oregons. 4o-50s
to 20-30.
Apricots, unchanged. Choice, 9H10c- ex
tra choice. 1010V4c; fancy, HHil3c.
Peaches are in good Jobbing demand.
Choice. 8?;tio; extra choice, 6igJ;c; fancy
Raisins for spot remain dull. Loose Mutv
catel quoted at 4g5c, choice to fancy seeded
London SbeepsUin Sales.
ot.S; MarCh 1? A sa,e f 700 bale.
01 heer4i!n was held here todav The
. e,f pod condition and met with a
spirited .ieman.l. Best merino and cross
!eei 7LV u'Jl"ha'"t''d ,( Hd higher and some
were e"s7er America. Short-wooled pelt.
which were large.
20 and SI cent -
PLAY for posmaN
Effect of Tariff Measure on
Stock Speculation.
LltUe Attention Paid to Reports of
Harrlman's HealUi Rise in Ster-
ling Exchange Indicates Fur
ther Gold Exports.
Hy ,J Rl MaFCh 18-Tha "ock market
"inl j 7 oeveloped a good deal , the
til , ? ' IO? P"UIOn tha Prt of
the professional element which made" -he
bin "T8 ytarda- the new tariff
m tZ !?ra'1 ln C"ne'-ess. Here ana there
tVeff.mart WM the confldence
w?uld nsvJ "f"11 Bcfcedale of the tariff
aW ,k D lndivId'a ocks. as, for In
stance, the sharp advance In Central Leather
"d American Hide Leather stocks. baseS
fr Si,"?"'"1 f ad-an from the
Emission of hides and the proposed
change In th. duty on shoes. PPosa
QuHn'Z"",1, f Pac slvcn to publications
health an? h, ot E- 11 Harlman'.
ouenuv 1 fS an alleged and subse
quently contradicted Intention on that gen
rirs t0.ret1- -ould have been fod
of f a, 0n a more "nnammable state
passed over lightly.
f the p!an of tne Chicago Great
Z1T . "owmiatlon evidently do not ap
peal to the holder, of the stocks, and they
continued to decline today y
M?e" ' an intended conference of cop
per producers to concert measure, for PM
tlng down the output caused no confusion,
0? Inn. ,admtttedly represent, the wishes
of Influential interests ln that trade.
The further rise ln sterling exchange rates
confirmed the beHef that the movement ot
h-il London was to continue. since 1
bankTehnWn. that ,he London 3Int
banks have entered upon a policy of building
eLcuTd":,' ',1 manDer Tery a1n"lar to that
duimr th- the. NeW Trk truM oompanie.
hi. . e PMt year- estimates of the prob
ab' utward movement of gold have been en
tl ktT "'"mate hardening effect on
1, , ? mt,ne' market would not cause
surprise. No such effect has yet shown
Itself 1 any of the maturities for time loans
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales nr
Tere j2'680'000- 1U State, 2 s )
tered. advanced per cent on call.
Amal - Sales. High. Low.Bid18
i. Copper 2.500 08 6711; (L2i
Am Car & pOUn. 1,200 40 2 4S& is
do preferred ... 2K) 110 l'oS llrt
Am Cotton Oil... 900 62 gi Ms
Am Hd & Lt pf. 1.800 41 UH
aS Snsetdoii:: 30 S
Ado reTeTr0eVe -- " ,
aS IXccoReprf:;; JSt ig
Am Woolen
Anaconda Min Co. 2,606 '41 T, 'iiU J?,'
preferred-:.": $
Atl Coast Line... . ' .10
yo purred-;:;.8'500 1
Brook Rap Tran. 11.46 "72 i:' Ti'ii"
kttt if
Cerarof";? ill
Ches & Ohio 4ft i66 'fio'vi 'isi'
ii- M StPaul.. 6,900 iW -Hi'-
C. C. f
Colo Fuel & Iron! "1' 'Hil IV-
Co0o ?Southern-: li
do 1st preferred. moo -SJr S..
1 rli
Iron- 1 tiv 00 1 ' ' a
do 2d preferred. 400 81 W Si A 1
Corn Products ... l.soo 19 isi? ,2V
D R Grande... 1,400 44i 5 14J!4
do, preferred ... 300 85 5 555i li
Distillers' Securl.. 54 05,9
Er' , "3,966 '4 .4"
rtS "re'"rred. 800 38 - 5ivi 52
do 2d preferred.... 91 Sx
General Electric. . ,2?
Gt Northern Ore.. 2,800 8K1? B 2'4
lll noi, Central .. '466
InterborouBh Met. 1,400 is? J?14- 1.4J'
do preferred ... 3,100 44 45.
Int Paper 1,400 9V4 oi7
do- preferred ... 500 40 -i? .2
Int Pump 2 a?a- Ji,
Iowa Central S' S6 3H
nn' & S?a;hVme "OH i.f
M St P & R S Ml "VftOO iieii lis"
Missouri Pacific. 3.I0O e5 SSti 5H
Mo, Kan Texas 400 4H4 40t Sit
do preferred ... "
N T Central 6 2io i . '5
xortn,kA.s555:: 2800 8 6 P
Pef?'Vala O-700 lUJS ,gH ,J
? C C K t"" 5 5S2 113 "24 Vl24
. t c. & 6t L... 6.R0O 92tt oi2 its?
Pressed Steel Car. 300 3aa!
Pullman Pal Car. 38 ,2'4
rL,?'66' Snrtn-- 4O0 "36'h "s6i 42
Reading 162.400 13o2 I'-sS t5S7,
Republic Steel "". J-s h. ijijT,
do preferred ..T
Rock Island Co.. iidoo 'atii 'is" iSjl
do preferred ... 2.900 C" "t
do preferred 400 Kok oi' TX
Sloes-Shetrleld .... 5.
Southern Pacific. 15,20 ItSS ,r
do preferred ... 200 12 lAi'
Southern Railway. 2.9O0 JJw J5;s! 1sf
do preferred ... 700 62 61 IV. Riv
Tenn Copper .... 500 ilu inS 4 1 v
Texas & Pacific. .nno Jifi ?' 2 Ji
To'- S' L & Wen. 2A If .-g fe 5
do preferred ... 400 71134 70 J?
Lnion Pacific ... 81.100 179 177 1?2
do preferred ''"H
TI S Rubber 55,,
do 1st preferred.
VadoCarrefeCrreT'C.aI-""" ,!4
do preferred ... 1.600 44; 44 ii7
Vtstlnghouse Elec 2o 7t t 1 It
Western Union 79 J
JJheel L Erie "
Wisconsin Central. 200 4SV "isii 4?v
Am Tel Tel.... 90O 129 1
Total les for the day. 583.?O0 share,
t.ons?7 TRK- MarCh ".-Closing cuota-
U. S. ref. as reg iniitrN T C G- 3 tc 0,
S, 'a-.-KS::::3S5bsS SSSsjr
rtOTili ilL-con-CeS "I
Ddo :::-l;H;Japanese 4.t..t?: SI
Stocks 4 Ixzxdon.
T n nnv w .
. . 90
. . 90
- - 46V4
. - 6 4
- TH
.. 66
.. 24
. . 03
Anaconda . .
do pref . . . .
Bait & Ohio.
Can Pacific.
x- central,
p-ot-flk west
t044 do pref..
Ont West,".".
l.O 4 Pennsylvania
6j'Rand Mines.."
1 v- V ' . .
Chi Gi-t West
Ddt ? o : i3H!son?h ppTcin6::
inmcedn, J,runk- is iwabasif : : :
cPtraI 145 do prer
Mo"i" T l'? an.loh 4s.."
. . 97.
. .1134.
-- lSi
.. 45
., D.-.T,
.. 9954
..... . -j uimai copper
Money Kxcltange, Etc
SAN FRANCISCO. March 18. Silver bar.
50c; Mexican dollars. 45c: dTaft. sigh!
8 per cent; draft,, telegraph 74 per ce
Sterling on London. M diva, $4 8 .
ling on London, sights! l.ti N. ' ter"
NEW.,IRK' March " -Money caU
easy ltJ2 per cent; ruling rate ino? Ver
sa. 2 per cent: closing bid. 144 ner c.r.t
Time loan, quiet and la.ysodaya. -Ta
2 per -cent; 80 day,. 2 per cent; srx
months. 2 3 per cent. Prime mercantile
paper. H4 per cent. ercantue
Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi
ness ln baaksira' bill, at $4.8820 jj 4.S630 tor
0-da- bill, and at $4.8830 for demand; com
mercial bills, $4.8S4.8S4.
Bar silver. oO'ic
Mexlcan dollars, 44c.
Government bond. Brm; railroad bonds Ir
regular. LONDON. March IS. Bar silver, steady at
23 lid per ounce.
Money. 24 4J3 per cent.
The rata of discount in the open market
for short bills Is 22V4 per cent.
The rate of discount ln the open market
for three-months' bills Is Ji per cent.
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. March 18. Today's state
ment of the Treasury shows:
Available cssh balances...... I12X .UT 711
Gold coin and bullion. . . 4? itw'5"
Gold certificate. isieisaio
Dairy Produce in the East.
CHICAGO, March 18. Butter Steady ;
creameries. 22284c; dairies. 2025c
E"s"s Firm at mark, cases included;
firsts. 18c; prime firsts. 19c.
Cheese Firm. Daisies. 15 16c; twins,
14fl5c; Young Americas, 17617540.
NEW YORK. March 18. Butter Fancy
grades firm: creamery specials. 30$? 30 V-c;
official. 30c: extras. 29c: third to firsts, "2 1
4x22tc: held common to special, 28c.
Cheese Firm,' unchanged.
ESS Firmer; Western firsts, 19y-c; sec
onds, 19c.
Car of Bluestem Wheat Sella at
$1.20 Fall Crop Reported to
Be In 3ood Condition.
SEATTLE, Wash.. March 18. (Special.)
Five carloads of bananas reached here
today, relieving the shortage. Some of to
day's receipts were ripe and were unloaded
direct from the cars to distributing wagons.
The price was cut a half-cent, most deal
ers asking but 5 cents. Nearly all ot the
ripe fruit .was sold before nlsht.
Potatoes were very firm today, prices
ranging from $33 to $34. with every indica
tion of going higher before the end of the
week. Onions are dulL owing tc the
presence of both Australian and Japanese
onions. 4 1 he former are moving at 4 cents
the latter at 3 to cents. Oregon stock,
however. Is not leing overlooked and deal
ers are filling most local orders from that
A car of bluestem sold at $1.20 todav. but
millers are not anxious to buy at present.
No- one looks for much lower prices until
the new crop.- Reports from the wheat
districts indicate the crop Is ln excellent
condition, very little of the Winter-sown
grain having to be reseeded. a Seattle
firm is now making arrangements to es
tablish a line of warehouses in the wheat
section along the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway.
Ripe oranges are going at $2 and not
much demand at that price.
Price. Paid for Produce in the Bay Clti
SAN FRANCISCO, March 18. The fol
lowing prices were quoted in the produce
market today:
Potatoes Oregon Burbanka, $1.601 90
sweets. $1.752. '
Onions 2 per cental.
,M'Jift-!inBran' $28.5030; middlings.
Vegetables Garlic, 10c; green peas, 7Hc
string beans, nominal; asparagus S&ticz
tomatoes, $11.25; egg plant. 20&25C
Butter Fancy creamery, 28 4c; creamery
seconds. 27M.C: fancy dairy, 2ec. creamer
Cheese New. 1414ttc; Young America,
14jl4ttc; Eastern, 1714c
Eggs Store, 22c; fancy ranch, 22t4c.
.Lollltry Roosters, old. $5igi3.50: young.
$810: broilers, small, $4.505; broilers
large, $5.506.5O; fryers, $6.507.5Q; hens
$5r9; ducks, old, $4.505.50; young. $68.'
.1oo1 ,Sprkne' Humboldt and Mendocino.
16lc; Mountain. 6SS'4c; Nevada. 9014c
o??r;YhcaJ' 2326: wheat and oats.
$2225.50; alfalfa, - $15 18; stock, $12010
straw. per bale. 60 85c. .
Fruits Apples choice. $4.00; common, 80c;
bananas $l1.50: limes, nominal; temons.
choice. $3; common. $1; oranges, $1.50&3
pineapples, $23. ' vl-""W.
Receipts Flour. 4320 quarter sacks-
h,?l'.,510, cefnaUV. barIey- 3613 centals!
' 2? ,centa': beans. 1978 sacks; corn
000 centals; potatoes. 5010 sacks; bran, 7a
sacks; middlings. 40 sacks; hay, 687 tons
wool. 208 bales; hides. 925. '
Price. Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and
.btterdmand for beef cattle has add
ed strength to this department of the live
stock trade and best quality steers, had any
been available yesterday, would have com
manded a premium over the prevailing quo
tation. There is a somewhat weaker feel
ing In the hog market because of the re
cent heavy receipts of Nebraska stock. Sheen
are steady.
Receipts yesterday were 100 cattle. Late
sale. Included the following: 42 hogs, aver
age 260 pounds, $7.25; 4 hogs, average 112
pounds, $6.60; 43 hogs, average 130 pounds,
CATTLE Top steers, J5.006S5.25: fair to
good, $4.756.00; common to medium. $3 25
05 4.50; cows, top, $4.25; fair to good. $3.50
4.00; common to medium, $2.50(33 50
calves, top. $5.005.50; heavy. $3.504OO-
5. V'and- tas' fat- $3.00 3.50; common
HOGS Best, $7.25; fair to good, $8.75
7.00: stockers. $5.506.50; China fats, $8 75
SHEEP Top wethers, $5.50 6; fair to
good. $4.755.25; ewes. c less on all
fad,es: lambs, top, $6. 6008.75; fair to good,
$6.00q6.50. .
Eastern Livestock Markets.
CHICAGO. March is. Cattle Receipts,
estimated at S500; market, steady. Beeves,
$4.607.10; Texas steers. $4.405.30: West
ern steers, $4 3.40; stockers and feeders.
$3.40 5.35: cows and heifers, S1.90s.00:
calves. $S. .
Hogs Receipts estimated at 2S.000; mar
f 4-n 1?, J.Wr' L'Sht. $.306.70; mixed.
H0-80'- beavy, $6.50 0.K5; rough,
46. 60; good to choice heavy, $6.000.Sri:
pigs, $6.10i&6.20: bulk of sales, S6.6O1a6.SO.
Sheep Receipts. estimated at 14.000;
market, steady. Natives, $3.253.70; West
erns. $3.5O5.90 ;yearllngs. $05J)7.2o: lambs,
natives. $5.508; Westerns, $5.o07.90.
SOUTH OMAHA. March 18. Cattle Re
S5 P. l!00: market, steady. Western steers.
x.;.50i.i5: Texas steers, $33.10; range
cow, and heifers. $2.754.85: canners. $2
-"5A,Tivkerf a.nd fceder. $3f 5. SO: calves,
$u.507.o0; bulls and stags, $2.854.83.
HogsReceipts. 12,600; market, 510e
lower. Heavies. $6.506.75; mixed. $6,450
6. J0; light. $6.106.00; pigs. $4.756- bulk
of sales. $6.4066.60. tu.
Sheep Receipts, 9000; market, 1020o
lower. Yearlings. $66.85: wethers. $5
6.50; ewes, $.405.40; lambs. $6.407.40.
KANSAS CITY March IS. Cattle Re
ceipts. SOOO: market, slow to steadv Na
.?"5 J-e2ra !5 f 8'80 ; native cows and heif ers.
lT,?lmi,Z'ik- ai?d feed. I3.50fe3.5r,;
bulls, $3.20e4.75: calves. $3.757.50- West
em steers, $4.SO6.50; Western cow's. $3.25
Hog's Receipts, 13.000; market, SWlOc
isWiefn1"' ot. saIes- 6.406.75; heavies,
6 6500.80; packers and butcher,, $6-50
..: "ght $6.256.60: pigs. $S5.50.
..eep ?55VStB- SOOO; market, steady.
Muttons. $4.73r6; Iambs. $6..toaDT 50- range
wethers. $4.50 & 7; fed ewes. $3.0 5.60
Eastern Mining Stocks.
Auventure TH!Mont c & c
A.loues 38 INevada . .
Amalgamated .. 6Slold Dominion"
Arix Com 344!09ceola . ..
Atlantic . 14 (Parrot "
Butte Coal 22s, Quincy
Cal A Arts .)!) j, 'Shannon" "'" " '
Cal sr Hecis 615 -Tamarack
Centennial 29 tTrlmtv
.. 17
. 85
. 14
. 77
40 t
,. 30 ?i
.. 41
. 1
. . 52
- C7
Copper Range. . 74 (United Copper'
Oaly West.
10 K U S Mining...
14 U S Oil.......
r ranKiin
o rtah
Greene Cananea 93 'Victoria " '.
Mass Mining 4i!Wolverine ..
Michigan 10 (North Butte
Mohawk 61 T
NEW TORK, March 18. Closing
Alice 200
Brunswick Con. 6
Com Tun stock. 23
do bonds..... 15
C C Va 50
Horn Sliver GO
Leadville con... 43
iLittle Chief. .
(Ontario . .
Ophlr ."
(Standard . .
ITellow Jacket
. .. 5
.. .400
. . . 97
. ..140
. 55,
Wool at St. Louis.
JIT; LOUIS- March 18 Wool unchanged;
territory and -Western mediums. ls'3c:
nne mediums. 182Sc; fine mediums. 17
20c: nne, ll17c. w
Bengal Bank Rate Reduced.
CALCUTTA. March 18 The rate of dis
count of the Bank of Bengal was reduced
today from 8 to 7 per cent.
MARCH 19, 1900.
But Price Range Is Narrow in
Chicago Wheat Pit.
Continued Ught Receipts In the
Xorthwest Pacific News From
Austria for Time
Causes AVeakness.
SlS,Hfrc Quick changes
at no tlm? w in wheat ,od!,y' t prl?es
clos"ns- 0,0, ,1r a r6at dltance from the
keT opened a ' rSt""day' T1e "iai
short? based "'""V to covering by
1- .i," based on continued light recelnt.
flr.tthha0rthWe8t" Befor' th.Send ofe',Ph.
velor,.i t hour a weak tons had de
caMegrVm JaUSB . ot eUiI" Inspired by V
omctfl SenilPro,nB that Austria had made
moJanemu,ngnythentre.rf0fth: Ja"
DnrrngCh,neKend,,Vne a"'" pVovocatfon
and 1 i2 da May 9oW between $1.15
Oil JSly wn $L03 and
not gain o, KMlf a
mJrke? wl? ',''5 trad in corn and the
the da v tk. T the Kater part of
He to Vte ,Z close wM flrm
the to c n'Kher. compared with
6ScPVrt1";!', close' May beingat 66H
clSS'nrTSr "I Sear.'y ?? day- At the
rinv, 5ii - 7c 10 c abov yester-
aar nnai flKUres. with May at R4 9l
'July at 484SHe. o?ic and
Provision.-. u-awA' .
The leading future, ranged as follows
WHEAT. Msv .... e,, Low. Close.
Sept 87tI as,',"
.pl SSU lit;
May . . . .
64 14- 64 M
48H 4S2
40 404i
63 B4H
47-,, 484
40Vk 40
MESS pnov
::::: I?:S
?uav iS'iS M'SS 10.11 10.15
sept. :::.i5.4?H i0;47 jo-?s
Mav a -r , - - . .
::::: t.n '?5
lbr TJ-S& 9:60
Rye No. 2, 79c .
tBaSley Feed or mixing, 6414 6514c fair
to choice malting. 5VJi,S7c.W '
1 k .tMa Xo- 1 Southwestern. $1.5714- No
1 Northwestern. $1.67li " ' aN0'
Grain statistics:
eaaialtoCl?arannneS rheat and nur
were -68 nori . u"hels- Primary receipts
-68.000 bushels, compared with 408 -ago
bUE IL1" correspoSding day a year
Wheat Is li. recoP" . for tomorrow
wneat, 45 cars: corn, 228 cars- oats inq
cars; hogs. 23.000 head. ' "' 109
Vlnne ,.-,. Receipts. Shipments.
xvVil "t""; - 30,700 28.800
Wheat, bushels 61,200 26 100
Corn, bushel, 148 800 152:200
Sv'e"- bJ1' ".o?? 2i2:i65
parley. bu.u.V."V.V. B:SoS
- Grain and Produce at Xew York.
l'S"L YRK:' March 18. Flour Receipts,
unchanged" eXPrt"' 19M. bar"l' Eul' d
4.iVU'at ;Rece,J?ta- 4 bushels; exports 47
437 bushels. Spot, Ko. 2 red. $1.23 eleva
tor and $1.24 f. o. b. afloat; No 1 Noru
57 IS-,.ut.n' i-25 f- o- b. 'anoatT No " s
hard Winter. $1.23 f. o. b. afloat. Exoent
for one or two sharp reactions, wheat wis
bf.vT'K nrm today on cotmilsston hose
buying bull support, stronger foreign news
and a better cash demand. The weak Snots
were sympathetic with declines ln corn May
closed at $1.2014 and July at $1.12
JJopB Steady. 7'
Hides Dull.
Wool Quiet.
Petroleum Steady. '
Grain at Ban Francisco.
bafiey fiS?800- March "Wheat and
Spot quotations:
$i7hToohJplnB- o-5; mining,
i5o?iIF'd- "" brewing.
Ta-J.eiB3-- whlta- "-"o
Call-board sales:
Wheat No trading.
Barly-May, $1.46 asked. 1.45C bid
Corn Large yellow. $1.67 1.72-.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON. March 18. A firmer feelln, Ir.
cargoes prevails. Buyert Sw more dis
position to operate. Walla will prompt
menmeat- Ca'"'a. Prompfi?-1
S'arSqjXrk'tt- flrm; Pre-nch
ijuTv50 MarSn y Wheat, May. 8s
WatherUne."L!!!!ember' '
Wheat at Seattle.
ZSf-KrjR- wMhea leljtm"1,1!1
wWtS'oVoa'tsS'10 car St- today!
Wheaat at Tacoma.
rT,COSiA' Wash.. March 18. Wheat
your own money direct with practical
oil operators and make the Ibanker-a
profit? Booklets showing how and why
free upon rtuuest. y
10O4 Broadway, Oakland, Cal.
Less Than Four Days at Ssa
Ri?.rand"then.nort.srocefaUi fout.Tou
Tri?0'11 b4J.ter, on th" Atlantic than our
Empresses. WTireless on all steamers.
eabhT11 S9 second one das.
raanY b'ookTet"8"1" r WrIt" tor
I'. R. Johnson. P. A., 14s 3d t Portland. Or
S. S- Ceo. W. Elder
Sails for Eureka, San Francisco and
Los Angeles March 18, April 1st, 15th
29th. Ticket office 132 Third street'
near Alder. H. YOUXO. Awni '
r ov'1'
Only direct steamer, and daylight aalilna
From Answorth Dock. PortlandT 4 P j
8.S. Senator Mar. 19. AprU 2. etc.
8.S. Rose City, Mar. 26T April i., etc
Pl"om Lombard St., San Francisco, i i f; M
8.S. Rose City. Mar. 80. April j, eSeT
BJ. Senator, Mar. 37. April le, etc
J. W. Ransom, Dock Agent.
r ,?Ja,'.n 208 Ins worth Dock.
M. J. BOCHJ5. City Ticket Agent 142 8d SL
coos bayTine
,. steamer BREAKWATER leave. Port,
land every Wednesday a P M ViZZ T .
worth doZc. forJ'inaSS,
Coos Bay points. Freiht rece7ed tfA
M. on day of sailing. Passenger faraV r
class. $10; second-class. 7. iicludrn' w,
"n2 S-e"L"; Inluira city ticket office? ThUS
And others having from
one hundred dollars up
which they desire to
produce an income in
proportion to the earn
ing power of money in
the Northwest should
consult me about the in
vestments I have to
Call or write
Lumber Exchange Bldg.
Portland, Oregon.
Wireless stocks: United pref'd and Mar
coni (Am., Engl, and Canadian).
Campbell's Gas Burner.
Bonnville Publishing Co.
Burlingame Tel. Typewriter.
Fidelity Copper.
Alaska Pet. & Coal Co.
Get our prices before buying. AVill save
you big money.
Chamber of Commerce.
Call or write.
Second and
F. A. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashier.
It insures against dust, mud and street noises.
It insures against slipperiness and falling horses.
Tr l,nc!nreS aSam 't CraCks' disinteSrtin and costly repairs.
It assures a sanitary and durable street.
It assures conscientious workmanship and best materials
It assures perfect satisfaction.
317 Beck Building, Portland, Or.
New Home
Ftrat Door North Perkln. Hotel
Pianos, Player-Pianos and Phonographs
STori:s..RfiMrkc .
Bomrht and aold for OA and M mmnc.
Private wires Rccms 201 to2G4, Conch BaHdiii
Stark Streets