FOB BEST. I BUSINESS CHASCES. ., " - Die for Rem. furniture for Sale. BARGAINS IN FURNISHED FLATS. These are all close-in on "West Side 4 rooms with bath, elegantly furnished 3G0: rooms, neat and clean, goats fur niture, modern flat, price ;)00, terms; 6 rooms, close in on Washington St.. oak and mahogany furniture, J450 on easy terms: 3 rooms rented, clears $14 above rent of flat; here Is a good buy. 12 housekeeping- rooms, all rented. clears S45 above all expenses, will be sold cheas on easy payments. Call Lincoln Investment Co.. room 301-280 Washington BEAUTIFUL. FLAT. Only a few blocks from City Hall, for rent 16; furniture for sale for (iM, In cluding Kruger piano, almost lew. and everything tlae all extra good furniture ana good ae new. Also nice -room 2-storr house. 3 blocks from City Hall, extra well furnished and clean as a new ribbon; all goes for 40o. rent only S25: 4 rooms rented for $43. - , - R- ELLIS CO., Washington St., Rooms 201-202. Vl'RNITURK In 8-room Bat. close In. on West Side, present tenant rents 2 rooms for $18 per month, fine furniture, good as new; party buying can go to housekeeping at once; price o00. Spencer & Co., 102 2d st. THE furniture of an elegant new. modern ft-room flat, near 12th and Taylor, the best of new furniture; price fG50, terms ejsy; see us, we have several cheap. H. W. GARLAND & CO.. 101 4th St. CHEAP New furniture of five-room hotuw, rent cheap. 64 H Hood at., opposite Luckel. King A Cake Soap Co.. . FURNITURE for sale, five-room house. 160 Flower st., on Fulton carllne, get off at Flower st. Stores. 38x50 corner lth and Washington; also 2 adjoining stores, 1Rx5u; modern fronts; also store-room 10th st., near Wash ington, 35x50. Kntire upstairs. 50x85 in one room : reasonable rent. E. J Dalv 222 Falling bldg. ". ALL of the premises now occupied by the Independent Furniture Co.. location a very favorable one for most any business; right next door to the new market build ing. Immediate possession. Low rent and long lease. Apply on premises. 104-lOti TO LhASB for a period of 2 years, base ment, second and third floors. with ele vator brick building, 50 feet frontage, centrally located on Front st., suitable and Te" FronT." tore- In-ulr 1 FOR RENTFour storerooms In new three story brick, on Grand avenue, one block south of Morrison st. Rates reasonable Further particulars at Hanmaa & Thompson. DINING-ROOM for rent: everything in good order. Inquire 2S5 Union ave.. csr. East Clay. I'hone Kast 4257. FOR barber shop, fine new store; plate glass rront; no other ehop in locality: rent rea sonable. F. P. Shaughnessy. Tabor G44. FOR RENT Space for bootblack stand In , cigar store, corner 3d and Ankeny sts. FOR RENT Part of store at l 8th st. M E. Lee, room 411 Corbett bldg. NEW brick store, fine basement, close in: reasonable. Main 7157, East 4890. TWO floors. 25x100 each, new brick. Fifth and Couch. s 735. Oregonlan. Offices" ' F.R RBNT Room suitable- for olTlces or light manufacturing. Call Howe-Davis v0.. Ill 2a (M. THREE offices. Washlngton-st. frontage ea "'i ?r 303 Swetland bldg.,- Bth and Washington. OROUND floor office room, including both near Stac ronaul "hi. &0 Fifth, at.. DESK room or ofTice space, most reasonable, convenient. 228 Stark. Main 5338. ' n? 70-.7mi lnt!.ludJn rhone and attend ant. 727 Board of Trade. FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg Apply Room 501. ". LOST AND FOUND. wlFNTBlack nPerrt dog; name Bruce; fjl.l J',1 .and ltow points; three .rniJH ,V".g. uPPer Jaw; test, will ex ilofel. C. w matob- reward. Rheln LOST Wednesday afternoon on Base Line roaj. went of Prettyman ave.. gold-handled umbrella. Initialed "C. O. W Dec reward"" "end r dvlM 531 rln LOST Gold watch. Thursday afternoon; Bhort gold chain, fllltgree ball on chain, small diamond and pearl In ball. Return to R. T. Dabneys, residence 133 E. 2bth. wear Morrison, and receive reward. FOUND Where hatr mattresses are reno vated, returned same day. 228 Front. Main 474. A 1374. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsger. LOST Sunday afternoon, on East 14th st between Yamhill and Ankenv. pair of gold' mouiHed nose glasses; reward; return to lis Last 14-th st. IXirTlaC,k """". sold handle, mono gramed B. I. Have seen person that hue It; can t locate them. Return to this of nce and receive reward or phone A 4007. , FOUND Place where special attention la given remodeling of hats by up-to-date trimmers. English Correct Millinery. 331 Morrison St.. Marquara bldg. L,ST-u B,iaXe1 or Bto'en. one red, curly r.waraui th""' t0 "am' ot Prlnce: LV.ILT Barter with buckle marked a rfw.ard tor return of same. A 4407 Main 3407. LOST A liver and white pointer dog. 694 Oregon t. Tel. East 31)977 X Gold watch fob. bet. E. 13th st N and Steel bridge; reward. Phone E. 123l! BOOMINn-HOl sg OPPORTUNITIES. RtJf'a-Il.0l-'8s,-8 " "efor. atoiiib, 343 stark st. BUSINESS CHANCES. vs,k,.RANT.r "U" ,hat wl" "and in vestigation, doing good business; good lea.e and on one or the best downtown accoun? VSTl cl,y: must , on a. count of sickness, or else want some- ..S Tl'n 1nrn" rne and will be glad to talk to you. Phone Main 8570 Tii.w tt)T,ATK rmrtner wanted to show land, etc.: owner will guarantee en ergetic man et leant S150 month- very little money required: preferi. imrtner to hired help, Particulars 2481;, Stark jt. "'red BAJ?JS ".""IV"" !n ""ni Oregon; owner got rich; badly crlj.plcd up now with rheu matism; must retire: will sell cheap or trade for city property. Goldschmidt's Business Dept.. 253 Washington ' st. UlDOlNO-HOrsH, Washington St.. brick "4 rooms, long lease, money maker: make'nt an offer. T05 Swetland bldg. . CEMENT block machine; build your own blocks. Address J. n. Smith. 407 Jet f erson St., Portland. Or. WHAT will you give for an Investment that Is paying $10 per month? will sell chean or will trade. Call 511) Swetlnnrl biH BARBER shop for sale; one C the best equipped shops n the city. t 7BL Ore gonlan. ".MS1 for "al'- Eastern Oregon, clearing Mt Ppr month. AD 7tl6. Oregonlan. .'.V1, ntel for rent, furniture for sale. wl Hood st.. or so tlth st. buy.hlf Interest in good bustnee.. 0ners. c 7S9, Oregonlan. M. Hall, St. John. Or. Call and see Geo. 'ouirJ-;!"0,''1 bulIJlng. B0 rooma m qulre t4 Macleay bldg. our list before buying. 278 stark st. CORNER saloon near terminal vnrH Ah.. on account sickness. Phone M?m 9og? P SMALL grocery store close In. dnlnr . . business. Phone Main "ii ""'" a ood SAIGON Steady psrtner wanted- n required. Call 24SU Stark .L . cash B ,,oTr."'"?2'ns,ark ""ow clgar CONFECTIONERY and cigars; fine location' low rent. On 6th t. Owner 0th ADVERTISE In Ronvllle-, Western Month ly; reat-he. every hotel in 15 states? 'mniM "?;.?: ,-room hou" (ATION for ssle: essv terms. Portland" Brewlns; Co, aom and Upshur .t,uanl MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY. INC.. MAIN 3517. A 277 BUSINESS INVESTMENTS. ROOMING HOUSES. REAL ESTATE AND TIMBER. INVESTORS IF YOU ARE LOOKIXQ FOR A FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS. WE SAiB A NUMBER THAT WILL BE4R THE CLOSEST INVESTIGATION CA'.L AND SEE OUR LIST OF HOTELS. ROOMING-HOUSES. GENERAL STORES BA KERIES. BUTCHER SHOPS. BARBER SHOPS. DRUGSTORES, WHOLESALi: AND COMMISSION BUSINESSES CON--FECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORES GRO CERIES. SALOONS. AND ALMOST ANY JPUSINESS YOU MAY DESIRE THE MAY-HOLLAND COMPANY INC 62S-627-G28 CORBETT BLDG LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN? HERE IS A BEAUTY. i 4.iroomB- rerrt only S50- the very best J?n il ""E rentin? rooms, only 2 blocks Leeithe..PoE,la,n,d Hotel, a few house keeping. It should be seen to be appre ciated; you can handle this on S500 bal- wnor1hVmoreea8y "rmB; pric9 125: and DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. -316 Ablngton Bldg. 40 ROOMS BARGAIN. On best business street in the city; steam heat, running hot and cold water in rooms; furniture and carpets extra good rent very reasonable, with lease; owner can show you that he has cleared 200 a month over all expenses every month. Thia Is one of the very best places for the price, $4000. You can clear 400 a month here this Summer. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. ' 826H Washington St., Rooms 201-202. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS? 40 rooms, all housekeeping, very nicely furnished, fine baths and toilets, gas rent .125 with a 3-year lease: this is certainly a good buy, come and look at it, seeing Is believing; price $2100. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. . 310 Ablngton Bldg. WANTED to buy. direct from owner, a good 15 to 30-room rooming-house, must be well furnished and wortn the money; wtll pay spot cash for a gilt-edge prop osition; prefer location south of Wash ington and East of 20th st. Inquire at Rooms 315-316 Ablngton bldg. or "'h'mse for acreage near Portland, a dandy little grocery store, fine location, doing good business; several living rooms; rent only $20 a month; will Invoice about $1500. Owner will sell at Invoice This Is a chance to get a busi ness that w-ill net you $100 a month or better F. M. Crawford & Co.. 420 Swet land bldg. WmFR,. "POWER electric plant and flour mill, lighting two growing towns; light x - norIs pa5:'"5 10 cent on our price. $lo.OOO part down; $1 profit on each bar rel of Hour ground: power and income can fe Kreatly increased; good reason for sell-51'- Address Consolidated Electric Co John Day. Or. H-aY. grain and feed, best in town. Fuel and feed. General merchandise 'store. Gents furnishing. Grocery store. KINNEY & STAMPHER, 531 Lumber Exchange. Wwf.T.?DT"i?2IT;e one to Pn boardlng houtw of their own: are putting a crew ' .hJ"6? to ork clearing; streets, laying sidewalks and building carllne; big money making proposition to one who under .Tf . the, business. See manager, 308 Ablngton bldg. 106 3d st. AN established cash business paving a sal ry of 159 per month, besides large pr.?i. " man wlth elSOO cash and ordlnary abllity can handle this; duties easy, hours short; you'll have to hurry to get this; will stand thorough Investigation. Par ticulara 200 Commonwealth, bldg. TRANSFER Half interest ln one of the oldest established and best transfer and storage propositions in city; compelled to change account sickness. AD 7S8. Ore gonlan. A (SNAP. Pon?'ctl7nr3rv c'sar store, on Third et.: Ideal location, hlg bueiness, low rent, long lease, well insured best of reasons for sell lng. bee owner. 607 Ablngton bldg ?U ESTATE business, owner "tired of h red help; will take steady man. teach him. the business, which will pay at least 150 per month; little money required. Particulars 417 Board of Traded Iu. CAN GET actio on all mining and Industrial stocks and bonds throuch head quarters at Catterlln ft Co.. suite 3. Cham- Calllr wriS.""- W bay' "eU r trad- A.,P RTNERSHIP In incorporated manufac turing business that pays 40 per cent divl denrte: 3C0tr. cash; will bear close investi gation, ail Steams bldg., cor. 6th and Morrison. THE only hotel In the thriving town of Batiks. Or., doing a good business now double Inside of 6 months. Price. i:-40X- Real tate of a kinds. Address vv. o. Galaway, Banks, Or. RELIABLE real estate , dealer will take honest partner to show land; $l.-0 per month to start; $400 for full half Interest. Particulars, room 307 Geriinger bldg 242 Vi Alder st. POOLROOM, a money-maker; owner will sell on account ot sickness; $500 cash rent $20. with five living rooms. 311 Stearns bldg.. cor. 8th and Morrison. IF YOU want to sell or trade your busi ness or want a partner, call and see me; I guarantee quick results. H. A. Chan man, 417 Board of Trade. WANTED Honest, sober young man with little cash ae partner to show property and work in office; am tired of hired help 326H Washington at., room 414. CHANCE for right lady with small capital to buy half Interest in a good paying restaurant and delicatessen. G 770, Ore gonlan. WANTED Partners In several good paying businesses, call at office or phone Main 3074. 4. Canadian Employment Co., 21 N at.. Portland. Or. 2d W E can locate you ln paying business, be fore buying be sure and see us. Kinney 4fe Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg Main 44S6. ESTABLISHED oil route. E500 oil cans. 3 wacons. 3 teams, clears $200 per month; ..0 less than cost; quick for $2500 Call room 307 Gerllnger bldg. 242 Alder at. SPECIAI, $1000 with services will pav an energetic mn $175 a month as partner ln solid business. Call 248 Stark st. 15.000 TAKES one of the best liquor and cigar stores In Portland; bar In connection Stearns bldg., cor. 6th end Morrison. BUTTER, eirgs. produce, etc. partner grant ed: pay $80 month ealary. also share profits Call 248 Stark st. PARTNERS In business making large profits, no experience needed; $200 re-qulred- Spencer A Co.. 102 2d m. DO YOU want to make honest money? Vr.1I? ,f"r Prospectus. eMsson Exploration & Mining Co.. Sisson. Cal. $22o0 BUYS the best cigar stand ln Portl lanrt; better take this, quick. 311 Stearns bldg.. cor. 6th and Morrison. PARTNER wanted in restaurant; pay $5 day clear; experience not necessary and llt tle cash required. Call 248 fe Stark at. LEGITIMATE Good-paying business; $25 required: fully secured; large profits as sured. 620 Swetland bldg. RESTAURANT doing a good business will be suennced on easy terms, as the owner has to leave the city. 272 Stark st. GOOD live man to take an Interest in pront . able business, $400 required. See agent at 102 2d St. i 2000 FKKT of moving-picture nim at your own price. 311 Stearns Wg.. cor. 6th and Morrlsoa- ONE of the best grocery stores ln the city at invoice: stock and fixtures about $3000 For particulars' call Woodlawn 1445. CEMENT business; partner wanted: pay you $150 month and duties easily learned CaJl 24Sfe Stark st. " REAL ESTATE man wants sober and ener getlc man to show land and property little money required. 2 72 stark st WORKING fe Interest ln business to trade for homestead relinquishment. J 776, Ore gonlan. BARBER SHOP Splendid location. good patronage: $iO. 311 Stearns bldg., cor. tilh and Morrison. CONFECTIONERY bargain, cigars, tobacco lunch, good business, going East: all new fixtures. Phone Woodlawn 1124. TARTNER in good paying business, first class opportunity for good man. $700 re quired. For particulars call at 102 2d st. BARBER shop lor sale. 484 Washington at. THE 3IORXIXG PHONE YOUR if NO MATTER WHERE I0D LIVE In Albina, MontavUla,' St. John, Sunrryside, Sell-wood, Portland Heights, Woodlawn, Irvington, 'way up town or anywhere, yoa need not come to the business office of Th Oregonian to insert an ad-' vertisement. Just take ths phone either one and read the ad to the clerk. Bill will be sent you the next day. Convenient, isn't itt MACK 7070 THE OREGONIAN IS THE GREAT "WANT" MEDIUM OF THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST And no matter what you want, this newspaper can satisfy yoru. if you want help in your Btore or kitchen, If you want to borrow money, If you want to buy. or sell a house or lot, If you want to rent a room, a house, a flat or a farm A few lines in The Oregonian want column will usually satisfy the want. Try it tomorrow. - . PHONE MAIN 7070 HOME A 60?5 ''Situation Wanted" advertisements not accepted over the telephone. BUSINESS CHANCES. LOOK! .LOOK! LOOK! S IT GOOt? WELL I GUESS rooms, in the 'choicest district, rent w-ith a 2-year lease, nicely furnished. AND COLD WATER IN ROOMs! furnace, money maker and will stand investigation; will trade for house $3506" St S'de r SeU or caan: DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 316 Abington Bldg. 24 $110. HOT good close and price HERE IS JI-ST WHAT TOn WANT. rooms right on the best corner In town, excellently furnished, new last Oc-h-YV aEd .a. KOO1 money maker; owner ?oof I18 lme to devt o this on ac flce 1,- other business and will sacrl ti!i,, V trade for city -roperty. farm or timber land; price $.1500. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 310 Ablngton Bldg. - ., CHANCE TO FURNISH UP -?T "d1"" apartments. 64 rooms, most cen K,fiiji ev?ry modern convenience, forii nearly new; 10 of the rooms are furnished and rented at a high price, the other 45 are rented unfurnished; here is ance tot doubIe your net income now -r0 a month and double your Investment. Call for particulars -,, '? P.- R- ELLIS & CO., SJBa Washington St., Rooms 201-202 1.u IooklhS for a good Investment, something that will bring vou good r YI?B?. Wo have a business comer, occu pied at present by a ;rooa two-siory house, business block adjoining, on carllne and in a fine location for business, and the price is only $5500. Don't hesitate, but investigate this at once. F M Craw ford & Co.', 420 Swetland bldg. r?AI1E or trade for realty: A $35,000 -wholesale and retail business in the city, on account of tetlring; this is a chance Sfi a Ufetitne to get into harness with S i... . 'rade you can handle to start with. Address O 785, Oregonian LEGITIMATE BUSINESS, ll.hert ifi,?1",. Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1895) furnishes free Information on opportunities in mercantile or manufactur ing lines, city or county. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY 416 Ablngton Bldg. nlihed housekeeping-rooms; everything as good as new; close in; clears S7 per mnth: positively the best bargain in O?egoannianat 85 CaSh; n "Ets. N TT8" 1 CAJl,A?iV YO" HOW TO MAKE MONET WITHOUT A CENT INVESTMENT. vS!1 J".'Fht low' "ek fc,r Mr. Lavey. at bfdi? ooe..CoV,".offlce- first loor Acheson bldg.. opposite Meier-Frank. FOR SALE or trade for realty: A $3500 wholesale and retail business in tho city ?CV?,Un,J of "t'r'ns: this is a chance on 1. llf tUm. to get Into harness with tl.y, eV?de you can handle to start with. Address o 785. Oregonian. SMALL cash business wants sober man as partner to deliver goods" and collect; must be satirfled with $1S to $25 weekly to aSf1? 35 required. Call Room '-- Lumber Exchange. 0 Ft?-T,ORT in H entirety for sale: motor, planer, edger. combination, band, lathe etc.. all complete, material and eouip- Sen5.nrnS5 retlrlne- Call ,52 Hoyt and Bee plant and owner. AKENJiiiJB .BinB ""ainess. CommUslon, hay. gran. f!our; established for genera tion; will stand a thorough investigation exceptional opportunity for a buelnes? man Ine Lrossiey Company. 7O8-709 Corbett bldg. RELIABLE real estate firm wants sober Industrious man as sartner to show land. Vn Enerf,'o rnan can make $150 to $J00 monthly with small investment. Particulars Room. 523 Lumber Exchange. WANTED A promoter with six to ten thousand dollars to finance monev-mak-lng invention; will manufacture the artl cle in Portland. Y 681. Oiegonlan I,IE, restaurant, good location, doing a fine business for sale cheap; must sell on ac count of death; must go East. G 776 Oregonlan. STOCK companies Incorporated. If you have stocks or bonds for sale let me try to sell them for you. George M. Kellogg broker 640 Ellicott Square, Buffalo. " roker- BROKERAGE business wants partner to look after office work while owner is out of the city. Particulars Rsom 823 Lum ber Exchange. BARBER shop; owner compelled to leave otyK ae" 4-chalr shop for TrTde Pr'Ce" 417 Boara of WANTED By practical butcher, to buy, eith er half or whole interest in good meit maret-:.preIer one do'" own slaughtering. A B 712, Oregonian. SPECIAL Must sell cigar and confection ery store; living-rooms in rear; Just the oraT! d"" nxai1 and wife' CaU 417 Boar COME and let vts show you one ot the best cash groceries in the city, doing business of $ltio daily. Room 523. Lumber Ex change. II" YOU wish to sell your business list it tb. W. H. "Dudley i Co.. 311 S ein. bldg., cor. 6th and Morrison. eHi?STJ?Efn.a ot t.he best established i-n tbX y: ,'tock invoices about S5000 N 7 1 9, Oregonlan. $o00 or more to Invest for active interest in good legitimate and profltable general agency proposition. G 774, Oregonian. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL 8TOCK3! . T5Ieph,;n9 and otl,er tods bought ana old. Fletcher In v. Co.. 12a a v,,. PR?,CiTER' wlth mney and equipment, will finance a good Invention. Promoter G 735. Oregonian. " BAKERY, delicatessen, clearing $150 Ter month, finest proposition ln town 4H2 Washington. T?,,!? ,man, TUD $4"2 or ?500 to take half interest in cash business paying S-5 a week. Call 417 Board of Trade. HOTEL, modern, best location ln North west; -widow roust sell. Van Vorat Wells. White Salmon. Wash. FOR SALE -First-class barber shop, good location and a long lease, a 77 r.. nin. r- SAI-OON for S3le cheap if taken at once Inquire of North Pacific Brewing Co cor' of 18th and Upshur st- WANTED Restaurant or location fvacant storei ; principals; no agents. O 792 Oi-a-Ronian. $2 PER moo business cardr: loo. ftOc Rose City Printery. lU2Va 3d St.. near Taylor. OREGOMAX, FRIDAY, i I ' "'" BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BBBM, D1RECTOKT ADS BUSINESS -CHANCES. ARE YOU FROM MISSOURI?' SEE THIS AND BE CONVINCED. s rooms, an excellent corner on Wash ington st., rent way below the average ana with a lease, very nicely furnished and a -GOOD MONEY MAKER, never clears less than $200 per month that's making 80 per cent on your investment; i. cf"o?,9 handled on very easy terms; price $i000. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 316 Ablngton Bldg. ltahnJnN?LKS a ..ell-located end old-es-tabliehed barber shop. B 778. Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. Money to Tnn, .$$ .Jfoney ,oanea quickly and privately on it Hl, Personal and chattels, diamonds and itwy" warehouse receipts, furniture and mSbSS?, aU valuable collaterals. irjf AGES AND CONTRACTS BOUGHT . ,comPany Is organized for the pur pose of providing ready money at the in .ost- You ca" arrango to repay In monthly or weekly easy payments. All business strictly confldentlalr c-11 K Phone Main 20S4. H 6- MAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO. Room 12 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 Third St. $ t t $ $ $ $ $ M;S;JJ"E"T FOK lOtt M-O-N-E-Y o0JU-v;Bi,RR0W MONEY FROM US ON YOUR PIANO. FURNITURE. ETC. ... A WITHOUT REMOVAL. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. CONFIDENTIALLY. Tc.T3SSOL,L"rELY NO SECURITY. REBT.B GIVEN IF PAID BEFORE DUE bEE OTHERS. THEN SEE US. ' AND BE CONVINCED STATE SECURITY CO- 30S FAILING BLDG. MOE,aaanFed "alaried people and oth ers upon their own names without secur fiye.Ci:a.P,?st r"63' easiest payments; of iAf.J n ,u principal cities; save yourself n?tAb e,V'ns my term first. 1 ULMAN, lf Lumber ExcTiaage Bldg. 402rRE.hcRECT LOAN AGENCY. . th- . "''W.Blig, cor. 4th and Wash. A Iri gzfl bank ' tn" wae-earner. "f- tokkeeper, machinist, engineer or employe can obtain money of us on his note without security. Ja5 1 u Mo. Ho l. "" S-oo a Mo. o0 return to us..- $13 a5 a Mo v-ontldentlal; no iinpleasant inquiries. ' special rates on pianos, furniture, etc. - . CHATTEL LOANS. ..iLs liment ioana on pianos, furniture. Zfl f" receipts, horses, insurance pol- k-Faiari-e5.aI;da11 klnda ot aecurltlea. JLW ERA LOAN & MTG. CO, 16 Abington Bldg. 01EY"old on '""ailment plan; conllden-l.V?0- aecurlty but your salary; best tSfJ, ,'or railroad, streetcar employes, mechanics and others. - F. A. NEWTON, Buchanan Bldg.. 2S6 Washington St. WE pay the highest cash price for Title Guarantee & Trust accounts, Oregon Trust vi QS.rmaIJ. American certillcates; also Home Telephone bonds. Call at once as we will only buy a limited amount. Cohn On Improved city property or for building purposes; 3 to 8 years' time; liberal re ?ay,m.ent privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable. 2d and stark sts. ' TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan at 8 and 7 per cent on real estate security. EDW. P. MALL. Boom 6, 265 Washington street, cor. Sd. WILL BUY $5000 Tacoma Home Telephone bonds, with or without stock; state low e?t price. Cohn Bros.. ISO 1st at. Main 47 1 a. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 331 Ablngton bid! Money on Installment .plan. $500,000 on improved city or farm property building or small loans at lowest rates: large loans a specialty. J. u. McKlnaie Co.. 514-15-16 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, type writers, real estate, mortgagee, horses watches, diamonds and Jewelry; lowest rates. K. Pierce. 316 Alisky bldg. TO loan, one $1200 and one $600 amount on good real estate. 3 years at 7 per cent C. F. Prtuger & Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg ". 2nd and Morrison its. s ' WE loan money on diamonds and lewelrv at reasonable interest for long or short time A Si M. Delovage, jewelers, 2tj'J W asnington st. (100.000 to loan in Bums ot $1000 or more to suit, 6 to 7 per cent on Improved realtv M. G. Griffin. 266 Stark, opp" Cham, of I WILL make a few small profitable loans with acceptable security. Chas. A- Stanton. room 504 Dekum bldg. . WE BUY foreign money, gold dust. Title Guarantee. Oregon Trust bank accounts? Lewis & Co.. 251 Washington it. LOANS on real estate and ail kinds of ner sonal security, w. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. lu $200,000 TO LOAN, large loans a specialty building loans, lowest rates. W. Q Beck 312 Failing bldg. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 PER r-p-X'T STRONG & CO.. 605 CONCORD BLDG. MONEY to loan on improved city nronertv Wm. MacMaster. 302 Worcester blk. ANY part of $50,000 to loan at 0 to T ner cent interest. 305 Gerllnger bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mortgages. H Mlley, room 409 Gerllnger. MONEY loaned on real estate mortgages or contracts. W. H. Nunn, 449 Sherlock bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chateL The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bids;. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND T PER rirT LOUIS SALOMON. 233 STARK ST. State funds loaned. S per cent. W. E Thom as, state agent, , Multnomah Co., 400 C. C MONEY to loan, any amount. 6 to 8 nas cent. Frary A Belts. 132 0th st. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx at Bloch. 74 Sd st. MONEY to loan, moragagea purchased. K L Devereaux. 204-5 Fenton bldg. M. ea. TO LOAN Soo to l0.00O on Inside realtv W24 Board of Trade bldg. -ny. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collater al security, c W. Pallett. 804 Fenton bldg. Loana Wanted. $g000 WANTED on first-class West Side property from private party for 6 years. I'hone Main 1110. rV? MARCH 1909. WANTED Loan of 7SO0. for 3 years, on unimproved city property -valued at about $25.O00. Kauffman di Moore. 325 Lumber Excharge. . WB have a client who wants to borrow $yoo on good real estate, partly improved. MANCHESTER 4 WILSON, - 247 Stark St. $15,000 WANTED: real estate security: West aide: will pay 10 per cent cn investment. National Realty &. Trust Co.. 326ii Wash. - street. V E can secure tor you good, first mortgage 7 per cent loans without charge; sums of $000 and upward desired. Strong & Co.. financial agents. 605 Concord bldg. $3500, TO BE secured by close-in. West J.Vr. Property, worth $7000 Phone Tabor $10,000 for s yrsr-on real estate appraised at $75.000. F72S Oregonlan. FECIAL SonCIt, Proposals Invited. Tf'r?. OF THE CONSTRUCTING QUAR TERMASTER. Fort Stevens. Or.. March 18. 190a. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, ' "1 be received at this office until 2 o clock p. M., April 16. lr0!. and then publicly opened for the construction of a brick or concrete storehouse at Fort Stev ',r; Plans can be seen, specifications obtained and full Information furnished at ttils office. The United .States reserves the right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals snould be marked "Proposals for construction." and addressed to the Con structing Quartermaster, Fort Stevens. Oregon. PROPOSALS for beef and mutton Vancouver Barracks. Wash., March 16, 1909. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering fresh beef and mutton for six months, beginning July 1. loua. will be received here and at onices of commissaries at Fort Stevens, Or. Boise Barracks. Idaho, Forts Casey, Colum-m.a- 'agler, Lawton. Vancouver, Walla Walla. ard, Worden and George Wright. Wash., until 10 A. M., April 16. 1909, and then opened... Envelopes containing pro posals should be .Indorsed, "Proposals for in iVif t. and m"tton to be opened April 10. 1909, and addressed to commissary of post to be supplied, or to Major H. J. Gal lagher, chief Commissary. BIDS will be received by Board of Water Commissioners of Oregon City at the of h of Superintendent on or before Wednesday, March 24th. at one o'clock P. M., for construction of wooden or steel Hume. Specifications may be had at the ornce of Superintendent in Oregon Citv. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. By orisr of the Board. Joa. E. Hedges. Secretary. POSTMASTERS, ATTENTION I have 64 nested keyless postoffice boxes for sale; good as -new; am putting in larger boxes. Wm. J. Clarke, Gervais. Or. Miscellaneous. RECEIVER'S SALE. J0.8. Bold at Private sale to the high est bidder for cash on or before March the 16th. 1909: '2. roll-top desks, carpets. 6 office chairs, office furniture, 2 Underwood typewriters, stands and chairs, office supplies. er- wood- celluloid and aluminum novelties, sample trays, cases, trunks and traveling men's supplies. 8 wagon umbrellas. Inquire of R. M. Bates. 71 5th st. WM. c. BENBOW, Receiver. ZirE U .hereby given that the annual meeting of tlha stockholders of the Ore gon & California Railroad Company will ,J? .5eIda.t. the office of the company VI the Wells-Fargo bldg.. Tuesday, April 13, 1909. at the hour of 11. o'clock A. M., rot- the election of a board of directors and the transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before the meeting. W. W. Cotton. Sec A PROSPECTUS written In clear, forceru: language, with the fact aptly stated, will sell the stock; have vour prospectus prepared on scientific principles by pro fessional writers having many years' prac tical experience in the East. Articles ot Incorporation prepared and companies In corporated by specialists in corporation law C 787. Oregonian. HEIRS WANTED Any one havinjr claims on the Springer tstate in Wlllmlngton, Del., will learn something to their in terest by writing J. p. Brew. 644 South Wyo St.. Butte. Mont. "''oS'''"'.601'1''010- engineers, get Pacific Builder & Engineer. 1022 Board of Trade. PERSONALS. INDIAN HERBAL SANITARIUM has testi monials from paurons for 20 years cured by herbal baths and teas from bai ks. buds, roots and blossoms, aa used by In dians and unknown by Chinese. They i move the cause producing chrcnlc nervous and private diseases, blood poisons in men and women. Invigorate the repro ductive organs and restore vim and vigor w'5iDU8h: ree treatment to the needy Wednesday from o to 11. Rooms free to patients. Dr. Wheatly-Howe. No. 406-8 Cl63Ver aV6' Ta"8 U Car t0 Hancock. COLUMBIA SANITARIUM.. tleaSe" .ot women and children treated and cured. We make a specialty of surgery and diseases of women; ma ternity cases given special attention; eye ear, nose and throat department. Raleigh bldg.. ccr. 6th and Washington sts. MADAM A. A. LUCKY. MISS GEORGIA LA PETITE, graduate of Pacific Hospital. Los Angeles. Full line of electric treat ments, baths and massage; positive re ".V.!'" '5mv;nf 1 heallng. 401-2-3 Columbia bldg.. W. Park and Washington. Main 2011 AZA HOLMES RIBBECKE. reliable skin specialist; blemishes, wrinkles and small pox pits removed: hairdresslng, manicur ing and dermatology taught; largest stock of hair goods ln the West at cut prices. Parlors, Grand Leader, 6th and Alder MEN Why suffer from diseases peculiar to your sex, nervous conditions, skin or eve troubles, acute, or chronic? I treat bv modern methods, electricity, massaBe. os !?iaViyV. medicine when needed, confl aentlal. Dr. Vose. 326j, Washington eS bWEDI&H trained nurse, Helslngfors gradu ate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles and nervous disorders by .hand rubbing steam, sweat and tub baths; both sexes 7 East 11th st one door from East Ankenv car. Phone East 260. Home B 1803. LADIES Ask your druggists for Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills. Kor 25 years known as the beet, safest. Reliable. Take no other Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. DR. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children. No charge for consultation. Room 10, Gratia Theater building. Washington and Park ets. Main 3928 A 5607. DR. SANDERSON CO.. Savin and Cotton Root Pills, sure remedy for delayed pe riods; $2 per box or 3 boxes for $5 T J. Pierce. 316 Alisky bldg., 265 Morrison. YOUNG man would like to meet working girl or young widow, between 18 and 25 years; object, matrimony. M 7S2 Ore gonlan. DR. PIERCE, specialist, diseases of women all Irregularities corrected, drugless syetem no exposure. Call or writs 316 Alisky bldg ' Portland, Or. I WILL coach a limited number for medical examination, extended experience ln ex aminations, exclusive time given to sub ject; terms reasonable. B 770. Oregonlan DRESS suits for rent, alt sizes, $1.50 month keeps your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed. Prompt calls ant! de liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3u Stark. DR. A. AUSPLUND Diseases of women and surgery. 505-506 Commonwealth bldg 6lh and Ankeny sts. Phone Main 4047 ' USE Bassetfs. the Original Native Herbs for rheumatism, constipation; oOc tablets for 25c, ln black boxes, at all druggists LADIES Whatever your ailment, call on Dr. Ketchum, graduate; advice free. 170U. Sd su Main 8770. Mme. Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treatments facial deformation corrected, plastic sur gery, 225 Flledner bldg. M. 5042. A 2069. LOST powers restored "ny Dr. x.orens" Kerrs Tonic Tablets. 25c box. Eyssell's Phar macy. 289 Morrison st.. bet. 4th and Gth. BALM OF FIGS for all female diseases sen Glisan st. Main 9216. Agents wanted. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D Hill. B30 Flledner bldg. M 3473. HIGHEST price paid for combings and cut hair. Portland Bazaar, 409 Vi Morrison. PACIFIC Introducing Club for lonely single people; circular 10c 229 Va 1st st BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants K H. COLLIS 4 CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial. County and Municipal &ialt4,n-' Inve"eattog and Systematizing. $24 -". orcester Block. Phone Mala 6561 Aocordjon Plaiting-. MISS O. GOULD. S3 5 Morrison, cor. 7th Ac cordion and knife pleating and pinkiAg. " . I Fm uwa Analysts. I ain I Wells Proebstel. mining engineers, ehem lsta and aasayers. 204 Vi Washington st. PALL BAUMEL,. assayer and analyst. Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. MONTAnT ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. S0,?.,TN"D ANALYTICAL LABORATORY. w orcester bldg.. 3d and Oak. M. &9S0. Attorneys at Law. H. B RIDDELL. atty-at-law. 735 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4704. A 353L 8. T. JEFFREYS. 208 Fenton bldg.. 15 year' practice in Oregon. 8 years Alaska. EMMONS & EMMONS have removed law offices to 909-913 Board of Trade- bid. CLARENCE H. GILBERT, 205-207 Chamber of Commerce. Main 7471. A 4544. Bicycle and Etectrlo Repairing. ELAM-SHAW Bicycle, gasoline engine and electrical repairing. 326 Stark st. Carpet Weaving;. RUGS made from old carpets; also colonial rag rugs woven. Northwest xtug Works. 153 Union ave. East 3580. B 2&o. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLB and Flossie Deveny. the only scientific chiropodist in the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d aad Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton, Tilford block. Room 204. 10th, and Morrison. WE are after your. scalp; let us take care SLyo,u roat- root n1 Scalp Remedy Co.. i9 otn st- Chlropody and Vedlcnrlng. Mrs. M. D Hill room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Main 3473! MANICURING and chiropody parlors, for merly 583 Wash.. 386 V, Wash., room 14. Carpet Cleaning. J. Hunter & Co.. mattresses and feathers ren ovated. carpets reatted. etc. M. 214. A 4l$. Collections. WB collect everywhere; general law. lnter state Adjustment Co.. Gerllnger bldg. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mlsslon merchants. Sherlock bldg., Portland. Cleaning and Dyeing. AUGUST A. LAMBERT Cleaner and dyer; ladles and gents' clothing, etc.; only tiiat-class work solicited. 488 Columbia, st. Phone Main 1050. PJ18' and Rents' clothes cleaned, pressed repaired; garments called for. 474 Washington st. Main 1512. Curios. BUt?rh S?NHU1B STORE removed to 70 6th. bet. Oak and Pine. Low price ssJe. Dancing. PROF. WAL WILLSON S dancing school so ?; dancing lessons. 25c. 3S0tt 5"ilh' J"- bet- W. Park and 10th iti Both phones. Main 7637. A 5637.) Detectives. THBTI??EL" Detective Service Co. We are SoChIiynli'1Uled- wlth experienced me A 49. D. L. Clouse. manager. Dressmakers. ATTENTION! DRESSMAKERS. LAC1ES' TAILORS. MIL LINERS. Aeency"Le Chapeau Parlslen." Le Chic," "Neueste Blousen " Models and Patterns. MRS. N. A. PLUMilER. Room 4J1 Fleldner bldg., 10 th and Wash. Educatlonul. The von Gllmann School for RIDING AND DRIVING. Occupies the premises known as the Ori ental building, and solicits the patronage of those who wish to cultivate horseman,!..ln any of Its branches. Telephones A 4135. Pacific Main 2S94. MEF-fi preparatory Schooi of Pharmacy. 148 2d St., Portland, Or. Feed Stores. H1NSHAW & ZIGLER. hay, grain, feed, ! ment, anlngles. 294 Grand ave. B. 482. Horses. . E; W- HAGYARD. graduate Ontario Veterinary College; office Exposition bldg.. 19th and Wash. Main 1077; Kesc Main I224I Harness and Saddlery. R- M. PRICE HARNESS CO.. 831 Ankeny St. Phone Main 2402. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK, & CO.. purchasers of hides, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metila -nd sacks. 312 Front at. Leather and f indings. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.,. 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfrs. findings. ,-. .',. ?Til9S'BRIIGB LEATHER CO Es tablished 1858. 189 Front St. Messengers. HAiSTJ ,HdsENGER co- 12 6th. Main 3. A 153. Johnnie on the spot. Machinery. ICE machines. Complete . Installations. Arm strong Machinery Co., Spokane. Wash. Musical. 6PEC1AIj .Prices on all goods, sheet music, 1-arps. instruments, music maps, musio one-fourth off on all folios and methods; sale will last all this monthT H. Anderson Music Co., 190 Third st. ACCOMPLISHED musician takes beginners 8 "59" y advancei pupils. 25 cents. Main PIANO LESSONS Modern methods; terms $u per iao. 20a 14th. Main 3893. EiK THIELHORN. violin teacher. pupu of Sevclk A 4160. Pine 334. Main Soli: M- c- Smith teacher 01 piano. 452 Salmon St. Main 734Q. Beginners a specialty. Neurerogtsts. L- ,H- ,w- FREEZE straightens cross-eye. without operation or pain, fits b,. .1 treats nervous diseases" Marb"'' Osteopathic Physicians. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 418-16-17 Dekum bids.. Third and Washington sts. Phone, office. Main 349. res.. E 102S. DKA ARNOLD LINDSAY, 205-6 Tilford bld" 10th and Morrison. Phone A 41U3. M. 735o; Paints, Oils and Gluss. RASMUSSEN CO.. Jobbers, paints oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d Tuiq Taylor. Patent and 'pension Attorneys. c- WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents: infringement cases. 004 Dekum. ,-.JUHIRSHE1MER- Pension and patent at torney. rooms 2U-21 Lab be blag. 1 Paving. TH.E-.,BA?BE ASPHALT PAVING CO at Portland. Oilice 402-3-1 u. at - uigcK. WARREN Construction Co., street Davinr sidewalk, and crossings. 314 Lumber Ex! Painting; and Paperhangin g. H P, CHRlSTENSEN CO.. wall paper, palnt ing. tinting, decorating. 7th and Alders Public Stenographers. DOCIA V WILLITS. 606 Swetland bldg" 6th and Wash. Phone Main 8148T Rubber Stamps. ALSO trade checks and all office goods, p r C. Co.. 231 Stark st. Both phoneilioL THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d st Kf at factory prices. Second-band safes. DAVIS SAFE ai LOCK CO., Dlebold safa 63 3d st- Bargains ln 2d-hand Tafea' eibow Case. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKB MFG. CO.. branch nr.. LmPke" M.r C- .B'a ""Hoyt,0 THE James I. Marshall Mfg. Co.. showcases' cabinets, store and office - fixtures. swi Couch st. Main 276S. Stoves. STiyoES ??n5T'ted and repaired. Malta 1110. 614 Front.. , " . . m-iWOWt. SIGNS. - - .Vr . in-masers in the Nortl farh'.JL .!nJ tv-erett ;js. Phone Prlval " - w. iiuun a 110a, Turkish Baths. Tdvi1SH-batha- 100 Oregonlan bldg.; :ad oa)s, men nights. Main 1838. A 1838. Storage and Xransfer. end FiK,,ran,Ier aci Storage Co, off dcomtnodlous four-story brick wa: ?aSTi ""Parate Iron rooms and flrepr, n. ,-L-s. T. , . " 14 urnnure moved a p,cteq tor shipping. Main 69, A TiT-ftF V Dnw 1 planoe and Xurnitura moved and packed i Telenhon. xi.i- "'-' ;roni ana 1 ' VI A Ml. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. v:ISLtur .nd P'ano moving a special 40-42 st. Phone A 19S4. Main 1618. Typewriters. WE ARB the exchange for the largest tyJ uu in us voaai; .nveati! Exchange. 2STH VVashincton at. SPECIAL, DfloM- .IV rr..!!-.. Plred- P. 1. C. Co.. 231 Suu-k. Main 14 Veterinary Coilee. Bulletin Ran ir1r..nA .r 1 .. ready; mailed. Dr. C. Keane. 1818 Mark Wood and CoaL CORD WOOD. SHORT" WOOD. Ml IT-f "I I MI- . rw . . . , . . f ? k ftradc of wood for fuel. 4 iT DV-"-wenerea in any quantity. West old growth, flr. oak and ah; second rrowth and other cheaper grades Slab wood cut in a dry loa mm and never been water-aoaki Knots for furnace use. Central la Ffi sti-n ...... 1 1 1 .. . - .. .. . a WESTERN LUMBER & FUeL COMPA.J Aiurnsia btreet. K- alder and flr at Standard W Co. Eaet 2315. B 109B. BANKS. GERMAN AMERICAN BANK COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON ! TRANSACTS A GE.EKAL BANK1 BUSINESS: ISSUES DRAFTS AVA ABLE IN ALL PR INCIPAL CITIES THE 1'N-TTCn ST itpo i vr. C, .i.'S- PER CENT 1XTERKST trfi IpS ACCOUNTS; SAFETY CEPU FIRST NATIONAL. BANK. Portland. Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1. 500.00a No Interest paid on' acrounta. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pax-irtc. Leaving Portland Roseburg Passenger Cottage Grove Passenger...., California Express San Francisco Express ...... West Side Corvallis Passenger. ....... Sheridan Passenger........... Forest Grove Passenger....... Forest Grove Passenger...... Forest Grove Passenger...... Arriving Portland Oregon Express Cottage Grove Passenger.... 8:15 4:15 7:45 1:30 7:IO 4:111 8:?n 1 :00 6:40 ..I 7:15 ,..-ll::i0 ..I 5::i0 -..111:13 I ' ..I 6::o ..110:30 .. 8:00 ..Jll:50 ..( 4:50 Portland Express. . .V.V.V. ." 1 i West Side Corvallia Passenger............ Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger Forest fimvm Hansen ce Forest Grove Passenger. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Go. Leaving Portland 1 Pendleton Passenger .......I 7:45 Chicago-Portland Special........ I:15 Spokane Flyer I Kansas City & Chicago Express:! 8:K) Arriving Portland Spokane Flyer ..I Q-oo Chi. Kan. City &. Portland Ex.. 7:20 Chicago-Portland S-nacial I R .Mi rencietoQ rassenger. . . ) 5:43 Northern FmclAc. Leaving Portland Tacoma and Seattle Express.... North Coast & Chicago Limited. Overland Express Arriving Portland North Coast Limited....... Portland Express Overland Express 8:30 2:00 11:45 7:O0 4:15 8:35 Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland .1 Astoria and Seaside Express. t 8:00 Rainier Local 1-15 noiuna t-assenger. .............. I 6:HI xvaimer laical Ill :o j .nuiviiiK I ui L1.I1U Rainier & Portland Local I 9:0B Seaside A Portland Passenger. .. 112:15 Rainier and Portland Local. ...1 5:10 Seaside ; Portland Express. 10:0O Canadian Pacific Railway C. Leaving Portland I C. P. R. Short Line via Sopkane 7:00 Via Seattle 111:45 . Arriving Portland C. P. R. Short Line via Spokane 9:00 Via Seattle 7:00 JEPHEKSOS-STRKET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland IallaB Passenger. ....... , Dallas Passenger........ Arriving Portland I ...I 7:40 ...j i.lo Dallas Passenger iO:i5 Dallas Passenger 5:50 r.l.f. 1 .N I II AND HOYT STS., PAS: (iKR STATION. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Kailw Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express.... 9-15 For Chicago. St. Paul. Omaha. K City, St. I,ouis. Walla Wait. t Roosevelt. Granddalles. GoldenriHle. t Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver and lntr uiniii points. North Hank Limited 5-40 For Chicago, St. Paul. Oman. K City. St Louln. Snnkan, r.-Qa.... ville. Lind. Pasco. RooravaIi i:,.. White Salmon. Stevenson and' Vancuui Arriving Portland North Bank Limited 7:30 -" vuiuibu, di, r din, umana, is. ity. ot. jouis. Expokane. Sprague. ville. Llnd. Pasco. Roosevelt. Grandd i niiw i.aimon. Stevenson and Vancom Inland Empire Express ...r-S5 From Walla Walla. Pasco. Roos Granddalles. Goldenrinl wiiii. Stevenson, Vancouver and lntermc points. Time Card Dregon Electrlo Railwaj Leaving Portland for Salem and Iitl tiorB f:U. 8:00. 11 :O0 A. M.; a:Oo. 6:20. 8:40 P. M.. Limited for Tualatli Salem 9:15 A. M. Local for Wilso and Ina Stations 0:OO p. M. Leavlne Portland for Forest Grove ii. i. omuuua i :w. o:, xu:2i A. M. : 4:10. 5:30 P. M. ' Arriving Portland' from Salem snrl Stations S:40, 10:05 A. M.; 1:15. 3.40 8:20. 10:4O P. M. Limited from Salm Tualatin 4:45 P. M. Ixcal from W ville and Int. Stations 6:55 A. M. Arriving Portland from Forest Grov. Int. Stations 8:30, 10:00 A. M ; 1215 5:00. 7:20 P. M. Portland Railway. Light & Power Con Cars Leave.- Ticket OMce and Waiting Room r irat ana Aiaer streets. CARS LEAVE. Oregrn City t-.OO, 6:30 A. M., and 30 minutes to and Including 8PM 10:00. 11:00 P. M.: last car midnight. Gresham and intermediate polnts 7:45. h:45 Q-jn m-i-l A xr 3:45. 4:45. '5:45. 6:4, 7:4.j! 11:15 "p. . r mi view una iruuiame t:i.. "7-45 9:45. 10:45 A. M-. 12:40. 2:45 S-45.' 6:4.1. 6:45 P. M. For Vancouver Ticket office and waiting-room and Washington streets. A. M. ,fi:l.-.. 0:00. 7:25. 8:00. 8:35 9:.'.o. 10:30. Jl:10. ll:.-,o. P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1 :oo, 2:?o 3 in 4:30. 5:10. 5:.-.o, 6:U0, 7:05. 7.40 8:lo' 10:S5. U:45. ' iJ' On Third Monday m Every Mont last car leaves at 7:05 P m ' ra"y except Sunday. Daily d PACT L- r - . . . . ED 1 04.0