Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 18, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    revised TARIFF IS
Cross-Fire From Both Sides of
Issue Already Begins
in Congress.
THli MO"- uKEGuaiAX, muKSDAr,- makuh is. iyuy.
Democrats Will Assail Provisions In
Detail and Protectionists Seek
to Raise Duties Debate
May Be Limited.
tTontlnud from IN rut rajte.)
The Democrats still remember that un.
ler the regulations concerning amend
ments they found no opportunity to
force test votes on particular schedules,
l.nder a special rule adopted for the
purpose the committee could present
amendments at any time, but individ
ual members could only suggest
changes In the schedules under consid
eration As the entire six days were
devoted to the first schedules, dealing
with chemicals and drugs, they found
very little opportunity to make effect
ive suggestions. The Democrats prob
ably will resist such a rule for consid
ering the present bill.
Whether there will be any rule reg
iilHting the consideration of the Payne
bill remains to be seen. It Is Payne's
purpose to begin the general debate
before asking to have a rule brought
In. and whether any will be ordered
probably will depend upon circum
stances. Ho expects also to give
somewhat more time for the considera
tion of the bill by the House than was
given to the Dingley measure, it Is
recalled that the debate on the TMng-l-y
bill was begun on March 22. 12
years ago. the same day of the same
month on which the general discussion
of the Payne bill begins. On the for
mer occasion all discussion ended and
a vote was taken March 31. Under
present conditions, Payne thinks it
would be desirable to give more time,
but he declines to say how much more.
Senate Committee Meets Today.
Senator Aldrich.. chairman of the com
Vl'lle.0n, nnance- which will deal with
the bill In the Senate, announced that
he would call a meeting of the Republi
can members of the committee for to
morrow with the idea of considering the
House measure immediately. The finance
committee suffered severely from the de
feats of the recent election and as a
consequence the Republican membership
numbers only four Senators. They are
Aldrich, Burrows. Penrose and Hale
Aldrich says, however, that they can take
up the bill as a sub-committee. Aa soon
as the Republican vacancies are filled the
new members will be invited in and con
sideration of the measure will proceed
Aldrich declared he had not looked at
the House bill, and declined -to comment
upon it. It Is known, however, that many
Senators seriously object to the changes
In the present law and hope Is expressed
that the bill will be materially amended
before it leaves the Senate.
Hale on Warpatb Against BUI.
Hale, chairman of the Republican cau
cus, is among those who find thf bill
objectionable. "
"It absolutely murders the wood pulp
end paper Industry of Maine," he said
This is the most important Industry In
our state, and we shall resist the change
with the utmost possible vigor."
Hale predicted that the bill would be
before Congress for the next three months
or more.
The committee on finance will not grant
any hearings, but will consider any writ
ten or printed statements which may be
presented to it.
It is believed when the House begins
the debate on the bill the session hours
will be extended. The sittings probably
will begin at 10 o'clock In the morning
and continue until 10 or 11 o'clock at
night. m
New Drawback Provision.
one of the most significant features
of the Payne bill- is the new drawback
provision. It extends this privilege so
that an American manufacturer need not
use the material which he has Imported
in order to secure the refund of the
duties which he has paid on hl material
If he uses materials produced In this
country in equal amount with the ma
terial he has imported, he will be en
titled to the drawback benefits, provided
the domestio materials are of equal pro
ductive manufacture, quality and value
The legal deduction of one per cent
on the drawback is provided, but the
exportation upon which the manufac
turer proposes to collect the draw
back must be made wtlhln three years
after tho Importation of the foreign
material used or checked against. The
Secretary of the Treasury is authorized
to prescribe the regulations under
which the drawback is paid. The
privileges of the drawback section are
lllle.l to materials used In the con-Uru.-tlon
and equipment of vessels
built for & foreign government or for
eign trade.
Petroleum Is retained on the free list
uil the countervailing duty provision
la retained.
Inheritance Tax Provision.
Tho inheritance tax provision ex
empts from taxation any property be
queathed to any religious, educational,
charitable, missionary, hospital or In
firmary corporation. Personal prop
erty, other than money or securities
bequeathed to a corporation or asso
ciation organised exclusively for the
moral or mental Improvement of men
or women, or for scientific, patriotic
or similar purposes. Is made exempt
from the tax. A discount of & per
cent Is provided for if the tax Is paid
wlthtn six months of the time it is
due. Intorest will be charged and col
lected at the rate of 10 per cent a
year If the tax Is not paid within eight
months from. the time it accrues. If
an estate is tied up In necessary liti
gation. 6 per cent will be charged. A
special agent to conduct Investigations
to secure the efficient enforcement of
tho Inheritance tax is provided for at
a salary of 3000 a year.
Day BUI Takes Effect.
In order to prevent the confusion at
tending the enforcement of the
Dingley bill on the day on which It
became a law, the Payne bill will not
take effect until the day after It is
enacted. One of the new provisions In
the bill extends to the vessels of war
of any nation. In porta of the Vnlted
States, the privilege of purchasing
supplies from public warehouses free
of duty to such countries as give like
privileges to American warships.
Kxtenslve Cuts, Maximum and Min
imum Kates or Duty.
-WASHINGTON. March 17.-Downward
revision, maximum and minimum pro
visoes which impose an average max
imum duty 20 per cent in excess of the
present tariff and numerous provisions
by which it is estimated that the rev
enue to the Government will be in
creased from 140,000.000 to JGO.000,000. are
the ealient features of the new tariff bill
which was Introduced In the House today
by Representative Sereno E. Payne
chairman of the ways and means com
mittee. The recommendations made by Presi
dent Taft that an inheritance tax be pro
vided and that a limited amount of to
bacco and sugar be admitted free from
the Philippines are Included in the bill.
The measure ln ornvtria v. t..
ance of Panama Canal bonds to the
amount of 140,000.000 to reimburse the
Treasury for the original purchase of the
canal and re-enacts the provisions for
the issue of .Treasury certificates, the
amount being increased from $100,000,000 to
While there if no duty imposed upon
coffee, tea Is taxed 8 cents when import
ed from the country where it is pro
duced and 9 cents when from other than
the producing country. The internal rev
enue tax on cigarettes is materially in
creased, while the tax on beer and whis
ky is undisturbed. A cut of 60 per cent is
made In the steel and lumber schedules
and iron ore. hides, tallow, cottonseed
oil and works of art more than 20 years
old re plared on the free list.
The tariff on boots and shoes Is re
duced 40 per cent, and on other leather
manufactures in proportion. The pottery
schedule remains about the same, but
the duties on window and plate glass of
the smaller sizes are increased, while
the duties- on the larger sizes are reduced
The tariff on wool of the first and aec
ond class, used in clothing principally is
t mmimmmmmmmm
j h ? x 1
5 t I' - . .
At s -
John F Hill.
v "-"airman Hitchcock, of the
Republican National Committee.
usmeu jonn Hill, of
Maine, to be acting chairman of
the organization. He will not
serve as chairman while he is
in Uie Cabinet. Mr. Hill was
formerly Governor of Maine and
he has been vice-chairman of the
not disturbed, but on wool of the third
class known as carpet wool. It is reduced
?S cnePr grades, a 5-cent reduc
tion Is made In the duties on shoddy and
waste white wool tops are assessed 6
cents a pound more than the duty on
scoured wool, which is unchanged The
recommendations for placing wood pulp
on the free list nri rA; .u.
. - -. ' " k .tie uuiies
on punt paper, with certain restrictions
made by the Mann committee of. the
. w -""'in 1 Ulllllllt LtJ O
House, are lncornnrat.
n.t. j ... .----v. ... me ,,,.
xue amy on rerined sugar is reduced
.04 of a cent a. pound, and on dextrin
cent a pound. A reduction of cent a
pound is also made in the duty on starch
with the exception of potato starch. Zinc
ore is assessed 1 cent per pound for the
sine contained. The tariff on pig iron is
reduced from l to $2 per ton. .
The principal' increases are made on
lemons, cocoa and substitutes for coffee
COaL!aJ dyes' S'oves and coated papers
and-iithograph prints. papers
As was expected, the new tariff bill
Is made on a maximum and minimum
basis, with the provision that the maxi
mum rates are not to go into effect until
t0 days after the passage of the bill
The reciprocity provisions are contained
in the paragraphs assessing duties on
bituminous coal and coke and agricul
tural implements, by which these arti
cles are given entry free of duty when
Imported from countries which permit
the free importation - of these articles
from America.
The inheritance tax provision of the bill
is similar to the New Tork State law.
It provides tt t.x of 5 per cent on all
inheritances oveir J500 that are col
lateral lnherltanoes, or in which
strangers are the legatees. In cases of
direct inheritance the taxes prescribed
On 110.000 to J100.000. 1 per cent; on
$100,000 to $500,000. 2 per cent, and on
those over $500,000, 3 per cent. It Is es
timated that $20,000,000 annually will
be derived from this tax.
The maximum and minimum provi
sions of the bill do away with the ne
cessity of continuing the foreign trade
agreements. the abrogation of these
is provided for in a section which au
thorizes the President to issue notices
i.Me termi"atioh of these agreements
within 10 days after the bill goes into
effect. Tho French agreement would
therefore terminate immediately, while
the German agreement would remain
In forje for six months.
A provision of the bill is designed to
meet the conditions resulting from the
patent laws of Great Britain, which re
quire that patentees must manufac
ture their articles within Great Bri
tain. This provision applies the -same
rules to patents taken out in this coun
try by aliens as are applied to Americans
In the country of the aliens.
Drawback privileges are extended
by the bill and the method of valuation
on articles upon which the tarl im
poses an ad valorem duty is broadened
for the purpose of preventing the prac
tice of under-valnation.
Tho Health Dept.
In your bodily system is looked after
by millions of little soldiers in your
blood those corpuscles constantly
fighting for you.
If this army Is well fed and kept
healthy and strong, by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla, it will destroy the un
countable horde of germ-enemies that
are attacking you every moment of
your life.
Hood's Sarsaparilla will keep you
iree from or will cure you of scrofula,
eczema, rheumatism, catarrh, anemia,
that tired feeling and all such ail
ments. It effects Its -wonderful cures, not
simply because It contains sarsaparilla
but because it combines the utmost
remedial values of more than 20 differ
ent ingredients. If urged to buy anv
preparation said to be "Just as good"
you may be sure it is inferior, costs
less to make, and yields the dealer a
larger profit.
f-frwtl Ad jtw.t XT'- I " . J w r-r r . '
wer val Worcester Corsets New Spring Models Are Now Here
K '
Six Spools
In Notion. De
partment, spe
cial for Thurs
day, House
keepers ' Day,
6-cord spool cot
ton, for hand or
machine use, all
sies, black or
white, 6 spools
for only..2o
Sewing Machine
OH, in patent
4-ounce cans,
best quality, 15c
values 9?
Chinese Ironing
Wax, on sticks,
regularly 3c ea.
Special, 4 for
only .5
White Crepe
Paper Napkins,
100 in the pack
age, regular
price 15c pack
age, at ...10
urns, W
Huck Towels S, $1.25
Extra heavy weight huck towels,
specially for use in hotels, room
ing houses, boarding houses, etc.,
specially priced for nr
housekeeper's day, doz..0lJ
CLOTHS, pure flax, 2x2y2 yards,
2, 2V2 or 3 yards long, three
qualities, reduced for today's
Regular $4.00 values, CO OC
special today, only , . ; . . .C JiO
Regular $4.50 values C 0 C C
for today only... 5uiD0
Regular $5.00 values nn rr
for today only Vwi"D
$2.25 Rugs $1.68 Each
A rousing good special from
the Carpet Dept. Special f or
Housekeepers' Day bargains.
Smyrna Rugs, size 30x60 inches,
double faced, all wool, good pat
terns and colorings, OQ
worth $2.25 each, at. . . O I iDO
Table Linens Richard-
mous Irish linens, Satin Dam
ask, 12 patterns to choose from.
two yards wide, special Q 1 fl Q
today, the yard O I illU
25 c Bottle
Violet Toilet
Ammonia, in
full size pint
hot ties ; r e g u
larly sold at 25c
each, today for
only X7
Arabian. Mucil
age, large size
bottles, worth
10c each, at 7
Bath Sponges,
fine quality,
large si.c, worth
35c each, spe
cial today.l)
Toilet Soap, 1
dozen cakes in
bos, for hotel
or ho a r d i ng
house use, worth
60c dozen, spe
cial at ...30
Diamond Dyes,
for wool or cot
ton goods, the
package ..10
Big Display Irish Linens-From St. Patrick's Land
For the Garden and Kitchen
These balmy Spring days
make every one want to get out
and prepare the garden for
Summer vegetables and flow
ers, and if you are not well
supplied with tools, let these
savings help you.
Garden Sets, consisting of
rake, hoe, fork and spade,
good, strong handles,
special the set
Long Hajidled Shovels
Garden Rakes, spee'l, ea. 27
Garden Hoes, spee'l, ea. 23
Grass Shears, spee'l, pr. 20
Garden Trowels, spee'l, ea. 8
Stove Pokers, spee'l, ea. ..8?
btove Utters, special, ea. 5
Good Hatchets, spee'l, ea. 30
namwooa tiomng fins,
Nickel Plated Tea Kettles, on
heavy copper, special QQ
Covered Galvanized Garbage
Cans, good size e4 rn
special, each OliJU
Wooden Chopping 17
Bowls, special I I C
Fire Shovels, spee'l, ea. ..4
White En'l Wash Basins, 23
Vegetable Brushes, special 3i
Anti-Rust Wash Boilers, No.-8
size, special today
Large Wire Soup Strainers
Can Openers, special ea. at 4
celling Brushes, spee'l $1.00
Paint Brushes, special ea. 50
Carpet Cleaner, good b'nd 15c
Metal Polish, special, can 25
kew snappy styles in Spring-shirts at
this figure should bring rn every man
who is economically inclined and cares
for tflKTpfnl Tl9orlocjlinT. HPT,
. iuv.iu.uoiici j . j-iiey axe 1 1
rresn goods, pleasmsr rattems nprfWr firi
j j-i , , J --1.7" 7 a w, JJ.KlX uy VVCil JtVllVJ v ii nielli UlctC I 111 -
Z:f Gy re tle 0LDS' WORTMAN & KING regular $1.50 values. Better look
oyer the assortment and supply yourself generously for the Summer 01 1C
months to come. See Washington Street window displav. Price each ... 0 1 1 I 0
x Portland's Largest and
u 1 ; its- rt (H'P
fa- V -nTOii
:. . .'.....i3b' -
t Smart-A
til T3
Few indeed are the women whose minds are not
turning to new things to wear for Spring and
Summer. And how can one think of pretty things
and stylish things to wear without thinking of
The best garment makers in America have kept
express and freight cars busy carrying the riclh
apparel we have here to show yog now, and so be
wilderingly complete an assortment, such rrn
luring collection of correct fashions one would go
1U ?
a long way to see, and you need but visit this store, s
'Tis well worth a trip down town to have such an
assemblage as this to inspect, and we know full
well that many will avail themselvefjhjxZ7
opportunity to see the big display. We're showing
New Tailored Suits
New Fancy Suits
New Summer Wraps
Silk Petticoats and
Fine Children's Coats
New Tailored Waists
New Dressy Waists
New White Waists
New Walking Skirts
New Opera Coats, Etc.
Persian Lawn
Five .thousand yards of
fine white Persian Lawn,
extra good quality, sells
regularly at 20c the yard;
Damask Napkins, Rich
ardson's make, fine satin
finish, large dinner size;
regular price $6.50 the
dozen; special Or OF
Dinner Sets
French China Dinner Sets, 100
pie&es, decorated in gold and
green, spray and flower da- $53.10
French China Dinner Set of 48
pieces, decorated in pold and
pink flowers, COD TR
special value at . 0
French China Dinner Set of 114
pieces, white and gold decora
tion; special this CCK fifl
week at vDOiUU
White semi-porcelain Dinner
Sets of 50 pieces, TC
at special sale Owl I 0
French China Dinner Set of 63
pieces, decorated with pink
flowers and gold COfl flfl
line; special vOUtUU
Semi-porcelain Dinner : Set,
richly decorated, 85 pieces;
regular $12.85, CO HE
special iJ)0iU0
Semi-porcelain Dinner Set of
99 pieces, handsome decora
tions; regular Onn nn
$30.48; special 5ziUU
" ," . '
jury lor insurance conspiracy. i mnwe, cnargea witn conspiracy In con-
Inecnon witn uie election of trustees ot I
the New York Life Insurance Company I
two years ago. I
NEW YORK. March 17. The Impanel
ing of a Jury was completed today In
the trial of George R. Scruham and
Charles A. Stirrup, formerly manager
and assistant manager, respectively,
of the International policj-hoejrs' com-
Filipino Bandsman Dies. '
NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 17.-Jose
Medlaville. one of the. FUlpino constab
ulary bandsmen, partially asphyxiated by
gas last Saturday, died today. The body
vui m eent to the Philippines. The
other two men may die also.
Spring style shoes, Rosenthal's.
Xast Spike Driven Soon.
TACOMA, Wash., March 17. Before
quitting time tomorrow evening the Chi
cago. Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railroad
construction crew will have laid the last
rail connecting Tacoma with Missoula,
Mont. There remains about 23 miles of
track to be laid In Montana, and then rn.
complete from Ccago to ha
ff;. T,here 18 every reon tf believe
April 2. the date set for completion.
Try pr. Loreni's Nerve Tonic Tablets
Eyssells, 2S9 Morrison, bet. 4th and Bth,"