Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 18, 1909, Page 14, Image 14

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40 acres Mosler Valley fruit land; part
iT f1,'re': miles from Mosler. Or.;
timber worth $1500; will sell or trade
lor Ion or will add about $7000 cash to
this for an exceptional bargain In Port
land property. My land Is worth $100 the
acre. r 721. Oregonian.
FOR bALB or trade for Eastern property,
controlling Interest In first-class flouring
mill, lo,000; also a good wheat farm
closo to R. R., 855 acres. $27 per acre
profitable hardware business In Eastern
Oreson tor Tel eltate. 611 Commercial
FREE Information furnished on all mining
and other incorporated companies Port
land Information Bureau, room 8. 262
Washington at.
OF COURSE! CERTAINLY! It you want to
buy. sell or trade business or property,
follow the crowd to Stevenson as Taylor,
rooms S10 and 311 Buchanan bldg.
8 LOTS. 2H blocks Mount Tabor, at a bar
gain, will take automobile or trade
amount of 1600; half In raspberries. Own
r. E. Huribert, 201 Gerllnger bldg.
30 ACRES, adjoining splendid valley town,
fine view; suitable for platting; take lots,
cottage or acreage In Portland. Owner.
AF 690. Oregoniatl.
CLIENT wants good team In exchange for
$400 equity in new 4-room bungalow;
worth $900. R. Hofer, 280 Oak at., corner
ACRES fine garden land under cultivation
7 '4 miles from Portland, on Oregon Elec
tric elation, s blocks, for city lots. Phone
A 21S9.
WO-Ai'KE ranch: BO acres in grass, 80 acres
In heavy saw timber, all fenced and good
barn; to exchange for 6 or 7-room mod
ern house. 319 Worcester bldg.
TO TRADE for property in Washington:
14 ..o-foot lots. Klamath Falls. value
$2S0o. Guy Sylord. Taconta, Wash. ,
GOOD Incubator and brooder; will exchange
for organ or camera; will sell for cash.
R 741. Oregonlan.
TO EXCHANGE lO acres fruit land un
cleared. Marlon County, for a team, wagon
and harness. p. o. box 400, city.
A GROCERY to trade for houae and lot.
another at 20 per cent discount for cash.
2.2 Stark st.
6-ROOM bunKalow for confectionery or
rooming-house. West Side. Goldschmldt's
Business Dept., 253 Washington at.
LOT 100x100. 8-room house. 60 acres, Carson,
Wash.; all correspondence answered.
Reuben Collins. St. John. 0,r.
RELINQUISHMENT to KO-acre homestead.'
Portland district, for town lot. A 771 Ore
TOURING car or runabout for real estate
or diamonds Address N 423. Oregonlan.
WE BUY everything, trade anything. Met-
1 .ukc, oif , ADington bldg.
T-0 '"L" V trad for am thing of value.
l1'.1-" .Vad ,or what you have. Gus Smith,
3"! Buchanan bldg.
Have a building with equipment for
butchershop. now renterl, on West Side
close In. value $1000: will trade In flrst
payment on home, and rest In monthly
Installments. Particulars. Lincoln Invest
ment Co., room 301. 288 Washington.
TO BUY n or fl-room modern house in
good residence district, easy walking dis
tance to PostofTlie; cash price and full
particulars in tirst letter; owner only
P. O. box 3.13. Portland. Or.
"H'ANTEri:yac'int west s,d" ,ot l 3000
to $10,000. payable $1000 cash, balance
1.(M per annum; must be good bargain
nlan"'' answer. Address C 778. Orego-
WANTED I.ot In restricted district, where
Improvements are In and paid, close to
car and reasonable. Eckelson. 807 Ablng
ton bldg.
Wish to buy 6-room cottage or bunga
low, two or more lots. with, plenty of
tress and shrubbery; not over $4000. Call
Main io.2.
WANTED Nob Hill house and lot. about
,7000 or J8000; no agents. O 791 Ore
Sonlan. 6 TO 7-room house, location not particular
must be reasonable; owners only R 74
Oregonlan. .
WANTED House and lot. South Fo-c'and
TV.Bt Slde: .f.or 52000 or Eckelson. &07
Ablngton blil.
CA?J J Dliy a bungalow on or near Port-
. Ji'i21t' for about 40t0 on terms?
H AT?K cleared land under cultivation.
8 ml lea from city. 3 blocks from Oregon
electric line. Price $SSO: $285 cash Bv
owner. fll Couch bldg.. 100 4th st
$50o will put you In possession of 8 acres
i. minutes' ride from Jefferson st 5
acres improved. Owner, E. Huribert. 201
Gerllnger bldg.
FOR SALE 9.38 acres. B milea west of
Portland, on county road; house, barn
about one acra cleared. Price $2100
K 767. Oregonlan. '
B A1-RE8 fir cordwood; will cruise 1000
cords: on Oregon Electric. 8 miles from
Portland; aiding mil: Pr7c $IoX
Owner. 018 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st.
Mr11 trp. cleared, level, on canine. B
miles from Portland P. O.; $4O0 to 5O0 per
tract: easy terms. Room S18 Alisky bldg
"l'iT'park"." m"eS 0t Vanc"ver.
no'!.S:orV. W m"8 fram "ood R K- town.
..OOO.OMO ft. sugar pine and yellow Br. 75
a. res of good tillable land. JO acres Irriga
te. See us for anything In this line
have a number of others, straight flllnar
RAINES & CO.. 721 Board of
HOMESTEADS Have three good hon-e-steads
for sale. Morrow County, Oreaon
two close together, w. H. Dobyns. lone.
CHOICE locations In tlmhee - .) i.
xteads; some relinquishments. 518 Ablng-
itr.ii.yjlMMENT. 80 acres, 4 million tim-
... encap saoo. AC 018,
Oregonlan. '
v a. hbbi bargains In timber lands
from lt0 acres up; will cruise. Immediate
ly. Ia reply give exact location and net
i'i ' v . .-vc- um, oregonlan.
BIl.ETZ claims; we pay cash for claims
from owners Nelson & Wnlttler. 317
W-u-"l.i,'AT cash tor tlmber ln Oregon and
1 11 kwui w kuvs upward, o 739
TI.S??.Rt.Un,l",Jantl- c- J- McCracken.
.104 McKay bldg.
trow ft rvr -- . .
, - ' ' line tana s miles
from r.irtland, near the Oregon City car-
...... ..,u n., , uesi or soil; good
..iu una otner outbuildings
no gravel. For particulars call on C F
1'fluger 4 Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg 2
aud Morrison sta.
FOR RENT 9lj acrea of land, all clear, at
"lar Oregon city carline:
nne soil no gravel: rood
part of the land to In small fruit; good
,v t:ai',J,t F- Ff itiRcr & Co.! rom
fn.n.. ,iia .-uorrison st.
General merchandise store, in country
town, doing good business, win invoice
about $7000; will give r take "ash lit--v
Lincoln Investment Co.. room 301.
2N6 A axhington st.
WANTKP ltio acres of good land- rrtnrt
building, good fence.. Whine":
Pclent ai'.lma to work the nice; m
J P1"a allej- or Grants Pass; aend
lowest price. c 775. Oregonlan.
SEVERAL -rmall tracts of good timber
Room 16 Hamilton Blig.
ONE section 2! S.. range B W.. Douglass
t.?d"gnty- 2'O.00O. 513 Ablnston
VK headquarters tor timber ana lum
ber enterprises of all kinds. Kinney 4
Mumpher. 531-33 Lumber Exchange bldg
TIMBtR AND HOMESTEAD relinquishments.
a ' ' ' " . -
-- . I nr.i.f UA. rKllU AI V I Dirr- -
1 v IfcH to retire from active business, as I
S;,,?: wiU eH my sawmill, with 100,
J feet fine timber, and also 500.000.
ooo in another locality; right man can
nave right price and right terms. I will
not consider brokers under any circum
stances, and parties interested must show
good faith or I will not deal; cruising
guaranteed. Y 652, Oregonlan.
Sawmills and sawmill locations Any
thing from $5000 to $50,000. Can " secure
3 to 12 months' contract for your out
put; now is the time to get in while you
ioS bfdgre naP" C" - Sny" 516 AblnK-
- "uiuor. powers located
a,.CX.lmLred 'x" Paid tor non-resl-aente
timber lands cruised and accurate
estimates furnished. Room 517 Board of
Trade bldg. Phone luain So07.
Chicago, New Orleans. Seattle.
29 Chamber of Commerce,
1 TAN1 furnlan you with fir or pine t!m-
... "Ria;i Tracta at reason
able prices. Can also give you single
claims in almost any locality. C. J
McCracken. 304 McKay bldg.
i. , " , oomesieaaa ana re
linquishments; also farms and fruit lands.
. . . wv... -' i orcester oidg.
80 Av,RES' R'"1 cut about 2.000.000 feet fir.
Ju mud umuer is removed. 12
?,reJ. now e'eared. Kelly Loe, Camas.
cfi thi?i vTy best loKBlnK Propoelt!on
Room, 16 Hamilton Bldg.
FOR SALE by owner, 1 sections good tim
ber lartH TT.D.llin ...
Box 599, Weiser, Idaho.
Hoi-sea, Vehicles and Harness.
PAIR of sorrels, well matched, weight 2650
agi , ana a years, work any place,
price $235; pair of bays, fat and ready for
work age 7 and 9 years, weight 2350,
both go single, will sell single, price $215
good farm horse, sound in every way.
weighs 1240 pounds, for $75; 4 nice single
drivers from $75 up; 9 head of heavy
horses weighing from .1400 to 1050 pounds,
some well matched teams, able to do any
Kind ot work.
11th and Jefferson.
WHY buy a second-hana vehicle wnen we
... mi ,uu a new vcnicle at about the
same price as you would pay tor an old
one; we are located outside of the high
rent district, therefore can make the price;
driving wagons, buggies, delivery wagons
and farm wagons.
R. M. WADE & CO.,
3-2 Hawthorne Ave.
FOR SALE or rent 3 teams with gooseneck
furniture wagons to rent by month or
year; we also rent any kind of a rig for
business purposes, day. week or month
P,0.?ca "r. 72- B 13G8' Hawthorne
stables. 420 Hawthorne ave.
FOR. ;?.ALF Sorrel mare. 8 years old,
weight about 1000 lbs., on the chunky or
der; gentle for lady or children to ride
or drive; also top. steel-tire buggy and
!VT, ?tar'y hew. $145 If sold at once,
call 294 Montgomery st.
F1?1 (fALESnreI' 4-year-ola mare, weight
. " a"i, uniy iuu.; also one
bay horse, weight about 1100 lbs., foot
sore from payments; suitable for ranch,
only $3. Palaoe Stables. 6th and Mont
gomery. BIG black farm horse, weighs 1300 lbs. lit
tle sore ln front: price $65. Bay horse,
weighs 1O50 lbs., little thin $40. Six-year-old
mare, good worker, sore in front; price
$80; weighs 1200 lbs. "26 N. 15th st.
PAIR horses, weigh 2650 lha.. good pullers
and sound, 7 and 8 years old. good set
i'.f-vy am harness, with collars, price
$2do. Red Front Stables, 15th and Wash
ington e-Ls.
JLST arrived, carload of first-class horses
and mares weighing from 1200 to 1700,
all Bound young and guaranteed to work
Madison-Street Sale stables, 18514, near
bridge. G. D. Williamson, proprietor.
9. SALE One span . of Altimont mares,
line roadsters, well matched, for cash
real estate or any good collateral. What
have you got. F. W. McLeran, Wllhott,
HANDSOME Stanhope (Studebaker). used 8
times; cost $265; will eeli for half. Also
new Bailey Speeding Bike, cost $250; take
..uiiiiiKiun sc.
chunks, horse and mare, weigh
;? ": are sound every way. gentle for
ladies or any timid persons to handle
also new heavy harness; all complete price
$1.5. Call 26 North 15th st.
9,?-bALE Pair ba-y chunks, weight about
.350; young and sound; good workers,
with set new breechen harness, all com
plete. $280. Palace Stables. 5th and
FOR SALE Fine surrey and double harness,
have only been used a few times. Inquire
at H. Jacobsen. care N. P. Brewing Co.
corner of isth and Upshur sts
HANDSOME bay pony, 6 years old, rides or
drives; gentle for children; also nice sad
dle and trldle; price $00. Red Front Sta
bles. 16th and Washington sts.
WANTED Three saddle horses, sound and
city broken; weight 1050. Inquire Cen
tral Stables. Alder st.
Fo?. l-hF"!1" Ahorse 2-ton express and
one light delivery wagon cheap. Cor. Bel
mont and E. 6th.
TEAMS wanted to haul wood, 1400 cords
near Portland. F. J. Walsh, room 32
W ashlngton bldg.
FOR SALE Horsos. draft and all purpose;
carload just arrived. s. S. Thompson
Gresham, Or. Phone SX.
ONE 5-year-old draft horse, weighing 1550,'
perfectly sound and without blemishes
Phons East 4S04. 226 Russell st.
.y'i!Vr r'S1" hors?- buggy and har
S ? ,'-?L. 111 "e11 horse separate: cheap. 1009
Ath N. Phone Woodlawn 1716.
HUBERT & HALL. 380 Front, buy. seil, rr.i
horses, vehicles; low rates on business rigs.
HORSES, mares, rigs and harness ot all
kinds for sale. 294 Montgomery.
HORSES and mares for sale. Rose city Sta
bles. nth and JelTerson. M 3300.
HEAVY valley horses, matched teams. 104
Russell st.. Alblna. Call East 37S.
ROAD CART. $6.50. 26 N. 15th St.
AUTOMOBILE, gasoline, steam engines re
paired; prices right. Grunstrom & Perm.
Supple'a boatyard.
AUTOMOBILES, $130 end up, for sale or
trade, w. Q. Hartman & Co.. 46 2d st.
NEW and slightly used automobiles !n first
class cocdition. from $100 to $1500; for
bargains see us. Portland Auto Commis
sion House. 534-S6 Alder.
Main 4455 AUTOMOBILE ROW A 4453.
v - .f,ve- a le.w ""Shlly used machines
that will be sold very cheap. Call and
see them at White Sewing Machine Store
H. P. Jones. 420 Washington, cor. 11th st.
FOR SALE CHEAP Porcelain bathtub, with
mahogany casing, porcelain sitx bath and
marble waehstand. Apply at 2u4 North
20th st.
2O00 SUPERLATIVE raspberry, 2000 cherry
currants. $2 per 100. $15 per 1000: 5 dos.
Peony Chlnansis. red. white and pink
John Broetje, Mount Tabor.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $20 to $60 fully
guaranteed, easy payments: rentals. $3
per month. Pacific Statlonerv & Ptg Co
203 2d st- -
FOR SALE Best dry 4-ft. fir and oak wood
at lowest market prices. Hoover 313
Water st. Phone Main 7451; A 5445.
Film service that wins. Stsroptlcons,
slides, supplies. 165H 4th St.
Legging and hoisting engines.
IF you want window screens call C. Zlegler,
SS9 Michigan Phone Woodlawn 2132.'
Al FRESH Jersjy cow for sale. 6S4 Harold
ave. Sellwood car.
IRISH setter pups for sale. Phone Wood
lawn 1937.
DIAMOND solitaire. 1 1-lfi karat. $130; ear
rlngs. 3, each. $5Q. O 790. Oregonian.
I"4'' chalr' wortn $S5. for $27.50. A
SECOND-HAND building material for sale
cheap. Apply 307 Failing bldg.
DON'T forget furniture auction
232 1st it, 10 A, M,
ALCTION today, commencing lO A. M. ;
cattle, horses, driving teams, farm machin
ery and implements. wagons, harness,
household furniture, etc.: in Terrv. 12
mile corners. Base Line road. Merrill fc
epalin'B combination sale. Take O. W. P.
cars to Base Line road; hourly service.
303-317 P.othchild bldg.. Is atiu looking
for more business; will rent films and
songs as reasonable as any house on the
Coast, and carries all supplies for moving,
picture theaters.
ONE Pelton waterwheel, 5 feet, with all
fixtures, complete; one S00 McQuinn Tem
dom camp engine, with Jctt condensers!,
gu141condltlon- CaU Joseph Adler. Main
SHIP to Alaska. Tanana mining district for
mine owners and operators association:
laborers, sluice-box men, pick and shovel
men for mining; $5, board and lodging
per day. 6 months" work guaranteed; ship
Jlarch 23, men pay their own fare; total
cost from Portland $75; 2 carpenters. j10
E,er. daX. and hard. See Mr. B. Ruderay.
Hotel Portland.
IP YOU can sell anything, you can sell Elm
nurst, the best subdivision now on the
market; our sale-men are making from
$500 to $1000 per month. We furnish
automobiles to show propertv. Call at the
American Trust Companv. 200-2,04 Cham
ber of Commerce. See P. E. Cleland.
10,000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and women to learn barber trade in
eight weeks; help to secure positions:
graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly:
expert instructor; tools free; write for
catalogue. Mohler System of Colleges, 33
N. 4th St.. Portland. Or.
WANTED Rapid hand compositor who can
set and make up a morning daily ln town
in southern Oregon; night work none
but sober, reliable men with good refer
ences need apply; wages $10 a week and
room and board at hotel and restaurant.
Address A F 97. Oregonlan.
WANTED Responsible men and strong boys
at Los Angeles: fair pay while mastering
trade of plumbing, bricklaying or elec
tricity in months instead ot years; no ex
pense for instruction. Write quick, United
- wuwi v-ontraciing uo., ios Angeles.
A1J.'r)0j70BI1'INa- Plumbing, .lectrlcity.
bricklayins and plastering tatight by ao
tual worn ln shops and buildings; ad
vanced scholars earn wages; catalogues
Ef.- cyno National Trade School, 230
otn St., an Francisco.
WANTED 50 men to clear streets, lav
sidewalks and grade for carline; good
wages; must take part pay ln property.
V??,,manaKer at rni 308 Ablngton bldg.
tub 3d St.
YOUNG MEN to prepare for U. S. railway
mall clerks, examination Mav 15 Must
te honest. Intelligent and strong. Fur
ther particulars free. Pacific States
School, McKay bldg.
Call at once, ask for Mr. Lavey, at
Jacobs-Stlne Co., first floor Acheson bldg..
opposite Meier-Frank.
, C. R. HANSEN. JR.,
Employment Office Men's Department.
28 North Second St.
Phones Main and A 1526.
raeip rree to employers.
BERMAN is of special value to you, mailed
on receipt $1 by B. Brereton. box 1158.
WANTED Good practical ladies tailor to
buy my business: have SO.O00 people, no
competition; most exclusive trade, nice
furnishings. Price $800, time. AF 698.
Oregonlan. '
WANTED Two good carpenters and two'
C.,,Pwi': will pay. union wages: no wood
p . .mg.. ot2 sireei.
STRONG, reliable young man, about 18. liv
ing with parents, for general work and
MorriSonat. Hocnfeld Bros- ciKar Co., 211
MEN to sell household goods on the lnstall
me"t plan; big commissions for hustlers
"r.,10 rormer experience necessary. J
D. Sherman. 89 Grand ave.
SHC!,Ti;S Want 3 who are experienced,
old life insurance men preferred; liberal
commission and permanent employment.
Phone East 41SS, bet. 10 and 11.
I WANTED Honest man to be cashier ln res
tail rant as n rt not- - -now i.a.. v.
sfirk St."60 aSh re1"lrd- Call 248
tl?,.J.$10? mde. aa"y ,n tn motion-picture
theater business; experience unneces
sary; only small amount money required.
Particulars. Newman, 293 Burnslde st.
Ww,7rBIJIonest- so!"!r J"uns man with
little cash as partner to show property
a"fi,:w?xrk Ln oftlce; am tired of hired help.
326 ashlngton St., room 414.
WANTED Salesman, one with grocery or
crockery experience preferred; must be in
position to leave town if necessary Ad
dress F 703. Oregonlan.
WE WILL take you to Nome. Alaska, give
good board and wages and at close of season
bring you back; $100 cash Investment re
qulrfcd. 615 Board of Trade.
WANTED Railway mall clerks. $800 flrst
year; examination in Portland May 15-
preparation free. Write -immediately.
Franklin Institute Rochester, N Y
WANTED Experienced grocery salesman
Apply, giving age and exoerience, N 777
.SA.S.MEN are making b!g money selling
$20 lots. Apply Greenoe Heights. 414
Lumber Exchange bldg.
rnuvirji ah around, temperate. 2 or 3 I
" - ,l -. ' - Auuress oeiore -4 P. M M
.SO. Oregonlan. ,
WANT 2 first-class waiters and one first
class gas cook. Apply at 41 3d St.. Peer
less Saloon.
MACHINIST wanted, competent to manage
shop who has capital to take small In
terest. Y C91. Oregonian. , 1
SALESMEN wanted to sell our bungalow
chair. 5 to $0 per day made easy. Call
between 4 and 6 P. M.. CS3 Northrup st.
MEN can have $3 per day and learn plumbing!
bricklaying, plastering; $25 required Pa
ciflc Trade School. 416 Arcade blk.. Seattle.
COUNTRY job. ad. printer, $15 Oregon,
W ashlngtoir. Northwest Newspaper Brok
erage. Goodnough bldg.
ADVERTISING solicitors, experienced men
blag' r BI,are tlme- 603 Goodnough
COMPOSING-ROOM apprentice wanted, one
with experience preferred. Kilham Sta
tlor.ery & Printing Co., 5th and Oak sS.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced advertis
ing solicitor; recular and (special edition
references. 616 Chamber of Commerce. '
WANTED Salesmen, all lines, bookkeepers
---.ub-,-..1 a. m.muerciai Abstract
Co., 4O-S-0 Commercial club bldg
For Men 256 Burnslde Street
Phone Main 5694.
WANTED Young men to learn railroad tel
egraphy; permanent positions when com
petent nr,nn Cnlla. to -... - .
- -r. - -. .. ocii. otn iioor.
WANTED Steam shovel crane man. $90 oer
month Hml hnanl '
C. R. HANSEN." JR., 26 N. 2d St.
WANTED Good coatmaker. 489 Washing
ton st.
EXPERIENCED kitchen men wanted- $7
per week. 506 Washington st. '
MA.Nean make 20 weekly; must have $100
R 744. Oregonlan.
HIGH-CLASS solicitor, capable of making
-.-v;a. ova oiumoia bldg.
WANTED All-round blacksmith, especially
horseshoer. J. Goodfellow. Gresham, Or.
COATMAKER wanted. Address Elof Ander
son, Boise. Idaho.
Headquarters cooks, helpers. California Wine
Depot. P.- Lorati. 164 2 Main 4212.
TRAVELING salesman to carry side line of
neckwear; good sellers. 403 Couch bldg.
ENERGETIC errand boy. Apply to H. Liebes
& Co.. furriers. 28S Morrison st. oea
BOY wanted.
3d st.
Standard Jewelry Store. 18
WANTED At Sihrader's Dakery a baker
Immediately. Call Main st.. Oregon city.'
WANTED All-round printer. Apply box tr
Condon. Or. '
WANTED Strong, honest student to work
Saturdays or after school. Phone A 4081.
WANTED Several Japanese for farm work.
032 Worcester bldg.
WANTED Men of neat appearance for ad
vertising an soliciting. Call 347 2nd St.
BARBER, wasted. 221 Madison at.
Gang edgerraan. $3.25; ratchet setter,
$2.75; carriage rider. $2.50; mill tallvman,
2SO; lumber graders. $2.25 up: planer
feeders. $2.50; 15 mill and yardmen. $2 to
We want several men for a large new
mill Just starting up; good wages.
We can uee sawyer and knot sawyer for
new shingle mill.
We have work for lO farm hands, $25 up:
3 milkers, $30 up; baker, union wawes;
rough carpenters. $2.50 up: carpenters' help
ers. 15 woodcutters, $1 to $1.25 per cord;
100 other good jobs.
We have a large list of new work every
day for millhands. loggers, farmhands,
teamsters, laborers, etc., etc
We give a written guarantee fbacked by
a $50O bond) to pay fare both ways if there
is not work where we send applicants.
Call on us when you want work. We
will do our best to please you.
Main Office. 12 N. 2d st.
WANTED First-class man for district or
ganizer for fraternal Insurance order;
fine salary guaranteed to right man.
Address care Hotel Ptrkins, or call from
7:30 to 8 P. M.. until March 22. W. E.
Wilmer. Portland.
Girls. M to IS years of age. to work in
factory. Apply at once.
Fifth and Davis Sts.
Chambermaids, cooks, waitresses, general
fioueework girls, second girls, good wages:
Large list of new place.? daily.
Ladies' Department. 205 Morrifon St.
LADIES To sell an easv selling line of
up-to-date wearing apparel on the Install
ment plan; no former experience neces
sary; big money for hustlers. Jr D. Sher
man, 89 Grand ivn.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework: good cock: must have refer
ences. Phone Main 2999. 10U3 Franklin
s.. Willamette Heights.
Requires the services of first-class altera
tion hands on jackets and skirts. Apply
Manager, cor. 5th and Alder.
3433 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.
Phones Main and A 292.
Help Supplied Free to Employers.
WANTED A girl to assist with genera!
housework, family of 2, German or Swed
ish preferred. Call mornings before 12, 774
Kearney st.
WANTED For cigar dept.. stenographer
with some knowledge of bookkeeping. Ad
dress in own handwriting, give phone
number. Y 690. Oregonlan.
BUSINESS college or schoolgirl to assist
with light duties morning and evening for
room and board; no kitchen work! 191
11th Et.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Roth
chlld bldg., 4th and Washington.
LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. require first-class
saleswomen for suit section. Apply to Mr.
WANTED Girls to make overalls and over
shirts. Apply standard Factory No. 2.
Grand ave. and East Taylor at.
WANTED Girl for general housework, Ger.
corSe 15threferred" Apply 601 Schuyler,
8204 Washington St.. Room 307.
Main 8836 or A 3206.
THOROUGHLY competent srirl for
housework ln small family. Apply 824
- '-. A I' LU 11 A. JV1.
WANTED Girl to enter training school for
' . , ' a-tartjor Hospital, Aberdeen
vv ash.
843 M Washington st," cor. 7th. upstairs
Phone Main 2692.
GIRL or middle aged lady for general house
work, family of three. Call room 14
uuin-cy uius, -im ana Morrison sts.
WANTED Girl or woman for general
housjwork. Call 101 East 17th. corner
WANTEEi Housekeeper ln country; widow
with daughter, 8 to 14 years. AC 617,
WANTED Experienced girls to make shirts
isiu gins in inmminir de
partment. 75 ls-lmf .r 1 c
MME. JULIENNE, expert milliner; jhats
re.m1d.eLea and trimmed; wire frames, 00c.
147 11th.
FIRST-CLASS starcher. Vancouver Steam
Laundry. Vancouver, Wash.; wages $12
per week If satisfactory.
WANTED Nurses for hospital work at Wil
lamette Sanitarium, Cialem. Address w Jr
Peebles, superintendent.
WANTED rSettled woman to assist with
Bner?.1i. nousework. Call 707 East Burn
slde. phone East 5601. ""u
LADIES I teach manicuring, halrdnesslng.
dermatology Mrs. Holmes, specialist. 601
Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts.
. M, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO .' Department. 205 Morrison St.
Phones Main 1062. A 2004.
WANTED Ladles, we bleach, resew. dye and
remodel hats, dye plumes at half price
Model Millinery, 387 Yamhill.
PRINTER wanted, straight-matter compost-
tor: lu Cl V nrpfprrnl tj 1 j . i
" " " i aiu, Atu&ny, (Jr.
A GIRL, to assist with second work and
care of child. 674 Everett at.
wesy Pari?. "Ent work-
GICaLl mornfnglrst! " CklnS-
8 EXPERIENCED lady clerks at once,
nard & Adams.
WANTED Girl for general housework
wages $2j per month. Phone Main 577.
WANTED A first-class dressmaker- alio
apprentices. 133 12th st. Phone A 3230.
GC!9R ?.erm.al1 Birl for general housework.
1022 Raleigh, near 29th.
PANTED Girl for general housework. An.
ply 092 Hancock St.. Irvington.- P
GI5,i-Tan.-t.rd general housework, small
famliy. 62o E. Ankeny st.
V-T??lri,tor en housework. Ap
ply 641 Washington st. "
GIRL for general housework, 2 ln family
269 East 32d. near Hawthorne ave.
GIRL for general housework. 2 ln famllv
good wagis. r.2J Tlllam-o St.. Irv.non.
WANTED Girl for general housework. l-4
East loth st. north.
WANTED 3 chambermaids, house girls etc
Room 1. 291 Morrison.
WANTED Experienced lroners and mangle
help, btate Laundry. 395 Broadway.
family of 2.
210 25th st.
cook, private
WA.NTED Woman for bushellng work. 546
Washington st.
LESSONS ln shorthand and typewriting by
expert. $5 a month. 269 14th. Main 3803.
FRi?NC.H. A,XD GERMAN in classes, $1 per
month to beginners. 452 Morrison.
FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY registers only
the best teachers. 514 Swetland bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
WANTED Position ln general merchandise
store by Eastern man, many years' expe
rience, country preferred; speak both
land, Or.
-i M.UU vierman. in - h. iserg, Port
REGISTERED assistant pharmacist, four
years' experience, wishes position; can han-
mMiii.t station. Aaaress M 770 Orego
EXPERT bookkeeper has some spare time
each day that could be used taking care
of books of small concern -, charges rea
sonable. Phone Woodlawn 1543.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
POSITION wanted with certified public ac
countants by one with a practical knowledge
. ,i ana general acts of gas. elec
tric light and street railway properties; ca
pable of systematlstng. Prefer securing po
sition on merits rather than references, the
later furnished ln abundance if so desired.
Present situation unsatisfactory. O 771. Or
egonlan. WANTED Position by young man as sales-
Ulan III rmferv ita s-nsan tV. I
can speak either Knarllsh or German, ex
perienced. Phone East 6203.
CMJ?ETEXT younr man want position as
nucl, in or out or town; - o years
experience. A 773. Oregonlan.
Bf.ti!ayi:llnR salesman thoroughly conversant
With tnn .mnlAn...,. ... i
Anrn eaouiiiiu engine, steam
engine and Irrigation machinery; 16 years
experience on Paeiflc Coast; can convince
employer of ability; furnish good references.
Box 125. Walla Walla. Wash.
FIRST-CLASS house carpenter, 8 years ex
rjeriencA n. . . ... .
- ------ -, ' - 1IBIUUU iu
- - - ,. . " . a. . . ... vjregonian.
CHAUFFEUR desires position; acquainted
AD 7 1 8. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED Japanese couple want sit
uatlon; man first-class cook, wife gi.od
second girl; any place. Y 692. Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR wishes pesition: can give
good references: Is willing to take care
lawn. AE 705. Oregonlan.
P?.?IT(y?N wanted by civil engineer, field
F 7: Oregonian n conatruc"--
C9HECTOR' reliable, wanta to handle cur
rent accounts; rpannni.hl xr f
gonian. ' yJ"
PSI"9ln reaI offios: have had
- ..u..ks.B -cajtci lencc can pnotoKTaoh- A -1
references It required. H 7 75. Oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS waiter and bartender, good
gonian. "r --unr.rv. A d 783. Ore-
EXPBRIBNCED horseman. German. good
r, ' "'-tiv.uiiu man, wishes work.
Mr. Walter. Hotel Zur Relnphala, Front st.
YOUNG Japanese, gentle and honest boy.
yuauiuu auuaewora. it 743. Ore
gonlan. Wh(?TtEITP1.aiS r noy ' 9 to chore for
street. r.. m. a.. N. 6th
SITUATION wanted by nonunion plumber.
7, ' ' " u. a. aiernDerg, 464 E
Harrison. Phone E. 5503.
TEAMSTER, knows the town, wants to
drive delivery or milk wagon. R 740.
G?D, gardener and good man around horses
wanta position. Layman, 848 Burnslde.
STRONG young man wants work, anythlng
handy with tools s 770 rif: B'
H?hSE S,LEA-YP'G fcy day- J" hour.
Phone Main 6569. H. Thompson.
CAKE and bread baker wants position
or country. A B 713, Oregonlan.
GRrikaAeCi3n da?. r "OUT,
- oiwa, evenings.
WANTED By young man. work for board
and room. B 766, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
BOOKKEEPER and comptometer operator
desires position with wholesale house. AD
7S4, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer and book
keeper, desires permanent position, best
references, s 777. Oregonlan.
STwoGPHE?li wltn son,e experience,
would like positibn; small salary to start!
D 785. Oregonlan.
BY IGOOD. experienced stenographer at
reasonable salary. Phone Clerical Office,
A 0446.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at lowest prices.
Mrs. Angeles. 242 5th and Main.
ALL kinds of children's sewing and under
wear to do at home. B 2157.
EXPERIENCED nurse, take charge any
kind nursing, sick, maternity, invalid
aged; terms to suit: city, country. st
tfH' Vtcy- 245 Washington. Room 2.
Main 2UJ9.
A NURSE. 19 years' experience, would like
care of two elderly or Invalid persons or
two young children; references exchanged
Address Mrs. J. w. Halsey, 33 Grand
ave.. Portland Or. Phone B 1688
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes more en
gagements; maternity a specialty; 15 years
practice. B 2487. jaro
LADY wants pasltlon as housekeeper for
OreirnTan01, bachelor! children.Pj 774!
Y(V-NF wIdow with child wishes position
as housekeeper for widower with chil
dren. AF 696. Oregonlan. 1
GIt.wlslea Rosltln. light housework wltn
private family. 450 22d st. North.
OTPhrDMateShM feneral work.
WELL-SCHOOLED piano player desires en-
oa,fvfmntS: years' experience in chur?h
orchestra and vocal accompanying; rapid
reader and accurate memorixer. D 782.
Oregonlan. txa
COMPETENT woman wants day work or
VllV ao ??kiZs housekeeper PhorTe A
tlb. O 79J, Oregonlan.
GE,RMAN la.dy wants half-day work, any
a nVif.00A, coo1' BOOd cnlId governess.
A. D 7SJ. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPERS. cooks. chambermaids,
housework St. Louis Ladles' Agency!
24o'a Washington. Main 2039.
COMPETENT woman wants steady day
Tabor 8?9. Monday and Friday. Phonii
WANTED Shirtwaists, children's dresses
and undergarments to make. 910 Thur
man st. mur
ain'-n TT'sh by the dy- Phone
Main 410. room 41.
MANICURIST, experienced, wants position
prerer barber shop. AC 619. Oregonlan.
LESSONS given in drawing, painting; spe
cial rates by the term. Main 8IS3!
COLORED LADY wants work. Phone Main
EXPERIENCED waitress wants position in
hotel. East 5452.
LACE CURTAINS washed and stretched 40c
a pair. .Phone Main 559S, A 4092.
GIRL wants work ln small store K 778
Oregonian. "
WANTED Modern unfurnished house of 5
or 6 rooms, with all Improvements, for
family of 4 adults: state location and
price. E 773, Oregonlan.
WANTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping
rooms by young couple; walking distance
from Union Depot; give location, price and
phone. N 776. Oregonlan.
FURNISHED roam wanted in private home
by young lady employed; no other roomers
close In; state price, location, nhone
West Side only. N 775, Oregonlan.
WANTED By student, place to work for
board and room; school hours 9 A. M m
, 4 P. M. Phone Main 3001.
SMALL furnished cottage near carline no
children, may buy. state price and terms
H 1 1 3, Oregonlan.
6 2S 7-1"oom flat or cottage with porch A
72, Oregonian.
And anything else you have to selL
Main 5655. m
WANTED Men's cast-off clothing and
snoes; we also buy household furnUhlngs
highest prices paid. Call at- the -k-ITC
Deal." 62 3d st. North. PhoSl xhJL ZT
TH!E Auction' Co. will give you the most
PhonreVa0.rn 2
HIES5T04PRIC1Ei ald ,for Phone
East 5204. 194 Grand ave.. cor. Taylor.
SP.,C?T.VaSh Efld for 7"r furniture; prompt
attention always given. Phone East los"
Pays the price" for second-hand Tarnl
ture. East 9SS. B 2311.
Fmnusneol Rooms.
Corner loth and Washington Sts.
TJnder new management. The most mod
ern and up-to-date rooming-house in the
city; very nicely furnished; private oaths,
not and cold water in all rooms steam
heat; special attention given to tourist
trade: prices very reasonable. Call and
be convinced.
Corner loth and Washington Sts.
JUST opened, the Irving. $13 Oak, cor. th:
your choice ot SO large absolutely new
and elegantly furnished rooms; steam
heat, electric lights, running water, etc.;
these rooms are exceptionally nice, fur
nished ln genuine mahogany and quarter
aawed oak: rates $4 up week. $l-up day.
THE BARTON, 13th and Alder; new man
agement; newly renovated throu(hout; 70
outside rooms; steam hear, electric lights,
etc.; rooms $10 month up: suites with
running water. $22.50 to $30; elegant
public parlor; phones snd baths free.
seventh, Ankeny and Burnslde.
Everything brand new, homelike and
comfortable; rates reasonable. Free buss.
Free baths.
THE BUCKINGHAM. Yamhill st. opp. Port
land Hotel Fireproof building; all mod
ern conveniences; special rates to perma
nent guests. A. H. Pracht, proprietor.
A FEW elegantly furnished outside single
rooms, all modern conveniences. both
phones, walking distance; $12 and up
The Mercedes. 20th and Washington sts.
Nicely furnished and unfurnished rooms
lor housekeeping; bath and phone, at 389
6th st. Phone A 2645.
Washington and 17th, first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite; all modern con
veniences; $3 weekly up. A 247, Main 6647
THE ESTLS Good rooms, reasonable- new
furniture, telephone and baths free. 3274
Stark, corner 6th. Mrs. Maud J. Estes.
MONARCH HOTEL Neatly furnished
rooms, modern conveniences, reasonable
rates. 865 Stark, cor. Park.
THE REX. 18th and Washington Modern
qimi iiuuaeKBtpiiig running water,
baths. A 1856, Main 4632.
THE LUXOR, isth and Clay, newly fur-
v,uu.ui rooms; steam neat, electrlo
light; $10 per month.
T"E RANDOLPH, 3d and Columbia, rooms;
. .to - to $4 week.
KICE. clean rooms, by day or week; price
-.1 n n wwiingion.
THE ELWOOD Newly furnished $2 to $5
" L mo n aiorrison.
NICELY furnished rooms, very convenient.
129 14th St.. bet- Wash, and Alder.
THE ANGELES, 6th and Jefferson, modern
- wuu aiiarunenis; both phones.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
EAST SIDE Modern front room, private
: , ' -"--"v -to. uiCO view, walk
ing distance, reasonable. 186 Halsey et
Phone East 1665.
52.50 LARGE, new. sunny; ten minutes'
?q to P- '; o"01- heat. Phone Main
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, private
CaTliToh1 s.Catln- -
13TH' corner Madison, nicely fur
nished rooms, new house, every con
venience; gentlemen.
NEWLY furnished front room for rnntl
PrlYat ..lamlly; bath, gas. 392
210 7Tu rr 1 1
, . , , . - "a injm irostorcice:
' ?Kft bedroom, 2; other rooms, $2.50 to
DESIRABLE corner room, new fiat. West
Side, ulrtca in li.l. n..-, "
CHEAP roorr.s $8 and $10; newly furnished
quiet; close in. 452 5th.
FURNISHED room. 125 North 17th st
upper flat. Phone Main 4565.
PL-E-iV!ANT..front room, all conveniences.
703 Everett st.
NICELY furnished rooms, everything flrst
clasa 530 Couch st.
PIiEAJ!1AN'. Tront rom. all conveniences,
walking distance. 361 10th. ".
Rooms With; Board.
Modern In everx respect; steam haat
electric lights, hot and cold vrater in
every room, elevator and bellboy service
with excellent meals a specialty. Cor!
Grand and Hawthorne aveaT
WALKING distance. 617 Kearney, cor. 19th.
elegantly furnished apartments, suitable
for married couple with a child; with
board; first-class table; all modern con
veniences; beautiful grounds; also swell
furnished rooms for gentleman. with
breakfast and dinner. $30 per month.
BLAKELY HALL., 300 Jefferson, between
5th and 6th Pleasant rooms, first-class
board, beautiful grounds, finely located
for business people. Phone A 6345.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 20th year
rooms with board, use of sewing-room and
l.brary; Women's Exchange. Miss Frances
Heath, Supt.. 510 Flanders st.
THE LINDELL 269 Market; nicely furnished
front rooms, first-class board; modern rea
sonable: fine walking distance.
THE COLONIAI Corner 10th and Morri
son, fine large rooms, lowest rates, best
place in clt for a home.
LARGE front room with board, suitable for
. two; also smaller rooms, modern, close ln
89 East 8th st. North. Phone East 722.
THE WALDORF One large front room,
r47h13th. a Maln'2lT8ater: reaaonab"-
THE MORRISON, 533 Morrison st.. family
hotel, modern, new management; board
optional: best table hoard; prices moderate
ROOMS with first-class board, at 635 Couch
The Sterling.
ROOMS, single and en suite, modern con
veniences. 432 Morrison, cor. 13th.
THE OZARK, 225 11th Light, airy rooms
w-lth hoard, hot and cold water.
FIRST-CLASS rooms, table board 30 North
17th, Phones A 2595. Main 4921.
THE BEVERLY. Park and Yamhill sts. 1
Room ana board at moderate rates.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
NI,pE rooms, newly furnished, modern,
homellk-a. private; home cooking 3"0
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room, board
or without, for two. small private family
conveniences; fine home. 212 11th.
PLEASANT room for one. bath, breakfast
Ph'onedA n4e37'9. PHVate- y "as"ab'-
NEWLY furnished room with board, gentle
II th ererred; also board by week. 195
TWO refined boarders, pleasant surround
ings, all modern conveniences, good home
3' --i. , , - jencraon st.
ROOM with board, near bath, for 2, walk-
" -.""m. r-t-oiie jyiain
$2() Choice front room and board
homa rnnVIn, .:n . i.-
MA,Di?ON PARK apartments, cor. Park and
Madison, a 4-room corner apartment, free
city phone, steam heat, hardwood floors,
automatic elevator, electric lifts and every
other convenience, brick building, 4
Richardson Apartments, 14th and Market;
for nurses and business women; every
convenience; must be seen to be appre
ciated. Phone Main 2330 A 3C53.
IONIAN COURT Elegant 3-room furnished
apartment, private vestibule, bath, steam
heat, hot and cold water, range refriger
ator, telephone and janitor service. Apply
janitor, 18th and Couch.
BEAUTIFUL 4-room furnished apartment ln
swell house, close in, every convenience
including janitor service; piano. J c'
Strusie, 432 Chamber of Commerce.
JEFFERSON I AN Nicely furnished 2 and
3-room suite for housekeeping, strictly
modern; 16th and Jefferson,
473 SALMON Furnished 4-room apartment.
Rt,,ni hp H t nrivat. hnth, . . l .
---- . Mim OOtn
phones. .
COLUMBIAN and Victorian, 3 and 4-room
modern apartments, nth and Columbia,
1EIMZ P,RTMKN"rS- and Columbia,
easy walking distance, new. brick build
ings. In 2, 3, 4-room family apartments,
private bath and reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, freo phone. Jan
itor service, maximum of convenience
completely furnished ready for housekeep
ing, from $30 to $50 month.
Marlborough. 21st and Flanders: 6-room
""" every convenience. Main 751A.
503-506 Ablngton bldg.
a rooms, steam-heated; hot water; Jan
$37.50n!W aad modern- 668 " Kearney;
JeffeonVs?' aBd COIy- 286 16th
ME.RIi,,"ai- 'l3t I- " Irving. In-
lrving grocer, corner 23d and
M aveERindt0lHanvT na'- Vi"."."
Fries & Co-7 229 Stark " a"""-
MMdEKUvf-n'1k7"r00m fiat- readable; near
eveningT Msln MsT" ,norn;ng and
rRoROM.!at-. fu.rni,hed :
r-- west side; rent
$35. 623 Marshall st
FOR RENT 9-room new upper flat 3 bath
rooms. 150 North 24th. Inquire 65 fh
st. Phone A 6011 M. 691
MODERN fiats. 192,4 and 194 14 McMlllen
... uium vi otei Driage. Atnlv
188 McMlllen st 6 -PPiy
5-ROOM flat for rent, 9th and Davis. Phone
4-ROOM upper flat, bath, water, gas; walk-
... . oil ui'O. -w JC11CI son.
5-ROOM, steam heat, fine location, doss
ln; no children. 664 Couch.
EWLT, modern aad 6 and 7-room flats, 80s,
- -j - - . x-uuua Alain eutu.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts..
Newly furnished for housekeeping. In
cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot
water, baths, laundry, reception-room, all
Tree; furnished apartments $13 per month
up: single housekeeping rooms $2.60 week
up; best ln city for money; short dls
;anc from Union Depot- Take "8" or
luth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st-
y ashlngton, cor. 20th Nicely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas ranges. hot
water, free bath, free phone, both, floors:
nice suites from $12 up. '
ONE elegantly furnished 2-room housekeep.
ing apartment; hot and cold running;
water, free phone, walking distance. Th
Mercedes. 20th and Washington sts
632 WILLIAMS AVE., turnlshed and unfur
rooms "ousek,eei)ln rooms; also singla
ONEONTA, 187 17th, near Yamhill 2 and 8
room furnished suites (gas range, hot and
cold water, steam heat, baths). M. 4687.
THE M1LNEH. 85UV4 Morrison, cor. Park.
Unfurnished apartments; elevator, phones,
bath, hot and cold water ln each suite.
UNFURNISHED 2 and 8-room bay window
suites ln beautifully centrally located
.iiaiiuicui-uuuBii. stiD jeaenoD, cor. tth.
THE MILNER, 350 Morrison, cor. Park.
Furfilshl.i1 -lnil-Tmon,,- 1 ....... V.
bath, hot and cold water In each suite.
THE NEWCASTLE Furnished housetep
lng rooms, single and suites, steam heated.
walking distance, 3d and Harrison.
$1.50 WEEK up. large, clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; parlor, laundry
bath. ' 184 Sherman, South Portland.
THE ELMS Furnished 2 and 3-roora apart
tnents; heat, phones, bath. 191 14th St.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. 8th, newly fur
nlshed suite and single room complete.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 355
EXPERIENCED bakery saleswoman wanted
Apply Dressers & Sealy-Mason Co.
NICELY furnished housekeeping- rooms,
strictly modern. 514 Jefferson st.
Housekeeping Rooms in xTivate Famliy.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, new
gas. electric light, heat, bath, convenient.
1 block L car, near O. R. & N. carshops
cor. Morris, 622 Delay st. "
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, elec
tric lights, gas, furnace heat, free phone
and bath, $14 per month. 509 Johnson,
near 14th.
THREE rooms furnished complete for
housekeeping, free phone, hath, pantry:
no children. 307 N. 18th st. r
FIVE connecting rooms, completely fur
nished, suitable for four persons; rent
reasonable. Telephone - Main 904.
NEWLY furnished front housekeeping room;
gas, phone and bath; very convenient, $12;
also side room. $10. 224 North 16th.
SUITE of two housekeeping rooms, excep
tionally well furnished. 474 Clay St., cor.
SUNNY housekeeping rooms, single or en
suite, walking distance. 661 Washington,
corner Ella.
LARGE room, completely furnished for
housekeeping. Including wood, gas, bath,
etc., $10. 211 Sherman St., cor. 1st.
THREE or 4 clean, nicely furnished rooms;
all conveniences; good yard. 433 7th st.
TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms,
good view, gas, bath, phone. 515 YamhllL
THREE front rooms, completely furnished
for housekeeping. 214 13th st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. 149
13th St., near Morrison.
LARGE, unfurnished front room, bath,
heat, gas. 362 3d St., apartment 3.
634 MORRISON ST. Beautiful bay-window
front rooms, large, airy; well furnished.
534 MORRISON ST Beautiful bay-window
front rooms, large, airy; well furnished.
ONE or two furnished rooms and a kitchen;
modern. 362 Park st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
front, sink, phone! 269 College st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 67 N.
14th St., bet. Davis & Everett.
313 14TH Corner Clay, clean, light 1 and
2-room housekeeping suites.
WHEN YOU MOVE you always need NEW
furniture. ,
BUY AT NO-RENT prices; the saving
will exceed cost of moving.
cupy one-half; colect rent on balance.
Grand ave. and B. Stark. Phone East 2923,
STRICTLY modern house, baths, large at
tic, cement basement, furnace, two fire
places, laundry tubs, gas and electricity;
near Washington High SchooL Inquire
room 301 Dekum bldg.
DELIGHTFUL modern home. 9 rooms and
sleeping porch. Nob Hill district, beauti
ful grounds; will sell all or part furni
ture and rent house at $40. Office. 288
Washington st.
6-ROOM house in Sunnyside. close to car,
tun lot, sewer, etc., only $18. Vanduyn A
Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce.
$25 MODERN 9-room house, large yard,
fruit, on carline, first-class condition. 413
Buchanan bldg.
WILL rent furnished house to parties will
ing to board two people. Fr.r particulars
call Room 523. Lumber Exchange.
7-ROOM modern house. Holladavs Addi
tion. $30 per month; carpets, shades, gas
range for sale cheap. Phone Main 1055.
$20 MODERN 6-room bouse, walking dis
tance: adults, $12 rebate, 12th month.
4B7 East Giant
IRVINGTON. 7-room house, adults. N. E.
cor. 15th and Tillamook st.
$22 50 6 room3; gas, bath, wash trav, base
ment, yard. 845 Front. Main 6323.
6-ROOM house, strictly modern, good loca
tion, in Sunnyside. 209 E. 36th st. A 5345.
MODERN 8-room house, 771 Hoyt st., neat
23d. Apply 662 Johnson.
T-ROOM modern house. Nob Hill. Apply
janitor, 570 Couch.
NEW house, 5 rooms and bath. No. 69 East
19th st. N. Apply 132 6th st. Main 6278.
Fumlsraed jtionses.
$20 Cozy sitting-room, dining-room, kitchen,
neatly furnished; private home; desirable.
463 Hall st.
I MODERN, six-room, furnished house for
. - . , ...... .. . . . - . .
I - 11.u111.u1. ' ' I jctu, . - " i. .rt per 111 I III L II.
I phone A 12S8.
4-ROOM flat completely furnished, piano r
walking distance. 623 Marshall. Rent $33.