t AMUSEMENTS. I JSEW TODAY. 1 NIW TODAY. T . KEW Tnniv 1 i ; . T-TT7T T fi THEATER Alll LIVjr 14th and Wasj, Phones Main 1 and A 1123. S NIGHTS. BEIlIXXIXa TONIGHT 8:15 : Special Price Matinee Saturday. The Charming Comedienne IXORENfE (.MR Tn the Musical Play "MARRYING MARY" Evenings, $1.50 to 50r: Matinee. $1 to 25c. Scats Are Now Helling. HEILIG THEATER SEAT BALE OPENS TOMORROW Clyde Fitch's Brilliant Comedy "GIRLS" 4 Nights Beginning; Next Sunday special Price Matinee Wednesday Evenings $1.50 to 60c; Matinee $1 to 23 o i:mSLri?- Th.Pater Co. (Inc.). Less.ee; Geo. Baker srte?.eral Manager. All this week, ii.?...7l ' pk Company in a magnificent pro duction of "FAUST." gntflcent pro- evening. Z3C, 60c. Matinees, 13c. 25c. MAIN s. A 1CS0. Matinees Sundays and Holidays. NIGHTS THfATFR ir, oc cn7r,0 "cek of March 13 Tom Nawn, In "Pat and the tirnii;" Eight Melanin. I-oiir 4'astlna lumbers. "Vlrrlep." Kaye. Miller and Wes ton; w. R. Whittle. Charles Matthews. Or pneum Orchestra and pictures. PANTAGES THEATER Advanced Vaudeville. Stars of All Nations. THE GREATEST OF THE HERRMANNS, The Beautiful Queen of Magic, AllKI.MI.E HERRMANN. Widow of the only and original Herrmann the Great, as CLEOPATRA." the Egyptian 5?rV.7 P1-""""" -The Bleeping Baut?" STsrA.g'aa', "Sj"" b THE GRAND-VaudeyiIledeL0x. WEEK OK MARCH 15, ANOTHER BIO BttL. Don Leno's Ellsworth Undo I-es tieorgcttys Errao taruh Cogswell Hurry Mclluffeo (jruiidascope Youngsters NEW TODAY. SNAP. $1900 buys corner. 100x100, 4-room cot tage, near carllne, 5 minute service See owner, 4X2 Prescott St. Phone Woodlawn BO. Located In lrvlngton Heights. GEORGA BLAt R, PtTBLIC ACCOUNTANT. (All Branches.) 823 Worcester Bldg. Phones. Main S.iTl A 40IS. Council Crest CITY VIEW. 2 large, well-located lots. $750 each, "erms. A good buy for someone. PURSE, 818 Chamber of Commerce. Nob Hill Corner The long side faces east. Elegant view, restricted dis trict. Level and no climb ito reach it. $6000 E. J. DALY 32. S-4 FAILING BLDG. RICH FRUIT LAND NEAR P0RTL AND.VERI CHEAP We discovered this land on certain foothills In Yamhill County. We pur chased several thousand acres and se cured options on all the best for sale. Six prominent horticulturists of the state heard of it; they came with long users, bored and tested. They bought of us. They cared nothing; for price; they wanted soil. They got it in this certain locality. If you want any size tract from 10 acres up you. will be astonished at the low price and terms we can make you. Come and investi gate. PORTLAND-YAMHILL LAND CO. 823 and 025 Ruard of Trade. BUSINESS SITE 55x100 Mailt son, near Second, north side. Chapin & Herlow Chamber of Commerce. $2500 80x100 Head of JOHNSON ST. (Melinda Ave.") beautiful hillside lot. Cheapest ground on the West Side. Be Quick. HUMASON 6 JEFFERY !A 3S14. 226 Stark St. JI. 11S9. 100x100 on 16th St. Near Thurman. Improved ., ... MV S23.000 if taken at once. only JS0O0 cash, balance 10 years at 6 per cent. C. K. PFLIUBR CO, Room 14. Mi.lkcy Rids:, Second and Morrison Ms. MORTGAGE LOANS lowest rates and terms to anltt sne rial rate, and favorable term, oa lane, loans on business properties. Funds UaseU (or Private Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 2Q2 McKay Bldjt.. 3d Stark, FOR SALE OR TRADE 1500-acre stock ranch. $10 per acre all fenced, all tillable, substantial improve ment.", in louKlas County; or will ex-t-liange for Portland property or close jln acreage, paying difference. JrKSOS ADEEHijiG, 'V1ium "Msl 35. 218 Stark St- sX Vx : f FOB SAL-RKAL ESTATE. FOB SALE-REAL ESTATE. BARGAIN 12-room modern house, full lot, in best residence district on the West Side; 10 per cent income on invest ment. Easy terms. G. M. ROSENSIEIL Phone Woodlawn 917. y NOTICE 3 LOTS ON CATILINE. East 64th st-, between Hawthorne and Lincoln. THIS IS GOING. SEE KUPPER. Chapin & Herlow 333 Chamber of Commerce. Dee 1 iiis 64x100 on St. Clair St., near Wash ington st- Fine apartment site. A bargain at - $12,500 Humason & Jef f ery A 3814 210 Stark St. M ll.NO GREENWAY Beautiful 8-Roora House No better-built house on the Heights; splendid view; lot 100x100. Must sell. Half cash. PRICK S7500. Have some lots in Oreenway also. CHAPIN 6 HERLOW 33 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE A BBAUTIPIl HOUSE ON EASY MOXTHLY PAYMENTS. Your choice of those new, modern, six-room houses, N. W. cor. 27th and havler sts., near Forestry Park; gas electricity, fireplaces, furnaces, fuli cement basements. Price. $4250: $400 down. $40 per month. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY (owlet) 01 Board of Trade Bldg., Phone Main 447. Look,10Net 4 modern flats and Il-room house; corner lot; paved street; best location In Nob Hill. Income $210 per. month. $20,500. terms Humason 6 JeKery M 1189 228 Stark St. INVESTMENT Albina and Stanton Northwest corner. 135x100; income about $1320. Price $12,000. Apartments and cottages. CHAPIN & HERLOW 331S Chamber of Commerce. A CORNER M ore Than a Quarter Good location for apartments. Walking distance on West Side. A SNAP TERMS. 407 GERLINGER BUILDING. Merchants Attention ,.."rh,e, TP and Bottom store at 303 Washington st. win close its doors Saturday, March 20, 10:30 P. M., there after tlie entire stock will be sold to the highest bidder at auction. Stock consists of men's clothing, hats, fur nishing goods, etc. DO YOU WANT THIS? 6-room new bungalow, strictly mod ?r". in , Vvery hardwood floors; lutch kitchen; gas and electric; $600 worth ol new furniture. This is on carllne: South Portland: 15 minutes' out. This is high and sightly. Knough said and not half told; $5000, half cash, balance to suit. SELLERS a smith, 30S Roard of Trade. A GOOD INVESTMENT $140,000 oNe.W 1Jrlck PJ1 f.uU quarter block on 3d street, north of Burnside. All rent ed to permanent tenants. Income 10 per cent. Terms one-third cash. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO, 317 Worcester Block. MODERN BUNGALOW s. $2000 5 rooms, new; 42d street, between Raymond and Plymouth; one block from W. W. car. Terms. We have others. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM HOUSE Gas. electricity, furnace, stationary tubs, full basement; LOVELY VIEW; $1500. $1700 cash, balance easy terms. No. 1004 Thurman, near 29th. MARTIN J. HIGLEY 132 Third St. A BUNCH OF 20 LOTS at a great bargain If taken immediate ly Call on BKOXO - STEELE CO, 110 Second St, THE MOBXIXG. OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, SOUTH PORTLAND $1200 $1500 $1600 $1700 $1700 $1800 $2000 $2000 $2150 $2500 $3100 $3250 $4000 $4250 $4500 $4200 $5000 $5000 $5300 $5400 $6500 $6000 $6500 $8000 $8300 6-room cottage, on Water St.. rented for $10; $300 cash, $20 month. Lot 42xll0, on Kelly at; fine view; can't be shut off. 6-room cottage on Curry st.; $500 cash. $20 per month. Lot 76x170. on 1st St.. of will sell 35x170 for $800. 4- room cottage on Kelly St.; a snap; easy terms. 6- room cottage on 2d St.; $500 cash, $20 per month. 7- room house, near 2d and Whitaker; $500 cash, b'al. easy. Nice 4-room cottage, 2d and Curry; $500 cash, $20 'per mo. Fine 6-room cottage, near Children's Home; easy terms. 5- room house, near Front and Lincoln; $1000 cash. Good 8-room house on Lincoln St.; $1500 cash. Nice 6-room cottage. 4th st. near Sherman; $20,00 cash. Nice 8-room house, 1st St., corner; $2500 cash. Elegant, new, modern, 6-room house, full lot; Grover st. 10-room house on Front st full lot; half cash. 10-room house on Corbett bL, lot 60x120; half cash; snap. Double house. Water St.. rent ed for $36 per month; terms. A swell home of 7 rooms on Corbett sL; fine view; terms. New, modern. 7-room house, corner Corbett and Gibbs; half cash. A swell bouse. Two houses on Corbett St., bringing 10 per cent in rent on the price; part cash. 5-room cottage, full lot, Mont gomery near 3d; $2650 cash. Good cottage and full lot. on 3d st. near Lincoln. 2 good 7-room houses on nice corner lot on Kelly street, $3500 cash. 4 houses and quarter block, rented for $58 month, on Kelly st; half cash. Fine 8-room house, corner lot, Hall St., close in; rented for ai.ou; worth $10,000. J. W. GRUSSI 265 Ylashlnarton, near 3d, room T. Lovejoy Street Lot 50x100 on Lovejoy St., near 22d. with modern dwelling in fine condi tion. 1-our bedrooms and servant's room. Price $9000. Mt. Tabor One and one-half acres in the choic est part of Mount Tabor, with fine dwelling in perfect condition. Beauti ful view; lots of small fruits and fine orchard of cherries, apples and pears. Is a snap and must be seen to be ap preciated. Price $15,000. .4 Irvington New bungalow with five bedrooms ana every modern convenience; close to the best car service on the East Side; asphalt street. Price is right and can make desirable terms. Price $6000. Irvington New and modern two-story house. fa0. bedrooms and sleeping porch. Built by day's work of the best materials.- Close to best car service, on asphalted street. This is a snap. Can yia,ke very desirable terms. Price $62u0. R0UNTREE6 DIAMOND 241 Stark St, Cor. Second. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW Best Location on East Side This beautiful 6-room bungalow has Z large and one small bedrooms, nice clothes closets, nice reception hall porcelain bath and best of plumbing living-room and dining-room with open ing; Dutch -kitchen with porcelain sink and woodllft; good furnace, gas elec tric and combination fixtures, nice fire place and built-in bookcases, medicine, chest with mirror, nice porches, cement walks, steps and basement with cement floor, which is subdivided into parts stationary tubs; streets graded and sewers all paid. Price $3150, easy terms. Call at our office and investi gate this at once. Ralph Ackley 605 Corbett Bmlding S TRICTLY I MODERN 8-Room House Well built; 2 lots; fine trees and splen did view. People are moving away and must sell. One-half cash, balance 3 years Price $7500. In Greenway on Talbot road, near carline. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVER APPLE LAND 20 acres all improved. 3 miles from town of Hood River: 10 acres in or chard, standard varieties: 5V acres in bearing; 10 inches water right; .good seven-room house and small barn; near school and church. Terms easv. Write to owner. J. W. Jenkins. McCoy Ore gon, or see J. F. Mcllroy on the place. Phone 1S42 K. He will meet you at the station in Hood River and show you the place. NOB HILL HOMES IRVIN ST.. cor. of 22d, fine, large 12-room house and ground. 150x100. KEARNEV ST., near 25th. beautiful modern 8-room house and full lot. Sightly. MARSHALL ST,- near 24th; well ar ranged 7-room house and fractional lot. S'e V. for Price and Terms. STRONG & CO. Financial Agents, 005 Concord Bids;. Warehouse Corner Good 6-room house, rents $25 per month, right in warehouse district. Fractional corner lot. Only $4000 Tom M. Burney Room 15, 270 Washington St. A ' Main. 1885 4 LOTS Heart of the Peninsula; close to car line; also near Swift & . Co.'s holdings. A money-maker. $1000 Humason & Jef f ery lur - nnA ... M 1189 226 Stark St. A 3S14 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. F. Abraham. 205 Ablnston bids. Main 82IS. Andrews,F.V. & Co. M. 3349. 30 Hamilton bg. Baker. Alfred A., 115 Ablnston bldg. Beck, William c. 312 FaiUnjr bldg Birrel!. A. H. Co., 202-3 McKay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgage loans, etc. Brubaker & Benedict. 603 McKay big. M. 649 Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. S. & Co.. 503 Corbett bldg. Fields. C. E. & Co.. Board of Trade bldg. Jennings & Co., Main 168. 206 Oregonian. Le. M. E-, room 411 Corbett bldg. Parrish, Watkins & Co.. 250 Alder st. ' Richardson. A. B., 221 Com. Club bldg- " Schalk. Geo. D., 264 Stark St. Main or A 302 Bnarkey, J. p. Jfc Co., 122V4 Sixth St. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st (Holladay Addition.) Waddel w. O., 309 Lumber Exchange bldg. White. B. F.. 2274 Washington St. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE Three bungalows: one with Turniture or without; walls tinted; six rooms each, bathroom, bath tub, station ary wash stands, large pantry with china closet, hot and cold water, plate rail in dining-room, electric lights, full base ment, stationary wash tubs. Will sell Cheap, as parties wish to leave town. o bridges to cross. South Portland. Take Kultoo car, 2d and Morrison, get oft at Thompson St.. or phone A 3096. Easy terms. On carllne, 3 blocks from school. IRVINGTON BARGAIN'. X39O0 for fine 7-room house, block im carllrie: cement eldewaiks, lot BOx loo, beautiful lawn, roses, etc.. full base ment, brick foundation; this !s a good buy; S?me. ,?.nd look at Jt- Dletz-Mueller Co.. 316 Ablngton bldg. MUST SELL AT ONCE. 1 Jra , me reasonable offer on lot 50x lix. strictly modern 0-room house; every convenience: 1 block E-A car; fine loca tion: will soil furniture, all at a sacri 5S?i "'S snap for someone. Owner. Main J2ol. Call 508 Gerllnger bldg. EPJGL1SH WALNUTS. w are the largest owners and planters ;nT.reson-.u We have the 0I"- Planted tracts on the market. Our properties are ;n . waln"t country, Yamhill. 5-acre CHr-RV1?JarTe'-f1.0r?cash' 15 Pr month. CHURCHILL, MATTHEWS CO., INC . Lumber Exchange bldg., sd and Stark sts A SUMMER HOME SNP 80 acres choice fruit and farming land: no rock; near Sandy, on line Mt. Hood survey; magnificent mountain scenery, fine running water, some good timber, some easy to clear; cheap buildings: only 2S per acre. Vanauyn & Walton. 615 Chamber Commerce. NEl'S tn'sfortunte gives us chance to sacrifice new. tibcr plastered, pretty bun galow, 5 rooms, bath, eink, patent toilet hot and cold water, concrete foundation and nice lot; this week only at $13u0- $:-t5 p down. $15 monthly. Come early. Portland Homes Co., 204 Morrison st. i Imagine getting your own little home by paying only -60 cash and balance same as rent; a fine, strictly modern, 4 room cottage and bath, good location. 1. block from car; price l00. Sweet-Head- 6680C Ai'lill 5Ul near Alder- Maln IRVINGTON 2 very choice 60x100 lots, near East 10th and Thompson sts.; all Improvements In and paid for; nice ele vation; price reasonable; must be sold at Sflf CVJF- Plueer & Co., room 14, Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. $1300 ONLY A nice 5-room house on W R fr ,n- faclnK Clinton st., corner lot. 50x 100; bearing fruit trees; either house or lot alone worth the money; S500 down. ?? "J?0?, to l1!!,1- c- F- Pnuger & Co., room 14 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts BELMONT STREET. Six-room house on fractional lot in busi ness center of Sumiyslde for $2200 This Is a snap. H. P. PALMER. 213 Commercial Club Bids. $200 CASH, balance monthly, pretty 5-ro7m strictly modern bungalow; best littlo buy n. Vle wBa".1 Slde; clo!,e to car; (food neighborhood; price ?'300. Sweet-Head- emcae. now. bth SL. near Airier vt.i 66S0. A 1211. '11 '.!!0T?' st SlQe- fine 8-room house and 30x100 lot, on Qulmby St., near 19th all Improvements in and paid for; only $1500 cash, balance 9 years at 6 per cent C P Pfluger St Co.. room 14 Mulkey bldg..' 2d and Morrison sts. s CORNER 20TH AND EAST ANKENY Swell 8-room house, furnace, fireplace etc.; everything modern, $r,M0. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. IRVINGTON. New. modern. 6-room. 2-story house east front. E. 11th. bet. Tillamook and Thompson. Owner, A 1814. after 5:30 P M-. and Sunday c 1604. $4500; terms. A GOOD BUY. Lot on East 10th st.. Brooklyn Heights, nigh elevation, good view, cheap THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark St. BRAND NEW 3-room house, and lot 40x100: house is plastered and painted; has cement foundation; a snap at $800; J300 cash, balance easv. SPENCER & CO.. 102 2d St. $1100 IRVINGTON. "Vs have a choice lot one block from carline for $1100. on eaey terms. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg $1550 Two good lots in South Portland on marline, east front, fc, cash, long time on balance. M. E. Lee, Room 411 Corbott blclg. INVESTORS TAKE ' NOTICE Wonderful opportunity to purchase Madison-street trackage property at bargain tigurcs; terms. AD 760. Oregonian s ' $4200 BUYS a fine new home in fine neigh borhood. 7 rooms, full cement basement strictly modern, piped for furnace half cash, balance on time. 627 Corbett bldg. $4200 65x100. -room cottage, nice yard, lots of fruit and flowers. West Side; cash M. E. Lee, Room 411 Corbett bldg. TWO lots in South Portland, very fine view awful cheap; come make otter. Call 513 Chamber Commerce. $6o0 Fine building lot, near Hawthorne ave. in district of fine homes. M. E. Lee Room 411 Corbett bldg. Vi ACRE in Brentwood, cor. lot. nice gar den, strawberries MO0) and small fruit. Address Shepard & Son, Beaverton Or I CHALLENGE you to find a better lot for $30O than the one I am compelled to sell Immediately. G 773. Oregonian LOT 50x100 on Flint st. Inquire 42 Rod ney sve. FOR SALE Lot 25x100. on Willis blvd , peninsula. What am I offered. A 5273. 3 BEAUTIFUL lots. John Irving' Add cheap. Phone E. 896; C 1903. I HAVE some choice lots In city on easy terms. H 755. Oregonian.. LOT In Rose City Park, below company's price; must sell. Y 604, Oregonian. LIST your real estate or city property with W. H. Dudley & Co., 311 Btea-rn. T "idgT BARGAIN 6-room cottage, cor ftOxloo $1350. Holbrook. tbo tailor. Couch blag. ' CHEAP for cash, modern 4-room bungalow Owner, Phone Woodlawn 2046. BEAUTIFUL home In Piedmont. W w Payne. 1210 Williams ave. WEST SIDE Good 7-room bouse for sale. Apply owner. 330 Grant St. $2300 New bungalow: $100 cash, $20 month ly 4Uu npnr Hawthorns, labor uaa. MARCH 18, 1909. WE RECOMMEND THESE. 35x100 Gtisan at.; high and sightly: only $3500. Quarter block in Woodstock. S blocks from car. $500; easy terms. 47xS5 in Concord Heights, $425. 1050Xl00' corner !n University Park, only Corner of Newman and Vanderbllt sts.', good location for stores; $1100 cash. 7-room house, new. lot 80x100. Mount Scott line; see that for $2200. Sunnyslde cottage, corner lot, close to car; 5 rooms and modern; only $2700. . 7-room house. Piedmont, close to Pott land boulevard; lot 50x127; $3000. .cVBt finished modern O-room home; lot 48x113; near Hawthorne and E. 35th St.: only $4000; easy terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OREGON, S- E. Cor. Third and Oak Sts. IF you are looking for a snap in a flue neighborhood I have one to offer. Two O-room flats, just new. hardwood flor.rs. P',a no. finished woodwork. plats glass windows, hot water furnace, stationary wash stands In every bedroom, lot 50xloO 0,0 and see them. Nos. 610 and 612 Han cock St.. Irvington or Broadway car. Then come to me for price and terms. c. E. Illidge, 226 Stark St. , x SNAPS. 4 lots on Corbett St.. 100x110. on St. J ?. carline; small house and barn. v.?fx;!0 on .4stn house and barn, fruit, free water. 10 acres, 3 blocks from carllne Acre property on river front KINNEY & STAMPHER. 53-1 Lumber Exchange Bldg. A BARGAIN. K..ac.re!' near, Tremont station on Mt. Scott line. . all level, good soil. $500 per acre for a few days only. v W. L. YOUNGER & CO.. 411 Couch bldg. E,LL llttle East Slde honv3. JS00 cash, balance monthly: large reception hall wlf"jr00,m -Panoled dining-room. fine aitcnen, 3 bedrooms, closet space in each best of plumbing and bath lixtures, fuli basement; only $2700. Sweet-H-aad-Lemcke. A rn near Alder. Main 6680. ALBERTA CAR ADVANCING VERNON ..i'J10100' "'ehtly, east front 50x100, on E st;. North, 1 block from car, only t, ; cash; surrounding lots same block sold for $700; also a bargain, on terms on E. 23d St. North. Seaberg, El ton Court, city. Phone Private Exchange EAST COUCH AND 81ST. Modern 8-room house, with Inclosed st. porch. This is a very attractive home, and can be handled on terms. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. WHY PAY RENT ? We design and build modern homes on reasonable terms. A. C. EMERY CO., INC. Main 3501. 824 Chamber of Commerce. 100 PER CENT investment. 100 per cent; fac tory site; this property will double in value ln&ide of one year. CASCADE LAND CO.. Room 16 Hamilton Bldg. WEST SIDE INCOME PROPERTY. $22.000 Full quarter block, centrally located on 14th St.; Income $172 per month: terms. W. O. WADDEL. 309 Lumber Exchange. BUSINESS property, 50x100, Improved with store and dwelling, on Union avenue; price I10,0'A; terms half casn. balance long term; below surrouriding values. AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. 2O0 Chamber of Commerce IRVINGTON QUARTERS. v have several choice quarter blocks in Irvington at attractive prices. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg. $3200 EIGHT-ROOM, modrm new house this is a bargain; grounc, 100x00; it will pay you to look this up if vou want a snap. Palmer. 617 Oregonian bldg. M. LOOK, at this corner lot on Fremont St.. i4xlO0, Including improvements, cement sidewalks, curbs and street graded water and electricity; terms. $70 down, $15 per month. Phone Main 939 $300 CASH, balance small monthly pay ments, strictly modern 4-room cottage fj?!1 at 1950- Sweet-Head-Lemcke! A Ijjj tn "' near Alder. Main 6680, ACRE TRACT, West Side, 10 blocks to car line, 5c fare; only 16 minutes' ride; a good buy at $6O0: terms very easy. M. E. Lee. Room 411 Corbett- bldg. GOOD BUY. 10 3-10 acres near St John, all cleared, suitable for platting. I. Vanduyn, owner. 51a Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES for sale In all parts of the city; acreage close In and farms' In Oregon and Washington. Phone Main 44S6. Kinney & Stampher. 531-32 Lumber Exchange bldg BY OWNER 2 lots In Brooklyn, all Im provements, faces river with unobstructed view; must be sold at once. Call Wood land 2275, 6 to 9 P. M 100x100 FOR $550; 22 minutes' ride, 1 block from carline: water pipes, and streets graded; a fine building site. 320 Swet land bldg. BEFORE building see us. as we can save you money. Hayes Randolph, archi tects and builders. 617 Oregonian bldg. M. 8147. ACREAGE, well Improved, close to Monta- villa on Base Line road, 10 acres with a 4-room cottage and barn. Lind & Co room 329, Lumber Exchange. ' 6 CHOICE lots In Irvington, $1100. ll'OO and $1300 each; don't fail to call uo about these. E. 886, C 19S3. Doleu and Herd man. FOR SALE by owner, 100x100, with 6-room modem cottage, close to car; price $2300 $300 down, balance like rent. Phone Tabor 1467. BEAUTIFUL 5-room house, modern large closets, lot 100x100, Portland Heights overlooking the city; $8000. 627 Corbett bldg. LOOKING for a home? Beautiful homes furnished and unfurnished; also some de aituuie vacant iota, easy terms. Gold schmidfs Agency. 253 H Washington st. FOR A QUICK SALE. 100x100, Piedmont. 1 block from Kil Hngsworth ave. See owner, 201 Gerlinger bldg. $2750 BUYS a 6-room house, bath, gas, etc.. West Side; room for another house M E Lee. Room 411 Corbett bide. SWELL new modern bungalow, 6 rooms ?-en a.?.d keeping porch; 24 Ui and East amhill; terms. A FINE INVESTMENT On the Peninsula; 20 lots, overlooking the river. E. Hurlbert, 2J1 Gerlinger bldg. BY OWNER Corner lot. 50x100. 17th and Lovejoy. Inquire 49 3d, bet. 11 A. M and 1 P. M. J1- ACRE, new 7-room bungalow, $2500 lot Improved. Address Shepard & Son Beav erton, Or. PALMER & CO.. abstractors; "first-class work; our maximum price Is $"0 617 Oregonian bldg. Main 8147. $13.500 5CxlOO corner, well Improved good Investment. West Side. M. E. Lee Room 411 Corbett bldg. rioom FOR SALE House and lot on Hall st hot West Park and 13th, West Side Address P. Kell. Milwaukle. Or. Aaaress BEST quarter block on Portland Heights 1 block from car. Inquire of owner 473 Salmon st. ' ' INVESTORS Go to ths Owners' Realty As sociation; buy direct of owners and sava commissions., 205 Ablngton bldg. CHOICE lot. 7th snd Alberta, 3 blocks from Union ave.. $850 cash; owner needs the money. S 778, Oregonian. 8-ROOM bouse on sightly corner. Holladay's FaninbldV 575: term'- CaU 410 6-ROOM hot-water-heated house, Irvington district. $3500: terms. Take lots for part King. 899 Broadway, c 1796. $6S00 Lot on railroad, next Zan Bros ' new warehouse: 2 houses-. AC 605, Oregonian. CHEAP by owner, 6-room modern house terms. 1235 East 11th north. " CHOICE IRVINGTON lot. East 21et near Hancock-St.. $2000. C 771, Oregonian. FIRST-CHOICE lot In Alameda Park for original price. O 734, Oregonian. $70 DOWN, $14 month, lot In Swlnton. 50x 100; snap; must sell. S 776. Oregonian. 2 NEW, 8-room houses, splendid bargains, nico locations. Call E. 696i C 1994, DO TOT wait & 1 1 n t.- . ..fto "u want an investment? we have them to suit any pocketbook. $580 Corner lot 50x100. cast front, S room. house; terms reasonable. $1150 6-room house on Vancouver ave street improved with crushed rock ann paid for. This price good for this week only. $1250 Full-slsed lot with 3-room house near new High School. $1650 6-room house, plumbing and full sized east front lot. $2100 5-room house, lot 50x100. on Minnesota ave. $2300 A good buy; 6-room modern house, practically new; lot 60x100- easy terms. " $3."00 6-room, modern; cement base ment, gas and electricity; a line home: terms. $3650 Corner lot, fine home, convenient and coxy; good location; adjoining Wal nut Park; art cash. $.1600 New house, just finished, sit uated on fine corner. see this if you want something nice. JAMES D. OODEN. Successor to Thompson & Ogden. S4S Mississippi Ave. Phones Woodlawn 2i2, Home C 200S. 2;5 S-room nifty California bungalow, in Hyde Park: large living-room with fitv; place and buUt-in seat, dining-room pan eled with plate-rail, Dutch kitchen, ex pensive cabinet closets and shelves, wood hoist, bath between bedrooms, with full high-grade plumbing, .electric lights, alt woodwork selected finish, with beautiful stain and varnished; buyer can select tints ana electric fixtures; extra large closets, big basement, front and back porches, ce ment walk, curb and street Improvements ail paid; one chance in lifetime. Take Rose City Park car to Marina ave. and walk north to big stone entrance gates: owner on ground; terms, part cash. bal. in stallments. Coma today. This is direct from owner. .,. NOB HILL. 4o0 50x115. near Lovejoy and Cor . Perfectly level, elegant view, re stricted district. i $4500 Near 24th and Overton. 50x100. Including hard-surface pavement. 60100. near 24th and Qulmby. $4800 60x100. noar the Washington Apartments; tine for Hats. E. J. DALY. 222 Failing Bldg. $3850 BRAND new, modern. 8-room house and large barn, together with 75x.!7S-toot lot, all clear; facing the St. John carline. on Pippin street; fine fruit trees; must be sold at once; earnest money must be paid by Monday next or no sale. c. F. Pfluger & Co.. Room 14. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. F1RiJ; 7500-, 10 H acres, six miles from lortland; six-room. modern bungalow; water piped in house, bath, two pantries, barn, poultry-house and hogj.en, 7U0 apple. 4o cherry and 25 walnut trees; close to school. $3000 cash, balance to suit AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY. 2O0 Chamber of Commerce. ELEGANT HOME. EAST M IN ST A swell new 8-room, strictly modern house, on lot 75X1O0, corner: fine flie ?ia? ' h"5,-water heat. finest plumbing. In ISi..Soth'n5 '"missing; it Is In select I?,orhood and 11 you want a home Te:. prlce $1.500. J. w. Grussl. -i05 Washington, near 3d. room 7. ByZFh California br.ngalow. on corner lot. 6OX100; 5 large rooms, best plumbing, tint ed walls, paneled dining-room, built-in buffet and china closet, large fireplace, ar tistic eleatric fixtures. bedrooms. bath and kitchen enameled white. cement ??sn required. Conklin Bros.. 407 Wells-Fargo bldg. ..., ELEGANT HOME. k.L modern.- up-to-date. 6 rooms and ?. basement. bath, pantry, china closet, furnace. carpets. shades. fixtures and ??rnS:.PaV!d. str- lot 60x120 ; 20-foot aJle FS.r qi"ck sala- 42n0; part cash. C. B. LUCAS, 408 Corbett Bldg. , THE MAN WHO KNOWS VI 111 not pass this. Nearly an acre on west slope of Mt. Tabor. 225 feet frontage ??1.1?r..,a.Ve,iVe; Pre"' building site in this district; fine city view; about a dozen bearing cherry trees: $300, part cash J. R. STIPE, 720 Chamber of Commerce. ,., . A SNAP. TsiiiS ,.buy? a nlce llttIe cottage with 76x100 ft. of ground; barn and fruit: 3 blocks from car; terms, or will trade to wards small farm in t'.ie valley WESTERN LAND CO.." 417 Board of Trade. BARGAINS. Three lots 40x100. 10-foot alley; three room house on same that rents for $8.60 per month: $1650; Elberta. o.o Best 100x100 corner in Overlook Lot 60x100 on Davis St.; terms. Inquire J 76 i, Oregonian. CHOICE FRUIT LAND. .- L" .sa'mon Valley; we are ofTerlng some first-class buys, both In small and large-size tracts. $25 per acre and up. VANDUYN & WALTON. 615 Chamber of Commerce. STEEL BRIDGE HOMES If you are looking for homes, within walk ing distance, come to my office, get part iculars of from $3000 to $5000; easy terms on some. Lind & Co.. room 329. Lumber Excnange. A GOOD BUY. Lot 100x100 on Portland Heights near car. Splendid view of city. THE SPANTON CO., 270 Stark St. $3600. o-room modern house, near Walnut Park in attractive neighborhood. H. P. PALMER, 213 Commercial Club Bldg ..C9RNER LOT ON STH ST. , Sui t ab le for business or flats; very close In and will be sold cheap if taken quickly. GODDARD & W1EDRICK. HO Second Street. OVER 12 PER CENT INTEREST. Let me show you how you can get this Income by building flats on a lot 5xi oo l" wcV,,".1 i "f.a-r J''k'ne distance, room "7 Washington, near 3d. GOOD BUY. Lot 100x100 on Woodstock ave. near car fine shade and location ' THE SPANTON CO.. 270 Stark St. 1iiSrparmcnt "'te' near Washington st. almost 2 lots, facing on 2 Improved streets no better location for Income producer In Portland; $WH cash will handle. James I. Logan. 261,, Washington st.. Room 415. WE CAN show you good 10 per cent invest men; can increase this to UV. per cent Two 6-room flats, walking distance. East v 'te'K,7he Crossley Company, 708-709 Cor bett bldg. ARB YOU looking for a genuine snap? Six- iure, iwsiw, Mt. Scott car- i- e' , 'M60: reasonable terms; act imme- ujnitri... a ne Corbett bldg. AToM1nna,,Prk' Bood -rom house and lot 1-3x115; near carline; price $600: 2o0 cash, balance $10 per month SPENCER & CO.. 102 2d St $-600, TERMS, buys two new houses corner lot. on carline; see this good rental prop erty. Angeles Trust Co.. 326!i Washing ton St.. room 417. $2.'IOO BUYS the finest building lot In Rose City Park 145x155: this lot must be seln to appreciate the value; nothing like it on the East Side. 627 Corbett bldg $500 BUYS 50x100 near car. adolning Swift townsite. near Pippin st.; water in; only $50 down; double your money in 60 davs James c. Logan, 326 Washington St., Room 415. WTnnai,ltt,e ca9h wil1 d ?225 buysa ? x.l00 ,,ot .on o-cent carllne. inside citv limits: level, fine soil. Adler & Kurns, 2'7 Lumber Exchange. RP0,S cheap. Lower Albina, near car shops .lot 50x100; price $1500; term" TllVh J y VI6W- H" W" GarIand Co F?RomfALEr-Cn?!ce "edmont horn. 6 HJS, mdern improvements, 2 lots price $4i00; reasonable terms. Inquire 263 Kll lingsworth ave. WE HAVE an exceptional list to select a good home from; locations. prices and 708'oaac'oro1eEtttb.dgThe CrU'ey C'"''a- Na.,UrocaI?,,Serceheaanpd i? balance $10 per month. ' SPENCER & CO.. 105 Sd St. IRVINGTON lot. 50xlOo! cast front, neTr terms. manure uiu AHOll St.. 51200: James C. Logan. 326 Washing Room 415. ton st. WHO wants this cozy 5-room modern oot- tiuau i't car ana scnool; the price Is right; terms reasonable. CaU Thuradav A. M., 417 Board of Trade. $3600 7-room house, with three lots gar den and fruit trees; will divide ground Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce. $4500 BUYS one of the best-built homes on the East Side, 9 rooms, modern near Union ave. 627 Corbett bldg. THREE acres Castllloa rubber, series c 2 years old: equity and balance easy pay ments. Box 207. Medford. Or ' " i $7500 BUYS new flat, walkinir rti Side; rented for $50 per month, a. Hofer I 2&0 Oak st- onimiw . j.o - A COSY HOME. New 6-room modern bungalow, lot loox lOO; pleasant surroundings; 20-mlnute ride to postofflce, one block from fine car serv ice; large, bright, airy rooms, natural wood finish, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, electrio lights, fruit trees, chleken-house, nice lawn; built for home by owner; price $2.-50: easy terms. Teil us what yon want. We have It. CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2.1 and Stark Sts. SPECIAL West Side bargains. 10 acres ' niiies from 23d and Washington sts.; 7 acres cleared, 100 young bearing fruit trees, house and outbuildings, running water. Price $3500: terms. Rooming-house. io rooms, centrally lo cated; price right; a snap. Choice Oregon and Washington acreage from $10 up. Come and see us BARTLETT REALTY CO.. 612 Commercial Bldg.. 2d and Wash. sts. BEAUTIFUL LOTS 50x100. cement walks, etc.. paid. IS minutes on car. $550 to $650. 615 Swetland bldg. :J.007rModern bungalow: $4"0. $25 monthly, lattln ave.. near Hawthorne. Tabor 1768. FOR SALE FARMS. I FARMS. Close to Sheridan. Rich Soil. Fine Country. 9 Acres Adjoining town, 200 fruit trees, house and barn, horse and buggy, cow. etc.. and ail for $1700. 29 Acres Within city limits, all under cultivation, suitable tract for subdividing, $.';500'. 134 Acres Fine dairy farm. 200 apple trees, house, 2 barns. 3 acres t woods, rich soil, good neighbor hood. Ids water, $65 per acre; terms. 225 Acres Fertile land, good houses and barns. thrifty orchard. good water, good surroundings, $35 per acre. OREGON LAND St TIMBER CO.. Room 21 Washington bids-, 270 Washington St. HOME-SEEKERS. OPPORTUNITY. We. can show you where 10 acres Klickitat spple land at $50 an acre. will make more money than any lfto-acre farm in the East. Strawberries will nay you. First year $200 to $400 an acre l while you are waiting for your orchard to grow, any time you have to work others will pay you Two dollars and a half a day. Others are doing the same. Whv not you? : Come in and let us show you our plan MANCHESTER & WILSON. 247 Stark St. BIG money In fruit growing In Okanagan Valley. B. C. Fruit from my property near Kelowna won, several first prizes , at the International Fruit Show. Spokane. December last. I will sell 00 10-acre lots of this land on special terms of easv payments, which will enable purchasers to make their land earn purchase price (or realize a profit if bought for specu lation), before land is fully paid for Price. $200 per acre. Let me tell you how from $2000 to $5000 a year Is being earned from lo-acre fruit faxms In this district, and how easy it Is to buy a lot yourself. Thomas E. Bulman, Kelowna, H ERE ARE 80 ACRES OF LAND THAT AMOUNT TO SOMETHING. " o-vct or roc-K. Dut pure son arid lies pretty, a half mils from electric railway at Tonquln station: has a good house and 2 good barns, a good well and a large spring of water; it is the veiy best of fruit land having a couple hun dred trees in full bearing to prove what we say is right; 20 acres of the very best of timber. 30 acres of genuine soil In cul tivation and the balance of the place is aero01 and easy to clear; price $100 per THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO . 248 Aldi r St. EARGAIN THAT WON'T LAST 19 acres, all cleared, worth S1O0 per acre. U miles from Vancouver. Wash.. 4 miles from railway station and steamboat landing: modern 9-room house, large ntw barn. 1 acres assorted orchard, mostly apples, 2 horses, 1 cow. 1 dozen c'nlckens, 1 wagon, nearly new; 2-seated hack, double and single harness. - plow, harrow and cultivator. 100 sacks of potatoes, some grain and grass seed, cider mid and loo gallons vinegar. $150 worth of furni ture, $3uO0; $2000 cash, terms on balance. A. W. BARKER. Rural Carrier No. 1. Vancouver. Wash FOR SALE 100 acres. 1 mile from Ore gon City, on macadamized road- 65 acres cultivated. Some sown to Winter grain some seeded to clover. All smooth land: good buildings, good fruit, living water In barn lot. Extra fine dairy farm just outside of a tood city. All machinery and four fine cows go with farm. $10,500. Cit Robeson. Andressen bldg., Oregon FOR SALE A 1200-acro ranch In the fa mous McKenzle River Valley, suitable for hay, stock or fruit: terms If desired. Ad dress Bernard Marvin, Leaburg. Lane County, Oregon. - F ARM of 120 acres. 60 acres In crops. 20 more can be plowed, balance timber; good house and barn, spring water piped "to house and barn, good family orchard, some bearing almond trees and English wal ruts; all stock and machinery; located in amhill County. Price $5000; terms. W. H. Lang, 340 Chamber of Commerce. TUALATIN' VALLEY FARM 114 acres 13 miles from Portland, no better land in Oregon. 5 acres beaverdam land, some timber. house. bam, orchard, electric line will go near this place; price $i5 per acre; land around selling for much more, hee owner and get full information. 218 Worcester bldg. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARMS. All sizes and all prices. 129 acres adjoining the town of Barlow. Clackamas County. A DANDY FOR FARMS ANYWHERE SEE THE WILLIAMS INVESTMENT CO 621 Corbett Bldg 20 acres first-class valley land, all cleared close, to West side railroad, one mile 'r.omReedvlUe and 'ess than a mile from Witch Hazel; for sale by owner at $150 per acre. For particulars write F A Markey. Reedvlile, Or., or call at witch HERE IS WHAT YOU WANT 70 acres In Yamhill County. 6 miles to K. K. Btatlon. 10 acres In cultivation, good house, barn, living water, $1750; $750 cash balance to suit. DUBOIS & CROCKETT. Washington bldg.. room 3 123AooRE wheal farm for !!al r trade. 6-acre chicken ranch for sale or trade Sr ,5viI1 .fen' to, r'Bht Party, c. S. Arnold Ac Co., .loli Morrison st. 15 ACRES southwest of Gresham, near Bsta cada carllne. mostly in fruit and ber ries; good house, two large barns; place will pay for Itself in a few years; $45o0 if sold soon; terms, Fred Broetjl, Mount Tabor Or 80 ACRES 3 miles from Columbia River, li mile from school. 35 acres cultivation' i) acres wheat, oats, S-room house "fair barn, price $2SO0. D. U. Butler, Carroll ton, Wash. . .EW oil field, new railroad center, new Government project. We have snaps in fruit land and city property, and best homesteads in Oregon. Land is wealth. Mudgette Realty Co., Ontario, Or 2s ACRES Beaverton's best land, on electric line. mile to station; all cleared- onlv $N0.-0: snap. Let me tell you about It R Hofer. 280 Oak St.. corner 4th. 20 ACRES on the O. w. P. carllne. close 1n finest or roil, living water, adjoining sta tion, only $2500. Dubois & Crockett. Washington bldg., room 3. COUNTRY HOME 2 '.t acres Beaverton. alt under cultivation, vegetable land fenced 4-room house, barn, well, $12"0. half cash Adler & Kurns, 227 Lumber Exchange. YOU WILL want to see us if you want land in any county in Oregon. Price. $10 per acre and up In any size tracts; easy terms. Dean Land Co., 622 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 40-acre. farm. $3500, 20 acres ia. ouiicungs. small orchard. living water. A B 711. uregoman. SEND for our list of Willamette Valley farms before buying; lands shown free. Olmstead Land Co., Salem, Or. 10 ACRES, chicken ranch. 7 acres plow land. near Willamette: $1500: terms S07 Gerlinger bldg. 242V- Alder. FOR bargains In Lincoln County orchard and dairy farms, all sizes. O. G. Dalaba Elk City. Or. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS. CHOICE HOMESTEADS, " ' BOX 114. ECHO. OR,